#Audrey doesnt regret her choice and honestly mad respect
not-5-rats ยท 2 months
'tell me you didn't...'
((I started this in like June so sorry if some of the writing is kinda shit lol))
Chester made no attempt to hide the body so by the next morning Guards were at the door, Audrey answered
"S'cuse me Miss, are you Audrey Markins?"
She confirmed her identity and the guard dropped his head slightly, sighing before he spoke
"Am sorry to tell you Miss, but your boyfriend, Erik Tlin was found dead this morning, down by the river"
She was stunned, she stood there her mind visibly shutting down as the news made its way through her like an electric shock.
The guard allowed her a minute to compose herself then asked to be let in. She let him in and they sat together in the living room. He asked her if she had seen Erik the day he died and she told him they had a date-day together, went to the library, had lunch in a small cafe, went shopping, he dropped her off at home, said goodbye and she hadn't seem him after that.
The guard continued to ask questions and Audrey provided him answers, until the man decided he was satisfied with his evidence.
"Once again I'm sorry for you loss Miss, and if you find anything to report please do so. Good day"
She broke down, the second that door was closed, she snapped. She didn't understand why she was so upset, this is what she wanted....right? She never wanted to deal with that sick son of a bitch ever again. But she couldn't believe he was dead. Sure he was an abusive asshole but now...he's dead?
She sat in the living room and cried, she was kind of grateful that the girls had gone to visit their Aunt that week, it meant they wouldn't see her like this...but Chester did
Chez had been at training all day so he had heard the ruckus about the dead Erik, Erik's brother Pascal was in the same training group as him so he had witnessed the breakdown. Leo was sick and tired of hearing about his dead brother, he was already hurting because of it and now everyone was asking him abt it and he just wanted them to fuck off. So he told them that, Pascal yelled at everyone who came near him, even those that were meant to be training them.
He was so rough towards everyone around that training was called off early, Chester was more than grateful to be let go sooner than he thought. He'd been feeling...odd, all day. It wasn't guilt, he didn't think so atleast, he just felt off, as though he wasn't really there...like nothing was real. He tried not to think of the previous night, he tried to forget what had happened but no luck.
He decided he just needed to rest, nobody knew it was him, he just had to keep his head down until all of this was over.
So he made his way home, the path back was long and rocky, pretty difficult to get through but he was used to it. As he made his way back across the town he saw countless posters asking for help to find the 'monster' behind their beloved Erik's murder...Chester had forgotten just how many people that sicko had wrapped around his grimy fingers. How many people believed him to be an angel sent down as a blessing from the universe. He couldn't belive how much he got away with right under their noses....maybe he did the world a favour
He froze on the spot, what was he thinking? He just killed a man, he should be feeling guilt not this fucked up sense of righteousness. He should be feeling awful right now...but he wasn't. Why didn't he feel any guilt? Shame? Any negative emotion! No...he felt nothing. Nothing, after what he had done...what the fuck was wrong with him.
He got so caught up in thoughts about his own feelings that he didn't even notice the path narrowing under foot. He was so oblivious he almost walked straight into his own front door, luckily he realised where he was before the collision. He went up to the door but hesitated as his hand rested on the handle
Surely she would know, of course she would. Everyone knew! She would be a mess...oh God. He prayed she wouldn't notice him as he cautiously pushed open the door into the living room. Once again luck was not on his side
He could hear Audrey crying from outside but it wasn't until he stepped inside that he saw how devastated she was.
She was sat on the couch, her knees pressed to her chest with her forehead resting ontop of them, her hands clutching her legs as though they were the only thing around her. Her agonised wails echoing through the room, it was no suprise that she hadn't heard him enter.
Chester couldn't stand to see his dear sister like this. He stared for a moment, considering his next move carefully then decided to approach.
He walked over and sat beside her on the couch. She jumped slightly as the couch shifted, her head shot up and as she spoke she attempted to rub away the tears that stained her face
"Chez, shit, I thought you had training today:
"Did, was let out early...Pascal was a state"
Audrey scoffed to herself at the statement, she sat up, crossing her legs on the couch before speaking again
"Of course he was, his brother was just fucking murdered. Honestly I'm suprised his parents let him go to training today, must've been hard"
She began to tear up again, Chester wrapped an arm around her shoulders which caused her to break down once again. She turned and leant into his shoulder, her tears staining the cloth of his shirt...but he didn't mind.
