#Athena loving (1) one family more than anything
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backpackingspace · 4 months ago
Wait hear me out Athena with a tapestry cape that penelope made her and owl themed wooden jewelry that odysseus made her
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once-upon-an-imagine · 11 months ago
I’d love a request where the reader is Bobbys daughter and dating Buck. It’s a hot day and the reader has gone to the firehouse to see everyone but she ends up feeling unwell because of the heat and Buck looks after her.
hello, love! ahh thank you so much for this request! and thanks to everyone who voted! it's my first time writing for Buck so I hope you like it! also, I'm not sure why, I swear I read somewhere that Bobby didn't know they were dating so that's kind of the course this took, so I hope that's okay! Warnings: reader faints because of the heat; I think that’s it, but always let me know if I missed anything Disclaimer: I don’t own 9-1-1 😊 gif isn’t mine 😁
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"Okay, how does this look?" you asked, placing the lasagna in the middle of the table. Buck had texted you that the team was on their way back so you needed to hurry up.
"For the third time, honey, yes. It looks good" Athena said as she brought the bread with her and you went over to finish the salad you were making. You had learned a thing or two from your father and you started to actually enjoy cooking. It brought the two of you together after you lost the rest of your family, and it usually helped calm you down, but not today. "Look, I know you're nervous about telling your dad about you and Buck, but you need to breathe and relax" she said, walking closer to you.
You had been seeing Buck for a long time now. At first, you didn't want to tell your dad, mostly because you weren't even sure if the two of you were serious. Then, it got serious quickly and the two of you agreed to tell your dad when you were both ready. So now, because the two of you wanted to move in together, you knew you had to tell him. So, here you were, cooking your father's favorite meal for lunch, and hoping to have your dad in a good mood for later tonight when you were going to finally tell him.
"I know, I know" you said to Athena, who had kindly volunteered to help you since it was her day off. "It's just... my dad has hated every single boyfriend I've had" you told her.
"Oh, I know. He's told me about all the insipid, idiot, good-for-nothings you've dated before" she said, making you widen your eyes at her. "His words not mine" she said, making you roll your eyes. "But he adores Buck, like his own son. I mean, they even went to a Bruce Springsteen concert together" she reminded you.
"Ugh, I know, nobody loves Springsteen as much as those two" you said, making Athena let out a chuckle. "Look, I know he loves Buck... as part of his team. I'm not sure if he's gonna love Buck as my boyfriend" you said, nervously.
"Of course he will. Because as much as he loves Buck, he loves you more than anything and anyone" she reminded you. "And he's going to see how happy he makes you" she smiled.
"You really think so?" you asked, smiling back.
"I really do" she nodded. It actually meant a lot to you what Athena thought too. You knew she didn't particularly like Buck at first, but she had mentioned to you how he's changed and how she sees that the two of you brought out the best in each other. "Looks like they're here" she said, when you saw the truck pulling into the station.
"Okay" you said, placing the salad on the table. "I think the bear claws are done" you said, wiping your hands on your apron, and went over to the oven.
"Really? You had to make his favorite dessert?" Athena said, rolling her eyes. "Aren't you trying a bit too hard?"
"Better safe than sorry" you smiled nervously.
"Hey, what's all this?" Hen asked, being the first one to get upstairs.
"Do I smell your dad's famous lasagna?" Chim was the next one to appear. "Please tell me I'm right" he smiled, seeing at the setup table.
"You are correct" you smiled.
"Oh, this is why you're my favorite Nash" he smiled.
"Hey! I heard that" you heard your father coming up. "This is a nice surprise" he smiled, looking at the two of you before he went over to his wife and gave her a kiss.
"Yeah-" Athena started before you interrupted her.
"It was Athena's idea" you quickly said. "I uh, just... tagged along to help with the cooking" you smiled as Buck and Eddie finally made it upstairs.
"Hey, little Nash" Eddie said, walking over to greet you. Aside from Athena, he was the only one who knew about the two of you. And Christopher.
"Well, I'm happy to see you" Bobby said, before walking over to you and kissing your head. "Both of you" he added. "This looks good, duck" he smiled as you rolled your eyes a little.
"Why is it that he calls you duck?" you heard Chimney ask when he was taking his seat.
"Why does he call you Chimney?" you smirked and he glared at you.
Your dad laughed and walked over to the table with Athena as he started telling Hen and Chim that he called you duck because you used to be a really grumpy kid and when you were a toddler, you sounded like Donald Duck whenever you argued with him about something.
"Hey" Buck said, walking closer to you as you walked to the oven. "How are you feeling?" he smiled.
"I'm... fine" you smiled wearily.
"You're a terrible liar" he chuckled.
"I know" you said, opening the oven and feeling the heat struck you. It was already extremely hot outside. This just made it ten times worse. "I'm just a little nervous" you said, getting back up, suddenly feeling dizzy, and making you drop the tray with bear claws a bit faster and louder than you intended on the counter, getting the attention of the four people on the table.
"Whoa" Buck said, worriedly, getting closer to you.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Eddie asked. "You're sweating a lot"
"Yeah, no I just... felt a bit light-headed" you said, placing your wrist on your forehead.
"Did you eat something today? Maybe you need to sit down" Buck said pulling you closer to him. "Look at me" he instructed.
"I'm fine, sweetheart-" you tried smiling before Buck saw your eyes roll over to the back of your head and you collapsed in front of him. He quickly wrapped his arms around your waist, preventing you from falling all the way to the ground.
"Bobby!" Buck yelled, even if Bobby was already rushing to you as Buck and Eddie carried you to the sofa.
"Chim! Hen! Get your bag!" Bobby ordered. "What happened?"
"I think it's the heat" Eddie said as Chimney came running back up with his bag, handing Hen what she needed.
"Did she eat anything at all today?" she questioned.
"Not while she was with me" Athena replied.
"She didn't have breakfast either" Buck said, feeling guilty. He was the main reason why you were late and didn't have breakfast.
"What? She didn't?" Bobby asked, confused. "Wait, how do you know that?"
"Um... she texted me?" Buck smiled, nervously as Eddie and Athena shared a look, thinking it was probably best to give everyone some space.
"You two... text each other?" Bobby asked as Chimney and Hen shared a different, confused look.
"Oh, I did not see this coming" Chim muttered to Hen.
"Seriously? You didn't?" she asked before going back to examining you.
You slowly opened your eyes and realized you were at the 118 station and you had a cold cloth pressed against your forehead. You tried to sit up but Buck quickly ran over to you.
"Whoa, easy there, love" he said, sitting on the coffee table in front of you. "Hi" he smiled sweetly at you, offering you a bottle of water. "How are you feeling?"
"A bit dumb, to be honest" you chuckled, accepting the water and taking a sip. "W-what happened?"
"You fainted" he reminded you. "Sweetheart, why didn't you tell me you hadn't eaten today?"
"I'm sorry" you frowned. "I didn't think it would be a big deal. I didn't have time to eat this morning and, then I went to work, and then I started cooking and I lost track of time and, I guess the heat didn't help" you said shyly.
"No, it didn't" your dad said, walking over and sitting on the edge of the sofa. "How are you feeling duck?"
"A bit better" you said.
"Well, it's a good thing your boyfriend is always alert and quick on his feet" he said, casually.
"Yeah, he- wait, what did you say?" you froze, realizing what he'd just say. "Did I hit my head?" you asked Buck. "Did my dad just call you my boyfriend?"
"Yeah, I'm sorry, sweetheart" Buck smiled apologetically. "I know you had a whole thing planned tonight, but I let it slip that you didn't have breakfast today, and well... I kind of told him" he explained.
"Y-you did?" you asked, feeling a bit nauseous again. "Does he know we're moving in together?"
"He does now" Buck said with a tight-lipped smile.
"You're moving in together?" your dad asked.
"I uh-" you stuttered. "Y-yeah" you admitted. "W-we were going to tell you tonight at dinner" you insisted.
"Is that why you came to make my favorite lunch? So I'd be in a good mood?" he asked, knowing you too well.
"M-maybe?" you smiled. "A-are you mad?"
"No, honey. I'm not mad" he chuckled, pulling you closer and kissing your temple. "I don't love the fact that you hid it from me for so long" he added. "But I'm glad you're with someone who I know cares about you as much as I know Buck does" he smiled. "And, if I'm being honest, I kind of suspected it for a while" he said, surprising you.
"You did not" you glared at him.
"You both are terrible liars and I mean, you only make bear claws when you're giving me bad news" he smirked, making you roll your eyes.
"Wait, does that mean, I'm bad news?" Buck asked.
"What? N-no" you said unconvincingly. "I make them when I'm not sure how he will react" you insisted.
"Yeah" Bobby said. "To bad news" he repeated with a chuckle. I'm glad you're happy, duck" he told you.
"Thanks, dad" you smiled. "I really am" you told him.
"I'm gonna go get you something to eat, okay?" he said, getting up and kissing your head again. "Don't ever scare me like that again" he muttered before walking away.
"So, your dad knows about us" Buck smiled at you.
"Yeah, and it didn't go bad at all" you said, excitedly.
"Not bad at all? Sweetheart, do I need to remind you that you just fainted?"
"Well, yeah but... I mean aside from that" you pouted, making him smile at you before giving you a peck on the lips.
"You really scared me" he said, worriedly.
"I'm sorry, love" you insisted.
"You don't have to apologize" he said. "Especially since it was kind of my fault you didn't have breakfast" he said, blushing a little. "But now that we are going to live together, I will make sure you don't leave the house without eating first" he instructed, making you roll your eyes a little.
"Fine" you smiled before he leaned in for another kiss. "I love you" you told him.
"I love you too" he smiled.
The End
A/N: aahhh! I hope you loves liked it!
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satancopilotsmytardis · 1 month ago
Unfortunately, I am still having Sharpwolf brainrot for post-Made to Bite
Telemachus is still very nervous about giving oral sex for a good long while, Antinous doesn't push, but he does make a point of blowing him and eating him out more often as a reward for good behavior to help him get more comfortable.
Athena, unbeknownst to the boys, does still hang out with her brother and his lover on Olympus, and she mentions that Telemachus found a warrior of his own and how he himself has improved as a fighter. Aphrodite gets curious, and when she sees the tangled thorns that still managed to bloom roses of real adoration and affection, she's impressed. She also thinks Antinous, at this point in the timeline, is fucking hilarious because he is CONSTANTLY trying to introduce things to his lover to heighten both of their enjoyment. She may or may not bless his search for ye old sex toys just because it's so funny.
Antinous, for a long time, will not be in the same room as Penelope. It doesn't matter if Telemachus trusts him now and he doesn't care what Odysseus would do to him if he stepped out of line. Being around her reminds him of the cruelty that he subjected Telemachus to and fills him with such a sharp guilt that he tries to avoid it whenever possible.
Telemachus and Antinous continue to spar for the rest of their lives, and after a few years of Odysseus' and Athena's teaching, Telemachus is more than able to hold his own and best him or fight him to a standstill when he wants to. A lot of the time tho, he does throw at the end of a fight because he still likes it when Antinous uses the sparring to "force" him to try something new in bed. His lover likes to have an excuse to let himself try something that he would deem too embarrassing to stomach otherwise.
Odysseus and Athena get into a vicious fight at some point (probably 2-3 years after he gets home) when Telemachus is going to be leaving for a diplomatic mission that will take him away from Ithaca for over a year. Odysseus wants to hold onto his family as tight as he can because he's so scared of losing them again and he is hurt that Athena was able to slip into Telemachus' life and become his confidant and mentor when he has had to build his relationship with his son so belatedly in addition to the fact he thinks she just went after Telemachus because he's such a kind soul. He won't go against anything she says because he has so much faith in her. She knows Odysseus is lashing out and is trying to be kinder, but she is still a prideful creature and fires back that if HE had listened to her the one time it mattered most after years of guiding HIM, then he would have been home in time to see his son pick up a spear for the first time. They are both furious and hurt, and poor Telemachus doesn't know jack shit about this happening because they both intentionally timed this for when he was out. After a few days, surprising Odysseus completely, Athena comes to him and apologizes. She treated him like a soldier, yes, but a good general knows how to comfort and raise the spirits of their men after a difficult battle. Telemachus did that for her and made her see that real change could come if people were not just cunning but kind too. Telemachus growing and being confident enough to go out into the world to help the kingdom is not her guiding him away from Odysseus, it's a path he's chosen for himself because of her teaching maybe, but not one he would ever have dared to consider if he didn't have absolute faith in Odysseus being here and knowing that his home will be safe and full of light and love when he returns. They two of them will never be as close as they once were, but they do come to the understanding that their time apart changed them both and that they both occupy different roles in Telemachus' life. One is not more important than the other, and neither negates the other either. There are only 2 things that matter: 1. That Telemachus is free to pursue his future the way that he chooses to after 20 years a prisoner and protector out of his depth on his own home. And 2. If Antinous should ever fuck thing up with him and hurt Telemachus again, they will be finding a way to keep his very soul from Hades so they can continue to torture him for all eternity 🙃
Telemachus and Antinous have matching scars on their ankles from the first time Antinous drew his blood and the moment Telemachus stopped Antinous' from painting the palace floor. In the privacy of his own head, because it would be far too embarrassing to admit to his lover, he thinks of these as their wedding bands. Antinous also always notes the scars, but considers that they may have branded each other instead. His mark sentenced Telemachus to years of pain, Telemachus' brought him benediction instead. He doesn't think that's fair after everything he's done, but he tries each day to ensure the rest of his lover's life will have no more suffering.
