kazuuaki-archived · 1 year
wanderer is the name of one who wanders. far and wide, the world is as large as they say it is, teyvat far and wide for an explorer such as him, and yet the name he made for himself fails in the horizon of you. you are the treasure he never had a guide to, the end prize which is the heart, more valuable then anything other then he can find.
he'd search the ends of the earth just to love you again, and he may never speak it out loud. but his stone, mechanical heart yearns for the name "yours"
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i. i am unwell.
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cloudcountry · 8 months
i must be magnesium and you must be oxygen because I light up when im with you >_^
AWW VIVIS THATS SO SWEEET ND CUTE :(( brb gonna print this out and frame it on my wall
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lucid-jjin · 5 years
#user nemyjoon puts the best stuff on my dash ????????????? Says the person who puts some of the best gifs of the fandom on my dash????? Your gifs just get progressively better and your eye for moments is amazing? Literally who has been feeding us with the Black Swan rehearsal gifs these past few weeks? You want to get married? Because this is how you find yourself married. 🔪
NO YOU CANT JUST SAY THINGS LIKE THIS TO ME I WANT TO CRY _(:3 」∠)_ I really don’t think so but THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!!😭 And I said what I said. I’LL FIGHT YOU IF YOU DENY (ง'̀-'́)ง
Is that a challenge? Cause I’m about to show up at your doorstep with a bouquet of flowers and a ring and we’re gonna be 💒 💍 💐💘 🔔 🎊ing whether you’re ready or not @nemjyoon
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