undreaming-fanfiction · 6 months
As a crazy cat lady, may I offfer...
Eddie who has always loved cats, how free and soft and elegant they are, how they purr and close their eyes in affection, how they make him forget all his worries and stress. He's loved them ever since a neighbor's cat found him crying behind the trailer after he got bullied for his new haircut, the last gift from his shitty dad before Eddie got whisked away by the social services. The cat ignored his sniffling and jumped in his lap, plopping herself over the bony knees and thin thighs, and when she started rubbing her face against his scraped palm, Eddie felt complete.
He can't adopt one yet because he lives with Wayne who is allergic. Wayne offers to take antihistamines but Eddie refuses, he doesn't want to inconvenience him in his own home. Still, he dreams of one day sometime in the future, a small apartment of his own and at least two cats who will greet him when he comes home.
Eddie finds himself volunteering in a shelter and when a new cat café opens, he jumps at the opportunity. He is hired and spends his days taking of their cat ensemble and preparing delicious coffees. Cats help him be less jittery and more grounded, so it's a win win. Eddie loves this job.
Enter Steve Harrington, an insanely handsome man who stops by to make a reservation. Eddie is his usual flirty self, although he expects Steve will bring a date and that's the end of that. But then Steve leans to Eddie and asks: "Listen, uh...I will need some help."
Suppressing an internal groan, Eddie asks: "what, do you need me to drop an engagement ring into the coffee or something? Because can do, but it needs to be sanitized first."
"Oh no. Not that, no..." Steve runs his fingers through his hair and even though it looks like a nervous gesture, Eddie is seconds away from a cuteness induced nosebleed. "Not at all. I just...I have a little sister, you know? I mean, my adoptive dad is fostering her and she's the kindest girl you've met, but she had it rough in her original family. Apparently there was something involving animals and...she loves cats so much, but is terrified of hurting them. She would never!" he clarifies when he sees a frown forming on Eddie's forehead. "It's just that whenever she showed affection to any animal, her biological father made sure it would get hurt or at least chased away. And that's gone, that man is in jail and I just...I want to show her that it's okay to love animals again. That she can pet a purring cat without worrying about its safety."
Eddie just stares at him with mouth open. "That's...wow," he says. "Sorry. Processing."
Steve does the hair thing again and laughs and Eddie thinks that this man deserves a brother of the year award, yep, he'll ask Gareth to 3D print one right fucking now. "Yeah, sorry. I didn't mean to dump all that on you, but I had to be honest because this is a big deal to her. To me as well. Just...listen, I like cats a lot, but I'm not the best at interpreting what they mean, their body language and all that. And I really need Jane to have someone here that can tell her what to do, when she's doing a good job...someone who will protect the kitties if she messes up. Her words. I know it's a lot to ask, but..."
But Eddie shushes him. "Say no more, big boy. I'll be here and I'll give the young lady the cat experience of a lifetime."
Eddie used to think he couldn't love his job any more. But with Jane's uncertain smile and big eyes, her incredulous squeal when a cat chose her for the first time, when she kept asking Eddie for specifics of each cat in his care - "which one is more shy, which one likes to be picked up, which one is a picky eater?" - he thinks he's finally found his calling. Steve beams at him and comes back the next day with a bag of approved cat treats for the cats and a box of chocolates for Eddie as a thank you, then asks him out for a dinner - "if that is even appropriate, shit, sorry, I don't want you to feel pressured or something, this is your job, I get it, but I just really admire you and you were amazing to Jane, uh, and the stuff you say about cats is so interesting I'd just love to hear more". Eddie's heart flutters like the traitor it is and he thinks - maybe this is someone I could adopt a cat with one day.
And unsurprisingly, he's right.
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neonghostcat · 8 months
Brain Overflow
You know how in my last 'state of the author' post I said I could feel the urge to write coming back?
Oh, it has.
It's terribly inconvenient too. I'm going to tell you a little about some of the things I've been thinking of and then whine/wibble a tiny bit if you click through to behind the cut. (You don't have to read the last bit!)
I've written down three different SVSSS (LiuShen) ideas in the last couple of weeks, added a few thoughts to older ideas, made a mental note of possible Cultivate extras, and just refused to write down others so as not to encourage rampant plot bunny breeding.
But let me tell you about a few of them because I'm hoping it reduces the urge to work on them better than just typing up notes.
The Lady Blackbird fusion Not sure what Lady Blackbird is? Well, it's a free tabletop rpg that you can download here. But the TL;DR is, "Sort of like steampunk Star Wars: A New Hope + Firefly + potential Jane Austen novel, if you want." I'll just C&P the pitch here: Lady Blackbird is an Imperial noble fleeing from an arranged marriage to be with her secret lover, the pirate king Uriah Flint. To reunite with him, she has hired a notorious smuggler and the crew of his skyship, The Owl. However, The Owl has been captured by an Imperial cruiser. How will Lady Blackbird and the others escape? What dangers lie in their path on the way to the pirate king’s lair? Can you see where this is going? (Actually, probably not your first thought, no.) We start with Shen Yuan transmigrated in a xianxia-by-way-of-steampunk gown, sitting in a jail cell with several men, a teenage boy, and a veiled teenage girl. System helpfully informs him that he is now "Lady" Blackbird, on the run to end up in the arms of Pirate King Mobei-Jun. His cell-mates are, as follows: Smuggler Captain Liu Qingge, Lady Blackbird's personal bodyguard Liu Mingyan who suggested her brother when LB said she wanted to escape, the ship's mechanic Shang Qinghua, the ship's doctor Mu Qingfang (or they pick him up later, I haven't decided), and "a goblin named BingBing". While SY is busy freaking out that System can't fool him - that's the Protagonist, Luo Binghe!!! wtf!!! System says "later, loser" and more-or-less abandons him (though still employing an OOC ban). So now you can probably see where this is going, lol. It involves at least a brief period where SY has to crossdress and pretend to be one of Binghe's future wives - a fiancée/wife of Mobei-Jun as Liu Qingge gets very conflicted feelings about his troublesome passenger. Featuring lots of Cumplane friendship, sassy MQF (as a treat), teenage smirking (likely aided and abetted by the adults), and space whales (naturally). I have not yet fully decided if the story Shen Yuan read was PIDW and now he has to figure out how the infiltration of "space with gears on it" into his xianxia has fucked up what he and Airplane know, or if the story was something like "Proud Immortal Starlit Way" and it was always like that. (Thoughts?) ---
The "SY Bodysnatches MQF" idea What it says on the tin... SY accidentally ends up in MQF's body instead of SQQ's. Only MQF isn't gone - he remains. This occurs directly before the Demonic Invasion and double qi deviation part of the plot and they rush back to the sect to deal with that. Then things get messy while they conspire to get SY his own body. Featuring: An extremely confused Liu Qingge, eventual Shenbros, and aro-ace MQF being very bemused at all times. ---
The "LQG Gets De-Aged/Age-Regressed" idea As you can guess: LQG gets age-regressed. This happens in Lingxi Caves instead of his death-by-deviation. He latches onto SY-SQQ and SY-SQQ is helpless to do anything but take the cute kid in. Featuring: BingLiu friendship, possibly Bing-other disciples friendship, but mostly establishing bro-code that makes Binghe switch his infatuation with SY-SQQ into family feelings as soon as LQG regains his adult body and it becomes clear that LiuShen is happening. ----
This is along with: Joint Custody (LiuShen), my SJ-SQQ second-chance redemption fic (LiuShen and LiuJiu, but different LQGs), a peak lords ascension fic using Cultivate's backstory (LiuJiu), a LiuShen timeloop fic, and at least another half a dozen fic ideas sitting in the hopper that aren't nearly as developed/that I am not burning to write yet.
I'd love to know which ideas you guys are most interested in. ;) Joint Custody is still next regardless and I'll probably not be working on either of the LiuJiu fics in the near future because they are definitely 100k+ territory and I'm still not ready for that. But knowing people are hype for something keeps me hype. ;3
I'll probably be in this fandom awhile, y'all. Please send help.
Sadly, I can't work on any of them yet, because I have over 2,600 messages in my inbox waiting for me to respond to. (This is not a humble brag - this is thousand-yard-stare territory. It was somewhere over 3000 for awhile until I started making a list of people who generally only left emojis or thanks and let them know that I was going to just thank them for all of them in one email so they didn't peppered by replies in kind.)
Not that I'm complaining about them, because I missed replying to comments so much (it's genuinely one of my favorite parts about writing fanfic), but it's still a lot and even if I could manage 100 replies a day (which for mental health reasons, I really can't), it's going to take awhile.
More importantly - I hope you are well! 🌼
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classpectpokerap · 6 months
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Give meq tgat fefat <> roxy stuffff please
alright bear with me for a second i gotta paint a word picture
imagine youre roxy lalonde, right.
you just entered the game. youve got a bottle of momslime. your modus was literally built to hold ectobiologized goo. youve been feeling the weight of destiny on your shoulders -- YOU ARE GOING TO MEET HER. she might be dead but you are going to meet her.
and you get to your sprite,
and theres just
a fucking
and two corpses that he throws into the kernel.
(the first homestuck fic i ever read, Conference Call, has a version of the erisolsprite prototyping. they fought gamzee and got their fuckin asses kicked. its great.)
and then youre left with just. Some Alien Bitch. and its like the universe is teasing you, because she's partially the DIRECT DESCENDANT of the fishwitch what killed your mom, and also a cat???? you are so sick to death of cats. you have been up to your fucking ass in cats. its just too much
and then she just. talks to you
and you slowly start to listen
you hear about her lives on alternia. what it was like being a princess, what it was like being the pauper. how they weren't even really friends, before -- they ran in different circles.
but they're one person, now. one person dedicated to *helping you.*
we never find out how roxy quit drinking, or who helped her through it
(it was fefeta)
and fefeta *loves* you. she listens to you talk about boys. you talk about your mom. fefeta never really spoke to her... but her nepeta half *knows what happened to your kitty frigglish* after he died. and frigglish said that your mom was okay.
that everything was going to be okay
and it's just. jane had her shit. jake was up in his shit. dirk had fucked off with his shit. and roxy really only had fefeta!!!!!!!!
and i think they were moirails and i think they loved each other so much. frankly. tbf.
roxy is a trans woman, fefeta is newly plural. they have a lot in common. tbqh. its like. its very beautiful. in my eyes. in my vision.
and then
she dies
and this is like. this is a really big fucking deal honestly?
fefeta's death is like. a huge thing. its one of the only things she tells john about when summarizing the entirety of her session.
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and this isnt something she magically gets back in the post-retcon timeline, either
like... when fefeta dies, there isnt a post-retcon fefeta. (we'll GET TO YOU JASPROSE.) it's just roxy who remembers fefeta's existence at all -- her friends dont have any connection to her. *nobody alive in all of reality* remembers her.
fefeta isnt just dead, dude, shes Fucking GONE. shes the goner ever. shes fuckin erased.
but honestly
on a level? good for her.
we've seen what being in homestuck does to people. it warps them, reshapes them. (see the new hsbc upd8 for some cool imagery about it.) fefetasprite was never a real part of the story. she got away with being silent -- her words are hidden from us. she was never in LE's clutches.
and why would LE even want to clutch her
she's the sword that's going to kill him, after all
i call fefetasprite the "cat fish witch" for a very important reason. a) its cute BUT B). if you look at caledfwlch, dave's sword, and just sorta. squint at the word. it looks like cat fish witch. that's fefeta. she Iss the cat fish witch.
so what does her death mean?
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well it's not like dave used an UNBROKEN sword to fight LE.
feferi is the part of the sword still left in the stone. the part we forgot and left behind.
which leaves Nepeta, the other half of this broken sword, of the Cat Fish Witch
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to kill the shit out of Lord English. B33
the sword was always going to kill him!!!!!!!! fefetasprite was the sword!!!!!!!!!!! NEPETA WAS ALWAYS FATED TO DEFEAT LORD ENGLISH!!!! AM I CLINICALLY INSANE? YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyway. all this to say.
i wrote a fic about this.
check out the second work in the series for roxy processing the emotions that none of her post-retcon friends remember her moirail. it's some good stuff i think!!!!!!! also hal is there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyway jasprose is just roxy's initial dream of reviving her mom in her kernelsprite brought to life through the most roundabout and indirect and stupid way possible. send POST
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acey-wacey · 2 years
Birthday at NRC
Feat. Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Jack Howl, Epel Felmier, Sebek Zigvolt
Requested on Ko-fi by @thelazyhermits! Continuation of Mom Friend
This made me think of Jane Doe from Ride the Cyclone. It's an amazing musical, you should listen to it rn 😠😠😠.
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One day while hanging out with the first years, you off-handedly mention that your birthday is in two days.
The boys are stunned and appalled that you didn't tell them sooner.
You insist that it's not a big deal but they know how much it must mean, being your first birthday since you got transported to Twister Wonderland.
When questioned in this by Ace (who can't keep his mouth shut for 2 minutes), you tell them that all your memories before being transported are kind of foggy, like a dream you can't quite remember.
You remember the date but not any of the celebrations, though you must have had a birthday every year.
Knowing this, they do their best to make this birthday extra, extra special.
Ace Trappola is more into subtle affection than big gestures like birthday parties, but he really wants to make you happy after all you've done for him and the others.
He consults Trey to help him make a cake.
He really does try to make a cake for you but it doesn't turn out perfectly.
The cake is overdone and crumbly and he put the frosting on too early so it all melted off.
The top of the cake is covered in messy chocolate that is supposed to spell out "Happy Birthday Y/N!".
He presented you with his crummy cake on your birthday expecting you to hate it.
Despite it being messy and dry, it almost made you cry seeing it.
Just the fact that he had done that for your birthday, knowing he was horrible at it, made you tear up.
Ace would do literally anything for you even though he'll never admit it.
He just wants to make you happy and he would make a thousand stupid cakes just to make you smile.
Deuce Spade is very conflicted about what to get you.
If he gets something functional, yes, you can use it, but it's not very personal.
If he gets something fun, you have it but it will probably break or wear away or be eaten.
He eventually decides on something that will last much longer.
A memory.
It sounds stupid but he knows experiences with people you care about last a lot longer than anything he can give you.
He gives you a little hand-made coupon for "One Free Magical Wheel Ride around Sage Island".
It's a very cute coupon with lots of stickers and exclamation points.
