#Azul and Jamil are just so perfect together
mellosdrawings · 2 months
Fanart gift for the amazing @aria-faye and his series If By Land, If By Sea on AO3
Part1 : A Thing Of The Air
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You guys have no idea how much I LOVE this series. It got me so emotional, every single part of this series is a gem, V is an awesome writer! I can't recommend this fic any harder. All his fics, really!
(Bonus, some attempts for the part3 : If By Land, If By Sea with Azul enjoying his new gifts.)
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alexisomnias · 1 year
⤷ their family comments on how cute you would be married to him!
requested by anonymous ,,,
featuring the DORM LEADERS
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RIDDLE ROSEHEARTS + chenya / trey
• its as if chenya never leaves him alone about this! his face is nearly always red everytime the idea of getting married to you gets brought up as a tease. whats worse is that he does want to marry you. so riddle can't even deny it! trey has his back on the occasional manner, whenever chenya brings up the idea of a happy marriage with you, it leaves riddle fuming for two separate reasons.
"what am i telling you trey? they're purrfect for eachother." chenya laughs, "i can't im-eow-gine them separating."
"i can see what you're talking about, they are rather a cute couple."
"shut up you both."
• leona is not a fan of his brother meeting you. why were you so insistent on meeting his family in the first place? it could've all been avoided. (he would sigh, but in the end there's some warmth in his heart seeing you fit in so well). for the most part, leona was phased out of the conversation. choosing to just instead lay on your side lazily, eyes shut.
• "you and Leona would make such a cute married couple!" farena casually throws out into the conversation, the dumb smile leona is so used to destroying his brothers face as his lions ear twitches., a scowl painting upon his face.
• "farena, mind your own." he mumbles, leaning further against you feeling your stomach bounce with laughter. he feels much better himself, in the arms of your own laughter. "be nice, Leona."
• he rolls his eyes, scoffing perhaps. classic leona behavior (the kind you grew to love), but if you took the time to translate it over to the language of love. leona would love to make you the ruler of his heart, for you already conquered his life.
AZUL ASHENGROTTO + mother / father
• azul was embarrassed. he knew his parents were less then... casual, but of course he loved them (as he loves you, which is why he hoped this interaction would go well: it did.), though he never expected for the topic of marriage to be brought up either in conversation. and the idea sent him into a romantic spiral, for how his heart beat at the thought of putting a ring on your finger. a ring to signify he was yours, and you were his.
• "M,,, mother! You shouldn't say things like that..." he stumbled, word tumbling over word. His mother merely laughed, his step-father joining in, and don't think azul missed hearing your chuckle from the side.
• "i'm sure you two would be adorable, married."
• azul did not deny, for he knows you'd make the perfect spouse for him. you'd make him the happiest man in the world, but he's not ready to discuss that with you... not until he has found the perfect ring.
KALIM AL ASIM + siblings
• kalim is utterly ecstatic knowing he has so much support behind his back, and when its suggested that his siblings thinks of you and him as an adorable couple? and even suggest marriage? oh how quickly it propels him to the marriage rot. if anything you should expect a proposal by the end of the visit for how much the thought of marriage excites him, even if you decline he's perfectly happy by your side..! marriage isn't always the result of love, just an existence between two people is enough for him.
• "big brother! you and [name] are so cute together!" "yeah, when are you two getting married?!" "I hope soon! they make you so happy!"
• kalim loves his family dearly, and he wants to welcome you into his own as well (jamil isn't as welcoming with that idea as his kalims arms are...)
• vil had no doubt in his mind his father would love you, and he wasn't wrong. his father was utterly welcoming at the idea of you and vil as a couple, in fact he even brought up how cute you two would be married, (vil can't deny how happy it made him, even if it doesn't show.)
• "i think you and [surname] make a cute couple, i wouldn't be surprised if you two got married."
• as vil moves his gaze over to you, he can't say his father was wrong... oh how happy he would be if he could lockdown and secure you as his. a beautiful wedding, taking you as his spouse. yeah, vil likes that idea. "maybe one day."
• "you're perfect for my brother! I can already see you two being in a happy marriage!" ortho happily exclaims, unaware of how those two simple sentences destroyed, and crashed his brother. feeling as if he made a fool of himself, he finds himself wishing to lock himself in his room away from everyone, and never bare to see your face again because omgimaginegettingmarriedtoyou?!
• he's not.. against the idea, but at the same time! is it really that casual of a thing to be brought up!? an actual marriage?! not like.,, a silly online one or one with a fictional character?! imagine if you did want to actually marry him!
• he catches a glance over at you, through his pinkish, blue hair. and when he see's your smile, he wonders if you truly were meant to share the same last name... surely that day will come... right? [Name] Shroud...  
• that thought sends him spirally again.
• lilia commonly teased you and malleus about marriage. much like how a close friend would ship a couple, funnily enough malleus never caught on. in fact, he's already under the impression your engaged, and lilia is hyping up the ceremony. you don't have the heart to admit he never proposed (who knows? maybe he did, just in some type of fae courting system). so you let the teases happen.
• malleus is utterly blissed, the fact that lilia is so accepting of your marriage (that's not even legalized), and ready to support makes him happy! if anything he's already booking a venue, with lilia helping him with the organization (you think lilia's only doing this for his own entertainment at this point)
• malleus must've already foresaw a marriage from a long way ago, for every time he looks at you, its as if his eyes say "i do."
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mossyvil · 2 months
dorm leader confessions!
riddle- he confesses
listen- it definitely takes him a good while to be able to do it, but with encouragement from trey and cater and teasing from ace and deuce he does it! he invites you to go play with the hedgehogs with him before they’re put in their pen for the night, and when he sees you having so much fun with them he thinks you’re so gorgeous and he really likes you and- oh he said it out loud. fucking MORTIFIED LMAO but it’s ok because as soon as you tell him you like him too he’s too happy to be embarrassed. you take the lead on asking him if he wants to go on a date, and you get a rare riddle smile as he agrees, and proposes having a tea party- just the two of you. the other students actually cheer when you guys walk into the dorms holding hands because they were all making bets as to when you’d get together
leona- you confess
he has no issues with continuing to watch you struggle to tell him about your feelings. he absolutely already knows you like him, but he just wants to keep you sweating asshole so he’s patient enough until you build the courage. when you do feel brave enough to give him a handwritten letter telling him you like him, he does relent on the teasing for once and tells you he feels the same. he has his usual teasing smirk on his face when he says he’ll take you on a date if you want and secretly is really happy when you agree to it. but don’t think he’s gonna let you go now, once you agree to the date he pulls you down to nap with him in his spot in the greenhouse, and he isn’t willing to let you go no matter how much you complain so you better just accept your fate as his pillow
azul- you confess
the tweels are relentless in making fun of azul for how in love with you he is, even in front of you!! thankfully for his sanity you never hear them doing it, but it still is really embarrassing for him. there’s no way azul will ever get the nerve to confess without some divine intervention, so it’s on you to do it. you make sure to do it when it’s just the two of you, to keep it a personal matter, but also so azul doesn’t die of embarrassment because he’s blushing so hard is he okay-
once azul gets his overheating under control, he somehow manages to get out that he feels the same! you ask if he would want to go on a date later that week, and he says he would love to, all while covering his face because he really just wants to go back into his octopot
kalim- he confesses
he actually wanted to confess practically the moment he realized he had feelings for you, but ever the savior, jamil manages to convince him to plan it out a little before hand. the problem is he gets a little to excited and ends up asking you on a date before telling you about his feelings, but it still all works out in the end. he takes you on an unusually calm ride on his magic carpet under the stars, and when you’re distracted looking at the night sky he tells you that he really likes you!!! and wants to date you!!! pls date him!!! gives you his trademark sunshine smile when you return his feelings. congratulations, now you have to get married in his mind
vil- he confesses
similar to leona, he knows you like him and likes seeing you try to hide it. it’s not so much a sadistic thing but more of a ‘you’re so cute when you’re pining’ way. but alas, his want to be in a formal relationship with you outweighs his love of seeing you trip over your feet around him. he confesses very traditionally, bringing you a bouquet of red roses and telling you that he has romantic feelings for you, and wants to take you on a date if you agree to it. when you do, he gives you a kiss on the cheek and tells you to meet him in his dorms kitchen tomorrow night because you’re going to have dinner together, and bids you a goodnight with a last squeeze of your hand. later you notice that his kiss left a perfect lipstick mark on your cheek (he totally didn’t wear that specific lipstick because he knew it would transfer what are you talking about)
idia- you confess
um. well. first you have to actually be able to talk to him in person, which is a feat in of itself. once you do, he’s already filled with anxiety- his crush is talking to him, he can just barely function. once you tell him you have a crush on him, it all goes downhill. his entire body freezes up and you’d be worried he would pass out on the floor if it wasn’t for him already sitting down. his face and hair turn bright red, but he doesn’t notice because he’s too busy trying to calm down before he actually explodes. maybe it would be best to just come back later…? as you leave ortho tells you that idia feels the same for you, but it might take him a while to process what just happened 😭
malleus- he confesses
practically love at first sight, and he does not hide his feelings from anyone lmao. lilia tries to give him traditional fae courting advice but once he gets to the more strange courting gift ideas is when silver and sebek step in and ban lilia from giving dating advice. they tell him that he should just be straight up with you, maybe on one of your nightly walks he could tell you how he feels, and give you a flower that he picked himself. he does exactly that, telling you that he finds himself enamored with you and wants to be able to court you properly. when you agree he hands you the most beautiful flower you’ve ever seen. it glows dimly in your hand, and he tells you he’s enchanted it so it will never wilt. the next day you find a shiny gem on your window sill with a very cute note from him asking for your permission to take you on a date later that day
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liliavanrougelover · 2 months
It's the little things
Summary: The little things that make them fall in love with you a little more
Characters: All NRC students (- Ortho)
A/N: I love Azul <3
Humming or singing along to a song unconsciously:
You’re just doing homework. It’s such a mundane act. But the way you softly hum along to the music coming from his phone makes his heart skip a beat. The way you murmur a couple words before switching back to humming does something to him that he didn’t expect. It distracted him from his own work. He thinks how much he would love to hear you fully sing a song. He discovers that it’s a lot. He just knows your singing would be perfect, even if you don’t think so.
