sinnerruud · 8 months
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noirandchocolate · 4 months
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Thanks, please do! Anything you say, beautiful!
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No more violence? Sooga are you saying we can be best friends now?
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Oh. I see how it is. :<
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shitpostingkats · 1 year
Literally nothing anyone can say about Four Swords can compare to the fact that Four Swords OST - Chambers of Insight
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andie-cake · 1 year
absolutely ecstatic to announce that i am now in a committed relationship with this album
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ilostyou · 2 years
She has albums? I thought it was only singles oh my god
bestie 😭😭😭😭 i think the album she released in the fall is her fifth album or something??? she's been releasing music since like 2015 😭
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rraakkee · 2 years
my blog's stance on the new skins
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devieuls · 1 year
The way of love pt.I
Neteyam Sully x Tayrangi Fem Reader (Na'vi)
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Warning of the Serie: MDNI. Dom Neteyam x Fem Reader; SMUT; ANGST; FLUFF; Dirty Talk; Fangs; Bites; Blood; Spit; Power Play; Jealousy and Possessiveness; Foreplay; violence; Swearing; Teasing; Unprotected Sex; Enemies (because of you, Neteyam treats you well). Aged characters: Neteyam 19 y.o / You 18 y.o SERIE
Synopsis: After a great loss happened in your family, you are forced to take a role that before did not belong to you, following a path that you will feel like your only in time. Just when you thought you were finally overcoming the loss, your clan shows up with those you blame for the great offense received. You are the daughter of the first Olo'eykte of all clans and are about to take your mother’s place to lead the Tayrangi clan, but first you must follow Neteyam (the eldest son of the man you detest with all your heart) To train him, despite your contempt for the Sullys and everything about them, you inevitably bond with the boy, unknowingly falling in love with him.
CHAPTER WARNING: Just free hate for Neteyam from you.
Lenght : 2.1k
Notes: This series will be one of my biggest BOP or FLOP, it’s a long time I wanted to write about Neteyam because... GOSH, BUT YOU HAVE SEEN HIM?! BTW. All characters will keep the age difference but will be aged eg: Neteyam 19 y.o; Lo'ak 18 y.o etc…
" y/n te Skxumew Ikeyni'ite" is your surname, means Y/n surname daughter of Ikeyni
NA'VI WORDS: PARULTSYIP: Children. KARYU: Teacher. VRRTEP: Demon. IRAYO: Thank you. OARE: Moon. 'ITE: Daughter
PART: 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7 ; 8 ; 9 ; 10
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The first time the Sullys visited the Tayrangi clan, you were suspicious. You weren’t a big fan of Toruk Makto, there were rumors about him, rumors that you didn’t like him and that you were looking down on the Omatikaya family. Unlike your mother, the Olo'eykte Ikeyni, one of the few women to be clan leaders and Tsahik at the same time, you did not believe that you should be on the side of a man from another world. It also bothered you that the Sullys left their eldest son to be trained by your father, who, ironically, loved to teach young people the art of hunting.
You rolled your eyes as the girls of your clan looked at the son of Toruk Makto as if he were a living legend, a god among Na'vi, to you he was simply a na'vi with demon blood. You still remembered how your clan had offered shelter to the fleeing or homeless na'vi because of the war brought above all by the father of that Omatikayan. You growled slightly as the boy walked over to you, then turned around and walked away from him, taking a seat next to your parents, checking out the Sullys.
"My daughter. The future Olo'eykte of the Tayrangi Clan and healer of the village. She will be the guide of your son Neteyam, showing him the arts of this clan and our way." Your mother’s words stabbed you in the back, and you looked at her like it might change her mind, which it didn’t. You looked at your father, Tsentey, who, though he looked back, made you think he agreed with your mother.
You took a deep breath and walked away, trying to stay calm. You hated the idea of being the leader of that half-demon, but you couldn’t help but disobeying would put you in a position where the clan would look down on you and in Eywa’s eyes you would be undeserving to be Olo'eykte.
When evening came, your parents returned to your house and looked at you slightly disappointed.
"Ma 'ite… I know it's not something that brings joy to your heart, but it is your duty as next Olo'eykte" said your father, placing a hand on your shoulder, smiling gently, while your mother looked hard at you.
"There is no time for whims. This is the will of Eywa. An Olo'eykte is already weaker than an Olo'eyktan man. If you do not help the future Olo'eyktan of Omatikaya, someone else will and you will be just a Na'vi with a lower title" Your mother said, approaching you. " Ma 'ite. You are strong. You can do it and when the day comes, you will lead this clan, show them who you are" continued and then lifted your face from your chin. "You're a warrior. Remember who you are y/n te Skxumew Ikeyni'ite. You'll be the second Olo'eykte of all Pandora and everyone will know your name. More than Toruk Makto. But you have to make sacrifices, put pride aside. You have a goal Ma Oare" Your mother put her forehead on yours and you both closed your eyes, then nodded.
"I will." You said with conviction to see your mother smile, she was right. This was just one of the trials to reach your place in the clan.
The night passed quickly and the next day you were ready to face that demon blood, you just had to train him and then after a few months send him back to his house, to the Omatikaya. Your mother encouraged you when she saw you awake as you walked past the tree house, then headed to where Neteyam was staying, finding him already outside.
"Follow me." You hissed, then walked through the village to get out and into the woods. " What weapon can you use?" You continued without turning around to see where Neteyam was.
"Knives and Bows." He replied by keeping the pace "However I am-"
You stopped him, you stopped yourself, and then you turned around and looked him in the eye.
"I know who you are. Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan" You said to then observe it. " Bows and knives? Your arms are weak" You said approaching him, touching his arm. " Your chest tight, but you have a good posture." The boy watched you turn around and talk about him. "Do you have an Ikran?" You look him in the eye when you talk to him.
