#Avan Jogia
myoldboyfriend · 13 hours
Avan Jogia & Beau Mirchoff
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jdeanmorgan · 5 months
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Avan Jogia & Halsey in the Energy Angel commercial
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supfag · 13 days
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Halsey and Avan Jogia in New York City.
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zanephillips · 1 year
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AVAN JOGIA Now Apocalypse 1.10 "Everything Is Gone Forever"
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vogueman · 2 years
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Avan Jogia
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multiimoments · 6 months
Happy birthday James Potter!
🎂 𝐈𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐫 𝐨𝐟 [𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧] 𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐏𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 ✨
Since last year, James (especially the versions from these fics) has helped me understand myself, make sense of life, and manage changes more than I can adequately express. ILY James and thank you to all of these authors 💛
Also, I love all Jameses, but I am partial to desi James bc I am also desi 💌
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Fics mentioned:
📖 Art Heist, Baby! by @otrtbs
📖 Crimson Rivers by bizarrestars
📖 Shelf Awareness by @ghostofbambifanfiction
📖 The Long Game by @lackadaisicallizard
📖 Kill Your Darlings by messermoon
P. S. Kindly do not come at me for liking Jily. I have been reconnecting with them & I do not find them boring & don't care to hear about it any more than I already have in this fandom. pls and thanks 🥰
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avnj0gia · 17 days
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morwap · 7 months
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leon was on call, his phone rang as your hand pumped him.
his pants were haphazardly undone and his cock pulled through the hole. leon’s precum and your spit made his cock slippery.
“baby, it’s work” he moaned, his head was leaned back and your mouth was on his neck.
“we’ve barely had any time together, they can wait” you whisper, leon glanced at his phone as it lit up once more, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as his back arched.
leon swallowed and nodded a bit, your hand tightening around his tip slightly before going back down his length. you kiss your way to his mouth, he moaned into you as you stroked him faster, his legs and stomach tightening. he tried to keep up with your kisses, his fingers clutching at your clothing.
“i’m so close” he grumbled as he struggled to move his hips.
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dannygriffin · 1 year
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AVAN JOGIA and BEAU MIRCHOFF Now Apocalypse 1.01 “This Is the Beginning of the End“
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supercap2319 · 2 months
"I'm gonna kill Scott, brother dear." Y/N said as he looked at his older brother, Stiles.
Stiles looks up from his laptop and knits his eyebrows together with a confused look on his face. "Oh? And why has Scotty earned the unspeakable wrath of revenge and homicide that you plan to enact on his werewolf ass?"
"I caught him kissing that guy, Beck Oliver from Hollywood Arts. He told me that he was straight and didn't date dudes, I saw him making out with him. I even have pictures." He shows them on his phone.
"That bi bitch! Let us kill Scotty and his new boyfriend."
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storiesforallfandoms · 7 months
junker ~ beck oliver;victorious
word count: 2011
request?: no
description: after her car breaks down in front of the dreamy boy’s house, he helps her to fix it
pairing: beck oliver x female!reader
warnings: swearing, one mention of y/n
masterlist (one, two, three)
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“No,” you said to yourself as your car began to slow. “No, no, no!”
You hit your steering wheel in frustration as the car came to a stop in the middle of the road.
This wasn’t the first time you had encountered issues with your shitty excuse for a car. It was definitely because the car was older than your parents. It was a miracle it even started in the first place, which, to be fair, it didn’t most of the time. You had no idea what your parents were thinking in buying you this hunk of junk to be your first car. They didn’t have to buy you a brand new sports car or anything, but they could’ve gotten you something from this decade at least.
You got out o the car to inspect what had happened. You opened the hood of the car and inspected inside. You couldn’t tell if anything was off because it all just looked the same to you. There was probably something, but you weren't exactly knowledgeable on cars.
You exclaimed in frustration and kicked the wheel, followed by a string of expletives as pain exploded from your toes.
“Car troubles?”
You turned to see a boy around your age stood at the end of a driveway.
“It just stopped,” you said. “I have no idea what’s wrong with it.”
