#BESCHUTZER & ATEM ╱ I Will Devour The World For You ❣
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nvrcmplt · 8 months ago
[LAST LOOK]: before going into a situation that may result in their death, the sender takes a moment to cup the unaware receiver's face in their hand, just to take a final look of admiration at them before they go. ( do i even need to say who this is for? )
No one could say that Beschutzer wasn't loyal. When ordered to remain behind, to watch over the Throne and the people Atem loved with all his being even if they were a headache to look after. The way the Pharaoh sat upon his steed for the deserts stretch, the beast of shadows, blood and chains, remained at their city's gates. As dark as the night that stretched over the skies they naturally came from their lingering. Watching their men set their needs, rations, water skins, swords and arrows. Compasses, gifts from loved ones to hold and remember in the battle ahead… Beschutzer didn't know why he was allowing it to be without his fang or claw. Many humans were probably thinking the same, it wasn't as if Atem wasn't able to summon forth monsters to his sides, but he, Him, Beshuctzer - was asked once through hushed whispers in the bed chambers. To be caressed and words of promised swallowed in their love making.
An ask that shouldn't sink his legs into the sands as it did.
To share one last touch of his love, to hold hands upon his face and to nuzzle his brow into theirs. The beast humble and small, almost weeping without the tears as he hunched in place. Remaining for as long as he could gain - and with the last of the deepest inhales of their scent. This was his king, his mate, his second soul, his keeper�� Lashes blink awake, and he releases his love without words. Just knowledge that he'll wait here, staring across the seas of golden grains… And Beschutzer did wait. He waited day after day. Week after week. Month after month. Year after year…. Century after century.
He waited.
He waited.
He waited.
Then he wept into the sands with only the sky as his witness.
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nvrcmplt · 2 years ago
Beschu's world was at ease, watching his Pharaoh sleep the stress aside, rest was just an important and no Uncle with expectations beyond the human ability was to stop that. Witnessing the other wake to his touch - slumber naturally broken, the Hound couldn't deny the pride in his chest to knowing just how long his love slept through it all. "Four hours." He did count, though it mattered not as his bonfire gaze moved to the door in silence. "Your Uncle will not know, he has been talking to a wall for the pass four hours in a loop." A trick of his own making, well, not his gift - but his visiting Brother, who was currently elsewhere on his venture of curiosity.
Beschutzer didn't need to announce his pack mate's arrival here, Weiss was not in want of being followed or watched, he was curious upon the world this far in the sands. Thus - Beschutzer's mind returned to his love who was slowly easing himself awake. Fingers slip from hair to instead run knuckle beneath the other's lashes to disturb sleep-tears from each and stroke their cheek from the redness of leaning against hand and tablet pillowing. "Rest well, love?" Gaze softening all over again as his opposite hand rose to gather one of Atem's to bring palm to his lips. A weighted kiss filled with adoration as always.
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"I shall gather you a meal and drink." He released his love with lingering touches before slipping from the table and standing on his own feet again. Welcoming the breeze of the open windows to pass through him. "I'll send your uncle in when you are ready."
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:。・:*:・゚’★,。・:*:・゚’☆  ||  @nvrcmplt​  ||  sc.
     There  was  never  an  end  to  the  workload  for  Egypt’s  king.  Tomes  oft  littered  his  desk  and  even  if  he  worked  diligently  to  read  through  them  all,  another  high  priest  would  come  bearing  gifts  in  the  form  of  more  scrolls.  On  top  of  his  duties  as  king,  there  was  daily  court,  combat  training,  Ka  battles  and  various  festivals  depending  on  the  time  of  year.  Inching  ever  closer  to  autumn,  plans  were  being  made  for  various  celebrations,  all  of  which  he  was  required  to  attend  and  hopefully  looking  his  best.  Shimon  still  hoped  to  marry  him  off  sooner  rather  than  later,  but  the  hound  who  had  been  shadowing  him  much  of  the  day  would  likely  protest  if  it  were  allowed.  
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     Still,  it  never  stopped  Beschu  from  making  his  presence  known.  Form  changing  rather  quickly,  he  was  at  the  sleepy  king’s  side,  nudging  him  away  with  playful  licks  and  nips  to  skin  adorned  with  various  paints  and  jewels.  Atem  stirred  behind  his  desk,  purple  eyes  opening  slowly.  The  sight  that  greeted  him  drew  a  lazy  smile  to  painted  lips  as  he  slowly  riased  his  head.  Scrolls  littered  his  desk  as  did  plans  for  their  next  celebration.  It  was  map  of  where  security  will  be  with  many  of  the  roations  left  blank  for  his  own  protection.  Sitting  up  straight,  he  looked  to  his  lover  who  was  now  seated  atop  his  desk.  Bes’  hand  came  down  to  comb  through  the  mop  of  messy  hair.
