a-sketchy · 8 months
some of the new changed lotus juice lyrics suck honestly. WHERE is shake your derrière?!?!!??!? deep breath deep breath got so defanged THE FLOW IS SO MUCH WORSEEEE. “anywhere you be from new york to siberia, gotta feel your own beat and shake your derrière” >>>>>>>>>>>>> “i’m extra large baby, take it, premium, bout that time you believe in me, yeah”
and why the fuck is it “if you feel my vibes, then pop with me” and “clear your heads, now, watch em peak” instead of “until you feel the vibes, now touch the sky” IT DOESNT RHYME WITH LAY LOW LAY HIGH. THE FLOW. IS BAD. REMEMBER RHYME AND METER PLEASE.
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unkanny · 4 years
Smino // 2MuchFronto
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sarahcaramba · 8 years
Today was an interesting day lol
I got asked out on a date, and I really commend guys for having the courage to ask a stranger on a date. I also really commend girls who approach guys first. I have a friend (girl) who gives no fucks about gender roles and doesn’t mind asking the guy first. It’s really cool.  Let alone I commend anyone for being able to talk to a stranger because no really does that anymore.
This is a different topic, but I thought about the subject of dating today because of that incident. I thought about 2 things: 1) dating from the get-go 2) why is being single so stigmatized
1) Blind dates are so strange to me because it’s too immediate and fast for my personal taste. In short, my preferences, is to be friends first, and if feelings develop, we go from there. Going with the flowwwwwwwwww…  I can’t just jump into it considering the fact that it takes me awhile to open up and truly be the weird person I am. It feels like I’m forcing myself to “fall in love” from the start. It’s just super absurd to me, and it feels like the order of that would be: 
physical attraction -> emotional attraction -> love
God the word love sounds so cheesy when you write it out like that lol
As opposed to starting with a friendship:  Companionship -> emotional attraction -> love & (physical attraction is just a bonus, if there is any lol)
I get it though if someone disagrees, you do you. It’s just my preference, as I’ve fallen for people I would never think I would be physically attracted to but later fall for because of the emotional attraction (meaning, I like the person so much that I just end up liking everything about them- physical attractions or not). I can’t act upon initial physical attraction because it’s just a weird order for me. If I find you cool, my immediate thought is “omg I wanna be friends with you”. And then, like I said, I go with the flow and don’t intentionally seek anything from the get-go. So yeah, I wish some people understood both perspectives and preferences though because some people get offended when I don’t give a person a “chance”. It’s just different preferences. 
2) Aside from dating, this a polar opposite subject - You know what’s extremely odd to me? How people are always looking to be in a relationship and how we are expected to be in one. Here’s an interesting conversation I recently saw: “Why do you think I’m single?” “I don’t like that question. You’re single because you were born into this world single….Most of our life, if not all, is an individual experience and if you couple with somebody you just happen to partner with them. A single life is a valid life. You’re single because you were born this way.” I always see people searching. But why not just go with the flow? And look, I know being in love is the most amazing feel. I know..   It’s like a high. Actually, no, it is a high. And when it’s gone, not having someone you once shared the world is unbreathable. You just want to find that love and connection with someone again because that love has basically turned into oxygen - you feel like you can’t live without it. You just feel like you’re drowning. I get it. But at the same time, I think we accustom ourselves SO much to those memories or better yet nostalgia, that we forget that being single is just as admirable. We’re so consumed with this idea that you are not allowed to be single. You’re single and that’s it. Stop adding connotations to it. You’re an individual. We’re so so so young. There’s  an endless amount of opportunities for us to seek, and I don’t know why finding someone has been so emphasized in this world. If you find someone, that’s awesome, and if you want to live individualistically, that’s cool too. It’s weird how people are so shocked to hear that you’re good being single. Why are we expected to be with someone? 
Anyways. Wow. I write a lot. I just got back from research. I need to do my readings. And a lot of other stuff.  I’m studying with my friend tomorrow after class. Then we are going to get burritos. God, I fucking love burritos. I also love waffles and bagels. And then I think imma go to the arc later that night, I’ve been sick so I haven’t gone to the gym in a week. On Saturday, I’m going to a Buddhist temple. I’m not religious, but I find Buddhism enlightening (lol get it? …). It’s for an assignment lol. I think I’m going to go by myself though because I just want to hangout with me. And then I’m going to get some Korean food and catch up with a friend. Oh, I reached one of my stupid goals of my college career today : I set the curve on the test! 
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