"Yes, I have one." His voice was still, as if the words you used didn’t hurt him at all.
"Can you swim?"
"Pretty good" Neteyam looked at you enchanted, smiling slightly
"Tsk. You’re like a parultsyìp. I have to teach you everything." You said sighing and then continued walking until you got to the cliff that provided a wonderful view of the sea.
"The Tayrangi clan is famous for being skilled riders of Ikran, the best. We interpret the wind, understand the sea and respect the great predators and the Ikran. You have to learn to fight with more weapons, to swim, to understand the wind and the animals that surround us" You said and then sit on the cliff, breathing in the fresh air.
"I’m here for this… what’s your name?" Neteyam’s voice was sweet as he sat next to you.
"You’re not here to make friends or get to know me. Call me Karyu." Your detached and disinterested voice made Neteyam smile, who already found you interesting.
"Karyu? So you won’t tell me your name?" he said, slightly laughing.
"Not relevant for training. Now silence. Listen to the wind"
That day you taught Neteyam the basics of understanding the wind, explaining in detail how to use this to fly better, to understand when it will start to rain or other natural events. The boy, different from what you thought, listened to you interested, asking questions and coming to understand what you were explaining. You couldn’t deny it.
"For today we are finished, tomorrow we will start with the proper guidance of the Ikran, the Omatikaya use strange methods to approach the banshees" You said, Going from the cliff and stretching you.
"Did I do well?" he asked curiously, as he stood up.
"Discreetly, you are not completely Skxawng." You shrugged, indifferent. " These are things that our children learn after a week. Half a day is something"
"Something? Does that mean I can now know your name?"
"No. Why do you care so much?" your voice was sore.
"Just curiosity" Neteyam smiled and approached you
"Hmm… if you can get back to the village before the eclipse, I’ll tell you my name. Good luck" You said, and then you went into the forest, going home alone, about an hour before the eclipse, it was impossible for her to return in time, not knowing the way back. You prayed that a Palulukan would tear him to pieces, not to have him back but you could not wish this on a son of Eywa, after all even a Palulukan deserved a better meal.
Some of your companions gathered to wait for Neteyam after hearing about that little challenge, you smiled satisfied when the eclipse came and Neteyam was not back yet. " What if he’s dead?" " Maybe he found a Palulukan." "Or he got lost" Voices like this filled the air, you shrugged and turned to leave. At that moment you heard the girls cheering and shouting the name of Neteyam happy, seeing him unharmed.
You turned and looked him in the eye, after all he still lost the challenge, so the victory belonged to you. Neteyam came up with a flower.
"There’s already been an eclipse. You lost, so I don't-" You stopped when Neteyam put the flower behind your ear, smiling at seeing you with it in your hair.
"I would have won, but I saw this Sun Lily and it reminded me of your eyes, so I looked for the most beautiful, wasting time" He said smiling, shrugging. " I’ll discover your name one day, ma Karyu"
You observed him without saying anything, you did not expect such a thing. He had preferred to lose the challenge to pick a flower to give you and did not seem upset by this, indeed, he smiled carelessly. You did not understand at that moment why your heart accelerated the beat, or why you did not immediately remove the flower, or why now you looked at it without disgust or repugnance. You recovered from your thoughts when you heard some girls being jealous of you for that little gesture made by Prince Omatikaya. You clenched your jaw and looked at him.
"You still lost." you said with the little coolness you had left.
"I did, but does it matter?" He replied promptly, and then continued, "It was worth it, the flower suits you very well."
You bit the inside of your cheek and then you turned around and left "See you tomorrow." You said dryly before saying goodbye and going home.
"She’s beautiful, isn’t she?" Neteyam said to some of the clan’s boys.
"Bro, shs's the type of na'vi who eats you alive." one of the guys laughed.
"I know, and I like it." Neteyam concluded
You reported to your mother and she immediately noticed the flower in your hair.
"It’s very nice, where did you get it?" she asked, placing the flower in your hair.
"Just a stupid gift." You confessed before you took it off and left it in your mother’s hand, going to a more secluded place on one of the tree branches.
"skxawng. just a vrrtep skxawng." You said to yourself while leaning your body against the tree. " Ma Eywa, please, Great mother, make sure he learns quickly and walks away." You asked as you watched the starry sky. " Give me a sign to bear him, because he’s a vrrtep," you said before you heard a woodsprite landing on the same ear where Neteyam’s flower used to be and then seeing it not far under the tree where you were sitting. You felt mocked, Eywa today was having fun putting everything against you, otherwise you won’t explain these coincidences.
The coup de grâce came when the branch broke, dropping you into Neteyam’s arms. If you could confirm that, Eywa was trying to make you do all these things. You sighed annoyed, crossing your arms when Neteyam looked at you to see if you were okay.
"Are you hurt? Is everything okay?" he asked concerned, checking you and clutching you accidentally.
"You can let me go. I’m fine." You answered a little sour.
"A thank you is welcome, Princess Tayrangi," Neteyam laughed, and then left you standing on the ground, watching you.
"Irayo…" you whispered quietly, turning your head to the side
"I don’t understand, can you repeat?" he said smiling
"what a skxawng…" you whispered softly. " I said Irayo." This time you said fast
"I still don’t understand, I really think you’ll have to repeat it," Neteyam laughed a little.
"Are you- Irayo." You said it out loud so he’d get it in his head, and then he’d snort right after.
"You are even more beautiful when you get angry, you know?" he said spontaneously, leaning against the tree, admiring your beauty.
You swirled your eyes, restraining yourself from splitting his nasal septum or something, but for the umpteenth time Eywa sent a signal, a woodsprite on Neteyam’s shoulder. You looked up and laughed frustrated.
