#Ayodhya temple-mosque dispute
shehzadi · 5 months
hindutva are celebrating the construction of a temple today (22.01.24) in ayodhya, uttar pradesh on the ruins of babri masjid, a mosque they destroyed in 1992. one of the common disputes around it is the existence of a temple before the masjid. the most extreme hindu nationalists don’t care either way because they just want mosques destroyed. the more liberal types dig up ‘proof’ of temple remains as if that justifies the violence muslims are facing centuries later.
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mariacallous · 14 days
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the Ram temple in Ayodhya in the key northern state of Uttar Pradesh in January in hopes it would earn him a massive victory in the national election that concluded in June. That didn’t happen—at least not to the extent that Modi, his Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), and their ideological fountainhead Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) expected.
In what has widely been described as a shock result, the BJP won merely 240 seats in the 543-seat parliament, after setting a target of 400 seats. Modi has formed a government but only with support from other parties.
Like any election result, the outcome had multiple causes that will take time to fully sort out. But one thing is already clear: Modi failed in his long-running bid to homogenize India’s Hindus across castes and cultures and consolidate their vote for his political benefit.
In 2014, Modi came to power on the back of religious nationalism and security issues, and he continued that trend in 2019. This year, in the absence of any urgent security threat from regional rival Pakistan and rising concerns over unemployment, inflation, and authoritarianism, Modi banked on the RSS’s homogenization strategy.
The Ram temple was built on a site long disputed with Muslims, where a 16th-century mosque stood until December 1992, when a group of Hindu nationalists razed it to the ground allegedly on the BJP’s provocation. Experts said the BJP had envisaged the temple would instill pride in Hindus, feed their Muslim animosity, and bring them under the Hindu umbrella to choose Modi.
Even though, by and large, the Hindu community seemed to have been pleased with the inauguration of the temple, that didn’t translate into votes for Modi across the Hindu hierarchy. Instead, the results exposed the weaknesses of the homogenization exercise.
Hartosh Singh Bal, an Indian journalist and the executive editor of the Caravan, said there is “diversity in Hinduism” and the election results prove that it can’t be “papered over by directing attention and hatred outwards” toward Muslims. This election proves that “Hindus are not a monolith” and that “various segments of Hinduism have a successful chance of taking on the BJP,” he added in reference to tactical voting by lower castes in Uttar Pradesh against the BJP.
Karthick Ram Manoharan, a political scientist at the National Law School of India University in Bengaluru, said that in Tamil Nadu, a state in southern India with the second-biggest economy in the country, the BJP did not win a single seat out of a total of 39.
“Hindus are the absolute majority in Tamil Nadu, but they still mostly vote for the secular Dravidian parties,” Manoharan said in reference to local parties that have emerged out of social movements opposed to an upper-caste Hindu order that the BJP and RSS have been long accused of nurturing and propagating.
In March, just a month before voting began, I witnessed saffron-colored flags expressing support for Modi’s party jutting out from rooftops and windows in tightly packed homes in western Uttar Pradesh. Some people I spoke to said that BJP workers had decided to adorn the neighborhoods as they pleased, but underneath the flag-waving, a large-scale discontent was brewing over a lack of employment opportunities.
The upper-caste youth seemed confused, if not yet disenchanted, with Modi and in the absence of industry and strong local economies once again mourned the loss of government jobs to affirmative action. (The Indian Constitution reserves almost half of all state jobs for people from lower castes and others who confront a generational disadvantage and historical discrimination.)
Meanwhile, Dalits, who sit at the bottom of India’s Hindu hierarchy, in hamlets nearby who depend on the quota for their dignity and livelihood were quietly recalibrating their options. The mood was starkly different from 2014 and 2019 when I visited some of the Dalit-dominated parliamentary seats in Uttar Pradesh. Back then, Dalits I met were upbeat and decisively pro-Modi. They said they supported him since they believed that he might raise their stature in the Hindu hierarchy.
But 10 years later, they suspected the BJP was plotting to weaken the constitution, the only assurance of rights for marginalized communities in a country where upper-caste Hindus continue to hold social capital and economic power.
Recent comments by BJP leaders that if Modi won 400 seats, he would change the constitution spread anxiety among lower castes that the party intended to scrap the reservation system. The BJP repeatedly denied this, but the suspicion that it is first a party for upper-caste Hindus is deep-rooted among lower castes, and experts believe the comments were part of the BJP’s political strategy.
“They were testing the waters to see what would be the reaction,” said Sushil Kumar Pandey, an assistant professor of history at Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University in Lucknow and the author of Caste and Politics in Democracy.
“The opposition picked it up and campaigned on it, telling people a change in the constitution could mean losing your livelihood, your jobs,” Pandey added. “That worked at a time [when] people were also scared of privatization” and in government-run sectors.
For Dalits, it was about more than jobs. The Indian Constitution is nearly worshipped by the community and celebrated en masse on the birth anniversary of the Indian intellectual who wrote it. B.R. Ambedkar was no fan of Ram and advocated against the caste discrimination inherent in Hinduism all his life, even converting to Buddhism when he felt there was no escaping caste-based prejudice. While he couldn’t annihilate the caste system, he ensured that the constitution offered lower castes a quota in government jobs to gradually uplift them.
In his honor, and as an ode to the progressive document, Dalits sing songs in praise of the constitution and hail it as the upholder of their dignity in a society where they continue to be belittled. Any change to the text was unacceptable. “Their cultural identity is linked to this book,” said Ravish Kumar, a journalist and the host of a popular YouTube news show.
