#Austin's post
cokesnipprz · 3 months
More drawings in the whiteboard chat!!
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The first one is mines while the rest of them were my friend's
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velsgifs · 5 months
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I love you, it's ruining my life.
Taylor Swift and Austin Post for "Fortnight".
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xosiren · 1 month
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вeyoɴcé ĸɴowleѕ-cαrтer αѕ ғoххy cleopαтrα αυѕтιɴ poхerѕ ιɴ ɢoldмeмвer (2002)
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punkitt-is-here · 1 year
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made this for reasons i may not explain yet
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usulstears · 5 months
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feyd & paul + text posts (please do not repost without credit)
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nerdy-novelist017 · 3 months
Benny x bunny, where she faints and she gets taken to the hospital but he wasn't around when she fainted, so once he gets to the hospital and asks what happened she completely downplays it. Also if you could write him getting the call it would be 10/10.
You guys are so self-indulgent and I love it! This was really fun to write so I hope you enjoy! Benny's really just a stressed little muffin in this
Benny x Bunny Masterlist
Word Count- 2.2k
Summary- See request above.
Bruised Ego (Benny Cross x Shy!Reader)
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The cue ball struck against the green stripes, a significant clack echoing in the clubhouse as he sunk the last ball into the pocket. With a smirk around his cigarette, Benny straightened to his full height, hands sliding down the cue stick smugly. 
“That’s two games in a row, kid,” Wahoo groaned as he rounded the pool table to throw another five dollar bill into Benny’s winnings. “You must be lucky.”
“We can see if my luck will make it to an even 3,” Benny chided. He knew it wasn’t luck, Wahoo just sucked at playing pool. The slow afternoon was passed by the few integral members of the Vandals hanging out in the clubhouse, drinking, smoking and razzing each other. There was going to be a race tonight at the club bonfire; some newcomer kid on a piece of shit hand-built bike thought he was going to take on Cal’s racing Harley. Everyone knew he was going to blow him away, but it was still free entertainment and a chance for the club to meet again.
“Yeah fine, but I want the stripes this time.” Wahoo grumbled.
“You know what the definition of insanity is, Wahoo?” Johnny asked over his shoulder. He sat at the bar, counting a few stacks of cash as he and Brucie worked on the finances of this month's dues. 
“Well, your boy keeps doin’ all these trick shots,” Wahoo retorted as he began to rack for the new game. 
“Of course he is,” Johnny looked over his shoulder, smirking. “I taught ‘em how.”
Johnny turned back to his task at hand before he could see the bird Wahoo flipped him. The phone rang from the back of the bar and Cal went to answer it. 
“I’m feeling pretty lucky for this game too,”  Benny laughed as he bent forward to position the first shot. Clack, another shot that sent multiple solid colors spiraling around the table. 
“Benny,” Cal called, holding the phone up. “It’s for you.”
“Okay,” Benny nodded, chalking the end of his cue stick. It was probably you calling to tell him you missed him. You often called him at least once if he was gone for a few hours, your way of checking on him as you worried about him. He’s tried telling you multiple times that you don’t have to worry about him, he’d be more careful because he had you to come home to every night. You promised you'd stop calling so much but he told you he didn't mind hearing your voice so sometimes, you’d call and ask him to pick up something from the store, too. “Tell her I'll be over in a minute.”
“No,” Cal said slowly, voice tight. “It’s Kathy. She said somethin’s happened to Bunny.”
Benny’s heart stopped. “What?”
“She’s at the hospital–”
Johnny turned to Cal and said something – asked a question maybe – but that was all Benny needed to hear before he tossed the cue stick onto the table and turned for the door. He shoved it open and fished his bike keys out of his pocket as he tossed the rest of his cigarette onto the sidewalk. He set off for his bike, throwing his leg over the seat and flipping the ignition switch.
 He brought his foot down onto the kickstart but it only sputtered. He tried it once more. Twice. And Benny felt tears of frustration burning in his eyes as he pictured you laying lifeless in one of those awful hospital beds, every worst case scenario running through his mind.  He kicked it again. “Fucking, c’mon!”
“Benny,” Johnny’s calm but assertive voice cut through the ringing in Benny’s ears. “I’ll drive. Get in.”
He nodded, wanting to say thanks, but he found his mouth too dry to speak, jaw clenched too tightly. He followed Johnny to his car, quickly sliding into the passenger seat. Johnny twisted the key in the ignition, threw it into reverse and peeled out as he drove in the direction of the hospital.
“Kathy said she’s okay,” Johnny assured, his voice composed as Benny’s knee bounced up and down with anxiety. “Said she was up and talkin’ to the doctors.”
“I can’t – I can’t lose–” Benny started but his voice broke and he squeezed his eyes shut at the thought of something happening to you. 
“She’s okay, Benny,” Johnny repeated, firmer this time. “She’s okay.”
