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m00ngbin ¡ 4 months ago
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lablass-2882 ¡ 5 years ago
How the Akuma Class handles Social Distancing. Part 2 of idk...
Part 2 is up and ready to roll.  I’m thinking of continuing this AU but in a very disjointed way. I kinda want to talk about different families and plot points that occur during the pandemic.  I probably won’t write a complete fic about this but I will post a bunch of plot bunnies that occur during the story.  Either way; enjoy my rambles. 
Juleka/Luka: Worried to the max but doing alright. Juleka was extremely worried about Rose even before she got sick. Luka tried to help his sister through his music but positive vibes and melodies along go so far.  In the beginning, their mother was against the mandate, but as the number of cases grew, she slowly came to her senses.  Juleka and Luka had the houseboat covered.  They set up a quarantined zone to place shoes and dirty laundry.  Luka made a schedule for dishes, wash, and food. Juleka made sure to stoke up on medicine for just in case.  Emergency contacts were made and a list of possible exposure sites was written down for worse case scenarios.  When Rose ended up sick, Juleka was furious. Rose is her light thought this mess and Lila got her sick during one of her stunts.  If Luka hadn’t been there to calm her down, there would have been an incident.  Ounce Rose is sick Juleka spends hours with her on the phone, sharing pictures, trading stories and I love you.  Meanwhile, Luka’s protective big brother senses go into overdrive. He becomes whirlwind of productivity.  Even Marinette is impressed with how much work he gets done.  The houseboat is spotless, the laundry is folded, Juleka is tucked into bed and his mother receives a stern talking to from her son. By the end of the mandate, a lot of people have a newfound respect for the teenager.
Chloe: She’s trying okay.  Chloe was nervous about this virus well before her class was.  Despite her looks and attitude, Chloe does pay attention to politics, the news and other facets of government.  She’ll never admit to it but she was helping her father with perpetration well before the stay-at-home mandate was declared.  She even talked her father into parts of the mandate as “securing future votes”.  She was relieved when the schools went to home school as it allowed her to slack off a little, but Sabrina put a stop to that very quickly. Stating that she needed good grades to be a future politician. Sabrina is a lot of fire behind Chloe.  When she told Chloe about Marinette’s fundraiser, Sabrina knew what the result would be.  Despite the jealously, Chloe does want to truly help Pairs.  She managers to talk both Marinette and Adrien into helping with her fundraiser for the local food bank.  She’s even guest-starred on a few of Marinette’s sewing streams as a fashion model (from the safety of their own homes of course.) and like Adrien, she has visited some of the harder-hit areas. She even made a new friend while visiting one of the hospitals.  The bossy but dutifully head nurse. Chloe liked her Moxy.  
Sabrina: Is helping where she can, mostly with Chloe but it counts.  Like Chloe, Sabrina knew in advance what was happening around the world and how it would affect Pair.  Her father even drilled her on pandemic plans before the outbreak.  She also made sure to keep Chloe up to date on current events. When school shut down, Sabrina was worried but confident that Pair had a plan.  She had issues with Chloe and her school work, but that child’s play to her real plan. Her new goal is to help her father in any way possible. Local food bank low on supplies? One call Chloe that name drops Marinette’s furnished and boom money raised.  Hospitals overrun with rude patients? A text Alya and her lady-blog fixed that right away. People in need of positive messages? Luka and Kitty- Selection are more than excited about doing a zoom concert.  You got a problem; Sabrina's got a plan to help.  Maybe Chloe’s confidence is rubbing off on her.  
Nathaniel and Marc: They are both doing fine.  The stay at home mandate is like a god sent to an artist.  Nat starts a vlog with Marc over their comic and art. They also chip in to help Marinette with her website.  Nat post daily art projects and even some how to draw videos; while Marc posts a lot of uplifting poetry and sayings.  They are both worried sick about Rose and send her hand made cards through-out the whole thing.  When Chloe asks them to help with her fundraiser, they were cautious, but Marinette reassured them that she is trying.  They end up selling some custom artwork and other commission items, along with design the website it was hosted on.  Chloe is thankful that they trusted her.
Max: He’s fine. Worried about school but fine.  He has plenty of video games, podcasts, and coding to catch up on. He still helps out with the classes endeavors and internally he’s worried about his grades and the effect this mandate will have on the school year. His parents later suggest that he starts a tutoring site to help his classmates out.  It becomes a big success. By the end of the pandemic, Max’s tutor site is listed among the best tutor sites in Paris.  His classmates even get in on it.  Max does a lot of the math and science portions; Alix helps with history; Ivan, Mylene, and Luka teach music, and the art club does fun drawing videos. Max is upset about missing the latter half of the school year but happy he could do his part.
Kim: Is doing horribly.  The boy can’t go outside let alone run around.  Staying inside is doing a number on the poor boy.  Kim’s parents are rather strict about screen time, so video games are a touchy subject.  Max tries to help with homework, but Kim still struggles.  After a late-night call with Max’s parents, Kim’s parents try a different approach. They thankfully have enough room to set up a small basketball court in the basement. The goal is to let Kim release his pent-up energy before trying school work.  They also try more mediation and board games to promote relaxing family time.  It slowly working.
Alix: Is hating every second of the mandate.  She stuck at home with her dad and older brother.  The number of augments within the first week alone could rival the Cesaire family easily.  Max’s tutor site helps out a bit.  It gives Alix and her father something to talk about, but it’s still a minefield with her brother.  Alix tries to relax with some sport-videos and joins her class in the different fundraisers but the isolation still takes its toll. Mylene suggests the mediation that Marinette posted and they help a bit.  Although it’s a daily fight over who surviving this pandemic better. It's not helped by her older brother being her older brother and his half-assed attempts at teenage slang.  
