*hands javier a kitten* gato :3
“…” [Javier pulls gatito close to his chest.] “Your name shall be Frijoles.” [He moves a hand down, pressing his thumb against his little paw beans, making him meow. His eyes widen and he bursts into a fit of giggles, kicking his feet and falling back.]
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inkbagel · 25 days
Some thoughts I have about the tøp lore bc it gets inconsistent at times
I think Clancy and Torch were best friends growing up, and Torch managed to escape way before Clancy could even think about it. However Clancy thought Torch died after leaving (oooo brainwashing the bishops don’t want Clancy trying to escape toooo) I think the handshake they do in natn is proof of this bc CLEAARLY they know each other well enough to have a secret handshake which is something not a lot of ppl do without someone they’re very close to
This one’s (I think) 100% canon but I never hear anyone talk about it, Clancy writes a lot of music. (I was thinking as a full time job but my siblings think he does it as a hobby) even outside of sai era he wrote that one note where he said he went along with what the bishops did to him bc “at least he’s finally creating again” this basically confirms it to me.
^ but also he writes music specifically for the Banditos. That’s why every time they go to save him he plays music for them. He’s like the voice of the Banditos. The party isn’t started without their weird little music man from the concrete city.
He wrote music initially just to create art and stuff in the city but over time he started to realize what vialism actually was and started to speak out against it (neon gravestones) before meeting the banditos and trying to stay with and write music for them.
Torch definitely always wanted to go back and rescue Clancy, but didn’t know how. He was prolly still a kid when he escaped and didn’t have the time or resources to go back. He eventually became the leader of the banditos and while he still wanted to try to find Clancy he has way more responsibilities so he tried to keep himself from doing anything rash by convincing himself Clancy was dead.
That is until the jumpsuit mv where he saw Clancy just walking around outside but getting chased by Nico. After he got captured again torch decided to just go after him and stop being so cold hearted
I wanna say the jumpsuit mv is also when Clancy found out torch is still alive, but it’s a little hard to recognize torch there. (I think Clancy still does recognize him through the power of love)
Clancy being canonically a music artist makes everything way funnier to me. The chosen one with the magic power to seize bodies and in return get seized despite still being alive, who’s leading the Banditos into battle, who befriended the Neds, creatures thought to be extinct, who is constantly chased down by the bishops with eyes on him at all times, with the most main character energy out of anyone, is a singer? That’s hilarious to me.
I love when protagonists are actually just anyone. Like Jonathan sims. That guy was an asshole nobody liked and he never wanted to be the main character OR friends with anyone involved and yet he was. Clancy is like that. How many music artist main characters are there. How many main characters are just pathetic guys who also play music as a job. I love him.
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soliscital · 8 months
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Heyhey I'm jumping on the bandwagon! :D I've been tagged by @artekai to do this picrew with my OCs!
Alas, I nominate @erevoid, @odnyrion, @anagniou, @novastellaris to join the trend (because you've all got awesome OCs) (and because you're the only people I remotely know on this site help <3) No pressure to do it though!
From left to right!
• Sorya (Horizon Zero Dawn): A former Eclipse runaway who's on a quest to right her wrongs. Journeying back to Meridian with newfound company, she slowly learns how to live life anew.
• Meril (Horizon Zero Dawn): A Banuk shaman who's trying to get over his traumatizing past. Curious about the world of the Old Ones, he finds comfort in trying to uncover stories of the past. (Meril belongs to @erevoid <3)
• Anash (Horizon Zero Dawn): A high ranking Eclipse who's devastated at the loss of Sorya, his only friend. Upon learning that she's faked her death, he abandons his morals and restraints and goes down a dark path, having sworn revenge on her. (Anash belongs to @erevoid <3)
• Luyten (Oneirophobia - D&D Original): A felifolk barbarian who's banished from her village for treacherous behavior against their religion. She and her unlikely friends adventure their way through the world of Speira and delve into the mysterious realm of dreams.
• Mercury (LARP Original): An orphan from a raided village who grew up to be an assassin for hire. Mercury makes her way into the ranks of a royal faction where she serves as a scout. She struggles with her identity as a person and doesn't let her emotions slip easily, making it hard to approach and befriend.
• Nameless (Minecraft): A biblically accurate amnesiac. Nameless claims to have fallen from the Aether but has forgotten everything else ever since and is desperately trying to find her way back. She spents her time in the Overworld learning how it works with the humans who nursed her back to health.
• Sol (Elite Dangerous): A seasoned pilot who loves explore the unknown. She's rebelled against the will of her parents to support the Federation, which has costed her contact with her younger sibling. She aspires to reconnect with them one day.
• Eden (Twenty One Pilots): A double agent who's an informant for the banditos, while also a trusted member between the bishops. The more she uncovers within the facility the further she's driven away from them. She slowly learns how to live between the rebels.
• Koi (Kingdom Hearts): Teleported from her homeworld under mysterious circumstances to Traverse Town like many others, Koi has to get used to a new form, environment and people, as well as dangers. She meets Tenelux, a fellow keyblade wielder who sticks around so they can find how to get back home together, combating darkness and jumping from world to world.
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Invisible truth character info;
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Summary; info about Rick, Claudine, Rachel, Miguel, Zoey, and Rory Madrigal in my Encanto-disney descendants au.
Rory is closer to Zoey.
Miguel is closer to Rachel.
Rick and Claudine are closer to one another.
Rick is the oldest of the Next Generation of Madrigals in the Invisible Truth au. Which can be a stressful job when you have ALOT of siblings and cousins.
Rick is a human lie detector, Claudine can turn invisible, Rachel has sewing animation, Miguel can create shields, Zoey is a machins communicator, and Rory can see into the past.
Rick, Miguel, and Zoey have black hair, Claudine has red hair, and Rachel and Rory have blonde hair.
Rick, Claudine, Rachel, and Rory (and their cousins) don't know where they came from for the longest time.
Their cousins take the news alot better than they do.
