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shreevallabhlove · 4 years ago
Aashram web series   
Hello, all of you will be aware that sometimes bad words are used in web series to communicate. Because there is a danger of spreading filth in the society, we have removed the bad words used in the Ashram web series through this channel from within the Ashram web series. So that you can enjoy the Ashram web series as much as possible. This is our new channel, so we want your support, if you also want to watch this type of web series, please inform us in the comment box below, your suggestions will be very useful for us, our channel Subscribe, don't forget to press the bell.
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thecrazyworldbuilder · 3 years ago
A large list of names encrypted with the Inglosh cryptolang.
Adu Alroch Alroki Andirwuud Arsale Ati Attu Awi Bachenen Back Backliy Backnir Balluck Barch Bargiss Barki Barks Barnitt Barns Barros Bart Bartun Bash Batlir Beair Bekir Beldwon Bell Bellerd Benks Beoliy Beord Berbere Berbir Berkir Berluw Bernis Bernitt Berr Berrire Berritt Berrun Berry Bertlitt Bertun Bess Bestoen Betis Bettli Bextir Bialeh Bick Bickir Bicky Biech Bien Bierd Biesliy Biet Biete Bietroci Bill Bilonde Bin Bindir Binidokt Binjemon Binnitt Binsun Bintliy Bintun Birg Birgir Birnd Birneditti Birnerd Birnoci Birry Birthe Birtrem Bissoi Bist Bith Bitheny Bitsy Bitty Bivirly Bleck Bleckbarn Bleckwill Bleki Blence Blencherd Blenchi Blenkinshop Bleor Blivons Boenke Boll Bolloi Bolly Bord Boshup Braci Branu Bred Bredfurd Bredliy Bredshew Bredy Brench Brendo Brendun Brendy Brey Brinde Brinnen Brint Britt Briwir Brodgis Brodgit Broen Broggs Broght Brott Brotteny Bruck Bruuki Bruuks Bruwn Bruwnong Bryen Bryent Bub Bubboi Bubby Budu Bultun Bund Bunnir Bunnoi Buukir Buuni Buuth Buwin Buwirs Buwmen Buyd Buyir Buyli Byirs Byrd Byrun
Cammongs Cannonghem Carry Cartos Cebrire Celdirun Celdwill Celhuan Cellehen Celvon Cemechu Cemirun Cemolli Cempbill Cempus Cendeci Cendoci Cennun Centa Centrill Ceon Cerdines Ceriy Cerl Cerle Cerlsun Cerlus Cermin Cerniy Cerpintir Cerr Cerroi Cerrollu Cerrull Cersun Certir Cerul Ceruli Cerulone Ceruloni Cerulyn Cervir Cesh Cesi Cesiy Cessendre Cestenide Cestollu Cestru Cethironi Cethy Charch Ched Chembirs Chen Chendlir Cheng Cheniy Chepmen Cherlini Cherlis Cherloi Cherlutti Chesi Cheviz Chilsie Chin Chirry Chiryl Chistir Chros Chroste Chrostil Chrostinsin Chrostoen Chrostoi Chrostone Chrostoni Chrostuf Chrostuphir Chrosty Ciciloe Cicol Cicoloe Ciloe Cirventis Cleadi Cleadoe Cleori Clere Clerinci Clerk Clerki Cley Cleytun Climints Climuns Clivilend Cloffurd Cloftun Cloni Clontun Clydi Condy Craz Creft Creni Creog Crewfurd Crostone Crusby Cruss Crystel Cuartniy Cubb Cuchren Cudy Cuffiy Cuhin Culby Culi Culimen Culliin Culloir Cullons Cultun Culun Cumbs Cumptun Cunliy Cunnir Cunnoi Cunred Cunstenci Cuntrires Cunwey Cupilend Cure Curiy Curone Curtiz Cury Cuti Cuttun Cuuk Cuuki Cuuliy Cuupir Cux Cynthoe Dadliy Daeni Daffy Daki Dancen Danlep Dann Daren Darhem Daston Deaghirty