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roughridingrednecks · 2 years ago
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therefoream · 6 months ago
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[Image description: redraw of the soyjack pointing meme with Greg and Wirt from Over the Garden Wall. They have shocked expressions, and Wirt is pointing at the Beast as he looms in the background. End ID.]
Holy shit guys it's beastin time
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me3psmp4 · 4 months ago
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They be beastin 🔥🔥🔥
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bungoustraydogs-tr · 18 days ago
Aktif olduğunuzu gördüğüm için tekrar sormak istedim. Geçenlerde bsd beastin türkçe altyazılı film ya da stage playini paylaşmıştınız. Tekrar paylaşır mısınız? Çünkü kaydettiğimi sanıyordum ama kaydetmemişim. 🥲
Az önce gördüm önceki zorunu fakat böyle bir şey paylaştığımı hatırlamıyorum ya da paylaşmışsam geçenlerde değil, ilk çıktığı esnada yani birkaç sene öncesinde paylaşmısımdır. Şu anda telif hakkından dolayı elimde videoların linki yok maalesef.
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jameszintel · 1 year ago
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jamie-spindly · 4 months ago
what if instead of mr beast it was mr freakst and instead of last to leave circle gets money it was last to leaves circle freaky with the beastinator
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gaunt-and-hungry · 1 year ago
Dreamt last night that Francis Crozier kept trying to write a short litany of love poetry. It looked something like this: "You are beautiful the way th' ocean is beautiful. Crest'n foam bout the waves. Tides'n rough wrought'n blades. Stingin a'bite thorough hayze. Fresh lick o salt to m'tongue, dewlike down m'bowsprit an I fret it tears far fore our paces met macushla. I pace bout the top beastin' bray an think of you, if you were, if you c'have me and I have ye, m' beour. Impermissible t'weould be. An in me thinks yer of my Iseult and I Tristan. 'an I'd make ye happy. Likes of a sailor on thar sea happy. For yer as much I nautical an t'gethar we come an go tides and all. If y'd have me. an if y'd have me." There was a pile of them on his desk in his bedcabin and most were crumpled and all soaked with some blotches of ink and it looked as if he were incredibly frustrated with it.
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noneofthisisreal · 1 year ago
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straight beastin
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garnierwrites · 2 years ago
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Uh, new heroines, new Marilyns Move coke through Maryland Through Easton, oh, you beastin' Move fat packs, Jack Gleason The honeymoon's over with the streets shit Least see my kids on the weekend Carter, new Kennedy No ordinary Joe, you'll remember me...
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nightmareentertainment · 2 years ago
UAAUHAHAGSGDVFVFS HELP ME . bros beastin in that mans inbox
there is a beast of some sorts in my askbox
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Blitzo's New Home (A Helluva Boss & The Amazing Digital Circus Mega Crossover)
Chapter 5 - Battle The Abstraction And The Gloink Queen
Fantaur (Blitzo): EVERYBODY, (censored)ING RUN! So Beastine (me), Fantaur (Blitzo), Sweetfluff (Waffle), Windo (Ickis), Color-Go-Round (Unikitty), Pomni, Jax, Ragatha, Zooble, Gangle, and Kinger start running away from the abstraction and it starts to chase them. When the abstraction was chasing Windo, it didn't noticed the handkerchief rope in the middle of the way, then it tripped over it, but me and Jax who were pulling and holding it got pulled and wrapped into it. Fantaur (Blitzo), Pomni, and Color-Go-Round (Unikitty) are found hiding behind a giant block while Sweetfluff (Waffle), Zooble, Gangle, Ragatha, Kinger, and the abstraction passed. Pomni: I can't believe Pupperella gave up. Color-Go-Round (Unikitty): Fantaur, I'm sorry your first day turned into a total disaster. Fantaur (Blitzo): Oh Color-Go-Round, it is not your fault and besides, my first day was good at first before this. Suddenly, Zooble fell to the floor into pieces, then when the abstraction is about to strike, Fantaur (Blitzo) dashed passed with Zooble's pieces and the abstraction starts to chase after them. Zooble: Thanks Fantaur. Fantaur (Blitzo): No problem. All of a sudden, the giraffe phantom clown zebra centaur body-trapped imp stopped, then Zooble asked him why he stopped and looked to see the gloink queen coming out of the pit with her gloinks. Zooble: I think that we may have a bigger problem. Fantaur (Blitzo): Agree Zooble, I agree. We gotta warn the others. The two amazing digital circus members went off to find and warn the others about the gloink queen and the gloinks.
