Azula Week 2019 Day 2: Athlete
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ragdollrory · 5 years
Smoothed by water
It was not Azula’s usual place, to be standing on the room’s side, doing her best to blend in with the background, and avoid stares. At least it hadn’t been, before. Now, with a lot of people still unsure of whether or not she should be free- with her own doubts about it- and particularly now, at the south, she was better off avoiding those who probably wanted her anywhere but in their land.
She was aware of the imposition she was to her brother, having come to this trip with him, because her fire could be blocked by lovely platinum cuffs at her wrists, but her title was very much intact. Azula was still the nation’s Princess, and as such, protocol asked she be here tonight, about to dine with the tribe’s Chief and his son, in the man’s own home. Agni had been merciful enough though, to spare her from having to share the evening with the waterbender as well. Now that would’ve ended poorly, most likely than not.
“Most of them are from hunting trips.” Chief Hakoda's voice startled Azula from her inspection of a bookcase, and the many things crammed in there. It was mostly scrolls and books, but there were also a lot of small trinkets she couldn’t tell what they stood for, although they looked important, traditional. She figured that was what the man was referring to.
“Others are gifts from other nations and towns. This one-” He picked up a small gold piece she was familiar with, running a thumb over its smooth surface. “This one was from your brother.” Azula nodded, but didn’t dare open her mouth to respond, as the man stood next to her. He was tall, broad, and his eyes were intimidating, so hers moved back to the bookcase. 
“You can pick any of them up.” Hakoda offered, and his deep voice sounded gentle enough. Her hands pushed deeper into her coat’s pockets, lest she took it upon his offer and touched anything. She was unwanted guest after all.
Azula felt his presence still by her side. His eyes were on her, and shifted on her feet, unsure on what to do. This had not been her first choice, by any means. If it were by her wishes, then she’d be in her room with a book, and Zuko would be here alone. But he’d been having many long trips as of late, and the palace was growing emptier each time her brother left. Its walls tall and overwhelming, and the darkness lurking behind the heavy curtains unbearable. She’d barely managed to sleep at all, last time he left to one of the temples.
“This one's from the northern tribe.” The Chief’s voice cut through the silence once more, and this time she turned to look up at him. 
“Why are you talking to me?” Azula’s voice was low, cautious, but tinged with curiosity. “If this is about protocol, then it’s okay, I don’t mind about it. You can go with them-” Her eyes moved to the opposite end of the room where Zuko and the Councilman were entertained with some papers on a table. “I’ll be fine.”
For a moment, the man seemed to be considering her words, evaluating her seriousness maybe, the tension in her jaw, and the way she couldn’t stop blinking under his blue gaze. And then he smiled, and Azula frowned, not bothering in hiding her confusion anymore.
“I don’t want your pity either.” She hurried to clarify, nails digging on her palms within the coat, shoulders tense. Hakoda’s eyes dropped briefly with a breathy chuckle, and when he looked up, there was a softness in them she’d not anticipated. It was alien, and disarming, and she looked back to the bookcase.
“You know, Katara used to look at me like that a lot when she was little. Confused, sulking. Way before I left to fight-” And still the man kept on talking, it seemed he’d gotten sentimental now. Azula looked at him on the side, unsure of what to do with being compared with his daughter, surely the girl wouldn’t like it. But this was his home, so there was not much she could do about it. “She’d ask questions I couldn’t answer, things that weren’t for a kid to know, and she’d hate it when I changed the conversation on her.”
“You’re doing it now.” Azula stated, flatly. “And I’m not a child.” Even if she sounded a bit like one right now.
“No, you’re not, you’re right. Twenty-four makes you very much an adult in any nation, Princess.” She thought kindness sounded in his voice, making her lips tighten into a fine line. “But I’m sure my answer would still not be all that pleasant for you. Although I can say it’s not pity, and it’s definitely not protocol either.”
She nodded once more, having nothing much to add to his vague answer. Her eyes moved to a decorated arrowhead. “What about this one?” She asked, voice small, hesitant, and thought she saw him smile.
“That one is something Sokka brought home one day, found it in the snow. He added the symbols himself, said one day it would be a family relic.” 
“That is old water tribe language. I’m not sure I know them all though.” Azula analyzed the inscriptions for a moment, cocking her head to the side to catch a spiralled one she didn’t recognize.
Hakoda laughed softly. “Some. Others are just invented by him, I think he was maybe four when he designed them, let me see…” A finger went on pointing to the different figures. “This one is Tui, and here is La. 
“Then there’s the wolf, and the seal, this one I can’t remember what he said it was. Oh, here- this little one is water, and this is the sun. Agni to you.” He finished with a smile to her, and Azula found herself answering to it with a twitch at the corner of her lips.
“I imagine you know the old Fire Nation’s language, yes?” Hakoda asked, hands working through a mess of scrolls piled in no apparent order, at the bottomost shelf. He came back up with a very old looking one, a faded red thread kept it closed. “This- was brought to the tribe many years ago, and it has been in the power of every tribe Chief ever since. The issue is, no-one knows how to read it.” He handed it over, an encouraging nod for her to take it.
Azula was careful to pull the knot, and roll it out, eyes scanning the old writing, and a full smile finally breaking through her face. She laughed before she was able to stop it, and could see Zuko’s head perking up in attention from the corner of her eye. Looking back up, she found the Chief’s expectant face.
“This is a recipe.” She handed the parchment over, shaking her head in amusement. His heavy brows knitted together over the writing, surprise evident in his expression. “It seems some Chieftess asked for the current Fire Lady’s fruit tarts recipe. I’m sorry it’s not some ancient secret, but those are actually very good, I’m sure you’ve had them when you visited the palace.”
Hakoda seemed completely bewildered, as if he’d been lied to about the existence of snow, or the moon, and then warm laughter poured from his lips, and he wiped a few tears from the corner of his eyes. Azula found she didn’t mind talking to him that much after all.
“I can’t believe it, all these years and it was a fruit tart.” The scroll was left forgotten on a random shelf. She shrugged, a smile still playing on her lips at the absurdity of it all. At how nice it had felt to make him laugh.
“What about this one?” Azula pointed to a small stone carved to imitate a leaf.
“That one is from the Swamp people. They use the water to shape the stone, much like nature does.”
“It’s beautiful.” Azula traced the leaf’s nerve before she realised her hand moving, and was quick to remove it.
“It is. You can take it.” He said, as if it were nothing, as if she wasn’t who she was. And when she turned to him once again, his eyes were so damned blue and sad, sitting on her hesitant hand.
And she couldn’t ask, because now she understood why he told her that about his daughter’s questions. Because the way he was looking at her was much like the way Zuko did, and she could barely handle her brother’s answers as it was. 
And before she could retreat to the coat, he took the leaf and put it on her hand, and Azula just stood there, petrified, with her hand between the Chief’s.
“It smells like the food is almost done.” He gave her hand a little squeeze before releasing it with a reassuring smile. “You can keep the coat on, okay? It’s always a bit chilly for you firebenders here.”
“Thank you.” It was all she could manage, and even then, the last word left her lips broken. He only shook his head, as if nothing where the matter, as if this were a common occurrence for him. And just like that he left to check on the food he’d been preparing.
After what felt like forever, Azula could tear her eyes from the stone leaf, and put it in her pocket to go sit down next to Zuko.
“Everything alright?” He turned to her offering a glass of something, his voice was low, but his concern terribly loud. She felt like crying for the second time in just a minute.
“Yeah, I just-” She glanced over to the fire. I just met a father, were what her lips refused to form. That she’d seen a tiny glimpse of what she’d never had, and now wanted to go drown herself in alcohol, and self-pity, and the cold sea. “Yes.” She repeated, managing a smile to quiet down Zuko’s worried eyes. “The Chief gave me a present, that’s all.”
“That sounds nice of him.” Her brother commented with an all too knowing smile, leaning to brush lips on her forehead. Azula nodded, fingers playing with the rock through the fabric of the coat. Dinner sounded a little bit better now.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 5 years
Jasmine Days
Azula Week Day 7: Flower/Tea Shop AU
Summary: After a breakdown, Azula’s therapist recommends something like gardening. She ends up working at a flower shop where she meets TyLee.
It is a little soft for Azula’s liking, but her therapist suggests that it will be good for her. She supposes that the scent of lilac and daisy intermingling with herbal tea is at least kind of comforting. A look around shows potted tulips and lilies on each window sill and every table has either a small potted marigold, rose, lavender or clover. One even has a tiny cactus.In each corner rests a potted sunflower surrounded by lavender. The ceiling is what impresses her the most; somehow the shop owners managed to get live wisteria branches to weave into willow and spanish most to create a natural roof. And from the curling branches hang potted eucalyptus bush. She can even see a few handcrafted wooden birds nestled with in. The interior almost has more flora than the exterior. And the bricks on the outside are almost wholly covered in ivy, the groud below a mural of dandelion and chrysanthemum. 
She stands in the middle of the the flower-tea shop hybrid, somewhat awkwardly before approaching the counter. 
“What can I get you!?” The girl greets cheerfully. 
Azula slides a slip of paper across the counter. 
The girl claps her hands together. “Oh! You’re Azula!” 
Azula nods.
“Follow me, the other girls and Kaito are really excited to meet you.” 
Azula slips her hands into her pockets. The scents and the scenery are lovely, but she isn’t sure how she feels about volunteering here. It isn’t exactly her flavor of work, it doesn’t quite suit the personality she has been cursed with. She fights the urge to tell her new coworker that they are going to wish they hadn’t.
“I’m TyLee.” She introduces. “This is Bokwon.” She points at a girl with green eyes and thick curly black hair. “Li-Hara” and to the girl with golden eyes and short, silky, black hair. “Xi-Qui” her finger falls on a darker skinned girl with big blue eyes and bushy brown locks. “And Shinya.” Shinya appears to be the only boy in the room. But this isn’t what draws Azula’s attention so much as the bright pink splotch of dye in his bangs. 
“Azula.” She introduces herself rather plainly. 
“It’s pretty easy here.” TyLee assures. “You’ll mostly be working with me.”
“TyLee’s super friendly.” Li-Hara cuts in, “you’ll love her.” 
“And I usually work with the flowers. Me, and Shinya. Li-Hara makes tea and Bokwon and Xi-Qui usually serve it.”
“It’s just the five of you?” Azula asks. 
“For now.” TyLee confirms. “That’s why we are looking for volunteers.” She smiles cheerful.  
Azula wonders if the girl is aware of the kind of help that has been sent to her. TyLee motions for her to follow. She pushes a curtain of wisteria out of the way and shows Azula the back room. “This is where we keep all of the seeds. While Shinya and I arrange and sell bouquets, we were hoping that you could plant new flowers and take care of the ones that are already growing.”
That is that nature of her work. Apparently, gardening is supposed to be therapeutic, not that getting dirty appeals to Azula. But, at this point, she is willing to try anything to keep her psyche in a more stable condition. She just wants to be normal again…
She gives a solemn glance to the bright petals all around her. She wishes that she could have her own color back. Lately things have been in shades of grey with shadows weaving ominously in between. 
Somehow the thought of the voices and whispers bring her a heightened awareness of the bottle of prescription pills in her pocket. 
Either TyLee has been sent a copy of her situation or the girl simply detects the sulleness radiating off of her because Azula feels arms loop around her torso, “it’s gonna be alright, you’ll see!” Azula can hear the smile in the girl’s voice. “I promise that you’ll like it here.” 
