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atuancedecore · 1 year ago
Bairros de Curitiba que a empresa Atuance Decore atende.
      Bairros de Curitiba que a empresa Atuance Decore atende. Atendemos todos os bairros de Curitiba. Se está precisando reformar sua residência ou comercio antedemos 75 bairros de Curitiba confira a lista. A Atuance Decore preparou uma lista com todos os bairros. Confira: Rebouças, Prado Velho, Pinheirinho, Parolin, Novo Mundo, Mossunguê (Ecoville), Lindóia, Juvevê, Jardim Social, Hugo Lange,…
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curitibacitybrazil · 4 months ago
Exit direction São Paulo
North Green Line / Linha Verde Norte
Curitiba - Brazil 🇧🇷
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random-racehorses · 2 years ago
Random Real Thoroughbred: ATUBA
ATUBA is a mare born in Brazil in 1929. By BLACK JESTER out of EUBEA. Link to their pedigreequery page: https://www.pedigreequery.com/atuba
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sitesnaoconfiaveis · 8 months ago
O site vr4 desmonte é confiável?
O CNPJ 06.959.359/0001-77 é de outra empresa e está sendo utilizado criminosamente
O endereço pertence à empresa original que teve os dados clonados
Usa somente WhatsApp (41) 98489-5712
O CNPJ 06.959.359/0001-77 foi clonado de “VR - 4 COMERCIAL LTDA / VR -4 AUTOMOVEIS”
Tem ícones falsos de redes sociais
Hospedagem / servidor: WEBSITEWELCOME / HostGator
Tags de pesquisa: vr4 desmonte reclame aqui alguém comprou na loja vr4 desmonte?
Rua Doná Nenê, 91 - Atuba - Curitiba - Paraná
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rodininetto · 9 months ago
SÚMULA DE CONCESSÃO DE LICENÇA DE INSTALAÇÃO DE AMPLIAÇÃO O AUTO POSTO ALPHAVILLE LTDA, inscrito sob CNPJ 05.365.568/0001-20 torna público que recebeu do Instituto Água e Terra, a Licença de Instalação de Ampliação – LI-A, com validade de 12 de abril de 2026, para Comércio varejista de combustíveis para veículos automotores na Rua da Graciosa, 554 – Atuba, Pinhais/PR – 83.326-670.
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conexaorevista · 10 months ago
O contraste entre as cores dos rios Iguaçu e Paraná, na região do Marco das Fronteiras, despertaram a atenção de internautas, moradores e turistas que estão passando os dias na cidade. O repórter fotográfico Marcos Labanca registrou, com exclusividade, a confluência dos rios durante as últimas 24 horas. Rio Iguaçu – Iguaçu significa “água grande”, na língua guarani: “I” (água) + “guaçu” (grande). O rio foi batizado pelos índios caingangues e guaranis, primeiros habitantes e povos que dominavam a região da bacia do Iguaçu. O rio é o maior totalmente paranaense, formado pelo encontro dos rios Iraí e Atuba, na parte leste do município de Curitiba, no limite com o município de Pinhais. O seu curso é de 1.320 quilômetros, cruzando os três planaltos paranaenses até desaguar no Rio Paraná. Destaque para as Cataratas do Iguaçu, conjunto de uma das maiores quedas-d’água do planeta, que despencam em uma profunda fenda, fruto de um dos mais extensos processos de vulcanismo de fissura do mundo, ocorrido há cerca de 250 milhões de anos. Após as Cataratas do Iguaçu são 23 quilômetros de extensão até a divisa das Três Fronteiras, no Marco das 3 Fronteiras. Rio Paraná – Paraná significa “parecido com o mar”. A palavra tem origem no guarani, idioma dos índios, primeiros habitantes da região. O Paraná é o oitavo maior rio do mundo em extensão, com 4.880 quilômetros. No continente, é o segundo maior, depois do Rio Amazonas, com uma bacia hidrográfica que abrange mais de 10% de todo o território brasileiro. Sua nascente fica na confluência dos rios Paranaíba e Grande, na região de divisa entre os estados de São Paulo, Minas Gerais e Mato Grosso do Sul. Seus principais afluentes são os rios Tietê, Paranapanema e Iguaçu, todos na margem esquerda, e os rios Suruí, Verde e Pardo, na margem direita. Fique por dentro das notícias que são destaques em Corbélia e região. Clique Aqui e siga nosso Canal no Whatsapp.
