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✶ natural — sam winchester
cw : gn!afab!reader, fluff & smut, sorta sunshine!reader, post-hunting!au, passing mentions of monsters hunting and guns, nightmares, illness/fever (reader gets sick), consensual somnophilia, oral (r!recieving), swearing, praise, aftercare, pet names (baby, honey, sweetheart, love), mostly unedited, 5.3K words. requested ! MDNI !!! 18+ ONLY
summary : five times that you and sam are woken in the middle of the night, and one time you get to sleep in.

when you moved into this apartment with sam, you were both worried about having neighbors. you have the middle complex, so there's people upstairs and downstairs. overall, it's actually been pleasant. it feels nice and normal, and you're pretty sure that no one suspects that you and sam were previously monster hunters. mostly because none of your neighbors know that they exist. maybe it's a bit strange that you're a little older now, and just starting your lives, but you've just told everyone that you and sam didn't like what you were doing before, and have decided to start over.
the downstairs neighbors are delightful. lina and isa are just a bit younger than you and sam, brought you homemade bean and rice as a welcome, and told you about the fantastic panadería just a few blocks away. your only complaint might be that their music gets a little loud, and their luckily infrequent yelling matches in furious spanish are even louder.
it's the upstairs neighbors who bother you more. riya is nice, but you think they're too hot and too cool for their boyfriend nate. of course, that's not the problem, nor is it any of your business. for the record, though, sam agrees. it's more so about the middle of the night sex and the poor quality of whatever bed frame they made the awful choice of purchasing.
the first time they woke you up, it had been less than a week since you'd moved in, and none of the paranoia from your previous life had even begun to wear off for you or sam.
your heart is thundering at the first loud bump that wakes you. sam's hand finds yours just as yours looks for his. your other hand is searching blindly for a gun on your beside table that isn't there. it's in the drawer, still nearby, but hidden now and less accessible than you used to have it. you and sam sit up, eyes quickly adjusting to the dark and ears tuned for any other noises that might be out of place.
another thump nearly makes you open that drawer, but your now sharpened senses register that it's coming from the apartment above you. the next realization is that the sounds are rhythmic, and you just barely catch the sound of a muffled moan.
with that, you collapse back onto your pillow with a light laugh, eyes still bleary with sleep.
"goodness," you say through a breathy laugh, the headboard of their bed banging against the wall with complete insistence. it sounds unstable, honestly. "i think they're actually going to break the bed."
sam laughs with you, laying back down as well and turning on his side. his arm wraps around your waist and he buries his face into the side of your neck, nuzzling your warm skin with the tip of his perfect nose. this is followed with a soft kiss, as usual. you grin. sam can't see or feel it, but he knows it's there. that smile of yours and another soft laugh when the wall receives a particularly harsh bang.
"think this'll happen often?" you lament. "will we have to tell them to get a new bed frame? or have quieter sex?" it's sam's turn to laugh, a sleepy sound that suits him much better than anything loud or bloody.
"might," he murmurs into your skin, all soft and tired now that he knows there's no threat. for a few awful seconds, he thought some monster or hunter or whatever possible enemy had come to ruin your attempt at normalcy together before you'd even finished setting up all the furniture. he's happy that it's just the neighbors with a wobbly bed frame.
almost abruptly, the noise stops. you wait in quiet for a few moments to be sure that you're really being granted silence.
"they're done already?" you tease with a whispery laugh. it's not that sam doesn't have the skill to get you off quickly, or you him, but you tend to last much longer together. quickies aren't your go-to, even if they're required sometimes. now that you have your own place and are starting to settle down, you don't imagine things starting and ending that fast. as for last night, it felt like forever, in the best of ways.
you and sam are courteous enough to have a sturdy, quiet bed, though.
you sleep light when you're feeling poorly. little things like the soreness of your throat or the movements of your upstairs neighbors wake you easily. so a sharp gasp from sam and the tensing of his muscles certainly pulls you out of your sleep. your eyelids seem to stick shut for a moment before fluttering open, and you shift in his arms. his slightly labored breathing goes silence as if he's holding his breath, likely worried that he's woken you and hoping that if he's quiet enough now you'll fall right back asleep.
"nightmare?" you whisper, voice course and barely audible. you resist curling your arm around his middle in case it's one of those dreams that makes touch difficult for him.
"sorry," he murmurs, answering your question with the tone of his voice rather than his words. he sounds tense and tired, and you know definitively now that his dreams have been unkind to him. you wish he'd never apologize for accidentally waking you. it's not as if you don't do the same sometimes.
"don't be sorry," you insist, as usual. his arms tighten around you, and you take it as a sign that you can do the same if you like. instead of slipping around his waist, your hand reaches up to settle into the soft hairs at the base of his neck. you pull his head close, pressing a kiss to his forehead, lingering long. he's still all tense and closed off. "you don't have to talk about it if you don't want. but talking about it won't… it won't make everything come back. talking about it won't change what we have now, you know that. we're allowed to talk about it. any of it."
"i know," he says, sounding like he doesn't really know it. you give a soft sigh, but don't push it. maybe you'll talk about it later, when he's ready. it's hard to focus on learning to live again when you're still haunted by the past. sometimes it's easier to just let the past be, to know that there are monsters in the closet, but keep the doors shut anyway. the understanding you have of each other has to be enough, and you've found so far that it is.
"you okay?" you decide to ask instead, voice as soft as it can be while your throat hurts like this.
he nods, then tilts his head up. "i'm okay." his lips find your chin as a reassurance, a promise. "it wasn't… as bad as it could've been." he's calming slowly, melting into your hold, so you suppose he's not lying. it's true that you've seen him worse.
"doesn't mean it wasn't bad at all," you murmur in protest, but not with any force. you follow it with another kiss to his hairline. "think you'll be able to fall back asleep?"
he hums in confirmation. "i'll be fine. but what about you? your throat still bothering you? do you need some tea?"
you give him a hum of your own, but it's not really an answer, just a little noise in response to how sweet he is, always more concerned for you than anyone else. your voice comes out as a grumble, "i think it's getting worse," you admit, "some tea might be a good idea, since i'm awake. i'll get it myself though, you go back to sleep. i'll be quiet."
a huff of air leaves his nose, tickling your neck. "you're funny," is all he says, like it's preposterous to suggest that he go to bed while you make yourself tea. he's too much of a gentleman to let you do that, but you also feel his hold on you tighten, just a bit. he doesn't want to be alone, even just for a few minutes. there is no comfort in being alone in the dark.
you retort with a gentle, "you're right, i'm hilarious. c'mon. since i'm letting you make me tea, it had better be good." he sits up with you, one of his hands still on your waist. his fingers slide to your lower back as you untangle yourself from him and the sheets, and he follows suit right after. he pads through the hallway behind you, overtaking you in the doorway into the kitchen with his hand brushing over the small of your back again before opening the cupboards for a mug.
he doesn't need to flip on a light because the blinds are open and the moon is bright tonight. so you watch him move through the shadowy room, preparing the tea that he knows you'll like the most right now. he makes a cup for himself too, liking the feeling on your eyes on him, never leaving.
the tea does a fine job of soothing your throat for the time being, and calms sweet sam's frayed nerves. he's had awful nightmares for as long as he can remember, but sometimes they're even more haunting now that his days are full of nice things. last week, you took a free ceramics class at the community center together. there's a few plant pots with herbs on the tiny fire escape balcony, and when you're not busy working to get better jobs, you sit and read novels that have nothing to do with hunting monsters.
your pinkies are linked across the little dining room table as steam rises from your mismatched mugs. the table is only outfitted for two, because you could only afford two chairs. that's alright, though, because you don't have anyone to invite over besides maybe the downstairs neighbors. but sam's starting to make friends with someone he volunteers at the library with, and unbeknownst to you, your bright friendliness is making your coworker want to hang out with you after your shared shifts. maybe you'll get a set of plastic chairs to use when there's guests.
sometimes, loads of tea and vitamin supplements aren't enough to keep a nasty cold at bay. despite how nicely sam makes you several cups of tea a day, you're truly and fully ill now.
you're woken in a fit of fever, head fuzzy and cream-colored sheets sticking to you with sweat. for once, your body heat permeates more thickly than sam's, who always runs warm. an achy sigh leaves your parted lips, and your clumsy hands fight to push the plush comforter off your tired limbs.
your restless stirring wakes sam after a few moments, who props himself up on one elbow and runs a hand through his hair, immediately searching for the reason you're awake. his eyes adjust to the dark quickly to catch sight of the light, involuntary pout on your lips. before that even, his hand brushes over your upper arm and he feels the heightened heat of your skin.
"oh, baby," he whispers, reaching over to drape his palm carefully over your forehead. he doesn't have to say anything cliche, like 'you're burning up.' it's quite obvious on its own. he just pulls the thicker blanket from your body, but settles the sheet over you to prevent any chills. his thumb lightly brushes over your cheek. "that any better? i'm gonna get you some tylenol."
you only give a noncommittal hum, but he takes it as permission to leave you for just a moment. if you weren't so uncomfortable, you'd fall back asleep before he even got back. instead, you lay there, senselessly missing him and too exhausted to move.
he returns with tylenol as promised, along with a glass of water and a cool, damp rag. he sets the pills and glass down and carefully settles the rag over your forehead, earning a soft sigh of satisfaction from you. underneath the fabric, the furrow between your brows lessens just a bit. with all the gentleness in the world, he slips his hands under your head to tilt it up and brings the lip of the glass to your mouth. you drink as wordlessly instructed. he sets the water down for a moment and replaces it with one of the two pills. your lips part when he brings it to your mouth, then the cool glass is touching your skin again. both pills go down just fine, and he's settling your head back onto the pillows.
you fail to notice that he's brought the thermometer with him too until he asks you to open your mouth again. "just gonna take your temperature, honey," he murmurs softly. you give him no hassle, letting him tuck it underneath your tongue. when he pulls it out, he gives a little sigh. "definitely a fever, but it's not so bad," he tells you, taking your hand in his before pulling it up to his lips for a kiss to your knuckles.
"come back to bed," you grumble, giving him a weak tug.
"i think you'll get too warm," he protests kindly, "i'll just sit with you."
"there's no chair," you tell him, as if he doesn't know, "and i want you in bed with me. please?" you manage a little smile to try and convince him, looking sweet and tired and a little pitiful too, in the way that's so endearing it makes his heart hurt.
"i'm sorry, but i don't want to make your fever worse," he insists, voice still as gentle as it ever gets. "i'll bring a chair from the kitchen, okay?"
"but it's the middle of the night," you sigh, your smile slipping. it's too much effort to keep it there. "sleep with me."
"honey. it's already five in the morning. you know that's not too early for me," he says. it's true. in the past, sleeping until five would be a luxury for him. but you don't really care, and it's not the past anymore.
"you're crazy," you tell him, a little furrow settling between your brows.
"i know," he murmurs sympathetically, unfazed by your feverish accusation.