Ivan: He sleeps a lot, reads a lot and plays music a lot. Enough said.  As long as he doesn’t have to do a ton of homework, he’s okay.  He misses his girlfriend sure, but he’s not too worked up over the stay-at-home mandate. As long as he has weekly chats to make sure Mylene he’s doing good. He later helps out with Max’s tutor site, but he’s not putting in more effort then he needs to. Let the boy catch up on his sleep.
Mylene: She is also helping where she can. Mylene is an active child.  One who loves to help and be a part of a group.  Unfortunately, she can’t be a part of a traditional group under the stay-at-home mandate. So, she works with what she as.  She starts posting gardening tips; explains the langue of flowers on charity streams; tries to help Rose out with Lila’s scheme, but that gets veto by her parents rather quickly.  Especially after Rose gets sick. She later joins Marinette and her family’s box-lunch program for the local nurses. Turns out she has a ton of soup recipes and the time to try them all out.
To da! Part 2 is done and part 3 will be up in a few days. I am not a fast typer, so part 3 might take some time.  Second verse is same as the first.  This Au is based off of how America is handling the pandemic, feel free to add in plot bunnies or other interesting idea.  If you want me to tag you in stuff let me know.  
Remember to stay safe, wash your hand,respect people’s wishes, etc.  Enjoy. 
@ mysticsoulgirl
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zendozebra ¡ 6 years ago
All the Time in the World Chapter 16
Murata Ichigo was always told that he would serve the Time Stopper. That it was his birthright. A privilege. He was always told, “Obey his commands without question, and you will be rewarded.” He had seen his father commit terrible, horrible acts, senselessly. Torture for trivial amounts of information or money, and murder for even less. To Ichigo, the Time Stopper was an enigma; a man who created chaos for little to no reason, and didn’t even seem to care about it. He had always imagined a large, imposing man, that would take those who wronged him and turn them into twisted creations of flesh and blood. He was supposed to be a barbarian, a brute, one who had been allowed to live for over a hundred years while maintaining the prime of his youth, and would use that decades-old wisdom to torment those he despised. All he truly knew was that the man was meant to be feared and respected, and praised by both his father and Ichigo himself. So imagine Ichigo’s surprise when Time Enough was revealed to be a simple man, lean and muscular instead of large and towering with mass. He wasn’t even all that tall, either, just average height at most. He spoke oddly, like a man who cared too little and too much all at the same time, but his eyes were dull and dead. The eyes of someone who was bored. There were no light in his eyes, and they were often glazed over and unfocused. Ichigo’s father told him that their master was sick, that he’d lost what had given him his light. He’d gone to a bad place, and was trying and failing to bring himself back. He had been alone, all alone, for a long, long time. But Ichigo’s father was in no place to argue against the master’s wishes, for that was the vow he’d taken. Obey, and be rewarded. He was certainly rewarded, as Ichigo’s father had never once complained about money or food. Majima-sama had once asked for Ichigo to be brought to him, so there the boy kneels before the villain, barely 9 years old. His father stands to the side, nervously watching the master stare down the child. There were bottles upon bottles of liquor covering the floor, and the curtains were drawn shut, casting the room in a smothering layer of shadows. He held a cigarette between his fingers, and smoke curled through the air that surrounded him. The Time Stopper stood up, taking the pistol from the table beside him. He bent down in front of Ichigo, who looked up into the eyes of his so-called master. The words of his father echoed in his mind as the Time Stopper held the gun out to the boy. ‘Obey his commands without question, and you will be rewarded.’ Time Enough handed the boy the gun, and he gave his command. “Kill yourself.” So, without question, Ichigo placed the barrel into his mouth and pulled the trigger. He was thrown to the ground as the bullet pierced the ceiling, and Time Enough’s laughter echoed throughout the room, loud and deep. The elder Murata sighed in relief, giving Ichigo a small smile and a proud nod. “Holy fuck kid, you’re the best.” The master managed to say through his howls of laughter, “People will- Oh god I’m crying- People will usually punk out, but no, man, if you’re a fucking true believer, and you fucking believe in Majima, you kill yourself with no hes-” At this point he devolved into a mess of giggles and tears. It took the man a good few minutes to calm down, but when he did, he looked at Ichigo with a soft smile. “You know, I like your moxie, kid. I think I’m gonna help you out a bit. Got any plans for the future, little guy?” “Only to follow the path you lay out for me, Majima-sama.” “Then use your fuckin’ imagination, kid. In a world where I didn’t exist, what would you like to do for a living?” Ichigo looked at his hands, glowing softly as fire licked the tips of his fingers. “My mother was an udon ch-” “Cooking school. Got it.” The master looked over at Ichigo’s father, “Send him off, Murata. I’ve got a few ideas for what he can do, but he’s gonna need his training first. Also…” He kneeled down in front of Ichigo, “I noticed that quirk of yours… I see a lot of potential. Keep training it, but don’t let anyone know the extent of your power. Always keep an ace up your sleeve.” The master looked away, turning back to his father to talk about plans, but Ichigo had seen it. A faint little twinkle of something in the man’s dark eyes. Maybe he would regain that light one day, but not for a long, long time.
