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Sections: 00:00 Intro 02:43 Prologue 04:25 CH1 – THE NEW 7 SERIES 04:27 A. 'Dat Butt 06:56 B. iDrive 08:20 C. A fatal decision 11:46 CH2 –ALWAYS RIGHT? 11:48 A. Ask Steve Jobs 13:25 B. To be or not to be 15:04 C. The Innovator's Dilemma 17:25 D. The Ronald Wayne Effect 19:21 CH3 – THE HEIRS 19:23 A. The day that sealed BMW's fate 20:01 B. Ask Elon Musk 21:53 C. Shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves 25:04 D. Petrified 28:06 Sponsored – my VPN 29:49 CH4 – BMW's LATEST PLAN 35:32 AFTERMATH 37:42 BMW Autonomous Driving Ad
#BMW#demise of legacy automakers#disruption#ev adoption#tipping point#electric car#electric vehicle#Toyota#Tesla#Germany
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ACTIVE SOUND UPGRADE für Maserati Quattroporte 3.0 D
NEXT LEVEL ACTIVE SOUND – DER PANTHERA 6.0 DAS NEUESTE UND INNOVATIVSTE SYSTEM AM MARKT Reale Sounds von echten Fahrzeugen am High-End-Akustikprüfstand aufgenommen: B4 – klingt wie ein Toyota GT86 R6 – klingt wie ein BMW M4 V6 – klingt wie ein Nissan GT-R 35 V8 l – klingt wie ein Ford Shelby GT500 V8 ll – klingt wie ein Audi RSQ8 V8 lll – klingt wie ein Mercedes AMG C63 NEU: V8 IV – klingt wie…
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Location de voiture en Inde
Content Source: https://locationvoitureeninde.medium.com/location-de-voiture-en-inde-b886ad937930
Nous proposons le location de voiture en Inde – Souhaitez-vousréserverune voiture enInde ? Dans de nombreux pays du monde, explorer avec votre propre voiture est un excellent moyen de connaître le pays et ses habitants.
À notreavis, un circuit avec une location de voiture en Inde du Nord estrecommandé. Nous vousconseillonsdonc de réserverunevoiture avec location de voiture en Inde.
Si vousavezl'intention de voyager seul à travers le Rajasthan, quel que soitl'itinéraireprévu, c'estgénéralement un grand avantaged'avoirune voiture avec un chauffeur fiable à voscôtés. L'équipe Location de voiture en Inde est le partenaireidéal pour vousen matière de location de voitures en Inde. Nos chauffeurs viendrontvouschercher à l'aéroport de Delhi et vousaccompagneront pendant la durée réservée et souhaitée du voyage.
Que cesoit pour le trajet de l'aéroport à l'hôtel, un court séjour touristique, un tour de villeou un tour privé de plusieurssemaines, l'équipe de Location de Voiture en Inde se fera un plaisir de vousfournir le service de chauffeur adapté. Nous organisons un véhicule de la taille et de la classesouhaitées et, en plus de chauffeurs fiables et expérimentés, garantissons des arrangements fiables pour le début et la fin de votre voyage.
Diverses voitures telles que l'Indian Ambassador, la Tata Indica, la Cheverolet Tavera, la Toyota Crysta, Mercedese, BMW, Audi, la Tempo Traveler (9 places), le minibus (18 places) et même les autocars (28 à 35 places) sont à votre disposition via Location de Voiture en Inde. Sur demande et réservation à temps, nous serons égalementheureuxd'organiser des vélos, et motos pour l'itinéraire et la durée prévus.
Veuillezcomprendrequ'iln'est pas possible d'indiquerclairement les prix au kilomètreen raison des taxes sur les véhicules et du prix de l'essence qui fluctuentcontinuellement. Nous serons heureux de vous faire uneoffre sans engagement et vousverrez que ce service en Inde estmoinscher que prévu!!!
Si vousêtesintéressé par notre service de chauffeur, vouspouvez nous contacter à tout de moment enutilisant les coordonnéesfourniesici.
Toyta Etios
La nouvelle Toyota a étédéveloppée au Japon et la voiture reflète la qualité, la durabilité et la fiabilitéreconnues du constructeur automobile de renomméemondiale Toyota. Tout dans la voiture semblerobuste et le véhiculeoffred'excellentes performances.
Des boîtes à gantsréfrigéréessontproposées dans certains types de voitures, la suspension de cette voiture estsuperbe, l'audio avec Bluetooth, USB, AUX-In, etc. est disponible. Les siègessontconfortables, l'éclairage bleu estagréable dans l'obscurité. Avec un moteur diesel D-4D (1,4 L) et une carrosserie amortissante, cette voiture peutparcourir de longues distances très confortablement. Nous recommandonscette voiture milieu de gamme pour 2 à 3 passagers.
Toyota Innova et Toyota Crystal
L'Innova et Crysta de Toyota estl'une des voitures les plus élégantes et les plus puissantes de cettecatégorielouées aux touristesen Inde. Il offre beaucoup d'espace pour les familles et vosbagages. Les manèges sontsiconfortables grâce aux siègesconfortables que vouspouvezfacilementparcourir de longues distances. L'intérieurimpressionneparticulièrement par son design pratique et offresuffisammentd'espace pour ranger d'autres petits objets sans sacrifier le confort de voyage.
