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n0bluev · 5 months ago
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kindheartedgummybears · 28 days ago
mk so random part 2 of this post that no one asked for Yippy!
sooo here are even MORE random lore/scenes from my SMGs werewolf aus without ANY context!😁😁
*finds creature stuck in a bear trap* "omg are you ok- AAAAAAA-"
"Y do u brush ur teeth if u just lose and regrow them every month?🤔🤔" ".....it makes me feel normal :(((( *walks out all the bathroom*" "NO WAIT BABY IM SORRY-"
That time of month again. (they will profusely bleed out of every orifice + fingernails and literally burst out of their skin and eat it and have a horrible time but at least they're going to be absolutely ✨flawless✨ in the morning)
*woefully takes shower*
"Wait wait wait wait you're not human?!" "..." "Me neither🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹"
shaking, crying, screaming, throwing up.
werewolf cuddlessssssssss
*picks up random orphaned dog* "this is our child now."
*pins random asshole to the wall and leaves a literal dent* "...Oh-😨😳"
"Aren't you tired of being nice? Don't you just want to go apeshit??"
*takes photo of random creature in the woods and looks at it* "...That looks scarily like my co-worker..."
Ah yes. just me, and my 8-foot-tall werewolf girlfriend who I'm snuggling like a teddy bear <3
"I'm not gonna turn I'm gonna fight it and win💪😤" (they, in fact, turned.)
*trying to maul and devour and the only thing keeping it from doing so is a chain* "bro I'm literally ur wife chill."
"I'm going to kill you now for eating innocent civilians" "That wasn't me..." "..." "..." "well, this is awkward." *another creature jumps out of the darkness to protect and attack* "AH-"
*the morning after their S/O found out they're a werewolf* "baby im sorry i was just so scared i didn't hurt you did i-" "YOU FUCKING BITCH YOU STOLE MY FOOD WHILE LIKE THAT-" "AAAA-"
"Please god just let me have one good day!!😭🙏" "OH MY GOD YOU AGAIN?!?! give it a rest buddy!!!" ---- This post is probably a year or two old, but I feel it is time to release it considering it is a part 2... I need to get back to these aus.
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230east · 8 years ago
sinking silently in my submarine
 peeking up my periscope 
periodically perusing the passing 
photosynthesizing plankton 
pulsating plasma membranes 
eight legged tentacular suction cup
Pill popping percolating
positive vibrations
shaking up foundations
rock rolling down
to the bottom again.
just out of reach
water will recede
Cyclone circling the drain
so thirsty
get thee
to a nunnery
habit forming
thot-like behavior
instant gratification
think in new ways
get in formation
Shakespeare compares thee to Beyonce
woke up flawless like a diamond
dumber we round down
to the lowest denomination
algorithm assisted living
marketing machines
suggestively shaping
what you see
programming your point of view
the screen you pass through
is a filtration system
profile picture profiles you
feed back looping
it's the sine of the times
like a wave crashing systems
conversations conspiratorial in tone
the sinking suspicion that not so fresh feeling
and douching in general is a maladaptive marketing
mechanism to make you insecure and unsure.
they planted the product in your periphery
you think its your own idea
evolutions going backwards
survival of the photoshopped.
I’d rather be a monkey.
but ive evolved past tense
see triple in 3D
I trace your trajectory
parabolic path leading back
tragic swag. so sad these days.
no surface only substrate
sound of echoing rippling water
then a gasp for air breaks the  waves
reverberating ringing tingling
beat tympanic tamborine man
oscillting ossicles translate
fluent French kiss my derriere
rare special edition
one of a kind its just like mine
same old samo
saying the same thing
eat your drugs
don't do school
stay in vegetables
various variations on the theme
every verse a throw back
vintage vino veritas
theres truth in that
cliche et tu brute
wino forever never left me
so retro back in style again
stranger things have happened
Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees
still singing that song flowing through me
swinging in the breeze in fields elysian
exceptional on a hill past daffodils
narcissistic point of view image conscious
selfish gene pool self interested kin selection
consciousness superficial
on the surface floating
like a glacier melting
oblivious to  the tension growing
till it bursts through the glass mirror ceiling
 distorting  the image in circular ripples of pixels 
impressionistic audience
glitch in the system program
its all conditioned
when i ring the bell 
cerberus salivates 
it is fate
three bitches barking
measuring me out by string
three weird sisters 
by the cauldron bubbling
on the lyre 
lyrically i am lilting
you can’t stop me
you can’t stilt me
im always growing 
 Fibonacci flow
 spiraling out of control
fractals follow golden ratio
chaos creating destruction 
entropy at equilibrium
Here we meet 
Apollo and Dionysus
combined in catharsis
pupils open to see pathways
 parallel past the point 
of no return to normal vision 
vanishing point out of view 
past pluto out the solar system
on my way to cross the river 
STRANGE FRUIT Southern trees bear a strange fruit Blood on the leaves and blood at the root Black body swinging in the southern breeze Strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees Pastoral scene of the gallant south The bulging eyes and the twisted mouth Scent of magnolia sweet and fresh And the sudden smell of burning flesh! Here is a fruit for the crows to pluck For the rain to gather, for the wind to suck For the sun to rot, for a tree to drop Here is a strange and bitter crop. -- Music and lyrics by Lewis Allan, copyright 1940
I have heard of your paintings too, well enough. God has given you one face and you make yourselves another. You jig and amble, and you lisp, you nickname God’s creatures and make your wantonness your ignorance. Go to, I’ll no more on ’t. It hath made me mad. I say, we will have no more marriages. Those that are married already, all but one, shall live. The rest shall keep as they are. To a nunnery, go. -Shakespear
In the end, we are self-perceiving, self-inventing, locked-in mirages that are little miracles of self-reference.
