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dailyfatefigures · 9 months ago
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Sakura Matou by Autarkie
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michaeldemanega · 2 years ago
Kristian Sotriffer und die Südtiroler Baukultur
Über die historische Baukultur in Südtirol ist vieles gesagt worden. Vielfach ist Baukultur aber auch ein Thema, das der Vergangenheit angehört, weil wir uns heute scheinbar kaum noch mit dem Gebauten identifizieren können wollen, da zunehmend eine artifizielle Welt geschaffen wird und wir nicht glauben wollen, dass moderne Architektur länger als 50 Jahre anhält. Der aus Bozen stammende Autor…
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northwest-by-a-train · 27 days ago
Today, one of the leading cable news hosts just asked the French justice minister about reopening penal colonies in French Guyane and New Caledonia. Today, as the USA announced a deal that would see El Salvador become a penal colony. Later that day, Trump, next to genocidaire Netanyahu, announced his plan to turn Gaza into a U.S. protectorate. Italy is sending its unwanted migrants to Albania. Russia is using shock troops from Siberia and North Korea and causing government crises all across the Caucasus. The U.K. had plans to send its migrants to Rwanda and paid good money to do so. Rwanda's Kagame is using Western money and arms to wage a genocidal war on Congo. The EAU are the ones fueling death in Sudan. The BJP is doing mass ethnic cleansings and massacres based on religious and ethnic criteria. To say nothing of the blight that is Israel.
This is fascism, yes, but it's also the resurgence of Victorian Era politics. Colonialism, "spheres of influence" geopolitics, protectionism and trade wars. This tells us this about our enemy: their politics were defeated at every single turn. This is not about the arc of the moral universe bending towards us, this is about the enemy being spectacularly weak and exposing itself to ruin. The past century is a record of those defeats. Yes, the enemy is resurgent, but it has learned nothing, and we have 150 years of learning accessible to us.
These are grim times. Yet the past victories of the oppressed peoples of the earth tell us it is not only possible to defeat our enemy, it is the safest bet you're ever going to make in this lifetime.
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harbingersecho · 1 year ago
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WODtober 14 > Lines Drawn In Blood ⥄ RVBtober 14 > Crossover
"He and I are closer than friends. We are enemies linked together. The same sin binds us."
So. Here's some possible bg/lore mixing - idk if normal, 'non-secret service/intelligence agency' humans in this universe know vampires exist but disregarding that -
I think a lot of the vampires, esp the ones in space, are pretty high generation or thin-bloods (i.e. they're weak). Originally Locus + Felix were on the v edge of being thin-bloods (like gen 13) but... they're not anymore. The wonders of diablerie - not that they really advertise it. Views on that haven't really changed. They're also autarki aka freelance/mercenaries, but I dunno when they were Embraced; could've been before, during or after the War. Doesn't rly matter that much, they can all work imo but at least for Locus post-War works best
Locus could have either the Blood Addiction bane or the Noxious Blood bane since I think both could work for him, and Felix would have the classic Ravnos Bane of needing to move around.
I'll post more thoughts abt why I chose those clans for them + more abt sharky etc a bit later bc I don't want this to be too long lol <3
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brannagwynn · 1 month ago
What vehicle of choice would your Kindred/Cainite/Lhaka drive, or be driven in, or simply own?
Branna's a whore for sustainability, but is aware that fully electric vehicles are not all that practical in Pittsburgh. She also doesn't give a fuck about having the most modern or new vehicle. So, I think she'd have a black 2015 Toyota prius.
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She's ✨️riding in style✨️ lol
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casperatu · 5 months ago
started cooking up a tzimisce last night. much to obsess about
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1800duckhotline · 7 months ago
the idea i had is that temerice, ranx, madonna and eventually barbie (and maybe other vtmb ocs i make for the setting specifically..) are prob part of the same coterie during the events of the game but split when everything ends... to me the story of vtmb takes place in the span of a month or so (cant decide what monht though)....
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dailyfatefigures · 9 months ago
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Artoria Pendragon by Autarkie
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kavalyera · 2 days ago
personally if i was embraced i’d actually just kms bc wdym im dead and im still gonna be dealing with politics. hell no. fuck you. im out
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iamthepulta · 2 months ago
Making my own post because now capitalism is just revolving in my brain and I want to respond, but I've intruded more than enough. ^^"
I do think capitalism can be solved, and history actually gives me hope because it shows the fundamental need of society. Humans aren't inherently greedy or cruel. The greed and the cruelty are symptoms of a long-standing human need to make things better than they were before: to live comfortably, and without fear.
Capitalism is merely the current expression of this need that we live in.
Solving the need is absolutely possible by establishing a baseline standard of living and resource allotment. And that's comparable to an amount of 'work' that we deem acceptable in our daily lives. Because if you think about it, making coffee every morning with a Keurig gets you a similar product to making coffee every morning with a hand grinder and cold press: one just takes more resources and time than the other.
