#BECAUSE the title sounds like an extra note for me to say after finish working for it
Ternion Part III
Kishibe x Reader x Aki Hayakawa SMUT, 18+ ONLY, MDNI
Ao3, Part 1, Part 2
Your messy office romance comes to its tipping point. CW: sex, oral, threesome, SPIT, degrading language, people getting sweaty and nasty in general, cum swapping, a lot of cum period, A LOT.
11k words (whoops:p) I hope you guys like the way things wrap up! Thank you so much for reading and enjoying, and for being patient with me getting this part out, I moved and I only just had time to write! But I made it extra long and extra nasty!
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The commute to work was unusually quiet, Hayakawa wasn’t much of a talker, the two of you would often pass the time in comfortable silence, or he would listen as you spoke whatever was on your mind. It was routine for the morning after he would spend the night with you to pass in a blissful silence until you stepped onto the train that would take you further into the city and to your office, more often than not you would begin to see coworkers on the train, thus marking the end of your private ceremony, and the reintroduction of professionalism. But this morning the silence was welcome as your mind was cacophonous. The lack of conversation between yourself and Aki on the way to the convenience store, and to the train, was unnoticeable over your racing mind. 
You knew what Aki sounded like when he moaned, you knew what he sounded like when he was pleasuring himself, you knew what you had heard. What you couldn’t make sense of was the subject of his morning fantasy. Captain was a title that belonged to plenty of people, division captains, ship captains, captains of sport teams…but any futile attempt at excuse was blotted out by the ink stain of logic telling you that you knew exactly which captain he was picturing. Kishibe. 
You had your coffee, changed his bandage, walked side by side, entered the train station all with sparse conversation. Aki paid for your breakfast, you objected but he insisted. You watched him closely as he scanned the selection of grab and go breakfast items, already having poured himself a to go cup of coffee to drink on the rest of the journey. His manner seemed even and measured, as it always did. Your silence not phasing him, it was annoying. You wanted to see him get hot, get nervous under your gaze, to wonder if you had heard or if you knew. You wanted to know what he was imagining. Before you could break him down further, you arrived outside the train station. 
You still had ten minutes before your train was supposed to arrive, Aki peeled off to the side, pulling two cigarettes from his pack, making a mental note to buy more soon. He should have, at the convenience store but it slipped his mind, he had been too focused on staying as neutral faced as possible as nervous sweat trickled under his collar. He could feel your eyes hot on him all morning. You had been assessing him since he got out of the shower. Cleaning his cut, you had been nearly silent. Replacing the bandage, you had been pretty focused but had spared enough mental space to watch him out of the corner of your eye. Even when he tied your tie for you, although you claim to be able to do it yourself, and yet always ask him for his help to get it straight, you had stayed quiet until the moment he slide the knot up to your throat, at which point you thanked him and finished tightening it the rest of the way yourself. The mug of coffee had appeared in the bathroom this morning, it could have been placed in there by you at any point. It didn’t necessarily mean that you had overheard him. And if you had, why wouldn’t you just say something? Although, that made him quite the hypocrite because why wouldn’t he just tell you he wanted to see, he wanted to watch, he wanted to be involved. This whole chaos with himself and you and Kishibe had brought the voyeur out of him in a way he hadn’t known existed. After succumbing to his own temptation in the shower, he realized that the only way to free himself from the constant, deeply distracting, stream of lewd acts performed by you and Kishibe in his own imagination would be to sate the curiosity. If he could see he wouldn’t have to wonder any longer, he would know. But he wasn’t yet ready to voice that to you. What if you thought he was weird or a pervert? Maybe he was weird and a pervert. Maybe he should be more concerned with what wanting to watch his (kind of?) girlfriend be ravished by your shared mentor says about him. After all he had come into the arrangement the latest, from the sound of it, wouldn’t it be natural for him to be curious about what the stasis prior to his addition looked like, if there even was one?
Standing next to you, his cigarette nearing the filter, he decided to finally speak up, “Thank you for having me over last night. I had a good time.” 
So benign, your eye twitched at how casual he was acting. 
“Me too. Thank you for dinner, and breakfast.”
He nodded, ashing his cigarette and tossing it into a nearby trash bin, you did the same. Aki looked around briefly, seeing that no mutual friends of yours were around before cupping one cheek and kissing you softly. It was a brazen move from him, entirely unexpected, you didn’t think he was the PDA type, granted you had never given him the opportunity. Your eyes remained open as he pulled away from the kiss and met your gaze with a small smile. Despite the questions churning in your mind, you smiled. He was so much more thoughtful than he let on. You had had a wonderful night with him, you loved seeing him be so sensitive and talking with him so easily. Aki was so easy to be with, you would get this secret out of him eventually. 
You ran into coworkers on the train, smiling and greeting them casually and happily, expressing gratitude for the coming weekend, listening to complaints about recent jobs and sharing your own. To the outsider’s eye there was no special connection between yourself and Aki, but between the two of you there was a spider silk invisible string pulling you together. Hands on the same stability bar, although many inches apart, side glances never quite lining up. Your chest warmed as you remembered the feeling of his lips on your neck, his hands on your back. You shared one last moment of knowing eye contact, hopefully imperceptible, before you split off from the group toward your office. 
Kobeni hadn’t arrived yet, you had the office to yourself. You settled in for the day, sinking into your chair, dropping your bag at your side, running your hands over your face, careful not to disrupt your makeup. It isn’t until the sound of paper smacking down onto your desk jostles you awake that you sit up and uncover your eyes. Looking down to the origin point of the sound you saw an envelope, just barely open, with two rectangular cards sticking out. Kishibe stood next to your desk, already tipping his flask into his coffee, not watching you. You picked up the envelope and pulled out its contents.
Two tickets, to a play, tomorrow night. 
“What the fuck is this?” Your face scrunched up. 
“I was recently made aware that I don’t do things for you. While I find that to be bullshit, here you go.” He still hadn’t looked at you, instead focusing on screwing his flask closed. 
Breaking from your stare at the tickets in front of you, you looked up at him. 
Kishibe blew on his coffee and met your eyes, “What do you say? Curtain’s at 7:30.”
“You want to take me on a date?”  You hoped you didn’t sound as shocked as you felt, although you certainly did. 
“If you want to call it that, that’s fine. After the play we can resume our usual routine.” Kishibe’s face was stone. Unreadable and incomprehensible. 
Still working through the puzzle in your mind you pushed further, “And this certainly wouldn’t have anything to do with you being jealous of Hayakawa, right?”
Kishibe hissed, annoyed, “you said I don’t do things for you. I’ve organized something, you like plays right? Movies and stuff? I listen sometimes. Do you want to go or not?”
You softened, he was trying…really trying. He even chose a play by a playwright you liked. So what if it was brought on by jealousy, and he was being kind of a tool about it as a gesture? He was trying. 
“I’d love to go.” You smiled warmly, standing to lean close to his chest, “Thank you for inviting me, should I meet you at the theatre? Or will you pick me up?”
He looked down at you, a smug smile just barely curling his lips, “I’ll come pick you up. We’ll go to dinner and then after we’ll have drinks at your place, how does that sound?”
You leaned into him further, “Then it's a date. I’ll see you tonight.”
Kishibe nodded, pleased with himself, although a bit forlorn without a kiss as a reward. He guessed getting caught yesterday had made you more cautious. That is…if Hayakawa mentioned it. He left your office and made his way into the breakroom, it was there that he found the exact mark he was looking for. Tall, lean, face unmoving and unreadable, dumb little ponytail and all, Aki Hayakawa stood at the coffee machine. He hadn't yet seen Kishibe come into space. The room itself was small, space along one wall from a refrigerator and about three feet of countertop. Two metal tables sat closer to the door, a vending machine full of snacks and drinks along the back wall. As of now the only people inside were himself and Hayakawa, so he shut the door behind him and locked it. 
It was the click of the lock that turned Aki’s face toward the door, toward the Captain. Who crossed his arms and leaned back against the now sealed door. Aki tried to keep his face as neutral as possible, swallowing the lump in his throat and turning back to the coffee he prepared in front of him. Neither man spoke, Kishibe watched as Aki stirred his coffee seemingly endlessly, Aki didn't dare look back at him. The clock on the wall clicked loudly as the seconds…minutes…passed. Kishibe took this time to scan over the youngerman. He remembered training him just a few years ago, all attitude and tragedy. He reminded him of himself at that age, obsessed with his own misery, pretending that no one could ever possibly understand the complexities of his life because he was the only person in the world that mattered….blah blah blah. He wasn’t ugly, not even close, Kishibe could see a world in which a guy like Aki was called pretty, even. For the first time without anger, with only curiosity, he allowed himself to imagine what the two of you looked like in bed together. Aki’s long fingers around your neck, pressing on your shoulders, your own plump lips marking his neck, just under his uniform collar. He wondered, and then pictured for himself, how well Aki would fill your mouth, if he pulled at your hair, or thanked you as you pleasured him. The image was nice, Kishibe loved watching you when you sucked his cock, it was nice to imagine it from a better vantage point. Kishibe watched as the sternocleidomastoid muscle in the side of Hayakawa’s neck flexed and settled once again, stirring around and around. 
“Did you enjoy the show yesterday?” Kishibe finally broke the silence. 
Aki’s hands stopped circling the wooden stir stick, his eyes left the cup and moved up to the lit display of lattes and coffees showcased on the front of the machine. He chose to stay silent until he could collect his racing thoughts, parsing out exactly how honest he should be, or if he should keep his cards close to his chest. 
Kishibe crossed the room in three long legged steps, squeezing next to Aki in front of the machine. Aki watched as one of Kishibe’s large hands pulled a paper coffee cup from the stack and replaced Aki’s under the nozzle, punching a few buttons to spur the dark liquid forward. They were nearly shoulder to shoulder. Kishibe had a few inches on Aki, despite him being a tall man himself. Aki kept his eyes still, using the periphery of his vision to assess Kishibe’s body language. His chest was rising and lowering easily, his coat swished behind him as he moved. Aki couldn’t hear his breath, but he could smell the scent of whiskey and mint mixed together in a boozy sweet combination. Kishibe pulled the full cup and sipped it, leaning against the counter to face Aki now. 
“Well? I hope I didn’t mess up your date night.” Kishsibe mumbled into his cup, not bothering to make eye contact. 
Finally Aki spoke up, “You didn’t. We had a nice night. Sounds like you had a rough one.” 
Kishisbe’s eyebrows shot up, the shadow a pleased smile coloring his expression, “Oh? She tell you that?”
“She might have mentioned it.” Aki shrugged, feeling emboldened. 
Kishibe looked over the man in front of him, seeing the shimmer of pride and excitement inside of his dark blue eyes, it stirred something deep in his gut. Competition, maybe? Pride? Something else?
Kishibe shrugged, pulling his flask from his pocket, unscrewing it and tipping it into his coffee, “Good. I trust she enjoyed herself?” 
Aki felt the same fire filling his own gut, still holding back the smile of pride, “Twice.”
Silence fell between the two men, Kishibe met Hayakawa’s eyes once again. The stare lingered. The clock ticked loudly. The coffee machine ran an automatic cleaning cycle. Aki studied his face closely. The dark shark's eyes looking back at him, his high carved cheekbones, the stubble-shadowed jaw clenching and unclenching. He found himself stuck on the older man’s lips, he had never noticed before how full and shapely they were, a perfectly defined cupid’s bow, a soft pink shade, a healing split on the lower lip, his famous scar extending the opposite side slightly. Images of his own design flooded his mind, repeating his torment from the previous night. He hadn’t expected to confront this head on so quickly, especially after this morning, what was Kishibe’s goal, to intimidate him into giving up? 
“You interrogate all her partners like this? Or am I just special?” Aki allowed himself to bite back, testing the waters. 
Again Kishibe felt a turn in his gut, a hard beat in his chest. This kid was getting a bit too comfortable, he needed to regain control. He needed to strike now. 
He stepped forward, now towering over the younger hunter, “Listen, I’m going to be frank with you. I think you liked what you saw yesterday, what do you think she thought?”
Aki felt his breath catch in his throat, leaning back as Kishibe leaned closer to him. Before he could stammer out and answer, Aki felt Kishibe’s hand slip something against his own hand. 
“I’m taking her out tonight. If I’m right, then maybe we can find something that works for all three of us. What do you think…Aki?” His dark eyes bore into Aki’s own. 
Aki couldn't help it, his jaw fell agape, he could smell Kishibe’s cologne, he could see the pores on his cheeks and nose, he could see the slight bloodshot vignette around his irises. His heart was pounding, he thought his pulse might spill out of his neck. Kishibe’s eyes flicked down to Aki’s mouth, studying the way his lips had fallen open, the reflection of light on his wet tongue, he could see that he had a filling on one of his back molars, he was noticing a lot of things about Aki that he never had before. Like how his breath had stopped completely, how his eyes had blown wide, how his hair was slightly damp and smelled just the slightest bit like the rosemary of your shampoo. He watched as Aki’s lower lip trembled slightly. Kishibe allowed a full smile to split his face. Aki didn’t know if he had ever seen his mentor smile like this. 
“Yeah, I thought as much.” Kishibe teased leaning just a hair closer before pulling away and turning toward the door. 
Aki held his breath as Kishibe left the room, leaving the door open behind him. Finally a series of shaky breaths refilled his lungs as he shuddered. Gripping the countertop under his hand, he heard the crinkle of paper, reminding him of what Kishibe had given him. Aki looked down to see a single ticket to a play, tonight. 
What the hell? 
You stood in front of your bathroom mirror, lamenting your past self for not investing in a full body mirror earlier. You struggled to see the hem of your dress and the style of your hair at the same Still, You felt beautiful, it wasn't often that you were able to dress up and go out to enjoy yourself. It was how you ended up dating two of your coworkers, they were nearly all the men you saw.
Your head felt light, the glass of wine you had while getting ready was starting to work its magic over your nerves. You weren’t sure what to expect from the date tonight, you had never been on a date with Kishibe before, you had spent countless hours alone with him over the last few months, but the atmosphere of a date had you rethinking everything from your conversation to how to hold your hands. And then there was Aki, whose moans still rung in your ears, still clung to the walls of your shower. You hadn’t spoken to him much today at work, which wasn’t unusual but suddenly felt pointed and intentional. He was busy and in the field most of the day, Kishibe was…well you weren’t sure exactly where he had been all day, you had seen him briefly in the morning but not since. It had been a very productive day at work, for once. 
Just after 5:30 a knock brought you to the door. Kishibe stood at the other side, stamping out a cigarette as you answered the door. He had maybe dressed up, although seeing him in a suit and tie every day did take some of the luster out of it although…no tie. In his hands, where he usually held a bottle of wine, he held two, a red and a white. 
“Hey, kid.” he looked pleased to see you, his eyes moving over your body in a fraction of a second before smiling, “You look beautiful.”
You were impressed, “wow, No comment about how my tits are half out?”
Kishibe shrugged, ducking under your doorframe to enter your apartment, catching your lips in a soft kiss of greeting as he moved past you to place the bottles on your kitchen counter, “Why would I complain about that? If I had it my way, they’d be out all night. But I suppose your perfect tits would distract from the play, and we can’t have that.” 
He put the white wine in the fridge before straightening up and turning back to you, “You really do look divine.” 
You blushed, you felt the blush color your chest and neck, “Thank you. You look nice too.” 
The idea of a date had sucked some of the monotony and the comfort out of your interactions with him. Where you usually felt a routine sexual freedom, you now felt insecure and unsure of yourself. Noticing your shifting legs and busy hands Kishibe approached you, taking your face in his big hands. 
“You nervous?” He hummed at you. 
You sighed into his touch, “A little. I never really expected we would do something like this.” 
Kishibe nodded, leaning in to kiss you sweetly. One of his hands moved to hold the back of your neck while the other moved down to your waist, he pulled you closer and your own hands grasped for purchase around his biceps and shoulder. The kiss deepened, his tongue slipped into your mouth. A heavenly moan fluttered from you and into his ear. He gripped you tighter, pressing his body against yours. Finally you broke away to catch your breath.
“Don’t try to distract me, you promised me quite the night. I will be holding you to that.” you flirted, pulling his strong arms off of you and leading him out the door. 
“Oh don’t worry. I think you’ll like what I have planned.” Kishibe smiled his small sly smile and followed you out. 
You two shared a lovely dinner at a nice restaurant just a few blocks form the theatre. A few drinks each, a few more for him, a cigarette after dinner over a cup of coffee. One of life’s greatest luxuries was an after dinner coffee and cigarette, it made you feel secure and celebrated. Kishibe had been a consummate gentleman all evening, opening your doors, not being a dick to the waiter, even pulling your chair out for you. He really did seem to be on his best behavior tonight. The food had been alright, nothing life altering but his company made it into a magical night. You never expected to know what it felt like to sit across from him at a candle lit dinner, you never expected to catch him gazing at you with his head resting lazily in his hand as you ordered another round of drinks. He opened up a bit, giving you answers to questions he usually would have shrugged off, questions about his past, his family. You felt touched that he was putting so much effort into tonight. The doubts from the previous night about your relationship, whatever form it took were quickly extinguished. 
Standing outside the restaurant, finishing the last drag of your cigarette, Kishibe checked his watch. 
“We should get to the theatre.” He led you down the path with one hand on your mid back. 
The theatre itself was gorgeous, high decorated ceilings befitting of an opera house, well dressed patrons of the arts bustling around getting drinks and finding their seats. Kishibe walked straight up to the bar, getting drinks for the pair of you. You noticed how often people turned to look at him, he was certainly an imposing figure at nearly six and a half feet tall, obviously the large scour along his face brought wandering eyes, but there was something truly…magnetic about him. You had experienced it when you first met Kishibe, you were drawn to him almost instantly. Something about the dark eyes filled to the brim with knowledge and experience that remained untapped by the average person. He was a challenge to those around him, a puzzle to be put together and explained. But he never offered enough of himself to give anyone the chance. Even at this stage, you were just barely close. 
He handed you your drink and paid the bartender before taking you further inside to find your seats. You were seated fairly close to the front, maybe six or seven rows back, the house was raked slightly, meaning the stage was on a lower plane than the audience. You had a nearly perfect view. 
“Wow, you really sprung for the good seats, huh?” you were awestruck as you side-stepped into your seat behind him. 
Kishibe shrugged and sat down, “You think we can smoke in here?” 
You laughed, smacking his shoulder lightly as you sat down to the right of him. You studied the playbill in your hand familiarizing yourself with the names of the actors you were about to see, reading the small biographies they had each written. Kishibe seemed content to lean back in his seat and sip on his drink, you weren’t keeping track of how often he seemed to check the entrances. You leaned into his side, he wrapped an arm around your back, you felt the pre-show excitement building in you. You tilted your face up to his, smiling warmly.
“Thanks for taking me, Kishi. This has been really lovely.” You leaned in and kissed him, one hand holding his jaw. 
Kishibe’s fingers circle the exposed skin in the center of your back. When you pulled away you saw Kishibe looking above your head and smiling. A new smile, a confident, pleased but surprised smile. You turned around and your heart stopped seeing Aki Hayakawa standing in front of the open seat next to you. 
“Aki!” You shot up in your chair, vertebrae stacking on each other perfectly straight.   
“Hayakawa.” Kishibe waved with the hand that was around the back of your chair.
Aki cleared his throat, he had worn brown dress pants, a dark blue sweater over a white button up shirt, his hair was up, and despite the blush rising in his cheeks he tried his best to look relaxed. You felt caught, like in one of those dreams where you have to give a presentation on a topic you have no knowledge of and to make matters worse you're naked. You and Hayakawa had only just talked about the relationship between yourself and Kishibe, and here you were flaunting it right in front of him. Your dress felt too revealing, his hand on your back felt too intimate, your makeup was likely smudged from kissing, oh god you were just kissing him. 
“Hello.” He waved but forgot to smile, and then smiled just a second too late to be convincing. 
“I didn’t know you liked the theatre, Hayakawa.” Kishibe’s voice was smooth and even, he may as well have been laughing. 
You felt suspicion starting to rise in you. How could this have happened? What were the odds of Aki coming to this play on this night, the very same day Kishibe takes you? 
Aki swallowed and sat in the empty seat to your right, “Oh well, I like to try new things…when I can.” 
You took a deep breath, too consumed with leveling out your own reaction to see Kishibe’s nod of approval. 
“Aki, I really didn’t expect to see you here…I-” You stammered, but before you could complete your thought the house lights began to dim. 
“Baby, the play is starting.” Kishibe playfully put a finger up to his lips.
You tore your wide eyes away from Aki as the stage lights began to warm, you tried and failed to pay attention to the opening scene of the play, the feeling of being sat right in between your two lovers becoming too much. Kishibe kept his hand on your back, fingers petting you occasionally. Your breath was staggering, you tried to focus on inhaling and exhaling at a regular pace, at this point the action of the play was so far out of your focus it may as well have been happening in another room. Aki’s leg was pressing up your own, no matter how much you tried to pull your legs together more and more, crossing and uncrossing them to the point that Kishibe removed his hand from your back and covered your left thigh with his big, rough palm. Turning his head to catch your eye and squeeze your leg lightly, assuring you that it would be fine, encouraging you to relax. You sighed out a breath, refocusing on the play. You really had wanted to see this play, and you were happy to be here with Kishibe. Aki would just have to wait.   
With your eyes glued to the stage, you didn’t see Kishibe lean his head back to catch Aki’s eye. A non verbal directive took place, and Aki was eager to follow instructions, to show that he could follow Kishibe’s lead. Seeing Kishibe’s hand on your leg, mindlessly thumbing circles into your skin, Aki decided to loop his arm around the back of your chair, not right up against your skin, close but far enough that you would maybe think he just needed to spread out in a crowded theater. Kishibe nodded, facing the stage, but intentioned toward Aki. You had not yet noticed the presence of Aki’s arm, it wasn't until he slid it closer, and then closer again, until his hand was draped over your opposite shoulder, that you even thought anything of it. 
You tore your eyes away from the play looking at Aki, who did not smile but gave you one of those loaded, flirtatious looks that he knew could make you melt. You gave him a pleading look, only to have your attention summoned by the man on the other side of you moving his hand up your leg, just under the hem of your skirt. Your skin started to feel hot, it was just beginning to dawn on you that you had been had. But it still felt too bizarre to believe, how…when would they have coordinated this? Thank god the house lights were dark and neither man nor the full audience could see how red you must be. Aki trailed the tips of his fingers down the top of your arm, goosebumps appearing in their wake. Kishibe’s thumb kept circling on the soft skin of your thigh. You stole a glance in his direction only to see the benevolent, almost bored expression he always carried. He wasn’t even looking at you, did he see what Aki was doing? 
Oh he saw, and he saw you peek at him. He kept his face even as you looked, not missing the look of confusion that crossed your features. Part of him could have felt bad, if he were under the impression you wanted this any less than he did. He saw you melt under Aki’s gaze, felt you shiver as the younger man touched you, and he was almost impressed. Proud, maybe? At the effect his protege could have over you. When you looked back to the play and settled, Kishibe felt Aki’s eyes on him. He dared to meet his gaze. Aki’s eyes were filled with danger, Kishibe couldn’t wait to see what the kid was going to do next. 
But he couldn’t have predicted, nor could you, honestly nor could Aki, that his next move would be to move his hand from brushing up and down your arm to wrap around the front Kishibe’s bicep. A shared lightning bolt jolted the three of you to stillness. Aki was the only one fighting to remain cool, he gripped Kishibe’s upper arm, giving it a small squeeze.
 He wasn’t sure the last time he had actually touched his trainer, had it really been since then? When he had trained him. Years? Kishibe’s skin was warm under his shirt, the arm Aki held was connected to the hand that rested on your thigh, the muscle inside was hard and ropey. Aki wasn’t unfamiliar with the feel of Kishibe’s strength, after the sixth or seventh knock out, you remember what those hands can do. This new, softer touch was what felt unfamiliar. Aki having his hands on the other man’s body, not being pulled away from and having to duck a counter, in fact, he thought he felt the tense muscle soften under his hand. 
You had officially been had, they had unionized against you. Or in favor of you? You still weren’t sure the motive behind their sneak attack. But you would also be mistaken to ignore the way Kishibe’s hand clenched around your thigh when Aki touched him, and how it relaxed skin afterwards. How much of this actually was premeditated? Testing the waters, no longer feeling like the odd man out, you took matters into your own hands. Literally. In your right hand you mirrored Kishibe’s hold on your leg just above Aki’s knee. In your left you tangled your fingers with Kishibe’s. The collective of you settled deeper into your seats. Kishibe squeezed your hand, leaning closer to you. Each point of contact was electrified: Aki around your back, your hand on his leg, Kishibe’s hold on your other hand, Aki’s hand on his arm. A complete circuit sending energy between each of you, the shared electricity of what could come next. 
The play continued on. Thankfully there was no intermission, you weren’t ready to face your partners yet, unsure if house lights would awaken inhibitions that had been released in the dark. When it finally ended, the actors taking their bows, you removed your hold on your partners, using them instead to applaud. Soon the stage was cleared, the audiences began to empty from the rows of seats, you sat in your trio, unsure of what to do next. 
Naturally, Kishibe was the first to stand, stretching slightly before offering his hand to you. 
“Well, Darling. You ready?” 
You looked up at him, still feeling the static that sparkled in your body. You stood up with the help of his hand, legs unsteady. Kishibe smiled down at you, looping one arm around your waist, leaning down to kiss the side of your head. Your usual instincts kicked in, shying from the PDA in front of someone you knew, forgetting momentarily the strange behavior exhibited during the show. 
“Did you like the play?” Kishibe asked, a smug smile coloring his question. 
The play on stage? The play between the three of you? Either way…
“I did. Thank you, Kishibe. This has been a…surprising evening.” you looked back at Aki, who was standing from his seat, resolve starting to give way to doubt. 
You could see a touch of pink underneath the collar of his shirt, you were unsure when he had undone the first few buttons. He shifted his weight between long legs in the tight aisle. Again, Kishibe took charge of the next phase. 
“We’ve got some wine back at her place,” Aki began to nod, understanding that the trial was over, suspecting he may have overshot.
“Why don’t you come back with us? Have a drink.” Aki’s ears perked up at the invitation, yours did as well. 
You looked up at Kishibe, to find him smiling down at you, a devious look in his eye. 
Your newfound trio made its way to your apartment calmly, discussing the plot of the play although all three of you seemed to have memory gaps of the middle. Aki lit a cigarette on the walk, offering drags to you, which you happily accepted. The flood of nicotine filling the anxious places in your mind with a head rush. It wasn’t until you went to unlock the door that you realized your hands were shaking. Aki noticed too, taking the keys from your fumbling fingers after your second attempt and sliding the key in the lock smoothly. You whispered a small thank you as he opened the door and the three of you moved inside. 
It was surreal to see them both here at once. Individually they had been here plenty of times, interacting with items in your kitchen and living area routinely. Aki in the kitchen, Kishibe in the liquor cabinet or on your couch, Aki on the patio moving your ashtray from inside to outside and back again, Kishibe pillaging your bookshelf for something to keep himself occupied as you showered. But together, this was completely new terrain, and it showed, in their attempts to make themselves (and you) comfortable, their paths criss crossed and collided. When you went to open the wine, they both offered to do it for you, but you took it upon yourself to do it. 
“Red or White?” You asked, brandishing the two bottles Kishibe brought when he picked you up. 
Kishibe turned his eyes to Aki, “Aki, what do you prefer? I assumed you preferred red wine, but it looks like that may not be the case?” 
Aki looked puzzled for a moment then his expression cleared, “I like both. Red wine, white wine, it doesn’t really matter to me.” 
He cocked his head at Kishibe, eyes focused and studying.
“What about you? I was under the impression that you also preferred red wine, you didn’t really seem like a…white wine…kind of guy.” 
Kishibe shrugged, “I usually drink red. But I acquired a taste for white when I was younger, once you take a liking to it… you can kind of always go back to it. Especially if it's a…quality white. And it pairs nicely with an excellent red.” he smiled at you with his dark predatory gaze. 
You decided to open the white, craving something to cool your quickly heating skin. As you poured three generous glasses, the two men took seats around your small dining table across from one another. You joined them, serving them their drinks, pulling a chair around to the head of the table and taking a seat. The three of you sat, sipping intermittently, glancing back and forth between one another. The air began to feel like molasses, hot and sticky and painfully still. The revving energy from the theater had vacated and now a standoff took its place. 
You were the one to break the silence this time, “So when did you two come up with this little plan? It came together awfully quick. It hasn't even been twenty four hours since Aki was fantasizing in my shower about this exact scenario.” You leaned back in your chair. 
Aki made a small choked sound, his jaw hanging open, his eyes wide. Kishibe sipped his wine, pleased with the news. 
“I spoke to Hayakawa today about joining us,” Kishibe answered voice as even as ever, “at the play, I mean. I figured whatever happened after that was kismet.” 
“Ah, so this was a coordinated attack.” You nodded, tipping your glass once more into your mouth. 
“Attack feels pointed. But Coordinated, sure.” Kishibe shrugged. 
You hummed, processing into your glass, “So what’s next? Kismet, I understand, but what was your plan?”
Kishibe and Aki exchanged a look. 
Aki shook his head, “No plan. He just gave me the ticket and told me to come. I didn’t even really know if you would be there, I half expected I would show up and he would try to kick my ass.” 
“So neither of you planned how this would go?” They nodded, you smiled, “You’ve given me a lot of power here, gentlemen, I appreciate that.” 
You stood from your chair, the cry of the legs against the wood floor ringing in your tipsy ears. You crossed around to Kishibe, taking a seat in his lap, instantly his hands found your waist and pulled you closer. You made sure to keep the sightline open as you leaned in and kissed Kishibe hard and wet on the mouth. Aki shifted his hips in the chair, feeling his pants tighten and his skin go cold. He could see Kishibe’s tongue slide between your lips, massaging against your own. He felt his own mouth fill with saliva, his chest tighten and breath catch.
“Aki…”your voice dripped from you salaciously, still nose to nose with Kishibe, “I know you’re curious. Tell me what you’ve been picturing.” 
It took Aki several seconds to find his voice, “straddle his leg. I want to see you grind on his thigh.” 
His voice was deeper than you had heard before, and hoarse, as though he had been shouting but he spoke softly, almost inaudibly. You considered teasing him with in, but instead chose to play nice. You rose from Kishibe's lap and turned to face Aki, settling Kishibe’s beefy thigh between your legs. The asshole under you popped his thigh up to surprise you, making you bounce and let out a small squeal. 
“...asshole.” you giggled, leaning back against the wall of muscle that comprised Kishibe's torso, one hand falling back to hold his neck, feeling the cropped hair under your wrist. 
Kishibe’s own hands moved over your body, kneading your chest, hiking your skirt up but not revealing where your panties met his slacks. Grinding yourself down on him, you turned your face, locking him in a kiss once again. You heard Aki suck in a breath. You moaned into the kiss, pleasure coming as much from the feeling of his femoris muscle on your clothed clit, as the knowledge that Aki was watching. Kishibe brought one hand to the front of your dress, pulling the neckline to one side, exposing the soft unlined fabric of your bra to Aki. Of course you had been planning on having sex tonight so you had worn one of your sexier sets, a white lace unlined underwire bra with a matching satin and lace panty that rose high about your hips but remained sheer enough to see what was underneath. This was also Kishibe’s favorite bra of yours, you heard him hiss as he pulled the fabric back. You felt him start to get hard against your back. You ground down further, pulling a wanton moan from you.
“Take your dress off. I want to see everything.” Aki’s voice was firmer now, clearer. 
Kishibe chuckled against the skin of your neck, “You’re boyfriend’s bossy.” 
You smiled and stood, reluctantly pulling your pulsing core off of Kishibe, “He’s not my boyfriend.” 
You slid one shoulder of your dress down, then the other, slipping it down your body and let it pool around your feet. Both men’s eyes licked over your body, Aki leaned back further in his chair, Kishibe undid the buttons of his shirt, eager to follow you. He invited you onto his lap again, and you rejoined him, sliding a hand across his chest, feeling his muscles tense underneath your fingers. Kishibe kissed your neck, tangling his hand in your hair. You resumed your position, staying open to Aki while gyrating on Kishibe’s leg. Kishibe grabbed one of your breasts hard, pinching your nipple into a hard peak. The texture of the lace dug into your sensitive skin under Kishibe's strong hands. You let a haughty moan out into Kishibe’s mouth, the back of your head resting against his shoulder. You could feel yourself getting wetter, a damp spot spreading out on his pants. His other hand moved from your hair down to your neck, squeezing the sides. Your eyes rolled back in your head as the pleasure compounded on itself. Kishibe had started bouncing his own leg, adding to the sensations. Kishsibe watched as you writhed on top of him, releasing your throat momentarily before squeezing again. 
Aki’s pants were cutting off the circulation at this point. He palmed himself over his pants, biting back his own moans at the feeling. The sound of your panting moans, the sight of Kishibe's strong hands keeping you in place by the neck and by the chest. 
“You like what you see, kid?” Kishibe taunted, “You like watching her fuck herself dumb on my leg?”  
A moan slipped from Aki’s mouth as he squeezed himself through his pants. You were close, he could tell, hell-- he could see. Your panties had grown almost completely see through, your slick soaking through, making the fabric cling to the folds and curves of your pussy. 
You whimpered against Kishibe’s choking grasp, “k-kiiishi….” 
KIshibe nodded, taking his hand previously at your chest and sliding it under the hemline of your panties, spreading your lips further and circling your clit. You whined, eyes squeezing closed. Aki couldn't take his eyes away from Kishibe’s thick fingers inside of your panties, touching your dripping pussy, saturating themselves in your wetness, bringing you closer and closer to the edge. 
“Think she deserves it, Aki?” Kishibe teased again, you nodded desperately. 
Aki felt his mouth water, the thought of denying you right the edge taking his breath away. But when he caught your misty eyes, he couldn’t go through with it. He stood, crossing around the table and taking your face in his hands.
“Let her cum. She’s a good girl.” He moved a stray hair off of your forehead and leaned down to press his lips against yours. 
It was as though Kishibe flipped a switch, one movement of his fingers was all it took and you were crying out against Aki’s mouth, soaking yourself and Kishibe’s thigh as you came. Aki held you in place, Kishibe’s fingers slowed and stilled, he released your throat. You panted against Aki’s lips, feeling his tongue soft against yours despite the hungry, passionate kiss. You pulled off and turned to lock Kishibe in a grateful, appreciative kiss. Aki’s hands move across your body, cupping your breasts, trailing down your stomach, not yet daring further. Kishibe pulled his hand free, fingers glistening with your cum. He extends them past you to Aki. Your breath hitches as you see Aki lunge forward to catch his fingers in his mouth, tasting your release, feeling Kishibe’s rough fingers against his tongue. He should be embarrassed at the way the sensation brings him to his knees before the two of you, but his mind has been consumed. Its too much, its too obscene, too erotic. He sucks clean Kishibe’s fingers until the older man pulls them away, not missing the way the hunter’s eyes flutter open euphorically. He felt good, having two pretty young things so deliciously at his fingertips, awaiting his every directive. 
“Aki’s waited long enough, don’t you think Sugar?” Kishibe turned your face back toward him, clicking his lips softly, “ Why don’t you take him to your bed?”   
You nodded blissfully, standing up as if by rote, to take Aki’s hand. He followed you drunkenly, the taste of you clinging to his mouth. You two entered your bedroom, feeling like any of your other nights together, the pair of you drinking and stumbling into your bedroom to fool around. 
“You’re wearing too much, Aki. “ You turned and started to pull up his sweater, he raised his arms over his head, allowing you to strip him. 
You continued on, undoing his buttons and pulling the sides of his shirt apart as he started to slip out of his pants. You almost didn't hear him when he spoke up. 
“Are you nervous?” He whispered, midnight eyes searching your face for any hesitation 
“I was, but not anymore.” You smiled back at him, watching him remove his trousers and stand before you in only his briefs. 
Aki has such a wonderful body, creamy soft skin, lean muscle, scars here and there reminding you to treasure the time you’d have with him. You reached up and filled his hair free, letting the layers frame his face and neck perfectly. 
“Are you nervous?” You parroted back to him, reveling in this moment of privacy. 
“A little.” He confessed, “but not with you here.” 
Aki kissed you, soft, then harder. His big arms wrapping around your body, yours encircling his waist. He laid you down on the bed, starting to climb over you. 
“Oh no, pretty boy, you lay back.” Kishibe’s voice rang out from the door frame. He had poured himself a drink and a freshly lit cigarette hung from his lips. 
Aki did as he was told and you took his place, already starting to run your hands over his legs. He twitched under your featherlight touch, you could see his cock straining through his boxers, a dark patch forming on one side where he was leaking. Kishibe’s fingers trailed up your spine, hooking under the clasp of your bra. 
“Look at what you do to him, baby. He like this everytime?” 
You nodded, smiling at Aki’s flustered, reddening face.
“Aki here is my good boy.” You complimented, punctuating your statement with a kiss to his thigh. 
“And what does that make me?” Kishibe leaned down to your ear, his body engulfing you. 
Before you could answer your bra went slack, he had undone it with one hand, the same hand that now covered the expanse of your back in both predatory and soothing totality. 
“You’ve never been a good boy in your life Kishibe.” You giggled, discarding the bra off the side of the bed, breast hanging freely. 
Kishibe bit the side of your ear, moving over your body to lay next to where you kept Aki. He sipped his drink and observed the panting man under you, how he fought not to cover his face, how he twitched and moaned under the slightest touch. Your skilled hands traveled to his waistband. 
“You ready?” You purred, already imagining looking up from Aki’s cock and seeing him writhing next to Kishibe, your cunt dampening. 
Aki shot a glance at Kishibe before nodding feverishly, holding his breath as you pulled the last bit of clothing from him. His cock slapped against his stomach, pink tip weeping before you, veins bulging painfully, balls hanging heavy and full underneath. Feeling merciful you licked a long stripe up from base to tip, clearing his slit of precum, tasting your first of Aki since last night. A shaking moan spilled from his mouth beyond his control. Kishibe watched diligently, a face as neutral as if he were watching the news. He sipped his drink twice more before setting it on the windowsill behind him. 
Aki’s hips shot up as you sucked hard at his tip, but a firm hand pushed his stomach down, pressing him further into the mattress. Aki opened his eyes and saw Kishibe leaning over him. He flicked over each of his fingers in a loop. Kishsibe’s dark, blown out eyes watching him, the scruff along his upper lip and jaw, his wet, swollen lips reddened by kissing you, the few freckles that had never shown themselves to Aki before but now we’re as obvious as the strong straight nose in his face’s center. He pictured Kishibe at his own age, starting his own devil hunting career: softer edges, fuller features, devoid of wrinkle and tear. He saw Kishibe’s tongue move behind his bottom teeth, wet and warm and waiting. 
You pulled the whole of Aki’s length into your mouth, gagging as it met the back of your throat. Aki groaned, straining to arch against Kishibe’s hold. 
“…kiss me…” Aki held himself up with his elbows, trying to meet Kishibe’s eyes. 
For the first time Kishibe looked surprised. 
“Kiss me, please.” Aki begged again. 
