#Aya's Beliefs
soupthatistohot · 1 year
BSD 109 Spoilers!!!
I will always always ALWAYS come back to this panel when talking about Asagiri’s storytelling.
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At its very core, BSD is an absurdist text, Kafka Asagiri having been inspired by many absurdist authors. Franz Kafka, who he took his pseudonym from is one of them. Albert Camus, basically the most well-known absurdist is referenced with the Mersault prison, the name of which comes from a character in his most famous absurdist work, The Stranger. 
Absurdism is the belief that the world around us is irrational and inherently absurd and that explicitly seeking meaning is pointless. In his essay The Myth of Sisyphus, Camus explains, that there is value in the act of rebellion, though. Sisyphus, who has been doomed to roll a boulder up a mountain only for the boulder to tumble back down each time he reaches the peak, finds meaning in the act of continuing to push the boulder. Even though he will continue this cycle for all of eternity, he doesn’t just lay down and give up, he rebels against the absurdity of his situation by continuing to push the boulder, despite the seemingly futile nature of the act. 
As I said earlier, BSD is an absurdist text. All of the animanga’s main characters are on a journey of discovering their meaning in life, and their place in the world, and they do this by rebelling against its absurdity — especially Dazai. 
Dazai sees the absurd world for what it is, and when he was in the PM, he hated it. Thus, he sought suicide as a solution. I will note here that absurdists generally view suicide as a failure to rebel against the absurd, just giving up and giving into hopelessness. But ever since Dazai left the PM and took Oda’s advice, he’s been rebelling against this, doing good despite his inherent beliefs about morality and the world, and he’s absolutely gotten better for it. 
Other characters embody this idea of rebelling against the absurd, hell, that’s kinda what this whole arc is about. The world is literally ending, and things seem to be at their absolute worst, but someone like Atsushi still has hope that he can change the minds of the hunting dogs and save reality as we know it. He even has hope that he can get through to a vampiric Akutagawa when the guy is literally brainwashed and attacking him. Aya as the “last hope” right now embodies this, too, deciding that she can’t just sit around and do nothing and then trying to remove the sword from Bram even though the effort appears futile. 
But everything is going wrong right now. Fukuzawa is bleeding out, Dazai has just been shot through the forehead and appears to have died, Atsushi’s had his limbs ripped off and is at Akutagawa’s mercy, and Fukuchi is literally going to end the world! How can we have hope?!
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Think about BSD. Think about the story that’s been told so far. Surely Asagiri isn’t killing everyone right now, surely the world isn’t gonna actually end. I’m not entirely convinced Aya’s plan is gonna work— but please consider that the point of absurdist storytelling is that even when everything seems to be at its worst, even when life seems completely meaningless, there is inherent meaning in still continuing to fight against this. 
BSD has never been a story where the villains win, and I don’t think it’s gonna start being one. I think, as usual, Asagiri wants to scare us, to make us feel hopeless about the situation, only for someone to pull through and completely turn the tides.
Dazai laying down and accepting his death at Chuuya’s hands is not going to be the end of his story, because it goes against everything Asagiri seems to stand for. Dazai wouldn’t just give up in his fight against Fyodor, because he needs to prove he’s right about what he says in this panel:
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"The ones who actually make the world turn are those who scream within the storm of uncertainty and run with flowing blood."
I think this reflects Asagiri's own beliefs and is also the reason why he is not going to let Dazai die like this, because in a way, that would be proving that Fyodor is right. From a storytelling perspective, it’d be saying “everything I’ve communicated up to this point actually means nothing and life is truly hopeless!” 
Dazai has cheated death before, as has basically everyone else in danger right now. I promise you, something is going to happen and they’re all going to survive, because BSD is not trauma porn, for lack of a better term. It’s a story about how a group of people fight against the absurdity of their reality, even when everything seems completely and utterly hopeless. 
There’s a lot of theories circulating about how things could work out, especially Dazai’s “death,” and I’m not here to repeat all of them, but I will say that a lot of them have credence, especially because Asagiri isn’t the type of author to make mistakes, every single detail has a distinct reason. 
So even though I don't know how things are going to work out, I have full faith that they will, including Dazai's current situation. None of these characters are done just yet, they've got too much fight left in them to just give up.
[original twt thread]
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starlightshadowsworld · 3 months
My thoughts on Bsd Chapter 116
Spoilers below.
Well I got my explanation on why Fyodor said he lied but Fukuchi said he got the message from Amenogozen.
I can't believe this man scribbled on a wall with a sword and that's how we got here.
This is only fueling my belief that Fukuchi is one of the craziest characters in this show.
Feel for Fukuzawa though, all of this shit and everything he and the Agency just went through not to mention Fukuchi's entire life was a lie.
Also callback to when this happened to Atsushi. But I don't remember the swords being this huge.
Oh cool Amenogozen is just becoming giant ass swords of destruction, sure why not makes more sense than time travel.
Atsushi bud I recommend you turn the fuck around.
Oh damn I didn't know Fitzgerald was also known as the Kingpin. Suprised to see him being involved with this.
I love how the airport falling is the final straw. People are missing their flights, you've gone too far Fyodor!
I don't give too shits about Fukuchi but my heart is shattering for Fukuzawa. Seeing him so utterly defeated and grieving just hurts to watch.
This pillar of strength and guidance falling apart before out eyes. It hurt in the Decay of Angels arc and it hurts now.
Also Atsushi is casually lifting up this large debrie without the use of his ability. His arms aren't transformed, that's impressive.
Oh my god someone hug Fukuzawa please. If this arc ends with Fukuzawa not getting a hug I swear.
See that's I've been saying, Atsushi run but we all know he ain't gonna.
"The gates of hell have opened here" fuck that's a cool line. And if course he wants Fyodor to burn, to pay for everything he's done. All the while wanting his family to be safe.
Said asshole is just smug as hell.
Man we're really seeing flashes of the Silver Wolf aren't we? This is the man who stopped a war before it began and was a renowned swordsman.
The man who only looked forward to the next kill and nothing else.
Oh damn I was not expecting Fukuzawa to tell Atsushi to go stop Fyodor. I get it because where even is everyone else but holyshit this is intense.
"Regarding the Decay of Angels incident, these are your final orders" yeah well fun thing about that is, nothing could've scared me more.
That one frame of Atsushi smiling uneasy is everything.