He's gone on rides around the island before, never with someone on his bike before but he's scoped out some of the most beautiful views there are.
You redeem your coupon a couple weeks after your birthday when you both have free time.
He drives you out to the beach and the two of you play in the water for a while and eat a little picnic he packed.
The day trip helped you relax a lot and get away from the stress that seems to follow you everywhere at NRC.
Deuce is just happy he could help you feel more at ease (and that you've discovered the thrill of magic motorbikes).
Epel Felmier will do anything to please you.
He asks you if you want him to do anything for you, even wear something cutesy and feminine.
You assure him that you like him much better when he's being himself.
His own country hick self.
He breathes a sigh of relief because he did not want to dress up.
He would've for you but he would've hated every second of it.
He decided to carve your name in cursive letters into an apple and gift it to you.
You are a bit sad because you know the fruit won't last but he will just make you something else if you ever want.
You keep it on your window sill until it gets too brown and you have to throw it away.
It's better than eating it though.
You could never bring yourself to destroy a precious piece of art.
He teaches you a few simple carving techniques too.
Carving apples always helps him relax and he wants you to be able to relax on your special day.
Jack Howl is a big softie, though he'll never admit it.
He gets you little matching gifts.
Subtle enough that no one who isn't looking closely will notice that it's a set but the two of you know.
He had to learn how to braid and make bracelets for his little sister so he makes you a friendship bracelet.
Oh sorry, it's a "resistant Paracord bracelet" not a friendship bracelet.
(ps. it's totally a friendship bracelet)
You wear it everywhere, using the excuse that it's good for emergencies, just like he told you when he gave it to you.
He has one of his own in the same colors and he uses the same excuse to shake of accusations that he actually cares about you.
He also gifts you a bunch of dino Band-Aids because Grim is a brat about the kind of bandages you're allowed to put on him and you run out very quickly.
He's a big fan of practical yet thoughtful gifts.
The Savanaclaw jocks are total d-bags about Jack being a "momma's boy" but he brushes them off.
He's just happy you're happy, especially if that means you'll brush him tail while you all watch your favorite movie.
Sebek Zigvolt is aggressively caring.
He's one of those "hydrate or die-drate" people.
He can't be the most attentive to your needs when he's trailing after Malleus but he gets permission to stay by your side for one day.
You now have your own personal guard.
He carries around a Mom Tote™ like you usually have.
His birthday gift to you is basically taking care of you like you do him.
Obviously you have to go to class but when you aren't, he is walking a few feet behind you, glaring at boys who look at you wrong.
You tell him that he is allowed to walk next to you but he insists that it isn't proper knightly behavior, even though he isn't your real knight.
You jokingly "knight" him with a wooden spoon, dubbing him "Sir Sebek of Ramshackle, knight and attendant to the Lady Y/N of Ramshackle".
He wears the title with genuine pride.
He goes and brags about it to Silver later, who honestly couldn't care less.
Throughout your birthday, Sebek makes sure you are never in want.
When you lose you pencil, he procures another one from the bag.
When you get thirsty, he pulls out a water bottle for you.
There's something distinctly magical about the seemingly endless carpet bag he carries around but you'll leave that mystery for a different movie.
He loves you a lot, though he would rather fall on his sword than say it.
His love is very linked to protection and that's exactly what he does: he protects you.
All in all, the boys do their best to give you all the comfort and happiness you deserve on your birthday.
You are constantly surrounded by people and things you love.
The whole night ends with all six of you (+ Grim) in a cuddle pile on your couch, watching your favorite movie.
You think back on the day as you drift off to sleep and realize that there's no one else you would rather have spent your first birthday with.
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minkkumaz · 1 year
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no matter how hard seungheon tries, the hole in his heart grows deeper as you feel almost unreachable. small mistakes that grow into awkward situations. but he just doesn't know how much you like him too.
PAIRING lee seungheon x fem!reader WC 2.6k TAGS adults dni. friends to lovers trope. school au. fluff. mutual pining. crying. angst if you squint. cussing. they're extremely clueless. like very clueless. OMI NOTE this series keeps producing bangers i literally could not giggle any more right now. i'm sososo proud of this so i hope all the minors (adults pls get out u weirdos) in the 8turn fandom are fed.
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a void deepened in the confines of seungheon’s body, inching closer and closer to his soul. as if a foreign substance called love crawled its way to strangle him when he was most vulnerable. this feeling was constantly recurring, consuming him whole.
seeing the way your lips perked up into a fond smile when you heard a funny joke, throwing your head back in a fit of giggles. the crinkles on your forehead appearing when there’s a math question you don’t quite understand. it was impossible to look away.
of course, the endless teasing from his hyungs never faltered, but in a way he was too entranced to care. every emotion he felt was worth it to continue seeing you exist. the only shame being the mixed signals you sent. being unable to determine if the touch of your hands was a delusion, or if the spark existed.
every move he made felt like another mistake, staring hopelessly into your clueless eyes. it wasn’t you’re fault that you couldn’t catch on, but you weren’t completely oblivious. you felt it to, but random incoherent babbles came out instead of a clear ‘i like you too’
“why haven’t you just told her yet instead of trying to drop hints?” yungyu questioned, snapping seungheon out of his staring contest with the door.
“it’s not that easy dude. you’ve never had a girlfriend before, let alone a crush!” he whined, burying his face in his hands.
“you’ve never had a girlfriend either! i’m just saying if she hasn’t picked up on anything you should just flat out tell her.” yungyu suggests, ruffling the boys hair.
“i’m better off asking minho or haemin for help.” he groaned in annoyance.
“trust me, they’re going to tell you the exact same thing. take it or leave it.”
seungheon rolled his eyes, throwing a worn out eraser in his friends direction. the two boys had always been close, basically embodying a brotherly - like bond. when he wasn’t with you, he was stuck to yungyu’s side. though when all the fun passed by, he knew gyu meant well. 
the weight of staring at the door, hoping you’d pop in soon, was slightly lifted off his shoulders for the mere second he was distracted. love influenced him in mysterious ways, almost making him feel silly. was this love, or an idiotic perception to mess with his head? despite this, he appreciated the first conclusion a bit more. the sound of a door sliding open interrupted his thoughts suddenly.
when you saw him, your face visibly lit up. an award - winning smile appeared on your lips as you entered all the way into the classroom. you were slugging around a heavy bag on your back, looking as if you could almost topple over. stumbling in your black mary janes, you rush to seat yourself in the empty desk next to him.
“heonie!” you inhale and exhale quickly, dropping your backpack on the floor next to you and practically falling into your seat.
“good morning, y/n!” he greets you, mood immediately much brighter after seeing you, “why such a load?”
“it’s the first day of school! and i might’ve gone overboard with school supply shopping this year?” you shrug, “but look at all these cute pencils!”
you unzip your stationery pouch, pulling out an assortment of colorful led pencils with different patterns and little animals. one of them had a cute panda with puffy cheeks on the side, with a little charm to top it all off.
“here, i got this one for you.” you take his hand suddenly, placing it in his palm. your touch was warm, sending fireworks up his arm.
“for me? i already went school supply shopping, y/n, you really didn’t have to!” he fidgets with it in his fingers.
“well yeah, but i have a matching one!” you hold out another animal themed pencil in front of his face, “see? now it can be special to you.”
“thank you then!” he grinned sheepishly, clicking the end of it to watch the led protrude from cone at the top. 
“y/n, why didn’t you get me a cute pencil?” yungyu complained jokingly from the other side of seungheon’s desk.
“get a grip yungyu, you know i like heon more than you.” you scowl at him.
and on the other side of the spectrum, you and yungyu had a playful rivalry. everything was light hearted one hundred percent of the time, feeling the need to fight for seungheon’s attention. while he knew it was all friendly, his breath grew unsteady and his face began to burn at your words. 
“ouch.” yungyu smirked, giving seungheon a very dramatic wink before trying to go back to whatever he was doing. 
“ask yoonsung for matching stationery or something.” you recommend him.
“maybe he’ll get us some pens on top of that, better step up your game–” the loud blare of a school bell cut him off, initiating the start of classes.
turning your head from him, you took out the rest of your supplies and notebooks just in case you needed to write anything down. the rest of your classmates did the same as the teacher followed in shortly. you nudged the side of seungheon’s leg with your shoe, making him look in your direction.
‘lunch later?’ you mouthed sweetly, making him nod happily in response.
class was always a bore, long lectures giving you the most insufferable headaches ever. the teachers voice being toned out by any thought that decided to surface in your brain. each student almost looked like they were going to pass out, first days of school were like that sometimes. it was either basic instruction that you’ve already heard hundreds of times, or a review quiz.
what you mainly looked forward to in the day was lunch, like many others. this was when you got to spend most of your time with seungheon during the school day. your stomach fluttered with joy (and hunger), getting flashbacks to times when you’d sit closely to share a meal.
everyone filed out into the hallways, rushing to get to the cafeteria in time for the best food options. grabbing your backpack, you rustle through your things in search for your lunchbox. yet alas, that attempt was proven worthless as it was nowhere to be found. a groan left your throat, making your friend look over.
“did you forget your lunch at home again?” seungheon asked you, standing up from his desk.
“bro yes, how come i always do this?! that’s so lame i packed something so yummy too..” you grumble, begrudgingly slipping your arms into the sleeves of your backpack.
“jeez how can you be so adorable sometimes.” he said under his breath.
“you better be whispering about how to solve my lunch problem.” you quirk an eyebrow.
“i’ll just buy you lunch, so don’t worry about it.” he offers.
“aww heonie.” you cheer internally, “you’re too cute. i’ll make sure to pay you back tomorrow, pinky promise.” 
“no it’s fine! i uh– enjoy taking care of you, so really, don’t even think about it.” he acts casually, despite his marathon - winning heartbeat.
“ah.. thank you then.” you say flustered, darting your eyes to the floor.
awkwardness soon surfaces, covering the two of you in a blanket of silence. both of your heads were reeling, trying to comprehend what flirting was and if that conversation was anything close to that. naivety often caused problems between emotional teenagers, and you were no exception.
he enjoyed taking care of you, those words rang through your head like an insufferable telephone. maybe he cared for you more than you perceived him to.
“right, let’s go before they run out of your favorite.” he breaks the tension in the air.
“wait they have my favorite today?” you perk up.
“wouldn’t want you to miss it.” he walks in front of you towards the door, leaving you to catch up behind him.
running over to meet his side, the two of you make your way down the halls to ease your hunger. you’re shoulder to shoulder with him, arms bumping together occasionally, sometimes pinkies. to you, it was mundane being this close to seungheon, but it made you feel like you needed to scream into a pillow.
the cafeteria was bursting with conversation, everyone with their established friend groups and a few lonely stragglers. still following closely behind the boy, you quickly grabbed lunch and sped off to your designated spot with trays in hand.
it was a secluded place, close to the field but not far from the school. shaded off by tall trees, leaves threatening to fall from the branches and be replaced with pungent flowers. you sat criss cross on a bench, flattening your skirt with the palms of your hands appropriately.
“i’m so hungry i could eat a whole building right now.” you rip off the plastic covering your utensils, crumpling it up and placing it under your tray.
“hey slow down, or else you’ll choke.” he cautions as you dig into your food.
“worried you’ll have to pull a heimlich on me?” you say with your cheeks stuffed.
“well i don’t want to but if i have to.” he furrows his eyebrows, making you giggle. 
“you’re dumb heonie, i won’t die in front of you. i’ll probably look funny and that’s embarrassing.”
“the thing you’re worried about isn’t dying, but looking weird?” he laughs, “you’re really pretty either way, that shouldn’t be much of a concern you know.”
“pretty..?” your breath hitches slightly, the tips of your ears already beginning to burn up. 
“uhm– yeah i think you’re–” he swallows, “really pretty–”
“seungheon!” a voice yells from behind him, appearing to be an eager yungyu with minho attached to him.
“i’m going to go to the bathroom real quick!” you squeak out, excusing yourself hurriedly to the bathroom. he lets out a defeated sigh.
the interrupting boys drew closer to you and seungheon’s spot at the bench, confused why he looked so out of it, and why you were walking away from him in panic. a hand landed on his shoulder reassuringly.
“why the long face, seungheon? are you okay?” minho asks, worry lingering in his tone.
“this is just stupid. i can’t keep pushing this down any deeper.” he frowns, “but why do i keep trying if i can’t reach her?”
“what happened exactly?” minho wonders.
“i– i called her pretty and then she rushed to the bathroom out of no where.” he runs a hand through his hair.
“maybe she just really had to pee?” yungyu tries to comfort, earning a light punch on the arm from minho.
“i don’t even know anymore. i am genuinely desperate to know what it’ll take to finally be with her.” 
“telling her straight up is what will probably work the best right now seungheon..” minho told the distressed boy.
“see, i told you!” yungyu added.
“are you guys.. completely positive that will work. because otherwise this feeling is going to consume me whole waiting for this thing to start.” he pleads with his friends.
“positive.” they both say simultaneously.
“okay, fine. then how do you guys suggest i do it?” seungheon gives in.
“whenever she comes back from the bathroom, just say you have something to tell her and lay it out. no use waiting anymore.” minho proposed a plan simply.
“i’ve seen the way she looks at you seungheon, i promise she’ll like you back.” yungyu pat seungheon on the back.
“alright.” seungheon said hesitantly, “you guys better get out before she gets back, or else she’ll think i’m plotting something.”
“aww that’s my little underclassman.” minho pat his head.
“dude don’t be corny..” yungyu gives him a disgusted look, minho mirroring it almost exactly.
“just go! i think she’s coming back.” seungheon swats them away, visibly paranoid.
they trot away quickly, leaving seungheon alone with his thoughts. everything he’s imagining gets notably louder as he waits for your figure to appear back around the corner, borderline hallucinating any movement. this wasn’t anything he’s ever done before, you were his first crush after all.
and because of that, maybe there was more pressure to see whether you reciprocated his feelings or not. first loves never seemed to go away no matter how hard anyone tried, and he doesn’t want to have to imagine you absent in his life. 
once you finally do come back, his stomach is doing somersaults, and his heart palpitating. theres still a slight blush on your face when you sit down on the creaky bench, soon meeting his eyes once you’re fully settled down.
“hi, i’m sorry if i took awhile!” you brush off, twiddling your thumbs together, “what did minho and yungyu want?”