Rick has a stuffed raccoon named 'Bandito' that Bruno bought him from the market.
He also got Claudine a stuffed lamb named 'Theo."
Rachel and Rory both have stuffed animals that were gifted to them by Bruno.
Rachel's is a hummingbird named 'hummer.'
Rory's is a pug named 'Bah.'
Rory loves top hats.
Rachel likes bandanas.
Zoey is in band and Miguel is on the Tourney team.
Zoey has bad eyesight like her dad.
Miguel likes costumes like his dad and also enjoys gardening.
Miguel and Zoey are nine months apart, and are Isabella and Bubo's children.
Zoey plays the drums.
Miguel is jersey #44 and a forward in Tourney. He and Zoey go to Auradon Prep.
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tua: the Trench AU
I’m writing this here because I can’t be bothered to open my notes app rn and if I don’t write it down I’ll forget abt it
The Hargreeves siblings live in Dema. They are in a kind of bourgeoise social class due to their old money but some of them (Diego, Klaus, Viktor) fell down a class, purposely or not. Ben is dead because I can’t write him but Klaus hallucinates him around due to drugs and alcohol. Their father is dead too. They’re adopted and the same age as in season one. Five is 13 years old but he’s very mature for his age. D, F, and K live together in a small apartment and have shit jobs: Diego is a taxi driver, Klaus is a minor, Five is a minor (pun). Luther and Allison are respectively a cop guarding the Dema border and an actress in propaganda movies. Those two live together in the old Hargreeves house but they aren’t necessarily a thing. V lives alone, he’s a music teacher.
The fic starts when Five goes missing after school. Viktor first notices because Five is at his school and skipped his class, the last of the day. Diego and Klaus realize (through a note Five left for them) that he intends to join the banditos. The whole family has the same bishop who will start looking for him as soon as he knows of the escape, however his brothers aren’t fond of that idea because they’ve seen people be dragged back to Dema and they were hurt by their bishop. They’d rather they got him back by themselves. They contact Luther and Allison, she wants to go looking for him but he doesn’t, as a border cop this would be bad for his reputation if he left his position. They convince him to at least keep quiet abt it. Allison, Diego, Klaus, and Viktor pack and leave Dema.
They trek through the countryside for a while. Allison and Diego’s biggest concerns are what the banditos are going to do to Five if he gets to them, and what will happen to him if he gets lost. Klaus and Viktor worry about the bishop’s punishment on Five. There have been a lot of escapees recently and the ones who got caught by their bishops were treated as examples for the other citizens. After a day of walking, they realize someone is following them, and attack him only to find out it’s Luther. He didn’t want to let down his family and besides it would be good for his rep if they got Five back before anyone (even the bishop) notices his absence. They’re all together now, except for Five.
While they’re crossing the country, they start to rethink their views on vialism. It is the reason why Five left after all. They all more or less subscribe to this religion, be it in a genuine way or a self loathing way, i guess it’s both. but they discover how life can be outside of Dema and wonder if vialism is worth it. Everyone is sort of having an existential crisis.
On the second night they camped and are asleep except for one guarding them, when that siblings hears someone. It’s the family’s bishop (Idk if I should invent one or not) who knows they all disappeared. He rides his horse past them without noticing them and goes away. The siblings have a conversation, because now it may look like they planned to leave with Five when really they wanted to get him back. Some want to return to Dema, some want to get Five then go back to the city, and some want to find and stay with the banditos. They figure out they’ll stick together for now and make a decision when/if they find the banditos.
The banditos are much closer than they think. They have a settlement nearby Dema, where Five took shelter when he left. He’s on his way to the main camp but he’s not alone at all. A bandito has been following them from afar ever since they left Dema, that rebel doesn’t know that they’re Five’s family so they don’t interact with the Hargreeves. They just keep an eye on this group of Dema citizens.
I’m there so far. I wanna write about the bishop attacking the banditos and Five getting out alive but smeared and eventually finding his family, but I’d have to make this post even longer.
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the-whispers-of-death · 6 months
Here, have some OC crumbs 🫧
-Bandito loves art, and painting. Used to paint a lot when she and Simon were growing up. By paint I mean graffiti. She was the outgoing one, and Simon was more reserved. He'd sit with her while she spray painted and then they'd both run from the police.
-Crow loves greek mythology. He has battered copies of the Iliad, the Odyssey, and the Aeneid. He's the one who gave Andromeda his name.
-Dobermann is very lively and outgoing. He grew up with Crow and considers him a brother, and is fiercely protective of him, which earned him the name Dobermann. Crow once gave him a collar as a joke, which he unironically still wears.
-"It is said that any man born at the same time Andromeda is said to rise from the sea will be one without mercy; he will be emotionally unmoved even in the presence of grieving parents. The constellation also influences the birth of the executioner, a man who will kill swiftly for money and kill willingly. Sources describe men born with the rise of Andromeda as one who would feel nothing if faced with Andromeda chained to her rock, just as Perseus did and fell in love with the girl." Crow gave the name Andromeda to his friend because he always seemed serious and unaffected.
-The twins aren't actually twins, or even siblings. They did, however, grow up together as siblings and regard each other as the only family they have.
-Bandito has a name! in fact, all of my OCs are named now.
-Oni's mother lead a Sukeban gang in Japan. Oni took a lot of inspiration from her mother, dying her hair bright colours, wearing cut blazers and long skirts, and learning how to fight.
I'm speechless but I love them all, I swear. Need all of them in my live. I'm obsessed.
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roninreverie · 3 years
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I got the urge to try my hand at the 9 children of La Muerte and Xibalba. So here they are! 😂
Now, I attempted to base it on El Tigre character concept art styles and a dash of research into Mesoamerican mythology, but I may go back one day and do it more like my own/ take my time on details.
Sartana, we know from El Tigre.