Majima walked into the restaurant, a hostess catching sight of him and immediately sitting him down at a table near the back of house. She handed him the menu, and offered him some wine, but he waved her off, asking for some soda instead. As with every visit to Othello, he had to take a moment to take in just how opulent and elegant his best worker’s establishment was. He took a look around, noticing that the owner had changed the three tapestries on the walls since his last visit. No longer did the walls show a choir of 4 angels, the temptation of 2 of them, and how the tempted 2 were damned, while the untempted 2 were allowed to ascend. Instead they now showed a Lovecraftian monster fighting a large knight, the monsters defeat at the hands of the knight, and- “Oh my, now isn’t this a pleasant surprise, Majima-sama. What brings a man of your stature to my humble little restaurant?” The old, hunched-over form of Murata Ichigo made his way over to Majima, looking every bit like the grandfather he was at heart. Still running his beloved restaurant at the age of 99, this was the man who’d worked for Time Enough for almost 90 years, now, and had been unquestionably loyal throughout that time. Yet at the same time… “Oh, cut the shit, Murata. Humble my ass, you have a fucking crystal centerpiece not 20 meters from us. How’s the family coming along?” Murata sat down, smiling kindly at the waitress who brought a glass of water for him, along with Majima’s coke. “Oh, just fine, sir. My son is getting ready to take over for me, and my great grandson is doubling his training regime. He’s aiming to get into Shiketsu High School, you know, and I know he’ll make a great hero.” Majima raised an eyebrow at that. “Hero training? Won’t that be a little, ya know, counter productive? He’ll know exactly where to look to out you to the public, and we both know that Iwasaki and Ishii aren’t exactly made to replace you. Hell, I don’t even think your son is made to replace you.” “Well, we must make do with the best we have, sir. Besides, who am I to tell my family what they can or can’t do. I know that somewhere down the line, Hori-kun will meet you, and you will find a way to convince him to keep quiet.” “You know that I am more than willing to beat your little Hori-kun into submission, right?” “Then I hope he trains hard enough to survive you, sir.” Majima laughed, remembering just why he’d always liked Murata more than the others. He understood what loyalty was, unlike Iwasaki, who he was starting to believe was planning against him. Other than that, Ishii had always been a bit… Bland. Sure, he was a good worker, and he listened to Majima fine enough, but he didn’t stand out all too much. It’s just a shame that Ishii’s position within the Hero Billboard Chart Japan offices is too valuable for Majima to just fire him. Murata had that air of a man who’s accomplished every goal he’s made for himself, which is true, since that goal was usually just “Follow Majima Kokiri”. “We have a lot to discuss, Murata. Let’s take this to your office.” Majima got out of his seat, walking past the old man and towards the door that had a golden plaque with Murata’s name on it. Murata followed after him, worrying in his grandfatherly way, “Majima-sama, weren’t you going to order a meal?” He tittered, “We can always prepare it for you to take it with you, sir. We’ve hired a new chef since your last visit, and I know you want to try his steak recipes!” “No, I’m good. I have my whole day planned out, and it’s bad luck to go against a plan before it’s fallen apart. We have a lot to talk about, and we need to get started.” “You know, sir, a plan never survives contact with the enemy.” “I’m not facing any enemies today, Murata. Only friends, and maybe a few of my students, if everything goes my way.” Majima lets Murata sit down on his own chair. Unlike with Iwasaki, Murata knows his place in this little group of his, so asserting dominance is unnecessary. Plus, the chair is padded in a way to help Murata’s back, so it’d be rude to take that away from him. “Alright, first things first, I hope you’ve gotten in contact with Ueno’s boys already. They’re not quite as good as their father was, but they’ve got the connections needed to get the shit we’re looking for, all the high-yield stuff. For the smaller stuff that I’ve got Iwasaki looking for, they’ll be able to help him out.” “Already done, Majima-sama. Ueno Jun and Ueno Len have already provided Iwasaki with the sidearm you requested along with both shotguns, and have shipped all of the ammo for it, as well as all of the shells. They tell me that they’re having trouble finding the dragon breath shells, as well as everything to do with the high-caliber rifles. They’re proving to be quite elusive, sir.” “Then I guess Iwasaki is just waiting to get everything together before he gives me a call. How about you? Your guys find anything yet?” “It’s only been a few days, sir, so the only thing we’ve gotten our hands on are the frag grenades and the lower tiered alkaline metals. The rest of the explosives will take a bit more time to acquire.” “You have until after the provisional license exams. I don’t want any major problems to get in the way of seeing what my students can do when their skills are really put to the test.” “That reminds me, Majima-sama. Why is it you’re teaching at UA, exactly? Care to put an old man’s mind at ease, sir?” Murata gave Majima a cheeky grin, making him scoff a bit, though he did smile. “Knock it off, you shit-bag. The reason I’m going to create to get you off of my back is that teaching at UA gives me an insight into the heroes movements, allowing me to plan around my enemies.” “But the real reason, sir?” “They’re good people, and they have a lot of potential. They plan to do whatever it takes to achieve their goals, and I can respect that. I want to see where it is they’re headed, and where they’ll end up. Aimi was a hero, way back when, and a few of them remind me of her. Plus, some small part of me wanted to spite Akira in any way I could, so, you know…” Murata nodded, understanding what Majima was trying to say. “Perhaps we should get back to the plan, sir. I believe you said that you had plans for today? We wouldn’t want to let you wander too far off schedule.” “Yeah, alright. Where were we? The prison, yeah. Tartarus is going to be heavily guarded, that’s not too big a problem. Guards I can deal with. Heroes are going to create factors I’d rather not deal with. They’ll make going in and out of Time Stop a bit more complicated than I’d like. To make sure that as many eyes as possible are looking away from the prison, we need to set you up around UA, put you in one of the buildings near the school. We’ll set up your Sun directly above the school, keep eyes off of me. Only shoot your shit when you think everyone is calming down, and only aim for the buildings. If you hit any of the students, you’ll have to explain yourself to me. But, if you see a guy with blonde hair wearing leather, then feel free to take a few pot shots. I’m still bitter about that time he spilled coffee all over my lecture notes. Ended up giving out confidential information that Nezu got mad at me for.” “They’ll search the area, sir. What should I do should they barge into whatever building I’m in?” “You’re old, Murata. We’ll move all of your stuff