#Attorney in Singapore
bishoplaw01 · 4 days
Criminal Records In Singapore: Can You Erase A Criminal Record?
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In Singapore, understanding a criminal record requires sifting through dense legalese and legal jargon. It is imperative that foreign nationals living in the nation-state as well as locals understand the true impact of a criminal record. This thorough guide seeks to demystify the complexities of criminal records by elucidating their meaning in relation to Singapore's legal system and its operations.
For those who are impacted by a criminal record, it is essential to comprehend what it actually means? This guide clarifies the topic and gives readers the information they need to understand Singapore's legal system, enabling them to make wise decisions about their prior convictions and how those decisions may affect other areas of their lives.
The comprehensive and well-detailed criminal records system in Singapore is crafted to strike a balance between personal growth and community safety. A person's activities are recorded in this system upon conviction for a crime, placing them in different categories according to the seriousness of their offenses. The government keeps close tabs on these records in order to facilitate punitive and corrective measures by making educated conclusions regarding these persons' future actions.
The differences are extensive and have far-reaching effects, ranging from the criminal record context—which indicates the most frequent offenses—to the more serious classification of the criminal record. Even though a crime may appear small at first, its consequences may have an impact on a person's life long after they are found guilty.
What does a criminal record mean?
When we talk about criminal records in Singapore, we're talking about a wide range of crimes. These offenses have a wide range and are codified under Singapore's strict legal system. This extensive reach demonstrates Singapore's unwavering dedication to upholding law and order and making sure that justice is administered in a timely and suitable manner. No matter how serious the offense is—whether it's a small infraction or a serious breach of the law—this pledge holds true.
A criminal record can be linked to a fairly wide range of offenses. This variety draws attention to how intricate and comprehensive Singapore's judicial system is. The offenses might vary in severity from more serious crimes like killing to relatively minor infractions like small-time stealing. The wide range of offenses highlights how seriously the Singaporean judicial system views criminal activity. The broad scope of these offenses really serves as a reminder to all locals and guests of Singapore's strict adherence to law and order, as well as the potential repercussions for violating these standards.
A wide range of offenses are covered by criminal records in Singapore under the country's legal system. This wide range of offenses includes everything from small transgressions to serious violations. The following is a partial list of offenses that could result in a criminal record:Theft
Public nuisance
Drug possession and trafficking
Assault and aggravated assault
Various types of fraud
The list of serious offences is defined below.
Homicide and manslaughter
Domestic violence
Sexual assault
Possession of illegal weapons
Child abuse
Animal abuse
Human trafficking
Expungement is a complicated process that varies depending on the type and seriousness of the offense in Singapore. Rather than erasure, the word "spent" is used, meaning that the record is, for the most part, deemed irrelevant following a predetermined amount of good behavior. To have a better understanding of your options and possible consequences, it is recommended to consult with legal counsel.
The Conclusion
Are you looking for a reliable criminal law firm in Singapore to manage all types of criminal offences? If yes, consult Bishop Law, a top-notch law firm specialising in Criminal Defence and Commercial Disputes. Their lawyers in Singapore are known for their unmatched understanding of criminal laws in the region.
Disclaimer- The information provided in this content is just for educational purposes and is written by a professional writer. Consult us to read more about finding a reliable attorney in Singapore. 
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southrobin · 1 year
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[RBs💖] New item catalogue for Cosfest Classic!
New items with lots of Dead by Daylight, Fire Emblem, Pokemon and more fandoms! See you at Booth C10!
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faaun · 1 year
#i havent come to terms with the fact that one of the people i held closest to my heart has graduated and i wont see him for a good while#until i can shell out the money to fly to singapore. i get the feeling this is the conductors first shift on the train.#(all the black and breathing rapture) so welcome to charing cross? are you ready? an adminstration error#you are covered in the metallic stench of the rusty chains of command. its time to make four thousand pounds. i thought of you.#here in the garden of england she scrapes the shards of glass from the black sea. first with a spoon and then a knife and the with the#hairdryer that belonged to his mother. in the back of his car i can feel the stutter and jutter of the wheels the same shaky-straight path#of a beginner driver. i love you and the trees. hes finally growing his hair out. here is an enclosed metal room#more man than machine. i wont see you for another year. driving dangerously close to an 8-wheeled tall box i feel safer with you#than i ever will at home. weve already started a campfire in the backseat of your car ive got you didnt i?#we laid in the luxury of a four-person tent next to the mass of campfires and stars and i told her i thought you hated me#I've never hated you. ive never hated anyone except my father. here is how to forgive unspeakable things.#i am really all that ive been looking for. youre not a narcissist baby youve just got a lying problem. take molten gold#and glue the fragments of yourself back together. we cant stop crashing into the sky. drink wine straight from the grapes in the vineyard#and when you give it give it all. studies have shown you view your own future self as a seperate person#and oftentimes you have less empathy for this other person than for a friend. it is time to extend your kindness unequivocally.#the aviation tax attorney on the train floating on water told us a short story of her life. a smile full of charisma and#feeling old retiring at 47. theres a lot about you we shouldn't know. GRAB A GUN AND SHOOT THE IMAGE OF YOURSELF STRAIGHT IN THE MIRROR.
