#BOSS BAKUGO crunchie Toast
crunchietoast · 2 years
Knock Before You Enter
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~☆ Katsuki Bakugo- Knock before you enter! ☆~
💥 TIMESKIP AU, Boss Bakugo x Assistant reader. YN is working for the man himself, Bakugo Katsuki, as his assistant for his hero agency and has done for a few years now. There’s one small problem.  
💥 idk if this is fluff..
💥WC: 463
"Sir i just need you to check-" You opened the door to his office only to be revealed to a very shirtless Katsuki putting on his suit shirt.
"FUC-!" he exclaimed as you slammed the door with wide eyes. You walked away back to your desk Infront of his door and sunk into your chair embarrassed as fuck. What had you done. Good going this time YN, you should get a box out ready because your ass is getting fired quicker then Deku breaks his arms.
As Katsuki's assistant, you work closely with the man and know that he has a short temper and very angry attitude. He was a private man and nobody, either lasted long enough to get to know him or was to scared of the guy. But it was well know that he had 2 good friends since Highschool from a different agency in the building, but even around them, he was grumpy.
You weren't particularly scared of him since you had spent a lot of time with him. Late nights in his office getting forms signed and takeaway at the desk together, much to his complaints, that 'he did not need you to buy his food'. But you could tell he appreciated it nonetheless.
You two had gotten decently close and had some sort of friendship you'd hope by now. I mean he didn't yell at you as loud as he did others. just an angry grit of his teeth. Over time your stupid. fucking. ass. gained had a HUGE immature and unprofessional crush on the Pro Hero. But what can you say, the mans really a softy.
"Y/N, my office now! please" he glared at you but calmed down after realizing there were other people around. You slowly walked to his office scared what he could say. Maybe this would be the first time in a long time he got extremally angry with you. Unlike other times with small warnings or teasing with evil yet joking smirks.
But this may have been a different story. 
"You wanted to see me Sir?" You said as you closed the door behind you and sat down slowly, your breathing increasing. 
"How dumb are you?!" he fumed.
"I'm so sorry Mr Bakugo, I really didn't mean to..." You submitted. 
"Don't call me that. Have you ever heard about knocking?!" The man continued, mumbling the first part. 
"I'm sorry Mr Bakugo, i forgot you went out for a miss-"
"Ugh, you know I don't like it when you call me that." he rolled his eyes. A sign came from the man's mouth. "I understand it was an accident..." he hesitated before taking a subtle deep breath. "Please knock next time" he pinched the ridge of his nose. "Get ou-I mean, you may leave now...thank you YN." 
"wha- uh thank you Katsuki" You nodded and walked out the door, 'The hell?! What in gods name was that. Where did the please no no sorry, manners in general come from?!' 
"Dude, if you're trying to get her interested in you, it's a good idea NOT to scream at her..." Kirishima said to his colleague at the coffee machine. "Maybe. I don't know. Go easy on her..." he continued with an antagonizing grin. 
"Shut up, I did go easy on her. I even said please '' Bakugo replied leaning against the bench in the office kitchen, slightly pissed at his best friend.
"What did she do anyway?" Denki joined in, grabbing a mug and filling it with coffee. 
"She walked in on him naked~" Kirishima cooed, jabbing Bakugou with his elbow. 
"I was not naked!! It was only my shirt, I came back from a patrol and had to change!" Bakugo said defensively although he had nothing to hide.
"Right, so you WERNT doing a strip tease, Kaccha-" Denki was hit over the head with a mug.
I really like how Boss!Bakugo Turned out so expect more from that. Maybe even the origin of his first name 👀👀
-Crunchie Toast 🍞
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