Grâce à la puissanteclimatisation, vous ne vousfatiguerez pas même pendant les mois les plus chauds, tandis que les grandesfenêtresoffrentunevueimprenable sur les rues et les paysages de passage.
Le Tempo Traveller
Le Tempo-Traveler est un van confortable pour un groupe de 6-10 personnes maximum et estutilisé par nous depuis des années pour de petits groupes et des voyages enfamille.
Grâce à son grand coffre, qui peutfacilementaccueillir 10 grandes valises, c'est le véhiculeidéal pour les touristes qui voyagent avec beaucoup de bagagesou qui prévoient de grandesvirées shopping en Inde. Comme il n'y a malheureusementpratiquement pas de voitures accessibles aux personneshandicapées, elleoffreégalement les meilleures conditions pour permettre aux personnesen fauteuil roulant de faire un voyage agréable. En supprimant les rangées de siègesarrière, l'espace de rangementpeutêtreagrandi à volonté.
Mercedes Benz
En Inde, de plus en plus de nouveaux modèles du constructeur automobile allemand Mercedes Benz sontactuellementproposés, maismême les types de véhiculeslégèrement plus anciensreprésententtoujours un luxe et uneclasseabsolus.
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Si vous ne vouleztoujours pas renoncer au confortmentionné ci-dessus et êtes prêt à payer un prix élevé pour cela, nous vousrecommandons sans réserveune Mercedes Benz pour votre voyage à travers le Agra, Varanasi et Rajasthan ! En raison du petit nombre de modèlesen question, nous vousdemandons de ne pas soumettre de demandes à court terme. Réservez dès maintenant sur https://Locationvoitureeninde.com et embarquez pour une aventure unique en Inde avec Voyages Inde par Shankar. Vivez l'Inde comme vous ne l'avez jamais vue!
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..en el garage ADJUNTO al ECO DE LA CRUZ u portal de la calle MARQUESA DE TORRECILLA [jugador de FUTBOL famoso x pasar del ATLETI de MADRID al TENER_i_FE cuando 90_93 fue VERDUGO del REAL MADRID en SANTA CRUZ al perder 2 ligas consecutivas en último partido]..me cole para RAJARLE las 4 RUEDAS y pintarle una ESVASTICA en encerrada en un CIRCULO en el CAPO de su BMW a Jose MENCHEN CABALLERO hijo putativo de mi padre [x eso q le hizo socio de su empresa con dinero de la familia pues mi padre constituyo la empresa patrimonial MASTER FAMILY GROUP de la q hizo socio a los 3 hijos con 16-20 años con el 10% a cada uno..y 35% para mi madre..y de la q descapitalizaria x la espalda a los hijos dejando en 2'5% y luego a mi al 1% haciendo una ampliación de capital a la q no acudí xq lo denuncie al ESTALLAR MI ENFRENTA_MIENTO con él o su empresa TECNOLOGICA AUDIOVISUAL]..con un cuchillo q me trajo de CHINA Vicente Beinat..y empezó a salir un montón de polvo blanco y hacer un montón de ruido..y no sabia como salir de ahí.. pero subí a un acceso al portal y vi el botón de apertura de la puerta..y aproveche q tanto mi padre como él estaban en la FERIA DEL BROADCAST O NAB en LAS VEGAS donde estuve el año anterior llegando cuando mi padre [q fue 2 días antes] estaba viendo de MADRUGADA en Hotel CIRCUS CIRCUS como los YANKEES tiraban la Estatua de Saddam en BAGDAD y horas después fotografie en la pantalla del HOTEL CAESAR PALACE la bandera de EEUU con lema ONE NATION UNDER GOD encontrándome en la zona de tiendas a CHU_PAMELA ANDERSON con KID ROCK [Nacido en ROMEO] con el q luego se casaría y divorciaria tras haber tenido hijos con TOMMY LEE de MOTLEY CRUE con el q rodó un video porno casero en un Yate q se aireo y al q un hijo acabo agrediendo y el cual fue novio de MAITE GARCIA [=como 2da ex_mujer de portero CAÑIZARES a la q se la murió un TRILLIZO tras salir desnuda en la ducha x Twitter culpando a un hijo del 1er matrimonio] q tuvo un aborto con PRINCE tras hacerla el cd CHILDREN OF THE SUN. luego tras el CAESAR PALACE fue al museo de CERA y me fotografie con EL 23 DE CHICA+CAGO BULLS Michael JORDAN cuyo póster enmarcado en EL CORTE INGLES junto a la INCENDIADA [x lo q no pudo repartir miles de pedidos de flores x SAN VALENTIN 2005].. TORRE WINDSOR [=Familia Real britanica] ..lo tape con el poster de AXL ROSE de GUNS N ROSES con camiseta de CRISTO y lema MATA A TUS IDOLOS de cuando el homenaje a MERCURY de QUEEN en el q BOWIE se arrodilló para rezar x las ENFERMEDADES q azotaban a AMIGOS como MERCURY y al años siguiente murió de cancer con 46 años su guitarrista con el q se reencontró en ese HOMENAJE mick RONSON..y BOWIE dejo de hacer giras con 56 años con el cd REALITY [tras cd HEATEN=PAGANO] xq le dio un ataque cardiaco actuando..y no público nada en 10 años como fue cd NEXT DAY y x último el cd BLACK STAR q publico día de su 69 cumple y 2 días antes d morir de CANCER.
