#Author: abbydebeaupreposts
Hi. I’m looking for a modern day story I read a while ago in which Jamie finds out it was Claire’s mother who had killed his mother and brother in a car accident. Claire had been born on a boat and there were questions about her real identity. I never got to finish the story and don’t know if it was ever finished by the author. Thanks for your help.
Hi there,
It sounds like you’re looking for This Is Us by @abbydebeaupreposts.
Happy Reading!
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Hello! Can you help me find a fic where Jamie is the sperm donor by mistake to Claire and Frank's baby? Then Frank leaves them and Claire contacts Jamie to meet Faith. Thank you! You ladies are amazing.
Hi there, 
It sounds like you are looking for This Is Us by @abbydebeaupreposts! 
Happy reading,
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Hey guys! I am trying to find an AU that I've read some months ago. Jamie donated some sperm and gets contacted by Claire who got Bree with the help of his donation because she couldn't get pregnant with Frank. Frank leaves her and eventually Jamie and Claire try to be in a relationship.
Hi there,
It sounds like you are talking about “This is Us” by @abbydebeaupreposts​! We sure hope you enjoy!
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Looking for a story Jamie finds out he is a father by artificial insemination and then he interrogate together he has an accident with faith and John keeps finding out stuff about Claire ‘s mother and daddy
Hi there Anon!
It sounds like you’re looking for This Is Us by @abbydebeaupreposts.
Happy Reading!
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This is Us ... will anyone ever update it
Hey Nonnie,
The Librarians aren’t sure if @abbydebeaupreposts aupreposts is working on an update to This Is Us. 
Drop her a note to let her know you’d love to read more!
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Is there a fic where Claire is a single mom, divorced from Frank, and she meets Jamie?
Hi Nonnie, we’ve got two fics that meet that particular premise:
This Is Us by @abbydebeaupreposts
To Begin Again by @quietcatastrophe
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I really miss This Is Us. Do you know what happened to it?
Good Morning @chechzooo!
We were wondering the same thing about This is Us by @abbydebeaupreposts!
Maybe you could drop her a note to let her know how much you miss the story? Fingers crossed we will get an update soon!
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Jamie and Claire were playing a game of mini golf which got very heated (in a good way of course), they ended up having quite a hot “encounter” in his car. I even think he drove to the parking lot of his stables/workplace for more privacy. Would appreciate this story’s name so I can revisit, thank ye verra much!
Hello Anon!
The fic you’re looking for is Queen’s Gambit by @abbydebeaupreposts. The scene you referenced is in Chapter 5.
Hope you enjoy your reread!
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Can you help me find a story where Jamie was a sperm donor and there was a mix at the clinic and Claire got pregnant while still with Frank. Thanks!!!! Love the page 💕💕
Hi there-
We believe you are looking for “This is Us” by @abbydebeaupreposts! Happy reading!
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Hi there! I'm looking for a story that deals with J+C struggling to have a baby. I saw it a while back but haven't seen an update yet. I was hoping I haven't missed anything!!
Hey there Nonnie,
We have come across a couple of fics that feature Jamie and Claire struggling to get pregnant. 
This is Us by @abbydebeaupreposts
Love by @notameeksassenach
And these two Modern Glasgow fics by @gotham-ruaidh for @imagineclaireandjamie
Jamie Meets Joe
Claire and Jamie see Joe
Happy Reading!
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I'm looking for a story. It's a modern au where Claire can't get pregnant and she and Jamie adopt. Her infertility is the reason she and frank broke up. Does that ring any bells? Thanks so much!
Howdy Nonnie,
This story sounds a lot like This is Us by @abbydebeaupreposts.
You can find it here!
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I'm looking for some AU fanfics with dominant Jamie, do you know any?
Hey @pinkcreatorwobblersalad!
We found a couple of fics that feature a dominant Jamie.
Master Me by @abbydebeaupreposts
Mac Daddy by  @abbydebeaupreposts
Unnerved by @laythornmuse
Happy Reading!
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Author: @abbydebeaupreposts
Status: Complete
Rating: Teen And Up
Relationship: Jamie x Claire
Summary: Jamie and Claire’s lives change course when fate brings them together. Blindsided, in more ways than one, will they find the courage to let go of their past fears and illusions and learn once again to trust what their hearts tell them is true?
Claire laughed, a joyful sound that made him grin. He returned to her lips kissing her slowly and thoroughly awake. She pulled back a little breaking the kiss.
He felt her palm against his, not holding his hand so much as pressing their palms together. She moved their joined hands flying them like a bird riding the current of the wind with him following her lead as if he actually could see her.
“Faceless, nameless and full of  unknowns we may be but this is true.” She thrust her palm more firmly into his and rejoiced at his harder answering push. “How many times have you ever felt it’s like?” She wondered.
“Never.” He whispered and he squeezed her closer to him, kissing her forehead.  “Ye saved my life, Sassenach.”
Our Take: Written for the 2017 Outlander Secret Santa, An Outlander Affair To Remember is full of the same heartbreaking angst from the movie it’s based on. Brought together during the war, Claire helps to heal Jamie, but then they’re torn apart after their brief affair. A decade later they’re brought back together, but will they realize who the other is? This is story is full of all the things we love about OL fanfiction and will have you on the edge of your seat while reading!
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