↳ Riddle Roshearts, Ruggie Bucchi, Jack Howl, Azul Ashengrotto, Jade Leech, Kalim Al-Asim, Jamil Viper, Vil Schoenheit, Rook Hunt, Idia Shroud, Malleus Draconia, Silver Vanrouge
Sitting closer to them than usual:
You’re sitting next to each other doing your own things. He’s working and you’re scrolling on your phone. When he looks over, he notices you’re a little closer than usual. You scoot a few inches closer, your shoulder now brushing his. He smiles a little at the contact and scoots closer to you. He leans in a little feeling the warmth radiating from you. The warmth that he’s so used to. Even though it's such a small thing, he can’t help but fall just a little harder.
↳ Cater Diamond, Leona Kingscholar, Azul Ashengrotto, Jamil Viper, Rook Hunt, Malleus Draconia, Silver Vanrouge (Ends up falling asleep on your shoulder)
The way your nose scrunches when you smile or laugh:
It’s nothing compared to the sight of your smile, but it’s a close second. He loved seeing the scrunch of your nose as a smile forms on your face. He couldn’t explain it, but it was just so cute. Whenever he saw it, he felt the urge to playfully boop your nose. He felt the urge to keep you smiling so could continue to see the cute nose scrunch. He also loved seeing it when you were angry or disgusted, but he loved it more when you were smiling. His two favorite sights mixed together.
↳ Cater Diamond, Deuce Spade, Jack Howl, Azul Ashengrotto, Jade Leech, Floyd Leech, Kalim Al-Asim, Vil Schoenheit, Rook Hunt, Lilia Vanrouge
When you refuse to go to sleep without him:
He wanted you to get proper sleep even if he didn’t. He was busy and had work to do. You had no excuse to be up with him. But when you complain about him still being up, his resolve to continue working crumbles. He stands from his desk and leads you to bed and falls asleep with you in his arms.
↳ Riddle Rosehearts, Deuce Spade, Azul Ashengrotto, Jamil Viper, Idia Shroud
When you make his lunch and slip a note in:
When you hand him a lunch bag and tell him you made him lunch, he feels grateful. The school has a cafeteria where he could always buy his own lunch, but you went out of your way to make him lunch. It’s free too. However, when he sat down to eat, he didn’t expect to find a sticky note with a small little message. His smile grows so big that people think he’s cracked and gone insane. He won’t tell anyone about it or show it around even if it means people truly start to believe he’s crazy. This note is for his eyes only. And he keeps it. And every note you put in the lunches you make him get saved up, until he has a small collection that he reads through when he needs a reason to keep trying his best.
↳ Riddle Rosehearts, Trey Clover, Leona Kingscholar, Ruggie Bucchi, Jack Howl, Azul Ashengrotto, Jade Leech, Floyd Leech, Jamil Viper, Vil Schoenheit, Rook Hunt, Epel Felmier, Silver Vanrouge
Cooking for him:
He always loves when you make him food. Whether it’s a full-course meal, or a dessert, he loves it. You thought about him and that’s what matters. Especially if he’s too busy to make his own food. He’s working so much that he doesn’t have the time, so when you give him food that you made for him, he’s thankful. Even if it’s not the best, it’s the thought that counts. If you want, he’ll teach you how to cook better. And he might find time to make you something in return.
↳ Riddle Rosehearts, Trey Clover, Leona Kingscholar, Ruggie Bucchi, Azul Ashengrotto, Jamil Viper, Vil Schoenheit, Idia Shroud, Silver Vanrouge, Sebek Zigvolt
Helping with his work:
He’s so tired. He has so much work to do and it gets tiring after a while. So, when you ease the burden and cut his work in half for him, he’s super thankful. He watches you doing some of his work, and he can’t help but stare at you with a lovestruck look in his eyes. He doesn’t even realize that you’ve done more work than him. He shakes himself out of his little lovey-dovey head space and gets back to work. And if you catch him sneaking glances at you as he works, no you didn’t.
↳ Riddle Rosehearts, Ruggie Bucchi, Azul Ashengrotto, Jamil Viper, Idia Shroud
Helping with club activities:
Whether you help carry stuff, bring snacks, or just hype him up, he’s happy you’re there. Even if his clubmates don’t want you there (for whatever stupid reason), he wants you there, and that’s what matters. He’s happy that you’re there to support him in his club activities. Eventually, he starts to forget that you’re not part of his club. He becomes so used to you being there, that when you’re not, he thinks you’re skipping. He hopes you continue to join him though. He loves having you around, even if you’re not actually doing anything.
↳ Riddle Rosehearts (Do anything), Cater Diamond (Bring snacks!), Ace Trappola (Cheer him on), Deuce Spade (Cheer him on), Ruggie Bucchi (Cheer him on and bring snacks), Jack Howl (Do anything), Azul Ashengrotto (Cheer him on), Jade Leech (Hikes! Hikes! Hikes!), Floyd Leech (Cheer him on), Kalim Al-Asim (Do anything), Jamil Viper (Carry stuff), Vil Schoenheit (Do anything), Rook Hunt (Let him teach you ✨SCIENCE✨), Epel Felmier (Cheer him on), Idia Shroud (Cheer him on), Malleus Draconia (“So, gargoyles…”), Lilia Vanrouge (Bring Snacks)
Help with his dormmates:
Sometimes, fights break out in the dorm, someone gets confused, or someone gets hurt. It’s his job to take care of it and make sure everything is ok. But, when you step in and take care of it for him, he’s grateful. It makes his job easier and you might even be better at helping than he is. Of course, when he sees you struggling to help, he’ll step in and help both of you. And at the end of the day, he’ll thank you for your help by peppering your face with kisses and praising you endlessly.
↳ All the housewardens
Listen to him talk about his interests:
He’s not used to someone listening to him talk, so when you ask him about his interests and listen to him talk, it makes his heart skip a beat. Sitting there listening so intently and even asking follow-up questions that prove you’re actually listening, he can’t help but remember why he fell in love with you. His heart skips a beat everytime you ask. And when you start getting interested in it too? Even better! He can nerd out even more with you and learn what you know about the subject. He’s not sure how he ended up with someone as great as you.
↳ Jack Howl, Jade Leech, Epel Felmier, Idia Shroud, Malleus Draconia, Sebek Zigvolt
Help him with flight lessons:
He can hardly get off the ground. He needs help. Please give him pointers or training or something! He needs help! He’s been scraping by doing the bare minimum but isn’t sure how much longer he can do this! HELP HIM!
↳ Azul Ashengrotto, Jade Leech
Comforting him:
You’re his safe space. His comfort person. When he’s feeling down, he just wants you to hold him and tell him how much you love him and how he’s doing a good job. He wants to know that he’s doing right by you. He wants to know that you love him. He just wants to curl up in your arms and be reassured. He is doing good, right? You still love him, right? Please. Let him stay in your arms just for a while longer. He needs his safe space, just for a moment. Only for a moment.
↳ Riddle Rosehearts, Cater Diamond, Azul Ashengrotto, Jamil Viper, Vil Schoenheit, Idia Shroud, Malleus Draconia, Lilia Vanrouge
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"Don't You Know It's Bad Luck To See Your Bride Before The Wedding?"
Warning: I write reader as female 
One of the most interesting things about having a girlfriend from another world is learning about the culture and traditions that her world possesses. Normally, he would consider every part of the home of the love of his life nothing less than perfect, since it managed to create such an exceptional individual - the very same individual that he can proudly call his. This was, however, before you mentioned a certain tradition/superstition that you had where the soon-to-be husband and wife spend the night before their wedding apart and forbids said betrothed couple from seeing each other until they meet at the altar.
Here’s how our dear NRC boys would react when told this news:
Is cool with it. At least on the outside. They understand that it’s a silly little tradition from your home world so they let you spend the night with Adeuce (you bet that those two are your bridesmen/men of honour and the three of you and Grim are going to have the greatest bachelorette party of your life)/Papa Crewel 
But of all traditions, why this one? He seems perfectly calm when you say goodbye - you pretend you don’t notice how he holds you much longer and tighter than he usually does when he hugs you - and your text messages to each other are as normal as they can be, but no matter how hard he tries he just can’t shake off the cold feeling of loneliness your absence brings and how his body feels empty without yours to anchor it.
Once the festivities of his bachelor party are over, it takes five minutes of him trying and failing to keep himself occupied and distracted before his desire to at least hear your voice becomes unbearable and he grabs his phone to call you. He wordlessly slips off somewhere where none of his friends would find him and he gives you a ring. The two of you speak to each other until one of you falls asleep.
He would actually go through with it in its entirely and seeing you walking down the aisle in all your glory and beauty, emerging through the door like a celestial being, after hours of not seeing you had him completely awestruck, like a dying man seeing an oasis after spending hours crawling through the desert. It nearly almost made the wait worth it. 
Just never make him go through that again. Please.
Trey, Jamil, Silver, Jack, Sebek
Instantly shoots it down. 
Listen, Y/N, he loves you so much it hurts. He’ll move mountains for you, pluck the stars and moon out of the sky for you. He’d make the sun rise from the west if that’s what you desired. If there’s an option to carve out his heart and present it to you on a silver platter he would. Every breath he takes, every time his heart beats, and every hour of every day, he’s dedicated to making you the happiest person in the world - the ring on your finger is an attest to that.
But he won’t, absolutely will not nor ever, deprive himself of a single minute of your presence. He’s trying to make up for the years he’s spent without even knowing you and now that he has you in his life, do you think he goes a day without thanking every force in the multiverse that you found him and filled his life with light and colour and laughter. Do you truly believe that he would ever even attempt to get any amount of rest when you’re not in his arms? It’s absolutely unfathomable and he will stand for it. Now come over here and spend the next hour cuddling him for speaking such nonsense.