"Listen carefully, I don’t know why my path is intertwined with yours. I don’t want to put up with you any more than I have to. This means that if you see me falling from a tree, let me fall, if you find flowers that remind you of me, leave them where they are, if you see me for the village avoid me" You said pointing your finger at Neteyam’s chest. "The only thing keeping me from completely avoiding you is my title and my parents. You’d be meal for Palulukan if it were up to me."
Neteyam opened his mouth to speak but you stopped him. "Don’t answer, it’s already decided. Learn quickly, I want you out of this village and away from me or my people. I don’t know why my parents sympathize with your family, but I don’t agree with them. Now, if you understand that you have to stay as far away from me as possible, nod."
The boy nodded, smiling amused, watching you get nervous.
"Good. See you tomorrow Neteyam." You said saying goodbye a second time to go home.
At that moment, all you wanted was for Neteyam to disappear, him and his manners, and take away that beautiful smile and those golden eyes. Fuck, no. You don’t have to think about it. You hate him, you hate his family, you must hate him… Do you hate him?
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mommahughes19-23 · 3 months
Award Show - Q.H
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@beccatkachuk : my winner
tagged : @jackhughes @_quinnhughes @lhughes_06 @elblue6
location : Vegas
_quinnhughes : thank you babyyy💖💖💖💖
zadorov_16 : cuties
eliaspettersson : mmmmmmmmffffffff look at my quinny baby 🤤🤤🤤
matthew_tkachuk : you will never be anything but my lil brothers best friend to me , I cant believe your dating my sister lol. 😬😬
kuzya_096 : oooo you look like a lil model, and im not talking abut you Becca heheheh 🥴
↪ beccatkachuk : could you not be a perv for like 10 seconds . HES MINE
tdemko30 : couldn't be more proud of you quinny!!!! glad lex and I could be there to witness
bradytkachuk : at least youre wearing clothing @beccatkachuk
lindholmelias : I feel like a proud dad
taryntkachuk : dang sis who was your photographer ? bomb ass job
↪ beccatkachuk : some chick idk her name
_tylermyers_ : happyyy cappppyyyy
soucy71 : aaaaaaaaaahhhhh
katepettersen_ : stunnnnnnnning & handsome!
elblue6 : HONEYYYYY! You look beautiful! So happy we got to catch up last night, its like since you started dating Quinn he forgets we've known you since diapers!!💖🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
colecaufield : oo go quinn
nilshoglander : I cant wait to give you a big HUGHES hug tehehe
lhughes_06 : proud of you dude
nicohischier : BIGGGG CONGRATS DUDE!!!! thats sickkkkk
dawson1417 : wait a diddly doo da moment I know you!
edwards.73 : that’s my best friends big brother!!!
jacob_truscott20 : go bestie go
adamfantilli : 🫡🫡
g.brindley4 : 🏆🏆🏆
seamuscasey36 : a legend
A.N :
in honor of quinny winny here you go :) sometimes posts like this are awk after a few comments bc idk what else to have them say other than congrats lmaoooo
tagged : @skylershines @noahkahansorangejuice @quinnylouhughesx43
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389 · 9 months
[BREAKS, BASS, GARAGE, STEPPA DUB, JUNGLE, BREAKBEATS] DJ Set x Visuals mixed and edited by @389 aka HYPRFNK [ TRACKLIST ]
oliver, Mantissa, Ian DPM - Possession - Ian DPM Remix
Last Life - Vert
ggui - Ameniza
Fearful, Mtwn - Beyond The Veil
edetto - Lateral Collateral
Kimber - Locked Parameter
Daze Prism - Hidden Sphere
Doc Zee - Mary J - Original Mix
Elmono - Fields of Shells
Surusinghe - Bop
Destrata - Mutationist
Gareth Wild, Swarmm Night Breed - Swarmm Remix
dadan karambolo - salamandra
Effy - Mad
Full Spektrum - Solve the Problem - Original Mix
Mall Grab - Workout
DJ Physical - I'm A Legend In This Shit
Giordano - Elsewhere
Ivy Lab, Manni Dee - Dead Signal
Brootworth - Dithering
Arcane - Horizon
Etch - Take You All Down
Midbooze - Omega
VIANA PRODSecret Round
Yolabmi - Fountain
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that-g3-artist · 1 year
May I present: Hyrule and Legend meeting manatees <3
Legend had been injured. Hyrule could immediately tell - if the blood in the water wasn't indication enough, the fact that his friend hadn't breached the surface after doing so several times was indication as well. There had been some beasts they'd run into, and the monsters in the water had managed to land a hit on the traveler, who was unable to get a clear shot at them while he fought the bokoblins surrounding him. Legend had used his magical mer tail item to leap into the water and eliminate the threat.
And now Hyrule had to go after him. With the bokoblins defeated, he wasn't sure what monsters were left in the lake, but he knew he needed to help Legend.
Except he was a terrible swimmer. He mostly relied on a raft for a reason.
Well. The monsters were a good reason, honestly. But his poor swimming ability didn't help.
Gritting his teeth, Hyrule tossed his raft into the lake and leapt aboard, scouring the clear waters below. It didn't take long to follow the trickling trail of blood to its source.
Legend broke the surface quickly upon noticing the traveler, and he immediately started to wave him off dismissively. "I'm okay, Traveler, relax. It's just a scratch."
"It's bleeding a lot for a scratch," Hyrule argued. "You gonna climb aboard and patch it up, or do you need my help?"
Legend glanced into the water again. "No, I... well here, come look. There are some creatures down here."
Hyrule cocked his head to the side. "Like monster?"
"No, not monsters, not everything is a monster."
"Then what--"
Hyrule cut himself off as he saw a large grey mass float lazily by Legend. When he saw more movement, he turned and noticed his raft had been entirely surrounded.
They... weren't monsters, right? The veteran hero had said as much. The round, blubbery animals gently swam in circles around them, nudging Legend's tail curiously with their noses. The veteran giggled each time they did.
