#BUT Id argue that the concept of reboots remasters and sequels aren’t the problem. some stories are truly eternal
hinasho · 2 years
I cannot find it but there was an analysis on here that said smthg along the lines of: in the era the Original Trilogy came out, audiences needed to see heroes that saved the day against all odds. “Despite your hardships, you can succeed.” In the era of the Prequel Trilogy, audiences needed to see what happens when said heroes do not receive the care and love they need and how they can easily become a villain. “Despite your success, you can still fall.” I cant find the post for my LIFE but it was really good and insightful.
It was on my mind while I was watching Andor last night. What kind of stories do we need in this time period right now? Not want, NEED. And I think this might be a big reason why so much recent SW content is controversial. No one can put into words what we need.
Before A New Hope came out, it was mocked and disregarded as some 50¢ film. Once it was released, and then ESB and ROTJ, it was widely praised and became a cult classic damn near overnight. Before The Phantom Menace, people were excited, ravenous for Darth Vader’s backstory. But when it came out, and then AOTC and ROTS, it was widely hated and deemed a monstrosity. That is, until recent audiences, even the same people who initially viewed it as garbage, took another look and deemed it a masterpiece ahead of its time.
And so I look at shows like Andor or The Mandalorian and movies like Rogue One. These are not stories people were itching for, but once they came out, they were quickly regarded as some of Star Wars’ best. Whereas shows like Kenobi seem to only be praised for their nostalgia, and movies like Solo or the entire Sequel Trilogy are deemed horrible at worst and controversial at best, media that was craved until met with cold applause.
For the audiences of this era, what do we want? Now what do we need? I feel like it’s on the tip of everyone’s tongue, but either no one can figure it out or no one will say it.
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