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iwan1979 · 2 years
SINGAPORE: The fee waiver for Singapore citizens to apply for a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA), which was to end Mar 31, will be extended by three years. An LPA allows an appointed person to make medical and financial decisions on another person's behalf should they lose mental capacity. Mi
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awlaw · 2 years
Is There A Scarcity of Good Divorce Lawyers In Singapore?
Divorce is a stressful time for everyone involved; however, finding a good lawyer to assist you can be a challenge. With Singapore's population growing, there is an increasing demand for divorce attorneys. What about the demand? Is it being met? Is there a sufficient number of divorce attorneys in Singapore?
This blog examines the conditions of a good divorce lawyer in Singapore as well as the reasons why there may be a shortage of recommended divorce lawyers. In addition, we advise you on how to select a reliable divorce lawyer who matches your needs.
Read more: https://alldailyupdates.com/is-there-a-scarcity-of-good-divorce-lawyers-in-singapore/
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notaryineast · 2 years
Our notary public attestation in singapore provide services related to the legalisation of documents for transactions between parties in multiple countries. Notarial services include document legalisation and authentication, signature and stamp attestation and certification.
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turnabout-cats · 7 months
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don't forget your daily clicks
ace attorney characters as cats day 123: he's being a little silly rn. no worries
little life update under the cut. nothing serious at all! just wanted to share some things without beefing up the main post. it's been pretty good!
i've been a bit busy these past few days, some relatives from singapore came over and i'd been babysitting the kids for most of the time they were here. it's been super hectic. the kids are a joy for the most part though. i really liked spending time with them! would still rather not be exposed to the horrors of cocomelon though. i gave my aunt some recommendations for alternative programs for them to watch, mostly stuff from my own childhood. winx, ever after high, adventure time... all really good stuff. i need to give them a rewatch sometime!
i also got a helix piercing! surprisingly didn't hurt as much as i thought it would. i'm absolutely loving it.
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sbdskate · 2 years
Laws of Attraction (Part 2) - DR x lawyer!fem!reader
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Summary: McLaren is in breach of contract, dr3 hires a lawyer to deal with the aftermath. Tropes ensue. Slow burn. Enemies(kind of)-> Friends/colleagues->Lovers
Pairing: lawyer!fem!reader x Daniel Ricciardo
Warnings: language, alcohol consumption, sexual themes, NSFW for a hot sec
Word Count: 3,698
A/N: Thank you everyone who read Part 1! As a first fic, I didn’t think this was going to get as much traction as it’s gotten and I’m happy I was able to spread some joy. Part 2 didn't come as easily to me, so again, I appreciate any and all feedback both positive and constructive. Enjoy and stay tuned for part 3 xo
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Epilogue 1
After weeks of exchanges of redlines, it was clear negotiations with McLaren were going nowhere fast. You showed up for your first in person meeting with McLaren’s attorneys after Singapore, your nerves and imposter syndrome back with a vengeance. Thankfully Joe did not abandon you this time, and ensured you he would be taking the lead for the discussion. Yet you found yourself in Daniel’s dressing room before the meeting, needing a private space pull your thoughts together before the negotiation. As you always did to calm yourself, you power posed in the mirror and repeated your mantra.
“Um. Can I help you?” Daniel stood in the doorway trying to hide a small smirk. He understood this must be a ritual of yours, no different than anything he might do before a race. Yet from an outsider’s perspective, it was objectively a silly sight to behold.
Your face turns red at the realization he found you out. “Power posing… How long have you been standing there?”
“Long enough.” He paused. “Nervous?”
You sighed. “Yeah, a bit,” you admitted. You knew you shouldn’t make the client you’re representing aware of your insecurities on their own case, yet there you were.
“You’ve been working your ass off on this, I trust you.” He was trying to be supportive, which you appreciated, but you knew the reality of the situation. You spent a lot of time around Daniel the last few weeks, giving you a glimpse into work-life at the paddock. You hoped you would be able to pick up hints of a hostile work environment to bring to the negotiation, but there was no glaring evidence of such. You simply did not have enough bargaining power against McLaren.
“Look, I need to level with you. You know I’m going to fight for you as hard as I can, and I hope I can take them for all they’re worth. But I don’t know what’s going to happen in there. We don’t have as strong of a stance as we thought and I just – I want to manage your expectations on what the outcome might be with this.”
He moved from the doorway to step closer to you. “You think I don’t know that? This whole situation… is shit. And at this point I just want the season to be over so I can take a step back, whatever that means. Yeah it would be nice to get a bit of money out of it, but it’s not even about that anymore. I just want to be heard and acknowledged. I feel like that shouldn’t be too much to ask.”
