#Australian Survivor Blood v Water
mikeholloway · 6 months
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lichfucker · 1 year
I'm about halfway through australian survivor blood v water and chrissy is my gabler. she is going to win this season. I believe it in my bones.
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poetrybtch · 7 months
ranking australian survivor winners from least fav to fav 💕 
okay i’ve been a fan of this show for as long and i remember and as an aussie i needed to make this post because australian survivor IS THE BEST SURVIVOR no questions asked. we do have some really shitty contestants though so…
okay let’s get into itttt
mark (blood vs water)
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my mother always told me if you don’t have anything nice to say shut your fucking mouth but i’m breaking that rule today
i think mark needs to understand that taking credit for your wife’s moves doesn’t make you a worthy sole survivor
also this man only won because of an incredibly sexist jury, while the final three were all rather weak players, shay was definitely the best of them. 
his attitude also just pisses me off, every time he was on screen i had to mentally prepare myself. i’m not saying he wouldn’t be a fine person outside survivor but on it he made me sooooo angry
blood vs water was the worst season in au survivor history so it’s probably not entirely his fault but still
bottom tier
jericho (season 2)
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i love his bromance with luke toki but when i look back at this season i have no idea what happened besides the fact that luke was on it so i think that might be an indicator unfortunately 
im reading the wiki page to jog my memory and i do remember the cookie jar and that was pretty funny but i just cannot remember anything else for the life of me
jeri i’m sorry i love you but you can’t compete with the others unfortunately :(
kristie (season 1)
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i actually love her, i love that she defied the odds and won when no one expected her to and her jury pitch was probably the best in survivor history im ngl. 
the only reason she’s this low is compared to other sole survivors on this list, she just lacked any real strategy. i love her but i just love the others more :(
shane (champions vs contenders 1)
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best voting confessionals? best voting confessionals.
i really like shane’s voting confessionals.
anyway she was fun and her winning against sharn at the final tribal council (for the first time) made me giggle a lil i’m ngl
pia (champions vs contenders 2)
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yay pia!
her introduction as a famous actress hooked me in immediately, one because i’m interested in acting myself and two because i knew how she could use that to manipulate people, and missgurl, you did that.
she was the first target of those sporty kids on the champions tribe bc she didn’t perform that well in challenges ig? but she dodged that bullet so good for her
then she had a little alliance with luke and janine, i love luke, he’s one of my fav survivor players of all time
her being the target for the first vote then actually winning was some iconic behaviour so good for her!
also she was the first unanimous winner (i think) which is also great for her. pia you’re my queen
liz (heroes vs villains)
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my fav queen with the rbf
her alliance with shonee was iconic and i loved how she manipulated george then ended up taking him out
that tribal council where liz plays an idol for shonee and david is like “u sure u wanna do that queen” and she’s like “mhm yep i’m sure mate”
SHARN COULD NEVER (flashbacks to mat rogers being voted out in all stars)
anyway i was happy for her when she won
hayley (brains vs brawn)
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the icon of all icons
i love her. i love her game in brains v brawn. what i love more though, is her game in heroes vs villains. i loved her breaking the winners curse and doing really well in the game despite everything 
in my opinion, she’s one of the most deserving australian survivor winners. i’m her first season, she won against KING GEORGE, which is a feat and a half in my opinion
and she’s definitely the perfect mix between brains and brawn like she’s amazing 💕 
david (all stars)
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he’s my fav lol
some people dislike the attention he got but i was kinda living for it
him and luke were such a good duo and 
i was so mad he got voted out on cvc2 but his comeback was my favourite shit ever
also him beating sharn made me giggle
anyways i love the golden god and he is forever famous, i love how he came into survivor for revenge and ended up winning the whole fucking thing
he’s also one of my celebrity crushes like i love this man
he’s so evil and i love a good evil winner so GOOD FOR HIM!!!!!
anyways if any australian survivor viewers see this, let me know what you think 😃
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apwmagazine · 2 years
Australian Survivor: Who Is Jordie Hansen? Age Wife Family And Net Worth
Australian Survivor: Who Is Jordie Hansen? Age Wife Family And Net Worth
People are interested in learning more about the Australian Survivor: Blood v Water competitor Jordie Hansen’s personal and professional lives. Sam Frost, a media personality and entertainer from Australia, recently revealed openly her relationship with a young man. Additionally, he revealed on Friday that she had a deep connection with one of the Australian contestants on Survivor: Blood against…
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emetophobiahelp · 3 years
Survivor Masterpost
Mid 2020 I decided to watch ALL seasons of Survivor, 2-38 (I do not know why I skipped season 1 sorry???) and I kept track of all unsafe scenes. I don't know why I never got around to posting it, but here it is!