It does not matter how long your respective bachelor and bachelorette parties last, you two are spending the night together and that’s that. Full stop.
And don’t worry about the consequences. Whatever supposed ‘bad luck’ that befalls you as a result of his actions, he’ll shoulder it all. In sickness and in health until the end of time, after all.
Riddle, Vil, Jamil, Azul, Leona, Malleus, Idia
Haha, no ♡
Leona, Lilia, Jade, Floyd
Ever since you brought it up, he’s been nothing but clingy. It’s hard to tell where you start and he ends from the way he’s hugging you so close it’s like he’s trying to fuse the two of you together. 
He wants to do it for you since you’re already sacrificing so much by being away from your home but-but that means that he has to spend a whole entire night without you! Don’t you know he can’t live without your goodnight kisses? And your good morning kisses? And your breakfast kisses and lunch kisses? And you’re just going to desert him like that? Abandon him and then deprive him of hours of kisses and cuddles that legally are his right to have? Starve him of his well-deserved affection and leave him when he needs you the most? Just tell him that you hate him, it would hurt less.
This boy is going to be facetiming you throughout his entire bachelor party - the rules of your world be damned. He’s going to be marrying you in less than 24 hours and he wants to spend every second of his excitement and pure elation with you. 
These boys are also the reason as to why you have to have people stationed outside your changing room like guards to make sure that the surprise of your wedding dress isn’t ruined because ‘they just had to see you’.
Needless to say, you are going to be spending the night together
But seriously he’s tried to follow you into the bathroom. Just tell him that it’s an old custom that no one abides by anymore before he breaks the door down.
Ace, Deuce, Cater (100% snapchats/live tweets his feelings of betrayal), Ruggie, Epel, Kalim, Azul, Floyd, Rook
You used your impeccable negotiation skills (puppy eyes) to reach a compromise. You’ll spend the night in Ortho’s room and the two of you will spend the entire night before your wedding playing video games using your matching couple headphones. Ortho will run interference until you leave the next day to get ready to make sure that you don’t end up seeing each other.
Or at least that was the plan until Idia woke up in the middle of the night to find his room devoid of the only lights in his life. Without even thinking, he leaves his bedroom and goes over to where you and his brother are and he gets into bed with you and cuddles you.
Listen normie, you’ve wormed your way into his heart so take some responsibility. If your world is right, then he’ll take the L. He’s used to doom and gloom so whatever bad luck happens can’t be worse than the life he had without you and it certainly isn’t worth even an hour without you by his side.
Are you kidding him, Herbivore?
First he has to go to some stupid bachelor party that his brother, Ruggie and Jack are throwing because no one would shut up about it when he could be sleeping with you and now you’re telling him that you want him to spend the night alone when he could be sleeping with you?
No. Absolutely not.
He doesn’t care if you think it’ll bring him bad luck or whatever. He’s not spending the night without you. In fact, he’s not even going to go to that blasted party. You and him can just spend the entire time napping in bed.
What? He has to go. Fine. They get one hour. Then, you're his. And if anything tries to get in the way of yours and his happiness, he’ll turn it to ash with his very claws.
Child of Man, he does not understand. You mean to tell him that in your world, a betrothed couple must spend the eve and morning of their nuptials apart lest a curse of bad luck shall befall them? He’s never heard of such a thing. Humans have such strange customs from where you’re from. You needn’t worry, however, as the future king and powerful mage, he is more than capable of handling whatever calamity that comes your way. A measly little curse is no match for a fae such as he. Therefore, there is no reason for you to deprive him of the warmth of your body for he shall always be there to soothe your fears. He has sworn to protect you and made an oath to you that no harm shall ever befall you.
For if anyone dares to prove him otherwise, he shall deal with them. 
Malleus (it takes him a while to realise it’s not an actual curse since your world doesn’t even have magic to begin with but he still makes you wear enchanted jewellery on your person just in case - even though every piece of jewellery he had gifted you prior to that is chock full with protection charms and that’s not even counting the heaps of blessings he gave you) (It’s like that time you told him about the curse of ‘The Scottish Play’ all over again)
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simplyreveries · 9 months
Hiii!! Can I request headcanons for how the overblot crew holds you?? Btw i really loved reading your posts! You're such a good writer
holding you; overblot boys
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riddle rosehearts
as mentioned before, riddle is usually the one held- he is a shameless little spoon haha. he prefers to be against your heart as he holds you tightly and lets out the longest sigh as if to let go of his stress and tenseness melt away just by being with you like this.
he doesn't necessarily ask to cuddle or anything, but you can tell when he's craving some of them from you. he just hadn't realized (and frankly still hasn't) how touch starved he is so once he's comfortable, he's hooked.
riddle can’t help but lean against you sometimes, usually when he’s having a hard time during the day as dorm leader and responsibilities, he tries ever so hard to keep up with. if you’re just sitting next to him talking to him or showing him something on your phone, you’ll notice him inching closer and closer to you until your arms are pressed together and leaning face his real close to yours. if you happen to point that out, he'll quickly move away all flustered.
leona kingscholar
he holds onto you all the time because you’ve become his own pillow when he’s wanting to take a nap. you’ll find yourself just deciding to spend the night at his dorm when too much time passes— not like you really can go anyway when he only holds you tighter whenever you shift.
leona is a perfect person for you if you’re naturally cold because he is a heater… he is always so warm when against you. I guess it’s good because his dorm can get chilly with the outside open to it, so you’ll only find yourself curling more against him anyway.
seriously though he like refuses to let you go unless you complain that you absolutely need to go or something. even then he's such a grump when you have to leave. especially when he's laying on your lap like the audacity?? agdjsjdk
if you’re shorter than him he’d do the thing where head yours your head or shoulders as an armrest because he’s such a jerk like that. he does it so nonchalantly too.
azul ashengrotto
undeniably clingy with you whether he wants to admit it or not. he is constantly drawn to you and your presence whenever he's around you. "i've missed you all day, pearl" he'll dramatically sigh and tell you woefully how tired and overworked he is as he puts his arms around your waist and lay his head against your shoulder burying his face into your neck.
azul prefers to be face to face when cuddling,, he likes to look at you. he loves it when you have easy access to cover his face with kisses and he can grab your hands and press his lips gently to them.
you’ll find him often putting his gloved hand around your waist and keep it on your side, he does it really without thinking. he’ll just be beside you and talking to you about something and find a way to keep a hand on you.
jamil viper
have you seen scarabia?? his room?? he's got a bunch of pillows and they're always so soft and so comfortable when he's holding you... though there are sometimes when you playfully hit him with them and he has no choice but to get you back as well. that probably was the first time you've seen him so lively.
he has a habit of holding you from behind when sleeping. like leona, he is naturally a warm person as well. he has your back to his chest and his head in your hair.. jamil is really shameless about it. he feels content in your presence and scent.
jamil falls asleep rather easily around you, its a bit funny if you're more so a night owl because he does try to stay awake around you as you talk and do whatever. as you sit up on the bed, he'll be lying beside you with his arms around you. but he can't help but feel his eyelids grow heavy and drifts to sleep.
vil schoenheit
vil is very gentle... idc what anyone says. whenever he's holding you close and cuddling, he loves to have his hand anywhere on your skin as he'd stroke your back, your arm, waist... wherever he feels like in the moment. it feels light and feathery, i just know his hands are incredibly soft too. he can't help but softly laugh whenever he sees you start to feel ticklish from it.
if you ask him to, he will hum songs for you, you get to hear his pretty voice. It’s definitely a special privilege you get by being his. you’ll get to hear your most favorite songs too; he’ll sigh and teasingly tell you you’re quite the demanding one when begging him to him your favorite songs and melodies.
he loves when he can smell the perfume/cologne just any fragrances on you. especially knowing its ones he's given and gifted to you. he enjoys the idea of you wearing something of his own like that.
idia shroud
he was so nervous to do anything even as simple and cute look that at first, even though he desperately wanted to. you’d have to initiate it first then he’d follow along and wrap his arms around you. Idia would shove his face and hide it somewhere on you, though you can feel his lips curve into a smile when it’s against your neck hehe.
idia usually always has some sort of show or movie on though, it makes it a lot less nerve wracking for him when you’ve got something like distracting. but also he totally loves just lazing around playing video games with you laying against him.
okay but once he is more comfortable be prepared for him because he definitely is pretty clingy and wants his hands on you a lot… he’ll be drained after some dorm leader meeting he was forced into participating in and he collapses onto the bed just wanting to be with you. you'll feel his cold hands snake around you and he'll snicker when you get so surprised.
malleus draconia
malleus is such a big sucker for affection from you. he doesn't even seem to care where he is or who's around him, he just sees you. he loves putting his arms around you from behind your back and hugging you. sometimes he'll slowly shift side to side in a sweet manner.
pleaseee he loves it when you absentmindedly play with his long hair. he’ll let you do whatever you want to it, he thinks it’s funny however you choose to do it. but adores it most when you're just combing your fingers through his hair. he'll close his eyes and have the most content smile on his face.
when malleus is holding you, most likely deeply asleep curled on him, his favorite thing to do is look at you... oh, so blissfully and trace your features on your face with his fingertips, lingering right on your lips. malleus has this energy around him where he'll end up feeling like the safest place you can be, ironic enough with the stigma other students hold around him. this man treats you like glass.
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channelinglament · 1 year
Hello! If you are still open to requests, could you self aware dorm leaders reacting to seeing player holding a baby? (The baby would belong to a friend or sibling and player is just snuggling them for a bit). Up to you if the dorm leaders know that the baby does not belong to player or not. Love your writing!!
It took me so long 💀
Also tysm for requesting this! It was fun to write hehe
Riddle Rosehearts
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- *chokes on tea*
- Oh look, you're holding a baby.
- Somehow has the "no thoughts, head empty" face despite having A LOT of thoughts.
- He looks normal on the screen, so you won't notice anything btw
- Would wait until he finds out whose baby is that. Once finds out he is calm again.
