buygenericmedicines · 2 years
Extra Super P Force pills contains two powerful active ingredients 100mg Sildenafil and 100mg Dapoxetine. Buy Super P Force 160mg Pills online in USA, Australia, and UK with non prescription at low cost and get them delivered at your door step. Get 20% discount for return customers and 10% discount for new customers. Free shipping above $200.LocalmedStores is one of the top leading online pharmacies in the US that enables you to purchase generic medicines related to men's health, women's health, Hair loss and many more.
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marciliedonato · 1 year
I've been walking around Lisbon with my mom's tiny bag that has a really weak magnet and doesn't hang right (it's basically so loose it's Almost completely sideways most of the time) I brought my lipstick to retouch and put it in a little pocket on the side and I think it slid off the bag at some point after lunch....if I have to buy this lipstick a THIRD time I'm gonna lose my mind fr
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winter-hoof · 8 months
I'm so fucking happy and relieved. Today we *FINALLY* had a local charity pick up all of the unwanted furniture that was surprise left behind by the previous owners of my house. Like my entire garage was packed full and I was so stressed out for the last year about it. But now it's finally gone??? And it doesn't have to be on my mind anymore??? We can finally use the garage and park my car in it??? It feels so good lol
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promeds · 9 months
Best Non-Prescription ED Pills: Rediscover Your Intimacy with Pro Meds Health
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When it comes to matters of the heart and intimacy, few things can be as frustrating as erectile dysfunction (ED). It's a condition that affects millions of men, and it can take a toll on your self-esteem, relationships, and overall quality of life. The good news is that you don't need a prescription to find effective solutions. In this blog, we will explore the world of non-prescription ED pills and how Pro Meds Health can help you reclaim your confidence and revive your romantic life.
Understanding Non-Prescription ED Pills
Non-prescription ED pills, also known as over-the-counter (OTC) treatments, are designed to help men achieve and maintain a firm erection without the need for a doctor's prescription. These are ideal for individuals who may not want to consult a healthcare professional or those looking for discreet, accessible options.
The Benefits of Non-Prescription ED Pills
1. Accessibility: One of the most significant advantages of non-prescription ED pills is their easy accessibility. You can purchase them conveniently online, saving you the time and hassle of doctor's appointments.
2. Discretion: OTC ED pills are shipped discreetly to your doorstep, ensuring your privacy and comfort.
3. No Prescription Needed: As the name suggests, you don't need a prescription to obtain these medications. This means you can address your ED concerns without discussing them with a healthcare provider if you prefer.
4. Effective Results: Non-prescription ED pills are formulated with clinically tested ingredients, offering effective results for many men.
Popular Non-Prescription ED Pills
Here are a few non-prescription ED pills that have garnered positive attention:
1. Cenforce: Cenforce is a powerful OTC option that contains sildenafil, the same active ingredient found in Viagra. It is known for its effectiveness in treating ED.
2. Vidalista: Vidalista is another top choice, containing tadalafil. It's renowned for its prolonged effects, which can last up to 36 hours.
3. Fildena: Fildena, a generic version of Viagra, contains sildenafil and offers a cost-effective solution to ED.
Why Choose Pro Meds Health
Pro Meds Health is your trusted partner in finding the best non-prescription ED pills. Here's why we stand out:
1. Quality Assurance: We prioritize the quality and authenticity of our products. When you purchase non-prescription ED pills from us, you can be confident that you're getting a reliable solution.
2. Discreet Packaging: We understand the importance of your privacy. That's why we ensure your orders are shipped in discreet packaging, and your information is kept confidential.
3. Expert Guidance: Our team of experts is available to provide guidance and answer your questions about non-prescription ED pills. We're here to support you on your journey to regain your confidence.
4. User-Friendly Platform: Our online platform is designed to make ordering quick and easy. We aim to provide a seamless experience from selection to delivery.
Erectile dysfunction shouldn't hold you back from enjoying a satisfying and fulfilling romantic life. With non-prescription ED pills, you have accessible and effective solutions at your fingertips. Pro Meds Health is your trusted source for quality OTC ED medications, and we're here to help you rediscover your confidence and reignite the passion in your relationship. Don't let ED control your life – choose Pro Meds Health, and take the first step toward a more vibrant and satisfying romantic life with the best non-prescription ED pills.
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tonybryantt · 11 months
Super P Force Safety Profile: Understanding Potential Side Effects
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Super P Force – it might sound like a superhero's secret weapon, but it's actually a medication designed to tackle two common bedroom woes: erectile dysfunction (ED) and premature ejaculation (PE). In this article, we're diving into the safety profile of Super P Force, examining its potential side effects, and helping you make an informed decision.
Sildenafil Citrate Component
You might have heard of sildenafil citrate – it's the powerhouse behind the famous blue pill, Viagra. It works by increasing blood flow to certain parts of the body, which in the case of ED, helps men achieve and maintain an erection. But here's the catch – with great power comes potential side effects. Some users might experience a pounding headache, dizziness, or changes in vision. It's like having a dazzling light show in your eyes, but not in a good way. And speaking of lights, you might also experience facial flushing, making you look like you've just run a marathon.
Mechanism of Action
Let's get a bit technical for a moment. sildenafil inhibits an enzyme called phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5), which leads to increased levels of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP). This little chemical champion relaxes the blood vessels and allows that rush of blood to flow where it's needed the most. But sometimes, this increased blood flow can cause a stuffy or runny nose – an unexpected side effect of the body's natural response to the medication.
Common Uses for ED
Super P Force comes to the rescue when a man's best friend is feeling a bit lackluster. It's a go-to solution for those times when ED throws a wrench into the works. But, there's more to the story – Super P Force isn't just about prowess in the bedroom; it's also a contender in the battle against premature ejaculation.
Dapoxetine Component
 Enter dapoxetine, the unsung hero of Super P Force. It's a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) that helps tackle the issue of PE. SSRI might sound like a mouthful, but what it does is increase the levels of serotonin in the brain, which can improve control over ejaculation. Yet, like all good things, it's not without its side effects. Some users might experience nausea, vomiting, fatigue, or even the frustration of insomnia.
Combination Effects and Interactions
 Sildenafil and dapoxetine might seem like the ultimate tag team, but they also come with their own set of interactions. For instance, certain medications and health conditions don't mix well with these components. If you're on medication for cardiovascular issues, it's best to have a heart-to-heart with your healthcare provider before diving into the world of Super P Force. And speaking of hearts, this medication can also affect blood pressure – so if you have a history of high or low blood pressure, it's time to have a sit-down chat with your doctor.
Patient Considerations
 Remember, not all heroes are created equal. Your body's unique characteristics can influence how it responds to Super P Force. If you've got a history of neurological disorders or kidney and liver issues, it's like having a kryptonite that could affect the medication's effectiveness. Age is also a player – what's suitable for a younger hero might not be the same for someone with a few more battle scars.
Dosage and Administration
Buy  Super P Force isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. The recommended dosage and timing of administration can vary based on individual needs. But here's a pro-tip: avoid alcohol and heavy, fatty meals before taking the medication. They could slow down its effectiveness, leaving you twiddling your thumbs instead of enjoying the action.
Consultation with Healthcare Provider
Now, before you leap tall buildings in a single bound (or at least before you start popping pills), it's crucial to consult your healthcare provider. They'll delve into your medical history and current medications to ensure Super P Force is the right choice for you. Remember, they're not just your medical advisors – they're your allies in this journey.
Monitoring and Reporting
 As you embark on your Super P Force adventure, keep an eye out for side effects. Not every hero wears a cape, and not every side effect is severe, but it's important to know when to call in reinforcements. If you experience prolonged or painful erections, sudden vision or hearing changes, or any allergic reactions, it's time to signal the healthcare Bat-Signal.
So there you have it – a comprehensive look at the safety profile of Super P Force. From the dynamic duo of sildenafil citrate and dapoxetine to the potential side effects and patient considerations, it's a tale of balancing the benefits with the risks. Remember, the decision to embark on this journey isn't one you have to make alone. Your healthcare provider is your trusty sidekick, guiding you through the twists and turns. And just like any hero's story, it's all about finding the balance between great power and responsible choices.
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geopharmarx · 2 years
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taintedtort · 3 months
can you do some kazuha (genshin) fluff headcanons please🙏🙏🙏 its a bit hard to find some on here
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summary. kazuha headcannons :)
character. kazuha :P
warnings. gn!reader, established relationship, modern!au in a few
a/n. i love doing these! i do agree that we need more kazuha hcs lolz
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☆ he lets you play with his hair :) loves when you braid it
☆ he writes haiku‘s about you, but sometimes he gets a little embarrassed reading them
☆ rarely ever gets mad at you. like ever.
☆ ^ if you do somehow manage to upset him, i think he’d be very forgiving and probably forget about it if you just apologized
☆ he takes soooo many photos of you (they’re either super super good and make professional photographers look bad, or they’re blurry and horrible)
☆ he prints out photos of you guys and hangs them on his wall. when he’s on the ship he keeps a couple of his favorites in his pocket/wallet
☆ there‘s a polaroid photo of you in the back of his phone case
☆ he makes you hearts out of gum wrappers lol
☆ he asks you to wear ALL his clothes before a long trip so they all smell like you
☆ probably snags one of your shirts or something before a long trip as well so he can sleep on it
☆ would protect you with his LIFE. NOTHING bad is happening to you
☆ gives you flowers every chance he gets, sometimes for no reason at all
☆ ^sometimes fake ones so you can keep them forever
☆ refuses to let you open any kind of door (that tiktok trend where the guy jumps over the car to open the door 😭 that’s him)
☆ loves to match clothes with you
☆ constantly touching you. either holding your hand, laying a hand on your thigh, or an arm around your shoulder… he’s gotta be touching you all the time
☆ calls you every petname ever
☆^asks which one you like the best and calls you that one most of the time
☆ practically forces you to take his clothes. you probably have half of his wardrobe at this point
☆ really values your opinions
☆ he pays attention to your music tastes and listens to whatever songs you like
☆ teases you a lot
☆ buys you so many gifts. he never misses an important date
☆ has great memory, never forgets a thing. both a blessing and a curse for you…
☆ walks/drives you home, even if it’s super out of the way. never lets you go alone, especially if it’s nighttime
☆ doesn’t even look at anyone else, you’re the only person who matters to him
☆ i don’t think he gets jealous easily, he fully trusts you
☆ his patience is practically never ending. you’re grateful for it most of the time
☆ compliments you 24/7. there’s never a moment for you to even consider being insecure
☆ he talks about marrying you all the time
☆ he only sees a future with you in it, anything else is unacceptable to him
☆ talks about you to literally everyone. no one is safe
☆ never makes you doubt if he loves you, it’s so sickeningly obvious <3
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allywthsr · 11 months
I‘LL NEVER LEAVE YOU | (l.norris)
part two to Finding Lando on Raya
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summary: part two to Finding Lando Norris on Raya, how you spend the evening, flying to Spa for tire testing and a date in the evening
wordcount: 9.8k words
pairing: landonorris x fem!reader
warnings: SMUT! (p in v, oral, taking pictures while doing it)
notes: sorry for the delay, but I was kinda blocked! The end feels rushed, but I genuinely didn’t know what to write, sorry. Anyway, second smut so be gentle. And thank you for all the positive feedback!!!!❤️‍🩹
”You want to order some McDonald’s and stay over?“
You looked at Lando, how could he be so perfect? Only minutes ago he was buried deep inside of you and now he was a sweet angel.
He grabbed his phone from his night table and opened Uber Eats.
”What do you wanna eat?“
You named him your go-to McDonald’s order and he chose a chickenburger menu.
”It should come in like twenty minutes. Enough time to repeat what we just did.“
”Let’s eat first, you tired me out, two orgasms are more than men normally become out of a woman.“
”I‘m just a pro, what can I say.“
You shoved his shoulder playfully and he laid down next to you. He opened his arm and you laid your head on his naked shoulder, pulling up the duvet to cover you both. He slowly caressed your shoulder with his fingers.
