#BM therapy circle patient profile
h-didanart · 1 month
About time I join in on the fun, I formally present the profiles for Bloodmoons of my own for the Bloodmoon Therapy Circle thing, which by the way I forgot to mention, there’s no limit to how many Bloodmoons you guys can fill the form out for :P
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My guys, my lovely guys. I can go on a ramble about how each of them got to this place, but the key takeaway from those potential paragraphs is that they carpool together (Bloody and Harvest drive)
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h-didanart · 1 month
Have this poor guy(idk if I did it correctly)
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Bloodmoon(BSA au) wrote this for MB(Bloodmoon((TTRoDB au;formerly)))
They lost their first pen, and their second pen was dead...
I’ve only known MB for a couple minutes, but if anything happened to them I’d kill everyone in my vicinity and then myself (joking, I’m joking, I just got very attached to them very quickly—). And their father is another Bloodmoon? Interesting.
Newest addition to the sensory safe area seems like, accommodations will be arranged. Really do feel for the fella, here’s to the therapy being able to help. Welcome MB, glad to have you here
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h-didanart · 1 month
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i present. the guy(s)!
They look so cool!!!! I love that design, it looks so good! The color palette is pretty and the clothes are as well!
That’s a fair BM/BM level 😅. I like the dynamic Cas seems to have with the Bloodmoons, like a caretaker and his many children no? We’ll make sure to honor the accommodation and to have medical help available if needed be
Welcome Crimson, hope we’ll be able to help
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h-didanart · 1 month
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Okay so Bloodmoon One is Sarguine and Bloomoon 2 is Crimson. They are in this AU I made where everyone is a human and Sun and Moon take up jobs they had in game (Detective Sun and Barsita Moon). Here, the gremlins work at the morgue. This is a bit different than the Sun and Moon Show but the overall lore is still the same. This is set a bit after July 16. They both live with Eclipse (who is a journalist/news reporter because he was the most popular one and was very manipulative back then), Lunar (who is still in school sin e back then he was described as a child), KC (whos a butcher because we all know why lmao), and SolarFlare (who is an assistant to eclipse kinda-sorta-ish. )
They're in a uniform because I didn't have a design for them. But I do imagine Sarguine to have dreads and Crimson to simply let his natural hair flow.
Lemme stop yappin, bye bye 😭
Human Bloodmoon! That’s a first here.
That au sounds very cool too, I’ve never even heard or read of anything like it, Detective Sun and Barista Moon huh? Interesting
Those are some interesting accommodations, we’ll see what we can do. A trickier case it seems like, nothing we aren’t prepared for however. Welcome Crimson and Sarguine Star, pleasure to have you here
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