In the south, too, there was a fear of culturally being subsumed by a Hindi-speaking upper-caste elite. Indian federal units, or states, were defined in the 1950s on the basis of language, and to this day south Indians identify themselves on the basis of the language they speak. The Ram temple had no resonance in the southern states, particularly in electorally significant Tamil Nadu, with the highest number of seats regionally. Tamils were wary that the RSS’s homogenization agenda would drown out their cultural ethos and impose a secondary status on the Tamil language.
Manoharan, the political scientist, said that in Tamil Nadu, it was “not so much religious but fear of cultural homogeneity” and “a language policy which will give importance to Hindi speakers over Tamil speakers and upper-caste Tamils over other backward castes.”
In a state where “88 percent people come from so-called lower castes” and “69 percent have jobs under affirmative action through a special act,” people were also extremely worried that the BJP may “water down” the employment quota promised in the constitution, Manoharan added.
The southern Indian states have a longer history of resistance to upper-caste domination, a higher literacy rate, better economies, and a tradition of secular politics. While the BJP maintained its tally of 29 seats from the last election, it is being seen as a poor result considering the inroads the RSS has made in the south.
For instance, in the southwestern state of Kerala, the RSS has more than 5,000 shakhas, or branches, second in number only to Uttar Pradesh, India’s most populous state—yet “despite the fact that the RSS has thousands of training grounds in Kerala, they are unable to get influence,” said K.M. Sajad Ibrahim, a professor of political science at University of Kerala. “That’s because while religion is important, communal harmony is more important to people here. BJP tries to create tensions, and that doesn’t work here.”
The BJP managed to gain one seat for the first time in Kerala, but that isn’t being attributed to its ideological success or expansion of homogenization project but to the winning candidate’s personal appeal. Suresh Gopi, the winning candidate, is a popular movie star.
In many states in the Hindi belt and even in the south, the BJP did well. The upper castes and urban voters are standing firmly behind Modi. Kumar, the journalist, said it would be foolhardy to dismiss Modi—and the bigger Hindutva, or Hindu nationalist, forces backing him—just yet. He said Hindutva hasn’t lost and only faced a setback. “The BJP was trying to dominate caste politics with Hindutva,” he said, “but the election result shows that dominance has cracked.” However, he added, “it has only cracked—the ideology still has wide-scale acceptance.”
Everyone else Foreign Policy spoke to concurred but added that Hindus are far too diverse to be homogenized. Manoharan said the results exposed the weakness of the homogenization agenda and its faulty premise. “Hindutva’s aim for homogeneity is confounded precisely by a structural feature of the religion-culture it seeks to defend—caste,” he said.
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jobaaj · 5 months
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The 500-year wait is over! Lord Ram is home!! Check out the full timeline:🔽🔽 - 1528: According to the history books, Babur's general Mir Baq was in charge of constructing the Babri masjid at the place where Lord Ram was born. The old temple was destroyed to construct the mosque.
- 1530-65: Unverified reports suggest communal violence over the Mandir-Masjid debate and Akbar, the then Mughal ruler, set up a common platform for worship. - 1853-85: After almost 330 years, communal violence erupts again. The British Empire sets up partitions and Mahant Das’s plea to build a canopy above the platform is denied. - 1949: The turning point comes when the idol of Lord Ram appears from inside the mosque. According to Muslims, the idol was placed inside the mosque by a radical Hindu outfit. As both parties file multiple lawsuits, the situation gets more complicated.
- 1950-61: Multiple lawsuits are filed and other parties join the fray with both sides claiming the land as theirs. - 1983-1989: The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) starts a nationwide move to build a temple and legal tensions flare up. Muslims set up the Babri Masjid Committee and the former VP of the VHP files a suit on behalf of Lord Ram to get possession and the first stone for the temple is laid. - 1990: BJP leader Lal Krishna Advani’s Rath Yatra from Somnath to Ayodhya saw thousands of volunteers march as they partially damaged the mosque in a scuffle that left scores dead. - 1992: The bloodiest event in the Mandir-Masjid dispute as Hindu volunteers demolish the mosque and a bloody battle erupts throughout the nation. Over 2,000 were reported dead. A small tent is set up where the idol is placed for worship. - 2002: PM Atal Bihari Vajpayee sets up an Ayodhya cell and the Allahabad HC judges begin determining ownership of the site. - 2003: The Archaeological Survey of India begins surveying the area and a survey reveals the existence of a temple’s remains beneath the mosque. Muslims challenge the findings as tensions continue. - 2010: The disputed land is split into 3 parts where one went to the Hindus, another to the Muslims, and the final one to the Nirmohi Akhara. - 2011: All 3 parties approach the Supreme Court to challenge the Allahabad HC’s judgment and the SC issues a stay on the order. - 2015-18: The SC removes all irrelevant parties from the lawsuit as the matter gets more sensitive during that time. - 2019: After a failed mediation attempt, a five-judge bench announces a judgment in favor of the Hindus, and the Muslims are allotted 5 acres for the construction of another mosque. - 2020: PM Narendra Modi lays the foundation stone for the construction alongside a commemorative plaque and a special postage stamp. - 22nd January 2024: The temple is officially consecrated and Lord Ram, who has been in a tent since 1992, is unveiled for worship in a state-of-the-art temple. Follow Jobaaj Stories (the Media arm of Jobaaj.com Group) for more.
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haridwartourtrip · 16 days
Unveiling the Ayodhya Ram Mandir: A Complete Guide
The Ayodhya Ram Mandir, a partially constructed Hindu temple complex in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, India, is a site of immense religious significance and historical intrigue. For centuries, it has been revered as the birthplace of Lord Rama, a central figure in the Hindu epic Ramayana. This guide delves into the Ayodhya Ram Mandir, offering a comprehensive overview of its history, architecture, religious importance, and practical information for planning your visit.