Then there's Mariposītz (a spin on the Spanish word for butterfly and the goddess Ītzpāpālōtl). She used to have these black butterfly wings, but I imagine the thing that got Sartana banished from the realm of gods was her removing them in a jealous rage because she was the only of their siblings who had wings like their father and the potential to become a death goddess to replace Lady Micte. I wondered about just letting her BE Ītzpāpālōtl, (and maybe calling her Lottie) but I'm going to have to do more research for that. 😅
Ek Cacao is based on Ek Chuaj, the deity of merchant travel, war, and chocolate. I wanted them to have a kid with a melted chocolate theme, but then I learned there actually IS a Mayan god affiliated with chocolate, so BOOM!
Sombra is made of shadows, but has a sort of bandito theme, and I liked the idea of him being obsessed with teeth (especially the old bejeweled Mayan kind). Since his mom and some of his siblings are made of candy, I thought it was funny if he was more of a "tooth fairy" character who carried a a macuahuitl.
Pantano is made of swamp murk and stone, and is supposed to be more elemental, like La Noche and Chamuco. His size is similar to Mictlan, but he is more of a timid, gentle temperament and is greatly invested in nature (kind of like post-quinceañera Micte, I guess?). His design could use some work, but I was going for the JRG luchador style. Accidentally, I think he turned out a lot like Cabrakan and Cipactli from Maya and the Three.
Xochitl is based on poinsettia flowers and I ran with that for a whole Christmas theme. I wasn't sure if I liked black hair like La Muerte or Silver color like Xibalba, so I did the anime thing and just split it down the middle.
For the last 3 sons, Mayor, Menor, and Sol Bemol, I wanted small, mischievous triplets, personalities akin to the "detention schoolkids" from the Book of Life. They're named after musical notes as an homage to Manolo's guitar playing which inadvertently helped rekindle La Muerte and Xibalba's marriage. I was calling them the "Alux Trillizos", Alux being little sprites in Mayan mythology, and Trillizos like "triplets" or like the chords played on a Spanish guitar.
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angelfoodcake08 · 3 years
I am back with my hyperfixation! With vague story plots this time.
So, I've been rethinking over this & came up with a few ideas. Feel free to lend any ideas to the list if you'd like.
Opt 1: She [protag] is a hermit who lives in an abandoned mansion nobody wants to go to because they think it's haunted. She has a sort of ofrenda where she keeps a book filled with stories of her family stories, jokes, pictures, etc. That or she has a library of them. She was a small girl when she first saw Bruno from afar & was far too shy to ask him if he liked her, too.
Opt 2: She is a grown woman who once dated Bruno after years of being his friend pre- & post-ceremony. Sadly, he vanished without a trace which left [protag] heartbroken. In her anguish & confusion, she moved to a mansion built into the mountainside. It needed a lot of TLC from the time Bruno vanished & [protag]'s arrival there, but the ever adaptive woman suited her new home with all of her handcrafted &/or repaired refurbishments. She found a library of empty books & began writing things like poetry, stories, fairytales, even dabbled in some sketches.
Opt 3: she was a preteen/teenaged drifter of unknown origins & was unofficially adopted by the locals after they saw how thin & dirty the young woman looked. She meets Bruno in his corresponding youth & they hit it off instantly, laughing & joking on her breaks from her job(s).
Additional story elements that might be mixed in later:
Add. Opt. 1: she's the descendent of the bad men or banditos that took Abuelo Pedro from Abuela Alma before coming like nothing happened. She learned of their crimes as a teen & was rightfully appalled upon hearing the tale her male family members were cackling at over a few too many pints of some sort of alcohol. She either left after being disowned & stripped of her familial commodities (name, home, etc.) & sent out into the vast lands to fend for herself or ran away to hide where she could never be found by her 'family', reshaping herself with a whole new name, clothes & cosmetic aesthetics that her female family members had enforced upon her early on in her life, even going as far as to chop her knee-length braid into a curly, Shirley Temple type cut.
Add. Opt. 2: She's was a baby one family found drifting in the river where we see Luisa setting the bridge in place in the first song of the film, not too far from the first few buildings & the Encanto. Another version has a near pre-ceremony Bruno, Pepa, & Juilieta finding her & basically bringing her to Mama Alma who holds a village meeting to decide who would be the babe's caregiver(s) & new family after finding a note begging whoever found the little, light-skinned beauty to take her in as their own for one reason or the other.
Add. Opt. 2.2: she's the daughter of one of the men who took Pedro from Alma & her mother didn't want to risk another one of her children facing the life her older siblings grew into.
Add. Opt. 3: She was born to a local family of coffee bean farmers (???), fell hard for the younger Bruno, &, after he vanished & the town began turning against her with typical ridicules, fled to an abandoned dwelling built into the mountainside far from prying eyes. She finds books, a telescope, & a basic homey setup; sort of like a well-off person & their family up & left leaving everything behind including clothes she made into garbs of her own. As was the case in Opt 1 & 2, she removed the home to her liking.
Thank you for reading, have a cute gif of Bruno. 😊
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christinebrailsford · 4 years
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Having fun testing out this new 7’8” Wilderness Explorer! . . The Wilderness Explorer is the Cosmic Bandito’s compact, nible little sibling⚡️ . . ▫️Effortless paddle and down the line speed ▫️User friendly tri plane hull bottom for glide and lift. ▫️Roll to tucked under edge for soft transtions and ease of turning. ▫️Stock dims will be available 7’2” - 8’2” . . After dealing with a knee injury last month, this board has been keeping me stoked and allowing me to surf as I heal. Can’t wait to surf it in better surf soon! . . #furrowwildernessexplorer #furrowsurfcraft #miniglider (at Moonlight Glassing Co) https://www.instagram.com/p/CG8032TH6ag/?igshid=w1ydhkegzo7p
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blurry-fics · 5 years
Request List
Hey, everyone! So, it has come to my attention that people’s asks are getting eaten? And since I want to make sure everyone has a fair shot of getting their request written, I decided to go ahead and compile all the ones I received so that all of you can double check!