"it's too early for me," you complain. "won't you come back to bed with me? please?" of course, sam has known this entire time that he'd never beat you. it's just a matter of how many times he can deny you before he inevitably caves to your pretty eyes and hoarse voice. your soft 'please' has him ready to wave the white flag for peace; you're going to tear out his heart at this rate. but then your voice quiets even further, like you don't quite want to be heard despite the fact that you need to be understood. "i want you to hold me."
in the blink of an eye, he's kissing your cheek with a soft sort of determination. he doesn't even move a full inch away before he's whispering, "okay. alright, it's alright. i'll hold you. don't worry." then, his long limbs are slipping back under the covers and curling around you until you're settled on his chest, one hand still holding the cool rag over your forehead and your head carefully tilted so you can breathe easier.
he soaks up your heat, and the bottom sheet grows practically damp with your combined sweat. but he doesn't mind one bit, because you fall back asleep, looking far more comfortable and contented than before, for a while.
eventually, he does have to untangle himself from you because a frown settles on your lips and you turn restless in his arms again. he refreshes the cool compress to dab away your sweat and press to your hot skin. after a moment, he decides to prepare a second one for the back of your neck, and maneuvers everything so gently that you never wake until your body decides it must have water.
you wake with a little moan that he'd find sweet were it not an indication of your discomfort. he gets you more water, then lulls you back to sleep with his touch until it's time for another dose of tylenol.
this moan is sweet, still hoarse and quiet, but only from sleep rather than sickness. your sounds start as little huffs of breath, a sigh here or there as his hands trace down your body and tug at your underwear, soft and quiet as to not wake you right away. he wants you to wake to the feeling on his lips on your hot, wet skin.
you most certainly do wake to that, a soft moan escaping your lips as your body gains awareness and your mind catches up to it. sam hums into your sensitive pussy as he feels you rouse, his hands gently holding your legs apart. he gives your thighs a sweet squeeze, then wraps his lips around your clit and sucks, softly at first to pull another noise from your lips.
he's easily successful, a quiet grunt leaving your lips as your tired arms reach down for some sort of contact with him. aside from his face buried in your cunt, of course. one hand finds purchase in his hair and the other curls around three of his fingers, holding his hand there against your thigh. your hips squirm as his tongue laves over you, your movements sluggish with sleep.
"sam," you sigh, out extra sensitive after just waking up and too tired to have complete control of your body. you're not loud, but you're noisy, letting out sweet and unfiltered sounds almost every time you breathe out. he gets more insistent the longer you're awake, letting his hunger and desperation show. his grip on you tightens, and his nose bumps relentlessly against your clit as he eats you out like he'd swallow you whole if he could.
the pleasure is overwhelming, overpowering, and you can't seem to keep a steady grip on him. your hands are still weak with sleep, so you continuously tangle and untangle your fingers in his hair, torn between pushing him away so you can breathe and pulling him closer so that the feeling will never stop.
"jesus," you groan, "please!"
"i got you," he mumbles, quickly so he doesn't have to stray from his task for long at all. "so good. so good for me, you taste so good."
"y-you couldn't.. hahh, help yourself, could you?" you pant out, eyes squeezed shut.
"never," he agrees before giving your clit a suck that tugs your back from the bed and pulls an extra pretty whine out of you.
"fuck," you sigh, "mmm, feels so good. please, sammy." really, you're not begging for anything other than for him to keep going exactly as he is, and and you know he has no plans to do anything but that. he loves this just as much as you do, possibly more. he's a damn addict, so much so that it wakes him up in the middle of the night.
the way he sweetly strokes the inside of your thigh with his fingertips is an easy contrast to the way his mouth moves against you, shameless and ravishing. your hips buck up into his face and your feet scramble for purchase on his hips to try and stay grounded. your thighs tremble with the effort, and sam moans right into you, beyond obsessed with the way you sound when you're sleepy and desperate and overwhelmed like this. it's no wonder he can't help but wake you like this sometimes, you sound like heaven, look like heaven as his eyes adjust to the dark and a sliver of moonlight finds its way into the room.
he gives you everything you need and takes everything he wants all at once, sending you over the edge with a sweet hum and relentless tongue. you clutch him close for a moment of hot ecstasy that may have lasted forever, then sag like a rag doll into the sheets. like always, he can't resist breathing you in, deep and long, and giving one last swipe of his tongue that sends a shudder up your spine.
your eyes flutter open and closed, exhausted by the pleasure and an already tired body. you swear you're still half-asleep, but in the way that you feel like you're floating, mind and body all fuzzy, soft, and satisfied. he stays tucked between your legs, sleepy too, despite being the one who was so ravenous in the first place. his head rests on your thigh, one hand still holding yours, and the other drawing stars over your hip bone.
he presses a kiss to your sweaty skin, his soft as ever and wet with your slick. "i love you," he whispers, "sorry for waking you up in the middle of the night." it's not the first time he's woken you like this, and you certainly hope it's not the last.
"i love you too," you murmur back, voice still raspy. "it's okay. love it when you wake me up like that. feels so good, every time. you're so pretty." you say that last part for no reason at all, other than it being true.
sam feels like blushing. "you're so pretty," he retorts quietly.
"thanks," you smile softly. to him, you shine like the sun, even in the dead of night. you're such a wonderful accompaniment to the moon, he thinks.
neither the moon nor the sun show themselves much during the winter months. it tends to be quite cloudy here. the cold, on the other hand, is pervasive. and you and sam have discovered the horrors of having a landlord who's doing everything he can to avoid paying to fix your unreliable heating system. since it's not completely dysfunctional, he is most definitely stalling.
until it is completely dysfunctional, an issue that is made known to you at about 3:47 in the morning. the first thing you think is that sam must've accidentally stolen all of the blankets like he does sometimes. they'll get wrapped around his long legs, he'll roll over, and the whole plush comforter will go with him, leaving you exposed to the night air. but when you blindly reach for the blanket, you find that it's still snugly laid over you. that's when you begrudgingly open your eyes in confusion. your fingers are cold. the tip of your nose is honest-to-god freezing. and your feet. your poor, poor feet that have slipped out from the blankets and been left for dead in the cold air.
you're not the type to get grumpy. but you are now. you tuck your feet in and curl up against sam's back, seeking out his warmth. but it's too cold to ignore, so you shake sam's shoulder.
"sam, wake up," you groan, cursing his inconsistent sleeping style. sometimes he's the lightest, worst sleeper out there. other nights, he's impossible to wake. as he grows more accustomed to living a safer life, he gets more of those nights where he sleeps like a fallen log. you shake him again and he wakes with a grumble.
"what is it?" he asks as soon as he's awake enough to speak, voice gravelly. "god, it's freezing." he sits up groggily and immediately regrets it. you regret it too, because it leaves more of you exposed too. you chase after him, tucking yourself under his arm and against his chest.
"i think the heating gave out, like really gave out," you complain, trying to steal his body heat. he wraps his arms around you without any qualm, rubbing up and down your arms in attempts to warm you. he knows you get colder than he does most of the time.
"no kidding," he mumbles, pressing an absentminded kiss to the top of your head. "i'll get the space heater and hopefully that'll be enough until the morning." the light annoyance in his voice is indicative of what he plans to do in the morning. that is, call the landlord and demand he gets the heating fixed right away. it's not like the two of you have anywhere else to go without traveling farther than you'd like to. it pains you to let sam untangle himself from you, but the promise of more warmth is enough for you suffer without him for just a few minutes.
he returns with the space heater that you keep in the living room. the bedroom is usually warmer when you keep the door shut, but tonight, that makes no difference. he plugs the heater in, as close to the bed as he can at a safe distance, then wraps the blanket from the couch around your shoulders before climbing back onto the mattress.
despite the cold, you smile at him sweetly and contentedly as he gives you the extra blanket. he's so easy to be in love with.
he anticipates the way that you tuck yourself into him the moment he's laying down with you. and it's not as if he doesn't want you in his arms as much as you do, so he most certainly welcomes it. he settles one hand on the back of your head and pulls you close until your nose brushes against the soft skin of his neck. one of your legs sneaks between his, and he hooks his ankle with yours.
"i guess this is what it's like to have normal people problems, huh?" you whisper, your breath fanning over his neck. he'd love to kiss you senseless right now, but he's too tired and he's pretty sure you are too.
"yeah," he sighs, sounding relieved. "yeah. beats… beats the other stuff."
"even though it's really, really cold," you agree, smiling. he can hear the smile in your voice.
"even though it's really, really cold," he echoes. "it'll warm up."
he's right. this sort of thing passes. it gets better. the space heater serves its purpose, eventually warming the little bedroom enough that you can fall back asleep. the tile floor of the kitchen is hell in the morning, of course, and you spend the rest of the day in the library together after convincing the landlord to have everything fixed.
the weather warms too, and the relentless cloudiness fades into bright blue spring mornings. the blinds are always left closed on friday nights so that the rising sun won't wake you early on saturday mornings. it's been a blessing. sam still wakes up early sometimes, but sometimes he sleeps in late with you.
no alarms go off this morning; you and sam were up late last night watching a movie you found at the library. he really prefers vhs movies, but he'll settle pretty easily for cds. vhs is too hard to find these days, which is a shame. after the movie, you stayed up much later than intended, sprawled in bed while discussing the movie in depth. it was the sort of movie that was easy to watch, entertaining and pretty, but thought-provoking all the same. maybe it's because the mundane is something so special to you and sam that you could talk about it forever.
the blinds don't block out all the light, especially when it's so sunny like it is now. but it makes waking gentler and kinder while still letting you love the light of the morning.
gentle really is the right way to describe how you wake this morning. there's nothing particularly special about it, but that's what's so lovely. it's just a breath in, then a breath out and the fluttering of eyelids. it's a moment of peace, but the moment never ends. there's no threat of monsters or a hunt or the end of the world.
there's just sam and his heavy arm wrapped around your waist, grounding you, keeping you near him. there's sunlight on the white wall and a green plant in the corner of the room. pillows and blankets you call your own, a stuffed armchair, and a closet of clothes. sam wears sweaters and tshirts and sometimes even slacks rather than jeans these days. you can't stop telling him how handsome he looks when he's comfortable.
you don't move for a little while, and you let your eyes fall closed again. maybe you fall back asleep, maybe not. it doesn't really matter. nothing really matters, nothing but this. even if there's things like rent and jobs and a leaky sink. they don't have to matter until later.
then, because you're hopelessly in love, you open your eyes when they start to feel less heavy with sleep and turn to look at sam. there's no slight frown on his lips, no furrow to his pretty brows. he's content, he's safe, he's not so afraid anymore. if you were to count your blessings, his happiness would be the first thing to come to mind.
his body lets him rest without worry. staying up to talk about movies for fun is allowed now. it has no consequence, outside of a yawn or two while washing the dishes. but he gets to sleep in for as long as he'd like today.
maybe it's your staring that finally wakes him. the weight of your gaze, heavy with affection. the first thing he does when roused back into consciousness is smile. soft and sleepy and delighted to see you. then he kisses you. it would be without warning if he weren't moving so slowly. but you're ready for him, happy to have him.
this morning, he is insistent on having you close, so the moment his lips are no longer on yours, his arms are wrapping around your middle and holding you tight. he pulls you into him with a quiet grunt.
"good morning, sweetheart," he rumbles softly, lips brushing over the skin of your temple.
"good morning, love," you murmur back, voice just as sweet as his.
"i love you so much," he tells you, hand rubbing up and down the expanse of your back.
of course, you answer, "i love you, too. so much." his hand slips under your shirt, like you'll never be close enough, and touching your skin will make it better. you huff in protest and arch against him just a bit. his fingers are cold, but only for a moment. then you're melting into him and sighing in contentment.
"the weather's supposed to be nice. like yesterday. we could walk to the park," you whisper.
