#Ava answers asks
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ava-is-up-to-something · 4 months ago
silly question but who do you think tops set or horus
You know in Greek mythology where Paris has to decide which goddess is the fairest, and no matter who he picks the other two will absolutely wreck his life out of spite? This is the Egyptian version of that.
Anyway uh. The only way for them to have mutually enjoyable sex is in a situation where they both top at the same. This is, in fact, why they can only be peacefully united in the body of the reigning pharaoh (another, third man). /Joke.
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ava-valerie · 2 years ago
What are your thoughts on Gangrel from The Brood?
What's happening? All these amazing nonnie asks 🥺 Okay! Let's do this!
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I'm quite neutral when it comes to Gangrel, tbh. I don't hate him, but neither do I cheer for him. It's like... Meh! And I think that it's a pity, since I love vampires and overall occult gimmicks.
I think there wasn't put enough effort in the gimmick, maybe that's why I'm just mildly entertained.
BUT! The Brood has a kick ass theme and entrance, and...
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Christian in this white shirt, the long, blonde hair... And the glasses! Steampunk Interview with a Vampire. Gosh, I love Vamp Christian.
And Vamp Christian in the Ministry of Darkness... Don't get me started on this. Gah! GAH!!
Thanks for asking 💖
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illmoraineakoi · 14 days ago
I posted this on twitter, buck fuck it, posting it here too:
What does Victim use the keyframes for?
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He's got a bunch of them, and they seem to always be there in scenes where he's working.
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He's got two cabinets full of them (the second is behind the monitor) and there's two even sitting on his desk.
And yet...what does he use them for???
With the other tools, it's kinda obvious what they do: the paintbrush paints, the eraser erases, and shape tools make shapes. The magnifying glass probably just functions like a normal magnifying glass.
But the keyframes? They're unique in that they're not technically animation tools, from the toolbar. They aren't tools for creating things on the canvas of Flash, they're for animating. You make a new keyframe to draw the next frame of the animation, to progress the movement. Like the next page of a flipbook. Keyframes are how animations are animated.
And I just cannot see how that function would transfer into their world. How that would be in any way useful.
But clearly they ARE useful, since Vic took them, and he clearly USES them, somehow. Just...How?
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itslilacokay · 6 months ago
Hi! May i request stick alan meeting the mercs?
sure sure!!
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untoldstar · 4 months ago
Your writing is addictiveeeee. Can u do ur ocs reaction to being cheated on by reader? Im so down bad for jesse 😫 hes just a lil guy who wants to be loved! Sue me!
The yanderes reaction to you cheating on them
Thank you smmm🫶 but fr I’m down bad for Jesse as well even tho he’s a lil psycho🫠
I can make a part two for the rest of the oc’s if anyone’s interested I just usually go for these oc’s because they’re the most popular and seem like a common favorite.
warnings: obsessive behavior, stalking, yandere themes, murder, stealing appearance and changing appearance (not reader), nsfw content, imprisonment, keeping reader locked up.
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find out more about these characters here.
Ava (yandere best friend)
She’d go off the rails. She’ll cry and sob her heart out. she won’t talk to anyone except for you. Her phone is filled with missed calls and worried messages from her family and friends. Everyone gets so worried they start showing up at her apartment door but she’s too busy crying into her pillow waiting for your call or to hear your sweet voice outside her door.
She’d take you back in a heartbeat. Just please please don’t leave her.
Even if you already moved on and decided to be with your partner she’s still stuck on you and obsessing over how to get you back.
She’d go over every detail of the physical traits of the bitch you cheated on her with and tries to match it. What did you even see in them? they’re nothing compared to her!
Doesn’t matter. She’ll do whatever it takes. She’ll go as far as dying her hair, getting new piercings if they had any, changing her makeup, changing her entire wardrobe.
You’re absolutely mortified when she shows up at your doorstep looking like your partners lost twin.
Theo (yandere boss)
All his past paranoia will come right up to the surface. He’s always wanted to lock you up so no one would look at you so. No one would breathe your air. He didn’t want anyone to have the pleasure of even looking at you.
And you’ve finally given him a reason.
He has you cooped up in his mansion with no way of getting out. You’re always watched and monitored. Most of the week he’s working from home to be around you. Clothing you, feeding you, bathing you. He won’t let you out of your sight for a single second.
And every time you ask about your partner he’d smile softly and tell you to not worry about them. They don’t mean anything to you anymore.
Because they’re not here anymore.