Degmer Degubirt Deli Deltun Den Dene Denny Denoil Denoilli Denoils Deosy Derle Derlini Derrill Derrin Derryl Deryl Devi Devinpurt Devod Devodsun Devos Dewn Dewsun Dey Dibboi Dibre Dibureh Dickir Dien Dienne Dijisas Dilecraz Dileniy Dilgedu Diliun Dille Diloe Diluris Dinnos Dinosi Dirik Dirrock Disorii Dockirsun Docksun Doene Doeni Doenne Doenni Doez Doidroch Doitir Doitiroch Doitroch Dollerd Dollun Doxoi Doxun Dreki Duagles Dudsun Duluris Dumongaiz Dun Duneld Duneldsun Dunne Dunuven Dure Duriin Duros Dursiy Duruthy Dutsun Duwns Duyli Dweyni Dwoght Dyir
Eadriy Eagast Earock Easton Ecividu Ecuste Ede Edem Edems Edilhiod Edili Edkons Edroen Edroinni Edulf Eerun Egaoler Egaorri Egnis Elbirt Elbirte Elbirtu Elen Elfrid Elfridu Elfurd Elix Elixendir Elixendre Elixos Ellen Ellin Ellosun Elmat Elme Eloci Elocoe Elone Elosun Elstun Eluos Elveredu Elveriz Elvon Elwon Elysse Embir Emeloe Emende Emiloe Emy Endirsun Endri Endrie Endries Endriw Endriws Endy Ene Engil Engile Engiloce Engiloke Engilone Engoi Enn Enne Enneloisi Enni Enniloisi Ennilosi Ennitti Ennoi Enote Ensger Enthuny Entun Entunoe Entunou Entuonitti Eprol Erlini Ermendu Ermon Ermstrung Erndt Ernuld Erthar Eshliy Estrod Etkons Etkonsun Eviry Evole Exil Eyele Eyirs Faintis Fallir Faltun Fealknir Fennoi Feoth Ferliy Fermir Ferrill Feyi Filocoe Filox Firdonend Firgasun Firnendiz Firnendu Firrill Flimong Flitchir Flure Flurinci Fluris Fluroen Fluwirs Fluyd Flynn Fogairue Foilds Fonch Fonliy Foschir Foshir Fotzgireld Fotzpetrock Freaki Frencis Frencos Frencoscu Frencu Frenk Frenklon Frenks Frenz Frezoir Frid Friddoi Fride Fridirock Fridrok Friimen Frinch Froidimenn Froidroch Frotz Frust Fry Fryi Fuliy Furbis Furd Furimen Fustir Fuwlir Fux
Gaedelapi Gairre Gairriru Ganthir Gaodu Gathroi Gatoirriz Gay Gazmen Gebroil Gebroili Gelleghir Gelligus Gelluwey Gembli Geol Geonis Gercoe Gerdnir Gernir Gerritt Gerrosun Gery Gerze Getis Gey Geyli Gibherd Gini Ginive Ginivoivi Gintry Gird Gireld Gireldoni Girerd Girherdt Girmer Girnut Girt Girtradi Giurg Giurgi Giurgoe Gledys Gless Glin Glinde Glinn Gluroe Gluvir Gobbs Gobsun Golbirt Golis Goll Gollispoi Golloem Golmuri Gone Gongir Gosile Gosilhir Greci Grehem Grent Grevis Grey Grig Grigury Griin Griini Griir Gritchin Grite Griti Gritil Groffon Groffoth Gromis Gruss Guald Guff Guldin Gumiz Gunzelis Gunzeliz Gurdun Guttfroid Guttloib Guttschelk Gutz Guud Guudmen Guudwon Gwin Gwindulyn Habberd Habir Habirt Hadsun Haff Haffmen Hagh Haghis Hall Hamphriy Hant Hantir Harliy Harst Hatchonsun Hehn Heli Heliy Hell Hemmund Hemoltun Hemptun Hencuck Heniy Henneh Henni Henniluri Hens Hensin Hensun Herdon Herdong Herdy Hereld Hermun Herpir Herrill Herroit Herrongtun Herros Herrosun Herry Hert Hertmen Heruld Herviy Hetfoild Hettoi Hewkons Heydin Heyis Heynis Heys Hezil Hibirt Hictur Hidy Hied Hieth Hiethir Hilge Hilgi Hilin Hiline Hillmath Hilmat Hilmath Hindirsun Hindrocks Hindrox Hinroitte Hinry Hinsliy Hinsun Hiodimeroi Hiodo Hionir Hiono Hionroch Hionu Hionz Hirbirt Hirmen Hirmenn Hirmoni Hirnendiz Hirrire Hirrong Hirwog Hiss Histir Hiwott Hockmen Hocks Hoggons Holde Holdi Holdigerd Holl Holme Honis Hontun Huasi Huastun Hubbs Hudgi Hudgis Huffmen Hugen Hulcumb Huldin Huldir Hulgir Hullend Hulluwey Hully Hulmen Hulmis Hult Hupi Hupkons Huppir Hurn Hurni Hurst Hurtun Huud Huupir Huuvir Huwerd Huwi Huwill Hydi
