directorrubygem · 6 years
Ghouls gather here. T’is the season to be SPOOKY -- tralalalalala lalalala. Wrong song ?? Oh well. It’s the second best holiday of the year and you’re in for a treat, patients and staff members. Doctor Wright is going all out this year, throwing a number of celebrations and activity for you to all take part in. A candy a day keeps the monsters away so lets get sweet, lets get sour, Director Ruby holds the power !! I’m excited, you better be too.
This event will start on the 24th OCTOBER and will last until the 14th NOVEMBER. There will be opportunities to interact with characters that you may not typically write with, as well as extra ways of earning points !! You do not need to worry about pausing any of your current threads as this event is set inside of Brielle. Keep an eye out on Director Ruby Gem, or more importantly -- the tag #BHQEVENT5 for all posts related to the event !! You can find all of the activities and tasks in the navigation that we will be posting too. Please tag your starters as #BHQHALLOWEEN. Happy roleplaying and we can’t wait to see what spooky storylines creep on the dash ...
We are wishing you an eerie, spooky, hair raising, spell binding Halloween !!
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brielleinstitutehq · 7 years
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Residents, whilst Brielle Instiute is being prepared for change, I would personally like to thank you all for your patience. Temporarily, the head office / main will be closed so that myself and all staff members here can do what is right for you as patients and so that we can cater for your needs. I have had a change of heart and I would like to apologise for leaving you all in the dark these past few months... Being the head of a facility is an excruciating hard job and I am writing this now, with deep regret that my time has come to an end. Head of the Institute, Doctor Anthony Holmes.
MEMBERS !! Here it is... Doctor Holmes is GONE and there is nobody to watch over Brielle. Whilst his message may seem sincere, he did not have what it takes to run a hospital - a hospital full of people who depend him. With a drop in staff members who left once they realised they weren’t going to be receiving their paycheck, the remaining staff members may be trying to keep the patients under control - but what is an asylum without a head? Brielle has gone ROGUE - patients now have unsupervised access to the following:
The Confiscation Room
The Nurses Stations and Medicinal Cabinets
The Roof
The Head Office
The Kitchen 
The Gym and Pool
The Library 
Enjoy the freedom, whilst it lasts.
Brielle is still open and are currently in search of a new head. We will be making changes to the main, which includes making this blog PRIVATE for the time being. Throughout these changes, we will being moving to a new URL and not accepting any applications UNLESS you are a current member of Brielle. If you are hoping to join this roleplay, then please keep your eyes peeled as we will be opening something brand new and super exciting !!
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samuel-and-adam · 6 years
But man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated. - Ernest Hemingway
Samuel hated all of it. When the idea was first introduced he thought it would be the best opportunity to make a break for it, but ironically they were watched more here than inside the institution. It was infuriating.
Scheduled games, team building exercises, relay races on the beach. Samuel bitterly refused to participate in any of it. Instead he chose to spend his days in his assigned cabin, waiting impatiently for the trip to be over with. While everyone else laughed and swam, he slept.
When the sun went down, and everyone was locked back in for assigned bedtimes is when Samuel snuck out. Adam had always loved the beach at night. The cold sand between his toes, the moon on the water.
And Samuel didn’t miss him. He didn’t miss him at all. The quiet in his head was welcome. The hollow in his chest was comforting.
Walking down to the water, the clearing of someones throat behind him caught his attention and ripped him from his thoughts.
Samuel whipped around.
“There are more polite ways to introduce oneself.”
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petitececily · 7 years
Cecily was being oddly quiet since the news broke that the building had been SPLIT IN HALF. Her first instinct had been to try and find Nate for protection, and when she had been unable to find him she was somewhat heartbroken. But the child didn’t have the energy to kick and scream, and instead, silent tears fell from her eyes. Nate was one of the few people who cared for her, and she wasn’t able to seek comfort from him. To make it worse Seven still hadn’t made a reappearance. Sitting outside the Ward, Cecily drew her knees close to her chest, it was COLD and she was small. She was so focused on keeping herself warm and trying not to cry that the individual standing over her had gone completely unnoticed. 
