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shammah8 · 1 year ago
"Truly He is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken."
Psalm 62:2
In December 1999, a Muslim mob attacked the Doulos Bible School on the outskirts of Jakarta, Indonesia. One of the main aims of this Bible School is to evangelise among the 30-million-strong Sundanese, the largest unreached people group in the world, who live in West Java. One student died and forty-four other students were wounded. About eighty present of the buildings were destroyed. Domingus is a young student who was injured. He shares his personal story of the events that fatal evening:
That night I was asleep in bed so I didn't know what was happening. Suddenly a friend woke me up and shouted that we were being attacked. The building was already burning and I did not know where to run to. I knew if I ran to the main gate I would be killed. I ran to the back of the campus where my friend lived. I prayed “Lord, if I die, I know I will go to heaven.”
Suddenly the crowds arrived and they shouted to kill me. They grabbed me and blindfolded me. The Lord spoke to me “Don't be afraid, I will be with you.” They hit me with a big stick and I lost consciousness. I felt my spirit leave my body. Through a sequence of events I was brought to a place where people were singing and worshipping God. I saw a very bright light and I closed my eyes and bowed down. A voice said “Your time has not come yet, it is time to go back!”
I regained consciousness and realised where I was. I tried to look at my watch but I discovered my neck was very badly cut. I saw all the blood. I prayed that the Lord would send someone to take me to hospital. I thanked the Lord that I could be persecuted for the Gospel and that through this I could meet Him.
When the police arrived they asked, “Where did you find this corpse?” They took me to hospital. I tried to open my eyes and I still saw the angels around me. The doctors said I would be paralysed but as you can see I am not.
Upon the conclusion of his testimony, Domingus was asked the obvious question: “What now? They will come back to finish the job and kill you. What do you want to do with your life Domingus?” He replied with great conviction, “I just want to serve Jesus.”
Today I reaffirm my faith in God as my only Protector who does not allow me to be shaken.  
Thank You Lord, that only in You can I find safety and protection. You have promised that You will always be with me.
© 2013 Open Doors International. Used by permission.
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HARGA SAMSAK UKURAN BESAR Phone : 0812 8985 4040 (WA)
HARGA SAMSAK UKURAN BESAR Phone : 0812 8985 4040 (WA)
HARGA SAMSAK UKURAN BESAR Phone : 0812 8985 4040 (WA)
http://www.maestroindonesia.id/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/HEAD-ATAS-kecil-e1503047475847.jpgHARGA SAMSAK UKURAN BESAR width=768″ height=”346″ />
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carolap53 · 3 years ago
NEVER SHAKEN Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken. Psalm 62:2
In December 1999, a Muslim mob attacked the Doulos Bible School on the outskirts of Jakarta, Indonesia. One of the main aims of this Bible School is to evangelize among the 30-million-strong Sundanese, the largest unreached people group in the world, who live in west Java. One student died and forty-four other students were wounded. About eighty percent of the buildings were destroyed. Domingus is a young student who was injured. He shares his personal story of the events that fatal evening:
That night I was asleep in bed so I didn't know what was happening. Suddenly a friend woke me up and shouted that we were being attacked. The building was already burning and I did not know where to run to. I knew if I ran to the main gate I would be killed. I ran to the back of the campus where my friend lived. I prayed “Lord, if I die, I know I will go to heaven.”
Suddenly the crowds arrived and they shouted to kill me. They grabbed me and blindfolded me. The Lord spoke to me “Don't be afraid, I will be with you.” They hit me with a big stick and I lost consciousness. I felt my spirit leave my body. Through a sequence of events I was brought to a place where people were singing and worshipping God. I saw a very bright light and I closed my eyes and bowed down. A voice said “Your time has not come yet; it is time to go back!”
I regained consciousness and realized where I was. I tried to look at my watch but I discovered my neck was very badly cut. I saw all the blood. I prayed that the Lord would send someone to take me to hospital. I thanked the Lord that I could be persecuted for the gospel and that through this I could meet Him.
When the police arrived they asked, “Where did you find this corpse?” They took me to hospital. I tried to open my eyes and I still saw the angels around me. The doctors said I would be paralyzed but as you can see I am not.
Upon the conclusion of his testimony, Domingus was asked the obvious question: “What now? They will come back to finish the job and kill you. What do you want to do with your life Domingus?” He replied with great conviction, “I just want to serve Jesus.”
RESPONSE: Today I reaffirm my faith in God as my only protector who does not allow me to be shaken.