Anyway, Antinous definitely, at some point, gets Telemachus to dress in a woman's clothes and jewelry for him. They think they're going to have a fun roleplay night of Telemachus getting debauched "against his will" (some good ol' CNC) and then it hits him hard that this is something that Antinous and his companions always thought about doing FOR REAL to his mother and he has his first subdrop. Antinous doesn't know how to comfort him when Telemachus' head is messy, and he's remembering the early days of their relationship mixed in with everything else, and it takes hours for him to stop crying and to let himself be touched, realizing after the fact that he's safe, he knows Antinous would never touch him without his permission anymore, he won't ever hurt his family again. Antinous holds him afterward like he's scared he'll break him, and he apologizes for what he did even if he knows that will never be enough. He and Telemachus end up learning that this is just something they will have to keep dealing with for a long time, maybe forever, but they will deal with it together because Telemachus is still choosing him. It takes them a while, but eventually, even though Antinous is extremely nervous about it, they try again, and this time, because Telemachus was more aware of how this could be a trigger, the scene they set is changed and they do manage to have fun like this. They just know they have to be careful now.
Odysseus and Penelope do have another child, a girl, and Telemachus is so excited about being a big brother and so happy that they're happy to have a daughter. He doesn't know what happens to him when he goes back to his and Antinous' room as has a massive panic attack, but Antinous guesses, right on the money, that it's because he's scared she might be put into the same position as his mother was someday, but he assures him that no one in this entire palace, and at least one God in the heavens, not will let that happen to her. She is going to be just fine, they will be right there to make sure that it's so.
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wolfnight2012 · 6 months ago
EPIC!Polites had to die
(Hear me out!)
Anyways, i talked a bit about how Polites literally moves the plot in EPIC ( here) but this time I'm sorta gonna mirror the arguments.
So, this is all gonna come across as Polites favoritism, but (though you don't have to agree with what I say) know my arguments are taken straight from the text.
So, why does Polites have to die?
Because EPIC cannot happen without his death (for two reasons)
Number One
As I state in my linked post, Polites is the only person Odysseus is shown to listen to.
Odysseus changes his mind/his actions 3 times in Act 1.
Zeus: Odysseus would not have killed that infant if Zeus did not tell him to. Zeus tells him the infant will kill Odysseus' loved ones in the future & with a heavy heart, Odysseus acquiesces.
Tiresias: Odysseus would not have become the monster if the prophet had not told him he would never get home + Penelope was with a murderer.
Polites: at the end of "Open Arms" Odysseus starts to seriously consider Polites' words (that's why he sings Polites' words "Greet the world with open arms" back to him.) Thats also why that's the moment Athena chooses to come berate Odysseus. Odysseus has been guilt-ridden since Astyanax, but Athena chooses this moment, when Odysseus is with Polites & listening to him, to tell him he's "forgotten to turn off [his] heart."
One of these instances is not like the other.
Unlike with Zeus or Tiresias, Polites is not threatening Penelope/Odysseus' family.
These are also not the only instances of someone trying to change Odysseus' mind (or trying to tell him what to do)
Odysseus disregards Athena's instructions to kill Polyphemus & when she doubles down on his recklessness/disappointing actions, Odysseus essentially tells her to fuck right off.
Odysseus refuses to give Poseidon a real apology (not saying it would have saved his crew or not, but Odysseus clearly thought it would, hence him playing along)
Odysseus doesn't allow himself to be tempted by Circe in order to save his men (not saying this is a bad thing btw!!)
And then there's Eurylochus.
Eurylochus, notably, tries to reason with change Odysseus' mind a whopping Five Times in Act 1.
Full Speed Ahead: "We don't know what's ahead"
Remember Them: "Captain, we should run"
Storm: "Captain, we will capsize with these waves, our fleet will fail"
Luck Runs Out: (literally the entire song)
Puppeteer: "Think about the men we have left, before there're none"
And Odysseus listens a total of zero times.
And yet, unlike with "Luck Runs Out" when Polites tries to tell Odysseus to change his behavior/his mind/his way of thinking, Odysseus puts up a lukewarm resistance at best AND he sincerely considers Polites' words.
Number Two
Out of all the characters we've been introduced to this far (up to the Thunder Saga) Polites is the one who knows Odysseus best (AND the one he is closest to)
I know we only have 2-3 songs to establish Odysseus & Polites' relationship while Polites is alive (though he does very much haunt the narrative, even up to "Suffering" as Jorge recently-ish informed us) but OH BOY, is it Thoroughly established.
Full Speed Ahead:
The joy in Odysseus' voice when he greets Polites vs the more professional affection given to Eurylochus' entrance.
Not only the fact that Odysseus chooses Polites out of 600 men to scout the island with him, but that he choses only Polites. Either he can trust his life to Polites' skill as a warrior OR (more likely imo) he wants some alone time. And he feels he can be alone/himself with Polites.
Open Arms:
Polites immediately knows something's up with Odysseus but (unlike Eurylochus in "Luck Runs Out") he doesn't say anything in front of the crew, rather waiting until they're alone on the island. Either Polites has more tact than Eury OR (more likely imo) he knows Ody--enough to know he doesnt respond well to being called out in front of others or how to best approach a conversation about his mental state
Polites correctly calls out that Odysseus is tired of war (which Odysseus confirms in "Just a Man"), that he's stressed out ("Look at how you grip your sword, enough said"), and that something is eating at him ("I see in your face there is so much guilt inside your heart")
Odysseus never gets defensive with Polites or shuts down him down (unlike in "Luck Runs Out") despite the fact that Polites IS calling Odysseus out, (Just Like Eurylochus in LRO!) The most we get is a half-hearted/unconvincing "I'm fine, Polites" which makes ME think Ody isn't trying too hard to convince Polites, either because he knows he can't get one past his best friend or because he doesnt want to wear a mask, not around Polites.
((arguably!!)) Odyssues only goes to the cave/trusts the lotus-eater's information because of Polites (which is another instance of him being swayed by Polites or of the affection he holds for his friend being strong enough for him to want to please him)
Polites' death is what causes Odysseus to freeze up/go into shock. Odysseus stops captaining his men & leaves them orderless (despite their pleas for him to resume command) solely because Polites dies (and we do have confirmation on this given that in the last live-stream, the stage directions during "Remember Them" tell us Odysseus is still staring at Polites' body up until Eurylochus snaps him out of it)
Odysseus becomes overwhelmed by the accusing voices of the underworld & starts to spiral (arguably starts having the beginnings of a panic attack)
Polites' voice snaps him out of it (listen to the change in the music/soundscape from "I keep thinking of the infant from that night" to "This life is amazing"
There is audible relief/hope in Odysseus' first "Polites." I hesitate to call it joy, but everything does become lighter
However, Polites CAN'T offer Odysseus comfort/support, since he's not really here/he's just a spirit stuck in his deathloop
Odysseus' 2nd "Polites" sounds dejected/small when he realizes Polites can't interact with him/stay
He was hoping for comfort/support! He heard Polites & the screams IMMEDIATELY quiet! His mood audibly lifts! Polites is canonically Odysseus' emotional/mental support, as seen in "Open Arms" (check out my super long post analyzing "Open Arms" lyric by lyric here) and by how we are shown/told he's noticeably changed in the Ocean Saga (both by Eurylochus suddenly doubting Odysseus + the lyric "Everything's changed since Polites)
So, why do I think Polites had to die to keep the EPIC plot as is?
Well, given the information we have (and including no further speculation or headcanons) we know five things:
Odysseus trusts Polites
Odysseus cares deeply about Polites
Polites can effectively tell when something is bothering Odysseus
Polites can call Odysseus out without getting shut out/down
Polites can get Odysseus to listen/change his mind
Which tells me, Polites could have likely prevented everything past the blinding of Polyphemus.
We KNOW Polites' death is a large part of what causes Odysseus to shout out his name ("My friend is dead") but beyond that:
If anyone is going to tell something is eating at Odysseus in the Ocean Saga, it's Polites. (No other crew member tries to figure out how Odyssues is doing mentally/emotionally OR figures out what's bothering him beyond "Everything's changed since Polites") If Polites is alive, Odysseus isn't carrying all the weight on his own, because Polites will notice & reach out
Polites has a track record of getting Odysseus to listen. If they need to talk to him, it most likely wouldn't be Eurylochus stepping up if Polites lived
Odysseus trusts Polites. If they still get the windbag, Odysseus is letting Polites take a shift
If Polites lives, the plot of EPIC is diverted during the Ocean Saga at latest. Either Odysseus isn't made reckless with grief/anger & thus doesn't reveal his name. Or he doesn't become isolated/succumbs to his stress (and thus allows doubt to sow within the crew) because Polites is there to reach out. Or he trusts the windbag to Polites & they make it home to Ithaca.
Polites has to die to cement Odysseus' downward spiral.
Thank you for coming to my tedtalk.
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jashlc-blog · 4 months ago
Goodbye Tommy.K
Lou.F character was only temporary, an arc for the buck to have a character development because even that storyline was going to be with Eddie to begin with, but since it was not very conclusive, they passed it to Buck for his awakening BI, since it could not be with another person.
The lack of Chemistry between the characters, is public knowledge that there was no chemistry between them, in the seventh season he only appeared less than 5 minutes on the screen and in the eighth the same and if they did it was mostly with Eddie there, Tommy did not know the family circle of Buck with the 118 since despite participating in the rescue of Athena he did not know that she was Bobby's wife, he did not know Buck's tastes either and gave him basketball tickets, not to mention that he treated Buck like a damn child.
It was a matter of time for him to leave, since even in chapter 6 when they ask Buck if he loved him, he couldn't answer and then desperately asks him to move, despite not feeling a real feeling and wanting at least one relationship to work.
Lou.F did not get along with the Cast, it is also public knowledge that Lou did not participate in interviews with his star or the cast, even in season 7 when he had to do it since he was a new and important character at that time, he only had 1 interview with Oliver and it was very unfortunate. Nor did he appear in the TikToks of the series, publications and other things, it is as if he did not exist, not to mention the lack of chemistry with Oliver Stark since it is also known that he never uploaded anything related to Lou.F.
The question here is how do you want there to be chemistry between your ship when the actors have a bad relationship? How does chemistry flow?
Point apart, even when Oliver Stark and Ryan Guzman fought at some point and had a disagreement, they managed to make the famous and popular scene " wanna go for the tittle", which is very popular and overflowed with chemistry between them despite their differences.
5. And finally this is a wake-up call to people blinded by a ship that clearly had no future, STO FUCK OLIVER STARK, STOP ACCUSING HIM OF BEING BIPHOBIC, because it's not, Buck's character can't be in a relationship right now since it's a new stage and he has to grow more, explore himself, not put him in a relationship! Since that's always what usually happens, they put him in a relationship and end and then he returns to another, they also have to learn to be alone and go out with other people casually, it's for a character development, so stop accusing him so shamelessly.
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pjohoo-reclists · 3 months ago
The Lightning Thief Era Rec List
In light of the first season of the PJO TV Show coming out and the flood of new fanfics that followed, here's a list of fic recs under 5k that are set in that time period. These fics do not contain spoilers for the later books/seasons.
how'd you like to come around and stay by thesleepingsiren
T | 500 words | Complete
Percy Jackson
Lightning Thief Musical Inspired, Sad Percy Jackson, Insecure Percy Jackson
Percy is twelve and he just wants to belong, but he’s sent away for the umpteenth time and he pretends that his heart doesn’t ache as he’s sent to what’s sure to be imminent death. Or, introspection about Percy's time at camp until his first quest.
Changing of Tides by loosingletters
G | 500 words | Complete
Percy Jackson & Poseidon
Genderfluid Percy Jackson, Protective Poseidon, Coming Out
The sea never stays the same; why should Percy? Poseidon meets his child for the first when they arrive to return what was stolen.
The start of a legend by Phantomxlegend
G | 800 words | Complete
Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood
The Lightning Thief, Percy Angst, Hurt/Comfort
When you just find out you’re a demigod and immediately get thrown on a world ending, life or death style quest. It can be a little stressful. Or Just some small Grover comforting Percy because y’all forgot about Grover.
Storge by itsmoonpeaches
G | 1.0k | Complete
Percy & Poseidon, Sally Jackson/Poseidon, Percy Jackson & Sally Jackson
Protective Poseidon, Family Feels, Poseidon Loves Percy
Athena clicked her tongue. “We must decide what to do with the other one…Poseidon’s spawn. Perseus Jackson.” Poseidon straightened. The quake inside his chest threatened to release the force he held back. Long Island’s shores were bombarded with waves. “Enough,” he growled. He unclenched his fists. His trident crackled in its sheath attached to his throne. The council quieted. Athena narrowed her eyes. - Or, as the quest concludes and the war ends, Poseidon is left with the truth and the realization that Percy means more to him than he knew.
A Mother's Love by coochinelle
G | 1.0k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Grover Underwood, Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase & Grover Underwood, Percy Jackson & Sally Underwood
Parent-child relationship, Percy Jackson needs a hug, Guilt
"She must've loved you a lot to put up with that guy--if it makes you feel any better." Actually, that did not make him feel better. That did not make him feel better at all. Grover puts something into perspective and now Percy feels undeserved guilt about his mom. Takes place just before their first quest.