Look at the Agency being resourceful love to see it. Yeah summon the Agency, let's goo.
Nevermind Atsushi someone beat you too it....AND IT'S KUNIKIDA!
... And I'm immediately terrified again. Atsushi you might wanna run.
Aya! Don't blame yourself you've overcome and done a fuck ton today like a lot. A pipe falling on your leg doesn't mean you're not badass as hell.
Listen I haven't emotionally recovered from anything yet don't give me Aya's whole world view falling apart.
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solunstell · 9 months
List of bsd headcanons
Has bpd. A lot of his traits remind me of my friends with it
He some kind of trans. Nonbinary. Transfem. Transmasc. Idk he's megender lmao
He's described as appearing very youthful in the first two light novels. I imagine that once the events of the main timeline start picking up though, with all the time stopping or slowing abilities that *dont affect him*, he actually ages faster than the other characters. I draw current dazai with small wrinkles, which also hints at stress and stuff
Also, I imagine current dazai getting tanner as he works in the light, as well as getting more prominent freckles.
Round/doe eyes because that is part of his appearance in my opinion. Seeming unsuspecting and innocent, especially during his mafia days
Bad eyesight in his right eye from being under the bandages for so long. Saw this headcanon and loved it
Similarly, beastzai has bad vision in general
I always call No Longer Human an anti-ability in my head, fun fact
He loves to touch other people. Not a fan of being touched by others unless asked
I draw him with red eyes in color, and usually black eyes in ink (inconsistent artstyle my beloved)
Aroace spectrum
heavy sleeper. Very
FRECKLES and tan from sheep days
He likes to be close to other people more than actually touching. Presence over contact
That shade of eyes that changes colors in the light (but I use a grey base lol)
Also some sort of trans, but in a different way than dazai
Brownish red hair. Not blazing, not just brown
That man is AUTISTIC
One time instinctively kicked a friend with his ability active, expecting them to dodge cuz he's used to dazai easily dodging. They did, but they were SO CLOSE to getting hit. Imagine a confused face like wtf why you try to kick me
Light sleeper, but every now and then sleeps like he just learned how to close his eyes
A lot of his jokes go over people's heads because they expect him to be serious and his voice just doesn't change between serious and not serious
Autism plus adhd ftw
Aroace spectrum
He/they vibes
Gay af
I can 100% see him being into knitting. Imagine the guide plus ranpo all in matching sweaters
Loves baking. Sooooo bad at it
Bi (with a lean towards girlies) she/it
VERY good at baking
But she won't share :(
Anxiety, so much anxiety
Aroace spectrum vibes
Very easily idolizes people and then gets surprised when they actually like being around him
Aroace spectrum
Autism cuz he is so mecore sometimes
Very trans vibes from me
(I like to imagine him having tourettes cuz I have tourettes and I am Not projecting)
Atsushi (special kitty hearing) and jouno being the only ones who can hear some of his tics. He will be horrified that anyone notices them
Wait no actually I'm gonna incorporate that into my belief system. That's canon now
Genuinely cares about a lot of his workers, but not all of them
He gives great bonuses for birthdays
He absolutely loves vtubers if bsd were in a modern setting. Rip mori. He'd have also loved vocaloid lmao
Masc energy. Fem energy. Ooh I can see ozaki with any pronouns and identity
Kinda person to accidently either overpack or underpack. Always has painkillers, never has a pen
Ridiculous memory. Incredible gift giver. Would get someone something months or years after overhearing them say they wanted something once
"Whyd you get me a hairdryer?"
"You said you needed one. I saw it and thought of you."
"...that was months ago. I got a hairdryer already."
"..." *takes hairdryer back* "sorry wrong person. I don't have my contacts in my bad"
She has perfect vision
Trans vibes. In any and every direction
Adhd af
Will always conveniently have room in his schedule when Aya wants to go do something and needs someone to go with her. No, he's TOTALLY not frantically writing and erasing things, get your glasses updated
You can usually count on him to continue the bit cuz he won't realize there is a bit occurring
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autisticphineas · 7 months
i’ve been ruminating on it for a while, but the thing that truly breaks me repeatedly about act your age isn’t simply the episode’s logistical flaws. those obviously fill an already exhaustive list shared by multiple people on this site. no, it feels more deeply painful than that, like being belittled.
I think truthfully, aya was the first time I ever felt that dan and swampy were actively and purposefully degrading the fans and painting us as foolish and demanding. I have somewhat forgiven them for this, but the wound still feels fresh whenever the episode is brought into discussion. it feels exasperated when the newer side of the fandom calls it “fan service” or a “fan fiction,” because it doesn’t reflect any of the expectations held by the earlier community that brought it into existence. the general consensus when it premiered was an air of disbelief, not because phinabella was finally canon (it always had been), but because it felt like such an insult to every person who poured their love and creativity into these characters.
I find this also comes into play with early fandom vs later fandom stances on ferbnessa. I have seen this strangely common belief that the older fandom shipped ferbnessa in the way it was presented in aya, but truthfully the older fandom felt painfully betrayed by aya as it ruined the already established (and accepted as canon) ideal that dan had confirmed about their relationship occurring long after they had both graduated college and reconnected in a different environment. aya was a slap in the face for them, even with some bastardized form of canonization being present.
overall, each encounter I have with aya sort of says, “we couldn’t make a good episode for you because you didn’t deserve one.” as if the whole notion of wanting to see the shipping culture (established by canon itself without any disruption to the plots or characterizations) come to a satisfying conclusion is somehow too outlandish a request to be fulfilled without mocking the fans for even asking.
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freyadragonlord · 1 year
The synopsis for chapter 110 is out!
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"As Aya looks down upon the airport, with the Agency in tatters and the world seconds from its doom, it seems that hope is lost. But for all her short life, she has held one belief firmly within her heart—that the good guys always win in the end…!!"
This comes out in 3 days i am dyingggg
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foxmancer · 10 months
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Look, I know these chapters aren’t exactly recent but I just read them today so I’m gonna discuss them today. (Chapter 38 of Lotus Eaters for anyone curious). This is sorta jumbled stream of consciousness but I like the Tengu a lot and wanna word vomit a bit.
The context is that there was a thick blanket of red snowfall. The Tengu are responsible. Chimata used the opportunity to have Reimu open a market on that day to help assuage the fears of the humans (and gather some faith while she’s at it. God stuff, ya know?)
