#BRain pls these are two extreme opposites i can't brain!!!
kylos-starlight · 6 months
One half of my brain is like think about this chaotic menace right now~!! And lose your fucking mind
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The other half of my brain is like let's think about this lovable cute sweetheart~ and be calm
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spainkitty · 3 years
I just watched an old yt video of "unpopular thg opinions" and one of them is:
"katniss should've been ace and Collins was pressured into writing her ending with peeta instead of giving her the ace/single ending she deserved"
and I'm like "… um... I don't think... that word means what you think it means?"
FIRSTLY: asexual =\= can't have a loving relationship.
Secondly: Hell, being ace doesn't even mean she can't have a sexual relationship (or have children)
Being ace (AND aromantic) is just as much a spectrum as any other sexual orientation. There's sex-repulsed, there's demi- or greysexual/romantic, there's wanting it sometimes, or habitually, or just because bodies and brains are weird.
So honestly, Katniss IS the strong female ace representation you always wanted. Or demi, maybe? Examples: Her sexual feelings are rare, we only know of TWO true mentions of her wanting more kissing, one of them explicitly sensual (beach scene). (3 if you include neck kiss👌) She doesn't fantasize about sex, ever. Despite weeks of sleeping together wrapped up as closely as possible with a teenage boy she has feelings for and thinks is "beautiful" and constantly on the verge of death so emotions are high, she doesn't even THINK about sex. His arms make her "feel safe" multiple times rather than excited, and she holds his hand as often as possible and "dreads the moment she has to let go". She PREFERS and defaults to nonsexual affection!! Also, she is put off by most overtly sexual gestures, even if they're joking.
(btw, none of those points can be used as evidence she "never cared" about Peeta; it's the exact opposite. that's a different argument, don't go there, I will fight you with tooth and nails for everlark rights)
So, you want ace/demi Katniss? YOU GOT HER. IT'S RIGHT THERE. Ace people can have loving, adoring, BEAUTIFUL relationships and they deserve to have them, too. Katniss doesn't have to be alone and sexless and grieving for the rest of her life to be "strong asexual representation". Whoever thinks that... you realize that most ace people face horrible discrimination and find it extremely difficult to find loving relationships because of super cold takes like that?? so super cold. pls dont
If you think Katniss should've been single, that's one thing. If you think Katniss "should've been ace" and the only reason you think she isn't ace is because she marries someone, you don't know what ace is or you're over-generalizing af.
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obscureoperations · 3 years
Honestly less interested in Martin x Abraham as a ship and more curious so see what a long-lost sibling/found family dynamic would look like between the two. What would Abraham's reaction to seeing Martin be? Would he worry, and start to question the things the cult had told him about his childhood? What about Martin? Are his violent urges enough to push him over the edge and join them? Would he feel welcomed by them, or just as disgusted as everyone else?
Martin desperately desires a family, and part of him is hopeful that he might actually have a sibling. That he might not be so horribly alone. That there's someone out there who might understand him.
Abraham on the other hand, is extremely loyal to his family. He has never had anyone else, and never needed anyone else. Never once thought about leaving or going somewhere else for any reason. Now, he's being confronted with the idea that maybe everything he's been told isn't true. Or at the very least, isn't the only option. And it scares the shit out of him.
And what would the others think? On the cults side of things, what kind of Satanic explanation would be given for Martin and Abrahams identical appearance? I think they might consider Martin to be "blessed", in a sense, an actual servant of darkness gifted powers by the great lord Lucifer himself.
While Christina and Cuda might not be exposed to the whole of the cults operations, what would they think of Abraham? If they saw Abraham on the street and mistoom him for Martin, and tried to talk to him, what would happen?
And oh my, the juicy character studies you could do, figuring out what personality traits would balance them out or make them clash. God, even just exploring how the both of them grapple with being raised in two extreme opposite forms of religiosity. *chefs kiss*
Tune in next time to this story that I am going to think about writing but won't actually get around to doing it. ✌
Here you are again posing the galaxy brain questions! This is a very interesting concept! There are so many ways to make these two universes come together, and they all come with a unique set of questions.
I too would be interested in seeing their initial reactions when confronted with one another. For some reason I have a feeling Abraham would be more reluctant to view Martin as any type of sibling. As loyal as he is to his family, he probably can't fathom them holding back a fragment of truth. It had to be some sort of mistake. Mama wouldn't lie to them. It wasn't possible.
I love how you introduced the cult aspect, it'd be something how they would justify Martin's existence. What if they found out about the sickness? I agree it might be a high possibility that they might try and spin it into a 'blessing' You could really do something with this bit!
If Martin ever branched out and got away from Cuda--he probably moved to the other side of town. If the old Man ever saw him in public, I wonder if he'd approach him at all? If he saw Abraham and mistook him for Martin--he'd quickly sense something was off. He looked like Martin but harsher somehow, cheekbones more pronounced. He might attempt to get closer just to see if it was really him--if he became suspicious enough he actually might approach him.
Christina on the other hand, I figure she might just think Martin got a haircut. He looked different but he still had the same boyish face. She would be quick to approach him, eager to hear about his life-- the young man would look at her as though she were a stranger. ( pls. protect her from tham man lol)
How quick would Christina or Cuda be to accept that Martin had a relative they didn't know about. The old man has the family tree traced down to a tee, there no way that he could have missed something! Impossible.
If you end up doing any h/c's or scenarios with this, tag me bro, I wanna see!
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