Storm on the Horizon by LakeAwen
G | 1.1k | Complete
Poseidon & Rhode & Triton
Undersea family, Canon Compliant, Book 1: The Lightning Thief
Poseidon's oldest kids learn that he broke his oath, and they're not exactly thrilled. It's not the kid's fault, but life is going to suck for a while. Poseidon cleared his throat. “Thirteen years ago, I met a mortal woman.” Rhode covered her face with both hands. “Stars above.” Triton threw his head back. “Dad.” “She has a son,” he continued, as if they hadn’t said anything. “What is the point of taking an oath if everyone breaks it?” Triton asked his sister.
A Father's Face by undeath230
G | 1.1k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Sally Jackson
Fluff, Pre-canon, mother-son relationship
Sally Jackson would break the world for her boy. There wasn't much she wasn't willing to do for him. And yet, when he asked about his Father, she didn't know what to do. She supposed she'd give him what little comfort she could.
Packed and Petrified by DancingInTheSliverGlow 
G | 1.4k | Complete
Poseidon & Hermes, Percy Jackson & Poseidon
Humor, Crack Treated Seriously, Dysfunctional Family
When the olympians got a package “best wishes percy jackson," Zeus probably said something along the lines of, "At last, my bolt! Finally, your son admits to steali-" and then gets turned to stone for like five seconds.
Styx by Soggy_Ice
G | 1.8k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson & Styx
Percy Jackson is not okay, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Dark-ish Percy Jackson
The river Styx reflected his face against its murky water. It smelled of beer, seven-layer dips, and sweat. It smelled of garbage. For a moment, Percy was Gabe’s apartment again, locked inside his temporary room for the summer while Gabe’s voice demanded for his mom’s salary, as if his mom were the one who spent every night gambling. His reflection showed a boy, knuckles white over the edge of the boat, glaring at him with the same dirty hair and glowing green eyes. He was angry. Percy didn’t realize that he was leaning over the edge until Annabeth pulled him back, raising an eyebrow. She gestured at Grover, shaken up, murmuring prayers under his breath as they made their way down the river. Right. Underworld. Meeting Hades. For the bolt. For the quest. For his mom. OR Percy and Styx bonding.
a pattern of diamond-pointed light by zipadeea
G | 1.8k | Complete
Sally Jackson/Poseidon, Percy Jackson & Sally Jackson, Percy Jackson & Poseidon
Family Fluff, True Love, Light Angst
"Percy mumbled a bit in his sleep and turned toward the back of the couch, jarring the bag of stale marshmallows he and Sally had been snacking on. A few fell out, and Sally gently reached over to stuff them back in the bag. Then she stopped. She stopped and studied one of the marshmallows, the sugary residue leaving her hand sticky as she gripped it too tightly. Without another thought, Sally tossed the marshmallow into the waiting flames before her. Thank you, she thought. Thank you, she prayed. Her clean hand ran slowly through Percy’s hair, brushing the golden curls she’d always loved so much. Thank you for my son." *** Sally Jackson isn't a religious person. She finds herself praying anyway.
May you find kindness in all that you meet by Zagreusapollyon
G | 1.8k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Poseidon
Tooth Rotting Fluff, Father-Son Relationship, Baby Percy
After an argument with zeus, poseidon visits percy. Also babies are cute, so there's that.
brothership bracelets (don't take it off) by Nightingale231
T | 1.9k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Luke Castellan, Sally Jackson & Luke Castellan, Percy Jackson & Sally Jackson
Alternate Universe - Brothers, Percy Jackson is a little shit, Alternate Universe - No Titans
There's a new kid at camp, Luke hears. With green eyes like the ocean, depths crystal-clear like the everdeep river that runs through camp, and black hair like coal and hidden darknesses.
Everyday Revelations by inkncoffee
G | 1.9k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Poseidon
All Human - No gods, Father-Son Relationship, Kid Fic
Five-year-old Percy wakes his father up in the middle night and Poseidon remembers why being a father, even with all its stress and sleepless nights, was the greatest thing that ever happened to him.
The Peculiar Disappearance of Percy Jackson by Word_Addict
T | 2.1k | Complete
Percy Jackson, Sally Jackson, Shane Madej, Ryan Bergara
Based on Buzzfeed Unsolved, Dialogue Only, Book 1: The Lightning Thief
What if Buzzfeed Unsolved existed in the same universe as Percy Jackson? A script in the style of Unsolved, discussing the plot of the Lightning Thief.
you shall be betrayed by one who calls you friend by pragmatism
G | 2.1k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Luke Castellan
Canon Rewrite, Hurt no Comfort, Minor Injuries
“You were supposed to be wearing Maia. Not Grover.” Silence. The guilty admittance would have gone unheard to anyone else, the loud fireworks covering their conversation, and the only proof Percy had that he had heard Luke correctly was the blood rushing to his head as it pounded. or; a rewrite of the pjotv betrayal scene cause man.
The Odd Abduction of Percy Jackson by The_German_Grim_Reaper
G | 2.2k | Complete
Percy Jackson, Buzzfeed Unsolved Narrators
Dialogue Only, Buzzfeed Unsolved Fusion, Book 1: The Lightning Thief
This week on Buzzfeed Unsolved, we investigate the two-week disappearance of Percy Jackson and the odd occurrences surrounding it.
finally where i'm meant to be by roseprose
G | 2.3k | Complete
Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase
POV Percy Jackson, Domestic Fluff, Found Family
Percy huffs as Annabeth attacks his hair with a comb. “I don't get why this is such a big deal to you, it looks fine.” ��Of course you wouldn’t understand. You’re a boy,” she says matter of factly. As she finishes combing his hair to within an inch of its life, she forces him onto the edge of the tub, looming over him with her arms akimbo. “Alright Seaweed Brain. Because you’re clearly insistent on ruining your natural curls, I’m staging an intervention.” He doesn’t like the glint in her eye. It’s the same look she gets when she’s about to execute a particularly deadly battle strategy. All he can do is nod. Or: Annabeth shows Percy how to take care of his hair. Fluff ensues.
Shock To The Heart (And You’re To Blame) by robindrake93
T | 2.7k | Complete
Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Clarisse La Rue
Blood, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Book 1: The Lightning Thief
Clarisse ambushes Percy during Capture-The-Flag. Annabeth doesn't interfere. Luke cleans up the mess.
The Son of the Sea God: Parent's Day by Monkeygirl77
Not Rated | 2.8k | Complete
Poseidon/Amphitrite, Percy Jackson & Poseidon, Amphitrite & Percy Jackson
Good Parent Poseidon, Poseidon Loves Percy, Sally Jackson has the best of intentions but not all intentions are good.
“What’s the news, My Love?” Amphitrite smiles at the way her husband falls into an enamored spell for a moment, simply looking down at his son resting so contentedly in his arms, she’s seen that look in his eyes many times before. But centuries had passed since she’d seen it last. Poseidon had fathered a number of DemiGod children, not to say he didn’t love them deeply, he was well known for how much he adored his children no matter their mortality or appearance, whether they be humanoid, half-mortal, monstrous, one could not accuse Poseidon of fathering a child he had no affection for. But there was something about this one specifically. “Po, what news do you bring?” She thinks, perhaps, it’s due to it being so long since they’ve had a baby in their midst. Percy Jackson was a boy of five years old but when compared to their age rate was nothing more than an infant. There are many reasons as to why this child has him so enamored with him and those reasons Poseidon kept close to his chest. Not even she, as his Wife and Queen, was privy to those secrets he withheld. “ Poseidon.”
Queen, Mother, Hera Teléia by WardofWinters (QoLife)
T | 3.0k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Sally Jackson, Hera & Percy Jackson, Hera & Sally Jackson
Childbirth, Protective Hera, Protective Sally Jackson
Hera is the Queen of the Olympians. She understands Zeus’ need to protect them, to avoid the prophecy which could mean their doom. She understands that really it should be her focus as well… But Sally Jackson is only 19 and caring for a baby. She is only 21 and trying to make enough money to feed her child. She is only 23 and cradling her child after he strangled a snake to death. She is only 25 and trying not to panic as she learns of a Kyklopes stalking her child. She is only 27 and marrying a horrible man in the hopes of protecting her child. She is only 29 listening as the school explains that Percy was deemed at fault for the shark tank incident and was expelled. She is only 33 and running for her life, for her son’s life, as the world crashes down on them.
Capture The Flag by Anonymous
T | 3.2k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase, Chiron & Percy Jackson, Percy Jackson & Poseidon
Blood & Injury, Canon Compliant, Protective Poseidon
"So what's the plan?" "Just watch Clarisse's spear," Annabeth said. "You don't want that thing touching you. Otherwise, don't worry. We'll take the banner from Ares. Has Luke given you your job?" "Border patrol, whatever that means." "It's easy. Stand by the creek, keep the reds away. Leave the rest to me. Athena always has a plan." She pushed ahead, leaving him in the dust. Easy, Percy thought. He could do easy. He barely knew how to hold a sword and use a shield but it couldn’t be too hard, could it? Annabeth wouldn’t assign him something beyond his capabilities. Chiron’s rules would prevent him from really getting hurt. It would be fine. (It was not fine.)
Legends are based on Truth by Monkeygirl77
G | 3.2k | Complete
Percy Jackson & Poseidon, past Sally Jackson & Poseidon
Fluff and Angst, Parent-Child Relationship, Soft Poseidon
Instead of allowing his son to leave his side upon surrendering to his Brother, Poseidon keeps him close, if only for a fortnight or two, because his Brother is a Vain God and he has no doubts pertaining to the matter that he will not attempt to strike his youngest son dead in his Euphoric False Victory. Percy doesn’t seem to mind the sudden protectiveness. He doesn’t know his Fath–Dad. At least he’ll get to learn about him now. And get answers.
Custody Shared is a Privilege. From both Sides. by Monkeygirl77
Not Rated | 4.5k | Complete
Amphitrite/Poseidon, Poseidon & Triton, Percy Jackson & Poseidon
Abusive Gabe Ugliano, Child Percy Jackson, Undersea Family
“I don’t know. Truthfully, Triton won’t tell me what he flashed into but he isn’t one to act upon another violently without prominent reason.” Those eyes darken once more. “He was told not to call for me. My son, my baby boy, was told not to call for me if he needed anything.” He turns back to the bathroom that houses their sons. “That is the reason he called for his brother and not me. He’s not going back. He is mine just as much as he is hers and I am keeping him. If she thinks she can fix that monster wasting away in human flesh she may do so but she will not keep my son with her if that is her decision.” 
Under the pier by dcninja
T | 4.5k | Complete
Poseidon & Hades & Zeus
Olympian Politics, The Big Three Oath, Post-the Lightning Thief
Zeus may have banned all discussion of Kronos after Percy's warning, but that doesn't mean others are willing to sit on the sidelines. The much needed discussion between Poseidon and Hades after the events of The Lightning Thief and the possible hints of the rise of Kronos.
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newobsessionweekly · 2 years ago
Hello how are you? Could you make a request for Evan Buckley, based on Those Eyes of New West from Buck's perspective, please? Buck thinks that way about his girlfriend as if every event in his life leads to her and when he sees her he knows that she is the person he wants to be with for the rest of his life. ✨
Those eyes
Main masterlist | 9-1-1 masterlist
Evan “Buck” Buckley x female!reader
Fandom: 911
Summary: Buck loves everything about you and he wants you to be his forever.
A/n: It’s a looong one. I don’t know if it’s what you had in mind, but I hope you like it just as much as I do! It’s the first one so far based on a song, and I just loved the process. Also I found a new favourite song. Hope you enjoy it! Not edited or proofread. Posting it on my way to work, can’t wait till I get home.
Requested: Yes
Words: 3.8k
Requests are open for Buck / Eddie!
Tumblr media
Gif not mine, credits to the owner!
The sound of sirens wiling through the streets and the moon's light hugging Los Angeles passes by Buck as he stares at the ceiling. Eddie rolls up the hoses, Hen and Chimney check medical supplies, every single one of them walking around Buck and giving him strange looks. He was just staring blankly at nothing in particular, with a dumb smile on his face, ignoring everyone else.
When we're out in a crowd laughing loud
And nobody knows why
You and Buck have been together through it all, the good times and the bad, and your love has only grown stronger with each passing day. As Buck looks around the crowded room, he can't help but feel grateful that he is there, surrounded by his family, with the love of his life — as he said multiple times.
Buck can't take his eyes off of you, and he knows that he was the luckiest man in the world to have you by his side. He found breathtaking how you always managed to look so beautiful in everything. He took his time to admire you, dressed in your comfiest clothes, something so simple, looking like an angel as you wait impatiently for Bobby's delicious dinner.
He loves that you're giving all to the person in front of you. He loves how you stay engaged in the conversation until the person has finished talking. He loves that you try to make everyone special, one by one. He loves everything about you. But above all, he loves to piss you off more than anything and now he's bored.
He kicks your foot under the table to get your attention, but you are too caught up in your conversation with Athena and Hen about some skincare products Buck is too clueless about. He kicks your foot again, but you just wave it off, not paying attention.
