#BUT. it's a lot of fun the puzzles are great really gets your brain meats going
svampira · 2 years
girlie help does swansong get better. i’m halfway through the first Proper Part of the game that isn’t tutorial and man,,,,
listen to me. LISTEN TO MEEEEEE. No. But also yes
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mxvladdy · 4 years
Ey, could you make food source reactions for Mammon & Levi like you did with the others?
I've read it like 3 times now, they're all so sweet and believable you did a great job!
You got it Fam! Glad you like them so much lol. (I got a lot more angsty with Mammon than I thought I would but I love him sooooo)
This poor man. He gets to spend so little time alone with you. He has to make every second count. Between the hustling, modeling, and running from Lucifer, he’s a pretty busy guy. 
So he plans date nights. Just you, him, and his leather couch. Ya ain’t goin’ nowhere, ya hear? He looks forward to this every month. He pins it on his calendar too just so he doesn’t double book himself. 
Now, don’t get me wrong. Just cause he plans this doesn’t mean he necessarily has a plan. Not that you care. Most of his activities turn into trouble anyway, even when he is not trying.  
 Sometimes he teaches you how to play cards (also shows you human ways to cheat-just in case you need it). The hours are spent pleasantly sitting in his lap while he teaches you how to count cards.
But, most nights, he just wants to talk. He enjoys his time with you. You and him cuddling and chatting away the hours before passing out for the night. 
He has a lot of things he wants to know about you. To him, he feels like if he knows you better than the other brothers he’s won. 
Won what? Idk, your affection? Approval? He already has it, but he is insecure about his place in your heart regardless. 
This evening starts out like any other. Mammon dashing to the kitchens to pilfer some snacks and drinks before Beel can steal them all, and you bring your cute self over to his room. 
You two toss back a few drinks and spend some time looking over his latest photo shoots before going on to the main event. Tonight you brought one of your favorite human card games. It was like 20 questions, but some questions were more risque than others. Was it meant for more than two players? Yes, but whatever- Mammon wants to play it so you are.
You both are relaxed and drowsy by the time you start playing. Your stomachs are full of junk, and the morning moons are just on the horizon. It’s the perfect mixture for loose lips and secrets, before falling asleep in each other's arms. 
You pick easy cards first, jumping from silly innocent questions to one that made him blush from ear to ear. The hours pass quickly and Mammon’s answers become more slurred and accented as he tires out. 
He was on the verge of sleep when you ask,  “What’s your favorite dish?” 
It was a slip of the tongue, a long-lost memory pulled up from the dregs of his exhausted mind. He remembers a savory dish Barbatos use to make way back when. He can still smell the savory smoky spices mixing with the fresh vegetables and meat- Oh shit.
He feels you stiffen and he ain’t sleepy anymore, that’s for sure. Immediately up and apologizes. He stumbles over himself in his haste to explain himself. 
You spend the rest of the evening with him in your arms trying to comfort him as he tearfully swears he hasn’t eaten a person in a couple of hundred years. 
Mini Fic
He regrets it the moment the words slip out. His sleepy remark hangs out in the chilly air of his room. He feels you jerk in his arms as if punched. “Shit! I-I didn’t mean.” Mouth agape, he backtracks, tongue working faster than his overtaxed brain. He looks down at your head on his chest. 
Your eyes are wide. Their surprise reflected in the bright blue moonlight. His heart sinks to his stomach. Gods, he ruined it. “I’m sorry- I.”  Pushing you off of his chest he goes to grab his shirt and redress, ignoring the prickling heat growing at the corner of his eyes. He could sleep somewhere else tonight. You could have the room if you wanted, or at least give you a minute to flee in terror from the demon that masqueraded as your friend. He can’t look at you. Hells, he was too ashamed to even glance in your direction. What kind of idiot let’s slip that? They even had a council meeting about this very thing before you arrived. 
So lost in his panic he doesn’t notice you trying to get his attention. It wasn’t until you forcefully grab his arm did he hear you. “It’s ok Mammon.” You engulf him in your warm and comforting scent. Strong arms dragging him back to the crumpled sheets of his bed. Your soft fingers wipe at the silent tears streaking down his cheeks. 
He dislodges himself from your light grasp to rub at his own eyes. “How can ya’ say that?” Where was your sense of self-preservation? Ain’t humans supposed to be aware of such dangers? The irony wasn’t lost on him though. Being your ‘protector’ and all.
You shuffle closer, hellbent on comforting. His pack mark hums gently on his chest when you touch it. As much as his body wanted to run, your pact mark cemented him to his seat. He sits while you fuss over him slowly breathing through his mouth to calm his racing heart. He can’t help but drift closer to you when he feels your hand on the top of his head. When had he become so weak for you? 
“Well-How can I not?” You shrug. He closes his eyes when you start ruffling his fringe. “You’ve been nothing but sweet to me. Yes, you have,” You cut him off firmly before he can object. “Always my number one anyway.” That pulls a wet chuckle from your demon. His eyes clear up at your admission. “I trust you Mammon, honestly. I mean, I kinda knew that you’ve probably eaten a human or two in your life. Knowing, and knowing are more different than I thought.” 
 Mammon cages you in his arms, his nose brushing along your neck and jawline. “Damn-.” He huffs covering you in his warm body, arms tight around your sides. “I’m sorry. I ruined tonight.” Mammon sighs into your skin. 
You hug him back. “Nonsense, if you want to get technical I think you won this game. I can’t top that answer.” You push away with a wide yawn. “Now can we go back to bed?” With a nod, he flops over pulling you down with him. You bully your way into his arms again. Sighing constantly you snuggle in for the night, ready to drift off. His eyelids began to feel heavy again too. Your soft weight on him like a security blanket. He listens to your slowly beating heart, matching his breathing to yours. The rhythmic thumps working to calm him better than his noise machine. He basks in your presence, rubbing his broad hand down your back for a moment before you speak again.
“Hey, Mammon.” 
“Do you think I would taste good?” 
Awkward boy. Of course, he has had his fair share of humans. Not particularly his favorite through. A lot of the time it wasn’t on purpose. His demon form is big and sometimes more than just fish and other demons get swallowed up. Course when that happened, they weren’t exactly fresh either. Bleh-just thinking about it makes his stomach turn. 
No, he never got a taste for it, even when it was served in the royal palace. The memories of the sea are still pretty vivid. It never really crosses his mind anymore. Till you bring it up.
He invites you over for a game night. A new VR game he had been saving up for just dropped and he had to play it with you.
It was a horror stealth game. Heavy on critical thinking and solving puzzles in real-time.
Your two characters were on a race against time against a flesh eating cult that had invaded a small village. He thought it was a fun concept and you both liked horror games. He didn’t notice how quiet you had gotten until you had set your controller down. 
You ask during a loading screen after a pretty graphic cut scene of a npc getting caught. How realistic was that cut scene? Had he ever eaten a human before?
Boy is a brighter pink than Ruri-chan’s signature outfit (and twice as cute lbr) 
He gets so flustered that he misses the start of the next round and gets you both eaten. 
He doesn’t take conflict well. Like at all. He much rather slink off into his fish tank and hide than answer you. In fact, that sounds like an excellent idea.  
He slithers back out of his tank hours later thinking you had left or found a better brother to hang out with. Yucky people eaters like him aren’t good company for humans. 
You jump him the minute his feet are back on solid ground. Have an answer now you must! Yrssss. 
Mini Fic
“L-Let go!” Levi shrieks, caught in your sneak attack. He locks up when you jump him, all four of your limbs wrapping around his soaking body like an octopus. 
“No!” You squeeze him harder taking full advantage of the fact that he won’t remove you himself. You feel the heat of his blush through his soaked clothes as you cling closer. If he could blush any harder you were pretty sure steam would be wafting off of him. 
“Why do you want to know anyway?” He wiggles gently, trying to loosen your tight grip. 
“Morbid curiosity.” Well, at least you were honest. He was still going to say no, you didn’t need to know that about him. He opens his mouth to shut you down but makes the mistake of looking at you. The words die when he catches the pout growing on your face. Oh no- his one weakness. Your way your lower lip pops out adorably, accompanied by slightly puffed-out cheeks. It was a one-two punch to his defenses. 
“I-they weren’t on purpose.” He pleads. Nevermore in his life did he wish he could turn into a mist-like his brother. He feels you slip off of him. Your bare feet don’t make a sound on his carpeted floor. “It just happened sometimes.” He admits. You accept it for a few seconds before his words fully hit you.
“Wait? How do you accidentally eat someone?” You ask incredulously. “All though- that’s something Beel might do.” You ponder the logistics and step back to give him some space.
He rights himself, wicking the moisture from his coat and pants with magic until he is completely dry again. You start asking a dozen more questions in rapid fire. It was enough to make his head spin. You were too curious for your own good. “Ever heard of basking whales?”  
You blink. 
Levi sighs and waves a hand to himself.  “When I lived in the ocean… I’m big ya know. I kinda would just open my mouth and swallow. Whatever I caught I ate.” He waits for you to get the jest. Most of the time it was smaller fish and aquatic mammals. When a demon encroached on his territory he would eat them too. The dead were meant for his army, but sometimes they got sucked into.
Instead of nodding in understatement, you cover your mouth with the palm of your hand and snort. His eyes grow big and his blush turns brighter. You were spending way too much time with Asmo. “No-Not like that!” His flailing only makes you laugh harder. Great, as if he didn’t want to die of embarrassment already.
“Well word it better, nerd.” You laugh retreating back to the mound of pillows you claimed for gaming, VR headset in hand. “Come on, we have to start over now- thanks to someone.”
“You started it!” Levi shoots back grabbing up his gear as well. He fiddles with it for a moment before glancing back at you. You were oblivious to inner turmoil over this admission. A naval admiral was one thing. Humans had them too, that wasn’t too much for you to comprehend. Being a devil was easy enough to understand too, at least in his mind. But eating people? Shouldn’t you be more concerned? “So-that’s it?”
You look up questioningly. “What’s it?” 
He raises a purple brow. “You have nothing else to say? I just admitted to eating people!” 
“Not really.” You shrug. “I can’t get too pressed about it. It’s not like you are human. I’m like what-at the bottom of the food chain to you, right?” Levi nods. “See! So no point stressing over it. ‘Sides, you haven’t munched on me yet.” You turn your attention back to the screen, flicking your controller to wake his flat-screen back up. “Unless~” He gulps at the sly eyebrow wiggle you throw at him, the shit eating grin that accompanied it only made him worry.  “Perhaps you just have an appetite for seamen.” 
Your peals of laughter mix with his shrill yelps of objection, as he tackles you. His previous worries were completely forgotten by your teasing. 
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steve0discusses · 3 years
Yugioh S5 Ep 19: Yugi and the Only Neck Accessory He Didn’t Really Want to Wear
Been busy! Hopefully stuff will open up soon as I’m taking a hiatus on a different quarantine project and will be finishing painting the entire roof of my car this week? One can hope. Sanding the rust off the whole top of a car takes a long time it turns out?
Also, fun Yugioh fact, I recently painted a book cover for an author who is older so she’s never seen the show, and she looked at my tumblr, saw my Duke Devlin fanart and was like “That’s him. That’s my main character. OMG. You captured him perfectly!” and I was like “Ma’am that is Duke Devlin, hence the single dice earring on his lobes there, but we can work with this.” and now a spiritual Duke Devlin is on the cover of a Wuxia-style fantasy trilogy on the Vella. Had to give him a top knot and delete the eyeliner for Wuxia reasons but uh, that’s just Duke.
So long story short, fanart can get you work, don’t even worry about posting that stuff online because most people don’t even know it’s fanart anyway and older ladies freakin love it.
Back in Yugioh, the team was doing their best to navigate a map through the woods and they do about as well as they normally do.
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And inside Tristan lifted up the floorboards and was like “I found the only way out, this is it, this is the only way.”
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And they ended up in something that has a color scheme I would actually associate with a jungle. Finally. We have finally left California (in order to go to another Hell.)
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Youknow, when we went to California, we visited Hell, and when we went to India, we also took a stop at the nearest death destination. There’s just so much death on this show and sometimes I forget because there’s been a ghost in our party for so freakin long it’s been normalized.
(read more death imagery under the cut)
Joey freaks out at a flock of crows and reveals in this episode something I never realized about him before.
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Like I’m not always the perfect observer as I’m sure you’ve noticed, but I love that this is canon for probably only this episode, but I will never forget it for the entirety of this series.
You go on hating birds, Joey.
Bro was like “Maybe it’s a deep cut about Mai Valentine because she’s a harpy lady” but eh...pretty sure we spent like an entire season of Joey telling us that Mai was a good experience? Would be incredibly funny if immediately after all of S4, Joey was like “You know what? Screw Mai, guys.”
So my thoughts...it’s probably just a literal bird experience. Like I had a friend who hated deer because once she went to a petting zoo, got some pellets to feed the deer, but her finger was sticking up, so when the deer came over to nibble on some pellets her finger went up it’s nose by accident. She was so disgusted by this event that was entirely her fault, that she brought up how much she hated deer basically whenever we saw one.
So like...maybe Joey fed a bird wrong at a petting zoo. I can see him getting bit by a parrot because he was too Joey Wheeler.
But now that we’re in a graveyard neighborhood, Pharaoh decides to hop out because there’s a lot of ghosts here and he needs to practice socializing with his peers.
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So that’s just a Yugioh monster doing the ostrich dance, right? Like this is a meme from like 2010 but on Yugioh in 2003(4?)
Good to see the Ostrich dance here in the land before Vine.
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So they pull out their Pokemon to do some antics, Tea looked like she was about to do something useful, and Yami does a yump across time and space to get her as far away from playing (not)cards as quickly as possible and y’all...sure was a position these animators animated.
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Holy crap.
And I was going off about that scene last season where they woke up in the same bed like...
...have these two been together this entire time? Like together together?
They’re like...way more comfortable than you’d figure they’d be considering Yugi nearly passes out every time he gets a hug. But Yami just like....How long has this been going on? As long as Joey’s fear of birds?
Like obviously this show would never cover what the hell Yugi may be thinking about this overreaching move here, because we’re gonna gloss right over that, and just run away up a flight of stairs. No one mentions this ever again. Which is mind blowing for an anime to do. I think in most anime I watch, the kids would be like “ahh ahhhh I bumped into a booooob!” like it does for I want to say every other episode of My Hero Academia. But in Yugioh, they saw that low hanging fruit and they were like “we expect a higher level of maturity out of our audience. Now here’s a fleet of ostrich dancing tree monsters with faces for crotches.”
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They decided to sprint up this flight of stairs, and it enough of a slope to deter the monsters who are only unbalanced weird legs.
I want us to take a moment and admire this background painting. I can’t unsee the rocks that are all the same size, just piled on top of eachother. Did Alexander the Great just plop rocks here--or was the mountain made up of tons of similarly shaped boulders?
Like there’s a lot of nice bg’s in this arc, don’t get me wrong, but this one...I’m just trying to wrap my head around the logic of it.
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At the top, they meet a pantheon, that is immediately blocked by this wall, because if this arc had a tagline, it’s “Yugi gets inconvenienced every 4 seconds.”
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Bro was like “Clearly they would have pushed it over if Tea wasn’t slacking off” and like...she is actually. Look at her. Only used one hand? Slacker.
Joey was disappointed he couldn’t push over a massive wall, and the team decided not to analyze how much Joey Wheeler thinks of his own strength and instead fixate on these statues.
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Usually in anthro characters they kinda look birdlike but act human. But what about an anthro that’s just a bird? Like human torso, but can turn his head 180 degrees? Yugioh made me ask this question.
And then Joey was like “wait, there may be a solution that isn’t just to use brute strength!”
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Youknow it is a bummer that Kaiba couldn’t witness Joey own a dragon while he himself only has a robot jet dragon. Although, the jet is probably faster, stronger and overall...better than this baby dragon. It would have been great for Kaiba to witness Joey under-utilize this dragon and forget he has it for like huge swatches of the episode.
And then Grandpa pulled some body horror out of nowhere.
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I mean that is really gross.
I guess Grandpa can’t use Blue eyes, because Kaiba ripped it up, Grandpa can’t use Exodia because Weevil tossed it off a boat, and grandpa can’t use the card that’s just a building because...it’s a building.
So instead Grandpa has a bunch of meat and bones that look like something out of Doom. It’s probably from a more obscure Konami property, but I forget which.
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I’ve seen Tristan hold back Joey in this hold, first time it’s been Tea.
So much shipping in this episode, it’s wild.
It’s also wild how low my standards are for what could possibly be shipping when it comes to Yugioh because of how freakin tepid all of these characters are, which as I’ve brought up before, I really don’t mind.
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So Yugi decides that because Grandpa was folding his arms like one monster and it made a gem light up or something, to just do the video game thing and use the giant ass statues as clues.
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Why was this arc not a video game? Like parts of it really feel like it was meant to be.
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So Yugi falls down a hole, where the walls cave in like it’s that dumpster in Star Wars but like...it barely phases him.
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Also...Yugi might be able to see in the dark. It’s never been brought up but like...the more I think about it...has Yugi ever struggled to see without the lights on?
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After Joey disappoints everyone, he confronts death.
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And Pharaoh and Yugi decide to solve the puzzle of “how do I get out of this trap dungeon room” which, honestly, is probably what they’re doing every time they hang out in the brain pyramid.
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So they summon their mascot monster, and surprisingly the show decided its ability to fly cannot help them out here.
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Kuriboh manages to become enough of a doormat to push Yami up to the stone and they end up in a set of weird cuts that ended in this?
Like seriously it was like flashes of light and then they were just...up here like this.
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Hey like...
Alexander the Great, my man...
Were you planning to put that stone in the middle of a exhaust vent hoping someone would touch it? Because there’s no way anyone would rationally have done that. You would need to fly to do it. This is the world’s worst DM.
Like Yugioh pulls a lot of fantasy nonsense but this arc is a lot more like a “it’s a kid’s show, just go with it.” arc than most of them. It’s not a bad vibe, necessarily, it’s just not the vibe I’m used to.
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So once I witnessed maybe the most boring conversation I’ve ever witnessed about corn (this was on a twitch stream, by the way, a guy was playing an interesting game, and then a guest came on and started talking about corn and plants for 2 hours) and they would not shut up about how all taxonomy is wrong because there are no such thing as trees and how all animals are labelled incorrectly, and then they started comparing it to like all sorts of mushrooms and phytoplankton as you would if you clearly got a little bit high before dumping your corn knowledge on a twitch stream.
Anyway, after that bizarre experience I suffered so I could learn how to play an obscure video game, I think I can safely say, that while I know everyone here thinks a bird can’t be a dog. If you’re a high biologist: a bird is absolutely a dog. Apparently you can just do that if you’re the most boring biologist alive and no one will argue with you because to do that would involve talking to you. We’ll just say a bird is a dog and no one can fight me or I will talk about the corn book that this guest on this twitch chat was thinking about renting from the library about the different types of corn mutations inherent in freakin Indiana. Therefore, Joey’s fear of birds and dogs is same.
So they use Dark Magician to save them from the statues, and Yugi busts into the pantheon again because they got to open this casket before a time limit that I kind of forgot about, tbh.
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And inside the casket, is...this thing!
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(enjoy this line on the bottom of the image I don’t feel like fixing it)
And you may say to yourself...it looks like it’s just floating in mid-air, that’s silly, and so I want to introduce you to the next panel where you can see that it is...quite literally...just floating in the air like a video game.
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and it just slurps itself onto Yugi before he can be like “nonono.”
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Wasn’t there some horror movie where you were stuck in some sort of body brace that slowly tortures you (was that Saw?) This has that vibes. Like man that looks uncomfortable to wear over a jacket and two belts and a collar that is another belt.
That and I...I gotta appreciate that Yugi popped his collar while wearing body armor and chunky necklace. What 00′s fashion appreciation right there.
Bit like...this isn’t breathable, right? Like Yugi’s gonna finally take this thing off and his jacket will just be completely soaked in sweat?
Anyway, that’s it for this post, next week we’ll see if Yugi can walk through a doorway in that thing.
Also, I can’t bring up the ostrich dance without sharing the vines of my generation
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Through the Looking Glass || Morgan & Skylar
Timing: Early last week
Parties: @mor-beck-more-problems, @theskyeandsea
Contains: Mentions of drug use, depictions of death and dying
Summary: Morgan and Skylar take a break from it all to have a fun, innocent time at the carnival. 
Skylar basked in the rays of the summer sunset, taking in a deep breath to fully absorb the sugar-laden scent that mixed with the salty sea breeze in a surprisingly pleasant way. The heat of the day had faded and the flashing lights of various attractions blinked against the backdrop of the ocean. She could hear sounds of carnival games whirling and children laughing as they ran from one ride to another-- it was… wonderful. And nothing that she’d ever experienced before. Her mother had never liked the idea of state fairs or carnivals, calling them “backwoods entertainment” or other things like that. She’d never been to the circus either, though a part of her really didn’t mind that. The idea of seeing animals having to perform had always made her a little uncomfortable. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a familiar figure walking up and she offered a wave. “Hey, Morgan!” She said with her usual brand of quiet enthusiasm. “I’m glad you wanted to check out the carnival with me. I, um, I’ve never actually been to one before.” She admitted with a sheepish smile.
Morgan opened her arms to Skylar and pulled her into a hug. She was a tall girl, Morgan could never wrap her up safe the way she seemed to need sometimes, but she did her best, giving Skylar a little squeeze. The weeks since they’d seen each other had taken the stuffing out of her. New medication could be rough like that, and Morgan wrestled with the urge to ask if there was anything more to it. Another hunter attack? Another White Crest wilderness mishap? “Hey, you,” she said instead.”I’m glad you said yes. There’s at least a seventy percent chance this place is chock full of magic, but I can’t help but want to go back and it’s much more fun with a friend. “And you’re definitely not alone there. This might be my second trip, but this is still my first carnival. It’s so big, I don’t think even two trips would be enough to see or try everything. But we can do our best, right? We’ve earned a little break from all the mess. And I really want you to tell me if turkey legs are still all they’re cracked up to be.” She linked their arms together and lead them under the entrance archway. There was enough sun for her to read all the signs and posters indicating what lay where on the fairgrounds and she stopped a moment, feeling the same twinge of wonder rise up all over again at just how much there was, and how simple the choices were, all just a matter of want, of color, of impulse. Nothing more weighty or more complicated than that.
Initially taken aback by the hug, Skylar relaxed into the gentle embrace, squeezing Morgan back in kind. How long had it been since they’d last seen each other? How long had it been since she’d seen… much of anyone, actually? After her run in with the hunter, she’d spent so much of her time holed up in the house or hiding at work, desperately trying to keep her head down. She didn’t know if the man was still out there, only what he was capable of. But… it had been over a month since that awful night. Over a month since she’d gained the new scar that sliced across the back of her leg. “You’ve already been here before? Did you come with Deirdre?” She asked as she let Morgan take her arm and guide her into the carnival proper. It was loud and the noises from the people around them were slightly distracting, but being close to Morgan helped her focus on her words. “Turkey legs? Those sound really great, I’d love to try one.” She said, intrigued by the idea. Something that she’d be able to eat without worrying how people would look at her. That honestly sounded really nice. As they walked through the carnival, she took in all the games and lights, the various rides that spun around in dizzying circles. It seemed so fun and lighthearted-- a welcome change from everything else that had happened to her in the past few months.
“I did, yeah,” Morgan said with a smile. “It was quite the adventure, and uh, maybe as a consequence, we should steer clear of the Museum of Monstrosities pop-up stop. And that whole, uh, area. Just in case anyone recognizes me from last time.” She gave Skylar a sheepish smile. She felt a lot of things about that particular part of their visit, but regret wasn’t one of them. She knew, sure, that there was value in preserving artifacts and remains for the sake of history, for the preservation of people always on the run or in hiding, but that wasn’t what she’d seen. Hopefully this time, they could keep things easy and safe. “Come on, I’ll get you a turkey leg and  you can tell me what I’ve been missing out on while we figure out what we want to hit up first. It looks like there’s a lot of people taking pictures by that stand over there, but I can’t see what it’s for…”
Though she was a bit puzzled, Skylar nodded all the same, “That works for me. I’m not really interested in that sort of thing anyways. I figured there might be some… weirdness here. Given that it’s a White Crest carnival. But, yup, I’m very okay with not poking around that side of the carnival.” She said with an affirmative thumbs up. As they meandered through the carnival, her eyes flicked from attraction to another, Skylar could feel the tension start to ease from her shoulders. Being able to hang out with a friend, enjoy their company, do something new and interesting-- it was all just a nice break from reality. Kind of like how anime night with Rio and Winston had been. While she couldn’t remember the specifics of what had happened, it was still a very nice time. And hopefully tonight would be more of the same. “Oh, you don’t need to do that.” She said with a wave of her hand as she stood on her tiptoes, trying to peer over the crowd before them. “Um, I think it’s for some kind of lion..?” She asked, though her voice was uncertain. “Do you want to check it out? I’ve never actually seen one, so it could be neat. And,” Skylar pointed over towards one of the nearby stalls that was off to the side of the line, “There’s a turkey leg stand on the way while we wait. Two birds with one stone?”
“I think that sounds like a great plan,” Morgan said. She followed Skylar to the stall and took their turn in line, glancing up at her to see how she was easing into the day. She didn’t seem any more anxious than usual; there was even a hint of a smile pulling at her lips. But that flattened look remained. Maybe the side effects of her medication were more than just her mood. “Hey, I really am glad you got yourself figured out with your new meds. I got lucky that my happy brain shots don’t mess with me. It’s just my old prescription with an extra magic kick. But when I was first getting started, it was really hard.” She gave her a little nudge. “Anyways, I remember Turkey legs being really greasy and good. If it’s not just a little crispy on the outside and warm and juicy on the inside, throw it away as a lost cause.” She got on her tiptoes to look at the crowd by the lion’s den. “Must be a small lion. Think it’s a cub, or some supernatural critter we don’t know about?”
At the mention of her medicine, Skylar could feel her stomach twist a little, the inside of her left arm suddenly warm. But, she did her best to focus on what Morgan was saying instead, about how what she was taking really helped her. “That’s really lucky. I’m, um, I’m sorry about the other day. I just underestimated how much it was going to affect me. But it’s all good now.” She said with a nod. The pain was lessened, even now. Of course, she had some of the valium Felix had sent along with the bliss coursing through her system, cutting through the pain. But… Morgan didn’t really need to know that. As they passed by the turkey leg stall, Skylar slipped away from Morgan and bought herself one and was surprised by how tasty it was. There was a little bit of char, it was dripping with greasy, and just a little bit hard to chew through. While she was more than capable of eating with her veneers in, she was very aware of how easy it would have been to bite into the leg with her real teeth. Swallowing, she wiped her mouth before nodding in approval at Morgan. “Definitely worth the line for this, mhm!” She said before taking another bite as she looked over the crowd. She could just barely make out golden brown fur from where she stood, along with a very wispy looking mane. “It might not be very well taken care of..?”
“It’s really okay, Skylar,” Morgan said. “Things happen, especially here. We get taken away from ourselves for a little while. And then we come back. And yours definitely wasn’t that bad.” She smiled and stepped back to appreciate the scene of the turkey leg. Was it bad, somehow, to have so much excitement for something she couldn’t have? To fixate on how the skin peeled from the meat and the little bits of juice and how grease…? She could almost taste it in her mouth. She could only taste heat when it was boiling, enough to burn anyone else’s tongue off. If she reached for the wrapper, the grease would only be the memory of itself. Better to let Skylar have her fun and remember being at the rodeo on her own time, while she still remembered it at all. Besides, they might have a lion to save.
Morgan stuck close to Skylar as they made their way over. Crowds always parted for tall people and soon they were looking at...a dog. Morgan bent down and put her finger out to the animal’s snout. As he sniffed her experimentally before nosing her into pets, she noticed the seam around his head where his ‘mane’ pressed against his golden fur. Yep. Definitely a dog.
“He does tricks!” The boy handling him said. “Hey, Lion, can you roar?”
The dog wriggled into the most majestic pose he could manage and gave it his best effort.
“Lion, lay down!”
Lion laid down, puppy eyes turned upwards for approval.
“Good boy, Lion!”
Morgan exchanged a look with Skylar. Lion’s coat glowed in the afternoon sun and his tail wagged with delight as he received his ‘lion’ treats. Not much of a supernatural injustice or mystery there. “Is it okay if we pet him?” She asked.
Shifting with a slight unease at Morgan’s words, Skylar was suddenly grateful for the space between them. That, and the excuse not to respond as she took another particularly large bite of the turkey leg. Instead of responding, she offered a tentative smile and continued to shuffle forward towards the… lion. Which turned out to be nothing more than a dog wearing a scruffy fake mane, trying its very best to do the tricks that his owner commanded. In hindsight, seeing an actual lion might have been far too much for her, particularly if they were up this close. As it was, this “lion” was nerve-wracking enough. But, it seemed like a really well trained dog. As Lion’s tail wagged excitedly, eagerly looking up at his owner with a wide grin, Skylar couldn’t help but laugh a little. “If you’d like, that’s okay with me.” She said with a nod and followed behind Morgan as the two went up to the small stage where Lion sat, wagging its tail and accepting pats from the passing onlookers.
