ereesfd · 28 days
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birdstar ❤️
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theallianceclangen · 9 months
Birdclan comes from gratitude and for the sake of honoring an old friend, everyone is born with the name relating to birds, but it doesn't mean they will ignore what they mean
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-those with clan names must always have the prefix related to a bird
-they live in the forest, this forest borders Weedclan and Rosyclan
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mothsbattlekitties · 2 years
SpiritSight! One of the 5 protags of Clans of the Sky Arc I! They use they/she pronouns c:
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puddleferns · 1 year
Intro Post
hey there! i'm mal, and this is my sideblog for all of my original warrior cats content! this includes original characters, fanclans, and fanfiction created by me. i have been brainrotting about warriors cats for about six years now and have no intentions of stopping anytime soon!
my main blog is @/creampuffqueen, where i also post tons of warriors content, as well as other fandom stuff. this blog is purely to help me organize my original warriors content, as my other blog is a bit messy for this kind of thing.
this blog is not a safe place for radfems/terfs, conservatives, or people just generally looking to start discourse. as for everyone else, please just be respectful and we'll get along great! now onto the kitty stuff!
Original Clans:
(links lead to guides on each clan! most are still works in progress)
FloeClan (based in the arctic circle)
BeachClan (based on beaches on the u.s. gulf coast) {Allegiances}
PrairieClan (based on north american prairies)
TreadClan (nomadic clan)
BirdClan (clan that lives in trees, based around a general forest)
CanyonClan (based in big bend national park)
inspiration posts, i.e. photos i feel fit certain clans, will be tagged as '[clan] inspo'. posts about individual cats from a certain clan will be tagged '[clan] cats' and posts about the clan in general will just be tagged as '[clan]'
Original Characters:
all oc talks and posts will be tagged with 'mal's warrior ocs'. most of my original characters belong to my fanclans, but for those that don't, they will be tagged with their name as well.
my ao3 account can be found here
whispers spilling out in giggles (falling asleep while we're still talking) {BeachClan}
when i work on my wips about the silly battle cats, all of those will be tagged as 'mal's warrior works'
the only wip that currently has its own tag is my original arc, The Song of the Rain, which will be tagged accordingly
currently working on: hammering out plot for The Song of the Rain, considering a rewrite of the OOTS arc, thinking So Very Hard about my PrairieClan quadruplets, attempting to write a Vulturestar of BirdClan fic but getting too sad about her backstory and stopping, and trying to learn how to draw cats so i can make this a design blog as well
Other Things:
i am not currently using any trigger tags; if you need something tagged please let me know! i also adore talking to people and recieving asks, so please feel free to chat me up at any time! i'm so excited to share all my things with people!
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sliverpelt-cats · 2 years
I've seen people talk about their clangen clans, and I've just started a new one, so you can follow along about them :) The following are the starting cats of Birdclan, the cats without their roles given are either an apprentice or a warrior (I've added their personalities too);
Sleetstar (Leader, troublesome), Slightash (Deputy, childish), Frogpelt (Medicine cat, wise), Birdfrost (childish), Ashenstrike (strict), Yellowdust (patient), Skipfish (charismatic), Creekpaw (faithful), Amberpaw (playful) and Blotchpaw (patient).
Sleetstar is Blotchpaw's mentor, Slightash is Amberpaw's mentor and Yellowdust is Creekpaw's mentor.
Only one of the two are good mentors, I know it.
Sleetstar feels gloomy (he's pretty much an annoying old man-)
Sleetstar takes Amberpaw on a patrol, when they catch the scent of a fox - THEY SCARED BABY FOXES-
I love foxes.
Ashenstrike and Birdfrost just laze around.
Weeddapple joins the clan, and on her first patrol, she shoos off a rogue.
Also, she's a very pretty dilute calico-
Moon 2
Creekpaw is now Creeksplash!
And he looks like Firestar-
Sleetstar and Skipfish chase a badger off their territory.
Birdclan gets threatened by Slopeclan (probably making fun of them for naming their clan after prey-)
Weeddapple and Birdfrost approach a prey rich, deep ravine. Everything is fine.