     ❝How  long  have  I  been  at  rest?  My  uncle…  if  he  knew…❞  It  would  result  in  some  scathing  remarks  about  him   being  ill  suited  for  a  job  as  taxing  as  pharaoh.  He  was  in  no  mood  for  it  either.
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nvrcmplt · 2 years ago
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. . . He misses his Atem.
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nvrcmplt · 2 years ago
"Are you interested in them?" ( pharaoh to bes; there's always pretty harem girls and boys walking around )
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He wasn't hearing a jealousness to his lover's tone but he did raise his head to stare upon them with a brow risen at the ludicrous unsaid statement. "No." A sharp reply as he turned his gaze back to the passing folks in the area, silent for a beat or two before speaking up again with his chin raising to look down at the masses. "They are marked by demons. Night terrors and hallucinations." Revealing his reasoning for staring at the unknown beings.
"Ghouls... in some nature that slip between realms of hell and earth. Attaching themselves to humanities with the lowest mental fortitude and in turn, feed until they can become the incubi or succubi they desire."
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"You fear not my wondering eyes for another, Atem. You are all I need, even in your death - I will be at your side and your side alone."
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nvrcmplt · 2 years ago
𝕐𝕠𝕦'𝕧𝕖 𝕘𝕠𝕥 𝕞𝕪 𝕓𝕠𝕕𝕪, 𝕗𝕝𝕖𝕤𝕙 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕓𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕤𝕜𝕪 𝕒𝕓𝕠𝕧𝕖, 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝔼𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕙 𝕓𝕖𝕝𝕠𝕨 ℕ𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕥𝕠 𝕤𝕒𝕪 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕟𝕠𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕘𝕠 𝔸 𝕥𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕕𝕚𝕧𝕚𝕟𝕖
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nvrcmplt · 2 years ago
I have waited Paralysed by my own will Viciously reminding me still I'm born to believe And I am certain, no That you and I are crashing course Driven by a holy force I know you can see That you will be mine Yeah, you will be mine
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nvrcmplt · 2 years ago
Soul Bonding with a Demon.
It isn't rare, nor it is frowned upon. In fact, it's one of the most common things a demon can do with a human - after all, generational curses are a form of this method, a lesser soul bonding but a bonding nonetheless.
My Hell Hounds, soul bond with one being at a time, Beschutzer with Atem, and Weissager with Nanami. This is an act of adoration, full loyalty and complete obsession.
They love, adore, protect, want and more with this being more than their personal duty of serving hell and it's schemes. They are of a ranking that thankfully many demons won't be bothered by their bonding to a mortal but they can be teased about it. None has happened so far, however.
On one hand, being soul bond can be seen as a weakness, because now everyone will know that a Hound has a soul to attack - however, it can be seen as a blaring warning sign. The Hound has found their Soul - so they have nothing to fucking lose in a fight so they will be at a 110% from the get go instead of looking for a quick pummelling to run away for another time.
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The Pros of a Demon's Mark - the sigil of their Name and Species for a human is a hellish protection. Impurity will gather, but instead of harming the human, it'll protect them from others. Weissager's mark for example will null and void any impurities that include spying, scrying, observing with ill intent or perverse emotions behind it. Nanami will not appear on any form of a map that will be looking for him, because Weissager is a Seer - and thus, his foresight blocks that.
Beschutzer's Pro for Atem is a sixth sense of the battlefield or around anyone with ill intent. Beschutzer's status as a war machine, gives Atem a heightened sense to look after himself, to feel hostility, to read a room of enemies and friends alike. Gives him an edge of being in the wrong place at the right time. Thus - Atem is able to know that something will happen and when it does, he isn't spooked by it like most persons will be.
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The sigils for Demons, allows them to know exactly where their Bonded are. Location, time, their mood to a certain degree and most of all, if they are in danger. These markings are hidden from those that do not know what to look for, after all - to look into a demon's mark is like opening up a diary. It's rude and invasive, thus, don't mind the hound shadow that'll appear to growl, snarl and bark - warning those eyes to piss off.
The Bond's Cons are the attraction of lesser demons that will try to harm or plead their loyalty, the sensation of eyes on them when it's just the bonded checking in, the feverish dark energy that could cause some hallucinations if they are not of sound mind.
Over all, the soul bonds of my hellhounds have been 1-on-1, they are bonded to the soul and that if the body dies, the soul will still be branded, thus they can await their being to be reborn to find them again.