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brasilempregos · 2 years ago
Descrição da vaga RECEPCIONISTA – COLOMBO/ ATUBA Horário: Segunda a Sexta das 8:00 as 17:45 – 1 hora de intervalo Salario: 1341,39 Benefícios: Vale transporte + Vale refeição (32,00 por dia) + após 30 dias: Cesta básica Descrição: Experiência recente na função em carteira. Ensino médio completo. Fará atendimento telefônico e presencial. Interessados encaminhar o currículo com o titulo RECEPCIONISTA COLOMBO para [email protected]
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robchi4nelli · 3 years ago
Por que é importante obter um serviço de caldeira a gás regularmente
Por que é importante obter um serviço de caldeira a gás regularmente
Quando sua caldeira está funcionando bem e a casa está quente, muitas pessoas se perguntam por que deveriam se preocupar com a despesa adicional de contratar um encanador para fazer a manutenção da caldeira, afinal está funcionando bem. Para muitos proprietários, a manutenção de suas caldeiras provavelmente não estará no topo de sua lista de tarefas, mas quando parar de funcionar corretamente ou…
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atuancedecore · 1 year ago
Projeto de interiores,decoração de interiores e suas vantagens - Atuance Decore
  Projeto de interiores,decoração de interiores e suas vantagens O projeto de interiores é uma das áreas mais importantes da arquitetura e do design de interiores. Ele consiste em criar um ambiente funcional e esteticamente agradável, aliando as necessidades dos clientes com a beleza e a criatividade do espaço. A decoração de interiores é uma parte fundamental desse processo, pois é através…
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jornale · 4 years ago
#linhaverde #trincheira #bacacheri #bairroalto #curitiba #prefeituradecuritiba #obras #portaljornale #jornale
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apolarchampagnat · 5 years ago
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🏡 Sobrado 03 quartos sendo 01 suíte, 02 vagas de garagem no Atuba, em Curitiba/PR. 👆🏻 Sobrado em condomínio fechado. 🔎 Rua Frederico Leitner, 120 - Condomínio Asturias. 🔹 Face Nordeste, ensolarado e arejado. 🔹 Conceito aberto, peças amplas. 🔹 Quintal com churrasqueira. 🔹 Ático com terraço.
💰 R$ 480 Mil.
☎ Apolar Champagnat (41) 3335-7190 📱 99116-6171 📧 [email protected]
📝 Referência 923865 => https://www.apolar.com.br/imovel/vendas-residencial-sobrado-curitiba-atuba-923865/
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marciorjusto · 3 years ago
“.. A Ecoa, a artesã conta que ideia surgiu quando viu o filho comentar que havia muitos brinquedos entre os resíduos que ele costuma retirar do rio Atuba. "A gente viu que tantas coisas retiradas do rio poderiam ter um destino melhor. São bolas, bonecas, ursos de pelúcia. O Diego foi separando e me mandando, e eu me pus a recuperar tudo", disse....” - Veja mais em https://www.uol.com.br/ecoa/ultimas-noticias/2022/07/15/brinquedos-vindos-do-lixo-sao-recuperados-e-doados-a-criancas-no-parana.htm?cmpid=copiaecola
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rodininetto · 9 months ago
SÚMULA DE REQUERIMENTO DE LICENÇA DE OPERAÇÃO DE AMPLIAÇÃO O AUTO POSTO ALPHAVILLE LTDA, inscrito sob CNPJ 05.365.568/0001-20 torna público que irá solicitar ao Instituto Água e Terra, a Licença de Operação de Ampliação – LO-A, para Comércio varejista de combustíveis para veículos automotores a ser implantada na na Rua da Graciosa, 554 – Atuba no município de Pinhais/PR.