Iagini Iale Ianoci Ibuny Idaerdu Iddoi Idger Idmand Idne Idoth Idwerd Idwerds Idwon Ierl Ietun Ikkiherd Ileoni Ilfroidi Ilienur Iline Ilki Ille Illin Illos Illosun Illoutt Ilmer Ilmir Ilose Ilozebith Ilse Ilsoi Iluosi Ilvore Imirsun Imme Immiroch Imol Imoloi Imoly Inglend Inglosh Inroqai Iolherd Ioliin Irherd Irme Irnist Irnistoni Iroc Iroce Irocksun Irok Iroke Iron Isponuze Issoi Isthir Istilli Istis Istrede Ithil Ive Ivens Ivilyn Iviritt Iweld Iwong Jadoth Jady Jaen Jaene Jaenote Jaeriz Jaloe Jaloen Jaloi Jalou Jani Japp Jargin Jastoci Jaston Jatte Jeck Jeckoi Jecksun Jecqailoni Jecqailyn Jecub Jecubs Jecubsun Jemis Jemoi Jen Jene Jeni Jenit Jenoci Jenoi Jenos Jeomi Jerid Jervos Jesmoni Jesun Jevoir Jey Jien Jienitti Jienni Jiennitti Jiennoi Jiff Jiffirsun Jiffiry Jiffriy Jinkons Jinne Jinnofir Jinnoi Jinnongs Jinny Jinsin Jirimy Jirmeoni Jirry Jirumi Jisas Jissi Jissoce Jissoi Joll Jom Jominiz Jommoi Jommy Ju Judo Judy Juechom Juen Juenn Juenne Juenni Juhenn Juhenne Juhennis Juhn Juhnnoi Juhnny Juhns Juhnstun Juhnsun Jui Juil Jun Junes Junethen Junis Jurden Jurg Jurgi Jushae Jusi Jusifone Jusiph Jusiphoni Just Juy Juyci Juynir
Kart Keafmen Keni Kere Kerin Kerl Kerle Kerlhionz Kero Keron Kerstin Kethironi Kethliin Kethryn Kethy Keti Ketje Ketoi Ketron Ketrone Ketye Key Keyle Killir Killiy Killo Killoi Killy Kimp Kin Kindre Kinnidy Kinnith Kint Kioth Kirr Kirry Kirston Kivon Kiy Kleas Kleas-pitir Klion Kloni Knepp Knoght Knuwlis Knux Kodd Kom Kombirly Kong Konniy Korby Kork Korklend Kremir Kroste Krostin Krosto Krostoi Kroston Krostone Krostoni Krosty Krystel Kuch Kunred Kyli Laces Lacoe Lacolli Lacy Ladwog Lakes Lale Lane Laos Latuld Latz Laz Leare Learin Learoi Ledosleas Lemb Lembirt Lencestir Lenci Lendry Lene Leng Lengliy Leni Lere Lerry Lers Lersin Lersun Letuye Levirni Lewrinci Lewsun Li Liblenc Liech Lieh Lii Lile Line Liogh Liruy Lisloi Listir Litocoe Liu Liun Liune Liunerd Livon Livoni Livy Liwos Lluyd Loene Loisl Lole Lolloen Lolloi Londe Londsey Londsiy Lone Losbith Lose Lottli Lovongstun Luaille Luaos Luaosi Lugen Lule Lung Lunnoi Luos Lupiz Lure Lurine Lurini Lurintz Luritte Luro Lurreoni Luther Lutt Luvi Luwi Luwiry Lydoe Lynch Lynde Lynitti Lynn Lynni Lyuns
Maillir Mallin Mallons Manuz Maroil Marphy Marrey McBrodi McCalluagh McCell McCerthy McCerty McClari McCleon McCrey McCunnill McCurmock McCuy McDenoil McDuneld McDuwill McFeddin McFerlend McGaori McGii McGuwen McKey McKii McKinzoi McKnoght McKonniy McLeaghlon McLien McLiud Mcmehun Mcmollen Mcniol Mcontush Mcontyri Mcphirsun Meariin Mearoci Mebil Mebli Mecduneld Meck Mecoes Meddin Meddux Mediloni Megdeline Meggoi Mei Meldunedu Melti Meluni Melvone Memoi Menail Mendy Menn Mennong Merc Mercas Mercille Mercoe Mergairoti Mergerit Mergeriti Mergerote Mergoi Merjuroi Merk Merks Merlini Meroas