“Hey, you!” Buck shouts from his seat as every eyes are on him. But you know it's for you.
Buck is looking around, trying so hard no to laugh as everyone give him strange looks. He knows you'd understand the joke, as only the two of you knew about that. It's something he always does when he's bored.
“Yes, Ryan?” you accentuate on the wrong name as Eddie's and Hen's eye meet.
“Oh, nothing… Sophia!” Buck looks around to meet everyone's confused faces and the both of you burst into laughter.
Your laugh is so contagious, all heads are turned in your direction, giving you smiles. You and Buck are laughing at your inside jokes that no one except you two understand, everyone else in the firehouse giving you looks.
“The dumb and the dumber are back in town!” Bobby jokes as he passes by, making his way through the kitchen to serve the dinner.
Buck's belly aches from all the laughter, watching your eyes spark with joy. Once all the laughter fades away, and you made your way to help Bobby, Buck leans on, his elbows resting against the table and his eyes run up and down your body. You still have a big smile on your face as you helpCap prepare the salad. He never understood how you were so happy helping everyone with their boring chores, but he loved that about you.
You are always ready to jump and help everyone in need. You always done that with a smile and never complain when there's something you can't do. Actually, there's nothing you can't do. If there's a thing that's not working out right from the first time, you'd try again and again until you do it perfectly. If there's anything too heavy for you to lift, you gather all your strength or you roll it down in its place. And Buck finds it mesmerising.
“Ok now I'm confused.” Chimney says, scanning each of you. “Your second name is Ryan?” he asks.
“No, no, it's some inside joke this jerk likes to bring up when he's bored,” you explain patiently, as every eye lands on you. Buck's heart is beating faster as he is now admiring your smiled that never stopped reaching your eyes.
“Buck called me ‘hey you' for two weeks when we started dating because he forgot my name!” you speak as you set the bowl down and take your seat, this time next to Buck. “And I thought it was his cute way of greeting me. But it wasn't just that. It was also ‘hey you, pass me the salt' or ‘hey you, what about dinner tonight'–“
“She was so annoyed that I kept calling her that, one day she just shouted ‘hey you, jerk, I have a name, it's y/n'. “ Buck imitates you voice at the end, causing laughter from everyone around.
“Yeah, so after three weeks he finally learned my name!”
“I thought you said two?” Hen raises her eyebrow at you.
“Yeah, one week he kept calling me Taylor."
When we're lost at a club, getting drunk
And you give me that smile
You and your boyfriend were everywhere together. Lunch at the firehouse? No problem, you there helping Bobby cook. A small gathering at Athena's? You're there, holding Buck's hand as you beat everyone's asses at poker. Night out with the 118 at their favourite club? You're there, ordering another round for the whole table.
Everyone laughs at your trying to untangle your tongue to tie a simple sentence. Buck knows you are drunk, but he is nothing better than you. You give up soon after that, moving your hand, waving off any thoughts. Buck watches you from his seat, leaning back in his chair as you made your way to the dance floor with May.
He loves how you get along so well with his team. He loves how you wind your way into both Bobby and Athena's affection, they look after you like you were their kid too. He loves how you and May are already best friends. He loves everything about you.
He never lost your sight, watching your every move. How your favourite dress hugs your curves in all the right places, how your hair is now messy, but you don't gave a damn about it. How you dance and sing along with your favourite songs.
He never felt this way. He never felt like his heart was going to pop up from his chest every time you look at him. He never felt so secure and confident when he was around a woman until he met you. He never had a safe space, until you came along. He never felt listened, until you listened to him.
You caught Buck's eyes from the crowd, giving him a bright smile. He never understood how your smile could reach your eyes every time you look at him. He never understood how you could be so angelic with your make up all stretched out over your face and you throat flooded with alcohol.
He loves your smile more than anything in this world. Buck is certain the room just light up when your lips curve in such a beautiful way. But he knows that smile, it was one dedicated only to him.
Eddie was the only one sober then and played Uber for the rest of the team. It was one of yours and Buck's favourite nights. Where you two danced together and kissed on the middle of the dance floor. Where he took your hand and held it even after you reached Eddie's car.
Going home in the back of a car
And your hand touches mine
Eddie drove you home that night. It was one of the earliest nights where you and your boyfriend spend together in your shared apartment. 
Buck holds your hand gently, afraid it was going to break with just a touch. You are so fragile to him, so pure, that is he’d let himself squeeze your hand too tightly, you’d be gone with just a blink. But isn’t about squeezing your hand. 
You rest your head on his shoulder, playing around with your fingers, as the car rolled down the LA’s streets. 
The familiar warmth of your hand in his, sent shivers down his spine. He never felt like this before. He never felt like he belonged to someone. He never felt like he had someone to care about him so much. 
He gaze at you, taking in every detail of your beautiful face. Your eyes are bright and shiny, like two stars in the night sky. Your hair is silky and smooth, cascading down like a waterfall. Buck can't help but smile at the sight of you. 
He holds you close in his arms, like he didn’t want you to slip away between his fingers. As you were drove through the city streets, Buck can't help but held his thoughts in one place. You are not only his best friend, but his rock and his soulmate also. He can’t imagine what he would do without you. He can't imagine a life without you in it. It just feels impossible, and he must fight to stay it that way. 
When we're done making love
And you look up and give me those eyes
You were both laying in bed, your head on his chest as his hand relentlessly stroke up and down your body. Sheets tangled around you, a testament to your passion, feet tie up on one another as you gaze blankly at the wall, trying to catch your breath.
Buck had a really long shift, his thoughts rumbling through all the people he saved and the ones he couldn’t. He blamed himself for the loss, again and again. The burden of not running in that burning building ate him alive — he should’ve fought for the people inside, he should’ve run in there and carry one by one out — but he stayed outside, in the safe zone. His thoughts back then were consumed by you — how you’d feel if something happened to him, how you’d feel if he didn’t come back from that place. He always do come back, that’s what Buck does, but this time he followed Bobby’s orders to stay away for his and other people’s safety.
But the blame fade away when your nose touches his neck, lips together placing kisses up and down his chest. He feels grateful now for coming back home in one piece. So he can feel your touch again. So he can trace the shape of your body, the shape of your curves his hands memorised by now.
The walls of his house were adorned with photos of your memories, and the soft glow of the bedside lamp illuminated the space in a warm, comforting light.
When you look up at him, his heart skipped a beat and his mouth run dry. He didn’t understand how much he could love you, it is unmeasurable. Every time he comes home, he forgets about everything. Suddenly, he’s another person, he’s not the Buck that save people, he’s the Buck that need you to save him from his thoughts. He’s not the Buck that’s strong to face the flames or falling buildings, he’s the Buck that’s soft, sensitive, fragile when he’s around you.
He loves your unwavering support through all the chaos that came with his job as a firefighter. You are his rock, his safe haven in a world that could be so unpredictable.
It was a moment of pure bliss, and Buck knew he never wanted it to end. Your cheeks were flushed from your moment of passion, and your lips were swollen from his kisses. You are the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, he thought to himself.
Buck pulled you closer to him, feeling your warmth against his skin. He whispered sweet nothings in your ear, things now can’t remember word by word, but you smiled at him, your eyes twinkling with joy.
“Why you looking at me like that?” Buck asks, raising his eyebrows in your direction.
“Like what?” you stretch your body into his arms and wrap your arms behind his neck.
“Like I'm the only person in the world who matters” he responded, kissing the top of your head before looking straight into your eyes. They were the windows to your soul —as he always said — filled with love, kindness,and he was lost in them every time he looked at you.
When you call me at night while you're out
Getting drunk with your friends
Buck sat on the couch in the firehouse, scrolling down his phone, looking at nothing in particular. He glanced at the clock on the wall that was pointing already past midnight when his phone shakes in his hand. He knew exactly who was calling him at this hour. Buck felt a mixture of concern and gratitude as he picked up the phone.
"Hey," he said, clearing his throat.
"Hi, Buck," you said, your voice slurring slightly. "I'm sorry to call you so late, but I just wanted to hear your voice."
Buck sighed, feeling a pang of guilt for being so short with you. He loved you more than anything, but tonight, he'd been feeling frustrated with this party and especially with you drinking. Especially he wasn’t there to protect you from anything that might or might not happen. He wanted you to be safe and responsible, he trusted you, but he didn't want to come off as controlling or overbearing.
"It's okay," he said, trying to sound more gentle. "What's going on?"
He is happy you called, reminding him you didn’t forget about him. Buck can hear the music loudly making its way through your phone, you were still at the party and it doesn’t sound like it’s going to end soon. Even though you’re there with your friends, finally being able to catch up with them after a long time, you still call him, just to hear his voice. And that’s the reason Buck’s heart dropped all the way to his stomach.
"Oh, just.. you know" you sighed. "We're having a good time, but I just miss you."
You have a quick wit and a sharp tongue, but also a softness that made Buck feel safe and loved. He closed his eyes and imagined you sitting next to him on the couch, your head on his shoulder. He could feel your warmth and sweet scent, a mixture of vanilla and jasmine.
"I miss you too, Y/N," Buck said, his voice softening. "I wish you were here with me."
you laughed, a happy sound that made Buck's heart soar.
"Me too," you chuckled. "But I'll come to the station later to say hi again."
"Okay," Buck said, smiling. "I'll be here when you get back."
Buck hung up the phone, sitting there for a moment, a dumb smile painted on his face. Despite your flaws and occasional recklessness, you are the one he wanted to spend his life with.
As he looked around the station, seeing everyone buzz around, he realized that he was happiest when he was with you. The walls seemed to close in on him when you were away, but when you were there, next to him, everything felt right.
Every "hi", every "bye", every "I love you" you've ever said
The sun shines brighter, the music is more than just an annoying song and the room smells like home every time you step inside — that’s what Buck thinks every time he sees you.
He noticed how “hi” was more than a greeting when it comes from you. It’s a love affirmation, it’s a word that announces joy coming right upon him, it’s a word screaming in his ear the bad times are over, the pain is gone, the thought are quiet.
Buck loves how you turn that simple word into countless phrases. That word also says it’s gonna be a great time when it’s accompanied by your silly jumping around. It also means the room will fill with love when you sing it in different childish ways. It also means you’re ready to wipe away Buck’s fears when you start kissing his face whispering “hi” whenever your lips touches his skin.
But the world is back in its grey tones when you leave the room. It was like a physical ache, a longing to be with you that Buck couldn't ignore.
But there was one thing in particular that always made Buck's heart skip a beat - the way you say "bie" to him. It isn’t just a goodbye, it is more than that. It is an “be safe”, whenever he opens the front door with his LAFD bag in one hand, the other one caressing yours. It is “I’ll see you later” when you leave the firehouse after a dinner with his team, both of you wanting to just be around each other for a little more. It is an “but I’ll miss you so much” whenever you just hold into him, pleading for him to not go just yet, asking for kisses over and over again to postpone the time you’d be away from each other.
It wasn’t just a goodbye, it was the sign announcing the storm would hit him right when you close the door, leaving him behind. It was a word he’s afraid to hear, not knowing if it’s the last thing you’d say to each other. It was the word he hated the most in this world, his fearing of abandonment kicking in. But it isn’t that bad when you say it, cause he knows too well for you it’s not a “good bye” but rather a “I’ll see you later”.
Whenever you said those three words, Buck felt like his heart would burst with joy. It wasn't just what you said, but the way you said it. Your voice would drop down to a whisper, your eyes would soften, and your lips would curve up into a small smile. It was like you were sharing a secret with him, one that only the two of you knew. Buck felt a rush of warmth every time you spoke those words to him.
But it isn’t just an “i love you”, it’s also “i care about you” every time he feels down. It’s also “i have your back” when he’s got a rough shift and he can’t take it anymore. It’s also “you’re my favourite person” when you’re tangled in bed, head on his shoulder, rambling about all the stupid things.
It isn’t just a love affirmation, it’s also the reassuring Buck feels every time hears those words. He knows you won’t leave him. It’s also the fact Buck’s sure he wants to spend the rest of his life beside you.
'Cause all of the small things that you do
Are what remind me why I fell for you
And when we're apart, and I'm missing you
I close my eyes and all I see is you
And the small things you do
Buck stood in the kitchen, nervously pacing back and forth as he prepared dinner. That was the night he had been waiting for. As he chopped vegetables and stirred the sauce, Buck couldn't help but think about all of the small things that you did that reminded him why he fell for you in the first place.
He loved the way you laughed at his jokes, even when they weren't funny. He loved the way you always put others first, even if it meant sacrificing your own needs. He loved the way you looked at him with those beautiful, sparkling eyes that seemed to see right into his soul. It is you, just the way you are, that made Buck fall in love with you over and over again.
As he put the finishing touches on dinner, Buck heard the sound of the front door opening — you were home. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves as he made his way to the living room.
You stood there, looking beautiful as always, your hair in soft waves and a smile on your face.
“Hi! Hello! Good evening, Buckaroo!” you smiled at him.
Jumping into his arms, all giggly, happy to be back home with him. Buck felt his heart skip a beat as he took your hand and led you to the dinner table.
“Hello to you too, love!” he curved his lips into a beautiful smile and opened your way to the table.
“Buck?” you gasped. “What’s this?”
“Know you had a long day. Thought it’d be nice to have dinner together.”