“oh! it’s not that important but um, i wanted to talk to you about something.” seungheon brings up, hands shaking slightly in his lap.
“of course, whats up?” you respond nervously.
“for the longest time, you’ve been one of the closest friends in my life.” he started, “and the last thing i would want is to ruin anything between us.”
“are you saying you don’t want to be friends anymore..?” you almost choke out.
“what? oh my gosh, y/n, no! well, yes but–” he pauses, reaching over your trays to take hold of your hand, “i like you a lot. and it’s kind of been killing me every time i drop a hint that goes unnoticed.”
your lips part like you’re about to say something, but no words come out. instead tears begin to well up in your eyes and your bottom lip quivers, making it painfully obvious that you’re about to cry. a droplet falls from your eye, immediately making seungheon’s eyes widen in horror.
“y/n! please don’t cry i– i didn’t know you were going to react like this i’m so sorry!” he raised his hands to cup your face, wiping your under eye to rid it from any tears.
“seungheon..” you sob out, leaning into his palm, “i didn’t think you were going to like me back.”
“why wouldn’t i like you– wait what?”
“i thought you were just being nice this whole time, i had no clue how to react and– i wasn’t sure how to make it obvious that i liked you.” you sniffed, “that’s why i got us pencils, they even had little hearts next to the panda..”
“and i thought i wasn’t being obvious.” he smiles at your words.
“i’m kidding. god we’re so stupid aren’t we.”
“maybe a little bit.. but you’ve had me teetering on the edge all day! first you say you liked taking care of me, then you bought me lunch, then you called me pretty?!” you mentally facepalm.
“at least thank minho and yungyu for knocking some sense into me, i was probably going to walk you home next.” he remembered the rest of his plans he had in stow.
“you can still walk me home today..” you stammer, head still resting in the comfort of his hands.
“i wouldn’t plan on having it any other way.” he sighs with relief, stroking away any remaining tears.
“there is one thing we’re missing though!” you mention suddenly.
“bro was i supposed to get you flowers..?” he gasps, moving his hands away to dig for a makeshift gift in his backpack.
you bring his head back to you, placing a soft peck on his lips. it was something new he’s never exactly felt before, but he wouldn’t have it with anyone other than you.
“now we are official. that’s how couples solidify things, right?”
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jenyifer · 1 month
The Trainee Ep8 initial reaction.
You know the side couple side plot takes up so much screen time idk why the poster wasn’t with BahMee Tae and Judy in the center frame. In the time it’s taken for Jane to give Ryan a pair of shoes those three have gone on dates broken up and kissed. It’s insane. Anyways let’s do the photo review anyways.
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At least we get cute dream sequence offgun. Hehe I enjoyed getting to see a fake Jane being happy and cute. Since judging by the pacing of Jane and Ryan’s couple I’m gonna be shocked if we get to see them go on a first actual date. We have two episodes until the end and…… idk we ain’t getting together fluff.
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Such a loser move. Apparently she didn’t remember or care about that the night before. Also how slimey is that thinking you deserve anything after betraying someone’s trust. Just evil. Really Pah or Pie should have slapped that entitled brat.
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I’m not into Bratty little cry baby cheaters. But I feel like that is actually judy’s type.
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It is the next day. But I appreciate Pah and Pie being there for Tae. Tae is stronger than me there is no way I’d be going to a reservation I made for my ex the next day just too real that they won’t be there.
Also. If we wanted to make things feel connected I would have liked Ryan to have read the text about the break up isn’t he friends with Tae too? I know Ryan had to work but still I wish he had idk been included even if we saw a text just so we know he is part of their friend group.
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^^^VERY TRUE what was tae supposed to do? Not work? He kept going over and beyond for her. She also was staying late with Judy. Judy works on weekends and late too over work over work. I don’t understand why BahMee didn’t get the picture. Pah has every right to be mean to her even though he is actually a sweetie and I think he could have been a lot meaner to the whiny baby cheater girl.
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Jealous boy does jealous things. Very cute. Ryan’s friend was very touchy also Ryan himself was more talkative with his friend compared to ANYONE else. Ryan doesn’t really even talk to Pie that much no wonder Jane was concerned.
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Some accidental prolonged hand contact. At least we got to see a little bit of Jane’s POV but if we are supposed to think overworking is what causes your partner to cheat then… things aren’t going to end well in this fucked up universe.
ON A HAPPIER NOTE how long has he had these shoes for Ryan? Since he tied them right? Or did Jane go out on his day off and buy them for Ryan? Idk either way is pretty cute even though it happened off screen. I can’t believe we are getting exchanging gifts at this stage. How scandalous haha jk jk Ryan has already given Jane gifts of cookies… so seems even? Hehehe
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Bullshit. Also I hate him telling her it’s not her fault. It is. Repeat it with me folks. ONCE A CHEATER ALWAYS A CHEATER. I hope Tae finds his Prince Charming soon because he doesn’t deserve to be treated like trash for doing his job.
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Nooooooooooooooooo we are getting Jealous Ryan ep next. So is the next episode going to end with a kiss or do we need to wait for ep 10 for them to acknowledge that they like eachother? Didn’t we already have a jealous ep for Ryan and Jane? Why do we have to do this plot device again. 😭 despite all of this the Trainee is still watchable so I suppose it has some thing over CC.
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elagantwriterqueen · 2 years
Love of My Life // Eddie Munson
I know its a few days late but just a little Valentine One Shot!!!!!!
Summary: Eddie’s been talking for weeks about how excited he was about Valentine's Day, because that’s the day he was going to ask his dream girl to be his. You being Eddie’s best friend, and the girl secretly in love with him for 3 years now, feels heart broken.
🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤 You were sitting in your usual seat at lunch, in between Gareth and Eddie and surrounded by the rest of Hellfire. Everyone thought it was weird that you were best friends with this group, considering you were nothing like them. Where the boys of Hellfire were loud and outspoken, you were shy and quiet, where they were demanding, you apologized and backed away. It was something that some days still shocked you as well, you’d only been at Hawkins for 3 years and you were terrified of being the new girl. But Eddie Munson approached you on your first day and introduced himself to you with grace, and enthusiasm. You'd almost been offended when he said you were like his own lost little sheep, but quickly realized that’s what he called a lot of his group. Eddie never made you feel uncomfortable, even after you’d heard the rumors about him, you’d asked him about them and he was honest with the ones that were true, and the ones that were complete garbage. He gave you an out that day, of the friendship saying that he’d understand if you didn’t want to be seen with him anymore. To which you scoffed and pulled him into a tight hug, explaining how you’d be going nowhere, if he was a cult leader then you were a member. 
A cute member, and everyone thought it, so cute and innocent, ultimately sweeter than grandma’s chocolate chip cookies. He had no idea this sweet girl was totally head over heels for him, for three years you’ve been wanting more with Eddie but too afraid to ask. And now today, a week before Valentine’s Day your shot is gone. “So next Monday is Valentine’s Day, who’s fucking excited?” Eddie slammed his hands down on the table snapping you out of your thoughts. “Well I am, because me and Jane have a date, but why are you Eddie excited about Valentine’s Day?” Mike asked, rolling his eyes, nearly being hit with a chunk of pretzel. “Because, Wheeler, if you must know, I’m in love and I’m going to tell her on Valentine’s Day!” He exclaimed, causing your eyes to widen and your mouth to drop. Gareth noticed, and tried to secretly console you, he knew how you felt and he was the only one. You felt Gareth’s fingers rubbing the side of your arm, and you prayed he’d stop. You could prevent the tears long enough to make an excuse and get out of the cafeteria, but he had to stop. “I totally spaced, I forgot I have to make up a quiz from last Friday, shit. I’ll see you guys later!” You smiled grabbing your stuff as Eddie waved you off, without so much as a second look. As you threw your garbage away and all but ran out into the hallway, you heard someone calling from behind you. “Y/n! Hey, are you okay?” Gareth asked as he finally reached you, and pulled you into a hug as the dam burst and the tears fell. “Yeah, I’ll be okay, one day.” You sobbed, leaving tears on his shirt, he calmed you down and stayed with you until the bell rang and you thanked him as you headed to English class.
You took your seat in your typical area, and a few minutes later, there was a loud thud next to you which meant Eddie was here, he instantly started tapping your shoulder. “Y/n, hey, princess, how was your make-up quiz?” He whispered, and you just smiled and nodded. “Good Eddie, thanks for asking.” You turned back to the front of the class, trying to at least pretend you were okay. There were moments in class Eddie was trying to get your attention but you just ignored it, which was torture for sure. As the bell rang you ran out the door to your next class, which lucky for you was Eddie free. When the end of the day finally came, you grabbed your stuff from your locker and headed for the front door of the school. You knew Eddie would be out back waiting for you to meet him for a ride home, so sneaking out the front and walking would be the easiest escape. It took you almost 45 minutes to walk home, and when you approached your house you saw a familiar van in the driveway and a certain curly haired metal head sitting on the steps. 
“Why are you avoiding me?” He asked as you approached, refusing to even look at him you tried to argue that you weren’t. “Damnit Y/n don’t lie to me! What did I do? Please, let me fix it.” “There’s nothing to fix Eddie, I just, I can’t be around you anymore. It hurts and I can’t keep doing this to myself.” You finally spoke after a few minutes, “what hurts? Please princess, you’re my best friend, I don’t know what I’d do without you. Let me help you.” You stepped back away, starting to get emotional, feeling tears stinging your eyes, you were unable to hold them back anymore. “You can’t help me Eddie, no one can. I-I love you Eddie, and I can’t watch you love someone else. So it’s best if you just go, plan your big Valentine’s Day reveal or whatever, I have homework.” You gently pushed past him, as he called your name you ignored him and walked into the house locking the door and falling to the floor crying. You didn’t end up moving until you heard Eddie’s van flying down the road, and all you managed to do was go upstairs and cry yourself to sleep.
“She hates me, I don’t know what happened.” Eddie groaned to the band as they sat around for band practice the following day after school, you didn’t even bother showing up to school that day. “What did she say Eddie?” Gareth questioned, having a feeling he already knew. “She was mad about the comment I made about Valentine's Day and how I said I was in love. She may have also told me she was in love with me.” He said quieter, “well then yes you do know what happened. That girl has been in love with you since she met you, and you honestly never noticed?” Eddie sighed as he rubbed his face, “no, I guess I was just too in love with her to see it.” Gareth dropped his drum sticks, “are you fucking kidding me?” He yelled at his best friend, as Eddie just smirked at him. “It’s her Gare, the girl I was confessing my love to on Valentine’s Day.” He said, handing Gareth the letter he had written you, “Jesus Christ, this is sappy as hell but fucking beautiful man. You have to give it to her, she needs to know.” Eddie shook his head, “no she doesn’t she hates me.” Gareth thought for a second and smiled at Eddie, “You trust me Munson?” Eddie nodded, “Okay here’s the plan.” 
You were startled out of sleep when the phone next to your bed rang. “Hello?” You whispered, voice sore from crying. “Hey, I wanna read you something. Can you tell me what you think?” You rolled your eyes at Gareth’s voice, assuming it was homework. “Lay it on me, Emerson.” You teased as you sat up in your bed waiting for him to begin. “The day I met you, I felt so beside myself, like I didn’t deserve to look at such a beautiful human being. And then you wanted to be my friend, which I felt even luckier, this angel wanted to be my friend and spend time with me. I never understood where the rumors came from, but you never once believed them. I was always afraid to tell you how I felt because I was worried that you wouldn’t feel the same way and I’d lose you all together. And I couldn’t imagine a life without you Y/n, you are my best friend, and I’m pretty sure the love of my life. Happy Valentine’s Day baby, please say you’ll be mine?” You wiped the tears from your face with the sleeves of Eddie’s sweatshirt you had thrown on, trying to pull yourself together, “well listen if this is you confessing your love, I’m sorry but I think we should be friends.” You tease, as Gareth starts to laugh, “you were the girl he was talking about at lunch yesterday Y/n.” You gasped, completely shocked at this information. “What?” Just as Gareth started to speak your doorbell rang, “go, listen to him, please?” He asked, “okay.” You whispered as you hung up your phone and jumped off the bed going to answer the door. 
As you opened the door, Eddie stood there, one leg bouncing as he leaned on the post on the porch, he was fiddling with his rings as well. “Hi.” He said quietly, taking a small step closer to you, “hi Eddie.” You smiled up at him, and he saw the tears on your cheeks, “good tears I hope?” He asked, holding his arms out at his sides, and you couldn’t help but laugh. “Yes, good tears babe.” He smirked, “babe? Hmm, I was hoping for Daddy, or Sir.” You scoffed at him throwing your arms and legs around him, and he caught you with his large hands under your legs just near your ass. “You wish, Munson.” You whispered near his ear, pulling yourself back to rest your forehead on his. “Three years we could have this the whole time.” He said, his eyes bouncing from your eyes to your lips. “Yeah, but in those three years I learned that I’ll never want anyone other than you. You truly are my best friend and the man I love.” He smiled as he leaned into your lips with his, kissing you gently. After a minute of soft kisses he pulls back and looks at you again. “I love you too, baby.”💖💖💖
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chicgeekgirl89 · 1 year
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Fandom: Heartstopper Characters: Nick Nelson, Charlie Spring, Mrs. Singh, Sai, Christian, Otis, Tori, Jane Spring Rating: K Summary: Nick and Charlie both struggle when Nick is injured during a rugby match. Read on AO3
The Rugby King.
The title has followed him up and down Truham’s corridors since his first match in year ten. Sometimes they’re whispered in awe, sometimes envy, and sometimes even outright disgust or jealousy, but Nick has never paid them much mind. It’s nice to be admired, it’s good to feel competent at a sport he loves so dearly, but he’s never let the title get to his head. Rugby is a team sport and the moment he loses sight of that, it’s all over.
Right now though? Right now he doesn’t feel like the king of anything.
Except maybe shit.
“Come on lads! Pull it together!” Coach Singh is yelling at them from the sidelines and if Nick could, he would. Truly. 
But the team they’re up against is massive, that damn athletics school again, and even with Truham’s Rugby King at the helm they’re losing so badly they may as well not be playing at all. “All right boys!” Nick yells, his voice a little hoarse from constant shouting throughout the match. “Come on then! There’s a few minutes left, let’s give it our all!”
“We’re getting flattened!” Sai protests. “Let’s just call the match and go home!”