Your eyes met and you again fought off the urge to grab his hand. You pivoted, putting your emotions back in a jar. “Just remember you don’t have to sign anything today, we’ll negotiate an extension and we’ll do what we can.” He sensed your change in demeanor, whatever window you briefly opened to him was now closed. He had gotten used to this pattern over the last few weeks. You seemed to catch yourself by surprise every time you let your guard down and you quickly corrected yourself. It was infuriating, but fortunately (or unfortunately) for you, Daniel was persistent.
“Right… So, can I – uh - power pose with you a little before we go out there?” He succeeded in earning a small grin from you. You instructed him to widen his stance and put his hands on his hips.
“Do I have to say ‘I’m a boss ass bitch’ too”?
“Technically, no. Should you? Yes, because you will feel like a boss ass bitch. But you can say whatever makes you feel confident.”
The two of you stood there for a few more minutes exchanging manifestations before building the courage to return to the hallway. You found Joe waiting outside.
“Y/n, there you are. How ya feeling kid?” You forced a smile.
“Never better.” Your client may have seen you crack, but you were not going to let your boss see any sign of weakness.
Zak Brown and the McLaren legal team rounded the corner, unsurprisingly encompassed by a group of gruff middle aged men who vaguely resembled thumbs. You all dispersed into the boardroom, exchanging introductions. One of the lawyers turns to you: “Can you get us some coffee, sweetheart? We had a long flight.”
Based on your discourse over email, your expectations were low and this was something you had prepared for. You opened your mouth, about to say something you would surely get you fired, but the partner beat you to it.
“Her name is y/n and you will address her as such. She is a valuable member of our team and I will not tolerate any level of disrespect towards her or anyone else. If that’s too difficult for you, we’re happy to take this to arbitration.” The man pursed his lips together and gave the partner a curt nod, still not bothering to apologize or acknowledge you. You didn’t care, you were above concerning yourself with the opinions of small men. You mouthed thank you to your boss as you sat down.
As you expected, it was a hard negotiation and the McLaren team were a bunch of assholes. Nonetheless, you were able to get them to concede to a not-for-cause termination. You knew it was aggressive to try to get them to agree to a full year severance for 2023, but ultimately were able to get them up to six months which you were satisfied with. Once the meeting was over, the three of you debriefed privately over drinks at the hotel bar.  
“Can you believe he called our proposed language cute? Actually, scratch that. I can believe it, but it’s still infuriating.” You were careful to not over-vent around the partner or client, but you had to get some of your frustrations off your chest.
“You handled it like a champ. People don’t like awkward silences, just wait for them to dig themselves in a hole.” It was a relief to receive validation from your boss. You smiled thinking back to the moment. You had simply asked the lawyer to explain what he meant by the statement and sure enough he turned into a stammering mess and fell into the trap of negotiating against himself. You took a well earned sip of scotch.  
“I don’t think we’re going to get many changes beyond what we achieved today, but I think we’re in decent shape. Obviously Daniel you don’t have to sign anything you’re not comfortable with,” Joe looked to him for confirmation.
“No, I’m really happy with where we landed. I’ll sleep on it just in case but I think I’m ready to sign. And I just want to thank you both for all your help.” You nearly fell out of your chair though when he turned to Joe and said “I hope you know how lucky you are to have y/n on your team, I don’t think I could have gotten through this without her.”
You were thankful for the dim light of the bar that disguised your growing blush. It shouldn’t have given you any sort of rise, it was an innocent compliment and positive client feedback was gold when it came time for annual reviews and bonuses. Yet you bit your bottom lip to curb your smile before taking another long sip of your drink.
Joe smiled, not thinking about anything other than all the hours billed on the case. “I think we can cheers to that.”
Your eyes met as you clinked glasses, this time you did not avert your gaze. You relished the burn in your throat from the alcohol snapping you out of your trance.
“Now, let’s find you a home for 2023.”
After a long day, you were so tired you didn’t even bother washing your face. You put your pj’s on and climbed into bed, instantly falling into a deep slumber. Your mind wandered back to the boardroom, except instead of other lawyers and red-faced execs, it was just you and Daniel. He walks you backwards until you bump against the boardroom table, finally your lips clash in a feverish kiss. Wandering hands starting at your waist move lower, as your hands move their way from his strong chest to the nape of his neck playing with his soft curls. When he gets to your ass he lifts you onto the table, and you take the opportunity to wrap your legs around his waist, grinding against each other. Neither of you bother undressing, only moving articles of clothing aside barely enough for him to enter you. It’s desperate and messy. Your skirt bunched up at your waist, panties slid to the side, and his pants pooled by his ankles. He nuzzles his face into your neck as he picks up the pace, kissing, sucking, and licking. You throw your head back as you let out a succession of moans, you’re close to reaching your high and –
Your eyes flash open when your alarm goes off. Panting, you lay there a moment after turning off your alarm, finally rolling over to scream into your pillow. You chalk it up to the fact that you’ve basically only been hanging out with Daniel for weeks and 90% of your work has revolved around him, exacerbated by scotch and jetlag from the night before. Still, you feel embarrassed – both at the shame of your sordid thoughts about a client and the disappointment at the lack of friction in real life. You squeeze your thighs together, wanting desperately to continue the fantasy. Instead you settle for a short HIIT workout in a pathetic attempt to relieve the tension and take your mind off of your subconscious creation. It doesn’t work.
