#BUT i do still enjoy doing these bc i do tie a lot of songs to muses
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byanyan · 2 years ago
ㅤ— i did something very similar to this recently so i'm gonna try to choose some different songs this time around!!
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i.ㅤyoung and menace ��� fall out boy
we've gone way too fast for way too long and we were never supposed to make it half this far and i lived so much life, lived so much life i think that god is gonna have to kill me twice kill me twice like my name was nikki sixx i woke up in my shoes again but somewhere you exist singing oops i did it again, i forgot what i was losing my mind about oh, i only wrote this down to make you press rewind and send a message: i was young and a menace
ii.ㅤaspiring fires — mother mother
baby, you wanna see me crazy? well i'll show you what that's like and then i'll wave goodbye as you run for your life a little advice for aspiring fires: you'll get put out if you don't get a little wild try again, try again, get it right you don't got the due diligence to lose your mind you're not getting it right
iii.ㅤbandito — twenty one pilots
this is the sound we make when in between two places where we used to bleed and where our blood needs to be i could take the high road but i know that i'm going low i'm a ban—i'm a bandito
iv.ㅤon — b.ts
나의 고통이 있는 곳에 내가 숨 쉬게 하소서 (please) my everythin', my blood and tears got no fears i'm singin' oh oh, i'm takin' over you should know, yeah can't hold me down 'cause you know i'm a fighter 깜깜한 심연 속 기꺼이 잠겨 find me and i'm gonna bleed with ya
v.ㅤssick — s.tray kids
i'm a player, 이 분위기를 바��� game changer 안 베껴 촌티 나는 스타일에 나는 back off 피 끓게 만드는 이 밤에 모른 척 쌩 하고 지나칠 수 없지 날 부르기 바쁘대 oh yeah, i know that i don't have anything special but yeah, did you know? that i myself am really special, yeah, yeah
tagged by: @solitarysurvival ♡♡♡ tagging: @florafound / @nightiingaled (for whoever your feeling most rn!), @chronal-anomaly, @tamedgod, & anyone who hasn't been tagged yet but would like to be!!
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justasecretflower · 2 months ago
Sdv; Sam headcanons!
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General, friends, pre-relationship, established relationship.
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💛he has a finger board. Those lil skateboards you do tricks with your fingers. He was obsessed with them when he was younger and made a lil park for it out of cardboard (this came to me from my dad who made his own mini skateboard when he was a kid so thx for the idea dad)
💛Never cleans his room cuz he says everything is where it’s supposed to be.
💛terrible cook. He’s the worst at measurements and often forgets he’s cooking so he nearly burns the house down every time.
💛he loves tie-dye! He likes making his own shirts, hoodies, tank tops, stuff like that and he can make a pretty cool design.
💛owned a gameboy, now he has a switch and often plays Mario kart.
💛tried doing a stick and poke tattoo. Now he has a wonky smiley face on one of his fingers.
💛will always be the friend to yap your ear off but is always so interested in your life and your stories, tell him about the day you lost your shoes and couldn’t do anything on the farm! Anything! He’ll listen, and you can talk to him for hours if you’re also a fellow yapper.
💛invites himself over sometimes. You’ll be working on your farm then look over to see him hanging from a tree branch upside down enthusiastically smiling
💛friendship bracelets galore! Handmade ones, ones he buys, all of them. He got you two spider man themed ones, ones with your initials, you have a lot of friendship bracelets, and even matching guitar pick necklaces. (He bought them and insisted you wore them.)
💛never the first to fall asleep at a sleepover. If you fall asleep first,which you will, he’ll draw a moustache, stars, hearts, and smiley faces on your face with sharpie:).
💛very loyal, sticks up for you and defends your name when you’re not around.
💛if you play an instrument, he’d love you to be in his band !
💛very close with your mother..when she comes to visit suddenly Sam is visiting too! He’s like nendou with saikis mom..
💛doesn’t know how to act around you anymore. Stutters, flushes, gets all sweaty, zones out staring at your pretty face
💛he gets way more touchy. Not weirdly! He doesn’t ever wanna make you u comfortable, but there’s a lot more fleeting touches, and him keeping a spare jacket of his to give to you, or insists on holding your hand going through crowds and hugging you a lot more.
💛he stares at you a lot. Like I stated before. He’ll be looking at you talk like a puppy. Big eyes glimmering with interest and love, lips slightly parted, just totally infatuated. When you look over at him and say his name he snaps out of it.
💛gifts you stuff out of nowhere. He likes to make handmade gifts even though it takes him a long time bc he can’t sit down.
💛gifts include bracelets, pipe cleaner stick figures of you and him, pipe cleaner flowers, Lego flowers, and beaded hair accessories.
💛oblivious. You could scream at him that you love him and he’ll be like “In a homie way?” So if you’re not bold this crushing stage will last a long time before he finally works up the courage to ask you out, it’s not like he’s afraid of showing you his feelings, or rejection, he’s afraid of losing a friend if you reject him.
💛likes carrying you. Bridal style, on his shoulders, on his back. He loves being close to you.
💛built in best friend-boyfriend combo. He never changed after dating you. He was still your overly enthusiastic and energetic best friend, but now he just had a romantic label to him.
💛needy, whiny. Will cry if he’s not touching you 24/7. Always has a hand on your hip, your shoulder, holding hands, kissing your cheek, will sneak away during festivals just to push you up against a wall and kiss you passionately. He just loves you sm <3
💛I saw a tiktok of this girl that had her bf playing fetch with a hair tie in the pool. That’s him, and he’ll enjoy it.
💛writes songs for you. Will play you music if you cry.
💛makes you laugh if you’re crying as well, and quite frankly if you’re crying or not he’ll always fight to get a laugh out of you. The type to put dancing fruit on the tv and copy the dance moves.
💛”sunshine” “baby” “lovey”
💛hold his face, he’s begging. He’ll melt into you and kiss your palms, and finger tips.
💛he likes to lay on/ between your thighs a lot.
💛got your initial on the back of his gages.
💛yours + his initials on his shoes.’
💛if he sees you cooking with his mom theres immediately a wedding set up
💛he sees you playing with Vince? Birth control is in the trash (just joking..)
💛like previously mentioned he’s super close with your mom, will ask for your baby pics and aww and ooo them a bunch, takes a picture of them and has a picture of baby you somewhere.
💛10/10 bf. WE LOVE SAM!!
Credits/// divider creds- enchanthings-a
Art credits- I couldn’t give proper credits because most were from Pinterest, so I’m no longer doing artwork on my hcs if I don’t have proper creds :)
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its-time-to-write · 2 years ago
Hello! I absolutely love your work. You’re a fantastic writer. Is it possible for you to do something based a bit off of the song London Boy by Taylor Swift? If not I understand. I just feel there’s some cool way to tie it with Jamie Tartt. Sorry if it’s a bit of a generic request
ALRIGHTY gotta preface this, I actually hate this song 😂 Lyrics aren’t bad, but the like accent thing she does makes me die a little bit. BUT. I saw what you were going for (I think)! So here it is, I suffered through listening to this song bc you asked for a fic and I am nothing if not eager to please.
This is also a response to two other requests. So if that was you, ✌️😗 y’all were on the same page, congratulations. This is also my first song-based fic, although all of my works are (very, very loosely) based on songs. That’s why they have such insane titles😅 ANYWAY that’s enough talking from me. Enjoy!
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i fancy you
i love my hometown as much as Motown, i love So-Cal
Richmond in London is very different from your hometown in Southern California. It’s colder, for one. And older. Things in California don’t have the same extended history as they do in England. You’re here visiting family for a couple months, although your cousins are trying to convince you to stay longer. 
“What do you really have waiting for you in California?” Holland asks.
“Uh, the beach. Sun. Great Mexican food.” you respond.
Holland isn’t buying it. “When else are you going to be able to live here? We can help you get a job and all that, not a huge problem.”
Holland is very convincing. You decide to stay for a year, single year, and see what happens.