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directorrubygem · 6 years
At Halloween, we believe that it is important for a variety of different activities to take place for patients of all kinds to enjoy. This includes several activities, entertainment designed for younger patients to older patients -- all of which are again, operated by staff members within Brielle Institute. These are not strictly in place but more so, to set the scene and create a setting. Similarly to Camp Crypto, think of these more as prompts, in all the different ways that you can INTERACT with other characters, including staff members who can partake in these activities too !! Nobody is ever too old to carve a pumpkin, though you may be slightly frowned upon if you roam around knocking on doors dressed up with a halloween bag in hand ( yes, I’m looking at you Simon ). Fear not, there will be tasks released too -- where you can earn points and indulge in the halloween spirit. Each staff member is in charge of their activity and holds free reigns on how they operate ( patients can interact in one on one paragraphs, with each activity / event or even, group paras if discussed between muns). Happy halloweening !!
Now, we all know that there are some scary movies that are out there ... There are the ones that chill your spine but serve as laughter - otherwise known as the classics; The Exorcist, It, Psycho, Scream, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Carrie... But there are also the ones that stay on your mind at night - leaving you tossing and turning in your bed as you wait for the prey to catch you; Get Out, Don’t Breathe, The Conjuring, Sinister, Paranormal Activity. Here at Brielle, we are sharing the SCARIEST of movies -- all of which can be viewed in the recreational room. Watch your step and find yourself a blanket, things are about to get real freaky in Brielle Institute.
Brielle Institue is known for its long serving history, taking care of veterans in the second war ... Many people died in our halls, so it would be no surprise to us if several spirits were looming throughout our halls -- or WORSE, the garden -- where everything is black in the dead of the night. You are not allowed to take a flashlight, only a buddy. This exercise is not for the faint hearted so buckle up patients, things are about to get real scary in the haunted garden. Throughout, you will find your favourite staff members; zombied out and mummified as they prepare themselves to try and catch you. Keep your eyes peeled but more importantly, keep yourselves safe.
We all know apple bobbing for what it is -- your head buried in the water whilst those fangs try to catch the beautiful blood red apples that are trapped within the confinements of your tank. Everybody speaks of how FUN it is but people forget of how dangerous it is too ... Hold your breath and try your hardest to remain calm, you never know what may come up behind your whilst your mind is fixated on the task at hand.
Did somebody say fright walk ?? You heard Ryder’s ghost stories at Camp Crypto -- now get ready for the haunted tour of Brielle Institute, where we will uncover all things ghostly, showing you the history of the building and the dreaded activities of what happened in 1970 when one of the old doctors performed illegal treatments, experimenting on patients and causing them death. Although these stories may seem made up by your tour guides, you never know what happened all of those years ago ... there could be some TRUTH in what you are being told.
Jack-o-lanterns. Something that people of all ages -- young and old -- love to do. You can make your pumpkin look as pretty as a pie or as spooky as a corpse, organs ( aka pumpkin seeds ) seeping from it’s very own mouth. In this workshop, you will be able to carve whatever you may please -- stabbing the orange to your hearts content whilst getting artistic. Let it be a warning, any patients under the age of 12 OR with violent pasts will need supervision. Don’t make us regret giving you that knife -- we have a security guard and nurse on site for this one.
Whilst this one is aimed towards the younger patients, anybody can take part -- but if you’re over the age of 16, please do expect a long lasting lecture as to why you shouldn’t be prancing around with a white sheet over your head and a bucket in hand. Through the staff offices, our favourite therapists and doctors will be kitted out with candies of all sorts -- waiting for you within their offices. Come and say BOO, don’t be scared.
In true autumnal tradition, we are celebrating every inch of the festive season as far as possible -- which includes a bonfire located just outside of Brielle’s gardens, at the very bottom of the grounds. This is in aid of the British tradition -- aka Guy Fawkes Night. This is brand new to Brielle and is therefore something to celebrate, not to mention, watching woodlogs burn afire is not only romantic but warming too for the autumnal season. Come along and bring something warm, we’re watching the grounds set alight.