Hesitantly, Hyrule dipped his hand into the warm water, and one of the creatures bopped its nose against his palm, staring at him with big eyes. He smiled at it.
"What are they?" he asked.
"I honestly don't know," Legend answered. "But they're at least friendly."
The traveler managed to reach far enough to carefully pet one, and it slowly rotated so its belly was up. He laughed in delight before spluttering as Legend dove under the water again to play with the creatures.
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Waltzing Waves
Author’s note: This is the song this is based off of. More Mermay, with dear Reader. It's a lovely bop.
Warnings: gender neutral reader, threats, allusions to death, and murder, drowning, let me knows if I need to add more.
Summary: Reader barely survived encountering a wave-soaked mer-astartes. Reader hadn’t realized they were real and not folk tales, or legends told by the sailors to frighten and impressive those who are land dwelling.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams, @sleepyfan-blog
Tagged Again: @kit-williams, @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k
You were on your fishing boat, it had been in your family for years, patched and faded in some places, but well loved and cared for so that it would take care of you. The sea gives and takes, is one of the lessons that your parents had taught you. Memories of your father’s calloused hands gently guiding yours in how to cast the nets from the boat. How to be patient, quiet and watch the sea and skies for the changing, dangerous nature of the weather in the area where you lived out amongst the waves.
You felt the tugs and carefully grabbed up the net, and groan a little, both with effort and hope, it had been a week with very little to show for fishing, so to have the net so heavy was a boon and a blessing, even if it was really heaving and struggling against you with the weight of the fish that you caught. You almost dropped the net back into the water and lost the catch but with a heavy and a curse you pull the catch inside the boat and look to see what’s in your net. What would have to be tossed back, after all, sustainable fishing practices, as well as being concerned about the planet, despite the fact that it meant less money in your coffers, the fish would replenish in the seas better that way.
Your heart drops when you notice something tangled up amongst the fish is something that glints like metal. It was massive and large, with scales that you trace from an aquatic life form to something that looks far more human and your stomach clenches and you gulp in air as you realize what, it was that you caught. He had fins where his feet should be, and his eyes were red as blood, hair as gold as the sun, his features, were hauntingly beautiful, and his angry hissing sound, and the growls as she skitters back a bit. Oh no. You’d accidentally caught an Astartes, this was a very dangerous situation and not dying or being brutally maimed was now your goal. Hopefully he might forgive you if you are very careful.
“Come closer, Human,” The Astartes croons at her in heavily accented language of the locals. “And I’ll eat you alive, like you would have done to me.”
“Please don’t feast upon my flesh,” Your lips tremble and your legs buckle as they gaze upon his massive irate form and you plead, “If I return you to the sea, please let me live?”
The Astartes glares down at you impassively with a sneer, his teeth look terribly sharp. The Astartes glares down at you haughtily from where he’s been tangled in the net, likely still only in it for… some reason. You know that they can, or at least so you heard, can swim through the seas and air.
“I will let you go, but quickly leave these waters,” The Astartes hisses out you with a vicious glare. “If you drop your nets amongst these waves, then my brother’s and I will take you down with us.”
You gulp and nod, quickly and as carefully as you can dump the net, fish and Astartes both back in, barely reeling the net back in to your boat. Before you can start to roar, a massive, clawed hand, from the Astartes you’d accidentally caught. You yelped as he tugged you close with a sharp glare.
“I want something in return for not harming you human,” He hisses.
“W-what?” You ask nervously, he’s so handsome and terrifying at the same time.
“A kiss,” He says, he’d noticed the mixture of terror and attraction in your scent with a slight smirk.
You blush and nod and he press a swift, hard kiss to your lips and then lets you go as fast as he had grabbed you. Your cheeks are pink as you start to head back to the dock as fast as you could safely. Occasionally glancing back at where the Astartes was, or possible still is lurking under the waves. You unintentionally like your lips, they taste of salt and iron as you rub your face and hook your boat up to the dock and stagger down the docks, perhaps, you should let your younger brother take over the family business- and have him go to a different fishing spot while you took over more of the administrative duties.
Sleep is hard to come by that night, and the next several weeks you are haunted by the Astartes in the water that you had accidentally caught. His red eyes and golden hair. His large, long, muscular form. He’d look like a gorgeous statue glittering in the sun, as much as he’d terrified you. And that kiss it haunted you, his lips had been softer than you’d expected, and of that salt and iron. You groan and rub your face, unable to sleep as you stagger to the shore and stare into the water, your joints had been aching something fiercely recently, and the water looked so inviting right now.
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airxn · 1 month
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𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐗𝐍 . an independent dual oc rp blog featuring the twins airin and xavier. two retired mercenaries who've settled in nyc to work for the infamous supernatural bar– the gear shift. featuring aus: borderlands, legend of zelda, dc, fallout, dnd, and more!
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edited in after effects by luri | blonde dynamite by caravan palace transcription under the cut
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00:00 – Video begins. Blonde Dynamite by Caravan Palace begins to play. The background that is throughout the video is a city with white lights and a dark gray background. It fades into view.
00:02 – Text that reads "AIRXN - independent oc rp blog" pops onto the screen.
00:05 – Transition to text that reads "Featuring: Airin – shape-shifter, founder, lil' shit". Images of Airin as a felicid (golden canid creature with a mane) and as a human (a golden blond bitch) transition through the screen to the beat.
00:11 – Transition to text that reads "And his brother: Xavier – soul eater, anti-social bastard". Images of Xavier (very handsome man with long, black hair) transition across the screen.
00:15 – In the center of the screen an image of human Airin and Xavier together pops in. The text "wicked" and "wired" appear on the screen to the beat.
00:17 – Image of human Airin pops up on the left. The text "semi-selective" slides in from screen from the right.