”So where are you from, Y/N?“
”I was born in Y/H/N and moved to London two years ago for this job. I meet new customers that want to buy some products from us.“
”Do you travel a lot?“
”Not really. Every now and then, yes. But mostly I meet them in London in our office. But tell me, what’s it like being a Formula One driver? Is it as luxury as it always looks like?“
”Sometimes, I mean we get to stay in fancy hotels and whatnot, but it’s hard work as well. The G-forces your whole body has to resist are heavy, so we need to train a lot, I hate it so much, you have no idea. The traveling is also tiring. I hate being away from my family and friends so much, but at the same time, I have more free time than you probably have. But that free time is mostly filled with training, it’s rare I have two weeks off in a row.“
”I get that, but it’s still your hobby, no? I can imagine that having your hobby as a job is the best thing.“
”That’s true, but I don’t know, I‘m super happy and grateful to be where I am but at the same time, sometimes I‘d like to have more privacy. It’s always dangerous for me to hit up women because they could always post it on social media and I‘m the asshole you know. Or when I’m in Monaco, I can’t go out with a woman, she‘s immediately my girlfriend. My cousin once visited me and she got death threats afterwards. That’s not nice. But it comes with being a ’celebrity‘ I guess.“
When he said celebrity he did quotation marks in the air.
”So you meet up with a lot of women?“, you asked him jokingly.
”I poured my heart out and that’s the only thing that stuck in your pretty head?“, he let out a laugh.
”But don’t worry, I never had such a pretty and nice girl before, you‘re truly special. Not one of them wanted to eat McDonald’s with me, claiming they‘re gonna be fat afterwards.“
”Don’t worry, I was just kidding. I can’t say I know what you’re feeling, because I don’t. I can wander through London and no one asks me for a picture, but I imagine it to be hard. Having no privacy I mean. But if you ever want to talk, you know who to call. And whoever turns down a free McDonald’s meal is just stupid. Especially if you have such a hot man next to you.“
You put your hand on his chin, caressing it, where a slight stubble grew.
”I actually don’t know who to call, I don’t even have your number yet. I’ve been inside of you and don’t even know what your profile picture looks like.“
You smiled up at him and chuckled.
”We can change that later, I‘m too comfortable right now“, you pressed a kiss on his neck.
”You said something about Pirelli tire testing earlier?“
”Yeah, tomorrow in Spa. I drive around the circuit in different cars and my F1 car, testing possible new tires.“
”Oh really? That’s fun.“
”You should come.“
”Isn’t that something only people from the team can attend?“
”You can sit in my garage, that’s fine.“
”Lando we barely know each other.“
”And? I like you, I think that you like me. Come as a friend, I won’t say you’re my fuck friend.“
You chuckled at that. But should you? What if people see you somewhere because someone posts it and you get the same treatment his cousin got?
”Won’t there be paparazzi?“
”No, at least not that I know of. It’s only an event for included people, it’s not even publicly announced.“
”But still, won’t it be weird?“
”Let’s get to know each other then, I won’t be weird.“
”Are you sure? I‘m just the girl you fucked because you needed it.“
”Y/N, you’re a human, not an object I am using. If you wouldn’t have stuck out to me, I wouldn’t have liked you. I would’ve never texted you.“
You stayed silent, didn’t know what to answer. Only your hand went to his neck and fondled it, wanting to show your affection somehow.
”What’s your favorite color?“
”Really?“, you chuckled.
”Answer it, then we won’t be strangers anymore and you can come tomorrow.“
”I like a light blue, but it changes. You?“
”I like a neon yellow, like the color on my helmet. Favorite ice cream flavor?“
You told him your favorite ice cream flavor and you asked him the same question.
”Vanilla Ice cream, classic.“
”Favorite Holiday?“
”I love Christmas, I get to spend most time with my family, and also presents. Yours?“
”Must be Christmas as well. I love it when everything is gloomy and stuff.“
”You‘ve ever been on a yacht?“
”No, I’d love to, but I‘m not rich.“
”Want to come with me on holiday?“
”Lando.. it’s the same with tomorrow. I can’t just go on your family holiday with you.“
”Why not?“
”Because I‘m not your girlfriend or something.“
”Want to be my girlfriend?“
You scoffed and sat up, ”You need to calm down.“
”I was just kidding. I‘m leaving in a week, but we still have enough time to get to know each other. Consider it. You‘re different, I can feel it.“
”Let me think about it.“
”Take all the time you need, but I before our flight takes off I need to know.“
”I need to buy a plane ticket then.“
”No, we‘re flying with a private jet, we still have a few seats left.“
”Boujee, I see.“
”I am collaborating with a brand, so I don’t have to pay anything.“
”That’s even more Boujee!“, you laughed.
”Well, we could join the mile hig-”
Before Lando could finish the sentence, it knocked on the door. He jumped out of bed and pulled his Boxershorts, which lay somewhere on the floor up to his hips. When he opened the door, a hotel employee stood in front of it, holding a brown bag.
”Sir, you ordered from McDonalds, is that correct?“
”Yes it is.“
”Then here you go, bon appetit!“
Lando closed the door and walked back to the bed, where he sat down and opened the back, giving you your food while he laid his‘ down in front of him.
You took the first bite and moaned: ”I needed this.“
Lando looked at you with a crooked eyebrow.
”What?“, you laughed, ”never saw a woman enjoying her food?“
”I‘ve never seen such a gorgeous naked woman in my bed enjoying her food, no.“
”You‘re a flirt, you know that?“
He only smirked at you and took another bite of his chickenburger, while eating a fries right after.“
”Are you more of a McDonald’s or Nando’s type of girl?“
”I enjoy McDonald’s more, to be honest, I feel like it has a bigger variety of things I eat.“
”Same, if I had to choose my last meal, it would probably be McDonald’s.“
He took a sip of his Sprite and thought about more things to ask you. He wanted to get to know you, it felt like you knew each other for years already, yet it only has been a few hours. He felt super close to you, as if you‘ve been best friends, he wanted you to meet everyone, his family, his friends, and even Zak.
”What’s you’re favorite free time activity?“
”I like hanging with friends or family, I love to play golf and I like gaming. A mixture of all of them. I could never choose my favorite, I also like to photograph, but I barely do it anymore. What’s with you?“
”Well, I like reading, watching sports, or just chill at home. Shopping is great too, I always wanted to watch someone golf professionally.“
”Well, I‘m not a professional baby.“
”But probably more than I am.“
”Alright, when you come with me on holiday, we‘ll play a round of golf.“
”Come on, it’s gonna be fun! Everyone will love you and you‘ll love them.“
”Let me think about it, okay?“
”I can give you a week, we’re flying from Heathrow, so just text me and join us.“
You took the last bite and thought about it, should you go on vacation with him? What would you tell your family? ’Hey mum, I’m going on a holiday with a stranger I met on a dating app, we fucked and he invited me, I’ll come back in a week!‘ Not so much fun.
”What should I tell my family and friends? I can’t just leave with a stranger on a holiday.“
”Why not? It’s not like we‘re strangers. I’ve been in you thirty minutes ago.“
You scoffed, he was right, but you still didn’t know him at all.
”I still don’t know you.“
”Hi, I‘m Lando Norris, born in Bristol, twenty three years old. I have two smaller sisters and one bigger brother, my parents are together, and together with my sisters they still live in Bristol. My mum is from Belgium, which makes me half Belgian but I can barely speak it. I went to school and went karting, had to re-take my theory driving test, and moved to the higher formula classes on my own accord, not because my dad was rich. I currently live in Monaco because I wanted to do something new. That’s basically everything about me. I live and breathe motor sport, that’s all I have in my life. And now it’s your turn.“
So you did the same, repeating everything he just said, talking about your family, about your passions, your job, and yourself.
”You see? Now we know each other and you can join me for the holiday.“
”Take me out on a date and then maybe.“
”Alright, it’s a deal. Tomorrow after tire testing.“
You smiled shyly at him, you couldn’t believe you actually said yes to tire testing, but in the end, you only live once and who would turn down a free paddock experience with Lando Norris? Even if it’s tire testing.
”So you‘ll come with me to tire testing tomorrow?“
He got really excited and sat up in the bed.
”Yes Lando, I‘ll come with you.“
”You’re the best!“
With that, he laid himself on top of you and kissed you on the lips, which you returned with a moan. You moved your foot to give him more space and heard a crinkling sound.
”Lando wait, the bag is still on the bed.“
You tried to say in between kisses but he only hummed, clearly already in a headspace where he didn’t care. He distracted you with neck kisses and the bag was long forgotten. He wandered lower with his kisses and stopped at your boobs, sucking your right nipple slightly and licking over the left one when he decided the right one has gotten enough love. With each touch, you gasped, grabbed his hair, and pulled at the strands. You could feel him hardening against your lower stomach and you clasped his shoulders, trying to get closer to him.
”Lando, I need more“, you pressed out.
”More already? God, you’re such a needy little baby.“
He grinned and his hand slipped towards your slit, slowly pushing his pointer finger through your lips. He felt your wetness and moaned at the sensation, he couldn’t believe how wet you were already, he barely touched you.
He pressed his thumb to your clit and slowly circled it, you let out different sounds that made Lando shake, in a good way. He couldn’t wait to be in you again. He inserted two fingers and pumped them slowly in and out, getting faster with every thrust.
”You‘re so wet baby, it’s crazy.“
”All for you Lando, it’s all for you.“
He moaned, kissed your neck, and slightly sucked it, leaving a faint purplish mark. He licked over it to claim his territory once more, tonight you belonged to him and only him, maybe for the next weeks as well. He already loved your company, he didn’t need to pretend to be someone he wasn’t. With you, he could just be Lando even if you just met.
His pumps and circles became faster the louder your moans got, the pleasure you felt was almost unbearable, you wanted to cum but you needed a little more.
”I need more, a bit more“, you pressed out and with that, he added a finger, now you were filled with three fingers and that was what you needed, after a few pumps you came around his fingers with a loud moan, clenching.
”Fuck Lando, you‘re so good at this.“
He smirked and pulled his fingers out of your pussy, looking at them, he pulled them apart and your juices created little strings that connected between his fingers. His eyes focused on your face watching you, as he put his fingers into his mouth, sucking the juices off. With your pussy still sensitive, you felt the next wave of arousal rushing towards your lower area, that was the sexiest thing he did and the way he moaned when he tasted you again, made you go wild.
”I need to be in you again, you have no idea how gorgeous you are.“
”I need you too Lando, I need your dick.“
He laid on his back and removed his underwear he was still wearing from getting the McDonald’s bag earlier, and his dick sprung towards the ceiling. You almost started drooling at the sight. He was perfect, not too long but also not too short, thick enough, and little veins covered his length, making him feel amazing inside of you. With a grunt he positioned himself on top of you, pumping his dick with his hand a few times, getting ready for you. He coated his tip with your juices, by moving his length through your slit and slowly pushed it inside of you.
”You feel fucking amazing, I hope you know that.“
You moaned and pushed his head to yours, pressing your lips on his‘ and sliding your tongue against his lips. He opened them and you fought for dominance, he won but only because you needed to catch a breath, he stole your breath, that’s it.
He deeply looked into your eyes, feeling more connected with him than ever.
With slow movements he began to move, the room getting filled with the dirtiest slapping sounds you could imagine, his thrusts making you feel on cloud nine again, you were so happy you met him, this was way better than sightseeing in Amsterdam. His hand found its way to your clit, rubbing slight circles to get you to your orgasm faster, which worked. You were stimulated by your many orgasms today, you didn’t need much to cum. Just after a few minutes of him thrusting into you and circulating your clit, you came with a loud cry, no one could make you finish like he did. He pulled out of you, and with a pout, you looked at him, how dare he do that, you now felt empty and missed him already.
”I want to cum in your mouth angel.“
With big eyes, you nodded and he got up and sat at the edge of the bed, you followed him suit and sat on your knees in between his legs. His length hit his stomach and you grabbed his dick with both of your hands, you loved how heavy he laid in your hands. With slow movements you started to satisfy him, pumping up and down while you looked through innocent eyes at him. That made him go even more wild in the head and his eyes rolled back, his hands found their way into your hair and he pulled slightly on your strands. You jerked him off and his tip started to leak pre cum, the slight white drops oozed out of his slit and your mouth watered. You opened your mouth and took him in your mouth, you could still taste yourself on his dick and moaned at the taste, the vibrations made him moan. Your tongue licked off the pre cum, the salty flavor wasn’t your favorite, but now you tried to get every drop. Lando guided your head a bit with the up and down movements, you couldn’t fit his whole length in your mouth but you tried with every stroke to fit more. You almost had it, but when you wanted to take the last bit, his soft tip reached your throat and triggered the gag reflex, you tried to ignore it, but you couldn’t.