Aya, who was not involved in the red snow problem but was quick to intuit those responsible intended to gather some covert intel to write an expose on her own people. Shes no stronger to bemoaning the rigid caste system of Tengu society after all, so why wouldn’t she want to put the truth of the matter out there?
Unfortunately she soon learns just how high up this thing goes. She’s eavesdropping all the while, only to learn that she has no hope of revealing the truth of the matter. Megumu’s phrasing “no one would be foolhardy enough” may as well read “I won’t even dignify the attempt.”
It’s gotta shake what little faith she had in the system. While the idea to calm the fears brought on by the unusual phenomenon SOUNDS as noble as Megumu claims, the whole situation was fabricated. You’re calming the fears brought on by your own stunt.
Aya knew there was something rotten at play, but to hear that she has no chance to reveal those unsavory elements from the mouth of her superior has to shake her worldview, right?
The Tengu Press Machine presents the truth as a means to control the narrative of the ‘Truth’. You can see that realization and hopelessness in Aya’s face. For all her digging and reporting and sleuthing she’s still small potatoes. A little dot of ink in the printing press. And people think there’s no social commentary in this world!
Aya has come face to face with the fact that her journalistic integrity and desire to unearth the seedy secrets of the world (even if her perception of them is sensationalist and overblown) means nothing in the face of a desired worldview and more acceptable beliefs. Poking fun at Byakuren’s teachings or Reimu’s quirks is one thing. Throwing mud at her ‘betters’ is another thing entirely.
Now in all fairness, it could be argued that in Gensokyo, a world where faith and fear are tangible forces that give life and power to many, controlling the narrative is a necessity. Fear of Youkai is necessary for the continued existence, it’s been said many a time by many different characters after all. In a world filled with a myriad of gods, Status Quo rises above them all.
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andreal831 · 1 month
I think TO Klelijah shouldn’t have had that tight knit relationship as early as they did, or dare I say even at all (in the TO present day). They could have shown this relationship in flashbacks. I also believe TO should have dived into the past much more, had more storylines setting before present day, and that way it could have truly been “The Originals”, all of them. I know it would have been complicated with Claire and Casper but Finn has been in a coffin for 900y and for Rebekah they still made it work out in present day (with help of the body jump thingie too but I am pretty sure they still could have worked it out). The only problem I would have with this is that we would have had maybe less my darling Hayley, but then we could have had more of the other love interest of Elijah who really were so effing cool and under-utilised, I mean I think we only see two or three scenes of Elijah and Celeste (real body), her death included!!! And I really wanted to also see more of Elijah and his Strix, Aya too. And doing that could have opened so many opportunities to see them in different cultures other than West European/ White American. I was so hyped when I noticed Rebekah searching for a way to bring back Kol in Morocco (I think) and Aya pulling up with a Moroccan witch, I wanted so bad to see Arab witchcraft (+ Kol’s “kemiya” is also from Arabia). And even if we just stayed in NOLA, I wanted to see way more Creole culture!! I am completely losing my first point that originally was Klelijah but back at them again. In TVD Klaus and Elijah ain’t happy with each other at all lmao, I think we should have kept TVD Elijah the way he was and show him being all about Klaus’ redemption in flashbacks, in present day he could have mixed feelings about picking up that mission back but ultimately I’d rather not see him completely made up with Klaus ever again. Him wanting something better for the newer addition to his family is in my opinion enough for all of what happens in the original TO storyline. Also I would have preferred for the parenthood plot to go to him rather than Bex or at least have them share it? He’s honestly the more mature one out of his siblings and even though all of the Mikaelsons would have been terrible parents, he would be “better” than the others. Bex was shown as wanting to be human to pick her human life up where it was cut off, therefore as a teen (but a storyline abt her wanting kids at such a young age bcs of how it was for women back when she was human would have been so interesting, her seeing the world evolving (notably for women) and yet still struggling with beliefs that she had known since childhood and are still drilled into her head would have so cool and even relatable + Klaus could also share this storyline)
Anyways I love Elijah but I feel like his development would have been much smoother if they started with TVD Elijah that still resented Klaus rather than having him go back to a devoted to Klaus Elijah, bcs I just don’t feel Hope was reason enough for him to become this loyal towards Klaus, I think this loyalty should have went in full to Hope (I mean he obvi puts Hope before Klaus but I hope you get what I mean)
Also (bcs this isn’t long enough lol), my two fav are Elijah and TO Hayley, but I have no idea why I don’t have anything for them as a couple?? I don’t hate them together ofc but for some reason that is lost on me I can’t absolutely like them and I don’t understand why. And It’s not that I don’t like them involved romantically, like I adore Elijah with Celeste, Gia and Aya, and Hayley and Camille are my fav hc couple; bit Haylijah I try so hard to love them together bcs there is every reason to but I can’t lmao?? The one thing that I know I kinda hate abt them is them falling almost at first sight for each other, that’s really the trop that I hate the most but they do develop more than that so it can’t be just thatttt
I think I am just gonna accept that they are not for me even though I would love to love them
I completely agree that Klaus and Elijah's relationship was so strange at the start of TO. We are coming from TVD where just a couple of years before, Elijah was ready to kill Klaus because of what Klaus did to their siblings. In TVD, without any TO, if you would ask me who the closest siblings were, I would either say Rebekah and Klaus (even with all of the toxicity) or Rebekah and Elijah. Elijah and Klaus did not have a close bond at all. In fact, Elijah is constantly distancing himself from Klaus in TVD, like when he picked Rebekah for the cure and was not at all concerned about Silas playing mind-tricks on Klaus. He doesn't care at all about Klaus' redemption. When Klaus starts acting up, Elijah just leaves town. Elijah then threatened to leave again when he got all of his siblings back. Elijah had zero patience for Klaus in TVD, so where did all of that come from in TO??
Like you said, I can see Elijah sticking around for Hope. I do think he had mixed motives for wanting Hope, but I think a large part of him was excited to have another chance at a child that he lost out on when he was turned and then once again when he left Marcel to Klaus' care. I do think they needed to find a reason for Elijah to stick around, but I think it was enough for him to stick around for Hope. Honestly, it would have made sense for him to want to protect Hope from Klaus the way he failed to with Marcel.