X cierto..la mujer de MENCHEN se asustó mucho y estaba EMBARAZADA..y me denuncio sin ninguna prueba haciendose cargo mi padre de los desperfectos para q el seguro no metiera las narices en un EMBROLLO MUY CHUNGO jaja
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hcg是什麼意思 hcg檢查有哪些作用
當女性去醫院檢查是否懷孕的時候,經常會檢查hcg,那麼意思呢? hcg檢查有哪些作用呢? 相信大家非常想知道,下面就讓我們來好好看一下有關於hcg的一些具體情況吧。
hCG是指人絨毛膜促性腺激素,由α和β二聚體的糖蛋白組成。 在女性懷孕后,原本存在於血液和尿液中的hCG會隨著孕周的增加而波動,因此,可根據hCG的變化來測定女性是否懷孕
春藥官網 春藥 媚藥 性藥 催情藥 迷姦藥 催情水 迷魂藥 乖乖水 聽話水 春藥效果 春藥成分 春藥製作 春藥是什麼 春藥種類 如何辨別真假春藥 粉狀春藥 液態春藥 固態春藥 春藥效果 春藥類型 使用春藥 昏睡春藥
宮廷玉液 藍魔催情水 blue wizard BMW口服液 Dulo Goblin ipheno催情液 KissGold LoveGold Love SEED puama愛巢春藥粉 櫻花高潮液 乖乖水 聽話水 德國小情人催情液 SEX DPOPS Vegalis 印度偉妹 女用viagra
孕後35—50天hCG可升至大於2500 IU/L。 60—70天可達80000 IU/L,在懷孕60—80天hCG值達到高峰,隨後逐漸下降,到孕160—180天時降到低,但仍明顯高於正常,此後又稍回升繼續保持到分娩; 雙胎妊娠時,血hCG比單胎增加一倍以上。
春藥口香糖 春藥粉 慾望口香糖 催情奶茶 催情巧克力 神奈大噴水 火狐春藥粉 金蒼蠅催情水 卡宴催情水 貓女郎催淫爽 美國D水 迷香 西班牙金蒼蠅 日本興奮劑 色界 致命誘惑 印度犀利士 日本淑女剋星精華素 催淫爽 intrinsa
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Reconditioned & Used BMW 35 d engine for sale
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ACTIVE SOUND UPGRADE für Maserati Ghibli 3.0 D
NEXT LEVEL ACTIVE SOUND – DER PANTHERA 6.0 DAS NEUESTE UND INNOVATIVSTE SYSTEM AM MARKT Reale Sounds von echten Fahrzeugen am High-End-Akustikprüfstand aufgenommen: B4 – klingt wie ein Toyota GT86 R6 – klingt wie ein BMW M4 V6 – klingt wie ein Nissan GT-R 35 V8 l – klingt wie ein Ford Shelby GT500 V8 ll – klingt wie ein Audi RSQ8 V8 lll – klingt wie ein Mercedes AMG C63 NEU: V8 IV – klingt wie…
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Latepost has learned from several independent sources that Didi has started the project, led by Yang Jun, vice president of Didi and general manager of Xiaoju.He is also the chief product officer of D1, a customised ride-hailing service launched jointly by Didi and BYD, and the team has already started poaching people from car factories.However, Latepost has not yet learned the specific form and path of Didi's car construction.
Zhu Jiang, former vice president of user development at Nio, is likely to join Didi, a person familiar with the matter said.Zhu Jiang has many years of experience in automobile industry, and has worked in BMW Brilliance, Lexus, NIO, Ford China and other companies.
In addition to the new developments, Latepost has learned from inside Didi that its self-driving subsidiary plans to try new paths beyond its own research and start a new self-driving truck business.
Didi declined to comment.
Didi has several car-building projects in the works
In November 2019, Didi and BYD set up a joint venture, Beautiful Chuxing (Hangzhou) Automotive Technology Co., with BYD holding 65% and Didi 35%, and BYD as the controlling shareholder.The two subsequently launched a customized ride-hailing service, D1, in November 2020. At that time, Didi was also directly involved in the cooperation with Xiaoju.Didi's car service business started in 2016 and became Xiaoju's car service independently in 2019. At present, it includes Xiaoju youche (car rental platform), car maintenance, second-hand car, charging and refueling.Didi wants to focus on renting from the front end to the back end, with services such as maintenance, insurance and energy.
In June 2020, Didi Autopilot, a subsidiary of Didi, announced a partnership with BAIC, in which the two sides will jointly develop high-level self-driving customized models for RoboTaxi (self-driving taxi) operations.
And this time Didi started to build a car, is likely to be along the D1, the further exploration of customized online car hailing.
Analysts in the industry say Didi's new car plan will be different from the car-company-dominated approach it took when it launched the D1.This time Didi will be more capital-intensive and more engaged.This echoes Didi's message when it launched D1, which stressed that it was the "first" custom ride-hailing service.
According to the plan previously mentioned by Cheng Wei, founder and CEO of Didi at the D1 launch, Didi's customized ride-hailing service will continue to iterate, and by 2025, the customized version of D3 will be popular on Didi's platform, with more than 1 million units. By 2030, the D series aims to eliminate the cockpit and achieve full driverless driving.
On the other hand, although Didi has made more efforts to build cars, according to industry analysts, it is not possible for Didi to set up a wholly-owned subsidiary to build cars like Xiaomi, because its capital may not be able to keep up with it, and its model may be lighter than Xiaomi's.
