#Australopithecus sediba
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cmaidaartworkblog · 6 months ago
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Some hominids-in-progress I've had on lately: a Neanderthal shifting her weight in preparation to throw a spear, some improvements I made to the meshes and textures for my A. sediba and P. boisei skins, and skins I still have to texture for H. naledi and H. heidelbergensis Digital painting (Photopea, first image), Digital sculpture (Blender, last three images), 2024
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rpmaniac · 1 month ago
Love Kennis & Kennis reconstructions of ancient humans. Love the life they give them.
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australopithecus afarensis "Lucy", australopithecus sediba, homo erectus pithecantropus, homo ergaster "Turkana boy", homo floresiensis, homo neanderthalensis x2, early homo sapiens from Jebel Irhoud, "Ötzi the Iceman" and neolithic woman Lisar.
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ancientoriginses · 1 year ago
Quién sabe qué pensaban nuestros ancestros, pero seguramente no se trataba de viajes espaciales. ¡De la antigua Tierra a la inmensidad del espacio! Los fósiles de dos ancestros humanos antiguos hicieron historia a bordo del VSS Unity de Virgin Galactic.
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captainfilthrat · 1 year ago
why did this come up with I googled australopithecus sediba
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tsunflowers · 4 months ago
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yayyy life size australopithecus sediba model by élisabeth daynès!
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gwydpolls · 2 years ago
Time Travel Question 9: Ancient History II and Earlier
These Questions are the result of suggestions from the previous iteration.
This category is for suggestions made too late to fall into the correct grouping.
Please add new suggestions for this category below if you have them for future consideration.
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Developments in Paleoanthropology
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From the Journal of Creation: This paper continues the theme begun in 2021 of discussing some of the fossil finds and/or developments in paleoanthropology from a creationist perspective.
This includes the naming of a new species, Homo bodoensis, as well as the discovery of a juvenile skull, attributed to Homo naledi, from the Rising Star cave system of South Africa.
New fossil pieces from the lower back of Australopithecus sediba are also discussed, as is a new study on fossil footprints from Laetoli Site A, Tanzania. Lastly, the Omo fossils and their redating are examined.
Let's focus on the first for now, i.e. Homo bodoensis: ▶️ The new species Homo bodoensis was named to help resolve 'the muddle in the middle' which refers to the poorly understood human evolution during the supposed Middle Pleistocene. The species is argued to eventually give rise to Homo sapiens. ▶️ The Bodo 1 partial cranium, found in Ethiopia in 1976, was designated as the holotype for Homo bodoensis. It was previously classified as Homo sapiens rhodesiensis, archaic Homo sapiens, and Homo heidelbergensis. ▶️ There's an ongoing debate about Homo heidelbergensis as some scholars, including philosopher William Lane Craig, propose that Adam and Eve may be members of this species. ▶️ We argue that the fossil specimens assigned to Homo heidelbergensis, Neanderthals, ‘archaic’ Homo sapiens, Homo bodoensis, do not represent evolutionary stages but rather subgroups of Homo sapiens. ▶️ Our view remains that many of these finds do not fit neatly into an evolutionary framework. We instead suggest they might represent subgroups of Homo sapiens or distinct creations. The ongoing debates and "muddle in the middle" underscore the uncertainties and discrepancies inherent in the current evolutionary model.
Let's continue to challenge prevailing narratives and uncover the truth in the history recorded in the Bible.
See the article for more updates in Paleoanthropology. https://creation.com/developments-in-paleoanthropology-2
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angelshimaa · 3 months ago
so I'm studying biology, and I'm looking at human evolution specifically
Homo habilis existed 2,2 - 1,6 million years ago. Australopithecus africanus existed 3 - 2 million years ago. Australopithecus sediba existed 1,9 - 1,8 million years ago.
meaning that Homo habilis lived alongside each one, and watched each die out before they met their own death
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cha-mij · 9 months ago
Booth: "what's that, a monkey?"
Bones: "no, it's the skull of Australopithecus robustus sediba"
Me: "that is neither the skull of A. robustus OR P. sediba".
Mum: "it could absolutely be the skull of A. Robustus.. if it was run over by a mammoth"
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anoras · 1 year ago
australopithecus sediba my good friend australopithecus sediba
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cmaidaartworkblog · 8 months ago
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Returning to hominid facial anatomy once again, I was able to adapt my A. sediba muscle model onto the OH5 skull (P. boisei) too! I'm happy enough with it that I went ahead and rendered some skins for them as well. Selected all the right vertices and generated UV maps and everything. Hopefully the colors look as legible on your screens as they do on mine, these are still very much in progress.