PRAYER: Thank You Lord, that only in You can I find safety and protection. You have promised that You will always be with me.
Open Doors Ministry
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agenperlengkapansilat · 4 years ago
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Perlengakapan atlet pencak silat dalam sebuah pertandingan atau laga yang berlangsung harus sesuai dengan standar IPSI. Kami distributor resmi peralatan pencak silat/beladiri terlengkap dan dijamin berkualitas serta harga terjangkau dan terpercaya. Menyediakan Grosir maupun ecer. SIAP KIRIM KESELURUH INDONESIA
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afnansaadan-blog · 6 years ago
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matraskaratemurah-blog · 5 years ago
Dalam seni beladiri, tidak hanya perlangkapan yang mempuni, tentu saja harus juga memakai alas yang berkualitas sesuai standard laga. Alas yang di pakai pada beberapa seni beladiri ialah Matras. Beberapa seni beladiri yang memakai matras ialah pencak silat, karate, taekwondo, gulat serta, judo. Hingga banyak toko matras beladiri yang mulai pasarkan matrasnya.
Peranan Matras Untuk Olahraga Seni…
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infopaintballdibogor · 7 years ago
Hallo Travel Addict!! Ada penawaran baru nih dari ASTRO PRIME, buat yang suka perang-perangan & basah-basahan ber Arung Jeram, boleh langsung ajak teman-teman Anda untuk ikut War Simulation Paintball di Bestcamp Adventure Minimal 25 orang  Harga dijamin murah, hanya Rp 385.000,-/orang sudah bisa beraktivitas Paintball & Rafting..
Harga Sudah Termasuk:
Welcome Drink Dilokasi Rafting
1 x Makan dengan menu Sundanese
1 x Kelapa Muda Setelah Rafting
Perlengkapan Rafting Standart International (Life Jacket, Helm, Dayung, Guide (Instruktur),
Team Rescue
Medical Kit (P3K)
Local Transport Dari Meeting Point Ke Start Point
Sertifikat Rafting  ( minimal 50 pax )
Pendamping Selama Acara Berlangsung
Dokumentasi Foto
Harga Tidak Termasuk:
Transportasi Bus Dari Jakarta – Bogor / Bogor – Jakarta
Tambahan Makan dan Minum Diluar Acara
Biaya Pribadi Lainnya Diluar Dari Harga Diatas
Arung Jeram  13 KM
  Rp. 150.000,-Rp. 225.000,-
Rp. 285.000,-
Minimal 10 Person
Grade Jeram 4
Local Transport dari meeting point ke start point
Perlengkapan Standard internasional
Guide / Instruktur dan Rescue Team dengan sertifikat Rescue
Welcome Drink
1 x Makan
1 x Snack
Fresh Coconut (Kelapa Muda)
Insurance (Asuransi)
Paintball(War Games Simulation) Rp. 125.000,-
Minimal 25 Person
Set Up Lapangan
Trainer & Technical Team
Durasi Permainan 15 Menit / 2 Team
Senjata Semi Otomatis
Goggle / Face Shield (Pelindung Wajah) Helmet
Body Protector / Rompi
40 Bullets Peluru
Seragam (Baju dan Celana)
Mineral Water
Standart Medicine
Dokumentasi Foto
Flyingfox(High Rope Activity) Rp. 95.000,-
Minimal 20 Person
Trainer & Technical Team
Perlengkapan Kegiatan
Standart Medicine
Meals Rp. 50.000,-
Makan Siang / Makan Malam
Paket Paintball & Rafting di Bogor | Astro Prime Outdoor Event Planner Hallo Travel Addict!! Ada penawaran baru nih dari ASTRO PRIME, buat yang suka perang-perangan & basah-basahan ber Arung Jeram, boleh langsung ajak teman-teman Anda untuk ikut 
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jutsgforit · 8 years ago
The Not So Absolute Types of Gay Guy in Ibu Kota
Pernah suatu ketika ketemu dengan orang yang terlalu nyentrik. And I was like, “Can I go home now? I do need to feed my pet.” Pernah suatu hari kenalan sama orang yang ganteng banget that you can’t find a dark spot on their face, it’s just flawless. Tapi, ketika dia ngomong, you start to freaked out - because you know why. Dan pernah akhirnya ketemu dengan orang yang cakep luar dalam, lahir dan batin that you feel soo intimidated. But, it was a good day and everything went exactly your way. You guys had 3 rounds straight. Trus lo baper dan dia enggak. And then you keep meeting some more new faces. Ada beberapa yang jadi temen, ada yang cuma singgah aja, until you meet the right one.