Holland is four years older than you, and has always been the cousin you’re closest to. You’ve had a long-standing bond since being the two eldest sisters in your family. Holland takes you to clubs and introduces you to her friends, including a Miss Keeley Jones who thinks you are “abso-fuckin-lutely adorable.” 
“You have to bring her to a Richmond match, babes,” Keeley says. “Lots of fit footballers.” She winks.
You ask Keeley of she’s dating a footballer.
“Oh god no,” she shudders. “A coach.”
You don’t really see the difference.
saw the dimples first and then i heard the accent
It was a good match, even you can tell. The Richmond team played seamlessly, passing the ball back and forth without letting the other team even touch it. Their conductor of sorts, the one mediating the passes, was crazy. He never seemed to get tired, anticipating his teammates’ moves and those of the opposing team. It seemed like he was always five steps ahead of everyone. Holland notices you watching him and pokes Keeley.
“You like Jamie?” Keeley laughs. “Makes sense. Anyone with eyes likes him. He’s right fit, too. Good in bed, shit with feelings. Well, used to be. Still fucking cocky.”
That’s interesting. “You’ve been with him?” you ask.
Keeley gives you a 50/50 hand motion. “Sort of. Don’t really count it, do I? Was with him at his fucking worst. That’s why Roy fucking hates him.”
“He’s much better now,” Holland chimes in. “Something happened last season and he stopped being such a dick.”
“Holland!” you reproach, laughing. “That’s not nice!”
She and Keeley shrug. “It’s true though, innit?”
You don’t know if it is, because when you first see Jamie up close in the club later that night, he seems perfectly fine. You see a flash of a smile, a dimple, then he says something (you don’t know what) but his accent is… something else. It’s not like Holland’s, or any of your family, but you know enough to pinpoint it to Manchester. 
“The accent got you, didn’t it?” says a voice near your ear and you yelp as Holland slides her arm around your shoulder.
“Gets the best of us,” says Keeley, grabbing your hand. “C’mon, I’ll introduce you.”
She drags you over despite your protests.
he likes my American smile, like a child when our eyes meet, ‘darling i fancy you’
Regular dinner dates are scary, but dinner dates with a Premier League footballer are downright terrifying. 
You made Holland help you figure out what to wear, and when she showed up at your aunt’s house she had Keeley in tow.
“Heard you’re in need of a bit of a makeover,” she grins. “Lucky for you, that’s my specialty.”
Keeley and Holland have brought some of Holland’s dresses and you’re in a dark green one that “does fucking wonders for your hair, babe.”
Keeley did your makeup while Holland curled your hair and just like that, you’re ready to go.
You groan, “God, I fucking hate first dates,” while shaking out your arms. 
“It’ll be fine,” Holland promises, and she’s right.
It’s more than fine. It’s fucking fantastic.
“I like your smile,” Jamie says. “Fuckin’ American, it is.”
You laugh. “What does that even mean?”
Jamie shrugs. “It’s bigger. Brits are more reserved. Like Roy. You met Roy yet? Biggest fucking twat I ever saw,” but he says it with such affection that you’re sure he means something else.
His eyes are electric, blue and dazzling. They betray his every thought and feeling and right now you feel like if you hold his gaze any longer you’re going to say something completely stupid. 
Turns out your not the one to say something stupid; he is.
You’re walking back to his car, holding hands and swinging them in between you when he stops and says, “Darling, I fancy you.”
You grin and he returns it. He asks, “Was that British enough for you? Feel like you got the whole experience?”
“Definitely,” you say. “Was I American enough for you?”
“Dunno,” he replies, “Got to test one more thing.”
His lips are very soft on yours.
met all of his best mates, so i guess all the rumors are true
“This is Isaac, Colin, Dani, and Sam.”
Jamie is introducing you to some of his team. You’ve been dating for a month now, and your first picture together just popped up in the papers the night before.
The boys of AFC Richmond were pretty sure Jamie was seeing someone, but they didn’t know who it was. Jamie had set up this dinner thing a while ago, it just so happened that the tabloids got to you first. 
It’s not even that great a picture honestly, but you’d been around Nelson Road enough that the boys were able to recognize you. 
It’s a little unnerving to meet them, what with Isaac’s intense stare and Dani’s wide, wide smile. You’re grateful Colin and Sam are acting normal.
“We have an American coach,” Colin says in an attempt to break the ice. It does, because you’re all laughing at the absurdity of his attempt. 
“We have heard very much about you,” Dani says and you wonder if he ever stops smiling. It feels so weird and so normal to be at Jamie’s house with a pile of food and FIFA queued up on the TV, ready to go. You figure that if you’re meeting his friends, Jamie must be at least a little serious. He finds your hand and squeezes it under the table as Isaac cracks his first smile of the night. It’s weird dating a footballer, but you think you can get used to it.
babes, don’t threaten me with a good time
Jamie’s house is the largest you’ve ever been in, and it used to be strange that it was only just the two of you, clattering around that big home. 
It’s a cool night after a warm day so you both decided to lay in his backyard under the stars. 
It feels so much like something you’d do as a teenager, and you tell Jamie as much.
“Used to sneak on me mum’s roof,” he tells you. “Didn’t even do dumb shit, I’d just go to look.”
You lay there in silence for a few moments until you feel something tickle your side.
“Jamie!” you shriek.
“I didn’t do nothing!” he protests. “Must’ve been a bug.”
You don’t believe him, but you don’t push it until you feel another tickle.
“Babe, it weren’t me, I swear,” he says and you really don’t believe him, especially when he tickles you again less than a minute later.
You laugh. “Fuck you, Jamie Tartt.”
He smirks. “Babe, don’t threaten me with a good time.”
“Hm, maybe I want a good time.”
Jamie’s grin widens and he sits up. “You know where the bedroom is, love.”
you know i love a London boy
“I don’t fucking get it,” Jamie says. You shrug. 
“I literally don’t either,” you say. Your dad leans over to Jamie. “So basically…” he begins.
He’s halfway through his explanation when Jamie pokes you. “Babe,” he says, “can we switch seats so I can hear your dad better?” You chuckle then wiggle your way into Jamie’s seat while he gets into yours.
“Why the fuck is it called ‘football’ if it’s with their hands?” Jamie asks.
Your dad shrugs. “Not a clue, son, not a clue.”
The game progresses and one of the teams scores a touchdown.
“Hold the fuck up,” Jamie says. “Why did their score change that much?”
“I know this one!” you exclaim. “Different types of goals get different points. And there’s something called a lateral which has to do with moving backward I think?”
You dad just shakes his head with a grin and doesn’t attempt to clarify. 
Your dad spends the second half explaining everything to a very focused Jamie, and he asks questions the entire car ride home. It’s funny have Jamie here in America, staying at your parents house and seeing where you grew up. 
When you’re finally back home and in bed, you pull him as close as you can and whisper, “I love you very, very much. You know that, right?”
You can feel Jamie smile against your hair. “I love you too, very fucking much.”
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seumyo · 6 months ago
OMGGG CONGRATS ON 1K EUMY MY LOVE!!! im beyond words that describe happy for u ur such a sweetheart u deserve it sm<3 I SAW THE SCRAPBOOKS POST AND ID LOVE A SHOTO TODOROKI ONE!!!! 💗
im an enfp so im a loud extrovert, and i try to make sure ppl dont feel awkward or embarrassed around me bc im 10x worse HAHA 😭 i have insane attachment issues like i was crying so hard when my friend ignored me for a day. big lover with big emotions, hopefully that counts as an emotional intelligent person hehe<3
i am also a complete art kid and i never stop drawing, im also in choir and stage band so im basically all of the above (except sports. does watching haikyuu count?🤔) HAHAHAHA
id love a little description about our dynamic or something!!🥹 and be free w ur colour palette and do what u think deems best 🗣️!!! a song would be velvet ring by big thief, one of my favs rn<3
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★ Todoroki Shouto hated did not like you at first. The first time you two met in U.A., not once did he glance in your direction. Don’t take it too personally, he’s battling inner turmoil stemming from his complicated family life and upbringing.