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brasilempregos · 2 years ago
Requisitos Requisitos: Ensino Médio Completo Experiência em vendas via telefone (ativo e receptivo). Fácil acesso a região do Atuba, em Pinhais. Obrigatório . Necessário boa comunicação. Escolaridade mínima Não informado Jornada de trabalho Jornada de trabalho: Segunda a Sextafeira das 12:48 as 21:00 Benefícios Salario: R$ 1.100,00 + Premiação por metas atingidas Benefícios: VT + Alimentação no local / Após 3 meses salário sobe para R$, e mais benefícios: Plano de saúde e odontológico, Àrea: Vendas Cidade: Pinhais
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balceiro · 4 years ago
pêlo aço
pele de malha mole
invólucro de okan mexido
batendo ao ritmo
de um fruto maduro
caindo no chão
para então ser cuspido
por uma máquina prateada
onde uma voz macia escuta
enquanto trafica seu corpo e dados
numa viagem pelo aço neocolonial
enquanto encontra a localização aproximada
de mais uma informação engarrafada
enquanto tenta lhe convencer
por mais algumas moedas
que o satélite te liberta
enquanto se lembra
de suas remotas raízes
para que siga enfrentando choques
como uma folha
escrevi esse ontem numa aula de dança-escrita. outro dia escrevi assim num verso enfrentando choques como um dente-de-leão.... enfrentando choques como um dente-de-leão....  aí esses dias lua cheia aquarius dia fora do tempo... os planetas periféricos aqueles que estão independente da perpespectiva da terra... do antropoceno pro plásticoceno pra algum assim como aqueles últimos primeiros todo água e pedra superaquecidos numa atmosfera densa aquela que pega gruda e soterra e abre eras... urano netuno plutão fundão periferias do organismo solar.... atmosfera densa aquela que pensamos juntes caminhos de muites calunga grande paragua kurytyba grande fundão peabiru pindorama abya yala.... atuba natyva recebendo osunmaré cigana... invólucro de okan mexido batendo ao ritmo de um fruto maduro caindo no chão para então ser cuspido por uma máquina prateada... a tela de ogun é  o chão né? olhar pra cima olhando pra baixo: isso é deusa. o meio nois aqui dançando no aye sem sabe sintoniza numas onda encontrando que é de vir
ísis odara
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thewayoftheprophets · 5 years ago
Blessing what you like: Allahumma barik li wa la tadurruh [allah bless it and do not harm it]  Sleep: [33,33,34] tasbeeh, ayat al kursi, last 2 verses baqarah, kafirun In the name of allah do i lay down my side. allah forgive me my sins, ward of from me my shaytan settle for me my debts and enter me into the loftiest assembly. [bismillahi wada'tu jambi. allahumma-ghfir li dhambi wa akhsi shaytani, wa fukka rihani, wa-jalni fi-n-nadiyyi-l-ala]. Istighfar [3] Ya arhama-r-rahimin [most merciful of those who show mercy] before any dua [3] [Salawat] Make dua: rainfall, fasting, call to prayer, night, last hour friday. Evil thoughts: istighfar Gatherings with meaningless chatter: Glory be to you Allah and to you be all praise. I bear witness there is no God but you. I ask you for forgiveness and I repent to you. Subhanaka-llahumma wa bi hamdik. Ashhadu an la ilaha illa ant. Astaghfiruka wa atuba ilayk. [G Every movement: bismillah, la ilaha illa allah, la hawla wa la quwwatta illa billah, salawat. Every blessing: mashallah. la quwatta illa bi allah Every misfortune: inna li allahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon Waking: Bismillah alladhi la yadurru ma ismihi shayun fil ardi wa la fi sama wa huwa sami'ul alim [in the name of allah in whose name none can do harm on the earth or in the heavens and he is the all hearing, the knowing [3] Bismilla ala nafsi, wa ahli, wa mali, wa dini. Allahumma raddini bi qada'ik wa barik li fima quddira li, hatta la uhibba ta'jila ma akhkharta wa la ta'khira ma ajjalt. [in the name of allah over my self, my wealth, my family and religion. allah make me pleased with your decree and bless me in that which i have been allotted so i do not like to hasten what you have delayed or delay what you have hastened. Asbahna wa asbaha-l-mulku lillh wal hamdu lillah wal kibriya'u wal azamatu lillah. wal khalqu wal amru wal laylu wa-n-naharu wa ma sakana fihima lillahi ta'ala. Ya arhama raheemin. La ilaha illa anta subhanaka-llahumma. Astaghfiruka li-dhanbi, wa as'aluka rahmatak. Allahumma zidni ilma, wa la tuzigh qalbi ba'da idh hadaytani wa hab li min ladunka rahmah, innaka anta-l-wahhab. [we have woken up this morning and the kingdom belongs to allah, praise is for allah, greatness and grandeur belong to allah. the creation and comman, night and day  and all that lives in them belong to allah most high.  