A few notes:
I watched the show via Hulu and then Amazon Prime for the seasons not on Hulu. Some episodes of some seasons were missing from these streaming services, so if you watch some other way, these episodes might be there and have unsafe scenes.
I skipped any pre-episode recaps ("previously on survivor...") so I recommend doing the same in case they show any recaps involving v*.
I did not include all instances of coughing or other more minor potential triggers, but I did my best to include the more graphic instances.
Wherever I mention an eating challenge, that means I skipped the entire challenge because I knew/suspected there would be a lot of v*. So that means there are not detailed warnings for these challenges if you wanted to try watching them and avoiding the v*. From my knowledge about Survivor and my experiences watching as a child, I feel confident saying if you have emet, do NOT watch a Survivor eating challenge.
I apologize in advance if I missed anything. I often wrote my warnings hours after watching, and I am human after all :)
Season 2: The Australian Outback
Episode 1: Immediately after the opening credits, the shot cuts to the contestants on a plane and a man is v*ing into a paper bag. Later, Jeff Varner talks about feeling like he is going to v* and he looks sick at times, but I don’t think they showed any shots of him v*ing.
Season 3: Africa
Episode 1: After they say leaving the gourds open makes the water taste bad, they all have disgusted reactions to drinking the water. One woman looks like she may v* but nothing happens.
Later, about 18 minutes in, when they show the sun rising and the beginning of day 2, a woman at the Boran tribe looks ill and someone asks if she is going to v*. I skipped ahead at this point, so I’m not sure if it’s shown.
Episode 2: Eating challenge where they drink cow's blood
Episode 3: As soon as Boran wins the reward challenge, Tom is shown heaving/v*ing. Later, when Samburu is gathering trees to build the signal, Lindsey is shown lying down. Someone else gives her water and she spits it up.
Episode 6: After the reward challenge, Kim v*s when they get back to camp.
Episode 9: After Ethan and Lex eat the french fries, Ethan gets up to v*. I am not sure what is shown because I skipped ahead when he was talking about how his stomach wasn’t used to foods like that.
Season 4: Marquesas
Of the episodes on Hulu, it is all safe. There is an eating challenge in this season, but that episode is not on Hulu, so you likely will not encounter it. If you do, skip of course. I know for sure Boston Rob v*s during it because it is referenced in his later seasons.
Season 5: Thailand
Episode 1: After 19 minutes in, after they show nighttime, it flashes forward to the morning at Chuy Ghan, where a woman says she is going to be s*. She gets up to v*. The same girl v*s later when they get back from the immunity challenge and she takes a drink of water.
Episode 12: Eating challenge
Episode 14: The immunity challenge that is a combination of past challenges ends with them having to eat something. I’m not sure if there’s v* because I skipped it. Later, when they’re doing the ritual to remember old tribe members, they show a shot of Tanya v*ing.
Season 6: The Amazon is safe
Season 7: Pearl Islands
Episode 5: Immunity challenge is an eating challenge, so skip it. After they get back to camp, Rupert and Michelle are talking. When Rupert says Shawn does nothing, Michelle gets up and walks to the trees to v*. Skip ahead a minute.
Season 8: All-Stars is safe
Season 9: Vanuatu is safe
Season 10: Palau
Episode 8: Reward challenge is an eating challenge.
Episode 10: At the Palauan feast, right after Caryn says they didn’t talk strategy, the shot cuts to Janu looking sick. She leaves to v*. I skipped ahead a minute, but based on the hulu thumbnails, there are a couple shots of her v*ing.
Episode 12: The immunity challenge revisits previous challenges from the season, one of which is the eating challenge. Again, I skipped though this part, so I am not 100% sure it’s unsafe, but I would be careful or skip ahead a minute.
Season 11: Guatemala
Episode 1: This is a pretty brutal one. When Stephenie says “I’m not starting out on the losing team” at around 15:20 something, the shot cuts to the other tribe where a guy is v*ing. It starts with the sound of him violently r*ing before it shows him (and the shot is dark because it’s night). Skip ahead about a minute and a half.
Later, just before 27 minutes in, after Yasha finds their camp and says it’s going to be good, the scene changes to the other camp where someone is heard r*ing again. The sound is very violent. There is some dialogue for about a minute or so and then more v*ing (audio and you see him leaning behind a tree). Skip ahead to at least 29 minutes in.