With that, you pulled back to give yourself a second to breathe.
”Fuck, look at you. Eyes watery, makeup smudged, spit leaking out of your mouth, you look so fucking sexy.“
You grinned and darted your tongue out, licking a long stripe from bottom to top from his dick and with a swift move, you had him in your mouth again, but now only what fitted in without gagging again, jerking the rest of his dick with your hand.
”Such a good girl, fuck baby.“
His moans got louder and you could feel his member starting to twitch, you removed him out of your mouth and just jerked him on your tongue, and before he could warn you, his cum shot into your mouth, painting your tongue white. You looked up at him and he looked like a Greek god, his muscles prominent, head in his neck, and his eyes rolled back. You stroked him until he came back down and looked at you with a big smile, now you swallowed his cum while letting him watch you.
”You are something else darling, fuck. You look so pretty like this. Fucked out. Come here, I need to feel you close.“
With that he shuffled back and leaned with his back against the headboard of the bed, patting his legs, symbolizing you to sit down in his lap. And you did just that, you swung your leg over his leg and sat down, feeling his now soft dick against your pussy. This time there were no sexy feelings involved, you just went in for a hug, also needing the cuddle session you two had going on.
”Do you want to go and pee real quick? Then we can continue our cuddles, I just don’t want you to get sick.“
With a smile, you nodded and he helped you getting up from the bed, with an extra sway to your hips you went to the en-suite and did your thing, coming cleaned up back to see him looking comfy under the covers. You went to the living room where you first sat on the couch today and saw both of your phones laying on the table, you took them both in your hands and returned to Lando. He opened the blanket he was laying under and you slipped in, immediately you were pulled towards Lando, settling into his body nicely.
”You are really comfy, you know that?“, you said to him, he was the perfect mixture of trained but cuddly.
”You know that you are fucking gorgeous?“
You chuckled and gave him his phone you had in your hand.
”So we can exchange numbers.“
With that you opened yours and clicked onto the contact app, creating a new contact with the name ’Lan <3‘ and giving him your phone, at the same time he gave you his phone to save your number. When you saw the contact name you let out a quiet laugh, he saved you as ’Chicken nugget❤️‘.
”Chicken Nugget? Really?“, you laughed.
”Yes, the way you ate the chicken nugget earlier was super sexy. And also you are a chicken nugget. Small, the outside crunchy and perfect, the inside soft, and the taste perfect in general.“
You shook your head while laughing.
”The inside soft?“
”I could only feel you with my dick but you felt really soft.“
With that, he wiggled his eyebrows and smirked at you. You slapped his chest lightly and smiled, he‘s such a goofball, you were glad you met up with him.
You exchanged phones again after putting in your numbers and put them on the bedside table, wanting to feel close and you didn’t need your phone for that.
”So Y/N, tell me, do you meet up with random guys often?“
”Not really, I went on a couple of dates with guys, but nothing more, one or two led to a one night stand but I left as soon as we were done, no need to stay. They all didn’t treat me right, too much in their own head, only talking about themselves. What about you? Do you hit up girls often?“
”Sometimes, but the most girls only come to get a picture with me or to kiss me, you know, to brag about it on the internet or something. I rarely go on a date with a girl that is not interested in Lando Norris but in Lando. I‘m glad I found you, it feels like we have a different connection.“
”I feel the same, you know. It feels like we‘ve known each other for years already. And by the way, I‘m interested in you. Not Lando Norris the racing driver but the boy Lando, that lives in Monaco and loves spending time with his friend.“
He just smiled at you and kissed your forehead.
”I‘m happy you agreed to meeting me, I just wanted a quick fuck but I’m not gonna let you go now. I want to take you on actual dates and get to know you. I will schedule something for tomorrow night, yeah? After tire testing.“
”I‘d love that Lan.“
With that, he kissed your nose and you closed your eyes, kissing his chest.
”What do you want? Italien or something else?“
”Italien sounds good. Thank you.“
”I‘m gonna make a quick call.“
With that he got up, grabbed his phone, and went to another room to call a restaurant or something, you didn’t know. But with that short time, you grabbed your own phone and looked at the notifications, some from Instagram and other socials, and messages from friends and family. Your best friend's messages stuck out to you.
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He returned, still naked and with his phone in his hand.
”We have a reservation at 7:00 pm tomorrow, wear something nice.“
”We have to get my stuff tomorrow before we go. When do we even leave and how? Spa isn’t exactly around the corner.“
”The helicopter takes off tomorrow at 11:00 am. That’s the easiest and fastest way. We can go to your hotel before we leave for the airport and gather your stuff, don’t worry.“
”And it’s really okay I‘m coming with you?“
”Yes baby, don’t worry. I invited you. What do they wanna do? Kick you out? Then I‘m out as well.“
”Okay“, you sweetly smiled at him and opened your arms. ”But now come cuddle again.“
He did just that, falling into your arms, and now he was the one settling on your chest, hugging you and you closed your arms behind his back as well. His arm reached for the nightstand, where he placed his phone and grabbed the remote control for the room. He pressed the button to close the curtain and then he turned on the lights, dimming them to create a nice atmosphere. Lando put the remote back on the table and caressed your side, which tickled slightly.
”What’s your favorite position?“
”What? I need to know, this won’t be the last time I was in you“, he let out a laugh.
You giggled.
”Well, I like good old missionary. It’s underrated I think. Everybody is always saying that it’s boring, but is it too much to ask for that I want to look my partner in the eye or kiss him? But I also like speed bump, something where you are close to the other. If it’s just a one night stand I wouldn’t mind doggy. What about you?“
”I can only agree with you, I like missionary as well, I want to feel close to my girl or else I don’t need to have sex with her. As you said, a one night stand is a different story. But I also think that I‘m open to new things. I’d rather try out new stuff with my girlfriend rather than a stranger.“
”So I‘m not a one night stand to you? We fucked twice and it was only missionary. Technically I‘m a stranger to you.“
”But it doesn’t feel that way you know? As soon as you stepped through that door it was like meeting an old friend, I felt comfortable. And during sex, I just wanted to be close to you, hold and kiss you“, with that he left a kiss on your chest.
”You’re pretty sweet you know that?“
”How can I not when you’re around?“
You just smiled and combed your hands through his hair, enjoying the silence. After a while of just listening to each other's breaths you wondered what time it was, so you grabbed your phone and it was already 10:42 pm.
”Would you mind if I would get ready for bed? I‘m kinda knackered.“
”Go for it, I‘ll join you, I have to brush my teeth as well.“
With that, you both got up and you pulled your stuff out of your bag, putting the charger next to the bed and you took your toothbrush and your makeup remover with you to the bathroom, where you saw a through his phone scrolling Lando. When you walked in, he locked his phone and looked at you, smiling.
”I just asked Zak if it would be okay for you to come and he agreed, so you won’t be a bother tomorrow.“
”That’s nice, I‘ll thank him tomorrow.“
You both stood in front of the sink and you brushed your teeth together.
”It feels like we’re a married couple, brushing our teeth together“, Lando mumbled due to the foam that formed in his mouth.
You just nodded and noticed how true that was, it felt like a routine how you brushed your teeth together. When he spit the foam out and washed his mouth and face, he left with a kiss on the back of your head and the words: ”I‘ll wait for you on the bed.“
You took your makeup remover and removed everything you had applied to your face earlier, you indeed looked fucked out, smudged eyeliner and mascara, concealer that wore off due to you crying when you choked on his dick. You were a mess. So when your face was Makeup free and cleaned up, you returned to Lando in the bedroom, still naked by the way.
”Can I lend a T-shirt? I forgot to pack an extra.“
”Sure, you can grab the one I wore today, I swear I didn’t sweat in it.“
With a smile you looked for it and found it on the floor, you took it in your hands and pulled it over your head, secretly inhaling his scent that lingered on his T-shirt.
”You look cute in my stuff.“
You blushed and laid down next to him, plugging the charger in your phone.
”When is your alarm ringing?“, you asked, needing enough time to gather everything from your hotel room before taking off to spa.
”I think like 8:30 am? It’s pretty early but like that, you have enough time for packing your stuff in your hotel. I think it’s easier if I pack everything here and then we go together to yours. That way we won’t have to drive multiple times to our hotels.“
You nodded and cuddled into his side. He let his fingers slip through your hair, caressing it.
”Can I braid your hair?“
”What?“, you sat up.
”I want to braid your hair, I always saw my sister do it but I never was allowed to try it on their hair, they always said I would tangle it.“
”Do you even know how to braid hair?“
”Kind of? My ex girlfriend always asked me to do it but I never wanted to, but your hair is so gorgeous.“
You blushed at the compliment, he didn’t want to braid his model ex girlfriends hair but yours? Your hair hasn’t been braided in ages, it would be nice to feel that feeling again.
”Sure, it would be fun. I need to get my hairbrush first, they’re kinda tangled.“
You got up and went to your bag, where you kept a small hairbrush for emergencies. You quickly but carefully brushed your hair and sat on the bed, where Lando already waited for you.
”Three strands, and then just put one over the other, right?“
”Yeah, like that. Do you know in which order to put the strands over the other?“
”I think so, I‘ll just try it out.“
With that he combed through your hair with his fingers and created three strands, gently putting the right one over the middle one, repeating it with the left one.
”Can you pull it a bit tighter? That way it won’t be that loose.“
Before you could end your sentence he already pulled it a bit harder, now it looked better, he thought. He kept on braiding your hair until he came to the end.
”Do you have a hair tie?“
You grabbed one that hung around your wrist and gave it to him, feeling how he tightened it around your hair.
This moment felt so intimate, you found it hard to believe, you just met today. This was soulmate behavior, you got along perfectly.
”I think it’s decent.“
With that, you turned around a saw a smiling Lando.
”Wait let me take a picture of you.“
You blushed and mumbled an ’okay‘. He got his fancy photography camera out and instructed you to lie down.
”Lay down on your front, that way your face won’t be visible, just your hair and I can put it up on my jpg side.“
”You want me to be on there?“
”Sure, you’re a beautiful girl with an even more beautiful personality.“
”You’re a simp.“
”That’s not what you called me earlier tho.“
A grin slid across your face, when you thought about that moment. He wasn’t a simp when he was buried deep inside of you, that’s true. But the thought of you being on his jpg side gave you butterflies in your stomach, that meant you were a little special to him, you‘ve never seen a girl on there.
So you did just what he asked you to, laying down on your stomach, he made sure you could see your braid and you heard the camera click, indicating he took a picture. He took a few more pictures and then tapped your shoulder to tell you he was finished.
”Let me see!“
With that, he clicked on a button and the pictures he took appeared, it didn’t even look stupid, like a good Pinterest inspo even.
”You’re actually good at it. The braid looks good too!“
”Thank you love, but how can it be ugly when the muse is perfect?“
You pushed his chest and he fell down on the bed, the camera still in his hand. So before you could react he took a picture of you sitting on the bed on your knees and you let out a scream.
”What are you doing? I don’t look good, I‘m not even wearing makeup.“
”You don’t need makeup, you’re gorgeous without it, and I want to have a beautiful picture of you, is that too much to ask for? Pose for me baby.“
You let out a laugh and you heard the camera click. Next, you squeezed your cheeks with your hands, creating a little pout. Now he got up and put his left hand on your right cheek, cupping it gently, camera now full in your face, click. His thumb on your lips, click. You opened your mouth and sucked on his thumb, click. He put the camera away and removed his thumb from your mouth, pressing his lips on yours, his tongue entered your mouth and you fought for dominance.
”Baby you taste so good“, he whispered in between kisses.
A whimper left your mouth and you kissed him ever more, the more kisses that passed the filthier they got, creating loud smacking noises every time they met.
”I need you“, you moaned.
”You have me.“
You looked into his eyes and they got darker, now a lusty dark green. The excitement was very present in your pussy, due to you not wearing panties, you could feel your wetness forming and slowly dripping down.
”I want you out of my T-shirt and then I want to take a picture. Is that alright with you?“
You moaned at the thought of him taking pictures of you doing the deed. So the only thing you could do was nod your head.
”Words, baby, I need words.“
”Yes, Lando.“
”Good girl.“
With that, he pulled your T-shirt up and tossed it over his shoulder somewhere in the bedroom. He cupped your breast and kissed you. Taking the camera in his hand, while still cupping your boob, you heard the camera doing a click sound. Fuck this is so filthy.
