#Astrologer In Clermont
psychicmahadev · 2 years
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Black Magic is the enchantment of negative energies over your soul. If looking for "best black magic removal services in USA", this is your one stop.
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spring-archive701 · 3 years
The Knight of Pristine Roses- Maxi (IkePri OC)
I made another character, for IkePri this time! Please meet Maximilien Laisné.
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“If you lose all hope, remember why you’ve been fighting in the first place…”
The strong-willed Knight of Pristine Roses. She is both an accomplished knight and a court official. Chivalrous and hard-working. Pure-hearted and genuine. Maximilien will brave even the fiercest of beasts if it means protecting the people she holds dear to her.
NAME: Maximilien Laisné
CREST: Falcon
ALIAS/ES: Maxi, Knight of Pristine Roses, The Falcon-Claw Knight
BIRTHDAY: May 21st
SUITOR: Chevalier Michel (Clavis, Nokto, or Jin. Tbh idk)
A noblewoman at birth. Maximilien belongs to the noble house of Laisné, which is one of the longest family of knights in Rhodolite and the closest to the royal family.
As a knight, Maxi is attentive and reliable, often relied upon by both the nobility and the common folk. No matter what the problem is and how trivial it may seem, Maxi will do whatever it takes to help out. She prides herself in her self-discipline and works hard to keep the peace and prosperity of Rhodolite.
Benevolent and a pacifist by nature, Maxi prefers to use more peaceful means to solve conflicts, but she will not hesitate to use force if it’s necessary. Her work-ethic and genuine kindness makes her well-loved by the people of Rhodolite, enough that they started calling her the Knight of Pristine Roses.
An accomplished swordsman and martial artist, despite her kind disposition, she is still considered a weapon of the royal family. Her skill with a blade is acknowledged even by the previous King and Prince Chevalier. Other than that, Maxi knows how to manipulate the battlefield accordingly, using resourceful tactics that would result in lesser deaths.
Maxi is also a skilled investigator, as she is often dispatched by Sariel to investigate various cases and rumors.
Maxi is an avid book reader and a very studious person. Because of her upbringing, she continues to study and improve herself. To her, knowledge is a weapon stronger than a blade. On that note, Maxi had also taken to writing books herself, specifically light novels and textbooks for children, and donates them to an orphanage sponsored by her family. Whenever she has the time, she visits the orphanage herself to teach.
Maxi prioritizes her duties as a knight over her status as a noblewoman. Because of that, she doesn’t go to tea parties often and attends social gatherings as a knight rather than a noblewoman. She prefers doing what is proper for a knight rather than what is proper for a woman.
While Maxi is viewed as a serious knight, she still enjoys doing mundane things that ordinary girls do. She still loves reading romance novels, looking at astrology readings, making cute sweets, or petting stray kittens… However, she does these things in secret. She prefers not to be embarrassed by the princes she works for.
Maximilien is the daughter of Seraphine Clermont, a wise businesswoman, and Hark Laisné, the head of the house Laisné. Reliable, diligent, and skilled, not only does she possess proficient fighting skills, but also outstanding erudition and benevolence. Due to Maximilien’s influence in society, a lot of people refer to her as the uncrowned queen of Rhodolite.
Despite being the successor of the Laisné family, Maximilien was only the second child and the only daughter of Seraphine and Hark. She had two brothers. Allen Laisné, her older brother and the original heir, and Royce Laisné, her cheerful younger brother.
She was childhood friends with Licht and Nokto, often playing with them whenever she visited the palace with her father. Since Maximilien barely had any friends due to her training and duties, she treasured her friendship with twins very much, so she was greatly affected when the twins drifted apart and Licht started pushing her away. She was also saddened by the drastic change in Nokto.
While Maximilien lived a relatively good life, all of it changed when her older brother died, followed by her mother’s death, and the rift that formed in her friendship with the Klein twins.
Following the death of her mother, several years later, her father eventually remarried, leading to Maxi and Royce to have a stepmother, Madeleine and two stepsisters, Charlotte and Evelyn. After the death of her father, her relationship with her stepmother and stepsisters became unstable, but as the heir of the family, Maxi simply allows them to live in their household luxuriously as long as they don’t do anything disagreeable.
Maxi loves cute animals and cute things. But she doesn’t show this very much due to her profession.
She likes to cook different dishes and make sweets. This was mainly due to the influence of her mother.