in, set it up like you live there. Whatever happens, don’t let Eraserhead use his quirk on you. Act old and senile, and if you have to, get angry at all these youngsters barging into your house. You never updated your Quirk Registry, right?” “I’m still registered with a weak fireball quirk, sir.” “Good, good. Alright, well, I’ve got shit to do today. Make sure you call Ueno’s boys, make sure Iwasaki’s keeping up on his shopping list. I’m gonna head out.” Majima turned and left, walking out of the back room and onto the main floor of the restaurant, with Murata following a few meters behind him. “Yo, I’m stealing a bottle of wine by the way.” Majima called back, grabbing a bottle from the rack as he walked by and startling the waiter that had been taking an order nearby. “What is mine is yours, sir, you know this. But I was under the impression that you were a sober man now, trying to be better. For your students, if I remember correctly?” “Well, more for three students, if I’m completely honest. Ibara has those weird beliefs about alcohol or whatever, but Iida and Yaoyorozu had started to give me shit for it. Plus, I’ve been thinking about Kori a lot. Don’t think she’d want her old man to be drinking as much as I was. Besides, the bottle���s not just for me, I’m sharing it with a pretty lady tonight.” “A lady?” Murata had a confused look on his face. “I was unaware that you’d begun dating again sir, but…” He looked down for a moment, and Majima turned around to check why he’d stopped talking. When he brought his head up, a wide smile was covering his face, like a child coming face to face with their favorite hero, or just Izuku whenever Yagi walked into the room. “Well, I’m just so happy that you’re finally letting yourself be happy again, sir! You’ve been so sad for so long, the whole time I’ve ever known you. I’m so, so happy that you’re doing this for yourself, sir! Getting back into the game, as you used to tell me!” Majima looked away, growing uneasy with just how happy Murata was. He was always trying to look out for the time stopper. “Yeah, yeah, whatever. Get back to work, Murata, I need you to be quick with that shopping list. The longer we wait, there’s a higher chance that Akira might try to pull something.” With that said, Majima time stopped his way back to his apartment, closing the door behind him and throwing his coat onto his couch, right next to a Uraraka. He moved into the hallway, pulling his shirt off and closing the bathroom door and started warming up the water. Seriously, over 200 years and they still couldn’t get showers to start off with hot water? That’s probably the only thing he’d been looking forward to during eternity. He set his phone to play some music while he took a shower, something light and jazzy, he’s trying to stay in a good mood, after all. He hopped right i- He turned the water off, put his pants back on and walked back out and into his living room, eyeing the brunette sitting on his couch. He pointed a finger at her, saying “You better hope the school doesn’t have your parents’ phone number on record girl, cause I will be giving them a call about this.” “Wait wait wait, Majima-sensei, please hear me out!” She exclaimed, hopping off of his couch and waving her arms about. Her face was bright red, almost stammering her words as Majima backed away from her. “You stay far the fuck away from me, girl! This already looks bad enough if someone else were to barge in here. Speaking of, how the hell did you even get in here? The only people who have a key are Nezu, Iida, Midoriya and myself. Which of them gave you their key?” “A-Actually, sensei, Nezu-sensei gave me my own key. He told me it was to ‘Pay him back for running away from his responsibilities like a child’.” “That asshole!” Majima yelled, but he quickly took a deep breath and calmed himself down. Today was not the day for this shit, that’s for sure. “Look, just… Just what do you want?” “Is there… Do you happen to know a place that is willing to hire me for a part time position? Money has been a little tight, lately and Nezu overheard me talking to Deku-kun and Iida-kun about it. He gave me a key to your apartment and told me to wait for you to get back.” “Yeah, for future reference, don’t do that. Part time, huh? Whatever, not my place to ask why, not that I care, but I can set you up with a restaurant gig, how’s that? I just got back from talking to one of my guys, owns that place down on Shikifuku Street, high-end place, classy. I’ll get your number off of Midoriya, and I’ll have my guy call you. Now get out, I have a busy day today.” She surprised him by beginning to perform a rapid series of bows, saying thank you over and over in a way that reminded him of Izuku. Finally, after about a minute of this, Majima had enough and just kicked her out. “Oh, shit, uh, when you get back to the dorms, tell Sato to start preparing a little chiffon cake for me, I need it for a date later. Tell ‘im I’ll pay for it.” With a nod of her head she was off, leaving him alone to finally take a shower. When he finished up, he used a towel to wipe away the fog in the mirror, and set about doing something he hadn’t done in 200 years- Trimming his hair and cleaning up his beard. Majima’s not an idiot, he knows that he looks like a homeless man most of the time, but today is about putting your best foot forward, and god damnit, he’s going to look nice for once. Who care if his body resets later tonight, he only has to look good for one day. 30 minutes later, his hair was a tad bit shorter and his face was completely clean shaven. He left the bathroom, putting on a black dress shirt and his best pair of slacks. He glanced at the full length mirror he had on the wall, catching sight of himself. He thought he looked good, even Kayama would probably say so, and god knows she has her tastes. He grabbed his jacket and left, heading to a small soba place down the street. He picked up some hayashi chuka, since hot noodles had always given her a stomach ache. Plus, ordinary cold soba was too cheap for what he had planned, and he’d finally snuck into Nezu’s office to grab all of his paychecks. As a result, he had money to throw around, meaning he was gonna get the best of everything he needed. Good thing Murata’s place was so high class, cause the wine he grabbed wasn’t cheap. He’d even gone so far as to buy some nice crystal wine glasses for later. See, no one can try to say that Majima wasn’t making an effort. He walked back onto the UA campus, passing an irritated Aizawa as he trained that purple kid from the sports festival. That reminded him of something he’d been talking to Kayama about, should he get an apprentice? Aizawa had the purple kid, Yagi had Izuku, hell even Yamada had been eyeing Aoyama. Should he take a student under his wing, show them all about villainy? Maybe, we’ll see. He got to the 1-A dorms and looked around for Sato, finding him in the kitchen just putting the finishing touches on the cake. He paid Sato 5,000 yen for the cake, overpaying a bit because he was in a good mood. He packed away the cake, and nodded happily when he decided that he had everything he’d need for his date. He left the dorms, walking to the train station, not wanting to use Time Stop and walk the whole way to the park. The train took about 30 minutes, and Majima was careful to not jostle