00:19 – Image of a snarling felicid Airin pops into the center of the screen. On the left the text "canon friendly" pops in with the beat. The text "in love with ocs" pops on the right with the beat.
00:22 – Image of snarling felicid Airin pops forward to reveal his dullas (purple, frill-like appendages that shake rapidly). The image slides downward.
00:23 – Image of Xavier lounging slides down from the top of the screen. The text "multi-para" transitions onto the screen.
00:24 – The prior image flips to a monster-appearing Xavier. The text becomes "multi-para and whimsical".
00:26 – Image of luri (small, ginger gremlin with a red hoodie, black tights, and two leaves floating above her head) transitions into the center of the screen. In a circle around her, the text reads "loved by luri". The image and text fades out with by flickering out of view.
00: 28 – Text transitions in stating "Featuring alternate universes: legend of zelda, outlast trials, fallout, dnd/baldur's gate, borderlands, dc, owl house." Text transitions in below the prior text "ft. highly adaptable crossover verse".
00:36 – The text "you're going to find me probably weird" appears behind the prior text. The text transitions out with a pop.
00:40 – Animation of human Airin, Xavier, and Luri bop to the beat on the bottom of the screen. The text "Other info: drawn and irl icons, 18+, sporadic activity, favors light plotting, multi-ship, 10+ years of rp experience" transitions into the center of the screen. The scene transitions out with glitch effect.
00:50 – The text "airxn.tumblr.com" transitions into the center of the screen and fades away.
01:00 – Video ends.
this transcription isn't perfect so please let me know what corrections can be made, thank you!
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auvtre · 10 months
your painting of your character Zaresh is so striking and gorgeous! is there any way to learn more about that character or is he too new?
Hello, thank you so much for your message, it really means a lot to me that you want to learn more about him! He isn't actually new at all, I made him in 2020, but since I don't post much online I suppose the last one is actually the first time I've posted him to tumblr haha
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Here's a little Zaresh sketch as well as some more bits and bops about him, rambling ahead:
At his core I think my artfight description of him is the most accurate: "A bitter oracle living in a damp cave. Eats gold bought to him by the desperate".
He canonically doesn't share a universe with any of my other characters, and his story is more of a backdrop that acts as a setting, only obsessed with having been cast out from gods domain, making it impossible for him to change while retaining his ego. To others he's folklore, a fable, to himself he remains the angel of fate and destiny.
Other creations that came after are, to him, not capable of true sentience and introspection. There's nothing on earth as alive as he is so the only thing left is a continual self-identification with the past.
The hamlets around his grotto acuumulate legends about Zaresh, some casting him as an evil warlock and others as an incarnation of punishment. Really he is neither, just an oracle - again being much more in line with the vision he still has of himself as the governor of fate. He revels in the position of power he has over those that seek him out however, taking all that is important to whomever enters his grotto. The consumption is both symbolic and connected to secular idolatry. While Zaresh isn't in need of sustinence, he does feel ravenous whenever he is not eating (or maybe that's just a trick of the mind).
Prophecys received are kept only between his visior and Zaresh. Being a recipient of a divine vision also means disappearing from mortal's destiny. An obscene and fatal experience, but one that doesn't entirely take place in his grotto.
Either way wielding that power creates an emotional dichotomy between self-validation and self-obsoletion. Zaresh will spend the next unspecified amount of time slowly consuming his little meals until he has to go back to feeling starvation set in and not being able to think of what he is but only what he used to be.
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Brackets Are Here! (Repost)
I made a pretty significant oversight in my last version of this post; I had to make a few more cuts to the lineup, but it should be good to go now! The final (hopefully for real this time) list can be found here!
If you submitted a candidate please verify that the image and name that I used are correct and suitable!!!! (Ctrl+F is your friend!)
If you find a mistake please let me know, and I will either explain or correct it. Additionally, you are welcome to suggest a replacement image of OFFICIAL art!
I will leave it open for a week or so for everyone to review, after which voting will begin and everything will be locked in! So verify that everything looks good with your candidates, reblog if you haven't yet, and get ready to vote!
Oh, and blacklist "saurnament promotion" if you don't want to see repeated reblogs from me!
Text version of bracket lineup under the cut (it's a lot!):
Ornithischian Bracket (Round 1)
Ulti [One Piece] Styraco [Dinosaucers]
Pepperoni [Teenage Mutant NInja Turtles] Tri-Tip [Skylanders]
Horrorsteed Iguanadon [Dinosaur Arcade] Sabersaurus [Yu-Gi-Oh!]
