thetrashbagswasteland · 5 months
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An elcor veterinarian is found brutally murdered at his own clinic. No motive, nothing to point towards his killer. It's up to Second Class Major Crimes Detective Castis Vakarian and his new partner - the newest addition to the Major Crimes team - to piece together both how and why someone would kill the beloved veterinarian before the rapidly cooling trail can be erased entirely. But if anyone does know why someone would harm the sweet-natured elcor, they're being kept quiet by fear, apathy or some combination of the two. Only, the situation is set to become all the more complex as Castis' personal and professional lives are forced to collide explosively - and left with his reputation on the line twice, he finds himself betting pride, reputation and relationship on a longshot; that he can solve this one case.
Major Tags:
Pre-Canon, Detective Noir, PTSD, Graphic Descriptions of Corpses, Xenophobia
Chapters Written: 10.25/12 (75,266 words) Chapters Posted: 9/12 (64,787 words) READ HERE FROM THE BEGINNING:
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monty-glasses-roxy · 19 days
I know I don't talk about Sewerhell stuff here anymore, but I'm listening to a song that's making me realise that Roxy finding all this means that she's probably got a fucking conspiracy board on the walls made of old tickets, merch labels, staff notes, posters and whatever else she can find, with bits of coloured string pinned all across it so she knows what's connected and what isn't. No one understands what the fuck this is all about except the Minis who are helping her do this and pin things up high where she can't reach.
So many clues, so many faces and she doesn't know what the hell any of this means but she wants some answers damn it whadda hell
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jacqal · 2 years
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some sketches i did for Avvy (Skitterskitter @ FA) because i absolutely adore her art and characters!! 
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cryptidsdad · 10 days
should i rewatch / catch up with shows pertaining to different mues of mine? yeah! will i probably instead just rewatch one p/iece for the Vibes? yeah !!
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olymphianblood · 27 days
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mouseoho · 7 months
when a big4 gg disappoints you... just remember theres a nugu bg out there to support you
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uravitypng · 10 months
i don't think i've ever mentioned it before about my tagging system but if i ever reblog your post and don't put '♡ recs' it doesn't mean i don't recommend people reading it, i do. i try to tag longer fics i reblog as recs
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mvnces · 14 days
the gasp I just gusped seeing a gr/avity falls edit set to an audio from the ma/gnus archives? the galaxy brain of it ??
here be feral about it with me
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mossyfart · 4 months
Chat I think I know the end should be 13s song, what do we think
There's no place like my room (Tardis)
But you had to go // After a while you went quiet and I got mean, I'm always pushing you away from me, But you come back with gr(m)avity, And when I call, you come home, A bird in your teeth (Yaz)
But I'm not gonna go down with my hometown in a tornado, I'm gonna chase it (Not going down with Gallifrey and trying to stop the Master)
Went looking for a creation myth, Ended up with a pair of cracked lips (Finding out about the timeless child)
A slaughterhouse (The Citadel)
Fear of God (swarm, azure, tecteun and/or the flux)
Over the coast, everyone's convinced, It's a government drone or an alien spaceship (Sontarans)
Either way, we're not alone, I'll find a new place to be from (Gallifrey is destroyed again)
To float around and ghost my friends (Teagan and Ace, But also all the companions tbh)
No, I'm not afraid to disappear (Her sendoff and how she was more open to regeneration than 12 or 10)
Yeah, I guess the end is here (Regeneration)
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vcb · 8 months
it just rained for about 10 minutes after several days and smells like wet grass outside makes me feel feral like that imaginary girl rebeca when she woke up in the middle of the night to eat handfuls of dirt but is me in my garden with the same -suicidal avity crying of pain and rage and chewing tender worms and chipping molars on snail bones- because january was so warm and sunny lots of wildfires and so many deaths so sad
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eggydev · 1 month
idk anything abt g*avity f*lls but I'm not at all interested and wish ppl would tag it so I can block (I'm on mobile browser I ain't using their app no more 😔)
Ps this isn't an invitation to convince me 2 watch it I tried years ago and did not care 4 it bleas
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thetrashbagswasteland · 6 months
Here For Now?