You make your way to the paddock, kicking yourself for agreeing to accompany Daniel for press day. Daniel and Lando spot you, both of them smiling and waving you over. Nope, nope, nope, nope. You make a ninety degree turn and keep your head down, not exactly sure where you’re going but you’re positive at this point you can never look him in the eyes ever again.
“What’s gotten into her?” Lando asks.
Daniel frowned. “I have no idea, I’ll go check.”
You found yourself in the kitchen, thankful that it was empty. Pacing the room, you took a moment to regain your composure. This was ridiculous, it’s not like anything remotely close to that actually happened in real life, it only existed in your imagination. But my, what a curious imagination you had. You were chugging a glass of water when you heard footsteps behind you.
“y/n?”  Shit.
“Good morning, Daniel.”
“Are you ok? You look a bit flushed.” Shit, shit, shit. You grit your teeth.
“I’m fine, just a little under the weather is all.” He puts the back of his hand on your forehead, your face turning beet red at the contact.
“You do feel a little warm. I know yesterday was a lot, why don’t you take a day off?”
You feigned distress at the idea, but were relieved at the suggestion. “Oh no, I couldn’t leave you like this.” You added a fake cough for good measure.
“I can handle myself. Go home and rest -”
“I suppose you’re right.”
“- so you can be here for qualifyings and race day!”
You wanted to smack your head against the wall. Obviously, you couldn’t hide from him forever. And it would make things weirder if you avoided him for too long. At the end of the day, he was still your client until he got signed with another team and until then there was no escape. You gave a weak smile.
“I’ll do my best.”
You made it for Saturday’s qualifying as promised. You still brought your work bag to keep yourself distracted and occupied.  You settled in a corner of the garage so that you were out of the way. The organized chaos of the mechanics, engineers, and slew of other personnel provided nice background noise to help you focus. Everything was fine, until you spotted Daniel out of the corner of your eye. He was helping a mechanic move something heavy, stripped down to his fireproofs and race suit half on. The ripple of his back and arm muscles shown through the fabric. His sleeves were rolled, exposing his forearms. From the comfort of your discreet corner you openly ogled at his form, jaw going slack. Feeling no shame, you let your imagination wander this time, counting the ways he could probably manhandle you. You felt like a dirty Victorian man trying to get a glimpse at a woman’s ankle from under her petticoats.
“You’re drooling.” Eyes wide, you slowly turned your head to find Lando giving you a sly grin. From all the time you spent following Daniel around, you accidentally found a kindred spirit in the young driver. Attorney-client privilege prevented you from speaking with him about your work, but it forced other topics of conversation out of you. You were both a little weird and awkward, but it was a recipe for an unlikely friendship with lots of laughs.
“I was working,” you mumbled, subconsciously wiping the sides of your mouth just in case he was right.
You looked at your screen – you had literally just been hitting random buttons on your keyboard for the last five minutes.
“I know you weren’t actually sick on press day.”
“Keep talking, I will literally fuck your dad and make you my step son,” you deadpanned. He found your empty threats amusing, like a teddy bear holding a knife. He could tell you kept a tough exterior for your job, but underneath the thin façade you were really just a goofball with a big heart. He had also sniffed out your now not-so-secret blossoming crush, so of course he was going to give you shit for it. The two of you continued bickering for a few minutes, unaware of the honey badger approaching you.
“Uh, am I interrupting something?”
Lando didn’t skip a beat. “Y/n was just saying how excited she is to go out with us after the race this weekend.” You tried to burn a hole through Lando’s head with your retinas.
Daniel broke into a wide grin at the news. “I thought you were doing important lawyer things?”
“What can I say, I’m full of surprises,” you said through a forced smile and gritted teeth.
“How are your karaoke skills?”
“I have the voice of a dying frog so for your sake I will not be participating, but I will happily support you two in your endeavors.” The boys chuckled and you joined in with your own forced laughter.
“Ha ha ha ha ha ha– I’ll cut you” just loud enough for Lando to hear. You checked the time, desperate to find an excuse to switch focus to literally anything else. “Don’t you guys need to go - oh I don’t know - race?”
As if on cue, Michael Italiano showed up to drag Daniel away. He was all smiles as he waved to you on his way out, and instead of being normal, you threw him some finger guns. Why. When Lando knew Daniel wasn’t looking, he mockingly threw fingers guns back at you in slow mo with raised eyebrows. You weren’t sure where they came from either, but you were mortified. When they were both out of sight, you let out a breath you didn’t realize you had been holding in. You needed to find a way to maintain your professionalism with your client despite your new schoolgirl crush - you couldn’t allow it to become anything more.
Everyone woke up on race day on edge. Lando and Daniel secured p10 and p11 respectively, which wasn’t terrible. But the rain was coming down hard, and worry set in across the paddock. As for Daniel, you could sense the weight he carried was becoming too heavy for him. Despite the fact that he and Lando performed well in Singapore the week before, the way his team treated him over the last year was taking its toll and he was still reeling from being the most recent victim of the Monza curse. Concerned for his safety, you researched every FiA rule on inclement weather as if your own work would have any impact on the race itself. It meant nothing, but it made you feel like you had some semblance of control over the situation.