You looked up from your place between Aki’s legs just in time to see Kishibe lean down to meet Aki’s desperate reach. He met Aki’s open mouth with his own, the younger man pushing his tongue up to meet his. You felt Aki pulse in yours, you felt a jolt of pleasure resound throughout your own body. Aki whimpered against Kishibe’s kiss, wanting more and more, the second Kishibe hold on his stomach wavered, Aki sat up to kiss back even harder. You saw Aki’s rippling arms flex around Kishibe’s back and neck, watched as Kishibe held Aki’s waist, keeping him down enough to not disrupt your rhythm. You heard Kishibe moan and your eyes caught where Aki was now squeezing his erection. 
“Agh!” Aki cried out, pulling out of the kiss, head flying backwards. 
You circled his head with your tongue, paying special attention to the back of the head, where he was extra sensitive. Aki’s hand moved to your hair, holding it back for you and watched you suck him. Kishibe’s hand joined him, but harsher. 
Kishibe chuckled, “we’re you feeling left out, baby?” 
You gave your best mouth full puppy eyes and nodded. 
“We couldn’t forget about you, could we?” He mocked, sliding his hand down your face and giving you a gentle slap. 
Aki hissed, feeling the impact through your cheek. This brought Kishibe’s attention back to him. Aki looked pathetic, absolutely, deliciously fucked out. His face was flushed, his hair was tangling, he was panting like a dog in heat. Kishibe felt his own cock stirring watching the drool (or maybe his own spit) dribble out of Aki’s mouth. 
“You going to cum, Hayakawa?” Kishibe’s lips ghosted over his neck. 
Aki bit down hard on his lower lip, giving one stiff nod. Kishibe reached one hand down, looking into your focused, watering eyes, and pushed you down further, forcing you to take all of Aki down to the base. You gagged but took in a large breath through your nose, you could feel Aki’s balls clench up just before he cried out.
“Fuck!!” And fill your mouth. 
Kishibe’s switch appeared to work on everyone. 
You swallowed as much of Aki’s cum as you could, but had to pull off before the last few spurts made their way onto your face. Kishibe was quick to catch some on his thumb and taste it for himself. Aki was beside himself. 
“Come here, sugar.” Kishibe ordered and you crawled up and over Aki quickly. 
Kishibe’s long, fat tongue cleaned the rest of Aki’s spent off of your face, collecting it in his own mouth. Aki thought he might faint as he watched Kishibe tilt your head back and a long, cum saturated line of spit fall from his lips onto your waiting tongue. Once you had savored and swallowed, Kishibe kissed you again. Aki thought he kissed you like he loved you, holding you close, taking his time. But it was over soon, and eyes were trained back on him. 
“You’re kind of a pervert,” Kishibe chuckled at Aki, undoing his belt and sliding off his pants and underwear. 
“You’re one to talk.” You smiled, pulling your panties off next to him. 
Kishibe sat up against the headboard, pulling you onto his lap again, “come here.” He muttered as he got you in place. 
Aki saw the smile that took over his mouth as Kishibe settled you on his lap, your back against his chest, his hand pawing all over your body, looking for purchase. 
“You’re not going to warm me up first?” You said in feigning insult. 
Kishibe dipped a finger between your lower lips, and audible smack signaling the presence of one orgasm and one live sex show’s worth of juice.
“I think it’ll fit just fine.” He flirted against your neck, “Hayakawa, once you caught your breath get up here and help, yeah?” 
Aki shot up, ignoring the head rush that accompanied. He was between the stack of your and Kishibe’s legs in an instant. You giggled happily at the way he pushed his hair back dutifully. Kishibe lifted your ass up, giving Aki enough space to reach between your two bodies. 
“Put me inside.” Kishibe ordered. 
Aki held Kishibe’s cock in his hand, feeling the weight, the heat, the girth. Staring at it, he wondered how it was going to fit inside of you, or maybe even inside of himself. It was long, thick, tan, with a reddening tip. The poor thing was so hard he could see the impression of stitching where it had strained against the confines of Kishibe’s pants. 
“Hot, right?” You cooed, looking down at Aki. 
Aki nodded, and remembered the task at hand. He lined up Kishibe’s cock with your hole, spreading your folds apart so he could watch. Slowly, achingly slowly, Kishibe lowered you down onto him. It was the first thing to fill you all evening, he was going slow partially to torture you, but also to ease you into his size. You mewled as he stretched you out, you heard Aki whimper. 
“Take it all, baby. Be a good girl, don’t you want to impress Aki?” Kishibe soothed at your side, kissing your shoulder and neck and ear and anywhere he could reach. 
Taking inch after inch, you gripped Kishibe’s shoulder tightly, squeezing as you struggled to take him unprepped. You really thought your previous orgasm would have been enough, but he had you sweating and arching off his chest before your hips finally met his again. 
Aki’s cock stood at attention, revitalized by the obscene sight before him. Kishibe groaned out as he bottomed out, Aki could see the faintest bulge of your pelvis when you leaned back, his dick weeping out more precum in response. Seeing you writhing above him, desperate for the pain to give way to pleasure, Aki lunged forward to help where he could. He closed his mouth around your swollen clitoris, lapping in gentle circles. Your scrunched up expression softened into a euphoric one. Kishibe brought his hands to your chest, pawing at your tits, circling your nipples, muttering into your neck. 
“Fuck, you feel so good. You’re so tight. Relax, let me in, baby.” He was babbling, panting against your back. 
You moaned out as Aki swirled his tongue in a larger circle, sucking harder. Kishibe’s legs jerked as he felt the sensation of Aki’s tongue swipe across the bottom of his shaft, right where the two of you were joined. You started to rock your hips into Aki’s mouth, grinding down further on Kishibe’s cock, making you both whine. The man under you pulled his hips back and thrust upward again, a testing, experimental thrust. Aki’s tongue followed closely, licking along the bottom of Kishibe’s shift as he exited and reentered you. The taste of both of you combined in his mouth, making his head fuzzy and his cock hard again. Aki adjusted his body so he could grind against the mattress, hips moving automatically toward the promise of stimuli. Kishibe started fucking into you at a steady pace, no longer fighting for entry, your wetness and Aki’s saliva giving him the lubrication to fuck into you evenly. 
“You love this, don’t you?” Kishibe growled in your ear, squeezing your left breast so hard you cried out, “Such a slut, one’s not enough for you, is it?”
Aki felt himself about to rush to defend you, looking up from between your legs. But he saw you, pressing your forehead against Kishibe’s and nodding. Your eyes were frenzied and desperate, locked in a stare with him. Your hips moving up and down his length, your mouth open and panting. He thought, briefly, that he saw the shade of love shadow your eyes as well. Perhaps there was more to this situation that he realized. But he was broken from his wondering by Kishibe pulling his hair, directing him to resume eating you out. 
You let out a long, high pitched whine as he did, slumping further against Kishibe, whimpering out nonsense.
“Baby pleeeeease…oh aki yes…kishi…i--fuck.” You fucked yourself onto Kishibe’s cock, grinding against Aki’s mouth, mind numbing at the intensity of the pleasure. 
You clenched again, causing Kishibe’s cock to slip out, but Aki caught it. He pumped it a few times in his hand before taking it into his mouth. Kishibe half groaned and half chuckled, one hand coming up to circle your clit, making sure you weren't forgotten about. He wanted to see what Aki could do. Aki slurped around the thick cock, tasting you in every inch. It was more exploratory than it was focused on making Kishibe cum. He toyed with how far he could swallow it, trying to ascertain whether Kishibe preferred a feel throat or a swirl around the tip. Your wetness has saturated his lap, wetting Aki’s nose every time he sucked down to the base. He was impressed with himself. Still got it. You watched as Kishibe expertly played with your clit just about where Aki’s head bobbed. You watched his pretty cheeks go gaunt as he sucked hard, feeling Kishibe shudder underneath you. Finally, breathless, Aki released Kishibe’s dick and poised it for your to sit on once more, Kishibe wasting no time fucking into you. With renewed vigor, Kishibe thrust up, loud plap- plap-plaping coming from beneath you. 
“Shes going to cum.” Aki smiled, noting your quivering, fluttering hole, slurping noisily around Kishibe’s base then up to your clit again.  
Kishibe nodded, “I can feel her getting clamping down on me, fuck, Aki.”
Your body shook violently as you came, your mouth opened in a silent scream as Aki circled your clit over and over, Kishibe held you down against his hips, biceps curling around your chest and waist, forcing you in place. Aki watched as you came around Kishibe’s cock, a creamy white ring appearing at the base, more cum spilling out for him to drink up eagerly. Each lick made you shake more, you had become so sensitive, so malleable under their touch. As he saw your spent pussy hole soften, Aki wasn't sure what came over him. He coated one finger in your cum and pushed it inside against Kishibe’s cock. Both you and Kishibe moan deliciously. 
“Aki wait…” You started, breath slowly returning to you. 
“Fuck Hayakawa…” Kishibe smiled maliciously, “I didn’t know if you’d have it in ya.” 
Aki could only nod, eyes fixed on the sight of his finger sliding between your gushy walls and Kishibe’s hard, pulsating dick. 
“Have you ever…had two at once?” Aki’s voice sounded distant even from himself. 
You shook your head, it began to dawn on you exactly what was about to come. Kishibe tapped the outside of your thigh. 
“Think you can get on your knees for me, sugar?” He kissed you softly as you nodded. 
He and Aki both helped you off, and both luxuriated in the moan you let out at no longer being full. Aki positioned himself underneath you, guiding your legs onto either side of his hips, hands gentle. He was starting to feel nervous for you, and a bit responsible. Kishibe positioned himself behind you, four hands now running up and down the length of your body. You felt dizzy, you had already cum twice, you felt fuzzy and blissed out, like you were in a dream. But feeling Aki’s cock slide between your lips reminded you of something. 
“Aki, don’t you want…” You trailed off when you met Aki’s eyes. 
Aki looked up at you so surely, so sweetly, without that usual veneer of calmness and guardian. He lay beneath you completely bare, ready to feel every corner of you uninhibited, and vice versa.
“Not this time.” He answered, leaning up to kiss you, hips thrusting upwards into your puffy pussy. 
Aki immediately broke the kiss to let out a shattered moan, he gripped your shoulders tight, digging his short clean nails into your flesh. It felt more different than he was expecting, he could feel the heat, the texture, the pulse of your walls all around him. How had he ever deprived himself of this? You sat up, sinking down completely on his length, bouncing a few times to get it really soaked, Aki was already whimpering underneath you. Kishibe’s hand moved over your shoulder, pushing you gently forward. He spit on his hand and coated his cock with it, then he spit once more on your pussy, sliding two thick fingers inside with Aki. He thrust his fingers in and out slowly listening to your moans, feeling Aki twitch against him. Eventually he added a third finger, stretching you further. Loud squelching began to fill the room. When he could finally add a fourth finger with little resistance, he knew you were ready. Kishibe removed his fingers, and after pumping his cock a few more times with his slick covered hand, he began to push inside. The burn was intense, the pressure building in your abdomen making your cry out into Aki’s neck. 
He ran his hands soothingly over your back, “I know, baby, I know. Fuck. But it feels good, right?”
“So….full…” Was all you could manage. 
Kishibe bottomed out inside of you, snug against Aki. The triad of you all stilled, no one moving for fear of disrupting the mind melting pleasure. They could feel each other, crammed together inside of you. You could feel both of them, their respective heartbeats pulsing through erections. You wondered if they could feel each other’s heart beats. You wondered if they could feel yours. You were struggling to hold yourself up, finally deciding to collapse into Aki’s chest. He peppered soft kisses around your face, along your neck. Kishibe leaned over to press wet, intentioned kisses to your shoulders and back.
“You’re doing so good, love.” He nosed the back of your neck, “Taking us so well. I’m going to try to move now, okay?”
You could barely hear him, pleasure and pain filling your ears. But you nodded, you had trusted them both this far. Kishibe pulled his hips back, you whined, Aki hissed and squeezed you down closer on his chest. Kishibe thrust in once more, you rocked forward, pressing your clit against the tuft of groomed public hair at Aki’s base. Kishibe shuddered above you, leaning over, effectively caging you in between him and Aki. Aki was lost beneath you, tears filling his eyes, arms keeping you flush against his chest. Kishibe found a workable pace, it was slow and careful, but it allowed for regular friction. You buried your head in Aki’s neck, the smell of his sweat mingling with his soap comforting you through the lasting pain. Kishibe separated your ass cheeks, treating himself to the sight of your stuffed full, watching as you released small bouts of squirt and cream around the pair of cocks inside of you. 
“F-fuck.” You whimpered out. 
“Slutty hole taking us so well.” Kishibe praised, his thumb circling your tight asshole, “That's all you want, right baby? To be full. To be used?” 
You nodded, the added sensation turning your brain to mush. Aki found a way to clamp his mouth down over one of your breasts, sucking purely for his own benefit, you could see tears slipping from his painfully shut eyes. There was so much stimuli, so much sensation, so much pleasure, it was hard to parse out just where your body ended and another began, boundaries and borders that once felt so precinct, were now missing. But they were not missed. You wanted to stay like this forever, filled by your two lovers, no thoughts outside of pleasing and being pleased. Aki gave no warning, the only indication that he was cumming was the muffled sob he let out against the flesh of your tit, and the trickle of white cum, thinner than before, sliding out from between his and Kishibe’s cocks. Kishibe felt the flood of warm cum, he felt the way that your body clenched to keep it inside. He thrust faster, Aki’s cum acting as the last bit of lubricant he needed to fuck into you more, this of course turned Aki into a sputtering, teary eyed mess underneath you. 
“Just hold on, I know.” Kishibe soothed, but not to you, he spoke softly to Aki, knowing his thrusting was bringing the younger hunter into overstimulation. 
Kishibe slid two fingers into Aki’s mouth, fucking harder into you. His hips jutted, he felt you tighten up around him once more.
“Baby please, fuck. Such a good fucking girl for me-- agh!” With a final snap of his hips, one near scream from Aki and a sniveling whimper by you Kishibe came. 
He bit down on your neck to stifle his own cry of climax. He rode out his orgasm, sending Aki into a fit, and sending you into your third orgasm of the evening. The culmination of pleasure caused Aki’s cock to slip out of you, giving the younger man a moment of solace, allowing him to start to catch his breath. He felt the run off of cum start to spill out onto his cock, onto the bed below him. You panted above him, hole free from one cock, carrying two loads and Kishibe still snugly inside. Kishibe’s teeth dug into your neck, Aki’s spit was drying against your nipple, only some of the sweat on your body came from you, your mouth tasted like both of them. You were lost between the two of them. The three of you stayed in this panting, searingly hot knot, until eventually Kishibe’s knees began to give out and rather than crush the poor lad underneath his and your body weight, he pulled out and off. Kishibe stood, stretching a moment before sauntering into the bathroom, wetting a rag and returning to clean the both of you. 
You lie next to Aki, face pressed against a pillow, one arm slung over his chest. Kishibe cleaned between your legs, privately mourning and reveling in the sight of so much cum flooding out of you. 
What a waste. 
He cleaned Aki as well, his cum coated cock, his sweaty chest, his soaked mouth. 
You clicked your tongue, “he’s spoiling you, Aki. Kishi never cleans me up.” 
“That’s not true. I just don’t usually use a rag.” Kishibe rolled his eyes before tossing the rag into your hamper and climbing in bed on the other side of you. 
You whispered to Aki, but loud enough for your other partner to hear, “he’s lying. You bring something out of him. Makes him want to be nicer. “
Aki laughed lowly. Kishibe swatted you once on the ass, the sting giving you a small aftershock. Then the larger man curled around beside you, easily pulling half of your body to rest on his chest. He kissed the side of your head as he felt your breath begin to even out. 
“You’re staying over?” You said, half awake. 
Kishibe nodded silently, kissing your head again, and then looking at Aki. You used your arm around his chest to pull him closer. 
“You too.” It wasn’t a question. 
Aki knew it wasn’t. He rolled onto his side, facing you and Kishibe, eyes meeting the exact image that had started this all for him, Kishibe at your side, kissing absently at your face and neck, calloused fingers running up and down your side. But this time, your hands held Aki’s hip, Kishibe’s eyes were kinder, not taunting but conspiratorial. Aki leaned forward and gave Kishibe a soft kiss, he wasn’t even sure if he closed his eyes, if he wanted this kind of gentle intimacy. But he didn’t push Aki away, and he did kiss him back. 
Aki wasn’t sure what tonight meant, or what he had stumbled into. He didn’t know if it would ever happen again, if it should, if it could, but he was happy he could share tonight with the two of you. 
You fell asleep first, one hand on Aki, Kishibe’s head snuggled into your neck. He fell asleep soon after, snoring against your skin. Aki took longer, mind reeling from what had happened. He felt held your hand up to his mouth and kissed it, before falling asleep himself. 
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royai · 7 months
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hey y'all ! i though it might be fun to put together a list of my favorite fics - but this time ones that i have written. you'll find them broken down into fandom with a short a/n for each below. enjoy!
extra note: i've been so focused on my personal works recently that i feel like i've really missed the love and engagement you get when writing fic, and that' what prompted me to go through my old stuff. creators gotta reminisce sometimes! i do plan to post chapter 1 of shivers down spines before im finished with the entire story, so keep your eyes out for that (:
witness marks - quite an underrated fic of mine imo. more of a riza character study than anything else. i'm still very proud of this one
after dark - another riza character study (: surprise surprise. i love the language i used in this one. it sounds very literary to me
buried alive - i love buried alive because it taught me so much about stories and how to tell them! it is too long, overwritten, and inundated with melodrama and i wuv her for that
you should see me in a crown - oliviza vignettes that are relatively well written. need i say more?
pyrokinesis - i will always hold so much love for this fic because it was my first time experimenting with second person pov and unconvential pov and is why i love both to this day (roy character study)
your father pulled the teeth out of your face - another riza character study that focuses on how she and roy met (and hohenheim's influence on that meeting) as well as berthold's neglect. i wrote this one in a night
not your garden variety demon lord - very nsfw. i adore this one mostly because i wrote it during a resurgence of IY love and following my descent into madness (shipping sesssan). this is unfinished but i do plan to finish it one day
ghosting - yukine character study. super heavy! explores his trauma. titled after a mother, mother song
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bi-bard · 2 years
Don’t Leave Me Alone ‘Cause I Won’t Survive It - Jake Imagine (Sweetbitter)
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Title: Don’t Leave Me Alone ‘Cause I Won’t Survive It
Pairing: Jake (Sweetbitter) X Reader
Based On: Cruel Kids
Word Count: 987 words
Warning(s): drunk character, cussing
Summary: A drunk Jake shows up on (Y/n)’s doorstep in the hopes of mending something that he broke.
Author's Note: Holy shit, he's pretty.
It was late.
I didn't check the clock at the time, but I could tell. I had already been asleep, happily curled up under my covers when there was some continuous knocking on my door.
I groaned, trying to ignore it.
It just wouldn't go away.
"Oh, for fuck's sake," I grumbled. "Oh, shut up!"
I leaned up and looked through the peephole.
"Holy shit."
I pulled the door open.
Jake was leaning on the doorway. His eyes almost looked like they were half-open. A smirk sat on his lips like this was the most normal thing in the world. I furrowed my eyebrows at him.
Jake and I had a relationship of sorts when I was working with him.
It was messy. Unhealthy at best.
I wanted it to be better. I tried to make it better. But every move felt like it was causing Jake to push back. And then... there was Simone. I couldn't control every part of their relationship, but I thought asking them to not have sex together was reasonable.
When Jake seemed to try to push it under the rush, I called it.
He wasn't excited about it.
After a while, I just left the restaurant. I found another job. I was lucky. I knew that.
I figured everyone there had forgotten about me.
Seeing Jake in my doorway was nothing short of a shock.
"What do you want," I asked.
"To see you," he replied, words dragging out just a little longer than they should've. "We were so good."
I was about to tell him to leave. But I couldn't. He was a mess. If I sent him away and something happened to him, I would never forgive myself.
So, I just rolled my eyes and led him inside.
"You agree, right," he asked.
I closed the door only for Jake to cage me between it and his body.
"No," I said simply.
He sounded like a toddler.
"I'm not fucking discussing this when you're drunk off your ass."
He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine before I could properly push him off. I roughly shoved him.
"Fuck you," I muttered. "Go lay down on the couch."
"Jake, you are drunk and I need you to lay down."
He walked over and plopped onto my couch. I went over to hand him a blanket. He caught my wrist.
"I love you," he muttered. "I really do."
"You are drunk-"
"I want you to know that," he stopped me. "You left and I... I fell so far off the deep end. God... I'm a mess."
I clenched my jaw. "Get some sleep."
That was the last thing I said to him that night.
I hid away in my room for as long as I could the next morning. I didn't want to say anything to him. I didn't want to talk about last night. I just wanted him to wake up and stumble away.
I knew better than to expect that.
I found him sitting at my table with a coffee in his hand.
"You used my coffee maker?"
"I also stole some ibuprofen."
"Nice," I said, running my hand over my face. "Um, you can finish the coffee, but after that, you should go. And I mean that... you should go."
"I meant what I was talking about last night."
I closed my eyes and shook my head.
I heard him moving. Walking over to me.
"I want you back," he muttered.
I looked back at him, finding him standing in front of me. He looked like a mess. Tired eyes, messy hair, clothes that looked more than a day old.
"I messed up everything between us. You deserved better. I want to give you better."
I bit my lip.
"The day after you left, I shut things down with Simone."
I scoffed.
"And then, I realized you weren't just taking a few sick days and I started the extra drinking," he added. "I don't want to be like that. I want to be with you. You made me so much better."
"I didn't do shit," I shrugged. "You disrespected almost every boundary I had, Jake. Every single one."
"Because I'm a dumb bartender that was meant to be a bad boy," he argued. "I was maintaining an image!"
"I don't care."
"I still care about you."
I rolled my eyes.
"One chance," he begged softly. "That's all I'm asking for."
He pressed his lips to mine a moment later. I wanted to kiss him back. I couldn't help myself. It was the familiarity of it all. I had to fight to come back to my senses.
"Stop," I muttered, stepping away from him. "I don't want you thinking that you can just kiss me and fuck me and then everything is instantly back to normal."
"What's it gonna take then?"
"Time. A lot of time," I said, shrugging at him. "What are you expecting? Me to just blindly trust you again? I... I can't just jump into shit. You know that."
"How long?"
"I... I don't know."
I looked away from him. I always found his eyes too intense. But now, it hurts. He wanted an answer, but I didn't have one. It was all too complicated.
"Okay," he replied.
"Whatever it takes," he continued. "I... I care for you. More than anyone else. I... I don't want to lose you. More than I already have."
I grinned at him before looking at the clock. "You have work today?"
"Yeah," Jake mumbled, eyes finding the clock too. "I could call in sick."
I shook my head. "No, no."
"Maybe we could do something after? If you aren't busy with your new job?"
"That sounds nice," I nodded. "You should head out."
He nodded back before walking to the door.
I took a deep breath as the door shut.
Time. That's all I could promise.
JAKE (SWEETBITTER) TAG LIST: @true-queen-of-mischief
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askkaimei · 5 years
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“ Thank You, It Was Fun “
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todoscript · 3 years
how he would ask you out
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request: pls some headcanons of how the boys (shinsou/tamaki/shouto) would ask the girl they like out 🥺
characters: shinsou hitoshi, amajiki tamaki, todoroki shouto
genre: fluff
word count: 3.3k+ total, 900-1200 per character
tags: pining, confessions, fem!reader
author’s notes: sorry if this sounds rushed?? i can’t write 
copyright 2021 todoscript, all rights reserved. i do not allow my creations to be published or translated anywhere else.
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two years after his enrollment into the hero course, shinsou had finally came to terms with the feelings he’s been holding for you for quite some time now.
what began as just friendly encounters and kind gestures felt like something more to him. after all, you were one of the key people that led him to transition smoothly into the class, with your helpful demeanor and coming to his aid whenever he was stressed and troubled by the new environment.
you went out of your way to organize study sessions and small arrangements to mingle and get to know the other students better.
you reiterated to him that if he ever had any questions about anything, he could always come to you.
initially, shinsou thought he was being a burden—that he was just heavy baggage that tied you down.
however, you assured he was anything but, and stated that you were more than happy to help him, even going to say you enjoyed spending time and getting to learn more about him.
at your response, shinsou was appalled at how genuine you were.
appalled… but also very grateful.
eventually, there came a point when he realized there was no mistaking the affection he felt for you—not when he subconsciously noted every one of your habits and intricacies, able to tell whatever emotions were running through you at a simple glance, or when he would stop to admire the way you decided to style your hair differently or changed your look, thinking you seemed even more charming that day by the confidence you exude.
no, at that point, he’s sure it was painfully obvious. so obvious, in fact, that kaminari and mina had chosen to skip today’s group study session in favor of letting the two of you have your “alone time”. whatever that could mean.
shinsou had grimaced over their excuse of “being too busy that day” when you had told him the reasoning they gave you over text, despite knowing their next exam was only a couple days away. recalling just how nosy and enthusiastic they could get when involved in these kinds of affairs, he had an inkling of what exactly those two were planning. you, on the other hand, seemed completely oblivious to their schemes.
however, what did latch onto your mind was the thought of spending the day with only shinsou, in his very room, sitting across from each other with your textbooks open in front of you. though you should be more attentive to your studies, you couldn’t help the palpitations beating loudly in your chest and your wandering eyes that snuck glances at him after every question you answered.
unbeknownst to you, shinsou mirrored your actions all the same, reciprocating the flustered behavior, albeit a bit more subtly.
keep calm, hitoshi. why are you getting all worked up? he would say to himself, putting on his usual facade.
although he came off as relatively calm and collected on the outside, it’s difficult to keep his emotions in check when actions never lie.
that was especially true as he reached his hand out for the eraser you two were sharing between each other. with his eyes continuing to gander down at his notes, he hadn’t noticed that you were lunging for the same thing—not until your fingers had suddenly touched and you both pulled away at a speed equivalent to making contact with fire.
his stare unfaltering, shinsou was surprised to discern the embarrassed look on your face that immediately fixed itself as you rummaged through your pencil pouch. a second later, you pulled out another eraser, one that was notably smaller than the one you were sharing.
“um.. i’ll just use this,” you offered, and shinsou rubbed the back of his neck, the whole situation more awkward than it needed to be considering you never had any trouble sharing your supplies with each other before.
through some examination of your demeanor, shinsou had made a… bold enough claim, thinking that maybe—just maybe—you held the same kind of affections for him as he did for you.
it’s like he recalled earlier—actions never lie—and shinsou didn’t let the quiver of your lips or the intense concentration at your work to avoid meeting his gaze go past his head. that’s what spurred him to finally act on his desires.
without warning, he leaned forward on his seat to lay his hand over yours that caught your attention. you met his eyes, astonished to say the least, but more so concerned by how your eyes widened before you were about to open your mouth to ask him what was wrong.
the violet-haired male beats you to your words, voice resonating firmly, “y/n.”
you blinked. “y-yeah..?”
“i know this might be a bit late coming from me, but,” you could feel his hand tighten atop yours, “after exams, do you want to catch a movie together? just the two of us?”
shinsou fought the urge to look away, bashful at how he made his declaration for your time. the warmth surging under his skin was alleviated at the smile that slowly curled on your lips as you rotate your wrist, your palm touching his. the expression washing over your features told him you’ve been waiting for him to ask you this for a while now.
“i’d love to.”
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ever a shy and introverted individual, tamaki has never had the heart to ask you out despite years of harboring a crush on you.
every time the thought had crossed his mind, he’d reason poorly with himself that you wouldn’t be interested in him in that way.
it didn’t help that his low self-esteem only deepened that thought that had now rooted itself in his brain.
at such a prestigious school like u.a., you were bound to find someone far more compelling than him—someone with guts, confidence, and great social skills. not a guy like him who conjures the image of potatoes at every anxiety-inducing encounter he comes across.
he was relieved enough to settle himself comfortably as just your friend—a title that allowed him to stay close and keep within your circle, all the while subjecting him to simply admiring you from afar.
but his eyes that held a hidden longing for more weren’t overlooked by a fellow student of his. or to be precise, the ever curious and free-spirited, hadou nejire.
always aware of his surroundings, it was hard not to notice that peculiar stare she’d aim at him during moments where he might’ve just finished speaking to you, or when you’d pass by and his head would naturally drift in your direction.
it was like she was picking apart every detail laid on him and it made tamaki absolutely restless.
tamaki’s suspicions and anxiety were later raised during one instance at the lunch table. he was at his usual seat next to his other big three companions, mirio and the aforementioned nejire, who was eyeing him with a gleam in her eye.
even with his self-consciousness, tamaki did his best not to pay any mind to the undesired attention and munched on his plate of takoyaki—the octopus nestled in the batter sure to come in handy later in training that day.
to his dismay, you passed by their table with your tray of food in hand, and nejire did not waste any time calling you over in that cheery tone of hers.
she invited you to sit down with them. you gave her invitation some thought before ultimately placing yourself in the free spot next to mirio, with nejire and tamaki already seated across from you.
the girl was all smiles and hums while tamaki was in a state of distress, both at his friend’s odd behavior, which was starting to spell trouble, to having you pulled into all of this. mirio was just being mirio, welcoming as always.
you greeted everyone at the table, making eye contact with mirio and nejire, but tamaki evaded your line of sight. he simply waved his reply without breaking away from his balls of takoyaki.
luckily for him, you didn’t give his lack of words much thought and started digging into your own lunch. it was then that nejire found it appropriate to start up a conversation.
“y’know, y/n, i’ve been meaning to ask you this, from one girl to another,” she mused, finger waving around playfully, “are you interested in anyone here?”
upon hearing her question, tamaki almost choked on his bonito flakes, his cheeks puffed and eyes blown. meanwhile, your chewing slowed as you gave your answer some thought.
“uh… well–”
“i’d say fujita from class d is quite the looker! think you’d be interested in them?”
after swallowing the food in his mouth, tamaki began to subconsciously listen in on the conversation. he paid close attention to your responses with bated breath, a small part of him anticipating your answer highly.
“fujita’s nice and all, but i don’t think we’d really get along as a couple.”
tamaki mentally sighed, relief evident all over his face. it was then that mirio had started fitting the pieces together after watching his close friend’s brow wrinkle throughout the entire exchange before finally relaxing at your words. crossing his eyes with nejire’s only confirmed his suspicions as the girl sent him a wink.
as a friend, mirio wasn’t about to let nejire’s operations fall flat. getting up from his seat, he motioned tamaki to come with him.
“i heard they have extra yakisoba bread right now! we should go check it out!” he said as a guise to give the other two time to themselves, free from tamaki’s prying ears.
unaware that mirio had caught on so quickly, tamaki didn’t object to tagging along with him. mostly because he thought of this as an opportunity to get some fresh air and calm his racing heart, finally feeling the effects of the blood rushing to his face.
with tamaki supposedly out of earshot, nejire was free to go about her questions however she wanted.
“okay then, if not fujita, then who? there has to be someone, right?” the girl scooted further in her seat out of pure curiosity. “tell me, is it perhaps someone in our class?”
it was your turn to be stricken by her boldness. you tried picking at your food, stuffing it into your mouth to avoid answering, but nejire’s tenacity outmatched you.
finishing your lunch, you opened your mouth to speak, “actually, the person i’m interested in is pretty close to you…”
nejire feigned ignorance, innocently placing a finger under her chin. “who? mirio?”
“ah no, it’s tamaki, alright?!” you ended up blurting, voice hushed but frantic.
bingo. hearing exactly what she wanted, nejire returned to her original position, a triumphant grin plastered on her lips. replaying what you said out loud in your head, you buried your warm face in your hands.
unbeknownst to you, tamaki had ended up hearing the whole exchange around the corner coming back to their table as mirio lightly snickered at his revelation of an expression.
the blond patted his shoulder. “go on then, you know what to do.” he threw tamaki an encouraging thumbs-up.
the boy gulped in response before inhaling a deep breath of air to prepare himself for what would arguably be the most important yet stress-inducing moment of his life so far.
noticing you getting up to discard your tray, tamaki—through a final push from mirio—went to make his move.
hearing him suddenly call out to you, you were caught off-guard. after admitting to your crush on tamaki to nejire, you felt your cheeks get hot just seeing his face right afterward.
“oh hey, did you get your hands on those yakisoba breads?” you scraped up a way to start the conversation.
“right... that… mirio managed to get the last one in the cafeteria,” he answered. then he brought his hand to rub his elbow, fidgeting in his spot as he found it difficult to look you in the eyes again.
“tamaki? something wrong? are you upset that he got the last yakisoba bread?”
he shook his head. “no, i… it’s just… i’ve been meaning to ask you this for a long time now, but never had the courage to say it to you because i didn’t think you ever liked me that way. but…” he finally mustered the determination to face you head-on. “would you go out with me, y/n?”
at first, you were speechless—absent of words as you relayed his request in your mind over and over again. then, your eyes softened, lips easing into a smile as you reached out for his hand.
“i thought you’d never ask.”
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it’s no surprise to many that when it came to asking someone out, todoroki didn’t exactly know the first thing to do.
mostly because he’s never asked anyone out to begin with.
you were the first person he’s ever felt these kinds of emotions for, and to be frank, he wasn’t sure what to make of everything that had been going through him when that root of infatuation had started to bloom inside him.
rather than sulk or contemplate on his thoughts for too long, he surmised it was best to simply come clean and ask for advice.
but when he confessed to what had been on his mind lately, he wasn’t expecting such a vigorous response from his friends.
“i’ve been thinking about asking y/n out.”
there was a layer of uncomfortable silence amongst the group before all hell eventually broke loose.
midoriya, uraraka, and iida immediately sprung from their seats in the common room, yelling “what?!” in unison. tsuyu and her frog-like mannerisms were more idle, but still surprised nonetheless.
todoroki was unfazed by their reactions, actually expecting it to go that way considering he’s never brought up any topics of that nature before. at the very least, he’s thankful he decided to say this when it was just the five of them. compared to what the whole class’s reaction would have been like, this was incredibly tame.
todoroki was used to always listening to what others had to say and never being the subject of the conversation when it came to dating.
but now things were different. he was openly admitting to them that he was regarding someone romantically. that he possibly sought a relationship with this someone—wanting to be committed to them and become the very best person he could be right next to them. to the four, this was coming completely out of left field.
after everyone simmered down and let the news sink in, the dual-haired boy resumed his thought,
“but i’m not sure how to do it.”
though the entirety of the group never had any experiences when it came to dating, they knew enough from media and pop culture to get an idea on how to help him. more than todoroki could imagine on his own anyway.
“i know! how about we go with the romantic and suave approach!” uraraka suggested. the rest asked her to elaborate.
“it’s simple! it starts by you leaving a note on her desk right before class, saying to meet you on the rooftop of the school! before the designated time, you should wait there for her with a bouquet of flowers, and then when she arrives, confess your feelings and ask her out!”
midoriya rubbed a finger against his cheek, skeptical. “i don’t think that sounds as simple as you’re making it out to be.”
tsuyu chimed in beside him. “those kinds of ideas usually only work well in books, ochako.”
pursing her lips, uraraka gave her plan a once-over, and realized it did seem a bit more involved and out of character than what todoroki was used to.
despite sharing a few more ideas with one another, they couldn’t narrow it down to any perfect one.
that was when iida clapped his hand, bringing everyone’s attention to him.
“alright, i think we’re starting to blow this whole ‘operation’ way out of proportion,” he said.
“if you’re honest about the way you feel about her and show it sincerely, i’m sure she’ll consider your feelings. you don’t have to do anything extravagant when it comes to asking someone out.”
listening throughout every word, todoroki nodded. meanwhile the other three were astonished that their class representative could be so whimsical when it came to romance, which in turn, iida was conflicted by. however, at the very least he was glad they could help out a friend. and so, todoroki went about his day with their discussion in mind.
he found that in many occurrences, whenever he crossed by you and thought of it as a chance to ask you out, there would always be someone to come in and take your time away. leaving him to stand there awkwardly before dismissing the fated question for later.
eventually, the sky dimmed and evening arrived, and by then, the whole class was already back at their dormitory and about to have dinner.
through some rather convenient circumstances, you two were actually assigned on kitchen duty that night.
“it’s been getting pretty cold lately so i was thinking we should cook up a hot pot for everyone.” you gave your idea to him as you pulled out some ingredients from the fridge, waiting for his reply, but it came a few seconds later than you were expecting.
“right. sounds like a good idea,” todoroki answered a tad late. upon realizing it was only going to be the two of you making dinner tonight, his mind was occupied by what he and his friends spoke about earlier.
that was when he started overthinking the situation and absentmindedly half-assed his work.
“todoroki, the cut on the tofu is slightly uneven.” you reviewed his cutting board. looking down, he saw the inconsistent slices of tofu limp in front of him. if bakugou were the executive chef for the evening, he would’ve had to hear an earful from him.
“sorry…” he apologized quietly, reaching out for another cube of tofu to cut.
“is everything okay? i know you’re still learning how to cook, but i’ve seen you show some significant improvement on your knife skills recently.” you voiced your concern for him.
the white and red-haired boy stared at the white bean curd while hearing your worried tone and couldn’t find it within himself to continue the task. it was now or never he thought. he laid the knife flat on the cutting board.
“actually, i wanted to ask you something.” he turned toward you. “do you… want to go out with me?”
nothing but the sound of the fire running on the stove could be heard in the kitchen. todoroki didn’t move his eyes away from you, watching you nearly drop the plate of siu choy and shiitake mushrooms out of shock as your mouth was hanging open.
when you caught onto your bearings, you let out a small laugh. “oh… i… wasn’t expecting that,” you admitted honestly, placing the ingredients on the counter safely.
the boy furrowed his brows. “is that a no?”
“n-no! i mean that isn’t my answer! i–” you fumbled with your words, cheeks warming up now that his confession had finally sunk in. in the meantime, todoroki found your reaction quite amusing. the corner of his lip quirked into a grin.
“what i mean to say is that yes, i’d love to go out with you.” you accepted the offer wholeheartedly. todoroki would be lying if his heart wasn’t throbbing from anticipation. he’s glad he’s able to rest and put that aside.
“now let’s continue making this hot pot together!” you cheered, smiling widely and he found comfort in your words before resuming slicing the tofu.
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e-dubbc11 · 2 years
Hey Jealousy pt. 2
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Gifs aren’t mine
Pairing: Matt Murdock & Billy Russo x F! Reader
Warnings: Pretty tame. PG-13. Love triangle sort of, little bit violent, swearing, tiny bit of smexy time, definitely not a 3-way! I can’t even write regular smut let alone throw an extra person in there. The warnings will be the same for all 4 parts even if some aren’t in the other parts (does that make sense?) I don’t fuckin know
Word Count: 2.8k-ish
Summary: Continuation from part 1. The aftermath of your date with Billy Russo and Matt trying to find out more information about your mystery man. Billy stops by your apartment after work, couple of surprises.
A/N: Part 2 of 4. The title is a Gin Blossoms song. It doesn’t follow any particular storyline. As always, comments are always welcome and thank you for reading! I appreciate you! ❤️
Read part 1 HERE
Jumping from rooftop to rooftop, Matt followed Billy to a parking garage but lost him as soon as he got in his car and drove off.
He then spent the weekend trying to find out something about the mystery man who was spending time with you, he couldn’t do any of that without a name though.
He had heard the name “Billy” when he was listening from the rooftop the night you went out on your date, but no last name.