his bags too much, lest he break the wine bottles or glasses. Without those, his entire plan is going to fall apart, and he’d be sorely tempted to cry. Well, not real- Yeah, no, really. He’s trying really hard, it would probably be worth a few tears. He hopped off of the train, checking his phone to check the time and continued down the street, heading towards the park. Majima passed a few little fields where children were running around and playing games, and he had to duck to avoid getting hit in the head with a soccer ball. He finally got to where he was headed, pushing past those big iron gates, wincing when they screeched open. That really hammered a few things home. Just how long has it been? He carried his bags down the gravel path, passing a few people here and there, but the park was an old one, very old, so there weren’t too many that he had to worry about. Mostly small families, trying to teach their little ones a bit of family history and whatnot. Majima was heading to the farthest part of the park, all the way towards the back, so he knew he wouldn’t have to deal with any of them. Still, knowing they were around put him on edge. Where there were people, there was the opportunity for crime time funzies, and with crime time funzies came heroes. With heroes came the cops, then investigations, then blah blah blah, you get the point. He didn’t want to deal with that today. He walked for about 20 minutes, the air around him growing colder as night grew closer. He looked up, guessing he had about another 15 minutes before the last of the sun’s light fell over the horizon. That was fine, he only needed just enough time to get them all set up. Eventually, he arrived at the very back of the park, where trees were wide and the grass tall. The benches scattered here and there were old, even older than he was, and were rusted and rotted, falling apart with age. The gravel path had become cobblestone, and the tall rocks that surrounded him were crumbling away. Except for one, though, standing tall, proud, and polished against the dreariness around it, and that’s where his date was waiting for him. He smiled, and laughed as he ran the last few meters to meet here. “There you are, I’ve been looking for you. You wouldn’t believe the day that I’ve had, let me tell you. I had to visit Murata, make plans for murder, you know how that usually works out, then I had to get one of my students a job- Oh, it’s been nonstop all day.” He sat down, looking at the sunset before he started unpacking his bags. “It’s been awhile since we’ve done this, so I made sure I got you your favorite.” He put one of bowls of hayashi chuka on the ground in front of him, before grabbing his own, taking a bite. Majima pulled the chiffon cake out, setting it to the side as he grabbed the wine glasses. Grabbing the bottle of the dark red liquor, he pulled the cork out with a grunt, laughing softly as he poured himself a glass of wine. He filled the second glass and placed it in front of the stone, leaning back and taking a drink. He glanced at the sunset, casting the sky in a beautiful array of pink and purple while as the sun finally fell past the horizon. The stars were beginning to twinkle in the night, and sighed, “So much has happened lately. Let me tell you all about it.”
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tornrose24 ¡ 4 years ago
@princeasimdiya12 The funny thing is that if CU gets involved in the ‘design an outfit’ bit, we know what his ideas involve.
The theft of the ring still presents some possibilities.
I suppose Murdsley was around the same age or a little older than Edith when he found out about the ring and stole it out of greed. And he either used them up or they were twisted (or Krupp’s power is so limited that he can’t actually make someone else the ruler of a kingdom or give them magic) so he wasn’t able to take over the kingdom sooner. Also he never gave the ring back to Edith partly because he figured he could still save it for something later and partly to spite Edith.
Then when Murdsley changes tactics, he tries to appeal to Edith and claim he had a crush on her for ages (“you were the only one who never made fun of me”), but she doesn’t buy it or at least finds it way too suspicious considering the timing and everything.
Which almost makes it amusing when his plans suddenly get derailed by two princes but especially by their tutor who succeeded with the queen where other suitors failed. (And it’d be almost hilarious when he realizes who Krupp is later)
If Melvin’s the one helping Murdsley, he’s definitely doing most of the scientific/magic stuff behind his back (especially if they find the diamonds in the rough like in the animated film). I could see Erica still using his crush to her advantage later for something.
You make a point that Melvin would be the one to give Murdsley the brainwashing abilities, or at least gave him the resources needed to perfect it and start brainwashing the queen. Not only that but go as far as to use it on almost all of Piqua so that no one will oppose him when he obtains the lamp.
Melvin’s involvement does raise the question of how the lamp gets stolen later. And there’s so much possibilities with him.
Not only would Moxie be a danger to the council, but she sees things that Edith might have missed, that Billy and Lisa saw. And she’d be a powerful ally to help fix the corruption in the kingdom-not just with money, but with soldiers to help as well. Which of course means Murdsley would have to get rid of her somehow once he gets the lamp. Considering Jafar was rather eager to destroy a certain kingdom in the live action film, Murdsley might have a personal resentment towards her kingdom too (and there might be a good reason, considering what ticks him off the most).
The council would be very desperate to allow Murdsley to brainwash Edith into marrying him, rather than let her persue someone who doesn’t have a throne but would clash with them. (Though it’d come with a few agreements). Edith’s brainwashing would likely come after she finds out the truth about Krupp and whatever she says may or not have been as a result of learning the truth, but it’s enough to make him be especially jerkish and stubborn towards the boys and CU later. Like he decided to try to explain himself or something to her before things go south. But I suppose I could see (as you said) someone spying on him to see if Edith will blow him off and whatever she says does get him mad enough to reveal his secret. If not reverting to genie form, then bursting into flames or something very obvious. Though he’d seriously regret it later when he realizes he didn’t notice she was brainwashed, wasn’t the one to save her, and later failed to help her before the boys are sent away.
Meanwhile Murdsley takes care of the boys. It’s very suspicious that they both resemble the two boys he sent to get the lamp and the fact that somehow survive a nasty fate raises his suspicions. And the fact that Krupp was involved with them doesn’t help them later. However he doesn’t realize the ‘drunk half naked weirdo’ at the party WAS the genie he was looking for until he sees it himself.(And he either fails a spot check when the boys have the ring upon being banished, or CU secretly sends the ring with the boys, but I’m sure he’d enjoy making Krupp suffer one way or another.)