As she waited for Morgan to get her turn, Lion’s eyes lit up at her approach and darted across the stage towards her. Before she could react, the dog had stolen the turkey leg from her hand. “Lion! No, bad do-- lion! I’m so sorry, Miss, you coulda lost a finger.” The boy apologized as he grabbed Lion by the scruff of his “mane” and pulled him away. Meanwhile, the dog happily munched on the turkey leg, still very much grinning through the meaty bone in its mouth. “It’s okay, really.” Skylar laughed, shaking her head. “Well. That wasn’t exactly what I expected.” She said to Morgan as the crowd began to exit the small stage area. “Where to next?”
Morgan tried not to laugh too hard at the prospect of the golden mix dog taking someone’s finger. Lion was a lot of things, including meat hungry, but he yapped too happily and smiled too wide to look like much of a threat to anyone, even at his hungriest. But so as not to insult either one of them, she thanked the handler and went down the nearest walkway with Skylar. She looked up and down the stalls thoughtfully. “Probably not the games. Most of them are run by fae and not in the biggest at playing fair. And that game--” she pointed at one, “Looked a little weird to me the last time I saw someone play it. But, ooh, this is probably safe?” Morgan unfurled from Skylar and backed her way into a large wooden stall marked The Hall of Mirrors and Mystery. “I’ve always wanted to go into something like this before, but I’ve never had the chance. What do you think? Down for a little Wonderland walk, Alice? Feels like they have AC in here too.” She beamed wide, hand outstretched for Skylar, and slipped into the dark hall.
“That sounds good to me,” Skylar nodded as she followed Morgan through the crowd of people and they resumed their wandering through the carnival. At the other woman’s words, she raised an eyebrow, “The Fae? How did you figure out that they were running the games?” She asked, a bit curious. Did Morgan have some kind of sixth sense that came with being a zombie, that allowed her to figure out what other people were? Looking over in the direction of where she pointed, Skylar grimaced. People were just plunging their hands into what looked like a giant tub of mayo-- no, no thank you. “Mhm, I’d like to stay clear of that one too.” As the other woman peeled away from her, she tilted her head at the Hall of Mirrors. It didn’t seem too scary, unlike some of the thrill rides that dotted the carnival grounds. It was just a hall of mirrors, that was it. Looking at Morgan’s outstretched hand, Skylar nodded, “Does that make you the March Hare? Well, let’s go down the rabbit hole together.” She said with a smile of her own.
“My girlfriend has a very nifty way of looking out for me,” Morgan said with a grin. “Remind me to tell you how she won me two prizes at the dart game sometime.” She gave Skylar an elaborate curtsey and took her arm again as they moseyed inside. The mirrors were lined with bright strips of neon lights. Their reflections warbled in the first hall before their eyes like they’d been stretched out over the river. Then the room opened out to a large gallery, lined with mirrors fanned out in every possible angle, some into more halls, others into dead ends. The rest of the people with them scattered to their own corners, taking selfies and making fun of each other. Morgan let her fingers ghost over the edge of the panels she passed as she took them to the left. It was sweet, even, how much work had been put into something so simple. Then Morgan caught a glimpse of another self from the corner of her eye. She would know that Little Mermaid backpack anywhere. “Skye…” She knew exactly what day this was. Her little arms were so tired from carrying all the things she could squeeze into that dumb, plastic backpack. But the water was so high for her, she knew all her books would get ruined if she slid on the straps and carried it the normal way. She hadn’t packed enough clothes, and the neighbor’s boat had been left waiting because she was crying over the water in her socks and her ruined books. Her mother had yelled at her in front of all those strangers… She dropped Skylar’s arm. “Skylar, are you seeing this too?” She asked in a whisper.
Following Morgan inside, Skylar’s eyes took a moment to adjust to the hall, the only illumination coming from the bright lights that wreathed the mirrors in light. It was simultaneously blindingly bright and incredibly dark at the same time inside the hall. As she took in the room, she peered into some of the mirrors, a smile growing on her face as she saw how the various mirrors distorted her appearance. Some of them made her appear taller than she already was, others stretched her face, still others-- as she glanced over at Morgan, she was caught off guard by a reflection in the mirror. A small girl, with a bright Little Mermaid backpack… Blinking, Skylar looked around the room, trying to find the girl in the reflection. But, it was just her and Morgan. “I-- yes, who’s that?” Glancing around the room, she tried to look for any sign of supernatural monsters that might have snuck up behind them. Was it a ghost, trapped in the mirror? But, the expression on Morgan’s face was one of… recognition. Like she knew who the girl in the mirror was.
Before Skylar could question her further, she froze. A woman, her height, sandy blonde hair, her same blue eyes, but… much older. There were wrinkles around her eyes, the skin around her jaw tighter. And the way she held herself, was stronger, more assured. She stared at the woman, watched as her fingers began to sign something, though the mirror was too unfocused to make out the specific signs. But, she could make out the general idea. Safe, community, you are good. Swallowing, Skylar nudged Morgan, “I… Can you see her too?” The woman in the reflection looked to be about fifty. Who was she? Why did she look so familiar?
Morgan had knelt down to look at her nine year old self. She was trying so hard not to cry and Morgan felt a sickening twist of embarrassment for her. Just breathe, kid, she wanted to say. Just breathe while you still can. This isn’t gonna be the last time you lose everything, just pull yourself together. But she was just following her movements pitifully, struggling to carry herself upright with her wet things. She didn’t look away until Skylar’s call. She peered over at the next mirror and-- “Oh, Earth. It’s you. You look so--” A wet laugh burbled out of her. Morgan wiped the corners of her eyes and scrambled up to get a better look with her. “Um, I know these, she’s...comforting someone, yeah? She’s--” Older than Morgan would ever look, something she hadn’t bothered to think about before. What a life she was going to have, or might have, at least. It wasn’t going to be fun pretending to be a student or a younger friend of hers if they were even going to get to know each other that long. Morgan squeezed the girl’s arm gently. “She looks like she’s doing really good.”
The slightly off sound of Morgan’s laughter caught Skylar’s attention and she glanced over just in time to see the woman dabbing at the corners of her eyes. Not wanting to draw attention to it, she bit the inside of her cheek. It was only then that she processed Morgan’s words. It was her? No, that couldn’t be her. She looked so… assured. So calm and steady, like a tree that had weathered a storm and still remained standing tall. That couldn’t possibly be her. “I thought it might be my mom.” She whispered quietly, before reaching out to touch the mirror. Before her fingers could touch the reflective surface, the image seemed to ripple and she was face to face with her own reflection, tentatively reaching out to the mirror. The same clothes, the same choppy hair, the same blue eyes with dark rings below. “It’s me again.” She said, slightly aghast. “What was that?” Skylar asked, turning to Morgan, hoping the other woman would have some kind of answer.
“No, but she’s just your height, and the freckles--” Morgan was about to trace the pattern along the reflection when it shifted back to normal. “It...must be some kind of magic. Maybe it’s reading our memories, or the threads of fate. Showing us...our path, or some of them.” She rolled her shoulders and clenched and unclenched her hands, trying to steady herself without breath and moved down to the next mirror. “She is real, you know,” she said, putting on a brave smile despite her sniffles. “Fate? You have plenty of choices and opportunities, but once you’ve locked yourself past the point of no return, she won’t let you--” Morgan’s words died in a silent scream. She stumbled back into Skylar, trembling. Looking back at her was her body, but not rammed through with steel on the pavement. She was shot through with magic, energy warping her veins til they bulged white. There was a circle around her and a cauldron of blood at her feet. “Something went wrong,” her reflection whimpered. “I went a-a--”
Morgan backed away from her before another twisted, death-throes sound could escape her twisted mouth. “Sorry,” she stuttered, turning away and stumbling down the hall, only to find the vision of another death, this time, her body ground to a dark smear in some empty lot. She went stiff, turned again, and saw herself as it had really happened: stuck to the ground and choking on her pain as she cried. Stars above, there had been so much blood. She hadn’t remembered the blood except for what had stuck to her body. There was Deirdre and Remmy huddled around her, and the way everything burned and blurred because she was crying so hard and how she had fought because in that moment it was the end of everything: the last glimpse of the sky, the last cloud, the last look at someone who loved her, but the rest---Morgan’s hand went to the spot on her stomach as she remembered. Every time she’d  tried to lift herself off that stick, she hurt down in places she didn’t know she could. She’d hurt so much she’d barely been able to speak at all. Morgan screwed her eyes shut and clamped her hand over her mouth. “S-skylar?” She croaked. She didn’t want to be here anymore. If she had been fated to die the moment she came here, maybe even fated to become this (“Not a ‘this’, never a this,” Deirdre’s voice reminded her) she didn’t need to look at it. But Morgan’s jaw was clenched, her chest barely full with enough air to speak at all. “Skylar--?” She tried again, praying she was loud enough to be heard.
“But…” Skylar’s words died in her throat as she continued to stare back at her own reflection. How could that possibly be her? The woman who’d looked at her, she’d seemed… so much stronger, so much braver than she could ever imagine herself being. No, it couldn’t be her. As she listened to Morgan’s words, she wondered just what this place was. How could it know? How could magic see things that could be, or that would be, and project them out like this. Opening her mouth to ask Morgan another question, she caught sight of another Morgan in the mirror, a black cauldron rippling with red liquid at her feet--
Before she could react, the other woman had ran in the opposite direction, away from the terrible image in the mirror. And Skylar found herself alone. Except, she wasn’t. Not really. The image of not-Morgan faded from the reflective surface and a small figure appeared, her hair cut at a lopsided angle. Skylar’s eyes widened, a lump forming in the back of her throat. Blood, she could feel the blood that ran down her chin that day. That was the day she’d bit the awful boy who’d cut her long, beautiful hair. That had been the day her mother had taken her to get her hair cut in a choppy bob, to hide the large hunk of hair that was suddenly missing. She looked at the little girl who stared back at her with tear-filled eyes and blood crusted lips. Skylar wanted to cry. Wanted to sweep her up in her arms and tell her that it would… it would be better. But would it? Would any of this ever get better? Biting the inside of her cheek, she turned and ran in the direction of the exit. She had to get out of here, she needed to leave this place.
Morgan listened for any sign that the girl was nearby. All the grief she had buried rose up from the grave she’d dug at the bottom of her soul. It pulled on her bones with the coldest fingers, twisting her until she bent double, sore and aching. Then she heard crying. “Skylar--?” She choked out. She still couldn’t get her throat to open or her lungs to work. She looked around her and saw--another self. A live one, with flecks of gray in her hair and wrinkles around her mouth. She couldn’t stop her tears from coming anymore than Morgan could now. “What’s wrong?” Morgan rasped. She looked fine enough, save for the handle of whiskey in her grip and the mess of glass and dirty clothes at her feet. But there was something wasted-looking about her, like her insides had gone all shrivelled. “What did you do?”
The older woman shook her head and hid her face, ashamed.
“S-stop. Stop that. Answer me. Please, answer me. What did we do wrong now?”
The woman only popped off the lid of the alcohol and drank deep, grimacing with hatred before bending over with cries again.
Morgan stumbled down the hall, fingers catching on the bright edges of the mirrors. If she could just stick to one wall, she had to be able to find the exit. She passed herself crying in the bathroom as Karen was dragged away by her mom, the fragile whimpers she’d made when her mom explained that she was cursed, but no worries, great great grandma Agnes did it, it wasn’t just because she had the misfortune of being born. Stars, she never stopped crying, and it was all the mirrors were throwing back at her, a cascade of nothing but misery until, all at once, silence crashed through the hall.
The Hall of Mirrors, Skylar had realized, wasn’t a whimsical place. It wasn’t a fun, happy diversion from reality. No, it was just another reminder of how awful, how terrible this place was. How… inhuman she was. As she ran through a room full of more of the strange magical mirrors, she saw glimpses of her past self, of future selves. A small girl crying in the corner of the library the day after her brother had abandoned her for his new, better friends. A woman looking wistfully out to the sea. A seal, with deep scars running across her front fins and jaws. Tears began to streak down her face as she tried desperately to find the exit. She didn’t want to see this. She didn’t want to remember her past, she didn’t want to know what awaited her.
As she rounded a corner, Skylar found herself in a nearly pitch black room. The exit? It had to be, why else would it be so empty, so dark? As she took a tentative step forward, she realized the room was dark because the neon lights around the mirrors of this section had burned out. The room was filled with the barest hint of illumination that leaked from the hallway she’d just come from. She stood there for a moment, hesitant. Was this the right way? The instant the doubt entered her mind, a doorway creaked open at the end of the hall, filling the room with rays of sunlight. And that was when Skylar let out a horrified gasp.
A crumpled woman stared up at her from where she lay on the ground. An empty vial lay next to her and behind her, something burned. She couldn’t tell what it was, she was too focused on the tangled, matted hair, the scarred… collapsed veins of her arms. Sores, she could see ugly red sores that mottled her body. Dry, cracked hands rubbed at her skin, as though trying to brush away phantom bugs that crawled against her. Skylar stared in horror as familiar blue eyes looked back at her from sunken eye sockets. Even then, the expression on her face was serene. “It’s easier this way. For everyone.” The woman-- no, Skylar realized. Hardly a woman. This version of herself in the mirror… she couldn’t have been more than a year or two older than herself. A choked sob spilled out of her as Skylar sank her head into her hands, unable to look for any longer.
In the quiet, Morgan kept her trembling hands over her ears, just in case she was mistaken. She couldn’t handle another cursed, dead end future, she just needed to find Skylar and get out. Then she heard it: the faintest flutter in the air, a breathless laugh. She lowered her arms and looked, ignoring another series of selves that twinned with her exactly, alone at what might as well have been the end of the world. Morgan wanted there to be a point to all this, a reason to keep trudging through the days, even if it was so fucking rare and next to impossible.
Of course the Morgan in the mirror hadn’t aged a bit. Her dress was a little nicer, but no one would have been able to tell them apart otherwise. The only sign this picture had been summoned from years ahead was the girl next to her. She wasn’t more than thirteen by Morgan’s best guess, still round and soft in the cheeks. She swayed awkwardly on legs she hadn’t grown into yet, and only had to rise on her tiptoes to surpass Morgan’s height, which she did gleefully with a smile that made Morgan’s chest ache with recognition. Brown hair fell down her face and over her shoulders, ornamented with an uneven cascade of flowers and tiny bones she had tried to put in herself. She was, Morgan realized, a near-perfect rendering of Deirdre, only younger, happier. Her nose was sharper and upturned and her eyes were much closer to hazel than brown, but it was that same effervescent spirit that sometimes fell out of Deirdre when they were alone and happy, rendered large over the girl’s entire body. And she had wings: a thin set of moth wings patterned gray and brown and white like the trees in winter. They fluttered in giddy fits as she tried to show off the mess she’d made of her hair and cajole her Morgan into doing something for her.
Morgan reached out for them, forgetting the glass until her fingers knocked against it. She didn’t dare ask aloud, as if doing so might jinx this future’s existence. But she knocked, trying to get their attention. Was this everything it looked to be? Were they that happy? What was the girl’s name? And where was Deirdre? The Morgan in the mirror gave her a smug smile, seeming to read her thoughts, and mimed that her lips were sealed. Morgan could have watched them until nightfall, watching for some hint about how to get to that place, but the sound of another cry, markedly different from her own, jolted her out of her longing.
Skylar. Shit.
“Skylar?” Morgan called. “Where are you?” She followed the hall into another room and-- “What the hell is that?” She rushed over, but the image of Skylar’s ruined body faded as soon as she was close enough to get a good look.”Skye?” She asked softly. “Hey, can I help you up? We’re almost out of here, okay?”
Skylar didn’t want to see this, she didn’t want to see any of this. She didn’t want to know what the future held for her, not if this could happen to her. This was just… too much to bear. Even if the other possibilities existed, this one, the one that stood before her-- she let out a shuddering sob. As awful as this final one had been, the others replayed in her mind. The ruined jaw of a seal, an older woman staring with intense longing at the sea… She didn’t want to know those existed. None of them were good, none of them were right. Skylar felt the tears roll down her cheeks as she buried her head deeper into her hands. “No. No, no, no.” She mumbled to herself.
Skylar felt more than heard Morgan next to her and did her best to quell the sobs that shook her body. Peering through her hands, she nodded. “P-please. Please, I can’t… I can’t.” She said before retreating back to the shelter of her hands.
Morgan reached for the girl, pulling her up with ease. “You’re gonna be okay,” she said. “There’s nothing to see anymore, and we’re getting out of here.” She hefted them towards the wall she’d been following and soon found another door. One push and light streamed into the dark room. Morgan dragged them out, stumbling into the fair grounds and kicking over one of the cones that blocked it off for anyone mistaking it for an entrance. She held Skylar steady and upright. “Deep breath, honey, okay?” She said. “We’re out. You can take a big breath now. We’re safe.”
Breathing, she could do that. She could do that. Skylar let Morgan lead her out of the Hall of Mirrors, burrowing her head into the smaller woman’s shoulder. What she’d seen in there, what could come to pass… No. No, no, no. Deep breaths. Deep breaths. She forced her lungs to fill, made herself hold the breath, measuring time by the rapid pounding of her heart, before letting it out. Over and over, she did that until the panic began to fade. The fear remained, the dread and horror still hovered over her like a dark cloud. But, at least she was out of there. At least she was safe. “I… Need to go home.” She whispered. “Can we go?”
“Yeah, honey, we’re going home right now.” Morgan took Skylar’s hand firmly in her own and steered them quickly back the way they’d come. She could no longer pick out any one sound or sight. The lights were too bright in the afternoon sun, the sand glared cruelly against her eyes, bouncing against their bodies like spotlights. Morgan hurried them faster, faster, not letting go of the girl’s arm for a moment. “We don’t have to do anything else today, okay?” She said. “We’re just gonna go. We’re going, Skylar, okay? It’s already behind us. We can talk about it later. For now? It’s gone.”
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danetobelieve · 4 years
The More You Know || Orion and Winston
Winston wasn’t sure how to take Orion right now. They were sure that they were being lied to about a good number of things but Winston was trying their hardest not to judge them because they knew that they were in a very difficult situation. Instead, they were trying to keep them occupied and busy. Ricky was out currently, and Winston had decided that it was time to introduce Orion to the pleasures of having pretty much every sort of gaming available that you could possibly once. “So, you gamed much before? Are you like a hardcore gamer? Do you hate games and everything about them? Give me some context here dude.”
Things were still a bit awkward around the house. Not from lack of trying on Winston or Ricky’s part. They had practically bent over backwards trying to make the place as accommodating and welcoming as they could to Orion. Made him food, cleared out a bedroom for him, offered to help move his things. They were even planning a whole day around an ikea trip to get him some necessities. And yet.... well Rio was an awkward person. Around everyone. So it was hard to settle into this new environment that he was supposed to be calling home. Plus, it didn’t help that he still had to lie about so much. “Gaming? Oh yeah. I game a lot.” He smiled, blinking away from his train of thoughts to focus on Winston speaking. “I played handheld games more when I was a kid. I never had a console. But now I game a lot on the PC.” He scratches at the back of his head nervously.  “I’ve been super into like RPG’s. Trying to work my way through the Final Fantasy series. What about you? What do you like to play?”
Winston got it. This must have been awkward enough for them as it was and they were sure that being nice to them didn’t make it any better. But they had to try and get them to settle in as best they could. “Fuck yes dude,” Winston replied with a bright smile, “so we’ve got the PS4 for like entertaining and just hanging out, if we need to relax and get out of our bedrooms and all that good shit. It’s got like Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, it’s also got a VPN app I wrote on it that lets you change regions but keep that on the downlow because it isn’t technically legal and I work for the police.” Winston kept going as they made their way to the kitchen looking for snacks. “I play a shit tonne of PC games, mostly League and Overwatch, but I’ve been playing a bit more WoW recently because that is always a good time. I’m down for RPGs, me and Ricky have been playing Monster Hunter and obviously the classics like Skyrim and Witcher 3. We’ll have to get your PC set up and hardwired in when we bring it over.” 
Orion laughed, “That’s an impressive set up, but don’t worry your secret's safe with me.” They really did have like the ideal set up going on in this house. It was basically an all inclusive bachelor pad. All it was missing was a bunch of gratuitous sports paraphernalia hanging around the place. Orion wasn’t sure that either of them seemed to like the type to be into sports but Orion wasn’t sure. Orion was perched on the living room couch and turned to continue listening to Winston as they were talking about the games they played. “Nice. I am not great at any shooting games, but I’m sure they’re super fun. Especially if you have someone else to play them with. He eventually pushed himself off the couch and made his way into the kitchen also, grabbing a cup to fill up a glass of water. “What are you up to play right now?”
Rummaging through the shelves and cupboards of their kitchen, Winston found a few snacks that they could give to Rio. Chips, doughnuts, some cookies and then a bunch of fruit that they bought because Ricky didn’t really eat anything that was not full to brim with meat or fish. “Hey, when you’re playing a video game you should just enjoy whatever you’re playing,” Winston gamed to relax, not for any other reason. “Uh, I don’t really mind, we can play whatever you like or I can try and find something that’s just good fun if you want to kill time.” Winston grabbed the snacks and made their way over to the lounge, placing everything on a coffee table. “Uh, there’s snacks if you want something, I don’t think I can be bothered to actually make real food unless you’re dying from hunger, but help yourself. Me casa su casa right?” 
Winston gathered a collection of snacks together to take over to the living room area, which Orion appreciated. “Yeah, definitely. I tend to enjoy more strategy or puzzle games but I think I could enjoy most games.” Maybe he had never really enjoyed shooting games because he had been playing them alone. Any game was probably more fun while playing with friends. “Oh no worries. I love snack foods.” Most days, they were his entire meal if he was at the Scribe Headquarters. He had weighed the pros and cons of going home for food or just eating whatever he had stashed at the abandoned building. The junk food usually won out. “I’m cool with whatever. Or I can just watch you play something, that’s cool too. I’ve never really had friends that were also into gaming.” Orion shrugged, trying to be as honest as possible. Considering all the other lies, he at least owed that to Winston, right? They had gathered a pretty good collection of snacks at the coffee table, so Rio didn’t really need to worry about grabbing his own, opting instead to take a drink of his water and grabbing a cookie from the platter on the counter. He took a bite of it, noticing the semi familiar taste. Curiously, he noticed a note tucked slightly under the tray, and peaked down to get a better look at it. Once he glanced at the sender of the note, the cookie immediately caught on his throat and he began coughing, spitting the cookie out in the process. His coughing fit continued for at least a minute before he finally swallowed the entire glass of water and cleared his throat. “Where’d these cookies come from?” He yelled over to Winston, trying to make the question sound more calmly curious rather than frantic.
Everything was going well, Winston was about to suggest that they give something like Crash Team Racing a go, a nice middle of the road game for them to bond over. But then Orion was biting into a cookie and shouting at them. “Uh, someone that I’m …” Winston wanted to say seeing but they weren’t sure that was entirely true just yet, “Uh I don’t know, a friend I guess was hanging out with me earlier in the week and she left them here and you know I had them left over and Ricky doesn’t really eat cookies,” Winston was sweating slightly now. Was Orion deathly allergic to something that had been in the cookies? “Are you allergic to something in the cookies, I don’t have an epi pen or anything but if you’re allergic then you’ve got to have one right? Rio do I need to get your epipen or do I need to take you to the hospital?” Winston couldn’t understand how they hadn’t thought of this, of course they were trying to poison their new roommate in the first few days of him actually being there. 
“No, no I’m not allergic to anything.Just got caught in my throat.” Orion answered once he was finished chugging his glass of water. It was just any other cookie, but for whatever reason it tasted almost acidic in his mouth now. That was all just in his head clearly. A trick of the mind making the food taste worse than it was just because the person who baked it left a bad taste in his mouth. Though Rio wouldn’t have been especially surprised if she had made poisonous cookies, but she wouldn’t do that to Winston. He was a human, harmless. If she was testing him, she wouldn’t have left it at the door with a note. She’d want to see it for herself. Plus, it wasn’t easy to lace cookies with silver. “I-uh” he didn’t know how to approach this. He reached for the note, swiping it from the counter and reading it fully this time, eventually holding it out towards Winston. Not that they could read it from that far away most likely, but he wanted to get the message across. “Did uh- is this the note that came with the cookies?” He asked. His anxiety was practically having a field day in his brain right now, but besides a crack or two in his voice, he was remaining relatively calm. Faking a relationship with his sister had become one of his specialties after all. “That was nice of her… so you’re friends with Athena? Athena Quinn?” Rio questioned, emphasizing the last name and laughing nervously. “I didn’t know you knew my sister.”
Winston winced at the note, they weren’t exactly eager for Orion to find out about Athena in that way. They hadn’t even really told Ricky that much about her and for a good reason. “Uh, yeah, the note came with the cookies…” Winston was very aware about it saying something about enjoying the last night and they were really not a huge fan of the way that Orion was looking at them. Swallowing, their entire reality slowly began crashing down around Winston. “Athena … as in … she’s your … oh fuck … I knew she was a hunter but I didn’t realise that you two were related …” shaking their head, Winston looked up at Orion awkwardly. Looked at the scab on his lip that was mostly healed now. They’d known Orion was a hunter because of Skye, but that had never been an issue for Winston. Just because you were born a hunter didn’t mean that you were a bad person. But … had Athena done that to her own brother. “Orion I swear I didn’t actually know that you two were related, we never exactly exchanged last names and it isn’t like we’ve really … did she do that to your lip and your parents are her parents?” She knew where Winston lived. “It’s fine, I can … I uh … uh….” they were sweating now, unsure of what exactly they were meant to say or do here. “I didn’t know…”
Orion had remained calm up until now. He didn’t want to make it seem like a big deal. In some ways, it wasn’t a big deal, he supposed. It wasn’t Rio’s business who Athena or Winston slept with. Or dated. Or whatever was happening. But still… it was, well most people didn’t know Athena like he did. She was scary good at the facade that she put on, and most people fell for it hook, line and sinker. “Wait.. What?” The calm demeanor lost all traction when Winston mentioned hunter. “You knew she was a hunter?” Oh no. That meant he knew that Rio was a hunter. Or- he wasn’t a hunter but he was technically one. Winston needed to know that. “It’s not- I’m not.” He sighed. This was impossible. If Ricky knew… and before they even had the conversation about Rio knowing that Ricky wasn’t entirely human… this wasn’t good. “It’s- it’s not a big deal.” He forced himself to calm down, to take a deep breath and remain nonchalant about the situation, “I don’t control who my sister sees. That would be creepy.” He laughed, scratching at the back of his head nervously. Talking about his family always made his arms itch. He crossed his arms over his chest and gently scratched at them through his hoodie sleeves. “It was training. I wasn’t lying about that. I just lost focus and she got a good swing in.” Which was true. How did Rio get Winston to realize that his sister was crazy insane without actually disclosing just how crazy insane she was? “Like I said. She’s intense. If you know- well if you like know know. Then you know that too.”
Raising an eyebrow gently, Winston shrugged. “We met fighting vampires Rio, it was pretty obvious that she wasn’t just your run of the mill regular human, besides, no offence but Skylar and I talked about you before I offered you a spot, I’ve known you’re a hunter too for a while. But I don’t get this shit that everyone complains about, it isn’t about who you are or what you are, it is about what YOU do. You obviously aren’t going around killing anyone but biologically if she is it makes sense…” Winston would rather talk about Orion then Athena. How could she have hurt her own sibling like that? Had Winston misjudged her? They weren’t sure. “Ricky doesn’t know, unless Skylar told him, but I don’t think they exactly talk a lot for reasons I can’t really explain but I didn’t think it was my place to tell him your secret…” they swallowed gently thinking about their own secret. “I won’t have her here, if you … you know, if you don’t want her to know the truth about where you are … is she not cool with you coming out too?” Winston knew it was kind of wrong to test that story now, but they wanted the whole truth before they talked to Athena. “I know she’s intense and she obviously is actively out there … well at least killing vampires, she said she only hurts things that hurt other people but that is remarkably arbitrary but at the same time I’m not sure it is my place to judge and now I’m rambling about your sister which I’m sure you don’t want to hear and I know you don’t control her or what she does but I just want you to know that your safety comes first here, Athena’s really nice but your place here comes first…” they fell silent and grabbed a cookie, using the food to silence themselves as they tried to think about what they were going to ask next.