“Oi!” Nick yells. “With that kind of attitude we deserve to lose! Now buck up! Let’s give it everything we’ve got, yeah?”
He blows out a breath and spares half a second to glance toward the sidelines where Charlie is standing. When he spots Nick looking he gives a little wave, his cute, knobbly knees poking out beneath the line of his shorts, and Nick shoots him an exhausted smile. 
Part of him hates having Charlie on the team; he still worries about Charlie getting made fun of or injured even after a year of playing. But the other part of him is thrilled to have another excuse to spend more time together. And it doesn’t hurt that when they’re actually being successful at rugby, Charlie’s there to celebrate along with him.
Today, well, at least there’s a friendly face in the crowd. And Charlie will definitely give him a hug when this wretched match is finally done.
Play continues, forcing Nick’s focus back to the game, his heart soaring when Truham takes possession of the ball. Otis sends it to Sai and then to Harry, who passes it to Otis again, and then finally it’s tossed into Nick’s waiting hands. 
He’s about to pass it to Nathan when something collides with his body. As he’s falling he has the insane thought that it must be a bus or perhaps a train, because he’s never been tackled so hard in his entire life. But in the instant before he hits the ground he realizes it’s neither; it’s simply one of the other team’s biggest players. 
This realization helps nothing.
Nick’s head slams into the earth and his first panicked thought is that he’s gone blind, because the entire world explodes into black and white stars and for a moment there’s nothing else. Not pain, not sound, just utter blankness.
And then everything comes rushing back, but at twice the level that it should, absolute agony spearing through his skull. The body on top of him lifts away and Nick rolls onto his back,  releasing the ball and gasping for breath, trying to make sense of what’s going on. One hand comes up and lands on his forehead, as if that will do something to alleviate the god awful shattering pain he’s in.
“All right Nick?” 
Otis and Christian appear and pull him to his feet before he’s ready. He sways on the spot, his knees feeling very wobbly indeed, and his next thought is that he’s about to be sick. 
“Whoa,” Christian says, putting a hand on his shoulder to steady him. “Do you need to go out? That was a rough hit mate.”
“Coach! Nick’s hurt!” Sai calls out.
The whistle blows to stop play as panic shoots down Nick’s spine. If he goes out that means Charlie goes in. And he’s not letting him get hurt again. Not like last time. 
Even though his addled brain feels like soup, Nick pushes through. “No I—I’m fine,” he says. It’s only another few minutes or so. He’ll make it. He has to.
Even if he can barely see straight.
He waves off Coach Singh and then staggers a few steps into their scrum, only kept upright by the arms surrounding him. The whistle blows and despite his best efforts he’s on his knees in seconds, the game going on without him. 
His stomach heaves and he has no choice but to drop onto all fours, emptying it out onto the pitch. He hears Coach Singh starts yelling at someone to stop the clock as he collapses onto his side and then rolls onto his back away from the puddle of sick, gasping for air, tears pricking at his eyes.
“Nick. Nick Nelson look at me.”
Coach Singh is on her knees beside him and he does his best to follow her commands. “Do you remember who I am?”
“Coach.” His voice sounds weird, not like his at all, but it’s the right answer.
“Good. And what day is it?”
“I—“ It’s…Tuesday? Or maybe Thursday? His thoughts feel slippery and he can’t seem to catch this particular one.
Coach Singh’s mouth forms a thin line and then she’s reaching for him. “That’s all right, come on, let’s get you up, there’s a good lad, on your feet.”
She pulls him upward and it takes all of his strength to go with her, stumbling and staggering toward the sidelines where she eases him down on a bench and he promptly lays flat out because being upright is about to kill him.
“Nick?” Charlie’s worried voice floats in through the haze of confusion and Nick blinks up at him. “‘m all right,” he manages, but it’s hard to slide the words off his tongue.
“Charlie, you’ve got to go in,” Coach Singh tells him. “It’s just for another minute, come on, you can do it.”
“But Nick—“
“I’ll look after him! Go!”
The pain is getting worse, not better, he feels too hot, and his ears are ringing. Everything seems off, too loud, too much, he wants to go home and go to bed.
“Nick.” Coach Singh is staring down at him again and he tries to focus on her. “How many fingers am I holding up?”
His vision swims and he swallows, trying hard not to be sick again. “I—I don’t—“
“All right, that’s okay. I’m calling your mum to come and take you to A&E.”
She sounds worried. Which is bad. Coach Singh never sounds worried. Not even when the teams is losing or fighting or anything.
He’s not sure how much time passes, all he can think about is how awful he feels. The game must end because the next thing he knows he can hear the quiet murmurs of his team all around him. They’re probably all staring, but Nick can’t bring himself to care. He just wants his mum. He wants his bed. He wants—
Charlie’s voice is back and then his curly mop appears over Nick’s head and god, he looks terrified, he’s paper white, his eyes wide and panicky. Nick tries to smile at him, but he’s not sure he quite manages it. He stretches out a hand and feels tears prick at his eyes when Charlie’s fingers intertwine with his. 
“Charlie,” he manages.
“I'm right here,” Charlie tells him, his voice a little shaky.
“God, it h-hurts.” The words sound broken, cracking in his throat on their way out, and he barely manages to hold back a whimper.
“I know, I know, just—you’ll be all right. Your-your mum’s on her way, she should be here any second.”
He can feel Charlie’s thumb stroking back and forth over his knuckles and he tries to anchor himself to it, a tiny spot of comfort in the midst of his misery and confusion.
It feels like both forever and only seconds, before his mum’s voice washes over him. “Nicky, Nicky darling, can you hear me?”
Her hands, soft and familiar ghost over his face, through his hair, gently searching for source of his pain.
“Mum.” He makes a valiant effort to open his eyes and squint up at her, the brightness of the sun stabbing like a knife through his skull.
She’s saying something to Coach Singh, but Nick can’t follow it. His brain has turned to sludge, oozing around in his skull so that he can’t grab hold of anything anymore. He just wants to go home. He wants to sleep for a year.
“All right then Nicky, let’s get you to A&E darling,” Mum says.
He doesn’t realize that Charlie’s still holding his hand until it slips from his grasp as he sits up and even then he can’t fully comprehend how it feels to lose it because he immediately vomits all over again.
The next few hours are hazy. He’s not sure how he gets into the car, some of the lads practically carried him his mother tells him later, and then there’s A&E, which is terrible and cold and smells like antiseptic and they ask him so many questions and poke and prod until he thinks he might go mad. 
It will be better when we get home, he thinks the entire time. Everything will be fine once we get home.
It turns out it is not better when they get home. If he thought he’d been in pain before, he was sorely mistaken. He continues to vomit, even when nothing can come up anymore, and he spends the next several hours lying on the bathroom floor with his head in his mum’s lap, whimpering as she runs a cool washcloth over his forehead again and again.
It is, hands down, the worst night of his life. 
The vomiting finally tapers off sometime around four am, leaving him exhausted and completely wrung out. His mum helps him back into his bed where he curls up into a ball and falls into a restless half sleep.
The day is pretty miserable. He’s in pain, the paracetamol only just takes the edge off, his stomach churns, although blessedly he isn’t sick again. He sleeps a lot, on and off, none of it truly restful, and it’s not until day breaks on the following morning that he finally starts to feel even remotely human again.
And that's when his first truly lucid thought comes to him. Charlie.
He croaks it out, immediately panicked. Charlie. Charlie is probably freaking out. Charlie hasn’t heard from him in more than a day, god he probably thinks Nick is dead—
“Nicky? What is it? What’s wrong?” 
His mum settles on the edge of his bed, eyes worried and he feels guilty to have called out for her so anxiously. “Mum I need my phone.”
She brushes a hand gently through his hair, careful to avoid the massive knot that has swelled up where his head hit the ground. “Darling you can’t have it. The doctor said no screens, remember?”
“But I—“
He needs to tell Charlie he’s all right. But he also doesn’t want him mum to go into his messages. Not that there’s anything bad in there but they’re…private.
“Um, could you, could you ring Charlie’s house then?” he asks. “Can you tell his mum or dad that I’m all right?”
“Well yes of course, but it’s only half past seven in the morning dear, I’m not doing it now,” she says. “Can I get you anything? Maybe some tea?”
He nods, then regrets it as his brain thumps painfully around in his skull. God this sucks. 
Charlie hasn’t slept in two days. Sleep is sometimes tough to come by for him anyway, but these last two nights have been the worst. Seeing Nick so out of it, in so much pain, it feels like it’s torn a hole through Charlie’s heart that won’t mend itself.
None of this is helped by the fact that he hasn’t heard a word about Nick since it happened. 
“Sai! Hey!”
He sees the other boy down the end of the corridor and practically sprints toward him. He realizes once he catches up that Christian and Otis are there too. “Sorry, have you heard anything about Nick?” he asks.
All three of them shake their heads. “No, we were going to ask you actually,” Christian says. “He hasn’t been to school since it happened.”
“Yeah I know,” Charlie says, his heart sinking. God, if Nick hasn’t reached out to anyone it must be really bad.
“Head stuff is weird, you know?” Sai tells him. “Sometimes they keep you off screens and all that. I’m sure he’ll be fine. He’s Nick after all.”
They all murmur words of agreement except for Charlie, who feels somehow worse than he had before. 
So instead of making his way to Spanish, he heads for Coach Singh’s office instead.
“Miss?” He knocks timidly on the door. Coach Singh has never been anything but kind and lovely to him, but he still finds her just the tiniest bit intimidating.
“Charlie! Come on in!” She sets aside the salad she’s been eating and holds out a hand, inviting him to sit across from her. “Everything all right?”
He rubs his hands anxiously over his trousers. “I was just wondering if you’ve heard anything about Nick?”
“Ah.” Understanding comes over her face. “Yes as a matter of fact his mum called me just a little while ago. Nick’s going to be out of rugby for a bit I’m afraid.”
What the hell? Charlie had been trying to make himself feel better about Nick’s absence, why is everything everyone’s telling him making it worse?
“Oh,” he says, feeling anxiety swirl through him. “I guess…I guess it’s pretty bad then?”
“Concussion,” she confirms. “Can’t be too careful with those. But don’t worry. Had a few myself and they usually heal up all right.”
“Yeah,” he tries to smile, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “Well, thanks. I’ll erm, I’ll see you later then.”
He turns back.
“Are you all right?”
He swallows and tries again to force a smile. “Yeah, yeah I’m fine.”
“You look like someone kicked your puppy,” Tori says on the bus ride home.
“We don’t have a puppy,” Charlie tells her pointedly. He’s not in a good mood and he doesn’t care to be teased about it.
“Is this about Nick?” 
He sighs. “Yes. I just—I’m worried. He hasn’t been at school for two days. And I—“
He cuts himself off before he can say more.
“Go on then,” Tori says. “You can say you’re pining for him.”
“I am not pining!”
“You’re definitely pining.”
Charlie glares at her and shoves his headphones in his ears to block her out.
By the time he gets home his mood is even fouler than before and he dreads the thought of going upstairs to do his homework. All he wants is to see Nick, to hug him, to make sure he’s all right.
He stops, foot poised over the bottom stair as his mum appears around the corner. “Sarah Nelson rang a little while ago.”
His entire body freezes. “She did?”
“Yes, she said Nick’s been asking for you. You didn’t mention he’d been hurt, is that why you’ve been so off these last few days?”
“Yeah, he—he got hurt during rugby. Did she say anything else?” Hope rises to the surface, mingling with his fear to create something new and thoroughly uncomfortable as he anxiously waits for her answer.
“She asked if you might come round this afternoon to see him.”
He’s pulling his shoes back on before she even finishes the sentence. “Charlie, don’t you have homework to do first?”
He flings the door open. “I’ll do it later!”
He runs. He runs so fast and so hard that by the time he reaches the Nelson’s ten minutes later he’s got a stitch in his side and can’t catch his breath. He probably would have set a school record if someone was timing him, but he doesn’t care. All that matters is that Nick wants to see him.
He presses the buzzer and waits, practically vibrating with nervous energy. Once he sees Nick it will all be fine. Everything will be okay again.
The door opens after an eternally long wait to reveal Sarah Nelson. “Oh Charlie! Good gracious, are you all right? Come in, come in!”
She ushers him through the doorway and he slips off his shoes, still trying to recover his breath, a hand pressed against his chest. “Darling, did you run all the way here?” she asks with a chuckle.
Charlie nods. “Yes, I…how is Nick? Is he okay?”
Her face softens. “He’s had a bit of a rough go, but I think we’ve turned the corner now.”
Relief. It washes over Charlie, soothing away his anxieties and fears. 
Mrs. Nelson continues. “The doctor said he’ll need to be out of school for a bit, a few more days at least. And no rugby for a couple weeks, he’s not happy about that, I can tell you right now,” she says with a smile. “He’s been asking for you all day, wouldn’t stop nagging until I rang your mum to tell you to come over.”
Charlie smiles back. “I’ve been worried about him. When I didn’t hear from him I wasn’t sure…”
“Well he can’t have his phone right now of course and he really wasn’t in any shape at all to do much of anything until this morning.” She looks up at the staircase. “Go on then. We’ve made him wait long enough, yes?”
“Yeah I guess so,” he says, immediately turning for the staircase.
Nick’s door is closed and Charlie eases it open quietly. The room is dark, the shades drawn even though it’s still daylight outside. Charlie’s eyes find Nick, a lump underneath the blankets and the rest of his worry finally washes away. He’s all right. Nick’s all right. 
The room is so still and quiet that Charlie nearly turns to leave, he doesn’t want to wake Nick if he’s sleeping, but then he stirs, eyes blinking open and spotting him. “Charlie?” he sniffs and shifts a little on the bed.
“Hi,” Charlie says, offering an awkward little wave.
“Are you really here? Or is this some kind of concussion induced hallucination?”
Charlie snorts. “No I’m really here.”
Nick eases himself upright and slowly swings his legs over the edge of the bed. “Are you going to come hug me or what? You haven’t seen me in two whole days.”
Charlie walks closer but leaves his hands at his sides. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
Nick looks up at him, his eyes soft. “You could never hurt me.”
He holds out a hand and Charlie takes it, their fingers locking together for a second before Nick uses the connection to tug him close, wrapping his arms around Charlie’s waist and burying his face against his stomach. He exhales, Charlie feels the warmth of it through his shirt, and he gently places a hand on top of Nick’s head. “I’ve missed you,” Nick says, his voice muffled. He looks up. “Are you okay?”