Of course when the boys expose the truth behind the brainwashing, it exposes not just Murdsley, but the council too, and that’s where Moxie could come in to help assist Edith with arresting them (but fail a spot check with Melvin). Then later she has her Speechless moment when Murdsley uses a wish to take over-she’s tired of the naysayers and people trying to control her and she wants to take charge of her own path in helping others. Unfortunately the best she does in this case besides turning the guards against Murdsley is wasting his first wish.
(I like that idea for CU and the party. It’d be funny if Murdsley wasn’t impressed by him and funnier if he tries to brainwash the boys but CU saves them by just being his usual self).
if we should start a new post, let me know.
More ideas for that CU Aladdin AU
To be shared with @princeasimdiya12
So long after both the TetoCU and Aladdin 2019 film came out, I thought of more things that could be included to this AU
The kids:
So I’d imagine all of them would be poor to some degree like the boys, but they have specific occupations tied to the setting. And also they’d be in on the ‘fake kingdom’ that the boys create to make it seem more authentic. (though I think the boys would have to reveal their secret in order to pull it off to them). They’d also possibly have to be disguised as adults in order to ensure no one recognizes them.
Erica-perhaps her family would be somewhat more well off, but she prefers to be amongst the children of the streets and has dreams of improving the kingdom’s poverty situation as well as to become an ambassador who could further improve the kingdom’s luck.
Likely disguise in the fake entourage: The advisor. She can’t trust the boys to properly lie, or that either genie has enough charisma and smarts to know which lies to say.
Bo–His family would deal in pottery (since we see a lot of pottery in the original film).
Likely disguise in the fake entourage: either the royal sculptor, pottery merchant, or bodyguard.
Gooch-The kid probably has the comical sort of bad luck when it comes to poverty, but I could see him tied to music since it was something PM12 pointed out in another AU.
Likely disguise in the fake entourage: probably a snake charmer. Given his luck with snakes in the series, it goes as well as you’d expect.
Dressy-Her family is street musicians. It was too easy to figure out.
Likely disguise in the fake entourage: court singer. Or herbalist.
Stanley–his family grows and sells food. I’m pretty sure anything that’s too old is given away to other families for free. (Also, I don’t know if living in a desert region works for him or not, especially if you lose a lot of water via sweating.)
Likely disguise in the fake entourage: Probably sells rare fruit/veggies. Though I’m not sure how the sweat problem can be solved if its a giveaway…
Jessica and the Sophies- Ok I admit I originally had them be well off if that one comic I did was anything to go by. (Also, they weren’t part of the entourage in that comic, so… maybe it could be changed?)
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xhostcom ¡ 6 years ago
20 Best New Portfolios, December 2018
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It’s December, which means it’s officially carol season. Oh well. Whether you’re a curmudgeon about these things like myself, or are even now feeling the heat rise in your elf ears and Santa hat, we can all agree that portfolio sites are cool, right? Let’s see what those wacky designers have come up with now. There are quite a few modern, as in pre-post-modern designs here. You know, classic, business-friendly minimalist sites. I must say, sometimes my writer and designer sides clash, and I worry about what design trends make me do to the English language. (Also, I’d like to take a moment to thank Hubert Gałczyński from the previously-featured K2. He has directed me towards Wappalyzer which is a tool that’s helping me more accurately figure out what platforms and CMS everybody is using.) Note: I’m judging these sites by how good they look to me. If they’re creative and original, or classic but really well-done, it’s all good to me. Sometimes, UX and accessibility suffer. For example, many of these sites depend on JavaScript to display their content at all; this is a Bad Idea
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, kids. If you find an idea you like and want to adapt to your own site, remember to implement it responsibly.
TJ Dhillon
TJ Dhillon’s portfolio starts as the rest of this article will probably go on. It’s simple, it’s clean, it works. It’s got some nice little drop shadows on hovering over certain elements, and is it weird that I’ve actually missed those? They were never a bad thing in moderation. Moderation might be the key to this whole site design. There are frills, but they’re not overdone. Platform: Static Site
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Matt Kevan
Matt Kevan’s portfolio looks a little bit like a prototype, though it’s obviously polished. As he is a UX designer, the aesthetic certainly works thematically. He’s also elected to put his writing front and center, rather than his more visual work. It’s certainly one way to demonstrate your expertise, but I wish I had some kind of analytics Platform: Jekyll
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Daniel Spatzek
Daniel Spatzek’s portfolio will take us, just for a moment, to the world of the ultra-modern. You know how I feel about sites that are this JS-heavy, but I’m still a sucker for that grid-based aesthetic, especially when it’s properly using the full width of my desktop screen like this. Platform: Static Site
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Undersight has that clean-and-modern look, but with a little bit of artistic flair provided by the work itself. It feels like the portfolio pieces are almost as much apart of the overall aesthetic as any other element of the site. In a world where so very often the design and content almost feel like separate parts of a website, this is an improvement. Platform: React
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Sei Yamazaki
Sei Yamazaki’s portfolio is focused on art. With this comes the classic “art gallery style” which includes lots of white space, and text that’s perhaps a bit too small at times. Still, the layouts themselves are beautiful, and the featured installation has some of the finest video presentation I’ve seen in a while. Platform: WordPress
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4POR4 is a rare breed indeed. Normally websites that use this much space-related imagery have darker layouts. But here we have lots of literal white space mixed with astronaut imagery, illustration, and photomontages. It’s a bit bandwidth-heavy, perhaps, but the overall effect is stunning. Platform: Static Site
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Your Creative Copywriter
Your Creative Copywriter is, as a website, the very picture of business-friendliness. The layout has elements of post-modern asymmetry while maintaining a clearly businesslike look. The illustrations are classic, and even the stock photo of the hand holding the pencil is perfect for the market. Sure it’s a little cheesy, perhaps, but far from the cheesiest stock photo we’ve ever seen. It’s always interesting to see a site so clearly made with modern tech that feels like something from another era. It doesn’t hurt that this is probably exactly what their clients are looking for. Platform: Static Site