His jealousy was getting in the way of him thinking straight and left him wondering why? Why did you go out with someone else? Why did you being out with another man make him so anxious and insecure?
Matt couldn’t stand it and you being out with someone else really solidified the fact that even though the two of you hadn’t been together long, he loved talking to you, he loved making you laugh, he loved touching you and kissing you—he just loved…you.
He knew that now but he needed help. Something about this guy didn’t sit well with him but he still needed a name and since you weren’t taking his calls, he called the only person who could possibly help him out.
“Goooooood morning, sunshine! Why are you calling me so early on a Saturday?”
“Foggy, I need your help with something—it’s important.”
Monday’s lunch break was spent in the courthouse’s cafeteria. In between bites of your salad, you were trying to finish going over some notes before going back to the office to type them up. A friendly familiar voice caused you to look up from your papers.
“Hey y/n!! Do you ever stop working?” You wondered if Foggy was ever in a bad mood.
“Good day to you, Mr. Nelson. How goes the battle?” You said as you looked up at him with a warm smile on your face.
“Ah you win some, you lose some, you know how it goes…I’m glad I ran into you though.” His expression turned neutral as he pulled up a chair. “I was wondering what the deal is with you and Matt. I thought the two of you were, ya know, a thing?”
He sounded concerned and your heart fluttered at the mention of Matt’s name.
“I know both of you have been working a lot and haven’t had a chance to see each other in a while but the rumor goin’ around is you met a tall, handsome stranger here the other day and also went out on a date with him.”
When Foggy said that, you were a little surprised but not really because this place was just one giant gossip ring, like any other workplace.
“Oh...you mean Billy?”
“Yeah what’s his last name, I might know him.” Foggy asked with a straight face.
“Russo…Billy Russo.” You answered.
“Yeah ok I don’t know him, anyway—Matt found out about that ya know. He called me over the weekend.”
Your whole body went numb and the light in your eyes disappeared. The light was replaced with guilt. “Was he jealous, Foggy?”
Foggy’s eyes widened and he threw his hands up. “I’d say jealous is the understatement of the year!! His voice was pure rage and I had a hard time calming him down.”
Your fight or flight mode kicked in and your voice was sad but firm. “Yeah well maybe I wouldn’t have gone out on a date with Billy if that court reporter wasn’t all over Matt at Josie’s a couple weeks ago.”
Foggy looked confused. “How do you know about that, you weren’t there?”
Tears burned the back of your eyes “I wanted to surprise Matt and show up for the standing date you all have but when I looked through the window and saw her with her hands all over him, I—I left.”
He moved his chair a little closer to you and rested his hand on top of yours. “Ok, number one she’s had a thing for Matt for a while and just showed up uninvited and number two, you obviously didn’t stick around long enough for Matt to tell her about you.”
He reached into his briefcase to pull out his phone.
“He needs to know about this and it’s just a big misunderstanding—“
You interrupted him “No, no Foggy I don’t want you to tell him, I—I need to do it. I was hurt and angry and I—“ A tear ran down your cheek. “I miss him…I really miss him.”
A tiny smile emerged across your face. “Jeez, all this for a man I haven’t even slept with yet—oops, sorry Foggy, that’s way too much information. I’m sorry.”
He laughed a little and said “He really likes you too, y/n. I’d even go as far as to say he’s already in love with you. He’s been miserable since you stopped taking his calls and quite frankly, he’s been a total grouch monster and Karen and I are tired of dealing with it, that’s why you have to tell him, our sanity depends on it.”
That made you laugh and your tears went away. “Well thank you for telling me all of this, Foggy. I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions, it just was hard not to.”
“Sooooooo, are you gonna call him? I’m not leaving here until you say yes!” He sounded so excited.
“Yes, I will—later today when I get home from work.”
Foggy was satisfied with your answer, the two of you said your goodbyes and he left, however he didn’t go very far, just far enough away where you couldn’t hear him and called Matt.
“I just want you to know that I felt incredibly dirty asking her all those questions but I got the name you wanted—Billy Russo.”
Matt said “thank you, Foggy.” And he hung up.
Trying to dig up dirt on Billy wasn’t going well—on paper he was clean. His service records, his company, Matt was coming up empty. There had to be something—or did he just want there to be something?
Now you were sitting alone with your thoughts, the two men heavy on your mind. Hopefully Matt would understand when you explain that the reason you went out with Billy was because you thought he was out with someone else but then your thoughts moved on to Billy and how much you liked him too but he needed to know how you feel about Matt.
Before you agreed to go out with Billy, you explained the situation with Matt and you didn’t quite know what was going on and then you heard Billy’s voice in your head “You’d never have to guess what our relationship status is if you were with me.” He’s not wrong, you shouldn’t have to guess and both of you should have talked about it and not kept it inside but it’s too late for that now, you needed to talk to Matt, and soon.
After clocking out for the day, feeling exhausted, you made your way home, and all you wanted was to kick your shoes off and relax with a glass of wine. You had every intention of calling Matt when you got home, however the wine induced nap you had got in the way of that phone call and you woke up to the sound of your phone ringing. Hoping it was Matt, you turned the phone over and looked at the screen “Billy Russo” and your stomach dropped, just out of pure nerves but you answered anyway. “Hey Billy, how are you?”
“Well hey there beautiful…I got worried for a minute when you didn’t answer my text.”
You didn’t hear the text notification while you were sleeping. “Oh my goodness, I am so sorry, I fell asleep after I got home and I didn’t hear my phone.”
You could tell he had a smile on his face. “Well I was in the neighborhood and I thought I’d drop by and say hello, I’m downstairs.”
“Oh you are?” Genuinely surprised, you sat up on the couch and then got up and went to the door. “Ok, well come on up, I’ll buzz you in.”
I guess the phone call to Matt will have to wait.
Billy brought over beer and some food from the bar close to your apartment, they made the best chicken wings. After your first date, he seemed to have picked up that maybe you weren’t a super fancy restaurant kind of girl and you were happy just eating bar food and drinking beer.
You greeted him at the door with a smile and wearing your fuzzy slippers and lounge pants, so embarrassing. He walked through the doorway, kissing your forehead and asking you…”Would you mind holding this stuff for a minute while I take my shoes off?” He’s making himself at home? Or is he just being polite as to not track dirt into your apartment?
Matt hadn’t even been up to your apartment yet and here you were with another man that you’d only been on one date with, what were you doing?!!
But you ignored your inner voice. “Go ahead and have a seat on the couch, I’ll get some plates and glasses.”
He took the food and beer back from you after removing his shoes…”No, no let me help you.”
You apologized for your appearance. “I’m sorry for the way I look, obviously I wasn’t expecting to see anyone after I got home.”
Billy laughed a little—“Don’t apologize, I think you look adorable.”
After finishing a drink, enjoying the food, and asking each other how the day was, you could feel your cheeks getting warm as you asked him—“What made you come over here, Billy?”
“I just wanted to see you, is that wrong?” His voice was low and tender and he grinned like a Cheshire cat.
“You did?” You were always so surprised when anyone wanted to actually be around you. Billy was so handsome, your self-esteem wasn’t very high, and you felt like you didn’t quite measure up.
“Why is it so hard for you to believe that I really like you and want to spend time with you?” He asked with a puzzled look on his face.
Always the skeptic, you still felt the need to say “You weren’t just in the neighborhood though, were you. ANVIL isn’t anywhere close to my apartment and I—“
But he cut you off with his lips brushing against yours, both hands cupping the sides of your face, you closed your eyes and dissolved completely into his kiss. He leaned back onto the arm of the couch, you were on top of him now, allowing his tongue access to your mouth and yours intertwining with his.
Stroking his beard with your thumbs, you could still taste the beer on his soft but firm lips and then shifted your hands from his face to his hair so you could brush your fingers through it. One of his hands moved to the back of your head, into your hair and you went to push his suit jacket off of his shoulders.
What were you doing? What about Matt? The little voice in the back of your head was nagging you but Billy felt so good. His other hand progressed from your cheek to the hem of your shirt and you felt his long slender fingers trace up and down your lower back.
Nervously, you loosened his tie and started to unbutton his dress shirt while his hand traveled from your hair, down your back, and around to the front of your lounge pants. His fingers started to untie them but before he could feel just how wet you were for him, you snapped out of the spell you seemed to be under and felt like you had to come clean.
“Billy…Billy.” You whispered in his ear as his lips went down to your neck and you pulled away from him. “I’m sorry—I need to stop.” He looked completely deflated as you were fighting back tears, you felt awful.
“Billy, I’m sorry but I can’t do this.”
He wasn’t angry, he seemed genuinely concerned, as he caressed your shoulders.
“Ok, ok—can you tell me what’s wrong? Did I move too fast?”
You moved a stray piece of hair away from his face and grazed his beard with your thumb. “Oh no, no, it’s nothing you did. It has everything to do with me, I’m sorry.”
With his long legs still on either side of you, the two of you sat up slowly and he placed one leg on the floor and ran his fingers through his hair and he looked at you through his long thick lashes while you talked.
“Remember that ‘complicated’ relationship I mentioned? Well I’m trying to figure things out with Matt, I feel terrible because I do really like you too. It just wouldn’t be fair to you if we went any further. Please Billy, I never wanted to hurt you.”
He kissed you again, his lips were red from a combination of your leftover lipstick and kissing you furiously but again, he wasn’t angry.
“Hey, it’s ok y/n—really it is. I’m just glad you told me before I fell for you even harder than I already have.” He said through a slight smile.
His words gutted you, the dejected look he had on his face was something that you never thought you’d be the cause of. It wasn’t your intention to hurt him like this, your heart was usually the one getting broken not the other way around.
Before you could say anything else, he got up from the couch, put his suit jacket back on and walked towards the door. While he was putting his shoes on, he told you—“Ya know, a lot of women when they meet me think I’m damaged or broken because of my time in the service or being a foster kid. You gave me a chance, I just wish I could have met you before Matt did. He’s a lucky guy.”
As he said that, he opened your door, turned around to give you one last kiss on the forehead and was ready to take off down the stairs.
“Billy…I really am sorry.”
He smiled, his dark brown eyes stared at you for a minute before he said “I sure hope Matt knows what he has.” And with that, he winked and disappeared down the stairs.
After Billy left, you had a good cry on the couch. But then decided to compose yourself and try and call Matt, not noticing how late it was, he didn’t answer though. While cleaning the kitchen, you couldn’t get either one of them off your mind and after your shower, trying to fall asleep was even more difficult.
The cold night air woke you up, you didn’t remember leaving the window open considering it was October. And it wasn’t just the chilly air that woke you up, it was the crash you heard coming from your living room. You got out of bed with your baseball bat in your hands and tip toed out from your bedroom and there he was, dressed all in black, the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen—in your living room.
“I know who you are but what are you doing here?” Before he could answer, and noticing he was holding his chest, you thought you heard the slightest of drip noises. “Are you—bleeding?”
The Devil had a low voice, almost a whisper as he staggered towards you—“yes sweetheart, I need your help.”
“Sweetheart?” That tone was so familiar—“Matt?!!! Oh no, you’re hurt!! What happened?!!”
His breathing was heavy when he collapsed on to the floor—“Your boyfriend—he cut me, he got me pretty good too. AH!”
“Boyfriend? Were you spying on me?!! Matty what are you talking about?” There was panic and slight anger in your voice as you fell on your knees beside him.
“Russo—I followed him—he must have sensed I was tailing him because he ducked into a warehouse after he left your place and he got the jump on me, I don’t know how but he did.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing and seeing right now. “Ok he’s not my boyfriend, first of all and what did he stab you with!?” You thought about it for a second, how did he know Billy’s name? Foggy said the rumor was I had a date but no mention of a name—Dammit, Foggy told him! You’ll have to worry about that later.
“I didn’t notice any kind of weapon on him when he was here earlier. I don’t understand, Matt!”
His breathing became labored and he had a hard time spitting words out. “It came out of no--nowhere, from under--underneath his sleeves, he must have hid it in his--his outside coat. He’s not the person you think he is, sweetheart.” And that was the last thing Matt said before he passed out.
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itsdanii · 3 years
Because I’m an angst-addicted ball of misery, is it okay if I request drabbles of Fuckboy!Atsumu and Fuckboy!Oikawa being the crush of the reader but she knows of how they treat other girls and doesn’t want to end up heart broken and since she’s shy and introverted, the boys barely know her aside from her being a classmate?
She tries to keep a simple distance away from them until said boys randomly show an interest in her and they start showing her attention, love, and treating her better than the girls they messed with until after a few weeks she overhears from them or their teammates that it’s out of pity/they were bored because Y/N seemed easy to mess with.
Y/N doesn’t let them know she overheard them, instead a switch is flipped and she’s emotionless around them and avoids them. When they ask why she’s like that, she simply says “I won’t let you hurt me like the others.” She basically treats them like they don’t exist (she’s friendly to everyone but them) and said f!boys regret it and bust their asses to fix everything between them (I read how you felt about full angst, so the reader just blocked their number, social media’s, and treat them like the plague until they prove that they truly love her or regret messing with her :) )
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Hey, bub. Sorry for the slight delay! I hope you don't mind me making slight adjustments about the plot for my comfort 🥺 And uh... this drabble turned out to be a oneshot because I got carried away. I only did Atsumu's part which went over 3k+ works 👁️👄👁️ Anyway, I hope that you still like it. Have a good day, stay safe and hydrated! ♥️
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Karma's a b*tch
genre: angst to fluff
warning/s: rude behavior (resolved), cursing, self doubt and insecurity(?), do message me if I missed any
a/n: please do read the warnings before you proceed. warnings have been put there for a reason
ft. fboy!atsumu miya, f!reader
never play with a girl's feelings. wanna know why? just read the title.
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You stared at the back of Atsumu's head dreamily, your elbows propped on your desk as you basically ignored the world around you.
Contrary to the belief that noisy students always sat on the back, Atsumu and his twin were actually seated in front. Despite being in the middle of a class discussion, the two kept on chattering as if the teacher didn't exist. The teacher basically gave up already trying to shut them up since they never listened anyway.
You knew that she could've just sent them to detention but of course, who would do that to the miya twins? People almost worshipped them and your teacher wasn't excluded. Everytime she entered the room, you noticed how she would always cast a glance at the Miya twins and smile "politely."
The two, of course, took advantage of it. If it meant being able to get away with their noise by just simply smirking at the teacher in front of them, they'd do it. They already did anyways. They never did anything more than that though, and for some reason you were thankful that they never crossed that line.
You jolted up slightly when the bell suddenly rang, a loud yelp slipping past your lips out of shock. With your eyes widening like saucers, you felt your cheeks heating up when majority of your classmates turned their head towards your direction, some having a grin on their faces while the others having a look of displease.
However, their stare didn't matter as much as a specific person's did. A pair of brownish eyes stared at you intensely, his gaze so intense it was enough to make you almost squirm in your seat.
Feeling your heart rate picking up along with the shiver running down your spine, you looked down at your lap, successfully cutting your eye contact with Miya Atsumu - the guy you secretly liked despite being hailed as your school's certified f!ckboy.
"Make sure to finish all your requirements this upcoming weekend. You're all seniors so I have high expectations on your outputs, understood?"
With a series of "Yes, ma'am," the class was dismissed.
The room was filled with different noises - subgroups gossiping with each other, the footsteps of students hurrying their way out, the rustling of papers, clanking of chairs and the voices of the class representatives reminding the assigned people to clean properly.
It was lively, for them at least.
As for you, you preferred being alone. No, you weren't some weird nerd kid who acted as if they hated the world. Instead, you preferred categorizing yourself as one of those people who were naturally shy and introverted.
You don't really like crowds nor socializing. You've always opted on sitting by the corner, just enjoying the calmness silence brings you.
Grabbing your books from your desk, you stood up and made your way to the door, head casted a little downwards to avoid making eye contact with people, knowing that doing so will result to interactions, and who has time for interactions anyway? Certainly not you.
With the lack of paying attention, you failed to notice someone who was rushing their way out. Like a cliche movie, your body collided with them, the impact causing you to stumble backwards, loosening your grip on your books as they fell on the floor.
Luckily, the person behind you managed to catch you on time, their hand gripping the small of your back to keep your bum from meeting the floor.
"Whoa, there. Ya alright, princess?" spoke the familiar voice just behind your ear, his breath against your skin giving you small goosebumps.
Instantly, you jerked away. Turning around to face him, you bowed down while muttering continuous apologies. "Miya! I didn't mean to bump into you, I.. I swear. I was just walking out and then somebody j-"
Chuckling, Atsumu placed a hand on top of your head, giving your hair a small ruffle which eventually made you look up at him. "Calm down, I ain't mad at ya. No need to be so flustered."
With a stiff nod, you mumbled a small "Okay," before bending down to pick your books off the floor. You didn't fail to notice how your hands were trembling and you silently prayed to whoever diety was watching over you that Atsumu won't notice it.
"Yer y/n, right?" Atsumu asked as he bent down as well, one hand clutching your book as he let his finger trace over the name written on it. "A pretty name fer a pretty face like yers."
You wouldn't be surprised if he'd ask if you were doing okay because by now, you were a hundred percent sure that your face must be looking like a red tomato. "Thanks I guess," you said, giving him a shy smile before taking the book from his hand.
The small encounter was cut off by someone calling for Atsumu's name. Turning your head to the direction of the noise, you noticed Osamu walking towards you with a small frown on his face, one hand gripping the strap of his bag as he went on how they're going to have to run extra laps again if they ever got late for practice.
Atsumu only chuckled at Osamu before turning his focus back on you. With a cheeky smile, he booped the tip of your noise fondly. "Guess I'll see ya around, pretty thing. Careful not to stumble again, alright? Don't want another man catchin' ya."
With that, Atsumu went on his merry way, turning around one more time to send you a wink, chuckling as you gave him a slow wave before his figure disappeared from your vision as a mere dot.
"See ya later..." you whispered on thin air, lips unconsciously curling up as you stared at the direction he went off to. Once you snapped out of your daze, you bit your lip to stop yourself from squealing like a school girl in love.
Well, technically, you were a school girl in love, right?
That night, as you laid on your bed staring at your ceiling full of glow in the dark stars, you thought that maybe it wasn't so bad making conversations with people every once in a while.
The days went by pretty quickly.
At first, you thought that everything will be back to normal. After all, you never tried associating yourself with people. Your high school life was basically nothing but waking up early for school then going back home after class and then repeat.
However, something was strange. In fact, it was very strange. Not only were people trying to befriend you but the one and only Atsumu Miya was actually making an effort to talk to you, and to say that you were confused would be an understatement.
He basically didn't pay attention nor spared you a glance before, until that day you bumped into him.
You knew that it wasn't a good practice to judge someone based on what other people say but he wouldn't be called as your school's f!ckboy for nothing. He'd change his girlfriend almost every week as if he's only changing clothes, cruelly dump those who did not meet his certain standards and doesn't care even if a girl cries infront of him. Those are exactly why you tried not associating yourself with him nor his twin.
But there was something about Atsumu Miya that kept on drawing you in. You didn't know if it was his annoying piss colored hair, intense gaze, or the aura surrounding him. You couldn't help but wonder how someone like him, the exact type of person you swore you hated, managed to keep you attracted like a moth on to a flame.
It was weird.
And yet you loved it.
"Ya know y/n, ya kinda wound me," Atsumu said, plopping himself down beside you on the cafeteria.
With your hand clutching the chopsticks mid-air, you surveyed your area, noting how some heads, specifically the Inrizaki VBC's, turned to your direction. "Sorry, what do you mean?" you muttered as soon as your eyes met Atsumu's.
"I literally thought we're already friends when I saved yer ass from falling backwards," Atsumu answered before stuffing his mouth with an Onigiri, no doubt made by Osamu.
Placing your chopsticks down, you wiped your lips with some napkin before speaking up. "I'm sorry for asking this but... what's with the sudden interest, Miya?"
You were aware of how snappy you sounded, but in reality, it was your own defense mechanism acting up. Just how were you supposed to ignore him when it's he himself who kept on clinging to you?
"Hm, what do ya mean? Is it so hard to believe that I'm trying to befriend ya?" Atsumu tilted his head a bit to the side, his lips curling up into a smirk. "Why not try givin' me a chance, princess? That isn't so much to ask for."
You organized your now empty bento, placing it on the side before focusing your whole attention to the man in front of you. "I've seen how you treated girls before," you said with a low voice, averting your gaze from him to avoid melting into a puddle.
Damn stupid feelings.
"I see..." Atsumu said with a slow nod. "Then I guess that makes it more of a challenge."
Your eyebrows immediately furrowed upon hearing that, your curiosity spiking up at what his words meant. "Challenge? What do you mean?"
Instead of answering you, Atsumu just stood up, his bento in hand with the side of his lips curled up. "I'll see ya around, princess."
With that, you were left alone in your table, eyes still trained on Atsumu as he made his way back to the Inarizaki VBC's table. You watched as most of his friends chuckled while patting his back, some even sending a glance towards your direction.
Deciding that pondering over it would only be a waste of time, you stood up and made your way back to your classroom, failing to notice a grey haired Miya watching you.
You let out a small squeak as someone behind you reached for the same book you've been trying to get for almost 5 minutes now. Tilting your head back a little, you were met with an upside down vision of Miya Atsumu's face.
With your arms still raised in the air, you spun around to face him, your back flush against the bookshelf keeping you basically trapped. "Miya," you mumbled while looking up at him, one hand fisting the side of your skirt to release some pressure.
"Here," he simply said while handing you the book, obviously holding back from laughing at your flustered expression. "Don't worry, I ain't gonna try anythin' that would make ya uncomfortable. I was just passin' by and saw you strugglin'."
"And he even tucked my hair behind my ear!"
"He did that?" your cousin spoke from beside you.
Both of you were seated on top of your bed, legs crissed crossed as you gossiped about your interactions with Miya Atsumu.
For the past few weeks, you've been having encounters with Atsumu - in the cafeteria, in the library and even outside of school where he claimed that he was out to buy some ingredients for Osamu and only managed to bump into you "coincidentally". Name it and he'll be there.
With these constant encounters stirring up your feelings, you had to resort on calling your cousin for some girl time in order to save your sanity. Luckily, your parents had no objection. They were even happy that you were actually trying to open up to other people. It was only your cousin but according to your parents, "A small step is still a step."
Plopping your back on your bed, you grunted as you placed both of your hands on your cheeks. "Mhm. I just don't get it you know? He's basically this popular guy that plays volleyball, has a group of girls swarming over him and has the face and body that looks like it's been sculpted by God himself, and yet he's wasting his time on me."
You looked at your cousin with a small pout, one hand reaching out to poke her thigh. "Am I just overthinking things?"
With a breathy chuckle, your cousin laid down beside you. "Maybe? I can't really say for sure since I don't know this Miya guy except your description of him, but what I think is that you should give him a chance."
Hearing that, you laid on your side to face her, elbows propped up against the mattress as you rested your cheek on your palm. "Aila, have you been listening to me? He is a f! ckboy. Dangerous, treats girls like shit, and undeniably sexy. What if his sudden interest is only a one time thing? What if he's just messing with me?"
"And what if he isn't?" Upon hearing no reply, your cousin took your silence as her cue to continue. "What if people just labeled him as this so called 'f!ckboy' because that's what they perceive him to be? What if inside him is just someone who's vulnerable, trying to protect themselves from getting hurt by people so they end up hurting others first to save themselves from the pain? What if he's just waiting for someone who wanted to really know him, the real him? Would you really deprive him of that opportunity just because of what you hear from other people?"
"I... I don't know.."
"Miya isn't here to defend himself and I'm not trying to defend him, but don't you think you should at least give him the benefit of the doubt?" Aila smiled as she settled herself on a comfortable position. "Give him a chance, y/n. Everyone deserves to get one. It's up to him to prove whether he's worth the chance he was given."
You sighed deeply, letting her words sink in as you also shifted yourself on a comfortable position, raising your comforter up until it reaches just below your chin. "Then what happens if he isn't worth the chance he's given?"
With a hum, your cousin just shrugged. "Then you either forgive him and let it go or... give him the finger and tell him 'f!ck you' for messing with your feelings," she said with a short giggle.
"It's something only you in the future can decide. Goodnight, y/n."
With a thankful smile, you turned the lamp off as you whispered, "Mh, goodnight, Aila."
"Let's be friends," you said as you slammed a box of onigiri in front of Atsumu, a smacking sound resonating in the air making the rest of the boys look at your direction.
Even the sound of balls whooshing in the air stopped, replaced by the sound of them dropping suddenly on the gym's floor.
With his lips parted, Atsumu shifted his gaze from the onigiri, Osamu, Suna and you. "Ah..." he muttered as if he was just as shocked as you for having the guts to come inside the gym in the middle of their training.
Feeling your cheeks heating up out of embarrassment due to his lack of response, you looked down and started to fiddle with you fingers. "You said you wanted to be my friend and I kept on keeping my distance from you so I thought you might appreciate those onigiri as my peace offering." You scratched the back of your head before giving him an awkward smile. "A-anyway, that's all! I'll see you around, Miya!"
Atsumi could only watch you as you dashed out of the gym. Snapping out of his daze, he looked down at the box of Onigiri, smiling unconsciously as he noticed the sticky note posted on top with "Good luck on your practice, Miya! :))" written on it.
"Interestin'," Atsumu whispered before standing up, Kita's voice filling the air as he called the team back for practice.
It's safe to say that after that embarrassing moment, you became friends with Atsumu. You even became close with his twin because they were always with each other. It wasn't long then when the usual duo became three - Atsumu, Osamu, and you.
It was hard to adjust at first. Your female classmates would always glare at you and spout out some nasty remarks but the twins were always there to defend you. In fact, you even met the whole team and hanged out with them when you didn't have some academic tasks to finish.
It was fun, and you were thankful for your cousin who gave you the advise of giving Atsumu a chance.
But there was a downside on the situation.
Your feelings which you kept hidden for a long time was only growing day by day, and you were afraid that it was slowly showing signs.
Everytime Atsumu was near, your heart would beat so fast that you felt like you just finished a 4 kilometer run. Your hands would become clammy, breath would hitch, and face would heat up whenever he teases you, and don't even forget to add that one time you literally froze when you spun around, only to come face to face with him - nose almost touching, lips ghosting against each other with only an inch keeping you apart.
You were playing a dangerous game and yet you had no intention of stopping, not knowing that it wasn't only you who had a secret.
Because Atsumu Miya was also playing a game - something much more dangerous than yours.
"Where's 'Tsumu?" you asked as you peeked your head inside the gym.
Kita, who was about to walk out, gave you a smile before opening the door wider for you to come in. "Atsumu's in the storage room. The twins made a mess again so I told them to go clean up before we start practice."
"Typical," you said with a short giggle. "Anyway, I'm just going to drop off Atsumu's hoodie that I borrowed last week. I'll watch over them while you do your business."
"That would be great. Thank you so much, y/n-san. Call me if something happens," Kita said, giving you a small nod before leaving.
As you entered the empty gym, you grimaced upon seeing something that looks like spilled milk on the floor. With a shake of your head, you made your way near the storage room sneakily in attempts of scaring Atsumu.
However, as you got closer, you heard two familiar voices. It was Atsumu's and Osamu's voice, and basing from the way they were speaking, it seemed as if they were in the middle of an argument.
"The fuck did ya say?" It was Osamu.
"I said I was only playin' with her. I mean, she's so easy, don't ya think? It basically only took me a couple of weeks and she came runnin' to me with that box of Onigiri, claimin' she wanted to be friends," Atsumu said, followed by a chuckle. "As if I didn't notice the way she acted around me. I'm telling ya, that girl is in love with me."
"And so, what if she is? That's not an excuse for ya to play with her feelings, dipshit."
Hearing Atsumu huff, you slightly backed away from the door, only to freeze when you heard his next words.
"Y/n is nothin' but a toy to me, somethin' I can dispose of when I got bored."
Biting your lower lip, you clenched the handle of the paperbag you were holding before running out with tears streaming down your face.
You ran as fast as you could, ignoring the worried looks you're getting from the people you were passing by. Even Kita was shocked to see you yet he didn't bother calling out, thinking that you might be needing some alone time for yourself.
You skipped class.
Throughout your whole Highschool life, this was the first time you skipped your class and it was a bummer that the reason was Atsumu Miya.
Stirring your strawberry milkshake from a nearby cafe, you thought about Atsumu's words, another batch of tears streaming down your face as you realized how pathetic you were for believing that he isn't what others say.
Maybe your cousin was wrong.
Atsumu Miya wasn't worth the chance he was given, because he only proved that once a f!ckboy, always a f!ckboy.
You blocked Atsumu's social media accounts.
In fact, you even blocked and deleted his number to stop getting in contact with him.
Even in person, you didn't bother paying him any attention unlike before. You stopped coming to their practices, stopped giving him food and stopped talking to him.
You basically acted as if he didn't exist.
It was hard because you knew that your heart belonged to him, but you had to endure it. You didn't want to give him the satisfaction for playing with you. You know your worth and there's no way you're going to let some f*ckboy ruin you.
"Y/n, would ya stop?!" Atsumu said as he grabbed your wrist, effectively stopping you from walking away from him any further.
"Get your hands off me, Miya. I don't wanna talk to you." You struggled against his hold, trying to take your hand back, only to fail when he tightened his grip.
"The hell's yer problem? What's with the sudden attitude? Yer basically ignorin' me and I don't have any idea what I did. Just tell me what I did wrong instead of actin' like a little brat." Letting go of your wrist, Atsumu groaned as he ran his fingers through his hair out of frustration. "I.. I don't like this."
You laughed, eyes squinting as you let out a fit of giggles before pointing at him. "You don't like this? Why not, Miya? I'm just a toy for you, right? So, I don't really get why you don't like this. Is it because you're not bored of me yet so you're not willing to dispose of me?" Crossing your arms over your chest, you looked at him with a serious expression. "Well, I'm sorry to say this but I'm not going to let you hurt me like the others. I'm not a plaything nor am I desperate like those girls pining over you. Have fun looking for a new toy. You're not worth playing with anyway."
That being said, you turned your back on Atsumu, ignoring the whispers that suddenly filled the hallway as the students parted some space for you, leaving Atsumu with his lips parted and feet frozen on the ground.
Serves you right, Miya.
Atsumu felt hollow.
With every passing day that you're ignoring him, conversing with people whom you never bothered associating yourself with before, the more he regret taking advantage of your feelings.
It was only supposed to be a game, nothing but a pass time and yet why did it felt like something was missing?
"I wasn't supposed to care," Atsumu said desperately while clutching his head in his hands, elbows propped on the table as he opened up to his twin. "F!ck...I think I like her, 'Samu."
"No shit, idiot," Osamu answered without taking his eyes off the stove. "I told ya several times to stop messin' with people's feelings and did ya ever listen? No. That's what ya get for bein' stupid."
Groaning, Atsumu rested his cheek against the table, facing Osamu's back. "Help me."
Slowing down from stirring the pot, Osamu looked at Atsumu through his shoulder. "Why would I do that?"
"Well, I'm yer twin. Aren't ya supposed to help me? Plus... y/n acts fine around ya." Atsumu sighed before sitting up properly. "I won't bother ya fer a week if ya help me out. I already did everythin' I could. Flowers, chocolates, even payin' attention in class just to impress them! Nothin' worked."
Osamu chuckled at the desperation and frustration in Atsumu's voice. "Deal." He turned the stove off, covering the pot before making his way to Atsumu. Sitting down, he crossed his arms over his chest while staring at the brokenhearted Miya. "Y/n is actually kind. Well, not until that moment she found out about yer stupidity. Have ya tried showin' her that yer willin' to change?"
Atsumu nodded. "I did. I even gave her the usual things girls like."
"I asked if ya showed her that yer willin' to change, not tried winnin' over her through bribery." When Atsumu didn't respond, Osamu let out a 'tsk' before continuing, "Just stop botherin' her and prove that ya regret what ya did."
"Easier said than done," Atsumu grumbled which earned him a smack on the head.
"Will ya stop bein' a sad boy already? I have a plan."
Its been two weeks.
Two weeks of no Miya Atsumu trying to apologize. Two weeks of no Miya Atsumu following you like a lost puppy while holding either chocolates or flowers.
Instead, what you were getting were these random post it notes on your locker, your desk, everywhere. Wherever you go, there would be random post it notes with various messages. Some contained cheesy quotations, the others short apology letters.
And despite how mad you were at Atsumu, you wouldn't be able to deny how cute the act was. Not only did he gave you space but also exerted an effort of silently letting you know that he'd be willing to wait for you.
You noticed how he stopped acting like a boss in class, opting to jot down notes instead of chattering with Osamu like usual. You also noticed how he stopped having a random girl beside him during breaks. Everytime you would pass by, no longer would he try to block your way and flick your forehead, but instead give you a hopeful smile before proceeding on his way wordlessly.
But what made you realize that he indeed regret what he did was that one time.
You were walking back to your classroom after forgetting your umbrella. The sound of the heavy rain tapping on the ground resonated on the empty hallways, the cold wind making you shiver as it whooshed in the air.
Wrapping your arms tightly around you, you entered your classroom, eyes widening as you saw Atsumu trying to fit something on the space below your desk while mumbling something.
Clearing your throat, you noticed Atsumu jolting up slightly before turning around to face your direction.
He smiled sheepily before scratching his nape. "I know it's yer birthday tomorrow so I was tryin' to fit this here. I guess there's no point hidin' it already since ya caught me anyway." Sighing, Atsumu picked up the fox stuffie and handed it to you. "Happy Birthday, y/n. I know yer still mad at me and ya probably hate me but I still wanted to give ya a present."
You stared at the fox in your hand, your fingers poking the fluffiness of the material as you fought back the urge to smile. "Thanks," you answered with a dismissive tone.
For a split second, it was silent, and you were aware of the intensity of Atsumu's gaze burning on your forehead, yet you refused to look up, knowing that once you did, you won't be able to hold yourself back and might just forgive him there and then.
"I like ya, I really do. I know I messed up big time fer taking advantage of ya and I'm sorry fer that. It was stupid and childish of me to think that the people around me are nothing but mere toys fer me to play with. I regret hurtin' yer feelings and I'll be willin' to wait until ya forgive me. Just know that I won't stop until ya do."
Hearing something rustling, you looked up and noticed Atsumu taking off his jacket. Within a few steps, he was already infront of you, draping his jacket over your figure. "I'll see ya around, princess. Don't get sick, alright?" Smiling, Atsumu gave your cheek a small pinch before heading out.
You were left in the empty classroom with nothing but the fox stuffie serving as your company. Atsumu's scent was swirling around you from the jacket you were given and at that moment, you haven't notice the single tear sliding down your cheek.
Because of all people, you never expected for Atsumu Miya to be the first one to greet you without having to remind them.
He was the first person you knew outside of your household to ever remember your birthday.
You hugged the stuffie close to your chest, burrying your face on top of its head as you let the comfort it brings envelope you.
You stared at the empty space infront, your head swirling as you thought of the possible reasons why Atsumu haven't been in class for three days now.
It's currently your last subject and throughout the whole day, you've been doing nothing but wonder where he was. You haven't asked Osamu about it yet since he was excused from the class due to the preparations for the upcoming match.
And so, the moment your class was dismissed, you rushed your way out, making your trip to the gym. You were thankful that they were in the middle of a water break so you had the chance to call out Osamu's name without having to worry about Kita.
"Y/n?" Osamu's eyebrow shot up upon seeing you. Suddenly, a knowing smile made its way to his lips. Standing up, he walked over to you. "He's sick," he said without even waiting for you to say something.
"Oh.." you muttered, shifting from one foot to another nervously before tugging at the hem of Osamu's jersey. "Do you... uhm, do you think it would be alright if I visit him after your practice? I wanna see if he's doin' alright."
"Alright. I think 'Tsumu would appreciate that. Why don't ya sit on the bench and wait a little for us to finish practice then ya can visit our house after?"
Upon hearing that, your face instantly lit up. You smiled at Osamu as you nodded.
Osamu only chuckled at you and fondly ruffled your hair, a habit he and Atsumu shared.
You waited patiently, and it wasn't long then when their practice finally finished. After Osamu took a shower, you both went on your way to their residence.
As you entered their house, Atsumu's voice immediately met your ears.
"'Samu! Cook me somethin', I'm starvin!"
You looked at Osamu who only shrugged as if he was already used to it. You took your shoes off and wore the slippers you were given before placing your bag on the couch.
"Our room is on the right. Go ahead and talk to him." Osamu said as he pointed on the door at the end of the hallway.
With a nod, you slowly made your way to their room, knocking softly before sliding your way in.
The first thing that greeted you were the mess of opened junk foods on the floor. Roaming your eyes around, you grimaced at the sight of empty water bottles littered around along with the volleyball laying on the ground.
Averting your eyes away from the trash, you looked at Atsumu whose back was facing you, his shoulder raising up and down evenly, indicating that he must be asleep.
Carefully, you walked claser and sat on the edge of his bed, your hand immediately feeling his forehead. "You're burning up," you mumbled, brushing his hair away from his face.
Suddenly, Atsumu's hand gripped your wrist, his eyebrows furrowed as he squinted his eyes. "Am I dreamin' or are ya a ghost?" he asked with a raspy voice.
"I'm not a ghost, 'Tsumu. I'm really here."
You watched as Atsumu slowly nodded before letting go of your wrist. "What're ya doin' here? I thought ya were still mad at me." Sitting up, Atsumu held the comforter close to him as he shivered.
"I heard you were sick. I'm no longer mad at you. I guess I'm still upset but I just can't hold a grudge against you forever, can I? That's not something I can do," you said with a shake of your head. "I really like you, you know? Despite your title of being a f!ckboy, I still fell for you. You were the first person I tried opening up to aside from my cousin. It's just a bummer that you ended up taking advantage of that vulnerability."
You felt Atsumu reaching out for you, his hand enveloping yours as he gave it a small squeeze. "I know, and I'm sorry. I really am."
"And if I give you another chance, will you prove me that you deserve it?" you asked as you looked at him, "I'm still hurt about what happened so I hope that if I give you this chance, you won't waste it."
"Yes. God, yes," Atsumu answered breathlessly, "I promise it won't happen again and I'll try to be better."
Suddenly, Atsumu wrapped his arms around your figure, pulling you on his lap as he settled his head on the side of your neck. "Thank you," he mumbled repeatedly against your skin, his arms tightening around you as if he was afraid of letting go.
And he never did.
Indeed, there was something about Miya Atsumu that kept drawing you in, and despite the bumps and dangers that came along your way, you didn't withraw.
Because as you closed the last page of your photo album eight years from then, you realized how right your cousin was alll along.
Atsumu Miya was worth the chance he was given, and he proved it to you every single day, sealing it with the diamond ring now resting on your left hand.