“Am I okay? I’m not the one who nearly had his head bashed in by rugby giants.”
“They were really massive right?” Nick cracks a smile. “Unbelievable.” He studies Charlie’s face. “But really, are you okay?”
Honesty. They’ve promised each other. So why is it still so hard for Charlie to admit when things aren’t all right?
He sits down carefully on the bed beside Nick and intertwines their hands again, focusing his eyes on where their fingers are linked. “I was so worried about you,” he says finally. “I hated not knowing if you were okay or not. You were so hurt and then you were just gone and I didn’t know…It scared me.”
“I’m really sorry,” Nick says mournfully. “I can’t use my phone right now or I’d have messaged straight away once I was, you know, myself again.”
“No, I know,” Charlie says quickly. “I don’t blame you for anything. I just really hated being away from you.”
“Same,” Nick says. “If it’s any consolation, I was not very fun to be around. Couldn’t stop vomming for ages.”
Charlie winces in sympathy. “But it’s better now?”
“Yeah a little. I haven’t been sick since yesterday. Headaches are still pretty awful, but the paracetamol helps some. Basically I just lie around and take naps all day.”
Uncertainty winds its way through Charlie’s chest. “Maybe I should go then? And let you get back to sleep?”
Nick looks at him like this is the stupidest thing he’s ever heard. “Hell no. I thought you came here to rescue me from this dungeon of boredom.”
“It does look a lot like a dungeon when it’s all dark like this,” Charlie admits.
“The light bothers my eyes,” Nick says. “Makes my headache worse.”
He leans over and rests his head on Charlie’s shoulder. “Do you want to lie down?” Charlie asks.
“I don’t want to fall asleep and miss you being here,” Nick says, but he sounds tired and he looks droopy, as if the adrenaline from seeing Charlie has left him abruptly.
“I’m not going anywhere,” Charlie says. “Come on.”
They ease back into Nick’s bed, Nick wincing a little at the change in position, but then snuggling comfortably into Charlie’s chest as Charlie pulls the blankets up and over them both. “‘m sorry I’m not that exciting,” Nick mumbles.
“It’s all right,” Charlie says, rubbing his thumb back and forth over Nick’s arm. “All that matters is that you’re okay.”
“I’m better now that you’re here,” Nick tells him.
Warmth glows up inside Charlie so that he feels cuddly and cozy all over. A soft smile curves his lips and for a moment he just lets himself soak in the peace and calm of being together after such a frightening ordeal. 
Nick’s fingers toy with a button on Charlie’s shirt. “Did you come here straight from school?”
“Er, yeah, sort of,” Charlie says, feeling a blush rise in his cheeks. “As soon as I got home my mum said your mum had called, so I sort of just…ran here.”
The gets him an incredulous laugh. “You ran here?”
“Don’t pretend like you wouldn’t’ve done the same thing!” Charlie says, also laughing.
“Yeah, you’re right. I would’ve.”
There’s a moment of comfortable silence. “You said the ’s’ word before,” Charlie says.
“I’m concussed,” Nick tells him. “I’m allowed a slip up.”
“Ha! All right. Just this once.”
Nick’s phone buzzes on the nightstand next to him and he groans. “So annoying. My mum finally let me have it back even though I can’t use it. It keeps going off and I can’t even look and see who it is. I should have let her keep it.”
“D’you want me to read your messages to you?” Charlie asks.
Nick squints up at him. “Are you sure? There’s probably like, hundreds.”
“Well as half of them are probably mine I really don’t mind,” Charlie says.
Nick settles in again. “Okay then.”
Charlie picks up the phone and types in Nick’s passcode (Nellie’s birthday). “There’s only fifty-two,” he says. “You’re not as popular as you think Rugby King.”
Nick huffs. “Don’t call me that. I’m clearly not king of anything.”
“It was one bad match Nick,” Charlie says gently, brushing Nick’s hair back out of his face with careful fingers. “It happens.”
“Yeah, I guess,” Nick says, sounding forlorn.
Charlie swipes open the first message. There are indeed about twenty from him, starting with “I hope you’re okay. Let me know when you get home from A&E,” and ending with just a string of heart emojis when he realized Nick wasn’t going to respond. 
He decides to skip those for now and thumbs open another set. “Who do you want to hear from first? Tao or Otis?”
“Definitely Tao,” Nick says, clearly realizing that whatever Tao has sent will be entertaining.
“Tao says, ‘You really didn’t need to try and prove your head is harder than a block of concrete, we already knew that.’”
Nick snorts. “Excellent.”
“This one from Elle is much nicer.”
And day slips into night and Nick drifts in and out of sleep as Charlie holds him and all is right with the world again.
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amazingmsme · 9 months
Tim Houston, Tom's son from black Friday
Ngl I don’t have a lot just cause I tend to focus more of the older characters, but I can give you some! Lowkey sad tho, just a warning
So Tim used to be a normal, happy kid until the accident. He’s always smiling & pulling small pranks to get a quick laugh, but he stopped doing it as much unless his friends hype him up
This kid’s got the biggest dimples ever, it’s precious
Definitely was a momma’s boy, so Jane’s death was really hard on him. He doesn’t blame Tom, but he acknowledges how much things have changed since she’s gone & he’s much more distant with his dad than he used to be
Jane was really playful with him & made up cute lil tickle games to make him laugh & it was always such a sweet tender moment together
Tim used to like being tickled because it was something that brought him closer to his family, but now it makes him sad because it reminds him of his mom☹️
Tom tries to hard to reach out to him, but he’s at a loss for how to connect with his son after a loss like that. I also think that his PTSD makes it even harder for him to connect with him because he’s always afraid something will trigger him & he’ll lash out, so he resorts to being distant & closed off while trying to show his love & support while still keeping his distance
Tim is the spitting image of his dad when he was younger. Maybe sometime after the accident they were looking through some old photo albums & he’s like “I don’t remember taking this picture” & Tom’s like “that’s because that’s me”
A few times since the accident, Tom’s tried played the games he knows Jane used to play with Tim, but he doesn’t really know how they all work & he’s a little awkward & clumsy as he tries to make him laugh & smile like he used to & do something sweet to remind him of his mom, but it lowkey makes them both sadder after the fact because her absence is just so obvious now
Sorry I don’t have very many, but I hope these can suffice!
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Spoilers season 1 Finale
My thoughts under the cut...
I have to say I really enjoyed the season 1 finale. I finally was able to sit down and watch it, from beginning to end it was fantastic. After last week's I was feeling rough with everything that happened but the finale definitely bought it altogether in a seamless way that flowed really well from one scene to the next. Which I have say some episodes do feel disjointed this one didn't. Where to start I did like Jane and Susan kinda working together again. The way they did the race was brilliant, I like the location of unused race tracks. I know it's meant to be California but it feels more tropical to me like maybe the coast of Georgia or Florida. But what I really love is that it's Jane and Susan that end up driving in the race. It was such a surprising chance of events however I was super excited about. I was literally yelling at my phone for Jane to win. 😁 I did so love that Olivia came even though she stayed out of sight.
Oh I like the T-birds and Pink Ladies "borrowing" parts from the Principles car and Ms. McGee just pretending like she doesn't see a thing, just too good lol.
I love Cynthia being up Nancy's butt about how she's treating Potato. I also love when Nancy comes to check on Cynthia to see why she hasn't been herself lately. And Cynthia tells Nancy about her feelings for Lydia. That was such a great scene. I was in tears, because I personally know how that feels. Not just basically coming out to a friend, which back than a million times scarier but also telling them you have feelings for someone. It was really brave of Cynthia to put herself out there like that. Then Nancy was super supportive and open hearted to be there for her friend. Just love it.
Hazel waking up Jane to talk her about her boy problems. That was such a sweet scene bewteen them. Jane all being I don't have clue really. That scene flowing smoothly into them all being at the Frosty Palace discussing not being friends with Olivia anymore, Hazel being you can still be friends with ever if she gets married. Of the Pink Ladies stopping the wedding well you all can guess how I feel about that! If not I was so overjoyed, ever Olivia's mom over there going we shouldn't of said yes. Than Jane making that heartfelt speak to Olivia, Olivia understanding that she does have Jane and the other Pink Ladies even with her brother gone that she isn't alone. She has four ride or die friends. Oh my favorite part of that scene I swear Nancy was channeling my emotions when she turned back around, ran up on Mr. Daniels slapping him across the face and reminded him Olivia is just a child. So so so fucking good!! I'm a little embarrassed how many times I rewatched that but it was just so satisfying cause there's so many times I want to slap that bastard.
Olivia did look pretty in her dress, I liked her and Jane at the Carnival together, they were so cute.
I love Cynthia and Lydia in mirror house together, Cynthia singing to her omg so romantic. Just love that scene. When Nancy came in at the end awww. 😍
I am a bit curious what's going to happen with Buddy now that he's not going to live with his father? He is a good kid and deserves better than a power hunger father!
I was so hoping for awhile now they'd make Hazel a Pink Ladies. So when that scene came up I was like are they really going to do!?! The whole musical scene was great that went along with it. I just love we have a new Pink Lady!
I almost forgot getting to see Frenchy and Rizzo again is just too cute. I rewatched the original Grease a couple of days ago. It's remarkable how much Madison Elizabeth Lagarestha that plays Frenchy now sounds like Didi Conn that played Frenchy in the original movie. I also wondered while watching the movie who made the Pink Ladies jackets now? After Nancy goes away to college or what have you who takes over making them? 🤔 Strange little things my mind thinks about.
Of course the cliff hanger... so is that Danny's brother, Frankie Zuko? Truthfully do we need another boy thrown at Jane?
I'm really hoping they get renewed for a 2nd season, I definitely think the series deserves it. It's because one my personal favorites. I really like the characters I don't want to see them go away anytime soon!!
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goldeneyedgirl · 10 months
this is probably a dumb question but: how do you think the saga would have gone had victoria turned mike instead of riley? what do you think would have happened if it was revealed that bree or fred was/were related to jessica or something like that?
(or if angela really did turn out to be a witch?)
and also, how would you go about involving the humans of forks into all the supernatural stuff if you could rewrite the saga / have free rein?
and also also (i'm done now, i promise, this ask is all over the place, i am so sorry): tara x jacob? i ship it. please tell me more :-D
Ooof, Anon, great questions. Settle in, I've never been known for short answers.
So if Mike were changed instead of Riley, that's someone that Bella knows and theoretically cares about. That's a disappearance that affects her entire community - Bella works for Mike's family, she spends time with him, her other friends have known Mike for years. I can see Bella being concerned, but not overall worried or invested in Mike's fate too much. Bella comes across as very self-centered and I think that only Jessica or Angela could inspire her to really worry in this scenario. I can see some jokes being made about Edward not worrying about Mike anymore, and having that look very dark during the reveal.
I also think that Victoria would keep Mike a secret, and not let him roam as much as Riley, to have the maximum impact. Victoria got so close to Bella, she killed one of Bella's friends as part of her army. That's extremely scary and messed up.
There's a huge emotional arc of Mike disappearing without a trace, and then Bella coming face to face with him in the battle. And Mike is so confused - he's believed the whole time that he's saving Bella (because Victoria would use Mike's affection for Bella to her benefit) from the terrible, dangerous Cullens, and that he's met his soulmate in Victoria. That Victoria is really a good person who is looking out for Bella and only changed Mike because she loved him at first sight.
I like to think that Mike would have his moment, and turn on Victoria - maybe even help Edward and Jacob destroy Victoria. A nice little framing of the three boys who loved her protecting her. And Mike backing the fuck up away from Bella because he knows he's going to want to eat her if he gets too close.
As much as I think it would be cute and fun if Mike and Bree were allowed to live, and go off together as nomads with kind of a sibling dynamic (and great potential for their return in Breaking Dawn as witnesses; Mike has the advantage of testifying that no one suspects the Cullens of being anything except too rich and fucking weird), I think Jane would have executed both of them, and that Bella and Edward's choices would finally have a human price and a face to them - especially if Mike realized he was on death row and tells Bella to make sure his mom knows that he loved her.
I don't believe that Bella was written to reflect on this kind of thing much, but I do like the idea of Mike's death weighing on her and making her question everything that has happened since she moved to Forks, and Eclipse ending with Bella 'needing to think' rather than accepting Edward's proposal. She's the reason that Mike never graduated high school, why his family will never stop looking for him, why he never got to go to college or get married or have any of the things that Bella can still have.
And then you lead into Breaking Dawn with Bella finally accepting the proposal but asking to put off her change until after college (obviously Renesmee ruins that plan, but the sentiment is enough.) I would also hope that Bella chooses a boy's name of Edward Michael, to honour her friend.
It would be amazing fun, though, to have Mike and Bree return in Breaking Dawn to help Bella, considering each other family, and Mike meets Tanya and is just in awe of this gorgeous woman who actually seems interested in him? It might not be forever, but Mike kind of gets to make lemonade out of the lemons of Victoria changing him. Plus after all his time as a punchline, Mike actually makes friends with the Cullens? He and Emmett are both super enthusiastic about Cullen baseball and video games, he's stunned by how much Rose knows about cars, he gets to part ways with Edward as friends. Feels more fun, but it does lose a lot of the lessons his execution would have for Bella.
bree & fred.
To be frank, I don't think Bella would have cared if Bree or Fred were related to Jessica. I think she would have noticed Jessica's worried and unhappiness, and *maybe* made the connection when faced with them on the battlefield, but she wouldn't have been emotionally invested in them as people. Their execution would be sad, but I don't think it would fundamentally change Bella or her story.
I've never played with this headcanon much, but I am intrigued. I think that if Angela were a witch, it would be hinted at from Twilight - maybe James' hunt with Bella broke some kind of protective circle she and her family established around Forks. One that the Cullens didn't break because they genuinely mean no harm to the people, and because Carlisle arrived with the intentions of healing and helping.
I feel like Angela's relationship with the Pack could go either way - as an ally who provides healing and protection, as well insight, or as an enemy, someone tapping into powers and knowledge they have no business accessing.
She would definitely have some kind of rune to make sure that Edward doesn't hear anything she doesn't want heard. I think it would be SUPER fun if it were Angela who rocked up to the Cullens house to let them know there was an army being formed, and they needed to do something. Maybe spilling the beans that she's done a good amount of research and worked out exactly who Carlisle, Rose, Jasper, and Edward were, but she's never been able to pinpoint which era Esme, Alice, and Emmett were from, just to really stop the Cullens in their tracks.
