#BJYX Happy Camp
rainbowsky · 1 year
GGDD Happy Camp Eng Subs
Since it seems like there are a lot of new turtles around, and since it is the anniversary of one of the most iconic GGDD experiences of all time, I will encourage everyone who hasn't yet seen it to check out this priceless episode. And those who have already seen it, let me assure you that a rewatch will definitely brighten up your day.
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stareastsea · 1 year
(20190709 - 20230709) Happy 4th anniversary Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan recording Happy Camp 💚❤.
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pudding-cake · 1 year
It's been 4 years since these two appeared together in Happy Camp with so many candies to take in 😘
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accio-victuuri · 5 months
April CPNs round-up! ❤️💛💚
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• BJYX shows up in station sisters team building photos/videos. proving that the pairing is still very much relevant and loved 🫶🏼
• allegedly spending some time together 4/2 and 4/3 when yibo went to shanghai
• cql and xz gets mentioned in a livestream for WoF
• wyb with a beaded bracelet that seems to be a clue that he spent time with GG ; more on the initial thoughts about the bracelet and why give an obsidian one
•zsww fake rumor of their meet up
•their love for watching old cctv spring festival gala sketches
• 4/8, in the FPU douyin update, he continues on with the dog theme ☺️ he really is a puppy! gouzaizai!
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• not really a cpn/candy but their name side by side for the alleged registration list for Magnolia Award. i’m just so proud and as a cpf, it feels good seeing them succeed. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
• 4/8 cpns : fan used for camping that xz uses, the number 38 and us clowning about concerts
• some are comparing this interaction between wyb and hjy in FPU bts with how he is with GG. saying when he is hurt, he goes all out and shows it to GG but with others he won’t say anything. i agree that this thing is true both for GG/WYB, meaning they only show “weakness” to each other 🥺🥺🥺
* throwback post : fake rumor story during cql shoot of someone that works closely with yibo
• this side by side photo, they look alike in this profile!
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• 4/16/24 zsww rumor
• the rumor that wyb visited LOZ shoot and my thoughts on it ; i know i cannot stop people from “enjoying” this material and what it potentially implies but i personally cannot condone the type of behavior that disrespects them. especially xz who has been v frustrated with the leaks happening in his project. and just to dispel the rumors, this is who people are saying is supposedly yibo ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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no shade to this guy. he was just a victim of people’s overzealous tendencies. this is not the first time cpfs have done this, in OOL and OnO we’ve had questionable video evidences too which is most likely not who we think it is. please stop. it’s not just the leaks. we have to protect them. we know they visit each other, let’s just bridge the clues with what they give us. we cpn that they visit the ST or probably even follow certain cpf accounts, there is just no universe that they will see this kind of conversations related to leaked photos and videos and be happy about it.
• DESCENDANTS OF THE SUN AU 😭😭😭😭 idk man. military/police wyb and doctor xz pairing is really top notch!
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• 4/19 xiao zhan weibo post for the 6th solar term - Guyu ( Grain Rain ) and all the clowning: one / two
• 4/20 zsww rumor ; hinting at them working on a project where one will direct and the other will act
• WYB’s GQ hat could be a custom made one from Tod’s????
• A new explanation about the mystery driver and comparing it to the mask WYB uses
• There has been some conversation because of WYB’s bazaar shoot with his FPU co star/team and that it’s no longer just XZ that he has done that with. Well i have to say that no matter what people say, the bazaar one with XZ is different. just the production value and theme of it — was more romantic and WYB was totally expressive. plus don’t forget that the shoot for that was where xz called him Venus. it will always be special, cause it’s just the 2 of them. there is no use comparing, i bet you, xz will have a joint cover or spread for LOCH with the female lead. it is part of marketing.
• yibo and his rainbow necklace 🌈
• I will add this here cause i don’t think it needs a separate post with how galaxy brain it is. it’s about certain photos uploaded by YBO being 2.3 MB in size. 23 love zhan. whether this is intentional or something special. who knows. it just came up again this month because the bear photo is with the same file size. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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other instances are outlined by this account on weibo :
February 3, 2:30 pm (Picture 1) // May 11 (Picture 3) // June 1st, Children’s Day, “Children are in love” (Picture 5) // August 5th, birthday composition (Picture 7)// November 22 (Picture 9)
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• 4/29 zsww fake rumor
• GUCCI wall 2.0 is close to Lacoste big screen ad! oh the possibilities!