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1K notes · View notes
1kook · 4 years
skirt chasers — drabble iv
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THIS IS A SKIRT CHASERS DRABBLE - FIND THE OTHERS HERE ! SUMMARY Jungkook was a man. A skirt chaser. He could only withstand so much torture before he broke, and seeing your gorgeous, smooth legs on display after so many weeks of starvation awoke an ancient being inside of him. WARNINGS JK POV!!!, attempted solo masturbation, k*ssing, jk’s extensive knowledge of pornos, grinding, cunnilingus, face sitting, spit kink, light choking, praise kink, self nipple play, a love for boobies, unprotected sex, use of the pull out method, i love u kink, its kinda hinted tht oc has a somnophilia kink? not rlly but tagging just in case -_- RATING m (18+) WC 6.3k this can't even classified as a drabble anymore wtf 
NOTES i have had this in my drafts since may 3. it is december 21. everyone point n laugh. anyway i very much love stimbo sc jk and i think he’s very cool so here’s a whopping 6k of the inner mechanisms of his big nerdy, college hottie brain <3
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He doesn’t notice you’ve drifted off until he’s three solid paragraphs into his semester-long research paper. “Babe, can you toss me my charger it’s over…” 
 Jungkook swears he’s gonna take every single one of those stupid skirts and burn them to ashes. They had done their duty well, had given him the girlfriend of his dreams, but now they were just pushing their luck. What was once the epitome of a cute and sweet girlfriend, has now become the bane of Jungkook’s existence. He loathed them, he hated them, he could go twenty million decades without ever seeing them again because the torture they inflicted upon him was borderline inhumane. 
 Holy fuck, he knew you were gorgeous— hello, he was your boyfriend, thinking you were gorgeous was very high on the list of requirements you searched for in someone of his position —but he’s absolutely positive that you’re probably the sexiest woman he’s ever seen in all his twenty-two years. And Jungkook’s seen a lot of porn. Like, a lot. 
He can’t help himself. Before Jungkook knows it, he’s rolling his desk chair over to where you’re sprawled across his bed, skin so soft where it presses against his pillow, lips so plush, and he’s pretty sure there’s a tiny, tiny droplet of drool begging to escape from between your puckered lips. Normally, he’d tease you to hell and back for this, knows how flustered you become when he catches you off guard, but today he lets it slide in favor of focusing on something else about your dozing form. 
It’s the soft curve of your hips from where you lay on your side, smooth legs tucked close to you, and that goddamn pleated skirt giving you absolutely no protection from the eyes of the world around you. Luckily, he made sure to lock the door to his room when you came over today. And he’s almost positive Taehyung isn’t home anyway. So there’s no potential roommate to see you here, cuddled against Jungkook’s teddy bear, blue lace panties tucked between your folds. 
They were his favorite. 
Adorable and soft, and he knows that particular style— the cheeky kind —is your preferred style, because it’s the one he sees almost every time the two of you fuck. Seamless, because you hate when they tug against your skin, and baby blue simply because it was your favorite color. He can’t recall the last time they had been so exposed like this. 
God, how many times had this same situation occurred? You dropping by to encourage him to do his homework, before eventually falling asleep and leaving him to his own devices. A lot of times, Jungkook guesses, because each and every time you wake up and nab one of his protein bars from the stash by his bed. Jungkook’s gone through four boxes in the last month. 
But how many times had this happened with you in a skirt? Never. This was a rarity. 
As the year progressed and yours and Jungkook’s relationship reached new levels of intimacy and adoration, Jungkook is sad to say the skirts had begun appearing less and less. It was winter and, unlike the furnace that was Jungkook’s body, he’s pretty sure you were a cold-blooded reptilian at this point, always leeching off of him for warmth. So since you couldn’t stand the cold, the skirts slowly faded into the background, replaced by Jungkook’s second favorite: the leggings. 
He was no complainer, Jungkook respected your decisions! He wasn’t going to pressure you into wearing those cute tiny skirts he loved so much just because it fueled some PornHub-esque fantasy in his brain, especially not as a harsh winter descended upon you and the days became colder. He would not risk a sick girlfriend in the name of a horndog daydream. 
But holy mother of pearl, Jungkook was a man. A skirt chaser. He could only withstand so much torture before he broke, and seeing your gorgeous, smooth legs on display after so many weeks of starvation awoke an ancient being inside of him. 
Sure he’d seen them every time you guys fucked— duh. But this was not the same. It was different, seeing the tender skin of your inner thigh when he knew you weren’t trying to, your skirt stuck between you and the bed as you shifted about. It was different, knowing he could so easily have you, just flip up the skirt and tug your underwear to the side, not having to worry about fighting your leggings or skinny jeans down your legs. It was different and it was good, so painstakingly good, to have you in the skirt, but the worst part was Jungkook couldn’t even do anything because you were fucking sleeping. 
He’d subconsciously pictured you like this for weeks, sprawled out on his sheets in the flimsiest clothing and ready for him to just slide right in, but Jungkook was a good boy—you’d told him as much just last week when he’d paid the bus fare for that ragtag group of teenagers, smiling up at him like he was your entire world. Was he sometimes a little too mean, a little too wild? Yes. But at his core, Jungkook lived for your praise. He couldn’t just stomp on that title you’d so lovingly bestowed upon him, a title he’d worked hard for since! 
Furthermore, even if Jungkook wasn’t a good boy, to touch you in your sleep just seemed wrong. You’d mentioned in passing once that you wouldn’t mind as long as it was him (“I’m yours,” you had purred at some party, hand crawling down his abdomen, “your doll, remember?”), but Jungkook couldn’t bring himself to when you were so vulnerable and just… not there. It wouldn’t feel right to use your body when you weren’t awake, and no amount of encouragement from you would change his mind. 
So he does what all good boys do and prepares himself for a quick, self-administered handfuck. 
Sue him, his girlfriend was hot!
It’d been a little over two weeks since the last time the two of you had fucked, and it was mostly his fault; clinicals and research papers had practically consumed what little free time he had in his schedule. And if Jungkook remembers correctly, he wouldn’t be that lucky this upcoming week either. Something tells him your period was approaching. 
Jungkook doesn’t know what type of sorcery you’ve done to him, but in the time you’ve been dating, it’s become increasingly more and more difficult to nut without you. Whether that be fucking you, listening to your voice, or just imagining your pretty face in his head, you held a monopoly over Jungkook’s libido, one that he feared you’d never let go. 
He had years stacked on years of browsing PornHub and Brazzers, can recall experiencing some of the craziest orgasms of his life while watching some girl get fucked. All things come to an end. Ever since he started dating you, not even his favorite video could make him hard anymore. Oh, how the great have fallen. 
But with your blue panties before him, his cock hardens by the minute, nearly doubles in size when you move about and sigh a heavenly sound. Frankly, he doesn’t feel bad jerking one off to the thought of you. You were his girlfriend! He knows that you know that you’re the main character of all his right-handed adventures, and you’re not going to be mad at him for jerking off to you now. In fact, Jungkook imagines you’d be mad if he’d woken you up just for some frenzied quickie. This way, he’s blowing off some steam and you’re getting an extra ten minutes of napping. Everyone wins. 
He’s barely tugged himself out of the confines of his sweats when a soft mumble of his name has his soul leaving his body. “Kook?” 
“Baby,” he exhales, immediately tucking himself back into his underwear before moving closer towards you. You roll onto your back, skirt useless as fuck, he thinks, as it sprawls around your waist. “What’s up?” he murmurs, voice gentle, a hand carding through the nape of your neck because that’s how you always wake him up. Jungkook would be a liar to say it wasn’t one of the best feelings in the world. 
You say something, but it’s a mess of gibberish and too quiet for him to understand, before turning on your side again and shuffling closer to him. Jungkook smiles, runs the tips of his fingers over your cheek, before moving to caress your back, massaging some feeling back into your muscles. Some more mumbled words, but this time he deciphers them as something along the lines of “c’mere.” 
He chuckles, ducking down to kiss your cheek. “Don’t wanna interrupt your nap, baby,” he hums. “Go back to sleep.” 
You whine in protest, suddenly catching his hand in yours. “Please,” you sigh, eyes fluttering open, but they’re unfocused as you gaze at him. Jungkook clenches his teeth. Technically he should be working on that twelve page research paper, and even just trying to jerk off right now would have been a huge setback. Crawling into bed with you, where you’re so sinfully laid out for him to take, would completely offset his plans until tomorrow. He had to be a responsible student here. 
“I really gotta finish my paper…” he says, trying to let you down as gently as possible, flashing you an apologetic gaze. He thinks he has it in the bag, and your extended silence almost has him rolling back to his desk, when you suddenly snap into action. 
“But what about your dick,” you murmur, and Jungkook chokes. 
“My what—?” he splutters, voice a little too high. 
You say nothing, craning your neck to release a series of cracks, soft huffs leaving your lips. Jungkook’s on edge the whole time, eyes following the movement of your neck, the hypnotizing expanse of skin that bares itself to him. “Saw your hand down your pants,” you say, eyes blinking open, and though they’re droopy with sleep, at least you can hold them open this time. 
Jungkook laughs nervously, rubbing a hand against the back of his neck in embarrassment. “You saw that?” A soft hum. He wants to die. “Ah, baby, don’t worry about it. Know you’re tired, so just nap,” he sighs, caressing the back of your head once again, and he thinks he’s finally convinced you so he lets his guard down. 
You moan softly, and he’s almost entirely sure it’s one of those waking up types of sounds, the ones you make when you’re stretching around the bed in the morning. “Want your cock.” 
Jungkook swears he’ll die, right here, right now. 
He groans, lowers his head to rest on the mattress. “Jesus, fuck, baby,” he huffs, has to count to ten to will the stirring of his slowly hardening cock away for the second time that day. “Don’t say stuff like that when you’re half asleep, please.”
You ignore him, the hand that had been wrapped around his wrist tugging him closer. You barely succeed, muscles still so weak, but Jungkook humors you and rolls his chair right beside your head, where he ducks down to press a kiss to the corner of your mouth. “Noooo,” you whine when he draws away too quickly. 
A laugh blossoms in his chest, and Jungkook proceeds to rain down a series of kisses on your pretty face before he can stop himself. You melt under his touch, his affection, and Jungkook adores the way your body is so soft and pliant like this, back arching towards him after he places a hand on your waist. 
“Come here,” you urge, voice a quiet plea. So soft, so needy. 
Jungkook malfunctions for just a second before he’s clambering over you on the bed, manhandling your body until you're both on your sides, facing each other, with you pressed tightly to his chest. Even with your hands brushing up and down his back in the way that sends every nerve in Jungkook’s body tingling, and your leg thrown over his hip, some stupid part of him convinces himself you’re just cold, trying to warm up after walking around campus in that tiny little skirt all day. He cuddles you as best as he can. 
And even with his dick twitching in his pants and his caveman instincts yelling at him to thrust up into your inviting core, Jungkook remains as professional as someone in a relationship can be when in bed with their lover. He’s so stuck on his self-control that he almost doesn’t hear the snort you muffle against his neck. 
“What are you doing?” you laugh, reaching up to pinch his cheek. Jungkook blinks, eyes wide like a doe caught in headlights. “Are we gonna fuck or what?”
He chokes. He doesn’t even try to muffle his reaction like other times, because the way you’re looking at him and the heel you press against the back of his thigh preoccupies his thoughts instead. Your hands are still tracing along his back, melting him with your dainty touches. “Baby?” you question after he’s been silent too long, distracted by the way you use that hooked leg to tug your bodies closer. 
“You… you’re still asleep,” Jungkook says, though it’s definitely a question. 
You scoff, a smile curling around your features. “Mm, definitely not asleep,” you tease, and shift to push him onto his back, wiggling on top of him until those baby blue panties are pressed against his quickly hardening member. “Why? Wanted to touch me when I was asleep?” you continue, and Jungkook’s eyes nearly burst out of their sockets. 
“No!” he exclaims, hands clutching your hips in alarm. He can tell he surprises you, because your eyes go wide for a brief second. “Never…” he mumbles afterwards, looking away from your imploring gaze. “Only like you when you’re awake.” 
You sigh, pressing a sweet kiss to his cheek that makes his heart flood with adoration for you. “You’re a good boy, Jungkook,” you say back, just as quietly. “A blueprint for the perfect man.” Another kiss, this time against the corner of his mouth that makes Jungkook’s hands twitch against your sides. 
A soft moan tears itself from his throat, fingers digging into your hips as you slowly roll them against him. The heat emanating from your core seeps past the thin barrier of his sweatpants, makes his cock twitch in his boxers. He knows how it feels inside of you, has your body memorized like the back of his hand. But it’s in moments like these that he finds himself aching for you, desperate to feel the fluttering walls of your pussy, the pitiful whimpers that fall from your kiss swollen lips. And, well. The skirt makes it all too easy.  
He places two hands on the backs of your thighs, runs them up until he’s pushing your skirt up over your waist. You pull away from his lips with a sneaky little smile, pointer finger stroking down the side of his face lazily. “Mm?” you tease, leaving a coy little peck against his mouth. “Now you wanna touch?” Jungkook rolls his eyes, snaps his teeth at your wandering finger when you draw it too close to his mouth. The giggle you let out is so damn precious, makes him want to put you in a glass case and never let anyone else touch you. Coincidentally, it also makes him want to rail you into the mattress until you cry. 
“I’ll fucking ruin you, doll,” he settles on murmuring, subtly pushing you down against him. A soft giggle. Jungkook knows it’s your favorite nickname, even if you won’t admit it. He's the only one allowed to call you it, something about his intentions being pure or whatever, he’s not really sure. Anyway, you’re still so cute and soft on top of him, blinking slowly and prettily, so he’s dragging it out a bit, hoping you’ll become more alert in a few more minutes. 
As sleepy as you may be, you never miss out on a chance to rile him up. “As if, doll,” you retort, his nickname for you rolling off your tongue seamlessly. It sounds heavenly, sparks this weird emotion in him that he never considered before. Him, a doll? No way. But there’s something about the sweet lilt of your voice, the starry-eyed gaze you level him with, that has him throwing all reservations aside. Put him on a shelf and call him Barbie, because he would be anything you wanted him to be. 
Anyway, Jungkook’s sappy thoughts last all of two seconds before he’s rolling you over, successfully trapping you beneath his body. “Oh, so scary,” you feign, hands fluttering to clutch at your chest. 
He glides his hands down your body, let’s them trail over your hip and down the side of your thigh. “Don’t get sassy with me,” he warns, thumb peeking beneath the hem of your skirt. Jungkook really wants to burn the piece of fabric this time, because after all that time it spent torturing him with its halfhearted attempts at covering you, it chooses now to do it properly. 
Hands are thrown around his shoulders, the overwhelming scent of your perfume and body wash tickling his nose when you pull him in for another kiss. “Or what?” you purr, irises swirling with lust. “Gonna use your manly man strength to hold me down?” 
He shushes you with a kiss, slow and languid just how you like. Your taste is familiar, feels like coming home, so Jungkook can’t be blamed for getting too carried away. It starts gentle— it always does. But then a tiny mewl gets stuck in your throat, the following moan swallowed by his tongue, and Jungkook nearly loses it. He nips at your bottom lip, waits patiently for you to open up for him, and when you do he wastes no time diving in. Your tongue against his is slick and wet, makes the most lewd sound. Your little sharp intakes of air fill the gaps, shuddery breaths that Jungkook takes as a good sign. 
He strikes while the iron is still hot. 
It’s amidst your lazy kissing that he secures his hands around your waist, two reassuring squeezes thrown your way before he’s abruptly rolling onto his back again. “Kook!” you squeal, clutching at the front of his shirt. A pouty frown paints your face, sleepy eyes narrowing him with a rather unimpressed look, tainted with the barest hints of confusion. 
Jungkook grins, reaching back to yank his pillow out from beneath his head. “On my face,” he commands suddenly, and you snort. 
“What?” you ask a little incredulously, leaning back to level him with an even more lost expression. “Since when do we do that?”
Jungkook shrugs. “Since I decided twenty seconds ago,” he answers rather bluntly. You still don’t look too convinced. It’s not a position the two of you have ever tried. You’re a little on the sappy side, always like to look at his face while you fuck, hold his cheeks in your palms, kiss him sweetly. On the one hand, Jungkook totally gets it; he’ll proudly admit that the sight of your orgasming face paired with your fantastic tits have done him many favors these past few months. 
However, Jungkook is a lover of head. Giving or receiving, it’s very high on his list of sexual acts and whoever invented oral deserved all the praise in the world. Not only did you look drop dead gorgeous with his cock in your mouth— tears trailing down your cheeks, drool clinging to the corners of your lips —but you also looked absolutely sexy receiving it. 
Okay, so maybe Jungkook can’t really say, considering he always has a hard time catching a glimpse of your face when he’s down there licking and slurping your clit like a madman. Which is what leads him to this exact moment, an experiment weeks in the making. Jungkook has a theory that needs to be tested. “Please ride the fuck out of my face,” he tries, hoping the polite tone will win you over. 
He’s met with an eye roll. Still, you’re kinder than you let on. “Okay,” you give in, and Jungkook will remember your heroism for the rest of his life. “But only because being on top is empowering.” He just barely contains an over-enthusiastic fist pump into the air, settling on a rather modest smile that has you leaning down to kiss him again. You reach for the zipper on the side of your skirt. “Just let me—“
“The skirt stays on,” he says quickly, hand on your wrist to stop you from removing his most favorite article of clothing. 
“Baby,” you say, giving him a rather serious look. “It’ll cover your face.”
“It won’t,” he urges, reaching for the buttons on your blouse instead. Jungkook has had one too many encounters with tops like these, and has long since learned not to tear them apart like a crazed psycho. As much as he loves the sound of your buttons scattering across his bedroom floor, he can’t say he’s too fond of the scolding he inevitably gets afterwards. Anyway, the shirt comes off and so does your bra, leaving your tits in his face, tiny skirt on your hips. “Get up here,” he murmurs, ushering you up his body until your knees are pressing into the mattress right above his shoulders. 
If it was up to Jungkook, he would have just grabbed your hips and shoved his face against your pussy. Luckily, it’s not, and your common sense shines through just in time. “One sec,” you say, and then finally, finally, the blue panties come off. 
And then it’s just Jungkook and your glistening pussy. 
“Holy fuck,” he groans, taking the opportunity to wrap his arms around your thighs. You squeak when he pulls you closer, hand instinctively reaching for the front of your skirt to hold away from his face. The view from here is heavenly, just your swollen clit, gorgeous tits, and shy face. 
The muscles in your thighs are a little stiff. Or maybe you’re just nervous. Jungkook isn’t sure, all he knows is that it takes one encouraging tug for you to finally sit on his face. He doesn’t even register the surprised gasp that leaves your throat because he’s too busy tasting your pussy from an all new position. And it’s absolutely amazing. 
Something about the position, having you carefully poised above him, does something to Jungkook. He likes to think he knows your body inside and out, knows what makes you melt and what makes you scream. He knows just how to lap at your cunt until you’re cumming, and how many fingers it takes for you to really feel it. But it’s like having you in this position changes all of that, rearranges all the tidbits of information Jungkook has spent months collecting. 
(Jungkook is a meticulous man; he’s got a near perfect GPA right now that was the direct result of his carefully crafted note-taking techniques. Whether or not he abused the power of his perfectionist learning abilities to master the mechanisms of his girlfriend’s libido was no one's business but his own.) 
One kitten lick against your swollen pearl makes you buck forward, clit brushing against his nose. Jungkook can’t remember you ever doing that on the first lick. “O- oh my—,” you cry, all airy and whiny. Your hand is pressed to the wall behind his bed, the other bunching the front of your skirt just above your mound. He’s rather happy to learn that, just as he’d hypothesized, this position does give him a better view of you. 
He’s graced with the sight of your face, twisted up in pleasure. It’s the stereotypical eyes squeezed shut, lip caught between your teeth look. But there’s something different about it knowing that he’s gotten this reaction out of you with his mouth alone. 
Jungkook quickly repositions you over him, tugging you back until his tongue is lined up with the front of your slit. You’re so warm down here, make him feel like he’s drowning with your heady scent alone. Tentatively, he lets his tongue dip between your folds, the very tip nudging your swollen clit. A moan tears itself from your throat, the hand that had been flush against the wall suddenly jumping forward to bury itself in his hair. “Oh- oh, fuck,” you shiver, hips jolting forward once more. 
You taste good on his tongue, the arousal that coats your lips is sticky and sweet. When he laps his tongue along your folds, quivering hole to stiffened bud, you let out a sob that resonates deeply within Jungkook. And also Jungkook’s cock, which stirs beneath his trousers in excitement. What was once the focus of his mission, a quick handfuck to sedate himself before finishing his research paper, has long since been forgotten. It’s for the greater good, he tells himself, blinking up at you from between your thighs. 
Eye contact lasts for exactly three seconds before you’re looking away bashfully, the fist clutching at your skirt trembling against your tummy. You’re so fucking pretty, Jungkook’s heart can’t take it. 
And so he sets out on a mission to make you cum as soon as possible, abandoning his slow kitten licks in favor of suctioning his lips around your clit. “Kook,” you wail, tugging at his hair. Whether you do it purposely or not, Jungkook is a little shocked by how good the pain feels. It’s not an emotion he can ponder long, because then you’re using that same grip in his hair to tilt his head backwards, jerkily moving over him. 
It’s rough and sudden, the buck against his face, but Jungkook loves it. The drag of your pussy against his lips, the wet glide of your juices smearing across his chin and Cupid’s bow. It all feels so good, and the fact Jungkook is getting a front row seat to the absolutely torn look on your face is just the cherry on top. 
Jungkook has seen you make a lot of faces. He’s seen you shiver and drool as he nails you into your bed. He’s seen you sniffle and sob as he slowly fucks you in a rose petal filled bubble bath (a six month anniversary special planned by yours truly). He’s even seen your mirrored reflection fall apart as you bounced away on his lap in front of a mirror. 
He’s never seen you like this before. 
Needy and desperate, moaning his name softly, practically humping his face in your greed. Tiny skirt clutched against your waist, tits bouncing as you hurriedly grind against him. He has half the mind to burn this scene into his eyelids for the rest of his life. 
He’s given up on doing anything with his tongue, simply sticking it out for you to do as you wish. Normally, he’s not a huge fan of letting you do things yourself. After all, Jungkook was your boyfriend. Making you cum was his job. But you’re moving so fast, so frantic, in your mission to cum. So Jungkook sits back and lets you go to town on his mouth as a series of moans spill from your lips. 
And then something unforgivable happens. 
Jungkook will admit it: he’s staring at you almost a little too dreamily, heart eyes and all. He thinks you’re fucking hot, taste like heaven and have these absolutely delicious boobs bouncing up and down. He’s a little distracted by your glorious figure that he doesn’t notice one crucial bit of information. 
Your hand. 
The desperate need to cum has your muscles weakening, thighs moving at a latent pace, and, much to Jungkook’s horror, hands trembling. It’s your own pleasure that lets the unimaginable happen: your skirt flutters down. Your grip on it loosens and before Jungkook knows it, the sight of your pretty face and nice tits are gone, snatched away before his very eyes. Even your wet cunt is impossible to see, his world suddenly shrouded in darkness. 
Leave it to Jungkook to foil his own horny plan with, well, his horniness. If only he wasn’t so hopelessly in love with the image of you in skirts. Maybe then he could bask in the beauty that was you riding his face. 
He acts fast, reaching for the material before he can miss out on anything. But the angle is weird, and without Jungkook’s hands holding your hips, you’re left weakly rolling forward instead. And he’s not the only one frustrated with this turn of events, your face quickly returning to its normal composed form as you level him with a frown. “Everything okay?” you pant. 
Everything was not okay, but Jungkook isn’t sure how to tell you that without ruining this delicate moment. So he tries to show you with actions instead, releasing the skirt he’s got in his fist and letting it flutter over his face again. You giggle. “I told you so.” 
It takes more willpower than he’d like to admit to pull away from your wet folds, pulling off with a lewd sound that has you biting your lip as you gaze down at him. “I told you so,” he mimics, a little mean but you don’t take it to heart. “Hold your skirt up.” 
You hum, the grip on his hair loosening as you push away his dark locks instead. “Mmmm,” you hum. “No.”
“No?” he repeats, actually really scandalized. Okay, so he’s a little spoiled when it comes to you— it’s not his fault! You made him like this, conditioned him to think that you would always give into his every whim because you were just so sweet and considerate and wanted him to be happy. And Jungkook also wants you to be happy, and in his opinion, being happy right now means having him fuck your pretty brains out for ever getting sassy with him. 
“I don’t listen to men,” you tease, followed by a cute little nod, skin still a little warm from your looming orgasm. Jungkook takes advantage of your tiny moment of weakness, and strikes like a viper.
A girlish squeal leaves your lips, hands stretching outwards as he knocks you backwards onto the mattress. “Jungkook,” you gasp, sprawled out artfully, beautifully, over his sheets now. He doesn’t waste a second longer, crawling over your body until you’re a shivering mess beneath him. 
Hand against your throat, the other blindly reaching for the front of his sweatpants. “What is it, doll?” he drawls meanly, reveling in the way your eyes roll back when his newly-freed cock lands against your slit. A choked gasp leaves your throat, lashes fluttering wildly until Jungkook loosens his grip. 
You’ve done a nice job riling yourself up, lips squelching wet and loose when he runs the tip of his cock along them. Your knees are pulled up for him, spread perfectly for him to fit between. You’re so good for him, Jungkook feels a little bad for how hard he’s going to fuck you now. 
The sympathy doesn’t last long.  
Once upon a time, you had been the epitome of a cute and sweet girlfriend. Had picked him up from class, encouraged him to do his homework, wore these cute little skirts around campus. Deep down inside, Jungkook knew everyone else was jealous of him— you were just so pretty and cute, a girl straight out of everyone’s dreams. 
Until he sunk his horny claws into you. Jungkook will be the first to admit he spends a little too much time browsing porn sites— he’s a man, cut him some slack —which had never caused him any problems before. Even when the two of you were just friends (pining ones at that), you had never seemed even remotely affected by his extensive pornographical knowledge. It was a known fact among your friend group that Jungkook’s best friend was his right hand. 
But then, of course, you started dating Jungkook and it was like a save file of all his horniest fantasies was downloaded directly into your brain. Which leads him to this. 
“Spit in my mouth,” you shiver, got these huge, watery eyes pointed his way. His cock twitches. 
There’s a little groan that tears itself from his throat when he leans forward, cock sliding along your folds, to grasp your chin between his fingers. “Open,” he commands, and you do. Your lower lip quivers, tongue pressed against it as you wait for Jungkook to spit down your mouth. He can’t say he regrets letting you peek through his porn stash, not when it leads to this, you whimpering at the hot glob of saliva he shoots down your throat. “Filthy,” he pants, memorizing the movement of your throat when you swallow like the good girl you are. 
Before he can write another twelve sonnets about that dazed look on your face, he’s roughly grabbing at your thigh. You whine, limbs so pliant beneath his touch, letting him hike your knee over his forearm as he tugs you closer. “Fuck,” he groans, reaching down to align himself with your quivering hole. You’re still so wet, make the most lewd sound when he sinks into you. Not that Jungkook really hears it, the sound of your strained moans practically drowning everything else out. 
“Fuck,” you cry, one hand clutching at his forearm, the other toying with your breast. It’s a magnificent sight, and Jungkook is suddenly feeling a little cocky when he realizes he’s the only one who gets to see this. It’s this presumptuous nature that fuels the first round of thrusts into your cunt, fast and full. He makes sure you feel every inch of him, tip to base, as he pistons his hips forward. “J— Jungkook,” you pant, back arching beneath him. 
You take it so well, walls sucking him in every time he draws back out. “I’ve got you, doll,” he moans, hiking your leg further over his shoulder. Every roll of his hips has your tits bouncing back and forth, lower lip as well with the dopey, open-mouthed look you got on for him. And the damned skirt that got him here, fucking you with a punishing pace, sits perfectly around your waist. He has half the mind to take it off for you, briefly wonders if it hurts, but just looking at it reminds him of about thirty-seven pornos he’s seen. So it stays on, works alongside your lovestruck face to actively rewrite all those pornos anew with you starring in them instead. 
It sure helps when you start your usual mindless babbling. “I love you,” you gasp, face screwed up in pleasure. “I- I love you so much.” 
He’s contemplating doing a study on you and your weird mid-fuck confessions. You do this a lot, and while Jungkook doesn’t mind, it sure does leave him curious. “Love you too, baby,” he says anyway, repositioning his arms so he can hold your waist with both hands. 
“Really?” you ask, voice so whiny, eyes brimming with tears. From emotion or your need to cum, Jungkooks not sure. (Hence the need for a study!) 
Another brutal thrust that has you moaning loudly. “Really,” he reassures you, glancing down to watch his cock sink into your hole as he picks up the pace. Your arms are practically limbless, and his stomach is beginning to feel tight. The end was soon. “Love your pretty little face.”
Another whine, your fingers pulling at your pebbled nipples. “M- My pretty face?” you whimper, blink these long lashes up at him. They make Jungkook go a little mad, bring on a wave of jackhammer thrusts that cut your moans into choppy little cries instead. 
“Prettiest girl I know,” he groans, not once stopping the movement of his hips. You’re quivering like a leaf beneath him, your entire body locking up as Jungkook guides you toward orgasm. “A fucking doll, baby— so beautiful for me,” he praises. 
It’s exactly what you want to hear— secretly, Jungkook hypothesizes that you’re a little bit of an attention whore —crying out when he slows to a grind against you. Each roll of his hips has him rubbing over your swollen bud, leaves you trembling until you’re eventually unraveling beneath him. “Oh- Oh, fuck— Jungkook—“ you sob, writhing beneath him as you cream his cock. 
Your tits look amazing, nipples stiff from your arousal and all the attention you’d been giving them. Your features soften, gasps framed by your pillowy lips. As Jungkook has said before, your pretty face was the most dangerous weapon. 
He manages a few more pistons of his hips, mostly for reputation sake, before he’s eventually pulling out. His right hand, once the sole hero of his solo sessions, makes a valiant return now as he jacks himself off over you. It takes a few harsh pulls of his cock until he’s spurting his jizz over you, painting your tummy and your tits in white ribbons of cum. You flinch, a tiny whimper leaving your throat at the mess he makes. “Fuck,” he groans one last time. 
When it’s over, you have the audacity to shyly pull down the front of your skirt. As if your tits aren’t out and about, but Jungkook pretends he doesn’t see it. Instead, he channels his energy into peppering your face in kisses. “Best girl,” he praises, even though he knows you hate the nickname. “My beautiful feminist queen.” 
A pinch against his cheek. It hurts like hell, but he endures it for now, still very much in love with your performance today. “Get me a towel,” you huffily ask, uncomfortable with the jizz sticking to your tummy, as if he didn’t spit in your mouth a few minutes ago. 
His research paper is waiting for him at his desk, the materials he’d spent weeks collecting waiting to be typed up. But his girlfriend is so soft and sleepy, asking him to stay for another nap. 
There was never a choice.
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Copyright © 2020, 1kook on tumblr. absolutely NO reposts allowed.
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engie-ivy · 3 years
Remus is the uptight, swotty Prefect who's always getting the popular and beloved troublemakers Black and Potter in detention. Remus doesn't care what people say of him, and he absolutely doesn't care about Black's blinding smile.
A Book By Its Cover
Remus pulls his jumper closer around himself against the draught in the large, empty halls. The corridor is dimly lit and he hears nothing but the sound of his own footsteps. Everything is quiet. Too quite.
A loud clang suddenly sounds from behind one of the tapestries. Remus almost smiles to himself. Bingo. In a swift motion, he pulls away the tapestry.
Startled, Black whirls around. He’s surrounded by what appear to be paint cans and rope. His shock only last a moment, though.
“Lupin!” He exclaims, a beaming smile appearing on his face. “What a pleasant surprise!”
Remus crosses his arms over his chest. He makes an effort to keep a firm expression on his face, to show he’s not affected by Black’s notorious, blinding smile, like everyone else is. “Only pleasant if you like detention. And as for a surprise, I am a Prefect. I am supposed to be here making my rounds. So what are you doing here?”
“Preparing a prank,” Black says simply.
Remus doesn’t know whether he should be insulted Black doesn’t seem to take his authority very seriously, or glad that he doesn’t insult his intelligence by coming up with an excuse.
“Right,” Remus says, before taking out his notebook and pen. “Out of bed after curfew and engaging in illegal activity,” he scribbles down. “And where’s Potter?”
“Aw, am I not enough for you, Lupin?” Black pouts.
“I figured you could use some company in detention,” Remus replies smoothly.
Black clicks his tongue. “So thoughtful.”
“If you’re here setting up some prank, then it’s a given Potter is setting up that prank somewhere else in the school as well. So, where is he?”
Black shakes his head. “For you’re own good, Lupin, you don’t wanna put James in detention right now. People won’t be too pleased with you if the school’s football star misses the upcoming match against Slytherin thanks to you.”
“So thoughtful,” Remus repeats Black’s words, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “But please, don’t concern yourself over me. I’ve never cared what others think of me, and I don’t plan on starting now. And you basically just admitted Potter is currently doing something that would warrant me giving him detention, so you might as well tell me where he is.”
Black sighs. “This is why people call you uptight.”
Remus’ expression hardens. “If people care so much, they should be mad at Potter for risking the football match in the first place by playing some stupid prank.”
Black gasps dramatically and clutches his chest. “Stupid? Our pranks are not stupid! They’re works of art! Jumping out of a cake on miss McGonagall’s birthday? Hilarious! Making a zip line to go from one floor to the other? Brilliant! Filling the gym with stray cats, many of whom were eventually adopted? Genius! People love our pranks. They make people laugh and bring some excitement in their lives. Much needed excitement, because let’s face it, school is boring. Sitting there, listening to old people tell you things you already know.”
“For you maybe,” Remus mutters.
Black scoffs. “Don’t pretend you’re not one of the smartest people in our class, Lupin.”
Remus just glares harder at Black, to show that no, he doesn’t care that Sirius Black, whom people are always falling over themselves for to get even a bit of his attention, has apparently noticed Remus’ academic achievements. No, he doesn’t care at all.
“Even the teachers love our pranks,” Black continues. “They put some life into this place!”
“We’ll see what miss McGonagall has to say about it when I report you tomorrow,” Remus says calmly. “I’ll go finish my rounds, and when I get back, you better have cleaned up this mess.”
As he turns around to leave, Black suddenly grabs his wrist. “Join us!”
“Wha...” Remus turns back, and his traitorous stomach flutters at how close Black is suddenly standing.
“Join us for one prank,” Black says.
Remus blinks at him. “Why in earth would I do that?”
“Because it’s fun! And honestly, Lupin, to me you always look like you can use a bit of fun.”
That catches Remus off guard. It’s true. Between struggling to get top marks, doing everything he can for extra credit, making sure he has a spotless record, excelling at his Prefect duties, and worrying about his sick mother, lately he often feels like just throwing his hands in the air and say ‘screw it all!’, and just do something crazy, something dumb or irresponsible. But he definitely never wanted for Black to notice that.
“Come on, Lupin,” Black says, as Remus stays silent. “Be part of the fun for once, instead of putting a damper on it.”
“Your childish pranks aren’t my idea of fun,” Remus bites back, feeling himself getting defensive.
Black just grins. “You won’t know that unless you join us for just one prank!”
“Why would you even want me to join you?” Many people would be lining up to be a part of one of Black and Potter’s infamous pranks. It’s beyond Remus why Black would ask that one stuffy guy who puts them in detention almost every week.
“Because I like you,” Black shrugs. “I like how hard you work for everything and how you don’t care what anyone thinks of you. And I think you secretly have a talent for it,” he adds with a wink, that absolutely does not make Remus’ knees go weak. “I bet you have a wicked side to you underneath all that swotty stuff.”
“But I’m a Prefect!” Remus argues. “I’m supposed to discipline rule-breakers, not break them myself!”
Black rolls his eyes. “You shouldn’t take that job so serious.”
This rubs Remus the wrong way. “Not everyone can afford to treat everything in life as a joke,” he says coolly.
Black folds his arms over his chest and stares. “A fancy title and a badge and suddenly you’re better than us?”
“It’s nothing like that!”
Black huffs. “Then why is that bogus job so important to you?”
“Because some of us can’t afford to have even one note on their record if they ever want to get anywhere in life!” Remus snaps. “Because some of us need perfect scores and every bit of extra credit they can get if they want universities not to immediately bin their applications! Because some of us don’t have a last name they can flaunt, a daddy who can make a phone call, a mommy who can throw some money around, and suddenly you’re top of the list! Because some of us can’t just look at their rich parents and rely on them to always give them everything they want!”
The change in Black is instant. He takes a step back, and instead of his usual easy smile and bright eyes sparkling with mischief, his face becomes an ice-cold mask. “Fuck you, Lupin,” he hisses. “You don’t know a thing about me.”
He pushes past Remus as he storms off, leaving him behind feeling very confused. Maybe he shouldn’t have said that. Yes, the system is unfair and Black is privileged, but Remus supposes that isn’t really Black’s fault. He knows Black isn’t actually a bad person. His heart is in the right place, and he’s usually kind, only ever mean to people who, quite frankly, deserve it.
Remus just wishes Black would stop with those bloody pranks.
Remus just wishes Black would continue with those bloody pranks.
Or do anything really that makes him seem more like his old self. Remus never thought he’d miss that loud, barking laugh, that infuriating smirk, those lame puns so much.
Ever since everyone returned from Christmas break, Black has completely withdrawn. He hardly talks to anyone, he just sits silently, his eyes staring off in the distance and his expression blank. Potter is always by his side, softly talking to him or just throwing him worried glances.
Since then, it has been the talk of the school, and even in the papers and on the news: Sirius Black has been removed from his parents’ custody. It was a messy affair, the police has even been involved. Black’s father was arrested on grounds of child abuse. Apparently, Orion Black, the noble and well-respected patriarch of the prestigious Black family, has a habit of beating his son. It must’ve been going on for a while, but over the break it escalated. People just can’t get over how Sirius Black’s life wasn’t as perfect as it always seemed to be.
Remus feels bad for Black, and especially feels like an idiot, having said the things he said. He knows he owes Black an apology. It has been a couple of weeks since the break ended, and the apology is beginning to be long overdue. Though he also knows that Black has probably not been waiting for an apology from the uptight twat that always gets him detention.
Maybe it’s more to ease his own consciousness that he hesitantly approaches the table where Black is sitting. Potter glares at him the moment he sees him, and half gets out of his seat, probably to tell him to piss off, and rightfully so. However, after a quick glance at Black’s face, who’s looking up at Remus, he sits back down, as if he sees something on his friend’s face that makes him chance his mind.
“Bla- Sirius,” Remus says, realising a tad late that Sirius might nor want to be reminded of his family name right now. “I’m sorry,” he blurts out. “I said some shitty things to you, and I shouldn’t have. You were right, I didn’t know anything about you.”
“It’s okay,” Sirius says softly. “You had good reason to be angry, it’s a rather fucked up system. And you didn’t know. Didn’t know that I would’ve gladly given up all that privilege to just have parents who... who love me...”
Sirius’ voice falters and he trails off. Potter is staring at him wide-eyed, and also Remus is surprised. He knows Sirius hasn’t talked about it to anyone, and he feels almost guilty he’s saying it to him of all people. He’s also surprised at the overwhelming urge he has to pull Sirius into a hug, hold him and tell him they never deserved him anyway. He has to leave before he does anything stupid.
“I should go,” Remus says quickly. “If there’s ever anything I can do...”
As he turns around to leave, Black suddenly grabs his wrist. “Join us!”
Remus turns back to look at him.
“Join us for one prank.”
“Why would you want me to join you?” Remus asks, much like the first time.
“Because I like you,” Sirius replies, much like the first time, only where he had then sounded nonchalant and slightly amused, he now sounds pleading and vulnerable.
“Yeah,” Remus says hoarsely, because his Prefect duties suddenly don’t seem so important compared to helping Sirius come back to his old self. “Yeah, I’ll join you for one prank.”