- Would wonder why are you looking after them, but overall is pretty chill
- Might even blush a bit, imagining how you two in the future could maybe have a family (adopted or birth doesn't matter)
- But until he sees that someone takes away the baby, would fr think it's yours.
- Might even sneak in one or two lines/facts about babies. Basically that he is a great babysitter and etc.
- Would be a bit angry at the parents. You had hard time playing twst because of their baby! Even if you care about this baby, Riddle would still be kinda upset about the fact that your "together" time was interrupted. And all because of some "bad" parents (his words not mine)
"It is their child, why would they make THE OVERSEER look after the said child? Unacceptable, they're bad parents 🙄"
Leona Kingscgolar
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- 🧍‍♂️
- Our boy has bluescreened
- Who is this baby? Whose this baby? Why are you with this child?
- As we all know, Leona doesn't like kids (Cheka is the proof)
- I don't think he would think it's yours? I mean, I'm pretty sure you two won't visually look like each other, so Leona would be able to tell that it's not yours
- Tbh would be annoyed that your time was interrupted by the kid
- Might even growl a bit more than usual.
- Would be relieved when parents of said child would take it away. Finally some peace for both of you
-..why does he look grumpier than usual? Uhh, his sprite is normal, as alwayssssss.... It's probably just your eyes ehe 🤷🙇
"Hm? Oh the kid left. Finally some peace and quiet. Now we are finally alone, and I can watch you without anyone interrupting us"
Azul Ashengrotto
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- 🧍‍♂️ 2.0
- He is flabbergasted okay?
- Another one who bluescreened.
- After getting out of shock, would wonder whose child is that, until seeing its features.
- Would consider the possibility of it being your adopted child. Doesn't mind taking it under his wing, or should I say tentacle?
- I mean, he has a step father, who took HIM under his "wing", so Azul won't mind that.
- Would blush at the thought of you two starting/being a family.
- Aww, you and the kid are so cute. You're very good at taking care of kids. You're definitely the best.
- After finding out it isn't your child, for some reason feels kinda sad????? He doesn't even know why, just strangely sad????
- Wouldn't mind making one or adopting a kid.
- His sprite seems...happier than usual? He smiles a bit more brightly at the idea of your two's future dw. If you don't have keen eyes/aren't observant, you won't even notice anything!
" Oh darling, our perfect future awaits us soon! I just need to make sure that once you're here, with us, I get to you first. Please don't be mad at me, I'm doing it for the better"
Kalim Al-Asim
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- So cute!
- is it yours? Is it a boy or a girl???
- Another one who would think of your future family.
- This guy over here has TONS of siblings, and he loves them all
- So it's safe to assume that he knows how to play with kids (and maybe even how to take care of them!...maybe) (Kids are pobably on Jamil, Najma or other servants of Asim household).
- Overjoyed tbh
- Thinks the kid looks very cute.
- Ngl was also a bit angry like: Who did you make this child with-? And then he is like: Oh wait you could've adopted them
- However, idea of it being someone else's child never crosses his mind.
- Not until he sees it is being taken away and you talking with it's parents
- His sprite looks completely normal...but Jamil's on the other hand...why does his sprite has a shadow over his eyes..he isn't planning something isn't he?
" Let's create our own family! Huh? Why are you scared? I won't hurt you!....much unless you stop resisting me "
Vil Schoenheit
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- Would be shocked a bit.
- Not because you're holding a baby, but because THIS BABY IS MESSING WITH YOUR APPEARANCE *clenches teeth*
- He doesn't care whose baby is that, but this baby is just very messy.
- I mean, if it's yours...it will be alright to make your.. lover? Husband?! Or...no let's not think about it.. fall asleep
- Magic is useful after all
- After finding out that this baby isn't your he is gonna clench his teeth even more/further.
- How dare this people make this child mess with your appearance?
- His sprite looks angry
" This potatoes...rotten potatoes don't know where their place is huh.. Well, it's nothing I can't do. But I will get them later, for now, I will give you a few lines about the importance of your appearance. "
Idia Shroud
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- 💀🤷👀🧍‍♂️
- ┬─┬ノ(ಠ_ಠノ)
- *I sleep*
- Doesn't know how to react
- Bluescreens for a second and then...
- *hair turns red*
- How dare someone make you look after some child when you could've played with him?? Or if it's your child then who made a kid with you?!!!??
- Is angry. Very
- He is gonna act as if they killed his minecraft cat.
- You're gonna be shocked to see his usually sprite turn red. Heh
- Will turn normal again soon, but would have his angry face on him still.
- Will not turn back to his neutral expression until the family of this child will leave.
" How dare this pests take away our time like this. Ah.. their child is so annoying, The overseer almost dropped their phone because of them ⸨◺_◿⸩ "
Malleus Draconia
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- Huh
- The overseer has a child?
- Chaos endures.
- The whole Diasomnia dorm is on fire, has tsunami and a storm inside.
- All faes are not sure what to do with this information.
- After looking at the child further, got that it wasn't yours.
- Diasomnia is finally calm
-..more like calm before storm
- You've gained even more affection from the whole Briar Valley/Valley of Thorns now.
- They worshipped and loved you a lot?
- Well, now even more.
- When the child is taken away, they are a bit sad. Fae steal children you know?
- But seeing your calm face they were fine.
- Another one who would think of starting a family with you. I mean, he wants to marry you, and would need a heir..
- And now everyone is sure you would be a great parent. They knew you were perfect, but seeing you being perfect/your perfection in action just pushes their obsession and worship even further
- His sprite looks unusually happy... he literally glows with happiness- wait isn't Azul is the only bioluminescent one?
" Ah, our happily ever after will start soon. I just need to get you here. You are so nice for looking after that child. I knew you were perfect and will be a great parent, but now I am even more sure *chuckles* "
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faeryarchives · 8 months
let me kiss you
summary: after waiting for the right moment, you finally get to kiss your lover on the lips for the first time note: my canva and grammarly are both down so i can't do the requests today 😭 but hihi omg omg omg im sorry if it's bad okay i tried tags: gender neutral, fluff and maybe suggestive or ITS VERY SUGGESTIVE HONESTLY 😭 recent works: i'm not jealous !! (savanaclaw x gn!reader) & octavinelle with a fischl like female reader! & to my beloved (octavinelle x gn!s/o)
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༉‧₊˚. look at me: now don't go hiding your face from him after pulling off such trick 😭 before you could even run away, his hands wrapped around your waist and already pulling you in for another kiss - lips pressing against each other somewhat aggressive + you could feel your blood rushing through your veins, legs almost giving up causing you to hold on to his neck and after what seems like hours - you both took a step back to take in a deep breath 😮‍💨 you just want to give him a peck why did it escalated so far? not that you are complaining 🧍🏻‍♀️
— trey clover, LEONA KINGSCHOLAR, jade leech, vil schoenheit, MALLEUS DRACONIA (im on the floor)
༉‧₊˚. kiss me again: at first they would be stunned but they would hold your cheek gently, letting yourself sink into his embrace before your lips brushed against his so tenderly - feeling his hands caressing your hand in circles and your body start feeling warm over as he slowly inched towards you until your foreheads are touching + whispering "kiss me again?" in the softest voice and you couldn't help but swoop in and give him a fleeting kiss 😚 beware of this greedy man because he will and can sneak and give you a lot of kisses every time you would see each other 😍
— cater diamond, ruggie bucchi, FLOYD LEECH, JAMIL VIPER, rook hunt, lilia vanrouge
༉‧₊˚. am i dreaming?: now this man hasn't felt the touch of someone in a romantic way !! he knew that he is brave to do pda stuff with you is when he is dreaming 🛌 so the moment you pecked them - they would start to malfunction very much 🤯 and start mumbling like "this is not another dream right?" and you had never seen him in such mess before so take it easy on them + would be hesitant in asking you but after taking in some courage he will hold your hand and look you in the eyes very determined - i've never done this before. i’m probably not going to be great at it and that is okay because you are trying it together !! his first time initiating it might not be perfect but for sure it won't be the last time 🫡 after all, practice makes perfect 🤩
— riddle rosehearts, ACE TRAPPOLA, kalim al asim, epel felmier, SILVER
༉‧₊˚. speechless: oh great heavens help this guy because one moment he would be talking your ear off and the other second he is just all stunned and speechless, staring at you in shock 😳 + his face and ears are a shader (lighter/darker) due to him blushing and what after seems like an eternity he finally realized that you actually kissed him + would ask you to do it again for one time, then it will become two times until you spend the whole afternoon showering him with kisses and he will wear it as a medal if your lipstick / lipgloss is visible all over his face 🤩
— deuce spade, jack howl, azul ashengrotto, IDIA SHROUD, SEBEK ZIGVOLT
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hxrukii · 1 month
Maybe Ace, Rook, Kalim, Trey and Azul for Pinkie!reader as well?
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❝Yes a perfect gift for me, is a smile as wide as a mile!❞
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╭・๑ 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲︰ʚ Some of NRC student with a Pinkie Pie!Reader.‧₊˚✦
‧₊˚↷ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫(𝐬)┊❝ Ace Trappola, Rook Hunt, Kalim Al-Asim, Trey Clover, Azul Ashengrotto. ❞ ⸜⸜*
↷︰ʚ 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞 ‧₊˚✦ Reader is female can be read as Yuu. Wow, his also took a few days to make huh. Some of these are quite short cause I didn't know how to write for them, I'm so sorry 'bout that.
╰・𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠(𝐬) ‧₊˚꒰ Spoiler for book 1, 3 and 5. ɞ‧✦
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Will be inviting Pinkie!Reader to every Unbirthday Parth just because preparing for the Party will be much more easier with her around
Absolutely loves to see Pinkie!Reader beat the shit out of every overblot/person with her Party Canon. Laughed his ahh off when he first saw Pinkie!Reader use it against Riddle.
It was only after everything calmed down after Riddle's overblot that he actually realized that Pinkie!Reader has a canon.
Is now worried that she might actually have a bomb somewhere in Ramshackle.