”Look into the camera.“
You did what he asked you to, hearing a moan from him when you did.
”Fuck baby, you’re so hot and sexy, I hope you know it.“
He squeezed your nipple and let go of his camera, fumbling with his underwear, struggling to get it off. When he finally did, his cock sprung towards the ceiling, obviously being turned on by the filthy things you were doing. You laid on your back and spread your legs, he now got a good vision of your glistening pussy. Taking the camera back into his hand, he took a picture of you laying like that, and another of his thumb brushing through your pussy lips, collecting the juices you created again.
The room was filled with click sounds from the camera and your moans or heavy breathing. The sexual tension was almost unbearable in the room.
He now took his cock in his hand and smeared your wetness, that lingered on his thumb, on the tip of his cock, prepping it. Sliding into you, was one of his favorite things already. You could hear the camera click, taking pictures of his dick shoved inside of you, you couldn’t wait to see the pictures. He threw the camera to the side and now concentrated fully on you, moving in and out of you. With each thrust, you both came closer to your orgasm and when he circled your clit with his fingers, you were done for. Quickly he grabbed his camera and could take a picture of your face when you reached your climax. Eyes rolling back, mouth slightly open, and quiet little moans escaped your lips. Shortly after he pulled out and finished on your stomach, he rolled off of you and calmed down next to you. You wanted to clean his cum off of your tummy, when he let out a loud: ”No! I want to take a picture, give me a minute.“
You laughed and waited for him to recover, he snapped the picture and you got up and went into the bathroom, cleaning the mess up with toilet paper. Returning, you pulled the T-shirt from Lando over your head again and laid down, you were tired out from all the sport you did today. Lando also looked like he was tired out, ready to sleep.
”But now, let’s actually go and sleep, it’s late and we have to get up early tomorrow.“
You nodded and turned to lay on your side, facing Lando. He did the same, after turning off the light with the remote that laid on his bedside table and you both looked the other in the eye. Eventually, Lando pulled you close and you cuddled, until you both fell asleep in the other's arms.
The next morning you woke up lying on your back, with Lando lying on his side, facing you. The brown haired boy was still fast asleep, his face relaxed and peaceful. You took a deep breath, smelling Lando everywhere, it was like taking a bath in his smell, a bath that you never wanted to get out of. Turning around, you looked for your phone, tapping the screen gently it showed 7:49 am, great, you had another fifty minutes of sleep and you weren’t even tired. With that you turned around again, showing your back to Lando and shuffling close to him. When your back met his chest, he laid his arm around you, even in his sleep he wanted to be as close as possible.
You did fall asleep eventually, Lando’s scent lulling you back to sleep. But a loud beeping sound woke you up again, after what felt like two minutes of sleep. You groaned and pressed your back more into Lando, who let out the same sound as you did. He turned his body to snooze his alarm and cuddled back into you. With you being pressed tightly against him, you could feel something hard pressing in your lower back, you didn’t need long to figure out what it was. You wanted to tease him a little and wiggled around, acting like you tried to get comfortable.
”If you don’t stop, we‘ll not make it today“, he growled. Letting out a chuckle you stopped and turned to face him. When you looked into his eyes you let out a: ”Good morning.“
”Morning baby. How did you sleep?“
”Very good, thank you.“
”We sadly don’t have all day in bed, we need to get up in like thirty minutes, I need to pack everything, we go to your hotel, pack everything, and then we leave for the airport at 10:30 am, where we take off at 11:00 am.“
You put your hand on his cheek and stroked it.
”You are very handsome, you know that?“
”Not as gorgeous as you are, tho.“
You smiled and pecked his lips, letting your thumb glide over his eyebrow. You both were startled by the loud ringing of his alarm, he ended it and clicked on a button on his remote control to open the blinds and let more light in. He laid down on his back and opened his arm to come closer to him. And you did just that, cuddling to his side and stroking his bare upper body, slowly but surely your hand wandered lower to where his dick was.
”Baby I swear, if you don’t stop, we‘ll never leave.“
”I can give you a handie or a blowie, I won’t need thirty minutes for that.“
”But it’s only a morning boner, he‘ll go away soon. And I don’t want our relationship to be built on lust you know? I genuinely like you, and not only because you are fricking hot and you give good blowjobs.“
”I really like you too, you know. And I don’t want it either, but a boner is a boner and it would be a shame to waste it.“
You looked up at him and blinked in a flirty way. When he didn’t protest, you positioned yourself on top of him and freed his dick, which sprung towards you when he did. Saliva formed in your mouth at the sight, you didn’t waste any time and got to work, spitting on your hand, wetting it to gently jerk him off. When you touched him he let out a moan, you were some kind of magician, he was sure, a handjob never felt better. After you got him fully hard with your hand, you put your mouth on him, swirling your tongue around the head and helping with your hand on the rest that didn’t fit in your mouth. The louder his moans got, the closer he was to a release, you wanted him to cum, so when you cupped his balls and slightly tickled them he came with a loud moan, painting the insides of your mouth white. You swallowed like the pro you are and came back up to him, laying down on top of him. His arms closed behind your back and he kissed your nose.
”You’re incredible, you know that? Not only a gorgeous soul but also incredibly good at giving blowjobs.“
You both laughed and he gave you another kiss on the forehead.
”We need to get up, or else we will be late. Breakfast is at the circuit, is that okay or do you want to order something from the hotel restaurant?“
”I‘m good, don’t worry.“
With that, you got up and Lando followed you into the bathroom where you brushed your teeth, hair, washed your face, and got dressed in the sweats and T-shirt you had on yesterday. You didn’t bring any makeup with you, so you had to go barefaced for now, but that wasn’t a problem. You packed your stuff in your bag, which you brought and sat back on the bed after asking Lando at least five times if you could help him pack, which was five times denied, Lando scattered his stuff in his suitcase. In between you went, folded the clothes, and packed them back neatly, as well as sorted out everything else so they would fit and it would have a system. After twenty minutes he claimed he had everything and when you reminded him of the bathroom he rushed there and gathered everything. You could only shake your head at the way his brain wasn’t fully working in the morning, but in a cute way.
So when he was finally finished and zipped his suitcase, he said: ”You didn’t need to do that for me you know? I appreciate it anyway, thank you love.“ And he gave you a kiss on the cheek.
You made your way to the lobby and then outside, hopping in one of the many taxis that waited outside. Lando named the driver your hotel address and paid him generously after arriving. Both of you went up to your room and you started with doing a light makeup for the day, you didn’t want to look too caked up but a little bit never hurt anyone. You also changed into something fancier and looked not too much. Lando chilled on your bed just like you did in his room minutes prior. When you had everything packed, it was 10:28 am, just like Lando said, you had to leave for the airport at 10:30 am.
”I‘m done!“ and with that he got off the bed and took both of your suitcases in his hand, rolling them behind him.
”You do know that I can take my suitcase as well, you don’t need to.“
”But I want to, I wish I had another hand to hold yours but sadly I don’t.“
You smiled and went to the lobby where you again, hopped in a taxi that brought you to the airport. Due to traffic, you arrived at 10:49 am, giving you only ten minutes until the helicopter was to start.
”Lando, why are you so slow? We need to catch it.“
”Will you calm down? I don’t think the helicopter, that is specifically rented for me, will take off without me“, he laughed and when you thought about it, it did make sense, now you could only laugh after slowing down as well. When you arrived at the VIP check in, you were taken to the place where the helicopters were, one guy loaded both of your stuff in the back and another guy showed you what and what not to do on a helicopter, just a safety check. And when you finally sat in it, with your headphones on, you got butterflies. You were really doing this, going to spa with a boy you met the day before. He could easily kidnap you now, nobody would know, well your best friend would know. You had faith that he wouldn’t do such thing and before you knew it, you took off and flew through the air to another country.
The flight was fun, you and Lando talked without a break and took funny pictures, but only selfies this time. Which reminded you, that you haven’t had a look at the ones you took yesterday evening. So when you landed, a car picked you up and drove you to the circuit, the butterflies only intensifying now. You were about to meet people that were holy to Lando, what would he say? Would he introduce you? And if yes, as what? Girlfriend? No, you guys aren’t together. As a friend? Technically you weren’t even friends. As the girl, he chatted up on Raya and took her to spa because she‘s a good fuck? No, he couldn’t. But you reached the circuit before you could think about it more, the door opened, Lando got out and held his hand out to you to help you get out. You took it gladly and hopped out of the car, you thought he would now release his hand, but no. He kept yours in a tight grip when he started walking toward the entrance. You followed him and smiled. Holding his hand was a good feeling, you felt protected and safe, especially in this new surroundings. Walking towards the McLaren hospitality, you now were shaking with nerves, you didn’t even know why. Meeting new people always made you feel this way.
”Are you okay?“
”Yes, Lan. I‘m just nervous. Meeting your people and all that.“
”Don’t be, they‘ll love you. I spend a lot of time with them and I know how they are, you will love them too, they’re just like me.“
”Just don’t leave me alone for the first ten minutes please.“
”I‘ll never leave you, darling.“
With that, you entered the building and you were met with a lot of people. He immediately greeted everyone that came up to him to say hi, he even took a few minutes to chat with them. So when you made your way to the offices of Zak and Andrea, you were shaking again.
”Relax love, there are barely any people here. It’s not a race weekend, only tire testing with Pirelli.“
”Barely any people? Lando that place was filled with humans!“
”Yeah, but don’t worry, the garage won’t be as filled.“
You reached the offices and Lando knocked on a door, when the door opened you were met with Andrea.
”Morning Andrea! I just wanted to let you know that Y/N will be joining me today, I spoke with Zak and he said it wouldn’t be a problem.“
”Of course not! Welcome Y/N! How are you?“
”Thank you, I‘m good, a bit nervous, it’s a lot to take in.“
”Yeah I get it! Why weren’t you there on the weekend? You missed a good weekend!“
”Well I uhm“, you looked at Lando for help, what should you say?
”She wasn’t free so I took her today, I wanted her to see what I do“, Lando said for you.
”What a shame! Maybe you can come to a race after the summer break, it’s way better than just tire testing.“
”I‘d love to, thank you.“
With that, he said his goodbyes and went back to work, and Lando was already knocking on the other door, which belonged to Zak.
He opened the door and was met with the same smile Andrea had.
”You must be Y/N! It’s nice to meet you.“
”Thank you for letting me come. It’s also nice to meet you!“
”Ah don’t worry, Lando always has free spots for a plus one. What exactly are you to Lando? I’ve never seen or heard about you before, no offense.“
”None taken, uhm I‘m uhm, a friend of Lando’s?“
You wanted to sound confident but it came out more like a question, because you really didn’t know what you were.
”Yeah exactly, she‘s a good friend and we met in Amsterdam, I figured why not bring her you know.“
”I get it, I get it, well have fun Y/N. Maybe we‘ll see each other again.“
”Thank you, I hope so too.“
You squeezed Lando’s hand and he said his goodbyes as well and pulled you to his drivers' room.
”Wasn’t that bad, was it?“
”It was fine, yes.“
”Come on, meeting the guys will be easier.“
Due to the rain, he pulled a rain jacket over his hoodie and gave you one as well. You pulled it over and it was too big on you, but you loved an oversized look. So you went to the garage where people stood and worked a little on the car, just cleaning the remainders from the weekend.
”Guys this is Y/N, my uhm friend.“
Lando did the rounds with you and introduced you to everyone. They were lovely, they all welcomed you with open arms and made you feel comfortable. When it was time for Lando to make his way around the track, you had no trouble with staying with the crew and chatting.
It did get uncomfortable when one of his mechanics asked how the two of you met, but you said online, and judging by their looks, they understood what you meant.
After two hours Lando was done, he had already done his meetings and now was fully released for his summer break. He, again, took your hand and held it until you walked to the car, picking you up to drive to a hotel. You thought he would let go of your hand once you were in the car, but you were wrong. He held it even when you sat next to each other, talking and getting to know each other.
When you arrived at the hotel, Lando checked you in and you both went up to the room. It was a rather small room, but enough for one night. It now was 4:00 pm and you still had three hours until the date with Lando. Lando removed his shoes and jumped onto the bed.