One investor believes that it is a more economical choice for Didi not to build cars by itself. At present, the production capacity of car companies is too large, and Didi, as a big customer, can completely eat a part of the upstream profits.But building your own can tell a better capital story and keep drivers further on the platform.
Didi has partnered with third-party car rental companies in many places, allowing drivers without cars to hire cars to join Didi's platform to pick up customers.But aggregated car-hailing platforms such as AutoNavi, Meituan and Hello are also courting local car rental companies to compete with Didi.By providing its own operating vehicles, Didi could reduce its reliance on third-party rental companies and reduce the cost of securing drivers.
Whether it was D1 last year or the new plan now, there is a clear logic behind Didi's entry into the custom ride-hailing service.Currently, the cost of the online car hailing market based on fuel models is too high, which directly leads to the limited scale of the online car hailing market and low profit.
Customizing ride-hailing is one way for Didi to reduce costs and improve operational efficiency.In 2018, Didi and Ideal had previously planned to cooperate in this area and set up a related subsidiary, JudianChuxing, in which Didi held a 51% stake and Ideal 49%.
However, Latepost previously reported that Didi's cooperation with Ideal has been terminated and that Judian plans to become an independent OEM-travel company with new strategic shareholders.
Since then, Didi has established joint ventures with BAIC, BYD and Volkswagen.But Didi's tie-up with Volkswagen and BAIC has yet to materially develop.
Li Xiang, founder of Ideal Auto, said at the time that the future evolution of the mobility market will be in line with the logistics industry standard, which means the lower the cost the better and the more efficient the better.The partnership between Ideal and Didi is aimed at further reducing costs on the premise of safety.According to Li Xiang's calculation, the cost of the new car may be 10~15% more expensive than that of the ordinary fuel-powered car, but the battery life will double, and the amortized cost per kilometer will drop 0.5~0.6 yuan, or nearly 20%, compared with that of the fuel-powered car.
What's more, customized online car hailing can also improve user experience and produce cars that are more suitable for driverless driving, making preparations for the landing of driverless driving in the future.
As a result, custom ride-hailing could also become a connection point between Didi's ride-hailing platform service and its Robotaxi business, which its self-driving subsidiary is building up.
Didi's self-driving business may also be changing
In addition, a person close to drops autopilot told the late LatePost drops autopilot company is currently in the research of automatic driving route, is also considering to try the second route, the route may be combined with vehicle road new "Robotaxi ping's", namely the side access Robotaxi enterprises with operational vehicles, access to the passengers.
But given that Didi itself is doing Robotaxi, if it takes this route, the short-term drag will be persuading other Robotaxi companies to work with Didi.Currently, Chinese companies such as Baidu, Xiaoma Zhixing and Wenyuan Zhixing all have their own taxi-hailing apps, while AutoX can use AutoNavi to take taxis. The biggest challenge for the autonomous driving industry is technology and product maturity rather than competing for passengers.
Meanwhile, Didi Autopilot has also started experimenting with a self-driving truck project, which is being led by Didi Autopilot CTO Wei Junqing, confirmed by Late Latepost.
On Friday (April 2), two days after the official announcement, the Huaxia Alumni Association, attended by many entrepreneurs and investors, was held at the Xiaomi campus. A photo of Lei Jun with Wang Chuanfu, Li Bin, Li Xiang and He Xiaopeng was widely circulated.
Cheng Wei, the CEO of Didi, was also at the table with Li Xiang and Li Bin, but in the group photo, Li Xiang were on stage and Cheng Wei and Yang Jun were in the audience.
Mr Cheng has previously said Didi does not build cars and is not seeking to become the biggest car operator in the future.Didi's core competence is to serve its users and car owners well, and to keep investing and making breakthroughs in big data and technology.
Mr Cheng may have to eat his words. He and Didi will also be in the car building business.But from the business logic, it is good news.
Didi has more on its plate than just building cars.Didi plans to go public this year. In order to achieve better market valuation, Didi has carried out more diversified business expansion, including "Orange Heart Preferred", which is now a key business community group purchase.Community group-buying is also a capital-heavy track, and brings together the giants with the strongest financial strength at present -- Meituan, Pinduoduo, Ali and Jingdong all regard it as an important direction.
Bloomberg had previously reported that Didi had plans to inject about $3 billion into its preferred unit.Didi is also working with financial advisers to raise about $1bn from outside investors.
More deeply involved in and led the launch of customized online car hailing, into the self-driving truck, into the community group buying market, Didi will be listed this year, the new moves continue.Didi, which has always been considered by the market to be relatively cautious in making decisions, showed a sharper ambition on the eve of its listing.
Risk note: the author's or guest's opinions above all have their own specific positions. Investment decisions should be made on the basis of independent thinking.Futu will do its best but cannot guarantee the accuracy and reliability of the above information and will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by any inaccuracy or omission.
