yantekerlek · 1 month
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tesrinisani · 2 years
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Vazgeçiyor musun?
Ayvansaray - Fatih, İstanbul/Türkiye - Aralık 25, 2022 .    
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fatihkurye · 1 year
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aradxan · 1 year
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Kids from back street by Hakan Kavas https://flic.kr/p/2oqt1sk
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Ayvansaray Mah Kişiye Özel Karikatür Kupa Bardak
Ayvansaray Mah Kişiye Özel Karikatür Kupa Bardak kupabardakk firması olarak isterseniz 2000 modelimiz arasından isterseniz sıfırdan kafanızdaki bir şablonu karikatür olarak tasarlayabiliriz. Ayvansaray Mah Kişiye Özel Karikatür Kupa Bardak denilince ilk akla gelen firmaların başında bikups vardır. Diğer ismi ile (kupabardakk.com ) sitesi Ayvansaray Mah Kişiye Özel Karikatür Kupa Bardak olarak en…
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kupabardakk · 1 year
Ayvansaray Mah Kişiye Özel Karikatür Kupa Bardak
Ayvansaray Mah Kişiye Özel Karikatür Kupa Bardak kupabardakk firması olarak isterseniz 2000 modelimiz arasından isterseniz sıfırdan kafanızdaki bir şablonu karikatür olarak tasarlayabiliriz. Ayvansaray Mah Kişiye Özel Karikatür Kupa Bardak denilince ilk akla gelen firmaların başında bikups vardır. Diğer ismi ile (kupabardakk.com ) sitesi Ayvansaray Mah Kişiye Özel Karikatür Kupa Bardak olarak en…
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henk-heijmans · 2 years
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Turkey, Ayvansaray, 1971 - by Ara Güler (1928 - 2018), Turkish/Armenian
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hedefbilgitoplumu · 19 days
istanbul Fatih Ayvansaray Mahallesi Çelik Kapı Tamiri
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qkadin · 2 months
Ayvansaray Lezzet Durakları #Ayvansarayyemek #Ayvansarayyiyecektavsiyesi #haber #sondakika https://www.gezginrotasi.com/ayvansaray-lezzet-duraklari/...
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portokoza · 1 year
شقة للبيع غرف 2+1 في أيوب سلطان ، حي تشيرشر
شقة للبيع غرف 2+1 في أيوب سلطان ، حي تشيرشر
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شقة غرفتين وصالة في منطقة أيوب سلطان السياحية بالجانب الأوروبي من اسطنبول
– داخل مجمع به حراسة أمنية 24 ساعة. – حدائق للتنزه، وساحات ألعاب للأطفال. – حمام سباحة مغطى، حمام تركي. – صالون ألعاب رياضية، وغرف بخار (ساونا). – موقف سيارات داخلي. – مولد كهرباء، خزان ماء. – على بعد 30 دقيقة من مطار اسطنبول. – العديد من الجامعات القريبة من موقع الشقة : * BİLGİ ÜNİVERSİTESİ على بعد 10 دقائق. * KADİR HAS ÜNİVERSİTESİ على بعد 20 دقيقة. *AYVANSARAY ÜNİVERSİTESİ على بعد 15 دقيقة. * HALİÇ ÜNİVERSİTESİ على بعد 20 دقيقة. * İSTANBUL TİCARET ÜNİVERSİTESİ على بعد 20 دقيقة.