Ashenstrike and Slightash come across a large rat, and they plan to eat the rat apparently-
Moon 3
Sleetstar has lost a life to old age, at 153 moons.
Amberpaw is now Amberpatch (and probably traumatised from her mentor's death-)
Blotchpaw doesn't like Creeksplash.
Ashenstrike is talking sh*t about Blotchpaw-
Creeksplash had an argument with Slightash
Blotchpaw and Ashenstrike smell a fox; and drive the fox and her cubs away.
Sleetstar and Birdfrost see a badger den ahead; they chase the badger from Birdclan territory to Slopeclan.
The loner's name is Algestem, and his kits are Redkit, Nightkit, Baykit and Moorkit.
Amberpatch, Skipfish and Weeddapple hunt in another clan's territory.
Moon 4
Slightash retired (old lady-)
I'm gonna bully these cats.
Yet another fox and her cubs get driven away. I'm starting to think it's the same fox, over and over again.
Algaestream and Weeddapple come across a house while hunting; the hunt is successful and twolegless.
Blotchpaw and Creeksplash missed the prey, probably arguing.
Moon 5
Birdfrost has decorated himself with feathers after playing with them.
Blotchpaw is now Blotchleaf.
Skipfish adopts abandoned kits, and proceeds to have her own kit with Birdfrost.
I just noticed how pretty Skipfish is. What a pretty girl.
I'm assuming Bearkit is Skip and Bird's bio kit, bc he looks like Skipfish. Skykit and Morningkit, both toms, are adopted.
A patrol scares the fish away while hunting.
Birdfrost had a vision from StarClan; Amberpatch, Skipfish and Weeddapple talk him through it.
And that's all for now!
Let me know if you guys want more and I will :))
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lynxbriight · 4 months
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Another member of BirdClan.
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waywardyote · 5 months
i just tracked kestrelprance's line from her since im convinced it's cursed and itll be good for writing / plot
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most of the cats are ones ive mained, except the three after lakestar, tho i am currently partridgecrest
we will see how long the ones alive will live
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wb-hollowstorm · 1 year
clangen doodle dump! featuring a few of my favorite kitties from BirdClan
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Here is the first Birdclan cat, Shadedwren! I’ve changed her name from Shadepatch, cause it’s a little boring and I wanted to give Birdclan a specific naming convention! All Birdclan names relate back to the sky or birds, as they believe them to be holy. I didn’t do that many bonus sketches cause, ummmm, I didn’t rly have any fun stuff to add :(
Time for Shadedwren facts!!
Shadedwren is the medic who was chosen for this trip, as she was actually the one who saw the meteor crash
Shadedwren is Brightsky’s litter mate and Pigeonpaw aunt.
She is a trans woman 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️
She is a very devout follower of their version of starclan (I’m still undecided on how their religion works) and actually works as the oracle for the clan. She is still very well versed in healing, but she focuses on the spiritual
Shadedwren takes this mission way more seriously than her companions because of this
She is mildly annoyed by Brightsky’s jovial attitude and wishes he’d be more serious about a quest from the gods, but she can’t stay mad at her brother
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webkinzguttz · 8 months
Drew some creatures that are part of my newest wc world! Any recommendations for mystical creatures are appreciated!!
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I can also go into detail about any of my worlds, but I will leave a small blurb for each world on this post!
New Forages
This is a world where after a judgment day from starclan that absolutely destroyed the four clans, any remaining cats traveled in a group to the new territories. The territories had odd connections, their territories also being odd habitats to have connections. The 4 (with a secret 5th one I can go into info for if you’re interested) new clans created were Birdclan, Buteoclan, Rattleclan, and Terrapinclan.
Unfounded Mysteries
This world is about 3 clans that were part of a ship wreck and now reside on the island, they’re fairly hostile to each other. The clans are also fairly small since not a ton of cats were on the ships that crashed into this island. They have deities that they praise as they don't know about starclan. The three clans are Grottoclan, Rookclan, and Valleyclan.