He wanted everything to be perfect for you and as you sat at the dinner table, Buck nervously fidgeted with his silverware.
You took a bite of the meal, a look of delight spreading across your face. "Buck, this is amazing! You outdid yourself this time."
Buck smiled, feeling a sense of pride. "I'm glad you like it. I wanted tonight to be special."
"Why's that?” you raised an eyebrow. “Something happened?"
"Actually, there is something I wanted to talk to you about.” Buck cleared his throat, feeling his heart race. “Bear with me, been practicing this speech for days.” he chuckled lightly and run circles around your hand. “You mean everything to me, you're my best friend, my partner, and the love of my life. Honestly. And I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy."
Your eyes widens as Buck places a small box on the table, right next to his hand that was holding yours tightly.
Tears filled your eyes as you looked at Buck. Feeling overwhelmed isn’t even describing the situation properly. "Buck…” you gasp for air once again before he comes by your side, hugging you from behind. You took the small box in your hands, looking at the small ring. Your smile was bright, lightning out the room with love and a warmth familiar feeling.
Buck slipped the ring onto your finger, feeling like the luckiest man in the world. "I love you so much, y/n. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."
You leaned over to kiss him, feeling grateful for every moment you had spent together. "I love you, Buck. I can't wait to start our lives together."
It was a perfect night, and Buck knew that he had made the right decision. He was looking forward to spending the rest of his life with you, building a life full of love and happiness. You sat at the dinner table, holding hands and talking about the future until the candles throning on the table fully burned out.
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thequeenofthedisneyverse · 5 months ago
Haters wear pink - Eurylares Chapter 2 (Long chapter)
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Trigger warnings: Some blood here and there but other than that, nothing.
Side note: Epic is going to be like the movie Hercules; Ancient Greek times but with modern elements and slang during further chapters.
Chapter 1 Chapter 3
It's been a good five months since Eurylochus and Ares have been dating. Things have been going normally. Well, as normal as dating a god would be.
Eury has never been happier to finally find someone and same for Ares. Yeah, he was in a relationship only eight to nine months ago but that was more of a scandalous thrill to him, this...this felt real and serious to him though.
Every god in the Greek Pantheon knows about their relationship already without even meeting Eurylochus. Zeus is indifferent but wants to see how things turn out (knowing how Mortal and God relationships turn out). Hera is happy for her baby, at least SOME relationships have the ability to work out...hopefully.
Athena was mildly concerned at first because she's never seen him so...giddy or excited before. Not even in his last relationship. But now she's a little happier for him.
Hephaestus is still GREATLY bitter about what happened between him, Ares, and his ex-wife. So, he could care less about what happens to either of them.
Eury's family and friends are greatly concerned for his wellbeing but know they can't do anything about it. Even when Eury assures them, he's okay they still worry. That's what family and friends do.
Hades and Poseidon could legitimately care less, and that goes for the rest of the Pantheon. It's interesting but not worth their time to fully invest themselves in.
But you know who is angry though? Aphrodite! But why? Why would the goddess of love and beauty be hateful of their relationship?...Ares broke up with her four months before, that's why. For somRe context, Aphrodite and Ares were sneaking around with each other...while Aphrodite was married to Hephaestus.
One thing led to another, and Hephaestus caught both of them in the act by an 'invisible' golden net, and if that wasn't embarrassing enough, he invited all of the other Olympians to laugh at them both.
Now, even though Aphrodite was forced into the marriage by Zeus, Hephaestus was a good husband to her. He adored her greatly and showered her with divine gifts he made with his own godly craftsmanship. Aphrodite played him like a fool and had many affairs behind his back, one of which was Ares. So, his anger towards both of them is warranted.
After being humiliated in front of everyone, Ares broke up with Aphrodite in the middle of the divorce. Aphrodite pretended that she understood but was greatly pissed on the inside.
"It's okay Ares, I understand, no worries"
He dares break up with her?! THE Aphrodite? he must've lost his mind.
Two months after they broke up, of course, Ares fell in love with Eurylochus, we know this. That was a problem for Aphrodite in and of itself, but when Ares said
"You are more beautiful than Aphrodite herself"
Yeah...if you know anything about Aphrodite, you know she doesn't take others being more beautiful than her lightly. Especially not others being called more beautiful than her.
The sheer audacity of that statement made Aphro's gold blood boil tremendously. First, Ares breaks up with her, next Ares finds a MORTAL to date TWO months afterwards, and lastly...he called this mortal more beautiful than her.
Ares surely didn't care for Eurylochus' wellbeing...
Now, as Eurylochus is minding his own business tending to the crops on his farm. A being that glowed light pink watched him from afar. Aphrodite was getting a good look at him.
Eurylochus was in a grey toga, his skin had a few droplets of sweat on it, making him glisten a bit. His eyelashes were long, and his full lips sat on his face with a natural pout due to his genetics.
He's quite the looker, much to Aphro's dismay, if it weren't for the current situation she would've went for him herself.
Slowly, she made him way over to him, going around the crops and looked around. No other person in sight. Her blonde hair swayed with the wind and her green eyes zeroed in on him as she quietly made herself stand behind him. Target acquired.
"You must be Eurylochus"
The sudden unfamiliar voice made Eurylochus pause for a moment. The young man (Well, he'd be thirty in a week, much to his dismay) turned around and was face to face with a very tall, beautiful woman. Around four to five feet taller than him at best.
'Aphrodite' his mind told him. It couldn't be anyone else. Most men weren't as tall as Eurylochus, let alone the women of Ithica. That and her entire body had a soft pink glow.
What was she doing here?
Before he could even get a word in, she spoke-
"It's finally nice to meet you, Ares has told me soooo much about you!" Lies, Ares hasn't spoken a word to her since they broke up. Her voice was as sweet as her honey tanned skin, but her eyes told something much more...sinister.
Eury raised a brow as he saw right through her lie in less than a Peloponnesian minute but wouldn't voice it. No point.
"He has? Hm, well, nice to meet you I suppose...is there something you...want to know?" Eurylochus tried to sound as nice as he could without sounding suspicious, but he wasn't the world's greatest actor.
"Oh yes of course, but I would like for you to do something for me first!" Her smile got wider as she clasped her hands together.
"And that is?"
She was hoping he would ask that, gosh, mortals are so predictable.
"I'm so glad you asked!" She said cheerfully, "You see, Ares is a good dear friend of mine, and I don't want him to get hurt."
Oh dear...where was this going
"So, do you think you could do some tasks for me? Just a way to show your devotion to him?"
"Tasks?" Eurylochus put his hand on his right hip as he narrowed his eyes at her. Bullsh*t was afoot, and Eury could smell it.
"Yes, just some simple tasks, shouldn't be a hassle" Aphrodite looked at her nails to pretend she wasn't all too interested in the conversation...but oh boy, she was. A smirk seeped into her lips as she looked back at him, putting her arms behind her back "Do you accept?"
"Do I have a choice?" Is something Eurylochus WOULD have said, but he knows now wasn't the time for sarcasm. Plus...he would do anything for Ares, so why not?
The mortal man sighed with his head down and for a few seconds, he was quiet, putting the basket down. After that he looked up at her and straightened up his posture. His arms crossed over his chest boldly.
"Sure, why not, these are going to be simple right?" Eury knew it was a stupid question, but he just wanted to see if the pink goddess in front of him would tell the truth or not.
"Of cooouuuurse, these will be perfectly simple. No biggie. Just three simple tasks" Aphrodite chuckled in her head, please...like he'd made it through the first one.
Once again, he saw right through the lie but ignored it "Alright then, what's the first one?"
Aphrodite giggled and took Eurylochus' hand, gripping it painfully tight. Before Eury could voice his pain, he and Aphrodite popped like bubbles and appeared on in front of what seemed to be a volcano. There were huge iron doors that clung to the volcano's contents, withholding whatever was inside.
"I need you to back a flame from the forge of the god of blacksmiths." Aphrodite handed him a torch, where she got it? who knows.
"Hephaestus?!" Eurylochus asked in slight panic. He stepped back a bit.
"Relax, he's my husband, he ain't there right now!" She said with a kind smile as she grabbed his hand and forced the unlit torch into it.
For some reason, that felt like a lie to Eurylochus. But again, he won't voice it.
"Go on, I'll stay in front. And remember, you only have an hour!" Aphrodite had a pink hourglass appear. White glittering sand was falling down as the seconds passed by.
The large iron doors opened to reveal what looked like a tunnel that curved ever so slightly to the right. A shiver went down Eury's spine but, he will prevail.
Before he could say anything else, the doors slammed shut on him. Great...just great. Hephaestus was the god of blacksmiths...what kind of guards could he have?
Aphrodite knew what she was doing. She knows every god is aware of Eury's existence to some capacity, including her ex-husbands. She hoped that all the anger and bitterness he felt toward Ares and her would be rained down on Eurylochus.
Eury stood there for a few moments...blinking twice just to see if this was a dream or not. He would attempt to pinch himself but decided against it.
He turned around and saw the orange light that painted the tunnel. Welp, no going back now. As quietly as he could, he walked down the tunnel.
At the end of it he heard banging and clanking noises. It was either Hephaestus or the guards, whichever it was he doesn't want to interact with either of them.
Eurylochus peaked his head out from the tunnel and saw...the one and only Hephaestus...great. He was a little far away, but he was standing right in front of the furnace, hammering away at something and mumbling.
Eurylochus couldn't make out what Hephaestus was saying, some of it was in a language he didn't understand, Spanish was it?
He started to think...how was he going to do this without getting noticed? It seemed damn there impossible. Couldn't I just ask?...bad idea. Eurylochus thought to himself. Just announcing himself out of nowhere would be a death wish.
Something in Eurylochus told him to hide behind the table with tools on top. And as soon as he did, Hephaestus moved from the forging table to put a new tool in cold water.
"Who are you?"
The sudden question made him jump and stand like a deer in headlights. Should he answer that? Wait...how the hell did he know he was there?!
Gods naturally knew when a new/unknown entity entered their domain. It was just a feeling.
"I asked," Hephaestus turned around and stared straight at the table Eurylochus was hiding behind" Who are you? And stop hiding, it's not doing you any favors!" He commanded
Eury sighed and slowly stood up. He showed no fear, but he held his hands up to show he meant no harm. Hephaestus raised a brow and tilted his head.
"You...you're the one my brother is fraternizing with after my ex-wife, huh?"
"Give me a reason why I shouldn't strike you where you stand." Hephaestus held a long hammer in his hand. Perfect for bashing a fragile skull "You have twelve seconds. NOW"
"I- I, your wife- or...Ex wife, She told me to come here to get the fire from your furnace!" Eury frantically explained as he looked at the hammer and then Hephaestus.
"To show my devotion to Ares I think I don't know-!"
The old man chuckled, but there was no joy in it "Heh, devotion? And you expect me to believe that?"
"Please believe me when I say I wouldn't be here for any other reason..."
"How do I know this isn't just some trick Aphrodite is doing to mess with me? How do I know you, Ares, and her aren't just playing me for a joke?!"
"Because I am a mortal in this...I'm not going to put myself in a situation where I can easily get killed, sir" Eury's body was visibly shaking as he was trying to hold his composure.
Hephaestus knows Eurylochus is right, no mortal could possibly be that dumb. That means it's Aphrodite (and possible Ares) that's playing with his emotions. Hasn't she done that enough?! Did she want something to happen to the mortal?
Hephaestus looked at the furnace and then Eurylochus..."You just need the fire?"
"That's all...then I leave" Eury felt a shiver run down his spine...'please don't toss me in the fire' he thought.
He thought back to how much he cared for her, how much he thought she cared for him...and then she just threw it all away for his BROTHER!
"I have a question"
"O- Okay"
"Are you, Aphrodite, and Ares together? All three of you?"
"No sir, Ares told me they broke up so...as far as I know, it's just me and him"
Hephaestus' eyes widened...they broke up? Oh...this is wonderous! This...this is f*cking hilarious! She cheated on him with a man who left her right afterwards. The old god started to chuckle, then laugh...then rather maniacally.
Yep...I'm gonna die Eury thought as sweat fell down his brow. But something was confusing for him. What did Aphrodite and Ares do to him? Why is she his ex-wife now instead of his wife? Why did she tell him she was his wife if she's, his ex-wife? The hell is going on...
Hephaestus walked over to the young mortal, which almost caused him to pass out, and snatched the torch from him. He walked over to the furnace and put the tip of the torch inside. Watching it slowly gather some flame to it.
After it had enough fire, he gave it back to Eurylochus with a gleeful smile on his face. Hephaestus knew what she was doing now, not the full extent, but he knew she wanted this mortal gone. And he was NOT about her the satisfaction.
"Run along now, si?"
"Uh, t- thanks, sir, I'll be going now"
Hephae watched the mortal walk out of his forge with a smirk. The mortal would soon feel what he felt eventually. Ares had infidelity in his bones thanks to Zeus.
Aphrodite sat outside of the volcano, dreaming of the life she would have with Ares. Three, four, maybe five or eight children. Living happily ever aft-
"I got the fire"
Her thoughts were interrupted by a voice she did not expect to hear. Her head whipped around to see the figure she'd grown to hate severely...with a torch in its hand.
Aphrodite had to remind herself not to strangle him then and there. Pretty Aphrodite, pretty face.