• 4/29 candies to enjoy ( includes: their promos not overlapping, jiayou parallel, double standards and the bead bracelet discussion again )
See you all next month! ✌🏼💛
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zzhangebodi · 2 years
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Happy 3rd Anniversary ❤️💚
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theji · 3 years
Because it's the second anniversary of their episode, and I needed a perk-me-up in the middle of my work day, I pulled out the 27 mins special cut of Happy Camp to rewatch. Cheered me up instantly!
I suspect the editor at Mango TV is a 🐢. Look at some of the edits! 🤣 The fan made video-esque vibes, The Untamed footage and BGM. The most hilarious one was when they inserted footage of DD doing a handstand on his own on other occasions, after GGDD's dance segment. So he didn't need the support after all! 😆
Other iconic moments included GG's anxious reaction after DD's neck got injured and bts, like the 'old cow eats young grass' and 'repair motorcycle brakes' moments.
The whole thing is super hilarious and worth multiple rewatch. The full clip is available here.
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When Yibo helped Zhan Ge win the game. Wang Zhuocheng even shook his head😂 because Yibo and Zhan are not even team mates in that game. Also, they are the only ones who wore sweatshirts in the show...
I miss their Happy Camp days🥺
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tracer85s · 4 years
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see more
cr. 一肖如梦丨midnightdream
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twolonesomestars · 4 years
[BJYX] ||
A post about the ox-head necklace.
This is mostly a post compiling a bunch of theories about the ox-head necklace as well as my explanations for a few things (AKA most of the things on this post are pretty well known & theorized often).
Warning: This is all fake. Don’t take what I say to heart. These are just my random thoughts.
Firstly, @zhansww has a pretty detailed overview of the whole thing: here
So, we’ve established that this necklace is extremely important to WYB. To the point where he wears it everywhere—the airport, filming, races, and almost every time we see him in public. I don’t think he’s ever worn a piece of jewelry this consistently before the necklace. Honestly speaking, WYB wears the ox-head necklace far, far more often than his feather necklace, which was gifted to him by a person we can safely say is like a second father to him. (Wang Han also often refers to WYB as his son, unjokingly.) I don’t think I’ve ever seen WYB wear his feather necklace outside of filming DDU (same with the DDU brothers’ ring). That right there is already gives the basics about how much the necklace means to WYB.
Something significant to note: WYB was first seen wearing it at the airport in Chongqing (of all places) on June 19, 2019, exactly a year and a day after their “date” to a restaurant on Dragon Boat Festival day. So... anniversary vibes anyone?
Now, the actual pendant is an ox-head; WYB was born in the year of the ox. Out of the two, XZ has always been the more superstitious one (i.e. hesitance to cross out “wangxiao” & crosses out his own name first); he even has/ used(?) to have the god of fortune as his lock screen. With that info, I think it’s pretty safe to say that XZ would pay more attention to their Chinese zodiacs and horoscopes and choose to give WYB a piece of jewelry that represents the animal of his birth year. Also, I don’t think WYB has ever worn anything related to his Chinese zodiac until this necklace.
The whole brand thing is pretty fun to unpack. I mean WYB doesn’t even wear the brands he endorses like he does this necklace... why is he wearing a brand he doesn’t endorse this much? Since the necklace is way cheaper than what the brand would give XZ, it would make sense for it to be something he bought on his own. Also, the fact that it was limited edition and only sold in two physical stores in China? That right there screams YiZhan to me.
I want to focus specifically on the Happy Camp episode because what happened there gave me the last bit of proof I needed in order to say that XZ bought him the necklace.
There’s a well-known video explanation of what happened with the necklace during the show. Here’s the VIP version of the episode; it has several unaired clips including the whole WYB getting hurt moment.
To paraphrase: the necklace scratched WYB’s neck when he was playing the game and trying to get through the hoops. If you watch the entire episode, you’ll notice him touching his neck and rubbing it throughout the game, but he didn’t pay it much more attention than that. It was only until his neck got very red that another player saw and pointed it out. When XZ saw, his eyes literally almost popped out of their sockets and when he understood what happened he told WYB to take it off quite angrily.
