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BMW Going Full Electric
During the Shanghai Auto Exposition 2023, the CEO and regional manager of BMW in the China Region, Jochen Goller, stated that the future of the automobile is ‘electric’ and that its time to ask what this means for the future of BMW and the car industry.
During the Shanghai Auto Exposition 2023, the CEO and regional manager of BMW in the China Region, Jochen Goller, stated that the future of the automobile is ‘electric’ and that its time to ask what this means for the future of BMW and the car industry. During the exposition, BMW claims that the goal of the new electric vehicles is to be high performing, luxurious and eyes open towards the…

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#Auto Exposition#BMW#BMW IX 1#CEO#China Region#Enhanced Intelligent Assistant#EPA#Jochen Goller#Mini Acemen#Shamghai#Shanghai Auto Exposition#Silicon Age#UI desigin
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Hello, I am writing to you as a 22-year-old girl who managed to enter the void on the night of May 17 and changed her whole life.
I started my void challenge in December 2021. It was very difficult for me both physically and psychologically. Because I had an environment that was abusive and violent. And my conditions were very terrible. I had an exam that I couldn't win for 3 years, an alcoholic father who beat me, and a mother who never let up on it. I have lost a lot of things in my life in 3 years, but I have never given up on emptiness. If there are people who are still struggling with the gap, I hope my success story will be a motivation for you.
One morning when I woke up with failure again, I was feeling extremely unhappy and hopeless. But an incident at home during the day made me say, ‘That's enough, I'm going to fuck everything up tonight and wake up in a void.
When I wasn't feeling very sleepy- or even sleepy at all- I lay down on the bed. Because I'm afraid to fall asleep. In order of;
15 min Holotropic breathwork
20 min Silva method
10 min Alpha State meditation
After lying motionless for about 45 minutes, the brown noise started playing. It is very natural that there is a desire to move, to be overwhelmed,to give up in this part. Please continue for your dreams. When the brown noise was playing, I used a single affirmation.
‘I'm simply deciding that I'm in a void.’
I can't remember how many times I repeated it. After a while, everything became quiet and I felt so peaceful for the first time in my life. I had a 30-page document and I said that everything in there would be manifested.
A day ago, when I had nothing, I now have a house on the Mediterranean coast, a black bmw ix car, a Harvard math degree, an online job where I earn 25 thousand dollars per month by working only 4 hours a day 4 days a week (Dollars are very valuable in the country where I live, and my salary is multiplied by about 30.), I have a beautiful face, body and skin. I also showed that I can ride horses professionally and draw pictures. I confirmed that the apple products, books, cosmetics and skin products in my wishlist are also in my house. I have also declared the person I will meet about 1 year from now and who will become the man of my dreams.
THIS IS AMAZING!!!! I’m so happy that you’re now living your dream life 💗
This is such a good example of showing people that they can truly do anything. Thank you for taking your time to share this 💗
#void state#void#law of assumption#loa tumblr#loassumption#loa blog#loablr#manifestation#loa#the void state#void success story#void state success stories#void challenge#void concept#void success#void state success story
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My mom said I'm good boy. But so far nobody has loved my picture 😢💔
Ten Unknown Facts About #BMW
1. Founding and History: BMW, Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, was founded in 1916 in Munich, Germany, initially producing aircraft engines. The company transitioned to motorcycle production in the 1920s and eventually to automobiles in the 1930s.
2. Iconic Logo: The BMW logo, often referred to as the "roundel," consists of a black ring intersecting with four quadrants of blue and white. It represents the company's origins in aviation, with the blue and white symbolizing a spinning propeller against a clear blue sky.
3. Innovation in Technology: BMW is renowned for its innovations in automotive technology. It introduced the world's first electric car, the BMW i3, in 2013, and has been a leader in developing advanced driving assistance systems (ADAS) and hybrid powertrains.
4. Performance and Motorsport Heritage: BMW has a strong heritage in motorsport, particularly in touring car and Formula 1 racing. The brand's M division produces high-performance variants of their regular models, known for their precision engineering and exhilarating driving dynamics.
5. Global Presence: BMW is a global automotive Company
6. Luxury and Design: BMW is synonymous with luxury and distinctive design, crafting vehicles that blend elegance with cutting-edge technology and comfort.
7. Sustainable Practices: BMW has committed to sustainability, incorporating eco-friendly materials and manufacturing processes into its vehicles, as well as advancing electric vehicle technology with models like the BMW i4 and iX.
8. Global Manufacturing: BMW operates numerous production facilities worldwide, including in Germany, the United States, China, and other countries, ensuring a global reach and localized production.
9. Brand Portfolio: In addition to its renowned BMW brand, the company also owns MINI and Rolls-Royce, catering to a diverse range of automotive tastes and luxury segments.