Maxi has the tendency to overwork herself, often concerning her coworkers and friends.
Maxi admires Chevalier as a knight and aspires to be equal to him in skill.
When she has nothing else to do, she indulges in reading sweet romance books. She got caught once, giggling like a teenager, while reading a romance novel by Prince Clavis in the palace library.
Maxi is good at card games and board games.
Maxi likes music and arts. She’s described by her younger brother to be a very good singer.
Her uniform was tailored for her by her mother’s friend, Melissa, who is a popular tailor in Rhodolite. Other than making a uniform to fit a Knight’s needs, Melissa wanted the uniform to emphasize Maxi’s beauty and chivalry.
Because of her excellent swordsmanship and physical combat skills, Maxi is called “The Falcon-claw Knight”. It was a title that her father used to have.
Despite his flirtatious nature, Maxi is oddly close with Prince Jin, as she is able to withstand his flirtatiousness. Same goes for Nokto.
Maxi isn’t quite confident in her looks or femininity, so she hides her insecurities by focusing on what she’s truly good at— being a knight. She gets bashful when people genuinely compliment her for her beauty and femininity though.
There was a time when Prince Yves decided to fix her hair and styled it differently from her usual bun. She got flustered when people complimented her about how different and pretty she looked.
Despite her workload, Maxi takes the time to stroll in town and help civilians when they have problems. These problems tend to be unrelated to her job as a knight (ex. Relationship issue, a broken cart, a lost dog, business advice, etc.) but she helps them out regardless.
Maxi is really good at business management, this is thanks to her mother, Seraphine, who was a successful businesswoman.
Thanks to her parents’ teachings, Maxi had also grown to become a wise strategist, both in business and war.
Royce, her younger brother, took over their mother’s business, which was a publishing house. He also manages the Laisné family’s internal and external affairs.
In that note, as the heir of the Laisné family, Royce and Maxi both control the network of agents of spies under the Laisné family.
Whenever Maxi feels down, she visits her older brother’s grave as he was the one who had inspired her to become a knight in the first place.
Author’s/Artist’s Notes:
I was initially gonna use this color palette for my IkeRev character but, well…I guess not anymore :D
I seem to like blue a lot, hehe
I’m sure you can tell that Genshin has also been my inspiration for this character, also Chevalier. Hard not to love that guy.
The “uncrowned queen of Rhodolite” thing is a Diluc thing that I like. Ykno I’ve been comparing Chev and Diluc a lot in my head too.
Tbh, I used a lot of references for her. From Jean, to Chev, to this random knight girl I saw in Google… I didn’t know who she was but she looked cool.
The blue piece of cloth around her waist is inspired by Chevalier’s design. He has that cool thingy too but on one side.
For her crest, I decided to go with the typical Knight’s crest. This is to show that she’s from a long lineage of noble knights. There’s that typical shield shape and two swords. I added a dove on top for some reason enfjsxjs. There’s also a lot of those fancy squiggly things but i was too lazy to make them look…decent so they’re just…squiggly stuff…
I love the Falcon tho lol
Her 👏 thigh 👏 strap 👏
I saw it on Luke’s design and I just suddenly added it on Maxi. It’s supposed to hold a dagger.
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The photo above was my first attempt at designing her. As you can see, my initial idea for her crest is a dove.
But there was something with this design that I didn’t like. So I scrapped it. I think it was the fact that it had way too much blue clumped together…
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This is another attempt at designing her. This is actually where I fully decided on her details now. To be honest, it took a while to decide on some things. This is only a concept design, so as you can see, there are some things here that you don’t see on the actual character sheet lol
Around that point I narrowed down the choices I had for crests. Falcon, Horse, or Dove.
My best friend and I decided that falcons and badass and so I decided to go for it lol
The symbols thingy was just what I was planning to put on her design, but I decided not to put too much detail on her outfit. I wanted her to look smart and I have the tendency to uhh..clutter unnecessary details.