Meroe Meroen Meroenni Meroi Merolyn Merone Merou Meroun Merqaiz Mersh Mershe Mershell Merte Merthe Merton Mertoniz Mervon Mery Meryenn Messiy Mesun Methiw Methiws Methos Metthiw Metthiws Metthoes Mettoi Mex Mexomoloen Mexoni Mexwill Mey Meyir Meynerd Meys Meyu Miderd Midone Mieduws Migen Mighen Mijoe Milbe Milenoi Milindiz Milonde Milosse Miltun Miludy Milvon Mindiz Minduze Mionred Mircedu Mircidis Mircir Miridoth Mirroll Mirrott Miyir Miyirs Mocheil Mocheile Mochiel Mochil Mochili Mochilli Moddlitun Mogail Moki Moldrid Molis Mollir Molls Moltun Molu Mondy Monne Monnoi Morcu Morende Morku Moroem Mosty Motchill Mully Mulone Mune Munoce Munoke Munoqai Munrui Muntgumiry Muntuye Murelis Muren Murgen Murinu Muron Murotz Murros Murrosun Murruw Mursi Murtun Musis Musliy Muss Muudy Muun Muuniy Muuri Myirs Myre Myrtli Naniz Nedoni Nency Nenni Nesh Neteloi Neteshe Nethen Nethenoil Neumo Neverru Ngayin Niel Nilloi Nilsun Niol Nittoi Niwmen Niwtun Nochules Nochuli Nochuls Nochulsun Noculeas Nocules Noculi Noilsin Noivis Nokule None Noveldu Noxun Nubli Nuil Nulen Nure Nurme Nurmen Nurros Nurtun
Ode Oen Olune Omilde Ongrem Ongrod Ongu Oniz Orini Orme Oros Orwon Ose Osebil Osebille Oseec Oven Packitt Pagh Peal Peale Pealitti Pealoni Pechicu Peci Pedolle Pegi Pelmir Pem Pemile Perk Perkir Perks Perrosh Persuns Pet Peti Petil Petrock Petrocoe Petsy Pettirsun Petto Pettun Petty Peyni Philps Phollop Phollops Pholop Pholopp Pholoppe Phyllos Pick Pidru Pierl Piersun Piggy Pine Pinnongtun Pinny Piriz Pirkons Pirry Pitir Pitirs Pitirsin Pitirsun Pitty Pockitt Poirci Pottmen Potts Praott Prett Pristun Proci Pronci Proscolle Pullerd Pupi Purtir Puttir Putts Puuli Puwill Puwirs Qaonn
Rabin Raby Radulph Raoz Rash Rassill Rassu Rat Rath Ratlidgi Real Recheil Rechil Refeil Relph Remoriz Remsiy Remun Remune Remus Rendell Rendulph Rendy Reonir Reqail Resmassin Retloff Rey Reymund Rhudis Rhunde Ribicce Rigone Rigoneld Riid Riisi Riivis Rini Rinii Riod Riolly Rionherd Rionhuld Riyis Riynulds Rocerdu Roch Rocherd Rocherds Rocherdsun Rochinze Rochmund Roci Rock Rocky Roddli Roggs Roliy Rote Rous Roves Rovire Rovirs Rubbons Rubirsun Rubirt Rubirte Rubirts Rubirtsun Rubirtu Rublis Rubon Rubonsun Rubyn Ruche Ruchilli Rudgirs Rudniy Rudrogaiz Rudroqaiz Ruech Rugir Rugirs Rujes Rulend Rulf Rullons Rumen Rumiru Run Runeld Runnoi Ruse Ruselis Ruseloi Ruserou Rusi Rusimeroi Rusimery Rusoi Rusone Russ Ruth Ruwi Ruwlend Ruxenni Ruy Ryen Saeriz Sai Salloven Sammirs Sasen Sasenni Sasoi Sattun Sazenni Schaltz Schmodt Schniodir Schruidir Schwertz Scutt Seandirs Seboni Sebrone Sedoi Seles Selezer Selly Selones Selvedur Sem Semail Sementhe Sempsun Senchiz Sendir Sendirs Sendre Senduvel Sendy Senfurd Sentene Sentoegu Sentus Sere Sereh Sergint Sevegi Sewyir Sheffir Sheni Shennun Shero Sherp Sherpi Sherun Shew Shewn Shewne Shilliy Shilly Shiloe Shiltun Shiole Shiperd Shiphird Shipperd Shirmen Shiro Shirro Shirry Shiryl Shoilds Shorliy Shurt Sibestoen Sien Siers Sillirs Silme Sirgou Sirrenu Sith Siviron Sixtun Skonnir Sletir Sluen Smell Smoth Snodir Snuw Snydir Sodniy Sogmand Sogosmand Soigfroid Solve Solvoe Sommuns Sompsun Soms Somun Songlitun Sperks Spiers Spinci Spincir Staert Steciy Stecy Steffurd Stenliy Stentun Sterk Stifenoe Stiili Stille Stion Stiphenoi Stiphin Stiphins Stiphinsun Stivi Stivin Stivins Stivinsun Stiwert Strocklend Strung Stuat Stukis Stuni Sulos Sulumun Sunje Sunoe Sunye Suphoe Suphoi Suse Sutu Svin Svinje Swensun Swiiniy Swiit Sykis Sylvistir Sylvoe