I also agree that they could have built up the search for Klaus' redemptions in the flashbacks and then woven it into Elijah's character, rather than making it a sudden character shift. We could see flashbacks of Elijah trying to save Klaus and failing, leading to him giving up on Klaus in TVD, only for him to see something worth saving in TO and once again believing in Klaus' redemption. But for god sake, make Klaus work for this devotion all of his siblings seem to just have for him.
The Originals could have used a lot more flashbacks. People always love to argue their past, but in honesty we only know such a small portion of it. And only the parts that are relevant to Klaus or the plot of TO. Like you said, I know some of the actors were not able to be in it more, but I would have loved to see more of Kol's past. He wasn't in a coffin nearly as much as people seem to think and was actually out in the world meeting people and learning from really interesting witches. Even Elijah had an interesting past that gets glossed over. How did we only get two flashbacks with Celeste and two with Aya (and one of those may be a deleted scene, I can't remember at the moment). On those lines, why did we get more flashbacks of Aurora and Klaus and none of the founding of the Strix. I loved Aurora's development, but TO made it clear that it didn't center around the romance, yet it spent so much time on those flashbacks and none on the Strix, you know this incredibly powerful and influential organization of vampires. Again, it was to humanize Klaus more, rather than drive the story.
I truly believe they didn't do as many flashbacks because they didn't have a good timeline for the characters and were afraid to contradict themselves. It's already wild to me that we are supposed to believe that Klaus and Rebekah are partying in Chicago with Stefan only a year after they believe Marcel was brutally murdered and their town burned to the ground while Elijah is on the run. The writers were also terrible at accurately representing different cultures so it may be best that they didn't attempt to go into detail on their pasts. I choose to believe that they didn't just hang out in Europe or America, despite their accents, for 1000 years. We know Kol didn't. It would have been so interesting if the writers had actually done a small amount of research for these flashbacks.
I also agree that Elijah should have gotten the parent storyline plot over Bex. I love Rebekah but that woman did not want to be a mother at that time, and that's okay. Not all women need to want that. She had a thousand years to try, and yes I know that was difficult under Klaus, but we don't even see her trying with Marcel the way Elijah did (and yes, their later relationship is super problematic because of that dynamic). But, as you said, Rebekah in TVD wanted to be a teenager. She wanted to go to school and prom. The mother storyline was just pushed on her because she's a woman. We never see them show that desire for any of the men except for Stefan, but that's only after he finds out about the baby Valerie lost. Elijah was like a parent to his siblings, he had a very paternal feel about him. It was such a wasted opportunity to not go down that storyline with him and give him more opportunities with Hope. It also could have added to the tension with Klaus.
I love Elijah but my biggest issue with him is his obsession with Klaus. I think we saw aspects of his TVD personality in TO season one, like when he was trying to keep Klaus out of negotiations and make peace in New Orleans, but he eventually caved because the rest of the factions were making deals behind his back. I also 100% agree his loyalty should have been to Hope over Klaus and I feel like sometimes it was questionable where his motives were.
I've talked to other people who love both Hayley and Elijah but not so much with Haylijah. I feel like a lot of it comes down to the show doesn't invest a lot of time into them after season 1. We get a decent amount in season 1, but then have to search for interactions from them in the background. A lot of their romance gets sidelined to make way for bonding with Klaus. I honestly love almost all of Elijah's romances, but Haylijah is my favorite. I also don't like love at first sight, but I don't see them that way. To me, they were curious about each other at first and even enjoyed each other's company (we all know Elijah loves his stubborn, sarcastic women), but I don't think they fell in love until later. They cared for each other, but fell in love as they lived together, while Hayley was basically held hostage in the house and Elijah was left to babysit. We even have the scene in season 1 where Hayley makes a comment about them not being able to hang out any more. To me, they are friends to lovers, and that is my favorite trope.
I am by no means ever trying to force anyone to like my fav characters/ships because I get everyone has different opinions, but if you ever want to talk about them, I love to. And I have also convinced a few other people to love them as well <<33
Sorry this took me so long to respond, I wanted to make sure I was responding to each part of it. This was really fun to go through, thanks for the ask!
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ashenmind · 1 year
I’m firmly of the belief that if you offered Aya a “good little bird in journalism” award, she would at least consider it.
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armormodekeeg · 1 year
ended up thinking about all this aka business while doing some late-night chores and tbh i don't think yukari *could* turn aya into a shikigami. it's just not possible to access aya's mind that way. she keeps her actual thoughts, feelings, and beliefs locked away too tight, under layers and layers of detachment and cynicism. there's no way to get admin privileges to install software there. she's too mentally and emotionally checked out of any and all situations to let her mind be taken over by computer programs even if she wanted it to happen.
sorry, yukari. maybe you can get reimu to dress up as renko if she's drunk enough.
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pbear · 1 year
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I love the relationship between Tecchou and Jouno, especially the contrast between them.
Their methods are clearly different, but they both believe in justice and doing what is right. Tecchou uses more outright methods. He openly states what he believes justice is and acts on his beliefs like the way he straight up stabs Jouno when he's threatening Aya. On the other hand, Jouno is more subtle in his methods. He knows Fukuchi needs to be brought to justice, but he bides his time and sets up Aya to also know about Fukuchi's plan.
I do believe Tecchou affected Jouno's beliefs during their time as Hunting Dogs. Obviously, Jouno changed from when Fukuchi recruited him from that criminal organization and how could his view on justice not be affected in part by the person who believes in it the most?
The part where Jouno says that Fukuchi being brought to justice would be so pleasant for him is such a good moment when it used to be that the sounds of torture were what pleased him. He really changed his beliefs while his methods were still his own. Like, if Jouno became as outright as Tecchou, that would be a complete character flip and wouldn't make as much sense. It's more natural that Jouno stays cunning and using that for what he now believes in.
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rosietrace · 9 months
Elaine Rossignol
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“Oh, now that just won't do, dear. My job is to help others make their dreams come true, and that includes you.”
— Elaine Rossignol, songbird starlet
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General Information
Full Name — Elaine Evangeline Rossignol
↳ Elaine: An old French form of the name ‘Helen’. Typically meaning; Shining Light, Bright.
↳ Evangeline: Meaning ‘good news’ in Greek.
↳ Rossignol: ‘Nightingale’ in French.