”It’s bouncy, the last bed was hard, what do you think is better?“
”I think hard, when you fuck me, the whole bed will shake.“
He smirked and patted the space next to him, on which you laid down. When you cuddled into his side you noticed you tired you actually were, you didn’t catch much sleep during the week due to you working late and having to get up early, and last night, Lando kept you up for most of it. You needed a nap, and when you looked Lando into his eyes, you noticed that he felt the same.
”Should we take a nap? I‘m fucking tired.“
You nodded with your head, ”I was about to say the same actually.“
You both removed the denim you had on and now laid down on the bed again, cuddling under the blanket. You were glad he texted you, it felt like he was the best company ever and you only met him a day ago.
Two hours later you woke up, feeling completely out of this world, you needed a few minutes to figure out who and where you were. When you saw Lando being asleep, you thought about waking him up. After all the date would start in an hour but did he need that much time for getting ready? You doubt it.
So with that you got up and started to do a little heavier makeup look, nothing bad, just a touch up and the eyeshadow got a shade darker. You picked out the clothing for later and after thirty minutes it was time to wake Lando. With your hand on his shoulder, you started to quietly shake him.
”Lando, baby, wake up. It’s almost time for us to leave.“
You felt him stir and look at you with the same expression you had earlier, he clearly was somewhere else, so you laid down next to him and let him wake up in peace. After five more minutes, he finally came back and started getting ready as well. When he saw you in your outfit, you just put on, he couldn’t help himself but stare. He‘d never seen such a beautiful girl.
”You look fantastic baby.“
You could only blush.
The restaurant he chose was only a five minute walk, so you didn’t need to catch a taxi.
At 6:50 pm you left the hotel and made your way to the restaurant, Lando held your hand and you couldn’t feel more safe than now. It didn’t even bother you, when you passed a group of young men, which normally would have freaked you out.
When you arrived, the nice lady showed you to your table, it was in a more secluded area, where you two could have some privacy. Sitting down, the waiter came and took your drink order, after a few seconds you both settled for a fruity cocktail. The pizzeria wasn’t as filled with people as you had thought and you were thankful for it. You skipped through the menu while talking with Lando, he couldn’t choose either, too many yummy things were listed, and you eventually both settled on pizza. You could never go wrong with a pizza, could you?
You liked how easy things were with Lando, you never had a silent minute, and you were always talking about something. Learning new things from the other with every word. He was such a goofball, always making you laugh and giggle, as well as he was a gentleman, paying for the meal and helping you with your chair. He complimented you with everything you did.
When the pizzas arrived you only stopped talking, when the mouth was full, otherwise, you talked about your future plans, family, your jobs, hobbies, and whatnot. You couldn’t remember anymore, it was so natural at this point, that it felt like your hundreds date.
Lando ordered the bill and paid the meal, not listening to your protests of wanting to help him with that, he only gave you a stern look, but in a funny way. When you made your way out of the restaurant and into a park that was nearby, Lando wanted to ask you a question, he had on his mind the whole day.
”So will you come with me and my family on holiday?“
part three
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ratedfleur · 2 months
ᯓ ᡣ𐭩 mail incoming!
⋆˚˖° minji and noncon. °˖˚⋆
kim minji x fem reader    genre ౨ৎ smut
“imagine g!p minji was a perv.. and she was ur sister's bestfriend! (ur choice to choose who) and one day when ur sister was out to buy groceries minji use the opportunity to force herself on u :((( she was meann and likes to see you cry.. you're a crybaby though.. how pathetic!“
✏️: OMG super late response smh, this got buried in lots of requests TᴖT also i accidentally deleted the ask?! good thing i had it saved in my wip list.. also this is so mean, i don’t think i’ve ever written something like this 🥹
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i could so see this happening especially you were to be hanni's younger sister. because of how close minji was with hanni, hanni would let you tag along on their hang outs or even she'd let minji accompany you if she couldn't.
unknowingly, minji had the hots for you. minji always took a liking on you, even before she and hanni became friends– that is exactly how she got to be close to you and that was through befriending a clueless hanni.
"minji-yah! y/n! do you need anything from 7-eleven? i'll buy ramyeon!" hanni asked from the foyer whilst you and minji were in the living room, watching a movie that you've been wanting to watch.
"nope!" minji answered back meanwhile your ears perked up, "eonnie! can you get me lychee jellies? the peelable ones!" you hollered back until you got a response from your older sister.
"okay, i'll call if i get there!" hanni says as she shut the door behind her.
finally, minji thought.
5 minutes pass by and minji's arm wrapped around your shoulder, pulling you close to her, you let it be since you saw how comfortable she became.
then minji started to move closer towards you, hand gripping your shoulder tightly. you hiss when you feel her nails digging into your skin, you even whimper as you look at minji, silently telling her to stop.
"m-minji.. it hurts.." you say to her, trying to pry minji's arm away from your shoulder. suddenly minji unravels her arm from your shoulder as she stands up, pushing your shoulders back onto the couch when you sat up.
whimpering as minji stared you down, your eyes start to glisten with tears, "eonnie, you're scaring me.. w-what did i do?" you say as a tear cascades down your cheek. minji leans down and wipes the tear of yours, "what did you not do, honey? you think you could get away with looking so pretty every time i'm around? it makes it so hard not to touch you, honey.." minji says as she starts to take her sweats off, stepping out of them along with her underwear.
your eyes shake when you see minji's cock, attempting to look away was not a choice because minji's hand holds onto the back of your head, forcing you to sit up as she angled her cock against your lips, smearing her leaking pre-cum all over your closed lips.
you refused to look or open your lips, keeping them shut as minji continued to try to get your mouth to open. unable to get you to open your mouth, minji's hand quickly slaps your cheek, making you gasp as you opened your eyes and looked up at her in disbelief.
"don't look at me like that, lovey.. it just makes me want to ruin you even more." minji says as she angles her cockhead towards your mouth once more, liking how you kept your mouth open as she sunk into your warm cavern.
the smile that creeps up on minji's face is eerie when she starts to thrust into your mouth, paying to mind to you gagging and to your hands scratching her lower back through her shirt as she begged you to stop.
you gag repeatedly as minji thrusts into your mouth, groaning at the feeling of your mouth, "you feel so good, lovey.. i could fuck this slutty mouth of yours forever.." minji moans as she fucks your mouth harder, gathering your hair into a makeshift ponytail as she bobs your head up and down her cock as she thrusts simulaneously.
your throat continues to gurgle around minji's cock that huge enough to leave no space in your mouth. minji was long and girthy with trimmed pubes, she liked to be clean and trimmed.
minji's adrenaline only keeps going when you look up at her with tears in your eyes, cascading down your cheeks as you gagged repeatedly around her cock. she simply thrusts harder and bobs your head up faster, loving the sound of you gagging.
"god, you're not doing the right thing if you want me to stop. i'll only fuck you if you keep doing this." minji pouts when she acts like you're moving on your own on her cock, bobbing your head up and down. she even fakely whines and begs for you to stop sucking her only for minji to laugh like a maniac as she bucks her hips into your mouth.
stilling your head with her cock buried deep into your mouth, minji pats your head sweetly, "can you make me cum, lovey?" minji asks before she pulls your head away from her cock, she makes you nod by moving your head even if you desperately tried to shake your head as you coughed.
she forces your mouth open once more before pushing your head down her cock, making you gag once more as she thrusts repeatedly into your mouth, moaning when your mouth only tightens up around her cock. minji's pace is relentless as she chases her orgasm knowing that hanni could come home and see her bestfriend devirginize her sister's mouth.
"oh my god lovey! i'm gonna cum, i'm gonna fucking cum! gotta make sure to swallow everything up, yeah? we can't leave any traces of what you did to me.." minji moans out as she bucks her hips harshly into your mouth, making you gag and cough around minji's cock when she stills her hips with her cock down your throat as she starts to release her hot cum into your warm cavern.
pulling away, minji's hand holds your cheeks roughly as she stares you down, "swallow it." she says as she watches you swallow every bit of her awfully bitter cum.
you gag when you swallow it all up, minji even forcefully opens your mouth to see if you swallowed everything up. seeing that you swallowed her cum up, she smiles with a glint in her eyes as she leans down to pick her sweats off of the ground and begins to dress herself up.
watching as minji began to compose herself, she was making sure there were no traces of what she has done to you. you began to cry, fat globs of tears start to cascade down your face as you hiccup, your chest starts to heave as you desperately tried to catch your own breath despite sobbing. 
minji coos as she pulls you close, making your head lean on her stomach as you cried, no words could be understood no matter how hard you tried to speak.
it was as if your angels came right in time when hanni arrived, a confused expression was on her face when she passed by the living room and saw you sobbing into minji's stomach. "the film was a bit too sad." minji says to hanni who simply blinked at her. 
but it was a comedy film.. hanni thought as she walked away, still hearing your intense sobs as minji tried to calm you down.
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stellasworks · 9 months
Smoke Headcanons 🌪️
(A/N: i love tomas sm he’s literally one of my favorite characters and since I don’t see that much content of him I wanted to do him some justice.)
18+ MDNI
Warnings: fem reader, afab anatomy, dom!tomas, unprotected sex (stay safe), size kink, biting/marking, breeding kink, creampie, public sex(?)
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🩶 Tomas has always been such a kind soul and when you’re with him you feel nothing but safe, he’s always doing what he can to keep you out of harms way.
🩶 If you’re shorter than him than he fully admires the height difference between you two. He loves to hug you from behind, having your small frame in his arms is always so comforting to him.
🩶 He loves kissing your neck and face to wake you up, moving your hair out of your face or away from your neck to press soft kisses onto it.
🩶 He’s tall, not taller than his brothers but obviously taller than you. He’s about 6’2.
🩶 He loves when you lay your body between his legs and lay your head on his chest.
🩶 In bed he’s super attentive to your needs, he takes notes of all of your sweet spots.
🩶 If you have a sensitive neck or back he makes sure to be kissing it or leaving hickeys on you, and a couple bite marks here and there if his brothers or anyone else get to touchy or flirty with you.
🩶 He’s not super loud in bed but he does groan and he gets real breathy when he’s close.
🩶 He’s big. He’s around 8 inches, it’s thick, cut, and stretches you out so good. He also prefers to keep it clean shaven down there, once in a good while he’ll let it grow a little bit but that’s only if he’s away on a mission with his brothers.
🩶 His favorite position is missionary, he loves seeing your face as he fucks you, seeing your eyes roll in pleasure, or seeing how you look at him begging him for more with your expressions could make him cum right then and there.
🩶 Do not let his sweet personality fool you, he is very dominant and does not tolerate you being a brat.
🩶 If you start acting bratty in public, he’ll excuse you both and bring you to a private place like a bathroom and wrap his hand lightly around your throat, his grip will get tighter if you look away from him.
“You’re pushing your luck princess.” Tomas in a warning tone. You smirk as you grabbed his hand and guide it to your lower region, as you both sat at a table during a gathering hosted by the Lin Kuei.
You were wearing a black silk dress that went down to your mid thigh and you thought it was a great idea to not wear panties.
Boy were you wrong.
Tomas gets up from the table and excuses you both, leading you to one of the many bathrooms in the Lin Kuei temple. He locks the door behind him before lifting you up onto the counter and wrapping his hand around your throat.
“Do you take pride in being disobedient princess?”
A second of silence goes by before his grip on your neck became tighter, forcing a whimper out of you.
“Answer my question.”
You shake your head no. But Tomas isn’t buying it. He’s smarter than that he knows you get off on the thought of him putting you in your place.
“Now you’re lying? I expected better from you my love. Maybe I should let everyone here know how much of a slut you can be.”
With that being said, he wasted no time pulling you of the counter, turning you around and lifting your dress up only to reveal how soaking wet you were.
“Already this wet and I haven’t even done anything. You seriously got this turned on from my hand being around your throat?” He says taking one hand and wrapping it around your throat again, while the other plays with your pussy, rubbing agonizingly slow circles on your clit.
“Oh f-fuck.. T-Tomas please..” You begged him, wanting him to go faster but you knew you wouldn’t get that being so disobedient towards him.
“Please what.” He wants to hear you say it. He wants to hear you beg for him.
“P-please.. need you.. need your fingers” You pleaded.
“Good girl.” He happily gives you what you want. Plunging his fingers inside your heat, curling them in and out of you.
“S’to much! To much Tomas plea- Ah!”