Benny practically ran through the hospital waiting room to get to the front desk, skidding to a stop and asking the nearest nurse where you were. Johnny had dropped him off at the door, saying he would find a place to park and be in as soon as he could. 
“Benny!” Kathy called out for him down the hall. He abandoned the nurse’s station and approached her. 
“What happened? Where is she?” he asked, swallowing hard in an attempt to control his nerves. 
“I’ll take you to her,” Kathy touched his arm gently and led him down the hallway of ER rooms. “We were outside workin’ in my garden, ya know? A–and she just fell over, like completely onto her face, didn’t even try to catch herself. She hit her head pretty good when she landed so they’re runnin’ some test.”
Benny nodded, trying to process her words in his jumbled brain. She stopped in front of a room and motioned for him to enter. He took a deep breath, hoping his shaking hands weren’t noticeable and pushed the door open. 
And the sight of you nearly crushed his heart. You looked so small sitting on the hospital bed, legs dangling off the side, hand pressing a blue ice pack to the side of your face. When you looked up and noticed him, you sat up straighter and squeaked out, “Benny!”
He was at your side in an instant, hands carefully roaming in an attempt to find anything physically wrong with you besides the obvious head wound. “What happened?”
“I’m fine,” you said, taking his hand in your unoccupied one and giving it a reassuring squeeze. “It’s nothing, Benny.”
“It wasn’t nothin’,” Kathy spoke up from the doorway, nervously glancing between you two. “You were out for a good couple minutes. Scared the livin’ shit outta me. ” 
You shook your head, shooting her an exasperated look around Benny’s shoulder. “I told you not to call him.”
“Bullshit,” Benny interjected. “You get taken to the hospital and you think I shouldn’t know ‘bout it?”
“I’m fine, really,” you said with a sigh and you looked so . . . tired. Benny wanted to scoop you up in his arms and take you home in that instant. “The doctor said I just got overheated. You know how hot it’s been.”
Benny’s hand gently encased yours holding the ice pack, pulling it away so he could inspect the damage. He grimaced at the sight of the nasty purple and red bruise forming around your right brow bone and down to your eye socket. Despite his best efforts, his hands still shook as he pulled away. He’d seen his fair share of bruising – most of the time it was from his own reflection in the mirror after a fight. But the sight of the injury coloring your beautiful skin. . . it made his stomach flip. You were so frail, so breakable and the realization squeezed at Benny’s heart. He was supposed to protect you and if he could, he’d shrink you down and put you in his pocket, safe and secure. He looked over his shoulder to Kathy, “Would you. . . would you let Johnny know what’s goin’ on?”
“Sure thing,” she answered and disappeared out the door.
Silence fell heavy between you and Benny desperately searched for something to say to make you smile again, to make you blush . . . but his heart still pounded too hard and his stomach still churned from the uncertainty to come up with anything. So he did the only thing he could in that moment; He pulled you into a tight hug, hand cradling the back of your neck as he fought back that awful sting of tears again. 
“I’m okay, Benny.” Your voice was muffled against his chest. “I promise.” 
“You can’t–” his voice broke and he had to swallow thickly before continuing. “You can’t scare me like that, Bunny.” 
“I didn’t mean to–” 
“I just– I just love you so much,” he breathed out as he pulled you impossibly closer.
“I know you do,” you whispered gently and he couldn’t understand how you were always so strong, so resilient. “I love you too, Benny.”
You gave him a moment to compose himself, to slow his erratic heartbeat and melt into your sweet touch before you pulled back, lowering the ice pack and said, “There is something that will make me feel better.”
“What’s that?” he asked, heart softening at your brazen smile.
“A kiss.”
“Is that so?” His gaze fluttered over your angelic face, still beautiful despite the bruise. 
“Mhhm, it’s what the doctor ordered, actually.” Your grin grew wider as he put both hands on the sides of your face, thumbs sliding gently along your jaw. He kissed you softly, lips barely ghosting over yours in fear of hurting you as if you would crumble beneath his touch. That wasn’t good enough for you apparently as you leaned forward to chase him before he could pull away completely. Your hands came up to hold his in place over your face and you returned his kiss with such vehemence that Benny’s brows pinched together in enthrallment. 
The distinct clearing of a throat broke you both apart and Benny caught sight of the doctor standing in the doorway, hand rubbing at the back of his neck awkwardly. You blushed and looked away as the doctor entered, apologizing for the intrusion. 
“We got the test results back,” he said and Benny straightened, feeling his heart rate pick up again. “Bad news is we figure you passed out due to heatstroke. With this severe heat wave hitting Chicago, we’ve had multiple patients come in from it so don’t feel bad. Good news is you were able to get here quick enough that we could get your core temperature brought down before any damage was done. As far as your head, you don’t appear to have a concussion, but you will have a pretty nasty bruise for a while.”
“So . . . she’s okay?” Benny asked, hand finding the top of your thigh to ground him. 