Warner (rich yandere)
He can never be angry with you. No never~
But he will give you the punishment you deserve.
And he has certain methods for punishment like having you tied up to his bed and leaving you all alone in a dark lonely room with a vibrator strapped to your cunt.
You’re not truly alone of course, he’s always watching you with the cameras he set up.
Howw else is he supposed to stop the vibrator right when you’re about to cum?
Other than making you struggle for his forgiveness he also has to keep you busy while he gets rid of your little problem. He’s hurt people for you before and certainly has killed them but he’s never gotten to this level of cold blooded torture.
He spills their blood while in a trance like state, he’s absolutely drenched in their blood and the scene is gruesome enough to have his body guards who have seen many similar things while working with him not withstand this particular scene.
But you won’t know any of it, you don’t have to. They’re a distant memory by the time he’s back home in brand new clothes and looking as sharp as ever. Some of that rage is still simmering under that cool exterior though so he’s not quite finished with you yet.
Yandere bully
You’re not even in a relationship the guy tortures you on a daily basis! but he saw you get all blushy and smiling while another guy was teasing you in the hallway.
You never blush when he messes you what the fuck is that about?
That’s as good as cheating in his delusional mind.
He starts clinging to you everyday even more than before. Scowling and glaring at any guy who passes you by like a guard dog. You’re too focused on his asshole behavior to notice that you haven’t even seen the guy since.
You’ve heard students around you murmuring about a student who’s been in such a bad accident that he can’t even walk anymore. So many broken bones, swollen flesh, he might have even gotten a brain injury. Poor thing can’t even come to school anymore.
You never made the dots…
bonus! Yandere tentacle monster
Let’s not forget this guy is an actual monster the second that guy gets on top of you on the bed he has already devoured him.
He walks toward you with an icy expression while wiping the blood off his mouth not paying any mind to your mortified expressions.
“You could’ve of at least brought a proper meal pet. That tasted absolutely terrible. I’d much rather eat you instead~”
the person reader cheated with knowing they’re absolutely fucked no matter who the oc is:
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luxmoogle · 2 years ago
Have you ever drawn the Foretellers too? Masked or designs you came up with? :O
I can't tell you why, but for some reason I've had this feeling for a long while about Ava that she's very much like Naminé..? And therefore I see her looking like her too in my mind
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howlonomy · 11 months ago
Can we see more of the characters in Swap Monster!Clover au?
Like Starlo and Marlet?
Marlet has be called 'New Moon' or something like that as acowboy frfr
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i actually really really like how these came out AGJDS
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plead-au · 11 months ago
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a compilation of recent PLE:AD AU-related drawings. sorted by oldest to latest
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grapecaseschoices · 4 days ago
Hello hello! I have a question I have been dying to ask you for ages.
What are your A x F thoughts? I've only seen you mention them in the tags of a few post but I'd love to hear about your full on thoughts about them! If you're willing to share, I am sat👀
ah, yes. when you have thoughts but they leave you when you acually have to talk about them. [me rn]
i mean other than the fact that f and a are my favorites and i want them to smoosh lips? other than the fact that i love a good height difference? other than the fact of grumpy and sunshine?
i feel that f has a way of calling out a that no one else does. f will not bs a and as much as they love them refuses to tolerate a's nonsense [i love bff f on a route. heck i love f in any a route. because the detective is their friend and doesn't deserve these shenanigans. but WHAT IS MORE, f will a lso be like 'and you deserve to be happy too, a'. which 🥺. bc calling out doesn't subtract from care].
i love how a tolerates [haha, goodness forbid they enjoy it~] but also goes along with f's stuff [sometimes]. like you can see the exasperation but there is no dismissing. it's the fact that f came in, replacing someone a respected, and was still absorbed into a's stubborn heart. which is a feat in and of itself, but the fact that they're so different in personality. like you wouldn't think a would ever tolerate someone like f. but there is infinite patience and at times even amusement there. it's like it is BECAUSE it is f.
speaking of different personalities: they're definitely the grumpy and sunshine cliche [which is not a dismissal, bc i gobble that up; but my sort of .. maybe they're not ~groundbreaking~ but doesnt mean theyre not good].
but i feel they're a special subset -- in another life they could easy be the reserved and the magic pixie dream girlTM [blergh]; but because of the mutual respect, it is more stoic, distant guarded knight and human chaos cola with mayhem mentos in a bottle.
they essentially are this animation. black cat and pom energy.
a @ f gives me very: of all the things my hands have held, the best by far is you [which is saying a LOT].
f @ a: i've seen the best and worst of you, and i choose both
that is all i have for now, because i have to go help my dad with something.