O most merciful of those who show mercy. There is no god but you, glory be to you allah. I ask your forgiveness for my sins and I ask for your mercy. Allah increase me in knowledge and do not turn my heart away after you have guided me. Grant me mercy from You. Indeed you are the ever bestowing]. Tasbeeh [50] Friday Morning [3] Astaghfiru-llaha-lladhi la ilaha illa huwa-l-hayyu-qayyumu wa atubu ilayh [i ask forgiveness of allah besides whom there in no God, the living, the self subsisting and I repent to Him]. Going to Subh: Allah put light in my heart, light in my tongue, light in my hearing and light in my sight. Put light behind me and put light in front of me. Put light above me and put light beneath me. Allah grant me light. [Allahumma-jal fi qalbi nura wa fi lisani nura wa-jal fi sami nura wa-jal fi basari nura wa-jal min khalfi nura wa amami nura wa-jal min fawqi nura wa min tahti nura. allahumma atini nura. [Allah put light in my hearing, in my sight, behind me, in front of me, above me, beneath me. Allah grant me light]. After Fajr + Maghrib Thanks: Allah all the favours i have recieved in the morning are from you alone, you have no partner. to you belong all praise and thanks. [allahumma ma asbaha bi min nimatin fa minka wahdaka. la sharika lak. fa lakal hamd. wa laka shukr]. Dua: O living self sustaining from you i seek help and hope for your mercy so set right my affairs and do not entrust me to myself for the blink of an eye. [ya hayyu ya qayyum bika astagithu wa rahmataka arju fa asli li shan'ni kullah wa la takilni ila nafsi tarfata ayn]. Dua[7] Allahumma ajirni mina-n-nar [Allah protect me from hellfire] Tasbeeh [10] Sunrise: Allahumma anta-s-salamu wa minka-s-salam. asaluka ya dha-l-jalaali wal ikram aslih li din-alladhi huwa ismatu amri wa aslih li dunya-llati fiha ma ashi wa asli li akhirati-llati fiha ma adi, wa-jali hayata ziyadatan li fi kulli khayr, wa-jali-l-mawta rahatan li min kulli sharr. [Allah you are peace and from you is peace. I ask you owner of nobility and generosity, put right for me my religion which is the preservation of my affairs, put right for me my worldly life in which is my existence, put right for me my hereafter which is my return. Make life an increase for me in every good and death a release from every evil]. Sunset: [3] Allahumma maghfiratuka awsa'u min dhunubi wa rahmataka arja indi min amali. [Allah your forgiveness is vaster than my sins and your mercy is more hopeful for me than my deeds]. Leaving the house [7] Hasbiyallahu wa ni'mal wakil, la ilaha illa hu, alayhi tawakkaltu wa huwa rabbu-l-arshi-l-azim. [Allah is sufficient for me and how excellent a guardian is He there is no God besides Him in Him I have put my trust and He is the Lord of the Mighty Throne]. Tasbeeh [Market + 50 times (day)] Laa ilaaha ill Allah wahdahu laa shareeka lah, lahul mulku wa lahul Hamdu yuhyi wa yumeet wa huwa hayyun laa yamut, bi yadihil khayr, wahuwa ala kulli shay’in qadeer. subhanallahi wa bi hamdihi. subhanallahi-l-azim.’  [there is nothing worthy of worship but Allah, He is alone without partner, to Him belongs dominion and praise, he causes life and death and He is the Living and does not die. In His Hand is all the good, and He is over all things competent. glory to allah and with his praise. glory to allah the great.] Ending every salah: I seek protecion from weakness, laziness, cowardice, old age, greed + arrogance. From insanity and all severe illnesses From the punishment in the grave, the evils of riches and poverty, the trials of life and death. From the hardship of tribulation, befalling misfortune + evil destiny. From delusion in the heart and disunity in my affairs. I seek your protection from disgusting qualities of characters, deeds and sudden desires. [Allahumma inni audhu bika min munkarati-l-akhlaq wal amali wal ahwa]. [Allahumma inni audhu bika min al ajzi, wal kasal, wal jubni, wal bukhl, wal kibr. Min al jununi wa sayyi-l-asqam. Min adhabi-l-qabr, wa min sharri-l-ghina wal faqr, wa min fitnati-l-mahya wal mamat. adhabi-l-qabr wa waswati-s-sadr wa min shatati-l-amr.]