"later," he answers simply, ducking his head to press his nose to yours, then kiss the skin under your eye. "let's just lay here a while.
you can't help but grin. "okay. later." you kiss his cheek and he smiles back, then closes his eyes again. the smile stays on his face and you think that maybe he's never looked more beautiful than he does now.
"i love you," you say again, because you just have to.
he hums softly and his other hand slips under your shirt, his fingertips pushing gently into the plush of your lower back. "i love you," he echoes.
nothing aches, not right now. there's growing pains and old scars and sores that will never really go away. but in this moment, nothing aches save for the kind of ache that love gives. and it's a lovely sort of ache. the kind that could make your eyes all misty in the happy way. like you're so grateful to be where you are that it almost hurts.
magic is real. so are monsters and gods and demons and angels. but this moment is a miracle in a way that it has nothing to do with that sort of thing. it's simple and normal and maybe you've romanticized it because of the way you lived before. but you don't think that's such a bad thing. living like this with sam… it's natural.
#sam winchester x reader#sam winchester fluff#sam winchester x gn!reader#sam winchester x you#sam winchester#sam winchester smut#sam winchester fanfiction#supernatural fluff#sam winchester headcanon#sam winchester fic#supernatural fanfiction#sam winchester oneshot#spn fanfiction#supernatural smut#supernatural oneshot#sam winchester imagine#supernatural sam winchester#spn sam winchester#supernatural#supernatural requests#sam winchester supernatural#supernatural x reader#spn fanfic#sam winchester hurt/comfort#supernatural hurt/comfort
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── percy jackson x fem!reader
ralph macchio >>> any man
‧₊ ᵎᵎ 🍒 ⋅ ˚✮ ‧₊ ᵎᵎ 🍒 ⋅ ˚✮
“Oh my god.”
The sound of his girlfriend’s voice made Percy tear his gaze away from the screen, where The Karate Kid II was playing. When he noticed the way her eyes gleamed as she bit her lip, he lifted a confused eyebrow.
"What? What is it?" he asked, adjusting himself on the couch, pulling her closer so she was more comfortably snuggled against him.
She turned her head toward him slowly, her face a perfect blend of adoration and mischief.
"Did you see that?" she whispered, stretching her leg from under the blanket that covered them both to point at the screen.
Percy smiled, a little smug as he took hold of her leg, placing it on his lap and stroking it, his fingers brushing against her skin as he recalled the kick the protagonist had just done.
Really? he asked himself. I’ve got a sword, a flying horse, and a massive list of monsters I’ve killed, and she’s impressed by that?
“Pff, ¿the kick? I can do that—”
“He's so fucking hot.”
Percy froze for a second, his grip on her leg tightening. His eyes widened slightly. “What? You think he’s hot?”
She laughed, eyes twinkling as she saw the blush creeping up his neck. “Of course I do! Are you seeing him? He's perfect, literally.”
“Oh, and you say that like it's nothing! In front of your boyfriend! So, I'm hearing that you'd trade me for some random guy—”
“He’s not a random guy!” she interjected, still trying to control her giggles. “Are you jealous? He’s like sixty now.”
“No! I’m not jealous!” Percy protested, crossing his arms defensively, but the jealousy was clear in his tone.
He couldn’t help himself; it was too easy to imagine her with the super cool and hot guy on screen.
“Actually, you should be jealous! I could totally get with him.”
“Oh, you want to get with him?”
“No!” Percy replied quickly, a little too fast. But she was too close, and the way she was grinning made him lose all composure. “I’m just saying, I could.”
She raised an eyebrow, clearly enjoying how flustered he was. “Uh-huh, sure,” she teased, her fingers tracing patterns on his arm.
Percy tried to stay calm, but her teasing smile made it impossible. After a few moments of silence where they both continued watching the movie, Percy finally said;
“You know? Elisabeth Shue is actually so—”
“Percy Jackson!”
#percy jackson x reader#percy jackson#pjo x reader#percy jackson x you#percy jackon and the olympians#percy jackson x y/n#fanfic#my writing#percy jackson imagines
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And we're back yet again ! LMAO
With respect to a conversation Eden and I had a while back, may I pretty please request a fem!reader riding the character and when he goes to pull out because he doesn't have a condom, she refuses to let go and just slams her hips back down against his ? Very breeding, very yummy! With vesp, alessio 781, alessio 164 and tal 164 pretty pls!! (Two of those were at Eden's request I'll let you guess which ones LMAO)
Thank you pookies I love you both 💜💜
˖⁺. “ put a baby in me ! ” :
﹙ multi monster bfs x fem reader ﹚.�� ݁

. . . multi monster bfs x fem reader !! 🍒 : ﹙ alessio 781 ˖ vespasiano 781 ˖ talisen 164 ˖ alessio 164 ﹚
he's about to pull out - he doesn't have a condom after all! but then you go ahead and push him back in. tell him to put a baby in you.
﹙ cws ﹚: explicit content ˖ breeding kink ˖ rough sex ˖ riding ˖ degradation ˖ praise ˖ creampie ˖ messy sex ˖ fucked-out boys<3 | wc : 1.2k
﹙ receipts ﹚: dragging my ass like the bully you are !! anw hope you enjoy this <3
꒰ other treats : guidelines ˖ m.list ˖ characters ˖ our lore ꒱
﹙ Alessio 781. ﹚. . . !! 🍒 : The second your hips shoved back down and your nails dug through his shoulders. The moment he felt the warmth return so tightly as he splattered your walls full — his eyes glossed over.
Just a second ago this man was bouncing you wild on his dick, and now he looks almost loopy. "Baby -" oh the way he breathes the endearment.
The rough jerks of his hips abruptly return. Two large hands clamp down on your waist and jam you into every thrust. Faster. Harder. As his head falls back and he grows messy. Haphazard. Who cares for a rhythm.
The tempered knocks at your cervix cross your eyes at the centre. You squeal out a sharp - "Al - essio-! Oh!"
"Yeah? Yeah you whore? This what you want?" He's crumbling. His head falls into your chest. Kisses pour over your tits and he whines when you clamp tight round him. "Fuuckkk baby if you wanted - wanted me to fill you up, should'a said earlier."
He's slurring into your tits. Using strength along to force you to meet each of his thrusts. Overwhelming the both of you until you're barrelling to another orgasm only a minute or so later. He'll splatter your walls, drop his gaze and withdraw just to see your cunt gush his slick before he rams back in. Sees it squirt all over your bucking thighs.
"Think I'm done?" He rasps out a fucked-out laugh. "Not close amore. Hold tight."
꒰ mercenary ˖ inhuman ˖ punkgoth character ꒱
﹙ Vespasiano 781. ﹚. . . !! 🍓 : A wave of panic washes over him. For a moment he splutters, "T-Tesoro wait - I'm coming -" but you so eagerly shove your hips down and hump on his limp lap.
"Vesspp, 'm sorry - " you whine. "Need you to put a baby in me. Please Vespasiano. Please." You're rambling. But it doesn't stop his emerald eyes from turning to hearts the second he's over his hitched breath.
The headboard meets his head and back. He limps back in a way that makes you wonder of he's the fucked-out one or you. Hips stutter into small bucks, then tempered, sensual rolls that send your body into a desperate sort of ride on his lap.
"Fuck." His hands have always been meant to worship you. So they scour your body and reach up to squeeze on your pretty tits. Heated gazes meet. Oh, he's lovesick. "That's what y'want? Want an old man t'put a baby in ya?"
He seems happy to indulge with the way he sloppily moves your hips together. Well, sloppy until it turns rapid. Desperate. His fangs sink into your shoulder. He hugs around your body and drives both of you to another slew of slick. Don't expect him to pull out any time soon.
꒰ lieutenant ˖ vampire ˖ dilf character ꒱
﹙ Alessio 164. ﹚. . . !! 🍒 : Your hips couldn't slam down into his quick enough. A second. That's all it took for his eyes to gape, then hang low once more. Fingers twitch round your waist. Witnessing the way he pumps you full. How well you take it. And most of all — your pretty doe eyes staring down at him.
"So. . ." he huffs out a breath, a claw pinching on your thigh as he leans back. "All that whining over nothing, hmm?"
His hips buck up suddenly. The look on his face all too familiar. "Well, since you want it so bad. Go on. Show me." With his head propped against the headboard, his slithered gaze trails you up and down. He knows damn well that he is far too big for you to take all by yourself.
He doesn't seem to care when he snatches your waist and slams you all the way. Give you a few tester thrusts and mean croon. "Oh come on. . . needy little pussy was so greedy just a second ago."
There's no other choice. You meekly grind and hump on his lap with the most pathetic of noises. He doesn't seem to move an inch. After all, you're the one who wanted to play your little game with him.
"Come on, stellina. Breed yourself on my cock. Since you want it so bad."
꒰ sorcerer ˖ corrupt god character ˖ punkgoth character ꒱
﹙ Talisen 164. ﹚. . . !! 🍓 : His head spun. That is the only thing he could comprehend before he's clamping your thighs and shoving forward. Your back hits the mattress, just as his hips starts rapidly smacking into yours. Shooting the air from your lungs as you throw your hands into his hair.
"T-Tal - Tal-!"
"You -" he heaves, snap! plap! "You want me to breed you so badly baobei? Mhhm? Then take it." His gaze glosses over. The sheer power of his hips against yours has your poor cunt squeeze round his thick dick. Squirting the mix of essence all over.
"Since you wish to waste it so much - since you are so eager." Guttural, that's all he sounds as he withdraws his head to watch the obscene bulge at your tummy. Riding has always been the go-to position because of his monstrous side.
Oh, how pretty it looks bulging your insides. He envisions the swolleness of your belly in the months to come. It drives him wild. Sends his cock barelling into you all the more.
All you can do is cling. Whine. Squirt around him and take his seed each time he topples over an orgasm. Stuffing you full of glittery come.
"That's it baobei! There you go. Get nice and full f'me."
꒰ snake monster ˖ corrupt god character ꒱
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#﹙ cupcake rush. ﹚: multi 𖹭 ݁#monster boyfriend#teratophillia#monster fucker#terato#smut#monster x reader#x reader#reader insert#naga x reader#mercenary x reader#vampire x reader#god x reader#alessio 781#vespasiano 781#alessio 164#talisen 164#oc x reader#original character x reader#asterism
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OTP Questionaire
1. Who pulls the other closer while sleeping?
Jinx. She’s very touchy-feely and wants to be as close to Lux as possible. In her more vulnerable moments, it’s to reassure herself she’s still there.
2. How do they wake up next to each other?
Jinx is either spread-eagled or curled around Lux like a baby monkey and she definitely drools. Lux doesn’t move much in her sleep unless she had a bad dream and yet she always manages to have the worst case of bed head
3. What movie do they watch when they both had a bad day and want to turn their brains off for a little while?
Something dumb with a lot of explosions and B-list monsters, like a silver-age Godzilla sequel
4. Who picks something up, says a pun with the object and then laughs like it’s the funniest thing they’ve ever heard?
Lux easily. I can totally picture her making dinner, holding up a bean, then telling Jinx it’s them because they’re lesbeans. She’s such a huge dork and it never fails to make Jinx smile
5. How do they hype one another up?
Jinx enjoys giving Lux things, so she tells her she has a surprise for her and refuses to elaborate until Lux is practically bursting out of her skin with anticipation. Jinx doesn’t like surprises as much so Lux just talks about every little detail and exaggerates as much as she can because the bigger, the better in her partner’s mind.