Bix [Dinotopia] Bastiodon [Pokemon]
Spike [Extreme Dinosaurs] Parry [Parry and Carney]
Heavy Tank [Final Fantasy] Territorial Hammerskull [Magic the Gathering]
Rampardos [Pokemon] Gwangi [Valley of Gwangi]
Corythosaurus [Paleo Pines] Iguanador [Flight Rising]
Parasaurmon [Digimon] Tricky the Triceratops [Donkey Kong]
Pachy Zord [Power Rangers] Gulp [Spyro the Dragon]
Zog [Teenage Mutant NInja Turtles] Scrut [Banjo-Kazooie]
Tricky [Star Fox] Slug [Transformers]
Scrit [Banjo-Kazooie] Tootsie the Triceratops [Duck Tales]
Boulder [Transformers] Hypsilophodon [The Dinosaur's Diary]
Tricero [Dinosaucers] Dimitri [The Legend of Zelda]
Aladar [Dinosaur (2000)] Parasaurzord [Power Rangers]
Green Torch [DC] Reese [Dinosaurs for Hire]
Craig [Dinosaur Office] Tortoceratops [Dragon Quest]
Trixie [Toy Story] Monochromon [Digimon]
Ducky [Land Before Time] Lambeo [Fossil Fighters]
Lady Margaret [Jurassic Park] Paris [Dinosaur King]
Woog [We're Back: A Dinosaur's Story] Aggron [Pokemon]
Nizbel [Chrono Trigger] Reptil [Marvel]
Armadon [Primal Rage] Chomp [Dinosaur King]
Styracavus [Flight Rising] Riff [Barney]
Triceratops [Dinotopia] Renzor [Super Mario]
Lucky [Paleo Pines] Guiledart [Transformers]
Bakhita [Jurassic Park] Ouranosaurus [Paleo Pines]
Gatling Gun Dino [Spyro the Dragon] BJ [Barney]
Old Buck [Deadsound's Dinosauria/Sauria] Trizaur [Bakugan]
Drip [Tyrannosaurus Drip] Eema [Dinosaur (2000)]
Patchi [Walking With Dinosaurs] Zalmoxes [Prehistoric Planet]
Trixie [Night at the Museum] Scrat [Banjo-Kazooie]
Theo the Triceratops [Prehistoric Park] Psittacosaurus [Paleo Pines]
Babycerasaurus [Yu-Gi-Oh!] Quackpot [Dinosaucers]
Armored Kincaller [Magic the Gathering] Ardun [Xenoblade]
King Dodongo [The Legend of Zelda] Scrotty [Banjo-Kazooie]
Maisuke [Doraemon] Jurrac Iguanon [Yu-Gi-Oh!]
Nasaur [Fossil Fighters] Triceratops Dinozord [Power Rangers]
Rodger Blair [Dino Squad] Dweeb [We're Back: A Dinosaur's Story]
Triceratops [Dinosaur Arcade] Rhenoplos [Monster Hunter]
Salada [Fossil Fighters] Kestodon [Monster Hunter]
"Triceratops" [Simba the King Lion] Baby Bop [Barney]
Wonderdon [DC] Cera [Land Before Time]
Pervatasaurus Leeri [The Onion] Treyzer [Bakugan]
Professor Steg [Fortunately, the Milk] Aptonoth [Monster Hunter]
Wuerhosaurus [Paleo Pines] Stego Cyber [Yu-Gi-Oh!]
Url [Dinosaur (2000)] Darkyloseid [DC]
Ankylo Hammer Zord [Power Rangers] Snowflake Stegosaurus [Dinosaur Arcade]
Umasou [You Are Umasou] Bellowing Aegisaur [Magic the Gathering]
Scelidosaurus [Paleo Pines] Ankylomon [Digimon]
Stegmutt [Darkwing Duck] Stego [Dinosaucers]
Dromosaur [Magic the Gathering] Stegosaurus [Fantasia]
Stego Spike Zord [Power Rangers] Hard Rock [Extreme Dinosaurs]
Anguirus [Toho/Monsterverse] Bargasaurus [Banjo-Kazooie]
Lowjaw Minmi [Flight Rising] Ankylo [Dinosaucers]
Chase [Transformers] Bumpy [Jurassic Park]
Saberback [Transformers] Tank [Dinosaur King]
Stegz [Extreme Dinosaurs] Spike [Land Before Time]
Lorenzo [Dinosaurs for Hire] Dorothy the Dinosaur [The Wiggles]
Apceros [Monster Hunter] Slobber Tooth [Skylanders]
Stogg [My Singing Monster] Stegomon [Digimon]
Snarl [Transformers] Dazzle [Dazzle the Dinosaur]
Erwin Caruso [Dino Squad] Black Stego [Yu-Gi-Oh!]
Saurischian Bracket (Round 1)
Jurrac Guiaba [Yu-Gi-Oh!] Stegosaurus [asdfmovie]
Jurrac Brachis [Yu-Gi-Oh!] Mechazaurus [Mega Man]
Borun-tosaurus [Kirby] Chomposaur [Earthbound]
Meganium [Pokemon] Denver [Denver, the Last Dinosaur]
Titanus [Power Rangers] Alpha [Dinosaur Planet]
Heatwave [Transformers] Molly [The Amazing World of Gumball]
Chomby [Neopets] Infected Argentinosaurus [Primal]
Kommo-o [Pokemon] Littlefoot [Land Before Time]
Magmasaur [Magic the Gathering] UltimateBrachiomon [Digimon]
Sauropod Brachion [Yu-Gi-Oh!] Diplodocus [Walking With Dinosaurs]
Larinoth [Monster Hunter] Beylene [Dinosaur (2000)]
Queen [One Piece] Todd [Dinosaur Office]
Bob [Dinosaur Bob] Arlo [The Good Dinosaur]
Dino [The Flintstones] Bronto Thunder [Dinosaucers]