During the Eclipse battle, Angela would be with Bella the entire time, creating any kind of protective circle and warding charms she could manage, and be zero-tolerance with Edward and Jacob's competitive nonsense - "Bella's a person, not an object to be fought over." She'd be sent back to the Res after the battle so that she didn't run into the Volturi.
Angela wouldn't end up imprinting on the Pack or anything; she'd go to college, maybe coming back for Breaking Dawn's confrontation during Winter Break (though she would definitely be facetiming during Bella's pregnancy with ideas, tips, and generally trying to convince Bella that the risk was insane and there was only so much that could be done). I think in that scenario, Angela would be the one entrusted with Renesmee, and that Jacob would be responsible for getting both of them away from the battle. Angela becomes a friend and ally to the whole family, and gets to live out her life with a foot in each world because she deserves good things.
humans in twilight.
If I had free reign over Twilight, Bella and Edward would be the B-plot, and Alice would be the protagonist learning about where she came from, and realising Aro wants her as a weapon. Or just a super self-indulgent human Alice/vampire Jasper moment. Or just ret-con a lot of it.
But I digress.
To integrate the classmates into Twilight more, I would let the Cullens have friends. No necessarily bffs, but maybe the Cullens sit at the same lunch table as Jessica and co, maybe Alice joins them sometimes and other times Edward summons her back to the family. Or maybe Rosalie is part of a study group for STEM, or Emmett had a part-time job down at Newtons (a GREAT opportunity for him and Bella to interact in the later books - I maintain that Emmett deserved a much larger role, and that New Moon needs a total overhaul to balance out Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. But that's a full TED talk on its own.)
Just something to integrate them more with their classmates. "The Cullens are kind of weird, but they're okay - Jasper Hale can fix any electronic, it's freaky, but he makes you pay. If you need any tutoring in the sciences, Rosalie Hale is terrifying but so good at it. Alice Cullen is so cute, every year she does the school musical's costumes by herself, and she teaches kiddie ballet classes at the rec center on Saturdays." Give these people some hobbies, some way of still being apart of human life beyond freakin' high school. Give them a reason for them to be accepted on the fringes of their classmates lives.
Have Bella be a little more pleasantly surprised how easily these people accept and want to make friends with her - maybe Tara's dad used to go fishing with Charlie, and she remembers playing with Tara when she was a kid. Maybe DJ Garret's older sister baby-sat Bella once or twice. Maybe Rachel and Rebecca Black text Bella welcoming her back to 'hell' and Bella spends four books trying to conceal what's going on because she doesn't think Rachel or Rebecca know anything.
Then start using them - specifically Jessica. She's a good foil to Bella because she's so outgoing, and Jessica is so fundamentally human that she can represent all the things that Bella is willing to give up. No gift, no trauma, just an ordinary girl in high school from a content family.
It's not Renee that James pretends to kidnap, he grabs Jessica when she shows up at the Swans to study with Bella; It's not Bella that's bitten, it's Jessica. Bella has to witness all this, and the Cullens are more invested because Jessica is fundamentally a nice person to them. Bella sees the horror of vampirism, but Jessica is convinced she just had a head injury.
Then New Moon happens and Emmett attacks Bella instead of Jasper and the Cullens leave. They let themselves get too close in Forks, it's become too much. They got too attached, and this is what happened. Maybe it's not realistic to live like humans anymore. Maybe they have to isolate themselves because of what they are. Make this a family choice, make everyone be leaving something behind - Carlisle, his work; Esme's social circle and maybe a business; friends, jobs, hobbies, just little human things they really wanted but can no longer justify.
Bella's depressed, but Jessica is getting more memories back, and her hand feels kind of weird and that scar looks like a human bite mark? The story isn't fitting together right. Why didn't anyone call the police over James? Why is Bella so depressed?
Jessica has a strong personality, and she definitely isn't going to let all this go... which results in her tracking Bella down at the Res to get some answers just in time to see Jacob transform. And OF COURSE Jessica tells her friends, who don't believe her until Jessica goes digging JUST in time to confront Bella with a full binder of evidence including the fact the Cullens owned the property back in the 1920s and Hoquaim Hospital happened to have a Doctor Carlisle Cullen working for them.
"I saw a guy turn into a giant wolf, Bella, nothing is off the table. Did you know a Rosalie Hale disappeared in New York State during the 1930s? She just vanished, and then her fiance was murdered in a locked room. The photos are blurry but I have copies."
By the time we get to Eclipse, Bella's trying SO HARD to protect her human friends from the Volturi by keeping them away from where Edward might hear their thoughts. Meeting Aro terrified and traumatized her; she's having nightmares. But Jessica has her friends convinced. She has Angela and Eric helping her comb records to find out where the other Cullens came from. It's pretty futile, since she only has two surnames to work from, but she does find a marriage certificate for an Esme Platt to a Carlisle Cullen from the 60s that she's certain is useful.
Eventually, Jessica decides she wants the full story. What do the Cullens want? What happened to her when that guy abducted her? So she gets her friends and goes to the Cullens for a confrontation. And Alice insists they tell them everything because that's how it has to go. There's no way around telling the truth now.
I'd mess with the timeline a lot to so that Bella has more time to develop her relationship with Edward, and so that the actual battle in Eclipse is the night of graduation - Alice's 'party' is just a cover. And Jessica and co want to help; the wolves and Cullens might be fighting and dismembering the newborns, but Mike has a whole camping store of weapons, there's a good likelihood of some of them having shooting skills, get them in the mix - first aid for wounded wolves, starting the pyres, holding some kind of line to warn the Cullens if any get past a certain point towards town. And then someone gets hurt - maybe Eric or Ben get attacked, maybe Nicole gets hurt bad enough she ends up paralyzed. Raise the stakes some more.
Then Breaking Dawn. Jessica hears that Bella is recovering from near-death after the wedding, and she and Angela go to visit Bella pregnant, wasting away. Jessica just rolls her eyes and is like "you really are gunning for Queen of Fucking Terrible Decisions, Swan. Move over, lets watch a movie." Jessica and Angela - maybe even Tara and Nicole - immediately start coming over to hang out with Bella, and help with the research into hybrids. I really find it bizarre that dhampir legends never came up in canon because vampire hybrids are based in actual mythology.
Then they all leave for college. Jessica definitely texts Bella 'Renesmee? What are you, Mormon?' when Ness is born, but it's friendly ribbing. The Cullens defend the presence of the humans to the Volturi by offering them this choice: either you have a dozen kids protecting their home, helping uphold the secrecy laws, and knowing that walking around at night is fucking dangerous in a new way, or you have an entire town slaughtered by newborns in the age of Facebook. Alice's visions of no one spilling the beans helps, but it solidifies to Aro that Carlisle cannot be trusted, that his compassion is also his biggest flaw. That if anyone should die for these humans, it should be the Cullens.
And then the last scene is spring break; Cullens vs the Pack baseball match, and the humans are back to watch and heckle. And Bella gets this one moment that if she has to leave it all behind, she's glad these are the memories and the people she gets to carry with her. The Cullens know that things have to change, that they cannot integrate themselves like this again, so that Forks will always be special to them. The end of an era.
Fade to black.
I think most of the rest of that verse is really from Alice's POV, so you don't get much from seeing Tara interacting with Jacob, but you get a lot of Tara having the biggest crush and freaking out that she's made a fool of herself in front of him. A lot of joking, a lot of girl-talk, a lot of "Bella. Look at me. Tell Jacob you are not interested and give him my number, you are a terrible wing-man. I will make a very convincing argument."
I do know that once Tara gets her guy, she gets to spend more time around at the Cullens asking all the questions she can think of (at least half of them are inappropriate), and she and Rose... they aren't friends, but they get along. Jacob is definitely frustrated that Tara likes the Cullens, and wishes she'd 'stay safe'. At that point, though, Alice has friends like a Real Girl (the document is actually called nofriendsforalice.pages) and Tara is laughing at Jacob, that he thinks manicures and pop music and gossip is dangerous.
The reveal is pretty fun, and the whole fic is really about female friendships and autonomy, and Jacob getting a girlfriend that isn't mystically ordained and just likes him for being him.
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kousaka-ayumu · 3 months
"By The Power of Music! Cure Héxie Made Her Debut!"
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Previous episode
But before she knew it, a pair of hands which look like it came from the midnight sky wrapped themselves around her.
"𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖐 𝖞𝖔𝖚, 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖘𝖆𝖛𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖍𝖊𝖗."
That's what she heard before Azalea was taken away.
Suddenly the girl opened her eyes, she was standing in a abandoned and destroyed castle but this time she's in front of the gates with a sun on the wooden gates.
She's confused, she never seen this location from any of the books she read, she slowly walked towards gates and there's a sign right next to it.
'Welcome to Ravindra Garden!'
Ravindra Garden? She never heard of this name before.
As she's thinking about the information, she didn't notice that a girl walked behind her.
The girl looked identical to her but the hair is longer and is wearing a purple outfit.
All of a sudden, she held the girl's hand and everything went white.
??? End.
Currently both of them are now in her room with Xuánlǜ, Galaxie, Riah and Amour.
"Okay, what in the world just happened today? First I transformed into some strong girl, then everything in here became a snow valley and that butterfly monsters just became a cute little butterfly, and that Acheron guy is covered by a bunch of snow!" She said as she wailing her arms around like a kid, suddenly there was a knock on the door.
"Oh shoot! Hide!" She ushered the fairies to hide, luckily they did, the door was opened and it's Hoseki in her dorm uniform.
She wore a pastel blue dress with black frills, puffy sleeves, white apron with the trump card print, black and white stripe tights and black Mary Jane shoes.
She came from the BiaHart dorm, founded by the Curiousity of the Lost Dreamer. "Fuyumi." She said.
"Hoseki-chan? What are you doing here?" She asked with a nervous smile on her face as she didn't want to tell the tiger beast-girl what had happened yesterday. "Came here to tell you something."
"Sure what is it?"
"A boy was floating in the sky constantly demanding for you're presence."
That sentence is when she froze, oh no, oh no, oh no no no no.
"And the next thing I know I went unconscious along with everyone else's, and the next I woke up to see him gone but.."
"I saw a girl with ice blue hair."
'Oh no, oh no, oh nononononono, did she knew? Did she knew?!' The ice blue streaked haired girl thought panicking within her mind 'Don't worry! Maybe she thought it was apart of her imagination or something?!' Demetria said telepathically to her within their mind also panicking.
"Could be an imagination.." Fuyumi responded, the polar bear sigh in utter nervousness he hope that Fuyumi doesnt mess up. "But if that guy's appeared again, make sure to keep yourself safe." She said as she left the room, now that she's alone she nudges the Crusaders to coming out of their hiding spot and Demetria have flee out of the watch.
"That was so close!" Riah said, "You said it Riah." Xuánlǜ replied they were so close to get caught by another being as they're not used to the world of Twisted Wonderland. "Sorry Fuyumi, it just that we're not used to this place." The polar bear said, "It's okay." Fuyumi said.
Meanwhile at the now ruined Ravindra Garden, Acheron was currently being cleaned up by a girl
The girl has white hair with sky blue eyes, wearing a white dress with light blue frills, gold accents, white to gray to black gradient socks and dark blue shoes, she also has a small angel wings and a broken halo. Her name is Elvis.
"And then I got blasted by her! Blasted! I mean blasted by a batch of fucking snow am I right?!" Acheron said complaining and being absolutely bitter with his loss with some girl?! What was her problem anyway?!
"Acheron, Elvis." A voice commanded outside of the room.
"Acheron, sweetie are you okay?" She ask only to be responded with "The fuck not Lurline, I got blasted by a bunch of snow from that PreCure lady!" He's angry that he lost, usually he's bombastic that he won several times before, only for him to be lost this time around.
"What brings you here then Lady Lurline?" Elvis asks"Ammit-sama asks me to get rid of the girl you lost to, I'll see you later bye~" She said and then dissapeared.
Back with our heroes Fuyumi is currently in classes with Demetria inside her watch, the other Crusaders are fooling around in her room and Xuánlǜ? He secretly followed her and ended up separating from her by accident.
And now he got lost in this giant castle that is called Royal Sword Academy. 'God I should've stayed in Fuyumi's room, if I did then I wouldn't got lost in this giant plac-'
Suddenly all he heard was a soft singing, surely he flew towards the source of the song, it's in the music classroom.
It was none other than Hoseki Héxie.
Shinkai shoujo mada mada shizumu
Kurayami no kanata e tojikomoru
Shinkai shoujo dakedo shiritai
Kokoro hikareru ano hito wo mitsuketa kara
For a moment right there, he felt like he was hypnotized by her voice, he never heard a song like this in centuries ever since what had happened, yet for some reason she look likes him........
He was too deep within his thoughts that he never noticed that Hoseki was approaching him and it was only pick him up that snapped him out of his thoughts.
Suddenly he started panicking "Hey, hey hey, it's okay I'm not gonna hurt you." That was said to him from the beast-girl.
Slowly but surely he looked and saw the soft yet kind smile from Hoseki herself, her dull red eyes somehow reminded him even more of him, then he quickly flew out from her hands in a completely nervous wreck.
"Can you tell me who are you?" She asked politely, she looked like someone he knew but at the same time different as herself, slowly but surely he flew towards her "I'm Xuánlǜ, from Ravindra Garden well formerly from Ravindra Garden." He said shyly, almost like his voice is filled with anxiety. "Name's Héxie Hoseki, nice to meet you." She said, in utter politeness.
Then she held out her hand almost as if she wanted to shake hands with him, at first he wasn't sure but later he did, suddenly there was a bright light came from between both of them, with her upper back now has a music note of a g-clef.
Before she could ask something "Xuánlǜ! Where are you?!" A voice yelled out, it was Fuyumi. Hoseki was surprised by it. "Fuyumi?" She said softly, then looked at the eastern dragon "You know her?" She asked, "Yes, since yesterday."
"Xuánlǜ! Xuá-" Fuyumi yelled out before interrupted herself as she went to the music classroom and saw Hoseki with Xuánlǜ in front of her.