"YAAAAAAAAY!" She cheered, "You got it! Heh...now for your next task!" She said as she smacked the torch away and gripped his hand painfully tight again. This next one HAD to kill him.
With a snap of her fingers, they both appeared in front of gates the guarded a beautiful garden.
"Here, go retrieve a Golden apple from the garden, and bring it back to me" she said as if it were that simple. In the back of Eury's mind, he knew it wasn't that simple. Something about this garden felt off. Too pretty and serene. Not to a mention a goddess took him here so nothing about this was trusting.
"Just a golden apple?"
"Yep!" Aphrodite giggled and let go of his hand. She wanted to toss him in there herself but decided to be polite about it.
Eurylochus narrowed his eyes at her and then at the gate. Slowly, he walked up to it, and it opened for him. Eury raised a brow and tilted his head but continued nonetheless.
"And remember, once you get it, bring it right back to me!"
She bid him her cheerful farewell as the gate closed. Truly sealing his fate for what's to come. He looked back at her for a moment but then looked back.
He could see a garden of apple trees some feet away, but it was still walking distance. In front of him now was just a garden of beautiful flowers.
Eurylochus didn't waste his time to sniff them, he had a task to do. He needed to remain vigilant anyway, who knows what could be here. After a minute or two of walking he finally reached the golden apple tree.
The apples shined under the light of the sun perfectly. They almost looked delectable, but Eury was NOT taking a chance at biting one of those things. Thanks to his 6'3 frame, he was easily able to pick a golden apple off the tree and-
A loud blood curdling roar could be heard behind him. The sound made Eury jump and quickly look around. Barely ten feet away, was the dragon Ladon. Ladon was a large green scaled dragon with over ten heads attached to its body.
Every single head had its eyes locked onto Eurylochus. Eury had his eyes on the Ladon. Even though he was fighting the urge to sh*t his pants right now, he waited for the thing to strike or do something. Why did he feel Deja vu?
As he thought, it sped its way toward him, and he dodged quick enough to avoid a large jaw to the head. Without screaming, Eurylochus ran as quick as he could, away from the creature. Weaving through the trees was quite easy because the dragon was having a hard time getting through them.
The apple was tightly gripped in his hand has he tried just about anywhere. The golden tree garden was short as it was surrounded by many other large flora of the like.
As he was about to hide, bright yellow flames brushed past him. Oh yeah, a dragon...fire. Shockingly, none of the trees were nor apples were burned but his right arm was. Not too badly but it still hurt like hell. No armor, no sword, no way of protecting himself from getting eaten or turned into human BBQ. He needed to get out of there...STAT.
Aphrodite already figured Eurylochus as good as dead once she heard the screech. She left to find Ares to win him back. He's somewhere on an old battleground or temple ruin. She has all the time in the world to look for him.
Ares sat on the rooftop of an old temple watching the sunset. It was amazingly beautiful but...not as much as his Eury was. Couldn't even compare in the slightest.
The god of war had the goofiest and lovesick grin on his face as he thought about him. He's been thinking about him all day really.
His feet sat over the edge of the roof and swayed like he was a child thinking about cake. That smile, that laugh, everything about the tiny mortal made his heart pitter patter tenfold.
He was so caught up in his own thoughts that he didn't even hear his ex-gf calling his name three times already.
The deity jumped out of his thoughts and turned around to see the one and only Aphrodite. The sight of her reminded him of the embarrassment he tried so hard to suppress.
"Oh, Aphrodite...w- when did you uh...get here?" He asked nervously and scratched the back of his neck.
"Only a moment ago," She softly said as she sat down next to him. Too close. Ares had to move a bit because she was so close.
"Ah, I see....what can I do for you?"
"Oh nothing," She got closer, "Just hanging out with an old friend is all" After saying that she tucked her arm under his and leaned her head on his shoulder. She couldn't help it; it was natural for her.
This action made Ares pull away from her rather quickly and stood up to back away a bit. "Aphrodite, please, when I said we're done I meant it"
Ares tried to be as nice as possible about it but there was no point, she was pissed now. But as always, she tried to hide it with a smile. Time to bring out the charm.
she stood up and made her way over to him with her hips swaying "Oh, come ON Ares, I know I was a bad girl, but you'd be crazy, not to take me back. I mean, you can't say you don't love me anymore"
Honey he really never did-
Ares quickly dodged her touch and moved around her. "Aphrodite, I said NO, I'm with someone else now anyway."
Oh yes, the mortal that's probably scorched by now.
"You mean that, what's his name...Eurylis fellow?-"
"Eurylochus! And yes, him." Ares narrowed his eyes at her, his eyebrows furrowing at well. "And I would like for you to respect that!"
Aphrodite's' eyes widened in complete shock but then they narrowed with the same fire he held. "Do you know who you're speaking to?! I AM APHRODITE! The most beautiful goddess in the world-"
"Beauty is subjective" Ares simply said while crossing his arms. Was she really doing this right now?
Aphrodite scoffed with a hand on her chest. Did he really just say that to her? HER?!
"Take. It. Back."
Aphrodite reveled in the fact that the mortal Ares cared so deeply about was dead. Burned to a crisp or torn to shreds. Either way, she's happy at the thought.
"Alright then," Aphrodite chuckled sinisterly, "Be that way, you'll be back~"
"I doubt it" Ares was very petty and stubborn. Even if Eurylochus died today that last person he would go to was Aphrodite, just out of spite.
Aphrodite left and Ares sighed. Someone so pretty can be just as conniving and cutthroat. Ares thought about the way she smiled, laughed...something in his gut told him something was wrong.
His body glowed a bright red and his wings spread widely. In less than a second, he flew up into the air and towards Eury's house. He just wanted to make sure he's okay...he's okay...right?
Eurylochus is in fact, not okay; his lungs burn, his legs ache from running for so long, and some parts of skin on his arms and legs are burned...and he's tired. But he's alive...with that damned apple in his hand. Eury managed to hide behind a large rock near a Lilypad in the garden. How that thing didn't sniff him out by now was astonishing. But hey, he's not complaining.
Eury knows Aphrodite wanted him dead, the reasons were unclear. One idea in his head was that she wanted Ares to herself and attempted to kill him to get to him.
Well for one, Eurylochus is stubborn and it's gonna take a lot more than a dragon to kill him.
Just as he thought he had a break, a large claw sat itself on top of the rock. Eury slowly looked up and saw all 12 or so heads staring down at him...smiling.
Before one could snap closed on any part of his body, Eurylochus rolled out of the way. Once he was far enough, he got up and ran some more...
There wasn't much more of running Eury could take and it was starting to get dark out. He turned around to see the creature fast approaching.
Before he could turn around, he bumped into something very very hard. The impact itself hurt very badly and caused him to see stars. Eurylochus stumbled back and put his hand on his head.
"Eurylochus! There you are, I'm glad you're still alive" The voice said softly.
Once the world came back to Eury's eyes looked in the direction the voice came from. Standing tall before him was who he presumed to be was Hera.
She was dressed in a yellow gown with light blue highlights on the end of the sleeves and dress. On her head was a white veil that looked like peacock feathers.
"A- Are you, Hera?" He asked cautiously (and a little curiously)
"Why yes I am, it's finally nice to meet you in person!" She beamed behind her veil. She looked him up and down, oh boy this man looked awful "Oh you poor thing, Ladon did a number on you"
"Ladon?" Just as he spoke the large green creature stomped up to them both. Its presence made Eurylochus step back and Hera noticed.
"Oh, don't worry, he won't hurt you while I'm here...why ARE you here, anyway?" She asked as she grabbed Eury's wrist and pulled him closer. Soft yellow magic swirled around the burns on his body and healed them instantly.
"I- Aphrodite, she told me to get her a golden apple" He hesitated the magic swirled around him. "As a task for my devotion for...for Ares" It dawned on Eurylochus on how much this was an odd way to meet your boyfriend's mother. He's not sure if it's a good or bad thing.
"Devotion?" The yellow glowing woman tilted her head, "Aphrodite told you to do this?" Gears turned in her brain until it hit her. That pink attempted murderer.
"Yes, and told me to give it to her once I got it"
Hera thought for a moment, "I see, well, do you have it?"
Eurylochus looked at his hands and realized he must've dropped it during the chase. "Oh...uh-"
"No worries, dear" Hera patted his shoulder and easily made a golden apple appear in her hand. "Here you are, a nice golden apple"
She handed it to him, and he gratefully took it. He looked down at it contemplating a few things. All this for an apple she could just make appear in less than a millisecond.
"Say, did you know what was on the other side of the gates when you stepped into it?"
"No, no I did not. If I did, I would have come with better equipment. I knew something was off though"
"Yet you stepped into the garden anyway? You could have just refused *gasp* does that mean you knew that there would be trouble, but you went in anyway...because you care enough to go through all that just to show your devotion to my son?!" She asked with her fingers clasped together. Eury couldn't see her face but could hear the shock and slight joy in her tone.
"Well...yes, yes I did, why?" He asked curiously
Hera let out a squeal similar to the sound of a tea kettle. This mortal genuinely cared about her baby? So much to risk his life?...this mortal must be protected.
"How about I get Aphrodite for you? You just rest"
"Um, sure, wait...how did you know I was here? You said you were looking for me"
"Oh, I just felt something was up, so I looked into my mirror. To put it shortly I saw you running for your life."
Aphrodite was sitting alone in her flower bed positively seething. How dare Ares deny her, over some mortal? He's gone completely made she thinks. Her room was tattered and just down right destroyed. She may or may not have destroyed everything within the vicinity in her tantrum.
No matter, that mortal was dead, he would stay that way. Nobody leaves her for someone so lowly, NO ONE! SHE leaves the relationship. Not the other way arou-Why is she in the garden again?
Standing in front of her were Hera and Eurylochus, who despite being put through turmoil, looked calm and as stoic as ever. Aphrodite's' eyes widened in utter shock.
"What- how...you...-"
"Luckily I arrived in time before he became Landon's dinner, don't you think, Aphrodite?" The older goddess asked with her arms crossed.
"I uh...why yes, certainly! Heh, I'm so glad!" Aphrodite straightened up her behavior and tried to act happy that Eurylochus was alive....she wanted to scream right now.
"Here's your apple" Eury curtly said as he threw the golden apple at her feet," What's the next task? I completed two, have one more, correct?"
Hera looked down at Eurylochus as if he had grown three heads. Did he just say he had one more task to go?!
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If Aphrodite had tried to indirectly kill him twice, what would she do this time?! And Hera didn't need to know if Aphrodite intended to indirectly kill him with the first task, THIS one already showed that.
"Heh, right" Aphrodite's eye glowed as she went for his wrist again, "let's go, this one will be a lot quicker"
"NO!" Hera stepped in front of Eurylochus protectively. No one is going to take away Ares' sacred joy, especially if that joy is devoted to him to the point that he will risk his life to show it.
"I am the only person who should be putting Eury through tasks of devotion. I'm the goddess of marriage for goodness' sake AND I'm Ares' mother! I will let you off with a warning Aphrodite, and mark my words, if you even lay a finger on this mortal or anything close to him, I will rain every bit of wrath I have upon with WITHOUT MERCY!"
The air was intense, and Hera glowed an ominous yellow as she stared down at Aphrodite. It was rare for people outside of her family to see her eyes...but Aphrodite saw them...and it frightened her.
Eurylochus' raised his eyebrows in shock...what on earth could have caused this reaction? Aphrodite was at a loss for words...she didn't quite know what to do with herself at the moment. Much less defy Hera's new law.
"Now, get out of my garden"
The pink hater didn't need to be told twice as she popped out of existence. She'll be back for Eury, some way or somehow, she's going to destroy his life.
The intensity in the air left and Hera was now back to her serene herself. She looked down at Eurylochus and smiled, though he couldn't see it through her veil.
"Now, how about we go find Ares? I have a feeling he's looking for you"
Ares is panicking...greatly so
Reblogs are appreciated
Here's their playlist!
lil side note: Another reason Hera saved Eury is because she went to the prophet to ask about Ares' relationship. Would they stay together or not, blah blah blah, grandkids? So yeah, safe to say Aphrodite ain't going to snuff out Hera's chance at grandbabies any time soon.
I would like for everyone to know that I started the ship so if you make art with them can you at least credit me?
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ladyartichokie · 1 year ago
Okay, I've kind of put this in tags of different posts but I want a full post about it.
Since the first time I listened to Epic: The Musical (what had been released thus far) certain parts of the story have bugged me a little bit. (STAY WITH ME, THIS ISN'T A HATE POST). Odysseus seemed different from Homer's Odysseus in a way that I couldn't fully explain. I thought that perhaps it was motivation (honor vs. family, etc), which it is to an extent, but that's not fully it.
Disclaimer: when I talk about "the ends justifying the means" I mean evil means justifying a good end.
BUT NOW I GET WHY. In "Keep Your Friends Close", Aeolus says, "The end always justifies the means" which brought me back to my high school freshmen lit class. We read the Odyssey (and the Iliad) and basically every conversation we had on it was either: 1. Can we trust literally anything Odysseus says? 2. Do the ends justify the means? I don't have examples off the top of my head (I'll likely reblog this later with examples) but Odyssey Odysseus was ruthless. He wasn't as trigger-happy as some other Greek heroes (*cough* Achilles *cough*) but he is an ancient Greek standard for intelligence: that meant being able to kill when necessary without getting emotions involved (i.e. that time he killed Dolon in The Iliad). For Odyssey Odysseus, the ends had to justify the means.