For that reason, Ace tries to remain on Pinkie!Reader's good side, just so that he doesn't get bombed
Loves to eat anything Pinkie!Reader baked. Since he doesn't have to worry that anything is for an Unbirthday Party so he probably eats more of Pinkie!Reader's baking then Trey's.
Likes to mess around with Pinkie!Reader's pet alligator.
Sometimes even ends up having staring contest with it. (His competitiveness will probably get the best of him, the competition will probably last hours if nobody stops him.)
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Overly positive couple.
Like neither of them ever seem to be sad. Idia is probably scared shitless of the both of them.
They also both know everybody that goes to NRC someway somehow.
Rook and Pinkie!Reader are both overly talkative. So whenever the two of them starts a conversation, it will never end. Vil has to personally come and drag Rook away for the conversation to end.
Would probably wax poetry about Pinkie!Reader's baking skill ngl.
And would also wax poetry about her musical skill ig, since Rook probably has a passion for anything art related.
Is also intrigued by Pinkie!Reader's Party Canon, he isn't worried about how she got it though.
Wonders how Pinkie!Reader manages to fit so many party decorations inside of the canon. Also, where does she keep it?
Was surprised the first time he's seen Pinkie!Reader with a Party Canon, which was during Vil's overblot, since she legit pulled it out of thin air.
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Overly positive couple pt. 2
Kalim absolutely adores Pinkie!Reader.
The both of them are Jamil's worst nightmare.
Will want to host parties all day every day whenever he and Pinkie!Reader are together.
The two of them are just so positive and extroverted. They're probably also Idia's worst nightmare.
The whole of NRC are probably blinded by the positivity whenever they are together.
Was absolutely ecstatic when Pinkie!Reader pulled out her Party Canon for the first time.
Does that mean that Pinkie!Reader could host a party in a matter of seconds?! That's awesome!
Also loves to eat Pinkie!Reader's baking, to the point where he forgets that Jamil needs to taste his food before hand in case of poisoning. But surely Pinkie!Reader wouldn't try to poison him, right?
Would probably also stuff Pinkie!Reader's pet alligator with crackers just like he did with Grim. Well if alligators can eat crackers that is.
Whenever Kalim is hosting a party. Pinkie!Reader will be the first one invited. And if she's not the first one invited, then she's probably hosting the party alongside him.
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Baking buddies for real
Trey would probably love to bake with Pinkie!Reader. They would exchange recipes and all.
Also enjoys being around her in general, how positivity and carefree personality is probably a welcome change for him, especially after Riddle's overblot, since he was used to Heartslabyul's strictness.
Would personally invite Pinkie!Reader every Unbirthday Party Heartslabyul is hosting since he knows she loves to party.
Was flabbergasted when he saw Pinkie!Reader pull out her Party Canon during Riddle's overblot.
Probably thought it was a real canon at first. Was about to stop her from firing, since he really didn't?t want to witness Riddle die y'know.
Only to be shocked and relieved that inside the canon was... part decoration.
Still was worried by the fact that Pinkie!Reader somehow manages to walk around NRC with a canon that she keeps who knows where.
Actually, where does the canon even come from? May end up overthinking it.
Though he is glad that Pinkie!Reader is able to defend herself, though her method of defense is rather... interesting to say the least.
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Azul would probably invite Pinkie!Reader to help decorate the Mostro Lounge whenever there's an event.
Also enjoys eating her baking from time to time, but stops himself from eating to much, since he has to maintain his appearance.
Tries to get Pinoie!Reader to sign a contract so that she can work for Mostro Lounge full time, but somehow, Pinkie!Reader always manage to confuse him and refuse to sign the contract, much to Azul's dismay.
You'd think he'd be used to her strange personality since he's known the Leech twins for so long, but apparently not.
Was also absolutely mortified when he first saw Pinkie!Reader pull out a canon during his overblot.
Tries to get Pinkie!Reader to tell him where the canon comes from. Tough he still hasn't succeeded yet, but he's determined.
Will keep Floyd as far away from Pinkie!Reader's canon as possible, he really doesn't need Floyd to scare away potential customers, or blow up the Mostro Lounge.
Also very impressed by Pinkie!Reader's musical still, and surprisingly good memory.
Probably wanted to steal those abilities for Ace, Deuce and Grim's freedom, but opted for Ramshackle instead.
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꒰ ◁ ꒱┊❝Back to Ace, Rook, Kalim, Trey, Azul's Masterlist❞
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shytastemakerthing · 2 months
Hi! Could I request headcanons of the Overblot Students with a Yuu who can read minds please? Thank you!!
A/N: Hello and thank you so much for your request! I wasn't sure if the mind reading was something that could turn on and off or if it was something activated at all times, so I did a mix of both to make it a bit easier! I really like the idea of this Yuu! I hope that you enjoy!
Request: OB Boys with Yuu who can read minds
Tw: Mentions of blood in Azul's, Jamil's, Vil's, and Malleus' sections
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At first, he had no idea that there was even a magic of this caliber that existed. There had always been speculation, but to hear that you are capable of such? He had his doubts at first
That was, until you told him exactly what he was thinking that very moment
Turns out you can choose whether or not you are going to read someone's mind, which is a relief for him, granted, he knows that it isn't your fault
Okay, yeah, he believes you now
Does it come with any side effects? Headaches? Blurry vision? Anything like that?
He is both fascinated but also worried
A power like that would be easily covered and people would want to use your ability to their advantage
Thankfully, he is not that type of person
If you've had a harder day, he will invite you over to Hearyslabyul, in his room where it is nice and quiet for a glass of warm tea and strawberry tarts
Just let him know if anything happens, he will be there for you as soon as s he can
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For this, you really had no control over whether or not you could read someone's mind, so your head is always quite loud when in heavier populated areas, which is why the botanical gardens seemed to be perfect for you right now
This was how you met Leona
You don't really hear the thoughts of others when they are sleeping so you had no clue that he was there until you had stumbled upon him
At first glance, he could tell that you were in pain, and didn't know as to why, and then a group of students came in from Crewel's class and your pained expression only got worse
Consider his curiosity piqued
After locating you in a secluded area, he came to learn of your ability to read the minds of others, but it was also something you had no control over
So being in an area with a lot of people, with an ability you can't control, no wonder the migraines are a nightmare
Once together, he tries to find some solutions here and there to be able to help you out. From secluded areas for you two to be where he knows no one will be, to seeing if there is anything to lessen the noise in your head
No luck yet, but he tries just for you
If things are getting to be too much for you, come and find him. He isn't always the best with comfort and such but he knows just how to help you feel better
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For this, you have control whether or not you can read the mind of someone else
Azul first learned of your little ability shortly before his own OB when he was working to get you into a contract and you literally just told him everything that he was planning and thinking of the moment that he would get you to sign
Cue a surprised look from all three members of the fish mafia
Now he really wanted to get that contract
After all, having magic that allowed you to read the minds of others? Why, it was unheard of
Post OB is a bit different
First, there was no way to actually take your ability, it was something unique to you
Next, he saw firsthand just how hard it can be on you, and where you also saw just how much he cares for you
Your ability had gotten a bit out of hand, when trying to see into one mind led you to tapping into everyone's mind, in this case, instead of one person, it was dozens
The bloodshot eyes, a bloody nose, and a killer migraine, the amount of sheer pain you were in as everything flooded in all at once
He had taken you to his own room in the dorm and had essentially barricaded the door shut to make sure no one got in
Jade and Floyd got everyone out, Azul removed his coat and put it over you and even brought you into the octo pot, seeing as it was darker and far more quiet
Seeing you starting to get better brought a great deal of relief to him
If a moment like this happens again, come to him as soon as you can and he will ensure that everything will be taken care of
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After hearing of your ability to selectively read the minds of anyone else, he begins to wonder if you had ever read his, but assuming the events of his OB, it was safe to assume that you didn't respecting the privacy that the man had
Honestly, it makes him feel rather warm inside to know that you wouldn't violate him in such a way
Which has him feeling certain things knowing that he has quite literally brainwashed you into doing what he wanted, an ability just as invasive as your own
It took a lot of work for him to actually forgive himself for something like that, but once you are both in a relationship, he does all he can to take care of you and make up to you with what he has done, but only to you
He once saw the effects that your ability could have
A couple other students heard of this ability of yours and were begging you to try and read their minds, so many of them beginning to crowd around you, that it went from one mind, expanding to the rest and you nearly collapsed then and there
He was quick to grab you and get everyone else away from you before taking you back to his room and slammed the door
Jamil sat you on his bed as he grabbed a wet wash cloth and began to carefully clean up the blood that was dribbling from your nose
Seeing how tired you were afterwards, he loaned you some of his own pajamas and would let you rest in his bed.
Tucking you in, he would place a small kiss to your forehead before heading out to make you a fresh meal..... and to ensure that those students will never bother you again
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He was rather skeptical at first when he heard of your ability to read the minds of others. No ability like that had ever been seen before, at least, not one that was permanent
But after the events of his own OB, and everything that was happening with Neige and what he was planning to do, he found it to be much more believable
But he also learned that you had no control over when you would read someone's mind. If you could see them, you could hear them
And now it made more sense about why you really did not want to go to VDC. There had to be hundreds of not thousands of people there, and you were on that stage dealing with him, able to see each and every one of them
Which would explain the amount of blood pooling from your nose, your blood shot eyes, even dripping past your lips
And yet, you still managed to help him
It was something he never wanted to see again
You being in that much pain
So after getting together, Vil specialized in making a potion that he could actually take that would work as a null agent against your ability, which made you cry the first time. For once, everything was quiet
He will get you anything you need for pain when the side effects begin to kick in, he is a pro at this point
Which is why he was as scared as he was when you stumbled into the dorm with a bloodied nose, the same bloodshot eyes, and look of pain
Rook and Epel were quick to clear everyone out as Vil led you to his room after giving you a tissue to hold to your nose
Sitting you in his bathroom, he helped get you all cleaned up, washed your face, even as you were falling asleep in his hold with the soothing sensations he was providing
He didn't have the heart to wake you up, so he merely picked you up and laid you in his bed, smiling oh so softly at just how serene you looked
He may not be the hero in everyone else's eyes, but he was the hero in yours, and that as enough
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After knowing of your ability, it was both a blessing and a curse at the same time for him
On one side, you would always know what he needed or wanted and he didn't even have to say anything, on the other hand, he would never know when you would peek into his mind
After assuring him that you would never peek into his mind unless you had his full permission, he felt a bit better about it
Knowing the side effects that using your ability can have, will always invite you to his room
No people to give you unnecessary pain, calm and quiet, mind wise. He made no promises if he got really into a game
But it was the thought that counts
You have become so in-tune with him that you can tell what he is thinking just by thinking about him
Which comes in handy when you are coming to visit and you already have a bag full of snacks he was wanting to have
It was moments like this where he absolutely loved your ability, and honestly wanted it as well
Knowing what someone wanted and needed without having to actually talk to them?