As I said to the ask earlier, I’m going to rely on the honor system here. Please don’t send in an additional request if you didn’t send it in before requests were closed! Also please remember that just because I received your ask does not mean it’s guaranteed to get written! I have a lot of projects coming up so I have to be extra picky this go around! Anyway, here’s the list:
(Putting it under a cut because it’s long)
what if you did one where Josh works at Guitar Center and the reader comes in because she is interested in learning an instrument (drums? uke? guitar? idek man) and the rest is history :) -faceofcontvsions
angst song imagine for Josh to the song I’ll Be Good by Jaymes Young ? please.
Iris - GooGoo dolls for Tyler song imagine.
Unloving You by Alex Aiono for Josh song imagine please? Angst?
I have a request! So, say the reader is either in the military or something along those lines and promised Tyler they'd be back for Christmas. However, something came up, and they couldn't make it. It was a distraction to throw Tyler off since his alumni game or something was coming up, and the reader was gonna surprise him there. Well, while they're having they have the players introduce their names, the reader surprises Tyler or so. Maybe Josh or family is the only ones who knew about the gift
As You Need - Alex Aiono for Tyler Joseph Fluff ?
Unloving You By Alex Aiono For Josh. ANGST. Don’t Know If That’s Okay But I Hope So .
josh dun fic where its his birthday and he gets and hurt and has to go to the hospital? (reader is a doctor there!!)
Bed sharing fic with Josh? I'll leave all the creativity up to you!!!!
“Hi friends just here to remind you not to imagine your otp on a hammock together. Don’t imagine Person B is asleep on Person A’s chest and definitely don’t imagine Person A with one foot on the floor so they can rock the hammock in hope of keeping Person B asleep” -ohprettyweeper
Hey I was wondering if you could write another imagine set in Trench? It doesn’t really matter if it’s for Josh or Tyler. It’s fine if you don’t do this, I love your writing ❤️❤️
Can you do a fic where the reader is Tyler’s younger sister and he calls her to random midnight food runs and 7/11 trips to get her away from being stressed with school work and stuff please
Hiiiiiii, would you mind writing a Josh x reader inspired by screen, where the reader just got really bad news, like a family member dying or something, and tries to hide the pain, but Josh sees through their facade? Mostly fluff? Thanks!💕💕 -gaiatheroyalrabbit
Outnumbered by Dermot Kennedy song imagine - Tyler? Fluff?
Hi love. could you do a Josh Dun imagine song thing for the song Every time You Leave by I Prevail? Thank you. 💕 -svintsandghosts
Hi Kae! Could you write sth where Tyler accidentally finds out that his s.o. can draw, but hardly ever does so cause of insecurities? Thanks 💛
If You Don’t Use The Song Stop Asking Me To Come Back by James Arthur. Can You Write It For Josh But A Separate One
Hi!!! Your writing is amazing! I was wondering if you can write a fic where the reader is the opening act for TØP and fluff ensues between Tyler and reader. Bonus: bromance with josh + Tyler + reader
Hey :) I really like the idea of Tyler on tour with pregnant reader. Maybe they’re a few months along and enjoying tour before the baby comes.
heyy i wanted to ask if you do song requests too? if yes, i’d love it if you did fire on fire by sam smith with josh. your writing amazes me every time skbsksbskdbd
ooh yay! So like its a trench au and like basically they're both banditos and they go on a mission (like the nico and the niners music video) and during it like the reader almost gets recaptured back into dema and josh saves them and the end is like super cute like they're by the fire all snuggled up or something thank you so much lol :) -simply_jenna3000 (wattpad)
Hey, love your fics! Maybe you could do a ty x reader where the reader is in an accident and loses a leg and is stressed dealing with physical therapy etc and Tyler helps her 💞
“What the fuck, Dun?” -spookyjiimfanfiction
Disney Fic -spookyjiimfanfiction
Can I get a Tyler sister fic where something happened (idk what) but josh( basically your other brother) saved you from it and you try to pretend it didn’t happen then Tyler finds out and angst and sibling fluff at the end please
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beanfic · 6 years
Chapter 8
Word Count: 1670
Warnings: Language and talk of sexual activities
Author’s note: I had to combine chapter 8 & 9 because they both were like 700 words and I wanted the chapters to be longer! Anyways, enjoy!
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You threw yourself onto Tyler, who was sitting on the couch, writing lyrics. It was one of those days where the kids were at school, and you usually both were watching Westley but today Josh decided to talk Westley out to the park.
“I can’t believe we have the house to ourselves for a whole day,” you mumbled as you started to play with Tyler’s chin. His stubble was growing out and it tickled your fingers.
“I know,” he smiled down at your face which was resting on his lap.
“I wish you didn’t have to hide playing music,” you told him while looking over at the lyrics he was writing.
“Me too.”
“I’m a bandito?” you read off the pad of paper he was writing on.
“Yeah, it’s a song dedicated to the fans! You should have seen all of them, they make me so happy.” Tyler started to play with your hair.
“God my back hurts so much,” you complain while rubbing your lower back. Bending over and creating clothes for hours on end was really hard on your body.
“You want me to give you a massage?” He asks and you nod.
“Here, let me take my shirt off so it’s easier.” You threw your shirt on the ground, smirking at Tyler the entire time.
“Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?” Tyler whispered in your ear as he started to massage your back.
“You tell me everyday, Ty.” You sighed at the feeling of your knots finally being rubbed out. The massage lasted a good ten minutes until you could finally bend over without straining.
“Feel better?” he asked, and you gave him a smile while nodding yes. Tyler bent down and gave you a long kiss.
“I’ve missed this,” you said while pulling away for a second.
“Why don’t we go upstairs? Josh won’t be back for a while, we should take advantage of no one home,” Tyler grabbed your hand.
You weren’t sure what to do, because there was a limit on three kids in a family for population control, and you stopped taking birth control because it made you gain weight, and you knew exactly why Tyler wanted to take you upstairs.