*مميزات منطقة ايوب سلطان: – يميز منطقة السلطان ايوب أنها مليئة بكل ما هو تاريخي وذو صلة بالتراث الإسلامي و الحضارة الإسلامية.، مثل مسجد السلطان أيوب والذي أطلق عليه هذا الاسم نسبةً لوجود ضريح الصحابي الجليل أبي أيوب الأنصاري فيه. – ويقصد الزوار العرب والمسلمين الذهاب إلى المسجد والصلاة فيه عند زيارتهم لمدينة اسطنبول ولا سيما يوم الجمعة وخلال شهر رمضان. – تتمتع أيضاً منطقة السلطان ايوب بأسوارها العتيقة التاريخية وأسواقها الشعبية ذات الطابع الإسلامي، والتي يتم فيها بيع سجادات الصلاة والمسابح والكتب الإسلامية المتنوعة وتسجيلات تلاوة القرآن الكريم لأشهر القراء. – إضافةً إلى التمور عالية الجودة والزيوت المفيدة وغير ذلك الكثير. – ليس المسلمون وحدهم من يسحره جمال منطقة السلطان أيوب وإنما جميع الناس يقعون بحب هذه المنطقة المليئة بالأشجار والطبيعة الخضراء، والتي تمتلك إطلالة مميزة على القرن الذهبي. – إضافة إلى وجود تلفريك السلطان ايوب الذي يتيح للسياح ركوبه والتمتع بجولة في الهواء الطلق لمشاهدة أروع المناظر الخلابة المُذهلة من الأعلى، مع رؤية القرن الذهبي بشكل كامل في مشهد فريد من نوعه لن تحصل عليه سوى من خلال تلفريك منطقة أيوب اسطنبول، ويمكنك زيارة هضبة بيير لوتي الرائعة أيضا. – كذلك يوجد حديقة السلطان ايوب، التي توفر لزوارها أجواء الاسترخاء والاستمتاع بالطبيعة بعيداً عن ضغوط الحياة والعمل الذي لا ينتهي. -كذلك تقع قرب منطقة السلطان ايوب، واحدة من أكبر مدن الملاهي ومراكز التسوق في تركيا، وهي اسفانبول (ديزني لاند تركيا). – مول أكسيس من أشهر المراكز التجارية في منطقة أيوب اسطنبول، ويتضمن هذا المول العديد من المتاجر التي تعرض الماركات العالمية الشهيرة، هذا فضلاً عن كونه مكاناً ترفيهياً مميزاً، نظراً لوجود صالة سينما ومقاهي ومطاعم فاخرة.
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tesrinisani · 2 years
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Gerek yok bahanelere.
Ayvansaray - Fatih, İstanbul/Türkiye - Aralık 25, 2022 .
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pazaryerigundem · 5 months
Pedallar eş zamanlı çevrildi
Pedallar eş zamanlı çevrildi
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Yeşilay’ın 2011 yılından bu yana organize ettiği Geleneksel Yeşilay Bisiklet Turu’nun 11’incisi, “Sağlıklı yaşamın keyfini birlikte sürelim” sloganıyla Türkiye’nin tüm şehirlerinde eş zamanlı gerçekleşti.
İSTANBUL (İGFA) – Türkiye’nin en büyük bisiklet organizasyonlarından biri olan Geleneksel Yeşilay Bisiklet Turu binlerce bisikletseveri buluşturdu.
Spor yaparak bağımlılıklarla mücadelenin önemini vurgulamak ve sporu daha geniş kitlelere yaymak için her ay bisiklet turları düzenleyen Yeşilay’ın bu yıl 11’incisini düzenlediği Geleneksel Yeşilay Bisiklet Turu’na ilgi büyüktü.  Yeşilay Genel Merkezi Sepetçiler Kasrı’ndaki buluşmaya aralarında aileler ve çocukların da bulunduğu çok sayıda bisikletlinin yanı sıra İstanbul Valisi Davut Gül, Bisiklet Federasyonu Başkanı Emin Müftüoğlu,Yeşilay Genel Sekreteri Osman Baturhan Dursun, Yeşilay Genel Müdürü Nurullah Atalan ve Yeşilay Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi Dr. Mevlüt Büyükhelvacıgil de katıldı.  
Tur öncesi konuşan İstanbul Valisi Davut Gül, sporun bağımlılıkla mücadelede en etkili enstrüman olduğunu söyledi.
Yeşilay’ın amacına uygun bir etkinlik düzenlediğini vurgulayan Vali Gül, “Şehir, mekân ve hava güzel. Bir an önce bisiklet sürmek istiyorsunuz. Bu organizasyonu yapan Yeşilay’a, Bisiklet Federasyonuna, destek olan tüm sponsorlara ve bu tura katılan her birinize ayrı ayrı teşekkür ediyorum. Bağımlılıkla mücadele en kıymetli enstrüman spor. Sporun en zevkli dallarında biri de bisiklet. Yeşilay’ın amacına uygun bir etkinlik olmuş. Hepinize başarılar diliyorum” dedi.
11. Yeşilay Bisiklet Turu’nun İstanbul etabı Vali Davut Gül’ün startıyla Sarayburnu’ndan başlayarak Yedikule Sahil Yolu, Genç Osman Caddesi, 10. Yıl Caddesi, Topkapı, Edirnekapı, Ayvansaray, Balat ve Eminönü güzergâhında seyrederek Sepetçiler Kasrı’nda tamamlandı.
Turun İstanbul ayağına 2 bine yakın bisikletsever katıldı.
Toplam 2 bin 73 lisanslı sporcusu bulunan ve Türkiye genelindeki sayısı 110’a ulaşan Yeşilay Spor Kulüplerinin, 120 Yeşilay şubesinin, 120 bin Yeşilay gönüllüsünün ve bisikletseverlerin katılımıyla 81 ilde eş zamanlı olarak “Sağlıklı yaşamın keyfini birlikte sürelim” sloganıyla düzenlenen tur, 81 ilin önemli merkezlerinden geçerek Türkiye genelindeki bisikletseverleri bir araya getirdi.  