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New Questions
1) Which of these races did Michael Schumacher NOT win during 2002?
a) Brazil
b) Monaco
c) France
d) Japan
2) Which of these men were involved in the design of 2005 Renault?
a) Adrian Newey
b) Adrian Reynard
c) Pat Symonds
d) Rory Byrne
3) Which of these teams has James Allison NOT worked for?
a) McLaren
b) Larrousse
c) Renault/Lotus
d) Ferrari
4) How many races did Michael Schumacher win during 2006?
a) 5
b) 4
c) 6
d) 7
5) How many engine-related penalties did Kimi Raikkonen receive during 2005 (causing him to start 10 places lower than where he originally qualified)?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
6) Who was the team principal of Arrows F1 when they were shut down during 2002?
a) Tom Walkinshaw
b) Michael Andretti
c) Colin Kolles
d) Flavio Briatore
7) At which race did Felipe Massa achieve his maiden podium?
a) 2005 Europe
b) 2006 Europe
c) 2006 Spain
d) 2007 Turkey
8) Where was Jenson Button born?
a) Derby
b) Frome
c) Sheffield
d) Stoke-on-Trent
9) Where was Italian team Minardi based during their time in F1?
a) Formigine
b) Alessandria
c) Faenza
d) Bergamo
10) Name every driver who won a race during 2003 & 2004.
Michael Schumacher, Rubens Barrichello, Kimi Raikkonen, David Coulthard, Ralf Schumacher, Juan Pablo Montoya, Jarno Trulli, Fernando Alonso, Giancarlo Fisichella
11) Which Grand Prix did Heikki Kovalainen win during 2008?
a) United States
b) Italy
c) Japan
d) Hungary
12) Who was the team principal of Minardi during 2001-2005?
a) Giancarlo Minardi
b) Gabriele Rumi
c) Paul Stoddart
d) Gustav Brunner
13) During 2008, European Grand Prix departed Nurburgring and was switched to a new venue. Where was it?
a) Valencia
b) Imola
c) Istanbul
d) Hockenheim
14) During 2005, where did Red Bull’s Vitantonio Liuzzi make his F1 debut?
a) Nurburgring
b) Silverstone
c) Bahrain
d) Imola
15) During 2004 & 2005, at which Grand Prix did Juan Pablo Montoya find himself disqualified in consecutive years?
a) Indianapolis
b) Montreal
c) Magny-Cours
d) Monaco
16) During 2003, at which venue did triple Grand Prix winner Heinz-Harald Frentzen achieve his final #F1 career podium?
a) Interlagos
b) Indianapolis
c) Hockenheim
d) Hungaroring
17) Name every constructor (team) who won a race between 2000-2009
Ferrari, McLaren, Williams, Renault, Honda, BMW Sauber, Toro Rosso, Brawn, Red Bull
18) For which team did double Indy 500 winner Takuma Sato make his F1 debut for at 2002 Australia?
a) BAR
b) Minardi
c) Jordan
d) Arrows
19) During 2000, where did reigning double WDC Mika Hakkinen achieve his first Grand Prix win of the season?
a) Brazil
b) Britain
c) Monaco
d) Spain
20) In which grid position did Rubens Barrichello start in for 2000 German Grand Prix?
a) 18th
b) 11th
c) 2nd
d) 14th
21) During 2003, at which venue did Kimi Raikkonen achieve his maiden F1 pole position?
a) Hockenheim
b) Sepang
c) Nurburgring
d) Indianapolis
22) During 2004, at which venue did Ralf Schumacher suffer vertebrae injuries in his back, causing him to be sidelined until China?
a) Monaco
b) Indianapolis
c) Interlagos
d) Silverstone
23) How many points did Felipe Massa lose 2008 F1 drivers’ championship by?
a) 0.5
b) 1
c) 2
d) 0 (Countback on wins)
24) Name every driver who claimed pole during 2009.
Jenson Button, Rubens Barrichello, Sebastian Vettel, Mark Webber, Lewis Hamilton, Fernando Alonso, Jarno Trulli, Giancarlo Fisichella
25) Who was the chairman, president & CEO of Indianapolis Motor Speedway when it hosted US Grand Prix between 2000-2007?
a) George Follmer
b) Gerard Forsythe
c) Tony George
d) AJ Foyt
26) During 2006, at which Grand Prix did Fernando Alonso suffer a wheelnut/driveshaft failure, causing him to crash whilst leading?
a) Hungary
b) Italy
c) Japan
d) Malaysia
27) During 2002, which driver ran car number 24?
a) Alex Yoong
b) Allan McNish
c) Mark Webber
d) Mika Salo
28) Which pre-race press conference witness Juan Pablo Montoya depart in anger when a set of comedians irritated him?
a) 2002 USA
b) 2006 Britain
c) 2004 Australia
d) 2001 Canada
29) Which of these teams used Toyota customer engines between 2000-2009?
a) Toro Rosso
b) Midland
c) Spyker
d) Minardi
30) Which engine was being used by Toro Rosso when Sebastian Vettel won 2008 Italian Grand Prix?
a) Ferrari
b) Honda
c) Renault
d) Cosworth
31) Name every team who failed to score a podium between 2000-2009 (includes teams who have scored podium(s) in previous decades).
Minardi, Arrows, Prost, Super Aguri, Midland, Spyker
32) During 2002, DHL was the title sponsor of which team?
a) Minardi
b) Sauber
c) Jordan
d) Jaguar
33) Between 2000-2009, Fernando Alonso won Monaco Grand Prix twice. Who else won Monaco twice during this era?
a) Kimi Raikkonen
b) Michael Schumacher
c) Juan Pablo Montoya
d) David Coulthard
34) At which venue was Rubens Barrichello a multiple winner at?
a) Monza
b) Silverstone
c) Nurburgring
d) Valencia
35) Who finished 3rd at 2006 Hungarian Grand Prix?
a) Pedro de la Rosa
b) Rubens Barrichello
c) Nick Heidfeld
d) Felipe Massa
36) Which Grand Prix did Sauber’s Giancarlo Fisichella retire from during 2004?
a) Australia
b) Monaco
c) Spain
d) Malaysia
37) Which venue witnessed Nelson Piquet Jr. achieve his only F1 career podium?
a) Nurburgring
b) Valencia
c) Hockenheim
d) Monaco
38) Name all the venues of every Juan Pablo Montoya F1 win.