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It's possible for souls to fragment on their journey of rebirth thus, it's up to the hound to seek the pieces out or find the nearest one and hope for the best that this fragment either remembers them, turns dominant and reforges the missing parts from memories, or begins anew with what it feels like it should do.
Nine times out of ten, it's the last option, due to the lack of understanding from the humans part. Hounds will not force the bond to occur because it can backfire and turn into a generational curse of blood, instead of soul.
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nvrcmplt · 2 years ago
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nvrcmplt · 2 years ago
If they had a kid: Bes / His Majesty, Kazehiko / Gaara
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» Name:
x. Hludwulf // Husam
» Gender:
x. Male
» General Appearance:
x. Tanned tone - sun kissed that goes darker in sunlight. x. Short ebony hair - shaggy cut though. Bed head 110%. x. Pointed ears that stretch horizontally against his scalp. x. Sharp fangs - canine in structure. x. Rutile scales upon his face and form as a whole - and a singular horn. x. Generally tall, which he got from Beschutzer. x. Wider shoulders and thin waist, which he gets from Atem.
» Personality:
x. A brat pup through and through - grown up in a cherished and pampered home, he of course - lacks some education but on purpose. x. He’s a solid character, trained by Beschutzer to control his emotions and temper from the hound blood in his everything - but when he needs to put on a show with Atem. Gods will he. x. Is happy playing the Tyrant in his household, but also comes to Atem for a cuddle and reassurance for the little things. x. Can be pretty cold in dilemmas, Beschutzer taught him that.
» Special Talents:
x. Hell Hound - like his Father, his body is large when transformed - however due to Atem’s Egyptian blood his form is Jackal like. Anubis strong in form, large ears to remove the sun’s heat, a thin - whip like tail and wide paws to even his weight over sand dunes. x. Thin neck and thin snout - he looks completely different but most Hounds too. x. His flames are gold in shade of release. x. He comes to Atem’s shoulder standing at his full height - but is still dwarfed by Beschutzer’s full form. x. Demon through and through - but with a human heart and mind too!
» Who they take after more:
x. Atem in attitude and sass / plus the facial expressions. x. Beschutzer when the demon switch is on.
» Personal Head canon:
x. He and Beschutzer have posture battles all the time in the household - Hlud loses all the time. x. He was given two names - one of Germanic descent and one of Arabic for the people to use. x. He wears golden bangles like Atem and keeps up the appearance of being a God. x. When he was born - Beschutzer killed six horses to bring for food out of excitement and never left Atem’s side until his pup was able to walk. Beschu’ may have killed one or seven members of Atem’s council because of their irritation.
» Face Claim:
x. Flamebringer // Arknights
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» Name:
x. Kazuyuki Sabaku
» Gender:
x. Male
» General Appearance:
x. Red hair like Gaara. x. Dark eyelids - semi-like Gaara. x. Fox eyes, soft angles iris - golden / green mix. x. Pale skin - tans easily however. x. Reaches Gaara’s forehead in height. x. Thin build, hidden muscle. x. Pointed ears - henge to keep them human looking. Does have Fox ears like Kazehiko though. x. Plus three tails - a blend of red fur and sandy-hues.
» Personality:
x. Sly and cunning like most foxes in nature - but he’s very easy to be seen as the enemy. x. Easy to make sweat though - not mastered the dead eye look Gaara has at times, but he isn’t far when he’s really ticked off. x. Sharp tongue but a gentle bite to go with it - that’s for sure. He kind of knows your secret before you know it. x. Smitten with the right type of people.
» Special Talents:
x. Half-Kitsune! Yokai-Shinobi like Kazehiko. x. Shares his Fathers Wind element the most, not so much fire - but is thought to be able to manipulate a little bit of sand if he tries. Which he doesn’t. x. Transformation is very easy for Kazuyuki. Barely needs a hand sign to help him with it. x. Agile and swift, aerobatic to an annoying level. x. Fox-form is slightly bigger than Kankuro’s largest puppet - three tailed and very thin legged. Fastest in this form for sure.
» Who they take after more:
x. Gaara in looks. x. Kazehiko in fox nature.
» Personal Head canon:
x. He was a babe that barely cried, making Gaara panic often but Kazehiko told Gaara that it was natural for kits to not bring danger to their home when Mother was around. x. Kazehiko barred everyone - even Gaara’s siblings from entering their home for five whole months. Kit was the be all and end all. x. Being apart of Gaara, Kazuyuki was able to play with his sand due to Karura watching over him too. x. Kazuyuki learnt to float before walk - Kazehiko was delighted, Gaara scolded.