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Ankara’da Eymir Gölü, İzmir’de Cumhuriyet Meydanı, Antalya’da Boğa Çayı, Edirne’de Selimiye Camii önü, Konya’da Meram Devlet Hastanesi, Trabzon’da Akyazı Stadı, Gaziantep’te Üniversite Meydanı ve Erzurum Kalesi’nin önünden başlayan tura Türkiye genelinde 10 bine yakın bisikletsever katıldı. Turun Trabzon ayağına ise Ulaştırma ve Altyapı Bakanı Abdulkadir Uraloğlu da teşrif etti.  11’inci Yeşilay Bisiklet Turu’nun Trabzon etabının startını veren Bakan Uraloğlu da katılımcılarla birlikte pedal çevirdi. 
Yeşilay Genel Müdürü M. Nurullah Atalan, sporun bağımlılıklar üzerindeki etkisinin altını çizerek, spor kulüpleriyle aktif iletişim kuran cemiyet yöneticileri, gençleri bağımlılıklar yerine spora yönlendirmek için projeler geliştirmeyi planlandığını ifade ederek, bu anlayışla hareket eden Yeşilay’ın 1952-1953 eğitim öğretim yılında lise ve orta okullarda voleybol ve basketbol turnuvası düzenlemiştir. Kuruluşumuzdaki bu bilinç, bugün de artarak devam ettiğini söyledi.
Atalan, hep birlikte pedal çevirerek bedenen ve ruhen sağlıklı yaşama ve bunun için bağımlılıklardan uzak durmanın önemine dikkat çekildiğini belirterek, tura katılarak bu farkındalığın yerleşmesine destek olanlara teşekkür etti.
Tur sonunda, katılımcılar hediye bisiklet çekilişine katılırken, 10 adet bisiklet çekilişle sporculara takdim edildi. 
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BU Haber İGF HABER AJANSI tarafından servis edilmiştir.
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mirelanast · 6 months
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Royal Gifts and Exchanges
Turhan Valide Sultan, the mother of Sultan Mehmet IV, presented her son with a valuable golden dagger adorned with a single emerald at the inauguration of a new structure she had commissioned. This gesture of gratitude was among the most significant gifts exchanged within the royal family. Additionally, Sultan Mehmet IV followed the tradition of gifting valuable items to commanders, provincial governors, state officials, and foreign envoys, which were considered significant expenses for the treasury.
Diplomatic Gifts and Campaign Rewards
During campaigns, gifts were sent to allies such as the Khan of Crimea and distributed among members of the Imperial Army, including the commander-in-chief and officers of various ranks. After the conquest of the Candia fortress, the Sultan rewarded the Grand Vizier and Commander-in-Chief Serdar-i Ekrem with luxurious robes, adorned maces, and jeweled daggers, continuing the tradition of rewarding military successes with valuable items Private Istanbul Tours.
Continuous Flow in the Treasury
The exchange of gifts between the Ottoman Empire and its allies, as well as the rewards bestowed by the Sultan, ensured a continuous flow of valuable items in and out of the treasury. Records meticulously documented these transactions, often providing explanations or annotations for the items exchanged or received. Notably, significant goods such as the “Kaşıkçı Elması,” the largest diamond in Ottoman regalia, entered the treasury through unique circumstances, such as being found by a poor woman and later sold to a spoon-maker.
Unique Treasury Acquisitions
Aside from diplomatic exchanges and campaign rewards, the treasury also acquired valuable items through purchases. One notable example is the “Kaşıkçı Elması,” which has a fascinating origin story—it was discovered near the Tekfur Palace in Istanbul’s Ayvansaray district and eventually became one of the prized possessions of the Ottoman Empire.
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heartmylifes · 6 months
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Royal Gifts and Exchanges
Turhan Valide Sultan, the mother of Sultan Mehmet IV, presented her son with a valuable golden dagger adorned with a single emerald at the inauguration of a new structure she had commissioned. This gesture of gratitude was among the most significant gifts exchanged within the royal family. Additionally, Sultan Mehmet IV followed the tradition of gifting valuable items to commanders, provincial governors, state officials, and foreign envoys, which were considered significant expenses for the treasury.
Diplomatic Gifts and Campaign Rewards
During campaigns, gifts were sent to allies such as the Khan of Crimea and distributed among members of the Imperial Army, including the commander-in-chief and officers of various ranks. After the conquest of the Candia fortress, the Sultan rewarded the Grand Vizier and Commander-in-Chief Serdar-i Ekrem with luxurious robes, adorned maces, and jeweled daggers, continuing the tradition of rewarding military successes with valuable items Private Istanbul Tours.