Gertie the Dinosaur [Gertie the Dinosaur] Aurorus [Pokemon]
Dippy [Teenage Mutant NInja Turtles] Ultimate Humungousaur [Ben 10]
Yobby [Tumblr User @iguanamouth's Dream] Tropius [Pokemon]
Dippy [Banjo-Kazooie] Brachiosaur [Final Fantasy]
Humungousaur [Ben 10] Frigi [Fossil Fighters]
Supersaur [DC] The Dinosaur [Danny and the Dinosaur]
Millesaur [Xenoblade] Sludge [Transformers]
Firecracker [Jurassic Park] Slog [Transformers]
Dink [Dink the Little Dinosaur] Brachio [Dinosaucers]
Wetnosaur [Earthbound] Isisaurus [Prehistoric Planet]
Jurrac Gallim [Yu-Gi-Oh!] Scorn [Transformers]
Duna [Fossil Fighters] Jokerzard [DC]
Yoshi Kid [Super Mario] Zuum [Monster Rancher]
Jurrac Spinos [Yu-Gi-Oh!] Flashraptor [DC]
Fiona Flagstaff [Dino Squad] Etali, Primal Conqueror [Magic the Gathering]
Blue [Jurassic Park] Rudy [Ice Age]
Doug Jones [The Velocipastor] Avinychus [Dinosaur Simulator]
Souleating Oviraptor [Yu-Gi-Oh!] Anchovy [Teenage Mutant NInja Turtles]
Compsognathus [Paleo Pines] Mr. Conductor [Dinosaur Train]
Page One [One Piece] Cyber Gallimimus [Dinosaur Arcade]
Jurrac Stauriko [Yu-Gi-Oh!] Birdetta [Super Mario]
Indoraptor [Jurassic Park] Amped Raptor [Magic the Gathering]
Aquanyx [DC] Spino Zord [Power Rangers]
Yoshi [Super Mario] Ozzy and Strut [Land Before Time]
Voodoo Microraptor [Dinosaur Arcade] Raptor Red [Raptor Red]
Utahraptor [Quantz Comics] Spinosaurus [Jurassic Park]
Dr. Dinosaur [Atomic Robo] Gunfighter Dino [Spyro the Dragon]
Spinoraptor [Jurassic Park] Mutant Niptor [Neopets]
Dromiceiomimus [Quantz Comics] Tzitzi-Ya-Ku [Monster Hunter]
Chaos Therizinosaurus [Dinosaur Arcade] Diego Brando [JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure]
Sunrise Troodo [Flight Rising] Mononykus [Prehistoric Planet]
Old Lace [Marvel] Mr. Robustus [Reverse Jurassic Park]
Great Wroggi [Monster Hunter] Talon [Primal Rage]
Dinobot [Transformers] Smoking Utahraptor [Walking With Dinosaurs]
Spinomon [Digimon] White Tip [Dinosaur Planet]
The Raptor [Toronto Raptors] Kyraptor [Coromon]
Spino [Fossil Fighters] Jellysaur [Cookie Run]
The Big One / Clever Girl [Jurassic Park] Pantalaza [Magic the Gathering]
Skateboarding Coelophysis [Walking With Dinosaurs] Hook [Bakugan]
Helovolk [Nexomon] Riptor [Killer Instinct]
Tree Creeper [Primeval] Menou [Naruto]
Mr. Pilkington [The Critic] TNT Dino [Spyro the Dragon]
Great Izuchi [Monster Hunter] Night Feeder [Primal]
Jurrac Giganoto [Yu-Gi-Oh!] Alex [Tekken]
Chaos, Limbo, and Grim [Jurassic Park] Jurrac Herra [Yu-Gi-Oh!]
Emperor Hugo Khan [Dinotopia] Princess Dei [Dinosaucers]
Deinocheirus [Prehistoric Planet] Rhedosaurus [The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms]
Therizinosaurus [Paleo Pines] Burnsaurus [Princess Connect Re:Dive!]
Spiny [Dinosaur King] Seikret [Monster Hunter]
Pod [Dinosaur Planet] Black Veloci [Yu-Gi-Oh!]
T-Rex and Friends Bracket (Round 1)
Ultimate Tyranno [Yu-Gi-Oh!] Geno Breaker [Zoids]
Anjanath [Monster Hunter] Dino-Rang [Skylanders]
Ultimate Conductor Tyranno [Yu-Gi-Oh!] Lava Lizard [Spyro the Dragon]
Burn Dinorex [Mega Man] Giganta [DC]
Tyranno Infinity [Yu-Gi-Oh!] Toro [Jurassic Park]
Carney [Parry and Carney] SkullGreymon [Digimon]
Tyrannosaurus Dinozord [Power Rangers] Chote [Teenage Mutant NInja Turtles]
D-Rex [Kirby] Tyrantrum [Pokemon]
Dino [Monster Rancher] Devil Dinosaur [Marvel]
Traumador the Tyrannosaur [The Tyrannosaur Chronicles] Hank [Prehistoric Planet]
Indominus Rex [Jurassic Park] T-Rex [Google Dino Run]
Tyrannomon [Digimon] Rockstar [Inazuma Eleven]
Tyranniqueen [Persona] Heart [You Are Umasou]
T-Rox [My Singing Monster] Roberta/Rexy [Jurassic Park]
Buddy [Dinosaur Train] Doodle Beast Tyranno [Yu-Gi-Oh!]
Mechagodzilla [Toho/Monsterverse] Scorpius Rex [Jurassic Park]
Dino Agito [Beyblade] Atrocitaurus [DC]
Archie [Dinosaurs for Hire] T-Rex [Astrobot]
Bonehead [Dinosaucers] Fang [Primal]
Tyrano [Chrono Cross] Tyrranax [Magic the Gathering]
Greymon [Digimon] Jurrac Titano [Yu-Gi-Oh!]