She has heard that so many times before…
She isn’t exactly lively, but there is a brighter sparkle in golden eyes that were once so blank only a week or so ago. TyLee watches Azula dig a small hole to place bluebell seeds within. The new routine gives her a sense of normalcy and a thing to ground herself with. The sharp perfume of each herb and flower gives something to focus on and latch onto when reality seems to be slipping.
“What kind of flower is your favorite?”
Azula looks up and then back to her work. Just when TyLee doesn’t think she is going to get an answer, Azula softly replies, “lotus or rosemary.” 
“Those are pretty.” TyLee agrees. Though Azula can imagine that she loves flowers of all sorts. 
“What are yours?” She returns the question. Small talk has never come easy to her.
“I like cherry blossom and jasmine. But poppy is nice too!” TyLee rambles, confirming Azula’s suspicion that she doesn’t discriminate against any matter of flora. 
Azula piles the dirt back over the seeds and adds some water. She stands and washes her hands. Planting the bluebells is her final assignment for the day. “I’ll be going.” 
“Actually, I was hoping you’d like to join me and and the rest of the crew for our afterhour tea.” TyLee tries.
“Afterhour tea?”
“Yeah, every day we celebrate our hard work with Li-Hara’s best.” 
Azula looks at the time, not that it matters, she hasn’t made any other plans. “I guess that I can.” It will probably be good for her to let at least a handful of people get close to her. TyLee seems like a gentle and safe place to start.  
The girl’s face lights up and she throws her arms around Azula. She is starting to get used to the girl doing that, and for once she returns the embrace and pats the girl on the head. “Okay, you can let me go now.” 
TyLee laughs. She grabs Azula’s hand and tugs her over to the tea shop portion of the building. “Azula is going to be joining us.” She announces. 
Azula is rather relieved when no one protests her arrival. For the first time, she truly considers that there is a chance for things to get better.
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captain-azoren · 5 years
Azula Week Day 5: Crossover (and post canon)
Summary: Azula gives birth to her and Soren’s first child a decade after the end of the war, and she finally accepts the truth of what she is.
I’m submitting another fanfic to make up for not participating in Azula Week much. May or may not make this one canon to my current fic either.
A shriek pierced the night as lightning scarred the dark sky above and thunder shook the air. Everyone in the second tower of Katolis Castle was on edge, servants hastily walking through the halls as they entered and exited a bed chamber in the highest level, fear in their eyes and speaking in hushed whispers. They could not decide if what was happening was a miracle or a nightmare.
             Within the bedchamber, a woman thrashed on the bed, eyes squeezed shut and tears streaming down her cheeks. Her dark brown hair was a mess, splayed out over her pillow. Her sharp nails dug into and ripped at her sheets. The servants and midwives did their best to calm and steady her as they tended to the woman. She was enduring the long struggle to give birth to her first child.
             The woman grit her teeth and sucked in her breath before letting out another shriek, a jet of blue fire erupting from her mouth and towards the ceiling. All the servants flinched, but knew they would regret it later if they fled now. Princess Azula, they had learned over the past few years, was not someone you turned your back on lightly.
             “Y-you’re doing well, Princess,” One midwife told her as she dabbed a wet cloth to her forehead. “Just keep breathing…” Azula glared at the older woman for a moment, but did as was instructed. The servants were already putting out a few small fires she had caused, and Azula preferred that her new baby not be born within a smoldering ruin. Azula breathed and tried to calm herself, despite how much pain she was in. The princess suddenly had a newfound respect for her mother, who had miraculously performed this feat three times. Perhaps Ursa had been stronger than Azula thought.
             The princess’s thoughts were disturbed when she heard the jangling of armor. She looked to the doorway just as it opened to see Soren enter the bedchamber, with his sister Claudia standing behind him. Soren and Azula locked eyes a moment, until a sharp pain ripped through Azula.
             “YOU DID THIS TO ME!” Azula snarled and shrieked at her husband, another blue flame flaring from her mouth. Soren flinched back, then let out a sigh as he frowned.
             “Because you asked me too…” Soren replied and walked up to his angry, pregnant wife. The servants gave Soren a chair and he sat next to the bed. Soren took Azula by the hand and squeezed it. Azula glared at him a moment, but just saw the love and concern in his eyes. The princess huffed as she turned away, focusing on her breathing and squeezing Soren’s hand back to silently let him know her appreciation of him being there.
             “Lady Claudia,” A servant approached the arch mage and whispered. “Was it wise for you both to leave your mission?”
             “I’m pretty sure Azula would have killed Soren if he missed this,” Claudia whispered back. “And there’s no way I’m missing my niece or nephew’s first birthday.”
             Azula continued to breath and deal with the pain, even if it felt like her body was being split in half down the middle. The princess wondered if all the pain was worth it. Nothing could have prepared her for this. None of the pain and hardships she had endured in her life even came close. None of the harsh training her father put her through or emotional pain her family had inflicted could compare to what this little parasite that had been growing inside her for nine months could do. Soren was right though, Azula had asked for this and now she was paying for it.
It had been three years since Soren and Azula had been married, to ensure an alliance between their two worlds, their two countries. Six years since Azula was declared the Fire Nation’s ambassador to Katolis. Eight years since Zuko had banished Azula to the other world as the last real threat to his title as Fire Lord. Not that her brother did not have good reason, considering what Azula had done after the war. Ten years since Sozin’s Comet, when Azula’s whole world came crumbling down, when she thought she lost everything, lost all hope…except for him.
Eighteen years since Azula ran through that mirror, and in all that time, Soren was the only one who stayed loyal. No matter how far she fell, he would always be there to catch her, to keep her from going past the point of no return. He had helped her adjust to her new life in Katolis, insisted she have a home with his family at the castle, tried to find a new purpose for her. Soren was a dense goof, but his devotion to Azula gave her hope for herself, and hope was what she needed. Azula hated the thought of owing anything to anyone, but Soren had earned her heart, and Azula did not want to be without him in her life.
It was only natural then that they had married. Soren was the son of a lord, even a disgraced one, and Azula was still a princess of the Fire Nation despite her past. Their worlds being separated by dimensions was just a trivial detail, considering all they had to learn from each other. It was also only natural that they produce an heir. Zuko was not the only one who had the right to continue his legacy, and a child born of two worlds would cement the alliance between Katolis and the Fire Nation.
That was what Azula told herself, and what she told Soren when she asked him to give her a child. Soren of course was much less logical about it, much less sure. He had questioned if Azula’s reasons for wanting a child were entirely political, or at least if they should be. Azula did not like being sentimental, not even about this. Azula would most certainly make sure her child grew up healthy, strong, well educated, and happy, but a child’s purpose was to carry on the family legacy. Their child would be a great leader, a warrior, and hopefully, a powerful firebender like her. Nothing to get emotional about. Azula would leave that to Soren, if he insisted, and their baby would have Aunt Claudia too. But their child would not need her, and Azula was fine with that…
Azula screamed as she felt a change, and gripped Soren’s hand tightly.
“The baby is coming,” A midwife said. “You need to keep pushing, Princess Azula.”
“I know what I have to do! RrrrrRRRGH!” Azula hissed and bared her teeth.
Now was the moment of truth. If her mother could do it, then she could too, and there was nothing the princess could not do. Soren knew that. It was one more reason he married her. When he had met Azula so long ago, he thought she was perfect, good at anything and everything, the ideal royal. Of course, Soren learned in time just how flawed the princess was, how truly imperfect she had always been. Soren saw how cold Azula could be, how her father had abused, twisted, and manipulated her, trying to turn her into a monster…but even then, Soren still loved her. Soren still saw the beauty in Azula and her blue fire, and he was determined to protect that beauty. He did not know how to redeem her, but he would always be there for her, now and forever.
After what felt like an agonizing eternity, Azula let out one last scream, one more jet of blue fire from her breath. Her nails dug into Soren’s hand and she nearly burned him, but Azula’s husband, her faithful knight, did not let go. No matter the pain, Soren stayed with her.
There was a brief moment of quiet before the sound of a new voice pierced the air, the wail of a crying, newborn baby. The midwives cleaned the wriggling little child and cut the umbilical cord. Claudia swaddled it in a cloth, smiling brightly with tears in her eyes.
“It’s a boy…” Claudia said as she held the bundle up to the new parents. Soren and Azula gazed at their new baby as the midwife passed him to the princess. He had the smallest tuft of light blond hair poking out. Azula cradled the baby, and whatever thoughts she had of continuing her legacy or strengthening alliances seemed to fade away. She did not know what to think. All Azula knew was that, somehow, she had created this living human being, with help from Soren.
Soren was in awe, and just as speechless as his wife. He had a son now. Being a father was not something he would have ever thought of for himself, but now, the gravity of the responsibility was finally weighing on him. This was a new member of the family, and Soren had to step up, to show his son more love and devotion that anyone. Soren reached out to gently stroke his wailing son’s cheek, and the baby opened his eyes. They were a glistening amber, just like his mother’s. The baby boy gazed back at his mother and father gazing back at him, stopped his wailing for a moment, then smiled and let out a happy little gurgle.
“He’s…perfect…” Azula finally spoke as her tears welled up. A choked sob escaped the princess’s throat. The way their baby’s eyes sparkled, how rosy his cheeks were, how sweet his innocent smile was…how could it be possible? How could a monster like her have created something so precious, so pure, and so perfect? How could it be true? The universe was cruel and ironic for playing these jokes on her. Azula closed her eyes, and as hard as she tried, she could not keep herself from crying.
The princess held her baby close and let out all her sobs, all her pent up doubts and frustation. Azula did not want to believe this was real. She did not want to be given false hope, but here it was, in her arms, as real as it could be. Azula had created something more beautiful, more perfect than herself. The result of her and Soren’s love, the fruit of her agonizing labor. The final, indisputable proof that she was not the monster that she had believed herself to be. No monster could have made a little angel like this. No monster would have felt such love or humility when she and her baby looked into each other’s eyes.
Soren wrapped his arms around his wife and son as Azula cried. The princess gave their son a kiss, her tears falling on the bundle of cloth, her long hair surrounding the baby’s round face.
“I love him so much…” Azula managed to say between sobs. She felt shame overcome her as she thought of her excuses for wanting to bear a child, how she might have seen her son as a tool of war or politics like her father before her had done to her. Azula was humbled by this tiny creature of love in a way that she had never been before. Then and there, Azula promised herself that no matter what, she would hold nothing back from her son. He would have all her unconditional love for all his life. Azula would not become her father or her mother, and even if she faltered, she now had a new family to support them.
“I love him too,” Soren whispered, giving Azula a kiss to her temple and nuzzling her. His wife’s sobs faded into sniffles, and Azula kissed his cheek. He let a few tears roll down his cheeks too. Despite it all, he could feel Azula’s happiness, the one thing he had tried to give her for so long. His princess, who had been used as a weapon, who had been betrayed by her friends and family, who had believed she was an unlovable monster and still doubted her humanity until now. Soren had struggled for nearly a decade trying to prove to Azula that she was not a monster, that she deserved to be loved, and this little baby boy had proven it in seconds. Soren was already so proud of his son, and he always would be, just for being the perfect gift to Azula.
“You did great Azula. I wish dad could have been here…what should we name him?”
Azula thought for a moment. She had been going over names during the course of her pregnancy, trying to come up with something that would fit and honor their child’s heritage.
“His name is…Zuren,” Azula answered. “Our son’s name is Zuren.”
