#B.Dylan Hollis Ask Meme
siixkiing · 2 years
"this isn't food! it's a war crime!" for whichever monkey ur feeling i just need to throw picky eater wukong at you
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“As if I didn’t hate you enough already, you drag me into this bullshit...”
Staring at the plate set before him — the golden simian was correct with his statement for sure. Whatever was sitting before them was indeed a war crime, that is the only way he could describe it. Was it suppose to be a pie of some sort? He’s assuming because it’s got a crust.
Ugh, leave it to Wukong to somehow pull him into one of his problems. The shadow warrior’s senses already going haywire when he saw the looks from the Monkey King’s protégé and his best friend. It spelt trouble for sure. Yet, the prideful king didn’t back down and had managed to SOMEHOW get the other to join them — by being utterly annoying like always. 
His false golden hues trained on the plate before him as if staring at it hard enough would slowly make it disappear. If only, returning to stare at the other simian who looked just as horrified what was being served to them as he was — probably even more so. Than again, Wukong had always been somewhat picky when it came to his food BUT challenging him even when it came to this had been his downfall in the end.
“Look, the sooner we eat it the sooner we can get this over with.”
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“ — it can’t be THAT bad, right?”
No, from the looks of whatever was laying in front of them both in the guise of food was indeed that bad. His words just pretty lies to try and coax himself to eat it so that he could leave. They weren’t working.
This damn war crime in the shape of a pie was going to kill them wasn’t it? It looked like it would at least and he really didn’t feel like repeating the experience again. No thank you.
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lxkexbxss · 2 years
[From Mikey @ohmiiigosh ! Cooking Sentence Starters]
“ So far so good!” [30 seconds later] “I take it back. ”
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“Everythin’ okay, Mike?”
Mismatched eyes turned towards the youngest, having decided to hang out with him in the kitchen for the day. It seemed to be one of those days that the orange-cladded turtle wanted to cook up a storm and test some new recipes he had found. Having offered to taste test for him. After all, it was hard to really upset the snapping turtle’s stomach and rarely anything ever did— having a stomach of steel a lot of the times.
Long as nothing had peanuts in it of course. The one thing he was highly allergic to. Luckily, Michelangelo knew this as did most of their family, so he doubt his brother would have him try anything with peanuts in it. His other brothers would have the honor of those dishes if there were any.
Curiosity clear on his face at the other’s dismay. It was very rare that the ornate box turtle ever messed up a recipe — after all, while they all could cook to varying degrees, Mikey was the BEST of them at it. After all, it was one of his favorite things to do.
“...couldn’t o’ turned out that bad, could it?”
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siixkiing · 2 years
(from crossed-worlds) (Sunny to Macaque)
“This is from 1987... It’s only electrocuted me twice.”
☯ B. Dylan Hollis’s baking TikToks (continued) - sentence starters | @crossed-worlds ☯
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"Well, than my hope is it does it again, be fun to watch it give you a jolt."
Did the other simian expect some sort of sympathy from him in this scenario? Nope. He might be a different version of Monkey King he knew BUT that didn't mean he was going to be friendly towards him. Not by a long shot.
Macaque had zero issues being antagonistic towards him at present and for the foreseeable future — he didn't mind ruffling the other simian's fur. Be fun to see what limits this one had. How far he could push him here and there.
" — guess that Intelligent Stone Monkey title was just that, huh?"
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