Broken Jaw [Dinosaur Revolution] Matilda the T-Rex [Prehistoric Park]
Taurox [Deadsound's Dinosauria/Sauria] Chomper [Land Before Time]
Little Das [Dinosaur Planet] Afsan [The Quintaglio Ascension]
Ace [Dinosaur King] Reptar [Rugrats]
MetalGreymon (Virus) [Digimon] Rex [We're Back: A Dinosaur's Story]
Magnificent Digalus [Xenoblade] RustTyrannomon [Digimon]
Trypticon [Transformers] Megavore [Dinosaur Simulator]
T-Rex in F-14 [Calvin and Hobbes] Rex [Toy Story]
Rosie [Neopets] Colossal Dreadmaw [Magic the Gathering]
Igno [Fossil Fighters] Tyrannosaur [Final Fantasy]
Mr. Patch [Banjo-Kazooie] Freezy Rex [Kirby]
Chopper [Skylanders] T-Rex [Tomb Raider]
T-Rex [Doraemon] Carnozord [Power Rangers]
Grimlock [Transformers] Diablo [Primal Rage]
Tyregg [Nexomon] Vastatosaurus rex [King Kong]
Tina Rex [The Amazing World of Gumball] Black Tyrrano [Chrono Trigger]
Goodsie [Dinosaurchestra] Ferocisaurus [Dragonball]
Speckles [Speckles the Tarbosaurus] Rolf Maxwell [Dino Squad]
Allo [Dinosaucers] FrostBaron Tyrannosaurus [Dinosaur Arcade]
Gorosaurus [Toho/Monsterverse] Iris [Overlord]
Rankar Dragon [Xenogears] Agumon [Digimon]
El Dinosaurio Anacleto [31 Minutos] Godzilla [Toho/Monsterverse]
Skeleton Rex [Castlevania] T-Bone [Extreme Dinosaurs]
Cyclops [Dino Crisis] Deviljho [Monster Hunter]
Bat Walker [DC] Guilmon [Digimon]
Vampire T-Rex [With Animation You Can!] Speega [Teenage Mutant NInja Turtles]
T-Rex [Super Mario] Barney [Barney]
Rexy [Night at the Museum] General Scales [Star Fox]
X Drake [One Piece] Sharptooth [Land Before Time]
Torakor [Neopets] Baby [Dinosaurs]
Carnotaurs [Dinosaur (2000)] Momma Dino [Ice Age]
T-Rex [Quantz Comics] Trox [Bakugan]
Albino Terror [Dinosaur Simulator] Gergoth [Castlevania]
Galem Darkhand [Neopets] Odo [Live A Live]
Tyrannomon X [Digimon] T-Rex [Fantasia]
Bio Rex [F-Zero] Gon [Gon]
Tiny [Meet the Robinsons] T-Rex [Xiaolin Showdown]
Theodore Rex [Theodore Rex] Baby T [Crash Bandicoot]
Hauzer [Red Earth] Stumpy [Dinosaur Revolution]
Kaosseffexx Ultimasauria [Ben 10] Cosmic Allosaurus [Dinosaur Arcade]
Terry [Dinosaur King] Taurox's Carnotaurus [Deadsound's Dinosauria/Sauria]
Quincy (Dream) [Foxtrot] Quantasaurus Rex [Power Rangers]
Mecha Drago [Earthbound] Tinkerbelle [Dinosaur Revolution]
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forabeatofadrum · 3 days
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It's Wednesday My Dudes! Thank you @that-disabled-princess, @nausikaaa and @cutestkilla tagging me. Time is an illusion.
I was out and about, not doing much, since it was my birthday. I watched the digital ticket of Starkid's new musical Cinderella's Castle, and I enjoyed it, and I played some viddy games, namely Cult of the Lamb and Splatoon 3. Splatoon 3's come to an end with the great Grand Festival. I hope Kurt and Blaine are bopping to ANOTHER version of Ebb & Flow. Off the Hook keeps releasing new versions of that song and it still slaps.
And after last week's poll, I started The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker. So far, it's not going well for me, up to the point I'm looking into cheats. I can't believe I am unbelievably stuck on the first dungeon.
But because of Wind Waker, I have returneth to writing with the thing no one asked for, me included, namely a Zelda fic!
A little background, but back in 2021, I wrote Any way the wind blows, a fic that's set in Breath of the Wild and it's about Link reuniting with his sister after a hundred years. Then, fast forward to 2023: Tears of the Kingdom came out and the character of Purah has been doing scientific fuckery with her age. Maybe some of you remember this, but after that game came out I spent some of these SSS/WW posts talking about a possible sequel for Any way the wind blows. Welp, seeing the Link and Aryll of Wind Waker interact brought all of those thoughts back and last night, underneath my blanky, my mind started writing it. So under the cut there's some words of Easy come, easy go, will you let me go, because yes, I even came up with a title.
Kiana knows Aryll is old. Everyone in Lurelin knows Aryll is old. She's called the village elder for a reason. She'll be turning a hundred and twelve. If she manages to make it. Everyone's noticed that Aryll's grown even more tired than before. She spents most of her days inside, even though the villagers have made the outside more accessible. A few weeks ago, she only went outside when her brother came to visit. The two of them would sit by the ocean. But now, that's also stopped. To be fair, now that the Calamity is over, Link spends more time at Lurelin. Before, he would only visit once a week. After, he practically moved here. But Link and Aryll spend most of their time inside Aryll's hut and Link's also started roaming around Lurelin without her, because she's often asleep when he's around. Kiana knows Aryll's lived a good life without regrets. If it hadn't been for Link returning, she'd be at peace with Aryll slowly fading away, but Aryll's had to miss her brother for almost a hundred years and it feels cruel to have it end. Sebasto argues that maybe this is the way it is. The Goddesses have kept Aryll alive so that she could be reunited, but now that's happened, and it's time to move on, but Kiana cannot accept that. Kiana knows she can't stop death. No one can, not even the most advanced scientists in Hyrule, but when she overhears Zelda and Link discuss the aging experiments of one of their friends, Kiana starts to think.
I'd like to write this fic in the same style as the first one, which alternated between the present and Aryll's stories about the past, but I have no clue how to do that. Ah. We'll see. I gotta finish it first.
And now, the weather: @quizasvivamos @coffeegleek @caramelcoffeeaddict @raenestee @tectonicduck 
@nightimedreamersworld @urban-sith @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @bookish-bogwitch @confused-bi-queer
@special-bc-ur-part-of-it @larkral
@artsyunderstudy​ @facewithoutheart​ @shrekgogurt @rockitmans @bitbybitwrites 
@whatevertheweather @shame-is-a-wasted-emotion @esilher @kurtsascot @blackberrysummerblog 
@nightimedreamersghost @ivelovedhimthroughworse @thnxforknowingme @martsonmars
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rraakkee · 2 years
@ people who like hextech Malz and/or consider it his best skin: are we looking at the same skin
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