Episode 2: After they get back from tribal council, Bobby Jon starts to cough and g* again. I skipped ahead 30 seconds and avoided it.
After they get the mail about the reward challenge, I skipped the entire scene of Nakum’s camp because I didn’t want to risk seeing or hearing more.
And again, I skipped the next scene at the Nakum camp until they got the immunity challenge tree mail because it opened with Bobby Jon doing deep breathing.
Episode 9: They don’t show anything happen when Judd is drunk, but the morning after they are talking about how he v*ed. They show where he v*ed in the shelter. The action itself is never shown.
Season 12: Panama
Episode 5: After they eat the beans at La Mina, Austin says he is starting to feel n*. I skipped ahead about 2 minutes because I could tell what was coming. From the thumbnails while skipping ahead, I can’t tell if they show him v*ing but he definitely was s* to some extent.
Season 13: Cook Islands
Episode 11: During the merge feast, they are drinking on the boat, and Jonthan mentions that the young people are getting faded. Soon after this, there is a shot of Adam v*ing over the side of the boat. There’s another shot of this later on in the scene, so I would skip ahead a few minutes and you won’t miss much.
Season 14: Fiji
Episode 7: After Earl talks about how Exile Island is now “Earl Island,” it cuts back to Mookie at Ravu’s reward saying he ate too much. They then show him going into the bathroom and leaning over the toilet v*ing. Skip ahead about 30 seconds.
Season 15: China
Episode 1: About 20 minutes in, one tribe is talking about who should do what, and Ashley says “I’m not feeling very good” and walks a bit and then r*s and v*s.
Season 16: Micronesia (Fans vs Favorites)
Episode 9: When it’s just Jason and Ozzy left in the immunity challenge, Ozzy begins to struggle and when he finally comes up, he coughs up water a few times. It is quite a bit more graphic than the typical choking-on-water instances in the show, so be careful if you are super sensitive.
Episode 10: At the reward, after it shows day turning to night, Erik gets up and v*s. He is talking before about how all the food, beer, and betel nuts made him feel sick, so it’s pretty obvious it’s coming. The scene lasts a couple minutes and I’m pretty sure it shows him v*ing a few more times (or at least bending over). It’s all night vision cameras so everything is definitely dark. Skip ahead a couple minutes anyway.
Season 17: Gabon is safe
Season 18: Tocantins
Episode 10: After the winning team eats their feast, the dancers invite them to join. They show the survivors doing cartwheels and such, and then the shot changes to Erinn bent over v*ing. It’s pretty obvious from what she was saying in the voiceovers that this was coming (that they had eaten a lot and then got up and danced). On Hulu, this happens between about 16:30-17:15.
Season 19: Samoa
Episode 5: Reward challenge is an eating challenge
Season 20: Heroes vs. Villains is safe
Season 21: Nicaragua
Episode 1: Soon after Kelly shows her prosthetic leg, the scene changes to the elders’ camp and shows someone v*ing. You hear the sound first after a guy says something about fire.
Season 22: Redemption Island is safe (and a garbage season not worth watching tbh lol)
Season 23: South Pacific
Episode 9: During the immunity challenge, they have to run with coconut water in their mouth and spit it out. This kind of challenge involving spitting--of water, coconut water, or meat--is pretty common in Survivor, and I usually don’t write warnings for them because once they describe spitting being part of a challenge, you can just skip it if you’re sensitive to that. I typically do not find them triggering, just pretty gross.
But in this challenge, after Jim thinks he has it but doesn’t, they show Sophie making a last run for it and she stops and kind of chokes/g*s on the water. Jeff mentions she almost v*s. They show her choking more and she spits all of it up. It’s unclear if she’s really v*ing, but it may be triggering nonetheless.
Season 24: One World is safe
Season 25: Philippines
Episode 5: Around 17:30, Dana says the pain in her stomach started getting worse, and she gets up and v*s. I had a feeling it was coming so I paused and scanned the little thumbnails at the bottom to find when it was over. Skip ahead to about 18:40. The rest of the scene (about 6 more minutes) focuses on her illness, but there is no more v*ing.
Season 26: Caramoan (Fans vs. Favorites)
Episode 8: Immunity challenge is an eating challenge
Season 27: Blood vs. Water is safe
Season 28: Cagayan is safe
Season 29: San Juan del Sur
Episode 8: At the reward, Keith is talking about how Wes is a good kid. Wes looks kind of drunk and then gets up and walks off. I’m unsure if he v*s because I skipped ahead 20 seconds just in case.
