#BAMF Malcolm Reed
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deadheaddaisy · 15 days ago
Part 15 of Malcoshi heading to Pi Day.
My first real action fic; loved writing it, because natural disasters are my jam!
“Close the hatch!” he yelled, already at the flight console and starting up the shuttle’s systems as she wrestled with the door controls, overriding the system and pulling the heavy door closed manually before securing the latches. Just as the hatch thunked into place, the magma tube Hoshi had discovered erupted. With an earth-shattering roar, the cave was obliterated, a shockwave racing up the hill and ash pouring into the sky. If they’d been outside, the pyroclastic cloud would have killed them in seconds, Malcolm knew. As it was, it sounded like a 16-inch battleship gun had gone off right next to the shuttlepod.
And its three E-rated sequels (one not written by me).
Outrun - Outtake Mutually Beneficial The Princess and the Warlord (by aliceoutofreality)
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deadheaddaisy · 1 year ago
Malcolm being a badass like he's meant to be.
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Star Trek Enterprise “Chosen Realm”
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deadheaddaisy · 9 months ago
Based on a prompt from the Enterprise Fans server, wanting to see badass Hoshi in action, underestimated by the MACOs, to their regret.
Hoshi overhears MACOs talking smack about Enterprise's crew and its tactical officer. She's not one to let that kind of insult slide.
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deadheaddaisy · 6 months ago
for the truth or dare ask game please!
share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
what made you choose your username?
link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
Ooooh, MOAR questions!
share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
Carry snack packs and muesli bars in your car to hand out to homeless people; sometimes it's the only meal they'll get all day.
Otherwise, in a country with frequent load-shedding, I keep bottles of water frozen in my chest freezer (usually 5 litres each) so when the power goes out, the frozen water goes into the fridge. It keeps everything cool enough for about 18 hours of downtime. I realise that not everyone can do this, but if you can - worth it.
what made you choose your username?
I love daisies and I dig skulls. But the fun kind. And rainbows. So when I went on a graphic design course and had to design a logo, I chose Deadhead Daisy (also deadheading a daisy bush allows for more prolific flower growth so I get a pun on top of it). It sat on my hard drive for years until I decided to use it in lieu of my regular profile, which just doesn't speak to me any longer.
link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
@glitter-and-metal's Malcolm Reed video using the song Rim Tim Tagi Dim by Baby Lasagna. Every word in that sentence should indicate why I adore this piece, but just in case not - it uses some of my favourite scenes to some freaking awesome music to shine a light on my blorbo and show off his BAMFness (and in that wisp scene, Dominic's acting chops). I have watched it an unhealthy number of times, including while getting the link for this answer...
Thanks for the ask!
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deadheaddaisy · 10 months ago
Reblogging again because why not?
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Malcolm Reed 2x06 “Marauders”
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deadheaddaisy · 5 months ago
Chief of Security in his natural element.
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Lieutenant Reed
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deadheaddaisy · 1 year ago
You really, REALLY need to read this! Because Malcolm Reed is a badass.
Lieutenant Malcolm Reed has a knack for encountering strange situations that require quick thinking. Very quickly, he earns the reputation of ‘A Man You Absolutely Do NOT Want To Cross.’
If you want to read about Malcolm throwing random things to save the day, look no further. There's a spork involved. Don't ask.
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deadheaddaisy · 11 months ago
THINGS. I shall list them for better reading purposes:
Hoshi becoming more confident
Malcolm becoming more open and mischievous
the bridge crew plus Phlox
The NX-01
Malcolm teasing Hoshi about frostbite in a deleted scene
pineapple (you *know* Malcolm eats pineapple on pizza, don't try and convince me of anything different)
Malcolm eating ALL THE THINGS
Silent Enemy and the engineering/armoury teams installing phase cannons to show up Jupiter Station
Sleeping Dogs and Malcolm's heart eyes when Hoshi wants to blow up all the torpedoes at once
Marauders (Sniper Reed & Badass Hoshi) with Hoshi making Malcolm proud when she shows off her phase rifle skills
Vox Sola and the banter between Rostov and Kelly (my rarepair)
Shockwave 2 and Malcolm taking a beating to save the ship
T'Pol & Trip's banter
Sunshine Travis & his friendship with Malcolm
Trip & Malcolm's friendship
Actually the bridge crew's friendships as a whole
Hoshi catching the Pyrithian Bat
Malcolm imitating Trip's accent
Phlox and his menagerie and how he tortures Malcolm with his creatures to heal him
Babel One/United/The Aenar, Affliction/Divergence and yes, Demons/Terra Prime (they got theirs)
the gym scenes
The NX-02 and Erica Hernandez and THAT WARP SCENE with Trip and Malcolm
Hoshi kicking ass when training with the MACOs
Malcolm & Hayes brawl
Dead Stop, The Breach, Similitude, E2, The Catwalk, Doctor's Orders, Proving Ground
I would say Chosen Realm but it fills me with blind rage for 2/3 of the episode so maybe just the end of that one
T'Pol and Hoshi forming a friendship after early antagonism
Hoshi defending Phlox
Hoshi slyly teasing T'Pol about Trip
Malcolm & Travis defending Phlox
Shran being Shran. Even when he's being a total little asshole.