A Land Steeped in History: The Ayodhya Ram Mandir's Lineage
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The history of the Ayodhya Ram Mandir stretches back millennia. According to Hindu belief, the site was the birthplace of Lord Rama, the seventh avatar of Vishnu, the preserver god in the Hindu trinity. Historical records mention the existence of a grand Ram temple at Ayodhya dating back to ancient times. However, the 16th century witnessed the construction of a mosque on the disputed site, creating a long-standing religious and political controversy.
A New Dawn: Construction of the Ayodhya Ram Mandir
In 2019, a historic Supreme Court verdict paved the way for the construction of the Ayodhya Ram Mandir. A trust, the Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra, was formed to oversee the construction and management of the temple. The foundation stone laying ceremony took place in 2020, marking a significant milestone.
A Glimpse of Grandeur: The Ayodhya Ram Mandir's Architecture
The Ayodhya Ram Mandir is being constructed in the North Indian style of architecture, characterized by intricate carvings, towering shikharas (spires), and spacious courtyards. The temple complex will feature a Garbha Griha (sanctum sanctorum) housing the idol of Lord Rama, along with other deities from the Ramayana. The sprawling complex will also include a number of mandapas (halls) for prayers and gatherings, reflecting the grandeur of traditional Hindu temple architecture.
A Beacon of Faith: The Religious Significance of the Ayodhya Ram Mandir
For millions of Hindus, the Ayodhya Ram Mandir represents the culmination of a long-held dream. Lord Rama is considered the ideal king, embodying the virtues of righteousness, courage, and devotion. The construction of the temple is seen as a restoration of a sacred site and a symbol of faith. The Ayodhya Ram Mandir is expected to become a major pilgrimage destination, attracting devotees from all over India and the world.
Planning Your Pilgrimage: A Visitor's Guide to the Ayodhya Ram Mandir
The Ayodhya Ram Mandir is currently under construction, with the first phase nearing completion. While the exact date of completion is yet to be announced, it's expected to be a major pilgrimage destination soon. Here's how you can plan your visit to the Ayodhya Ram Mandir:
Getting There: Ayodhya is well-connected by rail and road to major Indian cities. The closest airport is Lucknow Airport, located approximately 130 kilometers away.
Accommodation: Ayodhya offers a range of accommodation options, from budget guesthouses to luxurious hotels. Booking your stay in advance, especially during peak pilgrimage seasons, is recommended.
Things to Do: In addition to visiting the Ayodhya Ram Mandir, explore other historical and religious sites in Ayodhya, such as the Kanak Bhavan, believed to be the birthplace of Lord Rama's brother Lakshmana, and the Hanumangarhi temple dedicated to Lord Hanuman. Experience the vibrant culture of Ayodhya by attending aarti ceremonies and exploring local markets.
Beyond the Temple Walls: Exploring Ayodhya
Ayodhya is not just about the Ayodhya Ram Mandir. This ancient city holds immense significance in Hindu mythology and is believed to be the birthplace of several other Hindu deities. Explore the rich tapestry of Ayodhya by visiting:
Sarayu River: Considered sacred by Hindus, the Sarayu River flows through Ayodhya. Take a boat ride on the river and experience the serenity of the surroundings.
Ghats: Ayodhya boasts several ghats (bathing steps) along the Sarayu River, where pilgrims perform rituals and take holy dips. Witness the vibrant culture and spiritual devotion prevalent at these ghats.
Museums: Explore museums like the Ayodhya Research Institute Museum to gain insights into the city's rich history and archaeological findings.
A Journey of Faith and Culture
A visit to the Ayodhya Ram Mandir is more than just sightseeing; it's a journey of faith, culture, and historical significance
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gobind-631 · 24 days
….continues from previous…
[Section 4,Part 15.2.3]
As an aside:
***Is Kavita main 1400 crore wale (alleged)scam ke aarop ka zikr aata hai..(Ab badnam karne ke hisab se bhi aise kiya ja sakta hai/aise aarop lagaye jaa sakte hai..isse main inkaar nahi karta…(Ref. link below)
***Iss Kavita main uss 22-23rd Dec 1949 wali raat ka bhi zikr aata hai.. joh (hamesha se)mystery main shrouded rahi hai (aaj tak)…(Ab bhai iss wali baat ki sachai ka pata toh mujhe bhi nahi hai.. kahi padh rakha tha/hai bas)..(Ref. link below)..
*** Iss Kavita main unn Shankaracharya’s ka bhi zikr aata hai.. jihone boycott kar rakha hai/jinhone bycott karne ka ailaan kar rakha hai.. iss temple inauguration/Pran Prathishta wale din ka…(Ab pata nahi ..inke nahi aane ki decision ko kitna sahi ya galat mana jaana chahiye)(Ref. link below)
*** Is Kavita main uss judgement ka bhi zikr aata hai.. jisse kaafi log santhusht nahi rahe hai.. khas kar ki minority community wale(yeh natural bhi hai..aadmi ke favour main jab case nahi jaata..tab woh kaise khush reh sakta hai..hazar nuks nikalne lagta hai judgement main)(Ref. material pointed to by d pasted link below)…
Reference material used:Bear in mind ..am no way saying yahan par ki …aisi baaton main kuch sachai ho sakti hai..
Mehez aarop ho sakte hai.. yeh sab ke sab..
Propaganda kisam ka material zaroor ho sakta hai…(below)….yeh main manne ko tayyar hoon..
Iss link se sambandhit content ke zariye hum iss dispute ki timeline ko samajh sakte hai..