6. When one of them gets a new outfit, how does the other react?
Jinx gets uncharacteristically shy. She’ll blush furiously and fumble her words as she tells Lux how pretty she is. Lux enjoys taking Jinx shopping and buying her new clothes, but even when she sees them beforehand they never fail to make her blush and get her horny
7. Who tries to playfully scare the other person and who always knows where the other person is?
Jinx can never resist pulling pranks like this on Lux when she’s absorbed in a book or has been working too long. Lux tries to get her back but because of Jinx’s enhanced Shimmer-hearing and lifetime of looking over her shoulder Lux is never quite able to sneak up on her, but she pretends to be surprised anyway
8. When they go to the grocery shop, what is one section they like to mess around in?
Oh, they’ll totally just run around and ride shopping carts up and down all the aisles (they are banned from several stores because of this) but specifically Jinx will deliberately loiter in the candy aisle with armfuls of candy until Lux has to playfully (but sometimes unironically) drag her out.
9. When their partner has a bad day, what is something the other picks up to try and make their day better?
Lux will order Jinx’s favorite dish from Jericho’s! Jinx will rent a cheesy movie or take her to the library
10. Who runs up and hugs their partner while the other catches them?
Smol gremlin bean Jinx is always childishly excited to see her partner and will straight-up jump on her - good thing Lux is so tall and strong and can carry her around
11. What song reminds them of each other?
Rebel Rebel by David Bowie and P.U.N.K Girl by Heavenly never fail to remind Lux of her little wildling Jinx. Jinx doesn’t normally listen to love songs but I Wanna Be Yours by Arctic Monkeys is her special song for her flashlight
12. Who presses their nose against their partner’s cheek before kissing them?
They both do! And they touch foreheads, and nuzzle their noses into each other’s necks and each other’s hair, and give each other butterfly kisses, and Lux will trace Jinx’s tattoos… they have so many little gestures of affection and can never get enough of each other
13. What small quirks do they love about each other?
Jinx makes faces (like scrunching up her nose) without realizing when she’s deep in concentration, which Lux could stare at all day. Lux trips over her words when she gets excited and has an ugly laugh, both of which Jinx could listen to all day. Honestly I could go on and on about this one, they love everything about each other.
14. Who accidentally snorts when they laugh and that makes both of them laugh harder?
Lux! Her laugh is one of the few unrefined things about her and that’s why it’s one of Jinx’s favorite things about her
15. What are some things they do for each other because they know the other hates it?
Lux talks to strangers (except when it’s a confrontation, Jinx is absolutely the “excuse me she asked for no pickles” girlfriend) and does the laundry - Jinx would rather (and does) live off the dirty clothes on her floor than do a load of laundry. Lux is also the better cook between them but it can be a chore for her, especially after she’s had a long day, so Jinx relishes every opportunity to make dinner for her sunshine
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Sweet as sugar
*just think as the Cookie Monster as Cassian
Hey now hey nowwwww this is what dreammmssss are madeee offf. Anyways here’s a sweet Drabble babble of Cassian and our favourite gurlll
Word count: 2000
Cassian x reader
Warnings: none!!!!
Baking cookies was a tradition that had become one of your favorite pastimes with Cassian. The warmth of the kitchen, the smell of melted butter, sugar, and chocolate, the sound of his deep laugh echoing off the walls as flour puffed into the air—all of it made your shared home feel like the coziest place in the world. It was a quiet evening, a rare moment of peace in Velaris, and you had decided to take advantage of it by making your favorite treat with your mate.
Cassian stood beside you at the counter, his strong arms bare, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up to his elbows. He was a sight to behold, even after all these years—his rugged handsomeness hadn’t faded in the slightest, if anything, it had grown more prominent with time. You handed him the bowl of dry ingredients, and he shot you a grin, his hazel eyes glinting with mischief.
“How much flour are we supposed to use again?” he asked, a mock-serious tone in his voice. “Was it one scoop or two?”
You rolled your eyes, unable to suppress your smile. “You know it’s two, Cassian. We’ve made these a hundred times.”
“Just testing you,” he teased, before pouring the flour into the bowl with a deliberate slowness that made you laugh. “I’m an expert at this now.”
“An expert, huh? What about last time when you put double the sugar and we had to pry the cookies off the tray?”
“Hey, they were still good.” He leaned down, brushing a kiss across your temple. “I just like my cookies sweet.”
“Mmhm, sure,” you muttered, but you couldn’t help the warmth that bloomed in your chest at his affection. Even after a century of being together, Cassian had a way of making you feel like the most cherished person in the world.
You started mixing the ingredients together, your hands working the dough as Cassian hovered nearby, trying to sneak a taste of the batter when he thought you weren’t looking. But you were always looking, always aware of him—just as he was of you. It was part of being mates, you supposed. The bond that had tied your souls together so long ago was still as strong as ever.
When you caught him dipping a finger into the bowl, you swatted his hand away, laughing. “You’ll get your cookies soon enough, greedy.”
He shrugged, licking the dough off his finger anyway. “What can I say? You’re the best baker in all of Velaris. Maybe even all of Prythian.”
“Flattery will not get you more cookie dough.”
Cassian chuckled, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind and pulling you against him. The familiar weight of his body pressed against yours, his chin resting on your shoulder, made you feel safe, anchored. “No? How about this, then?” His lips found the sensitive spot just below your ear, and he nipped gently, sending a shiver down your spine.
“Cassian,” you warned, though your voice lacked any real threat. “We’re supposed to be baking.”
“We are baking,” he murmured, his breath hot against your skin. “I’m just…multitasking.”
You laughed, shaking your head but leaning into his warmth all the same. For a while, you both worked together in content silence, Cassian occasionally sneaking more dough and you pretending not to notice.
After the dough was formed into balls and placed on the baking sheet, you slid them into the oven, turning to lean against the counter as you waited. Cassian stayed close, standing next to you with his arms crossed, his wings tucked neatly behind him. You reached out and traced a finger along the edge of one, admiring the strength and beauty of them.
He watched you with a soft smile, one that made your heart flutter. It was the same smile he’d given you on your wedding day, the same one that had made you fall in love with him all over again a hundred years ago.
“What are you thinking about?” he asked quietly, his tone suddenly serious, as if he could sense the shift in your mood.
You hesitated for a moment, then decided to tell him the truth. “I was just thinking…about us. About how far we’ve come. A century, Cassian. Can you believe it?”
His gaze softened further, and he took your hand in his, pressing a kiss to your knuckles. “It feels like no time at all. But then, every moment with you is a gift.”
You smiled, your heart swelling with love for him. “Do you ever think about what comes next?”
Cassian raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”
“I mean…” You took a deep breath, feeling a little nervous even though you knew, deep down, he’d understand. “I’ve been thinking about our future. About…maybe starting a family.”
He blinked, surprise flickering across his face before it melted into something more tender, more thoughtful. “A family?”
You nodded, your fingers tightening around his. “I know we’ve never really talked about it before, but I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately. We’ve built this life together, this home…and I can’t help but wonder what it would be like to add to it. To have children.”
Cassian was silent for a moment, his expression unreadable. You bit your lip, wondering if maybe you’d sprung the idea on him too suddenly. But then, he reached out and cupped your cheek, his thumb brushing gently over your skin.
“I’ve thought about it too,” he admitted, his voice low. “I’ve wondered what it would be like to have little ones running around, to raise a family with you. But I didn’t want to pressure you, or assume…”
“Pressure me?” you laughed softly, leaning into his touch. “Cassian, you could never pressure me. I love you. And if I’m going to have a family, I can’t imagine doing it with anyone else.”
He stared at you for a long moment, as if trying to memorize every detail of your face. Then, without warning, he pulled you into his arms, holding you so tightly you could feel his heart beating against your chest.
“I love you too,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. “And I would be honored to raise a family with you.”
You let out a breath you didn’t realize you’d been holding, a wave of relief and joy washing over you. The thought of having children with Cassian, of creating a new life together, made your heart soar.
“We could teach them how to fly,” he added, his tone lightening as a grin spread across his face. “And how to fight. I’ll teach them all my best moves.”
You laughed, swatting him playfully. “I’m sure they’ll need more than just fighting lessons, Cass.”
He feigned offense. “Fighting is important! But fine, I suppose we could teach them how to bake too.”
“And how to read, and how to paint, and how to love with their whole heart,” you said softly, looking up at him. “Just like you’ve taught me.”
Cassian’s expression softened once again, and he leaned down to kiss you, slow and deep, as if he were trying to pour all the love he felt for you into that one moment. When he pulled back, his forehead rested against yours, and you could see the future reflected in his eyes—a future filled with laughter, joy, and the warmth of a family you would create together.
“I can’t wait,” he murmured, his lips brushing against yours. “I can’t wait to start this next chapter with you.”
The timer for the cookies went off, breaking the spell of the moment, and you both laughed as you reluctantly pulled away to tend to the treats. The scent of warm chocolate filled the air as you pulled the tray from the oven, and you couldn’t help but feel like the sweetness of the cookies mirrored the sweetness of the life you were building with Cassian.
As you set the tray on the counter to cool, Cassian wrapped his arms around you once more, his chin resting on your shoulder as you both looked at the cookies.
“Do you think they’ll be as sweet as us?” he asked, his voice teasing.
“Only if they take after me,” you shot back with a grin.
Cassian laughed, pressing another kiss to your temple. “Our children are going to be amazing,” he said, his voice full of quiet conviction. “Because they’ll have you as their mother.”
Your heart swelled with love and gratitude, and you leaned back into him, savoring the moment. The cookies, the warmth of the kitchen, the weight of his arms around you—it all felt like the perfect beginning to the next chapter of your lives.
And as you stood there, wrapped in Cassian’s embrace, you knew without a doubt that whatever the future held, you would face it together. With love, with laughter, and with the joy of building a family that would grow and thrive just like the bond between you and your mate.
Thanks for reading!!!