And then the most amazing thing happens: for the first time in weeks, Sirius Black smiles. It’s only a small smile, but the room already seems a bit brighter. In a moment of vivid clarity, Remus knows that there’s nothing he wouldn’t do to make that boy smile.
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My Dearest Trashy,
In honor of my sprained ankle, which is particularly angry today, can you write me a FLUFFY little number where Dylan takes care of his injured girlfriend?
Your BFF Mischief
Happily. Gladly. Eagerly.
This one goes out to my bestie and her busted ankle. Much love, beautiful human! - Trashy, your filthy enabler ;)
Authors Note: Established relationship with a girl named Rachael. Rachael is my go-to for one-shots. If that's your name, I suppose this is an insert? Enjoy? ;) Also, here's some recommended listening, if you're into that kind of thing <3
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As Long As You're With Me
God, what a long day. What a long-ass day. Rachael’s ankle ached and throbbed when she finally sat down on the couch. She winced as she reached down to rub at it.
“You’re supposed to be resting that, you know…” Dylan said, walking out from the kitchen into the living room. “Even at work…”
When she’d left that morning, he was still lazily walking around the house shirtless in a pair of grey sweats, so she was a bit surprised to see him looking so pulled together, especially since he said he’d be spending the day at home. He was wearing a dark blue sweater, and a pair of his favorite khakis. His hair was that perfect disheveled he managed to achieve on a fairly regular basis. He looked good, but he always did.
“No rest for the wicked,” she smiled at him, but she was sure it wasn’t convincing him.
He shook his head and sat down next to her, placing his hand on her thigh. “I really wish you’d taken another week off before you started going back into the office.” He looked down at her feet.
“I know, but...they needed me in there and the new guy is a fucking disaster.”
He sighed in resignation with a small shake of his head. “Well come on then,” he said, patting his thigh. “Get ‘em up here.”
“You really don’t have to—”
“Yes I do. So, shut up and gimme the hoof”.
Rachael laughed sliding sideways a bit on the couch so she could swing her legs up over his knees. She rested her back against the arm of the couch, watching him as he peeled off her little ankle socks and balled them up before he set them on the back of the couch.
Dylan ran a long finger down the side of her swollen ankle, stilling over the slight bruise that still discoloured it.
Rachael could see the way his brows knitted together like he was feeling her pain when he touched her skin. He loved her. She could see it in everything he did—everything he said—and she loved him too.
“I should have been there when you slipped,” he said, looking up at her as he laid his palm on her skin, the heat of his skin soothing the ache a bit. “Could’ve caught you.”
She smiled with a sigh. “I would have found a way to bust my ass with you holding my hand, and I think you know that.”
He laughed, wrapping her foot up in his hand and rubbing his thumbs into the arch. “The clumsy does run deep, huh?” he grinned, his hands working over her aching joints, but not stressing her tender injury.
She could feel the tension easing, some of the swelling in her foot and toes calming down under his touch.
“So how was your first day back?” he asked, swapping his attention to the other foot.
Rachel paused for a minute, watching the careful way he held her, the gentle way he worked his fingers against her skin. “I mean...it could have been better? Could’ve been worse?”
“Ah,” he said before he pressed his lips into a thin line. “So on a scale of one to workplace-fuckery, you were sitting around a ‘meh’?”
He had a way of making her feel like nothing was worth sweating over too much. That whatever it was that was bothering her just shouldn’t. That he was there for her, and that they’d get through it together. That she could lean on him and he’d gladly shoulder the extra weight.
“Yeah. ‘Meh’ sounds about right.”
“So,” he said, shifting the conversation “I was gonna cook for you, but I figured you’d actually like to enjoy your meal after a long day.” He flashed her a wink.
“Mmm, very astute of you,” she teased.
“Hey!” he reprimanded, his hands stilling on her skin. “I’m allowed to self-deprecate, but no one said you could pile on.”
“Sorry, sorry, go on…” she encouraged.
“So…” he drew it out, teasing her even more with the way he exaggerated the start of his sentence, “I ordered in…”
“Little Duck!?”
He huffed in feigned annoyance. “The art of surprise is entirely lost on you, isn’t it?”
“You act like I shouldn’t know that you’d order pad thai for such an illustrious occasion.”
He gave her foot a small squeeze before he spoke. “Fair.” He continued working over her sore joints with his strong hands, both of his thumbs driving the tension out of the arch on this foot too. “But, I think I can still surprise you,” he waggled his brows.
“Oh, really?” Rachel grinned.
“Mhm,” he hummed, worrying his lower lip between his teeth.
“We’ll see…”
He didn’t respond, he simply shook his head. “I’m gonna go grab some ice for this, because...while I know I have a magical touch with these,” he held up his hands and wiggled his fingers. “This bad boy,” he pointed to her swollen ankle, “needs the frozen peas treatment.”
She chuckled at him as he carefully lifted her feet from his lap and sat them down on a pillow he tucked under them.
“One sec,” he said, skipping off into the kitchen.
Rachael heard him digging around in the freezer, whistling and puttering around in the drawers for a minute or so before she heard the sound of a bunch of ice skittering across the kitchen floor. “Dyl! You alright?” she asked, sitting up a bit, holding her weight up on her palms.
“I got it!” he said, poking his head around the corner as he chased down an ice cube that had bounced through the threshold into the dining room. “Nothing to see here...don’t get up. I got it under control.”
“All right…just don’t hurt yourself. We can’t both be laid up,” she covered her eyes for a moment with her forearm, clearing her head before she laid back and relaxed, listening to him laugh a little bit before he started to whistle.
“Gotcha, you little fucker,” he said, presumably to an ice cube he’d tracked down in the kitchen. He strode back out into the living room, proudly holding a ziplock bag of ice and a tea towel. “M’lady,” he bowed, presenting the bag like it was a glass slipper on a velvet pillow.
She scooched along the couch to make a bit more space for him to sit down when the doorbell rang.
“Thai!” he almost shouted, wrapping the bag of ice in the tea toweL. He rested it on the pillow and set her ankle on it. “Hold that there,” he said, rushing for the door and flinging it open.
“Will do.”
Their dinner was sitting on the doorstep. “God. Don’t you just fucking love DoorDash?” he asked, plucking the bag from the ground before he shut the door. “Gone are the days of awkward conversations with food-peddling strangers. I couldn’t be happier about it.”
“Are you saying you don’t miss that long minute of awkward silence while you’re waiting for the transaction to finish?”
Dylan walked over and sat the bag on the coffee table. “That’s exactly what I’m saying.”
“Fair enough,” she agreed.
Dylan walked past her to the kitchen and grabbed some drinks before he snatched the remote control off the end table and turned on the TV. “Dinner and a movie?” he asked, looking over at her.
“Sure,” she smiled, sitting up a bit.
“Ah, ah,” he tisked, walking around to her side of the couch, standing over her and grabbing a pillow from the chair to place behind her back. “Rest,” he said, leaning down to press a soft kiss to her forehead.
Rachael sighed at the sweet gesture, but she wanted a little bit more than sweet. When he pulled back from her, she reached and pulled him down to her so that she could kiss him properly. His mouth was quick to adapt to the sudden need hers had for it. He leaned down even more to deepen their connection and his hands were soon knotting into the waves of her hair.
When she felt like she needed a breath, he cradled her face in his hand and peppered her lips and cheek with small kisses until his lips were brushing against the skin of her neck below her ear.
“Someone’s hungry,” he teased.
She smirked, brushing her lips over his ear. “Yeah...but mostly for thai food.”
“Ouch,” he laughed as he stood, “way to hurt a man’s feelings,” he feigned a gutshot as he walked back around the coffee table.
She tucked her legs back long enough for him to flop down onto the couch and adjust the cushion so that it was propped up on his thigh before she rested her ankle on it again.
He turned on the TV and opened Hulu. “Never Been Kissed?” he asked, pausing on the preview screen.
“Really, Dyl?”
“I thought you were going to surprise me?” she teased
He turned to her, looking less than impressed. “Alright, smartass. You pick.” He tossed her the remote.
“Fine,” she said, picking it up as he leaned forward and started taking the food out of the bag. He set her box of pad thai down in front of her, along with a pair of wrapped chopsticks. She grinned when she found the perfect movie. “This one,” she said clicking on it.
Dylan looked up at the TV, and his expression turned to indignation before he turned to her. “Really?” he asked before he ran his tongue along the inside of his lower lip.
“You said I could pick!” she whined. “I’m injured and sad…” she pouted, batting her lashes.
He narrowed his eyes, but she knew she had him wrapped around her finger.
He drew in a long breath and sighed it out before he spoke. “Fine..”
She smiled and pressed play, grabbing her food from the table as the title sequence for ‘Love and Monsters’ began to play.
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godlygreta · 3 years
i never stopped loving you | j. kiszka
title | i never stopped loving you
summary | jake and y/n have known each other since grade school, they’ve been neighbors forever. a bit of romance ensues, but ends fairly quickly when complications arise while the boys are touring. a trip home from college ends in a slightly drunk confession.
warnings | some mature themes (bit of sex, but not explicitly), swearing, slight angst
word count | 2.5k+
author’s note | hi! this is the first thing i’ve written for any of the boys, so i hope you enjoy. i’ve written for other bands before, so writing isn’t new to me, but writing for greta is.
“I never stopped loving you.”
It slipped out. It didn’t mean to come out. Jake didn’t necessarily want it to come out. They say drunk words are sober thoughts, right? At the same time, who trusts the words of a drunk person? Usually it’s just brushed off as babbling, but Y/N couldn’t ignore what Jake said. Especially because she couldn’t blame it on not hearing him. There was no music playing outside the bar. The music was faint enough that anything Jake had said was heard.
High school was rough for Y/N with hormones mixed in with academics, horny teenage boys at every turn. Y/N wasn’t even interested in dating, not due to the fact that nobody was necessarily interested in her, but because she was too focused on her studies to even give a damn. School dances were a nice break from academics. There was a shift, though, when one boy in particular would start to really pay attention to her.
Jake Kiszka was charismatic in every sense of the word. Him and his twin brother, Josh, were always the two sweetest, yet most famous troublemakers in all of Frankenmuth High School. It got even worse when their younger brother, Sam, ended up in high school with them as a freshman. Jake had girls wrapped around his finger from the moment he had gotten a haircut. His hair was a lot shorter than before and barely even touched his forehead. Y/N didn’t really give a damn. To her, he was still Jake Kiszka, neighbor.
Their parents were friends and always hungout on the weekends. Y/N’s family had a cabin on the lake which they always vacationed at and occasionally would bring Jake’s family with. One particular summer, they stayed there for a week between the summer of sophomore and junior year. The summer’s were always hot, but this week in particular was hotter than the other summer’s before. “It feels like the Devil’s asshole out here.”
“I know, Mary, but that’s the exact reason we chose to come here this week. The kids can swim in the lake, it’s a lot cooler in the water than on the grass.” Y/N’s dad spoke, returning the conversation from her mother. He gave her a quick kiss on the side of the head and returned to unpacking the car. Y/N and the boys had already gone into the house and picked their rooms. The boys shared one, and Y/N got one of the spare bedrooms. 
Dinner was made as soon as everyone was settled in. Everyone sat around the dining table, laughing and eating as they did almost every weekend. “You excited for Junior year, Y/N?”
“Yeah, I’m sort of nervous about taking the SAT and ACT. I’ve been studying when I’m not working at the shop.” She picked at some asparagus on her plate as she answered Mrs. Kiszka’s  question. Jake and Josh weren’t entirely ecstatic about it, it didn’t really matter to either of them. Music was their passion and that was never going to change.
Smores after dinner was a tradition that started when they were all really little, barely old enough to eat them. The fire was lit by Mr. Kiszka and Mr. Y/L/N. Jake, Sam and Josh had always played music while the rest of them made their smores. Y/N always made extras for the boys for when they were done playing music. Whenever they had no idea what to play, Y/N always knew the answer. Running out of songs to play, though, was a rarity in itself. The Kiszka’s knew so much about their sound, nothing was in their way of playing songs that fit it. However, every once in a blue moon they would ask their friend what she would like to hear. “C’mon now. You should know I’m a sucker for The Beatles.”
Y/N could recognize the sound of Blackbird the second it started playing. She had only listened to it eight million times that summer. She hummed lightly along as they played. Everyone clapped as soon as their song was over, the boys immediately delving into their smores. Y/N had finally taken a seat next to Josh when she was finished making their smores for them. Once their parents had gone inside, though, Y/N and the twins dipped into their parents' cooler of beer.
Neither of the sets of parents cared, they knew their kids would be safe and unharmed if they drank at the cabin. Jokes were told and stories of the past school year were discussed, as well as the future. A topic so vast for high schoolers. “I still can’t decide between a lawyer and an art teacher.”
“You’ve always been great at arguing,” Josh joked, “Practically got fuckin’ Lindsey McNeil out of that suspension.”
“It wasn’t fair. All she did was stand up for herself and what she believed in, plus that teacher is fucking creepy and everyone knows it.” Everybody laughed, the beer in everyone’s hands was getting a little warmer with every minute that passed by. Everyone filtered out one by one. Sam went in first, followed by Ronnie (she was slightly upset about coming, having made other plans with friends for the hot weather), and then Josh followed, leaving behind Jake and Y/N.
“Did you want to go inside yet or stay out here for a bit longer?” The silence beforehand hadn’t been awkward for the pair. “Cause I was thinking of going swimming for a bit.”
“I’ll join you, we haven’t swam yet today.”
The sand leading into the lake was met with a bit of rocks. It was picturesque under the moonlight. The pair discarded their clothing, leaving their underwear and got into the water. The coolness of the water sent goosebumps along her skin, leaving no piece without some. Jake followed in behind her, coming up next to her before completely dipping under the water. He popped back up and shook his head.
“You know,” Y/N started, “I think you’d look really good with longer hair.”
“You think?”
“Yeah. You should grow it out.” She swiped his hair out of the way and giggled a bit. “You’ll still never be prettier than I am.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it, darling.”
The rest of the summer followed with light flirting and spending lots of time together. Junior year came around and nothing changed a bit. Prom was spent with the Kiszka family, Josh driving the three of you, as well as Josh’s date. The dance was lame, the songs were overplayed pop music, which Y/N secretly had a bit of a soft spot for. She would never tell that to Jake, though.
The pair ended up back at Y/N’s house, giggling all the way up to her room. He went into the bathroom to take his suit off, using one of Y/N’s hangers to make sure it wouldn’t wrinkle. However, Y/N was still having issues. She couldn’t manage to undo the zipper by herself, waiting for Jake to come back into the room to do it for her. He came back in, saw her still in her dress. “Need my help?”
“My zipper -- I can’t reach it.”
“I can do it,” he whispered, knowing Y/N’s parents were asleep. His hands were warm against her back, undoing her zipper slowly. The moonlight coming in from the window felt like that hot summer night at the cabin. He slid the straps down her shoulders, his mouth slightly agape. How could someone look so beautiful and delicate at the same time?
She turned around, her body facing Jake’s. He stuttered, telling her he could leave and he was honestly about to. Until he felt her hand grab his wrist. “Don’t go.”
He nodded his head, helping her get the rest of the way out of her dress. She stepped closer to him and put her hands on his chest. She could feel how fast his heart was beating. She had a hard time meeting his gaze, nervous of him not feeling the same way she had been. “You looked really good tonight.”
“Me? Everybody was staring at you the whole time, Y/N,” he spoke, one hand finding their way to her waist, the other pulling on her chin to force eye contact. “You looked absolutely breathtaking.”
There was a split second where both of them second guessed themselves. But it was over when Y/N pressed her lips lightly against Jake’s. It was such a feathery light touch, it almost felt like she wasn’t even kissing him. She pulled away slowly, her eyes closed, not really knowing what to do next. She didn’t have to figure it out though, Jake’s lips returned to hers with more pressure.
His hands had found their rightful place on her back, bringing her closer to him. Hers found their way into his hair. It felt so natural - the need for each other grew stronger with each passing minute. His mouth never wanted to leave hers, it felt as though her lips were coated in fucking drugs the way they were so addicting. He couldn’t get enough. “Do you want to..?”
“Yes, please.” It came out so needy - desperate. Y/N didn’t even care about how that presented itself to Jake. She just wanted to be even closer to him than she already was. And she got to be right where she wanted to be.
Her bed was more comfy than Jake had previously remembered. Or maybe that was because they were here under different circumstances, not just studying algebra because Jake wasn’t quite getting it. All he knew was that he wasn’t ever going to forget it. He wanted this moment to replay forever and ever. Not because he was just some horny teenager, but because holy fuck, this had just been some random thought - a daydream, almost. But this was real. This was happening.
A tangled mess they were when climaxing. “I love you,” came out as barely above a whisper. It took Y/N a half of a second to register what he was really saying before it finally hit her. She didn’t feel as if she had to say it back, if anything, he should realize that she loved him too.
“I could honestly stay here forever and stare at you until the end of time.”
“So do it. We’ve got all the time in the world.”
They didn’t though. And it wasn’t that simple. Complications arose after that night. Everything got messy and trying to tie in a relationship while the band was traveling and on the road became increasingly difficult, especially when Y/N went to college.
She came home to Frankenmuth while she was off for the summer. Her mother and father missed her a great deal and the first weekend home was spent in the Kiszka’s backyard, the boys excluded. It was weird to be at their house and not see them littered around anywhere. Ronnie was full of stories though, telling Y/N about previous times the boys have come home from touring and the memories they brought back with him.
It was painful to hear, but she was so incredibly proud of everything they had accomplished and done. Every once in a while, Y/N had checked up on their band's Instagram account. When she was really nervous — having a hard time not worrying about them — she texted Josh or Danny. Neither of them were ever going to say anything to Jake or mention it to Sam.
The two families decided to get together and have dinner at a local bar. The boys were still away, they weren’t scheduled to come back to Michigan for at least another month and a half. Ronnie and Y/N spent most of their time talking about future plans for the upcoming weeks while their parents discuss their weekend plans — what to have for dinner and who’s house to have dinner at. Time had passed quickly and before they knew it, it was 10pm.
The parents had left, leaving Ronnie and Y/N at the bar by themselves. At least, that was until the boys walked in.
Ronnie smiled widely, hugging her brothers but then proceeding to punch them for surprising her and not just telling her. Josh and Danny hugged Y/N first, Sam leading after. Jake didn’t hug Y/N. It stung a bit. It made sense though. The last time they talked — it ended in an argument which was the resulting cause of their breakup.
A few drinks were downed, a couple shots thrown in there as well. Y/N figured it was time to throw the towel in. She couldn’t handle the awkward glances and forced conversation on their part. She grabbed her jacket off the back of her chair and put it on as she said goodbye to everyone. “Boys, lovely to see you again. I’m sure I’ll see you this weekend.”
She wasn’t going to. She was gonna avoid them at all costs. Come up with a lie — say she had the flu or something. Her mother would believe her either way, as well as understand where she was coming from with her avoidance. Her mother was there for her while she cried her eyes out.
She didn’t notice when Jake had followed her out. She didn’t notice him calling her name. The only thing she could notice was the tears falling down her cheeks, wiping them as soon as she felt them.
“I never stopped loving you.”
It slipped out. It didn’t mean to come out. Jake didn’t necessarily want it to come out. They say drunk words are sober thoughts, right? At the same time, who trusts the words of a drunk person? Usually it’s just brushed off as babbling, but Y/N couldn’t ignore what Jake said. Especially because she couldn’t blame it on not hearing him. There was no music playing outside the bar. The music was faint enough that anything Jake had said was heard.
“When we broke up,” he started. “I was a wreck. I was immature. It could’ve worked out - it would’ve worked out if I wasn’t such a child about everything.”
“Jake —“
“No, Y/N, I need to say this now. I’m a little drunk so I actually have the balls to say everything I want to. It was stupid to break up over something as menial as distance. The things I feel for you are so intense it scares the fuck out of me. I was so afraid of being gone all the time. You deserved someone who could be there to help you study for midterms. I was always in another state and sometimes another country. I wasn’t… there to be able to help you through anything. Everything’s different now, though.”
She sighed, not entirely sure on what to do with the information that was thrown at her. She was sober enough to remember the conversation tomorrow, but not nearly drunk enough to be able to deal with it tonight. “Do you wanna just come home with me? Talk about this tomorrow morning when we’re both sober.”
“Yeah, I’d like that a lot.”
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archived-kin · 3 years
late with lucifer
note from kin: i just realised that the title sounds like a talk show ffs
anyway get ready to get SAPPY (and also get ready for a low-key out of character lucifer)
fandom: obey me!
character(s): gn! reader, lucifer, satan, beelzebub, belphie
pairing(s): lucifer/reader
warning(s): brief existential dread right at the end but i think it’s relatively light
genre: fluff all the way (with maybe a teensy bit of angst???? i accidentally got kinda deep towards the end)
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Deciding to commit yourself to a bona fide workaholic music nerd who would sooner chop his own hand off than skip a single working day for potentially the rest of eternity has been... a choice and a half, to say the least. Yes, he’s a sweetheart most of the time, and you love him more than possibly any being in the known universe (though jury’s still out on cats and the dragon you met a couple of months ago who brings you giant mouthfuls of leaves every weekend), but you’d be lying if he didn’t have qualities that make you want to drop kick some sense into him sometimes. And one of those qualities happens to be his absolute refusal to just take a damn break.
“Just one more hour,” He keeps telling you whenever you ask him if he’s finally finished with his mountain load of paperwork. “One more hour, and then we can spend some time together.”
It has been five hours since Lucifer went to his study to ‘get a bit of work done’. Five hours of attempting to finish the mountain of books Satan has recommended you in the corner of the library, probably irritating the poor guy to no end with your constant restless shifting. You're surprised that he hasn’t up and left to go read in his room in peace - then again, it’d be hypocritical of him to tell you off for moving about. You’d think a bookworm like him would be so absorbed by his beloved books that he wouldn’t be able to move at all, but he fidgets about so much when he’s reading that you’re surprised he hasn’t somehow worn a hole through his favourite armchair yet. At any rate, you’re pretty sure you can see him getting ready to flip himself upside down for the seventh time this evening in the corner of your eye.
You try once again to focus on the lucrative business deal happening in Chapter 52 for the fourth time in the last ten minutes, but your brain just doesn’t seem to be listening to you right now; no matter how hard you try to register what’s going on, the words just don’t want to be processed. Finally, checking the clock on the wall for what feels like the hundredth time this evening, you decide that you might as well go bother your busy bee upstairs. It’s been at least a fortnight since you’ve been able to spend a full evening or night with him, and, if you’re honest, it’s beginning to get a little on your nerves.
Satan barely looks up from his book as you hop to your feet and begin making your way out, though he does lift a hand to wave a brief goodbye. Contrary to your prediction, he has not flipped himself upside down, but is now sitting the wrong way around on his armchair instead, facing the seat’s back, with his book carefully balanced on its head. Unconventional, but you’ll give him credit for the creativity.
The House of Lamentation is oddly quiet for a Friday night, but you’d guess that’s because Asmo and Mammon, the two loudest members of the house, have taken it upon themselves to celebrate the arrival of the weekend by going out for the night and probably blowing their savings in the process. Well, Asmo will be blowing his savings - Mammon will most likely find a way to put his spendings on one of his other brother’s tabs, or worse, yours. Then again, you don’t buy things often, so you suppose you can spare a bit of cash. (Knowing Mammon, though, he’ll probably buy enough to put you in debt for the rest of your life.)
On your way through the corridor, you’re struck by a sudden idea. Lucifer’s been shut in his study ever since he got home from the R.A.D., which means he most likely won't have eaten anything. At any rate, you know for a fact he wasn’t there for dinner with everyone else, which means you now have a much better excuse for going to see him other than just wanting to. Lucifer may be a stubborn demon, but he's never been able to resist a mug of tea and some biscuits on long nights when it's you offering them.
Beel is rustling about in the snack cupboard when you slip into the kitchen - no surprises there, but it is a little odd that he’s going for the lighter foods rather than something more filling. You'd comment on why he's down here so late into the night - he should really be in bed - but then again, it's Beel. He'd listen to his stomach over his brain any day of the week.
“Oh, hey,” He greets as he retreats from the cupboard with an armful of what look like several cookie boxes stacked on top of each other. “Did you get hungry as well?”
You shake your head and pull two mugs out of the crockery cabinet. “Nope. Just thought I’d bring Lucifer some tea and biscuits, you know?”
“He’s been in his office for ages,” Beel agrees with an earnest nod. He glances down at the heap of cookies in his arms, then pauses. “Ah… here.”
You look up as you fill the kettle with water to see him holding one of the boxes in his arms out to you.  “...what’s this for?”
“There aren’t any biscuits left in the cupboard,” He says by way of explanation, shaking the box he’s offering to indicate that you should take it. “So you can have these.”
“Aw, you don’t have to do that, Beel!” You gently push the box back towards him and give his arm a fond pat. “I’ll just bring him something else. Go ahead and eat the cookies, okay?”
On any other occasion, Beel would most likely have accepted your offer without hesitation (the day that Beel rejects food will probably never come, but you have a sneaking suspicion that a black hole would rip this reality apart if it does), but it must have been a really good day for him in terms of being fed, because he actually continues to try to give you the box. You’re tempted to coo at the big softie’s uncharacteristic generosity, but you’re not particularly sure how that would go over with him. If being in a relationship with Mr Pridey McPrideface upstairs has taught you anything, it’s that you can never take a reaction for granted.
“No, you have it,” Beel insists, shifting so that he doesn’t drop the rest of his biscuits and stubbornly attempting to shove the box into your hands. “I’ve got plenty right here.”
Your surprise must show on your face, because a moment later he smiles a little sheepishly and adds, “I promise I’m not sick or anything. I’ve still got lots right here. One box won’t make that much of a difference.”
You think it over for a moment as the kettle begins to bubble aggressively behind you. You’re a staunch believer in the fact that one should never deprive Beel of his food, partially because he’s an absolute sweetheart who deserves the food he eats, and partially because something bad could and probably would happen if said food is taken from him. Then again, you’re not taking the food from him, strictly speaking - he’s the one offering it to you. That exempts you, right? At the very least, you have a counter-argument if Belphie tries to persecute you for taking his beloved twin brother’s biscuits. (He probably wouldn’t - the kid adores you - but it’s good to be prepared for possible trials.)
“Ah, fine...” You eventually relent and allow Beel to press the box into your hands. Your compliance is well worth it - the beam on his face and the little pat he gives the box in your hands in satisfaction could probably cure multiple strains of cancer. “You’re the sweetest, you know that?”
He flushes slightly. “I-it’s not that big of a deal…”
“Oh, that’s nonsense,” You tell him firmly over your shoulder, beginning to busy yourself with the teabags and sugar as the kettle hisses to a halt. “Personally, I think I’m going to remember it for the rest of my life.”
You smile to yourself as Beel laughs a little bashfully behind you. “Thanks…”
“No problem, bub,” You reply, pausing in your work to turn around and shoot him a wink. “Hey, chuck me a spoon, would you?”
He nods and does just that - literally. He throws the spoon across the kitchen with such precision that it lands perfectly in your outstretched hand.
You thank him and begin to pour the hot water into Lucifer’s mug. He says that he likes his tea as is, without any bells or whistles or fancy additions, but you’ve been doing this thing for long enough that you know that he actually prefers his tea with a teaspoon of honey and just a splash of lemon. He just refuses to actually say it out loud.
(To be honest, you’re not sure why he does that - does he think tea with honey and lemon is a wimpy drink or something just because you told him it’s often drunk as a remedy for a sore throat in the human world? Knowing the way his mind works, it’s probably something along those lines, but still, it’s a weird conclusion to make.)
You finish preparing Lucifer’s tea quickly - you’ve done this so many times that the movements have become second nature to you at this point - and start making your own. The drinks are finished a minute or so later, and with that you begin setting up your little snack tray.
After a moment’s debate, you decide that today is worth going the extra mile, and start to carefully arrange the biscuits on a pretty plate.  It’s a bit of a hassle to get them into the right formation, but it’ll be well worth it once you get them to their intended receiver - Lucifer always gets the fondest little smile on his face when you bring him his biscuits in patterns, and that man doesn’t smile nearly enough for your taste. Personally, you’d quite like it if he smiled like that all the time, but then again, their rarity is what makes them so precious to you.
Ah - you’re starting to get sappy again. That’s a surefire sign that you haven’t spent enough time with your beloved demon lately. Well, it’s a good thing you’re going to see him now, isn’t it?
The door to Lucifer’s study is still as tightly shut as it was five hours ago when you approach it, but you doubt he’s actually locked it. He’s stopped doing that ever since your visits while he works became a regular thing - he hasn’t said it out loud yet, but you know that it’s his way of showing you that you’re always welcome to come in.
Unlocked as it is, though, you can’t exactly turn the doorknob to let yourself in. You’re a human of many talents, but being able to balance a heavy tray in one hand is not one of them. Lucifer’s tea wouldn’t make into his study - it’d just end up all over the floor.
“Lucifer!” You call softly through the door, mindful that he might be having another one of his work-induced headaches, “I’ve brought you some tea! Open up!”
For a while, the only reply is silence. You know there shouldn’t be any reason for him to be, but you can’t help but worry briefly if Lucifer’s somehow angry at you. Then again, Lucifer’s always liked to play the fashionably late card against you - whether to tease you or to disguise something, you’ll never know.
It turns out that your little worry was unfounded - a few moments later, the door swings open to reveal your favourite demon in all his exhausted-looking glory. Lucifer, who looks like the physical manifestation of work burnout, offers you a tired smile, and stands back to let you enter.
(Here’s a little secret - Lucifer would never tell you this, but he’d perked up like a kid when candy is offered the moment he heard your voice. Still, gotta put up the cool front, right? Even if that means waiting restlessly right next to the door for a minute so that you don’t think he’s over-eager…)
“Thank you.” He murmurs as you bring the tray over to his desk and set it down on one of the few patches of wood that aren’t covered by papers.
You dramatically pretend to swipe sweat from your forehead as if you’ve just finished a ten-mile run and shoot a smile up at him. “All in a day’s work, love.”
He smiles softly and leans in to gently press a kiss to the crown of your head. His pale cheeks have darkened slightly - Lucifer’s always been a softie when it comes to the host of sappy nicknames you’ve given him. One gentle ‘sweetheart’ and he’s melting like an ice cube on a hot day. It’s the sort of thing that people like Mammon and Levi would probably call gross or something, but you honestly couldn’t really care less about that. It’s not harming anyone else and it makes both of you happy, so why shouldn’t you give your lover as many endearing pet names as you can come up with?
“What even is all this?” You ask, peering at the papers scattered across the desk as Lucifer moves over to have a look at the plate of biscuits. You look up just in time to spot the way his eyes light up slightly when he sees the flower you've arranged them into.
“This and that,” He replies vaguely, hovering a single gloved hand uncertainly over the plate, as if trying to decide which biscuit he can take without spoiling the pattern.
“That’s hardly an answer at all,” You complain, plucking three broken quills from among the documents and waving them at him. “Why do you keep using these? A pen would be way more efficient.”
“Official documents should be written in the traditional way,” Lucifer tells you. He takes his time chewing the biscuit he’s finally chosen before continuing. “And Diavolo prefers quill and ink calligraphy to look at.”
“Honestly…” You round the edge of the desk and reach up to brush some powdered sugar from the corner of his mouth. “You don’t have to do absolutely everything according to him.”
Lucifer blinks down at you, lips parting slightly in half awe and half surprise as you smile at him. “Ah…”
His smile widens slightly, and he gazes at you with so much fondness in his eyes that you almost feel a little weak at the knees at the very sight. Lucifer really is a dangerous demon - in more ways than one.
“Well, c-come on, then,” You prompt him abruptly, not wanting him to realise how much his gaze has affected you, because you just know it’s going to give him an ego boost. He pauses in surprise as you start tugging him over to the big armchair beside the fire - the one that the both of you can fit snugly into together. “Let’s have a drink together.”
“I still have papers to fill out—” He attempts to say, but cuts himself off as you shake your head and stubbornly attempt to push him down into the seat. It doesn’t work - Lucifer’s much stronger than you, after all - but he does at least seem to appreciate the effort.
“You’re taking a break whether you like it or not,” You insist, starting to smack lightly at his arms in an bid to get him to listen to you. “Papers can wait. I’m more important.”
That does get a little chuckle out of him, and he finally relents, sitting down with a subtle sigh. “That goes without saying.”
You laugh, suddenly a little more hot around the collar than you’d have liked. “You said it!”
Pausing to retrieve the tray with the tea and biscuits and set it on the table beside the armchair, you quickly join Lucifer in front of the fire, snuggling in at his side and letting out a blissful sigh as you feel him start to draw circles on your arm with his fingers. It’s a sort of habit that he’s developed over the last few months - you’re not sure if he even realises that he’s doing it.
The two of you stay like that in comfortable silence for several minutes. Lucifer’s tense shoulders relax more and more with each passing moment, and soon enough, he’s sprawled out against you, pressing his cheek lovingly into the crown of your head. 
It’s only at moments like this that you get to see this softer version of him, so you always cherish it when it happens. Lucifer may be a slightly passive-aggressive panther who could kill most beings with a swipe of his hand if he sees fit, but, every now and then, he’s a sleepy panther who’ll roll over and let you scratch behind his ears.
Conversation is usually sparse at times like this - the two of you are content enough in each other’s presence that you don’t really need to make small talk. Today, however, Lucifer seems to have something he wants to vent about.
“Belphie has been missing a lot of his homework again lately,” He murmurs. You make a noise of affirmation to indicate that you’re listening, staring at the mugs of tea sitting on the table and pondering whether the two of you will actually manage to part for long enough to drink them.
“Is it anything important?” You ask after a moment, playing absent-mindedly with his left hand. He doesn’t make any move to stop you as you mess about with his slender fingers, so you assume that he doesn’t mind.
“Mostly essays,” He replies, shifting slightly and letting out a quiet sigh. “He’s never liked writing them, but he hasn’t had so many missing before.”
You make a thoughtful sound. Now that you think about it, wasn’t Belphie confiding in you about this the other day?
“It’s just hard to sit down and concentrate sometimes, especially when I’m always so tired,” You remember him saying resignedly over hot chocolate and marshmallows. “It’s not like I don’t want to turn all my homework in on time. Sometimes I just can’t.”
“Well, you shouldn’t force yourself to do them, either,” You’d replied, giving his shoulders a sympathetic pat. “Needs over school of course. If you need to sleep more, then sleep more - if you feel like you can’t write the essay, then don’t write the essay. I’ll talk to Lucifer if he gets mad at you.”
He’d given you a grateful smile then, and turned back to his hot chocolate with a marginally brighter look on his face.
“Belphie’s been having a lot of nightmares lately, so he isn’t getting as much sleep,” You say slowly. “I told him to go ahead and take as many naps as he has to. His needs are more important than schoolwork, after all.”
Lucifer takes a long while to answer, but you don’t mind. It’s only fairly recently that he’s really come to terms with the idea that he doesn’t need to be so hard on his brothers - that it’s okay to put their comfort before whatever image of respectability he’s trying to keep up for Diavolo. The change has been somewhat jarring, according to Satan, but it’s not an unwelcome one, and you’ll gladly take responsibility for it with your constant reminders and careful explanations that Lucifer’s younger brothers have their own problems that he needs to give more leeway for.
“...did he come to talk to you about this?” He asks finally.
“Yeah.” You can’t see his face, but you can practically hear the frown beginning to pinch at his brows. “I know it might not seem like it sometimes, but he does want to make you proud. He’s never wanted to disappoint you.”
He takes a deep breath and releases it with a low hum. “...Belphie has never disappointed me.”
“Seems that he doesn’t realise that sometimes, though,” You sigh, tracing the seams of his glove with your index finger. “He’s a good kid, really.”
Lucifer doesn’t give a verbal reply, but he does hum again. You shift slightly and turn to look up at him; he looks back at you with sleepy, half-lidded crimson eyes. “Take it easy on him, okay?”
He gazes at you in contemplative silence for a long while, blinking slowly like an affectionate cat. Finally, he nods, and you beam proudly, dipping your head to rest on his chest, carefully positioning yourself so that his buttons don’t dig into your cheek.
“I’ll speak to his teachers,” He says quietly. “We should be able to arrange something.”
You smile against the fabric of his waistcoat, taking his hand in yours and giving it a squeeze. “That’s progress. I’m proud of you.”
He doesn’t respond, but you know full well that he loves it when you say that to him. He didn’t in the early days of your relationship, mostly because he’d thought you were patronising him, but now that the two of you are so much more familiar with each other, he’s learnt to recognise that you don’t mince words; you say what you mean, and you mean what you say. Which is exactly why, as the Avatar of Pride, he absolutely loves it when you tell him that you’re proud of him.
Lucifer himself is deep in thought. Struck by a sudden warmth spreading through him, quite independent of the crackling fire before him, he wraps his arms around you, resting his cheek against your head. It’s at moments like these, when you’re so close to him, that he realises just how fragile humans like you are.
It terrifies him sometimes, knowing that the unforgiving march of time means that you cannot be with him forever. One day you will leave, and you will grow old and fade away without him, because, no matter how much he wishes otherwise, you belong to a different realm. You are not a demon, and he is not a human; your worlds can collide briefly, for a single, beautiful moment, but then they will continue to move in their own orbit - and perhaps they will never meet again.
Some would say that, for this reason, he never should have fallen in love in the first place. Relationships like yours have always had a sort of taboo, even in the Devildom, because all beings are not created equal; humans have such short, meaningless lifespans compared to demons and angels, such little power, always depending on leaders and faith in a deity that they cannot prove the existence of. That is what demons tend to think of humanity, and until he’d met you, Lucifer had felt similarly.
But your life has been anything but meaningless, and the power you hold over him and his brothers is far stronger than any amount of potent magic that any being holds. The seven lords of the Devildom would lay waste to all three realms should anything happen to you. 
Lucifer had never thought that he had the ability to love so deeply and so purely, but then again, he’d also never thought that a human like you could exist. It seems that he’s been wrong about a lot of things, and he can only pray that he will be wrong in his prediction of how this will end.
But you’re with him now, curled up against him with a content smile on your face. For now, you’re here, and while you are, Lucifer doesn’t want to waste time on worries.
Your story is yet to reach its ending, and if Lucifer knows anything, it’s that he will stay by your side until then. As long as your worlds are still connected, he will continue to love you, and he will love you long after your worlds separate again.
He’s sure of it.
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starsinmylatte · 3 years
Tease (2/2)
Our beloved reader was fed up with the lack of attention from a certain Grand Admiral. To force his hand, she decided to send some pictures to tempt him while he was away, but things didn't quite go as they were planned. Now, we see the aftermath of those events.
Tease (1/2) link here in case you haven't read it!!
Pairing: Grand Admiral Thrawn x f!reader
Rating: Explicit (18+ only) Minors DNI
Tags/warnings (for part 1): lingerie, m@sturbation, dom/sub relationship, y'all this is filth, oral sex (f receiving), p in v sex (please practice safe sex irl), authority kink
Word count: 4k (I got a little... ok, a lot... carried away)
bat in’a- beautiful one
ch'eo ch'itiseb- my sweet
ch’eo vir- my dear
cseo cssah bat- so very beautiful
cseo ch’itrico- so hungry
cseo tsaco- so tight
You had known that you were in trouble, but you realized the true extent of how completely and utterly kriffed you were on the morning Thrawn returned to the Chimaera.