Monza, Monaco, Hockenheim, Interlagos, Silverstone
39) Which of these nations hosted a Grand Prix between 2000-2009, but did NOT have a native driver race in F1 during this era?
a) Hungary
b) Monaco
c) Malaysia
d) Austria
40) Which of these nations had a native driver race in F1 between 2000-2009 despite never having hosted a Grand Prix ever?
a) Norway
b) Indonesia
c) Costa Rica
d) Czech Republic
41) Which venue witnessed David Coulthard’s final F1 win?
a) Sepang
b) Interlagos
c) Melbourne
d) Monaco
42) Which venue witnessed Ralf Schumacher’s maiden F1 win?
a) Imola
b) Magny-Cours
c) Nurburgring
d) Montreal
43) Who was the polesitter for 2006 Japanese Grand Prix?
a) Fernando Alonso
b) Felipe Massa
c) Ralf Schumacher
d) Michael Schumacher
44) Which team did Nick Heidfeld make his F1 debut for?
a) Sauber
b) Jordan
c) Arrows
d) Prost
45) Name every engine supplier used by Ralf Schumacher during his F1 career
Peugeot, Mugen-Honda, Supertec, BMW, Toyota
46) Where was Nico Rosberg born?
a) Berlin
b) Dortmund
c) Wiesbaden
d) Bonn
47) During 2009, which venue saw Sebastian Vettel claim pole, but NOT win the race?
a) Shanghai
b) Istanbul
c) Nurburgring
d) Melbourne
48) Where was BAR (British American Racing) based at during their time in F1?
a) Brackley
b) Leafield
c) Waltham
d) Milton Keynes
49) Which team did Mark Webber clinch his maiden podium (2005 Monaco) for?
a) Red Bull
b) Williams
c) Jaguar
d) Jordan
50) Which nation does former Minardi driver Alex Yoong hail from?
a) China
b) Indonesia
c) Taiwan
d) Malaysia
51) Who replaced Justin Wilson at Minardi for the remaining 5 races of 2003?
a) Giorgio Pantano
b) Nicolas Kiesa
c) Zsolt Baumgartner
d) Gianmaria Bruni
52) Name all the venues where Minardi scored points at during 2000-2005
Melbourne, Indianapolis
53) Which driver did Sakon Yamamoto replace at Spyker during 2007?
a) Christian Klien
b) Alex Wurz
c) Christijan Albers
d) Robert Doornbos
54) Which 2004 Grand Prix saw Michael Schumacher achieve his 75th F1 win?
a) Britain
b) Spain
c) USA
d) France
55) Which venue has Kimi Raikkonen won at the most?
a) Melbourne
b) Spa-Francorchamps
c) Sepang
d) Barcelona
56) What did Fernando Alonso achieve at 2010 Singapore?
a) Won race, pole, fastest lap & led every lap
b) Maiden Ferrari pole
c) Maiden Ferrari fastest lap
d) HIs 3rd win of 2010
57) Between 2000-2009, Sauber became synonymous with which sponsor?
a) Red Bull
b) Coca-Cola
c) Fly Emirates
d) Petronas
58) Which prominent name had their entry rejected as a new participant to F1 before 2010 (whilst FIA approved HRT & USF1)?
a) Dallara
b) Prodrive
c) Panoz
d) Penske
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I wasn’t all that fond of 15x10 while I watched it yesterday. I loved the premise and Garth, but I think it was just a bit too over the top for me. The placement of this episode within the greater context of it being the final episode and following the rather gloomy previous episode just made it feel a bit off. That aside, I just didn’t enjoy watching it all that much even though I could appreciate what we were given.
But I’m giving it another rewatch and another chance! I’d love to hear your thoughts too, whether you agree or disagree with my reactions. :D
It takes hardly any time for us to notice something completely amiss and they don’t even hide it: a classical piece of music accompanying a bloody fight between two monsters. Everyone is going to notice that this isn’t quite right, which then guides over into the next thought: the editing makes or breaks a scene. I think that’s the overall theme I took away from this episode. Metatron said that God posted the first draft and we’ve seen both Becky and Metatron edit God’s writing. The first conclusion we could draw is that God is not “editing” Sam and Dean’s story. But actually that doesn’t make a lot of sense because he couldn’t see Sam and Dean before either and they were fine. It’s maybe that he over-edits it. He throws problems in their ways that are... well, kind of what Becky wanted; the everday issues. Them dealing with laundry all day. This is the stuff we write, ad absurdum. And with monsters.
So the theory I’m going with right now is that Chuck is editing, just differently than before.
One preliminary thought regarding Garth: Were there no consequences to the Grace he had swallowed during AU Michael’s weird monster plan? What happened to that monster plan in general? Michael seems to be very bad at stragegizing.......