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forked tongues
a/n: what's up
pairing: dragon!liu kang x afab!reader x snake!shang tsung
warnings: nsfw (MDNI), monsterfucking, monster dicks, overstimulation, thigh riding, pussy eating, threesome (kind of), some bondage, some praise kink, some degradation kink, dacryphilia
a tail wraps along your calf, the furs tickling against your skin, and you twitch in Liu Kang’s grip and hold on tighter to his broad shoulders as his fangs graze along your lips
he lets out a soft growl, one that rumbles in his throat and fills out his chest so that you can feel the vibrations against your bare skin, and you smile and let out an amused huff of air as you press a quick kiss to the tip of his nose
the displeased frown on his face only deepens when Shang Tsung kisses at the base of your neck and you shiver in response
Liu Kang tightens his grip around your calf and his hands tighten around your waist, claws digging into the soft flesh
“they’re mine.” Liu Kang snarls, and you can feel heat rolling off him in waves
he bares his teeth, each sharpened to a point, but Shang Tsung only lets out an amused laugh and glides his hands down the sides of your thighs while resting his chin on your shoulder
“don’t you mean they’re ours? and here i thought we agreed to share.” even without seeing Shang Tsung’s face, you can still hear the infuriating smirk on his face, and you sigh, jerking your shoulder up to make Shang Tsung bite his tongue
a squeak leaves from the snake, and Liu Kang lets a flicker of amusement appear on his face before hardening his features once more, his bright glowing eyes never once leaving Shang Tsung
“hey, be nice the both of you. or i’ll just go back to my quarters to sleep alone.” you wriggle around in both their grips to make a point, but Liu Kang only holds onto you tighter, a growl reverberating from his throat
“no…no, please don’t go. we’ll behave.” he pouts, upset with the idea of having to share you with Shang Tsung, and he dips his head down to bury his face into your neck, the heat off his face warming your skin
Shang Tsung lets out a curt hum, but you can feel how his nails rake against the inside of your thighs now and how he seems to tense up behind you, just as jealous at having to split your attention with the dragon
his scaly tail wraps around your other calf and squeezes for only a moment before loosening
“fine, yes, i’ll behave. even with this brute around.” Shang Tsung rolls his eyes and nibbles at the juncture of your neck and your shoulder
thankfully, Liu Kang doesn’t respond to Shang Tsung’s jest and only starts to mouth at your neck, his fangs lightly scraping along your sensitive skin
you smile and bring one hand to stroke gently against one of Liu Kang’s horns, and he melts underneath you, the weight of his body sagging onto you as a low rumble sounds from his chest
Shang Tsung lets out a small pouty sound and scrapes his nails up the inside of your thigh until two of his fingers rest against your clit
“now, i do believe we promised you a fun time.” Shang Tsung rubs his finger up against your clit, and you sigh in response, letting your weight drop down onto Shang Tsung as your legs turn boneless
Liu Kang’s arms keep you upright and on your feet as he lifts his head to kiss your plush lips, and he groans at the feeling as he lets his forked tongue drag along your lips
you can feel the tips of his fangs poking at you, but you can’t find it in yourself to care as you bring one of your hands to cup the back of his neck and then the other to tightly grip onto his shoulder
Shang Tsung flicks his tongue out to taste your skin, humming at the salt and the scent of your musk coating his tongue, and he uses his fingers to pinch your clit
it makes you whine in response, and Liu Kang takes the chance to slip his tongue into your mouth
it’s overwhelming, a dragon devouring your mouth and a snake pleasuring you, but you can’t give it much thought when Shang Tsung’s cold body suddenly slides down
Shang Tsung doesn’t give you a moment to wonder as he uses his hands to spread your cheeks apart and lets his long tongue trace the length of your pussy
you jolt and squeak in Liu Kang’s grip, but the dragon doesn’t let go, only holding onto you tighter as he drags his teeth down to your neck, carefully nipping at the softness of your skin
Liu Kang wants to mark you, to sink his teeth into your flesh and taste your sweet blood against his tongue and his fangs and to hear you cry out in pain and in pleasure
if only Shang Tsung weren’t here, then Liu Kang could take all the time in the world making sure that his marks against you would be perfect, but the snake was here, taking away your attention from his
“Sh-Shang! mmh! ah- please!” you whimper and hold on tightly to Liu Kang, your hips moving on their own accord as Shang Tsung drags his tongue along your dripping pussy
Liu Kang furrows his brows, a flare of possessiveness heating his body, and he growls, using his strength to pick you up off the ground and throw you over his shoulder
you shriek in surprise and then whack your fists against his back, complaining that you were so close, but Liu Kang doesn’t care, letting the flat of his palm sharply slap against your ass
pain stings through you, and you stop your wriggling as you whine in embarrassment
Liu Kang sends a victorious smirk to Shang Tsung before turning to sit down on the bed and bringing you off his shoulder to straddle his muscular thigh
he lets out a breath as he feels exactly how wet you are, and you whack your fists against his shoulder in frustration
“what the hell, Liu? i was so- ah! mmgh- you-you can’t just-” you can only moan as Liu Kang wraps his hands around your waist and then drags you along his scaled thigh, the ridges grinding up against your sensitive clit and the proof of your arousal dripping down the sides of his thighs
you cling onto his shoulder, hanging your head down as you whine and moan, unable to do much more as Liu Kang keeps you firmly planted on his leg
it’s a torturous drag, and you can feel your face burn with heat as Liu Kang uses you like a doll, his eyes never leaving the wet trail of your arousal along his thigh
his breaths come out much heavier, and you dig your nails into his scales as you feel yourself tipping over the edge
“that’s it. that’s it, so good for me, so perfect, so sweet. just let go of yourself. i’ve got you, my flame.” Liu Kang can hardly hear himself, his pupils blown wide at the sight of you falling apart just from you grinding down on his thigh
he holds you down just a bit harder, and you moan and lean forward to try and hide your face in his shoulder as you cum on his thigh
tears drip down from the corners of your eyes, and you claw uselessly at Liu Kang as he continues to drag you along his thigh, the pleasure bordering on overstimulation as he starts to bounce his leg
“fuck! Liu-i don’t know if- ah! mmfffh nnngh!” he ignores your pleas, his gaze focused on Shang Tsung with a sly smirk before Liu Kang dips his head down to finally sink his teeth into your neck
Shang Tsung gets up off the floor, using the back of his hand to wipe away the remnants of your arousal from his face, and he barely contains the urge to hiss at the dragon
he strides over to where you and Liu Kang are on the bed, his eye twitching in irritation at the sound of your pleasure
it’s not as if he wanted you to be displeased, but the mere fact that it was Liu Kang and not Shang Tsung pleasuring you made the snake want to tear out every scale on his tail
with one fluid motion as you start to sob from overstimulation, Shang Tsung plucks you from Liu Kang’s grip and deposits you on the bed, your head resting on soft pillows and your thighs drawn wide apart by Shang Tsung’s hands
you can barely breathe as he gives you a devilish smile, his long forked tongue flicking against your sensitive clit, just enough to make you jump
“ah! mmh, Sh-Shang!” your hands go to bury themselves in his hair, and he allows you to dig his fingers into his perfectly combed hair-do as his mouth descends on your soft skin
he teases the inside of your thighs, kissing and biting you, his mouth practically drooling as he sees your arousal drip down and stain the sheets and as your moans and whines become desperate
your mouth can barely form words, only helpless and pitiful sounds as you try and push your hips into his face, trying to get him to touch him where you need him the most, still needy despite the earlier overstimulation
Shang Tsung ignores you, instead sending a glance over to Liu Kang
the dragon doesn’t look particularly pleased, his mouth curved into a hard frown, a deep furrow in between his eyebrows, but a spark of pride and smugness appears in Shang Tsung’s chest when he sees Liu Kang’s hand buried into his pants and a dark spot of pre-cum staining the front of the fabric
turning his attention back to you, Shang Tsung plants one final bite into the meat of your thighs, hearing a pathetic bleat come out of your lips before he lays the flat of his tongue along your clit
you practically jump out of your skin as he drags the smooth muscle over the sensitive bud, and your fingers pull at Shang Tsung’s hair harshly, a loud moan escaping his mouth at the feeling
the vibrations travel through you, and a cry leaves your lips as he moves his face down further, the flat of his nose grinding into your clit as his tongue slips into your drooling pussy
he flicks his tongue inside of you, the forked length thrusting deeper into you
Shang Tsung closes his eyes, letting the taste of you overwhelm him, and when he feels your thighs twitch violently underneath his hands as his tongue prods a specific spot inside of you, he feels victorious, his eyes fluttering open to watch your chest stutter with an interrupted breath
his tongue ruthlessly rubs against that sweet spot, and you let out a loud squeal, your face immediately growing hot with embarrassment at the loud sound
you throw one hand over your mouth in an effort to cover up your noises, but Liu Kang is by your side in an instant, his large hand grabbing onto your wrist
he looks displeased at your attempt to muffle your sounds, and he instead brings your hand to wrap around one of his heavy cocks
there are two of them, standing upright and flushed red, and perhaps in a different situation, you would think it strange
but all you can think about is how it would feel to have him prepare you to take both of them, the mess he would make of you before he even thought of fucking you
underneath your fingertips, you can feel the ridges that line it, the pre-cum that slicks the length, and you can barely touch your fingertips together as he guides your hand to pump him
“don’t want you muffling any of those pretty sounds. if you do, i’ll put your mouth to better use.” Liu Kang practically growls it out, a flush overtaking his face as you start to move your hand on your own
drool collects on your lip at the thought of trying to fit him into your mouth, but Shang Tsung’s grip on your thighs tighten as he grinds his nose harder into your clit, and you lose your train of thought
for a second, your hand squeezes slightly, and Liu Kang lets out a loud groan, his hips bucking forward and he bites his lip, as if to reel himself back in
you can barely think in the haze of pleasure, but you manage to bring your hand up to press your thumb into the slit of his cock
a whine peals from him, and you swear you see steam leave his mouth as he breathes out
“don’t-don’t do that, or i’ll cum too early.” his eyes seem to glow brighter, and you give him a cheeky grin
as you go to retort, Shang Tsung brings his head up, his lips wrapping around your clit, and he sucks hard
your jaw drops open, an unholy high-pitched keening sound escaping your lips as your hips buck instinctually into Shang Tsung’s face
he laps up your cum, savoring the taste of your release with a hum, and your hand falls from Liu Kang’s cock to try and hide your face once more
in an instant, Liu Kang has your wrist pinned down onto the sheets, and with nothing to hide your sounds, you start to whine, tears collecting on the edges of your eyes at the humiliation
“oh, you pretty little slut, you like that, don’t you? restrained, unable to do anything against us.” Shang Tsung murmurs it against the skin of your trembling thighs, his eyes focused on the way your pussy clenched desperately around nothing
you don’t answer, averting your gaze away as you tug at Shang Tsung’s hair in an effort to get him shut up, a whimper leaves his lips at the feeling
Liu Kang blinks at you, and then a smile crosses onto his face, his hand letting go of your wrist to lift you up
you let him lift you like a ragdoll
an orgasm, teasing, and then another orgasm has left you feeling boneless
Shang Tsung crawls up onto the bed while Liu Kang lifts you up so that you can sit on the bed, both of your legs harshly pulled apart
the dragon grabs both of your wrists, and he wraps his headband around your wrists, tying them together firmly
he doesn’t give you a moment of reprieve as he takes advantage of his position to fondle your chest while his mouth attaches itself to your neck
Shang Tsung hums as he drags off the last of his clothing, and you stare at the sight of him and feel yourself clench around nothing, arousal starting to leak down the inside of your thighs
you attempt to close your legs, but Shang Tsung grabs onto the both of them and pulls them back apart, his tongue darting out to wet his lips
like Liu Kang, he also had two cocks, but unlike the dragon behind you, Shang Tsung’s was longer, thinner, smoother, tapered at the tip, and covered in a thin sheen of slick
“oh, you are just a little whore, already thinking about taking both of them,” Shang Tsung licks his lips, shuffling in a little closer, “but i think i’ll save that for another day.”