The feeling quickly dissipated when the race actually started and Carlos aquaplaned in the first few laps. It was incredulous that they were allowed to drive in these conditions. You weren’t religious, but there was nothing you could do but pray and hope that everyone just finished the race in one piece.
You didn’t care what the results were, all you knew was that Daniel and Lando were in the garage unharmed after the race. Professionalism was the furthest thing from your mind. Without thinking you ran over to them, first engulfing Daniel with the biggest bearhug you could muster, wrapping your arms around him like a tree trunk.
“I was so worried,” your words came out muffled as you buried your face into his chest. It took a minute for the taller driver to register what was happening, unfamiliar with the intimacy you had bestowed upon him.
He finally returned the embrace, his chin resting on top of your head. “It’s ok. I’m ok,” he whispered.
You finally pulled away. Your eyes locked for a brief moment that felt like eternity, before you turned your attention to Lando. You squeezed him as well, “I’m just so happy you’re both safe.”
Lando on the other hand was far from sentimental, and was less enthused with the contact. He hesitantly patted your back in an effort to get away from you, “Please, we’re not dead yet.”
You pulled away finally giving them space, but your tone was serious. “You’re not, but you could have been. You guys had zero visibility out there, it’s absurd that you were forced to race in those conditions. And the whole thing with the tractor out on the track under a yellow flag?? I’m going to write a strongly worded letter and file a complaint with the FiA and if they don’t listen I will burn them to the ground -”
“I hate to burst your bubble, but you don’t actually have any standing to do that,” Daniel pointed out. He was right, you weren’t a driver and you weren’t part of a team.
“I don’t care. I’ll write under a pseudonym. Or you guys can sign it. Or all of the drivers could sign it, like a union!” Daniel let you continue your scorched earth rantings. You had been so hot and cold since the two of you met, he could never tell if you actually liked him or if you simply tolerated him. At the very least it was now clear you cared for him.
Lando finally shut you up. “That’s nice and all but can we talk about this another time? I could use a drink right now.”
You still weren’t thrilled with the idea of karaoke, but you understood the need to take the edge off after the stressful day these guys had.
You woke up the next morning with a pounding headache, memories of the night before flooding back. As it turns out, Lando had the alcohol tolerance of a sixteen-year-old girl. He decided Whitney Houston’s “I Wanna Dance With Somebody” was his moment to shine only three drinks in. The stereotypes about lawyers were definitely true – you had been to enough open bar firm-sponsored events that you could hold your liquor and still felt sober at that point. But you were a good friend and couldn’t let him flounder up there by himself so you happily danced and provided backup vocals. After a few more sake bombs though you had caught up enough to think that the beautiful and ambitious 1991 classic, “Emotions” by Mariah Carey, was a good idea. As you previously warned, you did not hit a single note and the whistle tones were basically just you screaming which divulged into full belly laughter at your own vocal inabilities.
At the end of the night, you and Daniel had to practically carry Lando back to his hotel room. You exchanged amused looks during Lando’s slurred mumbles and drunk-girl-in-the-bathroom speech.  
“You guys are just like, mybestfriends. Y’know? Yer just really great.” he drawled. Not being sober yourself, you indulged his nonsensical musings.
“No Lando, you’re really great,” you giggled. Daniel rolled his eyes out of both annoyance and amusement. Who would’ve thunk that Daniel Ricciardo would be the most sober of the bunch and had to be the voice of reason in this situation.
“That’s nice Lando but we have to get off the elevator. Can you two please pull it together just a little bit?”
“Ok dad.” You and Lando giggled again. Trying to herd the sheep, Daniel bit back his own laughter.
After you tucked Lando in, Daniel walked you back to your room and it was your turn for your drunken ramblings.
“Do you think Christian Horner and Ginger Spice make love to 2 Become 1?”
Daniel laughed. “I think you should ask him during your next meeting.”
You touched his shoulder. “Ohmygod I’m gonna ask him everything about Ginger Spice, you’re so smart Daniel.”
“Not as smart as you,” he chuckled. He went to move your hand from his shoulder, but you interpreted it as him trying to hold your hand. Sober You would have been mortified, but Drunk You went with it. So you happily held his hand as he walked you to your door. Drunk You didn’t notice the look of shock on the driver’s face at the gesture.
As you lay there in bed, you thought about how you should have been overwhelmed with embarrassment at your drunken shenanigans. You were a little. But you realized it was the most fun you’d had in a while, so instead you smiled and took some Advil.
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mariacallous · 4 months
The United States Department of Justice on Wednesday announced charges against a 35-year-old Chinese national, Yunhe Wang, accused of operating a massive botnet allegedly linked to billions of dollars in fraud, child exploitation, and bomb threats, among other crimes.