Dean’ shopping: The shop is called Berens’ quick trip. Berens is always sending us on a trip, though I think this one was Dabb’s fever dream. *lol* Lots of music for what is basically just showing Dean shopping. We see the guy giving Dean a ticket through the window but Dean’s oblivious, too focused on shopping. (Two six packs of beer. This might either show Dean indulging or Dean stocking up for Cas, not that Cas wants beer usually.)
Dean knows the store attendant by name, so I guess this is a place he goes to often, though I doubt it’s in Lebanon because of the high rises in the background?
What did Dean buy? Some beer, a magazine, some chips, something sweet he’s eating... How did that amount to over 40$? Why did he go buy that? Why not go to a proper store and buy proper food? Just beer and snacks? As someone who has to do her own shopping now this seems inefficient. (And my shopping center is in 5 minutes walking distance. *lol*) Also, I think I’ve seen people mention that the magazine is a cooking or baking magazine?
Also, here’s the first instance we have of Dean’s teeth hurting. Just stop eating the chocolate you silly man.
I have no compassion for Dean whining about getting a ticket. He’s not allowed to park there. Rules apply for you too, Mr. Winchester. I don’t like people who think they can do what they want. *thinks back to young snobby looking BMW driver who parked in the middle of a square in front of a bank and who got a ticket* *Schadenfreude* (That’s the kind of person I am. I like people who think rules don’t apply for them to be punished by the law.)
Sam’s scene in the kitchen: I assume it was Dean who had started cooking and then just walked away to get some more shopping done. This is merely based on my assumption that Sam doesn’t cook. We know that Sam sometimes does kinda stupid things like blowing on paper to make the fire go out... Touching things straight out of the oven and putting his hands on a hot pot are pretty thoughtless. And he’s clumsy apparently.
Also why the heck would he pull the pot from the stove? It wasn’t even boiling over. Just lower the temperature. Have you never been in a kitchen before, dude? And you’re not even cleaning up after yourself?
Dean and Sam discussing their issues: So Sam never trips? Both noticed right away that this was weird. Sam looks so offended. Like “I’m Sam Fucking Winchester, I don’t trip!”?
Also, did Sam say “dinner”? Is it already evening and they’ve just been hit with “normal person-itis” now? I see Sam’s watch but I can’t decipher it right. It it 5:35? What time of the year is it in canon? I was still light outside when Dean was shopping.
In the car on the way to Garth: A look, it’s dark now, which suppors the “they just randomly got hit with normal people problems. The music for this scene is also unusual.
I’m annoyed that Cas is in heaven. Why. Why is he up there? Why does SPN always stash Cas out of the way with random stuff? It would have been nice if there had been a phone call or something with Cas checking in or just a mention that Dean was driving back from dropping Cas off at the angel gate or whatever. It takes so little, makes such an impact for me. This? Sorry. It’s just not enough for me.
Why is the car giving up the ghost? Especially in such a weird way? Isn’t Dean constantly working on the Impala? This is not normal people problems either.
At Garth’s: So Sam and Dean walked like 16km? Couldn’t they have taken public transport OR a taxi like normal people...? Or call road assistance or Garth at least? I don’t know what it’s like in the US but that seems a bit extra, even for Sam and Dean.
Garth and Bess have an old style phone in their house, which is a random remark but it’s a nice deco object.
Garth’s Twins: I don’t quite understand why Garth calls the twins Sam and Castiel. What kind of connection does Garth have to Cas? Why not Sam and Dean? If only one of the brothers, why Sam? He has more of a connection to Dean after all? I don’t get it. Dabb just liking it when people prefer Sam and Dean has to roll his eyes at it? :/
Again with the weird, out of place music when they have a look at Bess’ cousin.
Dean and Garth: The dramatic music when Dean steps into the dentist’s room. *lol* And then his disquieted “you’re very strong” when Garth forced him. I think since Garth treats werewolves who might also have an aversion to the dentist, he’d be used having to use a bit of force *lol* Besides. I really love getting insight into how monsters deal with “normal people problems” because they have them too. It’s a shame that we don’t see more of that side to monsters. We only see those monsters who mess up after all, rarely those who try to blend in.
I might not know much about dentistry but I only had cotton stuffed into my bleeding mouth like that when I got my wisdom teeth out in an operation. Sure, I bleed a bit when I have appointment but not like that??? Just what did Garth do? Replace Dean’s teeth with werewolf teeth? *lol*
Sam and Bess: Dramatic music continues when Bess hands Sam the “cure” drink. It kind of frames the scenes as dangerous and at least it put me slightly on “confused edge” because the music made me think I couldn’t trust Garth and Bess. Sam’s struggles are kinda... over the top. I mean, we’ve seen Dean eat ghost pepper jerky and suffer, but Sam is suffering kinda ridiculously, like he’s been hit by a curse or something (i.e. still like he’s in the middle of a battle against some monster). Ew. Sam wiping his tongue on the arm he’s been sneezing and snotting into. Uff.
The tap dancing: Nice but I don’t really see the point in it >w< I guess normal people have normal funky dreams. And I guess Dean dreams of joyful things like dancing and having FOR ONCE gentle interactions with a lamp instead of always smashing them.
Talking about God and being heroes in a story: I like Garths’ approach to this topic and that he’s much more aware of story structures than the Winchesters seem to be. Why does Dean need a colonoscopy? (Angsty thought: does he have cancer...? Can werewolves smell it? Is that how it’s gonna end? Normal people problem killing Dean? Nope.)
