truefandemonium · 3 days
This AU has consumed my mind
Please accept my humble offering to the Bill still community ( @jellynut I totally forgot to credit u I am so sorry)
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a mind ensnared pt. 1
a billstill ficlet
(inspired by the AU by @jellynut)
“According to my research, and the readings I’m getting— she’ll be just off the coast— the Laptev Sea,” Ford said, adjusting the map in front of him before folding it and pointing in some random direction ahead of them. Stan tipped the wheel idly, raising his brows at his brother.
“Always thought Nessie would be in Scotland. Like the name. Not Norway.” Stan blinked as snow began to fall in soft flurries onto the boat, finding purchase in the tufts of greying hair poking out from the front of his beanie.
“Russia, Stanley,” Ford corrected in his trademark deadpan, judgemental eyes flicking over the rim of his glasses as he shifted his focus away from the roaring waves in the distance. “We’re headed for the coast of Russia.”
“Yeah, whatever, poindexter.” Stan didn’t exactly mean to say it. He could feel Ford tense every time the word slipped from his mouth. When they were kids— the nickname was friendly, affectionate. But after everything happened… everything with Bill…
You called?
Stan cleared his throat loudly, forcing himself to stare up at the falling flakes head on. “Heck of a storm, huh?”
Thank God— Ford laughed at that. “You mean the gust of cold wind that couldn’t constitute a squall? Yes, quite a storm,” the other man agreed.
Stan smiled. He missed this. His whole life: wasted, without his brother. But now, they could finally make up for that lost time.
Lost time. Boy have I heard that one before. But so have you, right Stanley?
Get out of my head. Stan didn’t notice his own knuckles whitening around the wheel. Get out of my head right now or I’ll—
You’ll what, Mystery Man? Yell at me? Hahahahahahahah—
Say, how much do you remember, Stan? Do you remember your favorite food? How about the shirt you wore everyday for a month while waiting for good ol’ Fordsy to come back from the abyss?
Stan sucked in a deep breath, risking shutting his eyes against the wind as the screaming in his head swelled. He can’t hurt you, Stan told himself, starting to sweat despite the cold.
But you remember the important things, don’t you? Like what Pine Tree gave you before he left for home. Or the secret Shooting Star confessed to you and you alone? Come on, tell me you remember that.
Stan opened his eyes and steeled himself. He wouldn’t let some stupid triangle ruin the rest of his life.
You gotta remember what makes you you, though, don’t you? The fact that you were the reason Ford spent half his life in nightmare dimensions. The reason his childhood was spent looking out for you.
No, no, it’s not true. Is it? Did I destroy Ford’s life? Since the beginning?
The reason he’s never been happy. Not even now—
Stan suddenly doubled over, a sharp pain in his skull causing a bright light to rip through his vision. The steering wheel cracked hard against his knuckles as he tried and failed to find purchase somewhere before collapsing.
“Stanley!” Ford was at his side in an instant, knees on the ground as he placed one steadying hand on Stan’s back, and pushed him to kneel with the other. “Stanley—?”
The two men sat in the snowy light of the moon, Stan wheezing, his vision blurred as sweat began to pool in his gloves and drip cooly down the sides of his face. The waters around them began to spin— or at least it felt that way. Despite the endless space beyond the boat, Stan felt the world closing in on him. All set to the sound of distant wicked laughter.
Ford felt cold to his bones, not from the wind or weather, but the look of sheer panic etched into his brother’s face. Stan had few moments of real fear that he let Ford get close enough to see. This… this was one of them.
Ford eased his hold on Stan and watched him slam his palms onto the deck, shaking hard enough to make his dentures clack together. Keeping one six-fingered hand on his brother’s back, Ford started to speak in a slow, soothing tone.
“Stanley, it’s alright, breathe, Stanley,” he muttered, watching Stan’s eyes flick wildly around, the fear clawing at him. He looked like a wounded animal… more specifically a rabbit.
Caught in a snare: the wire tightening with each sharp breath around his throat, Ford’s heart wrenched at the image. “Stanley.” Ford shifted to cup Stan’s jaw in his gloved hand, applying enough pressure to ease his glazy eyes upward.
“I’m right here,” he whispered. Stan’s gaze flickered with something— recognition, but his heaving didn’t cease. Ford continued, “Breathe, Stanley. I’m here.”
“Bill—” Stan choked out, shaking his head hard, trying to recoil from his brother’s gentle touch.
It was like a blade between Ford’s ribs. The name sent a shudder through his spine and blood flashing behind his eyes. Still, he held firm.
“Stanley.” His voice shook as he pulled Stan into his arms, forcing him to still. “Bill is gone.”
Finally, Stan moved. All at once, he barreled forward, wrapping Ford in a tight hug as he sobbed, the heat of his tears soaking into the exposed hair curling around Ford’s neck.
“He’s gone,” Ford repeated. Part of him wanted to believe it.
Part of him knew, even if Bill was gone. The memories were one thing that would never fall away.
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jellynut · 2 hours
I am *this* close to writing a one shot of like 5000 words, billstill AU bad taken over AJAJSJDJSJAJS
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istuilu · 6 days
Can't belive no one has made a refence to the "the souls of the inocent" "a bagel" "NO" two bagels" vine with @jellynut 's billstill au
I'd make it myself, but I have too many wips already😭
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kalitor · 7 years
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RT @kalitor: Mueller Probe Collapsing, 2020 https://t.co/e2I6cZ1arx via @billstills
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trumpfeed · 7 years
via Twitter
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billstills · 7 years
Project Veritus Goes Inside the New York Times
Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Project Veritus Goes Inside the New York Times Link to Project Veritas video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5854... Protect Your Information From Big Data - Click Here! https://www.virtualshield.com/billstill Use Promo Code: bill still for 20% OFF Good morning, I’m still reporting on: Project Veritus Goes Inside the New York Times, 1828 Synopsis: You...
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jellynut · 8 days
found out abt billstill like 30 seconds ago and i love it immediately
YAY I’m so glad! ^^
I’m hoping I can get the next two pages posted tomorrow >:3
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jellynut · 12 hours
Genuine question and I am ashamed to be asking it but
Is it StillBill or BillStill?? 😭 Ik the OG post that started this all said the former, but the only tag I’ve seen is for the latter?
It’s BillStill! ^^
I went back and fixed the OG post! So sorry about the confusion 😭😭😭
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jellynut · 18 hours
P.S., I love how you draw the Stans, especially Stanley's expressions when Bill shows up, he always looks so traumatized or annoyed.
There’s more to come tonight >:3
And Ty so much ;_; ur so sweet
I love drawing Stan annoyed at Bill XD it makes me so happy
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billstills · 7 years
Petition to Probe Vegas Shootings
Click Image to Watch on YouTube! Petition to Probe Vegas Shootings https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/peti... Protect Your Information From Big Data - Click Here! https://www.virtualshield.com/billstill Use Promo Code: bill still for 20% OFF Good morning, I’m still reporting on: Petition to Probe Vegas Shootings, 1823 Synopsis: Although new startling stories are still coming out as a result of...
The post Petition to Probe Vegas Shootings appeared first on .
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trumpfeed · 8 years
via Twitter
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