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ATLAS Roll Bar | RB-BA2B
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A philosophical theory where hard determinism and panpsychism are compatible
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The final group film
Sadly couldn’t show the video on blog as the film was too large for the tumblr file.
However I shall talk about the discussion of achievements and feedback. Overall, the teachers were expressed with the film and was a success for the conceive style and creativity of the paper cut medium , clear transitions has been fulfilled
The areas of improvement have been scale to most important to do before the submission date and less important but can be applied over summer break.
Our producer kindly added all the notes which were need individually

Overall, the group collaboration has been a combined of learning curves. The positives resulted was a great animation success with full transitions and told a clear story , with good decision taking and great producer having great organisation and patience with the team . With the use of paper cut everyone was fairly comfortable with the decision for where some used digital or rostrum or both , we have done a great job to complete.
However to balance there were negatives. We all make mistakes and sometimes try to hide those mistakes , we have personal needs that need attending , however this cause losing a bit of communication when hitting deadlines , naming folders and some not attending to important meetings.however our producer always wrote messages to all device apps we used to communicate so if anyone missed something It can be known straight away or was clear to ask for the help.
When it’s come collaboration work in the industry .Learning how to be in control of stressful moments in calm matter , how to approach the situation when something was not agreed to and how to find a loop of balance , how to approach your opinions with great balance. Enjoying the moment getting to know your partners and learning each strengths and weaknesses how each other can help and learn from one another.
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I’ve decided I want to go with a light bulb theme for my Jekyll and Hyde character design project. With the light bulb being on/off being the different personalities. The character that immediately came to mind to me to draw inspiration from was Joy from the Pixar film ‘Inside Out’. I also researched light bulb based characters. I didn’t find many I liked but the image I’ve included here is one I found somewhat interesting and could possibly take inspiration from in my character’s design.
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8.13th Principle - 20/03/2021
We have begun working within our groups for this unit’s collaboration project, and we have each started our idea generation for what we want our over-arching story to be and have boarded some general ideas. We are aiming for our sequence animation to be based off the concept of “Fascination”, and each of us have our principles linked to this theme to fit our story. Our story shall follow a young girl throughout her life, looking into specific years and her “fascination” and interaction with animation! We all agreed on having specific designs showing the character at each stage of life: 5ys, 12ys, 17ys, 21ys and finally 24ys old.
As seen above in the image, there are a few quick and initial ideas as to how fascination can be represented in a persons life, and what it might relate to. These were just for starting our path into what would become our story.
More blog posts shall follow updating on the stages of the group collaboration project. The next update will be on character development and design, as well as some art style research/ideas.
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Proposal Template
The Proposal Template Title Report Type Proposed Table of Contents Background Research Question Overall Aims Research Methods Potential Outcomes Timeline Bibliography
Research Methods Primary: Comes from a first hand account or original object eg. films, images, creative writing. Secondary: Interprets primary sources. eg. reviews, critical texts
Primary Research will need to be conducted for some report types. Generate new data. This could include an online survey aimed at the general public, a questionnaire addressing a target group, interviews with industry practitioners, tests or experiments.
Data types Quantitative - Can be reduced to numbers. eg. answers to multiple choice or yes/no responses. Qualitative - Can only be expressed as words. eg. answers to open-ended questions. (For further advice on gathering data see: Walliman, N. (2016) Your Undergraduate Dissertation: The Essential Guide for Success. 2nd edn. London: SAGE. Pp. 147–172.)
Sample ‘types’ Convenience Sampling - Drawn from available contacts. eg. NUA students, family and friends, social media contacts. Theoretical Sampling - Drawn from those with existing or expert knowledge. eg. VFX artists. Quota Sampling - ‘Balance’ findings by choosing equal numbers from different ‘types’ of respondent. eg. Men vs. Women.
Good records will need to be kept of research so that can be included in your final report. For online surveys, screenshots of questions and answers. For email interviews, screenshots (without contact details). For in person interviews, typed transcript of interview.