Mahatma ji(kisi kagaz ko pakdate hue mujhse keh rahe the..):
Toh lijiye padhiye ab ise.. here..have scribbled it on a piece of paper.. dis poem..pls check it out for ur self…u may end up actually liking it too..
Whispers(In the Shadow of the Mandir/Mandir ke saye main..)
In the heart of Ayodhya..under the open sky…
Where faith’s roots intertwined…with history’s sigh…
A spire rises…a testament bold..
In stones..a saga…centuries old..
In the shadow of the Mandir..there we stand…
A minority’s whisper …across the land…
Memories of Babri..like embers..still glow..
In the ashes of history..our silent stories flow…
The gavel fell..Justice’s hand did steer..
In corridors of power..the verdict was clear…Yet in our hearts..the questions remained..
In the script of the judgment..our hopes restrained…
Whispers of a scam..fourteen hundred crore..
Echo through the alleys..of the poor…
A temple for some..a symbol revered..
For others..a reminder of the dreams that disappeared…
Amidst December’s chill..whispers grew in might…
On a night of 22nd..under the cover of no light…
Idols appeared..as though by divine hand…
In the sacred space…where once others did stand…
A turn of events..altering the land’s heart…
Decades of discourse…from this moment start…
In the annals of Ayodhya..this night forever marked…
In the whispers of the shadows..its echoes sparked…
From the lanes of Ayodhya…to the halls of Delhi..
The story is told..the narrative set free..
But in the quiet corners..where minorities dwell…
There’s a different tale..a different spell..
In the shadow of the Mandir..under the crescent moon..
Our prayers ascend..a different tune…
For a land where every faith can find its place..
In the heart of India…a diverse embrace.
Let the temple rise..let the bells ring clear..
But let not it drown..the voices you need to hear…
In the story of a land..rich and diverse..
Every voice..every whisper..forms the universe…
So here we stand..in hope and in fear..
In the shadow of the Mandir..year after year..
Seeking a future where all can belong..
In the tapestry of India…diverse and strong…
[Section 4,Part 15.2.4]… to follow..
Iss(below)material se sambandhit verse bhai?…woh kahan gaya?
Yehi soch rahe ho na aap log.
Baad main discuss karne walla hoon..(iss vishay se sambandhit)..uss missing verse ke baare main..theek hai na?…
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arjunsinghveda · 3 months
Know All About the Ayodhya Ram Mandir Yatra and Location
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The Ayodhya Ram Mandir is a Hindu temple being built in the city of Ayodhya in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. This temple is dedicated to the god Rama, who is one of the most widely revered Hindu deities. The construction of this grand temple has been a dream for millions of Hindus across India and the world for many decades.
The temple is located on a piece of land that was previously home to the Babri Masjid, a mosque that was demolished in 1992 by Hindu activists who believed the site was the birthplace of Lord Rama. This led to widespread riots and violence across India. In 2019, the Supreme Court of India ruled that the disputed land should be given to a trust to build the Ram Mandir.
Many Hindu devotees believe visiting and worshiping at the Ayodhya Ram Mandir in Ayodhya is a sacred pilgrimage known as the Ram Mandir Yatra. Yatra means journey or pilgrimage in Hindi. It is expected that once the temple is complete, millions of pilgrims will flock to Ayodhya every year to take part in this holy yatra.
The temple itself is being constructed to be a massive three-story stone structure covering an area of 2.7 acres with multiple domes and towers. It is being built in the classic Nagara style of Hindu temple architecture according to the designs and specifications outlined in ancient Hindu texts.
Some of the key features of the Ram Mandir include:
A high central shikhar or spire over the sanctum sanctorum which will soar to a height of 161 feet (49 meters).
Five smaller shikharas surrounding the central spire, each 91 feet (28 meters) high.
A massive sculpted ram statue in front of the main entrance.
An elaborate carved facade and walls depicting scenes from the Ramayana.
Multiple smaller temples and shrines dedicated to other Hindu deities within the complex.
The Ram Mandir complex is designed to accommodate up to 100,000 visitors per day during peak festival seasons. It will have designated areas for rituals, a museum depicting the history of Ayodhya, a digital theater, a 'Valmiki Bhavan' library, and accommodation for pilgrims.
The construction work on the Ram Mandir is being overseen by the Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra trust appointed by the Indian government. The overall cost is estimated around 1,100 crore Indian rupees (over $130 million). The target is for the first phase to be completed by January 2024 so that devotees can start having darshan (sacred viewing) of the deity idols installed inside.
With the Ayodhya Ram Mandir inching closer to reality, it represents the fulfillment of a long-cherished dream for the Hindu faithful across India and around the world.
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rnstravels · 4 months
Life is meant for good friends and great adventure - RNS Travels
Ayodhya, a city steeped in religious and historical significance, holds a prominent place in Indian culture and heritage. Located in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, Ayodhya is revered by Hindus as the birthplace of Lord Rama, one of the most revered deities in Hinduism. The city's history is intricately intertwined with the epic Ramayana, a sacred text that narrates the life and adventures of Lord Rama.
One of the most notable landmarks in Ayodhya is the disputed site known as, believed by Hindus to be the exact birthplace of Lord Rama. This site has been a focal point of religious and political contention for decades, culminating in the landmark Supreme Court verdict in 2019 that granted permission for the construction of a Hindu temple at the site while also allocating land for a mosque in a separate location.
Beyond its religious significance, Ayodhya boasts a rich cultural heritage, with numerous temples, ashrams, and pilgrimage sites attracting devotees and tourists from around the world. The city's vibrant atmosphere during festivals like Diwali and Ram Navami further highlights its spiritual essence and cultural vibrancy.