You sighed, running a hand over your face as you realized how screwed you were. You were a few blocks away from home, so walking wasn’t necessarily off the table, but it would take you a while to get home. Not to mention you had no idea how you’d get the car back to your place, or off the road at all.
“Here, bring it into my driveway,” the boy said. “I’ll take a look at it.”
“How are we gonna get it into your driveway? It’s like...dead dead.”
He approached the car, taking a quick glance at the still open hood before reaching to close it. “Put it in neutral. I’ll push, you can steer.”
You weren’t sure if that sounded like a good idea - one person pushing a car on their own didn’t seem super doable - but you had no other choices. So, you got back into your car, waiting for him to get in place, then shifted the car into neutral. You started turning the wheel, shifting the car towards the driveway. It took a while, but eventually the two of you had managed to get the car into his driveway. You put it back in park as he came around to pop the hood again.
“I’m Beck, by the way,” he said as you got out of your car.
“(Y/N),” you responded. “Thanks for the help. I thought I was screwed.”
“Why are you driving a junker like this? It must be like, a century old.”
“My parents got it for me when I got my license. Something about wanting to get an older car as my first one until I learn responsibility, I guess?”
“So they gave you a rolling death trap?”
You scoffed. “Yeah, basically. I bet they’ll regret that now.”
Beck leaned in to get a better look at something. “When did they buy it?”
You shrugged. “A few weeks ago, I think.”
“Well, they’ll definitely regret however much money they wasted on this thing. It’s completely dead.”
Your eyes widened. “What?!”
Beck stood back up. “There’s not a single thing that works in this thing now. Engine is toast, battery zapped, starting motor gone. It’s a wonder this thing ever worked in the first place.”
You let out a long groan. As if your luck couldn’t get any worse. What were you supposed to do now without a car? You couldn’t go back to relying on your parents to drive you everywhere, and you certainly were not about to start taking the bus to school again.
“Do you have a phone?” Beck asked.
“It’s dead,” you said. “I was on my way home anyways, I thought I’d be fine.”
“Listen, mine is in my RV. You can use it to call your parents if you want.”
You eyed the silver RV in the yard. “You live in there? When there’s...a house?”
He chuckled. “I prefer to be on my own. The RV was the only compromise my parents would come to. If you’d rather not come in, I understand. I can bring my phone out instead if it would make you more comfortable.”
You shook your head. “No, that’s okay. It’s starting to get dark, so it’s probably best if I wait inside instead of out here while it gets cold.”
Beck nodded for you to follow him into his trailer. It was a decent size, big enough for one person living there. It was also evident that a teenage boy lived there given the mess. Beck must’ve noticed, too, because he quickly started picking up dirty clothes and laundry from the floor, mumbling something about ignoring the mess. You quietly giggled to yourself.
Beck passed you his phone. You sat down on his couch and dialed your mom’s number first. It rang for a long time before an automated message told you she was away from the phone. You hung up and tried your dad’s number, only to have the same outcome. You rolled your eyes and hung up, handing the phone back to Beck.
“They must be busy,” you said. “God, this sucks. What am I going to do?”
Beck sat down next to you. He was close enough to you that you could feel his shoulder brushing against yours. You were suddenly very aware of your situation: alone in a trailer with a boy who was incredibly cute. A broke down car, no way to get home until your parents answered your calls. You shuffled awkwardly in your seat, looking down at your lap when looking into Beck’s eyes became too much.
“I could drive you home,” he offered. “Then, when your parents are home, you can tell them what happened and where the car is. Then they can decide if they want to come get it, or they can leave it here and I can salvage whatever parts I can from it.”
You raised an eyebrow at him. “You think there’s anything salvageable from that car?”
“Well...the tires.”
You both laughed. You knew you should be getting home, but part of you also didn’t want to leave yet. Sure, you would still see Beck again whenever your parents decided to come get the car - if they decided to come get the car - but after that you may never see him again. He wasn’t familiar to you, and you were sure you’d remember someone like Beck at your school, so that meant he went to a different school. The likeliness of you two ever crossing paths again were incredibly slim.