Japanese ver. — イレーヌ エヴァンジェリン ロシニョール
Romaji ver. — Irēnu Evanjerin Roshinyōru
Twisted from: Cinderella • Christine Daae
❏ — Cinderella(シンデレラ) • Christine Daae(オペラ座の怪人)
V/A(日本語): Aya Hirano (平野綾)
↳ Voices Lucy Heartfilia, Fairytail
V/A(英語/EN): Sierra Boggess
↳ Actress of Christine Daae, Royal Albert Hall Phantom of the Opera
Age: 18
Birthday: January 26th
Horoscope: Aquarius ♒
Species: Human
Height: 174 cm
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Dark brown, almost Black
Gender/Pronouns: Female, She/They
Sexuality: Demiromantic, Pansexual
Dominant hand: Right
Extra Information
Homeland: The City of Flowers, 「 Populaire Capital 」
『 Family:
Vincent Rossignol (Biological Father/†)
Biological Mother † 』
Dormitory: Pomefiore
School Year: 2nd Year
Class: 2-A (+ seat no. 5)
Club: None
Best class(es): Music, Drama
Worst class(es): Practical and Defensive Magic
Like(s): The opera, music, anything vintage, singing, ballet, violin, shoes, sewing, fashion designing, helping others, seeing the best in others, Illusoire Opera House, the myth of the Opera Ghost
Dislike(s): Hypocrisies, injuring herself, worrying her friends, keeping secrets, crying, anything negative from nay-sayers about her father, anyone trying to enter Box Five in Illusoire
Hobbies: Singing, cleaning, sewing, ballet, playing the violin, writing in her journal, writing letters to close acquaintances
Talent(s): Singing, ballet, violin, multilingualism, fashion designing, sewing, crocheting, baking, ax-throwing
Flaw(s): Overly insistent, hypocritical, tends to sugarcoat everything, stubborn
Elaine's one of Pomefiore's finest singers, Vil stated. Many in the dormitory seem to agree with that, especially Rook and Victoria.
That isn't due to any attempt to please their housewarden, of course (though it may be true in some cases).
Elaine's considered a natural-born talent. Seemingly picturesque of what one would consider to be the ‘perfect’ person.
Kind, compassionate, empathetic — Elaine isn't afraid to help those in need, even if it means getting her hands dirty in order to do so!
She's someone her friends can go to if they ever need to be comforted, or given advice. It almost always feels like Elaine knows exactly what to say for every given situation. Like she knows what they're about to say before they can even say it.
Everyone can rely on Elaine for help. Just give her a call, and she'll be right there to help!
…. It's a good thing and a bad thing, depending on the person.
Elaine's good at reading people — remarkably, so. Alas, some individuals are just a little too good at hiding who they really are, and use her willingness to help others to exploit it for personal gain.
What doesn't help is that Elaine is insistent on providing her assistance. She rarely accepts a refusal, and feels the need to try and help as many people as she can all at once; thus causing her to be rather overworked.
She's also insistent on not allowing anyone to help her. Elaine's under the belief that if she can handle a great deal of errands, there's no harm in handling a couple more — bearing more weight on her shoulders than she needs to.
Unique Magic: Tears of the Nightingale (ナイチンゲールの涙)
𓅨 Allows its user to heal injuries with their tears.
The tears will sink into the injury, with a slight stinginess, during those first few moments. But after a couple of seconds — or minutes — the injury will be fully healed.
This ability is most effective with smaller, minor injuries. The larger and more severe, the longer it will take to heal.
And sometimes, the injury is so grotesque that not even the tears will be able to heal it.
Thoughts on them
“Sweet girl, Elaine is. We met rather recently, and I can assure you, she is far better company than anything Victoria's capable of. Alas, it seems Elaine's close with her too.”
— Vil Schoenheit, Elaine's housewarden
“I took her in when most others didn't. The girl was in a difficult situation after her father died, who was I to not allow her safe refuge in my home? I treasure Elaine, truly. What I can only hope for is that she can learn to lean on others for support.”
— Mozus Trein, Elaine's current guardian
Additional Trivia
✑ Main Theme: Think of Me from The Phantom of the Opera, sung by Sierra Boggess
✑ Backstory: 『 Sing for Me 』
✑ OC Playlist: [ TBA ]
༝ㅤ・ㅤ˚ㅤ。ㅤ.ㅤ⋆ ・ ° · ꒦꒷ 𓅨
𓅨 Anything remotely vintage is automatically in Elaine's hands. From jewelry to footwear, to clothing — she's got a whole closet dedicated to vintage fashion!
𓅨 Trein’s wife, before her passing, had actually gifted Elaine a couple of pieces of her jewelry for her to wear when she came of age. To this day, Elaine keeps the jewelry in a small jewelry box her mother gave her. In memory of both her mother and Trein's wife.
↳ This happens to be one of the reasons why Trein has a soft spot for her.
𓅨 Surprisingly? Trein's daughters adore Elaine! Since childhood, both girls had the habit of coddling their honorary niece and continue to bicker about who Elaine likes more.
𓅨 Elaine was originally a student at Noble Bell College! Technically speaking, she would've been a member of the student council had she not transferred to NRC during her second year.
↳ She often visits Noble Bell to check up on everything while she is away.
𓅨 Well-liked by many of her peers! Elaine just has that sense of likability, one could suppose! (That isn't to say people don't dislike her, but you get my point)
𓅨 Her love of the Opera stemmed from her Father, who was a first-row violinist for the Illusoire Opera House — An Opera House residing in the City of Flowers.
𓅨 Elaine basically lives in Illusoire at this point, based on how frequently she goes there during vacations. Thankfully, the staff (specifically a certain composer) adore her presence and welcome her with open arms with each visit.
𓅨 Rollo seems to respect her, to some degree. Elaine thinks there's more weight to that than what most people think, given the kind of person Rollo is.
𓅨 Her constant insistence on helping others is considered concerning, to say the least. At most, you're most likely to meet Elaine while she's running someone else's errand.
𓅨 Horrible at swordsmanship, it's almost impossible to teach her anything about the combat form. Surprisingly, however, Elaine's got a decent right hook.
𓅨 How she's good at ax-throwing is beyond anyone's understanding. She just is.
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Elaine's Tags
#elaine rossignol • #『 elaine 🎭 』
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clarynewme · 1 month
Could I please have a future spouse reading 🙇🫶
DOB : 1st July 2004
Time : 12.21 pm
Place : Mumbai, India
Thank youu :)
Hi🤗 Sorry for the delay🥲 For your reading I am going to use mostly vedic astrology.