And I’m Jack ... the pumpkin KING !! In honour of all things haunted, with more of an excuse to get yourself kitted up in a costume -- we are bringing the ball to you. With black and orange tealights dotted around the garden, we will be HOSTING a party where you can vote for your Pumpkin King and Queen ( aka Jack and Sally, if we’re going by Tim Burton’s theme ). Nevermind Christmas, it’s Halloween -- there will be more to come on this so keep your eyes peeled on Ruby’s blog.
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directorrubygem · 6 years
I, Doctor Wright, would like to thank you all for your patience. Not only have you complied with the rules set in place but you have also welcomed my team with open arms, which I am incredibly grateful for. For this reason, I will be rewarding you all with a ‘bash’ to celebrate the end of Summer; CAMP CRYPTO. Treat this as some relaxation time away from the responsibilities of schooling and all downfall that has come pouring down on the institution lately. Hopefully, we can all return with clean minds and a newfound peace within us.
Brielle Institute - Doctor Robert is in the mood to treat you and thank you for welcoming him !! Or should we say, cover up the recent DISTURBING events that has occurred within the hospital... With a reputation to maintain and money to make, our head has arranged a ‘field trip’ to distract the media from the two suicides and the fact that he is housing murderers, rather than sending them somewhere with much higher security. There will be mini vans waiting from the 1st SEPTEMBER for all patients and staff members, where cabins / lodges await for a luxury ‘camping’ trip in Mexico !! The journey is long so buckle up. We will be making a few stops along the way but once we get there, is when the real fun begins. There will be several activities to take part in, where staff will be operating stalls and showing our patients a new quality of life, where being physical and getting away from the institute may very well be helpful to everybody wanting to better themselves mentally. The purpose in this event is to promote patients in having an active lifestyle, taking on new challenges and most importantly, having some fun !!
This event will start on 1st SEPTEMBER and will last for a month. There will be opportunities to interact with characters that you may not typically write with, as well as extra ways of earning points !! To keep the dash tidy, we ask that you end or pause all of your current threads so that we can keep the dash orientated towards towards the event. The first week of this event ( ending 10th SEPTEMBER ) will be a ‘cooling down’ period, in which writers can wrap up / pause their current threads but after this date, we ask that all posts on the dashboard remain event orientated only. Keep an eye out on Director Ruby Gem, or more importantly - the tag #BHQEVENT4 for all things related to the event !! You can find all activities and rooming arrangements in the navigation that we will be posting too. Please tag your starters as #BHQEVENT4STARTER. Happy roleplaying and we cant wait to see what excitement you will all bring to the dash !!
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brielleinstitutehq · 7 years
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but, unfortunately, the danger has NOT. During the midst of Hurricane Naomi, more damange than expected came to Brielle Institution... including the tipping of a large tree right outside of the building that has fallen right into our facility.
Thankfully, no one was injured, but the damage caused to the building due to this happening is going to require a long period of time to repair. The fallen tree has also separated the institutions, separting it’s inhabitants while also making corridors and other wards in the building dangerous. There is also no electral power or clean water- so we ask that resources such as water bottles and things of the likeness are used only when and if needed. We ask all of you to remain calm, and listen to your staff supervisors during this time. We may have to relocate, but we are hoping the damage will be fixable and all the residents can once more be reunited.
It is crucial that you follow the safety guidelines listed bellow in order to ensure no harm is to come to any resident of this facility; 
 Listen to staff members in your area. Whether they are your assigned doctor/therapist, a tutor, a security guard, or an intern... their number one concern is to keep you SAFE, so if they give you any instructions, ensure you follow them.
Do not try to travel to the opposite side of the building. Due to the tree splitting the building in two, there are plenty exposed wires, electricity, sharp metals, and things of that likeness for you to get injured on.
Do not go scouting for missing individuals. Everyone has been accounted for and is safe, so there is no reason for you to search for them on your own account.
Inform your supervisors of any threats, danger, or injured persons immediately. 
We are working as fast as we POSSIBLY can to either relocate us or find a way to safely manage this building as it is being repaired. Please follow the above guidelines. . . and stay safe, members.