Wang, identified by numerous pseudonyms—Tom Long and Jack Wan, among others—was arrested on May 24 and is accused of distributing malware through various pop-up VPN services, such as “ProxyGate” and “MaskVPN,” and by embedding viruses in internet files distributed via peer-to-peer networks known as torrents.
The malware is said to have compromised computers located in nearly every country in the world, turning them into proxies through which criminals were able to hide their identities while committing countless crimes. According to prosecutors in the US, this included the theft of billions of dollars slated for Covid-19 pandemic relief—funds allegedly stolen by foreign actors posing as unemployed US citizens.
According to an indictment, the infected computers allegedly provided Wang’s customers with a persistent backdoor, allowing them to disguise themselves as any one of the victims of Wang’s malware. This illicit proxy service, known as “911 S5,” launched as early as 2014, the US government says.
“The 911 S5 Botnet infected computers in nearly 200 countries and facilitated a whole host of computer-enabled crimes, including financial frauds, identity theft, and child exploitation,” says FBI director Christopher Wray, who described the illicit service as “likely the world’s largest botnet ever.”
The US Treasury Department has also sanctioned Wang and two other individuals allegedly tied to 911 S5.
Wang is said to have amassed access to nearly 614,000 IP addresses in the US and more than 18 million others worldwide—collectively forming the botnet. 911 S5’s customers were able to filter the IPs geographically to choose where they’d like to appear to be located, down to a specific US zip code, the DOJ claims.
The indictment states that of the 150 dedicated servers used to manage the botnet, as many as 76 were leased by US-based service providers, including the one hosting 911 S5’s client interface, which allowed criminals overseas to purchase goods using stolen credit cards, in many cases for the alleged purpose of circumventing US export laws.
More than half a million fraudulent claims lodged with pandemic relief programs in the United States are allegedly tied to 911 S5. According to the indictment, nearly $6 billion in losses have been linked to IP addresses captured by 911 S5. Many of the IP addresses have been reportedly tied to more insidious crimes, including bomb threats and the trafficking of child sexual abuse material, or CSAM.
“Proxy services like 911 S5 are pervasive threats that shield criminals behind the compromised IP addresses of residential computers worldwide,” says Damien Diggs, the US attorney for the Eastern District of Texas, where the charges against Wang were brought by a grand jury earlier this month.
Adds Nicole Argentieri, head of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division: “These criminals used the hijacked computers to conceal their identities and commit a host of crimes, from fraud to cyberstalking.”
At the time of writing, it is unclear whether these virtual impersonations resulted in any criminal investigations or charges against US-based victims whose IP addresses were hijacked as part of the 911 S5 botnet. WIRED is awaiting a response from the Department of Justice regarding this concern.
According to the Justice Department, law enforcement agencies in Singapore, Thailand, and Germany collaborated with US authorities to effect Wang’s arrest.
Wang faces charges of conspiracy, computer fraud, conspiracy to commit wire fraud, and conspiracy to money laundering, with a maximum penalty of 65 years in prison. The US is also seeking to seize a mountain of luxury cars and goods allegedly owned by Wang, including a 2022 Ferrari Spider valued at roughly half a million dollars as well as a Patek Philippe watch worth potentially several times that amount.
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actualbird · 2 months
Tbh I'm low-key curious on the salary of every NXX members like I need the exact amount of their paycheck and I wonder how do they budget it because the places where they live is definitely screaming "I make 6 figures and make good financial decisions!!!!!!!!" *insert rich ppl laugh* plus isn't Stellis canonically quite expensive to live in??????
like you have marius who is a billionaire. artem who is a nepo baby and well off enough to live in a TWO STORY PENTHOUSE APARTMENT ALONE and also own TWO OVENS. and vyn who is literal royalty
luke is probably the most """down to earth""", in terms of his visible wealth, but even then it's hard to hypothesize for him because the man works 3 jobs (detective, antique shop owner, SECRET AGENT) and one of those jobs is SECRET AGENT. i dont know how much james bond gets paid.
still on the topic of luke, but it's important to note that he didnt buy the place he lives in!! it was left to him by his parents, so maybe where he lives isnt a good frame of reference for his salary either
all that being said, we can only wonder how much these boys make
mc is probably the easiest to figure out. just search up "attorney usual salary" and probably add "singapore" to the end of that search too because singapore is one of the most expensive places to live in asia, HAHAHA
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
One of the world’s biggest botnet networks, responsible for stealing close to $6 billion (£4.7bn), has been shut down following an international effort from law enforcement agencies.
The US Justice Department, which led the operation, said the 911 S5 botnet comprised more than 19 million hijacked devices, which were being used to facilitate cyber attacks, large-scale fraud, bomb threats and even child exploitation.
Chinese national YunHe Wang, 35, was arrested on 24 May on suspicion of creating and operating the 911 S5 botnet from his home in St. Kitts and Nevis.
“This Justice Department-led operation brought together law enforcement partners from around the globe to disrupt 911 S5,” said US Attorney General Merrick Garland.
“This case makes clear that the long arm of the law stretches across borders and into the deepest shadows of the dark web, and the Justice Department will never stop fighting to hold cyber criminals to account.”