“It suits him,” Claudia said as she watched her brother and Azula fawn over their baby, feeling so much joy for the both of them. “Dad would like it…”
Little Zuren gurgled happily at his new name, and Azula smiled down at him. All at once she felt so unworthy and yet so proud. It was no longer about her anymore though, or Soren. Despite how small and fragile he was now, Zuren was already greater than either of them. Raising him right, in a home surrounded by love, supporting him and teaching him, letting him live his life to the fullest, that was Azula and Soren’s purpose now. They would be better than their parents were and learn from those mistakes. They would be better people, make the world a better place, for him.
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focusas · 5 years
Azula Week Day 3: Song As A Prompt 
Fun things happen there and it can’t be any other way.
Toph as the biggest prankster in the world had a reputation to maintain and that meant that pranks would never run out. She was walking through the market places of Fire nation capital city of Caldera and looking for new ways to prank her friends and not friends … no one would escape her sight no matter how good they would try. There was no other way to escape Toph, but to survive to the end and hope that Toph was in merciful mood.
“Young lady, can I interest you in some exotic wares?” The blind bandit heard someone call her and decided to “see” who it was maybe she could use something there for her next prank or give her any new ideas. Toph’s seismic sense told her that the man standing before her was what some people would call shady looking pirate and so she decided to investigate this further. The pirates were the people that had the real exotic stuff that can be hard to get and it may be just what she would need, so Toph stopped walking and turned toward person asking for her attention.
“What do have for sale here?” Toph focused her seismic sense to get better view of her surrounding and the things that may be put on the stools nearby. Several seconds later her senses told her that that same man had his hand extended before her with some kind of cube sitting on its palm.
“This! It’s one of kind object in this world and you wouldn’t find any more of its kind. It is said that spirits themselves blessed it and granted it powers to discover other people secret desires. It’s 100% guaranteed to work on your designed target! You are one lucky girl, because Its limited time offer and YOU, young lady, can get it for merely 10 gold pieces today. It’s the perfect thing just for you!” The shady pirate told to Toph (is there not shady pirates?)
“10 gold pieces are a bit of steep price for something that looks like small wooden box.” Toph replied after focusing her seismic sense to get better understanding of the cat in the bag that someone was trying to sell her, but couldn’t get anything more that this was just wooden cube. Toph disliked wood it hampered her seismic sense.
“It maybe for someone else, but it’s the perfect thing for perfect girl with perfect plan to prank someone!”
“You could say that at first! So, this is some kind of prank box? What does it do!” Toph’s curiosity was peaked now.
“It will expose your targets hidden desires in unique, sometime extremely embarrassing way. It will be the biggest prank or you could get your money back it if wouldn’t work after several days.” The shady person leaned forward and whispered to Toph’s ear.
“Oh!” Toph feigned interest “I would like to get it, but I don’t have ten gold pieces! Can you lower your price?”
“I see that you are motivated buyer so we can come to some agreement. How about small game of find hidden coin under the cups? It would cost you only one gold piece for each try and it will be free after ten tries.” The pirate tossed a coin in the air and then caught it with same hand and then shown it in front of Toph face.
“Let’s do this!” Smile appeared on Toph’s face. If there was another thing that she exceled and it wasn’t her earthbending, it was her skills at scamming others. Toph offered one gold coin and the game began and as usual with that kind of games the game master tried to cheat and hide coin in its sleeve, but no one could pull this thing when Toph was the one playing this game and used her earthbending.
“Sorry, but you …” The pirate started to say when he raised one of cups and stopped in midsentence when the coin was revealed to be under the cup Toph choose. “Oh well … looks like I lost! Here is your presence.” He chuckled.
“So how does it work?” Toph asked after taking small strange cube and tried to devise what it was and what it could do.
“Oh! Everything’s easy! Just turn the handle that is on its side until you heard click and then leave it overnight in someone’s room.” After that Toph left that shady man and moved on her way and while she was walking, she moved her hands over wooden cube to find if she wasn’t fooled and found small handle. Then a bright idea come to her to ask that same person if he had more prank thing, but she couldn’t sense that pirate anywhere. So she stomped her foot to the ground to feel vibration and get better view, but still couldn’t locate her target. It was as if it evaporated in thin air. It was extremely rare that someone could get way from her all seeing feet, and that raised Toph curiosity even more about this strange box she just procured.
Toph return to palace where she and her friends where staying while visiting Zuko. The night has come and Toph decided to test the mysterious box and learn about its abilities. She spent several minutes thinking about who could be the perfect target for it and decided to test it on “crazy scary princess” as Sokka once described Azula. Yes, Azula should be perfect target. No one not even firebending prodigy could escape Toph and her pranks.
Azula was already heavy asleep when Toph entered princess room with mysterious cube in her hands. Then she turned the handle sticking out of mysterious box a few circles around and left it hidden in Azula’s room before leaving the room, making sure no one notice it. Who knows what terrible and embarrassing fate would befall princess Azula? Several minutes after Toph left the room the cube started to do it bidding and chanting started to sound out of it:
“Monster! Monster! Mon, mon, mon, mon, monster! ...”
Next morning come and went as usual. Too usual! So Toph decided to stalk Azula to see if there was any effect on her. The princess was her usual bossy self without any noticeable change. So after Toph got bored of stalking the princess she decided to investigate princess room, maybe something has happened there that she as wasn’t aware of, but to her big disappointment there wasn’t anything that would note that some shenanigan happened here. The mysterious box was still where Toph has hidden it but its handle return to the position before it was activated telling that something has happened with it. So since there was no change Toph decided to repeat same procedure for several days thinking that it may need time for the effect to set up.
That’s how several more days went and there still were no noticeable change.
Azula was walking palace corridors, going to training pavilion, when she met a couple servants going to clean nearby room.
“Hey, darling, could you pass me a broom?” female servant asked her male companion. At that point something clicked inside Azula and she stopped for several seconds. Then when Azula recovered she noticed that she has walked for sometime without even noticing it and saw how Sokka exited training pavilion and disappeared in one of many corridors.
“What has just happened?” Azula thought about what has just happened. She never spaced out and always had perfect control over her body even when her mind wasn’t in right condition during that cursed day when she lost to that peasant girl. Now she had to suffer and be in the presence of that savage boy and his friends. Savage boy. Savage boy! Her savage boy! She would make him her savage boy!
“Hey, savage!” Azula shouted and run in the direction that Sokka has disappeared. To Sokka’s big luck or unluck he didn’t hear her and didn’t know what terrible disaster would befall him. Sokka may have took a different turn or snuck into one of many rooms, because when Azula rounded the corner she couldn’t find her target anywhere. This small distraction wouldn’t hamper her in her quest.
After several minutes Azula found Sokka sitting in palace gardens and wanted to approach him, but her body resisted her commands while her brain offered several possible scenarios how the thing could happen. Hesitation and anxiety creeped inside of Azula’s mind:
“What if he rejects her? What if …”
This was not time for hesitation and direct action was needed to combat it and so Azula decided to ponder about it for several minutes, because she didn’t want to experience same failure like she had with Chan in Ember island. After several seconds she decided that Chan was disappointed in her puny flames she tried to present him and decided to conjure even bigger flames when she will meet Sokka. If there was one thing about men that Azula learned from her father, it was that men liked flames and thought that it was manly and the bigger flames were the better! Great gates of Azulon or the Fire fountain in same name island were great examples of that!
Approach is such important aspect!
Azula had to mentally prepare for her encounter with “her savage”. He was sitting under huge tree. His friends were nowhere in her sight and wouldn’t interfere. The wind was blowing from his position toward her meaning that he wouldn’t be able to smell her approach and if she took several large steps to the side, she could easily blind side him and approach without him sensing anything.
Let’s get down to business to execute the plan!
Tranquil as the forest, but on fire within Azula moved toward Sokka who was still unaware of the danger that was approaching him and continued to munch on piece of ham he managed to take from kitchen without anyone noticing. She was sure to win!
“NOW ATTACK! NOW ATTACK! NOW ATTACK!” Azula’s mind screamed at her when she approached Sokka and was standing only couple of steps away from him.
“Hey savage!” Azula screamed from the bottom of her lungs and bent huge blue flames from both of her hands that connected adobe her head and even blocked sun as huge flame wall.
“Say good bye to those who knew me!” was the only thought that appeared in Sokka’s mind when he saw that horrifying display of power from crazy scary princess and without wasting any moment and even without Sokka commanding his body, his body swallowed entire ham and run on all four away from imminent death that loomed adobe him and jumped into turtle duct pound. After several seconds Sokka reemerged in opposite side and tried to run away from certain doom. Azula didn’t want to accept defeat rushed toward him while shooting fireballs at him!
“Stop running from love, my savage!” Azula shouted at retreating Sokka.
“This girl got him scared to death!” A servant noted while observing the circus that was happening before them before rushing to stop fires that threatened to consume the garden.
“Oh, to be loved! That’s what we all seeking of!” A female servant hugged herself, while watching watertribe boy rush through garden with fire nation princess hot on his heels, and completely ignore raging inferno around.
Time to enact those indecent urges we all have!
“Hey savage!” Azula’s voice sounded through palace. She was swift as coursing river, with all the force of the great typhoon, with all the strength of the raging fire, she will make him hers, but for now she found that Sokka was equal match to her and managed to keep the distance between him and her or what Sokka thought what looked like certain death. The thought that Sokka was her equal made Azula’s admiration of him skyrocket even higher and proved that he was right choice for her.
“Fall in love!”
It was casual day in Fire nation royal palace and casual madness was happening within it walls. Sokka was casually running through palace corridors, but it wasn’t casual run to the kitchen to stuff his mouth with food, because it wasn’t casual run when deadly beautiful Fire nation princess was right behind and chasing him with blue fires in her hands.
“NO, NO, NO! THIS ISN’T HAPPENING! NO, NO, NO!“ Sokka was screaming from the top of his lungs while trying to escape inescapable destiny that has befallen him this unlucky day. He didn’t know what was scarier: the thought that Azula tried to kill him or that that was how she shown her affection to him and that she loved him, and was mad serious set on getting him for herself.
“STOP RUNNING, SAVAGE! I AM PREACHING ETERNAL LOVE HERE!“ Azula was screaming while chasing Sokka.
At same time while all these shenanigans were happening in palace, Toph was in the city to scam and fool with local because she thought that it will be boring day unaware of things that would happen there. She returned back to her room only late evening and prepared to go to bed before noticing that strange box that was supposed to be biggest prank, but apparently it was big scam since nothing happened for several days. She still couldn’t believe someone managed to play with her like that and get away. All her search of that shady pirate was in vain as if he knew what would happen when she finds out about the trick he played on her. Toph took that strange box and once again tried to examine it and learn its mysteries, but the box was resisting all her attempt so Toph casually tossed it to side and went to sleep. A dozen minutes later strange chant started to sound from that box, but Toph was already sound asleep and didn’t notice it.
“Monster! Monster! Mon, mon, mon, mon, monster! ...”
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azulaweek · 5 years
Azula Week Starts Today
July 14th - Greek Goddess AU & Tattoo Shop
Make sure to take ‘Azulaweek2019′ within the first 5 tags.
I look forward to seeing everyones’ work.
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Azula Week Day 5: Crossover AU (Pokemon)
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Azula Week Day 4: Time Travel AU
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Azula Week Day 7: Tea Shop AU
“Azula!” Iroh greeted upon seeing his niece enter his esteemed tea shop.  “What a wonderful surprise!” 
“Speak for yourself,” Zuko muttered, crossing to the kitchen. 
Azula scowled at him. 
“Does this mean you’re all moved in?” Iroh asked. 
“I am.”  Azula took a deep, satisfied breath.  After hours of unpacking and decorating her dorm room at Ba Sing Se University, the incoming freshman was badly in need of some rest and relaxation.  “My room’s about a third as big as my bedroom at home, but it will have to do.” 