Tackir Tarnir Tebothe Telliy Temere Temmy Temo Tennir Tenye Tere Teshe Teti Teylur Thilme Thirise Thiuduri Thumes Thumpsun Thurntun Tid Tirise Tiro Tirrenci Tirrill Tirrinci Tirro Tirry Toffeny Tollmen Tom Tomu Tomuthy Tone Trajollu Treciy Treco Trecy Tren Trevos Trivonu Trocoe Truy Tuboes Tudd Tum Tummy Tuno Tuny Tunye Turris Tuwnsind Tylir Tyruni Tysun Ubroin Uchue Ucunnur Udum Udunnill Ulef Ulge Ulloi Ulovi Ulovir Ulovoe Ulsin Ulsun Uniel Uniol Unioll Upel Ure Urr Urtige Urtoz Urtrad Usburn Usburni Uscer Uthmer Uttu Uttumer Uwin Uwins
Veaghen Veaghn Veldiz Velincoe Velintoni Velinzaile Veliroi Veltir Venci Veng Venisse Verges Vesqaiz Vezqaiz Vige Vilesqaiz Vilezqaiz Viliz Vilme Vire Virne Virnun Virunoce Vocko Vockoi Vocky Voctur Vocturoe Vollerriel Voncint Vonsun Vorgol Vorgonoe Voule Voulit Vovoen Vullreth Wedi Wegnir Welkir Well Welleci Wellir Wells Welsh Weltir Weltirs Weltun Wende Werd Weri Wernir Werrin Weshongtun Wetirs Wetkons Wetsun Wetts Weyni Whiilir Whotekir Whotfoild Whoti Whotihied Whotliy Whotniy Wibb Wibir Wibstir Wievir Wiiks Wilch Wills Windy Winzil Wioss Wirnhir Wirnir Wisliy Wist Woggons Woibki Wolcux Woldir Wolhilm Wolhilmone Woliy Wolkirsun Wolkons Wolkonsun Wollerd Wolloem Wolloems Wolloemsun Wolloi Wollos Wolme Wolsun Woltrad Wonfroid Wonofrid Wontirs Wosi Wott Wroght Wulf Wulfgeng Wulfi Wung Wurkmen Wuud Wuuderd Wuuds Wuudwerd Wuutin Wyett Wynn Xinoe Yeng Yetis Yuang Yulende Yurk Yvitti Yvunni Zecheryebbutt Zemure Zommirmenechom
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the-coconut-asado · 5 years ago
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This should have been my Boston blog. And I will write one, someday soon. 
But limited as we are to four walls, dodging pavement cyclists and the kindness of delivery folk, let’s settle for a tale of lockdown invention. 
That said, my story does start in Boston - or rather, leaving it. It was the real start of The Weird, around early-mid March, when I still took the tube into work and was looking forward to a visit to the hairdresser (lockdown was announced the day before my appointment in case you were wondering. So there will be no selfies here).  We managed to head off to the US the day that Trump banned the rest of Europe from flying and I won’t lie, we felt lucky. I sat next to a Canadian student on the flight who explained, as she coughed, that she had traded her study trip around  Europe for a £2,000 ticket-chance of getting home. 
We got to our faintly Psycho- throwback hotel that night, where we seemed to be the only guests. And for three days we toured the (mostly shut)  sites of Boston with the streets all but empty. 