Clue number one: he didn’t spare you as much as a single glance when he entered the bridge. Usually, Thrawn would make a point to have at least one small moment of inconspicuous eye contact as a greeting, but not today. Today he didn’t spare so much as a glance in your general direction.
The second clue was far more direct; a simple note sent through the encrypted channel.
Wear it tonight.
Some small part of you hoped the video would finally push the calm, distinguished Grand Admiral over the edge. He was always a generous lover, that being somewhat of a massive understatement, but you could tell he was holding something back. During your most intimate moments, you could see it. Something sharp, dark, and glittering rose to the surface, and Thrawn pushed it away every time.
What would Thrawn be like if he fully let go? That thought sent delicious shivers down your spine, and his final audio message played on repeat in your head.
“Ch’eo ch’itiseb, you know you really shouldn’t tease me like this.”
Thrawn’s voice was normally a seductive purr, but that audio message…. It embodied the dark edge of him you had been longing to experience.
You felt your core clench as you desperately tried to re-focus on the screen in front of you, but an all-too-familiar presence suddenly appeared behind you. All of your racing thoughts screeched to a halt as that same smooth voice you were fantasizing about was now whispering in your ear. “Bat in’a….”
Thrawn’s warm breath was caressing your neck, raising goosebumps, and sending a chill down your spine. Your breath hitched almost imperceptively as he continued, “I see your gift fit you well; it certainly does seem like you enjoyed it.”
Your lover’s reflection was showcased on the darkened computer screen you were so intently studying. His eyes were half-lidded and blazing with barely contained desire. The knowledge that all the bridge officers were obliviously going about their duties while the most powerful man on the ship was leaned over and whispering sinful things in your ear was almost too much to handle. You had no choice but to blush and avert your gaze so you could keep some shreds of your dignity intact.
“Y… Yes, Grand Admiral. I did.” You may have been flustered, but you were feeling coy enough to tease him slightly. A “yes, sir” would have been sufficient, but you knew full well what Thrawn felt when you called him by his full title.
As if on cue, a growl so quiet and low you barely heard it emanated from the man behind you. Thrawn’s usual soft tone sharpened; the mysterious darkness resurfaced, and his perfect Imperial presentation cracked in half. The accent he worked so hard to conceal, the same one you loved to tease out of him, now marred his words. “Careful, Commander, if you want to be able to walk tomorrow, I suggest you close that pretty little mouth.”
Your mouth shut so fast on reflex that your teeth clacked together. His tone was utterly predatory; Thrawn, usually so prim and composed, sounded like he was moments away from ordering everyone off the bridge so he could fuck you now. But, stars, you’d be lying if you said you weren’t fantasizing about it now.
Your naked body flushed with desire, pressed up against the icy cold transparisteel of the viewport, and presented to the galaxy by your lover. Thrawn commanding your body as masterfully as he does his flagship, pushing you right up to the edge of completion before withdrawing, edging you over and over again until you can barely stand on your own. His muscular body pinning you in place against the wall, hell-bent on making you rely only on him for support, as he fucks you mercilessly from behind. Thrawn’s thick, ridged cock splitting you open and hitting spots so deep you see new stars appear in the galaxy with every thrust. The curved transparisteel to your side showing a perfect reflection of your bodies intertwining as Thrawn pulls your head aside to kiss and nip at your neck……..
Your blush turned at least three shades deeper as you shoved the thoughts aside. Thank the stars that most of the officers were gathered around a terminal on the other side of the bridge, or they would undoubtedly know exactly what was occurring between the Grand Admiral of the Imperial Navy and his Commander.
Like flipping a switch, Thrawn’s cool, Imperial tone resurfaced in an instant. “Apologies, ch’eo ch’itiseb, I have distracted you from your duties for too long.
Wordlessly, you watched him straighten, pick an invisible speck of lint off his already pristine jacket, and resume his usual impassive expression. The blue bastard had the nerve to walk away and leave you flustered in the middle of the command bridge as if nothing had even happened. As he walked away, you saw the barest hint of a smirk ghost across his face. He wasn’t sorry at all.
The rest of the day crawled by. Thrawn obviously had some plan for the evening, but not knowing the details meant the suspense was absolutely eating you alive. You managed to slog through the rest of your day without any major inconveniences, but as soon as it ended, you nearly ran to your quarters to prepare.
After showering and letting your hair dry, you turned your attention to what you would wear. Of course, Thrawn’s request that you wear the lacy, red set was a given, but you couldn’t exactly walk down the hallways of the Chimaera in that. You decided that it would be best for your trip to Thrawn’s office to seem like it was purely one of the extra duties you were finishing. You put on one of your looser fitting uniforms, hoping to hide the lines of the lingerie, and tied your hair back into its usual bun before leaving.
When you finally arrived at Thrawn’s office, the door slid open with a cool hiss of hydraulics as soon as you reached for your comm. You laughed softly to yourself. Well, he was definitely anticipating my arrival.
As you stepped through the door, you saw Thrawn’s back as he leaned over his desk. He seemed to be watching something quite intently, and as you kept walking forward, you began to hear hints of quiet audio. Before you reached his side, Thrawn paused what he was watching and turned his head to acknowledge you. A dangerous smile played across his lips, “Commander, I was hoping you’d be here soon. You are just in time for my favorite part.”
You raised an eyebrow and shot him a questioning glance, “What… what do you mean?”
His smile widened enough to show off his pointed teeth, “I do believe you should know exactly what I’m referring to because you played a starring role in it, ch'eo ch'itiseb.”
At that moment, you felt your soul leave your body. Kriffing sith hells, he saved it.
You didn’t think it was possible for his smug smile to get any bigger, but it did. “Oh, bat in’a, of course, I would save something so… artfully done.”
Thrawn stepped aside, and you were greeted by a projection of your video displayed between the other holos of priceless artwork on his desk. It was stopped at a very particular moment; you reclined on his bed with your legs spread open. One hand rested on your thigh, and the other was settled on your chest.
You opened your mouth to say something, but before you could, Thrawn hit a button, and the video continued to play. Breathlessly, you watched as your head lolled to the side, and Thrawn’s name left your lips in a broken moan. One of your hands pushed the lace aside to slip two fingers deep inside your cunt, and the other rolled a peaked nipple between your fingers.
A pang of lust immediately overcame any embarrassment you felt in the moment as you realized exactly what Thrawn must’ve felt when watching the video. Even though you had intended for the circumstance to be slightly different, it must’ve absolutely killed him to be away from you for that night and the several days following it.
Before you could react, Thrawn had closed the remaining distance and pinned your back against the wall. He leaned in to lavish his attention on the shell of your ear and whispered, “Naughty little thing….. teasing a Grand Admiral of the Imperial Navy like that. I could’ve canceled the trip to come back and fuck you, but then I would have been giving in. You obviously need to learn a lesson in patience.”
One of his powerful hands pulled your wrists above your head and roughly pinned them to the wall. A gasp fell from your open lips and your legs involuntarily clenched together as your cunt throbbed with desire. Watching the video had already lit a familiar fire in you, but now you could feel your arousal beginning to soak the thin, lacy material of your panties. Thrawn’s already wicked smile turned feral, and he forced his thigh between your legs. He grabbed your jaw and tilted your face up to look at him.
“Ch'eo ch'itiseb,” he cooed, “you don’t get any relief quite yet. You were so eager to tease me with that video, but now it’s my turn. Tonight, I get to take my time with you.”
As if to prove his point, Thrawn flexed and shifted his muscular thigh, so a hard ridge of muscle lined up perfectly with your clit. “It’s what you deserve, after all, for trying to tease me. You looked drunk with your own imagined power, writhing in my bed and begging for me…..”
All you could do was whimper at his sinful words as he tilted your face to the side again. You let out a low groan as Thrawn pulled the collar of your uniform aside and lavished all of his attention at the juncture of your neck and shoulder, taking turns sucking and kissing until he had left a noticeable mark. He hummed in approval at his work before trailing a line of kisses up the column of your neck, only to immediately double back and follow the line with his tongue.
Thrawn was the definition of commanding as he gazed down on you, already keening from his touch. He clicked his tongue in a mockingly disapproving manner as he moved his hand to trace the outline of the hickey. “Such a needy little whore for me. Maybe I should mark you up, so everyone knows you’re taken.”
He trailed a long, graceful finger up the side of your neck as if deciding exactly where to claim you next before stopping at the tender pulse point below your jaw. “I think here, to start.”
Another breathless whimper left your mouth as you tried to grind against his thigh, searching desperately for any purchase you could find, but Thrawn just pushed you harder into the wall, leaving you unable to move at all. “A visible mark on a pretty thing like you will have the whole ship wondering who owns this precious cunt.”
Thrawn paused to capture your lips in an all-consuming kiss that further ignited the flame burning deep in your core. By now, your panties were completely soaked through; arousal was beginning to trail down your leg, and your lover hadn’t even taken your clothes off yet.
The barest hint of the friction you were desperate for and his sinful words made you melt further into his embrace as you made another futile attempt to grind against his thigh. “P-Please… Thrawn... I need you to touch me. Take my clothes off. Anything.”
His silken voice was infuriatingly smooth, and it was apparent Thrawn was enjoying his revenge. “Well, bat in’a, you begged so sweetly for me, and now here I am. You’re going to get everything you asked for, but I decide how much you get and when to give it. Maybe my little dove will know better than to tease me after her own lesson in patience is completed.”
Thrawn swiftly stepped backward, and your knees crumpled at the sudden lack of support. He reached out and gracefully caught you; one of his strong arms wrapped around your waist, and you felt the other behind your knees. Before you even fully realized it, your lover had quite literally swept you off your feet and was carrying you towards his private quarters. Thrawn’s burning eyes met your lust-addled gaze, and his smug smile returned, “Already weak at the knees for me, ch’eo vir?”
You opened your mouth to respond, but at that moment, your back hit the silken black sheets of his bed. If the unexpected fall hadn’t taken your breath away, the sight of Thrawn’s powerful form leaning over you absolutely would’ve. Even fully clothed, you could see the hard lines of his muscles shift and move beneath his uniform. His arousal was becoming more apparent by the second as his thick cock strained against the fabric of his pants. You wanted to feel its heavy weight in your mouth so badly you had to bite your bottom lip to stifle a moan.
Thrawn curled his long fingers beneath your chin and traced his thumb over your plush lips, “Open your pretty little mouth for me; I want to hear every single sweet sound you make tonight.”
When you complied, he slipped the calloused digit inside to rest on top of your tongue. You met his gaze again as you licked up the underside of his thumb before briefly closing your mouth to suck on it.
Thrawn let out a groan that trailed off into a low growl. Removing his thumb, he leaned down for another kiss. The first brush of his lips was almost reverent in its gentleness, but that soon gave way to searing passion. Thrawn’s hunger for you seemed to grow as his teeth nipped at your bottom lip, seeking permission to deepen your embrace. You yielded to him completely, hands reaching to cup Thrawn’s face as his soft, breathy moans mixed with your own until he pulled away.
“Thrawn…..” you protested at the sudden loss of contact.
“You would do well to remember that tonight is about you learning patience,” he admonished as his fingers sought the closure of your uniform. “For now, I wish to see you.”
The air in his bedroom seemed to fill with electricity as he slowly undid your uniform jacket. Every so often, his fingers would barely graze your skin as they worked away at the fastenings, raising goosebumps and sending a thrill down your spine at the anticipation of each touch.
As soon as the last clasp fell open, Thrawn leaned back to admire you. “Look at you….” his tone of voice was reverent as he trailed his fingers across your décolletage, “cseo cssah bat.”
You arched into his touch, encouraging him to remove the rest of your uniform. Thrawn tossed the clothing unceremoniously to the side and pulled the pins from your hair, letting it fall and frame your face. One of his hands reached down to tangle itself in your hair. “You look just like you did in the video,” he cooed, “tell me, are you as hungry for my touch now?”
“Yesyes, please, Thrawn. Please touch me,” you pleaded.
His red eyes blazed at the desire in your voice, “remove my clothes, then.”
You eagerly started to unfasten his white uniform shirt, drawing a short chuckle from the normally reserved Chiss. “Cseo ch’itrico...”
Each exposed inch of Thrawn’s beautiful skin spurred the movement of your hands until his jacket lay open and his muscular chest was on full display. Now, it was finally your turn to touch him. Your fingers trailed hungrily down the center of his chest over hard lines of muscle and old scars to hook into the waistband of his pants. Finally, he shrugged the jacket off and threw it to the side to join the growing pile of clothes.
In one fluid motion, Thrawn pulled you up and into his lap. Being this close to him was absolutely intoxicating; the chill of his quarters combined with the warmth of his body and his deep, masculine scent was enough to send your head reeling. His hands continued their previous mission, trailing over your body, studying you as he would any of the priceless art pieces he was so fond of. They paid special attention to your breasts, rubbing your peaked nipples through the fabric. You couldn’t help but whimper at the delicious sensation, “mmmmhThrawn…..”
“Does that feel good?” he murmured into your ear before rolling his hips upwards, driving his erection against your core. You cried out in pleasure as he leaned forward to press a searing kiss on the soft swell of your breast. Your hands sought purchase in his hair as he bit the tender spot before soothing the sting with his tongue, leaving yet another mark on you.
Thrawn’s hand trailed down to drag two fingers over your clothed cunt, growling in approval as he discovered the thin garment was already completely soaked. He moved the strip of lace aside and repeated the movement before circling your clit, drawing more desperate cries from you. All the teasing combined with the anticipation from earlier already had you nearing your first orgasm. Then, without warning, Thrawn thrust two fingers deep inside, and you shattered with his name on your lips.
He let out his own moan at the sensation of your cunt milking his fingers as he fucked you through your orgasm. “Needy little thing, how many times are you going to cum for me tonight?”
Thrawn held his fingers up for you to see. Stars, your arousal was dripping down them. “Commander, you made a mess. It’s only proper you should clean up after yourself.” The mock-disapproval was back in his voice as he pressed them to your lips.
Your cheeks flushed at his words as you took the fingers into your mouth and sucked them clean. Thrawn leaned in for another kiss, “Don’t worry, I’ll have my own taste soon enough.”
He laid you back down and moved to kneel at the base of the bed, pulling your hips to the edge. You slid easily through the silken sheets, grasping them for stability as you felt Thrawn’s hot breath on the inside of your thigh. Once again, he languidly pressed open-mouthed kisses to the soft skin before sucking deep bruises into the tender flesh, murmuring quiet praises in Cheunh between each one. The kisses trailed higher and higher until his mouth was pressed intently against your soaked core.
He gently sucked at your clit before sliding his tongue in to taste you. Your grip on the sheets tightened as he devoured you like a starving man, drinking you in and bring you closer and closer to ruin as he held your hips in an iron grip. You ground against his mouth, desperately chasing your second orgasm as he returned to sucking your clit. He let out a low growl of approval at your desperation, and the vibrating sensation on his lips pushed you screaming over the edge.
Again, Thrawn fucked you through your orgasm before raising his face to look you in the eyes. The calm, composed Grand Admiral was long gone. Pieces of his dark hair had fallen into his face, which shined with your arousal. His red eyes were half-lidded but smoldering with unrestrained lust. “You’ll give me another,” he demanded, returning his attention to your cunt.
For the second time that night, he pushed two fingers deep inside, seeking the spongy spot that would turn you into even more of an incoherent mess. You whined at the feeling of overstimulation, but you were just as hungry for him as he was for you. Thrawn moved back up to ravish your neck with more kisses while he slipped a third finger inside. The wet sounds they made would have been deeply embarrassing to you under any other circumstance, but the noises only encouraged your lover. “Tell me, ch’eo ch’itiseb, were you this wet when it was your own fingers inside of you?”
He gave a particularly rough thrust and grinned wickedly, “I don’t recall your cunt being this musical in the video.”
You were in such a blissful, fucked-out state that it was nearly impossible to form any words, but somehow you managed to speak, “Thrawnnnnn…. pleasepleaseplease…... need you inside me now.”
It was altogether too much. You came hard, soaking the sheets underneath you and drawing a pleased growl from Thrawn.
This time, he withdrew his fingers immediately, leaving your cunt spasming in his absence. Again, you protested weakly, but the sight of him finally removing his pants immediately stopped your complaints. It was a sight you’d never tire of, one you could appreciate even when you were this far gone. Thrawn was breathtaking; his lithe, muscular body had been sculpted from a lifetime of training and discipline. His cock was equally beautiful, large and thick, with pronounced ridges running along the side. He looked like a figure from one of his paintings as he walked towards you, a god of war hell-bent on making you his greatest conquest.
All need for words was long gone as he returned to the bed. Thrawn was as desperate as you; he ripped through the thin, lacy material in his way and trailed his cock along your slit, coating it with your combined arousal. He entered you in one swift movement, and the word fell away. You felt the delicious stretch of him, teasing the line between pleasure and pain as he began to fuck you at a relentless pace. With each snap of hips, yours rose to match the pace, and you saw stars. Thrawn tangled his hands in your hair and pulled you into an all-consuming kiss. He greedily captured each moan, every sigh that fell from your lips. Your fourth orgasm was quickly on the way, and you could tell that your lover wasn’t far behind.
All of the earlier teasings seemed to have affected him as much as they affected you. Thrawn pulled your hips upwards, and the new angle sent him deeper and deeper with each thrust. You felt this tip of his cock hit so incredibly far inside that it sent you reeling as the sound of your lovemaking filled the room. The lingering pleasures from all your previous orgasms were piling on top of each other, driving you closer and closer to a final climax that you were sure would leave you unable to walk tomorrow. Thrawn locked his gaze with yours, watching tears of pleasure run down your face. “So… close….. I can feel you, cseo tsaco -so tight- around me. Cum for me once more,” he commanded with the barest hint of desperation in his voice.
That was all the encouragement you needed before the most intense orgasm of your entire life swept over you. You bit down hard on the juncture of Thrawn’s neck and shoulder to keep from screaming his name loudly enough to tell the entire crew of the Chimaera exactly what was happening. He exhaled sharply as he continued to ride out your orgasm, but the feeling of your cunt greedily clenching around his cock was too much. Thrawn came with a groan, coating your walls with his seed as his pace slowed to a halt.
Your spent bodies fell on the bed together in the afterglow. Thrawn remained inside of you, and you enjoyed the closeness as you felt him soften. He pulled you into a tight embrace, placing a tender kiss on your temple as he softly smiled. “I missed you too, bat in’a.”
Tagging some friends: @pala-din-djarin @handbaskethell @mittheresabosen @pretty-with-andorian-shingles @bluecynadi @ele-millennial-weirdo @mysticalgalaxysalad @rebelpitstop @jedi-mando @tibbietibbs @rexsjaigeyes @anna-the-godkiller @erinsusername @myevilmouse
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Off the Record | Stiles Stilinski
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Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x reader
Summary: High school in Beacon Hills, as told through the eyes of one inquisitive journalist who has a knack at getting on Stiles Stilinski's nerves.
Warnings: idk there's like a couple curse words lmao. also, spoilers? if you haven't finished teen wolf I guess??
Word count: 8,227
A/N: hi hi this is my first fic I'm posting on Tumblr (not to say that this is my first fic ever...anyway)! before you start, I just wanna say that there's a couple things that might be off from the show but please just ignore them. like I think it's bs Lydia brings Stiles back and not Scott in 6b so I righted that wrong. but I hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think of it! thanks for reading!!
All my life I’ve wondered why people didn’t question what happens in Beacon Hills.
It’s no secret that our town is unusual, but when odd things seemed to happen, people would just turn a blind eye and go about their business.
I, on the other hand, couldn’t let it go. I was inquisitive by nature, and my mom never knew how to answer my questions.
Why do we have so many animal attacks?
What happened to the people that disappeared in the Preserve?
Why did his eyes glow like that?
That last question almost caused my mom to get me a therapist – which probably would’ve helped me regardless – but she just continued to answer with her usual responses.
They just feel threatened by us, dear.
They’re in a better place now.
I’m sure it was nothing – you probably just saw some reflection in his eyes.
But no matter what she told me, I wasn’t satisfied. I knew there was something bigger going on, something my mom couldn’t explain, but I wasn’t sure what. As I got older, however, I realized that if I kept voicing my concerns, I’d be seen as the local crazy person – which, at the time, was the title reserved for my neighbor, Donna Romano, who always went to Town Hall meetings to complain about how some supernatural creatures were traumatizing her dogs every time she took them out at night to urinate.
Out of fear of sounding like Donna, I kept my suspicions to myself. I observed the strange actions of those around me and kept note of the bizarre events that happened in town. I found that it was something I was good at – observing. Always watching, but never voicing my opinions. Eventually, it got the best of me because I grew really quiet at school. But I didn’t mind. I liked being a wallflower.
One day in the fifth grade I saw my mom reading the Beacon Chronicle and I had an epiphany – journalists investigate weird, inexplicable events, so I should be a journalist. Reading the news became my favorite pastime, and by sixth grade I decided I would join the high school newspaper, The Daily Beacon, when I became a freshman. I figured maybe it would give me an outlet to investigate the odd occurrences in the town without looking like a lunatic.
But in sixth grade, I noticed that some of the odd things had stopped happening. There were less animal attacks and disappearances from the Preserve. Some people had even left town, including the last of the Hales, whose house had burned down that same year.
I didn’t give up hope though. I kept my head down and waited for things to get weird again. In the meantime, I wrote for enjoyment. In eighth grade I started shadowing a girl named Anna that was a part of the Daily Beacon, and I started writing articles – album reviews, movie reviews, school news.
Everything was going smoothly until my sophomore year of high school. Suddenly the weird things were happening, and I was sure that there was one person that was at the epicenter of it all – Scott McCall.
“...Angela, you’re covering the new faculty; Thomas, you’ve got the new Vegan Support Group club some juniors just created; and y/n, you’re covering lacrosse try-outs,” said Andrew, the editor-in-chief of the Daily Beacon.
I groaned slightly. “Andrew, couldn’t I write something a little bit more...my style? Like what about the one freshman class that boycotted their summer reading and is facing suspension?”
He gave me a slight look. “y/n, you know how important this lacrosse piece is. You know what that sport means to the school. You should be glad I’m giving you this opportunity,” he scolded. “Besides, Marlene is covering that class and is already interviewing their teacher.”
I nodded slowly and tried to refrain from rolling my eyes. I knew that Andrew meant well – he had been like an older brother to me ever since my freshman year – and he was right about the importance of lacrosse. I stayed quiet until he dismissed us, then mentally prepared myself to spend my afternoon watching some jocks exude machismo on a field.
When my last class was over, I walked over to the lacrosse field and found myself a spot on the top of the bleachers. It gave me an excellent vantage point – until a couple girls sat down right in front of me. The redhead I recognized to be Lydia Martin, the school’s resident popular girl. We’d been in class together all our lives, but I couldn’t remember a time she ever talked to me. I’m sure she didn’t even know I existed, just like the majority of the other people in our grade. The other girl, however, I didn’t recognize. I found out her name was Allison by overhearing their conversation. She was new and must have just moved to Beacon Hills.
The shrill sound of Coach’s whistle knocked me out of my thoughts. Tryouts started, and I watched as Scott McCall, a boy from my grade, was nearly knocked out by a lacrosse ball to the face. I winced but wrote down the event in the notebook I had out for documentation.
The next ball that went Scott’s way didn’t hit his face though. He managed to catch it in his goalie net. I couldn’t help but be a bit surprised – like Lydia, I’d known of Scott my whole life though he probably didn’t know me at all. But that meant I knew he was an asthmatic that wasn’t particularly skilled at sports.
“He’s actually pretty good,” I mumbled to myself as Scott continued to catch every ball that came his way.
I didn’t realize how loud I must’ve said it though because at my remark Allison turned around. “I was just thinking the same thing,” she said, obviously surprised. “Do you know him?”
I shook my head and quickly turned my attention to my notebook to write down the surprising turn of events. “Are you writing about this for the school newspaper?” I looked back up at Allison’s question. She was paying attention to me?
“Um, yeah, I am. I’d rather not write about sports, but here I am,” I joked lightly.
She let out a beautiful laugh at my statement. “Well, I’m glad you’re here. I’m Allison, and you are…?”
“y/n,” I answered. “Nice to meet you, Allison.” Suddenly the crowd roared, and I remembered why I was there. Allison, too, smiled and turned her attention back to the game. Lydia hadn’t said a word, but she was focused on watching Scott absolutely demolish Jackson Highmore, who, in my opinion, needed to be knocked down a few pegs anyway.
The more I watched Scott though, I got this weird feeling. He was good – too good. I tried to ignore my feelings and just focus on writing notes for the ridiculous lacrosse piece, which would include the headline: “Sophomore Scott McCall shines at lacrosse tryouts and becomes team co-captain.” But deep down I knew there was something up with him.
A few days later, I was sitting behind Stiles Stilinski, Scott’s best friend, in English class. Even though I’d had nearly all of my classes with him, we never talked. It originally was because I had a minor crush on him and was afraid I’d pass out if I spoke to him, but eventually it just morphed into me not speaking to many people and being convinced he didn’t know of my existence anyway.
But this one day, I was committed to speaking with him. I had to know what was going on, and if there was one person that knew anything about Scott’s new-found lacrosse talent, it was Stiles.
“Hey, Stiles,” I spoke up from behind him.
The brunette turned around, slightly confused but with that soft smile on his face. “Oh, hey, y/n. What’s up?”
I swear my heart stopped beating for a second. He knew my name? He knew who I was? I shook myself out of my thoughts before I went down the rabbit hole of the implications of him knowing me.
“Oh, nothing much. I’m just writing a piece about lacrosse tryouts for the school newspaper and I was just wondering if you had anything to say about it,” I explained.
He tilted his head slightly and shifted in his seat to more fully face me. “Um, yeah sure. I think it’s going to be a great season, especially since we’ve gotten some new leadership. My boy Scott’s co-captain now, so those Devenford Prep guys won’t know what hit them!”
“Speaking of Scott, when did he get so good at lacrosse? Would you say it’s natural talent?” I pressed a bit, hoping he’d say something that would give me a hint as to what was going on.
Stiles’ eyes squinted a little, and his head tilted slightly again. He seemed to be at a loss for words, which was unusual for the fast-talking, sarcastic boy, but he quickly recovered. “It’s definitely...natural...talent. He’s been working extra hard recently to hone his talent and skills so he could bring his A-game to this year’s tryouts.” When he finished speaking, he looked pleased with himself, and I could tell he had let out a small sigh of relief.
What are you hiding?
Though I didn’t know it yet, at that moment my rivalry with Stiles Stilinski began. He and Scott were hiding something, and I was going to find out what it was.
“You’re telling me that a girl is in a coma after the school winter formal and you don’t want me to write a story about it?”
Andrew leaned against the desk and crossed his arms. “It’s not that I don’t want you to write it. I just think it’s a tense time right now. The administration is receiving a lot of flack right now because of the winter formal fiasco, and Ms. Blanchard told me that we may want to avoid stirring the pot right now,” he explained. “That is not to say that we abandon our journalistic integrity and commitment to informing the student body, but we just may want to be sensitive to our environment right now.”
I trusted Ms. Blanchard, the faculty sponsor of the Daily Beacon, but not reporting on Lydia’s comatose state felt wrong. She was well-known at school, and students deserved to know the facts of her situation and how it had happened.Well, maybe I was lying to myself by saying that the real reason I wanted to pursue the story wasn’t the fact that something inexplicable had happened at the dance and I had to figure out what it was.
Andrew could sense my disappointment. “Look, maybe for now you can start collecting information and sources, and I’ll talk to Ms. Blanchard. Maybe she can advise us on how best to proceed.”
I threw my arms around Andrew in a quick hug. “Yes, thank you! I promise I’ll be sensitive when asking sources. I know how difficult this must be for the people close to her.”
“I know you will,” he said, chuckling lightly.
With a smile plastered on my face – perhaps a little inappropriately considering the topic I was excited to cover – I left the small newspaper office in search of my first source: Stiles Stilinski. He had been Lydia’s date to the dance, so surely he must know what happened to her, right? “No, I don’t know what happened,” Stiles angrily responded when I cornered him at his locker. “We were separated for a bit because she went looking for someone. When I went looking for her I–” he stopped suddenly, as if choosing his words carefully. He wouldn’t meet my eyes as he spoke.
“The next thing I know, she was at the hospital in a coma. They told me Jackson had found her out on the field when I went to check on her at the hospital,” he explained.
Something wasn’t adding up. “Ok, but where were you the rest of that time? You didn’t go looking for her when you didn’t see her for a while? What about when she had already been checked into the hospital?”
“What is this – an investigation?” Stiles shouted as he slammed his locker shut. I took a step back, eyes wide at the sudden display of aggression. Maybe I pushed too hard, I thought. Stiles rubbed a hand over his face and took a deep breath. “Sorry, I….I didn’t mean it like that. There’s just a lot going on, and my dad has been up my ass about those details too. To be honest, I can’t tell you where I was. The time just flew by and all of a sudden I’d realized I hadn’t seen Lydia for a couple hours. I wish I had been there for her, but there’s nothing I can do for her now other than check up on her.”
Running a hand over his buzzed head, he shot me a forced smile and said “good luck with your article” before walking away.
I was at a loss for words, trying to put the pieces together in my head. Surely he couldn’t have had a part in Lydia’s injury? There’s no way. But his defensiveness was off-putting–
“Hey, y/n!” I was snapped out of my thoughts by Allison approaching me from behind. “What were you talking to Stiles about?”
“Huh? Oh, um, I was just asking him about…” I remembered that the funeral for Allison’s aunt was happening and didn’t want to mention the additional stress of her best friend being comatose, so I opted for a white lie. “Biology homework. I wasn’t really paying attention in class today.”
“Oh, I didn’t realize you two were friends,” she said as she leant against the lockers.
I shook my head violently. “We’re not.” I’d grown too close to Allison for her to not pick up on my feelings though.
“You say that now, but–”
“I have to get to class. See you at lunch, Ally!”
Other things that year were weird, but none warranted any further investigation via newspaper article. Sure, I was wondering about Erica Reyes’ sudden transformation into the ultimate baddie, the mysterious deaths of a mechanic and Isaac Lahey’s dad, numerous paralyzations at the Jungle, and a death of someone at a secret rave, but Andrew thought it would be best for the Chronicle and Ledger to cover those bigger events. In fact, the only other unnatural event that happened that I had to cover for the newspaper was Stiles’ unbelievable winning streak at the lacrosse championship. I would have quoted him after the game, but I really didn’t want to speak to him and anyway, he had disappeared for a bit right after the team won.
I could tell that things were happening, but it was all hidden from public view. I even noticed Allison’s behavior fluctuating. The arrival of her grandfather shook things up, and while he gave me a bad feeling, I couldn’t exactly figure out why. Lydia was more troubled than usual after coming back from the hospital even though she tried to act normally. Jackson was going through something and was more angry and aggressive than usual, but I wasn’t close enough to him to ask him if he was okay.
Over the summer, I spent a surprising amount of time with Lydia. Allison spent her summer in France, but she asked me to keep an eye on Lydia to make sure she was okay, especially since Jackson had moved to London during the summer break. I was surprised how much I enjoyed spending time with the redhead, and we hung out when I wasn’t working at my internship at The Beacon Chronicle, which my mom had convinced me to apply for after she noticed how irritated I was that I couldn’t pursue some of the stories I wanted.
By the time Allison came back before the start of school, it felt like Lydia and I had been best friends for the longest time.
“So, Allison, have you talked to Scott at all this summer?” I asked when I was sitting in the backseat of Lydia’s car, Allison in the passenger seat.
She shook her head. “No, I think I still need some time. He...hides things from me and I don’t know if I can trust him.”
I nodded my head, understanding the feeling. I still couldn’t place my finger on what had happened between them or what Scott was involved in. Though I comforted her when I found out they broke up, I didn’t really know why they’d done it.
“What about you, y/n? Have you talked to Stiles at all?” Allison asked, looking back at me in the backseat.
“Why the hell would I talk to Stiles?” I questioned, confused.
She and Lydia shared a small look that I couldn’t decipher before she shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know, but you guys are more similar than you may think. I don’t know why you guys act like you don’t like each other though.”
The car rolled to a stop at the stop light, and all of a sudden I noticed a familiar baby blue jeep approach next to us. “Speak of the devil,” I mumbled. Lydia and Allison didn’t notice Stiles staring and waving at first, but when they did the car was filled with awkward tension.
The next events were a blur: Lydia running the red light, both cars stopping in the middle of the road, and a deer running straight towards us, nearing killing me in the gap between the front seats. We were shaken, and the boys ran towards us when they saw what happened.
“Are you okay?” Stiles asked Lydia, but he kept looking at me. I nodded slightly and he turned his full attention back to Lydia.
“What was wrong with it?” Allison asked as Scott got closer to the deer.
“It was scared,” he explained. “No, terrified.”
Things got progressively weirder after that. On the first day of school, I interviewed our new English teacher, Ms. Blake. She was nice enough, but it was unfortunate that her class was the one that a whole flock of birds decided to burst through the classroom windows. By the time the police arrived, I was already drafting up a story in my brain: Why are the animals acting weird in Beacon Hills?
I had overheard Stiles talking to Scott about the deer’s weird behavior and the number of deer-related incidents in California, so I swallowed my pride so that I could talk to him and maybe get some stats and information on the whole situation.
I walked up to him when he was sitting alone, texting on his phone. “Hey, Stiles.” “y/n? What’s wrong?” He had genuine concern written on his face.
“I overheard you and Scott talking about deer-related incidents earlier,” I noticed how he tensed up at my statement, “and I was wondering if you could help me with a piece I’m writing? It seems like you know all the stats, so maybe...you could write it with me?” It pained me to finish that sentence, but I figured it might be easier to figure out what was going on if he was helping – especially if he already had inside information.
I think for the first time in his life, the talkative boy was speechless. “I understand if you don’t want to or you’re busy–” I said quickly, trying to give him a way out.
“Yeah, sure.”
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t caught off guard by his response. “W-what?”
He smirked slightly. “Yeah, sure. I’ll help you out with your article, y/n. Collaborate with you, if you will. We can work on it at my house tomorrow afternoon if you want.”
Nodding and agreeing with the plan, I left the chaotic English classroom.
The next afternoon, I felt like I was walking into the lion’s den. Going to Stiles’ house felt foreign, but what was even stranger was seeing him in casual clothes in a comfortable environment.
He answered the door wearing some sweats and a t-shirt, looking more comfortable and confident than I’d ever seen him. “Hey, y/n. Come on in,” he greeted.
I thanked him awkwardly, and we walked to his dining room table to get set up. “Sorry, I need to go grab my notes from my room. Be back in a sec,” Stiles said before leaving me alone in his dining room.
After a moment of silence, Sheriff Stilinski walked in wearing his uniform. “Oh, y/n! What are you doing here?” He had seen me a couple weeks ago in the police station when I was requesting documents for a story for the Chronicle. Though journalists and cops don’t often have a jovial relationship, he said that he liked me because of my commitment to the truth and respectful nature.
“Hey, Sheriff. I’m writing a piece about the animals acting weird, you know, with the deer accident and bird incident, and Stiles said he’d help me since he has a bunch of statistics on deer related car accidents.”
“Stiles is helping you? Well, I’ll be damned.” When he saw the confusion on my face, he rushed to explain himself. “No, not like that. It’s just, you’re all organized and focused, and Stiles is….Stiles.”
I was laughing heartily when the boy himself walked back into the room. “What’s going on, Daddy-o?”
“Nothing, son. Just catching up with y/n here. I’ve got to get to work, but you’re welcome anytime, y/n.” He said before patting Stiles on the shoulder and heading off to work.
Stiles looked over at me oddly when he placed his notes on the table and sat next to me. “Since when are you all buddy-buddy with my dad?”
Shrugging, I said, “Ever since we started grabbing beer every Thursday night while you’re at lacrosse practice.” His jaw dropped slightly, and I laughed again. “No, idiot. We’ve just interacted a lot because of my internship. Now, can we get started on the article?”
After the article was published, my next assignment was writing about the track meet a couple weeks later. I found out Allison and Lydia were riding together to the meet, so I tagged along.
Both girls were extremely tense the whole ride, seemingly concerned about something going on in the bus. We were only a few cars behind the bus full of track runners (and lacrosse players who were forced to attend the meet), but the stand-still traffic was a force to be reckoned with.
“Do you think we’re too close?” Allison asked.
“Honey, if you were any closer I think you’d mount the bus,” Lydia said sarcastically. She got a call from Stiles and looked over at Allison. “Hey, Stiles,” she dragged out the ‘hey,’ tension obvious in her voice.
She listened to what he was saying, something clearly wrong. “What do you mean he’s not–” she stopped when she remembered I was in the car, “healing?” She finished the question quietly, probably hoping I wouldn’t hear.
Healing? Is he injured?
“Yeah, ok, just find a way to get Coach to stop. We’ll meet you there.” She hung up and told Allison to pull off at the next stop.
When we got to the rest stop, I could see everyone hurrying to get off the bus. Allison parked the car, and we quickly went to the bathroom where I saw Scott nearly passed out on the floor. “Oh my god, is he okay?”
“Yeah, y/n. He’s fine. At least, he will be,” Stiles responded. He positioned his body in front of me a little bit as if he was trying to block my view of Scott.
I gently pushed him aside so I could see and was shocked to see black blood coming from the injured boy. “What the hell is going on? Why is his blood black?” I ran forward to get closer, kneeling next to Allison.
“It’s nothing. We just need to stitch him up and he’ll be fine.”
“Stiles, don’t fucking lie to me. I can see that he’s obviously not fine.”
“He’s right,” Allison said quietly. “We need to stitch him up. I need something to stitch him together with.” She looked around before remembering something in her bag.
I shook my head. “We need to tell Coach. Take him to a hospital or something.”
“No!” All three of them yelled at me.
It was quiet for a moment, all of us deciding where to go from here. “Just…” Stiles started, “please go and make sure the bus doesn’t leave without us. We’ll handle this.” I got up and slowly made my way to the door.
As I reached for the door, a hand grabbed my wrist. “y/n,” Stiles said, “it’ll make sense someday. Just trust us for now. Trust me,” he pleaded quietly out of earshot of the girls and Scott.
“I do,” I replied quietly, not meeting his eyes, before pulling my hand from his grasp and leaving the bathroom.
That night, we all had to stay at the Motel Glen Capri because of the postponed meet. I didn’t like its energy, and neither did Lydia. “A lot can happen in one night,” she said.
Though it was supposed to be two to a room, I convinced Coach to let me room with Allison and Lydia. Admittedly, Coach didn’t need much convincing because I was saving the school money by doing so. Once we got our room key, we went up to our room on the second floor.
“I’m going to go get a snack from the machine,” I told Lydia once Allison was in the shower.
She nodded. “Sounds good. I’m going to the lobby. There must be something we can do about these towels that reek of nicotine.”
Grabbing a couple one’s from my wallet, I made my way down the hall to the vending machine where I ran into Boyd and Stiles. As I approached, I could hear Stiles trying to talk to an unresponsive Boyd, who subsequently punched a hole through the glass of the machine, grab his snack that the machine refused to give him, and walk away.
“What the hell was that?” I asked Stiles as I walked up next to him.