Iroh chuckled, clearing some empty mugs from a table of boisterous upperclassmen.  “So what brings you to my humble tea shop?” 
Teeming with customers, the Jasmine Dragon was far from humble. 
Azula shrugged.  “Now that I’m all unpacked, I thought I’d explore the city.” 
“You’ll be conquering Ba Sing Se in no time,” Iroh laughed. 
“That’s the plan,” the firebender said with a haughty smirk. 
“Speaking of plans…” 
Azula sighed, knowing exactly where this conversation was headed. 
“…have you reconsidered my offer?  We could really use the help around here – ” 
“Uncle, we’ve been over this.  I’m going to be a first-year.  I haven’t established a reputation yet, and, nothing personal, but I really don’t want to be known as the tea shop girl.  Besides, if I’m ever going to become valedictorian, I need to devote my free time to my studies.”   
“There’s more to life than scholarly pursuits,” he said, walking back toward the kitchen. 
Azula followed him. 
“These years will go by quickly.  Enjoy them.  Make sure you take some time for yourself.  Discover who you truly are.  Meet new people, make some friends…” 
“Well I did take the time to grace you with my presence, didn’t I?” she asked. 
Zuko came out of the kitchen holding a tray full of teas, bumping into his sister on the way out and nearly spilling the hot beverages all over himself.  “Ugh!” the third-year groaned.  “Can’t you grace us with your presence some other time?  We’re swamped!” 
“I can take a hint,” Azula spat, rolling her eyes. “I’ll see myself out.” 
“Order’s up!” Iroh called from the kitchen. 
Zuko huffed in frustration.  “Azula, wait.”  He abruptly handed her his tray.  “Take these to the table in the front by the window on your way out, okay?” 
“Are you kidding me, Zuzu?” she asked in vain. Her brother had already dashed back to the kitchen to pick up the next order.  “Hmph.”  She walked up to the front table and placed the tray down in front of the customers. “I don’t know who ordered what or what’s what, but here you go.”  She turned to the door while the confused customers thanked her.  But just as she was about to make her exit, she heard someone call for her. 
“Miss?  Excuse me, miss?  Do you work here?” 
As she turned toward the voice, ready to answer no, she was met with a pair of deep blue eyes that left her speechless.  The young man sitting alone in the corner was quite the looker.  She swallowed.  “Yes, as a matter of fact, I do,” she smiled, walking toward him.  “How can I help you?” 
“Do you have anything that could mend a broken heart?” 
Not only was this blue-eyed boy handsome, it appeared he was single as well.  Azula did everything in her power to keep from widening her grin.  “I’ll see what I can do,” she said softly before walking off into the kitchen. 
Iroh was pouring some jasmine tea into a mug, singing to himself. 
“Uncle… is there a tea for, let’s say, relieving heartache?” 
“Why of course!  There’s a tea for everything!”  The old firebender began preparing a concoction of lemon balm, rose petals, and lavender.  “This ancient remedy works every time.”  He placed the herbal mixture in a strainer over a mug and began to pour a kettle of boiling water over it.  As the tea steeped, he turned to his niece.  “You don’t have to wait here.  I know you have a city to explore.  I’ll have Zuko bring out the tea when it’s ready.” 
“That’s alright, Uncle.  I… I’d like to deliver it.”  Azula could feel her cheeks reddening.  She hated it. 
“I see,” Iroh hummed, all-knowingly.  “You know what else I hear is good for a broken heart?” 
Azula raised an eyebrow. 
“Some company.” 
She scoffed, though she appreciated the idea.  After the tea was finished brewing to perfection, Azula placed the mug on a small plate and began to carry it to the boy with blue eyes, thanking her uncle on the way out.  “This ought to do the trick,” she said, serving the handsome stranger. 
“Thank you.”  He blew on the hot liquid before taking a sip.  “What’s in it?” 
“If I told you, I’d have to kill you.” 
“I see,” he laughed.  “Well, if it gets the job done, I guess it doesn’t much matter what I’m drinking.” 
“I hope you enjoy it,” she smiled before turning her back toward him.  She almost walked away from him, but then she remembered what her uncle said.  She turned back around.  “You know what else I hear is good for a broken heart?” 
“Some company.”  Her voice wavered a bit.  She despised how insecure she sounded when she was otherwise such a confident person. Everything always came easily to her. Everything except talking to boys. 
“Don’t you have to work?” he asked. 
Her jaw clenched.  So it seemed he didn’t want her company.  “Y-Yes, I suppose I should get back to – ” 
“I mean,” he interrupted, “I-I’m sorry how that came out. I just didn’t want to get you in trouble.  I-I’d love some company.”  He smiled warmly.  “Please.” He gestured to the chair in front of him. 
She took a seat. 
“The name’s Sokka, by the way.” 
“Azula,” she smiled. 
“Are you new here?” he asked.  “I’ve never seen you around before.” 
“Yes.  I’m an incoming first-year at BSSU.” 
“Oh, that’s great!  I’m a second-year.” 
“What are you studying?” 
“Engineering,” he answered.  “Do you know what you’d like to study?  I know it’s early…” 
“Probably political science, but I’m keeping an open mind.” 
Sokka paused for a moment.  “Hey… can I ask you something?” 
“I suppose…?” 
He turned his head over his shoulder and then looked back at Azula.  “Are you related to the other server?  You look so much alike.” 
“Unfortunately,” she muttered, shaking her head.  “He’s my brother.  We don’t get along.” 
��I get it,” he chuckled.  “My sister and I fight sometimes too.  She can be pretty annoying.” 
“Siblings,” Azula laughed. 
“Yeah,” Sokka nodded.  It was uncomfortably quiet for a few seconds. 
“So…”  The firebender wasn’t sure the best way to broach the subject.  “Tell me about this… ex of yours.”  The statement came out more like a question. 
“Y-Yeah, Suki,” he started, awkwardly running a hand over his hair.  “We were together a couple of years.  We actually broke up in the beginning of the summer since she didn’t get in to BSSU and the distance was already a struggle.  I really thought I was over her and the break up, but… I just found out some news today that really threw me for a loop.” 
“Oh, and what was that?” 
“She’s starting at Gaoling College this fall and started her freshmen orientation about a week ago.”  Sokka averted his gaze.  “She’s already met someone.  They’re dating now.” 
“I’m… sorry to hear that.”  Although Azula was sympathetic, she also had some competing interests. 
“The real kicker is… the person she’s seeing now is a girl.”  He looked back at the firebender to gauge her reaction.   
She lowered her head, looking at Sokka with wide golden eyes. 
“Some Fire Nation dancer apparently.” 
“Fire Nation ladies can be quite compelling,” she teased. 
“It would seem that way!” Sokka laughed. 
“Do you have a problem with her dating another woman?” 
“No.”  He shook his head.  “There’s just some part of me that makes me think maybe she was never really that into me.” 
“I really doubt that’s the case,” she blurted with instant regret, her cheeks reddening with embarrassment. 
He grinned.  “You don’t have to say nice things to me to get a better tip, you know,” he joked.  “You’re already getting a good one.” 
“I’m not!” 
“I know, I know.  I was just teasing you.”  He sat back in his chair with a more relaxed posture, chuckling lightly to himself.  “Maybe it’s the tea or something else, but… this was exactly what I needed tonight. You’ve honestly made me feel a thousand times better.” 
“What can I say, I’m pretty amazing,” she shrugged nonchalantly. 
“Modest too.” 
“The most modest.” 
He snickered.  “I think I was just feeling bummed out because the semester’s about the start and Suki said she’d come out to visit me this fall.  And obviously that isn’t going to happen.”  He sighed.  “I was really looking forward to showing her my favorite place in the city.” 
“Well…”  Azula looked down at the table, clearing her throat.  “I just moved here, and I’d love to see more of the city.  I know it’s not the same, but… maybe you could show me sometime?”  She brought her gaze back up to meet his. 
Sokka smiled warmly at her.  “When would you like to go?” 
“There’s no time like the present,” she said, returning the smile. 
“But, um… what about – ” 
“The crowd’s starting to die down.  I’m sure my idiot brother can handle things for the rest of the night.” 
“Great!”  He stood up from the table and offered the firebender his arm.  “Then shall we?” 
Azula took the gentleman’s arm and allowed him to escort her through the winding streets of Ba Sing Se.  It had grown quite dark.  Residents were meandering their way back home.   
“I’m so excited to show you the Firelight Fountain,” Sokka said, grinning.  “It’s one of the most beautiful sites in the entire city.” 
She followed Sokka into a modest-sized clearing with a large fountain in the center.  Several posts with candles on top surrounded the fountain.  However, the candles were not lit. 
“I can’t believe it!  They aren’t lit,” Sokka groaned, looking defeated.  “Just my luck.  Seriously, they’re always lit at sundown – ” 
She interrupted his rant by standing in front of him and placing her hands on his shoulders.  “Close your eyes.  And no peeking.” 
He eyed her suspiciously for a second but ultimately covered his eyes with his hands.   
Azula walked closer to the fountain and took a deep breath. Using her index and middle fingers, she proceeded to shoot small bursts of flame in a circular pattern, lighting all the candles.  Then she resumed her position standing in front of the blue-eyed student. “Okay.  Open.” 
“Wow,” he breathed, the sight nearly rendering him speechless.  He had seen the Firelight Fountain alit so many times, but he had never seen it sparkling with blue fire.  “I’ve never seen anything like this before.  It’s beautiful.”  He turned to look back at Azula.  “You’re beautiful.” 
Her heart started beating a mile a minute as she felt him place a hand gently on her cheek.  The next thing she knew, she felt his nose brush against hers.  And then their lips met in a soft yet passionate kiss. 
He was smiling affectionately at her when they finally separated.  “Look… I don’t want to rush into anything here, for obvious reasons, but…”  He took her hands in his.  “I had an incredible time with you tonight, and I really want to see you again.” 
“I’d like that,” she whispered, blushing.  “Well… you know where to find me.” 
“I do.”  He raised one of her hands to his mouth and gave it a soft kiss.  “Good night, Azula.” 
“Good night, Sokka.”  Azula felt like she was floating as she found her way back to the Jasmine Dragon.  A few lingering customers remained.  Her brother was sweeping and her uncle was washing some dishes.  She knew the smile plastered to her face probably looked absurd, but she couldn’t care less.  She walked over to the kitchen and threw on an apron.   
Zuko and Iroh stopped cleaning and looked perplexingly at Azula. 
“I decided I’m going to work here part-time.”  Her brother and uncle opened their mouths to speak but Azula raised a finger to stop them.  “No one say anything.” 
Zuko and Iroh shrugged and went back to cleaning, one scowling and the other grinning. 
With a soft smile spread across her cheeks, Azula grabbed a dishtowel and began scrubbing one of the tables, wondering the next time the handsome boy with blue eyes would set foot into the tea shop.
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ragdollrory · 5 years
Little do you know
“Do you think I’m pretty, Zuko?” His hands halted on her hair for just a second, before he resumed his task of letting it loose from the braid. It seemed he took personal offense with the asylum’s style, but she liked him taking the time to play with it, so of course she was not complaining.
Silence stretched between them for a moment longer, and Azula imagined her brother was likely frowning to her back, his thinking manifesting in how he pulled at the little knots at the ends. Likely how he tried to untangle the way her mind worked. She focused on the movements of the guard at the far end of the gardens then, failing miserably to conceal his eyes on them, as they sat quietly in the little slope that had sort of become theirs throughout the years.
