#BTW too many people think only people with tourette's have tics????
bubblegumr1ck · 9 months
My tic (singular for now, let's hope it stays that way) is annoying me, so you know what. Curse be upon ye. I now headcanon that Rick and Morty both have tics.
Rick's vary wildly and every time he "fixes" one another one develops. They couldn't possibly be caused by his stress or anxiety, no—he's convinced they're all caused by his implants and that he can eventually fix them all. He's forever stuck in the denial/bargaining phase until he sees Morty struggling too and feeling othered by Rick's efforts to "fix" himself.
Rick's tics mostly include jerking motions, weird leg/arm movements. This sometimes includes violent actions like punching; not so bad when he's out on adventures or by himself, but terrible when he's sitting at the table with his family eating breakfast or dinner. More rarely is he affected by making repetitive sounds or consistent facial tics but when those happen he isolates himself more.
Morty's tics are caused by his anxiety but no matter what he does they never really go away. Loud lights, sudden sounds, and caffeine tend to trigger them.
Morty's tics are facial. Eye-flinching, grimacing, the works. One time, it looked like he was winking at Jessica and Brad wasn't very happy about that. Over time he's gotten better at disguising them, but they still make him feel awkward.
Once Rick accepted that ticks were just a fact of life and started supporting Morty, they both felt much less alone.
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meowticta · 8 months
Uhh, lately i've been reading about cpunk, and guys i love yall, i think it's important to have a space for you, and people who also go thru things you also have, share experiences, etc, a mental condition/neurodivergence will never be the same as using a cane, a wheelchair, having a physical disability, yes for example autism can also have physical symptoms such as dyspraxia, but not because ur autistic ur physically disabled, also not everyone has dyspraxia.
but i also wonder if tourettes... is a part of it? ive been wondering this for many weeks.
like, i remember being very young, walking was an issue, people bullied me for it, sometimes couldn't even talk, because my tics interrupted me, i hit and scream and fall. body hurts when i hit myself, body hurts and is in pain and tired and wants to puke and nauseous after tic attacks that i only want to rest, a few weeks ago i had a tic in my arm that left me without sleep because i couldn't stop, i dont use .. a mobility aid, but i would consider it if tics get worse... lately it's not that bad, waxing and waning tics you know...
but i tend to hit myself a lot + pain + tired, tic attacks are coming again too.. a lot, i have one or two tic attack per 1-2 month i think which is way better than when i was younger (dealt with attacks almost every week..)
and i always wondered if tourettes was a physical disability, you know, it may seem silly andd stupid even, but professionals always told me it was neurological, nothing else, (and they were completely useless too... didnt gave me tips to handle it, therapists barely heard of it, did not give me any support other than a diagnosis and some medication thats all (medication which im grateful tho it helps me ton))
i dont... tend to call myself disabled because people look at me and dont think i am, and i get really scared w confrontation so i prefer not to .. say things like that, m also autistic btw, but thats another thing, i know autism disables me, but i dont know if tourettes disables me
it's been good years, i know some disabilities also have better days and worse days, but i feel like it's too much time for me, from 5+ or 5-months, i can have little to no tics, but they come back too anyways, and i'll be hitting myself and body will hurt.
sorry if this is stupid, only recently have been seeing tourettes being called a physical disability, and it changes how i see myself too
if you answer or read this thank u!
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