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“Starter” March - Preview
Here we go! Preview of March "Starter"! These 9 cars available for Patrons!
Cars will be available since February 1'st.
2022 Ford Maverick
2022 BMW iX
2023 Acura MDX Type S
1978 Volkswagen Jetta
2023 Nissan X-TRAIL
2020 Toyota Camry
1967 Volkswagen Type 3 1600 L
2022 Lexus ES 350
1948 Packard Eight Station Sedan
Go and join my Patreon!
#the sims 4#sims 4#sims4#sims4car#the sims 4 cc#the sims 4 custom content#thesims4cars#the sims 4 cars#sims4vehicles#the sims
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Ten Unknown Facts About #BMW
1. Founding and History: BMW, Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, was founded in 1916 in Munich, Germany, initially producing aircraft engines. The company transitioned to motorcycle production in the 1920s and eventually to automobiles in the 1930s.
2. Iconic Logo: The BMW logo, often referred to as the "roundel," consists of a black ring intersecting with four quadrants of blue and white. It represents the company's origins in aviation, with the blue and white symbolizing a spinning propeller against a clear blue sky.
3. Innovation in Technology: BMW is renowned for its innovations in automotive technology. It introduced the world's first electric car, the BMW i3, in 2013, and has been a leader in developing advanced driving assistance systems (ADAS) and hybrid powertrains.
4. Performance and Motorsport Heritage: BMW has a strong heritage in motorsport, particularly in touring car and Formula 1 racing. The brand's M division produces high-performance variants of their regular models, known for their precision engineering and exhilarating driving dynamics.
5. Global Presence: BMW is a global automotive Company
6. Luxury and Design: BMW is synonymous with luxury and distinctive design, crafting vehicles that blend elegance with cutting-edge technology and comfort.
7. Sustainable Practices: BMW has committed to sustainability, incorporating eco-friendly materials and manufacturing processes into its vehicles, as well as advancing electric vehicle technology with models like the BMW i4 and iX.
8. Global Manufacturing: BMW operates numerous production facilities worldwide, including in Germany, the United States, China, and other countries, ensuring a global reach and localized production.
9. Brand Portfolio: In addition to its renowned BMW brand, the company also owns MINI and Rolls-Royce, catering to a diverse range of automotive tastes and luxury segments.
10. Cultural Impact: BMW's vehicles often become cultural icons, featured in fi
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車名100km/h巡航電費目標電費計測年月 BYD DOLPHIN(スタンダード)5.38km/kWh8.91km/kWh2024年1月 BYD DOLPHIN Long Range5.18km/kWh8.13km/kWh2024年1月 BMW iX xDrive505.71km/kWh5.83km/kWh2023年8月 三菱 ekクロスEV6.63km/kWh9.00km/kWh2023年7月 BMW iX1 xDrive30 M Sport6.42km/kWh6.99km/kWh2023年6月 メルセデス・ベンツ EQE 350+6.19km/kWh6.89km/kWh2023年6月 メルセデス・ベンツ EQS450 4MATIC SUV4.98km/kWh5.50km/kWh2023年6月
東名300km電費検証【01】BYD『ドルフィン』の実用電費計測〜冬はちょっと苦手? - EVsmartブログ
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「SPY×FAMILY」・「MF ゴースト」・「オペラ フラペチーノ」

「ミッション インポッシブル/デッドレコニング PART ONE」と
「劇場版 SPY×FAMILY CODE: White」のコラボ映像がYouTube(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Zdiw-wdxuw)で