“I mean- I know I am, beautiful even, but- do you think I am?” She tried amending it, make it easier maybe, toying with the linen sleeve of her pants, and trying not to turn around and catch his eyes.
“Azula, where is this coming from?” Finally, words out of his mouth. Not what she wanted, but pretty much what she imagined, Zuko’s hands finished the work on her hair and sat on her shoulders, softly tugging for her to turn around.
When she did, and the loose curtain of hair hid her from view, his fingers found her chin, and his free hand tucked raven strands behind her ear, searching her eyes. A little shrug of her shoulders was all she managed, but he held her gaze, twin gold hardening just so; if she wanted an answer, she had to give one.
“I don’t, I mean, I wonder sometimes… do you remember mother? Do you think I look like her?” A flicker of pain crossed his eyes, and Azula regretted instantly having asked, but his hold on her chin tightened, and a moment later he was smiling. Soft, and bittersweet, much like the majority one of his visits here.
“I think I remember her, yes.” His hands dropped to his lap, and Azula shifted around, sitting to face him fully. She tucked her legs to her side, weight resting on a hand. “Let’s see…” Zuko’s eyes travelled over her face, and she did her best to stay still under the scrutiny, but eventually couldn’t help but to pull faces at him. He chuckled, and she did too in turn, and some of the air was cleared around them.
“I think you might have some things. I do too, of course.” Zuko’s voice was breathy when he continued, chest falling with the ends of their laughter. He took a finger to her nose, tapping on the tip, and trailing up to an eyebrow. “I think your eyes. They’re not like mine, they’re bigger, and turn a little more upwards here.” His finger touched at the corner, and then brushed over her lashes, making her blink rapidly. “Your lips might be a little like hers, mine certainly aren’t.
“But then- your chin is more like mine, and the cheekbones-” Azula watched him as he went on, pointing out how much she didn’t look like their mother, a bubble of warm gratitude growing in her chest.
“You know,” She cut his sweet inspection with a hand over his, lacing their fingers together, relishing in his temperature. “I was given a mirror.”
Five little words, and she felt his surprised intake of air. Smiled down to where his fingers had tightened briefly on hers, and finally looked up to catch the realization of where the question was coming from at last.
He waited though, until she continued on her own, sweet Zuko, always waiting for her to come around. Patient and trusting, and loving her when she couldn’t always love back, when the fears that she worked hard on leaving behind, returned every so often to haunt her.
“I’m so different now.” Azula wanted to believe those words so hard, that she had really changed, on the inside as much as the out. That the girl she remembered in the dead of night when she couldn’t sleep- scared, unfocused eyes staring back at her whenever she let her eyelids fall- would never return. That she’d salvaged of her what she could, what was worthy, and had been able to let go of the rest. “Don’t you think?”
“I think so, yes.” His voice was soothing, pushing most worries away so easily, she often wondered if she’d be able to go on without him. An arm around her shoulders, Zuko pressed her to him, lips leaving a kiss at the top of her head, and then another one on her forehead, before resting his own against it. “You’re very different, and yet you’re not. You’re still my annoying little sister Azula, and that is all you need to worry about. Be yourself. I’m proud of you.”
“Oh, I’m hardly annoying.” She rolled her eyes, ignoring how they wanted to mist. Leave it to Zuko, to always make everything so emotional. “And- you didn’t answer my first question.”
It was his turn to roll his eyes now, a huff of hot air trapped between them, before he pulled away, keeping her at arm's length. Zuko straightened his face, and even without his headpiece, and regalia, she could see just how much he’d grown as well. How his eyes inspired respect and trust. 
“I think you are the prettiest little sister I’ve ever had.” His face broke into a grin.
“You know, being I the only little sister you have, that also makes me the ugliest, so I think you should consider rephrasing, or I’m filing a complaint.” She swatted his arm.
“Filing a complaint! Oh, but where have the mighty fallen.” His laughter was so free then, and Azula couldn’t help but to shake her head at her own sentimentality, but when she could pull an honest smile from him, true laughs- then it was a good visit.
One where the past, the pain, had lost over the present they were building together. One where he didn’t look at her with pity, sadness or regret. Where she’d managed to pull through another month, and that put her closer to going home at last.
“Just you wait, Zuzu,” Azula threatened with a mischievous smile. “next time we’re training together, I’ll make you pay for this rude insult to the princess of your nation.”
“Oh no, I yield, I yield.” He bowed to her, eyes tightening with a smile, making her chest tremble with happiness. Zuko looked up from the grass, as Azula plucked some grazings to drop on his hair.
For a moment, as she looked at his silly happy face, she thought she might be able to tell him this time. I love you too. It didn’t seem so hard, she pondered, a digit tracing the line where the burned skin met the healthy one on his cheek. But it just was. Her lips couldn’t form the words yet, fear making her smile falter. Fear of him growing tired of waiting, and just stop coming altogether.
“I’ll wait.” He answered, rising back up, as if he could read her mind. And maybe he had, he’d gotten very good at picking up on her tells over the past seven years. It occurred to Azula that now that she was allowed mirrors back, she could work on hiding her emotions again. And then it also occurred to her, that she didn’t want to do that with him anymore.
“What happens if you lose though?” His question pulled Azula from her mind, and she remembered the threat of the training session, and of course he’d not known what had been on her mind. That was ridiculous.
“We both know that’s not happening, Zuko.” She said matter-of-factly, leaving no room for arguments, or her own thoughts on how her bending had been less than acceptable, after the constant use of the cuffs. “Now turn around, I’m braiding your hair.”
“As you command, my lovely Princess.” He turned with an exaggerated bow, and Azula wondered how many more times she could roll her eyes before she strained a nerve.
“Fire Lord Dum Dum.” She teased right back, moving to seat on her heels, and removing the grass from his hair, parting it to work on the plait.
For the next minutes, all that could be heard around them were the little birds that liked to sit on the tree above them, and the soft summer wind blowing through its top. Azula’s fingers worked swiftly on Zuko’s hair, years of braiding Ty Lee’s messy and big mane, made it so much easier with her brother’s light and silky one.
“There, all done.” She announced when she finished tying the ribbon at the end.
“Thanks.” Zuko turned, fingers running over her work with a little smile. “How do I look? Acceptable to use in front of the ministers?”
“Hardly, those old hags would die from the shock.” A less than graceful snort left her. “Although, that might not be a bad plan to get rid of them. I think you should wear it. With a very colorful ribbon, and glitter.” 
“Azula-” His warning was less than threatening, not to mention his smile, and the fact that she knew he liked her innocent plans to get rid of the disgusting men he’d inherited in court. 
Azula grinned, and slapped his fingers away from the braid, before he pulled that one apart as well. “But I think you look beautiful.” Zuko shook his head, pulling her to rest on his lap, to play with her hair instead.
“I think you’re beautiful too, always.” He said after a moment, and she poked a finger to his stomach.
“Thank you.” Her voice was soft, and happy, and maybe she blushed a little too. “I already knew it, of course, but I’m glad you know your compliments, brother.”
“You’re impossible.” Grass fell on her hair and face, she blew it away.
“You love me.” Another poke.
“I do.” Warm fingers caressed her cheek.
I love you too.
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Azula Week 2019 Day 1: Greek Goddess AU
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 5 years
Azula Week Day 6: Mermaid AU
Summary: Azula is spirit cursed to be a mermaid. Sokka keeps her company.
Ocean foam laps at her skin, she can taste the salt on her lips, feel water droplets dripping from her hair and trailing down her bare back. There is seaweed wrapped around her arms and adorning her hair from when she had emerged. She hasn’t gotten around to picking it off yet. She smells of the ocean.
She has grown used to the feeling and to the scents, though it had been a profound adjustment to make. 
For the thousandth time since acquiring them, Azula runs her hands down almost razor-like metallic scales that shimmer in hues of mostly deep blues and teals with a spot of silver here and there. 
She supposes that they are rather beautiful, majestic and suitable for her. Much more suitable than the reds and golds of the Fire Nation. No, the scales reminded her of her fire, now lost to her. She likes the style of the tail well enough, the little sharper spines that jut out from the sides of them and the tattered--yet perfectly symmetrical--look of the fins. But she misses her legs.
She thinks it cruel that a former firebender has been tethered to the ocean.
She watches the sky shift from a deep indigo to the gold, pinks, and oranges of sunrise. With the sun now in view, Azula tries, again, to firebend. But no flames burst to life in her palm. Not even a spark. 
She supposes that a sea creature has no business working with fire. That doesn’t make her feel any less bleak over the situation.
Azula can hear footsteps, the soft crunch of sandgrains. She tosses herself in a backwards arch back beneath the surface. Her hair fans out soothingly around her as she descends. Perhaps one day she will make conversation. These days, she fancy the notion of people discovering what has become of her. 
It will take a lot of explaining and she isn’t sure that she truly can. 
Sokka meanders about the beach, stooping down to pick up a particularly smooth grey-black rock. He tosses it up and down as she trails along the shoreline. The ocean relaxes him after a long week of fishing and hunting and, these days, political meetings that numb is brain to its core. 
It seems as though today will be his only truly free day day within a two week period. And, by Raava, he needs it with the first week and two days having passed. 
A sudden splash draws his attention, but whatever it is, has disappeared from view. He shrugs and takes a seat where the waves lap at the sand. He lets them lick and tickle his feet as he watches soft pastels and vibrant golds appear in the sky. The sun casts a twinkling gold glimmer amid the gentle waves. With the hues of the sky reflected in the glittering waves, he feels as though he is looking into a dream.
He continues tossing the stone from one hand to the other. Just to create a ripple on the surface, he throws the stone. It hits the water and causes the desired ripples, but it bounces back. 
No. It had been thrown back. 
A figure arises, a relatively small silhouette against the golden backdrop. A halo of light accents her. He can’t make out her expression with such lighting nor such distance. But he can’t imagine that she is pleased to have been hit by a rock, however small.
At first she seems to edge closer, but then she retreats beneath the waves. 
“No, wait!” He calls, reaching out. Without thinking he darts in her direction. He nearly trips over the water; if only he could bend it out of his way. Having thought it over even less, he leaps up and tackles the figure. 
She gives a small oof and scowls at him. “What the hell are you doing!?”
Sokka blushes and rubs the back of his head. “Sorry, I… I just...I didn’t want you to leave.” It’s a dumb excuse and he knows it. She doesn’t reply, perhaps his actions had been so brazenly rude, it leaves her without words. And in her silence he notices two things.He doesn’t know which to address first.
“Azula?” He asks, because he thinks that it is a much easier way to start.
Her frown only deepens and her eyes narrow. 
He hasn’t seen those eyes since she’d gone missing a year or so prior. 
“You’re alive!”
She rolls her eyes, “you don’t say…”
He can’t help but stare downwards, his glance fixated on shiny blue and teal scales. His cheeks color again when he realizes that he has been staring and that she is well aware of it. Every eloquently, he sputters, “how?” 
Azula shifts uncomfortably. 
She isn’t about to tell the oaf that she had done something rather foolish. Part of her wants to, hoping that maybe he’d have an idea as to how to fix things. But she can’t imagine him not laughing. Even a complete dullard like him knows that spirit vines aren’t to be tampered with. By extension, taking the lazy route and experimenting with spirit seaweed, simply because it is closer, is even more foolheartedly. “It’s a long story.” She mumbles instead. “It doesn’t matter anyways.” 
Sokka’s gives her a sympathetic look. “Maybe I can…”
“Help?” She cuts him off and shakes her head. “I don’t think that this,” she sweeps a hand over the elegant scales of her tail, “can be undone.” 