It was a dream for him
Coming to him one day with a killer migraine and stumbling steps, he knew it was a harder day
Idia lets you crash on his bed as long as you need and is easily able to keep everyone else away from you until you're better
Perhaps this time around, he'll just have one of his handheld games and climb into bed with you
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You knew he was there outside of Ramshackle before you even saw him, his thoughts being rather loud that night
Now, you haven't gone to see him just yet so when you two finally met for the first time, and you already knew who he was despite giving him that silly little nickname, he was rather curious
No one told you his name and you hadn't seen each other and yet you knew him?
You saw it in his mind?
You can't control it?
That would explain how you always knew that he was out here before you ever saw him, given you couldn't sense his own magic
He sees first hand just how out of control your ability can get when too much comes in all at once
It had been in the middle of the day, classes had gotten out for the day and at the time, you had been away from other people
But there were a number who had seen you, and your reputation seemed to be rather well known somehow, and let's just say they wanted to see if it was true that you could read the minds of others
It was well over a dozen people from a number of dorms that group around you, thoughts racing and loud
Too loud
You don't exactly recall what happened after that, only that you were waking up in Diasmonia in none other than Malleus' room as he was rinsing out a bloodied wash rag Lilia had given him to help
You would explain to him that too much all at once, getting too loud, it tends to have some nasty side effects........ he's keeping you here for the rest of the day
Please, if anyone else gives you trouble, merely say his name and he will not hesitate to take care of those who are troubling you
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Thank you so much for your request! Have a wonderful day/night!
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temiizpalace · 10 months
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SUMMARY: you forgot to do the homework before your next class.. excellent job prefect. no problem. you can just copy off your classmate! what’s his response to “can I copy your homework?”
CHARACTERS: all dorms (+ grim)
GENRE: crackfic, but could be considered fluff
WARNINGS: cursing
reader gender is not mentioned, reader is yuu
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“i’ll help you with it!”
i mean, you COULD copy.. but how will you understand the material? if you copy then you might not understand it later! that’s not good at all! instead of letting you copy it all together, he helps you and walks you through it like the angel he is. he’s explaining everything in detail but in a way you could comprehend it. totally should be your teacher. even if you already understood the subject, he still wants to lock it in and make sure you truly do get it. (after that you felt like albert einstein)
riddle, trey, jack, ortho, rook (he already knew you weren’t paying attention so he got ya covered), silver
“yeah, sure”
you wanna copy his homework? yeah, sure. why not? you’re the overworked prefect of ramshackle dorm, or some may say “crowleys assistant.” you deserve a break every once in awhile right? maybe they do care about your wellbeing and want you to rest as much as possible. you already work your ass off every day. you study, care for grim, do crowleys work, and deal with some random dorms shit almost 24/7. hell, why not let him write it for you?
it’s that or he just doesn’t give a shit. 🤷🤷
epel, lilia, malleus
“bold of you to assume i did the homework”
you’re both in the same boat. well sort of anyway. he’s a busy guy, he doesn’t have time for that. life is short, and he should be doing things he wants. not sit in a classroom all day and write, just to sit down in his dorm room and write for the rest of it. oh no. he probably has like 10 missing assignments right now. long story short: his ass did not do the homework cause he didn’t wanna.
ace, leona, floyd
“lol nope”
damn you didn’t do the homework? well good luck with that. listen, he did the homework. he’s on top of it. you on the other hand chose not to do it. what’s that? oh you were busy? that sounds rough. he wishes you the best and hopes that you’ll listen next time. alright? bye 🫶🫶
idia, jamil
“wait, we had homework????”
there was homework? THERE WAS HOMEWORK? oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit. he messed up. now he’s scrambling to get it done before his next period, panicking and triple checking his answers. poor baby was so caught up in his life he forgot all about class assignments. now you both are sitting at the cafeteria with pencils and eraser shavings everywhere. those sitting around you both were losing their appetites because for some reason their meal tastes like led or graphite. best of luck to you both 💔💔
grim, deuce, cater, kalim
“sure you can copy it! for a price of course.”
yeah he’ll let you copy it. one teensy weensy detail though, what’ll he get in return? well it was your fault for not working on it during your free time. it’s only fair right? he worked so hard to get these answers, why should he give them away for free? haha. that’s just how the world works, prefect. it’s nothing personal really, he just wants to benefit.
azul would definitely try to upsell you into getting one of his study guides. capitalist.
ruggie, azul, jade
he scolds you.
you didn’t do the homework? *sigh* perfect, oh, prefect. that’s a horrible habit to develop, really. why didn’t you do it? now you must scramble to finish it. you see not doing the homework once is alright, but if this happens again he will know about it. he’ll make sure this doesn’t happen again third time. now he’s giving you a long ass essay on why doing your homework ON TIME is the right thing to do, and why copying others homework is the road unsuccessful students go down.
but his lecture went on for hours. im sorry it won’t happen again just please let me copy it 🙏🙏
riddle (scolds then lets you copy), vil, sebek
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A/N: I do all my homework stay safe guys 🙏
my second writing tada! lately I’ve just been going off of alignment charts and how I see them fit. hopefully this is good enough.
date written: 11/24/23
© temiizpalce — don’t steal or copy my work!
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yuri-is-online · 4 months
I love your one sided Floyd vs Ace thing because Ace is just trying to play wingman from the background so Yuu will stop talking about how Floyd's "Such a sweet boy!", like he didn't just try to take Aces head off during practice. And "He visited my class today" , yeah perfect, Floyd visited him today too. For very differnt reasons though. or "He just helped me dye my hair! Doesn't it look good?". It does but that's besides the point.
Bro Floyd is pining SO HARD rn it's not even funny anymore! He's always lost in fantasies but they're not even the hot kind! No, he's daydreaming about holding Yuus hand and going to that one really cute Cafe in Port city that Yuu always calls a "French Cafe". He doesn't know what the hell a French is but you know what! Calling it that makes you happy so that Cafe is French! He wants that excuse to come find you whenever he wants a nap and fall asleep in your lap as you pet him to sleep, and no one can even say shit about cause like! You'd be together.
But he thinks that Ace is trying to get together with Yuu and that just puts his mood way below the poverty line. HES NOT. HE SWEARS HES NOT. ACE JUST WANTS TO TEASE YUU FOR THEIR STUPID GROSS CRUSH NOT BE CAUGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF IT!
ah confused the ducky you. you always see my floyd visions so clearly, i am so happy
I like Ace's relationship with Yuu in pretty much all flavors, when I'm writing floydyuu I think of Ace as the self appointed mom friend/older brother. He likes the feeling of power and responsibility he gets from it since he's used to being the baby of the family. Floyd thinks that little shrimpy is funny and cute at first, someone he could chase around similar to Riddle.
But then they beat Azul. They beat Azul by annoying Sea Lion, who constantly ignores and mocks his attempts to fight him. They got under his skin, that's just on a different level. He's paying close attention now, and he likes what he sees. At first it's exciting, he likes new things and these feelings are certainly new. But it also makes him notice little things. Like how much closer you are to Crabby than you are to him. The jealousy just eats him up because he feels like he shouldn't be? Crabby kind of sucks? He's seen how his color changing magic is, he can't imagine he'd be a better option than him. But shrimpy giggles at his jokes and spends almost all their free time with him. He hates it, and it's starting to effect his... not quite but yeah kind of friendship with Crabby.
Meanwhile Yuu is savoring any sort of contact they can get with him. I love the hair dye suggestion, Floyd says he'll give you one color but really he just wants an excuse to put a streak of teal where his swoop would be on your head. He's too much of a coward to do it, going with whatever you request instead and how happy you are makes it almost worth it until you babble about how you'll have to show your friends how cool it is and what a good job he did. He makes a point of visiting Ace intending to threaten him but he ends up just whining about how he doesn't know how to get through to you, and asking if Ace knows anything about what a "french" is (he thinks it's a dessert) before he lapses into the silence of daydream while Ace wonders if it would be worth it to get Jamil involved.
Yuu gets the perv title for being into a literal fish on top ha of going along with whatever Floyd comes up with. Please do not underestimate his imagination he can be quite filthy when he wants to be, he's just being a good boy and only thinking about extramarital h*nd h*lding for now (•̀⤙•́ )
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duos silices ad ignem
Just a Rollo fic I wrote based off of this post
I write Reader/Yuu as female
Also my writing may be a bit biased but I refuse to write Deuce as nothing but a sweetheart even in an angst fic
“You’re ‘used to it’?” Rollo repeats incredulously, looking at you as though you’ve gone barmy, “Oh you poor thing. I can’t blame you for becoming numb to the absurdity after spending every day swimming in it.”
You open your mouth, ready to dismiss his words and defend yourself, but you find the words clogging up at your throat, refusing to leave. The stoic Student Council President continued to look at you, concern overcasting his features, so you swallow thickly as you feel your heartbeat in your ears and mutter that you think you hear Professor Trein calling you before making a much too hasty exit.
