#Assuming you just meant the box set šŸ„°
dailydrwhopolls Ā· 5 months
Favorite Tenth Doctor & River Song audio adventure?
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freewayshark Ā· 2 years
And if you feel like it, ā€œI want forever with you.ā€ šŸ˜šŸ¤—šŸ’•
This one immediately sparked inspiration, so itā€™s first šŸ„°
In retrospect, Eddie probably shouldā€™ve realized there was something going on.
But, to be fair, while he loves them deeply, Buck and Christopher can be little weirdos when they want to be, especially when theyā€™ve got some kind of scheme cooking.
So he sees the furtive glances they keep exchanging, and he doesnā€™t think much of it. Christopherā€™s been dropping heavy handed hints about a summer trip to Disneyland for the last couple of months, and Buckā€™s been on the verge of caving like a chump from the very first time it was mentioned, so he assumes itā€™s about that.
Buck insists on cooking dinner alone, and that still doesnā€™t really ring any alarm bells. Sure, theyā€™ve cooked dinner together most nights since Buck moved in a year ago, but once in a while Buck will find some new recipe he wants to try, and he likes to run through those alone the first time because it helps with the process, Eddie, geez, so itā€™s not entirely out of left field.
But thereā€™s something familiar about the delicious scent wafting from the kitchen that Eddie canā€™t quite place. Itā€™s a rich scent, definitely something Italian, and it makes his mouth water, but his mind just wonā€™t fill in the blank. So he gets up to go investigate and maybe volunteer as taste tester, but Christopher is stationed as a guard at the dining room table with his homework, and holds up a hand in warning.
ā€œYou canā€™t go in there.ā€
Eddie crosses his arms. ā€œAnd why not?ā€
ā€œBecause dinner is meant to be a surprise,ā€ Christopher explains, like itā€™s obvious.
Eddie raises his eyebrows. ā€œIs he trying something weird? Smells good.ā€
Christopher grins. ā€œYouā€™ll just have to see.ā€
Eddie narrows his eyes at his son, but itā€™s clear heā€™ll be getting no further answers from the twelve year old, so he retreats to the living room where he suffers through the delicious, mysterious scent for another half hour until the kitchen door opens and Buck appears, balancing a stack of plates and a basket of bread.
ā€œCan I help?ā€ Eddie asks, hopping up off the couch and stealing the stack of plates before Buck can answer.
ā€œYou can set the table,ā€ Buck allows, leaning in to steal a quick kiss that turns into a lingering one.
ā€œStill in the room, and very hungry,ā€ Christopher complains as he clears his homework, and they break apart with a laugh.
Eddie sets the table as Buck goes back and forth, bringing out wine and water glasses, a bowl of salad, and finally, to Eddieā€™s surprise, a serving dish of baked spaghetti.
Not that heā€™s not pleased, but with all the secrecy heā€™d really thought Buck had something wild and new planned, not something theyā€™ve had before, even made together, a few times, so heā€™s a little confused.
But as Buck pours the wine, it clicks.
ā€œYou made us baked spaghetti the first night you officially lived here,ā€ Eddie says, and Buck, inexplicably, looks caught, and then even more inexplicably, looks at Christopher.
ā€œAh, I didnā€™t think youā€™d remember that,ā€ Buck says, looking back at him.
ā€œOf course I remember. You finally moving in with us was one of the best days of my life,ā€ Eddie replies easily, because itā€™s true. Buckā€™s cheeks blush a pretty pink, and he grins, and glances at Christopher again.
ā€œWell, I was going to do this after we ate, but I donā€™t think I can wait any longer,ā€ and then, to Eddieā€™s total shock, he reaches into his pocket and withdraws a small velvet box.
ā€œBuck,ā€ he exhales, his eyes pinging from Buckā€™s face to the box and back.
ā€œEddie. You have no idea how long Iā€™ve been wanting to do this. Iā€”I thought about taking you to a fancy restaurant, or sunset on the beach, or even doing it at Disneylandā€”ā€
ā€œWhich I havenā€™t agreed to go to,ā€ Eddie canā€™t help but say, and Buck huffs a laugh.
ā€œTrue. That wouldnā€™t have been us, anyway. This is. You, me, and Chris,ā€ Buck says, and he and Eddie both look over at Christopher, who is watching with a giant grin on his face. ā€œThe three of us, here, together. Thatā€™s what I want. I want forever with you, Eddie. Both of you. So please, will you marry me?ā€
Eddie leans across the table and kisses Buck, just a quick press of lips before heā€™s up and sprinting to his bedroom. Faintly, behind him he hears Buck ask Christopher, sounding bewildered, ā€œDo you think that was a yes?ā€ He yanks open his bedside drawer and shoves junk aside, pulling out a second little velvet box and jogging back to the dining room with it.
ā€œSo,ā€ he says, placing the box on the table next to Buckā€™s. ā€œI wasnā€™t expecting you to beat me to it.ā€
Thereā€™s a beat of silence, and then Christopher, ever Eddieā€™s son, leans towards Buck and says, ā€œYeah, pretty sure thatā€™s a yes.ā€
ā€œItā€™s definitely a yes,ā€ Eddie confirms, and thereā€™s a flurry, both of them opening their boxes and putting the rings on each other with shaky hands, pulling each other into a hug and then rounding the table to pull Christopher in with them, ignoring his half-hearted complaints.
ā€œI love you,ā€ Buck murmurs, kissing him again.
ā€œI love you too,ā€ Eddie says, kissing back.
ā€œAnd I love you both, but Iā€™m still really hungry,ā€ Christopher says from where heā€™s still smushed between them.
Eddie laughs and pulls back, his cheeks hurting from how hard heā€™s smiling. ā€œOk, alright, Buck didnā€™t work that hard for us to eat cold spaghetti,ā€ he says, and they mostly untangle themselves and sit down to eat dinner. Mostly, because Buck and Eddie donā€™t let go of each otherā€™s hands for the entire meal.
Send me prompts from this list and Iā€™ll write a little ficlet ā™„ļø
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