Orion stayed silent the whole time that Winston talked, and blinked surprisingly once the rant was over. “Uh” he began, trying to get everything in order before figuring out how to respond. Winston’s ability to incoherently babble definitely rivaled Rio’s. It was actually pretty heartwarming, know that Rio wasn’t the only one that did it. Plus, he liked having more in common with Winston, he liked them a lot. “Hold on let me think.” There was a lot to unpack in Winston’s monologue. Winston knew about Rio being a hunter. Had for a while, and yet he wasn’t afraid of him? Winston was a human, so Rio supposed he wouldn’t have that fear of death. Also, Skylar and Ricky knew each other, but weren’t talking much anymore. Could this have anything to do with the Selkie thing? Rio knew about Skylar, but had only theorized about Ricky. He hadn’t exactly proven anything or approached Ricky about it. He had learned his lesson from Skylar. Invasion of privacy, not so cool. “I’m not a killer.” Was the first thing that he wanted to make clear, “And Ricky can’t know about it. I’m not even a hunter. I mean I am technically. I was born with the abilities. But I would never hurt anyone.” But what did that make Athena? Until a couple of days ago, Rio had accepted that his sister was just like his parents. A lost cause. But he saw something the other day. A hesitation. She wasn’t a good person, Rio knew that. But maybe she was still a victim after all. “She can’t know where I am. It’s- She wouldn’t hurt me, okay? Not like that at least. But she would tell my parents. And they cannot know.” This was a mistake. Maybe he should leave. The Scribe Headquarters would work for now. Maybe Alain would let him sleep in one of the cars at the garage. Was that unfeasible? He couldn’t believe that Athena had told Winston about what she did. She must actually… like them? Rio wasn’t sure she was capable of that, but Winston was here as proof. And despite the fear and anxiety that came with the fact that Athena had crept her way into one of Rio’s friendships, he hated that twinge of jealousy that he felt in his gut. It wasn’t his place to feel jealous about their relationship. It wasn’t even his business to know about it. “I don’t- I’m not telling you to not hang out with her. I wouldn’t do that. I’m just-” What was he? What did he want to say? This was a disaster. “She doesn’t know. About the coming out part. I mean I think she knows. There was this guy that I used to have a crush on. I never told anyone but Athena just.. Knew. She would always tease me about him, talk about him whenever she hung out with him.” Rio felt gross just thinking about it. She had mostly meant it harmlessly, like the rest of the harassment he supposed. “I’m just surprised I guess. I didn’t expect you two to know each other. She must have really grown from her high school bullying days.”
Head still completely whizzing, Winston tried to calm down and think clearly. Orion’s request for a respite was a welcome break and Winston was pleased that they could their own thoughts coherent. They needed to talk to Athena and find out what was going on, because they didn’t feel like they had the whole story here. But now wasn’t the time to work out that part. Now was the time to be there for Rio. Suddenly Winston wanted to know everything. Most of all they wanted to know why both Rio and Athena seemed to have such different perspectives about their parents. She hadn’t seemed nearly as affected by them as he was. “Of course not, I never even imagined that you would be one,” Winston paused and tried to think of the best way to say it, “no offence but you don’t really strike me as the type to go looking for a fight.” They frowned gently at the insistence that Ricky couldn’t no. “No offense dude, but Ricky gets it, he will work it out eventually and then he’ll feel betrayed you didn’t tell him, you don’t have to do anything and considering that this is your secret to tell I would never dream of telling him, but he deserves to know…” they sighed gently, how had they gotten themselves into such a mess. The number one rule with roommates is that you didn’t sleep with SOs, relatives or friends. So of course Winston had already done that. The worst part was that Winston didn’t exactly get a lot of opportunity to sleep around and yet here they were fucking it up the first time they tried it. But it didn’t really change the way about how they felt with Athena. “I won’t tell her that you’re here,” Winston replied, “I won’t lie to her but I won’t tell her anything either and if she does try and come round well then Dee can get very grumpy with trespasers and she’s remarkably good at missing by a few inches with that shotgun…” Winston was sure that it wouldn’t come to that. Athena wasn’t as terrible as Rio seemed to think that she was. Winston didn’t need to hear them say it to see the anxiety and apprehension in his voice. “Look, me and Athena need to talk, about well this. I won’t make you any promises about anything, because first of all don’t make promises because fae and second of all … wait bullying?” Winston frowned at the last part of the sentence that Orion had just said. “She’s not a bully, at least she hasn’t seemed like she is a bully…?”
This wasn’t going well. The last thing that Orion wanted to do was get in the way of any of Winston’s relationships. At the same time.. He also cared about Winston. A lot, actually. He didn’t want them making a mistake. Dating Athena was a mistake. Even if by some miracle, Orion was wrong about Athena and she did actually care for Winston, Athena was too into her duty. Orion was sure that his parents would settle for no less than building a hunter family of their own. They wouldn’t support someone like Winston, not when people like Adam existed. And Athena wouldn’t disobey their parents. It was a doomed relationship from the start. Orion just needed to remind himself that that wasn’t his business to get in between. Right? This was too complicated. Rio detoured for a minute. “I can’t tell Ricky! Not when-” Right, Winston probably knew what Ricky was. But Winston didn’t know that Rio thought he knew too. And Ricky didn’t know that Rio knew. This was too complicated. How did he explain that Rio’s specialty was supposedly killing shapeshifters just like Ricky? That if the situation were flipped, Rio couldn’t trust any hunter. Not after the evils he had seen. “He’ll think I’m a monster.” Maybe he was a monster. Whether or not he had killed anyone, he knew people that had been killed. Had watched it. And had never been able to stop any of them. He sighed a breath of relief. The last thing he needed was Athena to show up, so at least that part was cleared up. “Thank you. And I understand. You have to figure things out for yourself.” He knew about Fae. He wondered if that was information that Athena had passed along to him? She held a special disdain for Fae, and had already yelled at Rio multiple times for making promises. “Huh? Oh it’s probably not a big deal. I’m sure she’s grown out of it. It’s just…” He paused, trying to find the right way to phrase it. “Back in high school, she had some uh… well she liked to mess with people. Me, obviously but that’s more sibling stuff. Her main target was this girl in our class, the valedictorian. I didn’t talk to her much in high school, but Athena loved making her life miserable. I ran into Blanche and drove her home one night a couple months ago and she told me about it.” So much for not getting involved.
“What exactly do you think Ricky is?” Winston asked curiously, they weren’t interested in playing the game of cloak and daggers that being supernaturally inclined sometimes required you to play. “Ricky isn’t the type to judge someone because of what they are or who they are, they judge people for their actions. That’s always how they have treated me and you’ve given no one any reason to think you’re a monster. Have you ever actually hurt anything? I had to kill some vampires last month, I am probably more of a monster then you are…” not to mention the whole part of being a spellcaster that Winston was kind of holding out on Orion with… they swallowed another mouthful of cookie. Somehow they didn’t taste quite as good now that they were starting to find out more about Athena. But the next words that Rio would say would send fury and anger through Winston. Blanche had become a very close and important friend, confident and honestly so much more. Nell and Blanche and Winston had all come together and were supporting each other through this. Blanche had mentioned high school, they had mentioned the video and suddenly Winston found themselves shaking with fury. They set their cookie down which had been jiggiling about as their hand shook. “Athena was the one who made Blanche’s life hell?” Winston had clearly misjudged her, they had clearly not known better. Part of them wondered if they had been naive and innocent but another part of them wondered if maybe Athena had changed. “Thank you for telling me Rio, like, I know you don’t want to fuck with your sisters life and relationships but I didn’t know any of this, I honestly just met Athena and I didn’t know that she was like … well this.” 
“I- I don’t know exactly. I don’t care what he is.” Orion sighed. He wasn’t lying. Despite what the Quinn family groupmind always tried to tell him, Rio thought of most supernatural creatures as still human in a lot of cases. Vampires and werewolves were human. Just because they died or because they could change into werewolves didn’t change that. Sure, Selkie’s were a little different. Just like Fae, their true form wasn’t human. But they still had thoughts and feelings and people they cared for. Sure, Rio was pretty sure he knew what Ricky was, but at the end of the day it really didn’t matter. “I just-” Winston had killed a vampire? Rio had to wonder what kind of vampire. Had Athena been there? Had she encouraged him to do it? The mere thought made Rio’s stomach turn. “I’ve been there. When something has gotten hurt. And I wasn’t able to help and I-” He stopped himself before he went too deep. If he didn’t, Winston would be trying to stop him from sobbing uncontrollably on the floor. The last thing he wanted right now was a panic attack. “You’re not a monster. Whatever happened- I’m sure you had a reason. You’re like the nicest person I’ve ever met.” Orion answered honestly. Maybe this honesty thing wasn’t so bad. But if that was the case, why were his arms still tingling? “She wasn’t the only one. I mean… Blanche had it rough in high school. A lot of people were mean to her until she started fighting back.” He could feel the shift in the room. As Winston flipped to anger. That was the emotion that people should feel for Athena. But it still felt wrong, being involved. “I’m sorry. It’s- well it's honestly not my business what either of you do. And I shouldn’t get involved in that.”
“Maybe you should care what he is,” Winston replied with a shrug, “and I don’t mean in a bad way, but Ricky is proud of himself and of his heritage and he’d probably like to share that with someone who is going to stay with us, at least for a little bit. You two should talk.” Winston wasn’t going to push the matter too much more, but they weren’t going to let Orion just leave this alone either. Ricky was a selkie and Orion was a hunter and that needed to be cleared before things could really get normal. Plus, Winston didn’t tell Ricky about Orion’s … heritage and they would like for Ricky to not find out about that later because it might reflect badly on both of them. They paused and glanced at their shoes. “Dude I could say the exact same thing about you, you’re like being really hard on yourself. You didn’t choose this, you didn’t choose your family or your siblings. You can only do what you think is right and you can only act in a way that you think is appropriate.” They tried not to think about it. Winston was the oldest of a lot of the people in college that they had met through the supernatural and they hadn’t had it easy in high school, but at least Nell had had their back. They just wished that there had been someone there for their friend. “I wish I had known about this before I …” they didn’t say have sex with Athena but they wished that all the same. This was messy and suddenly they felt the need to apologise to their best friend, even though they hadn’t really done anything wrong. “Anyway, look, you’re still safe to stay, you should definitely talk to Ricky about … well you two should just talk and be honest. It’ll be better.” They paused for a moment. “Whilst we’re tearing off bandages, I know you already said something about paying rent, but you literally won’t be able to. Ricky owns the house and I spent my first few months living here trying to get him to take my money and you just can’t do it. So take my advice and buy him some really fucking expensive gifts at Christmas and his birthday and accept that your budget is going to go further then you thought.”
“Yeah. You’re right. Obviously.” At least Orion confirmed that he was right about Ricky. Or at least semi right. He still hadn’t confirmed the Selkie heritage, but the Ricky and Skylar connection was another big connecting dot. Of course Winston was right, it was just… hard to figure out how he was going to do it. How did you tell a friend that your parents actively wanted them dead? “I’ll figure it out. How to talk about it. I just… don't know how I’m going to do it yet. I don’t really have a great track record with this stuff.” Winston knew about Skylar too right? Probably better to not mention it just in case. Keeping track of this stuff was too much, he needed a white board or something. “Maybe, yeah. But it’s whatever. I’m here now. And I want to help people. That’s my goal.” He shuffled over to the couch again, suddenly realizing that he had been awkwardly standing the entire conversation. His mouth still felt dry, but he ignored it. “Right. Well, thanks again. For being so welcoming and all.” Of course Ricky wasn’t going to let them pay rent. He was so annoyingly nice. Rio could still find ways to help around the house though, right? Buy groceries, maybe help with utilities? He knew Ricky didn’t mind the cold, he wondered how much he could get away with turning the place down temperature wise. The long sleeves and pants kept Rio pretty warm. Plus the electricity bill in this place must be out the roof with how much technology all three of them seemed to use. “He’s so annoying. But fine. I can find other ways to help out I guess. Maybe. Once I figure out what I can do to help.”
“Weird, I don’t think anyone ever says that I’m right, you’re going to have to stay with us for a very long time because I like being told that I’m right and you’re literally the only person that does it.” Winston smirked gently and finished their cookie. “Just be yourself, be honest and try and be patient, this is not going to be easy for either of you and you know if you want me there even as moral support, I’m here for you both.” Winston smiled, they liked Orion’s goal. “Well, you’ve come to the right place, we’re all about helping people who need help, that’s why we asked you to come here, plus we genuinely think you’re gonna be a great roomie, that wasn’t a lie.” Winston watched Orion take a seat and pushed some snacks towards them. “You don’t need to say thanks my dude, we’re your friends and this is exactly what friends are for. But yes, Ricky is the most annoying dude ever. All I want to do is try and pay my way in this world, I don’t want to owe anyone and I don’t want to deal with someone else paying for me to just exist, but he literally won’t take money off of you, if he does he’ll just use it to buy you groceries or put gas in your tank or he’ll put the money in his bank account and transfer it back to yours. It’s beyond frustrating.”
“I find that hard to believe. Because you’re the coolest” Orion shrugged, stating it matter-of-factly. Winston was the coolest, and had helped Rio on multiple occasions now. They were exactly the type of person that Rio wanted to help with the Scribes. But more so, they were the type of person that Rio wanted to be friends with. “I thought you were just taking pity on me for calling you frantically in the middle of the night?” Rio asked, laughing and reaching for the pile of snacks. Despite the stress, he was starting to feel a bit more relaxed. It did make Rio feel a bit better, knowing that they had talked about it. That the offer hadn’t just been a one time offer at the Scribe Headquarters that they felt too awkward to take back. “Well that’s… very nice of him I guess. But also, the worst.” Rio had no idea how much money Ricky had, but it didn’t really matter much, he should still accept some money. Rio sighed, stuffing a handful of chips into his mouth, “Okay. Let’s fire up a game and try to think about something a bit more positive.”
“Again, very weird because no one else thinks that, are you sure you didn’t hit your head or something?” Winston winked playfully and smiled at their friend despite everything. “I mean, I guess we kind of took pity on you,” Winston laughed and shook their head, “Nah I’m joking, it wasn’t anything like that, we saw someone who was in need and we’re in a position to help with that and so we wanted to, you’re a nice guy and we like you around.  It all just works really well.” Winston considered the situation that Ricky put them in, whilst it was comfortable it made Winston feel as if they were taking a lot from their friend sometimes. Swallowing they shrugged in agreement. “You’re preaching to the choir bro, I hate it, I want to help out with the bills around here and feel like an adult, like I’m not complaining about my rent free existence, but at the same time I wish that I was actually pulling my weight. But yeah, you’re right, we should definitely try and enjoy ourselves.” At least before Winston had to get in contact with Athena directly to discuss this. 
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artyrogue · 4 years
Blind Date Gaming: Pac In Time
Tonight's date was an interesting one to say the least. It was with Pac-Man, the iconic game character from Namco that helped build video games as a mainstream activity! The only issue was that it wasn't...JUST Pac-Man. No, it was a pun and a spinoff all in one. It was... Pac In Time!
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Soak in the colors, 'cos from here out we're mostly back to 4-color palettes.
I've seen some of the other Pac-Man spinoffs before and they just never felt right. There was some dumb point-and-click game on the SNES where Pac-Man clearly had a lobotomy, some pinball game, and that one where he was fighting a bunch of nerds on some floating platform called 'final destination' or whatever. So yeah, they're typically lame attempts to make a buck based on the identity of one of gaming's most well-known IPs. I didn't expect much, then, going in. It was a bit bias of me, sure, but I was still willing to give it a chance. The first thing I was presented with was a super-long, slow-scrolling wall of text with absolutely no music or sound throughout the whole thing. Brilliant first impression, that.
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'Crazy events' here means 'binge eating countless unmarked medications within the confines of a series of neon-infused tubes with occasional spontaneous manifestations of fruit and/or keys'.
Okay, okay, sure. Some ghost witch sends Pac-Man back in time and now he has to travel through different zones to find a way back to the present. That could have been summed up much more succinctly; in fact, I basically relayed all the information you need to know right there. It also really doesn't matter at all in the long run, so my heart reaches out to the poor writer whose hopes were squandered when Pac in Time didn't end up being their gateway to better writing gigs. What matters isn't the story here, it's the gameplay! So what do we have?
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It's a platformer. A pretty floaty one at that. You always slide all over, with momentum that takes a bunch of effort to dissipate. Jumping follows the Mario 64 school of gaining height in each successive jump, but it really doesn't seem necessary. It's quite bad and takes some getting used to. There's an additional aspect to the game that helps bring puzzle aspects to it: powerups. You're given a few in each level that give you different abilities and can sometime pick up (or lose!) them along the way as well. They don't really seem to fit into the typical Pac-Man lore, though. Unless there's some fanfic where Pac-Man can shoot fireballs and swing around like Spiderman?
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Yes, that is a screenshot of Pac-Man shooting a Kamehameha at a shark. This is fine.
Some levels are pretty interesting, but a lot of them are short and kind of dull. Most of the time you don't even end up using half of the powerups they give you. I will say, though, that the grappling hook was well-programmed and a lot of fun to mess around with. Sometimes there are issues canceling grappling momentum when an enemy is right in front of you, but otherwise it's liberating to swing like a monkey through a level in mere seconds.
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Somewhere around world 3, though, things start to take a turn for the worse. For the most part, enemies are tame and take a major backseat to the puzzles and powerup adventuring. In the jungle world, you start to see some annoying and poorly-programmed enemies marring your fun. Some foes relentlessly track you down, some change their velocity in unpredictable ways, some blast into the center of the screen as soon as you approach, and more. It starts feeling more like I Wanna Be the Guy, a game I loathe not for its toughness, but for it's cheap death tricks and poor design. Games like that aren't about skill as much as they are about rote memorization. That's...not fun to me. Make the obstacles visible, not surprises. I'd rather spend time memorizing something useful.  Although apparently my brain seems to define 'useful' as being able to list the first 386 pokemon and recalling room layouts for a mall that has been dead and destroyed for like 15 years?
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I suddenly have flashbacks to Super Meat Boy, although that game was fair and up front with its obstacles. This buzzsaw popped outta nowhere, which I guess is standard in an ancient Egyptian tomb.
I had to look up a walkthrough on a certain level, too, where the only way to progress was apparently to walk off a cliff into a pool of lava. Then, an invisible air stream carries you across the lava to safety. Jumping the gap kills you and does not reveal an air stream, there are no indicators that walking off is a good idea, nothing. Just know the trick or be stuck. Great. The walkthrough on GameFAQs even says that the walkthrough's writer was stuck on this level until someone gave them a tip. That's...not exactly a good sign of game design. There were other annoyances, like teleporters teleporting stones higher than you: if you walk into one too quickly after pushing a stone into it, the stone appears above you and crushes you to death. Also, many levels host a plethora of arrow signs that don't make lick of sense.
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Right, right...I get it now. It's all so clear where I have to go!
I got through world 4, and looking up a gameplay video reveals there are 4 more worlds to go, but I had my fill. This date isn't going anywhere I want to be. So yeah! No second date here. I've also found via the comments of that video that the game is actually a reskin of another game on DOS called 'Fury of the Furries'. They basically just turned the main character into Pac-Man and made some lame music tracks that sound like the one ditty from the arcade game. Even the enemies and final boss are the same. Boo! Get some originality or keep the Furries! I mean I know the internet in general has some hangups with them, but I've never had a bad experience with a Furry myself, let alone felt their Fury! Although if the world followed this game's lead, all furry conventions would turn into massive Pac-Man cosplay events, and I would definitely pay to go see that.
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I found a furry! Except it kind of beat me to a pulp, but I guess I deserve it since I stole his game.
Before I end this, am I crazy or does part of the Beach world theme sound vaguely like some Mega Man track? Listen here and skip the first 50 horrid seconds to get to the part I mean. I swear, it sounds like something I've heard before, but I can't tell which track it was. Mega Man has too many Men to keep their themes straight. Maybe I should invest my useless memorization into Mega Man theme recall instead.
And so ends another date. I'll be looking around for something else, thank you! I will say, though, that today's Sprite of Passage is a keeper. Put this as a war decoration on your uniform and go speak of the fierce battles you went through to earn it! Don't be surprised if no one gives you any sympathy or anything though. They might instead give you the number of a psychiatrist. Maybe that shrink will give you pills and you can lay them out in a maze to eat them or something? Pac it all in!
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They finally, really did it...YOU MANIACS!! YOU BLEW IT UP!! DAMN YOUUUU!!
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poppytheorist · 5 years
Scary Mask
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I don’t know what to say when people come apart
The road is long, the road is dark
And these are just the words to somebody else’s song
 Before I get into it, I’d like to quickly note that this is not best post to start with. Same goes for the one on “Me Laughing.” My older posts are much friendlier reads and not nearly as dense.
Okay, let’s go.
At first I thought “Scary Mask” was straightforward, i.e. Poppy uses her persona (“I wear my scary mask”) as a defense when she finds herself in uncomfortable situations (“when I’m afraid I don’t belong”). “Well that was anticlimactic.” Indeed. But, of course, this is Poppy we are talking about, and nothing with Poppy is quite so simple.
The problem with basic interpretations that sum up a song with single sentence is that such readings miss all the nuances of the work, i.e., they leave out all the fun little twists in the lyrics, the double-meanings in the lines, etc. Basically, simplistic interpretations of lyrics ignore all the poetry, which is part of what allows music to transcend language. Poetic lyrics also provide us with new pieces of language so that we can better understand the increasingly complex world around us. Nestled in the gaps between our definitions lies the inexpressible that only poetry can render sensible.
Well-written (read: poetic) lyrics are part of what allows songs to completely baffle us; they allow songs to elude simple characterization and slip the shackles of obsessive categorization (e.g., genre). A truly great piece of music leaves us speechless; we cannot simply explain it to someone. Instead, the best we can do is say, “you know what? Just listen to this,” to which they are only able to reply, “wow… you’re right.”
This is why I love metaphors and dualities. Yes, I realize the previous sentence just caused every person who hated English in school to audibly cringe. Look, I’ve been there, I get it. I used to think English was a cruel joke played at everyone’s expense and that it was stupid because ‘there is no right answer.’ Then one day, all of that changed. Almost as though a switch was suddenly flicked ‘on’ in my brain. It wasn’t until I understood English that I finally appreciated it. I’ve never wanted to go back, so hear me out.
Metaphors are essentially a way of controlling the associations formed by your brain when you read or hear a word. They can make you associate simple pieces of language with something extraordinary, and make you see things in a way you would never have previously considered.
If you’d like to get fancy, you can start introducing dualities; that is, setting two concepts on opposing ends of a spectrum. When you do so, you allow the reader to consider new and (seemingly) impossible gradations, all born from the struggle between two relatively ordinary ideas.
Take, for example, Poppy’s ‘poetry-ecstasy’ duality that she introduced in “X.” This was the first thing that made me take a more serious look at her work, i.e., “I think something else is going on here…” We know poetry and ecstasy are meant to be diametrically opposed in “X” because the colors in the music video change in sync with Poppy’s delivery.
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If YouTube subtitles weren’t broken, they would read: “poetry, poetry, poetry”
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Likewise: “ecstasy, ecstasy, ecstasy”
It’s not obvious that poetry is the opposite of ecstasy unless you’re in Wonderland in which case, you messed up somewhere. Moving on, when you set two concepts against each other like that, you introduce a new interplay between the two ideas. Now the audience is forced to see things from a new perspective, one they would not have otherwise considered. Or, they just ignore it, as is usually the case, but I digress.
With all this in mind, further study into “Scary Mask” reveals that some parts of the more basic reading don’t quite add up. Take, for example, lines like, “M-A-S-K, am I okay?” or “You ain’t gonna see me tonight”; these lines refuse to fit neatly into the obvious interpretation e.g., why spell out ‘mask’? Why are [they] not going to see “you” “tonight?” Most people would choose to ignore these outliers or simply shrug and go about their day. If this post’s existence didn’t clue you in, we won’t be doing much ‘shrugging’ or ‘ignoring.’
You’ve probably noticed this already, but I try to forge readings of Poppy’s work that fit as many different pieces as possible into them. To craft interpretations that capture the interplay between all the elements in a song. Often, this requires approaching the song from multiple angles, some even being right. If this post is good, each interpretation should form its own colored shard of glass, leaving the reader with a beautiful explanative mosaic. If this post is bad, grab a broom and wear shoes for a week.
Hilariously, doing justice to the more abstract bits of art usually means I have to use figurative language to explain other figurative language. “Sounds meta.” Indeed. Some puzzles can only be done justice with other puzzles, which is also why my writing frequently dips into obscurity. Close reading yields wonders, but means interpreting ‘carefully’ and ‘openly.’ “Sounds like a lot of work.” It is, but anybody can come up with a vague idea of what a song is ‘about,’ e.g., “this one’s about love!” How insightful, you should post that on Genius, that’s just what they’re looking for. I mean, really, at that point what are you even getting out of the song? A few minutes of pleasure before you move onto the next one? Is that it? Are you going to just spend your entire life constantly devouring one helping after another, waiting hungrily for your favorite artists to dish up your next meal?
I may be going to hell, but at least I won’t be stuck doing that.
Rise and shine—
get out of bed!
Take my hand, 
there’s darkness ahead.
 “Scary Mask” is one of Poppy’s best songs. No, I’m not interested in arguing about this. It is also one of Poppy’s most important songs. This, however, I am interested in arguing about.
For the sake of the following discussion, I will be ignoring most of Poppy’s singles. “Metal” and “Immature Couture” and [other singles] are good but they complicate things and I don’t have time to deal with them, despite having the time to tell you how little time I have. Fancy people would probably call such exclusions “exceptionally non-rigorous,” but I’m over it.
I tried to make this section not-boring, dunno if I was successful; my writing takes on the flavor of whoever I read last, hence why the “Me Laughing” post reads like schizophrenia. Lately, I’ve been feeling especially masochistic, so I’ve been reading [redacted]. Expect that to shine through.
Let’s zoom out for a bit: “Scary Mask” is the flagship song of Poppy’s Choke EP, though I am sympathetic to arguments for “Meat.” “Scary Mask” ties the whole EP together and makes it possible. It’s critical to Choke’s ‘flow.’ This isn’t a given, I’ll explain/pretend to explain.
The structure of Choke almost perfectly mimics that of a five-act play. Yeah, like that Shakespeare guy. The EP contains exposition, rising action, a climax, falling action, and a conclusion. The methodically squeezing “Choke” sets the mood and introduces a problem statement to color the rest of the EP. With its pendulum-like bassline and hypnotizing array of voices, “Voicemail” depicts a forsaken mind becoming further and further dissociated from reality. A complete breakdown occurs in “Scary Mask,” the explosive climax of the EP and, at least so far, Poppy's work. Following “Scary Mask” comes the bleak and gruesome “Meat,” which is clearly akin to the falling action. And finally, we are given “The Holy Mountain,” the EP’s pessimistic and wistful send-off.
As for the context in which “Scary Mask” was created, Choke comes after two pop-y records, Bubblebath and poppy.computer, and a half-pop, half-??? disc, Am I A Girl. After AIAG, Poppy had a choice: back off and return to pop or double-down and bring on the metal. Thankfully, she chose the latter and made Choke. Let’s all take a minute to praise AIAG for even allowing Poppy such options, for flowing together so smoothly, etc. Okay, séance over, let’s return: “Scary Mask” carried Choke, without it, the EP would’ve been severely lacking a massive, stand-out song to serve as the EP’s creative apex.
“Scary Mask” is, in a sense, the ‘no turning back’ point for Poppy. Producing “Scary Mask” was like Poppy locking her old style away and throwing out the key; “X” and “Play Destroy” were #wild, but “Scary Mask” was the third strike. Put confusingly, “Scary Mask” was Poppy’s ‘home run’ while also being the ‘final nail in the coffin’ and other idioms. The track is so far removed from the days of Bubblebath and P.C that it actually created a distance, a gap, between nu-Poppy and Pop-y. “X” has pop elements and Poppy cutely ‘ooo-ing’; it was walk back-able. “Scary Mask” has Jason Butler demonically screaming and saying the ‘fuck’ word; fine print says “no refunds.” Or, if you’d prefer analogies that are unlikely to age well: think of a giant iceberg breaking off from the main Arctic glacier and slipping into the cold, dark sea. Once it’s off, it’s not freezing back on. In other words, once Poppy dropped “Scary Mask,” ‘princess with a pistol’ became ‘demonic metal queen.’
I’ll also argue that “Scary Mask” is the least compromising song in Poppy’s current discography. It’s her truest expression of self pre-I Disagree. All artists have to make their music listenable-enough to get bread, just like I need to make my writing readable-enough to get read. Unfortunately, compromise is inevitable, but artists can still create good music. It’s just hard and getting harder. Plus, nobody agrees what ‘good music’ even means because we have no rigorous definition for art so—
When an artist decides to really ‘go for it,’ to make no compromises, and does it well, a beautiful thing happens. That’s what “Scary Mask” is for Poppy; she decided to pull no punches, and the result was, well, “Scary Mask.”