You’ll admit that initially, yes, the concept of magic terrified you. Why wouldn’t it? After spending a lifetime without it and then being thrown into the both metaphorical and literal lions’ den with no support whatsoever was the stuff of nightmares. Especially when you consider your first overblot, where everyday was the physical representation of out of the frying pan and into the fire.
But you learned to see the beauty of magic, learned to see how it can help and heal, how it can mend broken bones in seconds instead of months, how it can protect you and make you soar. 
Though why do you feel resentful? Why do you feel that tang of bitterness when you’d see someone wave their pens and have an entire room spotless in a blink of an eye? Why does it cause such discomfort to witness a meal magically prepped to perfection? Why does watching your classmates using spells to play around in class and make their life easier fill you up with so much dread?
You love magic so why do you still flinch?
‘Maybe,” your mind supplies, “it’s because they’re so used to it. They’re so lackadaisical about throwing around spells because it comes to them without a thought. To them it’s mundane. To you - well, it’s proof that you don’t belong here, that you’re not yet home.”
Later on you find yourself sitting in isolation on a bench, far removed from the festivities of your peers, as you watch them produce fireworks with seamless flicks of their wrists, laughing gaily with every spark and flicker.
Why was it that a complete stranger could see you, hear your unspoken thoughts, much better than an entire castle full of people that you’ve spent months with? Why was it that this wiry, unfeeling, looming presence was able to piece together what was laid out in front of him much better than the people you brushed with death with to save?
Was it pity? The thought should have filled you with offense, that this person you just met is treating you with such infantilising condescension. How dare he patronise you without even knowing what you’ve done, what you’ve lived through, how you’re barely holding on to the tattered shreds of your sanity before it slips through your fingers-
How dare he be so right.
Maybe it is pity, maybe his patronising words were warranted. Maybe, just maybe, you’re so desperate that you’ll take it, that you’ll take anything if it meant someone would look close enough to see that you’re not okay, that you want out.
You’re left alone with your thoughts now, as you watch your schoolmates with a blank look, your eyes fixated on their high spirits but not quite seeing them. Your thoughts that liked to remind you of how small you are, how insignificant against the might that was magic, how easy it was for you to sign away your life to Azul with a simple signature, how eye contact or a few words was all it took for Jamil and Ruggie to own your mind and body, how Vil cursed your food without a word to you nor a care in the world.
How completely breakable you are in this twisted world of vices and villains.
Even the other first years, who are considered the least powerful in regards to magical capability, could end you as fast as lightning flashes.
You think back on the scars that coiled and burned along your skin, how the foreign slivers of jagged discolouration were littered along your body, a sadistically twisted storybook that mapped out your past, present and future torment. The deep reddish-purple lesions and inky black cracks that spiderwebbed your once young, innocent and untouched complexion were nothing more than a perpetual reminder of all that you’ve lost, all that’s been taken from you in this world. That you weren’t who you once were and you can never go back to being her.
(“Deuce,” you whispered to your friend late into the night. Ace and Grim were contentedly dozing away on the mattress you’d placed on the floor of Ramshackle’s living room, leaving you and Deuce the only ones awake on your couch, the dim light of the television bathing you in opalescence and and the tinny sounds it played turning into white noise. “Yeah,” he replied, his voice just barely a mutter but you heard it loud and clear. “Have,” you took a breath and looked down at your twiddling fingers, “have you ever looked at a mirror and saw a stranger?”
“Yeah, I have,” Deuce replied. Your head cants upwards and you see his blue eyes piercing through the darkness, “it was right after I heard my mum crying on the phone to my grandma. I didn’t know who I was. I just knew I didn’t want to be who I saw.”)
But it’s okay now because they are your friends.
That’s the mantra you chanted as you surveyed everyone in front of you. 
Riddle who called you pathetic who didn’t hesitate to make a mockery of you who attacked you with both his words and his thorny rage, diligently listening to an NBC student explain the history of Fleur City.
They are your friends
Deuce who was your best friend who you trusted with your life who you can’t tell any of this to and Epel who’s a victim like you who wants out like you who’s still destined to hurt you like everyone else, talking animatedly about their magical wheels as they eat their candy apples.
They are your friends
Ruggie who can control you with one word who still has the fangs and claws of a predator who you still don’t know if you can trust, munching on as many baked goods as he could.
They are your friends
Azul who’s sadistic and manipulative and uses and takes for his own benefit who happily made you homeless and still has everything despite all that he’s done who’s predatory eyes burn you whenever he’s near, looking for your next weakness to exploit and Jamil who used and kidnapped and manipulated you who hypnotised you and ripped away what little control you had whilst playing pretend as your friend who took pleasure in your suffering were surveying the stalls, asking the vendors questions about their wares. For some reason, the thought of joining them felt like acid crawling up your throat.
They are your friends
Rook who’s an enabler just like everyone else who watched on as his housewarden cursed your food and tried to poison and kill someone who can easily hunt you down and find you no matter where you are or how well you hide, laughing along with everyone’s merriment and spouting out verbose french poetry that you weren’t sure you wanted to understand.
They are your friends
Idia who took Grim from you who unlike everyone else was an actual genuine friend before he overblotted who played his part just like everyone else did, looking like he found Nirvana as he was surrounded by stray cats and kittens.
They are your friends
Silver who you don’t even know yet who could still be part of this twisted ploy to cause your downfall who could hide a person as sadistically corrupted like everyone else, napping on a bench near Sebek who hates your existence who hates that a human would dare to breathe the same air as his liege who doesn’t even hide his contempt for you who was watching Malleus who’s never there who never helps who just does what he wants and you can’t say anything because who are you compared to him with his usual starry-eyed worship.
They are your friends. They’ve changed. It’s alright now, You easily washed away the red of their sins so everything’s all good. You’ve moved on - forgive and forget, right? Sure they hurt you but it’s all water under the bridge. They won’t hurt you again. So why, why- 
Then why does your stomach feel like lead now. Why do your eyes sting so badly, pinpricks dotting the edges of them as you feel the telltale drip of water run down your cheek.
All you want is to survive
But how do you survive in a world that wants you dead?
Apart from Ace, Deuce, Grim and the ghosts that haunt your dorm, not one person looked at you and saw you as someone other than the magicless prefect who stops overblots and cleans up messes that they had nothing to do with. Not one person who’s hurt you had stopped to think that you were someone who could feel hurt, that your feelings matter, that you don’t fight death every other second because you want to but because it’s the only way you could survive in a place where you have been abandoned. 
Shakespeare was right. There are daggers in men’s smiles. In every predatory grin, in every saccharine leer, in every simper that coiled and tightened around you like a serpent, with its poison-laced fangs prodding at your carotid, just waiting to strike.
You feel him before you see him, his lanky figure joining you in your shadowed refuge. Without a word, he sits down beside you.
“Do you believe in fate?” you ask idly, your stare never once wavering from where you watched Professor Trein who’s in on it who, just like every other adult, has failed you who never once punished anyone except you and your fellow students, “that things happen and there’s nothing we can do about it because that’s just how things are meant to be? That the people who do bad things just get to do those things and everyone’s supposed to live with it because that’s how the story is written?”
He regards you for a second and then turns and looks straight ahead with a gaze like steel, “I believe in justice. That without it, humanity is doomed to live in a delusion of peace. I believe that the only way to be truly free from the sins that swarm and bite us, that follow us around like a plague, is to take the reins ourselves and use our power to free us from them. The past is just a tragic history but the future has several names: for the weak, it is impossible; for the fainthearted, it is unknown; but for the valiant, it is ideal. And once the gavel of justice has done its duty in punishing the wicked and freeing the innocent, even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.”
You feel a cold, thin hand placed over yours and you let it rest there. It was grounding, comforting.
Maybe, it’s about time you stop being a victim of the narrative and take control of your own story. You’ll rid yourself of your tragic ending and fashion a new happily ever after.
In NRC, you found horrors beyond your comprehension.
In Rollo, you think you’ve found your guardian angel.
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twistedchatterbox · 2 years
Wedding Whims
summary: their favourite parts of your wedding tags. Marriage, GN reader, Fluff, Smitten boys 4 Thou'st's' Enjoyment, No Spoilers, no beta we overblot like men, tweels are too deep in love.
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Wordcount; 600+ | Masterlist & Taglist
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The cake; Your future husband could have quite the sweet tooth occasionally, though whether he is pleased about it or not is up for debate; you know him better than that. He holds up the fork of samples for the cake for you to snack on, and the adoration on his face is so much more sweeter than the flavor when you let him feed you. The way he looks delighted upon seeing you return the gesture makes your heart run a marathon, you cannot wait to do this all over again at the wedding, and he cannot wait to be your husband. -Riddle, Trey, Che'nya, Ace, Ruggie, Jamil, Kalim, Idia
The venue; Whether it's his artistic 6th sense or a whisper of the wind and tide, he just knows that he wants your wedding to be at a beautiful location. Sentimentality, beauty, meaningful and lovely. His heart skips a beat at every location suggested by the wedding planner as he envisions the way you'd look on your wedding day. To him, this place must be worth being graced by your radiance; and he knows exactly what he wants. He can barely wait to see the day; and even then, you take his breath away. -Cater, Jade, Rook, Vil, Lilia, Malleus, Kalim
The clothes; regardless of the theme and slash or the dress code of this wedding, he knows you will look stunning. He goes through the isles upon isles of his choices and every time he looks at something that catches his eyes, he thinks of you. Specifically, the way he'd look next to you, and that motivates him to go and pick the perfect fit for you, as he intends to be the same. Every day, every night, the way you'd look on the wedding day lives in his head rent free, making him daydream as he indulges in his imagination which he does more than he'd admit to anyone. -Azul, Vil, Sebek, Silver, Neige, Jack, Deuce, Epel
The vows; of course, this is often overlooked as everyone does, or at least claims to, put their heart and soul into it. Well, he would put his everything and the entire world's treasures too if he could and if you asked it wouldn't even be a joke. Obsessed, he could be, for you he could be. Anything. You've got his heart in your tender loving hands and he intends to put his everything on display, for you, he could, for you, he would. There is no punchline, really; it's not a vow to him, it's an oath. -Jade, Floyd, Malleus, Rook, Jamil, Leona, Floyd again, Idia
The dance; Ideally, you would only dance with him, as it meant a big deal to your husband-to-be. Would it be a slow dance? Would it be waltz, tango, something cute, sweet or something a bit more intimate? He would dance to your whims, today, now, for the rest of your lives. This tempo of tandem hearts, he finds himself being in sync wit you, he knows the two of you will trip, fall, but he also knows you'll get up together; and it tightens his hold ever so slightly on you as the loving gaze in those cupid struck eyes intensifies for you. Let him twirl you, dip you, spin you, and kiss you lovely between steps too. -Floyd, Riddle, Epel, Ace, Leona, Lilia, Neige, Silver
Oh and, Ortho was positively delighted about catching your bouquet! The boy's giddiness and happiness was so contagious for you that it became one of his favourite memories too.