The quote above is from Natsu (Fairytail) I think..? I’m pretty sure he said something similar. But I can’t remember…
The Knight of Pristine roses concept is actually inspired by this one RPG Maker horror game I used to play called Pocket Mirror. There’s a character there named Harpae and she was called the “Maiden of Pristine Roses”. I think I subconsciously used her as a reference because even the colors I used for Maxi are similar to hers. Ngl I kinda miss that game
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letroadecjustice · 4 years
“Justice Speaks,” vol. 5, issue 001
100 copies of this issue were left on the table in front of the library’s noticeboard Time: 6.20am
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My dear readers, today I woke up late, at 6am. I had spent the entire evening finalizing our first issue of the semester. As my more dedicated readers may know, I have recently become concerned about the town lore, and thus this volume must reflect that. While I am quite certain about my research on the lore, there are bigger things at stake here, such as drama and gossip. So, let’s dive in. 
A protest against the Vietnam draft is scheduled to take place this Friday, September 18th at noon in Baker Hall’s courtyard. All attendees are encouraged to bring signs. This protest is organized by le Troadec’s Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). 
This Saturday at 9pm, Topped Off is hosting a slam poetry evening. Entry is free and all participants get free coffee. Please go read your terrible haikus you wrote in your 100-level English course, I need a good laugh. 
The parks department would like to remind all students that swimming in the Bayou is prohibited and that you will get eaten by an alligator. Again, it would be great for me if you did the opposite of what they said. Don’t let them impede your free speech! It’s your right to get eaten by an alligator. 
The Beatles made waves last Friday by refusing to play in Alabama if their concert was segregated. As much as I hate the British, I would like to commend them for refusing to give into the South’s unbridled racism. That being said, they are scheduled to play TOMORROW in New Orleans and are coming from Cleveland, so there just might be a chance we’ll be seeing them driving through our own little town - keep an eye out. 
Last Tuesday, Walter Ulbricht, leader of East Germany, allowed for elderly East Germans to cross the border and visit relatives in West Germany. We can imagine this is nothing but good news for our own geriatric East German, Dr. Dominick König. 
Passed this summer, the Civil Rights Act finally went into effect for schools this past week, which had many opening their doors for the first time to an integrated student body. 
I would like to remind all students of voting age to register now, as the election is only two months away! Check in with the SNCC to learn how to do so, and don’t forget to vote LBJ. 
While I cannot confirm these, I cannot deny them either. I just believe they are good enough to print, as always, if you’re mad about it, just put the newsletter down. It’s that easy. 
Meredith Locke is the first cousin of Nikita Khruschev, leader of the Soviet Union. 
How exactly did Dan Mercier get into le Troadec? Well, it wasn’t by test scores. His parents bought his way in. 
The university’s current dean, Clarence Weinzapfel, is a closeted homosexual. I would say power to him, but we all remember how he shut down the gay rights protest last year. 
Eros Illiades is a draft dodger; he submitted fake medical records in order to avoid being sent to Vietnam. 
Emmett Clermont regularly abuses tranquilizers and spent one year of his youth at a rehabilitation center in central Montana. 
Anyone notice how Charlotte Broussard wasn’t present in theology yesterday? That’s because she’s been booked on charges of conspiring to commit domestic terrorism. On top of that, she’s in a lesbian relationship with her roommate, Eve Hansen. 
Sister Carlene, head nun, used to be an exotic dancer in New Orleans. I can confirm this one, this rumor was submitted with photographs that I have omitted for feminist reasons.
Natalia de Leon is currently taking antibiotics for a yeast infection she gained from having sex in S.L.U.G. Better luck next time. 
and what I know all of you damn try hards with no lives have been waiting for...
Due to this being a new volume, I would like to let all new readers know that this is 100% accurate information, as I have an informant in the administration. 
Emmett Clermont, 3rd year Philosophy + Meredith Locke, 3rd year History (a tie!)
Charlotte Broussard, 3rd year PoliSci 
Jonathan Shimony, 4th year Engineering 
Acacia Buchanan, 4th year PoliSci 
and of course, closely following: Park Dae-Jung, Leonard Ramone, Natalia de Leon, Rue Pickens.
If you followed my paper over the summer, you will already be caught up with my research on the town’s mythos. However, if you’re a freshman or someone who isn’t a resident, you likely weren’t reading. So here’s my weeks update:
I still believe that the town legend of witches returning to walk the earth is based in fact. As I uncovered, witches truly were executed in Lucrece and there was a mysterious emigration among a large percentage of female residents immediately following. While I thought perhaps the day of reckoning would be in the future, I now believe that it is upon us right now. Has everyone else felt a shift in the air? Astrologically speaking, 1964 is not a good year for our town. Signs point to major upheaval. Perhaps this has to do with the Vietnam War, but reported sightings of spirits in the Bayou have gone up this summer. 