The abstraction is found tackling a giant stack of blocks, trying to get Pomni, Ragatha, Gangle, Kinger, Sweetfluff (Waffle), Windo (Ickis), and Color-Go-Round (Unikitty) who are on the top down. When the abstraction finally knocked the giant blocks down, all the digital circus members start falling, but Zooble and Fantaur (Blitzo) caught them by swinging on the trapeze; Fantaur (Blitzo) was holding Zooble as they hold the others. Pomni: Fantaur, Zooble, you guys saved us. Fantaur (Blitzo): No amazing digital circus member is glitching on my watch. Zooble: We also may have another problem. Sweetfluff (Waffle): What do you mean another problem? When Fantaur (Blitzo) and the other amazing digital circus members land on the floor, they found the gloinks moving things and feeding them to their queen. Color-Go-Round (Unikitty): What are the gloinks and their queen doing back up here? Sweetfluff (Waffle): Is that the bigger problem? Fantaur (Blitzo): Yeah. Kinger: (noticed me and Jax who are still tied together in the handkerchief rope and are now being carried by the gloinks) Oh, hi Jax, hi Beastine. Fantaur (Blitzo): Oh no, (ran up) she isn't (grab and pick me and Jax up off the gloink line) eating them. Gloink Queen: (angerly) HOW DARE YOU GRAB MY PIGS IN A BLANKET?! (Cut to the all the amazing digital circus members; angerly) GIVE THEM TO ME! Windo (Ickis): RUN EVERYBODY RUN! So everyone start running away from the gloink queen and she begins to chase them, but the abstraction showed up in front of the amazing digital circus members. When they all are about to run away again, the gloink queen showed up in front of them. Kinger: WE ARE TRAPPED! THERE IS NO WAY TO ESCAPE! Fantaur (Blitzo) turned his head and sees the stage, then he has an idea; Fantaur (Blitzo): NO WE ARE (censored)ING (he pushed all the amazing digital circus members out of the screethings.
The lights suddenly turned off both the abstraction and the gloink queen are confused, they couldn't see where they are going, so they keep bumping into tnings. Just then, a spotlight showed up and revealed the shadow figure of Fantaur (Blitzo); Fantaur (Blitzo): (singing) 🎵Maybe we started pretty small. Take a look at us now, take a look at us now. So we're standing ten-feet tall. Take a look at us now, take a look at us now. Buddy, you were all in the tank. So take a look at us, take a look at us ...........Nooowww, take a look at us now, take a look at us nooowww, Oh-oh, oh-yeah. When that perfect plan's goin' off the rails, a heap of trouble is on our tails, it's time to polish up those scales, and give it all we've got 'Cause in the center of the spotlight, we just might have found our spot. (Music qued; more shadow figures showedup) ........... (more spotlights popped on and revealed the shadow figure of Fantaur/Blitzo walking along the stage) Give us a spotlight (stopped and slid) and a crowd. Take a look at us now (the other amazing digital circus members popped up, five on each side sing "take a look at us now"). (Cut to the abstraction being affened) Ready to sing our song out loud. (Cut to the gloink queen being affened) Take a look at us now (Gloink Queen: What is that awful madess? "take a look at us now"). Our big shebang, our grand debut. (My foot and Jax's foot showed up and each stepped on a ball, then launched into the air) Now, we've got the hang of it, (I kicked the gloink queen) me plus (Jax hit the abstraction with a bat) you. Seems that things just might come through somehow (somehow). Buddy, you were all it took. (I start singing along with Fantaur/Blitzo) Buddy, you were all it took. (Pomni starts singing along with Fantaur/Blitzo) Buddy, you were all it took. Take a look at us now (take a look at us now), (cut to the abstraction and the gloink queen backing up) take a look at us now (take a look at us now), (cut to the glitching circus members) take a look at us now (take a look at us now), take a look at us now (take a look at us now), take a look at us now (take a look at us now), take a look at us now (take a look at us now). (The gloink queen went back into the pit with her gloinks) Yeah, yeah (take a look at us now), yeah (take a look at us now). Take a look at us (Caine showed up) Noooowwww🎵!