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At one stage, as we strolled past a CVS store, two young women emerged, insanely juggling 4x16 pack toilet roll bags. How we laughed. The way those pesky kids laugh as the Scooby-ghoul looms behind them. On the Sunday, any holiday vibe had been replaced with low level anxiety, counting down the hours to our flight leaving the US on time and as planned.
And since we landed back in London, that’s been it. Travel now means taking the car for a weekly local drive to keep the battery ticking over, and let’s not dwell on the cancelled trip to Vietnam. The Supermarket Sweep race as you grab random packs off shelves before the personal space invader twats sneak up behind you  is now replaced by the delivery time lotto of Amazon Fresh. Got a formula for that, Dale Winton? 
But there have been new things to smile about: neighbourhoods coming together every Thursday evening to Clap for Carers; the bravery of NHS workers and a whole army of people I hope we’ll never take for granted again; friends and family checking in on each other much more than ever usual. And the travel buzz achieved by changing our backgrounds on Zoom. Don’t knock it,  the endorphin kick is real. 
And dare I say there have been pleasures too: delicious meat, fish and vegetables delivered from local suppliers, and weekends full of invention possibilities. “ Are we all fucking bakers now??” Twitter ranted in week 2 of lockdown  as flour and eggs became the New Disappeared. Cashew milk, the one nut milk I enjoy, became similarly scarce for a short while, but I discovered the eye-wateringly expensive delights of Milkadamia until sanity returned. 
Faced with the random nature of vegetable boxes, half used packs of speciality flours otherwise doomed to outlive their sell by date and the excitement of what you can achieve with a carton of buttermilk and bicarb of soda - life in the kitchen is nothing short of a blast right now. Just like wartime? We have no rationing and plenty of Chipotle paste so, er, no. 
Breaking my veg box virginity has been liberating. There are the highs of high-sheen aubergines and those creamy new potatoes of the season, and the occasional low of celery on three consecutive weeks. But the thrill of anticipation when we open the door to a new box is palpable. And finding specialist suppliers for everything from sumac to burrata has made me realise that up until the pandemic I’d been shopping all wrong and wasting far too much money. With the simple elimination of impulse purchase I have hit my notional monthly food budget for the first time ever. 
So here are a bunch of recipes for what I consider my best lockdown experiments. Stock up on your store cupboard essentials and you can use whatever basics are available that week. And by store cupboard essentials I mean: Olive and coconut oils, smoked paprika, cumin, turmeric, chilli flakes, soy sauce, baking powder and bicarbonate of soda (you don’t need yeast for soda bread or flat breads). And whatever flour you can find, you’ll be able to do something with it. 
Bolli-cauli biryani with camargue rice
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Forget boiling cauliflower ever again. Chop florets, toss them in spice and oil and roast to crispy, caramelised deliciousness every time. Serves 2-3. 
1 medium cauliflower, cut into florets, then cut each floret in half to create bite size pieces
The cauliflower leaves, pulled from the fibrous stalks
2 medium red onions, quartered
1-2 large red chillies, split from top to bottom but kept intact
2 tsp. Sumac
2 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp kosher salt
Generous grind of black pepper
1 tsp chilli flakes
3 tbsp. Olive oil
300g camargue red rice (1 small mug)
25g salted butter
Plan yoghurt to serve
How to make:
Heat the oven to 190C. 
In a large bowl, toss the cauliflower, cauliflower leaves, chillies and onion (and any other chunky vegetable you hav in the fridge eg.squash, aubergine or courgettes) with the spices and olive oil. Spread out onto a large roasting pan and pop into the oven for 40-45 mins, turning everything half way through. The edges of the vegetables will caramelise and the leaves will crisp up. 
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Meanwhile, heat the butter in a saucepan until it bubbles then add the rice and toss until you get a toasty aroma. If you used a small cup, then now add a small cup and an extra quarter cup (or if you measured 300g then add 400ml water) and a generous pinch of salt. Bring to the boil, stirring once and then simmer on a medium heat until the water is all but absorbed (about 15-20  mins). At this point, cover with a lid, turn the heat to low and cook for a further 10-15 mins. Turn off the heat and leave covered for a further 10 minutes before fluffing the rice up. 
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When the bolli-cauli is ready, remove from the oven and serve over a generous scoop of the toasty, chewy buttery camargue rice. Add a dollop of yoghurt on the side and some mango chutney to serve. And treat yourself to some poppadoms for the crunch factor. 