As the full moon on the 21st gets closer, I recommend everyone wear some piece of silver jewelry and avoid walking alone at night. 
At the start of the term, I received a rather odd letter in my mailbox. It was the first direct interaction the administration has made with me, and I feel compelled to share its contents. 
To the writer and publisher of “Justice Speaks,” Your circus has gone on long enough. The university has endured five semesters worth of libel from your publication. Your remarks on the university’s administration as well as the United States government could constitute as treason. Your so-called dedication to “justice” and “truth” is anything but that! You regularly publish rumors without evidence, as well as the class ratings that we have no idea how you’ve obtained them. There is clearly crime at hand here and we, as a university, are urging you to quit before you get into real legal trouble. Should you continue publishing, we will uncover your identity, you will be expelled, and referred to the police. Sincerely, Dean Clarence Weinzapfel
Well, Clarence, it’s been five long semesters and you haven’t found me yet! Here’s my response: get bent. 
Have thoughts on the newsletter? Drop a note in my mailbox. 
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mametupa · 6 years
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Marcus Whitmore
His full name is Marcus Raphael Galen Thomas Chauncey de Clermont. The origin of the name Marcus has ancient Roman roots, possibly connected to the Roman god of war, Mars. His date of birth is August 9, 1757, making his astrological birth sign as Leo. His date of rebirth is October 16, 1781, so the astrological rebirth sign is Libra. Marcus is nearly six feet tall, with blond hair, blue eyes, and a wide grin. He is the quintessential American boy and dresses in clothes that fit with whatever fashion sense is governing youth culture in a given moment. He is broad-shouldered, long-limbed, and handsome, with a boyish charm.
Marcus Whitmore is a vampire of the Enlightenment. Unlike his father, Matthew Clairmont, or Gerbert d'Aurillac, he believes in honesty, freedom, and equality—even for humans! This puts him somewhat out of step with the vampire elite, of which he is a member. In that context he is a rule breaker, a radical, and a troublemaker.
Marcus is a member of the Knights of Lazarus and the Conventicle. his birth family is from Hadley, Massachusetts; he is the blood son of Matthew de Clermont and part of the de Clermont clan. 
Spoilers from the books ahead, so be warned:)
His own vampire children in New Orleans were culled on Philippe de Clermont's orders, but some of his children (including his son Ransome Fayrweather) remain. He has always been fond of women and has now found his mate, Phoebe Taylor.
Marcus came from humble beginnings in a frontier town in western Massachusetts. He was serving as a lowly surgeon's assistant in the Continental Army when he caught a fever. It would have been fatal, but Matthew offered the dying man the possibility of survival as a vampire. The year was 1781, and Marcus thought he was dreaming when this French soldier attached to the Marquis de Lafayette told him he could go to medical school—something he had never imagined might be possible given his family circumstances.
Though Marcus received the medical-school education he was promised, life as Matthew's son was not always easy. The hierarchy among the de Clermonts was far more rigid than anything he'd experienced in puritanical Massachusetts, and the family rules were strictly enforced by both Philippe de Clermont, the clan sire, and Marcus's own vampire father.
Marcus enjoys the popular music of whatever period he is living in. He also enjoys theater, dancing, and the intensely social world of human society, which stands in such stark contrast to clannish vampire culture. When not listening to music or drinking with friends, he also plays games of chance. Marcus’s generosity and belief in the best of other people has landed him in trouble numerous times. He does not always choose his associates, or the humans he decides to make vampires, with an eye to how well they will fit into the de Clermont family. A few decades after he was reborn a vampire, Marcus nearly brought the vampires of New Orleans to ruin with his antics—and this was a city known for antics. He was also unaware of the blood rage he passed on in making his children.
Despite these disasters, Marcus is still a socializer, a rare creator of community in a vampire culture that becomes more isolated and lonely with every passing decade. In this, Marcus reminds many of his grandsire, Philippe de Clermont. By the time Diana met him, Marcus had found meaning in his life as a healer and a scientist. He is gifted in the care and treatment of patients, has been trained by the finest surgeons of the past three centuries, and has worked alongside Matthew in peace and war, on battlefields and in laboratories, as they try to solve the great puzzles of biology and
chemistry. Though not as single-minded as Matthew, Marcus is a fine, sensitive doctor and a dedicated researcher. When Matthew made him head of the Knights of Lazarus, Marcus took on the responsibility of his new role with strength and maturity, despite the difficult circumstances.