He shrugged. “I don’t really know, to be honest.” He reached into the machine to grab his snack and tossed one to me as well.
When I got back to my room, a shaken Allison and Lydia were hurriedly talking about something. “Oh, y/n! You’re back. You won’t believe what just happened…” Allison started
She recounted the story of Scott’s bizarre behavior in the bathroom, and Lydia filled me in on the counter that they have at the front desk. “Can you imagine having a counter for the number of suicides that take place in your hotel? Crazy,” Lydia said. Taking her phone out, she sent a quick text to Stiles telling him that we all needed to talk.
We met him in the hallway a couple minutes later. “What was the text for?” Stiles asked when he saw our little gathering.
“There’s something going on with all the…” she looked over at me before continuing, “guys. You know, Scott, Boyd, Isaac, probably Ethan too.” I tried to connect the dots between all of them, but I didn’t really know what they all had in common. Scott and Isaac were both on the lacrosse team, but from what I could tell they didn’t have a particular fondness for each other or Ethan.
“I think someone’s going to die tonight,” Lydia said decisively.
“Why do you think that?” I asked, but it seemed like I was the only one questioning her line of reason.
She shook her head slowly. “I just...have a feeling.” After a moment of silence, she told us about hearing something from the room next to ours through the vent, so we decided to investigate it. Room 217 seemed empty and locked, but all of a sudden we heard the sound of a saw from behind the door.
Stiles busted the door open, and we opened it to find Ethan turning the saw on himself. “Ethan, stop!” I yelled as we ran into the room. Stiles started wrestling him for the saw, but luckily Lydia saw where it was plugged into the wall and unplugged it.
The next thing that happened was completely unexpected to me. Ethan grew fangs and claws, his eyes blazing red. What the fu–
Allison and Lydia rushed forward, wrestling his claws away from his torso where he had been planning on slashing himself. In the struggle he fell on the space heater, which apparently brought him out of whatever state he was in. He ran out of the room soon after. When we tried to question him about what he was doing, he couldn’t answer us. He had been out of control, and it made Allison realize we were forgetting someone.
“Where’s Scott?” She asked suddenly. When no one could answer, we all decided to split up – I’d go with Allison to look for Scott while Stiles and Lydia went to find Boyd and Isaac.
Scott wasn’t in his room. Allison and I ran all over the motel, looking in every crevice. At last, we decided to check the school bus, and that’s where we saw him. Standing drenched in gasoline, a flare lit up in his hand.
“Scott…” I approached quietly, careful to not make any sudden movements.
It was then that Stiles and Lydia joined us. I watched as Stiles walked into the gasoline, my breath catching in my throat as he nearly sacrificed himself. Scott was talking, but I didn’t really understand what it meant. He said that his life was better before the bite.
Stiles eventually talked Scott down, but the flare rolled into the gasoline. Luckily, Lydia was able to make sure we had all gotten out of the way. I’d ended up next to Stiles on the ground, and though we made eye contact, no words were spoken.
We spent the night in the bus because none of us could bear the thought of spending another second in that cursed place. Coach woke us up in the morning, definitely thinking the worst about what we may have gotten ourselves into, but whatever he was thinking wouldn’t possibly compare to reality. What was reality? I couldn’t have really told you at that point. I didn’t understand what we’d just lived through.
Before the other students started loading onto the bus, Stiles slid into the empty space next to me. “y/n, you know that all of this,” he made a grand gesture to Scott and the others as well as the motel, “is off the record. You can’t tell anyone about this. About what happened.” I held eye contact with him for a moment before nodding. “I wouldn’t tell anyone. To be honest, I don’t even really know what I would tell people, but I wouldn’t.” He nodded, a sad smile on his face as he looked down and fidgeted with his hands. “But Stiles,” I said as he looked back up at me. “Please help me understand it all. You can trust me, I promise, I just want to understand. I want to help.”
With a deep sigh, Stiles nodded once more. “Okay. I’ll tell you everything.”
When Stiles said he’d fill me in on everything, I didn’t realize he meant everything. I couldn’t believe how oblivious I had been to everything that had happened in the past year. Sure, I knew something weird was going on, but how was I supposed to know it was supernatural?
Finding out that my little corner of the world, little old Beacon Hills, California, had werewolves (and a kanima, pack of alphas, and whatever the hell a Darach was) was a lot to process. It was unbelievable, but Stiles helped me believe it.
I could tell that he didn’t fully trust me though. There was something in the way he looked at me that told me he was wondering when I would be done with my source acquisition and I’d write the next big exposé: Supernatural Beacon Hills: How Werewolves Have Been Hiding In Plain Sight. I didn’t know how to assure him that I was on their side and wouldn’t expose their secrets.
As the year progressed, things simultaneously made more sense and less sense. To defeat the Darach, we had to perform a sacrifice for the parents that had abducted, and Deaton – the veterinarian that had taken care of every family pet we’d ever had – told me I had to hold Stiles down during it. He said we had some sort of connection, but I guess that’s what mutual loathing does to people.
In the end, we won. We beat the Darach, the alpha of the alphas Deucalion left, and Scott became an alpha himself. But it was still just the beginning.
The sacrifice did something to Scott, Stiles, and Allison that we didn’t fully understand. Deaton said they left a door open, which only made it harder for Stiles to trust me because he could barely trust himself.
Knowing about the supernatural didn’t preclude my other responsibilities though. I still wrote for the Daily Beacon, much to Stiles’ displeasure, but I enjoyed it. So, on the first day of school I interviewed our newest faculty member – Mr. Yukimura. He and his family had just moved from New York, and his daughter Kira was in our grade. She was nice, but shy, so I invited her to have lunch with us.
Surprisingly, Kira jumped right into the conversation at lunch by mentioning bardo, the Buddhist concept of being in an in-between state.
After lunch, I caught up with Allison to walk to our next class. “Hey, Allison, could I ask you a favor?”
“Of course! What’s up?”
“Well, I don’t really know how to ask this but...I need help learning to defend myself, I guess? It’s just that I’m going to be helping you guys now, and I actually want to be helpful, so I want to protect myself so you guys don’t have to worry about me,” I admitted.
Allison smiled softly. “I’d love to help.” I returned her smile, suddenly giddy, yet nervous. “But, I think you should know that my...aim...has been off since the sacrifice.”
I could hear the disappointment in her voice. “Nonsense, I’m sure that you’re still the best shot in this school.” She shook her head. “It’s never been this bad.”
Touching her arm lightly, I gave her a reassuring smile. “We’ll figure it out together.”
A few days later, I was surprised when I was paid a visit by both Scott and Stiles while I was sitting in the library. “To what do I owe this pleasure, boys?”
“We need your help.” I perked up at Scott’s statement. “We’re trying to solve the Tate case, you know, the one where Malia Tate disappeared all those years ago after that car accident, and we could use your help tracking her down.” He looked over at Stiles and nudged him with his elbow.
“And, you can write a piece about it. Not including all the details, if what we think happened is true, but you can still write something factual,” Stiles said, still displeased that I was writing for the newspaper.
To annoy Stiles, I acted like I was really thinking about it for a minute, but then laughed lightly. “Yeah, I’ll help you guys. Where do we start?”
Pull yourself together, y/n. You’re a journalist. You’re supposed to report on tragedy all the time. Be objective.
I took a deep breath and wrote the first line for what would be the cover story of the next Daily Beacon issue.
Junior Allison Argent, 17, died in an unfortunate carjacking incident last fall.
Before I could write any more, I got a phone call from Stiles.
Oh, thank god. “Stiles?”
“Do you want to come with us to Mexico?” He blurted out.
I couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled from my chest. “What? Mexico? Why? When–”
“Stiles, are you insane? Even if I wanted to, there’s no way my parents would ever let me go.”
“We’re all telling our parents we’re going camping, if that helps at all,” he said with what seemed like a hint of disappointment in his voice.
I was quiet for a minute, but my mind was already made up. “Why? And who exactly is going?”
“Scott, Lydia, Kira, Malia, and I have to visit some hunters and see what they know about Derek being missing.”
As soon as he mentioned Malia, my mouth started curling into a frown. It’s not that I disliked the werecoyote, it’s just that she and Stiles had been pretty full on since they hooked up at Eichen and started dating. I wasn’t jealous – though I’m sure Lydia would argue otherwise since she’s convinced I like him or something – just...weirded out by their relationship.
I sighed. “I want to help, but I really can’t tomorrow. School starts back up in a couple days, and I need to finish this elegy for Allison and come up with a bunch of assignments for the staff writers…” I trailed off, thinking about all that I had to do before the coming week.
“Oh yeah, I forgot. Ms. Editor-in-chief over here has a life outside of us,” Stiles joked.
Andrew graduated at the end of last year and left his glittering empire to me, though suddenly I felt overwhelmed at the prospect of running a newspaper while being way too involved in the town’s supernatural endeavors. It didn’t bother me last semester, but after Allison…
“I’ll just see you guys when you get back, okay?” I told Stiles. He made an unintelligible noise of agreement. “And try not to let anyone get killed.” “Yes, mom,” Stiles said sarcastically. I could almost hear the smirk in his voice.
When the pack got back, I was surprised by the events that had taken place. “What do you mean it’s a young version of Derek?”
A few days later, I had to cover the spring lacrosse tryouts. Though I wanted to assign it to someone else, I had to do it myself because everyone was busy with the assignments I had given them.
To my surprise, a new freshman, Liam Dunbar, showed everyone up at tryouts – even Scott. I took note of how he seemed almost athletically superior to everyone, and I wondered if he was supernatural.
“He’s human, I’m sure of it,” Scott said as he came up next to where I was sitting on the bleachers, scaring me out of my mind in the process.
“Jeez, Scott. A little warning next time would be nice. But how do you know?”
He shrugged. “I can just tell. He’s just a really great athlete.”
“He’s going to be a great pain in my ass, I can tell,” Stiles said, sidling up next to Scott.
I took note of their reactions, writing down Scott’s comment – about being a great athlete, not human – to consider while writing my piece.
“Oh no, don’t tell me you’re writing a story about him,” Stiles groaned.
“You know I have to write one about the tryouts, and he just happens to be the star player of today,” I told him. “Sorry, Scott.”
Scott waved me off, but Stiles was still upset about the situation. “No, don’t give him the ego boost! He’s already a little shit, and an article about him would make it worse.”
Taking a break from my note-taking, I looked over at the brown-haired boy. “Stiles, have you even talked to him?”
He looked at a loss for words. “N-not really...but I can see his arrogance from a mile away!”
I rolled my eyes. “Well then, if you’d excuse me, I’m going to write up a fantastic story about a talented up-and-coming lacrosse player.”
The article became the next issue’s front page, but I almost wished I hadn’t given him as much attention when Scott turned him into his beta.
The rest of the year didn’t go as planned either, but isn’t junior year supposed to be everyone’s worst year?
As much as I liked helping out with the supernatural problems Scott and the rest of the pack were having, it was hard knowing about what was going on and not being able to write about it, especially when all of the mysterious killings started up. We eventually found out about the deadpool, but I could write about a kill list of Beacon Hills’ resident supernaturals, could I?
At the end of the year, I finally had to make the trip to Mexico with the rest of the pack. “Stiles, I’m going. You can’t stop me!” I attempted to open the passenger door of the jeep when he reached out and shut it from behind me.
“No, it’s going to be dangerous. We don’t even really know what we’re facing,” he tried reasoning with me. “I can protect myself,” I said, thinking of the training that Allison had given me. “Besides, I can’t just sit by and wait for you guys to come back. I need to try helping Scott.”
Realizing that I wasn’t going to back down, Stiles removed his hand from the side of the door and opened it for me. I nodded a quick thanks as I hopped into the vehicle.
I wasn’t expecting to fight Scott that day, but we all did in order to return him from his Berserker form. At the end of the fight, I had a few cuts and bruises, but nothing I couldn’t deal with.
As Derek drove away with Braedan, I could feel that things were changing. “I can’t write about any of this, can I?” I asked somewhat jokingly.
“Off the record,” Stiles replied from where he stood next to me.
“Stiles, what’s wrong?”
“Oh thank god, you remember me!” He said as he grabbed my hands. He’d been running down the hall frantically when I saw him.
I looked at him with concern on my face. “Yeah, of course I remember you? Why wouldn’t I–”
“y/n, it’s the Hunt. The Ghost Riders. I saw them, and now they’re coming for me.” He was breathing heavily, eyes sweeping the surroundings for signs of the Ghost Riders. His eyes locked on something to his left, but when I looked, I couldn’t see anything. “They’re here. We have to go,” he said, pulling me towards the parking lot. We got into his jeep, but he didn’t start the car. “Stiles, what are you doing?”
“It’s too late.” I could see the look of grief on his face. “No, don’t say that. It’s not–”
“It’s the truth,” he cut me off, turning to look at me. “Promise me you won’t forget.”
I shook my head. “I won’t. But Stiles, I can’t do this without you,” I could feel a tear escaping my eye and slipping down my cheek, my emotions getting the better of me.
Stiles reached forward and wiped the tear away before placing his hand on my cheek. “What do you mean? You’re one of the smartest, most inquisitive people I know. If I had to trust anyone to find a way to stop the Ghost Riders, it would be you.”
I couldn’t help but smile at his honesty. “Yeah right. Lydia will probably figure it out before me.”
He shook his head. “You can do it. I trust you.” I could tell there was more he wanted to say, but he turned to look at something through the window over his shoulder. “Can I tell you something? Off the record.”
I couldn’t help the laugh that escaped my mouth. “Yes, of course. What is it?”
He took a deep breath. “I don’t hate you. I know it may seem like I’ve never trusted you or that I don’t care about you, but it’s actually the opposite. I...really really like you,” he admitted.
I was stunned. Stiles likes me? He was searching my face for any indication of feelings as I sat there silently.
“Oh, shit,” Stiles mumbled. “Ok, forget I said that. Well, you won’t need to forget when you forget me in a minute–”
I cut off his rambling by placing my lips on his. They were warm and familiar, as if they were made for mine. “I like you too,” I mumbled when I disconnected, my eyes still closed from the interaction.
But when I opened them, I was alone in the baby blue jeep.
All semester, I’d felt that something was missing, but I couldn’t figure out what it was. Or who it was.
But after months of searching for it, we finally figured it out. Lydia had gone into a banshee trance to discover the word “Stiles,” and it brought back vague memories for me when I heard it. The feeling of soft flannel. A sarcastic laugh. Red string around my finger. A hefty wooden baseball bat.
The collection of memories made sense when we all finally got our memories back and remembered the person we were missing from our lives.
We traced the trail of clues to the sewers, where Scott tried to bring back Stiles because of their brotherly love for one another. I thought it would work, but the portal closed and Stiles hadn’t appeared. Come on, Stiles. Where are you?
We had to fight the Ghost Riders off, making sure they didn’t turn our beloved Beacon Hills into another ghost town. I’d run into the high school, looking for something to use as a weapon when I ran into someone in the hall. A tall, brown-haired figure wearing a flannel shirt. “Stiles?”
He turned, and smiles emerged on both of our faces. I broke into a run again, right into his arms. “I can’t believe you’re here. You’re really here.” I mumbled, the sound muffled against his shirt.
“I knew you could do it,” he said.
I pulled back slightly and looked up at his face, suddenly nervous. “That night in the jeep...did you hear what I told you before you disappeared?”
A soft smile rested on his face. “Of course I did. It was the one thing that kept me going, especially when I was stuck with Peter.”
“Peter Hale? Why the hell were you with Peter Hale?”
Stiles shook his head. “We can go over that later. For now, there’s one thing I’ve been wanting to do.” I was a little confused, but I understood once he leaned in and connected our lips.
This is what I’d been missing, and I was never going to let it go again.
I watched from afar as Stiles gave his trusty baseball bat to Mason, who didn’t seem to appreciate the hunk of wood.
“Have you told him yet?” Lydia asked as she appeared next to me.
I shook my head. “We haven’t really had time to talk about that stuff. I think he doesn’t really want to think about it just yet and what that might mean for us.”
She nudged me with her elbow, silently telling me to go over there and talk to him. Rolling my eyes, I walked towards the familiar blue jeep and familiar mess of brown hair.
Liam and Mason had already walked away, and Scott and Stiles were standing and talking at the jeep’s trunk. “Hey, y/n. I’m just heading out, but I’ll see you guys later,” Scott said as I came up and Stiles threw his arm around me.
We waved as Scott left, and Stiles pulled me closer. “Hey,” he said, looking down at me with an affectionate expression.
I pulled him over so we could sit in the open trunk. “We need to talk.” I could see the panic flare up in his eyes.
“Oh, um, okay? Is everything okay?”
Chuckling lightly, I nodded. “Yeah, we just haven’t talked about college at all,” I explained.
His head dropped. “Yeah, I know. I just don’t want it to ruin what we have here, and I don’t even know what life will be like outside of Beacon Hills, and I feel like we just got together and now–”
“Stiles,” I cut him off. “I’m going to GW too.”
His eyes widened at my confession. “You...you’re going to GW?”
I nodded, a small smile on my lips. “I committed a while ago. I’m going to study journalism there.”
I watched as a smile spread across his face. Then, it was replaced by a quick smirk. “Oh great, you’re following me there, huh? I just can’t seem to get rid of you.”
I shrugged. “What can I say? I’m going to need someone to give me the inside scoop on the FBI’s antics.”
He looked pensive for a moment. “I think what you’re describing is illegal.”
“Not if it’s in the public’s interest. But maybe it just needs to be off the record,” I admitted. Stiles laughed. “Oh, it’s definitely going to be off the record.”
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How to Say I Love You
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Word count: 2,582
Warnings: Smut implied.
Summary:  One day, Jay takes it upon himself to be an extra-cute boyfriend. The reason? It takes (y/n) a while to find out.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the One Chicago shows, or its characters, also not associated with it in any way or know anyone involved with it.
A/N: Posting super late because the day was hard. So, just some more Jay fluff to brighten our days. Hope you like it!
(y/n) = (your name) (y/l/n) = (your last name) (y/n/n) = (your nickname)
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As soon as you woke up, you felt light kisses being pressed to all of your very exposed skin, and an inevitable smile came to your lips.
“Good morning, princess.” Jay whispered in your ear with a husky voice.
“Good morning for you too, baby.” You answered him while bringing his face closer to yours. On that movement, before you could kiss him, you caught a glance of your bedside clock. “Oh my God, Jay! Look at the time! I thought we’d agreed to get as much sleep as we could after last night!” You quickly reprehended him. “Or have you forgotten that both of us still have to go to work today?” You asked, trying to sound annoyed at him when the most you managed to do was breathe out was a moan, as he nibbed your earlobe.
“Oh, I know how much you like sleeping, babygirl. But I know that there are a few things you’d give up your sleep for.” He stated in a very sexy tone.
“And what exactly makes you think that you’re one of those things?” You teased your boyfriend, hoping he’d respond to it like you thought he would.
“Ah, just a little something,” he teased back while slowly putting his hand between your legs, not even bothering to lift the hem of the shirt you were wearing, “like this.”
“Oh, Jay…” And, just like that, you were completely fine with waking up early.
Throughout the day, you just couldn’t keep the smile off your face, as your boyfriend took it upon himself to be the cutest person in the world. Why? You had no idea. All you knew was that he'd gotten the day off but, since you couldn't the same, he'd decided to go to work nonetheless.
His romantics for no apparent reason started with a bouquet of your favorite flowers and a note that read:
“Will you be my lunch date today? *blinking face*
P.S.: 12:00 - 13:00 is all I have. Sorry, doll :(
Meet me at our spot?
⎼ Your bae.”
He used bae. If he wasn’t so cute, and if you didn’t love him so much, you would have cringed at the choice, and he knew it. Ah, that man...
A few hours after that, you went to meet Jay for lunch at your spot ⎼ which was one of the benches along the Riverwalk, where you’d first met ⎼, absolutely decided on calling him out for being so mushy. But, as you walked closer towards him, you could see that your boyfriend was holding a picnic basket in one hand, and a bottle of champagne in the other, and, as corny as that was, you couldn’t help but grin. 
“Drinking on duty now, detective?” You asked, raising your eyebrow at him.
“Nope. This one’s without alcohol. And, trust me, you’ll like it.” He told you, a sweet smile on his lips.
“Hum, maybe... But I wouldn’t really mind if it was bad either.” You half-whispered at Jay.
“Oh no?” He asked you with a smirk this time.
“No. The company makes up for anything else.” You said while moving to kiss him.
“Geez, babe, you're such a dork!" He said, making fun of you after the kiss was over.
"Really? That's what you're going with?" You, the dork? Big joke.
"What else can I say if it's the truth?" Jay asked you through his lashes, an innocent expression in-face.
"Look who's talking!" You said while rolling your eyes.
Not long after that, he put an end to your little banter. Saying that he didn't wanna spend another second of the few moments the two of you had until the evening arguing was an understatement. You agreed, even though you knew that both of you secretly enjoyed the bickerings as well as you did everything else.
Later, on that same day, when you were about to leave work, you decided to call your boyfriend.
"Hey, babe." He answered, on the fourth ring, voice letting on some tiredness.
"Hey there, handsome! I'm already leaving work, think I’mma go swim a little. Unless… There's a chance you're getting off a little earlier yourself?" You tried your luck, thinking about making him relax a little before you two left for dinner.
"Uh… Sorry, babe, I don't think I'll be able to." A deep sigh. Something was wrong.
"Jay. Is everything okay?" Another sigh. Shit.
"It's nothing for you to worry about, baby. Just a pain-in-the-ass case we can't seem to solve. When all I wanted to do was be home with you." He confessed.
"Huh. Now, tell me, who's the dork?" You heard his muffled laugh over the phone.
"I am. You know it. I know it. Everyone who knows us knows it." At that, you were the one who giggled. "And, believe me, I bear the title with pride." More laughing, from both of you this time.
"Okay, then… So, um, is there anything I can do? Maybe we cancel that dinner reservation?"
"No! No, not at all! You just… Go do your swimming and don't worry about me, okay?" Jay sounded a bit weird this time, but you brushed it off, thinking that it was just the stress of the day.
"Okay…" You replied, still unconvinced. 
"Alright, I gotta go now. Love you."
"Okay, bye. Love you too. Be safe!"
"Always, baby." With that, he hung up quickly, which he never did ⎼ always dragging the conversations for as long as he could. But, once again, you decided to do what your boyfriend told you to and not worry about it.
It was already a bit into the evening and you were stretching your body to leave the swimming pool, when you saw him. Jay. So you got out and walked over to him.
"Fancy meeting you here, miss (y/l/n)." He greeted innocently.
"Well, this is a surprise. Yet another one. On the same day." You said, just to let him know that his weird behaviors weren't going by unnoticed.
"Ah, you know what they say… Gotta keep the relationship interesting!" Ha, ha. He was up to something. So you just gave him a suspicious look. To which he answered with a huge smile, saying: "What?"
"Nothing. Nothing besides the fact that you're up to something. What is it?"
"Oh. My. God." Jay said emphatically, faking offense. "I'm offended. You think that poorly of me?"
"What do you mean?" You asked him, a bit confused this time.
"You really think that I can't just try and brighten my princess's day?" He said, walking closer to you this time.
"Well, I guess that I wouldn't object to that, but what I'm saying is tha-" Before you could finish your sentence, he was pulling you towards him, pressing your bodies on a tight embrace and kissing you passionately. 
"Oh no, Jay, you should let me go! I'm all wet!" You squeal out as Jay keeps holding you up in the air against his firm abdomen.
"I don't mind." He told you with a shrug of shoulders. "I'm used to having you like this." He, then, whispers in your ear and you can feel his smirk, as he kisses your neck.
"Jay!" You hissed in fake disapproval. "We're in public! You can't be saying these things to me in public!"
"Sorry, baby. But you know that I just can't help myself around you." He tells you, deliberately taking his time. At that, you just throw back your head in laughter. "Besides, it doesn't seem to me like you're feeling all that bothered with my actions…"
"But I am!" You said assertively. But then you remembered your conversation from earlier and asked him, in a softer tone: "Hey, um, how did the case go? Are you still feeling up for the dinner thing?" As soon as the words left your mouth, you watched Jay shift his entire demeanor.
"Yeah! We're definitely still going! And, as I told you before, the case was just a pain in the ass, nothing more." He sounded nervous. Weird. Like he was hiding something.
"Let's just go, okay? Cause we still need to get ready for dinner. I already put your stuff in the duffel bag. My car's right outside." Jay told you quickly, like he didn't wanna give you time to make any conclusions.
"Okay, then…"
“C’mon, (y/n/n)! We’re running late!” You heard your boyfriend shouting for you to come out of your shared bedroom.
“Hey! Don’t you dare to rush me! Not when you’re the reason I’m running late in the first place!” You sharply answered, stepping out into the living room whilst putting your earring on. “Besides, that place we’re going is just too fancy. I need to look perfect.” You added more calmly, only now realizing how Jay was staring at you. “What? Is something wrong?”
“Wha- wrong? No! No!” He quickly assured you and closed the distance between the two of you. “You already look perfect. Every single day.”
“What? Jay, I’m serious!” You pouted, giving him an annoyed glare.
“I am too! You look gorgeous, baby.” He told you with that glorious smile of his. “And, really, there’s just no place on the planet that could make you look any less gorgeous.”
“Okay, now you’re just trying to get me to hurry up!” You accused, hitting him with considerable strength in the chest.
“Ouch! That hurt! And, yes, I am trying to hurry you up! Because we have a reservation!” He yelled at you in response. If it was any other time, you would’ve argued with him, of course. But even you had to admit he was right, you were on the clock.
“Okay, okay! I’m just gonna grab my purse and we’ll go!” You shouted back, already from the bedroom.
After that, the two of you managed to leave your apartment and get to the restaurant on time, due to Jay promising the cab driver a doubled pay if he went faster.
As soon as you arrived, though, you saw it was worth it. You still had no clue of what got in your boyfriend’s head to take you out on this kind of date for no apparent reason like that, especially after everything else he’d already done, but you obviously weren’t about to complain either.
 The maître walked both of you two to a table on the upper floor of the establishment, it had an amazing view of the city and it was a pretty reserved space. So, right after you'd placed your orders and been left alone, you half-squealed at Jay:
"Oh. My. God." Your smile was wide and your eyes were shining. "This place is incredible, babe!" He looked at you with devotion, clearly amused by your reaction.
"I know right? I'm really glad we got to come here." He stated, his whole behavior letting you know that he was just as impressed.
And, like that, the evening flew by and you caught yourself stifling yawn after yawn.
"Baby, you’re not too desperate to go home, are you? Because there's still one thing I wanna show you." Your boyfriend said, pulling you by your hand to get up. Then, he guided you to that part where you'd been able to view most Chicago, earlier in the night.
"Wow," you said, leaning against the balcony to see the details, "this really is great, babe." When you’d walked past this part you wondered about why they hadn't put any tables there, only a small couch, but now you knew. They didn't want to make that space ⎼ that landscape ⎼ prisoner of one couple, or one family, that would most likely stay there the entire night.
"It is." He agreed with you.
"You know, I hadn't brought it up yet, because I thought that you'd eventually tell me on your own, but you've been acting a little weird the whole day. This morning in bed, the flowers, then the picnic lunch, picking me up at swimming, and now this… You didn't sound too good on that call either, and I gotta admit that when you said we were going out for a fancy dinner, I didn't think it'd be here, where it's practically impossible to get a reservation. So, just… Talk to me, Jay."
"(y/n/n)... Would you even believe me if I told you that that's what I've been preparing to do the whole day?" He asked you with a shy smile.
"Will you be mad at me if I say no?" You asked, a bit apprehensively. He just laughed.
"Nah, not really." He told you jokingly. "But I have." He said, more serious this time. “Baby, you’re the best thing that ever happened to me.” He started telling you.
“Jay-” You whispered nervously, sort of anticipating what was about to happen.
“No, just- just please let me finish. I need you to understand how important you are to me, princess. Hell, I know that words aren’t really my strongest suit, but you deserve to know that you’re my light, my lifeline, my happiness… You’re my everything, (y/n/n). My entire world. And, because of you, now I think that it is actually okay to dream, to hope for a better future, for a future. That’s why I wanna ask you, tonight, to be my future, just like you already are my present.” At that moment you couldn’t keep the tears off of your face anymore, and you would’ve jumped him right then if he hadn’t gotten down on one knee. “Will you marry me, (y/n) (y/l/n)?” He asked you with a timid smile and teary eyes of his own. As you took in the man you loved, kneeled before you, holding an open box with the diamond ring you’d recognized as being his mother’s, you just stood there crying, not managing to say anything. “B- baby? Please say something.” Jay spoke again, letting out a nervous choked laugh. So you forced yourself to answer him.
“Oh m- my God, yes!!” You squealed out.
“Yes?!?” He repeated what you said, still on the ground.
“Of course, yes!!!” You confirmed, pulling him up to kiss you. While at it, your boyfriend, now fiancé, almost dropped the small velvet box he was holding.
“Okay,” he started, chuckling, after the two of you parted a little, “let me put this thing on your finger before you back down!”
“Ha, ha. As if I was going to! You’re only in a hurry because you’re scared you’ll drop your mom’s ring.” You bickered a little, letting him know that you recognized the jewelry, to which he responded with a bright smile, saying:
“It’s your ring now, princess. And, trust me, she’d love you almost as much as I do if she were still here.” He told you, shining eyes meeting yours, as he slipped the stunning piece in your finger.
“Jay.” You breathed out as the tears resurfaced in your eyes. “It is so beautiful…” You told him looking down at the ring you had in-hand. “And… You really mean that?”
“100%, princess. If I’m being honest, there are a lot of times when you actually remind me of her…” He said, tearing up a little.
“Awww, babe...” You said throwing your arms around him again.
And that’s how you two stayed. Just holding each other, under a very starry night in Chicago. More than ready to start walking down that new road together.
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lebrookestore · 3 years
four years, one night
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Pairing: Ten Lee x  female reader
Themes:  SLOWBURN, best friends to lovers, player! ten, fuckboy! ten, fluff, humour, angst, sexual tension, college au, some talk about music 
Warnings: angst, cursing, mentions of sex (?kinda), ten is kind of an asshole, reader calls herself a dumb bitch, bittersweet ending, three kisses, kissing, gets a little spicy in one scene but that’s about it, PG15
WC: 10.8k
Playlist: Dream Launch by Wayv, Never let you go by AleXa, Illicit Affairs by Taylor Swift, Young again by Morgan Evans, Without You by NCT U, The Tempest by Beethoven (this looks so out of place eye-)
Taglist:  @danishmiilk @channoticedmeuwu​  @1-800-seo @sweetlyjaem @badwithten @blueprint-han @chicksung
Summary: Ten was a fickle person, he jumped from one person to another, breaking hearts, and getting his own heart broken. The one person who had to pick it up every time? You, of course, and it was exhausting, especially when you had to watch.
day break  [ extra piece based in this universe ]
A/n: hello! this fic is very much self indulgent, but i love it so much. I spent most of the last week working on it and half of it is me simping, and I hope you enjoy it. Thank you to @chicksung​ for beta reading and helping me throughout writing this. As always, feedback would be very much appreciated!
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‘I will love you as misfortune loves orphans, as fire loves innocence and as justice loves to sit and watch while everything goes wrong’- Lemony Snicket
A loud slam of the door made you flinch, shutting your eyes in exasperation as you knew what was to come. The same thing over and over again, you were used to it. Honestly, it was nothing new, but his stupidity, the obvious was in front of him, but did he listen? Of course, he didn’t.
A figure walked into the room, a mop of messy black hair with brown highlights adorning his head. It was pretty long at this point, his bangs reaching his eyes. Those damning eyes, melting pools of chocolate brown that seemed to bore into your soul. Those eyes looked remorsefully at you now, as he plopped down next to you, wrapping his arms around your midriff and burying his face in your back.
You sighed. “Again?”, you asked, running your fingers through his hair as he hummed a response. “Again”, he repeated, confirming your suspicions. He looked up, his eyes meeting yours.
You hated his eyes.
He managed to make you do anything for him with just a look. They were undoubtedly your weakness, when they looked sad, or when they upturned into a smile, that instantly brightened your day.
“I can’t seem to get it right can I?”, he asked, searching your eyes as if you had all the answers to his turbulent love life. You scoffed, “You couldn’t have been serious about that chick, Ten, you met her three weeks ago, and she was simply a rebound for you” “Thanks for the support”
“I’m being real, not supportive”
He rolled his eyes, pouting. “But I liked her”, he whined. You gave him a pointed look, “Please, You just wanted someone to be with, if not to fu-” “Oh my god, shut up”
You smirked, turning your attention back to your laptop, where the essay you had been trying to write glared back at you. 
“I just want someone who understands me”, Ten continued, still looking at you. You looked at him. 
I understand you, you thought, I’m here
Ten had always been like this, he jumped from girl to girl, getting his heart broken several times because he was too forgiving with it. He wanted to love, he had always romanticized the idea. Honestly, you thought he needed love too, but he was going down all the wrong paths.
And you had to be there every single time to pick up the pieces.
“I know”, you said half-heartedly, biting your lower lip. He propped his chin upon his fist, observing you and your concentrated look. You typed away, desperately wanting to be done with this paper, one you had been working on for about three days. 
“Do you think I’ll ever do something right?”, he asked. You froze, pushing down what you wanted to say. It was hard, having to deal with Ten's endeavors of the heart’ as he called them. The right term would be- doing random shit and breaking girls' hearts', but of course, he refused that catchy title. Sighing, you shut your laptop, knowing you wouldn’t get anything done now that he was in a mood.
“You haven’t done anything wrong” “Haven’t done anything right either”
You took his face in your hands, “You haven’t done anything wrong, you’re amazing, now stop moping, I’m ordering pizza”
He pulled away from you, sitting up properly. “Can I stay over?”, he asked hopefully. You clicked your tongue, looking at him with an annoyed expression. “Don’t you have your dorm?” “My roommate said he has a girl over, and I kinda want to sleep, thanks” You rolled your eyes, but nodded, picking up your phone and walking into the other room to order.
You heard laughter and looked back to see the boy laughing at something on his phone. Probably a cat meme, or something of the sort. You admired his side profile for a minute, the slope of his nose, the way his eyes shone. He was okay, you supposed, annoying, but okay. No matter how much he tried to justify it, he didn’t care for the girl who broke up with him. He was just fine right now, and had moved on from the topic pretty quickly, and was already smiling.
You also hated his smile. Infuriatingly adorable, one smile would make you want to smile back. You hated it with every ounce of your being, the effect he had on you. 
You hated Ten Lee.
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Scratch that, you didn’t hate the poor boy, you just, despised him?
Nope, you were close friends.
Ironic isn’t it? You had met Ten at a party, where the Dance major was having a lot of fun. You hadn’t seen him before but had heard of him. The boy who jumped from girl to girl as easy as one, two, three. You had no intention of even talking to him, you were content in a dark corner, with a drink.
Nothing ever goes your way. 
The meeting was by chance, he was dared to ask you to dance, you declined, he persisted giving you those puppy eyes. After glaring at him, he sighed, explaining it was a dare, and that he didn’t want to make a fool of himself, and before you knew what was happening, you were awkwardly swaying along to the music with him.
He, regrettably, stuck with you for the rest of the evening, and you ending up liking his company, to the extent where you invited him over the next day for pizza.
The pizza situation turned out to be a thing between the two of you, a tradition of sorts. He would come over with candy, in an oversized sweatshirt looking illegally adorable, you would supply the blankets, and movie nights would begin.
He had a sweet smile and sparkly eyes, which made you question if this was the guy who broke hearts, who was a player. He was like a puppy, it confused you to no end.
“Miss L/n?”, your professor asked, raising an eyebrow at your spaced out figure. Startling, you blinked rapidly, cringing at the situation you had put yourself in. “Sorry”, you apologized, focusing back on the textbook in front of you. You were majoring in Psychology, and while you love the subject, the teacher didn’t like you very much, probably because you had been so distracted the past few weeks, and you hadn’t done particularly well in the midterms.
Needless to say, you were stressed.
The class got over quickly, and you walked out of the lecture hall, deciding to get some coffee before your next class. The cafe was a well-loved one visited by almost every student, and was famous for its chai-lattes, so much so that others also visited it, and not just the students.
Turning towards the on-campus cafe, you spotted Ten already there. His glasses sat at the edge of his nose, giving him an oddly studious look, which was almost laughable. He stood there, holding two cups of coffee, eyes lighting up as he spotted you.
Ten Lee was going to be the death of you.
You walked up to him, taking the coffee which he handed to you, “What do you want?”, you asked suspiciously, taking a sip of the bittersweet drink. You noted the fact he had gotten your favorite, which only worsened the feeling of butterflies in the pit of your stomach. He looked mock offended, and grinned at you, “Nothing!”, he said, “Just wanted to see you”
You rolled your eyes in an attempt to thwart your initial reaction, beginning to walk back to the main campus, for your psych class. Ten walked beside you, holding his sketchbook in his right hand, and coffee in the left.
“Okay, um actually-”
“You want something don’t you?” “I need a reference model”, he said, “So, Y/n, could you please-”
“Oh my god no”, you said, without even letting the poor boy finish, “Last time this happened it ended up with a pain fight and my sweater destroyed.”
“I said I was sorry!”, he semi shrieked, “And this time I need it for a project worth half my grade.”
Sighing, you but your lower lip, nodded tentatively, to which he let out an almost inhuman sound of appreciation, “When are you free?”
“Nah, I have a date”
You blinked in surprise, and he smiled sheepishly. “Eun-hae asked me out and I said yes so”
“Of course you did”, you muttered bitterly, “You broke up with that other one yesterday”
He seemingly chose to ignore you, “Sunday?”
You nodded and took another sip of the drink you held. He smiled, his eyes forming those endearing crescents that you loved, or hated, depending on what you were going for.
“Thank you, Love you”, he called out, jogging away to his class. You watched him run-walk away, almost dropping his sketchbook. Shaking your head in amusement, you smiled somewhat sadly.
“No”, you whispered, “You don't”
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You didn’t know exactly when you fell for Ten, only that it happened suddenly and you couldn’t deny it. He was idiotic, on many levels, but he was sweet and was there for you when you needed it. 
He was a dance major, and an art minor, talented in both these aspects. You had seen him dance, it seemed like his body moved with the music, it told a story every time. He would illustrate emotion with his dancing. He did that with his art too, each stroke equivalent to a sentence from a story.
Anyone could tell he loved both of them.
You let out a frustrated sound, bending down to pick up the pen you had dropped. You were in your apartment, trying to finish an essay that was due the next day. You longingly glanced at your keyboard, the one instrument that you loved.
Well actually, you loved the piano, but you couldn’t haul your piano from back home to your apartment that you had rented out for your college years, and so you settled for a keyboard. You had loved music ever since you were little, instruments making its way in and out of your house. Your jazz phase consisted of saxophones, and you played the guitar for a bit too. You even picked up the drums for a while, insisting that it made you cooler (because every thirteen year old needed that validation), but you settled back to piano eventually.
You took part in competitions and such, sometimes singing along with your playing as well. 
But you couldn’t afford to even think about playing, until you finished your assignments, which were all marked. They were extensive projects that made you want to scream at times. You didn’t care what Shakespeare meant, nor did you want to conduct a survey about emotions. 