In D1 chart taurus jupiter is transiting over your taurus venus(2nd lord) 9th house aspecting your scorpio moon (11th lord) in 3rd house indicating that you might meet your future spouse this year (abundance/expansion in romantic relationships and financial stability) during a transformative period of your life through travel, higher education, foreign lands, social networks, school, friends, online, communication, etc. The relationship might be based on spirituality, intensity, emotional/financial stability, privacy, long distance, healing, passion, support, family, learning, mutual growth, communication, creativity, service, fame, etc.
However with aquarius saturn transit in your 6th house aspecting 7th lord leo jupiter (4th lord) in 12th house, it could cause delays/challenges related to work, daily routine, physical and mental health, competition at work, power struggles, family, solitude, detachment, etc. Moreover you must be aware of (in the relationship) overindulgence, illusion vs reality, communication barriers, fear of vulnerability (expression of emotions), traumas, self doubt, need for validation, high expectations/standards, balance between work and personal life, freedom vs codependency; keeping an open mind, staying grounded, self reflection/healing, open communication, balancing priorities and strenght/resilience/patience are needed to overcome the challenges. You could also meet him through spirituality (manisfestation/dreams), creative activities, family gatherings, celebration, daily routine, service oriented projects, work, etc.
Rahu/ketu pisces/virgo transit is affecting your 7th/1st house axis meaning that you will have strong desire for relationships, unconventional ones that challenge society expectations, unique ideas about marriage, perhaps the person could be way older than you (you have saturn aspecting your 7th lord jupiter and 7th house) or a foreigner, different culture/religion/ethnicity, etc. You could be learning about what you want in relationships, how it affects you in a personal level, your life; letting go of old beliefs (practical ones) you had about yourself and your path; engaging in a more spiritual version of yourself; experiencing self growth/transformation. Additionaly you can draw more people towards you (more attractive). Nevertheless rahu can cause anxiety, obssesion and illusion in relationships. So keeping yourself grounded with clarity and patience, finding strategies to manage this energy is essential, perhaps doing meditation and spiritual practices.
MOON CHART (considering moon as rising)
It's confirming everything I've said before, excluding balance between family and work, issues/power struggles at home, financial stability vs emotional stability, friendships vs romantic partnerships, social endeavours/society responsibilities vs creative goals/fun, detachment from superficial conections, engaging in spiritual deep connections/networks, etc.
NOTE1: You can check this link for sidereal transits -> https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/calculate-sidereal-vedic-ephemeris-may-2025/?&aya=lahiri&&presnost=1&
In your D9 chart Jupiter in taurus is transiting your 7th lord venus in 2nd house aspecting libra mars in 7th house by 6th aspect indicating that your future spouse might be meeting you this year while he is focusing on building a strong foundation, family, emotional and financial stability (abundance/sucess). Though with mars (1st/8th lord) energy in the 7th house also aspecting aries saturn(10th/11th lord) in 1st house your relationship could be transformative (mutual growth), intense, dealing with power struggles, arguments/fights, competition at work, career/professional goals vs personal/spiritual goals/ambitions, fame/sucess vs relationships, society expectations, high standards, responsibilities, etc.
With aquarius saturn transit in 11th house conjunct aquarius sun(5th lord) and ketu asoecting leo rahu in 5th house this could indicate your future spouse/longterm partner might be going through an intense/transformative breakup👀 or some kind of closure (reason why it could delay your relationship or meeting); detachment from social endeavours, engaging in spiritual communities and forming deep connections, letting go of his ego and superficiality, focusing on creativity and new hobbies/romantic connections, rethinking about friendship/relationships, etc.
Looking at your D7 chart you have taurus jupiter transiting your 1st house aspecting scorpio moon(3rd lord) and saturn(9th/10th lord) in 7th house by 7th aspect indicating STRONG confirmation of meeting future spouse/longterm partner this year. But you still have aquarius saturn transit in your 10th house conjunct venus (1st/6th lord) that shows delays/challenges related to personal transformation/growth, health, work, career, reputation, status, stability, power struggles with teachers/menthor/coworkers/boss, competition, high expectations/standards, higher education, travelling, long distance, communication barriers (ex:online -> meeting in person later), different beliefs/cultures, emotional expression, vulnerability, etc.
Rahu/Ketu pisces/virgo is affecting your 7th lord pisces mars (12th lord) 11th house and virgo sun (4th lord) in 5th house. This reaffirms a fated/transformative/healing/karmic/passionate romantic longterm relationship with future spouse. However this relationship could also bring conflicts related to anger, control and power struggles. When you meet your future spouse or longterm partner you could be experiencing unexpected changes in social endeavours/networks, friendships, online, activism, aspirations, detaching from old beliefs around creativity, family, spirituality, ego, self identity/confidence, love, etc.
When jupiter, saturn, rahu/ketu are transiting in the same or opposite sign of sun, saturn, rahu/ketu in D7 chart it indicates a major event might happen during this time of your life like meeting your future spouse or a partner, engagement, pregnancy, career,success,fame, breakup, divorce, moving out, etc.(This technique is by Camila Regina from tiktok).  
You are currently running venus dasha from 2012 till 2032 which is great for you to meet spouse/marriage cause venus means love and is your 7th lord in Moon/D9 chart.
If we dig deeper you are going through venus-jupiter dasha till august 2025 (jupiter is your 7th lord in D1 chart and significator of spouse/marriage).
I am leaning towards september during pisces eclipse and october during virgo eclipse affecting your 7th/1st house axis of marriage/relationships/you; among other factors inother charts.
You also have good chances next year 2025 specially during venus-jupiter-mars (mars is your Darakaraka-> spouse and 7th lord in D7 chart) from 18 january till 16 march: in march saturn will transit pisces affecting pisces 7th house in D1 (longterm serious relationships) and 5th house in Moon chart, rahu/ketu transit in aquarius/leo affecting your 7th lord leo jupiter(past life relationships); in may gemini jupiter transit will be affecting your gemini saturn(aspecting 7th house) -> longterm relationships; in october cancer jupiter transit will be influencing your mars Darakaraka in 11th house, aspecting 5th house of dating, etc.
If you want to know time periods or more you can DM me. 
NOTE2: Remember that we might have many soulmates and potential long term partners.