The World of All Souls, the Complete guide to A Discovery of Witches, Shadow of Night and the Book of Life,
Deborah Harkness
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aion-rsa · 4 years
A Discovery of Witches Season 2 Episode 5 Review
This A Discovery of Witches review contains spoilers.
Monsieur de Clermont, we’ve been expecting you! Admittedly, we weren’t expecting you to show up, sniff your son, detect that he hadn’t yet banged his girlfriend, shit stir about it and then offer her the keys to your bread cupboard, but it’s always good to leave people guessing. 
The reputation of Philippe de Clermont very much precedes him in A Discovery of Witches. He’s a superstar in this world, the vampire who established the Knights of Lazarus and the Congregation, and the patriarch of France’s ruling vamp family. Meeting him was like meeting Lady Gaga, and then quickly realising that Lady Gaga is a shady, manipulative stirrer who’ll stand back and watch a woman violated without raising a finger to help. (She isn’t of course. The real Gaga would have fought that memory-invading witch tooth and claw).
A Discovery of Witches is reliably vigilant about not making Diana a damsel in distress who needs rescuing by her super-powered boyfriend, so it was her own instinctual power that dealt with her attacker. Diana’s emphatic “I. Said. No.” as the sword did its work underlined the violation of what was happening and what it stood for. This show has also been reliably vigilant about not using sexual assault as a cheap plot tactic/clichéd female character development – disappointingly rare in the genre of historical drama as season two essentially is now – while still finding a way to stage the power dynamics of such an attack. 
This trip back in time hasn’t wasted the opportunity to comment on 16th century gender politics. From the Queen’s astrologer looking right through Diana in episode three, to Mary Sidney bemoaning the narrowness of (even a wealthy) woman’s world, to riding side-saddle, to Philippe trying to palm those keys off on Diana, season two has been saying its piece. Teresa Palmer does an excellent line in looking like she’s just about to melt the face of the next person who assumes that Diana’s a weakling airhead, before remembering when and where she is. Not that it stops her from standing up for herself. 
Diana saving herself doesn’t mean that Matthew won’t have something to say about his father manipulating a witch into forcibly extracting her memories. Philippe’s betrayal is yet another cupful of complication to toss into that bubbling cauldron of grief, pain and resentment that Matthew feels for Philippe, every facet of which Matthew Goode has – to use a technical term – acted the balls off. Since it was raised, the prospect of being reunited with his father has cast a pall over Matthew, and now we know it’s not just the Nazi torture responsible.
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A Discovery of Witches: Explaining the De Clermont Family Tree
By Louisa Mellor
A Discovery of Witches Season 2 Episode 4 Review: Blood Rage
By Louisa Mellor
It always had seemed a bit… unofficial, the moment when Diana and Matthew supposedly mated for life – less a rite than a formality. If you recall, Matthew had left Sept-Tours on an emergency trip to Oxford to investigate a break-in at his lab. Upon his return, he swept up the hill where Diana greeted him on the cobblestones. With Ysabeau watching from the window, they pressed together their palms and Matthew declared “From this moment, we will always be one. Diana, I love you.” Job done. No fireworks or witch-glow, no flower-strewn ancient traditions or blessings. There have been dates in branches of Nando’s with more ceremony. Certainly with more sex.
Because it turns out that Diana and Matthew, despite being consenting, committed adults with the raging horn for each other, haven’t actually done it. They’ve bundled, sure. They’ve bundled big time. And he’s bowed down before her… queen. But like scientific education in the anti-vax community, penetration has not occurred.  
Matthew has his (as-yet-undisclosed) reasons. What’s puzzling is that Diana waited until now to press him on them. Yes, they’ve been busy with spies and sprouting tree-hands and adopting street urchins, but surely there was time for a bunk up in an Elizabethan ruff cupboard before now. Why hasn’t it – don’t pardon this pun, it doesn’t deserve it – come up?
Now that her unmated status has been brought to Diana’s attention, we can be sure that she’ll get to the er, bottom of it. My guess? Matthew’s blood rage means that he can’t trust his libido to not transform a sexual partner into a pile of mixed berry jam should he ever seal the deal. That, or he’s self-conscious about his 1500-year-old penis. 