Kemudian tanpa lo sadari, you have met countless gay guys in Ibu Kota already. Beberapa punya persamaan dan lo mulai mengelompokkan mereka, just for fun. That’s exactly what I’m doing here, sesuai judul tulisan. Tidak bermaksud mengeneralisasi atau mendiskreditkan sekelompok orang tertentu. Beberapa orang mungkin bisa mengidentifikasi dirinya masuk ke beberapa kelompok dan beberapa yang lain tidak bisa sama sekali. Atau mungkin ini jadinya kayak tahapan gitu, there is no way you can categorize gay people into several groups as we are all unique.
Atau... karena kita semuanya sama. We are just the kids that could never fit in during schools and sought refuge in the music department, or in campus organization, or in debate club. And now, here we are, in the busiest and most populous city in the entire country, looking for self-worth and validation from our surroundings. Tentunya dengan caranya masing-masing. Apa dan bagaimana itu, no hard feelings. :p
 P.S: Pengelempokkan dilakukan berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi penulis and of course, there is no science on it. Again, just for fun!
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    1.   The Social Media Darlings
 They live the pleasant life, moving around from one interesting, Instagrammable place to another. Hanging out with friends, from one group to another. Kalau mereka mau kenal seseorang, harus ngecek Instagram-nya dulu. Do they take good pictures? How many followers do they have? They believe it will tell them a lot. They make a good amount of money, tapi semuanya masih terasa pas-pasan. Hidup itu bekerja di Senin-Jumat dan hunting foto-foto bagus di Sabtu-Minggu. You will find them at a newly-open cute coffee shop, making a pose dengan segala perlengkapannya; the outfit, the camera, some accessoris here and there, semuanya untuk menghasilkan foto-foto berestetika dengan tone warna sempurna worth thousand likes di media sosial. Tapi, mereka.. with all the beautiful images and the updates, and the stories we see from their social media, apakah seindah di kehidupan aslinya?
 Personality traits: Photogenic, detail-oriented, soo digitalized
Typical appearance: Stylish, somewhat they look classy and minimalist, have a bleached teeth
Profession: Mostly they’re photographer, social media manager, online marketing professional, graphic designer, buzzer, blogger
Preoccupations: Fashion, traveling, music, movies
Open or discreet: Openly discreet
Jakarta hang out: All the cute cafes all over Jakarta, every Instgrammable spot in the city that you can barely imagine
Relatable quote: Your are your image building
Followers on Instagram: 28.4K
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   2.   The Alpha Gay Male a.k.a The Gaylisters
Tipe gay yang paling eksklusif di antara komunitas gay. They live the good life every gay guy in Jakarta could ask for, and they’re usually too good for you. They’re somehow really proud and snarky that they only like to talk to each other. Most of them are handsome and very dandy looking. Mereka memiliki pandangan tertentu akan hidup. They know exactly their shit and are very ambitious. Sangat stylish dalam berpakaian but they don’t do it to impress, they do it for themselves. They somehow enjoy being a spotilight and they like to think that the world revolves around them. Mapan, they have decent job. Sering bolak-balik liburan, and they don’t hang out at cheap coffee shop or common eatery at the malls. They like to do a restaurant hopping at the most expensive hotels. Berusaha banget untuk hidup sehat, and yes, their body toned by a personal trainer at the premium gym in town. Ketika berada di kerumunan mereka terlihat standout dan dominan, and I hate to admit that they’re effortlessly charming.
 Personality traits: Ambitious, liberal, selfish, individualist, classy, snobby, smart, witty, sometimes sarcastic
Typical appearance: Toned or muscular, rapi dan bersih, sometimes with facial hair, rambut klimis ber-pomade
Profession: PR, marketing, news anchor, doctor, entrepreneur, manager or director in any kind of working field
Preoccuptions: Politics, house music, fashion, traveling, branded stuff
Open or discreet: Discreetly open
Jakarta hang out: Satoo - Shangri-La, Table8 - Hotel Mulia, Seasonal Tastes – The Westin Jakarta, Cinnamon – Mandarin Oriental, L’Avenue - The Hermitage.  