“X” and “Play Destroy” were both successful, but they didn’t guarantee Poppy’s nu-success. “Play Destroy” had Grimes, and “X” could have been an anomaly. If Poppy went back to pop, fans could have passed off her dip into metal as ‘weird’ but ‘kinda cool’ and that would be that. However, Poppy didn’t let up—“Scary Mask” proved she could consistently make quality metal tracks, and now we’re here and Poppy is about to destroy the world or something. Nice.
In summary: “Scary Mask” functions to transition Poppy’s sound, it does a damn good job of it, and I’m definitely looking forward to her new album.
You try to take the best of me
Go away
You try to take the best of me
Go away
 Alright, zoom back in. Yes, “Scary Mask” made it possible for Poppy to throw in crazy distorted guitars and for everyone to love it, but it does more than that. “Scary Mask” also transitions Poppy her(?)self, which sounds strange but it will make sense later, probably.
Now time for the fun part.
Sometimes I like to begin my analysis with a song's verses before circling back to the chorus, as was the case with "The Holy Mountain," however, "Scary Mask" is so crazy that it doesn't even matter where I start. It's what I lovingly refer to as “straight-up bonkers,” like some twisted monstrosity tearing its face off as it stumbles around in the dark. Reminds me of the psychos from Borderlands, an analogy that already has not aged well. Basically, “Scary Mask” is all over the place, so I might as well start from the ‘beginning.’ I'm going to have to pick up the pieces and stitch them into some monster that would do Mary Shelley proud anyway.
Let's dive in.
Poppy opens the song with: “I wear my scary mask when I'm afraid I don't belong.” Okay, seems pretty straightforward so far. There isn’t much to work with here, but maybe we can add some color to this line. BUILD series conducted a relatively listenable interview with Poppy earlier this year. One excerpt to note:
Interview: “Well, why wear a mask?”
Poppy: “Sometimes you just have two faces.”
Interview: “And that’s okay?”
Poppy: “Only sometimes.”
This is why I was debating just skipping “Scary Mask”—the opening line was a little cliché, and it seemed like Poppy had taken Batman Forever literally, neither of which are particularly good signs. However, I want to stress that lacking an interesting message wouldn’t necessarily make “Scary Mask” a ‘bad’ song. This idea may seem very strange, especially in modern society where it appears everyone agrees that deep themes=good art. We’ve been raised with the notion that the best art is art that tells a message, and it’s difficult for us to consider otherwise. However, not only does the conception of ‘depth’ quickly fall apart (as I noted in the “Me Laughing” post), but it’s entirely possible that thematic elements have absolutely zero bearing on the aesthetic quality of a work. In other words, ‘themes’ may not be what make art ‘good.’
Yeah, take a minute and think about that.
Anywho, after deciding I could afford to pay attention, I found many interesting things. Note Poppy’s word-choice. She uses the word “scary,” an almost child-like characterization of something fearful. Indeed, in the music video, Poppy’s hair is hidden or pulled back, giving her a youthful appearance. Look, pictures:
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Moreover, peppered throughout the song are Poppy’s pouty squeals and she sings with call an almost ‘whimper-y’ tone, the end of her words marked by a spike in pitch. Obviously, we’d like to ask: why is she presenting herself to us this way?
We find answers in the second half of the line: “when I’m afraid I don’t belong.” Okay, so when she finds herself in situations where she is uncomfortable, where she is struck by the feeling of being small, almost child-like, she resorts to the mask as a defense mechanism. Now we’re getting somewhere, though I would like to ask: why is the mask “scary”?
Being two-faced does not necessarily mean the one face has to resemble Harvey Dent post-toasting, it could simply be a different side of your personality. Perhaps the next line will help:
You can’t read my brain until it’s off
Note Poppy says “brain” instead of any other word such as ‘mind’ or ‘thoughts.’ Using the word ‘brain’ signals a sense of invasiveness. Think: Sylar from Heroes cutting open peoples’ skulls and studying their brains for secrets. I’m sure many obsessive fans have tried digging up details on Poppy’s personal life and many interviewers have tried asking her inappropriate questions. It appears that Poppy wears a “scary mask” as a counter to such intrusions, as if she decided that the only appropriate response to these inappropriate behaviors was a face-to-face with the scary mask.
Holy shit, was this entire song written as a response to the AMP Radio interview? That would be hilarious.
Poppy then repeats that the mask is “not coming off.” Hey, wait a minute…
Okay, so after a fairly badass guitar interlude, Poppy begins feverishly chanting the lines: “I'm never gonna take it off, so don't touch me / Never gonna take it off, stop looking at me.” I’m sure some fans hate me because I’m always banging the drum that Poppy’s work is about obsession, and thus, appear to be attacking them, but come on, how clear would you like the message to be? Go watch “Repeat After Me” if you’re not convinced.
Anyway, in a sense, Poppy’s scary mask (read: freaky persona) operates as a shield from foreign bodies who seek to violate her personal space.
I’m going to leave Jason Butler’s lines for the end because, well, you’ll see.
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In the music video for “Scary Mask,” after Poppy first puts the mask on and has a little breakdown, there are many instances where she is no longer wearing the mask, but is still acting like a possessed teen in desperate need of exorcizing. This is weird, here are some possibilities:
1) Poppy takes the mask off in the music video because she’s pretty and people want to see her lip-syncing.
2) The mask was always on.
We’re going with door #2.
Let’s look at some of the weirder lines, like Poppy chanting the incantation: “M-A-S-K, am I okay?” By spelling out ‘mask,’ Poppy signifies that the “am I okay?” question is directly referencing the mask she wears. In other words: is it okay for Poppy to wear a mask?
We already know Poppy came down pretty hard on one side of the fence when she answered “sometimes” in the BUILD series interview. My equally unambiguous answer is: “it depends.” There are many reasons why wearing a ‘mask’ is a terrible thing that slowly renders you psychologically ‘fucked,’ go read TLP or Lasch if you want more info on that (actually, you should just read them anyway). However, we’ve already established “Scary Mask” was an empowering song for Poppy because it served as a truer artistic outlet for her, so any masquerading should be approached with this in mind.
Alright, so when is it a good thing to wear a mask? How can it be a good thing to pretend to be someone you’re not?
Well, when you’re an artist, you typically create art to express something. Often, this ‘something’ is deeply personal to yourself. You put a lot of yourself into your work. This means criticism of your work can really hurt. After all, if someone calls your [song/painting/writing] ‘trash,’ it’s like calling you ‘trash.’ It feels like that criticism is aimed directly at that piece of yourself you put into your work. Yeah, that sucks. Sometimes it’s so difficult to bear that you avoid creating anything so you don’t have to be faced with such attacks. You forgo creating art because the injurious potential of criticism is too daunting. Without a creative outlet, your feelings remain bottled inside, slowly eating away at you from within. It’s a lose-lose game and everyone’s the player.
So, you ask: “what do I do?”
Well, that’s where the mask comes in.
The artist can use a persona to get around these problems. In other words, putting on a mask can actually allow you to finally be yourself, which seems paradoxical, but I’ll explain.
Take, for example, me. After reading enough of the silly words I write, you may start to form a picture of me in your head. To speculate and fantasize about what I actually look like or how I actually act. Without even knowing your thoughts, I can assure you that any such conceptions are completely inaccurate. I know that I’m not actually as [adjective] as you imagine me to be because I work with a protective persona. The persona allows me to write without worrying too much harsh criticism. Hence, with a persona, I can safely express myself through my work.
The same is true for Poppy. As I’ve noted in previous posts, Poppy has a lot to say about the world. She would like to express these messages artistically, but it’s not always easy to face criticism of her work (and Poppy gets a lot of hate). By adopting the ‘Poppy’ persona, Poppy is able to safely express herself. To finally say what she wants to say. To be who she really wants to be. And when she is faced with scathing criticism, she is able to continue her work undeterred because it feels like the criticism is directed toward Poppy (persona) instead of Poppy (person).
An alternate (and hilarious) reading of the lines “M-A-S-K, am I okay?” and “I’m alright, I’m alright, I’m alright” would be to imagine them as part of a demented question-and-answer period with Poppy. Many of her fans have expressed concerns over the effects of living your life pretending to be a [robot/alien/demonic angel], not to mention the section of Poppy’s fan-base who seem to constantly worry about Poppy being Titanic’s so-called ‘puppet’ and that he is abusive towards her. You can interpret Jason Butler screaming “I’m alright, I’m alright, I’m alright” as Poppy’s response to such concerns. Seems like an appropriate answer to me.
You try to take the best of me
 There are some remarkably odd lines in “Scary Mask” that need some serious groundwork to render sensible, so let’s switch gears for a second and complain about pop music. Yes, I know. It’s not exactly brave (let alone novel) to decry pop music as a vapid and soulless caricature of art, but I find it therapeutic. Plus, I’m clearly writing a narrative here. If these words make you indignant, first ask yourself ‘why?’ and then relax. I listen to pop music too, most of which is terrible. Also, I’m talking about the correlation, not the rule. If you fight me with exceptions, I’ll hit you back with trends.
Pop is the most apologetic music genre out there (though mumble rap and country are giving it a run for its money, literally); pop music’s main purpose is stated by its terminology: it exists to be popular. To be as widely palatable as possible so as to garner as many listeners as possible. The implications associated with a genre revolving entirely around popularity for the sake of commercial success are pretty disgusting. I’d even go so far as to say the existence of ‘pop’ as a musical genre is a strong indicator that culture is no longer treated as an essential component to human society, but is instead only another industry, and has been for a while. People love celebrating the façade or appearance of culture (partially so they can consider themselves ‘cultured’), but the truth is that culture now exists mainly as a commodity to be endlessly repackaged and sold back to people under the guise of ‘art.’ “I blame capitalism!” Sure, and you may not even be wrong, but that’s a discussion for another time. The point here is that to successfully create music with value, music that isn’t just a meaningless product, one needs to escape such a hyper-commoditized regime i.e., the corporatized pop-music industry.
Business-wise, Poppy did this by ditching Mad Decent and signing with Sumerian Records, an independent label which will hopefully make her very happy. Music-wise, she also had to transition. Recall: putting on the mask (read: persona) allowed Poppy to be herself and make the music she wanted to. So, to evolve her music, she had to also evolve the mask. After releasing two and a half pop records, people will generally expect, well, more pop. People don’t like when their favorite artists abruptly change, probably because they don’t wish to face the idea that said artists were never making music for them in the first place. Either way, for Poppy to tell tales of an impending apocalypse or drop an insane metal album like I Disagree, she had to ease fans into it. Musically, this is the second half of AIAG and the entirety of Choke, but it’s also a perfect encapsulation of “Scary Mask.” It’s possible that the bipolar nature of songs like “X,” “Concrete,” and “Scary Mask” is only due to Poppy trying to transition her sound without upsetting too many fans. Hence why these songs incorporate lighter sections to balance out the darkness. Perhaps “I Disagree” is as dark as Poppy’s going to get, but given recent news of her hanging out with Nadya Tolokno from Pussy Riot, I doubt it (“don’t know how long until they see the rest of me”).
This is also where Poppy’s YouTube videos come in. While producing new music, she can quickly put out a few videos and slowly ramp up the darkness, facilitating a comfortable change in artistic tone for the fans. Something, something, frogs and hot water.
Considering all of the above, I agree with something @thatpoppyuk said a while back in regards to people saying “Moriah is coming out!” when Poppy dyed her bangs:
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Not only is it potentially insensitive to call Poppy ‘Moriah,’ it’s simply inaccurate. For better or worse, people don’t regress, they progress. Poppy is not doing something so #basic as ‘returning to her roots,’ she is becoming who she’s always wanted to be.
Now that we have completed the necessary groundwork, we are able finish off the rest of the song. Lyrically, “Scary Mask” is rather focused; we’ve actually covered all of Poppy’s lines, so I’d like to examine the role Jason Butler from Fever 333 plays in the song.
I’ve actually refrained from gushing about how good “Scary Mask” is until now, but I don’t think I can contain myself any longer. Fever 333 was an excellent feature that perfectly meshes with Poppy’s harmonics and the chomping guitar riffs. Not only that, but lyrically, Jason Butler brings an insane performance. He brings scary mask to life.
Fever 333’s role in the song is complicated and will take multiple approaches to flesh out. First, consider the scary mask (Jason Butler’s lines) as an entity speaking for Poppy, as though it were some demonic hype-man:
This would then explain the line, “well you heard the woman, so fucking look away.” It appears that Poppy needs someone telling others to “fucking look away,” betraying a sense of dependency. After all, if Poppy could handle such onlookers on her own, she wouldn’t need someone else telling them to ‘beat it.’ We may interpret this as a sign that Poppy has come to rely on the shielding-nature of the mask. She relies on her persona for protection, but reliance gives way to over-reliance. Naturally, substitution and dependency follow.
However, this isn’t wholly satisfying, nor is it very charitable. Let’s consider another, more empowering, approach, this time as Poppy speaking through the mask. In this case, a synthesis is underway between Poppy and her new persona (read: scary mask). During the violent transformation, she screams and struggles as the darkness of the mask washes through her, until the process is complete and both are one. Or, rather, Poppy is transcending her persona through her persona, a process of metamorphic self-realization.
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Approaching the relationship between Poppy and the mask as a symbiotic one will perhaps explain one of the most bizarre lines in all of Poppy’s discography (minus every line in “Voicemail,” of course): “You ain’t gonna see me tonight!” I mean, what the hell. It’s difficult to explain how much this line confuses me, words simply elude me. This is one of those lines that normal people would shrug and come up with a half-hearted explanation such as: “well, Poppy is wearing a mask, and because she is wearing a mask, you aren’t going to see her. You know, because she’s wearing a mask.” Poorly-conceived explanations such as these negate the whole point of studying art. You can’t just jerk responsibility when ‘the going gets tough.’ The reward isn’t merely the end result, and people who believe this are the exact same people who Genius exploits. It is the work, the method, the climb, the struggle that is important because it is while grappling with the piece that one learns the most about oneself. With that being said, this line has haunted me for three weeks now, but I think I can do it some justice.
First, we examine the context in which the line appears in the song. The line first appears near the beginning of the song, wedged between a crushing guitar interlude and the Poppy’s staccato-ed “M-A-S-K, am I okay?” build-up. Then the line comes again at the end of Jason Butler’s insane post-chorus breakdown which is interlaced with Poppy’s disembodied screams. This second appearance follows a punchy chorus from Poppy and directly precedes a charged guitar solo and Poppy’s explosive final meltdown. From all this, we notice that “You ain’t gonna see me tonight!” is always delivered amidst a great deal of turmoil, always sprinkled into the middle of a violent episode.
Next, we look at the line itself. “Ain’t” and “gonna” are very colloquial, like the speaker hasn’t been taught to speak ‘properly’ or has lapsed into a state where they are unable to or simply do not care. I’m also picking up a touch of mentally-disturbed giddiness, as if some deranged killer is frothily barking this at you outside your window while his head jerks around. “Well, I’m definitely glad not to live on the ground-floor.” Likewise.
I must comment, however, that “Tonight” is an odd word choice. “Well, maybe they just needed a word that rhymed with ‘alright’?” Remember what I said about giving up when things get difficult? No, “tonight” relates a sense of shadowy immediacy, like a doom drawing near. Perhaps Poppy is about to descend upon the world, shrouding it in darkness with her black angel wings.
Hence, “You ain’t gonna see me tonight” relates the sense of foreboding violence that comes with Poppy’s new persona. This makes a lot of sense in the context of Poppy’s work because I Disagree is likely going to be her most aggressive album yet. See, for instance, “I Disagree.”
Basically: full dark, no stars; Poppy’s out for blood, time to take cover.
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In summary: the ‘scary mask’ is a protective garment for Poppy as well as an empowering one. The adoption of an artistic persona allows her to cope with criticisms and continue her work. Recently, she has adjusted her work, and thus, her persona, to something truer to herself, and “Scary Mask” was an integral part of her transition.
Well, wasn’t that fun? I know I enjoyed myself.
Wait, what? You have a question? Ah, wait—I know what you’re thinking:
“If Poppy only wears her ‘scary mask’ when she’s ‘afraid she won’t belong,’ then why is she ‘never going to take it off’?”
Well, maybe she feels like she will never belong.
5 notes · View notes
rallis-fatalis · 5 years
All That Glitters...
Dragons always seem to find riches somehow. It's as if the two are naturally attracted to each other. That phenomenon is no different with Rallis who decides to dip her toe into the world of treasure hunting in search of loot. A fun way to earn money, solve puzzles, and explore the continent quickly turns into so much more as the dragon finds a request that would reveal treasure she could only dream of laying eyes on. All that glitters may not be gold, but this might be a bit better than some shiny yellow coins.
The braggarts were going at it again. The Champions' Guild was filled with ooh's and aah's and cheers as the treasure hunters showed off their newest prizes. Rallis grumbled into her stew. Things were always so noisy whenever they came back to the Guild. The obnoxious braggarts were a party of four treasure hunters known as the Fortune Finders, a team that only took on treasure hunting jobs and always came back to show off the loot before they sold it or turned it in for the posted reward.
Many adventurers and champions didn't know it, but there was an unofficial mission posting board for treasure hunting in the Champions' Guild. It used to be official and managed by the Guild staff but then problems cropped up left and right and they left it to rot. That didn't stop people from posting their requests on the board in hopes of receiving help. Otherwise, requests theives or a private company didn't get their hands on were passed around the other adventuring guilds, and anything deemed not worth the greater guilds' time was tossed out and picked up by adventurers eager for glory or champions bored out of their wit. Nowadays the board was really only maintained by the Fortune Finders, the Champions' Guild's biggest and most well-known treasure hunting company. The Guild itself wasn't interested in wasting their time and resources managing the missions anymore and nearly every hunt some poor lone sap took on ended in failure and nothing but wasted time. The treasure hunts were more spider web thin hopes of fame and fortune than any form of sustainable job. And yet somehow, the Fortune Finders came back more and more lately to show off their successes. They had one stroke of luck after another, and it made other adventurers begging to join them in hopes of splitting the incredible loot.
"And here you see boots made from the scales of an ancient dragon!" the leader of the treasure hunters wowed from his stage atop a table, proudly showing off his most recent find before delivering it to his buyer. His was voice was as greasy as his slicked back black hair and very obviously foreign with his lilting whiny manner. His long thin fingers wrapped around the boots like greedy tree branches and his long thin beak of a nose stood out like a poorly placed carrot on a snowman. The treasures around his neck and on his fingers probably weighed more than his entire twig of a body. Bracelets of gold, onyx, and gems galore weighed down his wrists like manacles, the sparkling brightness contrasting greatly with his rich dark red coat more fitting of a noble than an adventurer. His three partners hyped him up as they stood behind him, all three brutish thugs of men. They were just as laden with treasures as their boss. They looked to be triplets, their short golden hair shimmering alongside their golden chains. The only way to tell the difference between them were the gemstones inlaid in their axes and in the jewelry adorning them; one had rubies, one had sapphires, one had emeralds.
"This dragonhide is so ancient it's said to be from the Third Age!" the greasy leader continued. His name was Aniza, Rallis remembered. It sounded just as foreign as him and made anyone who spoke it sneer. His name always made her snort since it was Wyvernic for sneezing. "Back when the dragons were white and their armor magical. The possibilities these boots hold are endless!"
"And they're fake!"
The room fell silent and turned at the noise in unison. Every eye in the Guild was on Rallis. She took a sip of her stew and continued. "This is real white dragonhide," she said as she tugged at her top. "From the Third Age. See how it shimmers more silver than white? Fake white dragonhide is too white, like a fish that's never seen sun. Like the boots he holds in his hands."
Aniza frowned indignantly and hopped from his table to hers, towering over her like a menacing stick. "And just who do you think you are, you ugly filthy monster, spouting such uneducated nonsense?"
She took another spoonful of stew. "I think I'm a dragon who can tell the difference between my own kind's skin and a fake. Did you know dragonhide can not catch fire? If you tried to burn my clothes, they would not light. But your boots, however..."
Rallis sifted through her rune pouch with one hand and snapped with the other. Instantly, the boots caught fire and the blaze began eating away at the tops. The crowd gasped and the leader yelped in fear as he pat the flames out. "Told you. It's most likely painted snakeskin."
Aniza grit his teeth in fury as he glared daggers at the dragon. His three partners stomped over, hands on their axe hilts. The leader looked like he was about to lose it, but calmed himself with a slick of his oily hair. "My apologies for calling your knowledge into question, oh great dragon. In fact, I should be thanking you! It would tarnish the Fortune Finders' good name if we delivered such an abomination! Here, you may have them as my thanks, oh noble dragon."
He dropped the half burnt boots into her bowl of stew, splattering the contents all over her shirt and knocking the bowl into her lap. Bits of meat and potato collected in a soupy puddle in her skirt. Her ears pinned back in embarrassment as the crowd laughed at her misfortune. She silently placed the bowl back on the table and stood to shake the food off.
"Oh my, are you a dragon or a dog?" Aniza mocked as he hopped off the table. The room laughed harder. "Perhaps a mutt in dragon's skin! I should very much like to know how much boots made of your scales would go for! Maybe not much if they're as unpleasant as your personality."
Rallis snapped at the air, making sure every one of her terrifying teeth flashed inches from the man's face. He jumped back with a most shrill shriek, much like a pig. Rallis snorted and quietly walked out to get some peace and quiet.
The dragon giggled and splashed as she swam around the river behind the Guild. She chased swimming fish, did jumps and tricks in the water, and made little statues out of the river stones. If she had to wash the food off her clothing she might as well have fun doing it. She was currently stacking a precarious tower of stones at the river's edge, wanting to see how tall she could make it before it toppled. Footsteps crunched through the grass as they drew closer and two perfectly polished black pointed boots came into view. Rallis frowned as she looked at their owner.
"You even swim like a dog," Aniza remarked as he kicked her tower down. Rallis glared and turned to swim away. She yelped as something grabbed her tail and yanked her out of the water. It was one of his lackeys, smiling when he realized the dragon didn't appreciate his gesture. He gave her tail one last harsh pull before tossing her at Aniza's feet. She snarled at the lot of them. "You even have the manners of a beast! Why the people of this idiotic city treat you as anything other than a monster is a mystery indeed."
Rallis rubbed her tail as she sat in the grass and frowned at them. "You're the real monsters here."
Aniza feigned hurt. "Oh how your words strike me so!" He leaned down to her, nose to nose. "I'm not here to associate with you, just give you a message. The next time that lizard-sized brain of yours gets the idea to humiliate us in public again, or otherwise get in our way, I'll make you wish you had never been born. We have a reputation to uphold and your scaly brat self isn't going to ruin that. Understand?"
Rallis glared at them defiantly but nodded.
"Good!" he smiled. "Glad we understand each other! We'll leave you alone, you leave us alone! We'll start right now by letting you get back to your annual bath. So long, monster!"
Rallis snarled at them as they left and shivered as the wind picked up. She shook the water off and dragged herself to Varrock Castle. Some warm tea and a story from Reldo sounded like a dream right now.
Rallis hung out with the librarian for a couple days until he wanted to see how her writing was coming along. She would rather die than incur his wrath, or more realistically his hours long lectures. If her teacher found out her writing was still worse than chicken scratch... She ran off before he could find out.
The Champions' Guild was much more quiet today. The Fortune Finders weren't around, and neither was much of anyone else. Just some usual lazies she saw pretty often, one of which always liked to eye her up. She ignored his stares and thought about what to do today. She didn't really want to work today, but she knew she should. She wasn't in desperate need of money or anything, she could catch food or ask for anything she needed, but she knew she should still work. Jobs were one of the keystones of the human world after all and she was part of that now. But nothing appealed to her today. She was still so angry with that group of rude treasure hunters! Some small part of her wanted to show them up, make everyone realize they were awful, and find a treasure that would trump anything they could ever hope to find.
She glanced at the treasure board. The thing was half rotten and rickety. Postings old and new littered its face. Maybe trying some treasure hunts could be fun. And if she did end up finding something amazing, she could rub it in those jerks' faces! Rallis grinned and strutted over to the board, snatching the first job she found. It was simple enough. Locate, dig up, and bring back the locked chest on the posted map. Only problem was the map had no names or even many landmarks. The job poster had never been able to find the spot to dig at and promised a reward of some of the loot inside for anyone who helped find it. Rallis folded up the paper and walked out with a smile. She'd find it for sure! And maybe there would even be riches inside!
Three days passed, three whole days of trying to match her map with records of maps around the continent in Reldo's library. He was a bit shocked at how diligent and thorough she was. He wished she was the same way when it came to learning how to write. It was so hard to pinpoint the spot on the map with just some vague lines and an X. But she was determined to find this treasure! Like magic, one day the lines all made sense. Rallis snapped up in excitement, grabbed the map and a shovel, and started her trek to White Wolf Mountain.
Rallis sprinted through Taverley as fast as she could, a dragon on a mission. The druids shouted to her and waved hi but she paid them no mind. She had to see if she was right and she couldn't lose time having a family reunion with everyone right now. She ran to the mountain base, climbed its first ascent, and skirted around to the northeastern side. One she reached a dead end, she matched the map with the mountainside and nodded, got out her shovel, and began to dig. Some of the wolves took interest in her trespassing and began to excitedly dig alongside her once they realized it was just her and not some awful human. With the added help, Rallis dug up her treasure in no time. Once her shovel struck something hard and went no farther, she grinned ear to ear and yanked up a sturdy heavy chest. She thanked her lupine friends and dragged her chest off the mountain, carving a trail behind her as she went.
Luckily for Rallis, the person who wanted this chest found was down south near Rimmington and not all the way back in Varrock. Too excited to feel tired, she dragged the solid heavy chest through the day and night until she made her way to the small gloomy town. She pounded on a door to a small house, unceasing until she heard someone inside. "Yes, yes, I'm coming!" The voice sounded like a tired man. Sure enough, a tired tall blonde man in his pajamas opened the door. He woke up immediately at the sight of a monster at his door, taking a step back. "Oh my god Skippy was right about seeing monsters," he muttered.
Rallis was too excited over the treasure to pay the comment any mind. Her smile shone brighter than the lantern by his door. She held up her crumpled treasure map and mission notice. "Did you make this request?"
The man gave it a glance and nodded. "I did." He then noticed the chest behind her and his smile grew just as wide, ignoring all fear of her odd appearance. "You mean you found it?! Come in, please!" The two lugged the chest inside and the man ran off to find the key. He practically skipped back with glee. "You kept knocking on that door so fiercely I thought you might have been that damn Skippy drunkenly beating on my door again. This is a pleasant surprise indeed!"
His key fit into the sturdy old lock perfectly. Rallis' ears shot up in excitement as the lock cracked open and clattered to the floor. The man lifted open the lid and carefully took every item out with awe. The sack of mysterious jingling he pulled out was promising. When they looked inside, it was filled with about 200 gold. He pulled out a book next, a creaky old thing filled with family history. A small silver house sigil came next in the shape of a pin, then an old painting of two people, a man and woman, and finally a beautiful old ring. Other than the gold pieces and the ring, nothing really seemed worth any money, but obviously to this man the contents of that chest held more value than anything else in the world.
He held the ring up with a smile. "I can not thank you enough for finally finding this. I've been posting my request everywhere I could every week for nearly three years all in hopes of finding this." He marveled over the ring. It looked like a beautiful pearl framed with old intricate leaves of silver, giving the ring the appearance of a flower.
"It's really pretty," Rallis told him.
"It's very important too. It has been passed down in my family for a long time. With this I can finally marry..." He began to blush and handed Rallis the sack of gold. "Anyway! I promised a reward. I'm sorry I don't have more but I hope this will be enough."
She was secretly hoping for more to rub in the Fortune Finders' faces but this felt better. She was glad she could help change this man's life for the better. Now finally growing tired from the day, Rallis said goodbye and wandered to Taverley Dungeon to spend the night with her mom and brothers. Come morning she spent some of the day catching up with the druids up north and walked back to the Champions' Guild to try treasure hunting again.
For months, Rallis balanced her own personal quests around the world with treasure hunting missions from the Guild. Reldo grew accustomed to her company in the library and would often leave tea and snacks at the desk she claimed as her own. He was starting to wish he had treated his lessons for her like treasure hunts. Perhaps she'd actually bother to learn what he taught instead of running off to get into mischief. Some of the treasure hunts didn't pan out, but the ones that did added up into a nice sum of money with their rewards. The small amounts of gold added up. She never managed to find some big cool prize like the Fortune Finders frequently did, but she soon began to stop caring and had fun with the adventures and enjoyed how happy she was making people.