★ Skipping to when he does warm up to the rest of the class, he still keeps his distance from them as he tries to test the waters. Now, you, dear Saku, are the first to invite him to have lunch together via the crumpled paper you left on his desk during free period (he almost threw it in the trash, but he telephatically felt your distress thought it might contain something important, so he decided to read it). He accepts, of course.
★ Lunch together was awkward, but Todoroki appreciates your effort to fill in his shortcomings in the conversation. So to say, he just listens to you while you ramble about anything and everything.
★ When he gets home that night, he definitely tells Fuyumi that someone invited him to eat together at lunch, and that it was nice. He doesn’t realize that he kept your note neatly folded in his wallet.
★ Do you know the concept of personal space? Todoroki does not. Whenever you’re doing something, whether it’s doodling or writing notes, he will peer over and check whatever it is that you’re doing. Completely unaware that he, too, has attachment issues (trust).
★ “Am I too close? I’m sorry, I didn’t notice.” And you guys were inches from kissing each other!
★ Romantically, it takes him a long time to understand that what he was feeling is clearly not platonic anymore. But when he does realize thus, he skips the steps in his head and wants to spend the rest of his days with you (you’re not even dating yet, and he’s already thinking of the future ten years later). Todoroki’s hesitant to engage in a romantic relationship because he thinks that you deserve someone who wouldn’t hesitate to court you and love you openly (he’s worried that he’ll end up like his father).
★ The initial dynamic is someone who talks a lot and the other listens (with the most lovestruck eyes yet still unnoticeable). When you do get into a relationship, he’ll still treat you just like when you were friends, but with a bit more effort to show you how much he cares. Acts of service & Quality Time are his love languages. This man is your ride-or-die forever and would go through lengths just to spend time with you (cue to Todoroki just appearing by your side whenever you’re not busy).
★ Whenever Todoroki talks to other people, it’ll always be, “Oh, where are Saku and the others?” You will always be the first person that comes out of his mouth, an unconscious habit of his.
★ Matching bag charms, candid photos (of him, mostly), handwritten notes that are passed to each other during class, enjoying each other’s company even if you two are just walking to the cafeteria together or him waiting for you to tie your shoelaces (he does them himself further into the relationship), finding out that Todoroki kept most of the things you gave him (especially your little notes and doodles), and the tips of his ears turn a bit reddish whenever he’s flustered—and you’re the only one to notice because it only happens when he’s with you.
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astraldrake · 9 months ago
tfs thoughts beneath the readmore note: contains spoilers for the entire campaign
the opening vision we get when we enter the traveler... i ended up watching it multiple times (computer issues ;-;) but MAN was it cool the inside of the traveler in general looks super funky, im going to have to do a no hud run at some point just for screenshots. shoutout to bungie for giving us a sparkly pink rainbow subclass, just in time for pride month lol weapon unsunsetting means i get to pull all sorts of old friends out of the vault. (python, the vow, steelfeather repeater, perfect paradox, etc...) i'm pretty ambivalent abt cayde generally but they did a good job w/ his characterization. i was worried he'd end up being kind of grating but so far he's been okay i was (initially) delighted to see targe. i was not anticipating that they were introducing him just so they could kill him off 5 minutes later. i have mixed feelings on zavala's characterization but it's been a minute since i buried my face into the ishtar collective lore vault so maybe it's just my memory being unreliable. for him to just lose it and start acting irrationally like that felt odd. maybe it's bcs we havent seen him in a while? idk it just felt off. (tbf you could point out that it's probably a byproduct of being forced to relive one of the most unpleasant moments of his entire life so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ fear and desperation can make people do strange things) ikora was cool, idk she didn't read as ooc or anything to me, her reunion with cayde was very sweet, though in hindsight i wish they'd given her a little more to do. seasonal stuff has struggled to give consistency to crow but i appreciate this expansion's efforts to tie up some of those threads more neatly. (i lost it when he pulled out an iron battleaxe, i did not expect that plot point to get touched on!! also it was cool!) i am still irritated that they fridged amanda ( i ignored that part of canon so hard it kinda smacked me in the face when they mentioned her.) i love luzaku, and i would kill for luzaku. ( finally! friendly hive!) i did like the emphasis on ghost and guardian relationships throughout the expansion's story. (also ghost as the location vendor!!!! having regular chats with him while we go through the story!!! the fact he becomes increasingly damaged and wounded throughout the campaign giving me the distinct dread that he might die!!!)
the fact the traveler is letting out intermittent shrieks of pain... MAN... the return of the glowing bird as our guide! (also the fact that the grenade projectile for song of flame looks like a bird... i dont think they're actually connected but it is giving me Ideas.) speaking of song of flame, i kind of expected it to be more underwhelming than it is?? it's actually pretty fun! prismatic is a lot of fun to mess around with! nothing like throwing a storm grenade at an enemy to simultaneously proc devour and amplify. the speaker mask exotic is also giving me Ideas >:) i lost my shit when they mentioned Micah-10. she's one of the last lore characters i expected them to pull out of the hat but i am delighted to see her in game, and seemingly as more than just a cameo too, as far as i can tell. pretty ambivalent abt the whole "player character is the most powertful being in the universe and the chosen one" thing. it's kinda where i figured they'd take it and i dont hate the trope so eh whatever. im glad they actually gave me cover for some of these story missions. i did not super enjoy lightfall's strategy of throwing me in a room with one million guys and a few tiny scraps of cover. ( the radial mast double tank fight... *shudders* ) difficulty wise legendary wasn't all that painful, there were a few fights i struggled with, but a change of loadout, or a little trial and error was pretty much all i needed. i def understand why they've saved the witness fight for the raid, but if my raiding history is anything to got by im certainly not doing day one, but that doesn't mean ill never touch it. (ive missed most of the newer raids, im just not that much of a people person.) ill try and take some day 1 screenshots of the opening area at least. also wrt post campaign!! i loved playing projectile tennis with savathun. all the two queens stuff was great tbh sav is such a fun villian. like yes!! you do owe us nothing and are only going to swoop in to help us bcs we have a bigger threat to deal with!! we can go back to trying to outscheme eachother once this is over!! ( also hey, they brought back adventures! i thought they'd never do that!) also what ive played of the crode camping trip (i forgot the mission name) has been fun. just me and the bois, out exploding screebs. ( then the game crashed so i guess i gotta go play that again lmao) overall i think this expansion is pretty good! i havent even gotten to the seasonal stuff yet, much less some of the regular patrol stuff for the pale heart.
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chemnections · 1 month ago
It’s infuriating when people take anything F says and does to be shade directed at G, or somehow to be about G. WHY does everything have to be about Gerard, can’t Frank be his own person? You and the people you interact with also do this and I don’t get it bc you guys seem like Frank fans too. Surely he doesn’t have mfing gerard of all people front and center in his mind constantly, jeez 🫠. LS Dunes is thriving and Frank finally has bandmates who actually appreciate him, yet mcr fans here (on twitter too) STILL tie everything he does to mcr/gerard, and have been doing so since stomachaches era. As a Frank fan I honestly see this as devaluing his work, and I genuinely don’t get how others don’t see it as such. Frank’s existence doesn’t revolve around Gerard, and I’m sick of mcr fans pretending it does.
this is going to have to be an agree to disagree thing.
first, this is ultimately a mcr blog. even though i am a frank fan.
mcr fans have reason to pay attention to band conflict because less fighting means more mcr, and more fighting means less mcr.
second, interpersonal conflict is normal and everyone deals with it. and it’s very normal to write about it especially in music. and frank has been quoted saying that he often writes lyrics that continue or finish an ongoing conversation he’s been having.
and interpersonal conflict with gerard is also different than regular conflict with a friend. because it’s tied directly to their careers. frank never wanted to give mcr up and wants to continue with it. you can replace a drummer (three times) but you can’t replace the vocalist.