Study skills have a presentation on Question Design.
Research methods Show your awareness of the potential limitations of any primary research you plan to conduct. How you will go about collecting data and what you predict.
When approaching a potential interviewee: Be polite. Let them know the purpose of your research: explain that you’re writing a dissertation. Send a ‘spec’ email first if possible - asking if they would mind answering some questions. If they agree then you can send the questions. Always ask for permission to quote them. If in person interview, record them giving permission. If material is sensitive or personal they may ask that you anonymise some (or all) of their contribution. Study skills presentation - contacting participants.
Consider further reading in relation to writing the dissertation.
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collaboration project weekly summaries
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Final Evaluation
This final term admittedly wasn’t my favorite, but was full of valuable lessons and projects. The first project, the animated loops, was a quick and simple animation project in After Effects where we were given a peg bar and told to visualize three emotions of an animator. I chose fury, exhaustion, and the third was more like a representation of artist’s block and trying to take off with an idea. I’m most proud of the exhaustion one (which shows a face yawning) because every loop makes the viewer sleepy or want to yawn. I did an extra fourth animated loop of a pigeon ruffling its feathers because I wanted to show my improvement in motion graphics animation since the first time I learned it, and have to say I’m most proud of that animation despite it not fitting the project’s standards.
The second project was Personal Branding and Career Planning where we were required to research companies and jobs that fit our professions, make a show reel of this year’s animations, and design an online portfolio with a CV. In the process of researching jobs on Indeed.com for my project, I had also applied to multiple companies for summer internships, and surprisingly landed one in a gaming company called Firaxis back in the US near my home, where I’d be doing editing and illustrative work similar to concept art (my dream job). In the process of applying and interviewing, I drew up a CV, which later turned into a creative CV, with my education, work experience, skills, awards, and exhibitions I’d been included in since I was originally pursuing fine art before university. My show reel was the easiest part of the project, since I only had to put together my best work and find suitable non-copyright music. The website was a struggle since I’m not used to organizing website pages. I made sure to choose a consistent color pallet, font, and email throughout the site to make sure any viewer could easily find it.
The third project was the Collaborative Visual Essay in a group of eight people, who all got along really well and the project was easily sorted in a reasonable amount of time. My group chose the Pixar film Brave, then quickly chose a color pallet we all agreed on. The rolls we were supposed to assign to each other didn’t seem all that important because we all did a little work on everything and added whatever anyone else missed. The only independent part of the project was our individual animated scenes, which we all agree to animate in After Effects. We did have trouble setting up meetings online over the spring holiday since most people were with family or had bad connection, but we were always updating one another over text.
The final project was the one I was most excited about which is very out of character; the Research Report Proposal. I don’t particularly enjoy writing reports, but I immediately jumped on the idea of researching dragons as soon as the project was given. I wanted to ask the following questions: Why are dragons so common and popular? Where did they come from? How do they differ between cultures? To start, I looked at Wikipedia to see if i could use any of their sources. I went a little wild and went right into writing my dissertation and forgot it was only a proposal. I did, however, adding in an explanation of what I want to achieve and what might happen at the end of my research to make it feel more like a proposal rather than a dissertation.
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After a lot of planning and organisation for the collaboration I finally had the time to create the original LED cubes I planned at the very beginning of the unit. While I already had the experience of working with acrylic and the transparent one was simple enough to assemble, the one made with mirror acrylic was much harder to work with, as the mirror layer scratches easily, the sides cannot be aligned in the same wat due to the thickness of the acrylic and drilling the holes for the lights leaves a lot of specs and imperfections. While the mirror surface and LED light provide a very nice visual effect when combined it as not one of my greatest pieces to say the least and leaves a lot of room for improvement in terms of technical aspects of working with this type of material.