(My newest and least developed one)
Haven of Hollows
This world is about 4 mystical clans that seem friendly to each other. All of their territories have some sort of magic that makes them enchanting, some clans have more connections to spirits than others. These lands are filled with all sorts of creatures and spirits that help guide the clans. The four clans are Spiritclan, Auroraclan, Fireclan, and Zirconclan.
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creampuffqueen · 2 years
some fun lil worldbuilding bits from my fanclans!!
treadclan cats love call and repeat songs
prairieclan cats spend lots of time inlaying stones into the sides of their tunnels to tell a story with the different textures and shapes
floeclan cats are always touch-starved and will snuggle with other cats at any chance they get
canyonclan apprentices will surf in the rapids of the river running through their camp for fun on hot days
birdclan cats learn to mimic different birdcalls to help with hunting
beachclan cats have a celebration where they watch baby sea turtles hatch and make their way to the sea
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ereesfd · 28 days
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kitkat ❤️
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theallianceclangen · 10 months
Moon ??? - 0
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the small refuge was filled with cats from four different clans, who had never met before, but had something in common, everyone didn't want to talk about what happened.
They didn’t want to talk about the water.
Of fire.
Of the loss.
Of the monsters.
the Violetclan leader, Cressstar, looked through the sea of fur before speaking "am I the only leader here?" no one spoke, but that silence answered his question. the leader's sibling, Blightbreeze, stepped forward "so I guess you'll all be part of our clan now!"
"...What?" a cat turned around, indignation written on its face, Sunspring, the golden fur warrior tom of Rosyclan, bared his teeth, almost growling
"If you think we're going to end our clan's legacy just because no one else has nine lives, you're a fool!" another spoke to the left of them, Slatepelt, an elder of Weedclan.
then a great argument began between the four clans, no one seemed to agree with anyone and it seemed that they were about to test their claws on others.
"Enough! You're scaring our kits!" Snapjump, Weedclan's she-cat healer spoke over everyone's voices. This made everyone stop and look at the pile of kits, different bloods, different clans, huddled close to each other, whimpering and crying and a single one in front of them, Ravenkit, an angry expression with tears in his eyes, ready to protect the little ones.
a cat snorted "it seems like they are more adult than us" Scorchfeather, the brown she-cat meowed, his tone was mocking but still sincere...everyone felt embarrassed.
everyone remained silent, thinking about what to do next, a welcoming breeze passed by them, carrying the smells of the past, their hair stood on end and their eyes widened.
above them a spirit hovered, a guide.
The cat took them to a cave in the bottom of a mountain, the inside of the cave was filled with crystals with a blue and magical glow. the guide stopped and crouched in front of a larger crystal with four cats in it.
"Weed, Violet, Bird and Rosy"
The cats seemed surprised and struggled to pay respect to their founders.
Violet gave everyone present a judgmental look.
Rosy purred before saying "Rowanbug"
Weed smiled big "Sandsun"
Bird yawned before saying the last name "Pheasantfur"
Sandstar received nine lives and choose Sladepelt as deputy
Rowanstar received nine lives and choose Rustbite as deputy
Pheasantstar received nine lives and choose Eaglelily as deputy
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frawnthetyra · 2 years
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Meet SugiliteStride the healer of birdclan others tend to say he’s a bit of a loner, he mostly socializes with the leader and deputy.
I tried going for a new style on this one
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puddleferns · 1 year
so i really WANT to post the other guides i have for my fanclans. but for none of them did i go into as much obsessive detail as floeclan. so i kind of feel like i have to keep working on them until they have enough info to be similar to floeclan
and like yeah a lot of floeclan's extra pages were made up by their unique rank system. but some of the clans also have unique rank systems and don't have as many pages as floeclan. but also many of the guides feel complete as is
so i'm torn
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sliverpelt-cats · 1 year
Redtail and Oakheart live AU
This is a little different from my usual BirdClan content, but bear with me.