Relatable quote: Cogito ergo sum
Followers on Instagram: 8.632
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   3.   The Gym Bunnies a.k.a The Butter Face
They spend entirely too much time at the gym. Generally they don’t have pretty face so that’s why mereka sangat terobsesi dengan tubuh berotot and they do whatever it takes to have one. They consume all the fitness supplements from whey protein, creatine, amino acids, etc, you name it. Beberapa di antara mereka melakukan perawatan wajah yang cukup intensif. Punya membership gym di mana-mana, or they stick to one after rooting around. Sangat knowledgeable untuk urusan fitness, nutrisi makanan dan body building. And because they’re gay, they’re fond of mix and match the gym outfit. Kalau baju gym-nya lagi item, semuanya item juga; sepatu, short, tempat minum, tas gym, gloves. And because they’re gay too, they befriend with mirrors in every corner of the city. They like to flex a bit and check on their muscles. But, one thing, they still don’t really like to check on the upper side.
 Personality traits: Sporty, friendly, easy going
Typical appearance: Muscular atau sangat muscular tipikal binaragawan, maskulin, rambut cepak atau botak
Profession: Personal trainer, PNS, karyawan BUMN, bankir  
Preoccupations: Pecs, fitness, health, sports
Open or discreet: Discreet
Jakarta hang out: Gym, gym, gym, and gym
Relatable quote: No pain, no gain. Shut up the fuck up and train!
Follower on Instagram: 1.012
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   4.   The Loud and Proud Social Workers
 Tipe yang paling inklusif. They don’t take things for granted. They believe they were born for a mission. They’re very open and bold. They’re somehow the protectors of our community. Sangat kritis sampai ada beberapa di antara mereka yang memilih untuk menjadi ateis atau agnostik. One of them once told me, the sok discreet me; kalau orang-orang kayak lo yang straight-acting dan well-educated se-discreet ini, you don’t make our community’s fight to fit in the society any easier. Persepsi orang tentang gay will always be rooting around, sorry; ngondek, kemayu, ganggu, etc, etc. Because people don’t see you as gay, you’re guys being invinsible. And, well, it hit me. Hard, I must say. Tipe yang ini can be very dramatic sometimes, but, hell, they’re really smart.
 Personality traits: Liberal, open-minded, collectivist, vokal, intelligent, humorous
Typical appearance: They come in all shapes and sizes, beberapa sangat kemayu but they’re really proud
Profession: Pekerja sosial di INGO/NGO atau any kind of organisasi sosial
Preoccupations: Social issues, gender equality, human rights, children, politics
Open or discreet: Proudly open
Jakarta hang out: Every good coffee shop in town
Relatable quote: You don’t need to be gay to be a supporter. You just need to be human.
Follower on Instagram: 432
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   5.    The Social Climbers a.k.a The Brainless Beauty
They can’t stand being missed out of things that are happening. They sound so pretentious sometimes. Nothing special actually, everything is so physical. Sorry to say, but their only talent is taking a lot of selfies. They put details when it comes to how to dress as they don’t do it for themselves, but they do it to impress. Mereka menggunakan media sosial untuk membuktikan eksistensi and most importantly to become popular. But, I can tell, isinya full-face selfie dan OOTD semua. They usually work in agency or entertainment industry and make enough cash to have a nice apartment in Gading or Kalibata area, fantastic wardrobes, beauty treatments, iPhone 7+ and to afford a quarterly leisure in Bali or Bangkok. They were born really pretty, but unfortunately it didn’t come a long with an intelligent brain (Tuhan Maha Adil!). They’re not qualified enough to have a powerful and eye-opening before-sleep conversation with (if that’s what you’re looking for). Beberapa di antara mereka orang daerah yang menemukan kebebasan baru di Jakarta. It’s Ibu Kota, bitches! Time to shine!
 Personality traits: Hedonist, superficial, drama queen
Typical appearance: Trendy, they don’t mind to wear something very noticeable for the sake of fashion, some of them have flawless face
Profession: Model, aktor FTV, bintang iklan, singer, freelancer  
Preoccupations: fashion, modeling, entertainment, cheesy lines
Open or discreet: Open
Jakarta hang out: Skye, Cloud Lounge, Social House, Basque de Tapaz, Dragonfly, and all the other bars and clubs at SCBD
Relatable quote: Work less, party harder!