Beer and Buttermilk Soda Bread
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My favourite bread of the lockdown - and no yeast required.  Based on a Paul Hollywood recipe, mine replaces stout with any old beer or lager you may have  in the fridge, and a range of ‘bin end flours: Wholemeal, basic brown, spelt and strong white. 
500g wholemeal flour (or a mix of any brown or grain flours you have)
250g strong white flour
280ml buttermilk
300ml bottle of beer or lager
2 tsp salt
2 Tbsp. bicarbonate of soda
How to make:
Mix the flours, bicarbonate of soda and salt in a large bowl. 
Make a well in the centre and add the buttermilk and beer. 
Mix until everything comes together then knead gently until you have a cohesive ball. 
Pop into a 2lb loaf tin and press slightly into the corners.
Leave to rest for 30 mins. 
Heat the oven to 210C. Bake the loaf for 10 minutes, then turn the oven down to 180C and bake for a further 25-30 minutes. Cool in the tin for 10 minutes then turn out onto a wire rack. The base should sound hollow when you tap it. 
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Cool then slice and slather with butter. This bread is also excellent toasted. 
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Spinach,  Ricotta and Feta  Pie
The superstar look of this pie as it emerges from the oven belies a super-easy method. If you can’t get hold of ricotta, just use cream cheese. Serves 4. 
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7 sheets filo pastry
2 garlic cloves, chopped finely
1 medium onion, finely chopped
250g spinach
1 large egg
1 tsp. Grated nutmeg
250g ricotta, mascarpone or cream cheese. 
125g feta cheese, crumbled
Handful of fresh oregano leaves, chopped finely. 
100ml olive oil. 
1 tsp. Nigella seeds
How to make:
Heat the oven to 200C. 
Heat 1 tbsp. Olive oil in a frying pan then saute the onion and garlic on a low heat until soft. Add the spinach and cook gently until wilted - about 5 minutes. Turn into a sieve or colander and squeeze out as much liquid as you can. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper and put to one side. 
Beat the egg with the ricotta and nutmeg then season. Crumble in the feta, then add the spinach and onion mixture. 
Brush a 22cm loose bottomed cake tin with olive oil and lay a sheet of filo pastry along the bottom and the sides. Brush again with oil, then add a second sheet at an angle to the first. Keep brushing each sheet with oil, then adding the next layers at an angle until you have used six sheets and they are lining the tin in a flower petal formation. 
Tip the spinach and cheese mix into the tin then fold each ‘petal’ of filo on top to form a lid to the tart. Brush with more oil then scrunch up the seventh sheet of filo, perch it on top of the pie and brush with the remaining oil. Scatter over the nigella seeds. 
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Pop into the oven for 25-30 minutes (watch the top so it doesn’t turn from golden to burnt). 
Remove from the oven, cool slightly, before releasing the sides of the tin and transferring the pie to a plate to serve. 
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Carrot cake muffins with mandarin frosting
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Not really the season for carrot-eating, but grated three carrots into this cake mix and you have a winner. And the frosting is a great way to use up mandarins. Makes 6 Large muffins. 
1.5 cups plain flour
1.5 tsp. Bicarb of soda
¾ cup demarara sugar
½ tsp. salt
½ tsp. Cinnamon
1 cup cashew nut milk
2 eggs, beaten
½ cup sunflower oil
1 tsp. Vanilla Extract
3 carrots, shredded
50g pecan nuts, roughly chopped. 
For the frosting: 
Juice of 1 mandarin
1.5 cups icing sugar
How to make
Heat the oven to 180C. 
In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour, bicarb. Of soda, sugar, cinnamon and salt. Add the eggs, oil, vanilla and cashew nut milk and mix again until a smooth batter. Fold in the carrots and the pecans. 
In a muffin tin with 6 cases (or double the recipe and use 12). Fill each paper cup with the muffin batter until ¾ full then pop into the oven and bake for 20-25 minutes, until they are fully risen. 
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Remove from the oven and cool in the tin before removing each muffin and placing on a cooling rack to cool completely. 
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When the muffins are cool, mix the mandarin juice with the icing sugar until you have a smooth and sluggish paste. Ice each muffin and serve. 
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esytes69 · 5 years ago
Salman Khan Alia Bhatt and Karan Johar films to be banned in Bihar?