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videogamecamper · 1 year ago
Hello :3 can you draw tsc while he's asleep or something like that? 😅 <3 ( for the request)
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OFCOURSE!! Tsc deserves some good rest
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ava-is-up-to-something · 3 days ago
hi Ava!
just wanted to ask if Osiris and Set were counterparts too because they do seem like ones
Osiris and Set are definitely opposed forces and often identified with opposite concepts/ideas, (like how Osiris is identified with the deceased reaching the afterlife, and Set is identified with the annihilation will face if they cannot reach the afterlife). However, there's a very specific pattern in the ways that certain pairs of gods (Isis & Nephthys, Nekhbet & Wadjet, Horus & Set, etc) are used together in Egyptian imagery and writing. I don't think Osiris and Set fit that pattern.
These pairs appear right next to each other in iconography all the time, especially in certain contexts (Isis and Nephthys mourning Osiris, or Nekhbet and Wadjet on royal regalia, or Horus and Set representing the pharaoh). Texts will have couplets that describe them doing the same or similar actions, like Isis cries for Osiris while Nephthys weeps for him, or Isis gives birth to Horus while Nephthys... also gives birth to Horus? At the same time? (Don't ask me how that works).
Of course, Osiris and Set are enemies, who are in conflict with each other, but Horus and Set are also in conflict, and there are still lines in spells that describe that conflict in those parallel terms. Horus is suffering from his injuries and so is Set, Horus and Set are both being judged by the Ennead, etc. Osiris and Set don't have passages like this about them, which creates this interesting sense that Osiris and Set, when conflicting, are always in opposite conditions, one is winning while the other is losing, while Horus and Set can be in the same condition at the same time (they're both losing).
EXCEPT that Osiris/Isis as a male/female pair are sometimes used in contrast to Set/Nephthys, as the two youngest couples in the Ennead and as the four children of Nut. I've read at least one spell that has a part like "Osiris and Isis do X, Set and Nephthys do Y" in it. But I've never seen this happen with just Osiris and Set alone, its only when other people are around them.
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ava-valerie · 2 years ago
If you're currently taking requests
Was wondering if you could do a jeff hardy x fem or gn!reader during the like 2001 triple h and stone cold fued they had for a bit Maybe something with triple h like just beating the shit out of jeff so reader goes after Stephanie eye for an eye kinda thing
Hello there 👋🏻 Requests are currently closed.
Furthermore I noticed that your blog is empty and saw in your likes that you have requested the same from another creator and didn't reblog.
Please note that this site is all about sharing, which now has become more important than ever for content creators.
Personally I'm more motivated to write if I've seen a person reblogging my works with a review. Just a small hint if you want to be an active part of the community.
💖 Ava 💖
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lavenderknivess · 9 months ago
Can we please talk about how much Eloise and Cressida parallel Polin in Season 3? I feel like that doesn't get talked about enough.
Like even in the scene in Episode 4 when the Bridgertons arrive at the library, the camera focuses on Colin noticing Penelope at the same time Eloise notices Cressida and goes to her.
Oh my goodness YES! especially interesting given this season’s trope is friends to lovers.
Also I’ve noticed we have eloise giving cressida tips on how to woo debling, and the “call out” scenes (Cressida calling out eloise and penelope calling out colin).
Also I don’t know if this was an intentional choice but it’s neat how we have eloise going from “i’d rather die” (than be friends with cressida) in s2 to whatever they have going on, and for colin going from “i would never dream of courting penelope featherington” to the carriage scene. Many thoughts.
I truly hope we get the cressida/eloise dynamic explored more and the writers don’t just discard it to make it easier for eloise and pen to make up (although i hope eloise and pen do reconcile because i adore them both)
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itslilacokay · 7 months ago
cpuld i request a doodle of tco being happy...... they deserve it
helll yeah!! heres him with a dandelion
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mary-games-and-arts · 6 months ago
I see that art requests are open! So I have a request! >:O
Can you draw Green recording something for his YouTube channel? :D
Here ya go, anon!! :D
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Based on this (credits to @thedeservedone)
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bisbint · 15 days ago
hello tumblr folk. there's something that I've just noticed happening here...
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thank you for one hundred followers!! im sharing a few doodles and unfinished drawings exclusively for this special occasion. (it's all mo4) thank you again!
i forgot to share this little animation here as well... (loud warning?)
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