In regards to your pushya mars Darakaraka in 11th house your spouse could embody these characteristics: help you grow internally and externally; assertive, hot, passionate, transformative, intense, sexy, attractive, creative, intuitive, stable, service oriented (charity/donations), serious, quiet ambition, patient, compassionate, polite, brave, courageous, strong, hardworking, perfectionist, freedom lover, intelligent, sociable, wise, mature; mother/family/friends are important; generous, unique, unconventional/goals, challenges society expectations/norms, loves technology, arts, travelling, philosophy and cooking, takes care of other people, emotional, nurturing, protective,supportive, nurturing, caring, close to mother/family, generous, mommy issues, overgiving, possessive, jealous, oversensitive, controlling, insecure, self doubt, aloof, anxious, loner, enigmatic, indecisive, manipulative, explosive anger after a long time, overbearing, workaholic, strict, etc.
Mars DK is aspecting scorpio moon(11th lord) in 3rd house by 5th aspect and taurus venus(2nd lord) in 9th house by 11th aspect. This indicates your future spouse might influence your emotional expression, self transformation, you might feel more more open with him: communication about feelings/traumas/fears/dreams/aspirations/longterm goals/friendships/social endeavours/creativity/spirituality/etc. The relationship could be based on intensity, transformation, mutual growth support, romance, intellectuality, passion vs practicality, learning, higher education (studying together), travelling, philosophy, beliefs, financial and emotional stability, communication, healing, fame, success, service, etc. Though you will need to be careful of overindulgence, idealism/illusion/passion vs practicality/reality, misunderstandings, communication barriers, different beliefs/cultures/religion/values, high expectations, emotional ups and downs, freedom vs union/codependency, etc.
Your 7th lord D1 is leo purva phalguni jupiter (4th lord) in 12th house that is also significator of spouse/marriage, so your spouse/marriage could embody these characteristics: spirituality, long distance relationship, foreign lands (could be a foreigner or his family is from a foreign country), sacrifice, service, privacy, secrets, travelling, intuition, dreams, subconscious, soulmate energy, transformation, healing, mutual growth, dualistic, wisdom, passion, sensuality, affection, protection,support, spoiling gifts, show off/over the top, fun, attraction/chemistry, playfulness, cinema dates, creativity, artistic/spiritual activities/projects, magnetic, power couple vibes, individuality, silent confidence, generosity, leadership, family, spirituality, desire for recognition, overgiving, enjoying the pleasures of life(intimacy/material/sleeping); values family traditions/legacy; sacred marriage, laziness, jealous, ego, overindulgence, addiction, solitude, codependency vs freedom, family issues(loss/mental illness), lies, deception, illusion, self doubt, anxiety, love bombing, traumas, fears, etc.
7th lord is being aspected by gemini saturn(5th + 6th lord) in 10th house (3rd aspect) which means there could be delays/obstacles/conflicts (slow burn romance) in the relationship related to power struggles, competition, arguments, work/career/professional goals vs personal life/family/spiritual goals, physical health vs mental health, communication issues, transformation, freedom/solitude vs union/relationships, illusion/fantasy/spirituality vs reality/practicality/responsibilities/daily routine, etc.
Lastly 7th lord is aspecting aries rahu in 8th house and libra ketu in 2nd house, reaffirming an intense passionate transformative spiritual relationship where there could be challenges related to values/beliefs/financial matters/shared resources/spirituality/stability/etc.
7th lord in D9 nakshatra and sign could also show future spouse characteristics and how will be the marriage.
You have 7th lord venus in taurus rohini in 2nd house so there is a strong confirmation of practicality, financial/emotional stability, sensuality, creativity, family, nurture, care, romance, playfulness, creative projects/business together, loyalty, patience, beauty, affection, physical touch, spoiling gifts, strenght to overcome obstacles in the relationship, etc;
When it comes to appearance fs would have masculine/feminine/soft/structured features (androgynous); strong jawline; big defined feet/back/chest/legs; strong bone structure; muscular chest/legs; average to tall height; muscular; prominent ankles/calves; have reddish or dark features; etc (You can find more from Camila Regina tiktok🤌)
For your future spouse career I am trying out this tecnique the 10th sign from 7th lord in D1 or D9 could indicate possible fields:
D1 Taurus (venus): so anything related to creativity, banking, real estate, culinary arts, beauty, wellness, music, performing arts, luxury, retail, gardening, horticulture, agriculture, farming, finances, law, management, creative arts, entrepreneur, education, etc.
D9 Aquarius(sun +ketu): anything related to spirituality, astrology, tarot, technology, engineering, healthcare, healing, pharmacy, alternative medicine, arts, creativity, research and development, entrepreneur, environment, science, politics, social service and community, charities, activism, consultant, advisor, etc.
Regarding your meeting, pay attention to symbolisms of these signs: 
Aquarius: color aqua, waterfall, watercarrier, spirituality,  tarot, astrology, Internet, technology, online, science, sea animals, dam, arts, accident, sudden/fast, Electricity, aquarium, social media, groups, friends, etc.
Scorpio:occult, night, dark, hospital, funeral, nightclub, scorpion, mall, death,sting, surgery, private, secret, spiritual, blind date, transformative place, intimacy, finances, etc
Capricorn: work, goat, career, formal, career, structure, Elder people, suitcase, bank, father, building, legacy, reputation, status, etc.
NOTE3: aquarius 2x; capricorn from tropical chart; scorpio from vedic chart
(This technique is by Camila Regina on tiktok💗)
Vedic Astrology placements D1/D9 (includes atmakaraka AK):
Mars, moon, saturn, jupiter, sun, venus, ketu nakshatras/influence
I found this new technique that 7th lord sign/house from MOON chart indicates big 3 placements:
You have 7th lord venus in taurus 7th house so the signs are Taurus or Libra.
You can also try this for your future spouse partner to see if it matches your big 3 placements (7th lord of moon chart must be in Scorpio/8th house/Gemini/3rd house/Virgo/6th house).
Okay I think I am done😅 I hope you like this reading if you do leave feedback on my page🙏 And let me know if it resonates👌it helps improving my readings🫶💜
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starlightshadowsworld · 10 months
Thinking about how Kunikida's dedication and faith in his ideals, and how they save the world.
It's unquestionable that the one who saves the world is Aya.