mcr at the time of the breakup was tied so closely with his personal identity and his career and it was taken away from him for reasons outside of his control. his solo projects are essential to his creative expression and for him to have a career that he has more control over. and he is a truly incredible artist and i’ve lived following his career.
but conflict like that takes a lot of processing, especially when it’s ongoing.
but for me part of enjoying his music is listening to what he writes and says. and it’s too hard to deny the call and answer of lyrical themes between frank and gerard’s first solo albums. and as frank’s work continues on many songs revolves around encouraging someone to to also continue on. Occam’s razor tells us who it is.
besides the topic, frank’s lyrics are relatable and have inspiring messages embedded. the topic of the songs doesn’t take away from that. and i’m not always thinking about mcr when i listen.
ls dunes’ care deeply about frank, but all of them have had similar experiences being in bands. and that’s a big reason why they created ls dunes to begin with, to have a project where they don’t have to feel like a cage bird in a sense.
when violet came out i was really looking for songs that weren’t about interpersonal conflict within bands, and specifically conflict that doesn’t have to do with mcr. i was actually shocked how heavy they went on it. violet is filled with repeating themes that have been in frank’s work for the past decade.
but the music is of quality that draws people in, it’s good music.
frank lives a rich life, outside of music and outside of mcr. but that doesn’t mean it always ends up in a song. and that’s probably a good thing on its own. you don’t need multiple songs to say how good things are going. many artist use art for coping. and there is no shame about that.
and i admit i hope one day he releases a project that has nothing to do with his conflict with gerard and mcr because i’m curious what it would be like and think there is a lot of creative potential there.
so no, i don’t believe i am devaluing frank’s work by noticing and talking about the patterns i see. what the songs are about is part of critical analysis.
but you are allowed to disagree, and the block button is there for a reason.
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inkiest-silly · 11 months ago
I’m feeling silly and ima just- time to post about MY VER of “if Vincent survived the fire” or shortened to STF
STF vince has cut down on his smoking, he isn't addicted anymore due to having hospitalized for a while and unable to do any packs! He also wears layers over his body and hands so it's less uncomfortable Being his hands are burned - his hard to do things without it feeling weird He is working to upgrade his bistro, and im planning on like Adding a few other characters be he's gonna have a bigger waiting staff - bring its gonna be a bigger establishment His chefs still work for him
His chefs still work for him - cherrie is loyal as hell so definitely not leaving He never got over his love for rody,he feels resentment for what rody did to him- but he just couldn't let go of the man He hasn't seen him in ages- but he sometimes wonders what in the world he's doing now Thoughts lke "Is he happy with what he did to me? Does he think im dead and is happy with it?"
He wears his glasses all the time now- he is half blind so he just, does now. He can't afford to not see well,so he keeps them on They aren't used to Vince with glasses or-even the scars In the back, he wears long sleeved shirts instead and thick gloves-Vince stutters on his words and his voice is a little fucked up and raspy due to rody cutting his throat with a bottle
Talking for a long time hurts his throat, he is still trying to fix some things about himself He isn't as harsh on his employees Other than remmie. Remmie is remmie. He learned his lesson about keeping his house with his establishment He lives only a few minutes away from the new place He walks home Why?
Bc he thinks it's good for strengthening his mussles again And it is So he keeps doing it In the rain? Umbrella. But whenever he is out in the rain- he's reminded of the moment when he had to dry rody off and give him an umbrella-He enjoys the rain on his skin, it's cooling and nice He's taking care of himself only to try and get back to proper health to do more So he isn't as scrawny (He still hates eating but he forced himself to)
Vince involuntarily twitches out of random, his nerves are a little messed up and it's most likely the thing to happen 1 Like to believe rodys tie slipped off his neck during the struggle and Vince still had it even fit is a little burnt Complete opposites in healing omfg
Every Valentine's Day vince will mutter under his breath or think "happy birthday rody" and continue on with his day be he's a sad sorry ass He just wanted love man Hm.. How does rody feel that he killed a man over so hard that he needed to get hospitalized and almost died Bookie if anyone foudn that it was you you'd be put behind bars bookie i EVEN IF IT WAS YEARS AGO
Vince doesn't make an effort to style his hair much,he just doesn't care about his physical appearance anymore He knows he's already physically fucked up so he just, does the bare minimum He also sleeps a lot more,just - trying to stop himself from thinking about rody
-Vince keeps his head low when he's out, he doesn't like to be crowded- somehow- it works. And he's just glad he's short enough to walk without being spotted from a mile away. He still puts up a optimistic, really kind demeanor outside the bistro,but he drops it and just, he's kinder- but just- a little uptight He doesn't like getting into relationships still,he still has his heart for rody but is trying to push it back and away He mutters to himself something of the such when he starts thinking about him "he hurt you for a reason."
Vince has a mini heart attack when he sees male gingers - He wishes he could get another hug like he did once before Sooo He hugs himself to sleep He always has something in the background when he's trying to rest, usually a song
Baby I'd give you a hug
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mousemannation · 5 months ago
How did you get into fashion and what things do you want to design for like. Your career?
thank u for this question!!! hmm, when i was in primary school i did a little sewing with a friend's mum, and also my mum had to sew my costumes for my dance class end of year concert; so there's been sewing around me my whole life. We had a sewing class in year 7 too where I tie dyed and embroidered a pillow. I didn't take sewing elective though.
I properly started to get into it once I started watching historical sewing youtubers! People like Bernadette Banner, Morgan Donner, Bella Mae etc etc. I just found it so fascinating seeing the whole process of making clothes.
I also really enjoy cosplay and early on in my sewing journey my friend asked to do a Wicked the Musical joint cosplay as Elphaba and Glinda. My Elphaba dress remains my biggest ever sewing project despite technically being my first??? (technically bc I first wore it in 2020 after a year of making it but I've worked on it in the years since).
I'll also say, as someone who's always had issues with body image and gender, being able to make my own clothes massively helped me become more confident.
Gosh I keep having more points ejiejejej the next one is that I'm really invested in environmentalism and the fashion industry is one of the biggest polluters. Between overconsumption, overproduction, unsustainable materials AND massive issues with slavery there is a LOT of change that needs to happen within the industry. Some of that happens with the general public, a lot of it must happen from the inside, and if I can be a part of that I would love it.
On to the second part of ur question (finally) well the real answer is I don't know kwkeksksksk. After I finished my certificate in fashion I had the choice to pursue a diploma in fashion (think commercial production, designing for brands, focus on clothing that gets reproduced and sold in large numbers) or in costume (specifically for live production like TV and film, theatre, ballet, dance). I didn't much enjoy the commercial side of fashion, stuff like sourcing materials in bulk, creating and organising patterns to maximise number of garments made- so I decided I'd prefer to do costume. I find the idea of creating one off garments to represent a character, using fashion to enhance a narrative really really enticing.
Do I really believe I want to pursue costume design as a career? I don't know. That question is a little more difficult for me since my disability has prevented me from getting a job. I don't have any working experience and already my job prospects are on shaky ground. The idea of having people rely on my is scary... but I don't think I'd be totally opposed. I'd probably prefer to work in theatre out of the options. Ballet is far too serious i could not handle the pressure, and I don't really like sewing other styles of dance costumes (like leotards or kind of anything Lycra lol). If I can find a local theatre company that's relatively low-pressure that could be fun.
I do also like the idea of making clothes on a small scale. One offs or small batch that I would sell locally. I enjoy the freedom of just letting myself create without restraints! Starting without an end goal!
I am STILL yapping but my final point is i have so many interests that i don't think I'll ever settle into one career. Even if i did get a job making costumes I'd almost certainly still be pursuing other things at the same time. It's a long term goal of mine to (eventually) go to university and get a degree in pure mathematics!!! I also want to do exchange at some point, find some three month program and go kskskwk. I want to travel, i want to write poems and books and songs, I want to draw more, paint more, learn to sculpt! I have always been a very ambitious person and this is not at all what u asked about so I will leave it here 🙏🙏🙏🙏
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diodellet · 10 months ago
ooohh that ask game has some interesting questions hmm how abt 16, 18, and 23?
i am realizing just how much this ask game is making me bare my soul goshhh (/not srs), thanks for sending me an ask, bibi!