In recent years, Ayodhya has witnessed significant development efforts aimed at enhancing its infrastructure and tourism facilities, further cementing its status as a focal point of faith and heritage with RNS Travels in India.
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momental · 5 months
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi fulfilled a long-standing dream on Monday by presiding over the opening of the Ram Mandir, a Hindu temple in Ayodhya. He described it as the 'beginning of a new era' during the temple's inaugural ceremony. The temple's construction marks a decisive break with secularism in India, as it was built on the site where a four-hundred-year-old mosque, Babri Masjid, once stood before being destroyed by a mob in 1992.
The ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a paramilitary organization, were aligned with the mob that destroyed the mosque. Both the BJP and RSS envision India as a Hindu nation, despite its large Muslim population. In 2019, after a legal dispute, the Supreme Court of India allowed for the construction of the Hindu temple on the disputed site.
Modi's involvement in the temple goes back several decades when he was a young Hindu activist raising funds for its construction. Now, as the Prime Minister in his second consecutive term, the completion of the temple is likely to be a centerpiece of his future election campaigns.
In an interview with essayist and historian Mukul Kesavan, they discussed Modi's popularity, the violent history of the Ayodhya dispute, and what sets India apart from other countries experiencing right-wing political movements.
In 1925, the R.S.S. was founded as a nationalist organization with a Hindu majoritarianism focus. It aimed to create a unifying ideology for the diverse subcontinent of India. The R.S.S. felt alienated from the Congress Party and its anti-colonial nationalism. The Congress Party viewed India as a human jungle with diverse communities, while the R.S.S. and Hindu-majoritarian movements wanted a more homogenous nationalism. The Ram Mandir, a Hindu temple, played a significant role in the rise of the B.J.P. and the political mobilization of Indians. The R.S.S. has always had the ambition to reconstitute the Indian Republic and believes that the soul of India was suppressed between 1947 and 1950 when the constitution was written. The Ram-temple movement, which began in the 1980s, was led by organizations affiliated with the R.S.S. and the B.J.P. The movement argued for the right of Hindus to worship at the site believed to be the birthplace of Ram. The state often ignored provocations related to the temple, either considering them too sensitive or too troublesome to address.
In 1992, the demolition of the Babri Masjid mosque in Ayodhya shocked the country. The building was brought down by hand with crude tools, causing massive communal violence. The leaders of the Bharatiya Janata Party (B.J.P.) claimed they didn't want this criminal act to happen, but the shock it caused was intense. Decades later, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of building a temple on the site. This ruling, while acknowledging the mosque's destruction as a criminal act, ultimately gave the land to the Hindu party. It is seen as a capitulation to Prime Minister Modi and the Hindu nationalist movement.
Source Link: How the Hindu Right Triumphed in India
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wikiuntamed · 5 months
Top 5 @Wikipedia pages from yesterday: Monday, 22nd January 2024
Welcome, ողջու՜յն (voġčuyn), croeso, dobrodošli 🤗 What were the top pages visited on @Wikipedia (22nd January 2024) 🏆🌟🔥?
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1️⃣: Ram Mandir "The Ram Mandir is a Hindu temple under construction in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, India. It is located at the site of Ram Janmabhoomi, the hypothesized birthplace of Rama, a principal deity of Hinduism.The site is the former location of the Babri Masjid which was built in 16th century CE. The idols of..."
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Image licensed under GODL-India? by Prime Minister's Office
2️⃣: Nikki Haley "Nimarata Nikki Haley (née Randhawa; born January 20, 1972) is an American politician and diplomat who served as the 116th governor of South Carolina from 2011 to 2017 and as the 29th United States ambassador to the United Nations from January 2017 to December 2018. A member of the Republican Party,..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0? by Gage Skidmore
3️⃣: Babri Masjid "Babri Masjid (IAST: Bābarī Masjid; meaning Mosque of Babur) was a mosque in Ayodhya, India, which many Hindus believe was built upon the site of Ram Janmabhoomi, the hypothesized birthplace of Rama, a principal deity of Hinduism. It has been a focus of dispute between the Hindu and Muslim..."
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Image by Samuel Bourne[1][2] (1834–1912)
4️⃣: Patrick Mahomes "Patrick Lavon Mahomes II (born September 17, 1995) is an American football quarterback for the Kansas City Chiefs of the National Football League (NFL). The son of former Major League Baseball (MLB) pitcher Pat Mahomes, he played college football and baseball at Texas Tech University. Following his..."
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Image by Adam Schultz
5️⃣: Josh Allen "Joshua Patrick Allen (born May 21, 1996) is an American football quarterback for the Buffalo Bills of the National Football League (NFL). He played college football at Wyoming, where he was a bowl game MVP, and was selected seventh overall by the Bills in the 2018 NFL Draft. Allen had a breakout..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0? by All-Pro Reels
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werindialive · 5 months
IICF reveals the construction of the Mosque in Ayodhya will start in May
An official from the Indo-Islamic Cultural Foundation told a leading news agency that the construction of a grand mosque in Ayodhya will begin in May this year. The mosque will take at least 3-4 years to complete and will be a grand building. The news came out on the backdrop of PM Modi performing the consecration ceremony of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya.
The head of the development committee of the Indo-Islamic Cultural Foundation (IICF), Haji Arfat Shaikh shared the information with the public. Indo-Islamic Cultural Foundation (IICF) is the foundation responsible for overseeing the mosque project. He also said that there will soon be a crowdfunding website for raising money for the construction of the mosque.
The mosque would be named after Prophet Muhammad- "Masjid Muhammed bin Abdullah".