But Aya would have died long before ever meeting Bram if it wasn't for Kunikida.
Kunikida who just wanted to get his schedule completed and saw a bomb being handed to an unknowing Aya.
And immediately rushed to help her and detonate it outside the train station.
Because above all else Kunikida is someone who wants to save all innocent life in dangerous events.
He values human life, not wanting anyone to get hurt or die because of and infront of him.
He knows that it isn't always the case, people will die and the majority will be the ones he will have to save.
But that doesn't mean it's easy nor something he wants to do.
Even to the point where if an enemy is killed before him, he will wish it could've ended differently.
With Aya, Kunikida grabs the bomb and dentonates it where it can't do any harm.
And again when facing against someone he failed to save.
Hugging Aya close and telling her that she won't face her end alone.
They survive, but that doesn't make his words mean any less.
It makes Kunikida the antithesis to Fukuchi.
A man who reasons that in order to end all wars, 500 lives are a fair price. One he's more than willing to pay.
No matter who those lives end up being, including the detective agency where he was close to Ranpo and Fukuzawa.
As well as his own Hunting dogs.
Said Hunting dogs who mock Kunikida's ideals, to the point of dropping his destroyed notebook in his lap saying they were worthless.
And yet the most vocal of the group, Jouno shows himself to be someone who buys into those ideals.
Being moved by his newfound ability to help others, and wanting to help as many people as he can.
Leading him to trust Aya upon finding out she's believes the dective agencies innocence.
And this belief in Kunikida and his ideals extends to his friends.
No one is suprised when Kunikida chooses to follow Fukuzawa's orders to maintain peace in Yokohama in the cannibalism arc.
Choosing the many rather than the one, but it's a difficult choice to him even if it is the correct one for him.
And he can do both because everyone but Atsushi goes to save Fukuzawa.
They don't mock him for it, nor call him cruel because they know him.
Infact Ranpo tells Kunikida to never forget he's the most virtuous member of the agency.
It's one of the reasons Kunikida is considered to be next in line to run the place.
That's how much faith is entrusted in him.
And it's their conviction in Kunikida that makes him strive to do better and be better.
He can't save everyone.
But he can damn well try.
It's that same conviction we see in Aya.
A child with no ability or skills other than karate who wants to help others. The self proclaimed hero of justice who will save them all.
Aya learns about Bram, introduces him to music and they form a friendship.
Bram says he doesn't care about what happens to this world or humanity.
But he cares about her.
He cares about saving the person infront of him, not wanting her to die.
Fukuchi saw Bram as merely a means to an end.
Aya saw him for who he was, and decided he was worth saving too.
The odds were stacked against her and and she did what she had to save others.
And she succeeded.
And the world is saved.
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mulberriesandtea · 1 year
...we never got a death cg for samjo.
There's something wrong here, we NEVER got a CG of him dying.
For reference on why that's so odd:
Aya had a sprite
Yuri had a battle sprite PLUS some extra story cgs
The Tieqiu crew boss got TWO cgs of being crushed
Effie and Saude had cgs that showed the near death states they were in
Shrenne had several cgs
And yet Samjo just doesn't- technically he has his sprite without the coat, but... There's several other things that are off about his death- for one, Dongrang seems somewhat unsure of the effects of jumping into the tears, for two, it's a complete and utter change in how Samjo acts- while he's still acting in interest of the company, with a dogged belief that he'll be fine, it's very sudden and intense- despite the fact he's been VERY defined as cowardly.
I do think he's dead/dying. But I think he'll at least get to prove Dongrang wrong at least once through sheer irony. Something bad is happening, for sure- why else is 4-49 in the sky?
To bring another theory into this- if we do take the possibility that Child of the Galaxy is an allegory for K Corp's singularity, then... what are these supposed to represent?
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Are they meant to be the goop that someone becomes when hit with a decay ampule? Or are they more than that? Am I overthinking this?
I think we will get to see, even if just vaguely, what the eye believes is the origin of humanity. Through Samjo. Of course, the origin can't survive for long, but whatever he gets to do after crawling out of that pool of tears is enough.
This theory is brought to you by me. That's it. End post.
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girls-band-headcanons · 3 months
Since you said you hc all the girls speaking at least one other language I was wondering what other language hc you had
Mod Fusion: My HCs for the Roselia members are here.
(Note: All the girls know at least some English, in addition to sign language.)
Poppin Party: I'd imagine Kasumi to know Spanish (probably took a course one time only to get bored), Tae to know Hebrew and Thai (the former thanks to a Jewish!Tae fic by @divinenoodlestand), Rimi to know Korean (because of her love of horror media from that country), Saaya to know Spanish/Italian/French (vibes), and Arisa to know German (it's the Asuka vibes).
Afterglow: Because of her love of metal, I'd imagine that Ran (and the rest of Afterglow) would know a Scandinavian language (like Swedish and/or Norwegian). Tomoe also knows Spanish (thanks to my part-Afro-Columbian Udagawas headcanon), which she taught the rest of Afterglow.
Pastel*Palettes: Need more be said with Eve? Aya would know Korean thanks to her love of K-Pop, Chisato knows Russian (as a Sumipe reference), and Maya would probably learn a language like Turkish or Arabic (projection on the latter perhaps).
Hello Happy World!: Kokoro knows EVERY language, Kaoru knows Spanish (thanks to being part-Basque) and other Romance languages, Hagumi knows Spanish (because of Kasumi and the shopping district), Kanon knows Russian (because of Chisato), and I think Misaki would know Filipino (thanks to @caramelmochacrow)
Morfonica: Mashiro wishes to learn another language, but is too scared to try, Nanami knows several languages (to no one's surprise), both Touko and Rui know Filipino (thanks to the Filipino Rui headcanon @luminawkes has, and my personal belief that Touko has Filipino moots she learned from), and my headcanons for Tsukushi varies, so she speaks lots of languages.
Raise A Suilen: LAYER knows Thai (because Raychell is part-Thai), LOCK knows Spanish (like a true Kasumi stan), MASKING knows French (because of her school) and Spanish (due to the shopping district), and PAREO and CHU@ both know several languages and pepper their speech with phrases from all of them.
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occasionaltouhou · 1 year
i am still firmly of the belief that aya has been in a 1000-year-long relationship with the world's longest suffering clerk tengu. and that clerk tengu is the most pitiable touhou of all time
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