It was utter silence before-
"UWWWAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!" Fuyumi screamed out with her all as it was immediately transitioned to a tanned skinned 15 year old girl with long dark green hair with light green streak, green eyes and wore the same uniform as Fuyumi but instead it's a white collared undershirt, blue blazer, and white knee length socks, she also has a golden bracelets. Her name is Midorikaze Kiko.
There's also a 14 year old girl with short dark brown hair with a small braid and an orange streak, has bright green eyes and a gold star marking on her cheek, she wore a white collared undershirt with orange cardigan, blue skirt, white tights and black heels. Her name is Mikanhoshi Seiza.
"Did you hear that?" Kiko ask to be met with "Yeah, but I think we should ignore it, it's their problem not ours." Seiza replied and walked away, Kiko ended up following her "Hey! Just because you're a celebrity doesn't mean you get to say things like that!" She responded as she followed her.
"So what you're saying is that you're a legendary warrior named PreCure and have to fight evil people? Is that why that guy after you yesterday?" Hoseki askes, apparently Fuyumi have to explained everything to a T.
"Sorta, but I'm chosen! The reason is that I have to protect Demetria." The ice streaked haired girl replied, everything that happened was so unexpected to her, it was overwhelming that she couldn't remember some details properly.
"And these guys? Also from Ravindra Garden?" She asked, the Crusaders nodded, she couldn't feel but felt horrible for them, they lived in that place their entire lives only to be destroyed by villains, she can't forgive those villains, ever. "But it's okay, Fuyumi has found us and given us a home, if it weren't for her I could've died from my injury." Demetria said coming from her watch, "But it was because I found you guys outside of one of the classrooms remember?" Fuyumi said with a smile on her face.
"Hold up, I heard of Ravindra Garden before, I saw that in a dream." She said, Fuyumi frozed.
"You mean you wake up in a destroyed and abandoned castle?!"
"Yeah? Wait you also?"
"Yes! Wait up, that was before I became Cure Schnee! I never have dreams like that."
"Demetria, do you know about this?" Fuyumi asked, only to be met with "I'm sorry, I don't know anything about that." The polar bear replied. "It's okay."
It was awkward silence between both of them, it was explainable.
"Wanna go to the library tomorrow?"
Meanwhile in the middle of nowhere a woman was cleaning up the mess that she made earlier.
Then she looked at the scene which is covered with redness and her eyes glows yellow.
"Tch." That was the only thing she said as she cleaned up her mouth before everything goes black.
The next day, school is over both girls are now at the library and they were searching for something, it was only until Galaxie stumble across a newspaper.
"Guys, look at this." She said as she picked up the newspaper with her mouth and flying unto the table, the other Crusaders, Fuyumi and Hoseki have gathered around the table with the ice blue streaked haired girl have a book about dreams in her arms.
The following newspaper reads:
25 year old Adele Rossettial, have gone missing since September 16 of 20**, last seen entering the Forest of Rememberance.
"Wait a minute there's more." Fuyumi said as she flipped the page.
14 year old Sophia Claire, 17 year old Scarlattina Dulce, 18 year old Jaune Dulce and 16 year old Maria Cadance have gone missing since November 30 of 20**, last seen entering the Forest of Rememberance.
"Wait a minute, what do they have in common?" Riah asked.
"All 5 of them went missing after they went to the forest of rememberance." Hoseki responded, but before Fuyumi said anything, there were footsteps which startled the group.
"Hide!" Demetria demanded, all the Crusaders immediately scattered to find a place to hide.
The footsteps revealed to be a woman they never seen before.
The woman has strawberry blonde hair with magenta-pink eyes, she wore a white dressrobes with soft yellow and gold details, brown sandals, and a rose hair pin.
"What's going on? I heard some noises h-." Suddenly she was interrupted by seeing the 2 girls. "What are you two doing here?"
"Oh uh? We're just here to search for some books to study for tomorrow!" Fuyumi immediately said as Hoseki nodded.
"If it's for today, I'm fine with this. By the way my name is Ichigo Muichiro I'm you're new botanical teacher from now on." The woman now known as Ichigo left.
But for some reason, Xuánlǜ looked at her wearily as her eyes turned dark yellow for the moment.
"Phew that was close."
Now both of them are at Hoseki's room in BiaHart.
"Now let's see here.."
Future dreams is a prophetic dreams deliver information about future events, while other types of future dreams involve guidance about the future.
(Yes, I got this from google)
"Does this have something to do with the the broken castle from our dreams?" Fuyumi asked.
"I'm not sure about it, but if anything this has something to do with the missing people and the Forest of Rememberance." Hoseki replied as the eastern dragon lied on her lap, currently taking a nap for the moment.
"I'm sure this has to do with both, the dreams and the Forest." Fuyumi said.
Little did they know "Ichigo" was watching them from the window with dark yellow eyes that glows in the dark as wings sprouted from her back.
The next day history classes we're done and the duo are now on their way to botanical class as the sky suddenly turned dark reddish pink and the clouds suddenly turned to some "toys"and everything else murky, which startled the 2 girls.
They immediately go outside to see the other students are now unconscious.
"Hold on, what's going on?!" Hoseki asked utterly terrified as suddenly a giant owl appeared before them, much like the butterfly from last time it also became a grusome monster. It was named Noctua Somnia.
"Hoseki-chan, find a place to hide,I got this." Fuyumi said and the tiger beast-girl did run and find a place to hide.
Then she took a deep breath before..
"PreCure.... Royale Charge!" She yelled out her chant as her body is covered in a ice blue glow, her black gloves appear, then her white boots with ice blue details appear, curls herself into a ball and when she uncurls herself, she is now wearing a white off the shoulder dress with the ice ribbon in the front, a dark grey waist-ribbon and a gray ribbon, the off-shoulder sleeves have a navy blue frill, the dress has a ice blue frill, the center of her chest has a light bluish purple heart with a ice-blue bow and a dark grayish blue tights, her hair is now ice blue that fades into light purple tied up in a right-side ponytail with a golden tiara. The place is now burst into a bundle of snow, she flew down.
"May the snowdrop bloom! Cure Schnee!" She said as she opened her eyes which is now light purple, and stroke a pose.
Suddenly everything became winter, a bundle of snow, the whole school is now in a snow globe with the students now asleep peacefully.
Hoseki was stunned yet amazed by Fuyumi's phrase, yet couldn't help but amazed by her beauty.
Suddenly the owl monster let out a blast of darkness which Fuyumi now Schnee deflected with her snow shield.
Then she jumps really high and her boots landed on the top of the snow globe then blasted herself and punch the owl monster, unfortunately Noctua Somnia used it's wings to knock her back, suddenly blasting her unto a tree which injured her.
"Fuyumi!" Both Hoseki and Xuánlǜ cried out but before she could do anything she was stuck in a birdcage.
"I'm afraid I can't let you help her sweetheart." A feminine yet seductive voice said, then a woman in her 20s, it's a succubus appeared before her.
The woman has blonde hair and dark yellow eyes, she wore a black one piece with a diamond-shape line revealing the middle of her big chest with a 4-point star on her left chest with a skull on it, a dark reddish pink broken heart under both of her chests, long black gloves, and yellow heels. Her name is Lady Lurline, or nicknamed Lurline.
And she's also holding a fork-shaped spear with a white pole, yellow bow and a red rose ornaments.
"Who are you?" Hoseki asked, is this lady working for that Ammit lady?
Suddenly she heard a crash and she saw Schnee crashed into a tree, her eyes widened in horror.
"Now, can you gave me the little dragon, and I'll let you and you're friend go." Lurline said.
"No, I won't let you have Xuánlǜ. Ever." Hoseki stated, she held the eastern dragon into her arms and won't let him go.
Getting a bit impatient, the succubus slide her arm unto the cage, and was about to grabbed him until..
"I can't let you have him ever!" She yelled with all her might as a ray of purple light suddenly hit her and Lurline flew back and thrown the monster off of Schnee.
Hoseki opened her eyes, she is in a place that was reminiscent of a Chinese temple with musical note snapped clouds.
"H-how did I get here?" She asked "You protect me, from that woman." He stated"You we're chosen as well after Fuyumi."
Suddenly he wrapped his body around her wrist and became a watch, much to her suprise but her expression later changed to a more determined one.
"Alright, let's do this."
"PreCure.... Royale Charge!" She yelled out her chant as her body is covered in a purple glow, her hair once used to be dark purple now a light purple tied up in a side ponytail which fades into blue, then she did a little tap dance which led to her heels with music notes appeared on them, then a pastel purple slapped unto her chest then a turtleneck knee-lengh dress appeared along with 2 strands of teal linings created a string, she grabbed a thin music note and wrapped around her arm suddenly a black fingerless gloves appeared alongside the light purple arm warmers, the light ribbon wrapped themselves around the bottom of her chest and a dull red sash appeared along with a pastel yellow fabric with series of music notes along with thin lines appeared as well as a green fabric(?) appeared with a g-clef note,and finally a plum blossom flower landed on her head which created a tiara.
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Then she softly landed "Let the songs filled you're heart, Cure Yīnyuè!" She said as her eyes are now a ruby red and strikes a pose.
The place once formerly a winter wonderland now a reminiscent of a Chinese Opera House which coloured dark purple.
Slowly but gently Fuyumi woke up, she put her hand onto her head, feeling a bit hurt after what happened, at first she was confused at where she was but later was surprised when she saw.
What was once Hoseki, is now Cure Yīnyuè, the succubus was surprised as this wasn't apart of the plan.
"Oh my, I wasn't expecting this. You know what never mind, Soulless attack!" She yelled out as she uses her staff to power up the Owl Monster which nearly throw themselves to Schnee but she quickly deflected with her ice shield along with Héxie summoning a harp to amplify it.
Then she quickly took a deep breath, she slowly approached the owl monster which they noticed it and get ready to attack her but fortunately Schnee noticed and summoned ice shackles that tied it up.
Quickly she stopped her step and looked at the owl monster, she has a worried yet determined expression on her face.
"PreCure... Symphony Harp!"
She played the harp at the same time she started humming which calmed down the owl for the moment but still weary of it, suddenly chained that look reminiscent of music notes tied up Lady Lurline which suprised her.
Slowly but surely the owl really started to calm down and started shrinking to its original size.
"Looks like I lost here huh? But don't worry, I'll do better next time." She said to herself as she dissapears leading to the shackles falling down.
As Héxie finished playing her harp, everything goes back to normal, unfortunately only Schnee's head Injury stayed there.
Speaking of which, Schnee who transformed back into Fuyumi rushed towards Héxie who transformed back into Hoseki adn hugs her.
"Holy Great Seven you're so amazing!" She said with stars shining in her eyes, Hoseki giggled but her tone quickly switched to concerned"Thanks, but what about you're injury?" She asked "Oh this one I'm f-ouch!" She said accidentally hit her head with her hand.
Later both of them looked at the now small owl in front of them. The former owl monster have returned to its original form which is a magenta owl with light pink tips, yellow beak and cloud markings appeared on the wings.
But before both of them knew it, a pair of hands which look like it came from the midnight sky wrapped themselves around her.
"𝕿𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖐 𝖞𝖔𝖚, 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖘𝖆𝖛𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖍𝖊𝖗. 𝕴 𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖈𝖚𝖊 𝖙𝖔 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖌𝖎𝖗𝖑𝖘."
That's what the duo heard before Alora was taken away.
Both of them looked at each other, then looked at the place where Alora was formerly and both of the shared the same question.
What in world is going on?!
Taglist: @zexal-club @yukii0nna @fair-night-starry-tears @queen-of-twisted @yumeko2sevilla @sundove88 @cherryartemis0 @vivipuri
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kitausuret · 5 months
What neopets would various spiderman and venom characters be?
...so, uh, I actually started asking myself this question a few months ago. And. Well. I got a little carried away with my inspiration!
I'll link to each of their lookups just for fun, if any of my followers have an account, but most of them don't have anything on there yet.
This is extremely long so it's going under a break:
We start with Jubulile van Scotter.
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She gets to keep her name because it was untaken. (: I made her an Aisha, because Aishas are a favorite of mine and also most of the wig items look really good on them. I opted for a kind of sporty look for her - essentially sci-fi-ing her canon characterization as a sailor. In this world, her strongest connections are with Flash, Eddie, and Victoria Montesi.
Next, we have Eddie Brock.
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Eddie is so special he gets two looks - but primarily I have focused on his characterization in the most recent run of Venom, inspired by some of the ideas put forward in #18. I've named him Meridial in the sense that Meridius is the version of Eddie who lost all of who he was. What if Eddie managed to lose all semblance of who he was because he's so wrapped up in survival? Caught between life and death, in reality only a few years have passed for him, but to him it's been millenia. It would be tragic - just like him. (:
Then - Edgy Boy McEdgeson - I mean, Dylan Brock.
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I'll be honest, I don't have anything particularly special in mind for him. I just think it would be funny for Dylan to be a cute little dragon but he has EDGE or whatever. The big-ass sword is inspired by his Big Edgy Sword he has as Codex. And this version of Dylan is definitely based on Codex. His name over on Neo is Cytozyme, which after some looking up is actually the name of an enzyme that cuts proteins - it specifically is what converts prothrombin to thrombin during blood clotting. And also I just thought the name had good vibes.
Who's up? Victoria Montesi!
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While not strictly a Venom character, her surname was untaken so obviously I had to create her in Neopets. She's a Zafara simply because I like Zafaras. And yes, she is holding a lesbian pride flag as well as a huge fucking wraith staff. Idk, she's a magic user of some kind.
Next we have the Venom Symbiote!
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Tragedies was actually the result of a trade - I had the name Olympus sitting around so I traded for this custom. (: I love Mutant Acaras and had wanted one for many many years. In the Neopian universe, the Symbiote is more of an entity than anything else. A... space entity. It's a work in progress. But it's still definitely a symbiote, which brings us to...
Peter Parker.
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His name over at Neo is Tintilie, which is actually from the elvish language crafted by Tolkien. Now, while I am not personally a big Tolkien fan, I did look it up and the name means "sparkling" or "twinkling", which I think is a hysterical way to describe someone who is literally glowing because he's radioactive. Notice how he's an Acara? Just like someone else? Yeah. ;) And yes, he's also a teacher. and YES, he is also still a vigilante.
And who is Peter, without Mary Jane Watson?