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Showreel Finished -
I have completed my showreel, fixing the bestiary project to the best of my ability and fine tuning the music and clips to cut to the beat. In the future I want to include more relevant 2D and motion graphics work, hopefully further refining my craft by the end of 3rd year.
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Close-Up on Toughness 👀🔩 – Every detail of the ATLAS Roll Bar screams strength, protection, and style. 📸💥
ATLAS Roll Bar | RB-BA2B
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I decided to go back and more one final edit to my website which is my portfolio. I mentioned how I found the whole lay out to messy, so i when back and made three different gallery collections. One is for life drawings to show what I can do in life drawing. The second is for all of my character design and meddling sheets to show how I create these sheets for a range of characters and finally my stop motion and armature section and I mentions on the home page that I am an armature maker so I had to show my making skills and the armatures I have made.
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Collaboration project : Rescale cut out and lay outs

This where I have lay out the similar design from the first pass I produced last week but I have couple of changes by rescaling the lungs and butterflies to an A3 , as I thought to do but was advised by feedback and I’m very happy that it has turn out a lot better and in a good set up of size and position.

Added the butterfly aswell to make sure it all fits well and it surely does
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Weekly Summary (16.04-20.04) The Illustration course collaboration. An optional project, where we can work with illustrators, helping them to create animation pieces. However this week I wanted to work on BBC in order to finish with this. I thought, since this is optional project, I can dedicate my time to other projects that need more attention. In BBC, I have not done anything. I was also working on a lip sync projects, since I had marginal fail, and I had to edit it as soon as possible. As for Research, I still have no idea what to write. I am thinking about writing psychedelic animation. Since psychedelic started with rock music and hippie movement. I want to elaborate on music, since it is a part of my life, where i can be gone from my thoughts.
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Writing the Background
Writing the background: critical thinking, critical reading.
The background is a summary of relevant information within your area. Need to think critically as you conduct research.
Critical thinking means actively engaging with new information. - Don’t just regurgitate facts. - Use judgement to select and interpret sources. - Be thorough - watch out for the ‘makes sense stopping rule’
When research goes bad: You take too many notes, you feel you’re not getting anywhere, you start to panic.
Instead: Relax! Just read, watch, or listen. What are the ‘big ideas’? Make notes in a way that suits you.
Sketchnoting is a good way to take notes while improving focus, identifying key point and organising notes in a non-liner way. Studies suggest that we are best at remembering when we activate visual memory. Background should become easier to write and will focus on the big ideas in your topic area.
Speed-reading Skim read for keywords. Read the first sentence of a paragraph: the topic is usually stated there. Read the blurb or the abstract.
Research checklist Have you done enough research? Have you avoided confirmation bias? Have you sought opposing views.
Beware of Black swans “ The essayist and scholar Nassim Nicholas Taleb came up with the ‘black swan theory’ – black swans are events or inventions which are completely unpredictable, but when they come along they change the world (and afterwards it is impossible to imagine them not existing). He gives examples of the computer and cultural phenomena like Harry Potter. Taleb refers to a saying in mediaeval England that ‘you’d sooner see a black swan’. This means something like ‘when pigs fly’. But when Europeans first visited Australia and saw that black swans actually did exist, the phrase fell out of use In the context of your research you must be thorough enough that you do not miss a black swan! If your entire argument is predicated on the fact that all swans are white, you will look a fool if someone points out to you that black swans exist “ This was taken straight off the powerpoint.
Be aware of confirmation bias The tendency to accept ideas that agree with our pre-existing beliefs, prejudices and viewpoints. Downplays ideas and information that contradict them. Rationality.
Recognise good arguments even if we disagree.
Writing a research question Your question/title should include: Question word or instruction. Topic area of your research Specific focus of your research
The 2-page technique Page 1 - Everything you already know about this topic. Page 2 - Everything you need to find out and possible methods for doing so. (Useful for research methods.)
As your research develops information will move from page 2 to 1. Cross out what you have discovered and add anything new that comes up.
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