So, in this AU, instead of dying, Redtail makes a deal with Tigerclaw that if he [Redtail] isn't out of the forest territories by the next Gathering, he [Tigerclaw] can kill him. The deal is made before the battle at Sunningrocks, and during the battle, Redtail manages to convince Oakheart to pretend to drown him in the river. He [Oakheart] is a bit confused by this but agrees to it anyway.
During the scene, Oakheart knocks his head on a rock underwater, and to achieve his idea, Redtail drags him as far as he can pull him downstream before he has to resurface. When Oakheart wakes up, Redtail explains the plan went awry and RiverClan probably thinks Oakheart drowned.
Of course, Oakheart is upset about this and starts to head back to the territories. Redtail stops him and explains that it would probably be best that Oakheart left the clans behind and journeyed with him elsewhere. This is when Redtail tells him Tigerclaw's threat, and mentions his belief that he won't try to kill Oakheart too.
On the journey, Oakheart and Redtail find more clans, just like theirs, but very much different as the same time...
Of course, everything else in the series happens, like Fireheart/star's investigation about what happened at Sunningrocks and Leopardfur/star becoming Crookedstar's deputy then RiverClan's leader. But instead of Tigerclaw bringing Redtail's body back, he tells Bluestar and ThunderClan that Redtail drowned in battle with Oakheart (which is what is believed by most), Ravenpaw overheard Tigerclaw and Redtail's deal, and RiverClan never found Oakheart's body.
Here's some dialogue about what could have gone down;
(Orange = Tigerclaw, Red = Redtail, Blue = Oakheart)
The Deal
"Bluestar should have chosen me as deputy."
"I would have a far better deputy than you, Redtail, and you know that." "I should just kill you right now, save me the hassle of planning your demise."
"...wait- wait, I could just leave." "ThunderClan wouldn't be the wiser. You could say Twolegs took me. You don't have to kill me."
"How do I know you won't come back to expose my lie to the clan?"
"I-If I'm not away from the forest by the next Gathering, you can kill me then."
"The Gathering is a quarter-moon away."
"Exactly. It gives you enough time to plan my death and the lie for recovering my body for the clan. And it gives me enough time to leave."
"...the next battle for Sunningrocks. We will frame it that you were crushed by a rock slide and it is impossible to move the rocks to retrieve your body."
The Running Away
"Where in StarClan are we?"
"Far enough."
"What do you mean 'far enough'?"
"Come on. It'll be faster now that I don't have to carry you."
"Oakheart, if we don't keep moving, Tigerclaw will find us."
"Tigerclaw- Redtail, if your clanmate is trying to kill you, tell Bluestar. She'll-"
"He'll kill her too." "Hurry up. Are all RiverClan warriors as slow as turtles or is it just you?"
"Redtail, I don't understand. Why do I have to come? And why is Tigerclaw killing cats?"
"Tigerclaw wants to be deputy, and clearly, he'll stop at nothing to be that."
"So you're just going to let him?" "What happened to fighting for your clan?"
"He won't do anything to ThunderClan. StarClan won't allow it."
"Then why am I here?"
"For one, I saved you from drowning completely." "Two, if he's willing to kill his own deputy, don't you think he'd kill another clan's deputy?"
"Redtail, I have kits in RiverClan. I can't just abandon them."
"I didn't think of you as a father to young kits."
"I'm not. They're warriors now." "They were at the battle."
"Then they already think you drowned. Let's go."
I feel like after a long journey, Redtail and Oakheart would form some sort of friendship despite being born of different clans. Like, they discuss their lives in their clans, Oakheart and Bluestar's kits, Redtail's sisters.
I have a feeling Spottedleaf, after her death, would look for Redtail in StarClan bc that's her brother, and Tigerclaw had said he drowned in the river. So when she gets told Redtail never went to StarClan, Spottedleaf is concerned and tries to see if she can meet Redtail in his dreams, with the little hope he survived.
I want to write this now, so I will lol.
Also, I can guarantee that Redtail will be described the way birdsong-warriors has designed him. And Oakheart will be described as his design from Noodlers on YouTube. You can google both of the artists and the characters' names and they will appear (tested it myself).
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