Ah yes, Here for Now, I've totally been working on that one as much as I'd planned and absolutely haven't been neglecting it nope no not me Anyhow, the plot of this fic follows Castis handling the death of his father, dealing with his grief and confusion about what he actually wants to do in life - suddenly fearing that he's going to end up set on the exact same path as his father. It's a heavy and sad fic for the most part, but hopefully all the more fun for it.
Avitus had just been happy to see him return with food, uncaring for anything more emotional than ridiculing a decade-old rom-com he found on the infotainment screen. Then again… maybe he had guessed something had happened, considering that he’d seemed determined to distract him as much as possible- and he’d been all too happy to let it happen between the terrible acting, worse plot and sour booze his better company had brought along.  It’d been nice, for the few hours until they’d given in and fallen asleep. Like just… being on holiday.  Truth be told, waking the next morning hadn’t been all that unpleasant either.  He’d woken first- or so he’d thought until he realised that his friend was indeed awake, belly-down on the bed so as to avoid the sickly sunrise which had woken him. Really though, even though he caught a sliver of black as Avitus eyed him before settling once more, he was loathe to move. Moving meant accepting the day that was to come and there was nothing he wished for less in that moment. Perhaps the fact his friend hadn’t moved either meant he had no desire to face it either though. It was nice though, he decided, getting to exist without either an alarm or interruptions from other occupants to the room. Something he could-  “You think too loud.” Avitus grumbled, stretching and letting his chin come to rest on his pillow, all without looking at him. Of course. There would be no getting used to something he didn’t want anyways, so best not to even consider it. Oh well. “At least I think at all.” Castis pointed out in the spirit of fairness. “As opposed to, what was it? Living fast to die young?” A grunt, then a waggle of mandibles in indecision. “Live fast, die young and most importantly, leave a pretty corpse, Tiz. That bit’s crucial.” He said it with such insouciance that it almost sounded appealing - if not romantic then certainly romanticised. “What’s the point in any of this if s’not to be the hottest fucking corpse in the morgue? Nah- I want people to look at me and go oh what a shame and he was so good looking. Let the fucking hierarchy send me home in a box and use me as a good example of dedication instead.”  “What about love?” He asked, recognising that he was toeing into dangerous territory with answering such a rhetorical question. Better grab his omni-tool band and prepare to be kicked out of bed quickly. All he received in answer was a small huff though. “Have you considered what you’ll do when you inevitably fail to die whilst young, handsome and honourable? What about trying to find someone to be happy with long-term instead?” To give him credit, he did at least seem to consider it - storm-dark eyes open and expression distant - before he shuttered it all behind nonchalance instead. “Fuck that, Tizzy.” Avitus snorted, rolling onto his back so he could find his own omni-tool. “Love an’ long-term shit… that’s for people like you, not me.” And then he was on his feet, stretching up until his bones creaked- which drew a contented little sigh he commiserated with entirely. “Besides, if I live that long and let someone get their talons stuck in me, they’ll start to expect kids and all that sort of horror- which, I repeat, fuck that, Tizzy.” How quintessentially him to equate most peoples idea of a good life to purgatory. Still, as Avitus shuffled off to shower, he took a moment to reflect on it- deliberately dense as they both did their best to be, even he couldn’t miss the quiet threat there; don’t get attached, I don’t want you. Fine. Fine by him. Besides, he reflected as he dragged himself out of bed and set out clothes for the day ahead- the day which was almost guaranteed to be exhausting and emotionally fraught enough without starting it by spooking his moral support away, Avitus was fun in the short term but spending the rest of his life with him? Spirits, he’d be driven insane before he had a chance to get old, wouldn’t he?
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sparatus · 10 months
For the character headcanons, gimme Avi and Macen pls?