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Niccolò Miranda
Niccolò Miranda’s portfolio is one of the most “presentational” sites I’ve ever seen. It’s dark, it’s got animated illustrations, and even the blog is animated to an extent. This is only possible because every blog post is a YouTube video tutorial, with accompanying practice files. It’s not the most accessible site I’ve seen, but it is beautiful, and it takes an interesting approach to ongoing content. Platform: Custom CMS (I think)
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Pixavio is another highly presentational site with a “modern” look so old it reminds me of old fashion magazines and, weirdly enough, a lot of the barber shops I went into as a kid. It’s something about the typography and gradient use. The site shows off the flexibility of this aesthetic by using a different color scheme for each portfolio page. It feels like a blast from the past, but it still works today. Platform: Static Site
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Eleken brings me back to a time when everyone was doing design “like Apple but with thicker headings”. It’s pretty classic minimalism, mixed with a little background video, and workplace photography. Platform: Gatsby
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Kobu is a rare beauty. It’s sleek, stylish, and makes wonderful use of curves in its illustration and animation. The animations run smoothly, and aren’t altogether too distracting. The color palette is strong, and the headings are thick. And it does all of this without scroll-jacking. Can you even believe it? A fancy site that performs well and lets me scroll normally. I’m in love. Being a bit more serious, it’s a lovely looking site. Just wish they had more fallbacks in place for all of the JS stuff. Platform: WordPress
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And we’re back to the scroll-jacking. But I can forgive MOXY for this because it’s just that pretty. It’s sites like this that remind me why—even though I dislike how JavaScript has become the new Flash—web animation is a discipline and an art form all its own. It’s an art form worth exploring, and MOXY does that beautifully. Platform: React App/Static Site
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Trajectory is doing it all wrong! If you’re going to use a monospaced font, your site either has to be an ironic brutalist meta-commentary on web design or a post-modernist artsy design. None of this pleasant, business-friendly stuff with smooth illustrations and gorgeous gradient use. Using monospaced type for all the body text might be a bit much, but it certainly does stand out when combined with everything else. Platform: Craft CMS
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Soap Media
Soap Media is hitting all the right buttons for me, personally. It’s bright with bold colors, it’s playful, and it’s got a huge rubber ducky. This is an entirely subjective point, but I just like rubber duckies. The whole site feels creative and whimsical in that “we’ll playfully make you a lot of money” sort of way. It’s genius. Platform: Static Site
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Nate Denton
Random chickens are equal to rubber duckies if you want to be silly and playful. Nate Denton’s portfolio went with a big one, contrasted by a relatively soft and warm color palette. The resulting aesthetic is a combination of professional and artsy that is overall pleasing to the eye, but less likely to scare away the more straight-laced potential clients. Platform: Static Site
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Crema is this month’s site that isn’t mind-blowingly experimental or anything, but is here because I admire the craftsmanship. Plus rounded corners. We don’t seem them as much as we thought we would, do we? Platform: Custom CMS (I Think)
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The amusingly-named NoBears agency goes with wackiness, combining striking photomontages and background video with a comparatively subdued dark design. I’m still a sucker for those semi-visible grids as part of the design, so of course this one’s on the list. Platform: Silverstripe
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While many other sites are going for bold and bright aesthetics, BAUNFIRE keeps it soft and pleasant with a pastel-infused, and fairly minimalist design. It’s a calming and soothing experience from an agency that presents itself as easy to work with. Platform: Craft CMS
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Friends’ website presents a fusion of that near-postmodern, element-overlapping aesthetic with some more classic-feeling minimalism and typography. That fusion works quite well. Platform: Craft CMS
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Daniel Kusaka
Daniel Kusaka’s portfolio gives me some of that good old magazine feel that designers wanted to do for years. Well now we can, and I can’t get enough of it. God bless Flexbox and CSS Grid. Platform: WordPress
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Add Realistic Chalk and Sketch Lettering Effects with Sketch’it – only $5!
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Source p img {display:inline-block; margin-right:10px;} .alignleft {float:left;} p.showcase {clear:both;} body#browserfriendly p, body#podcast p, div#emailbody p{margin:0;}
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webbygraphic001 ¡ 6 years ago
20 Best New Portfolios, December 2018
It’s December, which means it’s officially carol season. Oh well. Whether you’re a curmudgeon about these things like myself, or are even now feeling the heat rise in your elf ears and Santa hat, we can all agree that portfolio sites are cool, right? Let’s see what those wacky designers have come up with now.
There are quite a few modern, as in pre-post-modern designs here. You know, classic, business-friendly minimalist sites. I must say, sometimes my writer and designer sides clash, and I worry about what design trends make me do to the English language.
(Also, I’d like to take a moment to thank Hubert Gałczyński from the previously-featured K2. He has directed me towards Wappalyzer which is a tool that’s helping me more accurately figure out what platforms and CMS everybody is using.)
Note: I’m judging these sites by how good they look to me. If they’re creative and original, or classic but really well-done, it’s all good to me. Sometimes, UX and accessibility suffer. For example, many of these sites depend on JavaScript to display their content at all; this is a Bad Idea, kids. If you find an idea you like and want to adapt to your own site, remember to implement it responsibly.
TJ Dhillon
TJ Dhillon’s portfolio starts as the rest of this article will probably go on. It’s simple, it’s clean, it works. It’s got some nice little drop shadows on hovering over certain elements, and is it weird that I’ve actually missed those?
They were never a bad thing in moderation. Moderation might be the key to this whole site design. There are frills, but they’re not overdone.
Platform: Static Site
Matt Kevan
Matt Kevan’s portfolio looks a little bit like a prototype, though it’s obviously polished. As he is a UX designer, the aesthetic certainly works thematically.