"Our effort has been to end and convert enmity, hatred among people into love for each other...irrespective of whether or not you accept the Supreme Court judgment," said Shaikh.
"All this fighting will stop if we teach good things to our children and people," he added.
In 2019, the Supreme Court of India passed a judgment and stated that the demolition of Babri Masjid in 1992 was unlawful. However, the court also ruled that there was a non-Islamic structure beneath the Babri Masjid. In the final judgment, the court said that a temple would be built on the disputed land whereas separate land would be provided to construct the mosque.
Zufar Ahmad Faruqi, the president of the IICF, said the body hasn't approached anyone for funds.
"We hadn't approached anyone ... there was no public movement for it (funds)," he said.
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Ram Mandir Pranpratishtha: Echoes of Faith and Constitutional Verdicts
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Ram Mandir Pranpratishtha. Explore the transformative journey of the Ram Mandir through history, controversy, and the momentous event of Pranpratishtha, marking the consecration of the sacred temple.
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Introduction: Ram Mandir Pranpratishtha
The Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh, stands at the heart of a historical and controversial saga. Dedicated to Rama, a principal deity of Hinduism, the temple's construction has been a subject of intense debate and legal battles.
also read Times Square’s Spiritual Awakening: The Joy of Ram Lalla’s Pran Pratishtha Celebration
Ancient and Medieval History:
According to the ancient Indian epic, Ramayana, Rama was born in Ayodhya. The site of the temple, however, witnessed destruction in the 16th century when Babur, in a series of temple raids, is believed to have attacked and destroyed the original temple. The Babri Masjid, constructed by the Mughals on the purported birthplace of Rama, added a layer of complexity to the historical narrative.
Early Signs of Religious Tension:
The first instance of religious violence was documented in 1853, and by December 1858, the British administration prohibited Hindus from conducting rituals at the contested site. A platform was designated for rituals outside the mosque, setting the stage for a prolonged dispute.
Modern Developments:
In the 1980s, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) launched a movement to reclaim the site for Hindus, leading to the construction of a makeshift temple inside the Babri Masjid. The controversy escalated in 1992 when a rally organized by the VHP and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) turned violent, resulting in the demolition of the mosque.
The aftermath of the mosque's destruction saw inter-communal violence, claiming lives and triggering riots across the Indian subcontinent. Attacks on Hindu temples in Pakistan and Bangladesh added to the tensions. (more)
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internationalnewz · 5 months
Mega Ram Temple Unveiling Today, PM in Ayodhya, Nationwide Celebrations
After a 50-year endeavor by the BJP and eagerly anticipated by many, the consecration of the Ram temple in Ayodhya is set to occur today. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to fly to Ayodhya to partake in the live-televised ceremony.
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Here are the key developments in this momentous event:
The consecration ceremony will be commemorated nationwide, with special prayers and diverse programs at local temples. The event is likened to Diwali, symbolizing Lord Ram’s triumphant return after defeating Ravan. Festive lighting adorns temples and homes in celebration.
Prime Minister Modi, after observing strict 11-day religious rituals in preparation, will lead the noon ceremony and address the gathering, as stated by his office.
The historic Pran Pratishtha ceremony will witness the participation of representatives from major spiritual and religious sects across the country, along with people from diverse walks of life, including tribal communities.
PM Modi will engage with the laborers responsible for constructing the Ram temple and visit Kuber Tila, where the ancient temple of Lord Shiv has been meticulously restored.
The grand 380x250 feet temple follows the traditional north-Indian Nagara style, featuring 392 pillars, 44 doors, and intricately carved walls depicting various gods and goddesses. The sanctum sanctorum houses the idol of a five-year-old Lord Ram, while the nearby Kuber Tila and ancient well (Sita koop) add to the historical significance.
Leaders from the BJP and its ideological mentor, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, have already assembled in Ayodhya to oversee the preparations for over 11,000 anticipated visitors.
The opening of the Ram temple, a focal point of a prolonged political debate, has been met with indifference by most Opposition parties, including the Congress, Left, Trinamool Congress, and the Samajwadi Party. The BJP, in response, criticizes them as anti-Hindu and predicts repercussions at the polls.
Controversies have arisen, including dissent from the Shankaracharyas of four premier monasteries, who are staying away, claiming that the consecration of an incomplete temple cannot be valid. They question the political angle associated with PM Modi being inside the sanctum sanctorum, while they have been allocated seats outside.
The construction of the temple began following a landmark 2019 Supreme Court judgment that awarded the disputed land for the temple, with an alternate plot designated for a mosque. The issue, dating back to shortly after Independence, escalated when Karsevaks razed a 16th Century mosque on the site, believing it stood on the birthplace of Lord Ram’s temple.
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citizenrecord · 5 months
PM At Ram Temple Inauguration Today, History At Ayodhya
The consecration of the Ram temple in Ayodhya, a 50-year-project of the BJP and long awaited by many, will take place today. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will fly to Ayodhya to participate in the ceremony, which will be telecast live.
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Here are the top 10 updates on this big story The consecration ceremony will be celebrated across the country and Indians abroad with special prayers and various programmes at local temples. The occasion has been hailed as a Diwali -- the festivities that marked Lord Ram's homecoming after the battle with Ravan and temples and houses have been strung with festive lighting. PM Modi has been observing a series of strict 11-day religious rituals to prepare for the consecration ceremony at noon. He will also address the gathering on the occasion, read a statement from his office.
"The historic Pran Pratishtha ceremony will be attended by representatives of all major spiritual and religious sects of the country. People from all walks of life including representatives of various tribal communities will also attend the ceremony," read the statement.