On a day like any other, Rallis made her way back to the Champions' Guild to grab a new treasure hunt. She decided to try one from the very back, hidden behind all the newer requests. The paper she pulled off was yellowed and crunchy from age, its face covered in holes where newer requests were pinned on top of it over the years. It seemed like one of the oldest requests on the board. Hopefully she could make this person's day! She folded the sheet up and tucked it away. As she hopped outside ready to look it over at the library, a firm large hand grabbed her by the shoulder and spun her around. The force sent her twirling around like a top until she tripped and landed on her butt in the dirt. Mean laughter snapped her out of her dizziness. She looked up to find the entire Fortune Finders party looming over her menacingly. Before she could get a word in, Aniza's slimy voiced piped up.
"I hear you've been stepping on our turf as of late!" Rallis flinched from his voice. It was even crueler sounding today, and slimier than any eel. "I thought I told you to keep your distance."
"And I have!" she snapped. "You don't own the treasure hunter board. I wanted to try treasure hunting out too!"
The burly triplets chuckled behind their leader. "Oh, did no one tell you?" Aniza said as he leaned down to the dragon. "We do own that board. No one gets the fame and glory of treasure hunting but us unless we let them. Why do you think there's no other treasure hunting groups in the Champions' Guild, hm?"
Rallis thought about that for a moment and she realized he was right. In the Guild at least, there were no other actual treasure hunting parties. They were usually their own private company outside the Guild confines. And the few adventurers that got the bright idea to try a mission posted on that board never tried again. They either went back to the boring low-pay low-thrill official Guild jobs or never showed up again. Rallis had just figured they had bad luck and didn't want to try again.
"It's our board and we didn't give you permission to use it," Aniza continued. "It's by sheer luck we haven't been able to run into you until now. Your treasure hunting days are over and you owe us a percentage for using our resources."
"A percentage? But I barely got anything! Hardly 50k."
"Then we'll be taking 40 of that! 10k for each of us. It's either that or a finger for each 10 you hold back." He pulled out a knife. "Which do you prefer?"
"Neither! Get your own money!" Rallis scurried away from the man only to find herself bump into something big and sturdy. It was one of the golden trio, cold eyes shining like the sapphires around his neck. The other two blocked her from either side as Aniza stepped forward, twirling around his knife. It was probably the only thing he owned that wasn't encrusted in gems or plated in gold. Its blade was sharpened to a wicked simple point that looked just as deadly as one of her fangs. His three lackeys held her tight, two grabbing each arm and pinning down a leg, the other slamming a knee on her tail and wrapping an arm around her waist. In a flash, Aniza yanked her head up by the horns and pressed the knife to her throat.
"That wasn't an option, monster," he whispered in her ear. "Either give us what you got or perhaps my blade won't be so steady when I slice your fingers off. Wouldn't it be such a shame to never use a hand again over a paltry 40 thousand?"
If she wasn't so outnumbered and underprepared, it would have been them losing a hand, maybe more. But as it was, she could do nothing. "I don't have it on me! I hid it for safe keeping!"
"Well then I'm sure you'd be beside yourself with joy to fetch it for us!" The three brutes yanked her up and made sure she had no space to run. "Why don't you show us where you've hidden our lovely money?"
Rallis growled as she begrudgingly led them toward Varrock. "Why are you so hungry for a small pile of gold? Don't you guys find stuff worth millions?"
"Every gold piece adds up," Aniza said. "And we deserve every single piece the world has to offer." They began to near the road to western Varrock. "Now, let's just act like old friends and draw no attention. The less trouble you cause, the easier you'll get off. Where might you have hidden that gold now?"
Rallis hissed under her breath as he nudged her in the side with his knife, reminding her who was in charge. "Where else do you keep money? In a bank."
He supposed she was right. "I would've thought a mutt like you would have buried it. Color me surprised you can act like a civilized beast." Rallis hid her face in embarrassment. She wasn't about to admit her first thought was indeed burying it in Ellemaria's garden, but the queen would have noticed and probably have her head cut off and mounted over her throne.
The group reached the road to the city. A small house sat to their left, laundry drying in the sun. The place was surrounded by cats. One had pulled down a sheet and curled up on it to sleep, three others were drooling as they rubbed their faces on a potted plant under the window of a room facing them, five more were simply lounging around. Rallis chirped something happily to the cats and all nine of them perked up and meowed. Rallis chirped some more and Aniza shoved her to silence her chattering.
"What do you think you're doing, beast?"
"Saying hello to my friends, jerk." She nodded her head toward the nine cats now making their way over.
One of the three golden giants cooed to the kitties but he wouldn't dare defy orders and run off to pet them. One of the other triplets whispered how cute they were. Aniza sneered at them. "You can speak to animals, can you?"
"Not all of them. But I do have a way with cats."
"I'd rather you have a way with walking right now and get going to our money."
Rallis chirped something sadly to the cats and turned away. She ducked her head to hide her smile. The nine cats ran off far ahead of them and vanished into the city before they even reached the western guard post. The sound of meowing grew louder the closer the grew to the city. As they reached the western checkpoint, the five found the guards preoccupied with petting the feral cats that roamed Varrock.
Rallis smiled. "Did you know Varrock has more cats, both wild and tame, than anywhere else in the world?" she told them. The gold haired triplets seemed to smile at the idea and longingly glanced at the guards petting the cats. More cats were appearing before them, as if materializing out of the cracks in the very ground. The sound of meowing and purring drowned out anything else.
"I'm sure you expect me to care but I don't," Aniza sighed.
"That's your problem. You're so mean. You have no friends, do you? Well I do. In fact, I'm friends with every cat in the city. Would you like to know how many there are?"
Aniza was about to force her mouth shut he was tired of her blabbing, but his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of hissing. On every wall, every stone, every available spot on the ground was a very upset cat, all glaring at Rallis' captors. She smiled at Aniza. "Currently there are 208."
At once, a horde of angry cats launched themselves at the four men, sinking their claws into anything they could. One feral one bit into Aniza's leg after others made a hole in his pants. The golden trio howled as the endless stream of cats clawed and bit at them. Too occupied with throwing the cats away, the Fortune Finders couldn't stop Rallis from wriggling out of their grasp.
"STOP HER!" Aniza shouted. A cat swiped him across the face, clawing him across an eye. He howled in pain as he threw the cat off, poor feline gaining a bald spot as Aniza ripped off its fur as he threw it. His three lackeys shook the wailing felines off and readied to chase and capture Rallis once more.
Rallis howled something at the cats and at once they dispersed as quickly as they came. Aniza clutched his bleeding face and glared daggers at the dragon. His anger quickly changed to horror as he saw her pull fire runes out of her pouch and start an inferno. The fire leapt at the four as the runes crumbled in her hand, lapping at their clothes hungrily. Shrieking filled the air as the fire heated their heavy golden jewelry and burned welts into their skin. Rallis didn't stick around to see if they were okay, letting them and the guards deal with putting out the flames.
"Maybe don't cross a dragon next time!" Rallis shouted as she ran off.
Rallis breathed a sigh of relief as that incident grew farther and farther behind her until her mind once again grew occupied with the idea of treasure hunting. She unfurled the paper she hid away and gave it a look over. Instead of a map in need of deciphering or a cryptic message left behind by some trickster, all that was written were instructions on where to go for information, the name of the mission issuer, "The Lantknecht Family," and the reward which was left blank. Rallis gave the name some thought. It sounded important and vaguely familiar but she couldn't remember where she heard it. She supposed she'd find out when she went to the location listed on the paper.
Rallis made her way to a rather large house near the Wilderness ditch by Edgeville, though it was certainly in disrepair. Even from the ground she could see holes in the roof shoddily patched and rebroken and repatched. The paint of the house flaked away into piles for the wind to sweep away and potted plants by the doorstep had long since died and began to rot. The front door opened out to a porch with a rocking chair, and while normally it would have been an adorable scene just missing someone sleeping in the chair with an old dog at their side, the porch sported holes and the chair looked ready to crumble. Even the few steps leading up to the place from the ground felt ready to break as she stepped on them. The place was a mess. Rallis timidly knocked on the door and waited.
A long stretch of silence followed, then slow shuffling. The rickety door was angrily flung open as an old man leaning on a marred silver cane sourly greeted his guest. His attire was just as old and fragile as his house, though it was obvious it used to be elegant and beautiful. His long hair had turned snow white as had his beard, almost making him look like a yeti. His eyebrows shot up in surprise at his monstrous guest and fast as a lightning flash, he snapped the top of his cane off to reveal a dagger which he pointed at the dragon. Rallis jumped back in surprise and held the paper in front of her like a shield. The man slowly took the paper from her hand and looked between it and the dragon before deciding to put his knife back onto his cane.
"You are really here for this?" he asked. His voice was gruff like sandpaper, and every word was said clearly and formally, like a nobleman's speech. Rallis nodded. He grumbled and handed the paper back. "Come in then." She timidly stepped inside and carefully closed the door behind her. Inside was a bit more well kept and it was apparent this place used to be magnificent in its prime, with its grandiose parlor room of marble fireplace and mahogany chairs and carpets trimmed with gold. It would have all been very beautiful if it wasn't crumbling away and tearing at the seams with age. Mounted beast heads of giants of old stared down at their guests with fury in their marble eyes. Rallis found them quite distasteful and paled at the sight of one, an ancient dragon of blue and silver. They were all covered in heavy layers of dust, but the dustiest thing in the room were the empty clasps above the fireplace. It was obviously meant to hold something very important but now all it supported were visible piles of dust and dirt. Next to the clasps was a family crest of vines and flowers winding themselves around a shield, and next to that an old painting of a knight with that same crest emblazoned on his shield and a symbol of swirls on his chestplate. It looked like a breeze of wind. The old man shuffled over to a well-worn seat as he grumbled under his breath. "Damn thing looks like something that whippersnapper Oziach would try to hunt." He side-eyed Rallis warily as he sat down and motioned for her to take one of the other seats.
The dragon took a seat, wincing as the chair creaked and shuddered at her weight. The old man was eyeing her from tail to horns with a mixture of intrigue and suspicion. "Is something wrong?" Rallis asked as she tried to hide from his stare.
"I have had a lot of people come to my door seeking to fulfill my request, all looking for the riches associated with my name," he began. "You are by far the most... interesting adventurer thus far. But I will not turn away the help, no matter how they look."
"And that's all I want to do. I like helping people! It looked like your request had been ignored for a long time."
"Mmm, I suppose it has. I wasted my life trying to find this treasure, and once I became unable to continue on my own, I began to waste other people's lives. Do you intend to waste yours as well?"
"I'm pretty good at figuring things out, and nothing's a waste if it helps someone!" Rallis smiled brightly.
"You have spunk," the man chuckled. "If you are serious then I suppose I would be eager to put that adventurer's pluck to good use."
"I don't know what either of those words mean!" she said happily. "But I'm still excited to help! This whole treasure hunting thing has been fun. So how come you haven't been able to find what you're looking for yet?"
The old man tugged open a drawer in a stand next to his seat. Out he pulled a yellow sheet of old parchment. The ink had begun to fade from the years and the paper bore stains from the many hands that held it. "This is all I have pointing to the location of my family's treasure and it is very cryptic. Every adventurer that has come before has searched in vain. They make no progress and blink to find they have spent their best years chasing what I am now starting to believe may simply be rumors in the wind. The promise of my riches blinds the youth of any generation." He spat the last part out in disdain.
Rallis tilted her head like a confused bird. "You're rich?"
He leaned his head on his cane and looked her in the eye, trying to see if she was making a joke. He determined she wasn't. "So you just happened to take my request and see my name but not realize who you would be working for? You do not know who House Lantknecht is?" Rallis shook her head no. "You just get more interesting. Though I suppose monsters would not much care for human money and history, would they?" He slowly stood from his seat and walked over to Rallis, dropping the page in her lap and holding out his hand. "Vertis Lantknecht, last member of House Lantknecht. If we were not treasure hunters, we fought for peace in every battle and every war since the Third Age."
Rallis perked up in awe and took his hand. "Even the God Wars?!"
Vertis nodded with a small smile. She certainly got excited quickly. "Yes, even the God Wars."
"That's so cool! My name is Rallis! I don't have any cool family history, I think. I'm just a dragon."
"I would say that is incredible in its own right. It is not every day you meet a talking dragon. I hear they hoard treasure. Are they just as good at finding it as well?"
"Well I've been finding lots of stuff for people lately so maybe!" Rallis picked up the paper in her lap and looked it over. "So what am I looking for? And do you have any ideas where to start looking?"
"Where, no. It seems like I or the people who have come crawling to me to help have explored every speck of dirt on the planet for my prize. As for what..." Vertis pointed to the two clasps above the fireplace. "It is the sword that was meant to be passed down through my family, the sword my ancestors used Ages ago. It has been missing for generations and has placed a curse over us all. It is as if any Lantknecht can not rest until it is found." He laughed grimly. "Though I suppose with how old I am it will not have any Lantknechts to torment for much longer."
Rallis pouted. "That's a bad way to think. Don't you worry, I'll find it! It's too important not to find for you!"
"I would like to see that sword before I die, but please take no offense if I am still skeptical. You seem charming for a mons--, dragon, but charm and skill are not the same thing, and this sword has been lost for a long time."
"I will find it!" Rallis cheered as she jumped from her seat, paper in hand. "I swear! I'm gonna get to looking right now!" The dragon energetically hopped out the decrepit home and raced over to Reldo's to get to work, not waiting for a goodbye from Vertis.
Rallis pored over the sheet Vertis gave her for days trying to decipher its meaning. She hardly slept or ate, making and crossing out notes as she thought of ideas and realized their flaws. She was getting frustrated and it was making Reldo nervous. He'd rather the dragon not throw a tantrum in his library again. On day five of her quest to figure out her puzzle, the librarian came over to offer his support.
"You've uh... been going at this for quite a while," he started. "Do you need some assistance?"
Rallis growled at the paper and shoved it into Reldo's hands. "Your riddles are fun, but this one sucks. I don't get it at all!"
Reldo skimmed the paper. It was a short read, most of the paper left blank. All that was printed on its surface was indeed some kind of riddle. He read it aloud.
"Where chaos died Yet flourished wide, Eternal shadow looms But here flower blooms, Here sun does fly And the dead still lie, The servant of land With sword in hand Guards peace still in death Where only pure draw breath."
He flipped it over to the back but nothing was there. "I will say it is an intriguing riddle. It even rhymes too! I love it when they rhyme. What is the purpose of this poem?"
"It leads to treasure," Rallis explained. "And I promised I'd find it. He needs it!"
"Ah so its purpose is to detail a location. You have no ideas about where this might be?"
"No!" Rallis snapped as she slammed the desk. "I keep thinking I do but then the other parts keep messing me up! I'm so confused."
"Maybe don't try to solve every line as a whole then, but rather solve every line as if they were their own riddle." Reldo handed the paper back and pointed to the first two lines. "Like this part for example. Just focus on these two lines and nothing else. What ideas did you come up with for that?"
"Nothing really. It doesn't make sense to me. Somewhere chaos thrives but also doesn't? That makes no sense."
"Perhaps it doesn't mean that. The 'yet' with the past tense seems to implicate that this place in the first two lines was somewhere that used to be lively with chaos but one day the chaos died. Does that sound like anywhere you know?"
Rallis shook her head. "No. But I also didn't think of that. Thanks for the idea, bookman."
He pointed to the next two lines. "What about these?"
"That one I kinda had an idea. Flowers need sun to grow, so how could they grow in eternal shadow? I thought maybe it was talking about cave nightshade, a flower that can only grow in the dark, but then the next line messed me up."
"'Here sun does fly.' Hmm, that does seem to throw a wrench in that idea, but it's still a good one. I wouldn't have thought of nightshade actually. You're better at riddles than you think." Rallis smiled at the praise. "This riddle implies that there is a place that is constantly dark but has one special place where the sun shines," Reldo continued. "Can you think of any place like that?"
The dragon thought for a moment and nodded. "The sun doesn't shine in Morytania from what I saw but it could shine in some special spot. The Wilderness is always dark too but maybe there's a spot of sun there."
"Now those sound like promising leads! Why don't you tell me your other thoughts about the rest of this?"
The two talked the day away with their theories and bounced ideas off each other. Reldo was quite proud of the dragon. She was really shaping up to be quite the thinker. She had certainly come far compared to the illiterate impulsive beast that greeted him years ago. The librarian had long since gone to sleep while Rallis still chipped away at the riddle's meaning. She didn't really understand the second half so well, but the first half was making a bit of sense.
'Somewhere usually dark but has a special place with light that makes flowers grow. This place also used to be thrown into chaos but isn't like that anymore.' She thought of her two ideas of Morytania and the Wilderness. Although Morytania seemed more likely to have bits of sun break through the perennially foggy barrier that shrouded the land in darkness, something about the chaos line didn't seem right. If anything, Morytania was the opposite. She remembered Reldo teaching her that Morytania used to be peaceful until vampyres took over.
'Maybe this place really is in the Wilderness. It used to be a lot more chaotic during the God Wars but now it's much calmer. That makes the first part make sense.'
She gave a great yawn and crawled out of her seat. She hadn't slept well in five days, mind too preoccupied with the riddle, but she felt like she was finally starting to get somewhere now. She'd give herself a good night of sleep as a reward.
When Rallis next woke, she came back to her desk to find Reldo reading her notes as he sipped a cup of tea.
"So you're still thinking Wilderness, are you?" he asked.
"Yeah. I just don't know where in there."
He looked at the riddle dubiously. "Are you sure this puzzle is legitimate? It almost seems dangerous with its want to lure you to that godforsaken wasteland."
Rallis nodded. "I think it is. Mr. Lantknecht didn't seem like the guy to lure people to die looking for a fake treasure."
Reldo nearly dropped his tea. "Did you say Lantknecht?"
"Yup! This hunt is for Mr. Lantknecht's treasure and I promised I'd find it!"
"You manage to get yourself involved in some incredible situations. Treasure hunting for House Lantknecht of all people." Rallis looked at him with a blank stare. "You don't remember me teaching you this, do you?" He sighed defeatedly and continued. "The Lantknecht family has borne heroes and hunters for thousands of years. They have served the realm as defenders of justice for Ages past. Their family used to be revered and respected by all, but like time does to all things great and small, their name began to grow lost to history." Something dawned on Reldo as he spoke. "Let me see that riddle again." Rallis handed it over. The man looked over it for a moment and smiled with an 'aha' as he found what he was looking for. "You see this line?" he showed Rallis. "'The servant of land?' Lantknecht literally means 'land's servant.' A servant of land with sword in hand. The location may be linked to an important swordsman of House Lantknecht."
Rallis started to grow excited alongside the librarian over this revelation. "That's pretty important! I think I know just who to ask for more information. Thank you so much for all your help, Reldo!" She bid him goodbye and ran off to Vertis' house, notes in hand.
Rallis eagerly pounded on the rotting old door until a grumpy old man with snow white hair and long silver cane greeted her. "It has not even been a week! Do not tell me you have found the blasted thing so quickly."
"Not yet, but I think I'm getting closer and I need your help!"
Vertis ushered her inside and sat her at a table. Rallis laid out her notes and explained her thoughts thus far. "This leads me to the help I need from you. Do you know anything about any important ancestor of yours that wielded a sword in the Wilderness?"
"As a matter of fact, I do. There are a few but the most important is Lord Verdigris Lantknecht." He said the name as if it held great honor. "He was my ancestor who fought in the God Wars to protect these lands and the first to ever wield the sword I seek. All I know is he was a great warrior and a great man. He died on the battlefield, leaving his sons to keep his legacy alive."
"Do you happen to know where he fell in battle?" Rallis asked. "The sword could be buried there."
"I do not. But I do know he died protecting the wounded as they fled the territory of the Wilderness. He fought off the enemy with everything he had so he could buy everyone time to escape. He saved countless lives that day at the cost of his own."
"He sounds like an amazing person," Rallis said in awe. She was a touch jealous she didn't have stories like that about her family, if she had one. Though in her opinion her adoptive father's death was just as noble and tugged a tear out of her eye thinking about it. "I imagine this took place closer to the ditch than out in deep wild. Otherwise the wounded would have too far to run and wouldn't have made it."
"Hmph, you are pretty smart for a beast."
"You saying only humans can be smart?" Rallis huffed.
"I meant no such disrespect," Vertis held up his hands defensively. "I suppose I am just amazed that after all these countless years, a talking dragon made more progress in a week than my entire family and leagues of treasure hunters and adventurers did in their whole lives."
"Just needed a new respective! Perception? Ohhh it's a big word Reldo taught me that's perfect for this, what was it?! PERSPECTIVE! Maybe you just needed a new one of those."
"Well then, Miss New Perspective, do you intend to scour the Wilderness for clues?"
"I guess so! I've got no other ideas. And I promised I'd find this for you!"
"I am starting to believe that." Vertis creaked out of his seat with a groan and shuffled over to the fireplace. He reached for something resting atop the mantle and brought it back to Rallis. It was a pure white disc of stone with a swirled carving on its face. The stone was only about as big as her palm. Rallis compared it to the painting of the knight on the wall and sure enough, it was the same swirling design. "I never knew what this was and I still do not, but this stone is as old as the riddle itself. Perhaps it may come in handy."
Rallis flipped the stone over in her hand. 'It looks like a rune. Feels different though. There's some kind of magic in this but it's not normal.' She tucked it away for safekeeping. "Thanks for the help. Hopefully next time I come back it'll be with your sword!" New info in hand, the dragon got back to work.
Rallis kicked up piles of dirt and ash as she happily skipped through the Wilderness. The wasteland was filled with death and bandits and monsters. No sane person came here for a stroll. And yet Rallis did just that and frequently too. It wasn't like she didn't know of the dangers, but she just knew the Wilderness better than anyone else. She knew where it was safe and where it wasn't and with how many dragons called this place home, she felt safer here than she did in any city.
Contrary to popular belief, the entire Wilderness was not in fact shrouded in darkness. The areas close to the ditch were bright and sunny and continued that way for a nice enough distance. Once the land did become blanketed under the eternal shadow, the change was drastic, like a line of blackened earth separating the safer part of the Wilderness from the stretching burnt earth that carried on for miles. It was on this line that Rallis walked, hoping some sunny spot would jump out in particular. At first, she just walked the line between sun and shadow, but nothing called to her. She spent days slowly scanning the Wilderness, going deeper every passing day. She was starting to grow frustrated with all the time she'd been wasting strolling through this place. At least the piles of ash were fun to kick up and watch flutter back down to pile up again.
On one of her uneventful days of searching, she sat in the dirt in a huff. She had no luck finding any clues so far and it was really starting to get on her nerves. She decided to have a snack and crashed into the dirt, ash floating up as she flopped over. Some landed on her nose, causing her to sneeze. She sniffled as she rubbed the remaining ash off her face. "Don't go getting in my nose again. I'm sorry I kicked you. You're just so poofy."
She sneezed again and caused more ash to float into the air, perpetuating the sneezing cycle. Rallis flew into a sneezing fit as she dashed away from the cloud. One final violent sneeze had her free of the ashy curse. She covered her nose as pieces of dust, dirt, and ash floated down all around her. She had made quite a mess.
"Oops." Amidst the falling debris, a little white flower floated down and landed on the hand covering her nose. She carefully picked the flower off and looked it over in wonder. "Nothing grows this far into the Wilderness, especially not tiny flowers." She thought perhaps it was simply stuck to her clothing when she walked in, but that didn't seem right. Rallis covered her nose and made her way back into the sinking ash cloud and examined the ground. Sure enough, little white flowers poked through the surface. There weren't many but it was still surprising. The ash camouflaged them perfectly, no one would notice they were there. Rallis crawled on her hands and knees, nose to the ground, and with another dusty sneeze, cleared more ash away and revealed a small patch of tiny flowers. More sprouted up between gaps of dead dirt, like a line of dots to trace over to create a path. Once she stood up, Rallis could no longer spot any. 'Looks like I'm doing this on all fours!'
Like a dog following a scent trail, Rallis followed every white speck she thought was a flower farther into the Wilderness. The longer she crawled, the more they started to pop up. 'It really is amazing this place can still grow anything! Maybe it's starting to go back to normal after all this time.'
Focus pointed toward the ground, Rallis didn't notice the obstacle in her way until she head butted straight into it. She smacked into some old hard stone with a thud, whining as she clutched her now throbbing head. She rubbed where there was now likely to be a bump and glared at whatever dared to get in her way. She backed away when she realized the stone was a grave, and it wasn't the only one. She had wandered into an old small graveyard. Rallis brushed the dirt off her clothing and looked around.
There were many graveyards in the Wilderness from various times in history, but this one definitely seemed like the oldest. All the names on the tombstones were weathered away, and most of the stones had crumbled or broken in their old age. Some graves were only marked by piles of pebbles they were so worn down. Rallis got on her hands and knees once more and searched for the flowers. She found some, much more than before, and even tiny blades of grass poking through the dirt.
"You all may have died but now you leave something good behind." She blew the ash off a cluster of the little white blooms. They seemed to perk up now that they weren't weighed down by death. "I hope you all get to be big beautiful flowers."
A breeze picked up, not a cold sharp whip of wind common in the far north of the Wilderness, but a gentle warm one. 'Now that's unusual.' The wind tugged at her skirt, trying to take her farther into the Wilderness. Nearby in the direction the wind was pulling her was another grave, this one much more grandiose than the rest. Even from here she could see there was a statue in remembrance of someone. Rallis followed the wind and went to investigate.
The closer she drew, the more flowers she found, and this time she didn't need to crawl to find them. They were dull and hidden by all the ash, but once she brushed the years of dust away they bloomed bright and cheerful. It brought a smile to her face seeing life returning to this dead desolate place. Once she reached the fancier grave, closed buds sprouted everywhere underfoot and it was downright sunny! Rallis smiled from the unexpected warmth, wings flaring out to take in the sparse rays. Anything bright and warm like this had no place in the Wilderness, but she welcomed the oddity indeed. Rallis gently brushed some of the dust off the flowers with her tail as she looked around. The statue she saw from the graveyard was of some hero or another, she couldn't tell who. All the features of their face had been wiped away by the elements, as had any detail of their clothing or armor. They were originally holding something, but whatever that something was was gone now. The statue's hand gripped a hilt nobly held to the sky. It was probably a sword. Their other arm was completely gone and one of the legs seemed like it was ready to crumble. The statue stood upon a stone, presumably some kind of plaque detailing who this hero was, but now it was just as blank and smooth as the statue's face. A stone grave marker sat a ways behind it, but it was just as featureless.
As Rallis continued investigating, a realization hit her. She looked to the sky to find the smallest break in the blanket of shadow that hung over the Wilderness. The speck of a break was as big as a toothpick from where she stood, a small hole in the darkness that let light bleed through. When she looked back down, she could plainly see what the sun illuminated. The statue, the grave, and only the bare minimum of the surrounding area glowed with sunlight. The flowers spread all the way to the borders of the light and stopped abruptly, save the small path of them leading to the rest of the graveyard nearby. The sunlight wasn't terribly strong either. If anyone were to walk by, they would just see another nameless grave and move on, sun hidden amidst the endless darkness. It was quite the miraculous little place, and one that rang a bell in her mind.
"Here sun does fly and the dead still lie. A sunny grave. You know where the treasure is, don't you?" The statue was not inclined to answer her. "Most graves in the Wilderness get dug open from the inside as the dead turn into zombies or ankous or other monsters. I hope you really are still sleeping."
She continued to investigate, looking for any clues to the sword she sought. 'How funny my little sidetrack with flowers brings me closer to the treasure,' she thought with a smile as she looked around the statue. 'Guess it was meant to be.' The line about flowers from the riddle slapped her upside the head at the thought.
There was nothing of interest with the base of the statue, and at first glance, it seemed like the same held true for the statue itself too. There were a few holes where the stone simply began to crumble from old age, but one hole she found was much too perfect. Many chunks of the statue's torso had fallen away, but this one indent looked too precise. Rallis ran a finger inside the hole and it felt smooth as if it were carved.
'You're obviously important. But why?'
She sat down with a huff and thought. 'Alright, think. What haven't I done with the riddle yet? I found where I was supposed to go, checking off the first two lines. I found a spot with flowers, sunlight, and the dead, so that's six lines down. So what's left?'
She remembered the line about a sword in hand and checked the crumbling hilt once more. Still nothing. If the bladed part was useful, she would never find out. That part of the statue was long gone.
'Maybe that's not what's important then. Could just be a hint to let you know you're in the right place.' Rallis muttered the last two lines over and over as she paced around the flowers, careful not to trample them. "Guards peace still in death, where only pure draw breath. What does that mean?! Why is this so hard?!" She growled and jokingly flared her claws out toward the statue. "You better give me a hint or else!"
A whip of cold wind ripped through her at the remark, a shocking contrast to the warm gentleness the grave radiated. She shivered and put her claws away. "I was just kidding, I'm sorry." The sun shone brighter at her apology. 'This place officially creeps me out now! Just give me this sword and let me go!'