. Min jahdi-l-bala wa min daraki-sh-shaqa wa min su-il qada]. After every salah: Ayat Al Kursi 10 [subhannallah, hamd, akbar] Allah assist me in remembering you and in thanking you and in goodly worship of you]. [Allahumma a'inni ala dhikrika wa shukrika wa husni ibadatik.] Guide my heart, make my tongue righteous and remove my hearts vile traits. [Wahdi qalbi wa saddid lisani wa-slul sakhimata qalbi]. Fajr [2,2]: Allahumma inni audhu bika min ilmin la yanfa wa min qalbin la yaksha, wa min nafsin la tashba wa min dawatin la yustajubu laha. From the cessation of your bounty, the transformation of wellbeing, your sudden vengeance and all that occasions your displeasure.  [I seek protection from knowledge that does not benefit, a heart that is not utterly humble, a self that is insatiable and supplication that are not accepted. Min zawali nimatik wa tahuwwali afiyatik wa faj'ati niqmatik wa jami'i sakhatik]. Allah I ask you for good, all of it, immediate and future, that which I know of and that which I do not know of and seek protection from evil all of it, immediate and future that I know of and that I don't. I ask you for firdaus and what brings one near to it in words and deeds and seek refuge from hell and what brings near to it in words and deeds. I ask you for the good your slave and messanger muhammad asked for and seek refuge from the evil he sought refuge from. I ask you in all that you have dcereed to make its outcome rightly guided. [allahumma inni asaluka mina-l-khayri kullihi ajilihi wa ajilih, ma alimtu minhu wa ma lam alam. wa audhu bika mina-sh-sharri kullihi ma alimtu minhu wa ma lam alam. Allahumma inni asaluka-l-jannata-l-firdaus wa ma qarraba ilayha min qawlin aw amal. Wa audhu bika min-n-nar wa ma qarraba ilayha min qawlin aw amal. W as'aluka khayra ma sa'alaka abduka wa rasulukah muhammad saw wa audhu bika min sharri ma-sta'adhaka minhu abduka wa rasulukah muhammad saw, wa asaluka ma qadayta min amrim an taj'ala aqibatahu rashada]. Maghrib [3,2]: Ya muqalliba-l-qulubi thabbit qulubuna ala dinik [o turner of hearts make our hearts frim in your religion] Zuhr [4,2]: Allah make me satisfief with the lawful not unlawful and make me independent of anyone but you. Allah none can withhold what you have granted and none can grant what you withold. And the riches of the rich do not avail him against you. [Allahumma-kfini bi halalika an haramik wa aghnini bi fadlika amman siwak. Allahumma la mani'a li ma atayt wa la mu'tiya li ma mana'ta. Wa la yanfa'u dha-l-jaddi minka-l-jadd]. After Jumah: 3 qul [7] Asr [4]: Allah I ask you for your love, the love of those who love you and deeds that make me attain your love. Allah, make your love more beloved to me than my own self, my family or cool water. [Allahumma inni asaluka hubbaka wa hubba man yuhibbuk, wal amal-lladhi yuballighuni hubbak. Allahumma-jal hubbaka ahabba ilayya min nafsi wa min ahli wa min al-maa'il barid]. Isha [4,2] Allah make the best part of my lifespan the last of it and the best part of my deeds the last of them and make the best of my days the day I meet you. [Allahumma-jal khayra umuri akhirah wa khayra amali khawatimah, wa-jal khayra ayyami yawma alqak]. Night Prayer - Witr [3] [Qunoot in last standing after bowing + one tashhahud] Dua: Allah give me such forgivenss as will rectify my affairs in both worlds and have such mercy on me that I may be gladdened by it in both worlds. Grant me such sincere repentance that i never go back on it ever. Make me adhere to the path of steadfastness and make me never deviate from it. [Allahumma-ghfir li maghfiratan tuslihu biha sha'ni fi-d-darayn wa-rhamni rahmatan as'adu biha fi-d-darayn, wa tub alayya tawbatan nasuhan la ankuthuha abada, wa-lzimni sabila-l-istiqamati la uzighu anha abada]. Protection: Morning + Evening [3] I seek refuge in the perfect words of allah from the evil he has created + blow + 3quls [audhu bi kalimati-llahi-t-tammati min sharri ma khalaq]. Medicines: Fatihah + Allah lord of men, remover of discomfort, cure, for you are the one who cures, there is no healer but you [allahumma rabba-n-nas muddhiba-l-bas, ishfi, anta shafi, la shifaya illa ant]. Dinner: Alhamdulillahi-lladhi at-amana wa saqana wa kafana wa aqana. Fa-kam mim-man la