Just then, the lights went back on and then the sound of Caine clapping is qued. Caine: Wonderful, splendid, magnificent. Fantaur (Blitzo): Thanks Caine. All of a sudden, the denture-headed ringmaster sees the abstraction, then he asked "Is that an abstraction" and Fantaur (Blitzo) tells him that he and the others came to check on Pupperella, then he got to meet her, he also tried to cheer her up by singing and dancing with her, but she abstracted. Caine: (pointed his finger) That's Pupperella? I told Caine "Yeah". Caine: Pupperella abstracted? Why did anyone tell me? The denture-headed ringmaster stuck his tongue out, then he snapped his fingers and the abstraction starts floating in the air. Caine: Into the cellar you go. A black hole appeared and the abstraction went into it. The glitching circus members showed up in front of Caine; Caine: Oh, did my meowing milkmaids got effected by the abstraction? Mirrorette (Oblina): Ye-es we d-i-i-d. Caine: Well, I can fix that. When the denture-headed ringmaster snapped his fingers again, the members stopped glitching. Fantaur (Blitzo): Wait Caine, can't you just heal Pupperella instead of what you did? Caine: I'm sorry Fantaur, but it is just impossible to heal an abstraction. Fantaur (Blitzo): Oh. Inflato (Rigby) put his hand on Fantaur (Blitzo)'s shoulder and comfort him, then he tells him they can give Pupperella a nice funeral. Fantaur (Blitzo): Wait, what? Kinger tells him that they can have funerals in the circus to honor memories of members who abstracted. So all of the amazing digital circus members, including Fantaur (Blitzo) are gathered in front of a box with flowers and a picture of Pupperella in the middle on top of the lid. Fantaur (Blitzo): Uh, what's in the box? Is there Pupperella's remainings? Sweetfluff (Waffle) went up next to the box; Sweetfluff (Waffle): Well I'm already...(sniffle; tears start flowing in his eyes) breaking. So every member said a few words; Sweetfluff (Waffle) was first, I was next with tears in my eyes, then Pomni, and then Jax. Spellusion (Mordecai): (cut to Fantaur/Blitzo) Hey Fantaur, (cut to him and Fantaur/Blitzo) Would you like to say a few words? So the giraffe phantom clown zebra centaur body-trapped imp went up and say "Well, I got to meet Pupperella before she abstracted, I then tried to cheer her up and comfort her by singing and dancing, but it didn't do the trick". I started crying while hugging Pomni, Jax, and Zooble tight; that chokes Pomni and Jax, and it broke Zooble into pieces); Zooble: You will have to excuse her, she can be overly emotional with this.
Color-Go-Round (Unikitty): (went up to Fantaur/Blitzo) Uh, Fantaur? Since you are new here, would you do the honors? Fantaur (Blitzo): Honors? Honors of what? At the hallway, all the amazing digital circus members are gathered around Pupperella's door. Color-Go-Round (Unikitty): I usually do this every funeral, but since you're new here, (took off one of her paintbrush horns and hand it to Fantaur/Blitzo) you do the honors. So the giraffe phantom clown zebra centaur body-trapped imp take Color-Go-Round (Unikitty)'s paintbrush horn and paint a red X on the picture of Pupperella. Fantaur (Blitzo): Why can't their doors just, you know, disappear? I hugged Fantaur (Blitzo) tight and continue crying. Ragatha: Not again. Jax: Hey look, the other crybaby has returned. Pomni: This happens when Beastine attended the last two funerals. It'll take her eleven days to get over it. Fantaur (Blitzo): How about you join me to check out my new room. So me and Fantaur (Blitzo) entered his new room; Fantaur (Blitzo) looked around at his new room and said "Woah" as the music, "your new home" starts playing. He took a lay-down on his new bed and brought me along, then we snuggled. Fantaur (Blitzo): Don't worry Beastine, everything is going to be alright.