She felt eyes watching her after her little display. She spun around but there was nothing of interest in any direction. Just the graveyard, dead trees, and a whole lot of nothing. 'Maybe this guy is a ghost now. Guarding even in death indeed!'
After some more thinking and searching, Rallis was ready to run back to Reldo's or Vertis' to get help, even though she didn't want to. She felt like she was so close, like the treasure was right here! But she just didn't know what else to do. All she had left were two lines of a cryptic riddle and a pretty little stone sitting in her pocket. She dug out the stone with the swirled carving and flipped it around in her hands. "Do you have any answers for me, little rune?" She thought perhaps casting the spell within the stone would give her a clue, but alas no matter how hard she tried she couldn't get the magic inside to work.
Rallis was beyond skilled with magic, so the fact that she could not use the weird rune was odd indeed. It wasn't normal for a single rune to hold as much power as this one did and she had never seen the design of this one before. Well, except for the painting on Vertis' wall she hadn't seen it before.
She stopped playing with the rune. 'The painting. This symbol was on the knight's chestplate.' She ran her hand over the perfectly carved hole in the statue's chest. It was nearly the same size as the rune. "Could it really be that simple?" Carefully, Rallis slid the rune into the hole until it could go no farther. The rune glowed white and all went silent and still. Rallis held her breath and froze as she waited for something to happen. Slowly, the rest of the statue began to glow the same pale white, every crack shining like a vein of magic. A loud sudden poof blew all the ash and debris off the flowers, scattering to the sudden winds stirring up, and the ground too began to glow a pale white. The glow raced toward the blank gravestone, drawing a pattern of a shield covered in vines and flowers on its surface, and suddenly the ground shook. Rallis yelped as the force nearly knocked her off her feet. Right before her very eyes, the ground between the statue and the grave opened up, the white light cutting the ground open like a knife. After another shudder, the world returned to its stillness and all was peaceful once more. The rune popped out of the hole in the statue. Rallis caught it before it could hit the ground. She looked to the little stone, then to the hole in the ground, and jumped in the air with a giant smile.
"This has GOT to be it!" she exclaimed. "Thank you, you magical little rock! And thank you too, statue!" A breeze thanked her back. "I think I get it now. Where only pure draw breath? It's wind magic in pure essence, and it even goes into where the statue would breathe. How tricky and sneaky!" Pocketing the stone, she hopped into the hole in search of treasure.
The white glow from the rune remained to illuminate the underground treasure chamber, casting a mystical glow on the loot inside. And great Guthix below, there was loot. Rallis couldn't even form words over what she saw. Racks of weapons and armor lined the walls on stands. Tomes of magic sat in shelves just waiting to be read. Everywhere she looked was something new from ages past, quite literally Ages past. Rallis bounced around admiring it all.
"Zamorakian weapons! Armadylian bows! Guthixian robes! Armor from the Third Age! This is insane!" She dared not lay a finger on anything. It wasn't hers, after all. She simply gushed as she delved deeper, coming to a halt at the end of the room. Hung on the wall in front of the symbol of a vine entwined shield rest a sword. It shone silver and black, not a speck of dirt, rust, or grime on it, and glowed with magic. Rallis carefully pulled the weapon off its hold and looked it over with awe. "This must be what he wanted. How pretty." She strung the sword as best she could around her waist next to her whip. She smiled wide, excited to tell Vertis about what she found.
She was so lost in her discovery she hadn't noticed the footsteps behind her. The collective gasps of four people made her spin around. Three giants of men stared around the room in wonder, greedy hands ready to grab everything they could hold. A familiar slimy stick of a man stood in front of them, a new black eyepatch matching his oily onyx hair, making him look like an unwashed cutthroat of the sea. Aniza and his lackeys. They were sporting a distinct lack of gold jewelry and ugly welts marked their exposed skin.
'They must be who I felt watching me!' Rallis snarled and drew her whip. "What are you doing here?!"
Aniza didn't deign to give her an answer to her question, much more entranced by the sword at her waist. "A Third Age longsword! The holy grail of treasure! We hit the motherlode!" He was practically drooling over the sword. Rallis reached for her rune pouch. Aniza tossed a knife at the string holding it to her waist and sliced it through, pouch dumping its contents all over the floor. "None of that again. That damn fire was rather painful. Who knew just how horrible superheated gold was to wear!" The three brutes growled at Rallis, hands on their axes. She noticed the scarred skin around their fingers and wrists and necks where their jewelry used to be. Aniza was even missing his fourth finger on his left hand, presumably removed from the burn damage. "Stepping on our turf, taking what's rightfully ours, then burning us alive? You are quite the monster, aren't you? I lost an eye and a finger because of you!"
"Having four fingers isn't that bad," she remarked as she wiggled one of her four fingered hands. Aniza ignored her.
"Getting fixed up so quickly cost quite the pretty coin. What a dent in our coffers you made! But leading us to this? This I'd say is well worth it. Following you was the right thing to do!"
"You're not gonna get any of this," Rallis snarled. "It's not yours! I'm giving this all to its rightful owner and you can't stop me!"
"Oh well we were going to give it back too! For a price anyway. Sell it back, roll in all the money, then steal it back to sell again. It's so much easier than making and selling counterfeits. We'll be the richest people in the world with a haul like this."
Rallis growled. 'Stealing people's lost treasure and reselling it to them? Making fake treasures to sell the real ones off for more money? How disgusting!'
Aniza toyed with a stack of perfectly balanced throwing knives in the shape of bird feathers stacked perfectly in an open box. "This haul will certainly pay for all the damage you've done to me and set us up for life. But you know, I'm still not satisfied." He flicked a knife her way. Rallis threw up her arm in the nick of time, blade slicing into her arm as if it had just recently been sharpened. She hissed and threw it aside, hiding behind a set of mounted Third Age platemail before he could throw any more. "Don't get me wrong, this trove certainly does put a spring in my step. But no, this will not satisfy me. I know what will." He threw a knife at the stand holding the armor, severing the stand at the neck. The helm came crashing down onto Rallis' face. Before she could set the helm aside, Aniza was beside her, knives flashing in the magic light like claws. "I want your blood for what you did to me you fucking beast!"
Rallis yelped as she scurried back. Aniza was fast and she wasn't prepared. His next knife found its mark in her left shoulder. He stepped on her tail as she tried to get up and run, making her howl. He pounced on her, bringing out his own twisted blade and tried to stab Rallis in the eye. She dropped her whip and grabbed the blade with her hand, slicing through her palm. It hurt horribly but it was better than having the thing jabbed into her eye! Rallis pulled her legs up and clawed at the man, talons ripping through his clothes like paper and giving him a mark to remember across his stomach. He screamed and collapsed, arms crossed over his abdomen as he tried to stop the pain and bleeding. Rallis kicked him away and jumped up, grabbing her whip and gunning for the exit. The three golden boys were in the way, axes drawn.
"Kill that bitch!" Aniza cried as he tried to pry himself from the floor.
The first of the three brought his axe down, shattering the tiled floor where Rallis had just stood. The second tried the same and struck similar nothingness. While she dodged those two, the third smacked her with the flat of his axe and sent her flying into the wall and mounted equipment. Something cracked when she hit the wall, and she couldn't tell if it was her wing or the stone itself. She toppled onto an array of weaponry, all biting into her as she fell. She flopped to the floor bleeding, the various weapons leaving their marks. The golden trio loomed over her, ready to chop her head off.
Before they could bring their axes down, Rallis scooped some of her discarded runes over with her whip, stones skittering across the floor. She slammed her bleeding hand onto them and at once a fire came billowing forth. The three screamed and staggered back, terrified of what that blaze did and could do again. Rallis dove through the fire and between their legs, leaping up the steps and out of the treasure filled tomb. She heard a muffled 'after her' as she ran back toward the statue.
Rallis' hands were shaking as she fished the rune key out. She nearly dropped it as she heard the stomping of three huge angry men close behind her. She quickly slammed the rune into its slot and breathed a sigh of relief as she saw the entrance to the vault slowly begin to close as Aniza staggered out, just as she hoped. Her sigh choked into a scream as an axe swooped right toward her neck. Rallis ducked, feeling the displaced air of the swing right next to her ear. One of the golden trio tried to kill her, his axe now lodged into the statue's side. He growled and groaned as he yanked it free, bits of stone flying everywhere. The force knocked the rune loose, and Rallis grabbed it and ran. She could hear the four of them screaming and running behind her, so she ran faster. Soon the only sound around her was the eerie silence of the Wilderness.
Rallis slammed on Vertis' door, panically looking behind her every second he didn't answer. She was ever so thankful to hear his grumbling as he shuffled over to answer. He opened the door, same gruff grumpy countenance greeting her, but once he glanced at the sword at her side, his face quickly melted into a look of disbelief. Rallis all but threw the sword into his arms. "Admire it later! Awful treasure hunters are after it!"
As if on cue, Rallis whined as something sharp stabbed into her shoulder, another one of the feather-shaped knives from the treasure trove. She spun around to find the Fortune Finders, out of breath and furious. The golden trio cornered Rallis and Vertis, leaving inside the house as the only place to run and Aniza stomped forward, eyes feral and blade drawn. "YOU BITCH! YOU LOCKED US OUT! YOU WILL HAND OVER THAT KEY RIGHT NOW, AND THE SWORD TOO, OR YOU DIE HERE AND NOW!"
"No!" she protested, whip ready to go. "That treasure isn't yours and the sword has finally returned home! Leave before I make you!"
Aniza looked ready to leap at her like a rabid dog. Vertis cleared his throat and stepped in front of the dragon. She whined in protest, not wanting him to get hurt, but he assured her he would be fine with a hand on her shoulder. Aniza almost drooled over the sight of the beautiful sword again as Vertis stepped forward.
"Interested in this, are you?" Vertis said as he held the sword up. "I can understand. Its beauty is spellbinding. I know it held me captive under its curse for all these years. I am afraid I can not part with it, however. You will simply have to try elsewhere."
"No, I think I'll try here and now," Aniza snarled. "That treasure vault yours? Your mutt friend seemed to think she could keep us out and that wasn't very nice. All that wealth, it would be rude not to share. And I know exactly which part of that hoard I want. Hand over that sword or I'll kill you both!"
Vertis scowled. "How the youth today have fallen to greed. Disgusting. You will leave before I summon the Guard and have you all hanged."
"Do you have any idea who you're talking to, old man?! We are the Fortune Finders! The world's greatest treasure hunters. When we set our sights on something, we don't leave until it's ours! Who do you think you are to talk to us like this?!"
Vertis stepped off his porch, facing down the four like a knight on the battlefield. "Who am I?!" He slammed his cane into the ground and it glowed a bright green. "You ask who am I with such an unruly tone?!" He held the sword to the sky with his other hand, the blade shimmering a similar vibrant green. "I am Vertis Lantknecht, last of my family of swordsmen!" The sword grew brighter. "Mages!" The cane did as well. "Treasure hunters!" The glow spread to the ground. "And protectors of the land! And I will not tolerate such insolence from despicable whelps like you!" With a mighty roar, Vertis swung the sword down, a wave of green light slicing through the Fortune Finders and pushing them back. From the glowing grass around the base of his cane, vines grew and shot forth to wrap around the four staggered men. The vines dug into their legs, thorns tearing through their clothing, and forced them to the ground. Vertis stalked over, looming over them like an executioner. He stabbed his cane into the ground once more and vines grew all around them like a prison. The four of them screamed as the thorny vines bit into every exposed bit of flesh they could, shackling them like convicts. "And you would do well to never forget what such insolence earns you."
The vines loosened and the Fortune Finders took that as their cue to run. Aniza ran screaming like a coward, not waiting for his three lackeys to catch up. They bled a trail toward Varrock, disappearing into the distance. The vines burrowed back into the ground and the glow faded. Vertis leaned against his cane, ready to collapse. Rallis hurried over and helped him inside. She sat him down in his chair, old man melting into the hardened cushions with a sigh. She took his sword and cane and leaned them up next to his chair.
"Are you okay?" she worried.
"Yes, I am fine," Vertis groaned. "I am just too old to be pulling stunts like that. You are the one bleeding. I should be asking if you are the one who needs help."
"I'm fine, don't worry about me. It's just some scratches. But what you did was crazy!" Rallis exclaimed. "I've never seen someone make plants grow like that! What kinda magic does that?"
"The Guthixian kind." He pulled his cane over and showed it to her more closely. He popped the top off to reveal what Rallis had originally thought was a dagger, but it was actually a wand, though it definitely looked sharp enough to cut. The rest of the cane was engraved with small odd runes, easily missable if you weren't up close and looking for them. "Not everyone in my family were swordsmen. Magic is just as useful, if not more so. Though it certainly is tiring to use. I have not had to use this thing as anything more than a cane in probably 25 years." He pulled the sword into his lap and delicately ran a hand over it, as if touching it too hard might reveal itself as an illusion. "But to get this back, I would say being a little tired is worth it."
"I'm glad you finally have it back," Rallis smiled. "You should see the rest of the stuff I found. It's like a crazy vault of wonder in the Wilderness!"
"I would certainly love to, though maybe another day. I am in no rush." He smiled at the sword. "This was really all I wanted. It feels as if my family is finally at peace with this returning home. I am curious as to how and why it ended up hidden. And in the Wilderness, you say it was? It seems your hunch was correct. What a mystery. Would you tell me how you found it?"
"Of course!"
Rallis told him of her adventure and once she has finished, the two of them placed the sword above the fireplace where it belonged. Vertis pushed every reward imaginable her way, but she accepted nothing, just happy to help. Though when he did offer her a beautiful new purple velvet rune pouch to replace her broken discarded one, she accepted. Days later, she led him to the crypt of treasure and the old man's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. With much help and many trips, they cleaned the place out and brought everything back home. Rallis was happy to find the flowers growing brighter and bigger, and even brought some of her own to lay by the statue's feet. Vertis once again offered her anything she wanted from the vault, but she continued to decline.
Over the next few weeks, Rallis helped Vertis sell nearly everything he had no desire for nor the space to store. He had only wanted the family sword, not all the treasure from his family's past. He held no love for their treasure hunted hoard, and he had no one to pass the generations of gear down to anyway. An uncountable amount of money began to pile up, growing ever bigger as time went by. It didn't take long for rich collectors to clear out his stock. Once he had stowed the money away with no idea of what to do with it, Rallis had the bright idea of using some of the funds to fix his rotting house up. He argued there was no point seeing as how once he died there would be no one to live in it, but Rallis shushed his complaints and renovations began, Rallis herself even playing a big part in fixing the place up. In a matter of days, the old decrepit mansion turned into a thing of charm and beauty. No more holes or rotting wood or chipping paint or dead plants in sight. The most rotten ugly place in Edgeville turned into the most lovely in the blink of an eye. Rallis personally fixed the old rocking chair on the porch, carving symbols of vines into the wood and making it beautiful. By the time everything was done, Rallis proudly showed off all the hard work that had been done. Vertis was nearly brought to tears.
"It looks like it did in the paintings of old," he said wistfully. "I am grateful you made this happen, for everything you have done."
"All I did was find some treasure and help fix a house," Rallis smiled. "I'm just here to make people happy!"
"You are quite the treasure yourself, dragon," he chuckled. "I am glad the tale of my family's lost treasure ended with you. Honorable people such as yourself seem to be a rare breed nowadays, especially with my own kind." Rallis smiled at the praise. He handed her a sealed envelope, held shut with the Lantknecht seal. "It is because of that I feel this decision is the right one."
Rallis almost didn't take it. "I told you I don't need payment!"
"And does it feel like there is money in here?" Vertis said with a sly grin. "Why no, I dare say it is nothing more than papers! It is just a letter from an appreciative friend!" Rallis slipped a claw under the wax seal and he grabbed her hand. "No, not yet. Wait until you go home. Reading a letter from someone in front of them is bad manners."
Curious, Rallis tucked the letter away to read later. They talked a bit longer until it was time to say goodbye. Vertis watched her go from his new beautiful rocking chair with a smile and soon found himself drifting off as the sun set.
During the time since Vertis scared off the Fortune Finders, Rallis hadn't seen them come back to try and spark another fight. She wondered just what had happened to them and wandered down to the Champions' Guild to ask around. She heard different stories from everyone, they raided a trove haunted by a ghost and it killed them, man-eating plants made them disappear without a trace, a crazy wizard turned them into frogs, all crazy ideas that only vaguely captured part of the whole story. Either way, it seemed they hadn't shown their face back at the Guild and likely never would again. That brought some peace to her, knowing those bullies wouldn't be stealing from anyone again. Curiosity satisfied, Rallis made her way back to Reldo's to crash, far too tired to make the trip home.
Rallis fiddled with the letter Vertis gave her as she lay on the floor of the Varrock Castle library, ready to sleep. He said to wait until she was home to open it, but she wanted to read it now. She slipped a claw under the seal and flipped the envelope open. Inside was a letter, just like he said, but inside the letter were a few more pages of parchment. They fell onto the floor as she opened the letter. She piled them into her lap, sure to look them over afterward. Rallis scowled at the writing of the letter. It was very swirly and fancy and she could hardly read it. Reldo had tried teaching her to read and write like this, but he gave up after she got so angry she burned the practice sheets to cinders. Cursive, she remembered he called it. Trying her best to decode the swirls from the letters, she began to read.
"Dear Rallis,
I would like to offer my sincerest gratitude to you once more for everything you have done for me. I have never had a way with words, so I apologize if I can not describe how much your help means to me. I have not felt so happy or fulfilled since I was a boy; it is as if I have been given new life for however long that may be. Alongside my gratitude, I feel compelled to reward you in at least some way. I understand you declined anything I thought to give to you and you have no desire for a monetary reward, but that is why I feel you are the one this should be given to. There is no one left to my family, they have all since passed long ago, and as such I have no one to leave this newfound wealth with. My family already has more than one person could ever use, I do not need the coin from my ancestors' plundering. So I burden you with it. If you truly have no desire to keep any of it for yourself, give it to those in need. You have a good head on your shoulders and a kind heart, I am sure you could change people's lives for the better with this. I have left instructions on how to access your reward on the pages held within this letter. Thank you again, dragon, and may life treat you well.
Sincerely, Vertis Lantknecht, Head of House Lantknecht"
Rallis sighed at the note with a smile. "I told you I didn't want anything. But alright, I'll use it to help people. How much money did you even leave me?" She folded open the other notes and looked them over. One held instructions on where the coin was stored and how to access it, another with a formal transfer to her name, and other such documents of the like. On the bottom of one paper held a number. At first, Rallis thought perhaps the number was an account number or something of the like since it was so long, but then she noticed the symbol next to it denoting the value as cash. She had to rub her eyes and look again, sure she was mistaken. "Numbers can get that high?! That's ten digits!" She didn't even know what the number was called it was so big. She had been taught millions but not whatever came next. From how the stack of notes she held were worded, this number was only a part of what Vertis had overall, and it boggled Rallis' mind. How anyone could have this much of anything was insane.
She folded the papers back into the envelope, tucked them away, and stared at the ceiling in shock. She couldn't even begin to process what she held in her hands, and she was too tired to even think about trying. All that did register through her mind was a snicker as she realized just by being nice and helpful she managed to find treasure worth more than anything the Fortune Finders ever did or ever would. She would have loved to rub it in their faces. She fell asleep the richest dragon in the world, thinking about all the ways she could help people with such an insane amount of money.
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
5k Survey LXVIII
3451. When was the last time you ate too much? >> I don’t remember. 3452. Describe the sexiest person you can imagine: >> ... 3453. What have you seen that's...bizzare? >> I can’t think of anything I consider bizarre off the top of my head. 3454. Are there any stores or brands or products that you boycott? What and why? >> Not formally. I prefer not to use Amazon because I just don’t like the stranglehold they have over this country (or what I’ve read about how they treat their employees, and I’d hope at least a few less orders coming in will relieve someone’s workload), but I wouldn’t call my distaste a full-scale boycott. 3455. Do you want things to REALLY get out of control? >> No????
3456. Are you too tense? >> Right now? No. 3457. Where would you be without love and bubblegum? >> What... 3458. Why aren't comic books popular anymore? >> I wasn’t aware that they’d stopped being popular.  3459. Think of one friend (who?): When is the last time you saw each other? Do they smoke? Do they believe in God? When you first saw this friend what was your impression? Their age? The top five things you think they think about? 3460. Do you say what you mean? Do you mean what you say? >> I do say what I mean and mean what I say the overwhelming majority of the time. 3461. Could you eat meat if you had to hunt it yourself? >> I’d actually be more likely to eat it in that circumstance. 3462. Order from greatest to least importance: spirituality, creativity, intellect, great body, open-mindedness, magicalness, great dancer, interesting dresser, wit and cleverness, niceness, stability >> No. 3463. Complete the sentence. When a problem comes along You must: >> Blah. 3464. Pick the two most important attributes for food-- fast, cheap, tastey, healthy >> I care most about taste and nutritional value, but a lot of the time “fast and cheap” becomes the order of the day. I just 1) don’t have a lot of money and 2) have bad brains. 3465. What do you think is the best metaphor for romantic relationships? (e.g. a car wreck, a cruise): >> --- 3466. Kittens or no kittens, that is the question. >> Not for me, it isn’t. I’m fine without kittens. 3467. Is gaining 15 lbs in a night possible? >> I don’t know. 3468. Do you get emotional watching movies? >> It depends on if the movie evokes an emotional response in me or not. Probably not going to be moved by Scary Movie 3 or anything. 3469. What makes you feel nostalgic? >> A lot of things make me feel nostalgic, man. 3470. Do you feel like you've been misplaced? >> Misplaced??? 3471. Have you ever fought someone, just for fun? >> No... 3472. What gives you an adrenaline rush? >> I guess the usual stuff. Also, perceived conflict. 3473. What would you do if you loved someone more than anything else, and you could never have them? >> ... 3474. Rank these events in order of best/most exciting to boring: drinking and dancing to your favorite music at a club: taking a walk in the woods and a bath in a stream: having great sex: winning the lottery (one mil): getting followed home by a stray animal: meeting someone interesting to talk to: seeing your favorite band in concert: seeeing aa broadway show: halloween: 3475. Can you keep a secret? >> Sure. 3476. Where is the tenderness? >> *shrug* 3477. What's one song you REALLY like from the: 30's? I don’t feel like doing the work of figuring out which songs come from which decades right now. 40's? 50's? 60's? 70's? 80's? 90's? 00's? 3478. Would you rather have a video phone, an electric scooter, or a digital camera? >> Uh... 3479. If a ban on all violent video games was put into effect, would you be outraged by this decision? >> I mean, every video game I’ve ever played aside from stand-out titles like Journey and puzzle-oriented games is some measure of violent -- combat gameplay is a default mechanic for earning skill and experience. So, yeah, I’d pretty much have to stop playing video games unless I was especially in the mood for some Mario Kart or something (... does throwing a blue shell count as violence?). 3480. In your opinion, is violence in society inescapable? Why or why not? >> I don’t know if it’s inescapable or not and I don’t consider myself capable of making that determination. 3481. Have you ever mimicked a violent “action” from a video game you’ve played towards another person, whether it was to harm or just for play? >> No. 3482. Do you believe the violent content in video games influences aggressive and/or violent behavior in younger children? >> I don’t know, I haven’t cared enough to look at the data we have for that sort of thing. 3483. What makes life a bitter sweet symphony? >> Hm. 3484. Name four things that aare AWESOME: >> No. 3485. What's the most creative/funny answer you can come up with for this question: What are you doing? >> No. 3486. Can you imagine this world going on without you? >> More or less. It’s difficult to imagine the world without also imagining myself, because I am the imaginer... you dig? But I can rationally conceive of a world that doesn’t have me in it. 3487. Are you the only person who really exists? >> Not by my reckoning. I’m not even sure I exist half the time, tbh. 3488. Is everyone else a figment of your imagination? >> No. 3489. Or are YOU a figment of my imagination? >> Possibly. 3490. Can you prove you exist? How? >> I suppose I can’t, and I don’t care to do so anyway. It’s not that big of a deal. 3491. What do you HAve to get off your chest? >> Nothing. 3492. If you cheated on someone would you confess to them? >> I did not confess the two times I did so. I also don’t plan on ever being in that position again, so this question is moot. 3493. Is it true that at least 5 people in this world love you so much they would die for you? Who? >> I highly, highly doubt that, lmfao. I wouldn’t want anyone to express their love for me through dying, anyway. Unless it was in a gothic tragedy sort of way *chinhands* 3494. Are you in therapy? >> Can’t afford that. 3495. Do you go shopping on black friday? >> I try not to go anywhere at all on Black Friday, unless it’s necessary. 3496. What is the bane of your existance? >> The fact that I exist in the first place. *kneeslap* Not really, I just wanted to make the joke. 3497. Better movie: Weird Science or Caddy Shack? >> I haven’t seen the former but the latter was funnier than I expected it to be. 3498. Who's the big winner? >> ??? 3499. What are the 3 funniest: music videos? Movies? songs? 3500. Guess what? >> ...
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getanattitude · 5 years
The Ultimate Glossary of Terms About best beginner keyboard
“The greater you dig into a bit of Ives, the more enjoyment you get from it,” the pianist Jeremy Denk mentioned not long ago, sitting in a piano in a rehearsal space on the Juilliard College. “It’s like solving a puzzle.”
Then he enthusiastically deconstructed Ives’s “Concord” Sonata, untangling and conveying the themes and motifs embedded during the intricate textures of the intriguing score.
Mr. Denk is going to launch a disc, “Jeremy Denk Plays Ives” (Feel Denk Media), showcasing two piano sonatas, an esoteric decision of repertory for any debut solo album. But then, there is nothing generic relating to this adventurous musician. His vivacious intellect is manifest the two in his playing and on his site, Feel Denk, an outlet for astute musical observations and witty musings, whether or not a lament about inedible meatballs or possibly a spoof job interview with Sarah Palin.
Mr. Denk will exhibit his much more mainstream credentials when he performs Liszt’s Piano Concerto No. one with Charles Dutoit as well as Philadelphia Orchestra commencing on Thursday with the Kimmel Heart in Philadelphia and on Oct. 12 at Carnegie Corridor.
Mr. Denk argues which the Ives sonatas, composed early from the twentieth century, are mistakenly classified as avant-garde works instead of “epic Intimate sonatas with Lisztian thematic transformations.” For the relaxed listener, the audio that Mr. Denk describes in the CD booklet as “good, creative, tender, edgy, wild, first, witty, haunting” can unquestionably sound avant-garde. Ives, who created his living in the insurance enterprise, included jazz, riffs on Beethoven and American hymns, marches and folk tunes into his daringly experimental piano sonatas, rich in polytonality, thematic layering and rhythmic complexity.
“It’s so splendidly in-your-confront,” Mr. Denk reported, demonstrating a very maniacal passage inside the “Concord” Sonata. “It’s also fairly amazingly unattractive. There is one thing maddening about his sense of humor. Ives is repeatedly thumbing his nose at you in a method.”
But Mr. Denk implies that Ives’s tenderness, which he illuminates beautifully On this recording, is underappreciated. “Ives is commonly about things recalled,” he reported, “or Recollections or visions fetched out of some tricky area.”
He performed the harmonically misty passages in the next movement on the “Concord,” exactly where Ives directs that a piece of Wooden be pressed about the higher keys to make a cluster chord. “It doesn’t really feel gimmicky in the least to me,” Mr. Denk said. “It’s all blues in The underside. Ives understood tips on how to use those tiny clichéd bits of Americana in a way that all of a sudden will get your gut. You may’t believe how touching it truly is.”
Mr. Denk, 40, has long been enthusiastic about Ives because his undergraduate days at Oberlin in Ohio, the place he carried a double significant in piano overall performance and chemistry. “My full double diploma expertise was considerably of the continual freakout of 1 kind of A different,” he explained.
He had been a “genuinely nerdy highschool student” that has a constrained social existence, he reported. “Ever considering the fact that I used to be A child I desired to check out Oberlin and preferred the liberal arts. Of course I really get intensive pleasure from drawing connections involving pieces and poems and literature and concepts.”
Mr. Denk described himself as being a “observe maniac,” but his horizons have prolonged far beyond the follow area since Oberlin. Though nibbling a massive bit of chocolate product pie at an Higher West Side diner near the condominium he has rented considering the fact that about 1999, Mr. Denk referred to his site, calling it “an surprisingly superior outlet to release tensions of 1 variety or A further.” He claimed it had drawn new listeners to his concert events. An avid reader of liberal political blogs, Mr. Denk goals of crafting a classical tunes Model of Wonkette, he claimed, but that could be tough to do with out offending persons. And he tries to steer clear of offending men and women, he added, even though he did a short while ago submit a rant about plan notes.
Mr. Denk, who phone calls himself “a real Francophile,” is delicate-spoken but extreme, his discussion peppered with references to varied “obsessions”: coffee, Ives, Bach, Proust, Baudelaire and Emerson.