16. What makes you immediately close a fic that otherwise seemed good?
hm...well, most of the time i try to stick it out even if i'm not enjoying the fic from the first few sentences. like, maybe it's just me but a lot of the first words of a fic tends to be the (for lack of a better word) "the gunk" that precedes the actual story? like some stories just have slow starts, but they do get gud.
but to answer the q, i guess stuff that makes me roll my eyes at a fic, in the context of x readers would probably have to be:
disclaimer: most of the time, i don't mind reading these. but there are just moments where they bother me as i'm reading
reader getting carried bridal style (i dont like it, i hate it. id rather be carried like a sack of potatoes. or id rather be carried like a goat by its shepherd. but i do like seeing characters getting princess-carried) just carry me like this instead 🤧🤧👇
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royalty AU++CEO/office/corporate-setting AU (like secret princess of a kingdom or being a secretary, for example) i'm not a big fan of those kinds of settings. like ok sure a chara can look good in business formal or in some fine furs, but once the eye candy wears off thats when i exit the fic oops.
fics centered around marriage: i don't really enjoy reading proposals. also thinking of how the rings, the dresses, and the flowers look is hard bcs of my (partial?) aphantasia, but weddings Are Pretty Fun as a background setting. overall, i think what bothers me most is that the chara loses a bit of their personality after they get wed together with the reader.
^^actually in relation to this... im not that big of a fan of prom/dance settings, they both read very similarly, especially since the reader tends to be placed in the more passive role of being asked out. (but when you make it angsty or hurt/comfort, ok i will read it i'm a simple girl)
Oh and ig this is just me wishing for more in the Imposter-SAGAU genre of fanfic (i mean i'm still looking around, i don't feel desperate enough to write smth of my own), but i kinda wish the charas weren't so doe-eyed and quick to apologize to the reader. like, i get the feeling of wanting to write The Good Bits Immediately (e.g. being fawned over, getting to lord that blunder over the characters) but the potential of slowburn trauma recovery and developing a relationship from straight-up antagonism is Right There.
18. What media do you want to get into because of artists/writers you like?
i think i'd want to try reading more poetry? like, if i rb a lot of web weaving, i gotta know sumn other than "deep" pop lyrics (u wont find me saying nice things about ms sw*ft). so far i'm thinking of starting with ocean vuong and richard siken (basic ik but i mean, their works are good)
dunmeshi! i've been putting it off for forever 🙈🙈 (<-girlie watched frieren and forgor abt dunmeshi bcs they got yorushika to do the 2nd OP) but senshi,,,, SENSHI THE MAN THAT U ARE,,,,
Oh! and i'm rlly curious about alien stage! my sibling's dipping into it and he told me it was basically america's got talent x the promised neverland. and he said the magic words "toxic yaoi" and "doomed yuri," i Gotta watch it atp. (also like, carole and tuesday rearranged my brain, im ready to put a sadder spin on it😤)
23. What would you make a 5 hour video essay on, if you had enough time and motivation?
as soon as i read this all my hyperfixations have: left the server HAHAHA
maybe in terms of recent ones, i could try analyzing madds buckley's my love is sick. i wrote about that album for a final paper in a basic music elective, but i was constrained to only 3 pages so i only talked about 2-3 songs. but i could pretend to be a music major and regale ppl with how the leitmotifs tie together and completely destroy me add a new layer of meaning to the songs on subsequent listens. Also like, these songs just Get It (not sure what "it" is exactly, but there's smth related to first love and love lost*)
(but atm im just yoinking songs from there to use for fic/chapter titles, i plan on using one for this ruggie timeloop angst fic im plotting out anyway)
(art appreciation ask questions, please bug me to rb some underrated art and fic)
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emily-mooon · 1 year ago
Hi hello I was burdened with a Jancy thought that I need to share with you spet. So you know that scene in 50 First Dates with Adam Sandler's character is crying while singing Wouldn't It Be Nice. ( https://youtu.be/oNCiH8DOmhI?si=wypTV70M41MAYU6z )
Anyways, that but it's Jonathan in the way back of the Surfer Boys van after a beach day with Argyle & Willel. Like Argyle put in on to calm him down bc Jonathan was crying about missing Nancy after getting too high but it only made it WORSE. So the three of them are trying to figure out how to make him stop and also get him home without Joyce noticing.
Hello Dearie!
I haven’t seen 50 First Dates but after watching that clip I 100% agree. That’s him.
I think Will would suggest putting on different music but then that plan fails cause High Jonathan found a way to tie Day Of The Lords by Joy Division to Nancy. Idk how that song could be Jancy but it can be if I think hard enough.
I’ll indulge a bit of my brainrot for Sailor Moon Jancy in point form as we brainrot together:
- Tuxedo Mask Jonathan is incredibly awkward. He says something inspiring and then leaves with the knowledge that he didn’t do much in helping Nancy and he feels bad about it.
- Nancy doesn’t have a whole lot of friends before she becomes a sailor guardian. She’s just trying to fit in with her classmates and trails behind one of her fathers coworkers daughter. Once she meets Barb after becoming Sailor Moon that’s when she makes her truest friends. (This idea is honestly very bittersweet).
- Nancy denies her initial feelings for Tuxedo Mask as she knows he could possibly be an enemy so she pretends they do not exist. She also fails at this cause she’s like 14 and crushes at that age are overwhelming. It’s also cause DESTINY IS DRAWING THEM TOGETHER CAUSE OF THEIR PAST LIFE. She also has low key feelings for Jonathan because of DESTINY but at this point she doesn’t know Jonathan and Tuxedo Mask are the same person so she thinks she has to pick between the two.
I don’t have much else as I’m still figuring stuff out on top of my possible Nordegrim fic I want to write but can’t due to lack of ideas.
Thank you for sharing your Jancy thoughts with me and I hope you enjoyed my Sailor Moon AU thoughts!
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fanboyzuko · 2 years ago
5, 23, and 33 for the writing ask post
Woo thanks~~
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
Haha does my belief that im incapable of writing at home count as a superstition? and to be fair to me, i can. sometimes. I did this weekend!!! But then the other 95% of the time it just doesnt happen ripppp (too many distractions at home...)
23. Describe the physical environment in which you write. Be as detailed as possible. Tell me what’s around you as you work. Paint me a picture.
As detailed above, it sure as hell aint home. We're in the fine dining establishment of Gusto. If we're lucky, we have a full booth seat so we can fit both the laptop and a large plate of fries next to each other. There's a mug with a cafe latte next to the plate, and then a glass with water. Maybe a ginger ale or vegetable juice too if we're feeling lazy and don't feel like getting up to the drink bar again any time soon.
There's a really horrible playlist of bad covers to notable songs playing overhead, but we block that out with atla lofi mixes. Always cutting through preferable music is the adorable voice of the cat robot delivering food. Many a "nya" to be heard (all puns). We do not begrudge the cat. We cherish the cat. And sometimes get distracted watching the cat robot because it's been there for like almost two years now but she's still so damned cute.
We finish the plate of fries. Maybe we'll order another one...
33. Do you practice any other art besides writing? Does that art ever tie into your writing, or is it entirely separate?
I used to sew and do costuming u.u haven't since I moved to japan bc I just don't have the space for it anymore... I still enjoying doing costume designs! Hence my yanggang costume sketches... did i ever end up doing tarkik and siniq's design collages? hmm... but then I don't go into too much effort talking about the actual clothes in my writing so lmao rip
These days i do lot of jounaling :3 fun sticker collages and doodling and what not. doesnt really tie into writing other than me planning out update schedules i suppose lol
If anyone else wants to ask something ;3
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lucky-clover-gazette · 1 year ago
Shadow shakes his head. “You’re doing perfectly. I just don’t want this to be a bad memory for you.” Dreaming Vio startles at the comment. Is this a bad memory? He doesn’t think so, but his definition of ‘bad’ is far from conventional. That’s what months of corruption does to a person, he supposes. Shadow runs his hands down Vio’s waist and hips as the blonde pushes him against the headboard. Vio kisses him deep, almost as if sucking poison from a wound. Shadow’s eye widen as he watches strange patterns appear on his own skin. Dark purple veins run down his arms and neck, almost resembling the complex root system of a tree. They seem to almost be alive, the lines pulsing as Shadow kisses Vio harder. Vio whimpers, but doesn’t let go. The lines transfer from one body to another, tendrils of gloom creeping their way beneath the thin fabric of his blouse. It appears to weaken him further at first, and he loses the energy to kiss Shadow hard. He falls into the other man’s arms, his body jerking around every three seconds as if taking prolonged damage from the direct exposure.