The screen zoomed out to the tent, then zoomed out to the grounds, zoomed out to the grounds and the void, zoomed out to the void, and all the way to the old computer.
The End
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makb546 · 5 months ago
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We Gang Beastin
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lyrics365 · 9 months ago
[Bru-C] Bits, Bits, Bits, Bits Come for your bits [Window Kid (Bru-C):] Move round the UK Bag a next duvet True say Got a new bae in Norway, foreplay With a next ting from Utah New bars, tunes are Better ring Brustar (Beastin’ from my ting up in Sweden) (Reason, I’ma link that on the weekend) (Peak ting, she got tits just like bee stings) Not gonna tell dat or hurt da feelings, dartin’ I come…
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gollyg · 2 years ago
My favorite scene in the Mr beast movie is when he said "it's beastin' time" and beasted all over those transphobes
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"Mr. Beast Trans Rights Arc" was not something I was expecting but you know what? I'm here for it.
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bungoustraydogs-tr · 2 years ago
Dazai hakkında bir şeyler düşündüm ama çok bilinen bir şey mi ya da saçmaladım mı bilmiyorum. Dazai'nin ilk sezon opde binadan atlaması sanki beastin sonuyla aynı gibi ya da başka bir opde Dazai'nin şarkıyı senkronize şekilde söylemesi de beastteki tekillik olayı ile alakalı sanırım. Demeye çalıştığım şey Dazai Akutagawa'yı vurma sahnesinde ben doğruluğun nefret ettiği adamım derken kitabın dışındaki gerçeklikten bahsediyordu muhtemelen ve Dazai'nin iyi tarafa geçebilmesi de sebep sonuç ilişkisi doğrultusunda olması gerektiği için kitaba Odasakunun öldüğü yazılmıştı, özünde o anda bizim Dazaimizin içinde iyilik olsa da kitap kurallarını bozmamak için öyle davranmıyor gibiydi. Her şeyi tahmin edebilmesi ya da kalbini durdurabilmesi de kitabın dışındaki Dazai'nin ona yardım etmesiyle alakalı bence. Tabii spesifik olarak başka bir Dazai olması gerekmiyor ama Dazai'nin bu her şeyi bilen havası mükemmel bir deha olmasındansa bence kitabın sahibinin onu kullanmasından kaynaklanıyor ki Ranpo'nun Poe'nun kitabının içine girdiği bir durumda yazar-karakter işbirliği söz konusuydu. Dazai'nin diğer karakterlerin sahip olduğu o kötü geçmişten ziyade orda olması gerektiği için olması da bununla alakalı gibi. İnsanlığımı Yitirirken'de nasıl başta Şuuci Dazai'yi Dazai de Yuko'yu yarattıysa burda da öyle bir katmanlılık varmış gibi seziyorum. Örneğin olayı yaşayan Yozo ise,bizim durumumuzda mangadaki Dazai, sebep sonuç ilişkisi isteyen Dazai ve her şeyi yazan da Şuuci gibi. Umarım çok saçmalamamışımdır ama fikirlerini duymak istedim.
Uzun olduğu için özür dilerim ve umarım olan olaylardan sonra herkes biraz daha iyidir ♥️
BEAST'ın yazılma kararı Dead Apple Gişesinden sonra alınmıştı. Birinci sezon 2016'da, Dead Ape ise 2018'de yapıldı. Yani BEAST anime çıktıktan çok çok sonra yazıldı.
Bazen teori yazarken insanlar çok derin düşündüğü için basit ayrıntıları gözden kaçırıyor. Normal bir durum, eminim hepimiz yapmışızdır ama bazen basit düşünmek iyidir. Bu kadar ince düşünmeye gerek yok.