Shran roasting Archer virtually every time they meet
The Kumari
Faith of the Heart
shut up I like it
The end title music
This is not everything but I should probably stop now
Your turn. Help me look like less of a weirdo!
star trek: enterprise fans, list your favourite thing about the show, go
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deadheaddaisy · 4 months ago
Thanks for the tag, @papercranesong 💜- these are so fun.
1 . What ratings do you write most of your fics under?
Apparently mostly G at 10 (who knew?), followed by E (7) and then Teen & Up (6).
2. What are your top three fandoms?
So far I've only published for Star Trek: Enterprise (22) with a co-authorship for a fic in The Mummy universe. I have fandoms I plan to add, but nothing's published yet.
3. What is the top character you write about?
It's a tie between Hoshi Sato and Malcolm Reed at 21 each.
4. What are your top 3 pairings?
Malcolm Reed/Hoshi Sato (14) Fairly evenly split with Malcolm Reed & Hoshi Sato (10) (because sometimes they're not actually in a romantic relationship) And then at barely a sliver of either of those comes Malcolm Reed & Charles "Trip" Tucker III (2)
5. What are your top 3 additional tags?
Banter (12) Happy (11) I will go down with this ship  (11)
6. Does any of this surprise you?
Only the ratings, because frankly I thought I had fewer than 5 Gen, not a good half of my fics. Otherwise, nope, all according to plan.
7. Favourite tag you've used?
Like the one you're with - I firmly believe that romantic love isn't the be-all and end-all of anything so I make my characters actually enjoy being with each other, whether platonic or romantic. Angst goes here to die because it makes me smile. And whenever I can, BAMF Hoshi Sato / BAMF Malcolm Reed.
Tagging @more-better-words @mirabilefuturum @ten-cent-sleuth @curator-on-ao3 @anretc and anyone else who'd like to answer!
Tagged by @ionamalachite thanks so much! I love tag games, especially ones about my fics lol!
1 . What ratings do you write most of your fics under?
I mostly rate my fics T to be safe, but I have a fair amount of Gs as well.
2. What are your top three fandoms?
Star Trek: Enterprise (174)
Desmond's (16)
Back to the Future (14)
Yes I know, big gap.
3. What is the top character you write about?
No surprise, it's Malcolm Reed at 157 fics.
4. What are your top 3 pairings?
I'm going to assume these mean romantic pairings only.
Malcolm Reed/Charles "Trip" Tucker III (57)
Lee Stanley/Tony (Desmond's) (10)
T'Pol/Charles "Trip" Tucker III (8)
If we're including friendships as well, Malcolm & Trip and Doc Brown & Marty McFly actually take places 2 and 3.
5. What are your top 3 additional tags?
Angst (124)
Hurt/Comfort (63)
Fluff (53)
6. Does any of this surprise you?
I'm surprised Fluff is so high in my additional tags tbh.
7. Favorite tag you've used?
I loved discovering that "Self-Imposed Time Loop" was a tag someone else had used before me. I also love using "Malcolm Reed Needs a Hug" and "Hurt Malcolm Reed" >:)
Tagging @peculiarreality @blue-dreamers-eyes @talshiargirlfriend @papercranesong and anyone else who wants to do this!
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deadheaddaisy · 9 months ago
This is the exact expression I imagine on Malcolm's face as Hoshi's taking down the meatheads.
Based on a prompt from the Enterprise Fans server, wanting to see badass Hoshi in action, underestimated by the MACOs, to their regret.
Hoshi overhears MACOs talking smack about Enterprise's crew and its tactical officer. She's not one to let that kind of insult slide.
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