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Speaking of the family bloodline, London welcomed another de Clermont in the form of Matthew’s hedonist sister Louisa. She’s trouble, is the headline, a sort of horny cat in a dress who spent the episode purring and rubbing up against Kit Marlowe as if he were a scratching post, which personality-wise, he more or less is. Good line about finding mornings objectionable though, that’s one to print on a coffee mug. 
The post A Discovery of Witches Season 2 Episode 5 Review appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2Lp6k61
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wendyimmiller · 5 years
You Don’t Want to Miss the Spring Train to Serendipity
Rose and I had an idea for a family homecoming last month. We hosted our kids for a week on the spring train to Serendipity.
Our son lives with his wife in London; our daughter and granddaughter live in Bellingham, WA. The plan worked. It was great to have the kids home.
Our children have always enjoyed the outdoors—in backyards, parks, gardens and the wild. Molly and Cooper, when they were young, even made a little walk-around money, collecting black-eyed Susan seeds for Jelitto Perennial Seeds, my old employer.
Cooper, Story, Rufus and Rose in George Rogers Clark Park in Louisville, KY.
Molly and Story at Bernheim Forest and Research Arboretum in Clermont, KY.
Our granddaughter, Story, has devoured nature’s surprises from a very young age. She’s 12 now and shows no signs of letting up. This past January, for instance, Story took a New Year’s Day polar plunge into Bellingham’s chilly Lake Padden. While visiting us, she jumped into Salvisa’s Salt River with her friend Sofia.The river’s temperature was a chilly 55F. Story is a Pisces water bug.
I myself am astrologically challenged. I prefer a warm threshold above 70F before I dip my toes in the water.
I don’t want to think about summer’s heat and oppressive humidity just as Kentucky begins to shed dormancy, when skies are blue and temperatures are mild. I outlasted winter by hoping with every fiber to be reborn in April. I succeeded. Sometimes spring blooms and lucky stars are waiting at the station. You don’t want to miss Serendipity. Summer can wait.
Seven years ago, we began binge-planting 500 daffodil bulbs in a two-and-a-half-acre field, adjacent to the Salt River. We kept up the fall ritual for five years.  Peak daffodil bloom was a week late this year, but it was serendipitously perfect. It was time for a party.
The chartreuse maple catkins arrived at the Serendipity platform in early April. If your eyes were peeled, you could see 100-foot trees in the distance, beginning to light up woodlands. Before a week went by, the redbud blooms splashed roadsides, followed lickety-split by white-flowering dogwoods. Spring beauties gave way to carpets of mayapples, woodland phlox and larkspur.
Mayapples with woodland phlox and Jacob’s ladder.
Larkspur, Delphinium tricorne.
Cooper, Kylie, Molly and Story returned to their respective homes to catch a glimpse of what spring had to offer in London and Bellingham. I’m waiting for field reports on what their daffodils looked like, but Salvisa’s never looked better.
There was no stopping springtime in Kentucky. Everyone I’ve asked around here agreed with the assessment of April’s abundance. I haven’t met a naysayer yet, though I remember when old timers used to preach the flipside of too much of a good thing. “We’re going to pay for it,” they would say. Heaven help us.Surely, we can hold onto this surprising spring goodness for a few more weeks.
When the daffodils finished blooming in the bottomland, they were followed by beaked corn salad, Valerianella radiata, that popped up voluntarily and keeps spreading magnificently in the wet bottomland it prefers. A record rainfall helped last year. The leaves of this native annual have a delicious lettuce-like flavor. We mow the field a month after the beaked corn salad is finished blooming in order to allow the seed to ripen and the daffodil foliage to go dormant.
Beaked corn salad in Salvisa.
The “spicily perfumed,” white-flowering witch alder, Fothergilla major, was planted intentionally in our garden 20 years ago. The golden ragwort, Senecio aureus, muscled its way in ten years ago. The unassuming yellow daisy made itself at home along a built dry creek bed designed and built by Bruce Carnahan for storm water drainage. I couldn’t have dreamed up the plant combination but I was happy with the surprise. The golden ragwort is a great, native groundcover, even though some might argue that it is a weedy thug.
Fothergilla major and golden ragwort.
I play it safe to avoid a runaway train—the possibility of thousands of seeds blowing away in every direction. I cut most of the blooms as soon as soon they’re finished. I don’t mind a few odd seedlings popping up. I am happy to have Fothergilla and a ribbon of flowering Senecio aureus parked at the railway station.