He bites your neck softly, leaving hickeys and bite marks up your neck as you moan in ecstasy. His fingers don’t stop, keeping a consistent pace as you whimper for him to let you cum.
“F-fuck! I’m close- fuck I’m so close! T-Tomas please! Do-don’t stop!” You beg only to feel his fingers stop. You whine feeling your pleasure wash away from you, but then he speaks.
“I want you to cum on my cock. Can you do that for me pretty girl?” Tomas asks sweetly, you nod frantically before he stretches you out with his thick cock. You whine at the feeling, he gives you no time to adjust before thrusting into you at an ungodly pace. He rests one hand on your hips while keeping the other on your throat.
Your unable to form words, all your mind can think of is him. You didn’t care if anyone heard you moaning like a whore.
Getting so close to your climax, Tomas bites your neck, his thrusts become more erratic and sloppy.
“Cum for me, be a good girl and cum for me.”
He demanded, and you did just that. With a few more thrusts you cum on his cock, coating it in your slick. Thrusting into you a few more times just to make sure you’re all good and fucked out.
But you soon realized something.
He was cumming inside you.
“Tomas! I’m not wearing panties how am I-“ He cuts you off, kissing you sweetly.
“Not sure. But I don’t want a single drop leaking out of you. If it happens I’ll just have to fuck you again won’t I?”
He said with a menacing tone and a sweet grin on his face.
You were in for one hell of a night.
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chamomiletealeaf · 5 months
This fic is inspired by this art from @furaitsu on Twitter. You all should follow them. They draw amazing art of the COD boys.
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Pairing: plus!sized!reader (but tbh could really be any reader :)) x Johnny “Soap” Mactavish
Warnings: m!dom to m!sub dynamics kinda, f!dom, p in v sex, choking, clothing fetish???
You buy a cute little outfit to show off in for Johnny, but to be honest… you kinda wanna see what he would look like in it muahaha.
“Well, whaddya think?” You ask your boyfriend Johnny. You’re standing in front of him and do a twirl, showing off the cute outfit you had on just for him.
You’re wearing black thigh highs that squeeze your thighs so perfectly, a red and black plaid skirt with a chain on the front, and a little cropped mesh top, that doesn’t really leave much to the imagination.
Johnny sits on the couch in front of you, legs spread out as he leans back and stares at you in awe, raking his eyes up and down your body with his thick arms crossed over his chest.
“Fuckin’ hell.” Johnny says through his teeth, nearly growling at you like a wolf would to its prey before it attacks.
You giggle at his reaction. This is exactly how you wanted him to react.
“C’mere bonnie.” Johnny says, leaning his elbows on his knees and gesturing for you to come his way.
You walk up to him and stand between his thighs. He places his chin on your soft tummy and looks up at you while he runs his hands up your thighs and eventually under your skirt, grabbing your ass, which earns him a little shriek out of you.
“Fuck baby. Holy shit you look fuckin’ stunning.” Johnny says nuzzling his face into the side of your waist as he lets his hands wander.
“Need to fuck you in this, but I’m afraid it won’t last very long. Would have it in shreds by the time we’re done. Would hate to see this cute lil outfit go to waste.” He says with a laugh, nipping his teeth at the waistband of your skirt.
And as you look down at him looking up at you, already drunk off of you. An idea of how your pretty little outfit won’t go to waste pops into your head and you smile mischievously down at him.
Johnny was a big, thick man. Even though you weren’t the smallest yourself, he still dwarfed you with the sheer mass of himself. But the material of your outfit was super stretchy. It’s what made you buy it in the first place. It was size inclusive.
“Well pretty boy.” You say as you lift his chin from your midsection forcing him to make eyecontact with you.
“Why don’t you wear it then. That way it won’t go to waste.” You say, your sly smile widening. Now you were the one who looked like a wolf about to pounce on its prey.
Johnny’s eyebrows lifted in surprise. But he looked amused.
“You want me to wear it?” He laughs, eyes still wide as saucers. “I don’t think it’ll fit me as well as it does you love. Might rip something.”
“Nah I don’t think so.” You say. “It’s pretty stretchy.”
Johnny glances to the side as if he’s considering it. Then he smiles.
“Besides, bet you’d look hot as fuck in it with those thighs of yours.” You tease, earning a chuckle out of Johnny.
“Ok, yeah, fuck it. I would look good as hell wouldn’t I.” He boasts, and you both get to undressing while you giggle like teens hooking up for the first time.
When you both get undressed, and Johnny has finally slipped into what was your outfit, you took a second to admire that gorgeous body of his. The outfit really did suit him.
“Ah fuck, ‘s a bit tight yeah?” Johnny says pulling the thigh highs up that keep rolling down.
He looked so. damn. delicious.
You zone out, ignoring his comments laughing at how you can see the bottom of his ass if he bent down just barely, and if he could trick his teammates into thinking this was actually a kilt. You were too busy drinking in the sight of him and his muscular, thick thighs that spilled over the top of the stockings and his arms and chest stretching the fabric that adorned his body ever so slightly.
“Yeah I know, I look silly.” He chuckles, responding to your silent ogling.
“On the couch.” You demand, catching him off guard.
“Oh.” He says amused. “Guess I don’t look silly then.” He smirks.
“Shut up and sit down on the couch.”
He obeys, sitting down, and you walk up to him, not caring that you’re fully naked and he wasn’t. You kinda liked it that way anyway.
You straddle his waist and run your hands up his chest, your body hovering over where his dick would be, since it was covered by the skirt. I mean, it was kind of easy to spot anyhow, with the way it was starting to make a tent in the skirt.
You sloppily kiss and lick up his neck, nice and messy, just the way he likes it. His hands grip your hips and he grinds up into you through the fabric of the skirt.
“Fuck. Keep doin’ that and you’ll be the death of me lass.” He moans out breathily.
You wrap a hand around his throat as you continue marking his neck but very lightly squeeze as a sign to tell him to stop talking, and he throws his head back and moans at the way you’re handling him.
He bucks his hips up into you in pleasure of you slightly choking him.
“Mmph- fuck, harder- squeeze harder.” He whines. And you do, earning a pornographic moan out of him as his eyes roll to the back of his head.
You grind your bare pussy down over the skirt onto the print of his dick and he’s so hard he whimpers at the sensation.
Your hand still around his neck, you whisper in his ear.
“My pretty boy wanna get fucked hm?”
Johnny turns his head to you, placing his forehead on yours.
“Go on bonnie, fuck me.”
And with that you flip up the skirt, revealing his hard and leaking cock. The sight makes your pussy pulse with anticipation of feeling it in you.
You line yourself up and sink down easily onto him, making both of you moan.
Johnny grips your hips tighter, trying to thrust up into you.
“Mm-mm, not yet. Gonna take my time.” You say.
You slide down to the hilt and lean your hands back on his knees and begin to move your hips back and forth in a circling motion slowly.
You look down and see the tops of his thighs peaking out from the skirt and thigh highs and it almost numbs your brain from how fucking hot he looks like this.
“Please- faster- fuck go faster- ride me.” He begs.
You stop your motions and look at him.
“What did I just say? I’m gonna take my time with you.”
He whimpers again and throws his head back as you start your pace again, moaning his name. You continue that until Johnny can’t take it anymore and is a panting, whining, and squirming mess under you.
“Aww ok baby, I’ll fuck you good now.”
You sit up and place both hands at the top of his thighs while you lean in to kiss him. He kisses you back hungrily, as if trying to reassert his dominance, but you pull away just in time, placing your hands over the mesh top on his chest and pushing him back into the couch holding him in place.
You start to bounce up and down on his cock, picking up your pace, and his hands go to squeeze your thighs. His thick length hitting every perfect spot, stretching you out so good and you let out a loud moan.
“God fuck bonnie just like that. Fuck me like that.”
You lean into him, placing your mouth by his ear.
“Yeah you like that hm? You like when I ride you like this?”
“Y- yeah- just like that- you know how to fuck me.”
You continue bouncing on him, admiring the way his chest heaves, stretching the fishnet-like fabric of the croptop he’s wearing, and the way the skirt is up around his hips the way it is when he’s the one fucking you, and how the material of the thigh highs and his thighs are coated in both of your arousal. He looked angelic like this, and you smiled at how perfect he was in this moment.
With his grip moving from its tight hold on your thighs to your hips, he started thrusting up into you, trying to meet you half way desperate for your pussy.
“F- fuck bonnie gonna cum. Fuck I’m gonna cum.” He pants, and you feel your own orgasm approaching quickly as well.
You nuzzle your face into his neck again as you continue to ride his cock like a dildo, using him like a toy.
“Fuck Johnny.” You moan.
“Choke me. Fuck choke me again. Need to cum with your hand around my throat.” He begs desperately, trying to get his demand in before it’s too late.
You bring your hand up and squeeze his thick neck while you place the other on his cheek, turning his head so your foreheads touch again.
“Go on. Cum for me. Show me how good I fuck you.”
And with you cutting off his airway, your tight cunt squeezing and pulsing around his cock, and your words, he spills his cum inside of you.
Johnny cums with a choked, slutty moan, eyes rolled to the back of his head.
You both cum at the same time, his orgasm sending you over the edge as well and you both slow your hips as you sob out your own moans cumming around Johnny’s cock.
You both sit panting, foreheads still touching with the bliss of the moment still in its passing.
“Y’know what?” Johnny says breathless with a smile.
“Hm?” You respond curiously and breathless yourself.
“Maybe we can share the outfit.” He says half jokingly.
And you both chuckle, ending the moment with a kiss full of giggles.