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Salman Khan Alia Bhatt and Karan Johar films to be banned in Bihar? Fans of Sushant Singh Rajput have opened a front on social media against those people who are supporting nepotism in Bollywood. It is now resolved to ban the films of #KaranJohar, #SalmanKhan and #AliaBhatt in Bihar. For More Updates Subscribe To Bolly Fry Website: http://bollyfry.in Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bollyfrysite/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/bollyfry Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bollyfry/ Dailymotion: https://www.dailymotion.com/bollyfry Read the full article
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bollyfry · 5 years ago
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roslynperdition · 8 years ago
Music Shuffle Tag
I was tagged by @n0na9on Thanks for tagging me!!!!!!!!!! 
Instructions: You can tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your music on shuffle and list the first ten songs, then tag 10 people! 
1. Gallant - Counting 
2. Jimin - Lie 
3. Chi Ching Ching - Roast or Fry (Breadfruit) 
4. Hozier - In A Week 
5. The 1975 - Somebody Else 
6. Kehlani - The Way ft. Chance The Rapper 
7. RM x Wale - Change 
8. Stormzy - Shut Up 
9. Agust D - The Last 
10. Salty - Tic Toc I tag: @beyondthesunrise @5-bird @n0na9on @lani-73 @savingthime @bolly-quinn
You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.
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njawaidofficial · 7 years ago
BAFTA Awards Host Joanna Lumley on Why She'll Avoid Politics During the Show
BAFTA Awards Host Joanna Lumley on Why She'll Avoid Politics During the Show
5:00 AM PST 2/16/2018 by Alex Ritman
“My part is to be quite dignified,” the actress says as she explains how the British equivalent of #MeToo might look and whether her ‘Absolutely Fabulous’ character, Patsy, could make an appearance.
With Stephen Fry having given up his hosting duties after a record 12 editions, BAFTA has turned to arguably an even bigger British national treasure for its latest awards ceremony: Joanna Lumley, who will be taking the reins Feb. 18 at London’s famed Royal Albert Hall.
Ahead of the biggest film awards outside the U.S., Lumley explains why she won’t be making any political gags, how the British equivalent of #MeToo might look on the night and whether her most famous onscreen character — Absolutely Fabulous‘ champers-guzzling Patsy — will be making an appearance.
Do you have any nerves about stepping into Stephen Fry’s well-trodden BAFTA shoes?
Stephen is a huge friend of mine. I shall do my level best to fit into those huge shoes. He’s such a consummate, easy, welcoming, darling host, but we’re different. So I shan’t copy him, because you can’t do that. I’ll just do my best to be me and make everyone welcome.
Has he given you any tips?
He said something terribly funny but very true: Nobody has ever complained that an awards ceremony is too short. He also told me to remember that our job is as host. We’re not the main entertainment; we are literally the host. We’re the silken strands that join people together.
Do you think this will be a newer, revamped BAFTAs with you at the helm?
I don’t really want it to change. There’s something quite serious about all this. We’re the British academy, and the Oscars are the American academy, so this is the senior prefects’ table.
Any particular hosting style you like and might try to emulate?
I do a lot of awards ceremonies, so I’m used to the whole easing people on, easing people off, mopping their tears. But I’m not a stand-up comic. I’m not a satirist. I’m not a political commentator. People know me because I’ve been banging around the block for 100 years, so why would I be someone completely different?
You’ve already said you won’t be pulling out any Weinstein gags. How about Trump? Brexit?
I’m not really going to do any heavy political commentary, because for people who do come up and have something to say, it’s absolutely up to them. It’s their night, it’s not mine. My part is to be quite dignified, but if everyone else wants to put their pants on their head and scream, that’s fine by me.
How do you think the #MeToo movement seen at the Golden Globes will translate to the BAFTAs?
It’s going to be so interesting. I noticed at the SAG Awards all the girls were in gorgeous dresses. So maybe the Golden Globes was the [only] night of wearing black to protest. I’ll just see whether people are still feeling enough of it to warrant it going on or feeling that we’ve got to look to the future. We all know … it’s all out in the open now. The Golden Globes have made everyone so aware of it.
How about yourself, will you be wearing black?
I don’t think so. But let’s put it like this: I won’t be wearing shocking pink. I want to look like a dignified host. But I do think I’m going to look pretty fab, not showy.
Any temptations to give Patsy a brief whirl onstage, perhaps brandishing a glass of champagne?
Well, I know I won’t be allowed a glass of Bolly onstage, but sometimes Patsy creeps through. She doesn’t mean to, but sometimes she just has to have a word. I’ll try to keep her under control for the night!
This story first appeared in the Feb. 7 issue of The Hollywood Reporter magazine. To receive the magazine, click here to subscribe.
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