Season 30: Worlds Apart
Episode 1: Mike v*s after eating a scorpion. (I wrote no more detail in my notes because I definitely did it retroactively. Sorry it's so vague but it's probably pretty obvious it's coming.)
Season 31: Cambodia (Second Chance)
Episode 13: Tasha coughs up a lot of water at the immunity challenge.
Season 32: Kaoh Rong
Episode 4: After the reward challenge, Caleb collapses and everyone is pouring water on him. The shot cuts to Jason helping up Cydney, who then heaves and/or v*s. I skipped ahead because it looked like she was about to v*. The scene continues with Caleb and Cydney both suffering heat stroke (crying, passing out, shaking), but there is no more v* or anything like that. It may be triggering if you are sensitive to medical stuff in general (and specifically IV/blood stuff).
Season 33: Millennials vs. Gen X is safe
Season 34: Game Changers is safe
Season 35: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers
Episode 1: After the first immunity challenge, Chrissy collapses and v*s. After Jeff asks if she’s alright, she v*s again.
Season 36: Ghost Island
Episode 8 (note- I wrote episode 7 in my notes but from googling, realized it's episode 8. I'm not sure if this is because an episode is missing where I streamed it or if I just miswrote it): Immunity challenge is an eating challenge
Season 37: David vs. Goliath
Episode 10: After the reward challenge, Alec starts to talk about feeling sick. The next scene is kind of a montage of all of the reward winners feeling sick and some shots of Allison v*ing on the beach. Skip ahead to when Nick sees the flame and finds the idol.
Season 38: Edge of Extinction
Episode 4: When Kelley says going to a new beach is hard, there is a shot of Lauren v*ing. They then talk a little about how Lauren has been n*.
I watched Seasons 39-42 during live broadcast and did not actively maintain a list of warnings, but I do not recall any instances. Again, my memory is imperfect so be careful!
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shoneebowtell · 3 years
australian survivor: blood v water men, week 1 rankings (pls)
ben - wants to work with sandra, enough said. a king!
jordie - he's hella cute and i like his overalls
croc - seemingly wants to work with sandra, can choke me if he wants
josh/jordan - arguably the best looking men in the cast but get no air time, this high based on looks alone
mark - not as bad as i remember him but it's only three episodes in
david - chaotic king!
alex/jesse/jay - who?
@hayleyleake ok your turn
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Call of Cthulhu by HP. Lovecraft
I’ve now had repeat listens of this audiobook. To summarize the Call of Cthulhu is presented as a manuscript, narrated by Francis Wayland Thurston of Boston as he recounts the notes left behind by his grand-uncle, George Gammell Angell, a professor of Semitic languages at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, who died suddenly in the winter 1926-7.
Part 1: The Horror Clay.
The first part concerns a small bas-relief sculpture found among the manuscript, which the narrator describes “ my somewhat extravagant imagination yielded simultaneous pictures of an octopus, a dragon, and a human caricature […]A pulpy tentacled head surmounted a grotesque and scaly body with rudimentary wings”. The sculpture is the work of Henry Anthony Wilcox, a student of the Rhode Island School of Design who based his work on his dreams of “great cyclopean cities of titan blocks and sky flung monoliths, all dripping with green ooze and sinister with latent horror”. These images are associated in dreams with the words Cthulhu and R’lyeh. Wilcox’s dreams began on March 1, 1925, culminating in a period from March 23 until April 2 when Wilcox was in a state of delirium. During the same period, Angell’s notes revealed that there were similar cases of delirium and group folly or mania around the world - from Paris and London, Africa and South America, Philippines, Western Ireland and India. New York and California.
Part 2: The Tale of Inspector Legrasse.
The second part of the story begins with Angell’s notes revealing that he had heard the word Cthulhu and seen a similar image much earlier. At the 1908 meeting of the American Archaeological Society in St. Louis, Missouri, a New Orleans police officer named John Raymond Legrasse had asked for assistance in identifying a statuette, made of unidentifiable greenish black stone, that hade been captured months before in the wooded swamps south of New Orleans during a raid on a supposed voodoo meeting and held an identical resemblance  to the figure depicted in Wilcox’s bas-relief. On November 1, 1907, Legrasse had led a party in search of several women and children who disappeared from a squatter community. The police found the victims oddly marred bodies being used in a ritual the centered around the statuette in a ring of fire with around 100 men - all of a very low, mixed blooded and mentally aberrant type, all chanting the phrase “Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn.” After killing five and arresting 47 others, Legrasse interrogated the prisoners and learned “the central idea of their loathsome faith”. The prisoners identified the statuette as “great Cthulhu” and translated the phrase as “In his house at R’lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming.” One of the academics queried by Legrasse, William Channing Webb, a professor of anthropology at Priceton University, points out that he had encountered, “high up on the West Greenland coast” a similar phenomenon on an 1860 expedition: “a singular tribe or cult of degenerates whose religion, a curious form of devil-worship, chilled him with it’s deliberate bloodthirstiness and repulsiveness.” Webb said that the Greenland cult had both the same chant and a similar hideous fetish. Thurston then notes that this point of the investigation, “My attitude was still of absolute materialism, as I wish it still were.”