Scene with the cousin: Poor Sam, he looks so upset when his “gentle request and puppy eyes” approach didn’t work. Though I like that it’s Bess who gets the guy to talk (like it’s Garth who gets the job done later on). I really like that monsters have normal people problems too. And it seems like the Winchesters are still very surprised about that.
Sam and Dean “job”: I think they’re being idiots here. Not only do they lack any evidence that the monsters who watch those fights are harming people, so they just kill them because they’re monsters? Also, it seems very unwise for two people alone to take on how many monsters?? No damn research done at all. And on top of that it seems really unwise to go on a case when they don’t know what else “normal people problems” entails while hunting. At least Sam might have been alarmed due to his sudden clumsiness... Just, stupid move on the Winchesters’ part.
Side note: Sam doesn’t seem to be comfortable saying anything at all. He still seems to be shocked by the werewolf’s diss.
Dean continues to be kinda dumb and I don’t exactly get why. They don’t know what they’re walking into, so they definitely need to be prepared and I can think of several examples where he was prepared for anything. And now that he can’t be sure of his “luck” he’s not gonna think twice about it? And him munching his grilled cheese, talking with his mouth full and “playing” with the gun wasn’t super endearing to me. Sorry, I know many found it cute *lol* And who vomits that loudly...? I mean... ew.
I liked that Dean tried to bluff his way out of the situation and maybe it would have worked in another situation...
Dean and Sam in cages: It makes no sense that not being able to pick locks is part of normal people problems because I’m sure they learnt how to pick locks over the years. So this, and their inability to fight later on (another thing they’ve learnt) just makes it clear that Chuck didn’t just remove them from “hero” status, but took away more than just their special skills.
Dean’s entire heartfelt speech doesn’t work either, neither on Sam or Dean, nor on the audience both because of how it’s filmed (no particular clear shot of Dean’s face and Sam constantly looking uncomfortable) and the variation of Dean’s theme.
What’s with Dean’s throat? I don’t understand what he said.
Garth saves the day: Dean’s awed “you are so strong” is cute! Why has he never been in awe of Cas’ strenght? Cas lifted a 1t anvil once and Dean didn’t even look at him amorously for it.
Man, there are a couple things I don’t understand here! Wish I had subtitles because I’ll probably only get what “we’re gotta get out of here blblblbl monstersquad” or “the monster squad bbbüb the good guys” means.
I think they might still be able to fight but whatever “hero” bonus they had was deleted and now it IS almost impossible to just knock out a monster. They did have more trouble in earlier seasons before they could just easily stick an angelblade into every monster and not even break much of a sweat. But the whole fight sequence is just a little bit too ridiculous for me...
Back at Garth’s home: The whole “this Cas keeps looking at me weird” scene is my highlight. I wonder if now that Dean and Cas are no longer locked into their defined roles (though I’m not sure if Chuck has written them with a specific dynamic, since he never seems to make use of Cas) Dean will notice more about Cas too ;D Though of course Dean does notice the way Cas looks at him (”the last time someone looked at me like that, I got laid” as a classic example). But still, maybe something to think about. Since a story does come with particular characters dynamics between heros and their supporting characters.
Dean saying that he could be an awesome dancer if he wanted to be is nice. The only thing he lacks is a partner to dance with. Though... He doesn’t lack a partner since he has Cas back now. He just needs to make the first move ;3
Baby clearly doesn’t want to go to Alaska. *lol*
Okay, that was a long post again, not structured at all, not edited, and it still took me multiple days to rewatch and type this up! Haha
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Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) used some time at Thursday’s House Judiciary Committee impeachment hearing to highlight Hunter Biden��s drug abuse, but the argument was turned against him by his Democratic colleagues.
After Gaetz finished, Congressman Hank Johnson (D-GA) drew laughter from the room when he appeared to reference the fact that Gaetz was once arrested under suspicion of driving while intoxicated.
“I rise in opposition to this amendment and I would say that the pot calling the kettle black is not something we should do,” Johnson said. “I don’t know what members, if any, have had problems with substance abuse, been busted for DUI, I don’t know. But if I did, I wouldn’t raise it against anyone on this committee.”
Galaxy brain move to give everybody online a reason to post this:
TampaBay.com: Lawmaker's talk of mug shot raises questions about DUI arrest:
It was the night before Halloween in 2008 when Gaetz, then 26, drove back from the Swamp, a nightclub on Okaloosa Island. He drove a 2001 BMW SUV registered to his state senator dad.
Near midnight, Okaloosa County Deputy Chris Anglin clocked Gaetz going 48 in a 35 mph zone. Anglin later reported that Gaetz fumbled for his license and registration, his eyes were watery and bloodshot, and he swayed and staggered when he got out of the car.
Smelling alcohol, Anglin asked Gaetz if he had been drinking. Gaetz replied no. Minutes later, he admitted he had consumed two beers. Twice, Anglin conducted an eye test. Twice, Gaetz's eyes didn't follow the prompt.
Gaetz, who had recently begun practicing law, declined any field sobriety tests. He was arrested and refused the breath test.
Another deputy inspected the SUV, but found no alcohol. He did find two bottles of mouthwash. The one in the glove box was empty. The one on the floor board was a quarter full.
Charges against Gaetz were dismissed after events that included, among other things, the forced resignation of the arresting officer.
Thank you, Matt, for providing perfect evidence that you’re a desperate hypocrite and that the justice system is completely fake for a few lucky people.
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