The FBI said the 911 S5 botnet infected computers in nearly 200 countries around the world, which were then controlled through 150 dedicated servers allegedly set up by Mr Wang.
An indictment unsealed on 24 May claimed that malware was used to infect and compromise millions of residential computers between 2014 and 2022, forming the botnet that was then able to carry out the cyber crimes.
Mr Wang allegedly sold access to the botnet to criminals, who then used it to bypass fraud detection systems in order to steal billions of dollars from financial institutions.
One target was reportedly a pandemic relief program in the US, which saw the botnet used to fraudulently make insurance claims from the hijacked IP addresses. More than half a million false claims resulted in losses of $5.9 billion for the programs, according to the FBI.
“Working with our international partners, the FBI conducted a joint, sequenced cyber operation to dismantle the 911 S5 Botnet – likely the world’s largest botnet ever,” said FBI Director Christopher Wray.
“We arrested its administrator, Yunhe Wang, seized infrastructure and assets, and levied sanctions against Wang and his co-conspirators... We will work tirelessly to unmask and arrest the cybercriminals who profit from this illegal activity.”
Mr Wang made around $99 million by selling access to the botnet, according to the indictment, which he used to purchase real estate in the US, St. Kitts and Nevis, China, Singapore, Thailand and the United Arab Emirates.
Other assets subject to forfeiture are two BMWs, a Ferrari, a Rolls Royce and several luxury wristwatches.
“The conduct alleged here reads like it’s ripped from a screenplay: A scheme to sell access to millions of malware-infected computers worldwide, enabling criminals over the world to steal billions of dollars, transmit bomb threats, and exchange child exploitation materials – then using the scheme’s nearly $100 million in profits to buy luxury cars, watches, and real estate,” said Matthew Axelrod of the US Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security.
“What they don’t show in the movies though is the painstaking work it takes by domestic and international law enforcement, working closely with industry partners, to take down such a brazen scheme and make an arrest like this happen.”
Mr Wang faces a maximum penalty of 65 years in prison if convicted.
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humanrightsupdates · 4 months
Singapore Doubles Down on Executions
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The Singaporean government since mid-April has issued at least four execution notices to individuals convicted of drug-related offenses. They are among 36 death row prisoners taking part in a legal action relating to their constitutional right to legal aid following appeal. None of these prisoners currently have legal representation.
The executions of these prisoners have been put on hold, awaiting the outcome of the court application.
But the Singaporean government remains determined to use the death penalty, even as the global trend is towards abolition. On May 8, Singapore’s home minister, K. Shanmugam, announced that the Post-Appeal in Capital Cases Act (PACC), which was passed in 2022, would imminently come into force. This law will severely curtail prisoners’ ability to appeal their convictions and further undermine fair trial and due process rights in capital cases in Singapore.
In his address, in which he defended the country’s use of capital punishment as an “effective” deterrent, the home minister hit out at Singapore’s anti-death penalty activists, who have long been the target of government harassment and intimidation. He publicly named five anti-death penalty advocates, including a media outlet, who because of their activism have previously been subject to orders under the Protection from Online Falsehoods and Manipulation Act (POFMA), a law that gives the government broad discretionary powers to censor online content.
The Singaporean government has a track record of silencing and intimidating opponents of the death penalty. Last year, the authorities suspended the law license of prominent human rights lawyer M. Ravi for five years: the maximum sanction for a lawyer’s misconduct. He was accused of making “grave and baseless accusations of improper conduct” on Facebook against the attorney-general, after M. Ravi managed to have the death sentence of his client, Malaysian national Gobi Avedian, set aside on the grounds of miscarriage of justice.
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The executive director of a police union in California has been placed on leave and is facing federal charges after allegedly importing drugs from overseas and distributing them throughout the country.
Joanne Marian Segovia, 64, ordered thousands of synthetic opioids including valeryl fentanyl that were disguised as chocolates, wedding favors and makeup, according to the criminal complaint filed Monday by the Office of the United States Attorney.
Segovia, who serves as the executive director of the San Jose Police Officers' Association (SJPOA), allegedly used her personal and office computers to order the opioids and made shipments using the union's UPS account, the complaint said.
Segovia has been the executive director of the union, which represents officers with the San Jose Police Department, for nearly 20 years, according to CNN affiliate KGO-TV.
At least 61 shipments containing drugs worth thousands of dollars coming from countries including Hong Kong, Hungary, India and Singapore were shipped to Segovia's home between October 2015 and January this year, according to the complaint.
"The manifests for these shipments declared their contents with labels like 'Wedding Party Favors,' 'Gift Makeup,' or 'Chocolate and Sweets,'" the United States Attorneys Office for Northern California said in a press release.
"But between July 2019 and January 2023, officials intercepted and opened five of these shipments and found that they contained thousands of pills of controlled substances, including the synthetic opioids Tramadol and Tapentadol," the press release said.
In February 2023, Segovia was interviewed by federal investigators but she continued to order drug shipments, including a package in March containing valeryl fentanyl seized by federal agents in Kentucky, according to the complaint.