Turning the page of your textbook, you switched tabs to your next resource, ready to jot down more notes for the essay, when you saw a notification at the bottom right of your laptop, which was an email. You clicked on it and let it open.
Your eyes widened, gaping slightly at the screen as you read the email.
Good morning/evening,
            We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into The Royal School Of Music on a scholarship. We have received your application and are impressed by your talent and dedication. Please send us a follow-up email within a month's time to confirm your attendance at our institution.
 You grabbed your phone, texting your mother about the scholarship, shaking in happiness. It had been your dream to get into the Royal school, but you had initially applied to it on a whim, not really expecting to get in.
You swiped through your contacts, ready to call Ten, who was regrettably your best friend, to inform him of the good news, until you realized-
The school was in another country altogether.
While you knew Ten would be ecstatic about the fact you got it, you had known each other for four years, the entirety of your college career, and leaving for the school would be a bit of a shock. It was definitely not the fact that telling the boy you loved you were potentially never going to see him again that was deterring you from telling him.
You placed your phone back down, telling yourself you would deal with that later, reminding yourself you had an essay to finish.
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Ten tapped his finger impatiently on the table, trying to figure out a way to get out of this date. Initially, the girl he was out with, Eun Hae by name, seemed nice, but as time went on, it was clear she had no personality. 
Now, Ten wasn’t one to judge immediately. He tried to give her a chance, smiling and indulging in the bland conversation, he smiled and complimented her, and was sweet. It was going fine for a first date until of course, she suggested they share a fruit salad.
There were about fifteen other salads on the godforsaken menu, but no, she had to choose a fruit salad, above everything else.
Ten was not having it.
He excused himself, muttering something about an assignment, and went to the restroom of the restaurant, pulling out his phone and searching for your contact, clicking on it.
 [8:39 pm] 10: y/n
[8:39 pm] 10: y/n
[8:39 pm]10:  my precious friend
[8:39 pm] n/n : what now
[8:40 pm]10: I need help
[8:40 pm] n/n: I refuse 
[8:40 pm] 10: I am ofFENDED
[8:40 pm]10: please my date is making me eat fruit
[8:40 pm] n/n: sounds like a you problem
[8:40 pm] 10: I am quivering in fear and this is how you react
[8:40 pm] n/n: I have three assignments to finish
[8:41 pm] 10: I’ll take you for ice cream
[8:41 pm] n/n: deal
[8:41 pm] 10: why has our friendship been reduced to bribery
[8:41 pm] n/n stfu or I won't come and save you
[8:41 pm] 10: I LOVE YOU 
 He quickly sent you his location and put his phone back, getting back to the table and smiling as realistically as he could at the girl opposite him, who was still going on about one of her friends and their doings, while he tried to look as interested as possible.
“So, should we order-”
Right at that moment, you walked in, hair tousled because of the wind and a disgruntled expression on your face. He made an attempt not to smile at your appearance, ignoring the warm feeling he got on seeing you.
You looked around spotting him and storming over, “Ten Lee, what the fuck are you doing here”, you asked, ignoring the girl that sat right opposite him, mock angrily. He caught on, staring at you in bewilderment, noting the hint of amusement in your eyes, “How dare you to do this to me!”
“Um, who are you?”, the girl asked, seemingly offended that you had interrupted their date.
You scoffed, displaying all your acting abilities in their full potential, “Who am I? Who are you?”
She blinked in confusion, and Ten used every bit of willpower he had to prevent him from bursting out into laughter. “I’m his date?”
“Un-fucking-believable”, you said, “Ten Lee how could you?”
At this point, Ten was invested in whatever lie you had somehow come up with to get him out of this date. It seemed like you had an entire explanation for it, either that or you were taking the opportunity to scream at him. Both seemed valid.
“How dare you lead this poor girl on!”, you continued, taking a turn, making the girl look scared, “You didn’t tell her did you?” “Tell me what?”, she asked anxiously, leaning forward. You fought to keep your straight face on seeing Ten lean forward too, apparently interested in whatever abomination he committed. 
“He’s gay”, you said with as straight a face as possible, which was hard considering the girl looked so embarrassed, you could see her face go red. Your best friend looked at you incredulously, almost as embarrassed as his ‘date’ was, and mildly amused.
“Now, if you’ll excuse us, I’ll be taking him”, you stated, grabbing Ten’s hand and taking him along with you, out of the restaurant and onto the streets.
“You really-” “Ice cream”, you demanded, smirking at his obvious embarrassment. He gaped at your indignance, but nodded, “At least you got me out of there”
“I’m an actress”
“Fuck off”
“Finals are in two weeks, I still come help and this is how to repay me? Ungrateful”
The two of you took Ten’s car to the Ice cream shop, leaning on the hood as you ate your ice cream, with Ten occasionally stealing bites. You smacked his hand away, glaring at his as he tried to take another.
“I’m literally the one paying for it”, he argued.
“This is payment for saving your ass”, you retorted. He slung an arm around you, ignoring you and taking his phone out, scrolling through Instagram. You leaned into him, the scent of your shampoo making its way to him. There was that warm feeling again, and he didn’t like it one bit. 
Deep down, he knew what it was, but he was too much of a coward to ever try, or even take a chance with it, because he wasn’t one for commitment, and even though he had thought about it, he was, as much as he hated to admit it, scared.
“So can I get another scoop?”
“You have assignments to finish”
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The lilting tune played through your apartment, your fingers running across the ivory keys in fervor. They clicked and clacked ever so often, which was the one thing you hated about keyboards. The keys weren’t as firm as an upright piano, giving the music an annoying clickity noise.
Most of the time, you could ignore it, but today you were tired, and this piece was particularly difficult. For some reason, you were having trouble playing the accessories, and keeping the piece in time. You played that part over and over again, but it wouldn’t work.
You switched off the metronome in annoyance, you stared at the music sheet in front of you, trying to figure out how the fuck you should play the piece. Your door clicked, and you did your best to curb your annoyance at the fact someone was interrupting your practise time, no matter how hard the piece was.
Like all keyboards, yours was smaller than an actual piano, and looked very out of place in your apartment, which was warmly decorated with all sorts of trinkets and such. One of Ten’s sweatshirts was thrown on the sofa, and for some unknown reason there were three candles sitting on your table.
It was confusion incarnate, to say the least.
You heard the door click, and a girl walked in, smiling at you. It was the only other person other than Ten who had the key to your apartment, Angie. She was shorter than you, but only by a little bit, had a fringe and brown eyes. She was pretty, and easy to talk to, which was probably what drew you to her in the first place.
“Hey”, she greeted, seeing you on your keyboard, “Whatcha playin?”
“An andante”, you groaned, “Why are you here?”
“I have nowhere else to be”, he said bluntly, “Renjun’s at Doyoung’s place or something”, she pulled out her phone, “I’m just here to chill dude, continue playing, I finished two projects and my brain in dead”
Renjun was her boyfriend, who was on the Dance Team with Ten. The two were ridiculously cute, but due to the fact she now had a boyfriend, the two of you spent less time together. You were okay with it though, you understood.
“Isn’t Doyoung with his girlfriend?”, you asked, and she shook her head, “No, she’s at her Chinese class”
You nodded, going back to your piece, placing your fingers on the correct notes when-
Your door opened and closed again, and you closed your eyes, praying to whatever God existed that one day, you would get to practise without interruptions. Ten trudged through throwing himself on the couch, next to Angie, who paid him no attention. “Hi”, he greeted you, and you glared, causing him to give you a look of confusion.
“What did I do now?”
“Not your fault, sorry, I’m not getting this piece”
He perked up, walking over to where you were, “Can I help?”, he asked, gesturing for you to move to the side of the piano stool so he could sit next to you. He studied the notes, as you looked at him, admiring his side profile, wondering how someone could be so pretty. He placed his hand on the keys, playing it. He made a mistake but in the place you had gotten. He got the part you were struggling right.
“Here, do this”, he explained, “The notes are after the third but before the fourth count, so you have to play it quickly”
You nodded, trying to play it, not quite getting it but it was getting there. He smiled, his eyes turning into crescents as he grinned at you.
You hated his smile.
It was infuriating, the fact that he always helped you, he was always there. You kept finding yourself falling for him more and more, and you didn’t want to, because you knew how Ten was, and it was making the whole ‘telling him about the acceptance into the music school’ a lot harder.
You thanked him, pushing him off the stool playfully so you could finish your practice session before going back to studying. He made a mock offended look, retreating to the couch next to Angie, who was engrossed in texting someone, presumably her boyfriend.
His hair was messed up, sticking up in different directions making him look ridiculously adorable. You shut down the keyboard, knowing that you wouldn’t be able to practice anymore with the both of them around. You went to sit next to Angie, but Ten’s entire presence seemed to be in your way.
“No, I’m comfortable” “Chittaphon Leechaiya-”
“Yeah I’d like some chai”, Angie said mindlessly, causing the two of you to look at her in mild astonishment. She seemingly didn’t notice your gaping looks, still scrolling through whatever she was looking at.
“Did you just reduce me to tea?”, Ten asked.
Angie looked at him, mystified. “It seems so”, you mused. A slow smirk stretched across his lips. He propped himself up on his elbows, his too-long hair falling over his eyes
“I’m flattered”
“Tea is hot. I’m hot”, he drawled, waiting for the two of your reactions to his statement.
You smacked him.
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It was your designated pizza day, which meant Ten was at your place. He was currently in the kitchen getting something to drink and ordering the pizza while you sat alone in your living room.
You looked up at your laptop screen, going over the draft of the email you were to send back the The Royal School of Music. Your parents had been extremely proud of you for getting in, and had called you the other night to congratulate you. You heard footsteps, quickly shutting your laptop down, looking up at Ten who walked into your living room from the kitchen.
“Pizza will arrive in a bit”, he said, handing you your drink and plopping down next to you, “Movie?”
“Uh Bridge to Terabithia”, you spouted, taking a sip. You were supposed to be looking for a movie while he was gone, but instead had begun writing the email, so you spouted the name of one of your childhood favorites, that never failed to make you cry. He nodded and you opened Netflix, quickly searching the movie and pressing play.
Ten wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder as the two of you sat in silence. The movie played, and even though you had already watched it before, you still found yourself invested in it. Except you weren’t completely focusing. Ten was so close, his fingers brushing against your hips, his breath near your neck. It felt right, like you were supposed to be like this.
That was the thing, it never felt wrong when you were with Ten, it was like you were exactly where you were supposed to be. Except of course for the fact he wasn’t yours. You knew how Ten was, he was the heartbreaker, and you were the one who was always there to pick up the pieces. Still it was nice to pretend that he was yours, because that was all you could do.
He kept talking about how he wanted someone who understood him, who he could be with, not just some stupid fling. He kept repeating the same thing again and again, and it frustrated you to no end, because you understood him and you were right there, but he never saw you. He would flirt with you, he would do everything and yet, he would never even think of you.
You leaned into him subconsciously, biting your lower lip as you stared at the screen in anticipation. He started playing with your hair, twirling it around his fingers, his hot breath on your neck making hard for you to fully concentrate on the movie.
You hated the effect he had on you, he had barely even done anything, but had still managed to make you nervous. He pulled you closer, burying his face in the crook of your neck. “Are you even watching?”, you asked, semi breathlessly, “Yes”, he responded, “But I want to cuddle.” You couldn’t argue with that logic, so you relaxed into his embrace, as much as you could. “You’re warm”, he murmured against your skin, looking back up at the screen and humming a random tune. “I’m hungry”
“I think I have some M&M’s on the counter”, you mused, “I’ll go get them”, you jumped at the chance to get up and get away from Ten, who was positively driving you crazy at this point. However, your grand plan was cut short when he refused, “I can go get it”, he made a move to get up.
“Sit down idiot-”, you said, pushing him off you, but accidentally tripped over yourself, falling back into his embrace. He laughed, hands falling to your waist to make sure you didn’t fall. “Graceful”, he snickered, and you glared at him. “I hate you”, you grumbled, “You love me”, he teased, making you almost fall again.
Except this time, his face was dangerously close to yours, and you just stared at him, your mind going blank. His arms were still around you, preventing you from falling. His eyes fluttered down to your lips for a second before he looked back up. He opened his mouth to say something but-
The doorbell rang, startling the two of you out of your trance. You pulled away from Ten, shakily walking over to the door and opening it.
“Pizza?”, the guys asked, handing you the pizza box, “Yeah thanks”, you paid him and walked straight into your kitchen, not giving Ten another look, because you knew that you wouldn’t be able to.
You sighed, shutting your eyes, and trying to collect yourself, before grabbing the M&M’s and walking back into the living room, where Ten was sitting, eyes trained on the screen.
“You missed an entire scene”
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The music echoed through the studio, its melody harsh and striking. It was dark, no lights were on, but the mirrors reflected the only person in the room-Ten.
His figure moved with the music, choosing to do whatever it pleased, trying to portray the beautiful piece to its fullest. The higher notes gave it a sort of hopeful effect, a guide. It lead you to believe that it was alright, it was fine. 
The lower notes added depth to the melody, giving it a richer feel. The two played together made it a beautiful piece, with a sort of melancholic feel. He danced to it, telling a story with his body. Ten would do this sometimes, instead of choosing an upbeat song to dance to, he’d take a classical piece, something that he could feel.
There was something in this piece, the Tempest, that resounded within him. It reminded him of you, specifically your friendship with him if you could even call it that. He got that warm feeling again that day when you had almost fallen. He would’ve kissed you if not for the doorbell. 
Ten wasn’t one for commitment, he wasn’t one for standing up first and telling people about his feelings. He played people, he played them like he painted a picture, or danced.
Speaking of which, the piece had suddenly taken a turn for the turbulent, faster-paced, anxious even. It resembled his feelings perfectly, the random urges to tell you, the anxiety for the outcome. He somehow managed to gracefully enact these feelings, making it look like art instead of the confusion he felt.
Maybe he chose this piece not only for himself but for you too.
It was one of your favorite ones to play, you could and would talk about it for days, especially when you had just mastered playing it. It wasn’t an easy piece, with all the nuances and timing changes, but you pulled it off. He could almost pretend it was you playing.
And then suddenly it mellowed down, the piece sounding hopeful as if there was a light at the end of the tunnel, and you could finally see it. A solution, a happy ending to the harsh waves of the storm, a merry end. His moves became lighter and almost joyful, as he twirled and jumped.
It was all an illusion.
A lie to make you believe the storm was over, there was no hope for this story. The harsh melody returned with vengeance, striking down the sliver of longing, any dream of making it out. Ten did his best to keep up with it, but the sudden change of emotions was startling even to him. It had changed so quickly, he didn’t even have time to comprehend it.
It ended on a triumphant note, like a proud win over an enemy, a victory that shone above everything. Ten ended the dance with a pirouette, panting as he tried calming himself down from the intense session. He couldn’t help feeling triumphant as well, the adrenaline of the piece getting to him, yet, he was skeptical.
Because he had a feeling it was the Tempest that had triumphed, and not him.
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You’ll admit: you were not having fun with Psych. You had been studying all day, trying to absorb some of the stuff you had been taught throughout the year. Even though studying human behaviour had always intrigued and interested you, the reason you chose Psych, you couldn’t care less about oxytocin and how attraction worked, nor did you care about how human behaviour was affected by it.
But you had been at it for the past 6 hours, and was tired, so when Angie came along and expressed her disgust and sympathy about your studying endeavors, she hauled you up from the place you had been sitting at for most of the day and instructed you to change and get ready to go or a party.
So you found yourself at a frat party, Angie's arm hooked in yours and music blaring all around you. It was hot and dark, and you could barely see anything with the terrible lighting. You couldn’t tell what song was being played at such high volume, but awkwardly swayed to it anyways, wondering if staying at home at falling down the hole of ice cream and Netflix would have been a better alternative to this.
There were couples making out, and random beer cans everywhere. Everyone was half drunk, and you took this as an excuse to go get a drink. You turned to Angie who was looking the other way. 
“Angie”, you whisper-screamed her name into her ear, causing her to jump, “I’m going to get a drink okay?”, you explained, to which she nodded. “I’m going to Renjun”, she said, walking away and leaving you alone.
You pushed through the crowd of sweaty adults, to get to the makeshift bar that was at the other end of the frat. You stopped occasionally to greet friends, or smile at a random cute boy, but finally made it to the kitchen. Johnny, one of your other friends stood there, inclining his head in a greeting. “Hey, what do you want?” “Are you in charge of the drinks or something?”, you asked, leaning on the island of the kitchen. He grinned at you, shaking his head, “No, but I’m so much I might as well be!”
You laughed, requesting for your drink of choice, which he went to fix for you. You licked your lips, scanning the area to find another friend to latch onto, since Angie had so kindly abandoned you.
“Didn’t think I’d see you here”, a very familiar voice said form behind you, and you turned to see none other than your best friend.
But he looked nothing like what you were used to.
Ten’s hair was slicked back instead of splayed out on his forehead like usual, his eyes seemed darker, probably due to the alcohol. He was wearing skinny jeans, and a blazer with most of the buttons undone, his chest in full view.
Ten looked hot.
“Uh-”, you started like the well read person you were, “Angie dragged me”
He smirked, “Of course she did”, he took a seat on one of the stools, legs spreading as he leaned back. You looked away, trying your hardest not to stare at the boy in front of you, who was making that mission increasingly harder with every little thing he did.
Johnny came back out, offering you a smile and your drink, which you took from him, returning his smile. He handed a glass of something you couldn’t make out to Ten, who took a sip, keeping it on the island. “You don’t seem to be having fun”, he observed, hands finding your waist and pulling you closer to him.
This was a normal thing, but this time it felt different. It wasn’t the same innocent gesture. “I just arrived idiot”, you scoffed. He smirked, “You can look at me you know”, he teased, and you could feel the heat rush to your face. You turned your gaze to him. Currently you were in between his legs, and your mind was a mess.
The first thing you noticed was his tattoo on his right arm which you had seen before. The next was one you hadn't seen before, and rightly so, since it was on his chest.
“Done staring at me?”, he said with a smirk, and your eyes snapped up to his, holding his gaze. If you hated the effect his eyes had on you before, you positively despised them now. He was staring at you through a half lidded gaze, licking his lips. Even without any alcohol in your system you felt dizzy, but not a sick way. Ten was driving you crazy, with his hands on your waist, eyes on you and just everything about him in the moment.
“You’re pretty”, he murmured, looking up at you, eyes falling to your lips, “Did you know that?”, his voice was deeper than usual, sending shivers down your spine. “I-”
“Hmm?”, he sounded absent minded, like he wasn’t even listening to you, which was great considering you didn’t even know what to say. He pushed you a little, standing up himself, now looking down.
“If you didn’t know, I think you are”, he said, face closer than any friend’s face should have been. You breath hitched in anticipation. “Ten?”, your voice was small, quivering almost under his gaze.
He was so close, painfully close. If anyone asked you how you got into this position in the first place, you wouldn’t be able to explain, not quite knowing yourself. 
“Y/n, I need you for a second”, Angie appeared from nowhere, freezing when she saw the two of you in that position, “Um- I can leave-”
“Hey Ang”, Ten greeted, moving away from you. You missed the proximity, as much as you hated to admit it. You blinked hazily at your friend who had so conveniently interrupted whatever you had going on with Ten. You silently cursed yourself for getting so out of it. “Here, I think Arya is calling me anyways so”, he pushed his hands in his jeans pockets. He glanced at you, before walking away and out of the kitchen.
Would he have kissed you?
You looked over at your friend, who was still staring at you like she had seen a ghost. “Did I interrupt something?”, she asked, eyes wide. You felt embarrassed, taking a step back as if you were trying to walk out of the whole situation. “I’m not sure”, you said, “What do you need me for?”
“I need you to hold my drink, I need to go to the bathroom, Renjun is drunk as fuck and I trust you”, she explained, handing you her glass. You nodded, “And maybe can you watch my dumbass of a boyfriend please?”
You snorted, agreeing and walking to the main area of the party that was unfortunately the most crowded. You spotted Renjun on top of Donghyuck, practically choking the latter boy who was laughing for some reason. You could see why Angie went to you for her drink. Walking over, you tried to help Mark, another one of your friends, in separating Renjun and Donghyuck from initiating the 77th hunger games on a friday night.
After somewhat succeeding in pulling the two away from each other, Angie had arrived, choosing to ignore her wasted boyfriends antics and taking her glass back from you. 
You remembered you had left your own drink back in the kitchen, and so you backtracked your steps to said place, when you saw it.
Ten was standing with a girl, her hands around his neck. He was saying something that made her giggle, throwing her head back in laughter as he grinned happily. You froze watching the scene unbeknownst to Ten. You didn’t know what you were feeling for an entire minute until it hit you.
You were hurt.
It was a pricking sort of feeling, like a rod prodding at your heart. It was like a warning, telling you to look away before it pierced your heart, but you couldn’t look away for some reason. It was like your mind was mocking you, telling you keep watching, to realize you never had the slightest chance with Ten.
You weren’t special, whatever flirting he did with you he did to everyone, anything that had remotely happened wasn’t even mentionable, because you were like every other girl in the crowd, and it fucking hurt. It hurt to see the boy you loved not give you a moment's thought, not even give you a chance.
That night you went back to your apartment alone, leaving Angie to deal with her boyfriend. You had never felt this horrible before, it had never escalated to this level of hurt. This type of hurt was different, a dull ache reminding you of what an idiot you were to have ever hoped for more.
You hated Ten for several things, his eyes, his smile, the way he could make you giddy by doing the simplest things. But in the moment, you hated yourself more.
You hated yourself for loving Ten Lee.
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‘Don’t call me kid, Don’t call me baby, look at this godforsaken mess that you’ve made me. You showed me colours you know i can’t see with anyone else’
You sat on a colourful rug, holding a book up, and surrounded by several other books. You were in a sort of greenhouse, the walls and roof were made completely off glass, and the light streamed through, giving the scene a sort of whimsical aura.
This was the place ten has chosen to paint you, standing behind his easel and and focusing on the canvas, occasionally looking up at you. There were flecks of white and pale blue paint on his face, and he looked whimsical in a way as well.
You sat there, ignoring the warnings in your mind that told you to stay away from Ten for yourself, but you couldn’t bring yourself to. You showed up to the venue right on time, and did your best to not seem any different. You spaced out, eyes focusing on a random word on a page. Ten had promised he was almost done with it, since the two of you had been at it for quite a while now.
His lower lip was caught between his teeth in concentration, hair messed up from the amount of times he had run his hand through it. He stepped back for a second, inspecting his work, a dorky smile stretching out on his lips.
“It’s done!”, he said, “Some fixing, but I can do that later, get your ass here!”
You get to your feet, placing the book on one of the piles of them around you and walking towards him, biting down your own smile at this enthusiasm. You walked behind the easel, your eyes falling on the painting.
It was gorgeous, the colours complimenting each other. The depiction of the light rays was so soft, yet it was there shining down on the main part of the picture- you. He had painted you so prettily, almost fairy like in the midst of the scene. You stared at the painting in awe, unable to think of words to describe it.
“So?”, he asked hopefully, his eyes searching yours for some sort of reaction. You looked at him, then at the painting, then back at him, wondering how he could’ve made it look so fanciful, something out of a disney movie.
“It’s beautiful”, you whispered, your voice not daring to go any louder. He smiled placing his palette down and standing next to you. “It’s not hard when the subject is beautiful”, he said nonchalantly. You froze, silently telling yourself to calm down, to not react to it, that it wasn’t anything to be noted. Yet something in you clicked, shifted into place.
You were angry.
You were furious at Ten, with his pretty smiles and wishful eyes. You hated it when he flirted with you, because he kept leading you on, you hated it when he looked at you like you were the world, because it was a lie, it was all a fucking lie.
“Don’t”, you said, voice shaky. He stared at you in confusion, which only irked you more.
“Don’t”, your voice betrayed you, breaking. He looked alarmed, reaching his hand out, “Hey, Are you okay-”
“No, I’m not okay”, you hissed, slapping his hand away, stepping back. Your mind was clouded with a feeling of helplessness, helplessness at not being able to tell him how you felt, how you hated what he did, how all you wanted was something you definitely couldn’t have. He looked bewildered at your seemingly sudden outburst.
“Stop fucking playing with me”, you said, “I’m not this”, you searched for the words, coming back with nothing, “Stop complimenting me, calling me sweet nothings, making me believe-”, you sucked in a breath, feeling the tears build up in your eyes, years of pent up frustration finally making their way out of you. 
You looked up at him, he still seemed to not be following, “Y/n, I don’t-”
“I’m in love with you”, you choked out finally, the words seeming to tie you down, rather than set you free like you had once hoped. “I’m in love with you”, you repeated, Ten could hear the rage in your voice, washing down on him like the waves of the Tempest, harsh and real. “And I hate myself for it”
Your voice was softer, much more mellow now, like it was tired. A single tear trickled down your face, and you looked up to see a stunned Ten, eyes wide at your state. He said nothing, instead just looked at you, as if you were a different person all of a sudden. It wasn’t a pretty sight, you crying and him standing there like a statue, not a word escaping his lips. 
The air seemed to be colder all of a sudden, biting into the exposed areas of your skin. There was that aching feeling again, that pricking of your heart, the silent ‘i told you so’, that your mind seemed to be playing on repeat. You brushed the tears away from your face furiously, feeling stupid all of a sudden. 
“I’m going to go”, you muttered, grabbing your things and walking out, not caring if you looked idiotic, and not staying to listen to any pathetic response he gave you. 
Ten watched you leave, cursing himself for being such an idiot to you. He didn’t mean to hurt you, he was in love with you himself, but he would never admit it. He hated himself for it, because he knew what he had done. He had flirted with you, had played you, but it was only because he thought the two of you never had a chance. 
He hated himself because it was him, after all this time, who had destroyed that chance.
You sat in front of your computer, back at your apartment, trying not to cry again as you stared at the screen, fingers hovering over the send button. It hurt much worse than you expected it to, his silence had made everything all the worse. But you were tired of him going back and forth. You were tired of having to pick up the pieces every time when he broke another girls heart, or someone else broke his.
You had nothing to lose this time. So alone, in your room you pressed send, signing of your future, sending the email to The Royal School of Music.
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Finals week passed in a blur of stress crying, all nighters and excessive reading of things that you had read a million times before, and if they hadn’t already gotten into your head, they would never. Which prompted the stress crying.
It was a vicious cycle.
You barely stepped out of your apartment, other than to actually take the exam. All your time was taken up in studying, occasionally eating, and studying again. You also didn’t see Ten that much, other than a glimpse, but immediately swerved away, not in any mood to deal with that confrontation as of yet.
Somehow, you managed to make it to the end of the week, without completely going mad. You made it out of finals, and was technically done with your college career altogether, which was crazy to even think of. You had spent the last four years of your life in this hellhole to get to where you were, and you had made it.
So seeing yourself in front of the mirror a week later, donning your cape and cap over your clothes, you smiled for the first time in two weeks. It was the day you finally graduated and went out into the world as a person with a degree. 
Granted, you were slightly pissed at the fact you had spent four years, and paid an enormous amount of money for a sheet of paper, but at the moment, you couldn’t get the fact that you were finally done with it out of your head. You were happy.
The ceremony started off slowly, the principal calling the names of the students in alphabetical order. You saw Ten walk up and take his degree, a broad smile on his lips. You saw Angie take hers, almost tripping over her cape, earning a laugh from the principal, and fond looks all about. You saw Renjun and Donghyuck hugging instead of at each other's throats for once, and Mark randomly beat boxing for no reason.
You went up on the stage, taking the degree and smiling, realizing that your vision was hazy. Tears of happiness had made their way to your eyes, and you blinked them back, thanking the principal and smiling at the crowd. You walked off, going to stand with your little group of friends.
Later on, Angie went off with her boyfriend for a celebratory date, Renjun and Donghyuck decided to crash at Marks place, and you? You decided to walk through the campus one last time, before you never returned. You were done with college and this place wasn’t yours anymore. It held a sort of nostalgic feel all of a sudden, walking under the arches and admiring the architecture one last time.
You were holding your cap in your hand, after finding it on the ground somewhere after the throwing of them. Your cape was folded and hung from your arm as you walked through, deciding to go get some coffee after you were done.
Lost in your own thoughts, you bumped into someone, dropping the cap., “Sorry-”, you begun you apologize for your absent mindedness, crouching to pick up your cap when you saw the person you had run into.
You silently scowled, cursing whatever above that had thrown the two of you together at the very moment, and cleared your throat uncomfortably, looking away. “Hey”, he said breathlessly, looking you up and down. He looked great, he always did, you couldn’t deny the fact no matter how much you were trying to hate him.
“Hi”, you said curtly, “I have to go”
“Wait”, he reached out, grabbing your hand, “Can we talk?”, his voice was tilting towards the hopeful side. It reminded you of your own foolish hope, and you didn’t like it one bit. “No”, you said, “I have to go”, you repeated for words, crushing any hope.
“No- Wait, please, Y/n let me explain”, he pleaded his case, his eyes striking through yours, stirring up some sort of sympathy. Your mind was telling you to go, to get out as fast as possible, but your heart softened, as it always did with him.
“Explain what?”, you chuckled bitterly, “You’ve made it pretty clear how you feel Ten. I was stupid”, your words were hurting yourself, but hurting him too, because he knew it wasn’t your fault.
“No Y/n, you-”
“I what?”, you hissed in question. He spluttered, discouraged by your disinterest in whatever he was trying to tell you. You wanted nothing more to get away from him in that moment, but he seemed to want to stretch out your time together as much as possible. It annoyed you, and made you sad at the same time.
The more time you were with him, the more you could feel your heart break.
“I love you”, he said quietly, “I know I’m a terrible person for leading you on and not realizing earlier, but I love you.” You froze, standing there and staring at him. He looked back, not daring to break your gaze. Instead of joy, which was what you had expected to feel if he ever uttered those words, you felt angrier.
“Please Y/n”, he said, “Just give me a chance?”
You stayed silent, contemplating your choices. “How long have we been friends?”
“How long have we known each other Ten?”
“Four years, but I don’t see-”
“We have been friends for four fucking years. I was there for every heartbreak, every date, every girl. I stood on the sidelines, I listened to you, I have you advice when you needed it, I comforted you when you cried. But you? You never gave me a chance!”, you exclaimed, “Not a second glance, not a single chance.”
He opened and closed his mouth like a fish, taking in your words and trying to think of something to justify them, but he couldn’t, he knew you were right.
“So yes”, you voice quivered, “You are an idiot. You’re an idiot for never realizing my feelings when i made it PAINFULLY obvious”, you took steps back, trying to calm yourself.
“I can't believe I”, you scoffed at yourself, your own idiocy, “I can’t believe that three out of four years I was in love with you, but I guess that’s what makes me the dumb bitch.” You looked away, the words you had wanted to say since forever finally out of your system. He stood there, just a few steps away from you. But then, why did it seem like he was miles away?
“I’m sorry”, he said weakly, “I hate myself for what I did, but Y/n I”, he paused, shutting his eyes in frustration, “I’m in love with you dammit, and I don’t expect you to forgive me for what I’ve put you through but, can we-”
“No”, you said, “We can’t”
“Y/n give us a chance, please”
“You don’t understand!”, you said almost feverishly, blinking back tears, “I can’t Ten”
“Why not?”, he asked, walking closer to you. You took a step back from him, looking at the boy you loved with remorseful eyes. “I’m leaving Ten. I’m leaving for a music school in another country.”
He blanched, any hope withering away, like a dead flower, dried with the summer heat, like a lone boat in the midst of a storm. You let out a pathetic sob, realizing that you couldn’t ever have Ten, no matter what.
“I’ll be gone before we could ever be”
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The world was never fair. It came at you with things you wished never happened, you wished you could change, or would have handled better. Like a storm on an unsuspecting sailor, it’s waves crashed down on you, and you were unable to breathe.
Life was the tempest, with it’s harsh tremors, it’s sudden soft waves that lead you to believe things were going to be okay. It’s highs and it’s lows, the good times and the bad. You found it ironic, the fact you were playing your favorite piece of all time, and it reminded you of reality.
You had always viewed music as an escape from reality, but now you were starting to connect the two, using music to let both the worlds connect. Your fingers flew across the keys, the climactic melody thundering through your apartment.
Finishing the piece, you let out a sigh, taking the music sheets and placing them back in your folder. Shutting the keyboard down, you cleared up a bit, settling down on your couch. Cracking your knuckles, you pulled out your phone to mindlessly scroll through Instagram as one did to pass time.
You seemed to do that often, now that you were officially done with college and had a bit of time before you left for The Royal School of Music, approximately three weeks, you honestly had nothing else to do with your time.
And so, you indulged in the world of reels and other videos that didn’t necessarily add anything of worth to your being. Time seemed to trickle by slowly, much slower than you would have liked. 
Your flight to the country in which the school was in had already been booked, your registration had been completed, and you had even found an apartment to rent over there. Some of your belongings had already been sent for shipping, leaving you with the bare minimum. You had even sold some stuff, because cross country shipping was expensive, and you had gathered quite a few things over your four years staying in your college area that you definitely didn’t need.
It seemed as if everything was set, you were ready to leave everything behind.
Your doorbell rang, it's obnoxious ringing sound making you wince out of annoyance. You got up from your spot on the couch reluctantly, and walked over to the door to open it.
You were met with a slightly disheveled looking Ten on the other side, hair slightly messy. It had been yet another week since you had seen him, not have been in contact since graduation day, and suddenly here he was at your doorstep. Before you could even say anything, he pushed his hand out, thrusting a pizza box in your face.
“I know you don’t want to see me, and I don’t blame you but”, he took a deep breath, “You’re going, and it sucks, but I’m happy for you, so i brought pizza, for old times sake?”
You blinked in surprise, your hands on their own accord and taking the box. As if he could sense you were skeptical, he rambled on, “Just a movie and pizza, then I’ll leave I promise.” Everything inside you screamed at you to say no, but the words left you before you could even comprehend your mind's thoughts.
You opened the door more, walking back into your apartment, opening the box and taking your laptop to search for a movie. He closed the door after himself, taking a seat beside you on the couch, but not touching you. It was like there was a wall in between the two of you, and you couldn’t break it down.
You weren’t sure if you wanted to.
“There’s a new season of His Dark Materials”, you thought aloud, “We could binge that.”
It was so easy, being with Ten. Like falling back into a routine you had missed, a habit that had been cultivated. It was natural, him by your side, eating pizza and searching for a movie or series to binge. It was a tradition for the two of you after all, and even though you had stayed away from Ten for your own heart, it felt so good to do this again. You had missed it.
“Sure”, he agreed, taking a slice of the pizza, the stringy cheese not breaking, “We may need plates.”
You shook your head at his comical state, placing your laptop down and walking into your kitchen, opening the topmost cupboard to get the plates down, when you realized you couldn’t reach it. Now usually, you would just get a stool or something to climb on top off, but that would mean going back out there and admitting to Ten that you were short.
That was not acceptable.
Of course any grand plans of somehow getting the plates down without Ten knowing had been thrown out the window when he himself walked into the kitchen, “Are you making the plates or something? What’s taking so long?”
He spotted you, hands stretching up, leaning over the counter. Ten smirked, walking over and taking the plates down himself, “Someone’s short”, he snickered, to which you glared, “You’re short too dumbass.”
“You’re shorter”, he teased, taking the second plate down. He was standing in front of you, directly facing you as he placed the second plate of the counter top. You stared indignantly at him, and he caught your gaze, holding it. It was the same Ten you had known since you entered your campus, the same Ten you met at that party.
The same Ten you were in love with.
His eyes shifted from yours to your lips, realizing how close the two of you were. His hand raised up to your face cupping it. You subconsciously leaned into his touch, eyes wide, waiting for him to do something, anything.
His eyes searched yours for an answer, some sort of indication that he could go ahead. You knew that nothing good would come from this, but you couldn't help but nod your head a little too fast, and fisting the end of his shirt in anticipation.
He kissed you. 
His lips moved against yours softly, hesitantly, like they were scared you would disappear if he went any faster. It was nothing like you had ever imagined (believe me, you had imagined), but it was better. It was like a culmination of wanting had been poured into the kiss, and you didn’t want it to stop.
You could’ve sworn time had stopped when he kissed you, the world around you seeming to fade away. You could feel your knees going weak with the overwhelming feeling, the flutter in your stomach growing. If you hadn’t been holding onto the end of his shirt so hard, you would have collapsed into him.
“I’m sorry”, he whispered against your lips, pulling away, cupping your face, “I know I’m an idiot”, he confessed, and you resist the urge to agree, “I know I’m an idiot but,”, he stopped again, resting his forehead against yours. “One night”, he whispered, voice shaky now, “Will you be mine for just one night?”
There was something fragile in his voice, like he was afraid of your answer. You looked up, looking at those eyes you hated, but loved at the same time. You silently agreed, pressing your lips to his again, kissing him once more. His hands dropped down to your waist, your hands wrapped around his neck as you stole another long awaited kiss from him.
The plates were long forgotten about, instead the two of you stumbled back into the living room, hands not leaving each other. The back of his knees hit the couch, and he sat down, taking you with him. You sat on top of him, breathing heavily. 
He pressed his lips to your forehead affectionately as you leaned into Ten, not ever wanting the moment to end. “I’m tired”, you whispered, all the years of pining and wishing he was yours suddenly weighing you down. 
“I know”
“This isn’t going to end well is it?”
“I don’t know”, he mused, rubbing your back comfortingly. You looked at him once again, like you had done many times before, except this time he was yours, for how long? You didn’t know. You didn’t want the night to end, the prospect of losing him again already making your stomach pit.
“I love you”, he said, and you didn’t say it back. You didn’t have too, you had said it many times already, you had told him. Instead you kissed him again, getting drunk on him. 
The rest of the night was spent this way,lazily kissing, cuddling, and eating pizza straight out of the box since neither of you wanted to get up again. Ten held you like you were the world, and wrapped your arms around him, burying your face into the crook of his neck. The two of you forgot about the serial you were supposed to binge as well, too caught up with each other to even care.
He told you about how he got scouted for dancing by an entertainment company, you filled him in about The Royal School of Music, about how you were so glad College was over even though you would miss it. He made you laugh with his stupid jokes, and it felt like it had always been. Somewhere along the line, the two of you fell asleep in the dead of the night, or almost morning, tangled up in each others arms, happy.
You woke up on your couch alone, your apartment lonely and silent. You looked around sleepily, your eyes catching a glimpse of the clock on your wall, which told you it was already noon. You pulled your knees to your chest, feeling out of place. Something was missing.
Ten was gone, nowhere to be seen. You tried thinking back, wondering why he was gone, until you realized - one night was over. Like he had promised, he was gone, not yours anymore, and you weren’t his. You shivered, realizing that there wasn’t any blankets or anything on the couch, yet you couldn't seem to get up.
It hurt. You wanted to cry and scream, the realization that he was gone, before you could even fully have him sinking it. It felt so unfair, the fact that you could never really ever have Ten, someone you had loved for four fucking years, for more than a night.
You took in a shaky breath, looking to the end of the sofa, which is when you saw it. It was Ten’s painting, the one of you in the greenhouse, supposedly reading the books. On the top a sticky note read ‘The Tempest’. You brushed your finger over the painting, taking it in. He had left it here for you, and it was the one thing you had of him. At the bottom, it was signed in his handwriting.
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“널 다시 만나면 네 손을 잡고 말해줄 텐데 I will never let you go”
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