However, this needs to be flexible because humans are individuals with different needs, and the premise is also questionable because who's setting this baseline anyway?
I personally think it has more to do with government setting a cap on resource imports. (I think it should be stronger than tariffs, personally. Just a hard cap for the year.)
You can't really control demand. That's what most socialists do, and it always fails because humans fundamentally want to make their lives easier. But you can control resource management. If the government says we can only import 20 tons of cotton this year, and we produce 80 tons of cotton, so companies get 100 tons of cotton to do whatever with, and that's it. If we want more cotton, we have to axe some other import.
It 1) makes management visual. 2) gives citizens a personal reason to be invested in their government. 3) will not allocate resources fairly, but will show the true value of a product for the region it's in and prioritize local resources [i.e. if your country does not produce garnets, garnets will be more expensive than gold]. 4) increases jobs since there's far less incentive to outsource work, overall decreasing inequality. 5) encourages a circular economy.
In which case, I suppose I'm for some form of socialist autarky and I think that would solve a decent number of capitalist problems. Companies could no longer overrun workers and there's individual choice behind jobs, work, and some form of style of living.
It IS bad in like- fifty million other ways though. You can't just go from a country used to living in a capitalist society to imposing tariffs and screaming about autarky. Natural resources WILL be destroyed on your own soil and the biggest nation will have the highest quality of living. Imports have to be on a factor of population growth and this might only be possible with nations for a declining population rate. If at all. You also have to add a judicial angle for the people who will inevitably try to take over that system. And, most of all, you have to commit to not going to fucking war over state expansion for resources. Looking at you, Russia.
So I suppose we COULD solve capitalism, at the expense of a whole lot of other problems that are equally meh-to-bad.
Governments are fundamentally resource management machines though, and it's really stupid to pretend they aren't. With resource management, comes capping the fuck out of companies (specialists) that abuse the system (monopolies/oligarchies). When a government doesn't do that (whatever the method), it's failed its purpose as a government and also needs to be put down (revolution).
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ferallyartistic · 11 months ago
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autuboho · 6 months ago
Amatomativy Partner culture has ruined men
The friendzone wouldn't be a bad thing wouldn’t exist if friendship was seen as equal to love romance partnership
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narwhalandchill · 11 months ago
(tw MoC 12 metachurl vent 💀 im Struggling)
discovering thru multiple showcases on YT that yanqing hypercarry w RM tingyun aventurine might in fact be just. Straight up better in terms of clear speed and/or consistency than jingliu for this MoC 12 second half and especially the turbulence this time around has me like. Side-eyeing my very recent lvl 20 E1 dude (got him from standard pity like a week ago and then aven 50-50 loss now) like . Perhaps ive judged you too harshly ...... jkjk
Unless? 🤔
i knowwww i could prolly just reset for enough tries to clear w either jingliu or some other setup (i do in fact have 2 clears that just Barely slipped into the 19th cycle by the end) but also its kinda just painful 😭 this MoC feels so bad without acheron or someone like argenti or even SW its unreal
like the amount of setups that just. Havent worked out for me At All is wild to me. first i had to largely give up on the idea of fx on 2nd half period bc the wombo combo of the ascended lady slapping ur entire team like a marastruck car saleswoman bc this bad boy can fit so many wind shears in it so ur taking all that chip dmg before u even make it to aventurine who will gleefully beat ur ass before i manage to clear is just. Not good. especially when jinglius already draining the teams hp 💀
luckily aventurine seems a better bet for 2nd half (50% eff res might not be foolproof against CC but it actually blocks the wind shears p nicely) but theres a Big issue w trying to bring him in a jingliu team called "area woman takes 3 consecutive turns in a slow bronya setop on first cycle and expires own shield, is fully exposed to dmg for the enemys first actions" like. if she gets heavy targeted during that window its just so bad . the hp drain would already be a challenge but combined w that its just Not Good. Aventurines very strong for 2nd half outside of that tho (and v good at proccing the turbulence on either half obvi). Especially in teams of keel using supports bc u can lose a gambit and still have all ur 80-90 eff res shielded supports resist boss aventurines CC
in general the bosses are just way too fucking tanky meaning u Need to take advantage of the turbulence (attack 6 times before each cycle ends) for the dmg it deals but thats a Problem w my usual lineups and built units (lots of hypercarry teams and supports like RM sparkle TY that use ally targeting abilities so cant proc the turbulence stack consistently)
i think in terms of the 1st half i prolly have some more options left to explore to try to push a faster clear so theres more cycles left for 2nd but i shit you not the team thats worked the best so far has been. QQ. All these 5* carries and i had to fucking bring out QQ after so long to see results 💀💀💀 to be fair its a sparkle team so like. unsurprising that QQ shreds but its still finicky. in general the fastest clears have been between xueyi n QQ in more or less the same setups