The dainty blooms of leatherwood (Dirca) and spicebush (Lindera) faded just as two sassafras trees began blooming for the first time. I started the sassafras from seeds given to me years ago by Bruce Eveslage. He collected them from his place across the Ohio River in Floyds Knobs, Indiana. One tree is male; the other female—essential for seed set. I can already imagine a crop of dark blue seeds, hanging from bright red stems.
Noble Boswell took me into the woods, across the river for a late afternoon hunt for morels. Noble, a gifted woodsman with a sharp eye, said morels (he calls them dry land fish) could be found when the oak leaves are the size of a squirrel’s ear. Noble’s a pro. He found a dozen or so morels.
I found one.
My sister Nancy was visiting with her friend Meg. I cut my one morel into four pieces and cooked them on the stovetop in olive oil with salt and pepper. “That’s it?” they asked, pointing the finger at their miniscule portions. Rose joined the laughter but they agreed: the miniscule mushroom slivers were tasty.
Sofia, Story, Salvisa, daffodils 040719
What a wonderful April.
May we all be blessed with sun-drenched dreams of an eternal train ride of spring blooms, sprinkled with a few extra morels.
        You Don’t Want to Miss the Spring Train to Serendipity originally appeared on GardenRant on May 1, 2019.
from Gardening https://www.gardenrant.com/2019/05/you-dont-want-to-miss-the-spring-train-to-serendipity.html via http://www.rssmix.com/
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turfandlawncare · 5 years
You Don’t Want to Miss the Spring Train to Serendipity
Rose and I had an idea for a family homecoming last month. We hosted our kids for a week on the spring train to Serendipity.
Our son lives with his wife in London; our daughter and granddaughter live in Bellingham, WA. The plan worked. It was great to have the kids home.
Our children have always enjoyed the outdoors—in backyards, parks, gardens and the wild. Molly and Cooper, when they were young, even made a little walk-around money, collecting black-eyed Susan seeds for Jelitto Perennial Seeds, my old employer.
Cooper, Story, Rufus and Rose in George Rogers Clark Park in Louisville, KY.
Molly and Story at Bernheim Forest and Research Arboretum in Clermont, KY.
Our granddaughter, Story, has devoured nature’s surprises from a very young age. She’s 12 now and shows no signs of letting up. This past January, for instance, Story took a New Year’s Day polar plunge into Bellingham’s chilly Lake Padden. While visiting us, she jumped into Salvisa’s Salt River with her friend Sofia.The river’s temperature was a chilly 55F. Story is a Pisces water bug.
I myself am astrologically challenged. I prefer a warm threshold above 70F before I dip my toes in the water.
I don’t want to think about summer’s heat and oppressive humidity just as Kentucky begins to shed dormancy, when skies are blue and temperatures are mild. I outlasted winter by hoping with every fiber to be reborn in April. I succeeded. Sometimes spring blooms and lucky stars are waiting at the station. You don’t want to miss Serendipity. Summer can wait.
Seven years ago, we began binge-planting 500 daffodil bulbs in a two-and-a-half-acre field, adjacent to the Salt River. We kept up the fall ritual for five years.  Peak daffodil bloom was a week late this year, but it was serendipitously perfect. It was time for a party.
The chartreuse maple catkins arrived at the Serendipity platform in early April. If your eyes were peeled, you could see 100-foot trees in the distance, beginning to light up woodlands. Before a week went by, the redbud blooms splashed roadsides, followed lickety-split by white-flowering dogwoods. Spring beauties gave way to carpets of mayapples, woodland phlox and larkspur.
Mayapples with woodland phlox and Jacob’s ladder.
Larkspur, Delphinium tricorne.
Cooper, Kylie, Molly and Story returned to their respective homes to catch a glimpse of what spring had to offer in London and Bellingham. I’m waiting for field reports on what their daffodils looked like, but Salvisa’s never looked better.
There was no stopping springtime in Kentucky. Everyone I’ve asked around here agreed with the assessment of April’s abundance. I haven’t met a naysayer yet, though I remember when old timers used to preach the flipside of too much of a good thing. “We’re going to pay for it,” they would say. Heaven help us.Surely, we can hold onto this surprising spring goodness for a few more weeks.