Segovia has been charged with attempt to unlawfully import valeryl fentanyl and faces up to a maximum sentence of 20 years, according to the complaint.
An attorney for Segovia did not respond to CNN's request for comment.
Segovia has been placed on leave and cut off from all access to the police officers association, San Jose Police Officers Association spokesperson Tom Saggau told CNN in a statement. No other individuals with the association were involved or knew about the scheme, Saggau said.
"Last Friday we were informed by federal authorities that one of our civilian employees was under investigation for distribution of a controlled substance and the POA has been fully and completely cooperating with the federal authorities as they continue their investigation," Saggau said. "The Board of Directors is saddened and disappointed at hearing this news and we have pledged to provide our full support to the investigative authorities."
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darkeagleruins · 3 months
How much of that money that Judge Merchan's daughter raised, $93 million, is going to Republicans @RepKatCammack ?
Because Republicans didn't do anything to stop that bogus trial by taking away Federal Funding and Republicans like yourself who live in Florida hid behind Jim Jordans skirt instead of asking the Florida Attorney General to open an investigation on Lauren Merchan's Miami office to see how much of that $93 million she raised came from her foreign Singapore field office.
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allthatcattydatty · 11 months
umm some more detailed info about why i am Confused about dog guy uhhhh. we're going to the same junior college (for those not in singapore, it's like 12th grade - college) so like it's going to be normal for us to like talk more right. and idm being friends with him
maybe i'm just super weak and easy because he asks about my wellbeing when im sick + asks me about myself (what class, house, subjects etc) + makes fun of me for playing genshin and hsr at first but later says 'ykw im bored let me try it' + asks me frequently about hsr and the other hoyoverse games + listens to me ramble about my newest obsession with ace attorney LOL + recommends me other games to play like . mobile legends 💀
i'm pretty sure this can be seen as platonic as well bc like if my friends did the same i wouldn't think twice. so maybe im just anxious and super conscious since he's a boy and we havent talked in like 4 years .. i genuinely don't know if i'm just overassuming and being delulu AGAIN because i keep second guessing myself
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catdotjpeg · 2 years
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The top executive for San Jose’s police union imported synthetic opioids over an eight-year period to orchestrate a national drug ring that disguised packages of pills as wedding gifts, makeup and chocolate, federal officials said Wednesday.
Joanne Marian Segovia, the 64-year-old executive director of the San Jose Police Officers’ Association, used her home computer and police union equipment to facilitate the mailing of the synthetic opioids, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office. The drug smuggling allegedly took place from October 2015 to January 2023, with Segovia facilitating more than 60 shipments from Hong Kong, Hungary, India and Singapore.
In a three-and-a-half-year period ending in January, officials allegedly intercepted five shipments to Segovia that contained thousands of pills, including synthetic opioids Tramadol and Tapentadol... 
Segovia allegedly used the encrypted messenger WhatsApp to handle logistics, exchanging hundreds of messages with someone using a phone with an India country code. The messages—containing shipping and payment details, pictures and receipts—continued into this month even after federal investigators interviewed Segovia in February, prosecutors said.
On March 13, federal agents in Kentucky seized a package that contained valeryl fentanyl and was addressed to Segovia, officials said. The package originated from China and the contents were listed as a “clock.”
Segovia was charged with attempting to unlawfully import valeryl fentanyl, according to a complaint that was unsealed Tuesday. The complaint alleges Segovia was apprehended as part of an ongoing Homeland Security investigation into controlled substances being shipped into the Bay Area from abroad.
Will Edelman, an attorney listed for Segovia in court records, did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Edelman previously worked as a federal prosecutor in the same U.S. Attorney’s Office that charged Segovia, according to his LinkedIn profile.
The complaint against Segovia said that she told federal investigators she had nothing to do with the drug smuggling and blamed the shipments of pills on a woman she identified “as a family friend and housekeeper.”
Segovia allegedly told investigators that after their February meeting, she realized “like a light bulb” that it must be this unnamed woman who smuggled the drugs.
However, the complaint casts doubt on Segovia’s statements and includes photos that she allegedly sent to a collaborator. One image shows a computer with police union work materials in view and another shows her signature on a packing slip sent from the police union address. 
Tom Saggau, a spokesperson for the San Jose Police Officers' Association, said the union became aware of the alleged crimes on Friday and has been cooperating with federal authorities. He added that Segovia had no role in handling financials for the organization and was not involved in decisions about the organization’s stance on police issues.
“No one at the POA is involved or had prior knowledge of the alleged acts,” Saggau said. “The POA immediately placed the civilian employee on leave and as is standard procedure cut off all access to the POA. The board of directors is saddened and disappointed at hearing this news, and we have pledged to provide our full support to the investigative authorities.”
-- “SJ Police Union Exec Accused of Smuggling Drugs as Wedding Gifts, Chocolate” by Josh Koehn for The San Francisco Standard, 29 Mar 2023
[Image ID: A person wears a San Jose police jacket during a press conference outside of the San Jose Police Department. End ID.] 
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