— —
I think one of my favorite things about your writing is how you take so many concepts from other games in the Zelda series (like the gloom or the addition of the Hero’s Shade in this fic specifically) and use the elements given through canon but also add your own twist. I’m mostly curious what inspires you to use those things, and also how much more complex the systems might be than what we get from reading the character’s perspectives. I also just really like this scene and the concept of this fic as a whole; it’s definitely one of my most favorite things I’ve read :D (Also I’ve been meaning to ask if there’s any specific songs you’d tie to scenes in any of your fics or music you listen to while writing in general).
Anyways thank you! Hope you're having a good day!
thank you so much! i always appreciate your comments.
with other zelda things, it’s really kind of connected to my overall experience with the series. loz was an iceberg for me, like i started with botw, got really into it, started watching other people play the other games, read the twilight princess manga, got a wii u to play the oldies, and eventually just kinda randomly picked up the four swords manga almost a year ago. so i already had a lot of love for this series before writing four swords fic, and a lot of thoughts about the games. esp bc it’s not a nostalgia thing for me, i’ve approached zelda as an adult, i think my analysis of and connection to the media has been pretty “deep” or whatever. these stories mean a lot to me, and i’ve always been someone to take stories and their importance in my life seriously. botw in particular was a very healing experience for me at the time that i played it. that game holds a lot of philosophical and emotional meaning to me, and i get why others may not enjoy it, but as someone who has now played the other games, i still think it’s a master piece. my favorite game of all time, honestly, and totk was such a gift. it did so much right for me. it’s been delightful experiencing the series how i have.
i don’t love all of the choices made in terms of story and themes in loz, but there is a LOT to play with in fic. esp bc it’s a reincarnation type series, i don’t give a shit about the timeline, i just want to draw parallels and do clever interesting things. so a lot of the time i’ll have a vague idea of what i want to do with a story, and there will be a way to make connections, if only for my own enjoyment. i’m a strong believer that all art is derivative, but like, if you know the author loves it and is having fun, that only makes it better. it’s hard to pinpoint what i thought of and what was put in my mind by other things in the series, and honestly, i’m totally cool with that :)
i want to tread lightly talking about the gloom and corruption stuff in that specific fic because spoilers buuuuut the core concept of that part was just for it to be vaguely toxic and kinda … yknow… and i liked the idea of gloom/gloom hands being this confused force of harm and affection. honestly this whole fic is just me putting some very personal feelings and experiences on blast, and it’s been exhausting to write. i actually scrapped the final chapter and i’m rewriting it now, for the best!
hmmm i do connect my writing a lot to music but i think (?) you’ve seen my vidow playlist already! for the final chapter i’m doing a little bit of a tone shift and i’ve been listening a ton to the bottoms (movie) soundtrack. going for something more lively and active and cinematic, instead of two people being miserable. inserting a little dark humor too, closer to the og corruption but it’s chill au. while working on earlier chapters of corruption but it’s unchill i associated it with “eyes half open” by cinders, and (TOTK SPOILERS) i listened to the totk memory ost of rauru sealing ganon pretty much the entire time i wrote the chapter where vio kills green. been listening a lot to “pain” by king princess (also in bottoms, that movie is living rent free in my brain rn) while working on the final chapter.
hope this answers your questions! thanks so much for reading <3
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sevlawless · 2 years ago
Wanna share some Arabella/Seven headcannons??
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PLS UR GOOD ! i am just so brainrotted abt them so this is a doozy 😭 i apologize in advance bc this is off the rails LMFAO but thank u for sending <3
under the cut bc like i said . deranged insane etc.
- okay so the first one which i feel like is my main hc abt them is that seven and arabella would drive around in arabella's car ALL THE TIME just bc they had nothing to do? and they would listen to music and discuss it and if there were certain aspects they liked they would try to incorporate it into dead apple! they also brainstormed many dead apple songs in her car too. when they weren't doing that they were just enjoying each other's company :) have u ever had a friendship where it didn't matter what yall were doing as long as u were together it was fun? yeah it was like that LMFAO also any cd's seven had put in arabella's car were swiftly thrown away after the break up.
- ^ to add to this one i have this very bad and insane thought that when they break up arabella goes off the rails for months and ends up getting a dui and gets her license revoked and it's like. you lost seven and you lost the thing that you loved doing with him. so she writes this song and performs it in the first concert dead apple has after she gets her shit together and can perform without full on sobbing LMFAO and she only performs this song this one time and it never gets a studio release because that was at the worst point of her life and she doesn't like dwelling on it and she kind of just wants to put it behind her. but i imagine footage of that song gets spread around again with botb and she has to get orion to get the videos taken down LMFAO
- their first kiss: i have been thinking abt this one A LOT and i do like amy's scene A LOT but i wanted one that fit for arabella if that makes sense. anyway it's her 21st birthday and seven's gift is when the pawn by fiona apple on vinyl. i have said it multiple times on this blog but arabella adores fiona apple and had been trying to get this vinyl for YEARS because she didn't want some like . amazon one if that makes sense LMFAO she wanted the real deal and seven managed to find one and when she opened it she was like oh my god. like that feeling of when someone truly gets you and understands that u don't need anything big or fancy as a gift it's the thought that counts as corny as that sounds LMFAO. anyways she had been feeling some sort of way about seven for a WHILEEE up to this point but was too scared to do anything about it but this moment gives her the kick in the ass to finally do something so she kisses him !
"um. i guess that means you like the gift?"
and she's like oh my god what have i done . but the kiss was reciprocated so they kiss some more LMFAO and become official shortly after that <3 arabella still has that vinyl but she never plays it.
- prom: so arabella and seven obviously went together but as friends. just as friends. of course. LMFAO but arabella wears a green dress and seven wears a tie to match :) in my instagram edit if u look close enough you'll see that the cover art for the song is a green dress and im thinking that arabella squeezed into it and did the pictures for the song in it bc THAT is so painful and i love making her suffer if nothing else.
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here is the cover art for green also :) we can pretend that that's arabella and not olivia rodrigo LMFAO
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witch-of-the-sands · 3 months ago
for the ask game I appear here with the same offer (1-25 if you want to ofc ofc)
My wrapped was an Oh Hellos song because I was reading Lord of the Rings to it and then I fell asleep to it so I don't really count it lmao, I probably have a few top songs :( I'd say for new discoveries... probably a tie between Bellbottoms by the John Spencer Blues Explosion (I love u baby driver), Wichita Lineman specifically from Glen Campbell, and Something by Snarky Puppy featuring Lalah Hathaway I'm a musician it's so hard to choose one song for these I'm so sorry I just gave four
Album of the year is wayyyy easier (still 2 albums tho) Let's Start Here by Lil Yachty was my no 1 album for wrapped and I know this bc Lil Yachty was my no 1 artist and I ONLY listen to that album, other top one would be So Far by CSNY
My favorite musical artist is so hard too!! I promise the rambles will end after the music questions are over :( I'd say probably Nova Twins or Bob Vylan were probably my favorite duos they're both incredible!! I discovered a LOT of music this year new and old. A few standouts are CSNY, Janis Joplin (+ Big Brother and the Holding Company), Snarky Puppy, Orville Peck, Chaka Khan, Alanis Morissette, Koko Taylor, Talking Heads, CCR, and Lil Yachty.