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He went off on “a Balzac mania” a several years in the past, he mentioned.
“That was a unsafe time, and every thing in everyday life seemed drawn out of a Balzac novel,” he additional. “I shed about a few decades of my life to Proust. I’m positive it modified every little thing, which include my enjoying.
“One day my manager was like, ‘Dude, You need to center on your vocation and finding your stuff jointly.’ ” At that time, Mr. Denk reported, “I used to be bringing Proust to meetings.” He additional: “I’m not sure I really experienced a profession route. I was just carrying out my Bizarre issue, which possibly seemed like a disastrous nonroute to most of the folks who have been watching above me. I keep in mind some exasperated meetings with my administration, but they ended up very individual and devoted, which I’m insanely grateful for.”
Mr. Denk grew up in Las Cruces, N.M., one among two brothers, a son of tunes-loving nonmusician mother and father. His father, that has a doctorate in chemistry, continues to be (at distinct situations) a Roman Catholic monk as well as a director of Computer system science at New Mexico Condition College.
Mr. Denk stays hooked on the chili peppers of Las Cruces, he stated, seemingly only half joking: “The red and the green and The complete spirituality of chili peppers. It’s nevertheless a huge Component of my life. Once i go household I drop by this actual dive and obsess in excess of their green meat burrito.”
When not on tour, Mr. Denk spends time together with his boyfriend, Patrick Posey, a saxophonist as well as the director of orchestral routines and setting up at Juilliard, wherever Mr. Denk obtained his doctorate, finding out with Herbert Stessin. Mr. Stessin recollects owning been impressed by “the maturity and intensity” of Mr. Denk’s actively playing and remembers him as “a rare scholar who absorbed items very speedily.”
Mr. Denk explained he “was in school forever” until eventually “at some point I chose to trust my own instincts.” Now he teaches double-degree undergraduates for the Bard Faculty Conservatory of Music. The pianist Allegra Chapman, who analyzed with him, mentioned he was “concerned with a great deal greater than the notes around the web site, always citing literary and historical references.”
“Now I endeavor to tactic songs within a additional holistic standpoint,” she extra. “He is quite passionate. He used to soar across the room and bounce about and wave his arms. It was actually entertaining. He tried to get me to consider the new music having a humorousness.”
This combination of enthusiasm, humor and intellect, so vivid in both equally Mr. Denk’s taking part in and his crafting, is what distinguishes him, based on the violinist Joshua Bell. The two have already been typical duo associates due to the fact 2004, whenever they carried out on the Spoleto Pageant United states of america.
“You obtain the intellectual musicians or individuals who don their coronary heart on their sleeve and not using a lots of musical thought,” Mr. Bell explained, “but Jeremy manages to carry out both of those, Which’s ideal. Now we have lots of arguments in rehearsal, which can be the fun section at the same time. The actual fact we don’t normally see eye to eye retains things fresh and would make me query every little thing I do.”
Mr. Bell, whose selections of repertory are typically more common than Those people of his a lot more adventurous colleague, stated he wasn’t always an Ives fan: “Which has a great deal of recent music I’m somewhat cautious. Despite Ives, right up until I listened to Jeremy. He just delivers it alive. He has this sort of a great creativeness, and nothing is done randomly.”
Ives’s piano sonatas, Mr. Denk explained, “are in a method like animals that don’t want to be tamed.”
“Just about every efficiency needs to be so diverse,” he included, just one purpose he was at first hesitant to file them. Like Bach, he mentioned, Ives leaves lots to the performer’s creativeness.
A great interpretation of your “Goldberg” Variations at Symphony Room in 2008 disclosed Mr. Denk’s profound affinity with Bach. Mr. Denk will carry out the operate and Books 1 and a pair of of Ligeti’s Études at Zankel Hall on Feb. sixteen.
To keep the “Goldberg” Variants refreshing, Mr. Denk is incorporating new fingerings, he claimed, “to reactivate the link concerning my brain and my fingers After i’m taking part in it.”
“I believe it’s an actual magical position when you have the muscle memory,” he included, “although the brain is ahead of your fingers.”
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Transforming the fingerings is one way to stay clear of program, he said. “I get actual enjoyment from creating in a very superior fingering. It truly is like relearning the piece, and it will make you not choose any Take note without any consideration.”
The musical philosophy Mr. Denk relates to Bach, Ives and various repertory is probably finest summed up in that site put up on program notes: “I’ve by no means been an enormous enthusiast in the ‘Envision how groundbreaking this piece was when it was penned’ faculty of inspiration. For my revenue, it ought to be innovative now. (And it's.) No matter what else the composer may need intended, she or he didn’t want you to Assume, ‘Boy, that must are already great again then.’ The most elementary compositional intent, absolutely the ur-intent, is that you Participate in it now, you make it transpire now.”
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ebaeschnbliah · 8 years
MYCROFT: This is my fault.  Moriarty. SHERLOCK: Moriarty? MYCROFT: Her Christmas treat: five minutes’ conversation with Jim Moriarty five years ago. SHERLOCK: What did they discuss? MYCROFT: Five minutes’ conversation …. unsupervised.
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MYCROFT: There is, in this facility, a prisoner whose intellectual abilities are of occasional use to the British government. JIM: What, for, like, really difficult sums, long division, that sort of thing? MYCROFT: She predicted the exact dates of the last three terrorist attacks on the British mainland after an hour on Twitter. That sort of thing. In return, however, she requires treats. Last year it was a violin.
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EURUS: Look at the violin. SHERLOCK: I need to know how you escaped. EURUS: Look at the violin. SHERLOCK: It’s a Stradivarius. EURUS: It’s a gift. SHERLOCK: Who from? EURUS: Me.
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JIM: This year? MYCROFT: Five minutes’ unsupervised conversation … with you. JIM: Me?!  With me?! MYCROFT: She has noted your interest in the activities of my little brother.
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GOVERNOR: You gave her a Christmas present. Remember her Christmas present 
It’s obvious when it all started. Well, she was never the same after that Christmas. It’s as if you woke her up
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What is known about Eurus Holmes:
Eurus is different. She knows things she never should have known. Is aware of truths beyond the normal scope. And she  is exceedingly curious. (She doesn’t like not knowing?)
The abilities of her mind are described as ‘incandescent’ since childhood. (Glowing white …. wow! Surely, some people would envy her)
The 'Redbeard-Incident’ happens. Sherlock - a very emotional child before -  changes completely.
Eurus doesn't know about pain. ('You never felt pain’ - 'You always feel it but you don’t have to fear it’)
Eurus is locked away on an island …  in solitary confinement …  for more than 20 years? (That sounds horrible and also exceedingly boring for a curious spirit like Euros. It also sounds like: 'solitary confinement is locking you up with your worst enemy’)
Eurus is too clever to be a prisoner of her own meat. (Sounds a lot like 'The brain’s what counts. Everything else is transport (PILOT))
Eurus remembers everything becaus she has a big enough hard drive. ('This is my hard drive, and it only makes sense to put things in there that are useful … really useful’)
Eurus has a special effect on people. She is able to affect them. 'Enslaves’ them … one after the other. Obviously she was captivating and faszinating since eaarly childhood. Also Eurus is able to manipulate people into doing things. Even killing themselves. Anyone who spends time with her is automatically compromised
Her 'era-defining genius’ (beyond Newton!) is occasionally used by the Brit.Government to prevent crimes. In return she gets treats provided by Mycroft. (To reduce the boredom?)
Five years ago something draws her attention and she makes a special request. Eurus noticed Jim’s interest in Sherlock. Eurus asks for an unsupervised meeting with Jim. Mycroft allows it. He takes a 'calculated risk’.
Eurus tells Jim about 'Redbeard'  After that meeting Eurus 'wakes up’ somehow and she never is the same again as before.
Obviously Eurus knows about Sherlock. But how does she know about Jim? Wherefrom can she even know that someone like Jim exists and that he is interested in Sherlock?
As mentioned before I don’t think Eurus is a real person. She symbolizes Sherlock’s extraordinary brainpower but cut off from emotions and empathy. His  ability to 'read’ people like open books … see through them and deduce them. But grounded solely on logic and reason.
And the Sherlock of S1 seems to fit that profile on several occassions.
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Finally getting the opportunity to chase after a serial killer feels like Christmas to him
John has to remind him that a woman lying dead is no fun
Sally mentions that Sherlock isn’t payed for his work - that he likes it - that he gets off on it. And she fears that someday he could be bored enough to commit a murder himself.
Sherlock doesn’t hesitate to torture a dying man to get some information
Sherlock is absolutely fascinated by the 'great game’ someone provides for him. He doesn’t care for the people with bombs strapped to their chests. The only thing Sherlock is 'delightfully interested in’ is the mystery of the clever cases … the thrill of the chase … the blood pumping through his veins … finally not being bored ….
All of this (and there is more to find) leads me to Jim
Brilliant, dazzling, charming, fascinating, colorful, unscrupulous, dangerous, wicked, evil, insane and sooooo changable Jim Moriarty.  Sure, Jim is a master villain who is responsible for many crimes but compared to people like Magnusson or Smith he still seems to be different. Despite all the darkness gathered around him, Jim doesn’t feel as creepy and disgusting as Smith or downright repulsive like Magnusson. Dangerous, deadly, annoying …. yes … but nontheless … different.
Sherlock describes his own profession as 'cosulting detective’. Jim calls himself a 'consulting criminal’. Both get bored easily. Both want to be distracted. Both enjoy the thrill of a clever game of wits.
And on the roof of St.Barts we get this dialoge:
SHERLOCK: … I am you – prepared to do anything; prepared to burn; prepared to do what ordinary people won’t do. You want me to shake hands with you in hell? I shall not disappoint you.
JIM: I see. You’re not ordinary. No. You’re me
MARTIN FREEMAN (Unlocking Sherlock at ca. 1.45): “Sherlock is like a shark”
STEVEN MOFFAT (ASIP Commentary Sherlock’s backstory: “The way [the drug use] sits in the original stories is to make him exotic, you know–that he’s a creature whose brain is so powerful that he needs stimulation–needs to be stimulated the way a shark needs to keep swimming forward to breathe, his brain must be active.”
MARK GATISS/ANDREW SCOTT (Sherlocked Panel, Question 20): “… as Andrew says, Moriarty is the dark side of Sherlock, he’s like a shark I think, just silently moving, constantly moving.”
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If Euros isn’t a real person but symbolizes Sherlock’s brainpower cut off from empathy ….. how far fetched is it to assume that the same might apply to Jim Moriary? Have we been told and shown already multiple times that …
Jim symbolizes Sherlock’s dark side? The ruthless genius who lives just for the thrill of game? Who is constantly looking for distraction to avoid boredom? Who flirts with self-destruction on a regular basis?
And this brings me back to the start and to 'The final problem’. We are told that 'five years ago’ Eurus noticed Jim’s interest in Sherlock. That Euros desired Jim for Christmas. And that Mycroft took a 'calculated rist’ and allowed it.
'Five years ago’ based on what date? And what other things happened 'five years ago’? This show likes to repeat important words and phrases:
SOO LIN: I had hoped after five years maybe they would have forgotten me, but they never really let you leave.
SHERLOCK: Mary Morstan was stillborn in October 1972. Her gravestone is in Chiswick Cemetery where – five years ago – you acquired her name and date of birth and thereafter her identity
Two characters - Soo Lin and Mary Morstan - who are both Sherlock mirrors - changed their lives dramatically  'five years ago’. But there is a little more: 
JOHN to DI LESTRADE: You know him (Sherlock) better than I do.
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Looks like Sherlock Holmes began working with the police five years ere he met John Watson …. five years ere this story starts with the case of 'The study in pink’. Five years prior to ASIP Sherlock’s life too changed dramatically.
And in THOB there is this little bit of Dialoge:
SHERLOCK: Oh, this is Mycroft, isn’t it? LESTRADE: No, look … SHERLOCK: Of course it is! One mention of Baskerville and he sends down my handler to … to spy on me incognito
This suggests that it was Mycroft who established the contact between his little brother and Scotland Yard - with DI Lestrade as intermediary.
And what has all of this to do with Eurus, Jim and symbolism?
It is known that Sherlock has a past as drug addict
His brain is constantly in motion and needs stimulation … needs work
He is easily bored and then even prone to self-destruction
Eurus got a Stradivarius from Mycroft. Did Sherlock get one too? To keep his brain occupied?
Eurus noticed Jim’s interrest and desired him for Christmas. Does this mean:
Sherlock’s extraordinary powers of deduction noticed an interrest in the dark sides of life … in crime? Did he express his interrest in solving crimes? And big brother Mycroft took a 'calculated risk’ and established some connections? To keep Sherlock away from boredom and drugs? To keep Sherlock occupied in the times Mycroft himself had no need of his brothers deducing abilities? And Sherlock woke up and began spreading his wings?
Sherlock being able to set his restless brain to 'rea'l work. Soving puzzles and mysteries. It must have felt like Christmas to him. Excited and enthusiastic like a big child: Like little Archie is excited about headless nuns and maggots in dead peoples eyes (but not able to see the pain, the suffering and the tragedy of victims as well as their relatives and friends)  Sherlock becoming independent and self-employed … at least on the surface … and playing the sociopath to keep people and emotions at bay. Like Mycroft taught him since childhood: 'don’t get involved …. all lives end, all hearts are broken … caring is not an advantage’. Working with the police must have confirmed this sort of philosophy. Constantly dealing with the dark side of life … be it small or big crimes …. it surely must have left traces too.
But investigating real crimes, deducing all sorts of people for work must also have sharpened and honed Sherlock’s already extraordinary skills even more. And when he makes the acquaintance of a discharged army doctor who reacts completely different to his 'deduction thing’ ... that normally pisses off anyone else …. Sherlock is …. interested. He starts pondering things he never thought of before. He starts asking himself questions, like:
Is something wrong with me?  What made me like this?  Who do I want to be? 
And Sherlock sets out for the quest:  WHO  I  REALLY  AM
On this quest Sherlock learns a lot of things. He discovers the concept of empathy, friendship and love - symbolized by John. He meets his own sexuality - symbolized by Irene Adler (and it doesn’t matter that she’s pictured female). He recognizes his own biggest enemy, his dark side - symbolized by Jim Moriarty.  Sherlock even faces his drug addiction which bears the ugly face of Culverton Smith. And finally he unearths - deep inside himself - the reason why he is the man he is.
He faces Eurus. Supressed and held captive - cut off from empathy -  through cleverly applied mental manipulation. As mentioned above I think Eurus symbolizes Sherlock’s deduction skills. That what makes him unique. But also that, what must appear to most people as a terrifying, mosterous skill …. looking through people and reading them like books. Laying open all the carefully hidden secrets in mere secunds and without any emotion. And now …deep down in Sherrinford … Sherlock starts deducing himself through his own deduction skills … through Eurus. Eurus sets up several 'tests’ to evaluate Sherlock’s reaction … meaning …. Sherlock is 'testing' and evaluating himself and it feels like vivisection to him. But still he contiunes. It’s all about Sherlock’s buried emotions, his cut off empathy. Eurus is holding the mirror up to Sherlock …. meaning …. Sherlock forces himself to look in his own mirror. Recognizing how other people must see him but also recognizing who he himself really is. And realizing in the end what kind of man he wants to be in the future.
Eurus and Jim - 'they got on like a house on fire’
The ruthless gamer joined with cold reason and logic. Reckless and dark Jim who knows about dark things … the forgotten things … knows the truth about Redbeard because Eurus told him. Eurus needs Jim to pass on the message. And Eurus needs Sherlock help her escape trom her prison. From the cabbie Jeff Hope to the pool and to Bart’s roof - from the padded cell to the victorian waterfall - on dvd’s and TV screens - from 'E’ to Faith Smith - and finally to Eurus … Jim is always there. Miss me?  From Hope to Faith!
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Jim is always there - circling the deep, dark waters - always prodding and poking, teasing and luring. Guiding Sherlock deeper and deeper inside himself? To Sherrinford and Eurus. And there Eurus (logic and reason) tells Sherlock that Jim is dead. Has Eurus killed him? How? Eurus can kill with words, we are told. Did she talk to Jim and then he killed himself? Like Sherlock talked to Jim on Bart’s roof and then Jim shot himself?
That reminds me of the cabbie Jeff Hope in ASIP:
JEFF: I didn’t kill those four people, Mr. ’olmes. I spoke to ’em … and they killed themselves. An’ if you get the coppers now, I promise you one thing. I will never tell you what I said.
Someone who talks to people and then they kill themselves? Sherlock is more than eager to lay his hands on this special case. He feels like it’s Chrismas. And at the end Jeff Hope reveals that Jim had been his sponsor. Coincidence?
But the most interesting thing is this:
The PILOT goes a complete different way. There is no Jim Moriarty in the picture at all and Jeff Hope has quite a differnet strategy. He offers his victims the choice to choose one of two pills and threatens them to force it down their throats in case they refuse. Quite simple.
Looking at the PILOT as the 'real’ story and ASIP as the first episode of Sherlock’s inner evolution …
…. isn’t it interesting that Sherlock’s subconscious mind supplies him right at the beginning with a case where the killer claims he is able to talk his victims into suicide? Which turns out to be a lie because Jeff Hope uses a fake gun to force his victims to take the poisoned pill. It’s just Sherlock he lures into his cab with this incorrect claim. And Sherlock can’t resist the mystery. Can’t stand 'not knowing’ …. and takes the ride. There it beginns …
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If Eurus has really killed Jim then …
Logic and reason have eliminated Sherlock’s dark side
But I wonder if this is really true. Judging by the picture of bloodhound and shark on the T-Shirt  - portrayed very similar to the sign of Yin and Yang - I dare to doubt it. Maybe the shark belongs to Sherlock’s personality after all -  just like the bloodhound. Maybe he just has to find the right balance between light and shadow … between Yin and Yang. Because I just can’t picture a Sherlock Holmes who is not thrilled by the prospect of an intricate mystery, turned on by the chase, the blood ppumping through his veins … with John at his side.
I always know when the game is on!  Because I love it!
Ending this with Professor Dumbledor’s wise words:
“We’ve all got both light and dark inside us, what matters is the part we choose to act on. That’s who we really are.”
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Reblogging this post from January because 'something' seems to have 'devoured' the original one. Thankfully there are such things as copies. :)))
January, 2017
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Puzzle Combat Brawls Await in Puyo Puyo Champions!
  Puyo Puyo is perhaps one of the longest running puzzle franchises aside from Tetris, but it has never had an easy path to popularity and success outside of Japan. One of the first iterations of the game got renamed to Doctor Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine, and releases of the series have been somewhat sporadic ever since, finding its home with maniac puzzle game fans who enjoyed a challenge and battling with their friends. 
In 2014, Puyo Puyo Tetris really helped explode the popularity of the series by bringing together the two storied puzzle franchises for the first time in a battle oriented mash-up, with players switching between their preferred style (or being forced to play both at certain intervals) and gained popularity for the quick, colorful puzzle combat that ensued. This year, Sega has released Puyo Puyo Champions, a purely Puyo Puyo based game that still leans heavily into the multiplayer puzzle battle aspects; but how does it stack up on its own, and should you get it? Well, that might be complicated, but first let’s talk a little about what Puyo Puyo Champions has to offer.
First, the Puyo Puyo Champions package is pretty barebones when you really break it down, giving you access to either Puyo Puyo 2 based rules, or the newer Puyo Puyo Fever version of the game. There’s no story mode like in previous Puyo Puyo titles (which, I’ll admit, kind of bummed me out), with each version of the game offering you either an endless battle rush to see how many CPU opponents you can beat, or letting you choose your opponents—with up to three players in Puyo Puyo 2, and four in Puyo Puyo Fever— for one-off battles. There are multiplayer modes for each as well that focus on couch play combat, and that’s about it for the offline modes of play. Online modes offer you the ability to play in ranked or unranked combat using either rule set, allowing you to pick your character of choice from the roster of returning Puyo Puyo staples, and finally there are some record keeping options, and the replay channel.
    The replay channel is an interesting feature, allowing you to keep replays of your best (or worst!) moments for further study, but it also lets you publish these clips for others to watch, and gives you the ability to watch matches that other players found to be exciting or marvelous to watch. As I was testing it, I personally got to watch a galaxy brain level combat between two Carbunkle players, and aside from my ears going numb at 2 Carbunkle’s screaming “Guu guu guu!” at one another, it was fun to be able to easily watch what other players had done, including the ability to fast forward, pause, and rewind the replay as I watched it. There are a few other options available, such as an 8 player offline tournament option, which makes this a perfect game to run Puyo Puyo tournaments with, and a training mode that can give you some annotations for improving your game.
    Aside from all of this, however, there isn’t really a lot here, and depending on how you feel about that, this may or may not be the game for you. There are some fun customization options for your avatar choices and display colors in Multiplayer, and you can also change the audio from English to Japanese, if you prefer the original voice acting. At the price point of $10, you’re getting quite a lot of bang for your buck, so it's an easy recommend from me if you’re already a huge combat puzzle game fan, especially a fan of Puyo Puyo itself, and you’re looking for new people to test your skills against. However, if you prefer slower, more methodical puzzle games, or don’t enjoy the puzzle battle genre like Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo, Tetris 99, Puzzle League, and Puyo Puyo, I’ll say that there’s really nothing here that’s likely to change your mind in that regard. But if you’re fairly new to puzzle games, or puzzle combat games, is this the right fit for you? Well, I feel it can be, with a little help in learning the ways that Puyo Puyo operates. With all of that said, let’s start a little Puyo Puyo Primer courtesy of Professor Nicole!
If you’ve ever played Tetris in any form, you’ll find some similar elements in Puyo Puyo. Your abilities extend to dropping and rotating pieces, aligning them to your particular desires and shapes. The similarities end there, however, as Tetris focuses on shifting shapes, and Puyo Puyo instead works on building sets of 4 matching Puyos to clear them from the board. The real meat and depth of Puyo Puyo comes from the ability to arrange the Puyos in such a way that clearing them starts a chain reaction, creating bigger and bigger combos as the board clears out. Puyos can be arranged to clear in horizontal, vertical, L-shapes, and 2x2 squares; as long as 4 similarly colored Puyos touch, they’ll clear themselves from the board.
With clever planning, you can make these chains bigger, linking together larger networks of Puyos of a single color, but that strategy is perhaps not as good as it sounds! Puyo Puyo is a game that revolves around combos, not volume; starting a chain reaction of 3 or 4 combos is far better than linking together a big network of singularly colored Puyos before clearing them. This is another aspect that makes Puyo Puyo unique from other puzzle games, like Dr. Mario or Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo; where in those clearing huge amounts of the same color can be similarly beneficial to large chain combos, Puyo Puyo really wants you to focus on clearing things in a combo-focused manner.
In that regard, Puyo Puyo is an easy to learn, but difficult to master game. Since your opponent (either AI or human) are also playing at the same time as you, they may occasionally send garbage to your side of the field, messing up your combos… Or, maybe they’ll accidentally help you! See, since garbage Puyos have no color and take up space, they can sometimes offer interesting ways to build your board in order to clear a combo you didn’t have access to before. One of the great things about Puyo Puyo is that you can always potentially come back from defeat if you play smart and plan your moves, and huge comebacks are always exciting and possible!
One of the difficult things to manage in a puzzle battle game is that ability to recover from enemy attacks; one of my older frustrations with games like Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo or Tetris 99 is that there are just situations in which, except for extreme, exacting play, you’re just done. In Puyo Puyo, while enemy attacks can be extreme, the game allows for some interesting recovery to take place if you’re savvy. In Puyo Puyo Fever mode, for example, matching the tempo of your enemy’s attacks can actually help you out, even if you’re only clearing small patches of Puyos at a time. Matching and countering the rythm of your opponent builds the Fever gauge, unique to that mode, which when filled sends you to a series of pre-made combo boards; clear those, and you’ll score a huge attack advantage against your opponent once Fever Mode ends!
The differences between the two modes boil down to a few distinct things: Fever mode, and various Puyo drop shapes. Other than that, the games have exactly the same rules, so it really just comes down to whether you like the “classic” appeal of Puyo Puyo 2, or the newer, tempo-based gameplay of Puyo Puyo Fever. Either way you’ll have a great time with it! That said, the game itself doesn’t have much in the way of a tutorial or training mode, but once you play a few matches against the AI, you’ll likely pick up the game quite quickly, and that will allow you to get into the real meat of this game: multiplayer battles.
Battle is easy; if you’re doing offline, just head into the Multiplayer menu. If you’re instead ready for some online play, then you can do that just as easily. I’m happy to say that, in my testing of the Switch version, I was able to pretty easily find a match and play against opponents with no connection issues or downtime while playing, meaning you can enjoy some pretty great Puyo battles on strong WiFi connections, not even considering wired connections on other systems like PS4 or PC. The nice part about online Puyo Puyo Champions is that you can select opponents based on certain criteria, such as level of skill, types of game you want to play, and other selections. I didn’t mess with these too much, but I appreciated their availability, and I think it makes the game quite accessible to players of all skill levels.  
If you’re interested in one of the premiere battle puzzle games, then I can’t recommend getting Puyo Puyo Champions enough. Fans of Puyo Puyo Tetris will find a lot to love here, although the very unique mix-up is gone, and new players or those curious about what Puyo Puyo is all about will really find a lot of bang for their buck in the multiplayer and endless battle modes against AI opponents, who really hold nothing back! If you’ve ever considered dipping your toe into this kind of game, I think you’ll find a lot to love here, and with some playtime under your belt, you’ll soon learn why Puyo Puyo has such a diehard fan base after all these years. Good luck arranging all those Puyos, and go for the best combos! It’s great to see the Puyo Puyo community growing after the success of Puyo Puyo Tetris, so hop on board and find out what all the fuss is about! You won’t regret it.
+ Great puzzle battle gameplay that will keep you coming back.
+ Easy to learn, difficult to master gameplay in two very distinct Puyo Puyo modes.
+/- Not a lot of things to do other than play Puyo Puyo, but at the price point it’s a great deal if puzzle battling interests you.
-  Turn your volume down on double Carbuncle fights. Please trust me on this one.
  Are you a Puyo Puyo fan, or are you a newcomer looking to test it out? Let us know what you think of the game in the comments!
Nicole is a features writer and editor for Crunchyroll. Known for punching dudes in Yakuza games on her Twitch channel while professing her love for Majima. She also has a blog, Figuratively Speaking. Follow her on Twitter: @ellyberries
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
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williamsjoan · 6 years
DualShockers Game of the Year 2018 Staff Lists — Tomas’ Top 10
I consider 2018 to be one of the best years for gaming in recent memory, even when compared to the lofty heights of 2017. No matter what genre you are a fan of, there was likely a great game for you to enjoy. I played a ton of games this year, both for review and for leisure, and the following 10 are the titles that stood out to me the most as favorites.
Keep in mind that I didn’t play every game that came out this year, so you won’t see titles like Octopath Traveler or Monster Hunter: World on my list. There were also a lot of great games that I would still recommend but didn’t make the list, including Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido, SoulCalibur VI, Dragon Quest XI, and Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden. 
On that note, here are the 10 games I consider to be the best that 2018 had to offer:
10. Dragon Ball FighterZ
A Yamcha-only tournament mode exists…10/10.
2018 started very strong with a weekend that was home to two games present on this list, as well as Monster Hunter: World. One of the games to release on this weekend was Dragon Ball FighterZ, a 2D fighter from Arc System Works. While I’m not the biggest Dragon Ball fan, I couldn’t help but to be in awe of this game’s utterly gorgeous visuals that really make it feel like the anime has been brought to life and is playable in your hands.
From a gameplay standpoint, Dragon Ball FighterZ is still just as strong, being accessible to newcomers while still having the depth to satiate the hardcore community. After the disappointment that was Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite, it was nice to kick off this year with a fast paced 3v3 fan-service-y fighter, albeit one from a different franchise. I’ve returned to it time and time again during 2018, and the fact that it still sticks out in my mind so vividly long after release really solidifies it as one of the best titles of 2018.
Check out the DualShockers review of Dragon Ball FighterZ.
9. Sonic Mania Plus 
Ray the Flying Squirrel, my son. We are united once more…
Is it unfair that Sonic Mania has made my GOTY list two years in a row? Maybe, but that’s just a testament to how great the game is. I’m sure everyone and their mother has told you how this game, made by fans-turned-developers, brought the series back into a positive light for the first time in years upon its release due to its great visuals, music, and level design. Leaving it there would’ve been fine, but the developers knew the Sonic fanbase needed to wash Sonic Forces out of their minds and released some hefty DLC alongside a physical release.