...He was too busy admiring your happiness to watch anything else, though. -Trey, Cater, Riddle, Jack, Malleus, Silver, Deuce, Azul, Floyd, Jade, Kalim ....He rolled his eyes out of habit with a huff, but his happy smile spoke for itself and him too. -Ace, Leona, Ruggie, Sebek, Lilia, Jamil, Epel, Vil, Rook ...He couldn't help but grin alongside you, as it was just as special to him. -Idia
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kimbap-r0ll · 2 years
How Dorm Leaders Hint They Like You
Something cute I thought of recently!
The first thing you'll notice is that he's a lot nicer to you than he is to others (less strict, it makes Ace and Deuce confused haha)
He tries to impress you with how much he knows, but also by inviting you to a lot of tea parties so you can spend time with him
Whenever you talk to him, you find that his usual stiff body language melts. He has a hard time maintaining eye-contact, hides his hands behind his back, crosses his arms, stutters a bit too
He has no idea how to deal with these emotions and will often find himself dozing out of class when he sees you across from him for example. His blush whenever you smile at him also is a dead-giveaway
Unlike Riddle, Leona's meaner. He's the type to tease you more because he likes you and he has no idea what the best way to show this is
If any other student tries to hurt you, he's the first one to step in and tell them to stop. He's a bit protective, though he'll never admit it
If you're in the same Spelldrive team as him, he might want to show off some of his skills haha. If you compliment him, he'll try to smirk and say "yeah of course" but he just awkwardly nods
He's good at hiding his blushes and hiding his emotions behind meaner words. But whenever you treat him with kindness, you see him just look at you with surprised eyes and then a softer look
Will flaunt himself at you. Tries to impress you with his knowledge in everything possible, it's a bit exhausting haha
He gets a bit jittery around you too. His usual (manipulative) suave self disappears and he pushes his glasses up a lot more often than he does around others
Floyd and Jade know exactly how Azul feels the first few seconds he shows it. They might casually tease him and you, saying to you that someone has a crush on you
He wants to be the perfect boyfriend, the perfect man that will melt your heart, but you end up melting his. His blushing, overall bashfulness yet awkward confidence makes his crush super clear
He's not shy at all, will try to spend the most amount of time around you as possible. He literally calls your name from across the hallway and runs towards you
His overall sunshine personality might mask his crush a bit though, but you can see him blushing whenever you look at him with a smile. He also dozes off when you talk to him that you might have to snap him back to reality haha
Jamil also happens to look more stressed during these days. The reason for this is likely because Kalim has been asking him incessantly how to ask you out, will ask you at some point if you have any love interests
Kalim overall is just very sweet, often giving you gifts that you didn't think you needed. But he's still a bit shy, often losing his words when you two are alone
Emotionally constipated like Leona and Riddle, he tends to be nicer to you. He doesn't call you "potato" and actually uses your name or even "darling" — apparently he just calls people that but you know that's not true
Smiles in your direction a lot, often staring at you from across the classroom. He tries to look his best in front of you and so he might look like he's posing whenever you two catch each others' glances
Epel will ask why Vil acts so nicely around you, the others think he might be plotting something. But when you talk to Vil alone, he's completely at a loss of words. He can't look at you directly, scratching lightly at the sides of his nails, blushing slightly whenever you're close to him
He wants to be flawless, but he's so nervous around you that he has no idea how to act. Will tell you a lot of compliments and offer to watch films together, of course it's just because of the film club (of course it's not)
Can't even bring a conversation to fruition because he's so shy. He wants to be like all the cool characters he's seen before in anime, but he can't because of his awkwardness
Stares at you the most. He literally forgets about the world around him, a soft smile on his lips and a soft gaze. The teacher might have to yell his name to get him back to the classroom haha
If you approach him, he might run away. It's not that he's scared of you, more like he's scared that he might mess up. If he doesn't, he stutters worse than he usually does and avoids eye contact altogether
Ortho knows his brother the best and can see right through Idia. Also Idia tries to draw you from time to time so there's that. Ortho might ask you how you feel about his older brother, which might give you a hint as to Idia's feelings
This fae might be the most fearless, perfect being but when it comes to love he's completely lost. He also just dozes off and it takes Sebek yelling a few times and shaking him to wake him up from daydreaming about waltzing with you in the forest
Will visit you more frequently, asking if you want to go on walks. He's good at keeping eye contact, but he's so much gentler with you than with anyone else. Always asks for your hand
If you talk about something your passionate about for a long time, you might find him happily looking at you, head resting on his hand and just a soft smile.
Lilia tells Malleus to be upfront but Malleus is too nervous. He might stutter if you compliment him for example. He also happens to be protective, so expect him to keep you close to him for no reason whenever you're on walks haha
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schoenpepper · 1 month
And If You Slipped Through My Fingers
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Intro: Emotional constipation turns to emotional diarrhea.
Warnings: bad grammar, awful writing, Ace being a dickwad, not proofread so read at your own risk, open ending ig, short af, bad words
A/N: Okaaay and that's the second request done. Struggling for ideas about that Jamil songfic might change the song idk. Whoever asked for this I hope you like it.
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Feelings are such complicated matters.
He couldn't make sense of them at all.
Sure there was nothing but a sprinkling of superiority complex when he first met you (powerless, magicless little human that you are), but then that chandelier thing happened and it all went rolling (downhill or uphill, he still hasn't decided). Ace was nothing if not flexible, though. He went the ways the waves did when it came to you, even though you seemed to have just the perfect knack for getting into trouble. But lately...you've been different.
His super very platonic bond with you is shifting in your hands, all the lines blurred together and tied into a braid by your deft fingers. Suddenly, you're a little more needy. You're hanging off Ace like a feral cat, claws sunk into his arms. He hears his name from your lips no he wasn't staring and he realizes you've begun to see him as some sort of reliable figure in your life. You're in danger, and the first thing you do is reach for him.
But what can he even do for you?
He's smart, but he's no Riddle or Azul. He can fight, but he's not like Leona or Vil. He's resourceful, but he can't beat Jamil, and his magic doesn't hold a candle to your Tsunotarou.
What is he to you?
And now you're gravitating towards him like the moon orbiting his planet—but he thinks the pull might be too strong and you'll just crash right into him. Always on call, circling him like a shark in the water. He's not afraid of you. He's not afraid of the problems you bring with you. But what if one day, you reach out to him, and he can't hold your hand? What if the next time trouble finds you, he can't pull you out of the mud anymore? What if, when you stare at him with those lovely eyes and plead for him to stay, he's still forcibly pulled away by all the other planets that are in your orbit?
You're not his moon. You're the sun that everyone longs for.
He's not afraid of anything. But there's this inkling of fear swirling within him, curling around his torso and squeezing the life out of him.
He's scared of you leaving.
He's scared of you staying.
He doesn't know what to do.
Why not choose someone else?
Somehow, at some point, the place next to him is your seat. You're always by his side with one arm wrapped around his shoulder or your hand holding his. It's so suspiciously close in a way that friends shouldn't be. At 3 am, under his covers, he's texting the night away with you while his roommates are asleep. You're at every corner and every turn. You're at every classroom and in the cafeteria and Riddle invited you to every unbirthday party. And you sit next to him and smile. You smile that stupid smile that makes his heart beat so fast in his chest he has to choke down his tea to calm himself. You're in the mirror when he looks, but no, you couldn't be. It's just...Ace.
He wants to be alone for a while. He needs to think.
Why are you everywhere?
[nomagicnolyf: aceeeeee come over lets play super stario squish sisters]
[aceUNOone: noooo im sleeping]
[nomagicnolyf: bish ur typing]
He puts his phone aside and closes his eyes. What do you want from him? Why are you always bothering (yes, bothering) him? Why not bother Deuce, Epel, Sebek, Ortho, or Jack? Or anyone in your roster of friends in the higher years? They'd love to hang out with you, don't you know they practically fight each other just for a sliver of your time? Why him, then? There's a knock on the door. He gets up with a groan to open it.
"What do you want?"
It's you, and he tries to push down the chaotic magma of feelings bubbling in his chest. He's just been too confused lately. You don't deserve its outburst.
"Sorry, I just wanted to hang out with you."
"Didn't we hang out yesterday?"
"But I want to hang out today too."
He can't stop himself. The lava, it boils over and the words spill out his mouth faster than he can think. You don't deserve its outburst but fuck your timing was really off, you know?
"Well I don't want to hang out with you. You're always clinging onto me, aren't you tired of being such a burden? It's annoying, Y/N, you're getting real annoying and every single time you show up something is wrong and something needs to be done." It's not true, he knows it's not true, but he doesn't even know what he's saying anymore.
"Sevens, can't you handle your shit by yourself? Do you seriously still need to be babied every time? Act like an adult and deal with your problems like the rest of us. Alone."
When it's erupted and done, the words come flying back to him like a boomerang made out of razor blades. No, he doesn't think any of those things. He likes helping you. He likes defending you, he likes fighting for you and— oh.
Oh, he likes you. So that's why he's been in such a mess mentally.
It's too bad you're already gone by the time he's dealt with his feelings.
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