BUT for ETM Odysseus, the ends don't justify the means. He kills Hector's baby son but he is emotionally torn up about it. He refuses to kill Polyphemus--despite Athena's demands--because he wants to be merciful. (In the Odyssey Athena and Odysseus never have this argument, btw). For ETM Odysseus, mercy is more important than making sure the job gets done. This opinion is obviously a lot more palatable for modern sensibilities.
ETM Odysseus is clever, but he isn't cunning. He is a trickster but I wouldn't call him a liar. ETM Odysseus, as a whole, is far more similar to a modern hero than an Ancient one. (I could go into how Christian morals have shaped most of Western Civilization but I'll contain myself for now). AND NOW FOR MY THESIS: ETM is a story about a modern hero in a world of ancient morals. The Odyssey is a story about the ideal ancient hero in a world of ancient morals.
But, as I said, this is NOT a hate post. I'm the daughter of two philosophy PhDs: there is little I love more than a story that explores hypothetical morals. Coming to this conclusion about the difference between the Odysseuses just makes me even more excited to keep listening to ETM.
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localcultivator · 4 months ago
Forgive my northern attitude (i was raised in the cold) pt.1
tags: talk of emotional neglect, seasonal depression, depression related self harm actions, mild Buddie content, buddie friendly, bobby and athena act like Buck's parents.
Winter had never been Buck’s favorite season. It reminded him of short days, long nights desperately trying to stay quiet enough not to be called down by his parents and reminded how little they cared for him. Cold nights huddled under covers for warmth that was never truly there. It reminded him of the worst times in his life every time he was around snow, and frost, and ice. Buck was smart enough to realize that a good portion of his mood changing the moment it was below 50 degrees fahrenheit was also due to his clinically diagnosed seasonal depression. Truly, a bunch of fancy words to say that Buck thrived on light and warmth like any houseplant or herb.
Eddie knew this, planned for it year after year. Small little boosts that Buck needed to thrive and flourish in the chill (although some would say what chill as they had both lived in LA for many years, which would lead into a long tangent/rant from Buck regarding ocean currents, and wound patterns.). He would slide hand warmers into Buck’s hoodies, would make sure that the truck had time to warm up in the mornings before shuffling Buck in, and of course, when Buck stayed over, he would pile on the blankets. Eddie wasn’t sure how much of his seasonal caring for Buck was second nature, and something he had to put conscious effort into.  It was like anything else regarding Evan’s space in his life. Effortless.
Bobby loved the frost, even if the sight of snow brought on feelings of loss and sorrow as well. Too much outweighed the grief though, and joyous memories with Marcy and his family filled his daydreams whenever there was a particularly strong chill. Bobby loved the chill, and he knew with every fiber of his being, Buck did not. His oldest, by choice and love, was a different person in the winter air, and Bobby knew that it was a product of his childhood and how he was raised. Bobby always wondered if the frigid air reminded Buck a little too much of the house he grew up in, if the silence that came when the world was blanketed in snow reminded him of his parents. Bobby had so many questions, but he never dared to ask them with fear he would be prying into something even Evan himself had not yet handled. So year after year, Bobby helped take care of his son, even from afar. He made him his special chili, and always made sure to make two batches of his cornbread. He filled Bucks freezer with stock cubes, and frozen containers for soup for the days when everything was too much and Buck couldn’t cook. His heart warmed every year for being able to provide for one of his children. 
Maddie hadn’t known initially when she came to L.A the real reason Buck had decided to settle here. Sure, there was story after story, and reason after reason, but in the end, it was simple. Buck hated the cold, and loved the ocean. He also wasn’t much of a fan of hurricanes, although it felt silly to complain about that now that they had dealt with tsunami’s and such. Maddie wasn’t surprised about her brother’s lack of love for the winter months, and she felt they were truly united and related in this topic, even if it was for wildly different reasons. Cold always reminded Maddie of Doug, of fear and running and how warm blood can feel when you’re on the edge of hypothermia. Neither Buckley sibling could handle the temperature changes, and yet. Buck’s reactions had always been more severe than her own. His tended to lead to spirals and tendencies to rush in before thinking. Her support for him was bandaging wounds and fulfilling pinkie promises she had made over a decade ago. Her’s led to nightmares and late nights with insomnia. His support for her was cuddling on the couch and checking for monsters as though her trauma would physically manifest itself in the dark corners of her bedroom. Chimney was happy to entertain the strange rituals of chilled Buckley’s and had a few of his own for the siblings. 
the rest will be posted when i finish it <3
missing chim's, hen's and Athena's POV
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daffodilsonaprettystring · 5 months ago
Title: How do I tell you I need you ('cause I'm holding out my heart, so won't you take it?)
Pairing: Evan “Buck” Buckley/Eddie Diaz
Tags: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz Get Together, Eddie Diaz Loves Evan "Buck" Buckley, Evan "Buck" Buckley Loves Eddie Diaz, Hurt Evan "Buck" Buckley, Pre-Relationship Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz, Worried Eddie Diaz, Pining Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Love Confessions, Idiots in Love, Post Evan "Buck" Buckley Gets Struck by Lightning, Firehouse 118 Crew as Family (9-1-1 TV)
Summary: It wasn’t just Eddie that loved him, after all. It was Chris, and Maddie, Bobby, Athena, Chim, Hen, the entire 118 family that they’d made and chosen together. There were so many people who loved Buck, and Eddie was just one. He wondered, at the back of his mind, if that’s why he’d tricked himself into thinking what he felt couldn’t possibly be the love it was. Because somehow, he’d fooled himself into believing that Buck didn’t need to know, that Buck had to already see how valued he was. But Eddie knew Buck, maybe better than he knew anyone. He knew how little Buck thought of himself, how minimally he trusted people to stay.
Eddie would stay. He wanted it more than anything, in that one moment. He wanted to stay, he wanted Buck to stay, and he wanted to tell him.
"When he wakes up, I’ll tell him. Please, just let him wake up."
OR, Buck gets struck by lightning, and Eddie gets struck with a realization.
Read on ao3:
Trying something new with advertising my fics yay🚒🚒
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chasing-that-jackson · 8 months ago
Look, I didn't want to be praetor. Or be responsible for people, but here I am!
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Hey, before you ask. Yes, my dad's the famous Percy Jackson, yes, my mother is Annabeth Chase. But I'm not going to live in their shadow! I'm making my own path! But before all the epic monologues, I'm Charlotte Sally Jackson, but you can just call me Charlie. Or anything other than "Da Big C" (I WILL fight you, Cassie). I'm the praetor of New Rome, along with Ambrose Asher! Now here's some stuff about me !
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Name: Charlotte Sally Chase - Jackson.
Alias: Charlie, Char-char , Goldfish (come on, dad.), Praetor Jackson, Jackson, Lottie.
Age: 16 Sexuality: Bisexual :D
Weapons: a trident named "Thalassa" (the sea) given to her by Poseidon. It can change shape at will, as it is made of pure water, her mother's Yankees cap.
Relations: Perseus Jackson (father) , Annabeth Chase-Jackson (mother), Cassandra Hestia Chase (sister), Sally Jackson (Grandmother) , Poseidon, Athena.
Personality: changeable like the sea" and hard to predict — with the important exception that she is extremely loyal to her friends and family. Sarcastic and goody at most times, but works great under pressure. Doubtful in her own skills but she believes a hell of a lot in others. The occasional temper is present, of course, but she wouldn't be a Jackson without it, amirite?
Fatal flaw: Overly giving/overly dedicated. She gives every part of her to a task, to a person. Even if she doesn't have anymore to give. She'll die trying.
Relationship with family: HUGE daddy's girl, but they always just roast each other. Loves her mom too, of course, but sometimes she's just too..overbearing. Too strict. Gets along great with her sister, who is 1 year younger than her. Her relationship with her grandma and grandpa (Sally and Paul) is also pretty good, they spoil her rotten (in a good way!). Vibes with Poseidon, kind of vibes with Athena until..a certain event. Now she's steely towards her. She's fond of Hestia and Apollo as they resonate with her.
Fears: small spaces, loss of loved ones/family, tests, drowning.
Sexuality : Bisexual, demiromantic
Hobbies: playing the guitar, occasional drawing, surfing, listening to audiobooks, joking around and learning new things. My sister, Cassandra is 15!
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"You are too giving. You will give yourself to save others, to make others better, to make others feel better, even if you are great danger. In pain, you smile at those around you because you know they'll hurt if you dont. And in the end, legacy of Poseidon, it will be your downfall."
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Songs that play constantly on my battered headphones (dad, buy me new ones , please :()
Seven nation army - The white stripes
Teenagers - MCR
Run, boy Run - Woodkid
What's up danger? - Blackway and Black Caviar
And many, many more! Feel free to come ask for song recs, because my music taste is as amazing as my fighting skills, haha.
People I know!:
@percy-jackson-xxx - My super amazing cool dad whose kinda stupid .... (I love you please don't throw me into the pool 😔)
@ineedtoescapefromreality - Echo and Rosalyn Mclean! (Rosalyn, teach me how to be as cool as you :[ and Echo just like. High five, dude ✌️), Auntie Piper and Shel's kids!
@daffy-not-a-duck - Daphne (I am not writing your complete name dude it's so long???) Uncle Nico and Will's daughter! (I like your parents, but you?? ew..........)
@iggy-mini-miny-moe - IGGGGGGYYYYY AYYYY (adhd bestie frfr, let's go commit arson) Uncle Leo and Jason's son! (Uncle Leo's tacos are amazing btw) @violent-cinnamonroll - Aria!( i appreciate chu bestie <333) Auntie Clarisse and Silena's kid! (Auntie clarisse scares me. pls dont pummel me to ground :()
@olivernotfound - Ollieeee! (Better than his sister :D) Uncle Nico and Wills second kid! (Who I like a lot more. High five, bro)
@notwillingtobefound - Will Valdez!! (Bros music taste is top tier?? How??) Uncle Leo and Jason's kid! @the-poison-and-the-sky - Belldonna Jackson-Chase! My older sister! (she hears everything/j) @daredevil-larue - Lucine La Rue ! Auntie Clarisse and Auntie Silena's other daughter! (super cool blue hair hehe <33) @praetor-ambrose-asher - Ambrose Asher, My fellow praetor! (muscles. end sentence. thats it. MUSCLE-)
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Ooc notes:
Occasionally, other characters will appear on this blog as I imagine them. This will include Percy , Annabeth, and Cassie! (Any post by them will have their name at the end)
praetor charlie on the chase - Charlotte ic
cassie snoops around - notes from cassie
parents are parenting - notes from Annabeth or Percy
the jackson two - both Cassie and charlie together!
In the praetors- ooc
Duck tales- with the idiotic (and pretty) Daffy Duck
Fireboy and watergirl - w/mah bro Iggy!!! We besties fr (stop burning down my freaking kitchen??)
Deathboy and Skatergirl - w/mah other bro ollie!! (Stop being so oblivious because Iggy clearly l- *gets slapped*) the ultimate cool girls - w/super cool girl, Rosalyn! awkward silence - w/ echo (quiet, but awesome)
Please remember, this is not a multi character blog, but just appearances by others! Thanks for reading. No nsfw . I'm a minor 😎.
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So, that's me! Ever need anything, I'm always up in the praetors office, or around the stables. Till we meet again, this is Charlie signing off!
That was so cheesy, Char. - Cassie
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aquariet · 7 months ago
Nobody asked for it but I did it anyway
Have a nice post of me talking about every lyric in the song unsweetened lemonade and why it fits Icarus Morningstar. This was 100% inspirated by sage’s 18000+ word post analyzing the sherb playlist.
Since this is about a single song it lucky is only 952 words long.
What a lovely way to simply appear on tumblr again.
Now I’m gonna stop yapping.
I hope this is enjoyable.
“My eyes are made of acid”
The fact that one of Icarus’s eyes isn’t Normal. It’s constantly bleeding and thinking too much about specific things caused it to hurt.
“And my tongue is sharp with spite”
Icarus and manipulation. Their tongue being sharp with spite is cause they will say anything to get more people on their side. Both during the corruption arc and mid to end season 3.
“Attention whore with too much pride”
They want to believe what’s being told to them. By fable or in season 1 enderian. They wouldn’t listen to anyone that tried to tell them otherwise. Rea,Athena,Centross. Even the things.
“There's no one I wouldn't fight”
End season 3 and corruption arc. Icarus would fight anyone for the approval and attention of the gods.
“I don't like confrontation but”
He doesn’t want to have to kill people. But he does.
“I'm staring at the sun”
Them screaming at the sky in season one and Them screaming at the sky at quixis. Screaming at something that won’t talk back. That seems to only keep hurting them. (This is the last season 1 to season 3 comparison I swear)
“I won't quit until my eyes go red”
They need to stop quixis. No matter what.
“I'll finish what's begun”
Killing Hailey. They needed to do it publicly. So that everyone could see.
“I fucked the reaper cause I knew”
Prison duo after the cave. Icarus doing whatever they can to get centross back. Even if it’s a path straight down to hell.
“My time was coming can't you see”
The glitching in Icarus’s chest after the cave. It was gonna kill them and that was certain by the end of the finale.