Part 3: The Madness from the Sea.
The third and final part of the story, Thurston extends the inquiry into the “Cthulhu Cult” beyond what professor Angel discovered. He discovers by chance and article from the Sydney Bulletin, an Australian newspaper, for April 18, 1925, that reported the discovery of a derelict ship in the pacific ocean with only one survivor - Norwegian sailor Gustaf Johansen, second mate on the schooner Emma out of Auckland, New Zealand, which on March 22 encountered a heavily armed yacht, the Alert, crewed by “a queer and evil looking crew of Kanakas and half-castes” from Dunedin, New Zealand. The Alert attacked without provocation and despite the crew of Emma losing their ship, they managed to board the opposing ship and kill all their attackers. The article then went on to say that the survivors encountered an island the next day, even though there are no charted islands in that area. Most of the remaining crew died on the island, but Johansen is said to be “queerly reticent” about there cause of death. Thurston realizes from the article that the crew of the Alert was connected to the Cthulhu Cult, and travels, first to New Zealand, then to Australia (where he sees a statue retrieved from the Alert with a "cuttlefish head, dragon body, scaly wings, and hieroglyphed pedestal") and finally to Oslo, where he learns that Johansen died suddenly after an encounter with "two Lascar sailors". When Johansen's widow gives Thurston a manuscript written in English that her husband left behind, the narrator learns of the crew's discovery of the uncharted island which is described as "a coastline of mingled mud, ooze, and weedy Cyclopean masonry which can be nothing less the tangible substance of earth's supreme terror — the nightmare corpse-city of R'lyeh."Exploring the risen land, which is "abnormal, non-Euclidian, and loathsomely redolent of spheres and dimensions apart from ours," the sailors manage to open a "monstrously carven portal," and from the newly opened depths It lumbered slobberingly into sight and gropingly squeezed Its gelatinous green immensity through the black doorway. The stars were right again, and what an age-old cult had failed to do by design, a band of innocent sailors had done by accident. After vigintillions of years great Cthulhu was loose again, and ravening for delight. Thurston (or Johansen) writes that "The Thing cannot be described," though the story does call it "the green, sticky spawn of the stars," and refers to its "flabby claws" and "awful squid-head with writhing feelers." Hinting at its scale, the story says, "A mountain walked or stumbled" (this is corroborated by Wilcox's dreams, which "touched wildly on a gigantic thing 'miles high' which walked or lumbered about"). Johansen manages to get back to the yacht; when Cthulhu, hesitantly, enters the water to pursue the ship, Johansen turns the Alert around and rams the creature's head, which bursts with "a slushy nastiness as of a cloven sunfish" — only to immediately begin reforming as Johansen and William Briden (insane, and soon dead) make their escape. After reading this manuscript, Thurston ends his own narrative on a pessimistic note: "Loathsomeness waits and dreams in the deep, and decay spreads over the tottering cities of men." He assumes that he will soon meet the fate of Angell and Johansen: "I know too much, and the cult still lives." He also thinks that Cthulhu, whilst restoring his broken head, was dragged down again with the sinking city, thus keeping humanity safe until the next time, when the stars are right. 
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healthcarenewsme · 2 years
Australian Survivor: Mark Wales unveils body transformation after shedding 17kg on the show - Daily Mail
Australian Survivor: Mark Wales unveils body transformation after shedding 17kg on the show – Daily Mail
Australian Survivor: Blood V Water winner Mark Wales reveals his brutal body transformation after losing 17kg on the show By Nicole Douglas For Daily Mail Australia Published: 01:22 BST, 5 April 2022 | Updated: 01:48 BST, 5 April 2022 <!– <!– <!– <!– <!– (function (src, d, tag){ var s = d.createElement(tag), prev = d.getElementsByTagName(tag)[0]; s.src = src; prev.parentNode.insertBefore(s,…
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