“It’s dangerous Ty, you know that.”
“I can pull out, it’ll be okay, Y/N. I love you and I just want to show you.” Tyler pulled you into another kiss before you could start to argue again.
“Okay,” you whispered. Tyler then picked you up so you had your legs wrapped around his hips and he kissed you all the way upstairs to the bedroom.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“I’m scared, I don’t want to put you more at a risk,” you explained but Tyler grabbed your face with his hands.
“I will never let anything bad happen to you,” he promised. You smiled, and pulled him into another kiss, throwing his clothes off desperately.
“Did you finish inside?” you asked, turning around to face a sweaty Tyler standing behind you.
“I...I’m sorry.” Tyler was at a loss for words.
“Tyler!” You screamed and you rushed to the bathroom. Your breath got short, and the room started spinning. You lost your balance and tried to grab to the counter but you fell to the floor. Tyler came rushing to your side and grabbed you as you started to sob.
“I’m sorry Y/N, it’s going to be okay,” he wiped your tears away.
“No it’s not Tyler. You freaking came inside me, and i’m going to get pregnant and the Bishops are going to take me and kill me and they’re going to find out about you.”
Tyler shushed you, “Y/N, we don’t even know if anything has happened. I’m sorry I couldn’t control myself. I’m sorry.”
“Go out and buy me a pregnancy test. Now,” you ordered him. Tyler grabbed his car keys and ran out immediately.
20 minutes passed of you pacing around your bedroom waiting for Tyler to return. Finally you heard his footsteps running up the stairs and bursting into the bedroom.
“I brought you three kinds,” he panted, out of breath from running.
“Good thing these are immediate now.” You grabbed the first test and went to pee on the stick. With the technology nowadays, you were able to tell if you were pregnant right after finishing, instead of waiting a while.
You took all three, and started to wait to see the results. Tyler sat on the bed, bent over with his between his knees, while you continued pacing around. Finally, the timer went off signaling the tests were ready. You headed over and looked at all three results.
“Oh shit,” you muttered.
“I just don’t know what we are going to do!” you exclaimed to Tyler, who was now pacing around his room, after finding that you were pregnant.
“I seriously fucked up, I’m so sorry Y/N.” He grabbed your hands and pulled you into a hug.
“It’s okay, accidents happen but I don’t want to lose the baby.” You place your hand on your stomach.
“We are just so rebellious,” Tyler tried to joke with you, which made you laugh a little.
“We’re back!” Josh yelled from downstairs.
“Maybe he will know what to do.” Tyler started to head downstairs, and you followed behind him.
“How’s my baby?” you cooed to Westley who was in his stroller. You picked him up and gave him a kiss on his forehead. He smiled a toothy smile up at you, laughing.
“Josh I gotta tell you something.” Tyler got serious, making Josh look up at him with a worried look.
“Is everything okay, man?”
“Y/N is pregnant.”
Josh looked over at you, and then looked back at Tyler, and then back to you.
“That’s not good.” Josh ran his hand through his messy hair and sighed.
“I know, and I don’t want to lose the baby,” you exclaimed, before any of them can suggest taking the pill which would terminate an unwanted pregnancy.
“But Y/N, do you understand how much danger this is putting Tyler and I at now?” Josh started to argue.
“Josh, c’mon man, it’s her body,” Tyler interrupted, standing up for you.
“Why don’t you adopt the baby? In case they find or ask, but Tyler and I will still be the parents,” you suggested to Josh. He looks at you with wide eyes, not knowing  what to say. He pursed his lips together before speaking.
“I guess I could.”
“Would you really?” You asked excitedly.
“I would do anything to keep us all safe.” Josh pulled you and Tyler both into a group hug.
An hour later the kids came back from school. Autumn seemed exhausted, and Connor was in a bad mood once again.
“How was school?” Tyler asked them, as you started to make them an after school snack.
“Stupid.” Connor mumbled.
“No one talks to me,” Autumn whined as she grabbed the sandwich you made her.
“I’m sorry sweetie, but I promise it will get better.” You tried to reassure her but she wasn’t listening.
“Why was school bad?” Tyler asked Connor.
“Because everyone is smarter than me in my DNA classes. It’s embarrassing.”
“You’re so smart Con, it’ll get better.” Tyler placed his hand on Connor’s shoulder, giving him a fatherly hug.
“Before you guys start on your homework, I have something to tell you,” you announced. Autumn and Connor shared a look of nervousness with each other.
“Is it bad?” Autumn worried.
“No, it’s that your dad and I are expecting another baby.” You placed your hand on your stomach, even though there was obviously nothing showing yet.
“What are you talking about? You already are at the limit?” Connor started to raise his voice.
“Josh will adopt the baby so it won’t technically be illegal, but it will still be our kid, your sibling,” Tyler explained.
“Why can’t you guys just follow the fucking rules?” Connor screamed at you both before storming up the stairs. You flinched at the sound of his bedroom door slamming.
“I’ll go take care of him,” Tyler kissed you on the forehead before heading upstairs.
“Do you understand Autumn?” You asked your daughter who was sitting at the table, stunned after everything that just happened.
“I’m going to have another sibling?”
“Yep, and to make sure we are safe, we are going to report that i’m a surrogate for Josh but in reality it’s my baby,” you try your hardest to explain to her, so that she didn’t worry.
“I see that Connor didn’t take it well?” Josh walked into the kitchen, holding a sleeping Westley.
“Nope.” You shook your head.
“Be safe,” you kissed Tyler before he headed out to Trench with Josh.
“I always am.” Tyler opened the door, and blew you a kiss before closing it behind him.
Tyler and Josh headed down to the Trench, and were welcomed with yellow flower petals being thrown on them as they reached the end.
“I have a new song to play for all of you tonight,” Tyler spoke. Josh sat down at his drum set. “I want all of you to hold hands with one another and sway side to side.”
Everybody grabbed hands and started to sway as Tyler sang.