— Douglas Hofstadter,P363
And there he, on the the stark, dark marker  Atop his parents' graves, shed tears,  And praised their ashes — darker, starker.  Alas, life reaps too fast its years;  All flesh is grass. Each generation,  At heaven's hidden motivation,  Arises, blooms, and falls from grace;  Another quickly takes its place.  And thus our race, rash and impetuous,  Ascends and has its day, then raves  And hastens toward ancestral graves.  All too soon, death's sting will get to us;  Aye, how our children's children rush  And push us from this world's sweet crus
And then with verse of quickened sadness  He honored too, in tears and pain,  His parents' dust... their memory's gladness...  Alas! Upon life's furrowed plain —  A harvest brief, each generation,  By fate's mysterious dispensation,  Arises, ripens, and must fall;  Then others too must heed the call.  For thus our giddy race gains power:  It waxes, stirs, turns seething wave,  Then crowds its forebears toward the grave.  And we as well shall face that hour  When one fine day our grandsons true  Straight out of life will crowd us too!
let me sing a tune up tempo to the groove in the recording turn up the gramaphone and listen bro I am the best alive aliviate the symptoms but wont cure the pain killers murdering meat cleaver cut you into filet a deux lets dosey do lets hula hoop lets lasso the moon for you betty boop bop dop dap zap zippy zippering witty whimpering sassy syllables trashy talkative locomotive combusting and composting reusing and recycling reducing so compact disc DVD player ipod 3D glasses pixilation pointelissm glitching itching for a scratched surface scar face so Miami mami papi chulo lean low dow ho and hit the floor on your knees looking up at me like asking will you marry me run away with the beat and drop it down sinking silently in my submarine peering through my periscope periodically perusing the passing photosynthesizing plankton pulsating plasma membranes eight legged tentacular suction cup overfloweth with the fluid flow so Fibonacci spiralizing  spiritual feeling so free too carefule calculated in the risky behaviors bitch yap yaw yippy yay you only live uno dos tres stress the alliterative alternative alternating current events talking heads heaven is a place where nothing happens above us only sky and satelittes revolving evolving electrical signal transduction travertine stone up your nose rock the boat overboard emotional so emo what she yelling for in such a monotone drone dramatically durgical and clinically clergical sentences so sequence shimmering laser bean landing site fly a kite thunder and lightning bug chirp
on the path charted through the sky
chariots of fire Apollo s
in pediatricians
we all follow direction and its counting down from ten to scale model student pupils open to see pathways parallel past the point of no return to normal vision vanishing point of view on point the point is people like you postulate pictorially snap back to reality whomp there goes gravity I am above it all I see through all it. i saw the signs of the times so many signals overstimulating the market so similar to something the remix of ignition is cool again until its overplayed out of style so retro im coming back like vintage vines wino forever in vino veritas theres truth in that touché et tu brute brutalist
zoot suited tooted and boot leg boozer buzzer
cycle seasons
tick flick off
membrance awesome oscicles oscilation
it's the sine of the times cant you see it pay attention
double visionary view from above
The next thing I woke up still singing that song the one you hear flowing river styx Cerberus salivating salty seas soylent green is algae plants are people im a dafodill on a hill let me sing a tune up tempo to the groove in the recording turn up the gramaphone and listen bro I am the best alive aliviate the symptoms but wont cure the pain killers murdering meat cleaver cut you into filet a deux lets dosey do lets hula hoop lets lasso the moon for you betty boop bop dop dap zap zippy zippering witty whimpering sassy syllables trashy talkative locomotive combusting and composting reusing and recycling reducing so compact disc DVD player ipod 3D glasses pixilation pointelissm glitching itching for a scratched surface scar face so Miami mami papi chulo lean low dow ho and hit the floor on your knees looking up at me like asking will you marry me run away with the beat and drop it down sinking silently in my submarine peering through my periscope periodically perusing the passing photosynthesizing plankton pulsating plasma membranes eight legged tentacular suction cup overfloweth with the fluid flow so Fibonacci spiralizing  spiritual feeling so free too carefule calculated in the risky behaviors bitch yap yaw yippy yay you only live uno dos tres stress the alliterative alternative alternating current events talking heads heaven is a place where nothing happens above us only sky and satelittes revolving evolving electrical signal transduction travertine stone up your nose rock the boat overboard emotional so emo what she yelling for in such a monotone drone dramatically durgical and clinically clergical sentences so sequence shimmering laser bean landing site fly a kite thunder and lightning bug chirp
The American Dream is a product.
Lassoing up that freedom and mass producing it in metal.
I grabbed the reins and hoisted up on the saddle.
Perhaps he was too dumb to run.
Perhaps he was trying to protect me.
Graffiti on the door to the private room.
He shaved his face with a hatchet.
They placed bocce on the boat
Dressed in white.
Looking up at the billboard by the highway
Trying to communicate
He ran with a baguette]
I aint going outside. she said to the dead air left lingering in the cigarette soaked airwaves still circulating
The smoky air swam circular warning skylarks illuminated by a stray sunbeam. light littered in lateral patterns.
lyrically i am lilting you can’t stop me you can’t stilt me
well I’m majoring in business administration and I’m thinking of minoring in communications
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