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jermer10 · 6 months
TF2 relationship hcs + miss pauling
suggestive, gn reader | silly romantic hcs
drabbles under the cut :P
- the most emotionally immature out of all the mercs, also the most inexperienced with dating so he can get pretty jealous over stupid things - a demo flirts with you? dead. a medic pockets you for too long? whoops didn’t see that enemy sorry medic. god forbid another scout even breathes in your direction - ironically he used you to make Pauling jealous and eventually realised he actually likes YOU (fake dating trope my beloved) - non-stop rambles about you to his ma, when she meets you she’s already calling you her child in law - dates with scout usually consist of going to baseball games or getting lunch together, he’s pretty simple and won’t plan anything too extravagant unless it’s an occasion (with spy’s help ofc) - not huge on pda, will hold your waist or sling an arm around your shoulders on occasion, in privacy however he is HUGE on physical affection he loves you sm <333 - stroking your hair and running his fingers along your back, kisses on your neck, throwing in a couple of cheesy pickup lines here and there - pretty much only refers to you with pet names, “doll, babe, toots, handsome, etc” he’ll only use your name when he’s emotional or during intimacy
Soldier: - the most dense man on god’s green american earth so unless you’re similar to zhanna, chances are he won’t even bat an eye at you. you need to be batshit and violent for this man to notice you first - wakes you up at 5am sharp every morning for “training” (forcing you to workout with him whilst he yells at you….lovingly?) expect to be buff as hell after a couple months because his routines are intense - “DROP AND GIVE ME 20 CUPCAKE” “GOOD JOB SOLDIER. HERE IS A KISS FOR YOUR HARD WORK” “PUSH THROUGH THE PAIN SWEETHEART” - his kisses are really rough, he lifts you up into the air and spins you around or dips you and it’s genuinely super sweet, he enjoys picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder as well :3c - he has no jealous bone in his body, only random accusatory statements towards anyone who shows kindness towards you and it deters them enough for soldier to never have to worry - dates with soldier usually consist of working out or going to war museums, will never plan fancy dates so that’s all up to you - does not care about public or private affection, he will makeout with you anytime, anywhere and is unapologetic about it, much to everyone else’s dismay - “EUGH! GET A ROOM YOU TWO!” “AFFIRMATIVE, WE WILL MOVE TO THE LIVING ROOM”
Pyro: - i hc pyro as being aroace so a romantic-platonic relationship between you guys would be more mushy and cute than anything else - going out on ice-cream dates and buying matching colouring books and seeing how differently you each colour the same scene - cheek kisses no matter where you are is a must!!! holding hands around the base, tapping on each-other when bored and to show affection <3333 - the other mercs have no fucking idea what your relationship is but none of them care as long as you’re keeping pyro in check - you’re the first and only merc to see pyro without their mask on, one of the most tender moments shared between you and something that they treasure - pyro doesn’t get jealous, but they will harm anyone who makes you uncomfortable, no questions asked - cuddle buddies!!!! you guys can be seen lying around the base in a sleepy huddle, i can see demo joining and medic or engie tripping over y’all 😭 - they are super attentive of your needs and compromise despite having trouble feeling romantic or sexual attraction, as long as you enjoy it, they enjoy it
Demoman: - more of a flirt than scout is, and that’s saying something. demo will chat you up at any time of the day, whether it be in the privacy of your bedroom or straight up on the battlefield - has died MULTIPLE times because he just cant keep his eye off you, he makes mental notes of how attractive you look while bashing an enemy spy’s brain in and uses it later (WINK) - a solid 80% of your relationship is shared in silly drunk moments and the other 20 is rooted in insecurity. demo being jealous? likely. demo being scared of you leaving him for someone with two eyes and their head on straight? definitely - there are nights where he feels completely sober just holding you in his arms and acknowledging that you’re here and you love him, warts and all - SUPER BIG ON PDA!!! he wants the entire world to know that you’re his, also super big on cheesy nicknames “beauty, my love, handsome boy/beautiful girl/gorgeous partner” - messy kisses, lazy cuddles, dragging his fingers along your body feeling every dip and curve <3333 even if the affection seems half assed, his heart is devoted to you - offhandedly mentions you to his mum after dating for a year or so, to which her response is to slap him upside the head for not telling her sooner and then asking about grandbabies - you’re demo’s rock, if you asked him to go sober for you he probably would. he adores everything you do, words are unnecessary just look at his face
Heavy: - the stern and silent type, he generally doesn’t show public affection towards you unless it’s to protect you or to calm you down - in private he is the most gentle merc, holding you close to him and stroking your hair, playing with your fingers and mentally squealing at how cute and small they are compared to his, rubbing your back with his palm - he is a man of few words, but it’s pretty obvious that he is completely enamoured by you just from the way he touches you and how his gaze softens when he sees you - would plan the most personal dates, things that he KNOWS you would enjoy doing or seeing just so that he can see you smile up at him - “Любимая (darling), Дорогая (dear), Любовь моя (my love)” are the most common pet-names you’ll hear him calling you, he’s a more traditional guy - heavy is not a flirty man, he’s too blunt and would rather say what he means in the most direct way possible. thaaaat doesn’t mean he discourages you from flirting with him however - his family is extremely weary of you to begin with, heavy doesn’t talk about you much and so they’re going to be on guard (despite the fact that he could crush you with one hand if you did have malicious intent) - after a while though they warm up to you and consider you apart of the family- baking with you, teaching you how to hunt bears, making bearskin clothing, cooking the bear meat, talking about marriage and children, ANYTHING they can do to include you
Engineer: - it’s tough dating engie - he’s either working or passed out from the exhaustion of working, so you never really get quality time with him - he still takes every chance he can get to show you a good time, whether it’s cooking dinner with you or writing songs for you, he is much more romantic than he leads on - “darl, darlin, sweetheart, honeybee” sweet and simple names that roll off the tongue - the merc most inclined to shower with you. not even in a sexual way, he just enjoys the calm heat of the water and how intimate it is to share such a space - creates devices to make your life easier; need a new weapon? no need to buy a faulty mann co one, he can build you anything you want. need your very own kitchenette so you the other mercs can’t keep stealing your food? he was already drawing up the plans a week ago - the type of guy to bring you breakfast in bed every morning, putting on some slow romantic music and peppering your face with kisses to wake you up - always keeping tabs on you in battle, making sure that you’re safe and unharmed (despite knowing that you can respawn he still hates seeing you hurt) - the least jealous man to exsist, he is completely secure in himself and knows that if you didn’t wanna be with him, you simply wouldn’t
Medic: - another workaholic over here, it’s a mission getting him away from the operating table, or his desk right next to it - quiet, soft moments are few and far between, but when you do get them they are spent in each other’s arms lazying around the base - medic isn’t the romantic type and would likely just take you out to a traditional dinner or would want to teach you how to perform certain medical procedures on dates - don’t get him wrong! he loves you entirely, he just doesn’t see the need in being overly romantic with you, his way of showing love is letting archimedes anywhere near you or letting you lie on the operating table while he finishes up his paperwork - his pet names for you include “schatz (treasure), maus (mouse), meine taube (my dove)” - will pocket you 1000% and the other mercs HATE it - they have to strategise a way to keep you separated from eachother during battle - it wouldn’t matter if you were invincible or on the verge of death, this man would protect you to the ends of the earth. that being said he is also a massive shithead, will tickle you randomly or poke fun at you when you’re in a bad mood. its sweet. usually - in that middle ground of jealous but also chill af, he will only really become jelly if you’re flirting with someone else, but if they’re flirting with you he does not care unless you’re uncomfortable
Sniper: - simultaneously the most chill and anxiety ridden person on earth, the way he can go from 1 - 100 in five seconds should be studied - it takes him a VERY long time to actually warm up to you, let alone DATE you, so be wary that you’re in it for the long haul if you want this man - the first 6 months of dating are torturous for the both of you, he is far too nervous to touch you and instead of telling you this he will literally just ignore you, but once you start being physical he is one of the most touchy mercs - you will have to be the initiator in most situations until he becomes more comfortable with affection, this man has spent most of his adult life in a van isolated from society so its no kidding that he would be awkward with you (even though he adores you) - “love, babe, darling, honey” generic nicknames, if he’s feeling more comfortable he’ll use “sweetheart” or “roo” if you’re getting on his nerves - he doesn’t do dates. like sorry to burst your bubble but he would consider eating dinner together in his van or even just having a bath together a date - extremely jealous but will never admit it and it is VERY obvious. this could be said for most of his feelings though and reassurance is all he really needs - will spy on you using the scope on his gun during battles, killing enemies who might try to sneak up on you <3
Spy: - spy is by far the MOST romantic merc out of the bunch, will take you out on date nights every week, intimacy regularly, affectionate both in private and public, etc he is the dream - in saying that he is also a player, he needs a partner who can keep him feeling fresh, and someone who is just as cunning as he is - will intentionally try to make you jealous in order to get a gauge on the kind of person you are. he is entirely mind games babe and will play it off as if he doesn’t care about other people trying to flirt with you (he wants to kill them with his bare hands) - he is either going to be obsessed with you or mildly attached, there is no in between and it will be strikingly obvious which it is - often refers to you as “mon amour (my love), beau/belle (handsome/beautiful), mon bébé (my baby)” - most likely enemies to lovers, if you’re good at your job he sees you as competition, if you’re not he sees you as a nuisance, either way you’re initially a problem to him - but then he starts to wonder: why can’t he stop thinking about your skin? and the way you say his name? and the way you bashed that sniper’s brains out? he is smitten without even realising it - occasionally cloaks and follows you around to keep you safe from enemies, but mostly sticks to trying to win the match
Miss Pauling: - if you thought engie or medic were bad you have NO idea with pauling, she quite literally has one day off a YEAR - and you bet your ass she is spending it in bed all day cuddling with you - doesn’t use pet names, she’ll either call you by your last name, or some nickname variation of your first name. she called you “babe” once and cringed so hard she couldn’t even look at you - as much as she doesn’t want to put you in any danger, she LOVES bringing you along for missions. she gets to finish earlier and spend time with you, its a win-win situation - coming home from work and eating dinner with you is the highlight of her day, she could be completely exhausted and yet you bring life back into her with just a smile - yes you had to “fight” scout for her and there was absolutely no competition, he didn’t even know you two were together until she rolled her eyes and kissed you in front of him (he was surprisingly supportive) - she’s far too busy to be jealous, if someone was flirting with you she wouldn’t even notice until it escalated and the person was on the floor with you standing over them triumphantly - she dreams about being able to go on museum dates with you one day, but for now bubble baths, dinners, and morning kisses are all you both get <\3
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omalice · 1 year
“Isn’t it cute?” P.2
When you glance at the store's biggest teddy bear and “Isn’t it cute?” with a gorgeous smile.
Character: Mammon, Beelzebub, Raphael x GN! Reader
Note: My English is really poor, so…please go easy on me if I write something wrong!
P.1 | P.3 | P.4
The “want to be a sugar daddy but fail”
“Isn’t it cute?” You mumble while locking your eyes on the store's biggest teddy bear.
"Ya want it?" Mammon inquires.
“Uh-huh…?” You accept with a tone of voice that clearly conveys your confusion; you don't anticipate the avatar of greed spending a lot of money to show how much he values you.
Unexpectedly, Mammon actually buys your mentioned teddy bear!
You jerkily express thanks to him and question the meaning of his shocked actions.
“I can do anythin’ that makes ya happy, MC." He answers with a big smile that almost makes you cry because of how overwhelmed you are.
However, the following morning...
The real explanation has been revealed. Mammon was able to purchase the doll by using Lucifer's credit card(😅) and he ended up being chased after all day.
Mammon's forced to have a part-time job to pay off his newest debt as a result. Otherwise, Lucifer will take the teddy bear from you and sell it on Akuzon. You're not courageous enough to go against the firstborn order; instead, you only frown, implying that you must be upset if the dolls are actually sold, you really like it regardless.
And Mammon won't let that happen, of course! He will work hard!
By the way, it's still true that this demon can do anything to make you happy.
“Isn’t it cute?” You mumble while locking your eyes on the store's biggest teddy bear.
“Do you like it?”
"Yes! …Wait, Beel—"
You attempt to stop him, but not quick enough, he's heading away to look for the price of the teddy bear already.
Unfortunately, Beel has little knowledge of prices except for food, so he wasn't prepared to face the enormous sum of money provided on the price card for the doll which is more than enough to make his face color fade and turn white.
Beelzebub returns bearing nothing but an apology, "It's okay." you say to him.
A few days later, he began to use his free time to do a part-time job. He normally works an additional job to cover the debt from his eating habit, so neither the brothers nor you are aware of his intentions.
One week later, Beelzebub invites you to visit his room, where you found the teddy bear you wanted waiting on the bed.
(He makes sure to also pick a time when Belphie won't be there. Just want to spend alone time with you.)
He apologizes about deciding to buy the smaller one because couldn't afford to buy the size you wanted.
You obviously don't care about the size! It suffices to simply know how big his love for you is.
“Isn’t it cute?” You mumble while locking your eyes on the store's biggest teddy bear.
Raphael gazes at your side face as he steps to enter the store.
“R-Raphael…?” Confusedly calling his name, you jog behind him.
Your body shakes when you see an extensive amount of numbers on the price tag the angel flips to reveal.
“I didn't mean that—“ You start to explain yourself.
“Huh?” His low mumble cuts your sentence. “Not as expensive as I thought”
Is he actually super rich?? Or does Michael pay him lavishly?
"Almost this much is the average cost of goods in the Celestial Realm..." Raphael keeps making suggestions.
"Yes, but are there different currencies? We use Grimm here.”
“…” ”…”
"Oh." He halts, and blinks. “…You're right.”
“It's okay," Simeon soothes his friend after hearing about what happened during the day. “You know, it's kind of a culture shock! When I first arrived in Devildom, I ran into similar situations as well…”
It doesn’t help, to be honest.
The next part will feature Leviathan, Barbatos, and Thirteen!
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thetreefairy · 11 months
Runaway until the sun shines p.1
warnings: yandere themes, I do not condone these actions, reader is a demon but wants to die (forcibly turned), swearing, douma is a piece of shit, cult themes, demons eating humans
They/them pronouns
did I have to completely re-read some chapters because I forgot how he acted.... yes I did.
Buy me a Ko-fi
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Reader used to be a past cult member, not by choice however.
But thanks to their parents.
And that's how Douma eventually got a special interest in Reader, much to their dismay and the parents joy. But their parents joy turned into dismay the more Reader spoke out about the comfortable feeling they were having.
But they are just being paranoid, he's their savior after all.
So when Douma asked them to give him Reader, for them to be his sibling, who were they to refuse?
Oh, how reader cried that night.
Douma couldn't understand why. He made sure to appear super friendly and welcoming to Reader and their family.
Besides that the two parents are the ones who will be saved as soon as reader is turned into a demon!
Their parents finally realized their mistake when Reader was turning into a demon infront of them, they were crying as they felt their entire being change. "Shush, my dear, your brother is here." Douma whispered softly as Reader turned into a demon. "Our first meal together is waiting for us, so change quickly, alright?"