Follower on Instagram: 86.4K
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   6.   The Artsy-Fartsy Fags
Seni buat orang-orang seperti kita pada umumnya menjadi sebuah cara untuk menikmati hidup, bahkan passion. It’s somehow the only thing that we know we’re good at. Tipe ini, they put art before other things in their lives beyond belief. What they do? They join a choir in their campus, they sing at a wedding, they do gallery hopping twice a month, they join a dance club, they give review to every good book they read, and every good movie they watch. You're more likely to find them at a gallery opening atau pemutaran film festival oleh berbagai Institut Budaya Kedutaan Asing di Jakarta, atau di acara semacam Jakarta Fashion Week atau Nylon Face Off.  Tidak jarang, banyak dari mereka punya pengetahuan yang luas, tidak hanya soal dunia seni dan hiburan, tapi juga sejarah, budaya, bahkan politik. Some of them do those stuff for a living. Some of them do it to find a self-worth. Some are just cooler than you. Some also might be cooler than all your friends, and they’re not afraid to show it. Tipe ini, indeed, will make you feel intimidated with their tastes and everything they know. Akan ada banyak bahasan dan cerita soal hal-hal yang tidak pernah lo dengar sebelumnya. It will leave you speechless and there is nothing you can do but nodding your head. And then it hits you that no one will ever know if this type of gay guy is being honest with themselves or just being artsy-fartsy.
 Personality traits: Hipster, artsy, some of them are geeky, bookworm
Typical appearance: Twinks, some of them are tattooed, usually with slightly long hair or bangs
Profession: Musician, writer, illustrator, event organizer, freelancer
Preoccupations: Art, cultures, history, something like 9gag, any kind of festival
Open or discreet: Open
Jakarta hang out: Dialogue Kemang, Galeri Indonesia Kaya – Grand Indonesia, @America - Pacific Place, Goethe-Institut, Reading Room, Galeri Nasional, museums and other art gallery all over Jakarta
Relatable quote: There is art in Jak(art)a and every p(art) of our body.
Follower on Instagram: 2.345
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   7.    The Nobodies
They are just some gay guys in town. You happen to meet them at the malls, on the street, on public transportation. They’re everywhere. They’re very noticeable, either with their skinny tops or they way they make a group in public, chattering and talking to each other about what happened in the past few days, or simply the way they look at you. Dan mereka kayak punya dunianya sendiri. Honestly, I don’t know where they come from. I guess, no body knows. No body wants to know.
 Personalilty traits: Mediocre, usually unmanly, annoying (yet, most of them don’t know it)
Typical appearance: They come in all shapes and sizes; ada yang sangat skinny, sampai yang sangat buff.
Profession: Officer at some store/supermarket, customer service
Preoccupations: Men and hot gossips
Open or discreet: Open
Jakarta hang out: Every boring place in Jakarta  
Relatable quote: I might be no body, but hell yeah, I’m everything to someone.
Follower on Instagram: 143
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   8.   Our Dear Slutty Friend 
We always have that one friend yang tiba-tiba ngilang, taunya lagi ketemuan sama orang dari dating app. Iya kan? LOL. Punya kehidupannya sendiri. Somehow mereka emang tidak bersahabat dengan namanya komitmen. Most of the time juga mereka kurang reliable. But this kind of person, I can tell, akan selalu jadi orang yang kita cari ketika kita butuh informasi soal siapa pun yang baru kita gebet. Saking seringnya mereka meet up sama orang baru. Most of them emang good looking sih, and very confident, funny and charming. Most of them juga sangat knowledgeable di bidang tertentu. Taste mereka juga cukup versatile. Pokoknya overall sangat appealing. And they seemingly have the natural instinct to catch a prey. Bahkan ada yang menipu dengan terlihat begitu harmless. 
Kalo lagi ngumpul, banyak banget bahan cerita, especially about men and their touch and go life. Setiap pertemuan, cowok yang dibahas selalu berbeda-beda sesuai dengan urutan tanggal ketemunya. Kalau ada kesempatan, satu-satu bakal dikenalin. Yeah, they’re such a slut. Tapi, banyak di antara mereka yang menyangkal. The justification is they do it while they’re single, and once they’re commited to someone, they will of course leave that kind of life. But, dear, our slutty friend, it’s now 2017... when will you be committed to one?
 Personality traits: Bitchy, slutty, funny, confident, cerdas, fleksibel
Typical appearance: They just look good
Profession: Psikolog, HR staff, marketing, salesman, those who work for creative industry
Preoccupations: Filosofi, psikologi, politik, sejarah
Open or discreet: Open
Jakarta hang out: All the happening places all over Jakarta, bars, cafes, and clubs in Sudirman-Kuningan area
Relatable quote: How can you be so smart and hot looking at the same time?