“I can take the high road, but i know that i’m going low, i’m a ban-, i’m a bandito,” everyone chorused together. It brought tears to Tyler’s eyes to see everyone together as a family, feeling of safety.
As the show ended, and everyone wanted to talk to Tyler and Josh and thank them, Josh started to hyperventilate.
“Josh, are you okay?” Tyler grabbed his shoulder and made him look at him.
“I swear I saw someone in red watching in the corner,” his voice quivered as he pointed a shaky finger to the corner.
“I don’t see anything?” Tyler looked around confused, but there was no way Josh would be acting this way if he didn’t actually see something.
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The Last Bandito
Part Eleven: Our Memories Awakened
Chapter Summary: Everyone is reeling from memories, new and old.  Warnings: Angst. I think that’s it?  Word Count: 1515 A/N: This series was borne of this picture. The bolded phrases are prompts I have compiled to use in this fic. Also, I’ve forgotten to mention before that for the phrases in Ukrainian, I’ve been using Google Translate; forgive me if they’re not accurate!
For the last five days, Faylinn had thought of nothing but the man from her dreams. The day of the intercepted attack on The Conference, she had taken a half day from work so that she could rest before Quinn’s birthday celebration. She had elected to take the long walk home, as her novel had stalled and she hoped some physical activity might increase the flow of thoughts through her brain. 
She could not ignore the strong feeling that someone was following her. Every time she looked behind her though, she only saw the lunch hour crowd roaming the streets to find a place to eat, heading home, or hurrying back to work. Not until she was a couple minutes from home did she turn around and see that man standing directly behind her. 
“It’s you,” Faylinn had breathed, rooted to the spot. 
He seemed to freeze there as well, staring at her as though he could not decide if she was real or not. A man on a rushed race back to work bumped into Faylinn, knocking her forward towards the man. He caught her with gentle hands gripping either arm; in that moment, the both of them realized this was anything but a dream. 
“You’re real,” he whispered, still holding on to her. 
Faylinn nodded. She didn’t know what else to say. She righted herself, secured her bag on her shoulder and tried to decide what her next move would be or should be. 
Then, the city sirens had gone off. Faylinn looked around at the crowd rushing even more now, and tried to figure out what was happening. When she looked back to the man, he was gone. 
Tyler and Josh had been in isolation since the incident in New Dema. The fact that they had seen the woman and had not brought her back to Old Dema had not set well with any of the Bishops, Nico especially. The two of them had sat in this cement room, blood bags delivered twice a day, and no other accommodations. They had made a silent agreement not to make things worse and tell the Bishops that Josh had not been present for the incident at the New Dema government building. 
“Nico was right.”
The first words Tyler had spoken since they had been locked away. Josh hadn’t minded; his let his memory play over and over every detail of seeing the woman in the blue dress. Of course, she hadn’t been wearing a blue dress that day, but he didn’t mind. Everything about her in the few short moments he was able to be in her presence had been nothing short of perfect. 
“Right about what?” Josh returned. 
Tyler continued staring at the opposite wall. “That I know her. Remember her. It’s like he said that and I could. And it’s real. I don’t know how to explain it, but I can feel that it’s different than the memories they gave me. I knew her when we were children.”
“Your sister?”
“A friend,” Tyler corrected. “We were close like siblings though. She told me all of her secrets.”
Perhaps it was the way Tyler made the statement, but Josh’s interest was now more piqued. “Secrets? About why the Bishops may want her?”
“Maybe.” Tyler hesitated before continuing. “With that one memory allowed through, it’s like there’s cracks in the walls the Bishops built up when they brought me here. I was just a boy. I don’t wonder now if they took me with the plan in mind to get to her.”
Josh settled back against the wall, letting the flood of memories of his dream woman begin to flow again. “Keep remembering, friend. We may need those memories more than ever, now.”
“Faylinn is going to wonder where we are,” Quinn commented, sitting on her couch while Ildri paced back and forth in her friend’s apartment. Ildri’s yellow eyes had still not returned to their natural color; she was too on guard for that. 
“We’ll think of something to tell her.” Ildri stopped pacing in the middle of the room. “I have an idea. It’s crazy. Absolutely insane. But it might benefit both of us.”
Quinn frowned. “I’m listening.”
“I saw him. The day of the attempted attack at the government building, the Heathen that attacked those men — I recognized him. He’s my childhood friend. Years older now, but I would know him anywhere, after any amount of time. I have to get him out of there.”
“You’re going to pull a Heathen out of Old Dema and bring him here? Ildri, have you lost your mind?”
Ildri wanted to sit, but she couldn’t. Her adrenaline was racing. “I’m not so far out of my mind, really. I rescue people out of Old Dema all the time. And if I can bring him directly to The Conference —”
“They’ll kill him,” Quinn finished for her. 
“No, they won’t.” Ildri took a deep breath. “This is even more that I shouldn’t tell you, but this is the part that may help you, too. It took ten years after the Bishops began their vampire experiments, but since then, The Conference has been working to find a way to reverse the change. If we can reverse it in them, maybe we can reverse it in you, too.”
Quinn nodded; now she understood. “And if I go with you to rescue your friend from Old Dema, you think the government may include me in their program.”
Ildri got on her knees in front of Quinn. “I know I’m asking a lot. I know that it may benefit me more than you, right off. But wouldn’t you rather that you didn’t have to worry about me coming after you every three or four months? I mean, on a scale from one to ten, how bad do you want to kill me right now?”
Quinn’s eyes were more red than they had been only a few seconds ago. “I’m hovering somewhere in the mid-thirties.”
“Exactly. You don’t know everything about me and this thing I am yet, but I know enough to know that even with your … condition … I’ll kill you before you can kill me. At the very least, I’ll get away. Now that I know you’re running around the city trying to kill citizens, I’ll be after you. It’s what I do. So why don’t we take that murderous energy and direct it somewhere more productive?”
“I told you, I can’t control it. It doesn’t happen at will.”