He takes her hand, “there was this one time that Aang found this spirit-monster thing. He did some crazy Avatar stuff and it turned back into a panda.” 
Azula blinks. “That is the worst summary of an event that I have ever heard.” 
Sokka flushes again. “Well, I’m just trying to say that curses and stuff can be lifted.” 
She doesn’t think that curse is the right term though. She stares at her hands. 
“Are there any other mermaids?” Sokka asks.
Azula shakes her head, “haven’t found any.” She must admit that she is a little lonely. It is why she hasn’t told him to run along. Frankly, it is nice to have some company, even if the company is of the Water Tribe peasant variety. 
“It’s pretty, if that makes you feel any better.” He comments with a gesture towards her mermaid tail. 
It doesn’t but she half-heartedly thanks him anyhow. 
“You know who likes mermaids!?” 
“Katara.” Azula guesses. 
“Aang, actually.” Sokka laughs. 
“TyLee does too.” Azula recalls. “She probably won’t like them as much if she finds out that I’m one of them.” 
“Or…” he speaks more optimistically, “maybe that’ll help you rebuild a friendship?”
Azula shrugs, she doesn’t share his optimism. 
Sokka frowns at her lack of enthusiasm. “Uh...well...I guess I’ll leave you alone then.”
She lets him stand before pulling at his arm again, “no, wait!” She doesn’t know when she’ll come by another person, much less a familiar face.
He sits back down. “Yeah?” 
“Will you…” she hesitates, not entirely used to asking for company. “Will you come back tomorrow. 
Sokka gives a cheerful smile. “Sure, I can bring Zuko--” 
“NO!” Azula snaps. 
“Alright, I’ll come alone.” He says, thinking over his schedule. “Does sundown work?”
Azula nods, “I like sunsets.” 
He sits with her for a few moments longer before a few human shapes appear on the beach. “I’ll be leaving now. Meet me over there.” She points at an arch of rocks. “There’s an obscured cove over there, it’s where I usually stay.”
“What if I can’t find it?”
“You’ll find me and then I will show you where it is.” She replies. 
Sokka nods, “alright. I’ll see you tomorrow then.”
Azula returns the nod before dropping beneath the surface once more. At least now, she won’t be alone with her dreads and regrets. At least now she knows that at least one person doesn’t think that she is some sort of freak. She perches herself upon the rock structure in the center over her hidden cover. For the longest time she stares at the scales and at the place on her midsection where skin transitions in to scales. Even after all of this time she still can’t get used to them. 
She supposes that she is going to have to because they aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.
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ragdollrory · 5 years
The players
In Athena's opinion, human life had always been most interesting. The way they moved through their time on earth as if there were no tomorrow, as if everything began with the rise of the sun and ended with the glow of the moon, its white halo bathing the night sky, and all trapped between Helios and Selene was either to be perfect, or not to be at all. The spark with which they followed their dreams, their ideals, their leaders.
And maybe they truly did not have a tomorrow, at least not all of them did. Humans- their lives- were fickle at best; only in their flesh bodies for a limited amount of time, and even then, growing old much too quickly, going to war between one another far too easily. Their need for greatness often pushed into the wrong direction, pursuing their names in history books by means of brawn rather than brain; often thinking on their feet, tempers flaring at the first strike, hands quick to clutch at their swords.
Athena knew much of it was cause of Gods, some of it even to her. Many men had idolized her throughout worlds, throughout eons, and once men loved, they did it so passionately that they were hardly ever pulled from the source of their infatuation. It often happened to Gods, that they fell prey to men’s love; many of her siblings were evidence of that, many more than she cared to account for. And as such, it often happened to Gods that they fell prey to human ambition, too. Much was the case of one of her brothers, one she’d given chase to throughout many a world, hoping for a better end to the human lives Ares consumed in his quest for power.
And so she followed him into this world as well, her thirst for knowledge, experience; her intentions to protect the men of this world from Ares a convenient excuse.
The awakening was usually slow- conscience and memory coming to her in small bouts of color and feeling. Human events helped it through sometimes, triggering the millennia of experiences with something as soft as a hug from her new brother, and the discovery that in this world she could wield a lively element such as fire; the horror of abandonment tearing at her chest late one night.
It was never easy to come to terms with facts that went beyond her powers, that came with the life one took. The rules of this new board she was playing on.
Athena learned early in this human life that she was born to a coin she’d not forged, and that coin had two of the most devastating faces she’d experienced while on earthly planes so far. 
That she was both to be worshipped and terrorized by the man who gave her life. And that she’d been a monster in the eyes of the woman who birthed her as well, no matter how much Athena yearned for her affections. 
That winning in some fields did not mean she could win in all, no matter how hard she tried- how desperately she tried- to hold onto some things. Nothing was fair in love and war, and so it seemed, when you were good in one, you were bound to fail in the other.
That jealousy was as lethal as a dagger, and that she both felt it and incited it in others, and that she couldn’t stop it. It was addictive, it was an easy game, with dangerous outcomes, such as her once loving brother.
She learned perfection was something that was expected of her, in higher form than ever before, even in time spent as a Goddess. And she became addicted to it as well; searching, researching, and working so hard to please, to be perfect. Addicted to praise.
Athena learned she too had fallen prey of humanity, and in her greatest quest to stop Ares, she’d taken quite a few detours, not all of them benign. For her, or for others. But so was human nature, the same imperfections she’d always found fascinating.
It wasn’t long after she’d been stripped of all she’d once felt was close to her heart when a crusade was laid out in front of her, an opportunity to put her out in the world, and thus, closer to Ares.
But how many times could she get away with failing her father’s mission? Have her underlings and friends make mistakes, have her flames purposely miss her intended enemies without harm? How many times could she watch them escape until she was brought back into the Lord’s side and lost her chance at her real enemy?
And how much harm was she inflicting into her human life? What would the consequences be? Those were the questions that often kept her awake while her friends slept.
The city was grand by human standards, grandiose even, with a story of standing in proud victory over her nation’s attempts against it. Her own uncle had lost what he loved most to the city’s walls. Rings of towering stone separated people based on their monetary status, isolating brothers and sisters, fathers and children, flesh and blood, because of something as frivolous as metal. 
And she knew he was here. She could smell him; putrid, like the stench of a battlefield the morning after. Fear and blood and bile; everything that made him proud, and her stomach revolt.
Azula walked past the walls of Ba Sing Se as if she were not the Princess of the enemy nation. Under the guise of greens and golds, no one batted an eye at her and her friends as they were led to see the King. She had to keep herself from shaking her head, so very like her to slip right under Ares’ nose, and so very him to underestimate humans. To underestimate her.
The plan had not been hard to devise, not with her loyal companions, not with how much of a fool this particular son of Zeus was. And soon enough she’d been imprisoned, interrogated, her facade stripped, and Azula could only smirk her way through it all. 
And then he really discovered her. Came marching to her, thin lips twisted in an inhuman smirk, as he ordered his faithful Dai Li away. And her true smile showed, pulling at the corner of her mouth with the joy that came with a new, unexpected challenge. What a fun little twist in her plans.
“Athena.” His voice lost the inflection he’d been using so far, turned deeper, raspier, the voice of a God who boasted over his fearsome war cries that made humans tremble. Idiot, humans trembled over the touch of a woman as well, there was no need to raise one’s voice.
“Ares, brother of mine.” Athena kept the smile etched on her features, she quite liked her appearance in this reality, she liked the energy of this youth. Her eyes swept over Ares, from his arms hidden behind his back- where she knew he kept his stone gloves- to the ridiculous braid growing from his otherwise bald head. “I see Aphrodite wasn’t so charitable to you this time around.” Athena sneered, a hand waving about in the air between them. Was it childish? Probably. She had the appearance of a child, so she’d still enjoy it.
“You think so highly of yourself, Athena.” He circled her, the room around them grand and empty, the columns, the flooring, the very particles of gold embedded in the walls his very element in this world. Still, she didn’t flinch, allowing Ares his inspection. 
Ares was a God of little thought, and quick to action, and her small frame gave her the advantage this time. Her body’s age would have him forget she was actually his equal, that she’d beaten him in this game many times before.
“This time I’ll win.” Finally he spoke again, his voice carried by the echo in the throne room placed him much too close to her, and her back tensed imperceptibly. “I’ve been here longer, Athena, I know how these men think, how this world works. I know how to play them. This city has been mine for decades now, and I won’t let you take it away from me.”
Her laughter filled the space, loud and musical. Athena turned to face her brother, unable to believe his ambition could have ended in the possession of just this one city. Either he was trying to hide a much bigger plan, or he was truly bored when he came here. Regardless, she was amused, and knew exactly how to take him down without breaking a sweat.
“Oh, but little brother… how you entertain me.” Feeling the boldness of her fire within, Athena placed a hand on the man’s shoulder, a much-too-sweet smile setting on her lips, his nostrils flaring, and jaw tightening, but still he stayed put. “And here I was, thinking we could strike a deal, but it seems your new life has come with a dwindling of your aspirations. What a shame, really.
“See, I’m not sure if you’re aware, but I’m a Princess this time around.” It was her turn to circle him now, ignoring the analysis of his being, and inspecting the intricately carved features of the columns around them instead, the detailing of the roof. She knew how he behaved, how he stood, how he attacked. It never changed no matter the reality. “A very powerful one at that.
“My father, Fire Lord Ozai, is slowly but inevitably taking over the world.” She turned to him with a condescending tip of her head. “But I’m sure you knew about that already.”
Throughout the years, and their many encounters, human plane or not, Athena had learned Ares was very much a God rash men wanted; quick to anger when one poked at his overinflated ego. And so that was what she intended to do.
Ares beady eyes narrowed on her. “Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing, sister. You think I’m an idiot, but I’m ahead of you this time, and my plan is in the works already.” Athena merely rolled her eyes at him, what even was the point of this conversation? They’d been here before, they’d be here again. But, if he wished to believe he had some upper hand, then so be it. “I know who Ozai is, and I know about your scarred brother, too. He’s living here, did you know?”
That she didn’t know, and she found worry stir in her chest, a flicker of emotions developed for the boy who was flesh of her flesh this time around, but she pushed it aside for the moment being. She’d find Zuko later, and have him return home with her, where he belonged.
“I care not for the boy, Ares, you should know that already.” She lied through her teeth, something that came to her as easy as breathing and wielding blue flames. “But I’m intrigued at this master plan of yours, of course, although if you’d like to hear mine, then we might come to an agreement. 
“You see, I’ve learned so much this time, brother. The man- my father- has taught me a lot, and he’d be pleased if I can bring him someone like you, Ares. He’d reward me, and I- in turn- would reward you.” Athena’s voice softened, she cooed at the man, eyes widening to convey the illusion that her words carried. “You’d have a place close to him, and you could rise so much more quickly from there. We could rule this world together, just you and I. Just imagine what we could do, little brother.”
His stance relaxed ever so slightly, but enough for her to pick up, his left eyebrow twitched in interest, and Athena knew she’d at least caught his attention. That would do for now. She didn’t bother to add anything else before leaving him there, pondering over her words, as she returned to her friends. He would go to her before the day ended, ambition was what drove him after all.
And in the end, ambition was what brought him down. He always thought too big for his brain, and hurried to fights when he was all but blind to his opponent. She knew it, she’d seen it, and this time around was no different, not at all.
It was with Princess Azula on the King’s throne, and Long Feng betrayed by his own men, that this particular chapter in the battle of Ares and Athena ended. His face, as he realized he’d been played yet again by his sister had been delightful to watch; the knowledge that in this world he’d been defeated by a child, made for a bigger smirk on the Princess’ lips. And the fact that he’d thought- he’d genuinely thought, up until the very end- that he’d stood a chance, was a small victory on its own.