“I'd do anything for twenty bucks”
Icarus would do anything for some sense of love. Specifically parental love. Obviously from fable. But also from enderian in the end reset. That’s their aunt. They don’t remember it. But it’s the only ‘real’ family Icarus knows.
“I'd sell my sour soul”
They would. Yea I have no real addiction to this lyric. Icarus literally almost died in the cave when fable tried to rip the glitching from their body. And yet they were grateful for it. They’d sell their live for their dad.
“Cause lemonade is bitter”
Young Icarus being like their dad. Hell. Icarus without the eye being very able to kill.
“Till you sweeten up the bowl”
The eye. The only reason Icarus didn’t kill more people. They wasn’t able to cause they weren’t 100% themselves. The piece of hardcore sherb keeping Icarus at bay.
“And I'm sitting in the bathroom”
Icarus being isolated. Far away from everyone.
“I'm crying citrus tears”
The wack. The reason they are isolated. They don’t want it to hurt others.
“Everything I used to love decayed over the years”
isla, momboo, centross. Icarus loved them. And had to loose them.
“It's hard to finish sentences I'll sell my pride instead”
They never had good reasons for the things they’re doing. And the things point that out. Quixis points it out. And what does Icarus do. They ignore it. They “sell their pride instead” cause if they admit they’re wrong they have to admit that all the bad they’ve done wasn’t for something good.
“Cause it's easier to focus I'm just the price above my head”
It’s easier to list to fable. To believe that they are nothing more than whatever he tells them to be.
“People think I'm pretty So I'll buy a hotel room.One bed trope without the tension”
fable gives them praise so they run away with him. Even though fable is almost never actually at the house. There is no tension cause they don’t spend enough time in the same space to have any.
“The child and her groom”
Icarus and Isla. The ‘good child’ and the ‘perfect wife’
“I didn't die at 12”
Icarus was supposed to die as a kid. Be dragged to the world port and done. However that didn’t happen. They kept living.
“I guess I'm here till 93”
By the time Icarus actually ‘dies’ they’re easily an adult. But before then Icarus is stuck in the same loop. Fall, forget, rescue fable, repeat.
“Enemies to lovers”
Icarus talking about fable. In the beginning he was the enemy. He was the bad guy. Then by season 2 he wasn’t anymore he was their dad.
“but you'll never own my heart”
Fable might be Icarus’s dad. But he never really makes any attempt to be a dad unless it benefits him and his needs. He’ll never own Icarus’s heart. Cause he’ll never try to.
“One sided it's pathetic”
Icarus does love fable though. He’s their dad. He gives them praise he believes in them. Or at least that’s what Icarus believes.
“How you think you're being smart”
Icarus thinking he can go to malici and just talk them into joining their side. His dads side. Without his dads help so that they can proof he’s worth it.
“Worthless parents make stupid kids”
Fable being an asshole dad directly affecting Icarus.
“The apple never strays”
Icarus ends up as a carbon copy of fable.
“Your conscience never compromised”
All the deaths being seen as okay cause they’re all gonna come back. They are gonna get them all back.
“And ego never pays”
Fable ended up too confident in themselves. Blabbing on and revealing everything in front of Icarus lead him to his death.
“I'd do anything for twenty bucks To feel more in control”
Icarus would do anything to stop the whack. Anything to make quixis do as they want. Anything to make sure things go as Icarus wants it to go.
If you can think of anything I missed (it’s probably a lot) don’t hesitate to let me know. I love to learn more little things about our favorite bird
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fandom-madness69 · 1 year ago
I'm a day late and a dollar short but what's new?!
We have GOT to talk about the REST of the Thrill Ride O' Love scene. Especially the animatics along the walls telling Hephaestus's story. Because as jarring of a song as What Is Love? was in that scene if fucking fit so well!
First we get the Shadow Hera! Larger than life. Big regal gown, tall adorning crown, Mother of the Gods of Olympus, Goddess of Marriage.
And we get her getting pregnant with Hephaestus! All the way down to his little baby blacksmithing tools :3
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And then we see her throw Hephaestus off Mount. Olympus. As is told in his story.
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But there's a thing that really caught my attention here. Because in the rest of the story we see him leave out not a single important character to his story! So where is his father? The big guy himself Zeus?
Unless! They're going with the versions of Hephaestus's story where Hera miraculously convinced Hephaestus. Because we've seen Rick switch up the Medusa story. And wow do we love him for it!
But that's not my only point! Circling back to the song and then later on to the story about how Hephaestus trapped Hera, his own fucking mother btw in case that flew over anyone's head like it did mine the first few times I watched ep. 5, and so the gods offered him Aphrodite's hand in marriage in exchange for Hera's freedom.
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The whole rest of the time Hephaestus has painted himself the tragic dude in the story. Not necessarily the hero but definitely the victim. We see him get rejected by his mother. By Aphrodite for Ares, from the fucking BEGINGING, and then so on.
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But what really fucking gets me is not only did he do this ride exactly like this as a trap for his wife and her lover BUT that he had no fucking clue they were there! He was willing to force Ares to sacrifice Aphrodite, his OWN FUCKING WIFE, over a shield and not think twice of it. He wouldn't have fucking known they were there because as we can clearly see by this counter
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He clearly wasn't alerted to the presence of his wife and her love affair! Meaning they just fucking materialized in his amusement park, like gods do.
And the words of the song. Oh the words. "Baby don't hurt me no more?" How about you're the only one who has caused any harm since your mother tossed you off Olympus? And NO I AM NOT EXCUSING WHAT HERA DID! Don't even go there. That's for another time.
You repeatedly got rejected and bro I get it. That shit hurts. As a fellow Black Sheep of the Family™️ I fucking understand my dude. And I also completely understand how much gods don't fucking understand humans. And so it wasn't even a concept in his mind to do anything other than what his family had already done to him. Backstab, betray and barter.
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But to have the audacity to beg the woman who didn't want anything to do with you, still doesn't, and was forced to wed you to save her mother, YOUR MOTHER, not to hurt YOU anymore! Sickening.
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But he gets it. Now anyway. Or he's starting to. Because of Annabeth. Because she found a friend who is giving her unconditional love. Who isn't making her earn it despite having told her he would earn hers! And she's doing the same. She's falling apart and building herself back up all with this one (1) boy's help. And neither of them know it yet. But ohohohohoho they will soon.
And these few moments Hephaestus spent with Annabeth gave him the biggest vibe check of his fucking immortal life. "Maybe some of us don't want to be that way anymore either?"
Like Sir are you realizing that you TOO took things too far? Not even this time like you said Athena did, which btw she's always taken it too far just throwing this in here, but really? Are you getting it now? Did the twelve year olds fighting to sacrifice themselves despite everything fucking shake your world? Rock you to your very atoms? GOOD! You victim mentality, hero complex asshole.
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cal-daisies-and-briars · 6 months ago
I’m breaking up my emojis this week because the most recent murder mystery party bit has me desperate for more!
Ahhh yay! Glad you're enjoying! 96 for ☠️:
Athena thinks if she were facing a murder trial, she might make her social media private. But it looks like Tommy has just abandoned his. There have been no updates since before the murder mystery party. 
There are no photos of Buck. Maybe he deleted them? He’s not following Buck, either. Has him blocked, in fact. Interesting. Athena looks through Tommy’s tagged photos. Obviously any from Buck have also been removed. She scrolls back a bit, to December. There’s a photo of Tommy with his arm slung around a shorter, handsome man with dark hair and eyes, an eyebrow piercing, and a very expensive-looking shirt. Athena thinks he looks familiar, but she isn’t quite sure why. 
She reads the post. 
ro.ortiz93. Another night in the sky with this hunk! 🚁 Thanks for the lift @ tkinnard 
The date is January. Not long before he met Buck. Hmm. Something is amiss here. 
Athena clicks on the profile. 
It belongs to Roman Ortiz. Self proclaimed ‘Los Feliz DJ living the high life’ according to his bio. It only takes reading down a few posts for Athena to realize why he looked familiar. On his grid, Roman has shared the obituary for Kyle Ortiz. The son of Councilwoman Olivia Ortiz. Kyle, who Roman refers to as his cousin. Meaning…Meaning, before he dated Buck, Tommy Kinnard seems to have dated Councilwoman Ortiz’s nephew. The woman who took away Mara from Hen and Karen. 
Which means… Hen and Karen have a motive not only for wanting Gerrard gone, but for framing Tommy Kinnard. Potentially. If Athena really thinks about it. 
This could all be a damn coincidence, she supposes. But when is anything ever? Athena doesn’t believe this isn’t connected for a second. The only question is, how much?
Athena pinches the bridge of her nose and gets to thinking about the timeline. Kyle Ortiz died in March, while Athena and Bobby were on that damn boat. Buck and Tommy showed up together at Maddie and Chimney’s wedding in May. She doesn’t know all the details about how they got together, but she’s fairly certain they hadn’t met before Tommy flew the helicopter rescue to the sinking Uno. Which was within twenty-four hours of Kyle dying, if Athena’s memory serves. And it usually does. 
Hen’s troubles with Councilwoman Ortiz only started in May. Whatever trouble she’d been in on the day of Kyle’s death, it was short lived. He’d refused care. Her hands were tied. There was nothing else to do but reinstate her, because she didn’t do anything wrong. Somewhere in between March and May, Councilwoman Ortiz gathered all that information on Hen. Slandered her career. Attacked her family. 
Could Tommy have been connected? 
If Buck found out, would that have made him snap? Would he and Hen have worked together? Both bringing their partners in on the plan? Because based on the way they’ve been behaving, Athena is certain Buck and Eddie were together in some way, shape, or form before Buck and Tommy broke up. A double-date murder and frame job. How sweet. 
Now that she thinks of it… Eddie had been right by the door when she knocked. Could he have gone outside to call 9-1-1 and slipped the functional epipen back in the truck? Could he have been on the phone with Dispatch while planting evidence? Is that insane? 
And where does this leave Chimney? Would three of his closest friends and his brother-in-law plan this sort of a crime without involving him? Or Maddie? Maddie, who was home watching Mara, Denny, and Jee during the party. On the one hand, Chimney has more reason to hate Gerrard than anyone. He put up with his abuse the longest. He was instrumental in getting him moved, only to suffer from him being brought back. And he has reason to want revenge against Tommy in the matter of Mara, if Tommy was at all involved in helping Ortiz. He and Maddie love Mara, too. They’ve fought for her, too. On the other hand, this is still Chimney they’re talking about. Chimney Han, notoriously bad secret keeper and liar. 
Then again… Chim was stressed and fled on an impromptu vacation. And, did he lie? She thinks back to his interview. Come on. Tommy didn’t do this. 
Athena has no idea what to think when it comes to Chimney and Maddie. She has some very serious suspicions about the others. And that hurts. It hurts her to feel suspicious of people she loves. There is a game of tug-o-war in her chest. One side telling her to pursue truth and justice at all costs, like she has always, always done. The other? The other side tells her to close her eyes and ignore what she is unveiling. To stop. Before it’s too late. 
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daffi-990 · 1 year ago
Seven(ish) Sentence Sunday
Tagged by the incredibly talented @thewolvesof1998 ❤️
Had some writing beans this morning and managed to pump out something before my kids tracked me down 😅.
This snippet is from I don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you (I can never look away) which is the second fic from the Daylight series and from Eddie’s POV. I actually really like this snippet and hopefully you all do too 🥺
A laugh bubbles out of him, one of pure joy at seeing his kid so excited. It’s like Christmas morning but without the small feeling of loss that still lingers for the both of them.
God, Shannon would’ve been asking Buck for guitar lessons too. She loved learning new things, signing up for as many clubs as possible in high school. Granted she wasn’t very good at a lot of the new hobbies she took up, but that didn’t stop her entusiasmn. Eddie fondly remembers the time she convinced him to sign up for dance lessons with her. It hadn’t taken much to convince him to be honest, the promise of holding her in his arms as they laughed and stepped on each other’s feet was more than enough.
It’s been six years since they lost her and most of the time they’re okay. They weren’t for a while, both of them feeling so lost and adrift without her in their lives. But Hartlan had helped heal them, the people here soon becoming his support system, his family. Bobby with his shared history of loss, Athena with her open arms and open heart, the Wilson’s with their wine nights, Chim with his loyalty and quick wit and Carla with her bright smile and warm hugs.
Looking at the way Christopher now has his arms wrapped around Buck in a hug, maybe Buck will become a part of that system too. Maybe Eddie and Chris could be the first people Buck adds to his own.
No pressure tagging: @fortheloveofbuddie @watchyourbuck @jamespearce9-1-1 @exhuastedpigeon @callmenewbie @devirnis @hippolotamus @hoodie-buck @wikiangela @eddiebabygirldiaz @spotsandsocks @spagheddiediaz @malewifediaz @monsterrae1 @athenagranted @shitouttabuck @steadfastsaturnsrings @rainbow-nerdss @the-likesofus @try-set-me-on-fire @giddyupbuck @fiona-fififi @disasterbuckdiaz @captain-hen @lover-of-mine @loserdiaz @honestlydarkprincess @ladydorian05 @homerforsure @rewritetheending @wildlife4life @jesuisici33 @jeeyuns @nmcggg and as always, anyone else who wants to share something 💕
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