“Maybe you haven’t tried hard enough,” Ildri returned quickly. “I couldn’t control myself early on, either. I had to learn how to do it. Have you tried controlling the monster inside you?”
Quinn licked her lips. “Fine. We can at least try, I suppose. But if I die doing this —”
“That’s half our problem solved.”
She didn’t like the harshness of the truth found in Ildri’s statement, but Quinn couldn’t deny that Ildri may be on to something. Quinn had never had a friend who meant as much to her as this man meant to Ildri, but maybe Ildri was becoming that friend — someone she would go to extremes to save. Heaving a defeated sigh, Quinn got up from the couch. 
“All right. Let me change though — can’t fight off Heathens and Bishops in party clothes.”
For the first time in days, Faylinn was not worried about the man from her dreams and where he had gone, and if he was coming back. She was more irritated now that Quinn and Ildri had not come to meet her, and neither of them could be reached on their mobiles. Even calls to the university and Andre Weil’s office got her no information. 
“Maybe Quinn fell asleep,” Faylinn wondered aloud. There was no telling where Ildri had gone to, but if she could find Quinn, perhaps they could locate Ildri together. She gathered her things, left the foyer of the restaurant, and headed towards Quinn’s apartment. 
As they trekked through the middle forest towards the wall of Old Dema, Ildri did her best not to wonder what would happen if her friend was no longer the same person she remembered. There was no telling how much the Heathen change had changed him, and she feared the worst after his actions in the government building. 
The day he had been stolen, they were playing outside after school. Ildri was avoiding going back to the orphanage, and her friend would have waited all night if she had wanted. 
They were playing hide-and-seek. Ildri counted to ten, and, when she opened her eyes, her friend was gone. From that point on, she dreamt of him often, waking to to the feeling of emptiness and disappointment that he wasn’t by her side. Gone forever. In Ildri’s mind, it was always going to be the two of them, in one way or another. He was the only one she had ever trusted enough to tell her secrets. 
When she was young, her confidante had been stolen from her. Today, Ildri would get him back.  
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vialism · 6 years
Hi I’ve got a question I need a level head to help me out with and you’re always good with that so: why does tøp who have a large teen/young adult female fan base get so much flak for it? It’s not like tøp is making music that specifically caters to young adult women alone so why do people hate on them for having so many older teen/young adult female fans? Even tyler made fun of it in an interview where he said no one would be interested in them unless they were a 17 year old girl like ? Help
The tea is that the architecture of the patriarchy and especially the media patriarchy disadvantages and trivializes the voices and preferences of teen girls in literally every possible way. The bottom line is that people in any other demographic other than young women (and young gnc and/or queer people who make communities with those young women) don’t understand why teen girls create fan communities, how those communities work, or why those communities are important spaces for the girls in question. 
So like the answer is, as it often is in questions like this, misogyny. From which Tyler and Josh are not exempt. From which we are not exempt, tbh. I’ve talked about this in regard to a lot of aspects of the fandom before but like yeah, the answer is that while some parts of online female-dominant fan culture can be toxic and unpleasant, the reason it’s stigmatized is because people choose to latch onto that particular narrow aspect of the culture instead of everything that’s actually beautiful, productive, creative, supportive, healthy, and enriching about it. 
As far as Tyler himself making fun about it, for one thing, that was awhile ago, and I don’t know Tyler personally, but from old videos and from what I do know about his upbringing I have a lot of thoughts about how he had to wrestle through his Man Ego a little bit at the beginning of the project in order to accept that he was doing something that girls were latching onto in broader numbers than guys, which, like, i’m not tryna call him out for that at all, we were all raised with misogyny running through our blood whether internalized or not. Them’s just the facts. I also think it’s worth noting that at least in the early days, one of the reasons Tyler seemed so validated and proud when he saw/interacted with hardcore male fans might not be straight up eyeroll bias but at least in part because he, as a guy, knew and understood that he was creating something vulnerable and soft that threatened/undermined the narrative of rigid and unmovable masculine strength that he had been raised (in sports, in church) to understand as law. So when he saw that his project and his poetry was helping other young men to open themselves up to the world and relinquish that harmful persona a little, it might have meant (might still mean) something specific to him that even WE can’t understand. 
I mean, that’s verging a little too much on “crediting the white man for the simple act of not being a dickwad” thing, but like, that’s the topic at hand. Like I won��t deny that even in the last couple years Tyler has done and said things that make my feminist eyeballs roll back into my skull, but that’s just him being a lil dumbass who still has some stuff to learn. Which describes literally every single person in my life including myself. 
Like the rest of us, Tyler has grown up and learned things (let’s not pretend that Jenna and Debby and even folks like Ashley and Jesse haven’t made both the boys significantly more open minded since the era of that 17 year old girl comment). He really is a man now (30 in two days what the fuck) and I think he’s finally graduated from seeing his fans as peers to seeing us more as little siblings if that makes sense. And while that might cause other artists to infantilize us, I think it’s honestly prompted Tyler to become both more protective, and more reflective and cautious about how he views and treats us. I think we can thank that kind of reflection and responsibility for the pride flag, for the diversity in the music videos, for the tour photos of same sex couples, etc. Even his demeanor with is has changed. A big part of the Trench era and the Bandito motif has been the process of Tyler getting to know us better, understand us better, humanize his fanbase more as a whole. And, like, that means a lot. 
Final note uh;; I know I kind of Went Into This but I think it’s important to demonstrate that you can be thoughtful and think critically about the people you idolize without feeling the impulse to unstan them? Like I think as young women and gender minorities it is rlly important that we maintain responsibility for our own behavior and opinions within fan spaces but that at the same time we don’t take call-out culture and internet platforms as an opportunity to try to tear someone down based on a few missteps. And uh, in light of like, a few blogs over the summer who went out with a bang on the claim that tøp are nazis, I just want to open the door for us to actually consider things like this without ringing a fucking five alarm bell and then self destructing in tears and flames. 