kafiya lahu wa la mu-wi. [praise be to allah who has fed us, given us to drink, sufficed for us and given us shelter. How many there are who have no caretaker nor shelter-giver]. Death/Dua: Allah forgive me, have mercy on me and join me with the highest companion. [Allahumma-ghfir li wa-rhamni wa-lhiqni bi rafiqi-l-ala]. Anger: Allahu Akbar. Audhi bi-llahi min sharri nafsi wa sharrih shaytani. Fire: Allahu Akbar [Shaytan is created from fire - anger is internal fire. Don't be concerned with him, remember Allah] Seeing someone sick/tribulation: Alhamdulillahi-lladhi afani wa faddalani ala katheeran mim man khalaqa. [Praise be to Allah who has protected me and favoured me over many whom he created] Wudu: Ashhadu an la ilaha illa allah wahdahu la sharika la wa ashhadu anna muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh. Dua: Allahumma afini fi jasadi wa afini fi basari waj-alhu waritha minni. La ilaha illa-llahu-l-halimu-l-karim. Subhana-llahi rabbi-l-arshi-l-azim. Wal hamdu li-llahi rabbi-l-alamin. Standing up for salah: La ilaha illa Allah, Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar. Subhanallah wa bi hamdihi, Astagfirullah [10] Allahumma atini afdala ma tu'ti ibadaka-s-salihin - Allah grant me the best you grant your pious slaves. Allahumma inni audhu bika min diqi dunya wa diqi yawma-l-qiyamah. Standing: Allah hears the one who praised him. Lord to you belongs praise . Equal to your creation and to your pleasure and to the weight of your throne and to the ink of your words. [Sami allahu li man hamidah. Rabbanna laka-l-hamd adada khalqihi wa rida nafsihi wa zinata arshihi wa midada kalimatih]. Bowing:    Subhana dhi-l-jabaruti wal malakuti wal kibriya wal azamah Glory be to Allah the owner of might, kingdom, greatness and immensity.     Subbuhun quddusun rabbu-l-mala'ikati wa ruh Most glorious, most holy, lord of the angels and spirit. Subhanaka-allahumma rabbana wa bi hamdik. Allahummaghfirli.                Sujud: Allahumma laka  sajadt wa bika amant wa laka aslamt. Sajada wajhi li-lladhi khalaqahu fa sawwarah wa shaqqa samahu wa basarah fa tabaraka-llahu ahsanu-l-khaliqeen. [Allah to you I have prostrated and in you I believe and to you I submit. My face has prostrated to the One who created and shaped it and formed my hearing and sight. Blessed is Allah the best of creators.                                            Sitting: Lord forgive me have mercy on me and guide me to good deeds and character. [Rabbi-ghfir li wa-rhamni wa-hdini li sahlihi-l-amali wal akhlaq]. Confirmation Of Faith: Greetings belong to Allah as do prayers and good things. Peace be upon you prophet and the mercy and blessings of Allah. Peace be upon us the righteous servants of Allah. I bear witness that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his slave and messenger. [At-tahiyyatu-li-llahi wa-s-salawatu wa-tayyibat. As-salamu alayka ayyuhu-nabiyyu wa rahmatu-llahi wa barakatuh. As salamu alayna wa ala ibadi-llahi-salihin. Ashhadu an la ilaha illa Allah, wa ashhadu anna muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh]. Salawat: Allah send prayers on Muhammad and peace and grant him wasila (highest station in paradise). I am pleased with Allah as Lord, Islam as religion and Muhammad as Messenger. [Allahumma salla ala Muhammad wa salam wa atina Muhammad al wasila. Raditu bi Allahi rabban wa bi Islami-dinan wa bi Muhammadan Rasula]. Dua: Allahumma inni zalamtu nafsi zulman kathira wa la yaghfiru dhunuba illa ant. Fa-ghfir li maghfiratan min indik wa-rhamni. Innaka anta-l-ghafuru-r-rahim. [Allah I have wronged myself greatly and none forgives sins but you, so grant me your forgiveness and have mercy on me. You are the most forgiving and the most merciful]. Allah grant us good in this world and in the herafter and spare us the punishment of hellfire. [Allahumma atini fi dunya hasanah wa fil akhirati hasanah wa qina adhaba-n-nar]. After Salah: Greet Angels. Verse of throne. Tasbeeh [Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar [10] Best forgiveness: Allahumma anta rabbi la ilaha illa ant khalaqtani wa ana abduk wa ana ala ahdika wa wa'dika ma-stata't. Audhu bika min sharri ma sana't. Abu'u laka bi nimaktika alayya wa abu'u bi dhanbi, faghfir-li fa innahu la yaghfiru-dh-dhunuba illa ant.
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