全25話「SPY×FAMILY イッキ見SP」が放送されることを知り、
【 世界各国が水面下で熾烈な情報戦を繰り広げていた時代。
(父)ロイド・フォージャー 精神科医 正体スパイ コードネーム黄昏
(母)ヨル・フォージャー 市役所職員 正体殺し屋 コードネームいばら姫
(娘)アーニャ・フォージャー 正体 心を読むことができるエスパー
(犬)ボンド・フォージャー 正体 未来を予知できる超能力犬
疑似家族を作り互いに正体を隠した彼らのミッションは続く。】 【 】内は公式サイトを参照。
テレビアニメ「SPY×FAMILY 」は、ユーモラスな展開の中にシリアスなシーンも織り交ぜたストーリーで、年齢や性別問わず楽しめると思います。
現在公開中の「劇場版 SPY×FAMILY CODE: White」は、映画興行収入ランキングで4週連続1位を獲得しているとのことです。人気なのもわかる気がします。

主人公藤原拓海がトヨタ スプリンタートレノAE86で、主に
群馬県を舞台に峠での公道レースを繰り広げる「頭文字 D」の
作者しげの秀一氏による新作テレビアニメ「MF ゴースト」
「MF ゴースト」は1月10日より、
この作品の主人公 片桐夏向の愛車は(トヨタ AE86)の直系(トヨタ 86)。しかも片桐夏向の師匠は藤原拓海という設定のようです。
【 環境への配慮か��、化石燃料による内燃機関エンジン自動車が世界中で生産中止され電気自動車や燃料電池自動車が主流となった近未来。
今や絶滅危惧種となった内燃機関エンジンを動力源とするスポーツカーを使用し、クローズした公道で繰り広げられる合法レースMFG」が日本で開催され世界中からの人気を博していた。】 【 】内は公式サイトを参照。
主人公 片桐夏向のライバル達の愛車は、
ニッサンR35型GT-R NISMO、ミツビシランサーエボリューションIX、レクサスLC500,ホンダシビックタイプR、トヨタGRスープラSZ-R、フェラーリ488GTB、ランボルギーニウラカンLP610-4、アルファロメオ4C、ポルシェは911GT3・911カレラGT・718ケイマンS、BMW M3、アウディR8クーペ、メルセデスAMG GTS、アルピーヌA110、アストンマーティンバンテージV8、ロータスエキシージなどのトヨタ 86よりもパワーがあるクルマなので片桐夏向がどのようなドライビングテクニックでバトルをするのかが楽しみです。