The doctor nodded. “Yeah she’ll be just fine as long as she takes it easy for the rest of the day. No more gardening in this weather, okay?” 
You giggled abashedly at his joke and Benny breathed a sigh of relief. 
The doctor continued, “I’ll have the nurse bring around another ice pack for you to take home before we start your paperwork to leave.”
Benny held your hand as he stood beside your bed faithfully while they worked on getting you discharged of the hospital. You were okay, he repeated in his head like a chant. You were okay and that made him okay.
“You know since I'm gettin' out of here early we’ll still be able to go to the race tonight,” you pointed out with a small smile as you nudged him with your foot to get his attention.
“No, I’m taking you home where you’re going to lay your pretty little butt down in bed for the rest of the day,” he said firmly with a shake of his head.
“I don’t want you to miss Cal’s race!” you said as you tugged on his hand gently, lip pouting. 
“I don’t care about the race,” he replied flippantly.
“Well, I do! Plus I want to see the girls, too. C’mon, please Benny?”
He shook his head, trying to remain firm in his decision even as you gave him your irresistible puppy eyes. 
“Please Bennyyyy?” you dragged out his name in that adorable way you did when you wanted something. “I’ll sit in the shade and I’ll let you know if I’m not feeling good, I promise.”
He contemplated it. The race wasn't until later in the evening and the temperature should be cooler, but still. . . “You’ll go home and lay in bed until then?” 
You nodded, holding your pinky out to him in a silent promise.
Unable to deny you of anything, he reluctantly looped his pinky with yours. “Fine, but we’re only stayin’ for the race. No bonfire afterwards.”
You beamed at him and he knew you were proud of yourself for once again swaying him with your charms. 
Hours later, as the picnic was just getting into full swing, Johnny couldn’t hide the smile on his face as Benny pulled up with you on the back of his bike. Though surprised, he was sure you had roped the kid into coming, you seemed to be able to get away with just about anything when it came to Benny. He shook his head, as he watched Benny help you off and the two of you approached his picnic table filled with the core members of the Vandals, noting how he seemed to hold you a little tighter as if you were bound to trip and fall. 
“Hey, aren’t you supposed to be takin’ it easy?” he badgered as he stood to give you a hug. 
“And miss out on a race?” you grinned as you gave him a quick hug before looping your arm back through Benny's. “Never.”
“Well, it’s good to see you’re feelin’ better, kid,” he said honestly. 
Funny Sonny caught sight of the reunion and hollered as he approached. “Hey Bunny, I’d hate to see the other guy!” 
You blushed as you remembered the bruise forming on your face and before you could say anything, Benny spoke up from beside you. “Yeah, she got ‘em good with her mean right hook.”
You grinned at him as Sonny laughed. “Hell yeah! Bunny’s a fighter now, boys!”
They cheered and you rolled your eyes playful as you leaned up on your tippy-toes to plant a kiss on Benny’s cheek. 
-Tag List-
@imusicaddict @elizabeth916 @jaiuneamesolitaiire @ironmooncat @beebeechaos @astrogrande @pearlparty @themorriganisamonster @sillylittlethrowaway @ughdontbeboring @penwieldingdreamer @eugene-emt-roe @semperamans @groovyangelkisses @charmingballoon @sunnbib @killerqueenfan @cynic-spirit @pomtherine @tranquilty @m00npjm @twisteduniverse5 @justsomewritingblog @nhlfs @dudii4love @thepassionatereader @rebecca-hvnstn @nethanybear @dreamlandcreations @buckysteveloki-me @simsiddy @zablife @sansaorgana @butler-trouble @autumnleaves1991-blog @lindszeppelin @wavyjassy @real-lana-del-rey @ilovehyperfixating @xcallmetaniax @lovenewfandoms @youngestxhearts @abaker74 @ateliefloresdaprimavera @thefallofthedamned @hottpinkpenguinreads @nctma15 @vendylewin @capswife @alexa4040 @pearlstiare @sweetestrose569 @18lkpeters
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evan peters at the 2012 golden globes ౨ৎ⋆˚。⋆
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kimitofutari · 5 months
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The new york times asked Denis Villeneuve if he would read fanfics of Austin and Timothée hooking up 👀
The internet will lose their minds. 🤣
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rcbertleckie · 6 months
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gale cleven + blue scarf
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newwavesylviaplath · 6 months
evan peters i will always be waiting for you with open arms. and open legs. and an open mouth.
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carnevol · 17 days
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that smitten little smile is everything 💕
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rickybowen · 5 months
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oatflatwhite · 2 months
ok but could austin butler do THIS
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yasminhananis · 7 months
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‘we’re harkonnens.’
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catnipster69 · 1 month
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Austin 2024
I love this
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I love this too
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But what I love most is this
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J2 exchanging those looks and smiles and the silent communication: "Dude that was so silly. But so much fun" 😊💗
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