Movie of the year easily Baby Driver simply because it has been the most recent add to the list of my favorite movies and I first watched it this year. And then watched it about four more times this year.
TV show is a tie between Arcane and AMC's IWTV, both changed my psyche deeply.
s2 of iwtv, I don't remember the exact episode number and can't go get it sadly, but the one where Daniel and Louis are remembering San Fran... not only is Luke Brandon pitiful and beautiful but also it's just playing with their memories the entire episode just... UGH beautiful writing. Seconded only by the final episode of s2 of IWTV. Beautiful.
Actor? Sam Reid easy smash next question.
Game of the year GREEDFALL!! The story is so compelling I am having so much fun with the "your actions have consequences" stuff they're doing. And also pirate romance. Hopefully.
Best month? None of them?/j Honestly not exactly December but like now to about a month ago in early November has been my best time. I've been working heavily on self-betterment, organization etc. etc. I've been admitted to all my top schools. Have been seeing close friends a lot more outside of school. Been on the news. I got some gorgeous scholarships ranging from 10k to 30k (depending on the school). Also, I've been focusing on pulling myself out of my depression state and it has been working! I've been feeling much much better! I'll be able to say December with my whole chest later in the month I believe, for now, I'm going with about the week before Thanksgiving to now I think that's a month-long range.
Something that made me cry this year was when I had a pretty gruesome friendship breakup in late May/early June, it was really damaging to my self-esteem to say the least. I'm doing a lot better now and recognize there was some validity to the criticism that I was given during that breakup, but that it wasn't all founded in reality.
Something I want to to AGAIN? Hmm... bullet journaling! I picked it up again for the first time since 7th grade, it's been really nice. Technically it's part junk journal as well. I just enjoy it for the experience of getting to organize my thoughts.
Hm... oh I know a new friend I made this year! I go to a two-year trade high school currently, and I've made some wonderful friendships with some of my juniors this year. They're all extremely sweet. (They call me evil for fun)
My birthday was.... (so much this is struggling recollection) Good! That's right! I don't really remember a ton of gifts I got, but I went to see the Rocky Horror picture show with my friends again as I'm making a tradition. (I'm going again in 2025 lol.) It was slightly tainted by the fact I was actively failing english, but ykw it was a fun night!
I've very sadly fallen so far out of reading in recent times.... :( I think of the few books I read cover to cover this year was Gwen and Art are Not in Love and it was adorable I really enjoy queer fantasy/historical fiction so it was fun to have mild elements of both.
A bad habit I picked up this year was lowk not really taking feelings into consideration. I'm a bit of a stone wall sometimes, and it's not exactly that I don't care about other people's feelings, it's that I struggle to pick up on them at times. At the end of the day, it also kinda boiled down to my feelings not being taken care of too. I'm a pretty good communicator when it comes to having tough conversations, but there were a lot of rough conversations I had to have this year (and a lot of apologies) because I had a lot of moments where I was stuck in self-preservation mode, and I'll admit that I wasn't exactly the nicest person to be around. I've been working on it a lot in recent months, it's been helping!
I can't seem to get images to work w/ me on my computer I'll see if I can add them on my phone in a second!
same here!
The last meal I had with my friends before they all left for college. We had a movie night, and I convinced my mom it was super cool and sexy for her to let me stay out until 11:30 on a Monday so I could have this (because they were leaving in like a week and no time!) and we had pizza with like 3 peppers and my stomach was STRUGGLING. And then we had gluten-free cheesecake because one of my friends is celiac and it was honestly pretty damn good. That night is pretty memorable in general to me because it was also I believe the first time I'd hugged one of my closest friends and it was to say goodbye.
Oh my days I am so excited to graduate I'm so sick of high school. I'm so sick of having to drive my little car 40 miles every day. I'm so ready to stop having to wake up at 6 am just to barely make it to school on time.
Oh my god, this one is actually advice for every single person who is really committed and thorough. You need to learn how to say no to people. There was a point in time this year when I was so stressed and so overworked that it genuinely affected my physical health. I had to be taken to the doctor because of how fucked up I was. I learned how much I could handle this year and it was.... not the amount I took on to say the least! Not just a lesson for me fr fr a lesson I now try to tell literally everyone I come across. Don't let yourself be pressured into overwork to the point of detriment. You aren't worth your product you're worth your life.
I started putting posters on my ceiling this year! So far I only have DP&W and a Coraline poster, but I missed having posters on my ceiling like I used to! (I've run out of wall space)
Favorite place I visited this year was the festival that we played at. I don't want to share tooooo many details, just for internet safety purposes. But it was my first second time leaving my state for a gig, and we got to play with and stay with international bands. It was awesome frfr.
God, probably I'd go back to the beginning of the year, take myself by the shoulders, and tell myself that it's not a competition for who has the most work. (Overworked and unpaid was my fine business model at the beginning of the year.) And beyond that, I say that my mental and physical health comes before almost anything else.
I don't usually make New Year's resolutions I find that it makes it harder to follow through.
I made SO many beautiful characters this year. I think my favorite would have to be Kitty Young (who feels like he's much, much older than 2024, he's not!) He's a little show cowboy outlaw, very Orville Peck tbh. He's a matching OC w/ my writing partner, and he's just gorgeous. I think about him often, I think about him often. I daydream about his gun and his pretty little outfits. He's my babygirl (he's like 5'8). He's got some interesting political stuff that I'm exploring regarding drugs and class disparity and how they kinda overlap. Esp in the political atmosphere I'm putting together. While he's in a universe made by my writing partner and me. It focuses more on our other characters, and a lot of his vigilante work is done solo on another planet altogether, which means I get to pretty much define everything about that planet >:)
okay this turned into way more of a ramble than I anticipated. I had some self reflection while writing this this was pretty fire I need to do one in dec 2025 too now.
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cringeisfreedom · 1 year ago
Reblogging bc I have several recommendations
Aka big post of alterhuman songs I’ve found with some alterhuman sounding lyrics, vibes and genre
There a lot of alternative/indie because I listen to a lot of that but it’s also a very alterhuman genre imo. There’s also some folk music which is VERY alterhuman but a newer genre for me so not as much as there should be. Enjoy.
My Name Is… by Once Monsters:
Good for a more mysterious or aggressive kin type but I can’t say for sure it would match up with the otter experience
Lyrics: ‘my name is thunder, lightning, my name is something very frightening, my name is adrenaline…’ and ‘I’ll learn my lessons from my scars and mistakes, I’ll make my own future I won’t leave it to fate’
Genre: alternative/indie
Water Falls by Air Traffic Controller
You might like this one which is very alterhuman to me. It’s all about how the world is chaotic and full of adrenaline but you can always come back to the water. Plus it has cool background music that feels very wild to me
Lyrics: ‘some things you can count on, all the others are a thrill, but water falls it always will’ and ‘it may seem obvious to you but it’s not obvious to me, all I know is I know nothing, nothing of the world that’s running circles all around me’
Genre: alternative/indie
Devil Town by Cavetown
A classic. Very ‘I’m sitting in a wet cave and I hate being human.’