But you also couldn’t just invite yourself into his place to stay for a while. You were still a stranger to him, and him to you technically. And you probably should get home so you could charge your phone, just so your parents didn’t start freaking out if they tried to call you and couldn’t get through.
So, you took Beck’s offer and followed him to his car. It was definitely a lot nicer than your old piece of junk. You were almost embarrassed that he had to see what you were driving before. The one silver lining to this whole situation was that your parents might actually buy you a good car after all of this.
You knew it was going to be a short ride to your house, so you had to make the most of it. You looked over at Beck and asked, “So, what school do you go to?”
“Hollywood Arts,” he responded.
“Oh! So that’s why I haven’t seen you around. You’re too busy becoming a big star.”
He chuckled. “Yeah, I guess so. Trying to, at least. I’m not a singer like most of the people who attend that school. I’m trying to become an actor after I graduate.”
“Hey, the world needs actors. That doesn’t sound like an impossible dream to achieve.”
He shrugged. You felt like the conversation was drifting away, and you desperately wanted it to keep going.
“I do appreciate what you did for me,” you said. “Most people in LA probably would’ve driven right past me and wished me luck.”
“I couldn’t let you just stay there stranded right in front of my place,” he said. “What kind of a guy would I be if I didn’t offer the pretty girl some help?”
Your face immediately burned at his compliment. You quickly looked away so he wouldn’t see how flustered you were.
“Still, I appreciate it,” you said. “And the ride home. I probably could’ve walked, come to think of it.”
“No way. I wasn’t going to let you walk when I have a perfectly good car that could’ve driven you home.”
“Don’t rub it in.”
He chuckled. You noticed the car slowing to a stop, and when you looked up you saw that you were in front of your house. You almost deflated with disappointment. Your time with Beck was finally, and unfortunately, coming to an end. There was no way you’d be able to see him again, you were sure of that. It was already pretty clear the both of you wouldn’t be running into each other at schooling events, unless you managed to make it out to a performance at Hollywood Arts that Beck just so happened to be starring in.
“This is me,” you said, trying to keep the sadness from your voice.
“So it is,” Beck said with a nod.
You looked down at your lap, trying to stall as much as possible. “Thank you for everything. I don’t know how I can repay you for all of this.”
“You don’t have to.”
“What if I wanted to? I mean, surely there’s something else I could do or give you as a way of saying thanks. Something more than that lump of junk that’s still sat in your driveway.”
He made a face. “No, that’s a terrible thank you gift actually.”
“Yeah, that’s why I’m saying I want to give you an actual thank you gift.”
He thought for a moment and you waited patiently for his answer. Finally, he looked back at you and said, “There is something you could give me.”
“What is it?”
“Your number.”
He was holding his phone out to you. You looked from his phone up to his face. You were almost sure this wasn’t real, that you were hallucinating that this was happening. But the longer it took for you to take Beck’s phone and put your number in it, the more his face was starting to show worry. As if you were about to turn him down.
“Yes!” you finally blurted. “I mean...yeah. Yeah, I can...I can do that.”
He seemed amused by your flusteredness. You quickly took his phone and typed in your name and number before handing it back to him.
“You better get your phone charged,” he said. “Otherwise, how am I supposed to try and plan a date with you?”
Oh, he smooth.
You wanted to say something back that was equally as smooth, but you were at a loss for words. Instead, you just nodded your head for a long time, like a crazy person, before finally saying goodbye for real and getting out of his car. You could feel him watching you as you walked up to your front door and let yourself in. He didn’t leave until the door closed behind you, and even then he waited for you to lock it and turn on the light over the door.
Once you were alone, you leaned back against the door and you couldn’t stop the wide smile that broke out across your face.
Okay, at least there were two silver linings to that stupid thing breaking down.
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supfag · 17 days
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weirdobarbie · 10 months
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AVAN JOGIA via tiktok
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zanephillips · 2 years
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Avan Jogia in Now Apocalypse 1x03
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vogueman · 1 year
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Avan Jogia photographed by Sam Ramirez for Paper Magazine
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