Continuous Flow in the Treasury
The exchange of gifts between the Ottoman Empire and its allies, as well as the rewards bestowed by the Sultan, ensured a continuous flow of valuable items in and out of the treasury. Records meticulously documented these transactions, often providing explanations or annotations for the items exchanged or received. Notably, significant goods such as the “Kaşıkçı Elması,” the largest diamond in Ottoman regalia, entered the treasury through unique circumstances, such as being found by a poor woman and later sold to a spoon-maker.
Unique Treasury Acquisitions
Aside from diplomatic exchanges and campaign rewards, the treasury also acquired valuable items through purchases. One notable example is the “Kaşıkçı Elması,” which has a fascinating origin story—it was discovered near the Tekfur Palace in Istanbul’s Ayvansaray district and eventually became one of the prized possessions of the Ottoman Empire.
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paradisesc · 6 months
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Royal Gifts and Exchanges
Turhan Valide Sultan, the mother of Sultan Mehmet IV, presented her son with a valuable golden dagger adorned with a single emerald at the inauguration of a new structure she had commissioned. This gesture of gratitude was among the most significant gifts exchanged within the royal family. Additionally, Sultan Mehmet IV followed the tradition of gifting valuable items to commanders, provincial governors, state officials, and foreign envoys, which were considered significant expenses for the treasury.
Diplomatic Gifts and Campaign Rewards
During campaigns, gifts were sent to allies such as the Khan of Crimea and distributed among members of the Imperial Army, including the commander-in-chief and officers of various ranks. After the conquest of the Candia fortress, the Sultan rewarded the Grand Vizier and Commander-in-Chief Serdar-i Ekrem with luxurious robes, adorned maces, and jeweled daggers, continuing the tradition of rewarding military successes with valuable items Private Istanbul Tours.
Continuous Flow in the Treasury
The exchange of gifts between the Ottoman Empire and its allies, as well as the rewards bestowed by the Sultan, ensured a continuous flow of valuable items in and out of the treasury. Records meticulously documented these transactions, often providing explanations or annotations for the items exchanged or received. Notably, significant goods such as the “Kaşıkçı Elması,” the largest diamond in Ottoman regalia, entered the treasury through unique circumstances, such as being found by a poor woman and later sold to a spoon-maker.
Unique Treasury Acquisitions
Aside from diplomatic exchanges and campaign rewards, the treasury also acquired valuable items through purchases. One notable example is the “Kaşıkçı Elması,” which has a fascinating origin story—it was discovered near the Tekfur Palace in Istanbul’s Ayvansaray district and eventually became one of the prized possessions of the Ottoman Empire.
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emilyashome · 6 months
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Royal Gifts and Exchanges
Turhan Valide Sultan, the mother of Sultan Mehmet IV, presented her son with a valuable golden dagger adorned with a single emerald at the inauguration of a new structure she had commissioned. This gesture of gratitude was among the most significant gifts exchanged within the royal family. Additionally, Sultan Mehmet IV followed the tradition of gifting valuable items to commanders, provincial governors, state officials, and foreign envoys, which were considered significant expenses for the treasury.
Diplomatic Gifts and Campaign Rewards
During campaigns, gifts were sent to allies such as the Khan of Crimea and distributed among members of the Imperial Army, including the commander-in-chief and officers of various ranks. After the conquest of the Candia fortress, the Sultan rewarded the Grand Vizier and Commander-in-Chief Serdar-i Ekrem with luxurious robes, adorned maces, and jeweled daggers, continuing the tradition of rewarding military successes with valuable items Private Istanbul Tours.
Continuous Flow in the Treasury
The exchange of gifts between the Ottoman Empire and its allies, as well as the rewards bestowed by the Sultan, ensured a continuous flow of valuable items in and out of the treasury. Records meticulously documented these transactions, often providing explanations or annotations for the items exchanged or received. Notably, significant goods such as the “Kaşıkçı Elması,” the largest diamond in Ottoman regalia, entered the treasury through unique circumstances, such as being found by a poor woman and later sold to a spoon-maker.
Unique Treasury Acquisitions
Aside from diplomatic exchanges and campaign rewards, the treasury also acquired valuable items through purchases. One notable example is the “Kaşıkçı Elması,” which has a fascinating origin story—it was discovered near the Tekfur Palace in Istanbul’s Ayvansaray district and eventually became one of the prized possessions of the Ottoman Empire.
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