“You were never even a player, little brother.” Athena whispered by Ares’ ear as she ended his life in this mortal world, wondering where they’d meet again next, and going to find the boy with the scar on his face. Her new brother needed guidance, and she’d missed him.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 5 years
The Team
Azula Week Day 2: Athlete 
Summary: Azula, a nerd, contemplates joining a sport. 
I see so many fics where Azula is the popular athlete (ya know, ‘cause that actually makes sense lol). So here, have a fic where Azula is a fukkin’ nerd instead. 
She wishes that she were an athlete. 
Maybe then they’d like her more. 
If she could bench press her own weight or outrun the average person. If she could catch a basketball with ease or hit a tennis ball over a net. 
Such isn’t her strong suit. What she can do is debate with words heavy enough to make a person think a hour or so after the tournament finishes and finish a test with a speed to match the school’s strongest trackstar. She can catch the subtle subtext in a novel and deflect misinformation with little trouble. 
But these aren’t the skills that win social points. In fact, they rather hate her for her intelligence. She supposes that it doesn’t matter, she can ignore them for the most part. And for the most part they just ignore her. Typically she works alone during partner activities and is only spoken to if the group next to her is stuck on a particularly difficult question. She sits alone at lunch. 
She doesn’t mind it.
It has been that way for as long as she can remember.
But she has a sneaking suspicion that if her father didn’t have an excess of cash that she’d be on the receiving end of the teasing offered to kids like Aang. 
Or maybe it is Zuko. He has a reputation for stirring up trouble and practically has a reserved V.I.P. chair in the detention all. They use to beat on him and degrade him until he lit a cigarette, drew his hood over his head, and started fighting back.
Not many people bothered him after that. 
Not many people bother her. 
Still, on the odd occasion that she does find herself the subject of harassment, she wishes that she had the athletic skills of Suki, the star of the soccer team or the energy and spirit of TyLee and her cheer squad. 
Unlike TyLee, she doesn’t want these skills to attract the attention of Chan nor Sokka. Nor any of them really. She just want the chance to dodge an unkind word or two. And those come aplenty.
Enough for her to grow used to being called a dork or a dweeb among other things. She can’t particularly disagree with them; she fits the stereotype. Ridiculously smart, yet horribly incompetent at a social funnctioning. 
She isn’t unpleasant to look at; her skin is smooth and free of blemish and her hair is styled nicely. But she is on the lanky side with glasses she thought looked nice until a few nasty comments in. She tries not to wear them if she can avoid it, but thanks to her father’s genetics, her eyesight is rather poor. Too poor to avoid using the glasses. She had, on one occasion, considered contacts. Though, after a spat with an eye infection, went back to the glasses. Perhaps that is one of the many reasons sports don’t come easily to her. If her depth perception is off and she can’t gauge the distance of a ball, how is she supposed to catch or hit it?
It has nothing to do with a lack of balance or skill, Azula realizes. But a lack of practice and perpetually blurry vision. 
She holds her lunch tray and thinks of setting it down by TyLee, but the rest of the cheer team off puts her. Even if it didn’t, things haven’t been the same between the two of them since she joined the squad. TyLee had tossed the honors program and her studies aside for ditzy trips to the mall. 
She has changed too much. 
Part of Azula wishes that she had been the one to do so. 
The same part of her that craved even a moment of popularity. Or at least a break from the verbal harassment. 
She sets her tray onto the table and waits for Chan or one of his jock friends to start in on the false invites to the upcoming homecoming dance. Even if they were real, she’d never accept them. The lot of them are too dull in the head for her tastes. 
Azula finishes her meal and then makes her way towards the tables advertising this year’s extracurriculars. Impulse carries her to the debate team and the science clubs. Like the school sports, the debate team is a seasonal commitment. She signs herself up. The team won’t start until winter hits, so she will fill her excess time with either astronomy or botany. She had part-taken in the literature clubs last year and the history clubs the year before that. This year it is time for science. 
She spares an almost longing glance to the athletics table. Before she can stop herself, she wanders over. Cue a round of snickering and snide remarks. She ignores them and ponders which sport she might have the best shot at. The dance team might work, she is the graceful sort and it would be easy to keep her glasses on. She looks at the date and mournfully accepts that they conflict with the debate team which takes precedence. She sighs. 
“The swim team is looking for more members.” Calls a voice.  
Azula isn’t much of a water person, but she supposes that she has the coordination to execute a proper stroke. “I’ve never swam competitively…”
The girl, who she recognizes as Sokka’s shier, borderline nerdy sister, shrugs. Azula isn’t sure why she hasn’t tried to talking to the girl before, they have the same love of academia. They are both on the honor program. Katara is on the student council--the one Azula would have joined had she not chosen other extracurricular. They have similar interests and social lives. She supposes that their paths simply never crossed.
Katara pulls Azula out of her musings, “we don’t mind training someone from the ground up.” She pauses. “We never have enough members.” She slids Azula a signup form. “Think about it, okay?”
She supposes that she will. 
She takes the form and looks it over. 
The dates work seamlessly. She’d even be able to fit a science club or two.
Azula gives another moment’s hesitation before signing her name and handing it back to Katara. She supposes that this autumn will be an interesting one.
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ragdollrory · 5 years
The Jasmine Snapdragon
The sky was still a pastel mix of orange and pink when Azula’s name was called by the barista, and she picked her latte up at the counter. The shuffle in her phone switched to a calm tune, and she walked the two blocks that separated the coffee shop from her uncle’s shop, a hand searching through her bag for the heap of keys the man had given her the previous night.
A couple of minutes and several light switches later, soft music filling the room, she was comfortably sitting behind the counter. Paper cup in a hand, and a book on flowers and their meanings in the other. 
It was only a couple of weeks until Iroh returned from his trip, but Azula figured if she’d been tasked with taking care of the place, then she might as well do her research. Plus, Zuko had assured her time and time again he could do with some weeks of her being absent at the company, and promptly taken her workload from her hands. So it was not like she had a lot more to do, as she waited for clients to show up. Once she tackled this, she’d start a novel, or another econ book, whichever caught her fancy first.
The place was nice enough to be in, once you got past the array of colors and aromas. Neat and varied, with some really exotic numbers as well. Or bright, happy, and completely adorable, in the words of Ty Lee, who often visited to have tea with her uncle. That was a friendship Azula could understand, but would rather stay the hell away from, lest she got her aura read, and cleaned with the weird blends the chubby man and hyperactive friend were so fond of.
Once the coffee was done, nose still in the book, Azula went onto checking the water in the vases, removing the withered flowers, and finally flipping the sign on the door over to Open. It was just a couple of weeks, she could do it, she’d lived through worse after all. The vultures at the company’s legal department, university, the institution, her family… This would be a piece of cake.
And really, as days trickled by, running the shop turned out to be effortless. Between her good memory, and knack for reading people, Azula found bouquet making to be an easy enough activity. She’d spotted several types- or stereotypes even- of customers so far.
First on her list, and last in her esteem, were cheaters. Those she could smell the second they walked through the door. Anxious as they looked through the store's varied options, toying with their wedding band when they were married, and checking the mobile an excessive amount of times while at it. They were easy to spot, and easy to sell to, and since Azula couldn't really skin them, at least she made sure her uncle's shop made a profit out of their disgusting habit.
"You don't really want to pick those." Came her usual opening line, with a discreet roll of her eyes, as they automatically went for the red roses. "Those are nice, sure, but it's a bit obvious, don't you think?”
She made her way around the counter, to point out some other options, not trying too hard to hide the disenchantment in her voice. “I’d say some chrysanthemum could be nice. Red means love, of course. White is for loyalty, and devoted love.” She let a second tick by before continuing. “Then yellow is sorrow, neglected love… perhaps an array of them would be good.
“Unless it’s not for the wife, but the lover. In that case I’d go with the red roses after all.”
It was most amusing how they just itched to buy and get it all done with, no matter what she decided was best to sell them. Always paying in cash, and oftentimes buying for both the spouse and lover. Sometimes Azula wondered if whoever received them understood the message behind the pretty arrangements. If they stayed together afterwards as well. Sometimes the client would return, and she’d known they’d not read between the lines of the flowers. Sad, really.
Probably one of her favourite type of client was the opposite of the first one, the long-run partners. They usually went in with a clearer idea in their mind, having gifted flowers throughout their marriage, or having read certain species was best for the current anniversary they were on. And their smile as they talked about their loved one was contagious.
Those, Azula helped with genuine interest, taking her time to put together a bouquet that would bring out the same joy in the receiving end as it did to the buyer.
“Perhaps it’s not the most common flower to gift, but Honeysuckles carry meanings of devoted love, and lasting bonds.” She explained to a man in his mid-sixties, who was looking for a gift for his wife of over forty years.
They’d gone over several options already, before he asked for the trumpet-shaped flower, and Azula couldn’t help but to monologue a little about the things she’d read on the plant. She even went as far as to mention the properties attributed to it when using it in a tea blend. The whole flower shop vibe was clearly getting to her, although she’d rather believe it was the man’s willingness to listen to her.
“If you plant this,” Making a quick trip to the back, where her uncle had the greenhouse, Azula plucked a little sprout of the plant in vivid coral color, to hand to the man alongside the bouquet, “then hummingbirds and butterflies are bound to come to your garden.”
He’d returned twice since then, once with his wife, who had brought her homemade cookies, and showed her pictures of the little plant in its new pot. It had been a nice day.
Other clients in her list were teenagers, and those were most amusing to tend to. Never sure of what they were looking for, blushing every couple of seconds, or everytime Azula asked them a question about the person receiving the flowers.
They usually came with limited money also, wrinkled in their pockets where they nervously pushed their hands, or in their backpacks under a pile of trash they often had to take out over the counter to be able to find the bills.
“Okay, listen to me, take lilies.” Azula’s patience was running thin with this one, but she’ll try her best not to throttle the girl, because it reminded her a little of Mai. And well, because it would not look good on the store. “They stand for refined beauty, and orange ones are passion. She won’t just like it, she’ll love it.
“Trust me, I know what I’m talking about.” Whatever it was that made the girl believe her, she was thankful for it, and she left with a stuttered thank you, and a nice arrangement of four lilies, while Azula was left methodically straightening the rumpled bills against the counter’s edge.
No, tending to the store was easy, fun even. And somehow- and Azula wasn’t pointing at people, but it had been Ty Lee- her uncle found out just how well she’d been doing her job, and decided to extend his trip a couple more weeks. It wasn’t the most awful thing to happen, but she’d been itching to go back to the company already. Still, Iroh hardly ever left the city, and two more weeks could harm no-one.
Azula had just sold a large basket of pink tulips for a baby welcoming gift, and was at the back fixing the vase, when the door chimes announced a new buyer. She called she’d be there in a minute through the parted door, getting a ‘take your time’ in return.
“Oh, you really don’t want to pick those.” Came her already trademark phrase, as she walked back into the shop, and caught the look of the newest customer.
Tall, big- so freaking big, probably a gym fanatic by the looks of it. He was tanned, with messy waves of ombré hair to his shoulders, and black ink tattoos spiralling down his arms from under his t-shirt sleeves. So, a surfer maybe? He had the aura of it, and Azula was positive the tattoos were Hawaiian.
“I’m sorry?” He turned to her from his inspection of some peonies, curiosity very vivid in his expression, a raised eyebrow towards her. Half his face was hidden by a heavy beard, but Azula had to blink a couple of times under the deep blue of his eyes. A smile tugged at his lips, and she shook her head to clear it.