WELCOME to part two of ?? for our first huge event!! Hurricane Naomi has caused a large tree to split Brielle Institute in HALF- separating most of the patients and staff from one another! Below the cut is a list containing who is on what side of the building & what rooms they have access too ( RANDOMIZED, not based on original event assignments !! ). Following that is a list of DANGER ZONES- parts of the building that are no longer safe due to the damage. Also, please OPEN your ask boxes if you haven’t already...as special tasks will be sent your way to make this part of the event even MORE interesting!! The ending for this task is to be decided. . . so make sure you are tracking the BHQEVENT tag to ensure you are kept up to date !! As always, any questions can be directed towards the main’s ask box.
THIS PART OF THE EVENT WILL BEGIN @ 6:00PM EST TOMORROW, JANUARY 10TH. If you have any threads you’d like to wrap up, now is the time to do it!! The new starter tag will be BHQSTARTERP2 in order to avoid any confusion !! We understand that this is a huge change for the dash, so please don’t hesitate to inform us of any concerns. 
Blythe ‘Birdie’ Winter
Nevaeh Kroger
Simon Abbot
Quentin Sykes
Oswald ‘Ozzy’ June
Richard Talbot
Demetria Rivers
Ingrid Hollis
Donovan Nielson
Tristan Powell
Nathaniel Whitman
Sierra Canadore
West Gillespie
Lukas Braun
Lucy Griffin
Drew Raymond
Elana Parris
Eveline Foster
Heather Carpe
Abigail Winston
Malachi Beaumont
Western Recreational Room ( everyone is roomed here ) 
Pediatric Psychiatric Ward 
Western Men’s Restrooms
Western Women’s Restrooms
Pediatric Medical Ward 
Western Staff Room
Therapist Offices 
Sidney Seuss
Tara Clarke
Serena Healy
Cecily Adams
Elliot ‘Ellie’ Brown
Liliana ‘Lee’ Kyles
Rylo Aym
Toni Rowland
Dexter Stavros
Emelie Hollis
Estelle Grimes
Dinah Liddell
Piper Capello
Charlie Swann
Bailey St. Clair
Eden Mayer
Eloise Sterling
Emma Keller
Noah Brinrose
Skylar Melanto 
Alexandra Dunn
Adult Psychiatric Ward  ( everyone is roomed here )
Adult Medical Ward 
Music Room
Eastern Staff Room
Sun Room
Medical Offices
Eastern Recreational Room
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brielleinstitutehq · 7 years
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A hurricane, now named Hurricane Naomi, is hurtling towards the north-west coast with winds picking up to 146 miles per hour at an alarming rate. This is predicted to be one of the worst hurricanes to hit the north-west region, and is completely unpredictable due to the rarity of such a north-pacific set storm. The hurricane seems to be heading directly for the state of Oregon, specifically the west coast / midwest regions. Due to the quickly approaching storm, those in the path of Hurricane Naomi are advised to either EVACUATE the area or hurricane-proof their homes! 
Brielle Institute has been alerted of Hurricane Naomi, a level four hurricane quickly approaching the western coast of Oregon. We do not have the time nor resources to evacuate ALL of our residents, so patients and staff members are advised to follow the following procedures: 
In order to monitor the safety of all patients, rooming/sleeping arrangements will be made regardless of gender, only depending on ward and age. 
ALL MEDICAL PATIENTS will be staying in the MUSIC ROOM. 
STAFF MEMBERS and INTERNS will be assigned to certain rooms REGARDLESS of their position ( excluding DOCTORS, as they will be strictly residing with medical patients ! ). 
Meals, blankets, pillows, medications, etc. will be distributed by staff members. Patients are NOT permitted to leave their designated rooms. Bathroom trips will run on a timed schedule and any patient who plans to leave the room must be accompanied by a staff member. If there is a medical or psychiatric emergency, please find the nearest staff member. This is for YOUR safety, so please make sure you are cooperative and attentive. 
Brielle has a generator, so we should have a limited power supply throughout the storm...but there is no telling how long that will last. An updated rooming list with all names and staff members can be found HERE. 