She cried, rambling about how young Erik was, that he didn't deserve to die, that she couldn't stand the idea that smbdy went out of their way to kill him. Chester didn't respond, he just held her close, gently rubbing a thumb across her back to remind her she wasn't alone.
"I just...*sniff* I can't belive it, why, what was the reason!? Everyone *sniff* everyone loved him, why-"
Chester felt himself tense at these words, after everything he had done to her, all of it, she was just looking past it, ignoring it. No, this couldn't be happening. He then spoke, without thinking.
"Ray...I'm sorry, I really am, it's hard losing those you...love but Ray we have to be honest with ourselves here"
She was a bit taken aback by what he said, she went to ask what he meant but was cut off as Chester continued to speak. His eyes now glued to the floor, unable to look up at his sister
"Erik...he wasn't the good man you claimed, you know it, I know it, there's no need to lie"
He fell quiet awaiting her response...but she didn't know what to say. They sat in temporary silence before Audrey finally found her words
"I...I don't know what you mean Chez-"
"Audrey, we're not playing this game anymore!"
Chester couldn't stand it anymore, this guy had treated his sister like shit and still, after death, she continued to defend him! What the fuck was she on!
"He was abusive Audrey! You know as well as I do how awful that fucking monster was! You can't defend what he did, nobody could! You can't just shrug it all of...I mean he hit you! For divines' sake Audrey!"
He stared over at her, she had sprung away as he began to yell. He now stood infrotn of the couch, staring down at her, he tried to remain civil, he tried not to show his feelings but it was too much. He couldn't hide it anymore.
Audrey looked up at him, the tears still glazing her eyes but a layer of...something else hidden behind the despair. Confusion, hurt and anger chasing each other through her gaze, when she spoke the emotions seeped into her quivering voice
"...how the fuck do you know that..."
He tries to hold his stare but his eyes betrayed him and fell to the ground, his head hanging ever so slightly with shame as he mumbled
"...last night, I....I saw what he did"
All the hurt and despair drained from Audrey's expression, all that remained was anger...and betrayal, she went to yell at him, to shout about privacy...but then a realisation dawned on her, all the hints finally allinged like stars in the sky
"Chester...you didn't, please tell me you didn't..."
He gave no response, Audrey pushed herself off of the couch and roughly snatches Chesters collar. She held him tightly, her eyes shooting daggers straight through his. Her voice, a threatening hiss
"Chester! Tell me you didn't kill him!"
He glanced up at her, his gaze weak...pathetic, like a cat kicked out into the rain. His mouth opened to respond, but no words fell out...that was enough for Audrey
The hands around his collar went limp as the assertiveness/ aggression left Audrey's posture. She didn't say anything as her hands fell to her sides, she just stared at the man stood before her...the man she used to call her brother. The silence that filled the air was like nothing Chester had ever felt before, it was sore and deafening.
After what felt like an eternity Audrey turned away from Chester and spoke, her voice hushed yet demanding
"...get out, get out of my house you...you heartless bastard"
Chester reached out, attempting to plead with her, begging her not to do this. He was never like this, never this emotional, this pathetic...but he couldn't lose his family...they were all he had
Audrey didn't let him speak, she kept her back turned not daring to look at that...thing...thay stood behind her
" I won't tell anybody...as long as you stay away. Never come back, or else"
With that she walked away, into her room, making it clear that this was not up for debate.
Chester felt tesrs fill his eyes and drip down his face as he stood infront of the doorway. He couldn't believe it...he's lost everything. His brother, his family...his home. He tried to stop the tears, they made him feel weak...he couldn't bear to feel weak in this moment.
He grabbed his bag from training that day off of the floor, he hesitated as he stared over at Audrey's door
"...I love you Ray...I'm sorry.."
with that he opened the door and stepped outside
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