2nd half is. An issue tho. im not gonna be cringe and say jingliu is like bad or unplayable there and cant clear bc she definitely can like shes e0s1 ffs and even my best attempts cut it very close and if i had a faster 1st half it wouldve cleared within 20 cycles. But what i will say is that she Does Not Feel Good there . obviously part of it is just my own fault bc i never rly committed to minmaxing her build the way ive done for most carries since shes so strong at baseline anyway. and thats showing in her clear time even with good supports. and then by not clearing aventurine fast enough even in hyper jingliu teams u get stuck w his gamba phase and then the supports not having a way to deal w the gambit becomes an issue and its just all cringe from there
also i just find the aventurine boss mechanics (and to an extent the meme dino too) very infuriatingly anti synergistic with the turbulence bc. if you proc the turbulence during his gambit on the dice its literally just fuck you all dmg gone like it doesnt even get you an extra roll . the dino at least isnt invulnerable at any point and its gimmick is more straightforward but it also takes v little dmg from the turbulence proc if not broken
another thing w jingliu is also abt the dice phases. like she also has such anti synergy w the gambit bc losing that uptime in her enhanced state just to roll the gambit (even if she usually wins) Isnt Nice bc thats dmg she could (and should) be doing to the boss instead 😭 like my jinglius somewhat unpolished build aside the base mechanics of the aventurine boss just arent a good match w her kit and teams imo. (cue the cursed yanqing consideration)
obviously jingliu isnt the only option for 2nd half like i did fiddle around w my decent ish e0s2 (s2... ThoseWhoKnow💀) clara build a bit and a team w her IS very very good at proccing the turbulence and synergistic with aventurine but at least in those attempts she was just lacking too much dmg when she wasnt getting counters and that delayed clearing the first 2 bosses in particular . I also did a shockingly close cut 19 cycles clear w a xueyi off element team of all things on 2nd half and QQ hyper on the other
but mannn. obviously i could just leave it be like its fine . u dont need to always 36* and this MoC is very clearly favoring units like acheron whomst i dont have and debuffer heavy teams like invested ratio SW whatevers. but a part of me just Rly wants to figure it out and work out a solution to it all
and the idea of that solution possibly involving building my yanqing since despite his shortcomings hes just unironically better in the kind of true ST content like the aventurine boss compared to jingliu now that a non gepard actually usable shielder exists. i mean. its just kinda funny .
Is it a good idea in terms of long term resource investment on an account? Dubious. Is it absolutely hilarious to possibly bench a jingliu for yanqing of all people just bc fuck this MoC in particular? Kinda yeah. For sure
...guess ill keep u guys updated 🤔
anyway TLDR this MoC is kinda agony im considering unwise building decisions just to get a funny clear out of it as opposed to being boring and just resetting until i manage a good clear since ive already gotten so close w my existing teams
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styxnbones · 2 years ago
⛪️ and 🚫 for Cass 👀?
⛪ Do they practice or believe in a religion? (Kindred or mortal)
Cass has never been any kind of religious, though their dad was presbyterian and did want to have them baptised (that was one of the major disputes that caused her parents to split). Since her embrace they've been forced to accept that there's some weird shit out there, and a lot of it is tangled up in biblical myth, but they're of the opinion that even if any god really existed they wouldn't be deserving of worship.
🚫Have they ever broken one of the Traditions? (This is includes the Masquerade)
Cass rarely gives a shit about the Traditions unless they absolutely have to (having to pretend to be a hardcore cammie in New Orleans was hellish). Domain, Hospitality, and Destruction might as well not exist as far as she cares: she goes where she pleases and kills whoever she wants. Like, even though the diablerie she committed was sanctioned by the new Prince, they would have done it anyways. And, while she herself has never sired anyone, technically their embrace was a breach of both Progeny and Accounting. The Masquerade itself is pretty much the only one they even make an attempt to follow, and that's mostly just because it's more convenient to go unnoticed and wiping people's minds is really really easy.
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nightingaletrash · 2 years ago
sometimes I think about how easy it would be for Evie to become more like Jinx if her humanity began to erode and she became less concerned about morality/collateral damage etc. Having Kara, Beckett, Sullivan and Zain around definitely helps to keep her away from that side of the line, but it’d be so easy for her to tip over it entirely by accident
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brannagwynn · 9 days ago
Branna is a ba'ham... So... sexy bdsm fun times all around lol
However, her relationship with romance and sex is complicated. She is a switch-sub and a bottom. However, she spends most of her time acting very similarly to a professional dominatrix (plus a lil' something something extra) to provide lessons of pleasure and pain for her Garden.
She's looking for a ba'ham man, or someone indoctrinatable, who will happily obsess over her for the rest of time. Someone whom she can obsess with in return for eternity. She's a scorpio, lol
Good morning vtm gang I wanna read more about yalls creatures
What's your vampire's approach to romance/sex? Do they have a partner? How's their relationship looking like? If not, why not? Gimme the teaaaa
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