Douma truly couldn't understand why Reader was so upset as he forced them to eat their parents. This was supposed to make Reader happy, he heard as they always rambled on about wanting a brother.
So why isn't reader listening to him?
Why did Reader keep running away
For them the answer was easy, they will run away from Douma and help the Hashira kill Douma and themselves. Not that he needs to know.
"Reader, can you talk to me?" Douma whispered, clinging onto them. The cult members were in the same room, for no doubt to pressure them.
"Lady, please." Some whispered, and some begged: "Please speak to our savoir, my lady."
"I want to talk alone." Reader eventually whispered out. Douma luckily picked up on it.
Time to piss the uppermoon off.
Okay since I have had too many ideas imma do it in multiple parts and routes, the yandere part does become more extreme in the following parts.
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teyamsatan · 1 year
dbf!Jake Sully x (f)Metkayina!Reader
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Wc: 2.4k words
Synopsis: Jake Sully comes to settle among the Metkayina and quickly becomes your dad’s best friend… and your biggest nightmare and desire, all wrapped in one smirking, annoying, irresistible package.
Warnings: smut with minimal plot (p in v, fingering, slight degradation kink, slight praise kink, mean!jake, overstimulation, edging, creampie, daddy kink, pet names, age gap)
A/N: i need it besties, i need it bad. also thank you to my bestie @karma-is-a-cat-purringinmylap for the continuous amazing music recoms. enjoy x
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“My love’s got a super sweet taste and a wicked mean face and it makes me go ah!
My love’s got a super sick mind, oh, it’s sicker than mine, and it makes me go ah!”
Jake Sully.
Jake Sully changed everything the second he arrived in your village, the second he became one of your dad’s confidants, one of his best friends. The second you laid your eyes on him, a man more than twice your age, and you knew you were doomed. Because he was the most beautiful, the most enticing, the most dangerous man you have ever met. He came by your tent all the time, spent so much time with your dad, you began to find it suspicious, in time. You noticed him. You studied him. Soon enough, you picked up things that other didn’t seem to, that only you seemed to be privy to. Like the way his eyes glimmered with a hint of sickness in them, a tinge of depravity that you knew all too well, that you noticed in him because you recognised it in yourself. Or the way his tail had a few distinct patterns of movement, and the one he displayed, consciously or subconsciously, you weren’t sure, when he was around you was entirely different than any other one that he had around anybody else. Or his scent, how musky and woody it was, and how intense it got when he was in your tent - maybe because that was the only time you were in tight quarters together, so it was the only time it was not diluted by everyone else’s scent. Or how he addressed you - always with a smirk, a smile that could make even the most stoic of people drop their inhibitions… and their loincloths. Kid. Doll. Girl. So many things, minuscule to most, but unforsakable to you.
“It is decided. Jake will teach you how to work a bow and arrow. With everything happening with the Sky People, we need every advantage we can muster. We need to be strong, ma ‘ite. I need to know you’re safe. Jake can keep you safe, I am sure of it.”
“Oh, trust me, I will do my very best to make sure she is ready.” How did your dad not notice it? The way he spoke, like there was always another meaning, a hidden message behind his every word. The way it curled and undulated, the way it left his sinful mouth that was always stretched in a smirk, devilish and unholy. The way you were so damp at the promise of his words, you were scared to death everyone in the clan would be able to smell you. You could smell it. And looking at Jake eyeing you up and down, lingering stares on your lower abdomen, his smirk increasing in size and his gaze in its intensity, you knew he could, too.
And you knew he wouldn’t just let it go.
You were in the woods one day, a small break from practice as you lay on a rock, in a frilly loincloth and beaded top that barely covered your perky breasts and hard nipples.
“Does anybody buy it?” His head tilted to a sidw with a quirk of his brow and an inquisitive smile plastered all over his face. It would be innocent enough, his question, if it wasn’t for the intensity of his eyes that stared you down, like they were undressing you as he spoke.
“Does anybody buy what?” You spat, a little more forceful than you intended. His attitude was driving you crazy. He was intoxicating your every sense, his presence, his very being crawling into your skin and making a home of it, and you didn’t know if you were powerful enough to drive him out. You didn’t know if you wanted to drive him out.
“Your little good girl act. I mean they seem like they do, all of them, the whole clan bright eyed and bushy tailed when you walk past. All of them enamoured by you, or by who you’re pretending to be. Don’t get me wrong, kid. You do a good job. It could almost get me fooled. But then I see your eyes, that just for a second drop the act and your real self, your real thoughts are reflected in them, I see your face contorting in anger, or frustration.” His hand trails up your thigh and you shudder under him. “In ache, and desire.” His hand moves to your inner thigh, inching upwards until he makes contact with your loincloth, that much like most other days recently, was damp. “I can smell you. Smell your needy cunt, smell how much it wants me. So tell me, how do you do it?”
You let out a breath you felt like you’ve been keeping for too long, maybe your whole life. This man was depraved, and wrong, and a heathen, and for the first time in your life, you felt understood. You felt seen. Like you could finally do what you’ve always wanted to, but was scared no one would be able to withstand. Like you could finally let someone have his way with you, the way you’ve always wanted to.
You turned around to face him, angling your face to be able to look into his eyes, those predatory eyes. He was so tall, so powerful, and you wanted him. And you would have him, if it was the last thing you'd do.
“I don’t know, I assume the same way you do it.”
He raised an eyebrow yet again, eyeing down your body until his hand wrapped around your throat and squeezed. You gasped and clenched your thighs together.
“You like to talk back, don’t you? We’ll have to see about that.”
He unwrapped your tewng skillfully and groaned slightly as he took in your dripping cunt, the slick running down your thighs.
“What would your dad say, huh? What do you think he’d say if he heard about what I’m going to do to his precious daughter? To his… innocent baby girl?”
You let out a small moan and shut your eyes tightly as the anticipation was already wearing you out. His fingers flicker over your folds, thumb finding your clit and circling it, putting pressure on it as he sinks two digits into you, stretching you out.
“What would he say if he found out that his daughter’s a little slut? Huh? That she’s dripping wet before I even touched her, that she’s moaning with my hand around her neck? That she’ll be moaning with my cock stuffed down her throat later?”
Not that there was any doubt in your mind, but this man knew how to fuck. It was clear by how he was fingering you, how he was able to locate your g-spot almost immediately, how he knew exactly where to put pressure and how much of it, how to release his grip on your throat at the exact time needed to maximise the pleasure that felt too intense to bear even before you even got the chance to cum.
You had no answer to his questions, you had no thoughts in your mind other than the feral primal need of him deep in you, so deep you hoped you’d finally fill a hole you’ve felt has been empty in you for too long to even remember when it started.
He continued pumping his long digits in and out of you skillfully, until you were so wet, his ministrations were creating unattractive squelching noises that he sneered at, increasing his pace, drowning them out with the sounds of your pained mewls.
“Cunt so wet for me, doll. Can’t wait to fuck you til you’re dripping in cum. D’you think your dad will finally notice then?”
“I need t-to…”
You could hear the stupid smirk in his voice as he spoke.
“Use your words, kid. What d’you need?”
“Cum, fuck!”
He curls his fingers in you, hitting that spongy part of you that needed it most, and then pulled out, leaving you a panting mess.
“Oh, you need to cum? Shoulda thought of that when you gave me attitude earlier, kid.”
You felt like crying, but didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. You had a hunch this wasn’t the first or only time this man would make you cry, and the later you started, the better. The feeling though, ecstasy bordering on pain, was weaking your resolve by the second, and soon enough, the emptiness you felt was hurting you.
“Please what?”
“Please fuck me… daddy.”
You watched as Jake’s expression darkened, a growl spilling out past his parted lips, his canines in full view now, sharp and deadly, and you throbbed in need when you thought about them sinking into you, marking you, making you his.
“You want daddy to fuck you, kid? You want daddy’s cock in you?”
You nodded vigorously, tears prickling painfully at your eyes, and out of pity or his own twisted needs, he undid his loincloth in one sweep motion, and allowed you your first look at him, in all his impressive, thick glory. He was a sight to behold and you felt the need to swallow, and the need to tell him to fuck your mouth until his cum coated your throat.
He takes you by the underside of your arms and lifts you up, and you instinctively wrap your thigs around his thin waist, pulling him as tightly on you as you can, cunt flush against his abs. You throw your head back when your back slams against the trunk of a massive tree, and the pain feels so much like pleasure you’re close to release again, mindlessly grinding on him.
He takes your jaw in his hand and forcefully brings your face into view.
“Cut that shit out, d’you hear me, kid? You’ll already be limping by the time i’m done with you, you want to be limping and not even come?”
“Just fuck me, daddy, please! I need it s’bad!”
His cock prods at your sopping entrance, twitching wildly against your folds at your words.
“Goddamn, girl, you really are a slut. So eager to get fucked dumb, you’re like my dream come true, aren’t you?”
“Can’t wait to fuck this dirty mouth one day.”
“Yes, daddy, yes! Can’t… can’t wait either, daddy!”
He laughs mockingly at your desperate tone, and fills you up in one thrust, hard and ruthless, giving you no time to adjust to the enourmous length or girth, that was stretching you almost painfully, curving slightly against the resistance of your cervix, forming a bulge in your lower abdomen that you stared in awe at.
Jake lets out a guttural moan as he bottoms out in you, balls pressed against your folds. His eyes are shut tightly and his head slouched forward to rest in between your breasts.
“Fuck, kid, you’re so fucking tight I feel like I could just cum in this pretty pussy right now.”
He reaches a hand to your lower abdomen and presses on the little bump, and you whimper as the sensation overload makes you convulse on his dick, your thighs weakening aroud his waist.
“Feel how deep my cock is in you?”
“Mmm-hm, ah! Yes, d-daddy.”
“I’m gonna fuck you so good, girl, your cunt’s gonna stretch to my cock, you’re going to be made for me. My toy.”
You nod, tears streaming down your face as he takes one of your nipples in his mouth and sucks, and the other in between his fingers, twisting and squeezing.
“Your toy, daddy.”
His cock starts moving in and out of you, slow at first whilst he’s still teasing you, still denying you the pace and intensity you need to cum.
“Are ya gonna call me daddy in front of your dad, too, kid? What would he think if the name just slips past your lips? Don’t think he’d like his adoptive daughter behaving like that, what d’you think?”
“D-don’t care! You c-can both be my daddies! Argh, fuck!”
He lets out a big laugh and slams into your cunt aggressively, knocking the air from your lungs.
“You like it, don’t you? Like playing with fire, like the little slut you are. I betcha wouldn’t even mind getting caught with your dad’s best friend’s cock deep in your cunt, huh?”
You shake your head, feeling the tears on your lips and their salty taste as your tongue swipes over them. You cry out in pain when he slams into you over and over, sacaddic thrusts that have no way of getting you off, only enhancing the feeling of despair you feel bubbling into you at being denied so many orgasms.
“I’m not letting you cum ‘til you admit it, girl.”
“Fuck, fine! I wouldn’t mind, I want them to catch us, I want everyone to know!”
You feel exhausted, but you still manage a loud burst of moans when he finally starts picking up his pace, holding you down by your throat as he ruts upwards into you, making you see white all around you as the world fades from view and is replaced with just a glow that spreads and increases in intensity and you feel the pressure in your core building once more, enough to make you cry out wildly.
“Yes! Yes, feels so good, daddy! You’re fucking me so well, daddy.”
“I know, kid, I can feel your tight pussy squeezing me. You want to come on my cock, girl? Come for me so I can fill this cunt with my load, huh? D’you want that, doll? Want my cum deep in you?”
“Yes, fuck yes, daddy!”
The orgasm washes over you like that one wave you got caught under as a child and could not escape, so powerful and all-consuming, you felt yourself trembling on him and he spills his seed into you, warm and sticky as it falls down your thighs, as he fucks it back into you, over and over, making sure it stays there, making sure it’s imprinted in your walls, just like his presence was imprinted in your mind.
“You did so well, doll. Maybe next time your two daddies can take turns fucking you, huh? Would you like Tonowari’s cock filling this pussy up while I fuck this pretty mouth?”
Well, your life might never be the same again, but it was definitely never going to be boring around Jake Sully.
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Now, am I sick enough to make a dbf!jake x reader x stepdad!tonowari ??? Maybe 😉 if besties want it?
taglist: @fanboyluvr
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