he lifts your legs so that they wrap around his waist, and you’re practically suspended over the bed now, your upper body supported by Liu Kang and your lower body supported by Shang Tsung, almost as if you weighed nothing
his hands keep a firm grip on your hips as he moves forward, one of his cocks sliding into your pussy with ease while his other drags along your sensitive clit
a whine peels out of your throat, your hands tugging at the binds, but they hold firm while Shang Tsung hisses at the feeling of you clenching around him
he bites his lip, trying to control himself, to reel his self-control in
it’s difficult, especially when you look so delectable beneath him, neck covered in various bite marks, a slight sheen of sweat covering the length of your body, your hands tied behind your back
even Liu Kang mouthing at your neck looks delicious when you shiver and moan in response and clench around Shang Tsung’s cock, arousal leaking down your thighs and staining his scales
Shang Tsung groans as he pulls his hips back and then thrusts back in, angling his hips to make sure that he could hit your sweet spot, and he’s rewarded with the sweet sound of your whines in the air
“pl-please, Shang!” you squeeze around him, needy and desperate and his hands tighten on your hips, his mouth practically going dry at you begging for him
Liu Kang growls, his fangs sinking back into the soft flesh of your neck, and you cry out for the dragon, your body leaning into him
it’s the final thread for Shang Tsung, and he snarls, hips snapping backwards to fuck into you ruthlessly
he didn’t want Liu Kang to make you cry out like that, no, that right was reserved for Shang Tsung only
only he wanted to make you cry out in pleasure, only he wanted to leave marks on you, only he was allowed to make you cum so deliciously
Shang Tsung’s grip on your hips are sure to leave bruises the next day as he ruts into you, the sound of his hips slapping against filling the room
he pants into the air, his slitted pupils wide and dilated as he sees how you twitch and tremble because of him, all for him
your pussy clenches around his cock, and Shang Tsung groans, wishing he could devour your mouth, to make you taste yourself on his tongue, to taste your pleasured moans
but Liu Kang has claimed your mouth for now, his lips moving furiously, his eyes closed as his hands pinch and twist and knead at your chest
you feel overwhelmed, every sense of yours attacked and stimulated beyond end, and you can only struggle at your binds as you whine and whimper
it’s too much, Shang Tsung fucking into you, desperate to make you cum, his second cock grinding into your clit with each thrust, his nails digging into your skin, the pain only adding to the pleasure
and then Liu Kang behind you, making sure you were light-headed with his scent, his heat burning your skin, his hands never-stopping, constantly touching and touching and touching
you don’t what to do, whether to cry out for Shang Tsung or for Liu Kang, but it didn’t matter because all that came out of your mouth was pitiful choked-up sounds
even if you wanted to, your tongue wouldn’t be able to form words
Shang Tsung groans, his hips pushing forward deep into you, and you can’t think, can’t do much more than feel as he cums inside of you, warmth filling you and spurting out onto the softness of your belly
a wordless sob leaves you, tears streaming down you face as you fall over the edge, the room a whirlwind of colors as every muscle tenses up
your pussy holds onto Shang Tsung’s cock tightly, and faintly, you can hear a whimper leave his throat as you cum
it feels as though it lasts forever, and you only open your eyes to watch as Shang Tsung slides out of you
you can’t help it as a whimper escapes your lips, sensitive and sore from his cock (cocks?) bullying you, and you blink up blearily at him as he gently lowers your hips back down onto the soft bed
Liu Kang from behind coos at you, his words nothing but a garbled mess that you can’t seem to comprehend
he kisses gently at your neck and then turns you around to sit in his lap, and he watches with a scowl at Shang Tsung’s cum dripping down your thighs
slowly, carefully, he kisses away your tears while ripping up the headband that binds your wrists together
your hands fall to your sides, and then you lift them to rest on his shoulders, hips mindlessly grinding into him
Liu Kang can’t help but groan, his hands falling to your waist and then squeezing in an effort to control himself
“so perfect, so perfect for me, for us.” he takes a moment to rest his forehead against yours, ignoring the sound of the bedroom door opening and closing, and you hum in response
raising your hips up, you take a moment to line yourself up on one of his cocks, the both of you groaning at the feelings
he’s so much thicker than Shang Tsung, and you feel so full, and you can feel every ridge sliding against you as he stretches you out
his other cock grinds against your clit, and you gasp as the bumps press and grind into the sensitive bud
you don’t move for a moment, still sore from Shang Tsung, trying to adjust the size, but Liu Kang takes advantage of the opportunity to kiss you lazily, his lips moving across your neck, your face, your lips
his fangs graze and poke and prod at your skin, but you don’t really care
“Liu, please…” you whine quietly, your thighs still trembling, and Liu Kang obliges, using his strength to bounce you on his cock
it’s quiet, the sound of your quiet moans mixing with his, only the sound of soft slaps filling the large room, but it’s perfect
you kiss Liu Kang again, in an effort to hide your whimpers as his second cock grinds against your clit, but this time Liu Kang lets you hide your sounds and your embarrassment
because this time he got to taste them on his lips, to swallow them and have the sound all to himself
was it a little selfish of him? yes, but Liu Kang didn’t care
it comes slowly, creeping up on you, filling you up with heat until you felt like you were burning on the inside, but Liu Kang keeps you steady, his hands a heavy weight on your skin as he continues to bounce you on his cock
a cry falls from your lips, swallowed by Liu Kang, as you cum again, stuttering gasps and short choked whimpers coming out of you
he groans as he plants you firmly down on his cock, his seed spilling into you hot and heavy, his other cock sputtering out onto your stomach, smearing your skin with his scent
you slump forward, breathing heavily, tiredness resting on top of your eyelids as you threaten to fall asleep
“c’mon darling, you need to drink something.” Shang Tsung’s voice calls somewhere from behind you, and then there’s a cool hand on your back
it feels like the world is resting on your back, but you manage to lift yourself up enough to drink some water
the drink cools your throat, soothing the hoarseness, and then Shang Tsung pulls it away with a slight smile, “ah, slowly, slowly.”
you manage to open your eyes enough to glare at him, but he simply quirks an eyebrow at you
begrudgingly, you sip the water slowly, Liu Kang squeezing your waist every so often, and when you finish the glass, he wastes no time in picking you up into his arms and sliding out of bed
“let’s go get you cleaned up.” Liu Kang doesn’t even let you complain about being too tired as he sends you a look, and you simply sigh, wrapping your arms tighter around his neck and watching as Shang Tsung trails after the two of you
how lucky and unfortunate to have two partners that made sure you stayed healthy, but honestly, you loved it
#tangerine writes#mortal kombat x reader#mk x you#mk x reader#mk x y/n#mortal kombat smut#mk smut#mk1 smut#mk1 x you#mk1 x reader#mk1 x y/n#liu kang x you#liu kang x reader#liu kang x y/n#shang tsung x y/n#shang tsung x you#shang tsung x reader#liu kang smut#shang tsung smut
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Spoilers for up to ch 130 of Got Dropped into a Ghost Story, Still Gotta Work
Alright, so one thing that Got Dropped into a Ghost Story, Still Gotta Work (what is the abbreviation for this??) really got right is the horror.
Something I often find with these kinds of horror novels (infinite flow, protag having a cheat, excet) is that the horror can often turn into just spooky set dressing, just a background aesthetic. The scares stop being or never were impactful, there's no tension, all that.
This novel, of course, has the "what if someone who's a scaredy-cat was put into the horror setting" gimmick, which means our mc is constantly affected by the setting. Yet, at the same time, Roe also has to survive the horror scenarios somehow, which means he does crazy shit because he has all the answers on his phone to survive. So the real question is how does the author reintroduce fear after giving a character something like that? It's not enough for Roe to be scared and get through the scenarios anyways. I think the two key things at work here is elimination of safety and lasting consequences.
Nowhere is safe. This is a slow realization, one that Roe knew immediately, but has to be proven to the audience. This is a world in which at any moment you could walk into a ghost story. While his job may literally be to enter these ghosts stories, that doesn't make him immune to the inherent nature of this world. The first two nightmares Roe goes through are forced, and sudden, but still controlled in that he was put into them on purpose. But the serial killer mansion? The train to Tamra? Hazards of living in this world, its why he chose to stay with the company after arriving in this universe, because now that he's here there no way to avoid them.
Okay, so the universe itself isn't safe. You could go into a ghost story at anytime, but that isn't the only hazard of simply existing. At work there are terrifying and inhuman (literally or personality wise) coworkers: Kwak Jegang, a researcher who plays with peoples lives, Lee Jaheon, a lizard headed alien, and higher ups who you must carefully dance around, being a well preforming employee without making them suspicious.
And at own home? A haunted doll that you must be friends with, which contains a terrifying being who has a completely different, inhumane value system, and a roommate that will kill or exploit you the moment you let your guard down.
So no place is safe, but worse, is that the author takes it a step further. Nowhere is safe, not even your own mind. The way unreliable narration is used in conjunction with the contamination is chilling. It was terrifying for me to realize with Roe what was happening. That neither of us noticed, and that he was about to go back to not noticing. It was a sickening tension, and afterwards when we see some of the things that were suppressed by the corruption, the hints he left for Lee Jaheon? It adds to the horror, because he was fighting it, but all your best efforts are lost when you're fighting against your own mind. When you forget that you're trying to fight something at all.
Built into this, and being the other crucial element, is lasting consequences. The nightmares they enter are onetime, self-contained things rights? Yes, there's always a danger of accidentally entering them but once you leave it's all over right? Turns out it's more complicated than just a scenario that randomly appears and repeats! What happens in the nightmares, and the relationships made with the monsters, isn't self-contained. The two most potent examples are probably the tattoo from the Blue Mascot, and Roe's relationship with Braun.
To be honest Roe and Braun's relationship is I think one giant example of this and I'm probably going to do a whole other post about their relationship. For a majority of the novel the consequences of messing with, or making Braun mad have been built up. Roe is terrified both because of all the stories of people mistreating haunted dolls, and also because he saw firsthand how powerful Braun is. And when the time comes that it happens, Roe makes Braun mad, its sufficiently terrifying. There was no way for Roe of the alien coalition rescuing him to defeat Braun through brute force, and remember. Nowhere is safe. There was nowhere that Roe could run where Braun wouldn't eventually find him.
Actually, thinking about it, I'm noticing a theme as I type this out... Because with both Braun and Blue Mascot the only way out of the situation, the only solution, was to talk to them, and isn't that interesting? I'll have to make a different post analyzing that...
Anyways, I've gone on for long enough now, conclusion is that I really love this novel and idk what I'm going to do while I wait for more chapters to accumulate...
#kim soleum#got dropped into a ghost story still gotta work#roe deer#braun#got dropped into a ghost story still gotta work spoilers
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— facts about angelblade!reader .ᐟ
♱ when she turned, she came wearing a necklace, a small vial filled with grace hanging from it. the grace inside is from all of the past angels she was used to kill, the vial completely unopenable. just like her counterpart, she has faint handprints on her legs from being held, but some are burned into her skin by the—now deceased—angels that once wielded her. and god, does the feeling of reclaiming those prints on her thighs by covering them with his own drive dean wild.
♱ she's got a huge problem with angels, she was made to kill them after all. because of that, she's always mean mugging cas and scaring him with her constant death stares, only stopping when dean, calmly, gets onto her about it. he constantly has to reiterate that cas is a good angel, their angel, and despite the amount of times castiel has proven that to be true, she'll always be skeptical of him deep down.
♱ she never picked a name, even when dean asked her to. though he'd try to explain why she pretty much needed one, but she'd refuse, always.
"i am a blade. an angel blade. i do not need a name." she insisted.
"yeah, i know you are, but it'd really make things easier for us." dean sighed, "please. let's just research some more names-"
"no! i do not want to! now go away, you've made me frustrated." she huffed, crossing her arms over her chest and turning away, pouting.
due to the fact she always reminded everyone of her past form, the boys eventually deemed blade as her name. although dean will forever call her feisty as a nickname because of her nature in how she acts and speaks.
♱ she refuses to wear a bra. she says they're uncomfortable and restricting. which dean doesn't need a reason from her, he's more than happy with her choices.
♱ she slapped dean when they first kissed. she said she didn't expect it even though she said yes when he asked if he could kiss her. but now she kisses him freely and shamelessly every chance she gets, even if they're on a case.