Follower on Instagram: 976 (and keep raising)
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   9.   Mr. Denial
Mereka yang for all you care, adalah straight, tiba-tiba ketahuan main Grindr, Tinder atau aplikasi sejenis. Atau mereka yang somehow bisa lo sense “punya bakat” menjadi seorang gay, dan suatu saat kebukti, entah karena dia ternyata pernah ketemuan sama temen gay lo, atau dia mantannya temen baru lo or else. Track record mereka emang selalu pacarannya sama cewek. Bahkan beberapa punya pacar cewek but do the game behind them. Atau bahkan beberapa di antara mereka udah nikah dan punya anak. Kalau diajak ketemu sama orang, maunya di tempat yang sesepi itu atau maunya langsung ketemu di kosan/rumah/kontrakan aja. They want everything to be straightforward, fast, no drama. This type, mereka punya pull factors tersendiri. Bikin penasaran gimana gitu. I guess, nothing beats the excitement when Mr. Denial get caught? Or we both envy and pity them for being denial for the rest of their lives?
 Personality traits: Straightforward, misterius (ini sih karena kitanya aja yang ngerasa, mereka sebenarnya just an ordinary guy who happens to be in our circle)
Typical appearance: Average looking, some with a very cute smile
Profession: Karyawan BUMN, those who work for big company, entrepreneur
Preoccupations: Current issues, things that are very practical and technical
Open or discreet: Super discreet
Jakarta hang out: Beer Garden, Melly’s, Camden, Murphy’s, LeÓn, and other decent places in Senopati or Dharmawangsa area
Relatable quote: Surprise, surprise!
Follower on Instagram: 351
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HARGA ALAT LATIHAN BELADIRI Phone : 0812 8985 4040 (WA)
HARGA ALAT LATIHAN BELADIRI Phone : 0812 8985 4040 (WA)
HARGA ALAT LATIHAN BELADIRI Phone : 0812 8985 4040 (WA)
http://www.maestroindonesia.id/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/HEAD-ATAS-kecil-e1503047475847.jpgHARGA ALAT LATIHAN BELADIRI width=768″ height=”346″ />
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http://www.maestroindonesia.id/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/HEAD-ATAS-kecil-e1503047475847.jpgCONTOH PROPOSAL PENGAJUAN PERALATAN KARATE width=768″ height=”346″ />
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http://www.maestroindonesia.id/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/HEAD-ATAS-kecil-e1503047475847.jpgBODY PROTECTOR TAEKWONDO MERK MAESTRO width=768″ height=”346″ />
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carolap53 · 4 years ago
NEVER SHAKEN Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken. Psalm 62:2
In December 1999, a Muslim mob attacked the Doulos Bible School on the outskirts of Jakarta, Indonesia. One of the main aims of this Bible School is to evangelize among the 30-million-strong Sundanese, the largest unreached people group in the world, who live in west Java. One student died and forty-four other students were wounded. About eighty percent of the buildings were destroyed. Domingus is a young student who was injured. He shares his personal story of the events that fatal evening:
That night I was asleep in bed so I didn't know what was happening. Suddenly a friend woke me up and shouted that we were being attacked. The building was already burning and I did not know where to run to. I knew if I ran to the main gate I would be killed. I ran to the back of the campus where my friend lived. I prayed “Lord, if I die, I know I will go to heaven.”
Suddenly the crowds arrived and they shouted to kill me. They grabbed me and blindfolded me. The Lord spoke to me “Don't be afraid, I will be with you.” They hit me with a big stick and I lost consciousness. I felt my spirit leave my body. Through a sequence of events I was brought to a place where people were singing and worshipping God. I saw a very bright light and I closed my eyes and bowed down. A voice said “Your time has not come yet; it is time to go back!”
I regained consciousness and realized where I was. I tried to look at my watch but I discovered my neck was very badly cut. I saw all the blood. I prayed that the Lord would send someone to take me to hospital. I thanked the Lord that I could be persecuted for the gospel and that through this I could meet Him.
When the police arrived they asked, “Where did you find this corpse?” They took me to hospital. I tried to open my eyes and I still saw the angels around me. The doctors said I would be paralyzed but as you can see I am not.
Upon the conclusion of his testimony, Domingus was asked the obvious question: “What now? They will come back to finish the job and kill you. What do you want to do with your life Domingus?” He replied with great conviction, “I just want to serve Jesus.”
RESPONSE: Today I reaffirm my faith in God as my only protector who does not allow me to be shaken.
PRAYER: Thank You Lord, that only in You can I find safety and protection. You have promised that You will always be with me.
Open Doorss Ministry
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agenperlengkapansilat · 4 years ago
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agenperlengkapansilat · 4 years ago
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