PM Modi will interact with labourers who have been building the Ram temple. He would also visit Kuber Tila, where the ancient temple of Lord Shiv has been restored, and offer prayers. The 380x250 feet temple is being built in the traditional north-Indian Nagara style. Its 392 pillars, 44 doors and walls have elaborate carvings of gods and goddesses. The idol of five-year-old Lord Ram has been placed at the sanctum sanctorum. The Kuber Tila stands at the southwestern part of the complex. Near the temple is a well (Sita koop), believed to be dating back to the ancient era.
Various leaders of the BJP and its ideological mentor Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh have already been camping out at Ayodhya, which has prepared to receive over 11,000 visitors. Over the last weeks, the sleepy temple town has had an international airport and a renovated railway station. Hotels, guest houses and homestays have mushroomed, bursting it at the seams and bringing in the long awaited economic boom.
The opening of the Ram temple -- which has been at the heart of a decades-long political storm -- has been cold-shouldered by most Opposition parties including the Congress, Left, Trinamool Congress and the Samajwadi Party, which accused the BJP of gaining political mileage from religion on an election year. The BJP has hit back, censuring all who declined the invite, including the Congress's Mallikarjun Kharge, Sonia Gandhi and Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury. Calling the parties anti-Hindu, the BJP has declared that they will get their punishment from the people at the hustings.
The event has also drawn other controversies -- including the one that involves the Shankaracharyes of four premier monasteries staying away. The Puri and Joshimath Shankaracharyas have said consecration of an incomplete temple cannot be held. They have also questioned why PM Modi will be inside the sanctum sanctorum when the Shankaracharyas have been allotted seats outside. The event, they have alleged, is being given a political angle.
The building of the temple started after the Supreme Court, in a landmark judgment of 2019, awarded the disputed land for a temple and asked that Muslims be given an alternate plot for a mosque. The matter, which went to court shortly after Independence, had escalated after hundreds of Karsevaks razed a 16th Century mosque on the site, believing it was built over a temple marking the birthplace of Lord Ram.
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newswatchindia · 5 months
North India Rammay and South India Modimay
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Ayodhya Ram Mandir: Ayodhya temple will be consecrated tomorrow on 22 January. Lord Ram will be seated in the temple. The wishes of the people associated with Sanatan will be fulfilled, the struggle of BJP will end. It is another matter that the government has no contribution in the construction of the temple and even in the decision to build the temple. It was the order of the Supreme Court which ended the temple and mosque dispute.
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ideasmithy · 5 months
Thank God: Ramjanambhoomi-Babri Masjid & Bombay Riots
Over three decades ago, an agnostic city called BOMBAY experienced the might of GOD. I was a child when religion met politics in a thunderclap of violence. This is my story of the Ramjanambhoomi-Babri Masjid riots and how they affected my city.
This month, a temple will be inaugurated in Ayodhya, thought to be the birthplace of Ram. It happens the same week as the 75th Republic Day of India. This is not a coincidence. 32 years ago, a mosque stood at that same place. It was believed to have been built by Babar and was the focus of communal disputes for centuries. On 6 December 1992, a political mob demolished the masjid, triggering…
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theuttarpradeshblog · 5 months
Ram Mandir Ayodhya – A dream comes true
Despite my trivial knowledge and the sea-like gravity of the theme of Sri Ram Mandir, By divine grace, I am prompted to pen down. Though I often write on social and travel-associated subjects, this is a herculean project for me to ponder over. A couple of days returned while. I was discussing the farmers’ agitation with my friends and co-workers in who found a real critic and seer, I was advised via Mr. Singh & Sunny to write down on Ram Mandir Ayodhya. Find divine tranquility in Best Dharamshalas in Ayodhya, offering a serene haven for seekers on a spiritual sojourn in the sacred city.
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The History of Ram Mandir
Lord Ram for Hindus isn't always the best king or person but He is God and has a fantastic reverence for some of the Hindus. He is so famous that in ordinary greetings in North India, humans say “Ram Ram”. Ram is one of the pinnacle searched phrases on Google and other engines like Google.
Sri Ram Mandir has a protracted record. The Hindus consider that on the birthplace of Lord Sri Ram, there was an outstanding temple surpassing other temples. During the invasion of Babur and his rule, many antique temples have been demolished. On his behest, his commander Mir Baki demolished the antique Ram temple and erected a mosque on the website online.
After the crumble of Mughal rule in unfastened India, the Hindus had been clamoring for lengthy a grand Ram temple at the Mosque website. There were many cases filed in the local courtroom and the excessive court’s time to time. It became the regime of former congress Prime Minister Rajeev Gandhi when the locks of the temple had been opened for prayers.
The time came while pinnacle B.J.P leaders underneath the management of Lal Krishna Advani led a mass movement called Car Seva. This circulate turned into supported by means of extraordinary Hindu organizations consisting of Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Bajrang Dal, Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh (RSS), and Millions of Sadhus of various Akharas.
It became the yr 1992 and the day changed to 6th December when VHP and B.J.P held a combined rally with extra than 2 lac volunteers. The Car Sevaks became uncontrolled and beneath the fashion, they tore the disputed structure to portions. The demolition of the shape led to communal and sectarian violence and nearly  2000 humans misplaced their lives.
Who is the leader architect of Ram Mandir?
 Chandrakant Sompura is The chief architect of Ram Mandir . This famous architect might be assisted by using his two sons – Nikhil and Ashish who are similarly celebrated architects. Sompura family has a long record and for the reason that generations, they are concerned with the tasks of more than 100 temples all around the globe. The structure of the divine temple will be in Nagar fashion and there will be little need for Iron as a result of rusting elements.