When the daffodils finished blooming in the bottomland, they were followed by beaked corn salad, Valerianella radiata, that popped up voluntarily and keeps spreading magnificently in the wet bottomland it prefers. A record rainfall helped last year. The leaves of this native annual have a delicious lettuce-like flavor. We mow the field a month after the beaked corn salad is finished blooming in order to allow the seed to ripen and the daffodil foliage to go dormant.
Beaked corn salad in Salvisa.
The “spicily perfumed,” white-flowering witch alder, Fothergilla major, was planted intentionally in our garden 20 years ago. The golden ragwort, Senecio aureus, muscled its way in ten years ago. The unassuming yellow daisy made itself at home along a built dry creek bed designed and built by Bruce Carnahan for storm water drainage. I couldn’t have dreamed up the plant combination but I was happy with the surprise. The golden ragwort is a great, native groundcover, even though some might argue that it is a weedy thug.
Fothergilla major and golden ragwort.
I play it safe to avoid a runaway train—the possibility of thousands of seeds blowing away in every direction. I cut most of the blooms as soon as soon they’re finished. I don’t mind a few odd seedlings popping up. I am happy to have Fothergilla and a ribbon of flowering Senecio aureus parked at the railway station.
The dainty blooms of leatherwood (Dirca) and spicebush (Lindera) faded just as two sassafras trees began blooming for the first time. I started the sassafras from seeds given to me years ago by Bruce Eveslage. He collected them from his place across the Ohio River in Floyds Knobs, Indiana. One tree is male; the other female—essential for seed set. I can already imagine a crop of dark blue seeds, hanging from bright red stems.
Noble Boswell took me into the woods, across the river for a late afternoon hunt for morels. Noble, a gifted woodsman with a sharp eye, said morels (he calls them dry land fish) could be found when the oak leaves are the size of a squirrel’s ear. Noble’s a pro. He found a dozen or so morels.
I found one.
My sister Nancy was visiting with her friend Meg. I cut my one morel into four pieces and cooked them on the stovetop in olive oil with salt and pepper. “That’s it?” they asked, pointing the finger at their miniscule portions. Rose joined the laughter but they agreed: the miniscule mushroom slivers were tasty.
Sofia, Story, Salvisa, daffodils 040719
What a wonderful April.
May we all be blessed with sun-drenched dreams of an eternal train ride of spring blooms, sprinkled with a few extra morels.
        You Don’t Want to Miss the Spring Train to Serendipity originally appeared on GardenRant on May 1, 2019.
from GardenRant http://bit.ly/2Y3bzJl
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All about Brendon Agounon : height, biography, quotes
How tall is Brendon Agounon
See at http://www.heightcelebs.com/2017/04/brendon-agounon/
for Brendon Agounon Height
Brendon Agounon's height is 5ft 11in (1.80 m)Brandon Agounon (born 19 October 1994) is a French professional football player. He plays in the Ligue 2 for Clermont Foot. Born: 19 October, 1994Birthplace: France Height: 5ft 11in (1.80 m)Astrological Sign: Libra
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afgunst · 8 years
Taurus, Sagittarius, Asc and 11th house!
astrology ask thing
taurus: name 3 of your favorite books.: )This is mean. I think my favorites are…The Dante Club by Matthew Pearl (A group of old farts are translating Inferno when a series of murders take place that are inspired by scenes from the first part of the Commedia and the group of men then try to find the killer. I really need to reread that book soon.)The Cardinal’s Hat by Mary Hollingsworth (I love this one because it’s about Ippolito d’Este’s life before he became a cardinal and this book is full of lovely details like the cost of staying in inns and things like that! And I love regular biographies, but books that give more details about things like the cost of silk for example? How many man travelled with him and how much they got paid and what animals went with them to carry his stuff? I  L O V E  that. Give me more books like that please I crave details like that especially in or around the renaissance.)I’m actually not sure I have a third absolute favorite, so I’ll just mention the All Souls Trilogy by Deborah Harkness because I really, really enjoyed that one. Especially the second book because it takes place in the past and historical fictionis my biggest weakness, and I love Philippe de Clermont so much. So. Much 
sagittarius: if you could travel to any place in the world, where would it be?No this is so hard!I think.. I think I’d check out Japan. Or Australia. Both places are really far away and I want to go there so badly!
rising/asc: how would you describe your style?A mess. Or justLiterally Anything I Like
11th house: what sign(s) is your best friend/squad?BFF is a capricorn
Thank you!!
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