#Athinris bein g dumb about the you didn't have to kill wynne thing dont worry she'll realize soon enough
herald-of-aurene · 2 years
Athinri discovers knowledge from her past that she doesn't take too well.
Oh, and everyone has issues with Caithe. Of course.
Words: 1017
Warning: Spoilers for living world season 2, mentions of death, attempting to kill someone, somewhat of a short lived panic attack, and Caithe slander. :(
Previous Part
Athinri gasps, desperate for air as she flung herself as far away as she could from the seed. As if distance could take away the pain and new memories assaulting her. Tears flooded her eyes and face. She touched her mark- her scar, clutching it as if to shield it from the phantom pain. She could distantly hear Rox talking, and a clawed hand on her around her, but she couldn’t focus on that- on them.
Athinri couldn’t breathe, she could only feel the dagger in her heart, she couldn’t she couldn’t she couldn’t-
There were too many revelations, She couldn’t wrap her head around.
Caithe had killed Wynne, killed Athinri.
And the most confusing fact.
They were dragon minions. They were monsters, creatures to kill and be killed. Nothing more.
As her mind swirled, trying to wrap itself around everything, it felt like being buried alive. 
Until, a voice cut through the static, freeing her from some of the dirt.
“Spite….? Caithe is here what do we-”
Athinri was flooded with rage. 
Adrenalin taking over her body, Athinri sprung up, knocking over Spite, who had been clutching the sylvari to her chest. Athinri ran past them all and pulled out her blade, intent on harming her, like Caithe did to her a lifetime ago. 
Braham’s arms yanked her back and pulled her to his chest. 
“Whoa there Ri, you can’t hurt her. Not yet at least. Calm down and tell us what you saw.”
Athinri thrashed against his arms, trying desperately to break free, to take this pain out on Caithe-  no on anyone.
“She killed me! She killed me! You don’t understand! She killed me so I have to kill her back!”
Kasmeer reached forward, wiping the tears away, “Dear, take a minute. You aren’t dead, that was a vision, she never hurt you! Not physically at least. Breathe!”
Athinri thrashed even more violently, becoming hysterical, “No! No! You don’t understand! She killed me! I still have the scar! She killed me!” 
Caithe reached forward, trying to place a hand on Athinri to comfort her, “Athinri- you don’t understand! You begged me to! I- it was a kinder fate-” 
“Don’t.” Braham practically growled. He placed Athinri in front of Spite, who wrapped her in a protective hug. He stalked towards the firstborn, puffing out his chest as he towered over her, inches away from her face.
“You’ve done enough to her. You don’t get to take a single breath in her direction from now on.”
Caithe wilted a little, “You don’t get it-”
“I got enough.”
“Braham.” Spite cut in, “Stand down.”
Braham made no moves, “She-”
“I know. I’m angry too, but we don’t have time for this. The fleet will leave any second. We can do this on our way to Camp Resolve.”
Braham growled, only moving after a minute. He went straight to Athinri, who wrapped him in a tight, desperate hug.
Spite’s cold look of betrayal returned and locked onto Caithe. 
“Give me the egg and explain. Now.”
Caithe tensed up, but luckily made no moves to run.
“I can’t do that, but I can explain. Almost over two decades ago, Faolain and I tracked another firstborn to this cave. Her name was Wynne.”
As Caithe solemnly spoke the name, Athinri flinched violently, shaking a little harder.
“She carried… a dark secret… I had to kill her to spare her and so many others from a horrid fate.”
“But… why would Athinri react so… horribly to that memory?” Rox question.
“Because-” Caithe started. 
“I was her.”
Athinri wasn’t ready to face Caithe. Not this soon. She could barely process all this information, she didn't even know why she needed to confront her, but she had to. So she pushed past Braham and Spite and walked towards Caithe.
Her sister.
Her hero.
Her mentor.
Her murderer.
Her voice broke and her eyes seared with the pain of trying to cry with long, dried up tears.
“I begged you to help me! I was terrified and cornered by YOU! And instead of helping me, you killed me!” 
“No!” Caithe shook, “Faolin would have never let you rest! I was trying to help you! I released you from an even worse fate!”
“Like you helped our people by sending them to our creator?” 
“Wait- Athinri what do you mean?” Without even looking Athinri knew they were horrified, just as much as she was.
“We come from the jungle dragon. We belong to it. We’re meant to serve it.” Athinri shakily said, not breaking eye contact with Caithe.
Spite rushed forward at the news, rounding on Caithe.
“Give me the egg. Now. I’m not letting a flight risk hold something so important.” 
Caithe pushed Spite away, “No, I can’t trust anyone with it, not even you Commander!”
“Well too bad!” Spite’s claws pushed past Caithe’s hands, trying to get ahold of the egg. “I’m not trusting someone who not only is vulnerable to the dragon, but refuses to trust in others!” 
And then they were knocked to the floor. With an ear piercing roar the entire cave shook as rocks began to fall on top of them and enormous vines began to shatter the golden walls. 
Spite rolled off of the sylvari as a boulder came straight for them.  Caithe, on the other hand, was frozen in fear as the boulder nearly crushed her. 
Athinri reacted on instinct, pushing Caithe away and yelling at everyone to move.
“Go! He’s found us!” Athinri shouted as she pushed her.
“Everyone, weapons ready!” Spite ordered as vines erupted, separating Athinri and Spite from everyone. 
As they tried to get their bearings they heard Kasmeer scream, “Caithe’s gone again!”
Spite snarled, “I’ve done some impossible shit in my life, but how the fuck are we going to kill a shadow?!”
As the words left the charr’s mouth Athinri’s eyes widened with a realization, “Use the divine fire! Shadows don’t like fire right?”
Spite stared at Athinri, dumbfounded. “Really?”
“Do you have a better plan?”
“Burn me! Rox! Toss me the fire!” 
“Alright, but I thought light made shadows?”
Braham laughed and Jory cut off their banter.
“We kind of have a bigger issue right now!”
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