チョコレートケーキ オペラをイメージしたという、スタバの新作「オペラ フラペチーノ」
近くの結婚相談所 ハッピータイム群馬桐生相生
婚活アドバイザー 金子 薫
群馬県桐生市相生町5-536-1 ネプチューン2-A
電 話:0277-32-5314
婚活 結婚相談はお近くの結婚相談所ハッピータイム (http://www.happytime-en.com/)、 群馬前橋・群馬沼田・群馬渋川・群馬高崎・群馬安中・群馬藤岡・群馬伊勢崎・群馬桐生・群馬みどり・群馬太田・群馬邑楽・群馬館林・栃木足利・栃木佐野・栃木小山・栃木栃木・栃木真岡・埼玉熊谷・埼玉深谷・埼玉本庄・埼玉行田・埼玉羽生・埼玉加須・埼玉児玉・茨城牛久・茨城下館・茨城筑西・茨城結城・茨城古河・新潟長岡・新潟小千谷・新潟見附・新潟柏崎・新潟魚沼・新潟十日町・新潟南魚沼・新潟西蒲原・神奈川川崎・山梨甲府昭和までお問い合わせ下さい。
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Venice Carnival 2025 | Italy Holidays from Citalia
Next February, experience one of Italy's most magical events the Venice Carnival!
The Venice Carnival (Carnevale di Venezia) dates back to the 12th century and has evolved into a grand, elegant celebration of art, culture, and Venetian tradition.
From the grand masquerade balls to intimate cultural performances, the Carnival offers something for every traveller. Stroll through the enchanting canals of Venice, adorned in ornate masks and costumes, surrounded by centuries of tradition.
Ten Unknown Facts About #BMW
1. Founding and History: BMW, Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, was founded in 1916 in Munich, Germany, initially producing aircraft engines. The company transitioned to motorcycle production in the 1920s and eventually to automobiles in the 1930s.
2. Iconic Logo: The BMW logo, often referred to as the "roundel," consists of a black ring intersecting with four quadrants of blue and white. It represents the company's origins in aviation, with the blue and white symbolizing a spinning propeller against a clear blue sky.
3. Innovation in Technology: BMW is renowned for its innovations in automotive technology. It introduced the world's first electric car, the BMW i3, in 2013, and has been a leader in developing advanced driving assistance systems (ADAS) and hybrid powertrains.
4. Performance and Motorsport Heritage: BMW has a strong heritage in motorsport, particularly in touring car and Formula 1 racing. The brand's M division produces high-performance variants of their regular models, known for their precision engineering and exhilarating driving dynamics.
5. Global Presence: BMW is a global automotive Company
6. Luxury and Design: BMW is synonymous with luxury and distinctive design, crafting vehicles that blend elegance with cutting-edge technology and comfort.
7. Sustainable Practices: BMW has committed to sustainability, incorporating eco-friendly materials and manufacturing processes into its vehicles, as well as advancing electric vehicle technology with models like the BMW i4 and iX.
8. Global Manufacturing: BMW operates numerous production facilities worldwide, including in Germany, the United States, China, and other countries, ensuring a global reach and localized production.
9. Brand Portfolio: In addition to its renowned BMW brand, the company also owns MINI and Rolls-Royce, catering to a diverse range of automotive tastes and luxury segments.
10. Cultural Impact: BMW's vehicles often become cultural icons, featured in fi
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Great photography 😍❤❤❤🐱 .
Ten Uncommon Insights About #BMW
1. Origins and Evolution: BMW, short for Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, was established in 1916 in Munich, Germany, originally focused on manufacturing aircraft engines. The company shifted to producing motorcycles in the 1920s and later transitioned to automobiles in the 1930s.
2. Distinctive Emblem: The BMW emblem, commonly known as the "roundel," features a black circle encircling four segments of blue and white. This design reflects the brand's aviation heritage, with the blue and white representing a rotating propeller against a bright sky.
3. Technological Advancements: Renowned for its groundbreaking developments, BMW launched the first all-electric vehicle, the BMW i3, in 2013 and has consistently been at the forefront of creating advanced driving assistance systems and hybrid vehicles.
4. Racing Legacy: BMW boasts a rich history in motorsport, particularly in touring cars and Formula 1. The company's M division produces high-performance models distinguished by their exceptional engineering and dynamic driving experiences.
5. Worldwide Presence: BMW operates as a global automotive powerhouse.
6. Luxury and Aesthetic Appeal: BMW epitomizes luxury and unique design, offering cars that seamlessly marry sophistication with modern technology and comfort.
7. Commitment to Sustainability: BMW has embraced eco-conscious initiatives, integrating sustainable materials and processes into production, while also advancing electric vehicle technology with the introduction of models like the BMW i4 and iX.
8. International Manufacturing: BMW has multiple production plants across the globe, including in Germany, the United States, China, and various other locations, facilitating worldwide reach and localized operations.
9. Diverse Brand Lineup: Beyond its well-known BMW brand, the company also owns MINI and Rolls-Royce, serving a broad spectrum of automotive preferences and luxury categories.
10. Inf

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Mundial de Empresas 100 / 100 Anos.

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Humanidade - 1 000 000 000 / Grupo / 1250€ Mês
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Sonae Sierra
Kingdom Hospital
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Salman bin abdulaziz al Saud (King of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
برنامج رائع قادم إليك سيدي الرئيس.
Joshua's Shoarma® (@joshuashoarma) • Instagram photos and videos
Salvo | | 14 de Fevereiro de 2025 بسم الله
Um Islão ainda Maior - Última Religião à Face da Terra.