Lyrics: ‘life’s alright in devil town, yeah right, no one’s gonna catch us now’, ‘I’ll lose my mind at least another thousand times, hold my hand tight, we’ll make it another night, I still get a little scared of something new, but I feel safer when I’m with you’ and ‘I forgot my name again, I think that’s something worth remembering’
Genre: alternative/indie, alt, pop
Do My Own Thing by American Authors
Self explanatory I think. It’s about being your own person and being you no matter what. This song also happens to be a (an accidental?) queer anthem
Lyrics: ‘a suit and tie copycat, I never was into that, heyo nanana, I said heyo, I’m all good, ima do my own thing’ and ‘time won’t get the best of me I see the world so differently, you do you, you do you and I’ll do me, march in to my own parade, my heart won’t beat any other way’
Genre: again alternative/indie
Strawberry by Andrew Montana
All gumption (googled this so you don’t have to, means sharp judgment and resourcefulness) and calm and running away from humanity to the dangerous wilds to be at peace
Lyrics: ‘I’ll bake you strawberry pie, clean the blood and never ask why, I’ll be your alibi, hide the bodies change your hair dye’ and ‘we’ll hide out in the country, I’ll keep you, you menace’
Genre: folk
seven by Taylor Swift
Fair warning this song might make you cry. It’s actually about being too young to tell your friend is being abused but noticing the signs when you’re an adult and don’t know them anymore. Heartbreaking but actually if you ignore the sad stuff it’s about the wild undjudging freedom of childhood
Lyrics: ‘please picture me in the trees, I hit my peak at seven, feet in swing over the creek, I was too scared to jump in but i, I was high in the sky’ and ‘just like a folk song, our love will be passed on, please picture me in the weeds before I learned civility’
Genre: alternative/indie, technically not folk but it has similar vibes (especially bc it’s from the folklore album)
Monster by dodie
Oh this one’s good. Personally my favourite alterhuman like song. It’s about about being resented and losing your humanity in someone’s eyes in a toxic relationship. it’s got that sweet but angry passion I associate with being nonhuman, all while singing about wanting your ‘devil’ side to be listened to and unleashed but hating being looked down on. Dodie’s music as a whole feels alterhuman to me. I don’t know how else to describe her vibe other than pretty white dress stained with mud and blood with heavy scuffed work boots.
Lyrics: ‘I’m guessing that I’ve grown horns, I guess I’m human no more, I can tell I’ve rotted in your brain’ and ‘I’ve said my speech through sharpened teeth, you break the rules and spikes grow from your skin’ and ‘through my red eyes you look pale, all of your scars are looking more like scales, two ugly creatures, two sinister preachers, blind to the past like a couple of monsters’ and my fav ‘a monsters here, you plug your ears, but hey you might just listen to it song’
Genre: alternative/indie
Sorry for the lack of genre variety but there are my recommendations. I got these off my therian playlist which is 40 minutes long as of now. There are more songs I didn’t include here on there if you’re curious
Hope you found something you like!
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Does anyone have good alterhuman songs that don’t explicitly say “alterhuman” but have that vibe?
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prettyboykatsuki · 4 years ago
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♡  bakugou headcanons that feel like a warm hug ♡
➳wc ;; 1.2k (oh my god. what is wrong w me.) 
➳ a/n ;; or my bakugou brain-rot that never goes away. thanks for being my comfort character, you fucking gremlin. forgive the silly title. 
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♡ always makes little adjustments to the environment for you. he’s observant to a fault so if there’s something even a little off and it happens to bother you, he’s trying to work around it. 
♡ good at playing guitar but not good at reading music. he can throw something together if you give him a chance but he’s not good at trying to recreate someone elses memory. he’s not like.. musically gifted either but he likes how guitar sounds 
♡ thinks about getting a lot of piercings in his ear because he thinks they’d look cool but is kind of too nervous? the idea of a needle going through his skin is a ick. when you start dating, he drags you to his appointments lol - won’t admit it but he thinks he looks so hot when he gets them. takes a bunch of selfies <3 
♡ needs to be moving constantly. can’t sit completely still to save his life. when he listens to music, he moves his head. sometimes he just runs his thumb over his fingers. 
♡ really, really bad at talking. not in the sense he can’t communicate (that too) but he just likes listening in conversation. rarely adds his own thing. but when he does - always accidentally says something super meaningful 
♡ enjoys subtle physical touch because it is literally intimate he melts inside. a hand on his forearm or shoulder. your legs over his lap. small things that show how comfortable you are. 
♡ likes being held cause he’s a big ass baby lmfao 
♡ wont admit it but enjoy when you choose pretty or colorful bandages for his cuts he won’t himself but it’s like keeping you in his pocket wherever he goes.  
♡ really needs you to find him attractive dslksjk it’s not that he ever thinks he’s particularly ugly. but he didn’t really assign importance to his appearance at any point in his life, yet now he puts in a scary amount of effort. readjusts his hair so much more, makes sure his clothes fit good. fixes his fuckin’ face lol 
♡ likes chewing gum a lot and always has a pack on him. really proud of how big he can blow bubbles and will be a little sad if you’re unimpressed. 
♡ is overly sentimental about things you’ve made him - especially if it’s something super dumb. you drew him a silly little sketch of him in a frog hat? it’s in his wallet behind his id. freaks out when he thinks he’s lost his wallet 
♡ LOVES phone calls. yes he still hates talking. but the way his face looks when he listens to your voice. eyes half-lidded, shamelessly smiling - it’s so tender and so lovesick. 
♡ terrible first grader hand-writing. he tries to write them for you in the beginning of your relationship (to be romantic or some shit) but they’re so incomprehensible pls. if he focuses on it - it can be legible but most of the time ... yea no. 
♡ doesn’t favor tea or coffee but prefers tea if he has to drink one. 
♡ crazy good at eyeballing measurement. even in baking. once made a perfectly good bread without weighing anything and doesn’t get why that’s so wild. 
♡ has the phone on his text set to be bigger even though his eyes are fine. 
♡ lets you do the layout thing on his iphone and decorate as you please. says he doesn’t care but when he sees you made it hero themed/fit with his aesthetic - he got so red it was so cute. 
♡ hates shopping in store. will still always go with you because the one time you went alone a store clerk hit on you.  
♡ so practical. he started couponing when he was in his early twenties like an old man. checks the news and weather the night before, every night. never misses doctors appointments. 
♡ shit at any form of visual art. drawing, painting etc - cannot do it to save his life. but he tries. his hands shake when he tries to draw hearts for you 
♡ blows the eyelashes off your cheek super gently whenever he notices. he’ll like.. take your face in his hands and blow so softly like he’s gonna hurt you. 
♡ used to agree to make pinky promises with you as a joke. now though? automatically holds his pink out for you to take it. straight up pouts if you don’t. 
♡ you two have a song and when it comes on, he’ll sing it back to you. any other time? any other song? he wont. but he always sings your song even without realizing, just mouths it. 
♡ enjoys when you put your hands under his shirt and just leave them there and hug him like that. skin to skin contact is elite but only from you. 
♡ hamsters adore this man. they just do. 
♡ draws frowny faces on your eggs with hot-sauce 
♡ soul leaves his body when you play with his hair and scratch his scalp. the tension in his neck literally disappears and he just sighs that shit relaxes him like crazy 
♡ the first time he says i love you, you’re tying his tie for his first hero event. you’re telling him to that the color looks good on him and you’re smiling. it honestly it just slips. he went on to win an award that night. 
♡ his favorite memory of the two of you was when you were trying to leave the grocery store one afternoon. it was raining heavy as shit. you pulled him in under your clear umbrella and just stood there. he doesn’t know why but that means a lot to him. 
♡ cares a lot about his dads approval on his work specifically. him and his dad have a really specifc bond and he actually admires him quite a bit. 
♡ nothing makes him cry like “im proud of you”. especially when it’s for something small. it’s just something he didn’t hear enough in a sincere way. 
♡ likes fruit flavored sweets over chocolate (generally needs something to do w his mouth cause it helps him think. bad oral fixation) so he keeps little candies on him 
♡ shit at video games. terrible at them with the exception of mario kart? for some reason. 
♡ always loses his keys 
♡ stutters every!single!time! he tries to compliment you. it’s been YEARS. 
♡ takes a melatonin gummy before bed and always drinks a glass of water 
♡ buys you flowers and keeps them too. like does the upkeep on it and replaces them if the wilt. suggests pressing them to keep them for longer. 
♡ lowkey cries really easily. he just gets overwhelmed w his feelings some times and it makes him cry even if he doesn’t want too. you and the bakusquad are sworn to secrecy over it though 
♡ wears his ring around his neck on a chain bc it’s easier to show off. 
♡ naturally good at doing hair! 
♡ likes sneakers but wears dr. scholl's because he walks a lot and is on his feet for most of the day w his job. just being careful. 
♡ loves u a lot <3 
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