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wayhaughtao3feed · 6 years
Run This Town
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2RFh7dm
by vanilladippeddonuts
Waverly Earp left Purgatory five years ago with full custody of her niece Alice Michelle, but now she’s back with some convincing of her fiance, Perry Crofte and things have changed. Ward is now the Sheriff of the police, Wynonna still runs with the Banditos. She gets the new camera from Perry, when she spotted the local troublemaker Nicole Haught and decided to take a few shots. Little does she know that Nicole runs the Banditos.
The Revenants, the other local gang ran by Robert Svane, aka Bobo Del Rey are in the middle of war with the Banditos over the streets Purgatory. Five years ago, he killed Doc Holliday, the leader of the Banditos at the time. And now he is ready to do the same to Nicole. While Ward, gears up with a Deputy Marshall’s Xavier Dolls to put a stop to the violence in Purgatory.
But what happens when Waverly and Nicole fall for one another? Waverly learns the truth about Nicole and has to make a choice stay safe or stay with the love of her life? Will love be able to make it in these streets?
Words: 2914, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Wynonna Earp (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Waverly Earp, Nicole Haught, Wynonna Earp, Doc Holliday (Wynonna Earp), Xavier Dolls, Jeremy Chetri, Alice Michelle, Robin (Wynonna Earp), Perry Crofte, Shae Pressman, Bobo Del Rey | Robert Svane, Mercedes Gardner, Tucker Gardner, The Revenants, The Banditos, Ward Earp, Julian (Wynonna Earp), probably a lot more than what i can think about right now, sooo more to be added, Original Haught Child, Original Haught Sibling(s), Original Characters, Michelle Earp, Gus McCready, Champ Hardy, Stephanie Jones, Chrissy Nedley, Randy Nedley, Rosita Bustillos
Relationships: Waverly Earp/Nicole Haught, Waverly Earp & Nicole Haught, Waverly Earp & Wynonna Earp, Waverly Earp & Alice Michelle, Jeremy Chetri/Robin, Perry Crofte/Waverly Earp, Nicole Haught/Shae Pressman, Bobo del Rey | Robert Svane/Original Female Character(s), Wynonna Earp & Nicole Haught, Wynonna Earp/Mercedes Gardner, Michelle Earp/Ward Earp, Rosita Bustillos/Nicole Haught
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe- No Supernatural, WayHaught Au, Alternate Universe, Bikers, Violence, Gun Violence, Bombs, Slow Burn, Smut, Fluff and Angst, Angst, Angst and Smut, Lots of Angst, more tags to be added later, Drug Use, Drugs, Drug Addiction, Drug Abuse, Drug Dealing, Gun Dealings, Nicole swears and smokes, Wynonna swears and smokes, just lots of swearing from wynhaught and smoking
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2RFh7dm
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bebe-benzenheimer · 6 years
I have adopted 4 porgs in a week’s timeframe, and have decided their names to be Clancy (the Fold Up Toys craft), Clifford (the Sad-Eyed Funko Pop), Bishop (the 6-inch really smooth plush), and Bandito (the fuzzy keychain) because why not combine my nerderies together. Once Bandito arrives in the mail they will have a full family photo with their 6 siblings.
Oh and technically Bishop has a “twin” bought at the same time but they’re my niece’s Christmas present so I won’t know their name for a while.
Why yes, I sold my soul to cuteness a long time ago.
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the-whispers-of-death · 6 months
I'm so sorry, this is literally just a brain dump with no structure or anything 🫧
My first OC I came up with goes by Bandito (I haven't decided on her actual name yet), and she's pretty heavily inspired by the Twenty one Pilots song of the same name.
Bandito is either Ghost's sibling or close childhood friend. They joined the military together and were both captured by Roba after being betrayed by Vernon. While Ghost was buried alive, Bandito stayed in custody and continued to be tortured. Ghost was told Bandito was dead and took his revenge on those who had betrayed them both. Bandito managed to escape Roba's clutches, but heard the news about Tommy and the rest of the family, and since Sparks' body was assumed to be Ghost, they both assumed the other was dead. (I'm using the Ghost comics for the backstory because it's tragic and what better character development than serious trauma?)
Bandito is a member of Shadow Company, who works between the Shadows and the 141 as a sort of liaison, supporting the 141 on missions when requested. She and Ghost have not yet realised who each other are.
Bandito wears a hoodie with the oversised hood pulled up, and a bandana wrapped around her to obscure their nose and mouth, with dramatic eyeliner. The callsign 'Bandito' has a couple of explanations - It can be a reference to her skills in sabotage and infiltration, the desire for freedom from her past, and maybe a tongue-in-cheek reference to all the times she's pickpocketed her fellow Shadows and 141 members for fun (She's weirdly good at pickpocketing). The bandana also has some personal significance, either as a physical symbol of her defiance or because one of her bandanas was a gift from Simon. On missions, Bandito tends to wear darker colours to blend into her surroundings, but she much prefers to wear brightly coloured and patterned bandanas.
She has a unique skillset geared towards stealth operations and infiltration, and is particularly skilled with knives. She also excels in a particular brand of interrogation (the more violent kind - while Bandito resisted Roba's torture and brainwashing, it left its mark and her moral compass is a little scuffed, so she can easily stomach torturing people). She is motivated by a sense of loyalty to those who took her in (Graves and her fellow Shadows, and eventually the 141), as well as a desire for some sense of normalcy. She knows this is unrealistic but surrounding herself with those who care for her seems to help, especially on the days where her past seems to haunt her a little too closely.
My second Blorbo is a guy called Damien but he goes by either Crow or Coffee, and then after that they just get progressively less well-thought out - but some of them are called Viper, Winter, Doberman, and Andromeda.
Holy hell this is long I'm so sorry
I'm struggling to come up a callsign for my new OC (why is naming the hardest part?), so I feel ya about naming Bandito. I love her though, I hope she and Ghost eventually realize they're both alive.
I don't have much to say, except that I love her, I love how traumatized she is.
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