Construction Cost & Timings of Ram Mandir Ayodhya  
According to the ideal court docket, the nearby Administration surpassed a total land of 67.07 acres to the belief. Out of this land patch, 10 acres may be used for the development of the temple of Prabhu Sri Ram and the relaxation fifty-seven acres might be used for other services which include the prayer hall, guest houses, and the facilitation center. Immerse yourself in Ayodhya's sacred ambiance with a stay at the Best Hotels in Ayodhya, where spiritual harmony and genuine hospitality await.
This task will cost almost 1100 Crores of which three hundred to 400 crores are used for temple production and the rest seven hundred crores are used for other production and predicted to be finished in a stipulated term of three years. The Ram Mandir is proposed to be 161 ft excessive and 360 feet long. The width of the temple might be 235 toes beneath the principal sanction Ram Lala Vigrah will be gift.
Bhoomi Poojan of Ram Mandir
It was the auspicious day of 5 August 2020 when the Bhoomi Poojan ceremony of the Ram temple turned into held. On 4th August Ramcharan Puja was done in which foremost Gods and goddesses had been invoked. On the Bhoomi Puja ceremony, the soil and holy waters from Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswati, Kaveri, and lots of other famous Indian rivers were added. P.M Narender Modi formally did Bhoomi Pujan with the aid of laying 40 Kg silver brick in the foundation.
Supreme Court Verdict on Ram Mandir
There were such a lot of judgments by using the nearby courts and the Allahabad High court docket, but there was no unanimous selection. Finally, the ultimate courtroom of India had all of the pleas. After a long listening to technique, the honorable court gave a landmark judgment posing the manner for the construction of Ram Mandir at the disputed website online. Under the historical verdict, it was ordered to the middle to installation a consider in three months for the development of the temple. It also ordered the government to allot five acres of separate land to the Muslims to build a Mosque.
Sri Ram Janambhoomi Teerth Kshetra
The government of India following the orders of the Apex court formed this agreement called Sri Ram Janambhoomi Teerth Kshetra. Thus agree with the change to set for the development of the temple and incorporate 15 members including one Dalit Hindu. The committee, led by Chairman Mahant Nrityagopal Das and with Champat Rai serving as the General Secretary, plays a pivotal role in overseeing its diverse functions and responsibilities. Other individuals include Jagatguru Shankaracharya Jyothidpetha, Dr. Anil Mishra, Kameshwar Chaupal, and many others.
Sri Ram Mandir Nidhi Samaparan Abhiyan.
This is a massive donation campaign for the development of the Ram Mandir. Mr. Champat Rai, the general secretary of the Mandir Trust announced to release of this software on 15th January and it'll cease on the seventh Feb subsequent 12 months. The basic idea is to make it a Rashtra Mandir (National Temple) by way of getting assist from the special segments of society without any distinction of caste, creed, language, or faith. Just to make transparency the believe made coupon receipts of INR 10, one hundred, and one thousand. This program is not best constrained to India however also gaining recognition in neighboring nations like Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, and so forth.
How to Donate for Ram Mandir Ayodhya?
Under Nidhi Samaparan the volunteers are going door to door to acquire cash. The president of India donated Rs. 500000 for this cause. Similarly, numerous businessmen, politicians, college students, women, carrier elegance people, day by day wage earners, and spiritual heads make contributions cash to the temple.
The believe also made the availability for online donations. The price may be done at the price portal of the website of the trust. Three banks specifically SBI, P.N.B, and Bank of Baroda are also involved. You can effortlessly switch money by NEFT or R.T.G.S  and various other modes.
Lucknow to Ayodhya excursion itinerary
 07:00 Am In the morning after a healthful breakfast you may be driven to the magical town Ayodhya. You experience the geographical region on your private luxury automobile.
9:30 Am Upon attaining Ayodhya you can spare half an hour for tea or coffee and for this reason refresh yourself.
 10:00 Am Visit Hanuman Gadi Mandir- This temple is devoted to Lord Hanuman (Monkey God) who is splendid devoted to Lord Ram. In this temple, Lord Hanuman is depicted sitting inside the lap of his mom Anjani. The legends say that sitting in his mom’s lap is considered the strongest role. The other legend says that Hanuman lived in a cave over right here guarding Ram court docket or Janam Bhoomi. This temple is open from 6 am to 9 pm each day. You can make any desire for any place and later continue to go to any other highlight of the Ayodhya Tour.
11:00 Am Kanak Bhawan – This region is located at a stones throw from Hanuman Gadi. People consider that Lord Ram with his consort Maa Sita appeared right here the first time and this location turned into talented by way of his stepmother Kaikeyi to Sita as Mukh Dikhai. Thus Kaikeyi wanted to reveal that see also has the same motherly feelings to Ram as his real mother Koshaliya. This vicinity is likewise open each day from 6 am to 9 pm.
12:30 pm Lunchtime – Now it is time for a scrumptious lunch at a pure vegetarian restaurant.
02:00 pm Ram Janam Bhoomi Temple – This is a major highlight of the Ayodhya one-day tour. Here you get to have divine experience employing Darshan of Ram Lala (Ram as an infant). This temple is open in the morning 7 am to 11 am and from 2 pm to six pm.
03:15 pm Balmiki Ramayan Bhawan – Now walk to a more in-depth place called Balmiki Ramayan Bhawan. At this place, the couplets from the Balmiki Ramayan are engraved at the marble.
04:15 pm Guptar Ghat – If the time lets in and you prefer make a visit to the famed Ghat of Saryu river. It is assumed that Lord Ram took Jal Samadi here.                  
05:30 pm Departure to Lucknow- After taking part in your sightseeing of Ayodhya you have pushed again to Lucknow. Our driver will drop you at your inn/Airport.
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