♱ she secretly has bad separation anxiety, especially with dean. she can't be more than a few steps away from him at all times. he's also the only one allowed to touch her. she once nearly killed sam for accidentally brushing against her when walking by.
♱ she has sharp, pointed nails that are always in a dark hue of blue. she scratched cas once and his grace began to glow from the open wound like it would when sliced by her blade form. she now uses her nails as a method against bad angels—both torturous and fatal.
♱ has a worse sailor's mouth than dean after he taught her multiple swears—which is definitely his biggest flex. he loves hearing her chew out anyone who dares to step up to her, monster or not. truthfully, he gets aroused when he hears them fly from her plush lips.
♱ she rants. she argues. she's the biggest headache the winchesters have ever had. but beyond the attitude, she's one of the sweetest girls they've ever met. she's so incredibly caring and loving, despite hating every aspect of humanity. just don't get on her bad side and you'll learn how giving she is; lord—and dean—knows how much she can be.
♱ she hates learning but she's quite literally forced to as she's never been human before. things frustrate her easily, simply because she doesn't know how they work and she hates being confused and not knowing/understanding things immediately. but the whole 'experiencing life for the first time' aspect allows dean to show her all of his favorite things. and he knows that she'd find it all fascinating rather than being like sam and making fun of him, or like cas and not getting why he likes them at all.
GABS YAPS .ᐟ . . . once again, handprints idea is from my twin @sunsbaby !! lmk what other facts y'all think would fit her! likes, comments, + reblogs are very appreciated!!
tags!: @j2archives @dulcescorderitas @deansbeer @bejeweledinterludes @soldiersgirl @bluemerakis @legalmente-loca @immodestly-marina @daylighted @titsout4jackles
blade's masterlist!
dividers were made by me!!
#gabs ⛤ writes .ᐟ#gabs' ⛤ readers .ᐟ#angelblade!reader#angelblade!reader x dean winchester#angelblade!reader by h8aaz#dean winchester#dean winchester x reader#dean winchester x female!reader#dean winchester fic#dean winchester fluff#dean winchester smut#supernatural#supernatural x reader#supernatural x female reader#supernatural fic#supernatural fluff#supernatural smut#© 𝐇𝟖𝐀𝐀𝐙
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a wide grin spread across his face when he saw the switchblade. even though he was sure they both knew that wasn't going to do anything to him, not anything that could save her at least, it was fun seeing her put on a fight. she was a real tough woman. something about that made this the best chase that he had been on in a while. predators like him never liked when their prey just laid down and gave up without a fight. even if they would just be wasting their energy trying to do anything else. maybe he just liked getting their blood pumping. hearing their heartbeat accelerate if he was paying close attention. he didn't know the full reason behind it. what he did know was that he was enjoying his time with the woman in front of him. a part of brett wondered if he would have survived this fight, or whatever they were doing, if he was still human. clearly, she was used to handling herself against different opponents. maybe she could have handled her ass. thankfully, at least for him, he wasn't a human anymore. he was the monster that people were warned about. a creature that went bump in the night.
"you should be. it's not something that everyone has the honor of saying they can do." again, he was just playing with her. when she took a step back, he took a step forward. that's how he navigated himself through the woods in their little dance. "i wouldn't dream of it, darling. i fully mean everything that i'm saying." yet her annoyance is just exciting him even more. she had this acute sense of the world around her. an astute way of thinking when it came to the world. brett was almost disappointed that he was going to have to end her. maybe there was another alternative in the middle of all of this. "some prey are better than others though. die trying to at least put up a fight. wouldn't you agree?" his brows perked up as he asked the question. "count creepy?" the smirk on his face slowly turned into a pout. like everything else about him, it was over dramatized. "i thought you'd be more clever than that." he shook his head, as if he was disappointed in the woman standing across from him. "you can call me brett." a name wasn't going to give her any real information.
sandra is acutely aware of the fact that she's prey, understands it in that way where it threatens to take over her whole body if she's not careful. but understanding doesn't always mean always accepting—not for sandra. she takes another step back and stumbles into him, barely able to register the fact that he'd even moved before she's whirling around to face him again, blonde hair sticking to the sheen of sweat on her skin. on instinct she grabs at the switchblade nestled in her bra, flicking it open the second it's unconcealed. for a human, she's quick, but then that initial shock passes and she's acutely aware yet again that it will do nothing. still, she keeps it there, just holding it between her fingers for the irrational sense of comfort it provides as her free hand presses against his chest like she's fighting the urge to push him away. as if she could. their closeness is almost suffocating and sandra feels a lot like she's cornered even though they're out in the open. she needs only to step to the side to be free of his presence, and there's something recklessly thrilling about the fact that she can't seem to force her body to move.
"i— i'm honored i have that effect on you." for a split second, when his fangs are on full display, sandra's wide-eyed surprise is genuine as she lifts the blade in her hand to brandish it at him—but it isn't quite fear. "don't patronize me," she snaps, voice soft and a little breathless, but there's an undertone of annoyance there, an unflinching edge that shouldn't exist as she meets his gaze, eyes narrowing. if he's expecting her to beg and plead, he's going to be disappointed. her death might be inevitable, but it won't be easy. "there isn't anything noble or honorable about being prey. it's just prey." she takes a staggering breath in hopes of calming her erratic heart as her teeth graze her bottom lip. "but if that's all i'm intended to be... humor me. who are you? or—" she pauses, eyes flickering to his mouth and then back like she's uncertain for just a second, "do i just keep calling you 'count creepy' in my head?"
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monster X monster hunter
#baldur’s gate#bg3#baldur’s gate 3#astarion#wyll#I AM SOOOOOO NOT NORMAL ABOUT THESE TWO#IMAGINE BEING PERFECT FOILS OF EACH OTHER#BOTH TURNED INTO MONSTERS AGAINST THEIR WILL#imagining young wyll trying to court astarion and just being so genuine about it#as one of his first loves he wants to do everything right but is still overall (fairly) new to the whole thing#vs astarion who is much more cynical after 200 years of seducing victims#he knows how to play someone’s heartstrings like anlite and is overall very detached from the whole thing only#doing it to make aure wyll wont murder him or something#but then selune forbid it he starts to develoP FEELINGS FOR HIM KSDBBSJAJA#and then just as astarion starts to fall into love wyll almost falls out of it as he realizes astarion was LYING to his face the whole time#about liking him#and then there is DRAMA and a secret slow burn underneath what you THOUGHT was a fast burn#AHEM. anyways.#im gonna draw more of these two cause wyll is soooo slept on#pictured this as early in their meeting/relationship which is why wyll doesnt have horns yet#also *anlite i meant to type *a lute but shaky fingers#rip no tag editing
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i am going to throw myself out of a window
#inhales gloreth and ambrosius are both impressionable having someone they care for who are societelly percieved as monsters/villains#and because of society they've been turned against them against their own moral judgement#and ballister and nimona are more alike than i initially thought :'<#nimona spoilers#nimona#nimona movie#nimona netflix#gloreth#ballister boldheart#ambrosius goldenloin#nd stevenson
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[mild tw for marital rape/forced 'consent' its only referenced a little, but it feels necessary to mention it]
imagine Alicent only standing up for herself when Aegon is in the picture. Imagine her talking her son to her chambers cause he's fussy and won't go down for bed and was asking for his mum, and she has him tucked close, blissfully asleep, and Viserys calls for her.
she knows she can't refuse, but she tells the servant he had sent to make him aware of Aegon's state. he still demands that she be brought to his chambers and that the babe go back to his nursemaid. she looks down at her baby, who's now woken due to the disturbance, who is staring up at her with soft tired eyes, a little yawn escaping him.
she doesn't want to go, she doesn't want to be forced to take her husband, to pleasure him at her own discomfort. she doesn't want to leave her son, to have him sent back to bed where he will remain restless and in the care of someone who is not his mother. she had never want to refuse more than she did in that moment.
she hesitates, her facade falters. Aegon is still looking up at her as tears well up in her eyes. he quirks his head at her, fingers reaching for her cheeks as if to comfort her. with a sudden conviction, she takes him in her arms, rising from the bed, requesting a robe and a blanket. when her servant looks at her in question, she clarifies that she will be taking Aegon with her and does not wish to rouse him in attempts to dress him. they look at her with shock, but don't voice the concern written on their faces.
they bring her Viserys's favorite robe. Alicent recognizes it from her time with Rhaenyra and Aemma. she's worn it before, Viserys has made sure the servants bring it to her every time he requests her. she hates the way it feels against her skin, knowing why he makes her wear it. she wraps aegon in his blanket, soft and royal blue, his hands beginning to play with its golden tassles as she tucks him inside her robe, pressed to her chest with care.
even as fear bites at her heels, anxiety churning her stomach, she walks to Viserys's chamber with her held high. she knows she is only asking for her husband's wrath; she knows she should just obey him, but she just can't. her son will not suffer a sleepless night and horrid following day all because her husband feels the need to use her body once more. he will not suffer at his father's hands tonight, even if she has to endure Viserys's anger for it.
she enters her husband's chambers, finding him in bed, in a white night gown, clearly ready to use her; he was never subtle when he asked for her, not even the first time.
she pauses in the doorway, pulling back the robe slightly, making him aware of Aegon's presence. she watches his face fall, barely muted anger. she holds onto Aegon tighter. part of her fears he may hurt her for this disturbance, but more of her fears he will hurt Aegon on her behalf.
"I told the damned servants to take him," his voice is warped and cruel, just an angry scowl of sorts.
"Aegon is not well, dear husband... I could not leave him," she admits before he can say anything else. she puts her foot forward as a mother, hoping to claim mercy from the man who made her one.
he mutters something in response, not quite loud enough for her to hear. she has a feeling she is grateful for that.
"what was it you needed, my dear?" she tries to sound sweet and kind, in attempts to abate his anger, "I'm sure I could still attend to it."
"you know what I wanted," he yelled. it had been the first time he'd truly raised his voice to her. she couldn't help but gasp, stepping back one step, than two, stopping when Aegon began to fuss, curling around him instead.
"Please Viserys, the baby." she ducks her head down to press her against his whispy white hair. her son his huffing, as if about to cry, and she's sure if she could see his face, his little cheeks would be red and his eyes would be crinkled and wet, his lip puckered. she begins to rock him slightly, still afraid to move.
"your'e dismissed," he grunts, but his tone gives it away. she knows he doesn't mean it, the if she leaves she will be in more trouble. she questions staying, calling a servant to take Aegon and giving him what he wants, but decides against it. he would not come before her son, not now, not ever.
"I'm sorry, my dear, another night, when I do not have Aegon to tend to," she forces some cheer into her tone, "he is still so young, so helpless. he needs his mother. I'm sure you understand?"
"he is not the only one in need of you." he had not lost his anger yet. not even for the sake of his son.
"yes, of course. forgive me. only he is not as understanding as you, my love." that wasn't the truth, Aegon was more kind and understanding at a year old, than viserys was in all of his years. "I will leave now. I am sorry for the disturbance."
she pauses for a moment, waiting for her husbands reaction. when he doesn't lash out at her, she breathes a quiet sigh of relief, feeling as though she has evaded a great beast. her heart calms in her chest, slowing from its fluttering and her stomachs stops its dizzing ache. she questions turning and running, fleeing from his presence before he can change his mind, but knows better.
she hurries to his side, eyeing him all the while, each step calculated, avoiding cracking any eggshells, until she is close enough to kiss his cheek. he allows it, and gives Aegon grace when he reaches out for him, letting him play with his finger a moment, before pulling it away, not even turning away fully before sneering. she takes that as her cue to leave, this one being much more genuine than the last.