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(112) (C)uidado com essa do "Cuidado por onde andas":
Jamais deixarei o Tivoli Fórum (Onde fui Feliz)
Alta de Lisboa e Olivais
Vão entrar em Casa de Quem ou Identificar o Local (CCTV)
ÓDIO: Vão Matar a Cátia a Minha Esposa?? Repitam Isso? (Davi)
Não posso agradar a Estados e a Direito Adquirido por força da Personalidade Jurídica. ÓDIO psp.pt
800 204 2T22 (Lá Para o Ano 20?? Têm Uma [1] Raspadinha de [3]0 000€)
Фалафель с кетчупом, пожалуйста, Дэвид.
Vai [B]uscar Preta Ordinária: A Minha Família [É] Remanescente da tua (C)ontabilidade.
Não [S]ei do que [F]alam. Sou EU Davi que tenho de ser Escrutinado a mandato do Eng.º José Sócrates.
Grupo B - Humus
Replay Jeans
Grupo C - Scrabble
Grupo D - Microsoft
Luís Simões
Três (3) Fatores a ter em Conta:
. Qualidade
. Atendimento
. Produto
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El Corte Inglés, Grandes Armazéns S.A.
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My mom said I'm good boy. But so far nobody has loved my picture 😢💔
Ten Unknown Facts About #BMW
1. Founding and History: BMW, Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, was founded in 1916 in Munich, Germany, initially producing aircraft engines. The company transitioned to motorcycle production in the 1920s and eventually to automobiles in the 1930s.
2. Iconic Logo: The BMW logo, often referred to as the "roundel," consists of a black ring intersecting with four quadrants of blue and white. It represents the company's origins in aviation, with the blue and white symbolizing a spinning propeller against a clear blue sky.
3. Innovation in Technology: BMW is renowned for its innovations in automotive technology. It introduced the world's first electric car, the BMW i3, in 2013, and has been a leader in developing advanced driving assistance systems (ADAS) and hybrid powertrains.
4. Performance and Motorsport Heritage: BMW has a strong heritage in motorsport, particularly in touring car and Formula 1 racing. The brand's M division produces high-performance variants of their regular models, known for their precision engineering and exhilarating driving dynamics.
5. Global Presence: BMW is a global automotive Company
6. Luxury and Design: BMW is synonymous with luxury and distinctive design, crafting vehicles that blend elegance with cutting-edge technology and comfort.
7. Sustainable Practices: BMW has committed to sustainability, incorporating eco-friendly materials and manufacturing processes into its vehicles, as well as advancing electric vehicle technology with models like the BMW i4 and iX.
8. Global Manufacturing: BMW operates numerous production facilities worldwide, including in Germany, the United States, China, and other countries, ensuring a global reach and localized production.
9. Brand Portfolio: In addition to its renowned BMW brand, the company also owns MINI and Rolls-Royce, catering to a diverse range of automotive tastes and luxury segments.

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Nobody said HELLO to me yet... I have been waiting all day alone 😢 ❤️
Ten Unknown Facts About #BMW
1. Founding and History: BMW, Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, was founded in 1916 in Munich, Germany, initially producing aircraft engines. The company transitioned to motorcycle production in the 1920s and eventually to automobiles in the 1930s.
2. Iconic Logo: The BMW logo, often referred to as the "roundel," consists of a black ring intersecting with four quadrants of blue and white. It represents the company's origins in aviation, with the blue and white symbolizing a spinning propeller against a clear blue sky.
3. Innovation in Technology: BMW is renowned for its innovations in automotive technology. It introduced the world's first electric car, the BMW i3, in 2013, and has been a leader in developing advanced driving assistance systems (ADAS) and hybrid powertrains.
4. Performance and Motorsport Heritage: BMW has a strong heritage in motorsport, particularly in touring car and Formula 1 racing. The brand's M division produces high-performance variants of their regular models, known for their precision engineering and exhilarating driving dynamics.
5. Global Presence: BMW is a global automotive Company
6. Luxury and Design: BMW is synonymous with luxury and distinctive design, crafting vehicles that blend elegance with cutting-edge technology and comfort.
7. Sustainable Practices: BMW has committed to sustainability, incorporating eco-friendly materials and manufacturing processes into its vehicles, as well as advancing electric vehicle technology with models like the BMW i4 and iX.
8. Global Manufacturing: BMW operates numerous production facilities worldwide, including in Germany, the United States, China, and other countries, ensuring a global reach and localized production.
9. Brand Portfolio: In addition to its renowned BMW brand, the company also owns MINI and Rolls-Royce, catering to a diverse range of automotive tastes and luxury segments.
10. Cul