My restoration of this individual was partly based on an earlier attempt at rendering Paranthropus, from back in 2019. There were a lot of elements that got tweaked or entirely changed up in the update, but the mouth got to stay the same between renderings. Having even a little understanding of the face muscles makes a visible difference from one model to another, and I'm sure there's still some parts I could improve on as I keep working in this vein. If anyone has more technical knowledge about this sort of thing than I do, feel entirely free to get at me : )
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my-yasiuae · 1 year ago
قد يكون السفر إلى الفضاء ظاهرة حديثة نسبياً، لكن يتمكن اثنين من أسلاف البشر القدامى من اختبارها أيضاً، وإن كان ذلك بعد نحو مليوني سنة من وفاتهم.. إذ تم إطلاق بقايا نوع من أشباه البشر يُدعى (أسترالوبيثكس سيديبا Australopithecus sediba ) والتي يعود تاريخها إلى مليوني عام في الفضاء كجزء من رحلة سفينة الفضاء التابعة لشركة Virgin Galactic المسماة VSS Unity. كما تم تضمين بقايا نوع عمره 250 ألف عام يُدعى Homo naledi في المركبة، التي أُرسلت إلى الفضاء في الثامن من سبتمبر الجاري. ونقلت شظايا العظام من الهيكلين العظميين القديمين إلى المدار بواسطة البروفيسور لي بيرجر. وحين وصلت إلى ارتفاع نحو 50000 قدم تم فصلها عن سفينة الفضاء. وعلق بيرغر على هذا الأمر قائلاً: «رحلة هذه الحفريات إلى الفضاء تمثل تقدير البشرية لمساهمة جميع أسلاف البشرية وأقاربنا القدامى (في صنع الحضارة)» وأضاف «لولا اختراعهم لتقنيات مثل النار والأدوات، ومساهمتهم في تطور العقل البشري المعاصر، لم تكن مثل هذه المساعي الاستثنائية مثل رحلات الفضاء لتحدث». وذكرت مجلة «إيفل ساينس» أن هذين النوعين المنقرضين من أشباه البشر من الشخصيات المهمة في شجرة العائلة البشرية، والتي لا نعرف عنها سوى القليل. واكتشفت بقايا أسترالوبيثكس سيديبا في كهف مالابا في جنوب إفريقيا ويعود تاريخها إلى نحو 1.98 مليون سنة. وحول أهمية الشحنة غير العادية، قال ماثيو بيرجر، ابن بيرجر، الذي كان جزءاً من اكتشاف البقايا عندما كان طفلاً: «تمثل هذه الحفريات أفراداً عاشوا وماتوا منذ مئات الآلاف من السنين، ومع ذلك كانوا الذين من المحتمل أن يحدقوا في النجوم في عجب، مثلما نفعل تماماً، أتخيل أنهم لم يكن بإمكانهم أبداً أن يحلموا وهم على قيد الحياة بالقيام بمثل هذه الرحلة المذهلة كسفراء لجميع أسلاف البشرية».   المصدر: الإمارات اليوم
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ancientoriginses · 1 year ago
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Se cree que Australopithecus sediba, dos fósiles de los cuales se muestran a la izquierda y a la derecha, ha sido una especie de transición entre los Australopithecus más viejos, como Lucy en el medio, y más tarde las especies Homo. Imagen compilada por Peter Schmid cortesía de Lee R. Berger.
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I più antichi turisti spaziali
Due antenati dell’uomo, un Australopithecus sediba di due milioni di anni e un Homo naledi di 250.000 anni, sono diventati i più antichi turisti spaziali: i loro fossili (rispettivamente una clavicola e un pollice) hanno volato a bordo della navetta della Virgin Galactic dello scorso 8 settembre, per onorare il contributo dato da tutti gli antenati dell’uomo al progresso tecnologico che ha…
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er-cryptid · 1 year ago
Karabo Skull
-- officially called "MH1"
-- Australopithecus sediba
-- 1.98 million years old
-- found in Malapa, South Africa
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despite-everything · 3 years ago
does anyone have a screencap of xu wenwu's desk from shang-chi???? there was an australopith cranium on the desk and i'm pretty sure it's MH-1 (a. sediba) but it was only on screen for a few seconds and i'm going crazy trying to find a screencap so i can check
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