“Peonies, you probably won’t want to pick those.” She took the tulips back to their fridge, taking a moment too long under the cool air, before turning back to the man. “They are linked to romance, and marriage, often times used to propose.”
“Okay.” He agreed without fuss, and Azula thought she was closer to her goal of guessing correctly. “Should I worry that you’re a mind reader, or-” His smile widened with a breathy chuckle, and she found herself smiling back at him.
“Not at all. I wouldn’t be in a flower shop if I were.” Rolling her eyes playfully, Azula moved onto what she figured were the flowers he was looking for. “So maybe roses, those are always popular, or irises-”
“Where would you be?” He cut through her speech.
“What?” She really wasn’t used to getting questions that were not flower related, not by first time buyers at least.
“I think this is a nice place to be, a happy one. But if you weren't here, where would you be?” The man commented, hands pushed into the back pockets of his worn-out jeans. She tried to ignore how he towered over her, giving a perfect view of the shirt hugging his chest as he did so.
"I, um. I'm a lawyer actually. I work at my family's company." Azula wasn't sure why she was hesitating over that, almost as if she regretted her position there. Or the fact that her name was on the very building she worked at. "I'm just covering for my uncle here. The shop is his."
"Hmm" The man gave her an appraising look, as if he were trying to picture her in a suit, maybe. Or maybe she was thinking too much into it. "Well, you seem to know quite a bit of flowers for being covering for him, then."
"Yes, well- I read a lot." Her answer was probably a bit off, but this whole conversation was. He was here to buy flowers for someone, some Barbie girl he met at the beach probably, and she had a book to go back to. Azula moved back to the flowers. "So, lilacs are good too, a magenta one is passion, so you could combine it with a-"
"Passion? No, no." He interrupted again, and this time she huffed, and turned to him with a hand on her hip. "I think you got the mind reading wrong here, who do you think I'm buying for?"
"I don't know." It was her turn to give him a once over now, and what a mistake it was. His smile was full of mischief, and her stomach had the gall to flip dangerously. "A Tinder date?"
His laugh filled the shop, loud and lively, and his eyes tightened with it, happy lines forming at the sides. Azula frowned, arms crossing at her chest.
“No, God no. Tinder dates, yeah- those aren’t my thing, really.” His voice was breathy when he spoke, shaking his head with a smile. He ran fingers through his hair. When his eyes found hers, there was softness in them. “I need something for my daughter. She has a ballet recital today.”
“Oh.” Oh, indeed. Azula’s arms dropped to her sides, shoulders losing the tension she’d gathered in about ten seconds. A daughter. “Okay, that’s- that’s nice. And easier, I guess.”
She was ashamed to say she was ashamed, and was too proud to apologise for the mistake. And there was also the fact that he seemed completely unfazed by the whole thing, and followed her around the shop in silence for the next couple of minutes as Azula pointed out options for him to pick. She could feel his eyes on her, making warmth climb up her neck, and making her breath catch whenever she turned and caught them on hers.
“I think daisies and sunflowers will do.” He said after some time, and she nodded, picking up one of the vases to take to the counter. He took the other one.
The music around them was the only thing filling the silence as Azula trimmed the stems and prepared the arrangement on a bright colorful paper. Her eyes trailed to the tattoos on his arm every so often, where he leaned on the counter.
“So what about me made you believe I was on a date?” The question definitely made her blush now, and she just focused harder on the flowers, thinking on an appropriate answer. There was none.
“Your looks.” She shrugged, not really wanting to say more, but the rise of his eyebrows encouraged for more. There was a line through his left one, Azula noted, a scar. It made him look better somehow. “I don’t know, okay. I just-”
Her hands motioned over to him, as if that made any sense, as if she made sense anymore.
“You just look like a man who would pick someone up easily, and- have many dates probably. Just, forget about it, okay?” She did not plead, she never pleaded. Azula tied the ribbon on the bouquet, and handed it over. “Here, these are on the house.”
He stood there for a moment, considering her words perhaps, about to laugh at her again maybe. And then his hand brushed over hers as he took the flowers. A shiver ran up her arm. God, please make him go now, before she made more of a fool of herself. 
“I insist.” Her voice was just a tad strained, and he stopped in his pulling out of the wallet.
“Okay, then.” Azula dared to look up, and he was sporting a really soft smile that made her chest ache. Damn it, why wasn’t he going away already? “Tikaani will be very happy with them, thank you.”
A sigh she didn’t know she was holding left her lips as he finally reached the door, but he turned once again, and she had to hurry to school her face to something that didn’t say ‘I was checking you out’.
“I didn’t catch your name, if you don’t mind me asking.” There weren’t many times in her life where she’d felt like this, spellbound by a total stranger, but this right here- as he stood by the door with a corner of his lips pulling up on a charming smile- this was one.
“Azula.” And then it was a full grin, and who had given him the right to just look so happy?
“A beautiful name. I’m Tonraq.” Azula thought she managed a nod before he left, but wasn’t even sure about that, and then she dropped herself very unceremoniously on the chair.
She had only managed to take a couple of steadying breaths, when the door chimed again, and she tried to clear her head to take on this new customer.
“Hi, can I- Oh.” Tonraq was there again, plucking two flowers from the vases, amaryllis, and daffodil. She tried very hard not to bring forward the meanings. It didn’t work; joy, new beginnings, and worth beyond beauty. She didn’t dare breathe.
“So I was wondering, since you wouldn’t let me pay for the arrangement, that I could pay for dinner? Friday night? It’s not Tinder, but I did bring flowers.” He smirked, and she had the sudden urge to push a finger to his chest and tell him a few truths, and- and kiss him as well. How unfair that he could do that.
“You think you’re so funny, don’t you?” Azula couldn’t help the smile from reaching her lips, no matter how hard she tried. She plucked the flowers from his hand. “Fine. Only- because you picked them wisely.”
Grabbing a pen and a store card, she wrote down her number, and handed it over. His fingers lingered on hers a little longer this time, her heart hurried behind her ribs.
“I’ll pick you up at six, Princess.” He winked, and turned on his heels.
“I’m not- don’t-” She tried calling back on him, but it was too late, he was hopping into a Jeep already. And she was smiling at the nickname anyways. Azula smelled the flowers as if she wasn’t surrounded by them, her cheeks burning with the promise of the date. 
If he thought she were a Princess, he should’ve picked a purple iris.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 5 years
As If It Weren’t Fresh
Azula Week Day 1: Tattoo Shop AU
Summary: Azula is a tattoo artist and Chan is her anxious client. 
"Will you hold still.” Azula snaps, drawing the tattoo gun away for a fourth time. 
“Sorry.” Chan mumbles. 
For all of his muscles and that inflated ego of his, the boy is something of a wimp. It has been a half an hour and she has scarcely made any progress on the man’s ink. “Do you want your tiger or not?”
“I want it!” He insists. 
“Then let me do my job.” Azula grumbles. She has had some difficult clients before, but none of them have given her as much of a hassle as Chan. She gives him a moment to take a drink of his mango slushie before bringing the tattoo gun back to his arm. She tries to ignore his whimpers and focus on the whirring buzz of her equipment. 
“I should have brought Ruon along with me.” He mumbles glumly. 
Azula gives a haughty half-snort. “You’re lucky that you didn’t, if you’re a fan of your dignity.”
“Do you talk to all of your clients like this!?” Chan asks. 
Azula thinks for a moment, “nope, just you.” 
Chan winces again. She thinks that he may pass out, she supposes that she should try to distract him. So she humors him when he inquires, “so what is the daughter of a multi-million dollar CEO doing in a place like this?”
“It’s a hobby.” She replies. 
“Some hobby.” Chan says. “How’d you find it?”
Azula thinks back. “I had...I had a phase.” She doesn’t particularly wish to discuss the era of her life that landed her in an institute. 
“What kind of phase? The drug kind?”
Azula crinkles her nose. “No. I like to keep myself in good health.” She pauses before momentarily withdrawing the tattoo gun to pull up her sleeve. She lets Chan stare at a dragon of ink positioned to look like it is ripping scars into her skin. After a moment she resumes her work. 
“Oh…” trails off. 
“It isn’t a big deal.” Azula shrugs with her free arm.
“You hurt yourself.” He comments.
“Yes.” She says. “I did a lot of things to get my father to come home. Mai and I stole a car once.”
“How’d that go?” 
“Successfully, actually.” Azula half-smirks. “Until Michi found out. Doesn’t let Mai talk to me much anymore.” Back then they were a duo; Mai’s mother couldn’t be bothered to spare her a thought and Azula’s father neglected her. The chaos they stirred together had been the sort that couldn’t be ignored. “I found someone else though.” 
“Did that someone introduce you to tattoos?”
“She gave me my first.” Azula nods. She almost has the outline done. She looks at the sleeve of tattoos on her own arm. Offering Chan a needed break, she points to the band of blue fire towards the middle of the sleeve. “It started out with just that one and grew from there.” 
“I take it your dad doesn’t approve.” 
“He doesn’t care either way around.” Azula mutters. “That’s fine, Ty likes them.” 
“So who’d you give your first tattoo to?”
This time her smirk is more or less full. “Zuzu. He wanted a dragon.” She thinks that it turned out will for her first job. She wouldn’t settle for anything that was subpar. Which is exactly why she had touched the thing up later after learning a trick or two about proper shading techniques. “It’s an art Chan. People don’t appreciate it. They think tattoos are trashy and rebellious. But they are profound, they have meaning.” She pauses. “And the artwork has to be perfect because a person will wear it forever. I only want my best work out there...so for the fuck’s sake, sit still!”
“Sorry!” He cringes. 
She is exchanging a deep black ink for a vivid, marigold orange when she hears the bell chime. “Hey.” June greets, walking into the shop. She flicks the remains of her ciggeret into the nearest ashtray.
“How was your smoke break?” She doesn’t look up from Chan’s bicep.
“Same old, same old. Had to put,” she wriggles her fingers for pazzaze, “The Boulder,” she puts her arms down, “in his place. That man thinks he’s a charmer. I swear…” She tugs her jacket, all leather and studs, and tosses it over her chair. “Whatcha workin’ on.” 
Azula makes room for June to steal a peek. “Chan, this is June. She co-owns this shop with me and introduced me to the art.”  
“Hi, I’m Chan.” He smiles weakly. He hisses in pain. 
“I see you’ve got yourself a tattoo virgin.” June comments. 
Azula rolls her eyes. “I have a feeling that he’ll flinch just as much the second time around.” And to Chan she informs, “relax, we’re almost done and then you can go lie about how it didn’t hurt at all.” 
“Why am I friends with you?” She hears him murmur.
She draws a final line of ink and turns the gun off. She wraps his arm in a bandage with instructions to remove it after at least two hours. She presses a small pouch into his hand. “Clean it and apply the ointment at least twice a day. I recommend three times.”  
Chan nods. 
“And, please, don’t pull a Zuko and pick at the scabs.” 
June laughs. “Oh man, that was a fun sight.” 
Azula sends Chan on his way and takes a seat, near June, picking through the lunch she’d packed. It will be another hour before Jet makes his way in. “You do any interesting work lately?”
“Some girl came in wanting a pretty badass Kyoshi tattoo.” 
Azula continues the small talk. It is good for her, it brings her a sense of normalcy. On most days she can pretend that she hadn’t just finished patching together the remaining tatters of her life. She had spoken to Chan as if that era of her life ended months back. 
She had spoken to him as if the ink on her wrist isn’t still fresh.
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