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৫নম্বর কোথায় জায়গা দিবে
কনসার্ট এ গিয়ে ফেইসা গেছ ৪ নাম্বার টা দেখে ফেলছে
Ten Unknown Facts About #BMW
1. Founding and History: BMW, Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, was founded in 1916 in Munich, Germany, initially producing aircraft engines. The company transitioned to motorcycle production in the 1920s and eventually to automobiles in the 1930s.
2. Iconic Logo: The BMW logo, often referred to as the "roundel," consists of a black ring intersecting with four quadrants of blue and white. It represents the company's origins in aviation, with the blue and white symbolizing a spinning propeller against a clear blue sky.
3. Innovation in Technology: BMW is renowned for its innovations in automotive technology. It introduced the world's first electric car, the BMW i3, in 2013, and has been a leader in developing advanced driving assistance systems (ADAS) and hybrid powertrains.
4. Performance and Motorsport Heritage: BMW has a strong heritage in motorsport, particularly in touring car and Formula 1 racing. The brand's M division produces high-performance variants of their regular models, known for their precision engineering and exhilarating driving dynamics.
5. Global Presence: BMW is a global automotive Company
6. Luxury and Design: BMW is synonymous with luxury and distinctive design, crafting vehicles that blend elegance with cutting-edge technology and comfort.
7. Sustainable Practices: BMW has committed to sustainability, incorporating eco-friendly materials and manufacturing processes into its vehicles, as well as advancing electric vehicle technology with models like the BMW i4 and iX.
8. Global Manufacturing: BMW operates numerous production facilities worldwide, including in Germany, the United States, China, and other countries, ensuring a global reach and localized production.
9. Brand Portfolio: In addition to its renowned BMW brand, the company also owns MINI and Rolls-Royce, catering to a diverse range of automotive tastes and luxury segment
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Dez fatos desconhecidos sobre a BMW
1. Fundação e história: a BMW, Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, foi fundada em 1916 em Munique, Alemanha, inicialmente produzindo motores de aeronaves. A empresa fez a transição para a produção de motocicletas na década de 1920 e, eventualmente, para automóveis na década de 1930.
2. Logotipo icônico: o logotipo da BMW, frequentemente chamado de "roundel", consiste em um anel preto que se cruza com quatro quadrantes de azul e branco. Ele representa as origens da empresa na aviação, com o azul e o branco simbolizando uma hélice girando contra um céu azul claro.
3. Inovação em tecnologia: a BMW é conhecida por suas inovações em tecnologia automotiva. Ela lançou o primeiro carro elétrico do mundo, o BMW i3, em 2013, e tem sido líder no desenvolvimento de sistemas avançados de assistência ao motorista (ADAS) e motores híbridos.
4. Desempenho e herança no automobilismo: a BMW tem uma forte herança no automobilismo, particularmente em carros de turismo e corridas de Fórmula 1. A divisão M da marca produz variantes de alto desempenho de seus modelos regulares, conhecidos por sua engenharia de precisão e dinâmica de direção emocionante.
5. Presença global: a BMW é uma empresa automotiva global
6. Luxo e design: a BMW é sinônimo de luxo e design diferenciado, criando veículos que combinam elegância com tecnologia de ponta e conforto.
7. Práticas sustentáveis: a BMW se comprometeu com a sustentabilidade, incorporando materiais e processos de fabricação ecológicos em seus veículos, bem como avançando na tecnologia de veículos elétricos com modelos como o BMW i4 e o iX.
8. Fabricação global: a BMW opera inúmeras unidades de produção em todo o mundo, incluindo na Alemanha, Estados Unidos, China e outros países, garantindo um alcance global e produção localizada.
9. Portfólio de marcas: além de sua renomada marca BMW, a empresa também possui a MINI e a Rolls-Royce, atendendo a uma ampla gama de gostos automotivos e segmentos de luxo.
10. Impacto cultural: os veículos da BMW frequentemente se tornam ícones culturais, aparecem em filmes, videoclipes e são celebrados por sua excelência em design e engenharia.
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