I’ve mentioned this before: XZ’s public persona is different from his private self; he doesn’t really show his anger in public (amongst other things). Thus, it’s extremely obvious when his public persona breaks, which is what happened at Happy Camp.
He looked very concerned even as he scolded WYB and kept looking away and back, which makes me believe that most of his anger was at himself, because of his own guilt, more so than at WYB.
I also don’t think XZ’s the type of person to scold someone in public, no matter how close the person was to him. So, I doubt he would scold WYB like this in front of cameras and lose control of his emotions (even if it was only for minute or two) unless he had a really good reason to. We’ve seen XZ’s reaction to WYB’s injuries before—the iconic 9 minute flirting/arguing video when he told WYB to wear knee pads; he showed a lot of concern, but not much anger. (I suppose this could also be because the type of relationship they share changed later.) But, at the end of the day, I highly doubt XZ would show any type of anger, whether it be towards himself or someone else, in public.
I put myself in this scenario to see my own reaction: if your friend or lover got hurt because of a meaningful necklace that someone else gave them, you wouldn’t go and get angry at them because it’s not your place. You’d be very concerned and ask them to take it off immediately—what the rest of the people around WYB did—but you wouldn’t scold them... unless... the necklace was something you gave them. I’d personally feel ridiculously guilty and angry at myself that the person I love got hurt because of something I gave them. I don’t think its farfetched to imagine that XZ felt the same way. To me, his reaction at Happy Camp ONLY makes sense when I think about it this way.
A recent event that threw me off and re-emphasized just how important this necklace is to WYB was when he wore it while filming Let’s Sacalaca (the surfing show).
The fact that WYB doesn’t take it off, even when he’s in the ocean where he could easily lose it, renders me speechless. With surfing or swimming in the ocean in general, you get a lot of wipeouts and the strong ocean currents wouldn’t exactly help the situation. Imagine how much this necklace means to WYB that he would risk losing it in the ocean just so he could have it with him at all times... Imagine just how much he loves and misses the person that gave it to him that he wants it close to his heart at all times.
XZ’s actions in Happy Camp proved to me that he was the one who gave the necklace to WYB. The manner in which WYB uses the necklace proved to me what type of relationship they have.
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accio-victuuri · 11 months
Sugar Rush : October CPNs
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This was an insane month to say the least, I’m not even exaggerating. Things happened that will go down in fandom history. Our detective skills in looking for places and trying to piece a story was tested and the clowning was at it’s peak. I would have to say that by far, this year, it’s this month that generated lots of noise. Both sides were just throwing sweets at us and we can’t even keep up.
It also proved once more the charm of turtle cpns and why context, history and time is important to fully enjoy a candy:
“The charm of turtle candy is that it is incomplete. It is not a one-time solution. You feel suspicious at the beginning, but you are more sure later, and then at some unknown moment in the future, you suddenly get it. The correct answer, everything forms a closed loop, it's so cool”
• YH poster for WYB is from a BJYX fansite
• On 10/1, there has been some talk about WYB’s hair hiding beneath his beanie when he arrived at the airport to Paris. People’s guess is that he is blonde. Some people are connecting it to the blonde character in the XZS vlog.
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People are free to interpret this however they want, as a candy, it appears to ZZ giving us a clue as to WYB dyeing his hair. Personally tho, this person is a member of GG’s staff & his friend who also takes part in putting out the amazing materials we get. People particularly remembered one of them had blonde hair during MFW. Anyway, I understand why people are so happy about this & interpreting it the way they do and go ahead and it this if you want 🍭
It also doesn’t help that the character kinda looks like WYB in Paris which is some next level coincidence. I can’t even with this fandom.