"goodnight dear husband." he says nothing. she takes Aegon's little hand, waving it slightly, "say goodnight Aegon."
her son tries to imitate her, though unintelligible, as a toddler would. she continues to smile and coo at him even when his father ignores him, not letting him feel his father's scorn, quickly turning towards the door and back to her own chambers.
the second the door is close she feels herself sag, she would have fallen to the floor right then and there had there not been kingsgaurd watching. instead she holds her head high once more, walking calm and steady, like a queen should.
Aegon settles his forehead against her collar, giving a great yawn against her skin. she smiles at him fondly, kissing his brow, earning a tired little giggle from him. it hits her that he is unaware of the trouble he just saved her from. she feels equal parts relief as she does terror; she hopes he never knows, never understands, but is so so thankful for it none the less.
the second she steps into her chambers she pulls of the robe, setting it aside carefully despite the pain it brings her, respecting the memories it carried. she pulls back the covers before smothering her and her son amongst them. he's quick to curl against her, quite tuckered out after their harrowing adventure, even if he was unaware of its true weight. she herself still wanted to cry, but was similarly too tired to keep her eyes open for another moment. tomorrow, she tells herself, tomorrow will be difficult, but tonight you have your son, tonight you have a chance to rest.
so she does, she holds him close, tracing fingers over the gold threaded patterned of his blanket, feeling the shifting of his chest as he breathes and the tickle of his hair against her neck. all is well in that moment. she drifts to sleep at the thought.
#omage to Aemma's robe that we see alicent wearing in episode 3 (I believe. it was when she was helping bathe viserys)#cause I know he made her wear it cause he's a monster#this is set prior to Helaena's conception. aegon is tiny. and alicent is still naive to the true extents of viserys's abuse.#especially to the fact that despite all of the love she holds for her children and how badly she wishes to always pick them first#his abuse and the stockholm syndrom that follow it will turn her against her children. aegon in particular.#maybe not against. but acrid and foul. her pain overtaking her love. she still tries so hard to protect them though. if you get what I mean#its otto's fault too and they should both die#anyway#I'm just in my feels with these two#we didn't get enough scenes of them together especially when they were both young and I wanted to give alicent a moment were she fought bac#she refused to give him what he wanted. she chose her child over him. she stood up for herself and what she wanted.#she earned that moment#I know she was choking through those “my dears” and “my loves” but she had to for formalities sake#angst in the front fluff in the back#even if the fluff is laced with angst#letting alicent be soft and love her son#I needed it#aegon targaryen#aegon ii targaryen#alicent hightower#anti viserys i targaryen#pro team green#hotd#house of the dragon#I love them your honor
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Knox hadn't considered his immodesty until Lulu's fingertips brushed softly over the slash on his chest. His stomach tightened, the moment pulling taut as his breath caught and held. His eyes moved to catch hers and then—
Major's voice sounded again, close enough to raise the hairs on his arms, his momentary daze shaken by the reality of the hellish creature that tormented them just outside. True, crippling fear shot through his veins like ice, his stomach souring with dread. As Lulu collapsed into him, hands pressed over her ears, his arms tightened around her on instinct alone.
She needed him to do something, to be someone, but he felt like little more than a fraud. He knew from experience that this was not a fight he could win. Would he have to watch while the monster forced its way in? Tore into them both until it tired of them or had its fill? Adrenaline had him shaking, and he tightened his hold on her a little more like it might make it stop.
And then the creature rammed itself into the trailer with so much force, the whole place shook. Glass rattled and the sound of wood creaking until it nearly broke sent him into motion. Knox did his best to shield her with his body as they both moved away from the door, his chest heaving with his desperate pants. She was shouting for a mirror, the only known defense he had against whatever it was outside. But what if it didn't work this time? What if what had happened that night had been a fluke? He would not let his ineptitude get someone else hurt.
Something seemed to slow in his mind as he glanced quickly around the trailer for anything that might help them. For a plan that was better than opening the door for it. His eyes lingered on the windows, calculating through his panic. "Windows reflect at night, right? If there are no lights on in here..." He was talking mostly to himself, trying to see the plan through to the end in his mind. Was he imagining this right? If they lured it to a window and turned all the lights off, wouldn't it see itself in the reflection? He looked at Lulu with the smallest sliver of hope. "What if we lured it to one of the windows and then shut off the lights in here? If we timed it right, it'd be starin' right at its own reflection. Openin' that door is our last resort. And if anyone is going to go face to face with it, it ain't gonna be you." After all, he'd done it once before and lived to tell the tale. Why not push his luck?
The wind howled once more, whipping through the trailers with an unnatural force, but the creature remained silent, patient, its presence now an almost palpable weight against the trailer's window panes. It could feel the tension crackling from within the trailer, the rising panic inside, and it reveled in it. It was so close now, its jagged claws brushing the frost-kissed earth, but still, it remained just out of sight.
From behind another trailer, its voice drifted again— Major’s voice— but this time, the sound was wrong, a twisted mockery of the person it was pretending to be. “Lulu… help me…I need you...” the words trailed off in a rasp, as though Major himself were fighting to be heard, but it was the creature’s breath, wet and foul, that carried them. It called to her again, louder now, louder than before, and this time, a low rumble of laughter followed, a cruel, deep sound that slithered through the snow like a dark, invisible current.
It was closing in.
With a sudden, bone-chilling screech, the creature scraped its claws against the side of the Banks trailer, wood splintering under its claws like paper. The sound vibrated in the very marrow of their bones, and for the briefest moment, the mimicry of Major’s voice faltered, replaced by a deep, throaty growl.
“Come out, Lulu... I’m waiting...,” it whispered into the cold night, its voice echoing with predatory promise. It could feel the fear radiating off her, taste the way it made her pulse quicken, and it knew she was almost within reach. But it would wait. It wasn’t in a hurry. This hunt was far from over.
Then, without warning, the creature launched itself at the trailer, the sudden, violent force of its massive body slamming into the door with a thunderous crash. The wood splintered under the impact, the door buckling inward, groaning as though it were about to give way completely. The metal frame bent, but the door held—for now.
A deafening roar of frustration rang out, its claws scraping along the frame, desperately trying to pry it open, as if the creature knew time was running out. It let out a deep, guttural snarl, its breath fogging the air as it pressed its face against the door, the glowing eyes peering through the gaps, taunting them.
It would get in. It had to.
@knoxcarrigan @lieutenantbanks
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// dynamic tag dump!!!!! @fiilemade @gravesung more will be made later for More dynamics but for now, woe upon ye!!
━ ♔ The fear in its eyes; gone out in an instant / Your tear caught the light: the earth from a distance. ━ KOTONE&RYOJI: fiilemade
━ ♔ My sheltered heart begins to break & fall apart / Your smile is brighter than the most relentless sun. ━ KOTONE/AKIHIKO: fiilemade
━ ♔ The memory hurts; but does me no harm : (Your hand in my pocket / to keep us both warm) ━ KOTONE/SHINJI: fiilemade
━ ♔ intangible & sweet; sick with simple math & shy discoveries / piled up against our impending defeat ━ KOTONE&YUKI: fiilemade
━ ♔ Its okay its okay I say : & just like that; she turns into a monster / Theres nobody to show up and save the day ━ SEPH/MIWA: gravesung
━ ♔ It's all for you on that vague border between good and bad : (you played the fool for me) ━ GETO/SUKUNA: gravesung
━ ♔ I believe that you believe that you're an angel / Nowhere to rise; everywhere to fall. ━ KEON/GETO: gravesung
━ ♔ your father's blood will be your blood : until you're both rotting in the ground. ━ SAKURA&SUKUNA: gravesung
#━ ♔ The fear in its eyes; gone out in an instant / Your tear caught the light: the earth from a distance. ━ KOTONE&RYOJI: fiilemade#━ ♔ My sheltered heart begins to break & fall apart / Your smile is brighter than the most relentless sun. ━ KOTONE/AKIHIKO: fiilemade#━ ♔ The memory hurts; but does me no harm : (Your hand in my pocket / to keep us both warm) ━ KOTONE/SHINJI: fiilemade#━ ♔ intangible & sweet; sick with simple math & shy discoveries / piled up against our impending defeat ━ KOTONE&YUKI: fiilemade#━ ♔ Its okay its okay I say : & just like that; she turns into a monster / Theres nobody to show up and save the day ━ SEPH/MIWA: gravesung#━ ♔ It's all for you on that vague border between good and bad : (you played the fool for me) ━ GETO/SUKUNA: gravesung#━ ♔ I believe that you believe that you're an angel / Nowhere to rise; everywhere to fall. ━ KEON/GETO: gravesung#━ ♔ your father's blood will be your blood : until you're both rotting in the ground. ━ SAKURA&SUKUNA: gravesung#gravesung#fiilemade
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the main difference between five and eleven is that five started out believing that he was terrible and gradually, slowly, almost to his dismay, learned that he was also great; and eleven started out believing unshakeably that he was great and then slowly, gradually, almost to his relief, learned that he was also terrible.
(this fallout is also the difference between six and twelve.)
#other than this they are very very deeply similar#both sets#phoenix#dw#lavender thoughts#yeah i know five took a lot of hits but i don't think they were ever surprising to him. four died FAILING to stop an apocalypse#and i think that stayed with him forever really#no the things that SURPRISED him though were all the times it turned out x historical figure that he really looked up to was really just hi#and that was horrible. that was devastating. the universe was supposed to have good in it.#the universe was supposed to be full of wonderful people doing wonderful things he wasn't supposed to be battling the darkness alone#and he isn't. but still.#he may see himself as a failure but in spite of it all he cannot avoid being great.#eleven on the other hand.#eleven is deeply used to this. eleven accepts it as the way the universe works and his role in it#river says ''that's the problem with good wizards in fairy stories - they always turn out to be him.'' and eleven doesn't even blink#just smiles#because it's true and he knows it#eleven is Hot Shit and he knows it as a fact of nature#knows it so completely that he can't get his head around being the baddie in someone else's story ----#even when that someone else is literally daleks and cybermen and sontarans and everyone he's always been against#no. he is so SURE he's the good guy that he doesn't understand what's happening even as the trap closes#he's still asking if they've come to ask him to save them as the locks tighten around him#(five would NEVER have been trapped by the pandorica because he would've seen it for what it was immediately)#and then. it never stops. the reinforcement from the universe that he isn't the pure force for good he thinks he is#a child is bred to kill him before he can destroy everything. he is hated and feared.#is he even good at all? the universe keeps relentlessly saying no no no until he finally gets the message#and that's heartbreaking of course it is#but... if he's a monster anyway then he doesn't have to try *so hard* NOT to be a monster#because it's stifling it's choking him - the pressure to be the archetypal hero All The Time#to PERFORM that all the time.
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if troy calypso had a plot twist of turning into a good guy because he's tired of his sister treating him like a parasite that would have been SO AWESOMEEEEE
#walks away#my first playthrough i was waiting for the moment he'd snap and like.. even if he doesn't join the good guys i thought he'd at least turn#against tyreen but nooooo they dragon ball fuse into a vault monster or whatever#if tyreen became the monster and troy decided that they'd both die togetehr that'd have been so epic#or tyreen dies and troy has to live with siren tattoos but no powers. You need to listen to me
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