Ekleme: Çevirisi yok ancak açılış jeneriğinin neyden esinlenerek yapıldığını anlatan bir röportaj zaten mevcut. Bitiş jeneriğinin dergideki açıklamasını ve röportajını çevirdim ancak açılış jeneriğinin çevirmedim.
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chorusfm · 1 year ago
Albums in Stores – Mar 8th, 2024
If you hit read more you can see all the releases we have in our calendar for the week. Hit the comments to access our forums and talk about what came out today, what albums you picked up, and to make mention of anything we may have missed. A Blur Within – Distance From SelfAlice Cooper – Billion Dollar Babies (50th Anniversary Deluxe Edition)Anal Railgun – Anail RailgunAncient Teeth – HumanizerApogean – CyberstrictiveAriana Grande – Eternal SunshinediscussBananarama – Glorious – The Ultimate CollectionBefore The Dawn – Archaic FlameBite The Hand – Brutal By DesignBleachers – BleachersdiscussBreathe Carolina – Rain DropsBruise Bath – Unyielding OptimismCall It Home – UnfamiliarCell Press – CagesCurses – Into EmptinessDion – Girl FriendsDomain – Life’s Cold GraspDrag Talk – Rosy CrownEarly Moods – A Sinners PastEverChanger – ExterminatusExhorder – Defectum OmniumFLOYA – YumeGhost Work – Light A Candle For The LonelyGost – ProphecyGrayscale Season – Feel Something NewGrey Skies Fallen – Molded By Broken HandsHouwitser – Sentinel BeastIn Clover – Lowest FormIn Your Distress – Shackles & ShadowsIsenordal – Requiem For EirênêJudas Priest – Invincible ShieldKanye West & Ty Dolla $ign – Vultures Vol. 2Kelevra – OneiricKill The Lights – Death MelodiesKim Gordon – The CollectiveKollapse – ARLoreena McKennitt – The Road Back HomeLove Rarely – Lonely PeopleMaggie Lindemann – HEADSPLITMakari – Wave MachineMaster Peace – How To Make A Master PeaceMayday Parade – Mayday Parade LoFiMeatbodies – Flora Ocean Tiger BloomMerrimack – Of Grace And GravityMidas Fall – Cold Waves Divide UsMidnight – Hellish ExpectationsMoor Mother – The Great BailoutMyrath – KarmaNOAHFINNCE – Growing Up On The InternetNick Johnston – Child Of BlissNo Worth Of Man – What’s Your Damage?Norah Jones – VisionsNothing – Guilty Of Everything (10th Anniversary Deluxe Edition)Pantheïst – Kings Must DieParkwood – Blue DevilRetrace The Lines – Echoes Of Love And HateSafehxen – LighthouseShadohm – Through Darkness Towards EnlightenmentShadow Of Intent – Elegy: The SoundtrackSienna Skies – Only Change Is PermanentSkeletal Remains – Fragments Of The AgelessSkull Incision – GrimSlimelord – Chytridiomycosis RelinquishedSo Pitted – ClonedSonata Arctica – Clear Cold BeyondSquid Pisser – Vaporize A TadpoleTKTWA – EukaryoticThe Children – Sudden CravingThe Jesus And Mary Chain – Glasgow EyesThe Jesus and Mary Chain – Glasgow EyesThe Libertines – All Quiet On The Eastern EsplanadeThe Neptune Power Federation – Goodnight My ChildrenThe Wind Covenant – HiraethToo Close To Touch – For KeepsUncle Woe – Oblivion And Further DisasterVicinity – VIIIXhale – First BreathYard Act – Where’s My Utopia?foamboy – Eating Me Alive --- Thanks to helloiamzach for providing additional contributions to this week’s list. You can check out and support his weekly music podcast It’s Not A Phase or follow him on his socials. --- Please consider becoming a member so we can keep bringing you stories like this one. ◎ https://chorus.fm/albums-in-stores-today/albums-in-stores-mar-8th-2024/
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