• I’m adding this beautiful analysis of Pie @potteresque-ire about the Mid Autumn festival photos posted by our boys. It’s technically from last month but i already published it before I read this meta. It just gives more weight to the meaning of it aside from how it matches 🌙
• Mengniu exhibit with zz and wyb standees
• Camera/Leica CPN : This has actually become everyone’s favorite candy of the year. It started out so simple and almost like a galaxy brain sort of clowning but both sides ended up “confirming” what we speculated. I have talked about this at length and in different parts below :
Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part Four / Part Five
10/6, WYB continues to show off his camera. Almost all the photos in the set released by YBO, he is holding it, and there are falling cameras on Weibo in that post!!!! 📸
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There is also this CPN on what WYB is taking a photo of and with people using google earth and comparing, they found out it’s the number 23. What a beautiful number. He really loves it! ♥️
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• Same place, different times. This is so bittersweet to me. One day, they will get that Romantic Paris getaway together 🖤
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• XZ 1005 birthday CPNs : one // two 🎂
• A photography studio shared a shot of GG for his bday and the kadian is 18:23. This same company also released a bday photo for WYB’s. They have worked with the boys a couple of time.
• The same description of something being like a film
• Glasswork art piece from France that could have been a gift and souvenir for GG
• Camping site and it’s connection to WYB selfie - At this point, there’s been so many “evidence” collected by bxgs and the most accurate date is really 8/14-8/15 that this “celebration” was done. There are also posts from people who visited the place and a motorcycle “parade” took place, so we know it’s a popular place to ride your moto. It’s one of the “services” they provide and looks like something that WYB took advantage of.
• Is one of the photographers yibo? 📸
• GG’s rope necklace and it’s meaning
• XZS birthday video taking some inspiration from a queer themed short film “we are animals”
• The camping trip was a team building of XZS and YBO?
• Both of them so sexy 🔥🔥🔥🔥
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• 10/12 ZSWW rumor house & fake story content 🤍
• WYB’s 10/13 Selfie : part one / part two
• A galaxy brain cpn of XZS 10/13 post’s caption
• On 10/16, XZ released a tribute song which is government sponsored of course. In the past months, the go-to person we usually see singing for these causes is WYB and now it’s XZ. This is not exactly CPN, but i like the way that they are both people seen as positive influences and may be used to sing for certain events. Maybe one day they can do a duet? LOL.
• This one is so funny, there is an interview in a Taiwan TV show i guess. and the question was, “Talk about the general interests of gay men in Taiwan” ; the person answering is also gay and he said it’s : fitness, mountain climbing, raising cats, and Shiba Inu. 😂😂😂😂
LOL. Why does it remind us of two people? It’s so specific. Who have always wanted to raise both a car and a dog (shiba inu) and is currently loving fitness and mountain climbing. They might as well add camping on there 🤪🤪🤪
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I don’t really believe in stereotypes and that there is a certain “checklist” that makes you gay or whatever— your interests are personal and what you enjoy. maybe you will be influenced by your environment but just do what you want. Tho I understand why this was so amusing to c-turtles cause they immediately thought of ZZ & WYB when they saw this.
• Even holding the camera is the same 😂✌🏼like a true photographer. Not acting all cute and using a camera to “pose” but actually using it.
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• Updated mole signature by XZS
• XZS video x Bottled Joy Parallel. 🫶🏼 ; and the fact that Bobo’s is by Bottled Joy, a brand who is known to be BJYX bias ( allegedly ) . Tho this was most likely filmed before that XZS video. A happy coincidence. && This is the renewal we have been waiting for.
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• Luoyang Tourism video uses a BGM of a song by ZZ
• BJYX and Skydiving 🪂
• 130 fake rumors compilation
• Wuzhen Day 3 Yibo shirt CPN ⛳️
See you all next month for another round up! 💛
Previous Posts: Jan-June 2023 / July / August / September
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p-h03n1-x · 2 years
Its been 3 years since their dance performance at Happy Camp.. and i cherish every moment of it!
Link here for a related post about this performance
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So, same jacket 🤣🤣
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victorialovesstiles · 4 years
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Will I ever be over Wei Daxun hilariously trying (and failing) to get in between Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo holding hands? No.
Will I ever be over Wang Yibo’s impulse to reach over with his other hand to hold Xiao Zhan’s hand with both hands? Also no.
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gacktova · 5 years
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Told ya their guesting in Happy Camp is the best episode🤪
What's Yibo's hand doing inside of Zhan's shirt?😂
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