» Face Claim:
x. Cale Henituse // Trash of the Court Family
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nvrcmplt · 2 years ago
It was a song that never seemed to start no matter how much he listened. Kept aside but from his own choice to allow Atem to heal and take all the medical care this world could give - Beschutzer remained out of sight and mind. Though asked to aid in conflicts, the beast merely ignored the daring cousin upon throne - out of respect as Atem liked this one to an extent, he aided in little matters. Small slaughters of those opposing the sights of their King down and those that wished to keep him there. The monster of Atem remained still, though everyone knew that it would take only a slight mention of an order to make that beast move with a sea of blood at its wake.
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Now, in his tamed state, restful and forlorn in his lack of companion upon his side - Beschutzer's gaze was haunting and worrisome. Though he could tell Atem's heart was strong, his body was weak, his soul was dim, his mind of its' own. Beschutzer promised to remain nearby but never in the same room - as he knew his influence, though contained and not to leak, he worried that his essence of demonic life would influence his love into an early grave.
His head did raise though upon the sound of multiple footsteps - nearing his throne room. His ears stood tall as he heard the doors being pried apart and only when no more walking came to his attention - did the beast turn his molten hued gaze towards that of his soul piece. The second glow of his life, the being that captured this Hound like a moth to a protected flame. His vision vivid and swift, his body moved with shadow whispers - his hands hovered near Atem's features as he stood over him with wonder and gracious thanks to the planet as they did not take his love away this time either.
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Shy of harming, yet the desire to touch took over, the beast rumbled deep in his gratitude. Palm to his lover's cheek, to feel his pulse live and loud in his own veins. The weight on these Hounds' shoulders fell with his tension - his shadows quivered and waned, his desire to maim and kill taken with the very breath his love gave as he stood in all his beauty before him once more.
They didn't need to exchange words - never had - not as he guided Atem's hand to his lips to kiss into his palm with everything he held at his tongue. Questions he didn't really need to ask but almost slipping through his lack of knowing of the man's condition but Beschutzer trusted his nose. Trusted his eyes. So he knew enough - that this Man was never to lay down still and without strength to show off upon that damned throne…
Inhaling the smell of his sickly lover, awash with medicinal herb and salves, Beschutzer's nose dug deep to find that smell. Their smell. His soul bound jewel and royal divine partner. Bes, stared down at his love with the eyes of a man that's ready for war and to protect all over again - so the beast inhaled with lashes lowered once more. Imprinting his mate's scent into his core to keep renewed for himself in times like these and the future to come…
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Lowering Atem's hand - and offering the support he needed to walk without wobble. Beschutzer stepped backwards and to the side to show the throne, clean of dust and sand to instead glisten in the low moon's light. Silence, as the medjai moved to their positions - the doors closing as Beschu's back turned to the entrance and his stride guided his King to the throne once more, remaining at his side to lower to a knee and release his king's hand upon the arm.
"The world is lucky, Pharaoh." A statement that was just as heavy as stating he was going to war. Without Atem at his reign, Beschutzer's flames would have devoured everything that harmed him in the first place. "Your orders."
The attack on his homeland had left the Pharaoh down for several weeks. Locked away with healers, no one was allowed near the pharaoh save for a select few handmaidens and the vizier. The palace, needless to say, was filled to the brim with restless spirits while his cousin had little trouble fulfilling the role as 'acting' pharaoh in wake of the king's injuries. No one knew when the king would feel well enough to resume his duties. However, it was late one Sunday afternoon when the king's curtains slowly ruffled and small feet shuffled from behind it. A gown of purple and gold adorned his form while long dark hair was tied back into a long ponytail. Khol aligned his eyes, a sign that he had somewhat been able to dress himself. A whiff of his signature scent filled the corridor as he walked, slowly --- gracefully --- as he had not yet healed. But he could sense the mood in the palace, knowing many were wondering if he would ever feel up to the task of playing king again. Atem had all the faith in the world in his cousin, but he also knew his cousin wasn't the most popular person either. But they, his court, should have known better than to cling to despair. As long as Atem drew breath, he would push himself to be the king he was destined to be.
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Feet carried him towards the throne room, with medjai falling into place behind him. It wasn't long before he had a whole entourage of meaty guards surrounding his form, a customary precaution just in case. Feet carried him towards the double doors that were quickly pushed apart. He stepped inside to find the hound seated on the ground, a forlorn look upon his features. Atem stopped short waiting for the hound to move. His long dark hair covered most of his features but his eyes shone through every time. The Pharaoh offered a small smile and though he did not stand as tall as usual, he was standing all the same. The weeks of being cooped away within his chambers were long gone.
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