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Like Eddie, she gets two looks. Her base color is Eventide, because I think it's pretty. However, the old-art style Faerie Lenny is wonderful to me, and I like that it's based on a male peacock. Also because she believes that gender is a game and she's in it to win it. Her name on Neo is "Klieglight", which is a type of lighting that used to be common on movie sets! She goes by "Kay Lynn" or "KL" over yonder. She's still a fabulous model and aspiring actress!
Who's up next? Our friend Harry Osborn! Or maybe Harry Lyman.
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He's a little rainbow Meerca because I think I'm funny. And yes. He still runs the Coffee Bean. And yes, his father was still rich as hell but is now gone (not dead, just serving time). But what about Harry's family, you ask? Well, have I got good news for you, because I've also crafted into this universe...
Liz Allan!
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Would you believe I found an Ixi in the pound named Liz? It's crazy. I painted her Valentine and gave her an expensive-looking custom. She's my darling. I honestly had so much fun with her. But she's also got a kid, who is...
Normie Osborn.
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Okay, so, he isn't actually painted Halloween - yet. But I'm working on it. Right now he's red, which kind of matches his mom? But anyways. Yes it is admittedly inspired by his Red Goblin look but like... what if he was just cursed but also was just chill about it. He's not actually evil or nothing he's just twelve. Also yes his background is a parody of the "this is fine" comic because that's his life. Falling apart around him and he's trying to pretend everything is fine. Theoretically he would have first been a Rainbow Ixi. The Osborn extended family is messy and big though, so we can't leave out...
Lily Hollister!
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She is still blonde but I gave her better hair. (: There's a little bit of a nod to her as Menace, as much as I hate to give Dan Slott any credit... but I love those horns. They look good on her. She's fabulous. And that's why her name is Diahmonds! And who's just as great, is her and Harry's son...
Stanley Osborn.
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Look how cute he is! Right now he's a Green Kougra wearing a UC Baby Kougra token, but I want to make him Rainbow to match his dad's coloring. For right now though? He is baby. And the creepy lab is inspired by the fact that right after he was born he had that touching moment being hand-fed by the Lizard. He's fine, I'm sure.
And last but absolutely not least is Flash!
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While he doesn't have any tokens, this fantastic Kyrii does get two customs - one with a wheelchair and one with a cane. Why? Because he's amazing that's why. I definitely leaned most into his Space Knight stuff because reasons. He still for sure has connections with everyone listed above though!
Hoo boy this got really long but as you can see I've regained some inspiration in Neopets. They also all have designs I've doodled but nobody gets to see those yet because I'm embarrassed fjkdasl;jfla.
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ticklishfiend · 2 years
okay here are my lee!jesse headcanons bc i cannot get it out of my head
- this man is a KICKER. tickle him even the slightest bit and he will crumble to the floor just so he can try and kick you from below
- his neck is SUCH a bad spot on him omg. jane has always been one to kiss/bite at peoples necks in bed, but he literally cant take it and she thinks it’s precious. the first time she did it, he like violently snickered and jerked his head so hard he accidentally head butted her lol. after that she absolutely assaulted him with ticklish neck kisses and nibbles because his giggles and pleas were too cute not to
- jane loved to tickle jesse any chance she could. if she woke up before him? side squeezes are his new alarm clock. just chilling together on the couch? perfect time for a surprise tickle attack. and he never properly fought her off either, just kinda pulled at her wrists a bit with his head thrown back and jerking side to side in cackles. oh, and the kicks of course. he never kicked her, but he’s always kicking BEHIND her when she’s tickling him. feet banging on the floor kinda deal.
- his laugh has variety to say the least. he usually starts out really loud and boisterous and from the belly, before going kinda screamy and shrill, and after a while he just goes full squeals and giggles. he’s soooo embarrassed when he gets to the giggle-stage. this boy loves acting tough but give the bottom of his ribs some good tweaks for a while and he’s just gone full bubbly laughter.
- when he started seeing andrea, he definitely took on a more ler role. giving her little pokes when he’s teasing her, sometimes going full tickle monster when she says something snarky. that doesn’t mean andrea doesn’t tickle him back tho, because when she realized just HOW ticklish he was, he never lived it down
- andrea and brock have 100% ganged up on him before. there’s a scene where jesse tickles brock for like a split second when they’re playing mario kart, so i know he’s definitely gotten brock before when play fighting and roughhousing. so one time after finishing up playing tickle monster with the kid, he realizes andrea was watching, and she’s just got this look on her face. then she’s like “brock, u know jesse’s super ticklish right? oh he didn’t tell u?” and brock’s like 😮 before turning to jesse and just launching on top, andrea close behind to help out cause she’s very familiar with all the best spots. jesse doesn’t fight back even a little, he’s having so much fun with the two of them, even if it costs him just a smidgen of his dignity
- badger and skinny pete have wrecked his shit before. those two are idiots who are constantly stoned out of their mind, so finding out that their best friend is ridiculously ticklish was incredibly interesting information to them. jesse was like a tornado trying to fight them off but the two of them together just inevitably had more strength than the ticklish 5’8 lil freak, especially once they started squeezing at his sides and belly at the same time cause he just lost all motor function and curled up in a cackling, kicking ball on the floor.
- badger loves tickling jesse the most, he thinks it’s fucking hilarious. skinny pete usually just sits there and chuckles along, making comments like “damn how are u a grown ass man and ur still this ticklish?” “yo my cousin tried tickling me one time as a kid, and i elbowed her so hard she lost a fuckin tooth.” but that’s besides the point. sometimes badger will just be in one of his lil rambling episodes, talking about god knows what, and literally while talking will just reach over and start squeezing up and down jessie’s torso til he falls over. badger literally pretends like he’s not even tickling him, just continuing telling his story to pete while jesse is a hysterical fucking mess right beside him.
okay it’s 3am and i’m too tired to continue this but i might continue with more cause i want to tickle jesse Myself but if i can’t have that this is the next best thing
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themculibrary · 9 months
Rare Pairings Masterlist 4
part one, part two, part three
All My Best Friends Are Traitors (ao3) - bengalgurl clint/thor T, 4k
Summary: Clint falls in love. Clint gets kidnapped. Clint hates that many of his friends are HYDRA agents. Clint gets over it. (Or how Clint fell in love with a god, who is his roommate, only to get kidnapped by HYDRA )
A Slight Detail (ao3) - PumpkinDoodles darcy/stephen M, 8k
Summary: Stuck in quarantine and recently dumped, Darcy Lewis really doesn't want this assignment. But Jane has promised her extra Reese's minis if she'll just be the one who zoom calls Dr. Stephen Strange to discuss their SHIELD portal project.
Which is fine. Darcy can handle a second terrible British dude, no problem.
Things just get complicated after Darcy omits one, tiny, tiny life detail: she's six months pregnant.
Dad's Got Skeletons (ao3) - kehinki steve/howard T, 3k
Summary: “To think he became a dad—your dad. A daddy.” He looked up sharply and saw that Steve’s smile had twisted a little bit, pulled up at one corner like a smirk, except no, Captain America did not smirk. “You know, it’s funny. I called him daddy once too.”
Dragons! (ao3) - kookykoi steve/thor T, 1k
Summary: This wasn’t how Steve wanted the rest of the team finding out about him and Thor.
Enigmatic (ao3) - winterfrostwidow (orphan_account) natasha/stephen G, 1k
Summary: Stephen & Natasha have an exchange.
Fallout (ao3) - helsinkibaby pepper/rhodey T, 1k
Summary: Tony Stark was presumed dead for three years. When he returns, he finds things have changed.
Floral Engagement (ao3) - ABrighterDarkness, NachoDiablo pepper/steve T, 5k
Summary: The cute blond florist keeps gifting Pepper flowers. She's determined not to read into it. But she really should.
He's Imagining How Well You'd Fit Within His Skin (ao3) - vibishan bruce/bucky T, 6k
Summary: (Or, the one where Bruce finds Bucky first, and then they play house in a lair beneath New York.)
Hunger Pangs (ao3) - Artemis_Day bucky/jane E, 32k
Summary: Having a soulmate isn't as easy as it sounds, just ask Bucky Barnes. He may love Jane with all his heart, but that doesn't mean she's can't be an absolute pain in the ass. Luckily, he's been dealing with tiny reckless people for a lot longer than this.
I Like My Boys Bad (And My Men Dangerous) (ao3) - sarcastic_fina nick/darcy T, 5k
Summary: Darcy's always gone for the bad boy who never handled her heart with care. Fury fits the dangerous man appeal, but he's not like the others.
not just a coffee shop (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor peter quill/sam G, 1k
Summary: Peter Quill is the new barista at Sam's coffee shop. Things start off rocky, but it doesn't take long for Sam to change his opinion.
Space Girl (ao3) - LemonadeReaction gamora/natasha E, 2k
Summary: Natasha arrives at Gamora's apartment for a party, but she is the only one there. Did Gamora intentionally only invite Natasha, and what the hell is going on in her kitchen?
Tango (ao3) - mzamethystcrow loki/natasha E, 9k
Summary: One insanely hot tango ratchets the sexual tension between the God of Mischief and the Black Widow… Which one will give in to their desires first?
The Opposite of Trouble (ao3) - ifitwasribald bruce/rhodey E, 28k
Summary: Bruce has very good reasons to distrust the military, and Rhodey has very good reasons to distrust the Hulk, so neither of them is thrilled when circumstances throw them together. But it doesn't take long for their mutual suspicion to turn to mutual respect, and from there they begin to discover something together that neither of them has had in a very long time.
The Worst Part About Being Strong (ao3) - Taciyet thor/sam G, 4k
Summary: ~- Is That No One Ever Asks If You're Okay
(Or: Sam is a borderline therapist for veterans, Thor has also seen and been through some shit, and we don't talk about either of these things enough.)
three acts, or: how james rhodes learned to stop trusting tony stark and jump on the good boy/bad girl train (ao3) - plingo_kat rhodey/natasha T, 4k
Summary: “This,” Tony says as he takes in the scene in front of him, “is not what we expected to happen when I told you about the Widow.”
Unexpected (ao3) - tictocficsoc nick/tony E, 3k
Summary: Written for a prompt on avengerkink: Tony thought sex with Nick Fury would be like the rest of their interactions and be a tense, angry, sexy hatefuck. So he's really surprised when Fury's a really loving, generous partner in bed. Surprised but happy.
Warm and Safe (ao3) - Anakin_needs_love peter quill/steve T, 1k
Summary: Peter and Steve spend a quiet and relaxing time under a tree outside the compound.
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curoopeez · 11 months
I'm watching fnaf through perfectly legal means, and I kinda want to liveblog it, but I also don't want to have to put a spoiler warning while doing it, so I'm just gonna talk under a readmore and put the whole thing in a single post
This is probably be the first blood already. I wonder if that's phone guy
Is it too early for someone to say it's bite of 87ing time and bite of 87 all over the place?
I wonder if they got actual children to draw the children's drawings
Holy shit an opening credits scene I haven't seen one of those since I took my dad to watch James Bond no time to die
Ooh that guy was reading a book on game theory I wonder if that's an easter egg to nod at MattPat
Oh that's Mike!
My mistake it's a book on Dream Theory. I think that was an easter egg too though, there was a theory that fnaf 4 was just a nightmare for a while
Well someone is in trouble
Ok the game Michael chased the job on purpose to hunt find his brother's soul, so this is already a pretty big departure from the source
I wonder if that Abby is gonna end up becoming puppet. It would be tragic, but better than the crying child
Is he trying to lucid dream?
I wonder if this Michael's dad is not gonna be the William Afton of the games
Wow this Jane is a massive bitch
Oh that Steve guy must be the new phone guy
Ngl I might have studied the games lore a little too intensely
Well that's omnious why was there a tape with his name on
Aw fuck the first jumpscare got me
No no no no get back to the room
This guy thinks he's Gregory to wander around and face the animatronics
There they are
Oh great it's still haunted haunted
Did that kid trip at the same time he did? Does this mean anything?
Matthew Patrick!!!!
Oh what a traitor
Poor Doug free him he's trying very very hard to not do anything
Dude wake up you need to witness this
Oh the it's me in the mirror. And Foxy or whatever
Vanessa? What the heck is she doing here? Well as long as she stays away from bunnies ot should be fine
Vanessa tgat is not what you had just said but I'll forgive it because we're finally getting some animatronic action
Her lack of professionalism broke the animatronics. Freddy says if she's legally untouchable she's morally unfuckable
Wait if the place gets trashed out of his shift thats not his problem. Plus he had a witness of how things were when he left
Ok this deaths are pretty goofy but it's a pg13 movie so I guess they have to be
Chica and Bonnie were somehow so cunty when they looked at the camera after sending the cupcake like yas girlies
Wait I just remembered this is happening during the day. Are this animatronics opposite to the game? Peaceful at night and hostile during day?
Girl you went there to commit a crime don't follow the child
WhAs tHAt ThE BIte oF 87?!!!
Oh right Mike's family drama I almost forgot
Well at least it seems this Mike still likes cartoons
Is she... giving him a chance to speak? Maybe she's not as much of a cop as I thought
Oh so he was trying to repeat that dream
Maybe William was kidnapping kids to save the mom instead of the crying child (I forgot his name)
No do not take the child to the job you fool
Well the children are already possessing the animatronics so there must already be a Puppet
That fucking Baloon Boy again
No girl stop do not aproach animatronics
At least he understood it fast
Do not say that to a ghost you idiot
Awww this scene was cute.
Ooh the thick plotens
Abby is such a child "I've been talking with ghosts all this time, can I have some soup?"
Vanessa acts like she has genre awareness and she's trying really hard to keep it lighthearted
Shit don't tell me that's Circus Baby we do not need her in this story
Vanessa did it ever occur to you that people might do what you want if you just tell them whats going on
Idk who that pharmaceus farmastist doofrsmith doctor degree was but I'm pretty sure it was a cameo
You can't really say "they're gone" to a bunch of ghosts
Wow the ghosts are also a bunch of assholes
Did Abby stay in her room all day? She must be starving.
Oh no... look back Jane... oh well
Dude don't take an unnacompained child
Vanessa what are you doing here. This ain't cute anymore
Dude stop rizzing up the exposition dump go do something
I wonder if we'll get beakless Chica. Just once. Just for me
No do not go in the ball pit it's not worth it
Holy shit he's still alive inside the costume?
🥳officer down🥳
Oh this is a nice slow and painful death
I wonder if in the end we're gonna find out that Garret is Puppet. Unless that suit they tried to put Abby in was Puppet
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