Staff, any questions can be reported to DOCTOR HOLMES. We will keep you updated as we obtain more information. Stay safe, Brielle. 
Here it is, members; BRIELLE’S FIRST EVER EVENT! This is going to be a long-running event, and this is ONLY the beginning! This is PART ONE, and it will begin tonight, December 28th, at 8:00PM EST and last until January 8th, 2018! Any and all pre-event threads should be put on PAUSE as not to confuse anyone on the dashboard! 
Starters for this part of the event should be tagged: BHQEVENTP1 !! 
Any questions you have can be sent to the main!! We hope you enjoyed your holiday fluff and cheer while it lasted...As the famous saying goes, nothing gold can stay...
- Admods
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brielleinstitutehq · 7 years
Dinah Liddell 
Liliana Kyles
Laurie Keller
Ingrid Hollis
Cordelia Gallus 
Abrielle Willis
Nevaeh Kroger
Nathaniel Whitman
Donovan Nielson
Jackson Riverview
Eden Mayer 
Estelle Grimes
Simon Abbot
Bailey St. Clair
Demetria Rivers
Abigail Winston
Birdie Winter
Elliot Brown
Lucy Griffith
Richard Talbot
Tristan Powell
Dexter Stavros
Sawyer Edison
Charlie Swann
Noah Brinrose
Tara Clarke 
Rylo Aym
Toni Rowland
Quentin Sykes
Drew Raymond
Sierra Canadore
Serena Healy
Emelie Hollis
Emma Keller 
Cecily Adams
West Gillespie 
Eloise Sterling
Alexis Turner
Elana Parris 
Sidney Seuss
Lukas Braun
Piper Capello
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directorrubygem · 7 years
BHQEVENT- Thanksgiving!!
The holidays for residents of Brielle Institute can be an emotional time. It isn’t easy being away from your families and celebrating with staff members, medications, and curfews- nor is it ideal. We at Brielle Institute understand that everyone deserves to be with their families this holiday- so we’ve giving patients the opportunity to invite their parents and/or guardians to come spend Thanksgiving here at Brielle with us! We will have allow families to come in the facility and be with their loved ones throughout the upcoming week. On Thanksgiving, Brielle will supply a high quality, professionally prepared meal for all of our patients, staff and others to enjoy. 
We hope you all look forward to being reunited with your families, so patients, please meet with your therapist to select up to 3 family members to invite. If there is any reason you so wish not to have your family attend, inform your therapist ASAP.
Happy Thanksgiving Brielle!
Your event director, 
Ruby Gem
HEY MEMBERS! Here is our Thanksgiving event! The families of your characters are gonna travel from all over to come spend the holidays with them! If your character wants family to come, they can invite up to three members but must meet with their therapist first. If someone doesn’t want their family to come, or has no family, they must talk to their therapist as well ( Obviously, staff members aren’t going to allow someone to invite abusive family, or family that has reportedly impacted a patient in a negative light. Common sense here, people!)
Anywho, this event will start November 18th, 2017- but families won’t arrive until November 20th! The event as a whole will last until 11:59pm on November 30th! Don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any questions!
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brielleinstitutehq · 6 years
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brielleinstitutehq · 7 years
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As the cold winds blow and the rain pours down, the reparations will grow but will the rest of the town?
Finally - Brielle Institute has been restored and the split in the middle is almost repaired. The builders and electricians have been working hard to restore our facility and we would like to thank you all for your patience during this time. As a reminder, it is within our duty to warn you that it is still glum outside. Hurricane Naomi has passed and yet, the winds remain strong. Patients are advised to remain inside the building, with restricted use of the garden. Please see a staff member for permission, where you will be accompanied by one of our security guards should you wish to visit the outside.
Members, we hope that you have enjoyed this event as much as we have and fear not, there will be plenty more to come. This event will officially end on TUESDAY 23RD JANUARY, however if you wish to keep your threads going, then you are more than welcome to! We encourage that people continue to write their prompts that they were sent but to give the dash more of a variety, feel free to continue your old threads before the event or start completely fresh.
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