Sonic Mania Plus added several quality of life improvements, slightly redesigned levels, and most importantly new playable characters with two of the series’ most notorious MIA characters: Mighty the Armadillo and Ray the Flying Squirrel. Both of them add unique spins to the gameplay with their abilities. That, coupled with the redesigned Encore Mode, adds more content for die-hard fans to sink their teeth while also cementing Sonic Mania Plus as the best Sonic the Hedgehog game to date, in my eyes.
Check out the DualShockers review of Sonic Mania Plus.
8. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Remember Geno? I sure do. 
Despite what I may have said just above, I’m still in awe of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate‘s roster. If you had told me that Ridley, King K. Rool, and Pichu all would’ve been playable in a new Super Smash Bros. with characters like Piranha Plant and Joker from Persona 5 on the way, I wouldn’t have believed you, but here we are. I’ve always loved the Super Smash Bros. series, and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate delivers pretty much everything that fans would want and then some.
I’ll admit that the reason Super Smash Bros. Ultimate isn’t higher on this list because I’ve spent comparatively spent less time with it than the other entries. That being said, I’m sure I’ll only fall in love with this title even more once I beat World of Light and unlock the last couple elusive characters. Now just add Geno, Sakurai, and we’ll talk about Super Smash Bros. Ultimate making it onto my 2019 GOTY list as well.
Check out the DualShockers review of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
7. WarioWare Gold
The whole game is set-up for a poop joke…really!
If there’s one title on my list that won’t be getting much attention during this awards season, it’s WarioWare Gold. This series usually either begins or closes out a Nintendo system’s library, with this game doing the latter for the 3DS. WarioWare Gold was also actually quite refreshing as we hadn’t gotten a traditional microgames package like this in years. While it may be a bit too short for its own good, the microgames and various modes present are still a ton of fun to return to whenever I decide to boot up my 3DS.
It’s fairly clear that the 3DS is on its way out, with the only major releases on the horizon including ports and western releases of Japanese titles. Fortunately, WarioWare Gold was one last great original title to see the 3DS off with, topping off the library of what may be my favorite handheld of all time. While titles like WarioWare Gold and Ever Oasis that came later in the system’s lifespan may have been ignored for GOTY consideration, I’d still vehemently recommend them if you don’t mind dusting your 3DS off.
Check out the DualShockers review of WarioWare Gold.
6. Tetris Effect
I can’t think of a joke for this game because it’s just so damn mesmerizing.
Those who know me are aware that I’m not into music at all. I didn’t pay enough attention to music-related things to notice that the Beatles’ name was a pun until this year. Despite all that, I was instantly hooked the first time I played Tetris Effect, and it wasn’t just because I’m a sucker for the classic puzzle game.
Tetris Effect engrossed me in a way no other title did this year and for reasons that are quite hard for me to put into words. The soundtrack was great and the way it blended its gameplay and visuals to create a euphoric gaming experience will make Tetris Effect a title that is seared into my brain for a long time, despite my milquetoast nature towards music. Also, the traditional Tetris is just really dang fun.
Check out the DualShockers review of Tetris Effect.
5. Valkyria Chronicles 4
Squad E, to the Beach! is one of the greatest DLC titles ever. I didn’t really have anywhere else to put that.
Valkyria Chronicles 4‘s existence makes me immensely happy, and the fact that it is one of 2018’s best games makes it all the better. This series’ unique take on the typical strategy game formula still feels as fresh as it did 10 years ago and the game’s amazing level design only bolsters its quality. While it may strip back some features from Valkyria Chronicles 2 and 3, that allows it to be the most refined and focused entry in the series yet.
The story of Valkyria Chronicles 4 also managed to be the best in the series yet, focusing on a group of well-fleshed out characters on what seems like a suicide mission. While 2018 was home to some really great strategy games like Into the Breach, the engaging story, refined gameplay, and excellent level design helped cement Valkyria Chronicles 4 as my favorite strategy game this year, as well as one of my favorites overall. I hope SEGA continues to pay attention to this series, as it seems to have come back strong from a mainline series hiatus.
Check out the DualShockers review of Valkyria Chronicles 4.
4. Celeste
From here on out, the games git gud. Like really good.
Celeste was a very special game for me this year. When I initially played the game for review pre-launch, I wasn’t expecting anything more than a tightly-designed platformer reminiscent of Super Meat Boy from the developers of Towerfall. What I ended up experiencing was something much more than that. Not only was it one of the most tightly-designed platformers I had ever played, it had an excellent soundtrack and masterfully wove themes regarding social anxiety into both the story and gameplay to make Celeste immensely relatable.
I couldn’t wait for this game to be exposed to the world and was happy to see it get such a warm reception out of others that same busy weekend as Dragon Ball FighterZ and Monster Hunter: World. Like all of the aforementioned games, Celeste has stuck with me since that first magical playthrough in January. I had a bigger connection to its story than any other this year and its tight gameplay design cements it as one of my favorite 2D platformers of this decade. The fact that Celeste is only at the #4 slot really speaks to the quality of the games released this year.
Check out the DualShockers review of Celeste.
3. Red Dead Redemption 2
DualShockers gave this a 10 because the horse poops realistically. 
Despite the controversy surrounding it, Rockstar’s Red Dead Redemption 2 remains a remarkable achievement for gaming. It features a world with a scarily thorough attention to detail throughout every inch of its enormous map, and tons of unique events and interactions to populate it. On top of that, gameplay has been vastly improved from the already-great original, and an amazing story highlighting the decline of the Wild West kept me captivated throughout with great characters like Arthur Morgan, Dutch Van der Linde, and Sadie Adler.
On a technical level, I would say Red Dead Redemption 2 is probably the most impressive game that has ever been made. While its pacing was a bit too slow in some parts, especially considering its lackluster fast travel systems, Red Dead Redemption 2‘s intricate design means I’ve only scratched the surface of what it has to offer, even after putting over 50 hours into it.
Check out the DualShockers review of Red Dead Redemption 2.
2. Marvel’s Spider-Man
I’m just going to plug Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse here. It’s really good too.
While Red Dead Redemption 2 my be a better game on a technical level, Marvel’s Spider-Man just clicked with me on so many other levels. I’ve had a long history with Spider-Man video games and even have a soft spot for some of the more mediocre titles like Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions. Fortunately, Insomniac truly delivered with this game on both the gameplay and story fronts.
The story, while surprisingly reserved with its villains, understood the character and world of Spider-Man so well that it has become the most definitive portrayal of the character since the early days of Ultimate Spider-Man. The open world design of Marvel’s Spider-Man may be a bit too formulaic for its own good, but the web-swinging and combat are more than satisfying enough to make up for that.
Physics-based web-swinging had been a heavily requested feature in Spider-Man games for year, so to see it implemented so well meant I could spend hours just swinging around (and I have). Combat also remains fun, mixing Batman: Arkham-style combat with Insomniac’s classic gadget setup to create a really fluid and enjoyable experience, even when you aren’t experiencing the great story or swinging. That being said, THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE.
Check out the DualShockers review of Marvel’s Spider-Man.
1. God of War
Kratos is DualShockers’ honorary Best Husbando: just look at that face. 
Wow. Even with all the great games mentioned prior, Sony Santa Monica’s God of War has still managed to come out on top. With the exception of a few annoying combat sections, it’s a nearly flawless package that knocks it out of the park with an unexpectedly personal story, brutal yet satisfying gameplay, and stellar visuals to top it all off. There’s a reason it got our Game of the Year Award.
By making Kratos a damaged father attempting to connect with his son in order to prevent him from making the same mistakes, the developers managed to make a previously belligerent character sympathetic and surprisingly relatable. Combat was also fine-tuned to be more focused and engaging; not even the web-swinging in Marvel’s Spider Man came close to the satisfaction of pulling off a devastating kill with the Leviathan axe, or to throw it and have it come back instantly.
God of War has refined itself to the point where it might be the best game of the generation just because of how well it does everything it set out to do. I’d go as far to say it’s one of the best games ever made, and that twist ending has only left me wanting more. God of War 2 (or 5?) can’t come soon enough.
Check out the other DualShockers’ staff Top 10 lists and our official Game of the Year Awards:
December 17: DualShockers Game of the Year Awards 2018 December 18: Lou Contaldi, Editor in Chief // Logan Moore, Reviews Editor December 19: Ryan Meitzler, Features Editor // Tomas Franzese, News Editor December 20: Scott Meaney, Community Director December 21: Reinhold Hoffmann, Community Manager // Ben Bayliss, Staff Writer December 22: Ben Walker, Staff Writer // Chris Compendio, Staff Writer December 23: Eoghan Murphy, Staff Writer // Grant Huff, Staff Writer December 26: Iyane Agossah, Staff Writer // Jordan Boyd, Staff Writer December 27: Max Roberts, Staff Writer // Michael Ruiz, Staff Writer  December 28: Noah Buttner, Staff Writer // Rachael Fiddis, Staff Writer  December 29: Steven Santana, Staff Writer // Tanner Pierce, Staff Writer December 30: Travis Verbil, Staff Writer // Zack Potter, Staff Write
The post DualShockers Game of the Year 2018 Staff Lists — Tomas’ Top 10 by Tomas Franzese appeared first on DualShockers.
DualShockers Game of the Year 2018 Staff Lists — Tomas’ Top 10 published first on https://timloewe.tumblr.com/
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princesfitness · 6 years
New Post has been published on My Fitness and Nutrition Store
New Post has been published on http://myfitnessnutrition.princefamily33.com/2018/04/27/growing-older-secrets-they-dont-want-you-to-know-3/
Growing Older Secrets They Don't Want You To Know!
TIP! Avoid frowning to prevent wrinkles. Although it seems weird, it really works.
You will age. While some people take it in stride and weather the aging process well, others struggle with it. Here are some great tips and advice to help make you feel youthful for as long as possible.
TIP! Don’t worry about numbers when thinking about aging. Many people focus on their height, age and weight and can get easily stressed out.
You may want to take resveratrol. Diets that restrict calories have been shown to have positive outcomes when it comes to getting older. There is a compound called Resveratrol that is found in nuts and grapes, creating these benefits as well. You can also find it within the roots of a plant called the Japanese Knotweed, this is commonly used in supplements. It is also present in high levels in Senna quinquangulata, which is a common shrub native to South America.
TIP! Start taking resveratrol as a supplement. Studies have shown Resveratrol has many anti-aging benefits.
Your brain is an important muscle that ought to be exercised. Learn something new; you are never to old to take up a new hobby or interest. Old age does not prevent you from learning new things. Sign up for a class on a topic that sounds engaging at a local community college, senior center, or neighborhood recreational center. You could also learn a new language, instrument, do crossword puzzles or read new literature. Doing so will keep you mentally active.
TIP! The amount of exercise you need increases with your age. As you age, your body needs more activities to help it remain flexible and strong.
A balanced diet, while important at any age, is especially important as you age. A proper diet means a mix of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, plenty of fiber and foods that are low in saturated fats and cholesterol. Avoid trans fats entirely. Doing so will guarantee that your body is getting the vitamins and nutrients that it needs.
TIP! Friendships will energize you and fill your emotions with love and happiness. You can make new friends at any age and stage of your life.
Wherever you are, bring your happiness with you. You can improve your mood and self-esteem by passing happiness and love to other people. A simple smile or a kind word is enough, and you should notice that other people treat you better.
TIP! Stay away from powder and foundation to improve your aging skin. As you age, your skin requires even more hydration than when you were young, making this effect even more apparent.
Personalize your home with your own special touch. As we age, health problems may have us moving from rehab centers to assisted living centers and not in our homes. If you find yourself in a new living arrangement, look for ways to surround yourself with the things that you love most.
TIP! Life is a journey that should be explored and enjoyed. Find goals for yourself and do your best to achieve them.
Sleep is very important for the body, so make sure you get enough each day. Try to get at least seven or nine hours of sleep every night. Lack of sufficient sleep can lead to depression and raise your risk of cardiovascular disease.
Surround Yourself
TIP! Eat a sensible diet. Make sure you are taking in a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and veggies.
Ditch the pessimists and surround yourself with optimistic, encouraging friends and acquaintances. The more you laugh and smile, the younger you will both look and feel. You will want to surround yourself with people that make you laugh rather than make you frown.
TIP! Have a little fun! This is your time to do and experience what makes you happy. Look for the enjoyable things in each day, and make the most from whatever life throws at you.
The presence of sugar in your diet should be carefully monitored. Too much can actually shorten your life. Sugar cuts down your lifespan, and it is one of the direct causes of growing older. Studies have uncovered the fact that sugars can reduce the lifespan of all animals.
TIP! Simply put, eating more fish and less red meat will help you prevent heart disease! The cholesterol in red meat can clog your arteries. Fish is known to have the opposite affect.
Eat good! Your diet should consist of lots of veggies and fruit and small amounts of fats and sugar. Having a healthy diet helps you maintain not just your physical health, but your mental health, too, and it gives you the necessary fuel you require to help you through your day.
Reading this advice has boosted your knowledge so that you can slow down your getting older process. Remember, you’re only as old as you feel!
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Do you humans remember the website theawl.com? They published some pretty great stuff over the years (though they did reject the one thing I ever pitched to them, a review of every issue of the New Yorker as it came out. This was a project I did on my own in fits and starts over the years) and in their last days they put out a very short piece about a very short part of my favorite Orson Welles movie, F for Fake. F for Fake is a weird kind of documentary that is INSANELY pretentious and about, obviously, fakery. It starts Welles doing magic tricks in full on all black with a cape I'm just about to be very drunk doing Paul Masson commercials in a couple years regalia on a train platform for some kids before introducing the cameraman for crying out loud. If you can handle that level of bs then you will enjoy it deeply. ANWAY, the part that Rick Paulus (who is someone I have probably read before but because I'm intellectually quite lazy and do not necessarily take note of whom I'm reading in a magazine or on a website (with a few exceptions, I'm looking at you Jill Lepore and David Roth)) I do not remember reading) writes about takes place, in pretty late period Orson Welles style, while he's eating lunch in some mediterranean cafe. He interrupts himself making a point to the people he's at the table with to ask the waiter to take away the bowl of mussels he consumed and "bring me the steak au poivre, thanks a lot."  This moment lodged that phrase "steak au poivre" in my mind for years, that moment was a better advertisement than Paul Masson or those poor people who asked Welles to sell peas ever got,. So when I discovered that steak au poivre was a thing in Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking it was a no brainer, I had to make steak au poivre. SO I DID IT, I MADE THE STEAK AU POIVRE OR MORE BORINGLY, PEPPER STEAK WITH BRANDY SAUCE, AND THE FAT PRETENTIOUS GUY WAS RIGHT TO ASK FOR IT IN THAT MOVIE BECAUSE IT WAS SO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD.
When shopping for a dish where steak is in the title, no doy, the main thing you need to get is steak. As I've said in the past I like to go to the fancy supermarket to get meats because at least I have some idea where it's coming from and that assuages my guilt about eating meat (unforch it also accentuates my guilt about gentrification so it's kind of a wash!). All this guilt assuaging and accentuating made me forget the steak types that were suggested in Mastering the Art of French Cooking so I just went with three pieces of steak meat that did not involve the word "chuck" or "stew" or "round". I also picked ones that were only medium expensive, though they did also have a rating of 4 next to them in the parlance of the fancy supermarket so that means that I got to feel 4 times as superior as someone who bought regular meat. This dish also features cognac, a substance that I've avoided ever since going to a mid 2000s birthday party focused on drinking a beverage called an "Incredible Hulk". It was a very fun party.  The next day, however,  I felt like my brain had been put in a food dehydrator while my body had spent the night strapped to the rear wheel of a city bus. With such limited expertise in the subject, purchasing the cognac was a but of a puzzle. I went to a fancy liquor store but wasn't going to pay $70 for a bottle of fancy stuff that I probably wasn't ever going to drink but then I went to a more regular place and they only had hennessy. The hennessy at least came in smaller, less expensive portions so that was the choice, even if I never used the stuff again $12 wasn't much of an investment. I also purchased a shallot and that was that.
The big thing about Steak Au Poivre is the pepper, otherwise it would be just a regular french style steak with a slightly fancier pan sauce. It is not whole pepper nor is it ground pepper, for Steak Au Poivre you want cracked pepper and cracked pepper must be something you make by hand. Now we do not own a mortar and pestle, the optimal pepper cracking instrument that is also a signal that someone has a little too much money to spend on kitchen stuff (look, I'm sure some of you have them because they were gifts or whatever but nobody uses a mortar and pestle more that like twice a year), so I just used a bowl and the bottom of a bottle, it was fine. The cracked pepper acts as like a delicious caramelized crust for the eventual steak, ground pepper is too fine and whole peppercorns will break your teeth apart. Once I was done cracking my pepper (2 tablespoons worth) and drying my steaks off with paper towels, I coated my fancy steaks in my not cracked in a fancy way pepper. I did not sprinkle it on, I did not rub the steaks into it, I got that cracked pepper in my hands and massaged it into the steak. The book says to do it with "your fingers and the palm of your hand" which like just say your whole hand but whatever, I really got that pepper on there. I then covered the pepper encrusted steaks with wax and let them sit for a half hour, which is the minimal amount of time allowed by Julia Child who suggests 2-3 hours optimally which I would've done if I hadn't decided on this dish sometime in the afternoon before I cooked it. While the meat was getting all pepper flavored I minced the shallot and then read some blogs about baseball and then half hour was up and it was time to cook.
The french style of cooking steak is pretty simple, heat up a bunch of butter and oil (1 1/2 tablespoons each) till it pretty dang hot then throw the steaks in there for 3/4 minutes on each side, then you are done cooking your steaks. This is what I did and holy moly it made my house smell insanely good, which made me happy the rest of the prep was short because living in a home that smelled that good without being able to eat would have been torture worthy of a Black Mirror episode (if like your phone made that smell because you didn't get enough likes or something, I don't know, I saw four episodes of the show (the pig humper one, the one where the lady goes to jail for not getting enough likes, the video game one where like a dude's mom calling him kills him or whatever, and San Junipero (which was actually really good!)). After the steaks were done I set them aside and sprinkled them with just a pinch of salt each. Then I dumped all the leftover fluid out of the pan and threw the minced shallot and another tablespoon of butter in there, scootching them around to mix with all the leftover steak cooking chunks that were left in the pan. After that I dumped a half a cup of beef broth (I will win my war with the thing of beef broth I bought two weeks ago!) to loosen up more of those chunks and cook down. This cooking down went on for a couple of minutes before I dumped 1/3 cup of hennessy in there to finish the sauce. I cooked that whole mess for about 4 minutes till the booze burned off and then took it off the heat and swirled in 3 more tablespoons of butter. Then it was time to eat the steaks until I died.
Though it is possible that I'm the first ghost who writes about food on social media, I did not, probably, die from eating Steak Au Poivre, BUT IT WOULD HAVE BEEN A PRETTY GOOD WAY TO GO! That steak was aokdaiofnaonsunurfnnfninsdkfnjh, like I was incapable of making regular known language words and just turned into a mewling ball of meat enjoyment. I don't think I could eat this after eating an entire bowl of mussels but other than that it lived up to and surpassed the expectations I had based on the way Orson Welles said it (which makes me think I have a pretty messed up expectation system when it comes to food!). So go forth and make and eat the Steak Au Poivre aka Pepper Steak with Brandy Sauce! It's so much easier that it's fancy french name would have you believe! BUT FOR SURE CALL IT STEAK AU POIVRE AND NOT PEPPER STEAK WITH BRANDY SAUCE BECAUSE YOU STILL WANT CREDIT FOR MAKING SOMETHING THAT SOUNDS HARD TO MAKE!
#tdandjulia #steakaupoivre #peppersteakwithbrandysauce #theawl #fforfake #orsonwelles #rickpaulus #jilllepore #davidroth #soundsfancycookseasy #iwoulddie4u #thebesthingivemadesofar #firstghostfoodwriter
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alshamey · 7 years
I Want My Great Memory Back! http://yourgradgear.com/2017/09/27/i-want-my-great-memory-back/
New Post has been published on http://yourgradgear.com/2017/09/27/i-want-my-great-memory-back/
I Want My Great Memory Back!
Blanking on names? Left your iPhone in a cab? Our writer tests whether the latest science-backed recall tricks will really turn your mind into a steel trap.
Jancee Dunn
July 22, 2015
I used to have a memory that amazed people, but in the last few years I’ve had trouble remembering names and movie titles. (“You know, the one about the guy who goes somewhere? It won that award…”) I hope to have many years of sharp thinking ahead of me—I’m in my mid-40s, nowhere near senior-moments territory—so I got to wondering: Is there something I should be doing now to counteract the lapses that already seem to be taking place?
There’s no way around the fact that memory erodes as we get older. The hippocampus, the area of your brain responsible for building memory, loses 5 percent of its nerve cells with each passing decade. Plus, aging slows production of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter vital to learning and memory. Based on these facts, scientists once believed that a person’s mental ability peaked early in adulthood, then went downhill from there. But over the last few decades, research has found that adults’ brains are still able to form new, memory-building neural networks in a process known as neuroplasticity. The reassuring latest thinking: With a little effort, anyone can boost their power of recollection.
To test this theory in the real world, I tried an array of research-backed brain-sharpening techniques over one six-week period. Am I now able to list all 44 U.S. presidents? No. But can I more easily summon up where I put my keys? Yes. And I think being able to leave my apartment and lock the door is a more valuable life skill than remembering James K. Polk. Here’s what worked for me—and what fell flat.
Technique #1: Play brain games
Puzzles like Sudoku and crosswords may improve memory and delay brain decline, though experts are not yet sure why. “My guess is that playing them activates synapses in the whole brain, including the memory areas,” says Marcel Danesi, PhD, author of Extreme Brain Workout. Research so far is decidedly mixed: Some studies have found that, while doing crossword puzzles may make you better at remembering the capital of Burkina Faso, there’s little evidence they’ll boost your performance at more general tasks, like remembering where your car is parked. But a 2011 study showed that participants who played a computer game called Double Decision for six years improved their concentration so much that they had a 50 percent lower rate of car accidents.
So I decided to try an online brain-training program called Lumosity, which neuroscientists from Harvard, Stanford and the University of California at Berkeley have used in their own studies; its creators claim that 97 percent of users improve their memory in just 10 hours of playing time. First I answered a series of questions at lumosity.com to identify which of my cognitive processes, including memory, could use a little help. Then I received a personalized training regimen. A 10-minute daily series of games is free, and a more advanced program is available for $12.95 a month. (Being cheap, I stuck with the former.) The games are pure fun—remembering a pattern of blocks, spotting a bird in a field—and are based on what research has found to improve concentration and other cognitive skills.
My grade: B- By the end of a month, my “brain performance index” score rose 6 percent—not amazing in the Lumosity world, but respectable. The main problem: You have to play the games every day, forever, to keep up the benefits. I’ve mostly kept up. (Except on weekends. Or if I’ve had a busy week. OK, I haven’t kept up.)
Technique #2: Eat the right foods
According to Gary Small, MD, director of the UCLA Memory Clinic, memory superfoods include antioxidant-rich, colorful fruits and vegetables, which protect your brain from harmful free radicals. He’s also enthusiastic about low-glycemic carbs, like oatmeal, and anything with omega-3 fatty acids. In fact, a recent study published in Neurology found that people with low levels of omega-3s had brains that appeared to be a full two years older in MRI scans. That was incentive enough for me to follow the memory-enhancing diet from Dr. Small’s book The Memory Prescription, which claims it works in just two weeks. Much like the Mediterranean diet, it’s heavy on produce, legumes, nuts and fish. It’s low on meat, since meat’s omega-6 fatty acids may contribute to brain inflammation, a possible underlying mechanism for Alzheimer’s. Refined sugars produce a similar effect, so they were also out. (That was the toughest for me.) I ate a farmers market’s worth of blueberries, spinach, avocado and beets, and consumed enough fish to sprout gills. I also went beyond Dr. Small’s advice and took 2.4 micrograms of vitamin B12, the standard recommended daily amount—since studies show people with low levels perform poorly on memory tests—and 1,000 international units of vitamin D, discovered by Tufts University researchers to boost cognitive function. (My doctor signed off on the supplements.)
My grade: A It was difficult to eat meat only once a week, until I noticed how much less physically and mentally sluggish I felt. And my memory became markedly sharper over 14 days. (For instance, I quit using a bookmark because I could remember the page number I’d stopped on the night before.) Planning those meals took a lot of prep, but it paid off tremendously. I still try to use the diet as a guideline: I eat meat once a week, aim for five fruits and vegetables a day and pop omega-3 supplements (since I don’t get as much fish as I did on the diet).
            Next Page: Technique #3: Quit multitasking
[ pagebreak ]Technique #3: Quit multitasking
“One reason people can’t remember where their keys are is they’re not paying attention when they put them down,” says Mark McDaniel, PhD, a psychology professor and memory researcher at Washington University in St. Louis. (His suggestion for always finding them: “When you put them down, stop and say out loud, ‘I’m leaving my keys on my dresser,'” or wherever you’re placing them.) Studies show that it takes eight seconds to fully commit a piece of information to memory, so concentrating on the task at hand is crucial. I willed myself to stop giving everything “continuous partial attention,” a term coined by tech honcho Linda Stone. I put away my gadgets when they weren’t absolutely needed. I didn’t have 10 websites up all at once. I called a friend, sat on my bed, closed my eyes and actually listened to what she was saying.
My grade: B+ It’s amazing how difficult it is to do one thing at a time. Concentration takes work, but I found I could remember appointments better because I paid attention when I made them and repeated the day and time, rather than agreeing to commitments while doing the laundry and returning e-mail messages. My husband, usually my living iCal, was very impressed.
Technique #4: Master a new skill
A recent Swedish study found that adults who learned a new language showed improved memory for people’s names, among other things. Any activity that is practiced diligently, such as knitting or skiing, will likely have this effect, researchers say. I vowed to learn to play the keyboard. On YouTube I found PlayPianoKing, an affable guy who teaches everything from Pachelbel’s Canon to “Gangnam Style.”
My grade: C- While I did learn a mean “Gangnam” and felt my concentration improve, I soon gave up: With brain games and a diet overhaul crowding my schedule, the hour-long, every-other-day lesson was making me cranky, even before I saw any noticeable memory gains.
Technique #5: Get more sleep
Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have discovered that losing half a night’s rest—three or four hours—on just one evening can erode memory. And the journal Nature Neuroscience recently reported that one way to slow decline in aging adults is to improve the length and quality of sleep. During a deep sleep of eight hours or more, it’s believed that the brain shifts memories from temporary to longer-term storage. Yet according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one third of us get less than seven hours a night—including me.
So, for more than a month, I implemented a stringent schedule: I would put my preschooler to bed and take a bath. Then I’d hit my own bed with a book, rather than watch TV or movies, which several studies reveal will make you feel too keyed up to wind down. Normally I fall asleep at 11:30 p.m. and wake at 5:45 a.m., but the new routine put me out by 10.
My grade: A+ Nothing had a better effect on my memory than that long stretch of sleep. I was able to semi-credibly measure the difference because I started my other interventions a few weeks before this one. I bounded out of bed fully recharged. My mind became as focused as a laser beam; I even remembered every mom’s name during the school run (no more “Hey, you!” or just “Hi!”).
Technique #6: Use mnemonic devices
These are basically memory tools that give meaning and organization to a random group of words or concepts. They could be an acronym (BOG for “Buy oranges and grapes”), an exaggerated visualization (imagining a massive stethoscope to remember a doctor’s appointment) or a rhyme (to recall a co-worker’s name, I’d remember, “Ted has a giant forehead”). Memory champions also love chunking, or breaking a large amount of information into more manageable nuggets. Say you have to memorize these numbers: 2214457819. It’s much easier to do as a phone number: 221-445-7819.
My grade: A+ I found these tactics enormously helpful. I usually forget my poor nephew’s birthday, but this year I actually sent a gift, thanks to the unpleasant but memorable NITS (“Nephew is 10 Sunday”).
Technique #7: Hit the gym
Researchers from the University of California at Irvine recently discovered that a little exercise might yield big mental benefits. They had one group of subjects ride stationary bikes for six minutes, while another group cooled their heels. Afterward, the active group performed significantly better on a memory test. Instant results! The researchers believe the boost may be tied to an exercise-induced brain chemical called norepinephrine, which has a strong influence on memory. And Dr. Small contends that exercise is the best memory aid of all. “It can increase your brain size,” he says—and the bigger your brain, the greater your capacity to remember. His recommendation: 20 minutes of brisk walking a day. I began doing an hour daily—more than Dr. Small recommends, but also more consistent than the gym workouts a few times a week I used to favor, and, according to many experts, more effective in juicing up memory.
My grade: A- This moderate, regular activity worked wonders on my stress levels, and it became much easier to concentrate afterward, so I could fix things (like a grocery list) into my memory. I grew addicted to my walks and still take them. In fact, I found that the memory-boosting healthy lifestyle habits—exercising more, stressing less, eating a better diet—were the most sustainable over time. And that’s a win-win.
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