He’s also elected to put his writing front and center, rather than his more visual work. It’s certainly one way to demonstrate your expertise, but I wish I had some kind of analytics
Platform: Jekyll
Daniel Spatzek
Daniel Spatzek’s portfolio will take us, just for a moment, to the world of the ultra-modern. You know how I feel about sites that are this JS-heavy, but I’m still a sucker for that grid-based aesthetic, especially when it’s properly using the full width of my desktop screen like this.
Platform: Static Site
Undersight has that clean-and-modern look, but with a little bit of artistic flair provided by the work itself. It feels like the portfolio pieces are almost as much apart of the overall aesthetic as any other element of the site. In a world where so very often the design and content almost feel like separate parts of a website, this is an improvement.
Platform: React
Sei Yamazaki
Sei Yamazaki’s portfolio is focused on art. With this comes the classic “art gallery style” which includes lots of white space, and text that’s perhaps a bit too small at times. Still, the layouts themselves are beautiful, and the featured installation has some of the finest video presentation I’ve seen in a while.
Platform: WordPress
4POR4 is a rare breed indeed. Normally websites that use this much space-related imagery have darker layouts. But here we have lots of literal white space mixed with astronaut imagery, illustration, and photomontages. It’s a bit bandwidth-heavy, perhaps, but the overall effect is stunning.
Platform: Static Site
Your Creative Copywriter
Your Creative Copywriter is, as a website, the very picture of business-friendliness. The layout has elements of post-modern asymmetry while maintaining a clearly businesslike look. The illustrations are classic, and even the stock photo of the hand holding the pencil is perfect for the market.
Sure it’s a little cheesy, perhaps, but far from the cheesiest stock photo we’ve ever seen. It’s always interesting to see a site so clearly made with modern tech that feels like something from another era. It doesn’t hurt that this is probably exactly what their clients are looking for.
Platform: Static Site
Niccolò Miranda
Niccolò Miranda’s portfolio is one of the most “presentational” sites I’ve ever seen. It’s dark, it’s got animated illustrations, and even the blog is animated to an extent.
This is only possible because every blog post is a YouTube video tutorial, with accompanying practice files. It’s not the most accessible site I’ve seen, but it is beautiful, and it takes an interesting approach to ongoing content.
Platform: Custom CMS (I think)
Pixavio is another highly presentational site with a “modern” look so old it reminds me of old fashion magazines and, weirdly enough, a lot of the barber shops I went into as a kid. It’s something about the typography and gradient use.
The site shows off the flexibility of this aesthetic by using a different color scheme for each portfolio page. It feels like a blast from the past, but it still works today.
Platform: Static Site
Eleken brings me back to a time when everyone was doing design “like Apple but with thicker headings”. It’s pretty classic minimalism, mixed with a little background video, and workplace photography.
Platform: Gatsby
Kobu is a rare beauty. It’s sleek, stylish, and makes wonderful use of curves in its illustration and animation. The animations run smoothly, and aren’t altogether too distracting. The color palette is strong, and the headings are thick.
And it does all of this without scroll-jacking. Can you even believe it? A fancy site that performs well and lets me scroll normally. I’m in love.
Being a bit more serious, it’s a lovely looking site. Just wish they had more fallbacks in place for all of the JS stuff.
Platform: WordPress
And we’re back to the scroll-jacking. But I can forgive MOXY for this because it’s just that pretty. It’s sites like this that remind me why—even though I dislike how JavaScript has become the new Flash—web animation is a discipline and an art form all its own. It’s an art form worth exploring, and MOXY does that beautifully.
Platform: React App/Static Site
Trajectory is doing it all wrong! If you’re going to use a monospaced font, your site either has to be an ironic brutalist meta-commentary on web design or a post-modernist artsy design. None of this pleasant, business-friendly stuff with smooth illustrations and gorgeous gradient use. [/sarcasm]
Using monospaced type for all the body text might be a bit much, but it certainly does stand out when combined with everything else.
Platform: Craft CMS
Soap Media
Soap Media is hitting all the right buttons for me, personally. It’s bright with bold colors, it’s playful, and it’s got a huge rubber ducky. This is an entirely subjective point, but I just like rubber duckies. The whole site feels creative and whimsical in that “we’ll playfully make you a lot of money” sort of way. It’s genius.
Platform: Static Site
Nate Denton
Random chickens are equal to rubber duckies if you want to be silly and playful. Nate Denton’s portfolio went with a big one, contrasted by a relatively soft and warm color palette. The resulting aesthetic is a combination of professional and artsy that is overall pleasing to the eye, but less likely to scare away the more straight-laced potential clients.
Platform: Static Site
Crema is this month’s site that isn’t mind-blowingly experimental or anything, but is here because I admire the craftsmanship. Plus rounded corners. We don’t seem them as much as we thought we would, do we?
Platform: Custom CMS (I Think)
The amusingly-named NoBears agency goes with wackiness, combining striking photomontages and background video with a comparatively subdued dark design. I’m still a sucker for those semi-visible grids as part of the design, so of course this one’s on the list.
Platform: Silverstripe
While many other sites are going for bold and bright aesthetics, BAUNFIRE keeps it soft and pleasant with a pastel-infused, and fairly minimalist design. It’s a calming and soothing experience from an agency that presents itself as easy to work with.
Platform: Craft CMS
Friends’ website presents a fusion of that near-postmodern, element-overlapping aesthetic with some more classic-feeling minimalism and typography. That fusion works quite well.
Platform: Craft CMS
Daniel Kusaka
Daniel Kusaka’s portfolio gives me some of that good old magazine feel that designers wanted to do for years. Well now we can, and I can’t get enough of it. God bless Flexbox and CSS Grid.
Platform: WordPress
Add Realistic Chalk and Sketch Lettering Effects with Sketch’it – only $5!
Source from Webdesigner Depot https://ift.tt/2PueS7u from Blogger https://ift.tt/2rw7XBk
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