send me a character
Sexuality Headcanon: gay, not xeno
Gender Headcanon: cis, hasn't really considered it beyond generally being comfortable with his assigned-at-birth gender
A ship I have with said character: barrix obviously, do i even have to say it. also you motherfucker you got me into AviTis, plus ngl the more i dabble in it for exdiff and rabbitverse the more avitus/saren and avi/nihnih are appealing, the three coyotes are just very shippable together tbh they're already besties and what's a little on-off dating between friends
A BROTP I have with said character: saren & avitus & nihlus, obvi, it's important to my soul for the coyotes to have a grand old time being best buds and maybe a platonic polypile. for fun. also i do enjoy the potential he and ryder have as friends, and if we dance over to bad end. avitus & quentius man i really fucking love their big bad + dragon dynamic over there
A NOTP I have with said character: mmmm it's not a definite notp as much as i just can't get into him and ryder, setting aside my own hc that he's not xeno in the slightest he's a lot older and been through a lot of shit ryder can't even imagine, they're just in very different places in their lives and i just don't think it'll work. also it's been a few years but i remember once somebody asked me on my mea blog about shipping him with the head of the roekaar and?? no?? are you all insane. no to avi/kaetus too just nobody can make ships with him that aren't garbo except us really
A random headcanon: he has dyslexia. like, when he's joking about how he can't read so he can't possibly do paperwork, it's not entirely a joke, he does have trouble making the words go correctly. he assumed this would be an issue in spectre training, because he'd caught shit from his superiors in the army about it, but saren, being autistic and also having shit eyesight from albinism to begin with, was just like "yeah cheers m8 me too let's get you a screen reader and some decent dictation software" and it was fine. fucker still didn't accept spelling mistakes tho
General Opinion over said character: [squeezes him like teddy bear] i love this garbage creature so much im so glad rabbitverse lets me play with him more im sorry for what i did to your mommy dude (i am not it's good character growth)
Sexuality Headcanon: bisexual!! he's equal opportunity in how appealing to every turian ever he is
Gender Headcanon: cis, he's considered it before but generally decided he's fine with his agab
A ship I have with said character: barrix, do i have to mention it, also ngl i kinda sometimes wonder about maybe a bit of macen/nihlus, i think maybe in a verse where avi got more into saren and grew past his old crush mace might click with nihnih instead
A BROTP I have with said character: on a similar note to above part of why i think he and nihnih could work as a ship is i feel like they'd get along really well as friends!! they're both (somehow) the calmer more reasonable one to their respective chaos goblins, i feel like when the whole gang gets together he and nihlus cheerfully discuss what's going on while saren and avi roll around trying to bite each other (and then, y'know, mace and saren catch up while nih takes a turn scuffling and mace patches saren up). in general i also just love the four of them as best bros okay. also in exdiff he ends up under valis's command and the two of them get along really well
A NOTP I have with said character: i haven't really seen any ships with him other than barrix which tbh is probably for the best this fandom doesn't deserve him
A random headcanon: he actually wanted to be a spectre when he grew up as a kid, or at least, the glamorous space hollywood version of them that goes on cool adventures all the time. baby macen read a lot of books and watched a lot of adventure vids and wanted to be a cool storybook hero. as he got older, he gradually accepted he wasn't cut out for that kind of career, but his curiosity and thirst for adventure never left
General Opinion over said character: :plsplspls: babyboy, baby. i love him your honor
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uraivity · 2 years
Uravity? More like BOOMER-avity
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' W ... what ? I'm not a boomer ! I just ... look , it still works , so why should I get a new one ?! ' Slowly closing her handheld , Ochaco tucks it under her seat — now embarrassed by its presence .
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snailsbelow · 2 days
Being autistic is genuinely physically painful and people do NOT want to talk about it. The combination of lack of mental AND physical restraint when it comes to interests and expressions and body movement is so difficult. Trying not to talk about ju//no steel for that year and a half and trying not to talk about gr//avity falls now is like trying to keep someone from yanking the teeth out of my mouth. The complete SHAME and humiliation and social difficulties that come with wanting to talk about one MAYBE two things ONLY is like getting stabbed. I’m 22 almost 23 and I still get intense fixations on media and it’s HUMILIATING. What do you mean I’ve graduated college and my brain is on fire actively because I can’t comprehend the idea of not enjoying media so much it’s physically impactful. Gf is even MORE shameful because mill is NOT having the same intense reaction and honestly I regret watching it with her just a leetle bit. Like I’m glad I am because I love watching things with people but ugh it feels like I’m trying to keep hold of an umbrella in a huge storm
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uravitypng · 1 year
i now have a new tag btw! it's for my queued posts and it's obviously a word play about uraraka (ochaco my beloved). it's a play on uravity so its :
₊ ⊹.𖥔 ݁ ˖ queue - avity ✩࿐
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